CREST Penetration Testing Guide

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A guide for running an

effective Penetration
Testing programme
April 2017
A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

Published by:
Tel: 0845 686-5542
Email: [email protected]

Principal Author Principal reviewer

Jason Creasey, Ian Glover, President,
Managing Director, Jerakano Limited

DTP notes
For ease of reference, the following DTP devices have been used throughout the Penetration Testing Guide.

CREST would like to extend its special thanks to those CREST member organisations who took
part in interviews and to those clients who agreed to be case studies.

This Guide has been produced with care and to the best of our ability. However, CREST
accepts no responsibility for any problems or incidents arising from its use.

A Good Tip

! A Timely Warning

An insightful Project Finding

Quotes are presented in a box like this.

© Copyright 2013. All rights reserved. CREST (GB).

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme


Part 1 – Introduction and overview

• About this Guide .............................................................................................................................................. 4
• Purpose ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
• Scope .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
• Rationale ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
• Audience ......................................................................................................................................................... 6

Part 2 – Understanding the key concepts

• Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
• Definition of a penetration test ......................................................................................................................... 8
• Technical Security testing ................................................................................................................................ 9
• Penetration testing in context ........................................................................................................................ 10
• Penetration testing challenges....................................................................................................................... 11
• Using external suppliers ................................................................................................................................ 11
• The need for a penetration testing programme.............................................................................................. 12
• Outline of a penetration testing programme .................................................................................................. 13
• Positioning the penetration testing programme ............................................................................................. 14

Part 3 – Preparation
• Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
• Maintain a technical security assurance framework ...................................................................................... 17
• Establish a penetration testing governance structure .................................................................................... 19
• Evaluate drivers for conducting penetration tests .......................................................................................... 21
• Identify target environments .......................................................................................................................... 22
• Define the purpose of penetration tests ......................................................................................................... 24
• Produce requirements specification............................................................................................................... 25
• Select suitable suppliers ................................................................................................................................ 37

Part 4 – Testing
• Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 34
• Agree testing style and type .......................................................................................................................... 35
• Identify testing constraints ............................................................................................................................. 37
• Produce scope statements ............................................................................................................................ 39
• Establish a management assurance framework ............................................................................................ 41
• Implement management control processes ................................................................................................... 43
• Use an effective testing methodology ............................................................................................................ 45
• Conduct sufficient research and planning ...................................................................................................... 48
• Identify and exploit vulnerabilities .................................................................................................................. 49
• Report key findings ........................................................................................................................................ 50

Part 5 – Follow up
• Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 53
• Remediate weaknesses ................................................................................................................................ 53
• Address root causes of weaknesses ............................................................................................................. 54
• Initiate improvement programme ................................................................................................................... 54
• Evaluate penetration testing effectiveness .................................................................................................... 54
• Build on lessons learned ............................................................................................................................... 55
• Create and monitor action plans .................................................................................................................... 55

Part 6 – Penetration testing programme maturity assessment

• Maturity model ............................................................................................................................................... 56
• Maturity assessment...................................................................................................................................... 57
• The maturity assessment tools ...................................................................................................................... 58

Part 7 – Conclusions
• Summary ....................................................................................................................................................... 61
• The way forward ............................................................................................................................................ 61

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

About this Guide

Part 1 Introduction and overview

This Penetration Testing Guide (the Guide) provides practical advice on the establishment and management of a
penetration testing programme, helping you to conduct effective, value-for-money penetration testing as part of a
technical security assurance framework. It is designed to enable your organisation to prepare for penetration
tests, conduct actual tests in a consistent, competent manner and follow up tests effectively.

The Guide presents a useful overview of the key concepts you will need to understand to conduct well-managed
penetration tests, explaining what a penetration test is (and is not), outlining its’ strengths and limitations, and
describing why an organisation would typically choose to employ an external provider of penetration testing services
to help them plan for and undertake tests effectively, ensuing that vulnerabilities are identified and remediated.

Presented as a useful three stage approach, as shown in Figure 1, the Guide then provides advice and guidance
on how to take the required actions to:

1. Prepare for penetration testing, as part of a technical security assurance framework; managed by an
appropriate penetration testing governance structure; considering the drivers for testing; the purpose of
testing and target environments; and appointing suitable suppliers to perform tests
2. Conduct penetration tests enterprise-wide, approving testing style and type; allowing for testing
constraints; managing the testing process; planning for and carrying out tests effectively; as well as
identifying, investigating and remediating vulnerabilities
3. Carry out appropriate follow up activities, remediating weaknesses, maintaining an improvement
plan and delivering an agreed action plan.

A Preparation

Testing B Testing

C Follow up

Figure 1: The Penetrations Testing Programme

All aspects of a penetration testing programme (which includes determining requirements, performing the actual tests and
carrying out follow up activities) need to be well managed. For example by establishing an assurance process to oversee
the testing, monitoring performance against requirements and ensuring appropriate actions are being taken.

The purpose of the Penetration Testing Guide is to help you to:

• Understand objectives for conducting a penetration test

• Gain an overview of the key components of an effective penetration testing approach
• Develop an appropriate penetration testing programme
• Identify what needs to be considered when planning for and managing penetration tests
• Learn about the penetration testing process – and associated methodologies
• Determine criteria upon which to base selection of appropriate service providers.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

This Guide is focused on helping your organisation to undertake effective penetration testing enterprise-wide, at the
right time and for the right reasons. It is designed to help organisations who procure penetration services from
external suppliers, but will also be useful for organisations conducting penetration tests themselves.

There are often special requirements for penetration testing service providers. For
example when supplying services to UK Government departments, the organisations
supplying services must have CHECK ‘green light’ clearance from the National Cyber
Security Centre (NCSC). Although these specific requirements are out of scope for
this guide, they are typically covered by the contents of this Guide anyway. Further
information on CHECK can be found at:

To carry out penetration testing effectively you will need to build an appropriate penetration testing programme the
maturity of which can be assessed against a suitable maturity model by using the CREST suite of penetration testing
maturity assessment tools (see Part 6 – Penetration testing programme maturity assessment for more details).

The penetration testing maturity assessment tools form part of a series of assessment
tools developed by CREST, including high level and detailed Cyber Security Incident
Response Maturity Assessment Tools.

Many organisations are extremely concerned about potential and actual cyber security attacks, both on their own organisations
and in ones similar to them. Many of these attacks exploit weaknesses in an organisation’s applications and underlying
infrastructure. To help identify as many of these vulnerabilities as possible within a critical timescale - and address them
effectively - many organisations carry out penetration testing. However, establishing and managing a suitable penetration
testing programme enterprise-wide can be a very difficult task, even for the most advanced organisations.

Much of the material in this Guide is based on the findings of a research project - conducted by Jerakano Limited
on behalf of CREST - about the main requirements organisations have for considering and conducting
penetration tests. One of the main reasons for commissioning a research project was that the customers of
CREST members were often unclear about how best to procure penetration testing services.

A summary of CREST activities can be found at:

Where relevant, CREST benefits are also highlighted throughout the Guide.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

The research project was based on:

• Reviews of relevant material produced by industry bodies, including CPNI, OWASP, OSSTM and PTES (see Tip below)
• Desktop (mainly web-based) research
• Technical workshops attended by experienced penetration testing experts, as well as representatives
from relevant Government and industry bodies
• Analysis of responses to a questionnaire about various topics associated with procuring penetration testing services
• Interviews with leading suppliers of penetration testing services
• Case studies of major client organisations.

Some of the principle sources of material reviewed included:

• The Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual (OSSTMM)
from The Institute for Security and Open Methodologies ISECOM
• The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) from the OWASP foundation
• The Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES), being produced by a group
of information security practitioners from all areas of the industry
• The Best Practice Guide – Commercial available penetration testing from the
Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI).

Historically, mainly due to legal or regulatory requirements, many organisations requiring penetration tests have
come from government departments; utilities (e.g. gas, water or telecoms); pharmaceuticals; banks; and other
financial institutions. However, an increasing array of organisations now conduct penetration testing, not just for
compliance reasons, but because of the on-line nature of nearly all businesses today and the increasing threat
from real (often cyber) attacks. Consequently, this Guide has been designed to apply to all market sectors.

The main audience for this document is those individuals who are involved in the management of a penetration testing
programme (including the procurement of penetration testing services), such as IT, project or security managers.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

Part 2 Understanding the key concepts

Organisations like yours have the evolving task of securing complex IT environments whilst delivering their
business and brand objectives. The threat to key systems is ever increasing and the probability of a security
weakness being accidentally exposed or maliciously exploited needs to be continually assessed – such as via
a penetration test - to ensure that the level of risk is at an acceptable level to the business.

A penetration test (occasionally pen test) involves the use of a variety of manual and
automated techniques to simulate an attack on an organisation’s information security
arrangements – either from malicious outsiders or your own staff.

Undertaking a series of penetration tests will help test your security arrangements and identify improvements.
When carried out and reported properly, a penetration test can give you knowledge of nearly all of your technical
security weaknesses and provide you with the information and support required to remove or reduce those
vulnerabilities. Research has shown that there are also other significant benefits to your organisation through
effective penetration testing, which can include:

• A reduction in your ICT costs over the long term

• Improvements in the technical environment, reducing support calls
• Greater levels of confidence in the security of your IT environments
• Increased awareness of the need for appropriate technical controls.

Many organisations choose to appoint a trusted, specialist organisation (a CREST

member), employing qualified professionals (CREST qualified staff), to help them
conduct penetration tests. Although these suppliers are sometimes employed just to
conduct testing, they can also help you when specifying requirements, defining the
scope of the test and developing a management framework.

Penetration testing is not, however, a straightforward process – nor is it a panacea for all ills. It is often very
technical in nature, with methods and outputs often being riddled with jargon, which can be daunting for
organisations considering the need for this sort of complex testing. Furthermore, organisations have reported
a number of difficulties when conducting penetration tests, which include:

• Determining the depth and breadth of coverage of the test

• Identifying what type of penetration test is required
• Managing risks associated with potential system failure and exposure of sensitive data
• Agreeing the targets and frequency of tests
• Assuming that by fixing vulnerabilities uncovered during a penetration test their systems will then be ‘secure’.

! and wrongly) including ethical hacking; tiger teaming; vulnerability analysis; and security testing, assessment
or assurance.Therearemanybuzzwordsthatcanbeassociated with penetration testing (rightly

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

There are many questions organisations may ask themselves when considering the need for penetration testing,
which can include:

• What exactly is a penetration test, and how does is it differ to other types of security techniques?
• What are the compelling reasons to perform a penetration test?
• Who should conduct the test?
• How do we go about it?
• What are the risks and constraints that we should be concerned about?
• How do we decide which supplier to choose?

This part of the Guide presents a high-level response to these questions, while the remainder of the
report explores responses to them in more detail.

Definition of a penetration test

Penetration testing involves the use of a variety of manual and automated techniques to simulate an attack on
an organisation’s information security arrangements. It should be conducted by a qualified and independent
penetration testing expert, sometimes referred to as an ethical security tester. Penetration testing looks to exploit
known vulnerabilities but should also use the expertise of the tester to identify specific weaknesses – unknown
vulnerabilities - in an organisation’s security arrangements.

The penetration testing process involves an active analysis of the target system for any potential vulnerabilities
that could result from poor or improper system configuration, both known and unknown hardware or software
flaws, and operational weaknesses in process or technical countermeasures. This analysis is typically carried
out from the position of a potential attacker and can involve active exploitation of security vulnerabilities.

A Penetration Test is typically an assessment of IT infrastructure, networks and business applications to identify
attack vectors, vulnerabilities and control weaknesses. The two most common forms of penetration testing are:

• Application penetration testing (typically web applications), which finds technical vulnerabilities
• Infrastructure penetration testing, which examines servers, firewalls and other hardware for
security vulnerabilities.

Other forms of penetration testing are also popular, which include:

• Mobile application penetration testing

• Client server (or legacy) application penetration testing
• Device penetration testing, (including workstations, laptops and consumer devices (eg. tablets and smartphones)
• Wireless penetration testing
• Telephony or VoIP penetration testing.

The penetration testing process typically includes: conducting research; identifying vulnerabilities; exploiting weaknesses;
reporting findings; and remediating issues. Each one of these steps is explored in Part 4 – Conducting penetration tests.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

Technical security testing

Penetration testing has been in use for many years and is one of a range of ways for testing the technical security of
a system. However, it can easily be confused with other forms of technical security testing, particularly Vulnerability
Assessment. In some cases, there can also be a relationship with continuous monitoring services (eg. Intrusion
detection or prevention systems and Data Loss Prevention (DLP) technology or processes). The way in which these
three types of technical security services overlap is shown in Figure 2 below.

Penetration Vulnerability

Testing Assessment


Figure 2: Technical security weakness discovery techniques

Vulnerability Assessments

Vulnerability assessment (sometimes referred to as ‘scanning’) is the use of automated tools to identify
known common vulnerabilities in a system’s configuration. Vulnerability Assessment tools scan the
information systems environment to establish whether security settings have been switched on and
consistently applied - and that appropriate security patches have been deployed.

Vulnerability assessment typically seeks to validate the minimum level of security that should be
applied – and is often the pre-cursor to more specialised penetration testing. It does not exploit the
vulnerabilities identified to replicate a real attack, nor does it consider the overall security
management processes and procedures that support the system.

A penetration test is an ethical attack simulation that is intended to demonstrate or validate the
effectiveness of security controls in a particular environment by highlighting risks posed by actual
exploitable vulnerabilities. It is built around a manual testing process, which is intended to go much
further than the generic responses, false positive findings and lack of depth provided by automated
application assessment tools (such as those used in a vulnerability assessment).

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

Penetration testing in context

Penetration testing should be placed in the context of security management as a whole. To gain an appropriate level of
assurance, a range of reviews should be conducted. These are often aligned to standards such as ISO 27001, COBIT 5 or
the ISF Standard of Good Practice. Whilst these standards reference penetration testing, they do it mainly from
a management perspective. Most existing security management standards do not describe penetration testing in
any depth, nor do they put the testing strategy into context. Consequently, systems and environments that
comply with these standards may not be technically secure. A balanced approach of technical and non-technical
testing should therefore be taken to ensure the overall integrity of security controls.

There are many forms of testing – ideally performed by an independent (often external) team - that help to
provide appropriate levels of information security assurance. These include technical reviews of applications
development and implementation standards; security reviews of the Information Security Management
System (ISMS); and compliance audits.

While other forms of security assurance provide only a theoretical articulation of

vulnerability, penetration testing demonstrates actual vulnerability against defined and
real threats. As such, the results from a penetration test can be more compelling and
demonstrable to both senior management and technical staff.

Assurance cannot be gained from any one of these activities in isolation and penetration testing has a key role to play. It is also
important to consider how testing is built into the systems development lifecycle activities and that regular testing can provide
an industry benchmark against which the improvements in the technical security environment can be measured.

“Organisations should not describe themselves as secure – there are only varying degrees of insecurity”

Penetration testing limitations

Undertaking a series of penetration tests will help test some of your security arrangements and identify
improvements, but it is not a panacea for all ills. For example, a penetration test:

• Covers just the target application, infrastructure or environment that has been selected
• Focuses on the exposures in technical infrastructure, so it is not intended to cover all the ways in which
critical or sensitive information can leak out of your organisation
• Plays only a small part (despite often including social engineering tests) in reviewing the people element
(often the most important element of an organisation’s defence system)
• Is only a snapshot of a system at a point in time
• Can be limited by legal or commercial considerations, limiting the breadth or depth of a test
• May not uncover all security weaknesses, for example due to a restricted scope or inadequate testing
• Provides results that are often technical in nature and need to be interpreted in a business context.

Penetration tests will need to supplement a full range of security management activities, including those laid
out in ISO 27001, COBIT 5 or the ISF Standard of Good Practice.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

Penetration testing challenges

In addition to the penetration testing limitations highlighted in the previous section, many organisations are
facing a number of more general challenges when carrying out penetration testing.

Findings from the research project indicated that the top six penetration testing
challenges for organisations included difficulties in:
1. Determining the depth and breadth of coverage of the test
2. Identifying what type of penetration test is required
3. Understanding the difference between vulnerability scanning and penetration
4. Identifying risks associated with potential system failure and exposure of
sensitive data
5. Agreeing the targets and frequency of tests
6. Assuming that by fixing vulnerabilities uncovered during a penetration test
their systems will then be ‘secure’.

Other challenges highlighted included difficulties in:

• Establishing a business case for a test to be undertaken

• Understanding the costs of external services – and determining the true overall cost
• Remediating system vulnerabilities effectively
• Finding a suitable penetration testing expert when required (eg. at short notice).

In order for these challenges to be identified and addressed effectively, an organisation should adopt a
systematic, structured approach to penetration testing as part of a wider penetration testing programme,
including the selection and management of external suppliers.

Using external suppliers

Organisations can carry out penetration testing themselves, sometimes very successfully. More often they
will decide to employ the services of one or more specialist third party penetration testing providers.

There are many reasons why an organisation may wish to employ external penetration testing providers, such
as to help meet the challenges outlined in the previous section.

Findings from the research project indicated that the top three reasons (by some way)
why organisations hire external suppliers are because these suppliers can:
1. Provide more experienced, dedicated technical staff who understand how to
carry out penetration tests effectively
2. Perform an independent assessment of their security arrangements
3. Carry out a full range of testing (eg. black, white or grey box; internal or
external; infrastructure or web application; source code review; and social

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

Other reasons given for using external suppliers are because they can:

• Deploy a structured process and plan, developed by experts

• Increase the scope and frequency of tests
• Conduct short term engagements, eliminating the need to employ your own specialised (and often
expensive) staff - and reducing the cost of training (and re-training) internal teams
• Take advantage of automation (eg. penetration testing workflows, importing vulnerability management reports).

There are many benefits in procuring penetration testing services from a trusted,
certified external company who employ professional, ethical and highly technically
competent individuals. CREST member companies are certified penetration testing
organisations who fully meet these requirements, having been awarded the gold
standard in penetration testing, building trusted relationships with their clients.

“What we are looking for from a supplier is certainty, prioritisation, trust and security”

The need for a penetration testing programme

The main drivers for penetration testing include a high degree of concern about:

• A growing requirement for compliance

• The impact of serious (often cyber related) security attacks on similar organisations
• Use of a greater number and variety of outsourced services
• Significant changes to business processes
• Raising awareness about possible Cyber security attacks.

However, establishing and managing a suitable penetration testing programme can be a very difficult task,
even for the most advanced organisations.
When performing penetration tests, some organisations adopt an ad hoc or piecemeal approach, often depending on the
needs of a particular region, business unit – or the IT department. Whilst this approach can meet some specific
requirements, it is unlikely to provide real assurance about the security condition of your systems enterprise-wide.

Consequently, it is often more effective to adopt a more systematic, structured approach to penetration testing
as part of an overall testing programme, ensuring that:

• Business requirements are met

• Major system vulnerabilities are identified and addressed quickly and effectively
• Risks are kept within acceptable business parameters.

You should develop an appropriate penetration testing programme that will enable your organisation to
perform penetration testing more effectively enterprise-wide.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

Outline of a penetration testing programme

Your penetration testing programme should cover all key activities required to prepare for penetration testing, undertake an
appropriate set of tests in a consistent, well-managed way and ensure that these tests are followed up effectively. The CREST
approach consists of 3 main stages, supported by 22 detailed steps, as outlined in Figure 3 below.

A1 Maintain a technical security assurance framework

A2 Establish a penetration testing governance structure

A3 Evaluate drivers for conducting penetration tests

A4 Identify target environments

A Preparation
A5 Define the purpose of the penetration tests

A6 Produce requirements specifications

A7 Select suitable suppliers

B1 Agree testing style and type

B2 Identify testing constraints

B3 Produce scope statements

Penetration B4 Establish a management assurance framework

Testing B Testing B5 Implement management control processes

Programme B6 Use an effective testing methodology

B7 Conduct sufficient research and planning

B8 Identify and exploit vulnerabilities

B9 Report key findings

C1 Remediate weaknesses

C2 Address root causes of weaknesses

C3 Initiate improvement programme

C Follow up
C4 Evaluate penetration testing effectiveness

C5 Build on lessons learned

C6 Create and monitor action plans

Figure 3: The Penetrations Testing Programme

Your penetration testing programme should consist of appropriately skilled people guided by well-designed,
repeatable processes and effective use of relevant technologies. This will enable you to conduct thorough
penetration tests, successfully identifying and addressing vulnerabilities - and to prevent new ones from occurring.

The maturity and effectiveness of your penetration testing programme should be

evaluated regularly against approved criteria to help determine if objectives were met
and that value for money has been obtained from your supplier(s).

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

Positioning the penetration testing programme

The penetration testing programme should be part of – or at least aligned with - an approved technical security
assurance framework, focused on protecting your most critical information and systems.

! your organisation has already implemented a range of basic security controls (also referred to as cyber
security hygiene), such as malware protection, firewalling, system/ network patching and vulnerability
assessments.Youshouldnotconsiderundertakinganysignificantpenetration testing unless

A primary objective of the UK Government’s National Cyber Security Strategy is to make the UK a safer place to conduct
business online. CREST was engaged by NCSC, the information security arm of GCHQ, to develop an assessment
framework to support the Government’s “Cyber Essentials” scheme, which forms a key deliverable of this strategy.

The scheme’s set of 5 critical controls cover boundary firewalls and internet gateways; secure configuration; access
control; malware protection; and patch management. The scheme is applicable to all types of organisations, of all sizes,
giving basic protection from the most prevalent forms of threat coming from the internet.

Selected by industry experts, the technical controls within the scheme reflect those covered in well-established
standards, such as the ISO/IEC 27000 series, the Information Security Forum’s Standard of Good Practice for
Information Security and the Standard for Information Assurance for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises.

The Assurance Framework, leading to the awarding of Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus certificates
for organisations, has been designed to be light-touch and achievable at low cost. The two options give
organisations a choice over the level of assurance they wish to gain, but the Cyber Essentials Plus option is
recommended as it includes external testing of an organisation’s cyber security approach.

CREST is an approved accreditation body under the UK Government Cyber Essentials

scheme. CREST certifies its member companies to provide Cyber Essentials services.
Each of these organisations is a member of CREST and further information about the
role of CREST can be found at

Cyber Essentials offers a sound foundation of basic hygiene measures that all types of organisations can implement and
potentially build upon. Cyber Essentials defines a set of controls which, when properly implemented, will provide
organisations with basic protection from the most prevalent forms of threats coming from the Internet. In particular, it
focuses on threats which require low levels of attacker skill, and which are widely available online.

The UK government believes that implementing these measures can significantly reduce an organisation’s
vulnerability. However, it does not offer a silver bullet to remove all cyber security risk; for example, it is not
designed to address more advanced, targeted attacks and hence organisations facing these threats will need
to implement additional measures as part of their security strategy, such as penetration testing.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

Red and Blue Teaming

Many security assessments focus on breadth, rather than depth and are constrained to the given component
being tested. Red Teaming is an adversarial goal-based assessment that provides a real-world view into what
an attacker would do to compromise your organisation’s assets. A Red Teamer will not solely focus on just your
network infrastructure or web applications. Instead they will identify potential weak points and string together
seemingly unrelated vulnerabilities to create composite attack scenarios.

There are a number of approaches to Red Teaming, supported by various definitions, many of which can be
found in British and American defence publications. For example, the MOD Red Teaming Guide, Second Edition,
January 2013 defines a red team as:

‘A team that is formed with the objective of subjecting an organisation’s plans, programmes, ideas and
assumptions to rigorous analysis and challenge. Red teaming is the work performed by the Red Team in
identifying and assessing assumptions, alternative options, vulnerabilities, limitations and risks for that

Organisations establish Red Teams to challenge aspects of their own plans, programmes and assumptions. It is this
aspect of deliberate challenge that distinguishes red teaming from other management tools, although there is not a
sharp boundary between them. Nowadays, Red Teaming often comes from an intelligence led penetration testing
approach, designed to more thoroughly test an organisation’s defences in real-world scenarios.

Conversely, Blue Teaming is an emerging topic that focuses on the defensive role of an organisation, rather than on
developing methods of attacking an organisation. Although there are few definitions of Blue Teaming, a Blue Team
will typically play the role of defending against Red Team attacks, often as part of attack simulations.

There are a number of more proactive roles that the Blue Team can fill, which can include configuration SOC
evaluations, technical security evaluations, patch management reviews, and other elements included in Cyber
Essentials Plus. This will help remove the easy to find security issues, enabling the penetration testing team to
concentrate on finding the more in depth issues, thereby making best use of resources.

Organisations should consider the need for both Red and Blue Teaming in their organisations, as part of their
penetration testing programme.

Many CREST members are at the cutting edge of both Red and Blue Teaming and are
well positioned to offer a range of world class testing services.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

Part 3 Preparing for penetrating testing

A senior management team should be appointed with responsibility for establishing and overseeing an
enterprise-wide penetration testing programme, ensuring that it meets business requirements.

To be effective, your penetration testing programme should include all relevant aspects of preparing for
penetration tests, carrying them out in practice and ensuring that follow-up activities are undertaken, including
remediation processes and security improvement action plans.

The preparatory steps that need to be taken as part of this programme are outlined in Figure 4 below.

1. Maintain a
technical security
assurance framework

7. Select 2. Establish a
appropriate penetration
suppliers testing governance

6. Produce 3. Evaluate drivers
requirements for conducting
specifications penetration tests

5. Define the purpose 4. Identify target

of the penetration

Figure 4: Key steps in the preparation phase

Each of these steps is explained in more detail on the following pages.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

A1 - Maintain a technical security assurance framework

Your organisation should maintain an approved technical security assurance framework, which is focused on
protecting your most critical information and systems.
A technical security assurance framework would typically include multiple environments for testing, a security architecture, an
on-going security monitoring services (eg. in a SOC), an adequate range of technical security services and a balanced
selection of preventative, detective and reactive security controls; supported by sufficient budget, skilled resources, processes,
tools and technology, adequate management support and an IT or Cyber security risk management programme.

All main internal systems that support your organisation should be identified. Details of these internal systems should
be recorded in a registry or equivalent, such as an asset registry or a Configuration Management Database (CMDB).

Records about the systems and processes that need to be maintained include:

• Their level of criticality to the business

• The sensitivity of any information they handle (eg. via an information classification scheme)
• Any key dependencies (eg. on other systems or networks, information feeds, physical equipment)
• Network diagrams, data flows and trust boundaries
• Details about important third party suppliers
• IT infrastructure
• Points of contact, roles and responsibilities.

Different levels of security assurance should be applied to different systems based on

their criticality or the sensitivity of the information they handle.

To support these records, you should identify and categorise all main third party:

• Systems that could be utilised to compromise the technical security environment of your organisation
• Functions that could be utilised to provide information from which information could be obtained to mount
a social engineering attack on the business.

Cyber security incident response capability

A critical part of an organisation’s defences against cyber security attacks is a robust, well-thought out cyber security
incident response capability, which often has close links to penetration testing approaches and Red teaming exercises.

CREST has produced a useful Cyber Security incident Response Guide, supported by a
suite of spreadsheet-based maturity assessment tools (including high level and detailed
Cyber Security Incident Response Maturity Assessment tools), both of which are
available, free-of-charge, at:

An underlying technical security assurance framework should be maintained to support important internal and
third party systems that is reviewed and approved by appropriate business and IT management. Your technical
security assurance framework should include:

• Multiple environments for testing (eg. development, staging and live)

• A security architecture
• A balanced selection of preventative, detective and reactive security controls
• An on-going security monitoring services, for example as part of a Security Operations Centre (SOC)
• An adequate range of technical security services (eg. malware protection, traffic filtering and intrusion
detection systems)
• Continuous vulnerability assessment
• Methods of collecting, interpreting and acting upon appropriate sources of threat intelligence
• A road map or similar to provide a short, medium and long term outlook for security posture.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

An underlying technical security assurance framework should be maintained to support important internal and
third party systems that is reviewed and approved by appropriate business and IT management. Your technical
security assurance framework should include:

• Multiple environments for testing (eg. development, staging and live)

• A security architecture
• A balanced selection of preventative, detective and reactive security controls
• An on-going security monitoring services, for example as part of a Security Operations Centre (SOC)
• An adequate range of technical security services (eg. malware protection, traffic filtering and intrusion
detection systems)
• Continuous vulnerability assessment
• Methods of collecting, interpreting and acting upon appropriate sources of threat intelligence
• A road map or similar to provide a short, medium and long term outlook for security posture.

Your technical security assurance framework should include testing:

• Backups, to ensure that critical information and systems can be restored within critical timescales
• Incident response processes
• Disaster recovery / fail-over processes.

Your technical security assurance framework should be supported by sufficient

budget, skilled resources, processes, tools and technology.

Your technical security assurance framework should receive adequate management support in terms of:

• Co-operation, authority and escalation processes

• Integration into your procurement process
• Performing regular penetration testing of key elements
• Independent review.

Your technical security assurance framework should be supported by an information, IT or Cyber security risk
management programme, which should include:

• Details of your organisation’s primary concerns for the protection of the confidentiality, integrity and
availability of information and supporting systems (eg. in a documented risk appetite statement)
• An up-to-date list of all relevant legal, regulatory and contractual compliance requirements
• A list of all main threats
• A risk register showing exposure of key assets
• A method of assessing the effectiveness of technical security arrangements.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

A2 - Establish a penetration testing governance structure

Your organisation should establish a suitable governance structure to oversee and co-ordinate a regular
penetration testing programme.

An effective governance structure for penetration testing would typically:

• Cover all main systems enterprise-wide (while focusing on the most critical), through a penetration
testing programme that includes penetration testing processes and methodologies, supplier
selection criteria, and a penetration testing assurance management framework
• Be supported by a joint management and technical team to agree the programme and scope of regular
penetration testing, an effective change management process and a set of key performance indicators for
the results of the penetration tests.

Establishing a penetration testing governance structure

A suitable governance structure should be established to oversee and co-ordinate a regular penetration testing
programme, which should be supported by a joint management and technical team to agree the programme and
scope of regular penetration testing.

The governing management and technical team should have:

• Direct access to senior management to raise significant concerns

• The ability and authority to contribute to a wider security improvement plan
• Adequate control over the penetration testing programme.

Scoping the penetration testing programme

The scope of your penetration testing programme should:

• Cover all main systems, enterprise-wide

• Focus on critical systems
• Allow for the protection of any sensitive information.

Your penetration testing programme should include:

• A set of penetration testing processes and methodologies that apply enterprise-wide

• Supplier selection criteria
• A penetration testing assurance management framework
• Follow up activities to ensure that remediation activities are carried out in an effective manner, reducing
the risk of vulnerabilities being exploited in the future.

Your penetration testing programme should be:

• Approved by appropriate business and IT management

• Supported by stated objectives and timelines
• Integrated into your underlying technical security assurance framework
• Reviewed regularly and kept up to date.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

Your penetration testing programme should align within:

• A wider security review framework (eg. ISO 27001, NIST cyber security framework, ISF Standard of Good Practice)
• Technical security infrastructure (including on-going security monitoring, vulnerability
assessment, malware protection and patch management)
• System development processes (particularly for Web applications).

Controlling changes to the penetration testing programme

There should be a mechanism for applying controlled changes. This change management process should enable
the secure introduction of new:

• Business initiatives (eg. new business models, international expansion, mergers and acquisitions)
• Business processes
• Web applications
• IT infrastructure.

The change management process should include making changes in a secure manner to:

• Existing business processes or applications

• Legal and regulatory requirements
• Security services, such as a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), malware protection software, and
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS).

The change management process should also include making changes in a secure manner to your organisations:

• Threat landscape
• Security governance approach (eg. a new security organisational set up or risk management programme)
• Security controls framework (eg. based on ISO 27001, COBIT 5, the SANS top 20 security controls
or the ISF Standard of Good Practice).

Supporting the penetration testing programme

To support your penetration testing programme, you should:

• Maintain key performance indicators for the results of the penetration tests that can be utilised to help
establish the ‘health’ of the overall business
• Subscribe to information sharing platforms or services
• Use information from information sharing platforms or services to feed into the penetration testing programme.

The suitability and effectiveness of your penetration testing programme should be assured by:

• Traceability and monitoring of the programme

• A continuous improvement process
• Regular management and technical review.
• Independent audits (or similar).

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

A3 - Evaluate drivers for conducting penetration tests

Your penetration testing programme should include evaluating drivers for carrying out penetration tests as
part of a technical assurance programme, based on an evaluation of relevant criteria, such as the impact
of serious incidents, increased threat levels or significant changes to business or IT processes.

Organisations can have many different drivers for undertaking penetration tests of their critical business
applications or infrastructure. Whatever the drivers are for testing in your organisation, it is important to
determine what it is that penetration testing will help you to achieve.
Drivers for carrying out penetration tests should be based on evaluation of relevant criteria, which would typically include:

• A growing requirement for compliance

• The impact of serious (often cyber related) security attacks on other similar organisations
• Use of a greater number and variety of outsourced services
• The introduction of new – or significant changes to – important operational processes
• Major change to business applications or IT infrastructure
• Changes in the perceived threat (eg. based on single point or continuous threat monitoring)
• A need to perform an independent assessment of your security arrangements (eg. due to
legal/regulatory or customer requirements.

Drivers for penetration testing should take account of:

• How a penetration test fits into your organisation’s overall security arrangements
• The nature and direction of your business – and your risk appetite
• The benefits of adopting a systematic, structured approach to penetration testing
• Findings from risk assessments, audits or reviews carried out by specialists in information security
assessments, risk management, business continuity, internal audit or insurance
• Overall compliance requirements, not just those directly mentioning penetration tests
• Analysis of security incidents that have taken place both in your own organisation and in similar organisations
• Lessons learnt from any previous penetration tests conducted within your organisation.

Penetration tests carried out in isolation can derive a good understanding of technical risks
and identify security improvements. However, If the testing can be placed within a wider
framework of security assessment and strategy it will help to contextualise the findings and

Drivers for penetration testing should be defined to help:

• Support the adoption of a strategic view of security management

• Ensure that major system vulnerabilities are identified and addressed
• Reduce the risk of discovering that the same problems still exits (or exists on a similar system) the
next time a penetration test is carried out.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

A4 - Identify target environments

Your penetration testing programme should include clearly identification of target environments that need to be subject to
penetration testing. When identifying target environments, you should consider the need to carry out penetration testing on:

• Important business processes

• Critical web applications
• Key parts of IT infrastructure (eg. a major data centre or the corporate network)
• Specialised equipment (eg. mobile devices and process control systems)
• Relevant system development lifecycles.

Identification of target environments that need to be subject to penetration testing should take account of a wide
range of factors including:

• The criticality of the system to your organisation (often identified by performing a criticality or
business impact assessment)
• Regulatory and compliance requirements, such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)
• Major business or IT changes
• Critical systems under development
• Outsourced applications or infrastructure (including cloud services)
• Any wider technical security assurance programme.


To identify the most critical systems, your organisation should consider the:

• Nature of business being conducted

• Size of the target systems - and the sensitivity of data associated with the systems
• Sensitivity of data associated with the target environment
• Potential business impact if that system were to be compromised - and the likelihood of the system
to actually become compromised.

For some organisations, the first step in procuring a penetration test is to carry out a
risk assessment of an organisation’s assets. This helps to ensure that the testing
planned will focus on the assets that pose the highest risk to the organisation.


Some industries and types of data are regulated and must be handled securely (like the financial sector, or credit
card data). In this case your regulator will insist on a penetration test as part of a certification process. Some
industry standards, such as ISO 27001 and PCI DSS, also specify the requirement for penetration testing.

“Compliance is a different beast to security and exists separately. It is possible to be compliant, yet not
secure; and relatively secure, but non-compliant”

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

Major changes

Most organisations in today’s dynamic world make significant changes on a fairly regular basis, be they to business processes;
applications; IT systems; or end user environments, many of which can have a significant impact on the threat profile of an
organisation and the security arrangements they have in place. Consequently, it can be important to carry out a penetration test of a
system immediately following a major change to the system itself or to the business environment it supports.

Systems under development

Often the decision to conduct independent penetration testing on a new system comes late in the project
lifecycle. As a result of this there is often insufficient budget for desired testing, very limited time before the
system needs to go live and little ability to change the system as a result of any security vulnerabilities
identified. Security testing should be fully incorporated into your system development lifecycle (SDLC) – as
outlined in the table below - and not just conducted as a “tick box” exercise at the end.

SDLC stage Actions to consider To ensure that….

1 Planning and Build independent penetration testing into requirement Business and security
requirements specifications - allocating sufficient funding and resources - requirements are met.
and schedule at key points in the plan.
2 Design Engage with a penetration testing supplier to define Penetration testing is baked into
scope and incorporate this into your project plan – and to the design process.
conduct threat modelling exercises.
3 Development Integrate penetration tests into your traditional security Coding weaknesses are
testing approaches, including source code review. identified as soon as possible.

4 Integration Perform vulnerability scanning and build reviews. System builds are secure.
and test

5 Implementation Conduct exploitation testing of applications and networks. Vulnerabilities are addressed.

6 Maintenance Subject critical systems to regular penetration testing (at Systems continue to be as well
least yearly) - and after any major change protected as possible.

Security testing should include consideration of changes to the level of threat, which
would mean an increase in the level of vigilance, validation of controls and nature of
penetration testing. This would provide greater technical assurance against cyber
security attacks and a heightened level of cyber security awareness.


Many organisations place a great deal of reliance on services they have outsourced (often to cloud service providers),
but an attacker is not constrained to whether the business manages its own environment or not. Any weaknesses in the
security of these third parties can significantly impact on the integrity of an organisation’s IT security.

If you are not permitted to test an important environment controlled by a third party you
should seek assurances that:
• Appropriate penetration tests are regularly carried out
• These tests are conducted by suitably qualified staff working for a certified
• Recommendations from the tests are acted upon.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

A5 - Define the purpose of penetration tests

Your penetration testing programme should include defining the purpose of your penetration tests and
evaluating the potential benefits of these tests to your organisation.
Identifying the purpose of penetration tests should include assessing whether these tests can help your organisation to
meet requirements and realise potential benefits – whilst taking into account of any testing limitations or difficulties.

When defining the purpose of your penetration tests, you should assess whether these tests can help your organisation to:

• Identify weaknesses in your security controls

• Enable the business (particularly for electronic commerce)
• Reduce the frequency and impact of security incidents
• Comply with legal and regulatory requirements (eg. PCI/DSS, NERC, ISO 27001, HIPAA or FISMA)
• Provide assurance to third parties that business applications can be trusted and that customer data is
adequately protected
• Limit liabilities if things go wrong, or if there is a court case (ie. take ‘reasonable’ precautions).

We suspected that we had already been hacked, and wanted to find out more about the threats to our
systems, to help reduce the risk of another successful attack.”

Another purpose for conducting a penetration test can be to limit liabilities if things go
wrong, or if there is a court case (ie. take ‘reasonable’ precautions).

You should determine what business benefits penetration testing will help you achieve. When identifying and
evaluating the potential benefits of effective penetration testing, you should consider:

• A possible reduction in your ICT costs over the long term

• Improvements in your technical environment, reducing support calls
• Greater levels of confidence in the security of your IT environments
• Increased awareness of the need for appropriate technical controls.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

You should also consider the limitations of penetration testing, taking into account that a test:

• Covers just the target application, infrastructure or environment that has been selected
• Is only a snapshot of a system at a point in time
• Focuses on the exposures in technical infrastructure, so is not intended to cover all ways in which critical
or sensitive information could leak out of your organisation
• Plays only a small part of an organisation’s defence system, despite often including social engineering
tests in reviewing the people element (often the most important element) of a cyber security attack
• Can be limited by legal or commercial considerations, limiting the breadth or depth of a test
• May not uncover all security weaknesses, for example due to a restricted scope or inadequate testing
• Provides results that are often technical in nature and need to be interpreted in a business context.

As well as considering any limitations you should evaluate the potential difficulties involved with carrying out
penetration testing, which can include:

• Determining the depth and breadth of coverage of the test

• Identifying what type of penetration test is required
• Understanding the difference between vulnerability scanning and penetration testing
• Managing risks associated with potential system failure and exposure of sensitive data
• Agreeing the targets and frequency of tests
• Remediating system vulnerabilities effectively
• Assuming that by fixing vulnerabilities uncovered during a penetration test your systems will be ‘secure’
• Understanding the costs of external services – and determining the true overall cost of testing
• Finding a suitable penetration testing expert when required (eg. at short notice).

A6 - Produce requirements specifications

Your penetration testing programme should include defining requirements for penetration testing carried
out in your organisation.

Requirements for penetration testing should include consideration of important business applications; key IT
infrastructure and confidential data; validation that tests are legal and will not compromise confidential data; and
the need for tests to be recorded, reviewed and signed-off.
There will often be a trigger that causes you to carry out a penetration test (or a series of tests), possibly due to being
informed about a need for compliance or as a result of an incident affecting your organisation (or a similar organisation).

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

It can be tempting to immediately start thinking about getting an external supplier to just come in straightaway
and just start testing. But in reality, a more effective approach is to determine your business requirements for
penetration testing first, and then consider the best way that these requirements can be met. The key elements
of a possible approach are shown in Figure 5 below.

Business Target Testing Requirement

drivers environment purpose specification

Figure 5: A process for specifying penetration testing requirements

Requirements for penetration testing should specify:

• The scope of the testing to be undertaken (eg. a critical web application or some important IT infrastructure)
• What will be specifically excluded from the testing scope
• How regularly the penetration testing is carried out (eg. weekly, monthly, quarterly, biannually,
annually or less often).

Your requirements for penetration testing should include consideration of any impact on:

• Important business applications

• Key systems and networks (IT infrastructure)
• Confidential data.

Your requirements for penetration testing should specify that testers must validate that:

• The test will be legal

• The test will not compromise data protection requirements
• They have the relevant qualifications and experience to perform required testing to the required standard
• They will act in a professional manner ( line with a reputable code of conduct).

Requirements for a penetration test should be:

• Formally recorded in a requirements specification

• Formulated and reviewed by competent technical experts
• Reviewed by business management
• Signed-off by senior management
• Monitored to ensure they are met
• Reviewed and revised on a regular basis.

Requirements for penetration testing should take account of the benefits of using
external suppliers.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

A7 - Select suitable suppliers

Your penetration testing programme should include appointing suitable third party suppliers to undertake
independent penetration testing of target environments, based on defined requirements, benefit evaluation,
specified supplier selection criteria and validation of the supplier’s ability to meet your specific requirement.

Effective supplier selection criteria should be used to determine if potential suppliers can satisfactorily meet
your specific testing requirements, based on their ability to provide: solid reputation, history and ethics; high
quality, value-for-money services; research and development capability; highly competent, technical testers;
and security and risk management, supported by a strong professional accreditation and complaint process.

“What we are looking for from a supplier is certainty, prioritisation, trust and security”

A typical service provider selection process is outlined in Figure 6 below.

D: Select A: Review
suitable service penetration testing
provider(s) requirements
C: Identify
process B: Define
potential service service provider
providers selection criteria

Figure 6: The service provider selection process

When appointing an external provider of penetration services, it is important that you choose a supplier who
can meet your requirements in the most appropriate manner - at the right price.

“It is important to ensure that the right systems are being tested by the right people for the right
reasons at the right time”

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

A. Review requirements

The first step is to make sure that whoever chooses the supplier fully understands your organisation’s
requirements and is aware of any necessary management, planning and preparation activities. Much of this
should be determined in the requirements stage of the procurement approach, but will be vital in procuring the
right service from the most appropriate supplier.

You should consider who is driving the relationship with the supplier within your
organisation. It is seldom a good idea to just leave it to a corporate procurement
person as this is unlikely to deliver maximum value. From interviews with service
providers, when clients have used a security or compliance person to drive the
relationship, this has typically produced better results.

Your requirements for penetration testing suppliers should be:

• Formally defined
• Based on a cost/benefit analysis
• Driven by clear objectives
• Recorded in a requirements specification
• Integrated into your organisation’s procurement process.

! Some organisations seem to believe that they just need a ‘tick in the box’ and may be
looking for a ‘cheap and dirty’ solution. However, this often does not produce required results
and may even create a false sense of security. It can also cause difficulties during the
procurement process as quality suppliers will believe in doing a proper test.

In addition to defined business requirements and an agreed scope statement, there may be other considerations
when selecting a supplier. For example, your organisation may have a well-established (or preferential) relationship
with a particular supplier or a need to appoint (or reject) an organisation for commercial or political reasons.

When appointing external suppliers – for any purpose – you will sometimes have to
take into account topics covering political, legal/regulatory, socio-economic and
technological (PLEST) issues.
Your requirements can also be influenced by the size (and bargaining power) of your
organisation, and the market sectors in which your organisation operates.

When evaluating the benefits of using external suppliers, you should consider their ability to:

• Deploy a structured penetration testing process and plan, developed by experts

• Specify the purpose and scope of tests
• Increase the scope and frequency of tests
• Conduct short term engagements, eliminating the need to employ your own specialised (and often
expensive) staff - and reducing the cost of training (and re-training) internal teams
• Take advantage of automation (eg. by using penetration testing workflows and importing vulnerability
management reports).

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

B. Define supplier selection criteria

To ensure that your chosen supplier will meet your requirements it can be helpful to define a set of supplier criteria, most of
which your chosen supplier should be able to meet – or exceed. You should therefore define supplier selection criteria to help
you choose suitable penetration testing suppliers, which should specify that potential suppliers should be able to:

• Provide a reliable, effective and proven penetration testing service at a reasonable price, within specified timescales
• Meet compliance standards and the requirements of corporate or government policy, protecting client
information and systems both during and after testing
• Perform rigorous and effective penetration tests, ensuring that a wide range of system attacks are simulated
• Adhere to a proven testing methodology, allowing sufficient time for remediation
• Carry out a full range of testing (eg. black, white or grey box; internal or external infrastructure or web
application; source code review; and social engineering)
• Discover all major vulnerabilities, identify associated ‘root causes’ and strategically analyse key findings
in business terms
• Co-develop security improvement strategies and programmes, recommending countermeasures to
both address vulnerabilities and prevent them from recurring
• Produce insightful, structured, practical and easy to read reports, engaging with senior management in
business terms, resolving issues with IT service providers, and addressing global risk management issues
• Provide on-going advice on how to manage systems effectively over time as part of a trusted relationship.

Your supplier selection criteria should consider if potential suppliers can provide:

1. Solid reputation, history and ethics

2. High quality, value-for-money services
3. Research and development capability
4. Highly competent, technical testers
5. Security and risk management
6. A strong professional accreditation and complaint process.

Your supplier selection criteria should be recorded in a document that can be passed to
potential suppliers - and your procurement department – sometimes as part of an RFP
(Request for Proposal).

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

Professional accreditation

In some cases, providers of penetration testing services are also accredited to particular schemes, but do not use
qualified individuals to conduct penetration testing, so the required quality of testing may not be achieved. In
other cases, an individual may be qualified, but does not work for an accredited organisation, meaning that there
are fewer assurances about the protection of confidential information or the overall quality of the service provided
and any complaint may be difficult to resolve.

The optimum combination is shown in the green box in Figure 7 below. This is the only combination that
provides you with a tangible level of protection should things go wrong – and also reduces the likelihood of a
problem occurring in the first place.

Qualified Qualified
individual individual

Unaccredited Accredited
organisation organisation

Unqualified Unqualified
individual individual
Unaccredited Accredited
organisation organisation


Figure 7: Combinations of accreditation for organisations and the individuals they employ

Although value can be obtained by appointing either qualified individuals or

accredited organisations, it is the combination of these that will provide you with the
greatest assurance that the most effective tests will be conducted – and in the most
professional manner.
Furthermore, by procuring penetration testing services from qualified individuals
who work for trusted organisations, you can rest assured that an expert and
independent body – with real authority – is on hand to investigate any complaint
thoroughly and ensure that a satisfactory conclusion is reached.

“CREST provides demonstrable assurance of the processes and procedures of member organisations
and validates the competence of information security investigators”

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

By using a supplier who is a CREST penetration testing services accredited member, you will also gain reassurance that:

• You are dealing with a trusted organisation in what is a very new area
• They have signed up to an independent code of conduct
• A proven penetration testing methodology will be adopted
• Their processes and procedures will have been subject to independent vetting
• Your systems and data will be handled carefully, in a professional manner
• The penetration testing itself we be kept confidential
• Advice will be given on how to reduce the likelihood of similar vulnerabilities being exploited.

Independent complaints process

Appointing suppliers that are members of a professional penetration testing body can provide you with a
reliable and proven complaint process (including constructive advice), as shown in Figure 8 below.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

Receives Assesses the Issues reviewed Sends summary Agrees
and registers complaint observations and report to client recommendations
potential against the Code recommendation and supplier and takes
complaint of Conduct, reports appropriate steps
company to ensure that
policies and recommendations
procedures are fully
complied with

Figure 8: Typical complaint handling process for a professional body

If there are any problems with the quality of work done or the approach taken by the penetration testing team
(including investigators, analysts and recovery experts) you can rest assured that an expert and independent
body is on hand to investigate any complaint thoroughly and ensure that a satisfactory conclusion is reached.

A CREST penetration testing member can expect to receive severe penalties if they do not:

• Adhere to the CREST Code of Conduct

• Act in a professional, ethical manner
• Ensure all their recovery team and ancillary staff comply with their submitted and reviewed policies,
processes and procedures to protect client information.

CREST penetration testing members can have their membership of the scheme removed if they do not meet required
standards or have proven in an investigation to have been significantly negligent or unethical. In the worst case, this
could result in a significant reduction in business, as clients would not be prepared to procure their services.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

C. Identify potential service providers

It can often be difficult to produce a short list of potential suppliers, not least because there are so many to choose from.
For example, penetration testing suppliers can include:

• Organisations specialising in penetration testing (often small boutique firms)

• Information security consultancies and integrators, with penetration testing teams
• Systems integrators and outsourcing service providers with penetration testing teams
• Regulated professional services firms, including the ‘Big 4’ accountancy firms, with penetration testing teams.

To help identify potential suppliers, you may wish to carry out some background research to see if they have:

• Carried out the type of testing you require

• Received positive feedback from previous clients
• Taken part in specialised industry events, such as those run by CREST or OWASP chapters
• Produced research papers, published vulnerabilities or won awards in the industry
• Valid accreditations and qualifications
• Membership of a professional penetration testing body, such as CREST
• Complied with appropriate vetting standards, such as the BSI security screening of employees
(BS7858), or equivalent)
• Been audited (eg. by some of their larger clients), to provide assurance for their wider client base.

As part of your supplier selection process, you should:

• Produce a short list of potential suppliers, based on evaluation of at least three different suppliers
• Validate the ability of potential suppliers to meet your specific requirements (not just one who can offer a
variety of often impressive products and services, some of which may not necessarily be relevant)

You should ensure that your chosen suppliers are able to:
• Effectively meet – or exceed - your supplier selection criteria
• Provide tangible value for money.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

D. Appoint suitable suppliers

After carefully considering all the relevant supplier selection criteria – and evaluating potential suppliers – you will
then need to go through a formal, approved appointment process for selected penetration testing suppliers.

The key consideration should still be to select a supplier who can help you meet your specific requirements – at
the right price – not just one who can offer a variety of often impressive products and services, some of which
may not necessarily be relevant.

! Prior to work starting, arrangements with your chosen supplier should be satisfactorily
detailed in a contract signed off by both parties.

The appointment and continued use of external providers can be managed in a number of ways that can be
tailored to fit an organisation’s style. Use of penetration testing providers tends to fall into the following models.

Supplier appointment model Advantages Disadvantages

Single provision – a single provider This can provide an extensive A single supplier may not be able
is used for all penetration testing. relationship where the supplier is to provide all types of penetration
very familiar with your organisation testing equally well. In addition,
and can therefore provide insightful over-familiarity may give rise to
and practical recommendations. conflicts of interest.
Dual provision – two suppliers are This retains the benefits of single The possibility of over-familiarity
used. Penetration tests are assigned provision while also playing to the remains with this model, and there
according to the technical speciality strengths of the providers. may be additional cost associated
of the supplier (eg. one supplier for with suppliers having to gain
infrastructure testing and one for background information on the
application testing). target systems.

Testing panel – multiple suppliers Over-familiarity is less of a possibility The selection, contract maintenance
are used. Penetration tests are and subsequent penetration tests and test management can be
either assigned in a cyclic fashion or on systems can be performed by complex and expensive.
according to technical speciality. different providers to make testing
more thorough.
Ad-hoc – various suppliers are This model allows for flexibility Suppliers are likely to have little or
used, dependent on the particular and the ability to specifically select no familiarity with systems.
penetration test being performed. suppliers based on their capability.

Some organisations choose to rotate vendors, with a timescale dependent on the type and number of tests to be performed.

Tests are often carried out on a regular (typically annual) basis. However, they are
often more effective if carried out immediately before (or after) a major change – often
saving money in the longer run, too.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

Part 4 Conducting penetration tests

A detailed test plan should be produced that outlines what will actually be done during the test itself, often as series
of discrete tasks. This plan should identify the processes, techniques or procedures to be used during the test.

Findings identified during the penetration test should be recorded in an agreed format describing each finding in both:

• Technical terms that can be acted upon

• Non-technical, business context, so that the justifications for the corrective actions are understood.

The steps that need to be taken for each individual penetration test performed as part of the enterprise-wide
penetration testing programme are outlined in Figure 9 below.

1. Agree testing style and type

2. Identify testing constraints

3. Produce scope statements

4. Establish a management assurance framework

5. Implement management control processes

Testing 6. Use an effective testing methodology

7. Conduct sufficient research and planning

8. Identify and exploit vulnerabilities

9. Report key findings

Figure 9: The penetration testing process

Each of these steps is explained in more detail on the following pages.

Some of these steps will need to be repeated when testing target systems, particularly
steps 7 and 8, dependent on scope and requirements.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

B1 - Agree testing style and scope

Your penetration testing programme should include determining what style of penetration testing is required
(eg. black, grey or white box testing; internal or external testing) and what type of testing is to be performed.

Style of testing

Careful consideration should be given to the style of testing that is required, such as black, grey or white box testing.

Testing style Overview Useful to…

‘Black box’ No information is provided to Simulate external attacks with no prior knowledge
the penetration tester of the target environment – and understand what is
possible for an uninformed attacker to achieve.

‘Grey box’, also known Limited information is Understand the degree of access that authorised users
as ‘translucent box’ provided, eg. login credentials of a system can obtain – and the possible damage
to a system or visitor access caused by insider or privileged attacks with some
to a site knowledge of the target environment.

‘White box’ – also known Full information is provided, Support a more targeted test on a system that requires
as ‘crystal or oblique box’ for example network maps a test of as many vulnerabilities and attack vectors as
and access to development possible.

Black box testing can be a little misleading. For some system attacks a determined
attacker would do so much reconnaissance that they would have virtually the same
knowledge as an insider anyway.
Findings from the research project revealed that the majority of supplier’s clients
specify white or grey box testing, rather than black box testing. Many clients simply
ask a supplier to run a ‘typical’ penetration test, which is nearly always involves grey
box testing.

White box testing can be less authentic as an attack, but is a much more effective use of a penetration tester’s
time, reducing cost to your business. The more traditional black box testing is still undertaken, but this tends to
be for a specific purpose.

Testing can be carried out either at a supplier’s premises or at a client’s location (or a little of both).

• An ‘external’ penetration test is the most common type of test and is aimed at IT systems from
‘outside the building’, testing systems that are ‘internet connected’, such as the Demilitarised Zone
(DMZ) of your network, Virtual Private Networks (VPN), and your websites.
• An internal security test (sometimes replicated by a supplier on their own site, maybe in a laboratory) focuses on what
staff can see and do within their own IT network, and is typically associated with white or grey box testing.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

Type of testing

The scope of the test should identify what type of testing is to be performed, such as web application testing
(which finds coding vulnerabilities), or infrastructure testing (which examines servers, firewalls and other
hardware for security vulnerabilities).

Some organisations classify applications (in terms of criticality) as high, medium or low
value applications – and test accordingly. Infrastructure testing is often carried out on a
regular cycle or after a major change.

Other forms of system penetration testing are also conducted, such as for mobile, client server or cloud-based
applications; user devices, including workstations, laptops and consumer devices (eg. tablets and smartphones);
and wireless – but typically the same penetration testing principles apply.

When conducting penetration tests, you should consider the use of end-to-end testing
(ie. for people, through data, devices, applications and infrastructure), emerging
technologies (eg. mobile applications) and social engineering.

For optimum results, the penetration test should be conducted in the live environment. However, this not always possible (or
advisable), so testing is often carried out in a ‘test’ environment. Testing activities conducted in a ‘test’ environment:

• Allow more disruptive or destructive testing to be performed, such as ‘denial of service’ type tests or
the use of exploits against vulnerabilities
• Are unlikely to affect users of ‘live’ systems, so there will be no business impact
• Should be as similar to the live environment as possible.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

B2 - Identify testing constraints

Your penetration testing programme should include identifying any testing constraints associated with planned
penetration testing.

There are always constraints with any form of testing and penetration testing is no exception. Tests are often
constrained by: aspects of the business that cannot be tested due to operational and technical limitations; legal
restrictions; and the lack of time and resources to carry out testing on a continual basis. Testing constraints
need to be identified and adhered to, whilst ensuring real world scenarios are adequately tested.

The table below outlines common penetration testing restrictions, highlighting the potential implications for
malicious attackers and presenting actions to consider for addressing these issues.

Constraint on tester Implication for attackers Actions to consider

There are typically aspects of the Attackers often do whatever it Simulate live tests as closely as
business that cannot be tested due takes to penetrate an organisation possible.
to operational limitations. or system. If they are not able to Conduct tests outside of normal
penetrate a particular system, they hours (and locations).
may simply try another route.
Testing must be conducted within Attackers will often break the law to Tailor the way tests are structured
the confines of the law achieve their objectives. and run to simulate most forms of
Take back-ups of critical systems and
files before testing.
Testers are limited to the scope of Attackers will utilise the weakest Include perimeter controls within the
the testing - they are unlikely to be point of security in any part of scope of the test.
allowed to utilise business partners, connected systems or networks Apply more rigorous testing to
customers or service providers as a to mount an attack, regardless of applications that are accessible
platform from which to launch an ownership, location or jurisdiction. from outside the boundaries of the
attack. business.
Limited time to conduct tests. Attackers have unlimited time to Invest more time in testing critical
mount a concerted attack against a systems.
system if they have the motivation, Provide testers with as much
capability and resources to do so. background information as possible,
reducing reconnaissance time and
thereby increasing testing time.
Any test is only a snap shot in time, Attackers can attack the Conduct penetration testing on a
and changes to the threat or the environment at any time. regular basis, rather than as a
environment could introduce new one-off exercise.

Bearing in mind these testing constraints, penetration testing should not be assumed to find all vulnerabilities
of given systems or environments. The law of diminishing returns often applies in that the most obvious
vulnerabilities will be discovered first, with further time yielding more and more obscure issues. Consequently,
it is often advisable to adopt a ‘risk to cost balance’ when performing tests.

! Simply fixing vulnerabilities uncovered during testing could leave a number of other vulnerabilities
present for an attacker to find - emphasising the need to employ competent professional penetration

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

Technical considerations

To carry out the most effective penetration testing, the environment being tested should be as close to the live
environment as possible. However, there are often technical issues that need to be considered that can affect the
scope of the test or the security countermeasures in place to detect and deter attacks. As an example, two of the
most common of these technical considerations are outlined in the table below:

If you have… You may need to…

IDS/IPS deployed within Implement policy exceptions and ensure that they do not significantly block the
your environment. testing.
Network or web application Be aware that vulnerabilities present in your servers or application will not be
firewalls deployed. discovered if the testing is undertaken from outside your network.

There may be many other technical considerations that are specific to your environment. However, the key
points to remember are that you should:

• Define how the testing will be conducted during the scoping phase
• Ensure that the scope is practical and that the testing will meet your requirements.

A professional penetration tester will have knowledge of the system being tested and a
greater understanding of the context in which the system operates, ensuring that the test
simulation comes very close to replicating a real malicious attack.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

B3 - Produce scope statements

Your penetration testing programme should include producing formal scope statements for penetration testing,
supported by defined reporting requirements, prior to tests commencing. Arrangements should be made to
ensure that your service provider(s) will meet your requirements

The scope of penetration tests should be recorded in a formal document that is signed-off by all relevant
parties. It should include a definition of the target environment; specify resourcing requirements; define
liabilities; authorise testing to be conducted; and include follow-up activities.

Relevant parties (ie. named individuals or groups) required to sign-off the scope
statement should include authorised and suitably qualified individuals from all relevant
parties plus relevant and qualified individuals, dependent on the value of the system
being tested (or similar).

The table below outlines the types of element that would typically be included in the scope statement. This
information will need to be disseminated within the organisation, for example to operations staff that may
mistakenly report testing activities as actual attacks on the organisation.

Scoping element Considerations

Definition of target environment • Which systems are in and out of scope
• The testing approach being adopted (eg. black, white or grey box)
• Types of test that are prohibited (eg. ‘denial of service’ type testing)
• Where the testing team will need to be in order to conduct the testing (eg.
on the customer’s site or at the test supplier’s premises)
• Approvals required for the testing to go ahead.
Network or web application • Who will be leading the testing engagement
firewalls deployed. • The names of testers that will be used for the testing engagement, with
details about their roles, skills, experience, qualifications and
backgrounds • The number of days required – and the days when testing
will take place • Defined testing times and locations.
Report requirements • The format of the test report (template often used)
• When the test report will be delivered (not later than a few days after
completion of the test)
• How the test report will be delivered (electronic and/or physical).
Communication processes • Information and resources that the testers will need prior to testing
• How affected third parties will be informed and consulted in relation to
testing activities
• How testing start-up and close-down will be covered
• Regular (often daily) communications (eg. teleconferences or meetings)
• Approvals required for various elements of the testing that will be going
Liabilities of both parties • Steps required by both parties should problems (eg. slippage) arise
• Details of liability (indemnity) insurance held by the testing supplier.

Follow up activities • Presentation of key findings and recommendations to senior management

• Any re-testing needed once mitigations have been made for the discovered
vulnerabilities required by both parties should problems (eg. slippage) arise.

! The penetration tester must be authorised to perform any tests on your systems, which can
often be achieved by formally defining what is to be tested and how it will be tested. The test
team will also require a disclaimer stating that they are legally authorised to carry out specified
activity on your property and systems.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

Reporting formats

Effective reporting is a critical aspect of penetration testing and its importance is often overlooked. The format
and content of reporting should be defined in both the scope and in a formal contract.

Depending on the test objective, you should ensure that your service provider will:

• Provide a detailed technical report on the vulnerabilities of the system

• Explain the vulnerabilities in a way that is understandable for senior management
• Report the outcome of the test in business risk terms
• Identify short term (tactical) recommendations
• Conclude with and define ‘root cause’ long term (strategic) recommendations
• Include a security improvement action plan
• Provide assistance in implementing the security improvements.

A good report will include the names, roles and qualifications of the testers; date of
the report; type of test undertaken; and test scope. It should highlight any issues
affecting the validity of the results and any other unknowns or anomalies
encountered during testing.

Whilst reports need to be made to a technical audience, an executive summary is often essential – presenting
the results in a business risk context; highlighting particular concerns; identifying patterns; and providing a high-
level statement of the required corrective action.

On-going communication during tests can take the form of regular updates, which are
supported by alerts if a serious vulnerability has been discovered.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

B4 - Establish a management assurance framework

Once the scope has been defined, some organisations leave the supplier to conduct penetration testing with little
further interaction. However, this may not result in optimum or desired results being obtained and can lead to
significant difficulties if problems arise, either with the testing itself or with the way in which the test is conducted.

Consequently, your penetration testing programme should include creating a documented management
assurance framework to help govern all aspects of penetration tests, ensuring that testing scope is
documented in a comprehensive agreement and that testing meets requirements.

An effective management assurance framework will establish control processes over

all important management aspects of testing, such as:
• Test administration (eg. scope, legal constraints, disclosure, and reporting)
• Test execution (eg. approach, separation of systems and duties, tool heritage,
traceability and repeatability of tests)
• Data security (eg. secure storage, transmission, processing and destruction of
critical or sensitive information provided or accessed during the test; the results of
the test; and recommended actions).

All aspects of penetration testing need to be managed effectively, for example by:

• Establishing an assurance process to oversee the testing

• Monitoring performance against requirements
• Ensuring appropriate actions are being taken.

Ideally, you as the client should establish and control the management assurance framework. Your supplier should be
aware of these needs and help you to both define and adhere to your management assurance framework, but
responsibility for the actual systems and data – and any assurance about them - rests with your organisation.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

Contract definition

It is important that the scope of the test is clearly defined in a legally binding contact, signed off by all
relevant parties before testing starts.

! The contract should be referred to a legal team to ensure that the terms of business and the detail of the
contract and schedule of work are acceptable, as suppliers often:
• Caveat risks to your organisation (and theirs)
• Require you to acknowledge that you understand penetration testing
involves an element of risk
• Seek indemnities from you for work that they undertake.

As well as the scope of the testing to be undertaken, the contract should also include:

• Explicit exclusions (eg. systems that are out of scope)

• Technical and operational constraints
• Roles and responsibilities for all parties concerned
• Specific legal and regulatory requirements
• Timings and checkpoints
• A problem escalation process
• Reporting and presentation style
• Post-test corrective action strategy and action plan development
• Pricing and terms of business.

You should consider requiring your supplier to:

• Nominate a senior manager (who can be easily contacted during the testing
process) to be accountable for managing the delivery of the test
• Clearly explain the limits and dangers of the security test as part of the
statement of work
• Provide confidentiality and non-disclosure of customer information and test

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

B5 - Implement management control processes

Your penetration testing programme should include implementing effective risk, change and problem
management processes that apply to all aspects of penetration testing.

Methods of keeping risks to a minimum include: carrying out planning in advance; having a clear definition
of scope; and using predefined escalation procedures; supported by the use of individual testers with
relevant experience and qualifications that work for certified organisations.

An effective change management process should: cover changes to the scope of the penetration test,
organisational controls and the individuals on the testing team; ensure that all parties involved adhere to the
process and that changes to penetration testing are made quickly and efficiently. An effective problem
management process should cover: tests not working as planned; problems caused as a result of the
penetration testing; breaches of contract or codes of conduct; and effective, timely, problem resolution.

Risk mitigation

Your organisation will need to be aware that performing any sort of penetration test carries with it some risk to
the target system and the business information associated with it (eg. degradation or loss of services, and
disclosure of sensitive information).

You should develop methods of keeping risks to your organisation to a minimum during penetration testing in a
variety of ways, which include:

• Carrying out planning in advance

• Clear definition of scope
• Predefined escalation procedures.

When conducting penetration tests, you should ensure that those individuals responsible for the running
of the target systems:

• Have full knowledge of the tests to help protect against unexpected business consequences, such as an
inadvertent trigger of internal controls
• Are aware of – and adhere to - any escalation procedures.

You should ensure that the individuals responsible for the running of the target systems are available during the
test period to help:

• Ensure that testing takes place as agreed

• Keep risks within acceptable boundaries
• Deal with any problems arising
• Manage issues that have been escalated.

The risks associated with penetration testing can be reduced if the business utilises a
qualified and experienced penetration tester (CREST certified), working within the
structured constraints of a certified testing company (a CREST member).

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

Change management

Any changes to the scope of the penetration test (eg. additional testing requested, such as to include wireless or
device testing) or to organisational controls (eg. to address a critical weakness uncovered during testing) need to
be managed quickly and efficiently. Consequently, a change management system should be applied to any
changes to the testing scope or the configuration of target systems.

Your change management process should cover changes to:

• The scope of the penetration test (eg. additional testing requested, such as to include wireless or device testing)
• Organisational controls (eg. to address a critical weakness uncovered during testing)
• The individuals on the testing team.

You should ensure that all parties involved, including suppliers and other third parties,
adhere to your change management process.

Problem resolution

Problems (and complaints) can arise during the test, for example due to resources not being made available,
tests not working as planned or a breach of a code of conduct. It is therefore important to ensure there is a
problem resolution process in place, so that any problems arising during penetration testing are resolved in an
effective and timely manner, in accordance with your problem management process.

Your problem resolution process should cover tests not working as planned and resources not being made
available. It should also cover problems caused as a result of the penetration testing, which may include:

• Interruptions to or degradation of live systems

• Unauthorised disclosure of confidential information
• Compromise of the integrity of information (eg. affecting the accuracy or timeliness of information).

Your problem resolution process should include:

• Breaches of Contract
• Specifications in the scope statement
• A relevant code of conduct

CREST members – and the penetration testers they employ – are required to adhere to
rigorous codes of conduct for both the individual testers and the organisations for whom
they work, backed up by an independent investigation scheme should conflicts arise.
Details of these codes are available from CREST at: http://www.crest-approved.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

B6 - Use an effective testing methodology

Your penetration testing programme should specify that, when conducting penetration tests, organisations
should use a systematic, structured testing methodology.

Broadly, all forms of penetration testing adhere to some variant of the process shown in Figure 10 below, and tests
should progress through each of these steps in order. The activities performed and amount of time spent on each step
will vary depending on the nature of the test, the scope agreed prior to testing, and the target system.


1. Carry out planning

2. Conduct research

3. Identify vulnerabilities

4. Exploit weaknesses

5. Report findings

6. Remediate issues

Figure 10: The service provider selection process

A systematic, structured testing methodology should:

• Be based on proven approaches

• Align with authoritative publicly available sources
• Detail specific evaluation or testing criteria
• Adhere to a standard common language and scope for performing penetration testing
• Specify a required approach (or approaches) for carrying out all stages of a comprehensive end-to-end penetration test.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

Your service providers should demonstrate compliance to ‘standard’ methodologies, if required, and develop or
augment the testing methodologies that each scenario demands.

Authoritative publicly available sources for standard penetration testing methodologies are available, which apply to:

• Infrastructure testing, such as the Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual (OSSTM) and
Penetration testing in SP800-115[3] and the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)
• Web application testing, such as the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP).

Your penetration testing methodology should:

• Detail specific evaluation or testing criteria (eg. using the Information Systems Security Assessment
Framework (ISSAF)
• Adhere to a standard common language and scope for performing penetration testing (ie. security
evaluations), such as the Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES).

The main publicly available methodologies are outlined in the box on the following page, entitled Penetration
testing initiatives.

Leading suppliers are fully aware of all the main methodologies, but often feel they are not comprehensive
enough. Consequently, most of these suppliers have developed their own methodologies, but are able to show
compliance to other ‘standard’ methodologies if required.

Any methodology should merely be a guideline. The actual testers often spend
considerable time trying to hack into a system using any method they can, and the
good ones develop the most appropriate (informal) methodology that each scenario

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

Penetration testing initiatives

There is a number of penetration testing initiatives being produced by collaborative (often open or free
source) bodies. These initiatives include security assessment frameworks or standards; testing processes,
structures or approaches; and useful sources of information about testing techniques and common
vulnerabilities. Some of the main penetration testing initiatives are summarised below.


The Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual (OSSTMM) is a peer-reviewed methodology for
performing security tests and using metrics. The OSSTMM focuses on the technical details of exactly which items
need to be tested; what to do before, during, and after a security test; and how to measure the results. OSSTMM is
also known for its Rules of Engagement that define for both the tester and the client how the test needs to
properly run, starting from denying false advertising from testers to how the client can expect to receive the report.
New tests for international best practices, laws, regulations, and ethical concerns are regularly added and updated.


The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is an open community dedicated to enabling
organisations to develop, purchase and maintain applications that can be trusted. All of the OWASP tools,
documents, forums and chapters are free and open to anyone interested in improving application security.
They advocate approaching application security as a people, process and technology (PPT) problem
because the most effective approaches to application security include improvements in all of these areas.


The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) mentions penetration testing in SP800-
115.[3]. NIST’s methodology is less comprehensive than the OSSTMM; however, it is more likely to be
accepted by regulatory agencies. For this reason, NIST refers to the OSSTMM.


The Information Systems Security Assessment Framework (ISSAF) is a peer-reviewed structured framework
from the Open Information Systems Security Group that categorises information system security assessment into
various domains and details specific evaluation or testing criteria for each of these domains. It aims to provide field
inputs on security assessment that reflect real life scenarios. The ISSAF is, however, still in its infancy.


The Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES) is an emerging standard being produced by a reputable
group of volunteer penetration testing specialists. It is designed to provide both businesses and security service
providers with a common language and scope for performing penetration testing (ie. security evaluations).

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

B7 - Conduct sufficient research and planning

Your penetration testing programme should include producing detailed test plans to provide guidelines for the
penetration testing to be undertaken, including imitation the research activities that a potential attacker could
undertake to find out as much about the target environment and how it works as possible.

Carry out planning

Detailed, agreed test plans should be produced to provide guidelines for the penetration testing to be
undertaken; specify what will actually be done during the test itself and is agreed by all relevant parties.

“A good test plan helps to assure the process for a proper security test without creating
misunderstandings, misconceptions or false expectations”

A detailed test plan should be produced by your testing service provider that:

• Specifies what will actually be done during tests themselves, often as series of discrete tasks
• Provides a mechanism for formally agreeing the testing scope and all activities which surround the testing so that both
parties can ensure that their needs are met and that the terms of reference for the testing activities are clear
• Is flexible enough to accommodate changes in test priorities, whilst not impeding on actual testing time.

! Test plans should be agreed with your organisation prior to any testing commencing.

Conduct research

Penetration tests should include carrying out sufficient research to imitate the research activities that a potential
attacker could undertake to find out as much about the target environment and how it works as possible.

Research undertaken should include gathering, collating and analysing all relevant information about
the target environment. Typical techniques are described in the table below.

Technique Description
Information Collating and analysing information about the target, often available:
gathering • From public sources of information, including the Internet.
• Through information sharing networks (eg. CERTs)
• Via authorised social engineering sources
• Based on threat intelligence.
This can provide considerable detail about an organisation, including its technology
environment, type of business and security structure.
Reconnaissance Obtaining positive confirmation of information about the target. Contact is made with the
organisation to confirm that system configuration and security controls are as expected.
Examples include: visiting a target site as a guest or bystander to confirm physical details
and sending traffic to confirm the existence of routers, web servers and email servers.
Network Establishing the potential points of access being offered by a target. In a network test this
enumeration / can involve scanning for open services on targets or establishing the existence of possible
scanning user identification credentials.
Discovery and Learning about a target’s infrastructure (eg. by foot printing, mining blogs, or using search
assessment engines and social networking sites) and determining how the target system works.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

B8 - Identify and exploit vulnerabilities

Your penetration testing programme should specify that penetration testers identify a range of potential
vulnerabilities in target systems then try to exploit the vulnerabilities identified and actually penetrate the target
system, but in a controlled manner.
Vulnerability identification and exploitation typically include testers examining technical system / network / application
vulnerabilities and security control weaknesses - supported by a range of techniques (eg. exploit techniques; escalation
techniques; advancement techniques; and analysis techniques) to try and take advantage of specific weaknesses.

Identify vulnerabilities

The objective is to identify a range of potential vulnerabilities in a target system, which will typically involve
the tester examining:

• Attack avenues, vectors and threat agents (eg. using attack trees)
• Results from threat analysis
• Technical system / network / application vulnerabilities.

The types of testing carried out should include automated attack methodologies (eg. scanning), manual
testing (experimenting with numerous tools) and additional techniques (eg. artificial intelligence, enabling
more iterations of an attack to be performed). Tests should include:

• Reviewing vulnerabilities identified by third parties, such as the ‘OWASP Top Ten’, which presents a list
of common security vulnerabilities found in web applications (ie. injection attacks, cross-site scripting and
failure to restrict URL access)
• Identifying the cause of any vulnerability discovered, for example resulting from a lack of understanding of
IT security issues (eg. by web developers and users of mobile devices).
• Is flexible enough to accommodate changes in test priorities, whilst not impeding on actual testing time.
Exploit weaknesses

Once vulnerabilities have been identified in the target environment, testers should use exploitation
frameworks, stand-alone exploits, and other tactics to try and take advantage of these weaknesses (eg. using
precision strikes or customised exploitation) to actually penetrate the target system.

Testers should use a range of techniques to try and take advantage of specific weaknesses, including
those that are outlined in the table below.

• Is flexible enough to accommodate changes in test priorities, whilst not impeding on actual testing time.

Technique Description
Exploit Using identified vulnerabilities to gain unauthorised access to the target. For
example, in a web application test, this may involve injecting commands into
the application that provide a level of control over the target. Exploitation may
require the combination of several sets of information in a creative way.
Escalation Gaining further access within a target, once an initial level of access has been
obtained. For example, in a network test, successful exploitation may allow
user or guest access to a system. Escalation through additional exploitation will
typically be required to obtain administrative privilege.
Advancement Attempting to move on from the compromised target to find other vulnerable
systems. For example, in a network test this will consist of “hopping” from one
system to another, potentially using the access obtained on the original target
to access other systems. In a physical test, this might involve moving from one
compromised building to another.
Analysis Analysing and verifying the raw data to ensure that the test has been thorough
and comprehensive. Depending upon the environment, consultants may
conduct additional manual tests. They will then interpret the results to produce
a tailored, business-focused report.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

B9 - Report key findings

Your penetration testing programme should specify that key findings identified during penetration tests should be
formally presented to your organisation by suppliers, who should provide details about: how testers found the
vulnerabilities; what could be the outcome of each vulnerability; the level of risk to the business for each
vulnerability; and advice on how to remediate each vulnerability.

Outputs from testing, where required, should be stored safely and securely deleted.

Findings identified during the penetration test should be recorded in an agreed format describing each finding in:

• Technical terms that can be acted upon

• Non-technical, business context, so that the justifications for the corrective actions are understood
• A formal, well-designed testing report.

Reports should describe the vulnerabilities found, including:

• Test narrative – describing the process that the tester used to achieve particular results
• Test evidence – results of automated testing tools and screen shots of successful exploits
• Details about the associated technical risks - and how to address them.

Penetration testing reports should be used to present remediation activities undertaken and the root
causes of issues identified. These reports should be:

• Disseminated to relevant stakeholders

• Supported by debriefing sessions
• Acted upon.

It is often helpful to ensure that suppliers use a common reporting template, enabling you
to compare results from different tests and from different providers.

Once the report has been digested internally and notes taken, a presentation should be arranged with your
supplier for them to present the key findings, highlighting:

• How they found the vulnerabilities

• What could be the outcome of each vulnerability
• The level of risk to the business
• Details of who else should be informed (eg. regulators or law enforcement)
• Remediation advice.

Stakeholders in your organisation should:

• Understand penetration testing reports
• Take appropriate action to address issues.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

The outputs from penetration tests should be fed in to your:

• Incident response processes

• Risk management processes
• Technical security monitoring services, such as in a Security Operations Centre (SOC)
• Technical security tool configurations (eg. IDS, IPS, and DLP).

Penetration testing can be conducted in a number of different ways and should include:

• Reporting to senior management through schemes such as CBEST in the Financial services sector and
TBEST in the Telecom sector
• Any requirements to report to a regulator or government body.

CREST develops and supports a range of outcome-based technical assurance schemes, ranging from regulatory-based testing, through
industry-led assurance testing for certain industries, to intelligence-led penetration testing (eg. through schemes like STAR, CBEST and
TBEST). A summary of the different levels of technical assurance available is shown in Figure 11 below.

We deliver schemes that align to industry requirements

High Levels of Assurance.

Aligned to industry
Simulation of known industry threats

Simulated Target
Attack & Response

Objective focused
Penetration Test

Defined Scope Penetration Testing

Basic Levels of Assurance.

Vulnerability Analysis Alignment with schemes such
as Cyber Essential.
No specific industry orientation

Figure 11: Technical security assurance schemes

CREST differs from other security testing because it is threat intelligence based, less
constrained and focus on the more sophisticated and persistent attacks against critical
systems and essential services. The inclusion of specific threat intelligence ensures that
that the tests replicate as closely as possible the evolving threat landscape and therefore
will remain relevant and up to date.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

Many CREST members have been accredited by the Bank of England to deliver CBEST penetration testing
using the already stringent standards for assessing the capabilities, policies and procedures that CREST
member companies have to achieve. CBEST accredited professionals also need to demonstrate extremely
high levels of technical knowledge, skill and competency.
CREST also develops and supports a series of professional qualifications in technical security including penetration testing,
threat intelligence and incident response. A summary of the different levels of examination provided is shown in
Figure 12 below.

CREST exams are broken down into three levels Penetration Testing
• Infrastructure
• Application
• Attack Manager - (Risk Management)
• Attack Specialist - (Red Teaming)

competent to
run major projects
and teams Cyber Threat Intelligence
• Geo Political
• Technical
competent to work independently
without supervision

Entry into the profession Incident Response
• Host
• Network
• Incident Management
• Reverse Engineering of Malware

Figure 12: Examinations supporting professional qualifications in technical security testing

Details of the CREST approved threat intelligence service suppliers and penetration
testing companies can be found at These
organisations will be described as being CREST STAR members to allow the scheme
to be extended beyond financial services to other parts of the critical national

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme


Part 4 Follow up
Once each penetration test is complete – and any identified vulnerabilities have been addressed – it can be
tempting to draw a line under the process and return to business as usual. However, to reduce risks both in the
longer term and across the whole organisation, it is useful to carry out a range of follow up activities, which
include initiating an improvement programme.

The steps that need to be taken following each individual penetration test performed as part of the
enterprise-wide penetration testing programme are outlined in Figure 13 below.

1. Remediate weaknesses

2. Address root causes of weaknesses

3. Initiate Improvement programme

Follow up
4. Evaluate penetration testing effectiveness

5. Build on lessons learned

6. Create and monitor action plans

Figure 13: The follow process

Each of these six actions is described on the following pages.

C1 - Remediate weaknesses
Your penetration testing programme should specify that follow-up activities include remediating weaknesses
found during the testing process, in line with a comprehensive and approved remediation process solution, to
reduce the risk of them being exploited again.

The remediation process should be carried out by appropriately qualified, experienced technical security
professionals, and include:

• Addressing all issues raised in penetration testing reports

• Applying immediate or short terms solutions, such as patching systems, closing ports and preventing
traffic from particular web sites or IP addresses
• Replicating results of penetration tests (eg. using technical data)
• Determining which weaknesses to address first (eg. based on risk ratings for critical assets)
• Reporting weaknesses to relevant third party organisations (eg. CERTs, BUGTRAQ, etc.)
• Feeding these remediation actions into longer term solutions, such as an updated patch management
strategy or a whitelisting/blacklisting policy
• Agreeing any short-term retesting or verification activities.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

C2 - Address root causes of weaknesses

Your penetration testing programme should specify that follow-up activities include analysing and
addressing the root causes of weaknesses identified during penetration testing.

Root cause analysis should include:

• Identifying the real root causes of exposures - not just the symptoms of an attack
• Evaluating the potential impact of exposures on the business
• Identifying more endemic or fundamental root causes
• Involving qualified, experienced security professionals to help define corrective action strategy and plans.

C3 - Initiate improvement programme

Your penetration testing programme should specify that, on completion of penetration tests, an improvement
programme should be initiated.

The improvement programme should be carried out in a structured, systematic manner:

• Addressing root causes of weakness

• Evaluating penetration testing effectiveness
• Identifying lessons learned; applying good practice enterprise-wide
• Creating and monitoring action plans
• Agreeing approaches for future testing.

C4 - Evaluate penetration testing effectiveness

Your penetration testing programme should specify that the effectiveness of your penetration tests should be evaluated.
This evaluation should include:

• Determining if objectives were met

• Assessing if sufficient weaknesses were identified (and in a sensible timeframe)
• Reviewing exploitations undertaken (eg. on a sample basis)
• Comparing test results to external benchmarks.

The effectiveness of your overall penetration testing programme should be evaluated, which should include:

• Benchmarking the testing programme against other similar organisations (eg. of a comparable size,
sector and region)
• Determining if value for money is being obtained from your service providers.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

C5 - Build on lessons learned

Your penetration testing programme should specify that follow-up activities include identifying, recording,
analysing and acting upon lessons learned, ensuring good practices are applied to other environments.

Lessons learned before, during and after penetration tests have been conducted should be used to:

• Determine the effectiveness of previous remediation activities

• Plan for future tests
• Provide feedback to service providers to help them improve processes.

Good practices (including fixes) identified as a result of penetration tests conducted for one environment should be applied to a
wide range of other environments and rolled out in a consistent and effective manner, fixing root causes endemically.

Lessons learned should be used to help improve ground up, end-to-end security, develop an integrated security
programme and support:

• Reactive learning (eg. to help understand technical security practices and act upon penetration testing results)
• Proactive learning ( help stop vulnerabilities arising in the future or being further exploited).

C6 - Create and monitor action plans

Your penetration testing programme should specify that action plans are created to help act upon follow-up activities
undertaken and to provide input into the design and scope of future tests. They should be formally documented, formulated
by competent technical experts, reviewed by business management and signed-off by senior management.

Action plans should:

• Outline all the relevant actions to be taken to prevent vulnerabilities identified through testing from recurring
• Help improve the overall information security programme
• Include a brief description of each action, including their priority and category; individuals
responsible and accountable for each action; and target dates for completion

Action plans should be implemented effectively within critical timescales and then monitored on a regular basis to:

• Ensure progress is being made

• Highlight any delays or difficulties being experienced
• Reassess the level of risk.

• What to test in the future (eg. infrastructure, web applications, mobile devices,
wireless systems or industrial control systems)
• How future tests should be undertaken (eg. white, grey or black box testing;
internal or external testing)
• When tests should be undertaken in the future, for example on a regular basis (eg.
annually); after significant technical or business changes are made or in response to a
major security incident.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

Maturity model
Part 6 Penetration testing maturity assessment

To carry out penetration testing effectively you will need to build an appropriate penetration testing
programme, the maturity of which can be assessed against a suitable maturity model by using the CREST
suite of penetration testing maturity assessment tools.

One of the best ways to help determine the effectiveness of your programme is to measure the level of
maturity of your penetration testing programme in terms of:

• People, process, technology and information

• Preparation, testing and follow up.

The maturity model used in the CREST penetration testing maturity assessment tools is based on a traditional,
proven model shown below. This model can be used to determine the level of maturity of your penetration testing
programme, ranging from 1 (least effective) to 5 (most effective), as shown in Figure 14 below.


Fo undation

Figure 14: The Penetration Testing Programme maturity model

Different types of organisation will require different levels of maturity for their penetration testing programme. For example, a
small company operating in the retail business will not have the same requirement – or ability – to carry out penetration tests
in the same way as a major corporate organisation in the finance sector – or a government department.

Consequently, the level of maturity your organisation has for your penetration testing programme should be reviewed
in context and compared to your actual requirements for such a programme. The maturity of your organisation can then
be compared with other similar organisations to help determine if the level of maturity is appropriate.

The maturity of your penetration testing programme can play a significant role in
determining the level of third-party involvement required to conduct independent
penetration testing. Organisations with a mature penetration testing programme may
manage most of their operations in-house, while those who are less mature may
depend entirely on third parties.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

Maturity assessment
The effectiveness of your penetration testing programme should be evaluated regularly against approved
criteria to help determine if objectives were met and value for money has been obtained from your supplier(s).
The CREST penetration testing maturity assessment tools have been developed in conjunction with
representatives from a broad range of organisations, including industry bodies, consumer organisations, the
UK government and suppliers of expert technical security services.

The CREST suite of maturity assessment tools has been developed to help you assess the status of your
penetration testing programme on the industry standard scale of 1 (least effective) to 5 (most effective) for each of
the 22 steps in the 3 stages of the CREST penetration testing programme outlined in Figure 15 below.

A1 Maintain a technical security assurance framework

A2 Establish a penetration testing governance structure

A3 Evaluate drivers for conducting penetration tests

A4 Identify target environments

A Preparation
A5 Define the purpose of the penetration tests

A6 Produce requirements specifications

A7 Select suitable suppliers

B1 Agree testing style and type

B2 Identify testing constraints

B3 Produce scope statements

Penetration B4 Establish a management assurance framework

Testing B Testing B5 Implement management control processes

Programme B6 Use an effective testing methodology

B7 Conduct sufficient research and planning

B8 Identify and exploit vulnerabilities

B9 Report key findings

C1 Remediate weaknesses

C2 Address root causes of weaknesses

C3 Initiate improvement programme

C Follow up
C4 Evaluate penetration testing effectiveness

C5 Build on lessons learned

C6 Create and monitor action plans

Figure 15: The Penetrations Testing Programme

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

The maturity assessment tools

The CREST penetration testing maturity assessment suite consists of three spreadsheet-based tools, which comprise the:

• Summary assessment tool (no macros), which allows an assessment to be made to determine the level
of maturity of your penetration testing programme at a high level
• Intermediate assessment tool (no macros), which allows an assessment to be made at an
intermediate, more detailed level
• Consolidated assessment tool (requires macros to be enabled), which allows more sophisticated
assessments to be made to determine the level of maturity of your penetration testing programme at
summary, intermediate or detailed levels - or a combination of all three.

Each of the three assessment tools consists of a similar set of worksheets, enabling assessments of an organisation’s
penetration testing programme to be made in a consistent manner at either a summary, intermediate or detailed level.

The summary version allows a quick, high-level overview to be obtained, whereas the detailed tools enable a more
precise assessment to be made about the real maturity level of your penetration testing programme. The results
presented in all the tools are based on the responses given to a series of well-researched questions that have been
validated by industry experts. You can select relevant responses to each question in the Assessment worksheets.

The penetration testing maturity assessment tools form part of a series of assessment
tools developed by CREST, including high level and detailed Cyber Security Incident
Response Maturity Assessment Tools.

Based on your responses to the questions in the Assessment worksheets, your level of maturity for each of the
22 steps is calculated using a carefully designed algorithm that takes account of both the level of response to
each question and the associated weighting factor.

The results derived from completion of the Assessment worksheets are automatically:

• Shown as ratings for individual questions and aggregated up to action level, area level or for the entire
penetration testing capability
• Presented in graphical format against the organisation’s target profile, either as a bar chart or radar diagram
• Highlighted in a heat map using traffic lighting to highlight results as red, amber or green against
user-defined ranges.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

A useful summary of your results is presented as a bar chart in the Results worksheet, as shown in the example at Figure 16.
These results show the level of maturity for your penetration testing programme on the scale of 1 to 5, previously described,
comparing this to user configurable maturity ratings, based on your chosen target profile and benchmark ratings.

Figure 16: Penetration testing maturity assessment results in bar chart format

You can assign a benchmark rating by simply overwriting the relevant orange figure in the right hand
Benchmarking Rating column. This is not automatically calculated or imported, so will need to be based on
benchmark analysis performed independently either by your own organisation or an external service provider.

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme

Results are also shown as a radar diagram, as shown in the example in Figure 17, presenting details to be analysed using a
graphical and configurable representation of your actual maturity ratings, target ratings, and any assigned benchmark ratings.

Figure 17: Penetration testing maturity assessment results in radar diagram format

Copies of the three penetration testing maturity assessment tools are available from
CREST, free of charge, at

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme


Part 7 Conclusions
When activities are planned, performed and reported properly, a penetration test can give you knowledge of nearly all of your
technical security weaknesses and provide you with the information and support required to fix those vulnerabilities. There are
also other significant benefits to the organisation through effective penetration testing, which can include:

• A reduction in your ICT costs over the long term

• Improvements in the technical environment, reducing support calls
• Greater levels of confidence in the security of your IT environments
• Increased awareness of the need for appropriate technical controls.

However, there can be many tricky issues that need to be addressed before conducting a penetration test, to
ensure that requirements are being properly defined and met. There are also limitations and risks that need to
be identified and managed. Consequently, it should be considered essential to implement an appropriate and
effective penetration testing programme.

The way forward

Like many others, your organisation can benefit from conducting effective, value-for-money penetration testing.
To achieve this, you will need to plan for a penetration test, select an appropriate third party provider, and
manage all important related activities as part of a penetration testing programme.

Firstly, there are a number of key concepts that you will need to understand to conduct well-managed penetration
tests, such as understanding what a penetration test is (and is not), appreciating its strengths and limitations, and
considering why you would want to employ an external provider of penetration testing services.

Secondly, to ensure requirements are satisfactorily met, it is advisable to adopt a systematic, structured
approach to penetration testing. This involves determining business requirements; agreeing the testing scope;
establishing a management framework (including contracts, risk, change and problem management); planning
and conducting the test itself; and implementing an effective improvement programme.
Finally, If your organisation decides to appoint an external provider of penetration services, it is important that you choose a
supplier who can most effectively meet your requirements – but at the right price. It is often helpful to determine a set of criteria
when choosing an appropriate supplier, considering the six key selection criteria outlined in this report.

Further copies of this report are available from CREST, free of charge, at

A guide for running an effective Penetration Testing programme



Company Membership Knowledge Sharing

Demonstrable level of Production of guidance
assurance of processes and standards.
and procedures Opportunity to share
of member and enhance
organisations knowledge

Professional Professional
Qualifications Development
Validate the knowledge, Encourage talent into the
skill and competence market. Provision of on-going
of information security personal development

For further information contact CREST


This Guide has been produced with care and to the best of our ability.
However, CREST accepts no responsibility for any problems or incidents arising from its use.

© Copyright 2017. All rights reserved. CREST (GB).

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