Set of Rubrics

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Performance Task
Assessment criterion
Assessment objective
Assessment instrument

Criteria 4 3 2 1

PRONUNCIATION Mostly intelligible. Mispronunciation does not Pronunciation may need to be Pronunciation can interfere
create misunderstandings. clarified. being understood.

FLUENCY Speaks naturally without Pauses do not interfere Pauses sometimes interfere Long pauses that interfere
pauses. communication. communication. communication.

PERSUASIVE Use of persuasive techniques Persuasive techniques are Only two persuasive techniques Only one persuasive technique
TECHNIQUE are well-supported presented in but not well are presented and supported. is presented and supported.

VOCABULARY Correct use of the vocabulary Mostly correct use of the Use of some of the vocabulary Little use of the vocabulary
learnt in the unit. vocabulary learnt in the unit. learnt in the unit. learnt.

NEATNESS AND The ad presentation is creative The ad presentation is simple The ad presentation is neutral The ad presentation doesn’t
PRESENTATION and draws visual attention. but draws visual attention. neither encouraging or appeal to the eye
discouraging the presentation

Performance Task
Assessment criterion Oral Interaction
Assessment objective
Assessment instrument

Criteria 4 3 2 1

INTERACTION Keeps on communication Keeps on communication Show little interest to keep Interest on keeping
actively actively most of the time communication alive communication alive is not

FLUENCY Speaks naturally without Pauses do not interfere Pauses sometimes interfere Long pauses that interfere
pauses. communication. communication. communication.

LANGUAGE USE Correct use of the grammar and Mostly correct use of the Use of some of the grammar Little use of the grammar and
vocabulary learnt in the unit. grammar and vocabulary learnt and vocabulary learnt in the vocabulary learnt.
in the unit. unit.

BODY LANGUAGE Eye contact, gestures and body Eye contact, gestures and body Little eye contact, gestures and Eye contact, gestures and body
movement go according to movement generally go body movement go according to movement don’t go according
ideas being communicated according to ideas being ideas being communicated to ideas being communicated

COMPREHENSION Communicate ideas Generally communicate ideas Communicating ideas can take Ideas are not communicated
comprehensibly. effectively. time. clearly.
Student’s name:……………………………………………………………………
Performance task: ……………………………………….………………………. Date:


Message and key ideas Explicit message is Explicit message is Neither the implicit nor the
are totally identified. identified and some identified but implicit explicit message is
Comprehension of the implicit message is not at all. identified in the text
message too.

Ideas are stated in a Ideas are mostly Ideas are presented Ideas are not presented in
logical order presented in a logical somewhat logically and a logical order.
Organization order but don’t sometimes interfere
interfere meaning. meaning
Response is critical with Response has some Response has a limited Response does not show
Viewing and a high degree of analysis and support analysis and support support or does not
interpreting skills Respond analysis. respond critically

Correct use of the Mostly correct use of Use of some of the gramar Little use of the grammar
grammar and vocab the gramar and and vocab learnt in the unit. gramar and vocab learnt.
Grammar and vocab learnt in the unit. vocab learnt in the
Viewing skills and Viewing skills and Some viewing skills and Appropriate use of viewing
Viewing skills and startegies are used strategies show strategies are used with skills and strategies is little
strategies effectively and understanding and proficency or is not used
appropriately consistance

Performance Task A paragraph

Assessment criterion Writing
Assessment objective Write a paragraph describing a relative
Assessment instrument Rubric

Criteria 4 3 2 1

Ideas are clearly stated and Some ideas obscure message Ideas obscure message and are Ideas are neither clear nor
related to the task. but are still related to the task mostly unrelated to the task related to the task.

Ideas are stated in a logical Ideas are mostly presented in a Ideas are presented somewhat Ideas are not presented in a
order logical order but don’t interfere logically and sometimes logical order
ORGANIZATION meaning interfere meaning

Correct use of the grammar Mostly correct use of the Use of some of the grammar Little use of the grammar learnt.
learnt in the unit. grammar learnt in the unit. learnt in the unit.

Correct use of the vocabulary Mostly correct use of the Use of some of the vocabulary Little use of the vocabulary
learnt in the unit. vocabulary learnt in the unit. learnt in the unit. learnt.

& Text is correctly punctuated and Punctuation and spelling are Punctuation and spelling Punctuation and spelling totally
has no spelling mistakes mostly correct partially obscure meaning obscure meaning

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