Mind, Brain, and Education: An Emerging Transdisciplinary Field of Learning and Development
Mind, Brain, and Education: An Emerging Transdisciplinary Field of Learning and Development
Mind, Brain, and Education: An Emerging Transdisciplinary Field of Learning and Development
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1 author:
Asil Özdoğru
Üsküdar University
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Year : 2014
Volume : 1
Issue Number : 3
Doi Number : 10.5455/JNBS.1408373410
Article history:
Received 18 August 2014
Received in revised form 19 August 2014
Accepted 19 August 2014
The future of neuroscience needs an innovative outlook on the study of brain by scientists coming from various disciplines and traditions.
The field of Mind, Brain, and Education (MBE) is a meeting point for researchers and scientists in psychology, biology, and education.
Unlike the one-way information sharing from psychology to education as in educational psychology or from neuroscience to education
as in educational neuroscience, MBE is credited with its two-way flow of information between the three fields. The transdisciplinary
initiatives between neuroscience, psychology, and education, as in the case of MBE, offer an increased optimism not only for the
treatment of biological and neurological diseases but also for the realization of optimal outcomes in effective learning and positive
Keywords: Neurosciences; mind, brain, and ducation; educational psychology; educational neuroscience; learning; development
Nörobilimin geleceği, beynin çeşitli disiplin ve geleneklerden gelen bilimciler tarafından çalışılmasında yenileşimci bir bakış açısına ihtiyaç
duymaktadır. Zihin, Beyin ve Eğitim (ZBE) alanı psikoloji, biyoloji ve eğitimdeki araştırmacı ve bilimciler için bir buluşma noktasıdır. Eğitim
psikolojisindeki gibi psikolojiden eğitime ya da eğitim nörobilimindeki gibi nörobilimden eğitime tek yönlü bir bilgi paylaşımının aksine, ZBE üç alan
arasındaki iki yönlü bilgi akışıyla takdir edilmektedir. ZBE olgusundaki gibi, nörobilim, psikoloji ve eğitim arasındaki transdisipliner girişimler, sadece
biyolojik ve nörolojik hastalıkların tedavisi için değil aynı zamanda etkili öğrenme ve pozitif gelişimde en uygun sonuçların gerçekleştirilmesi için daha
Anahtar Kelimeler: Nörobilimler; Zihin, Beyin ve Eğitim; eğitim psikolojisi; eğitim nörobilimi; öğrenme; gelişim
meeting point for researchers and scientists in psychology, on learning behavior. They assert that the identification
biology, and education. The field, as shown in the Figure 1 of generalist genes, which are responsible for the genetic
below, is the child of a transdiciplinary marriage between influence on learning abilities and disabilities in reading
neuroscience, education, and psychology, all of which and mathematics, would be very instrumental in the
have relatively recent backgrounds in the scientific arena understanding of the mechanisms and associations
(Tokuhama-Espinosa, 2010). Researchers in the field study between genes, brain, and behavior. In another review
a diverse range of topics, including but not limited to, article by Immordino-Yang and Damasio (2007), the
bilingualism, cognitive skills, dyslexia, educational testing, concept of emotional thought is introduced and discussed
math anxiety, and sleep cycles. The transdisciplinary MBE for its implications on learning. Authors point out the
field is also a cross-cultural one due to the international intertwined nature of human cognition, emotion, decision
collaborations with common standards and values. making, and social functioning and call for more research
Researchers around the world are working on various and innovation in educational environments to make use
issues in relation to human learning and development with of recent findings in neuroscience.
the advanced knowledge and expertise in neurosciences
and genetics. The long discussed relationship between learning
and development is now expanding to better integrate
biological sciences in this relationship. Thanks to the
enhanced knowledge base about the structures and
processes of brain and genetics, MBE can help to
design and implement better educational programs and
3. Conclusion
The interest and investment in neurosciences is fueling
the need for more interdisciplinary and innovative research
programs around the world. The transdisciplinary initiatives
between neuroscience, psychology, and education, as in
Figure 1: The transdisciplinary field of Mind, Brain, and the case of MBE, offer an increased optimism not only for
Education (MBE) (adapted from Tokuhama-Espinosa, 2010) the treatment of biological and neurological diseases but
also for the realization of optimal outcomes in effective
In short history of the field, there has been a tremendous
learning and positive development.
interest and advancement. Spearheaded by Dr. Kurt
Fischer from Harvard Graduate School of Education, the
International Mind, Brain and Education Society was Acknowledgment
founded in 2004. The society then launched its flagship
Special thanks to Ms. Betül Sağlam for her assistance
journal, the Mind, Brain, and Education, in 2007. While
the society holds biannual conferences, all of which were with the data from the MBE journal.
held in the United States so far, the journal is published
quarterly by the Wiley Periodicals.
In their inaugural article in Mind, Brain, and Education,
editors of the journal stated that “It is time for education,
Albus, J. S., Bekey, G. A., Holland, J. H., Kanwisher. N. G., Krichmar J.
biology, and cognitive science to join together to create L., Mishkin, M., Modha, D. S., Raichle, M. E., Shepherd, G. M., Tononiet, G.
a new science and practice of learning and development” (2007). A proposal for a decade of the mind initiative. Science, 317, 1321.
(Fischer et al., 2007, p. 1). The field and the journal Fischer, K. W., Daniel, D. B., Immordino-Yang, M. H., Stern, E., Battro, A.,
are envisioned to serve a mediatory role in transferring & Koizumi, H. (2007). Why Mind, Brain, and Education? Why Now? Mind,
Brain, and Education, 1(1), 1-2.
practical knowledge from biological sciences to educational
practices. The articles published in the MBE journal Immordino-Yang, M. H., & Damasio, A. (2007). We feel, therefore we
learn: The relevance of affective and social neuroscience to education.
showcase the multidisciplinary nature of the studies in the Mind, Brain, and Education, 1(1), 3-10.
field. A quick word count in the titles and abstracts of the
Marcus, G. (2014, July 11). The Trouble With Brain Science. International
articles reveal the most frequent concepts as learning, New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/12/opinion/the-
education, brain, and neuroscience. trouble-with-brain-science.html
Plomin, R., Kovas, Y., & Haworth, C. M. A. (2007). Generalist genes:
Two of the most frequently cited articles in the MBE
Genetic links between brain, mind, and education. Mind, Brain, and
journal can provide a closer look at the depth and breadth Education, 1(1), 11-19.
of the studies in the field. In their review article, Robert Tokuhama-Espinosa, T. (2010). Mind, Brain, and Education Science: A
Plomin and colleagues (2007) discuss the genetic factors Comprehensive Guide to the New Brain-Based Teaching. New York: Norton.
publication stats SCIENCES VOLUME 1 / NUMBER 3 / DECEMBER 2014