4chan, played by Joey, is a troll with low Street Cred and Public Awareness but moderate Notoriety. He has high Memory and Initiative but low attributes for Charisma, Edge, and Social Limit. His skills focus on hacking, computers, and electronic warfare.
4chan, played by Joey, is a troll with low Street Cred and Public Awareness but moderate Notoriety. He has high Memory and Initiative but low attributes for Charisma, Edge, and Social Limit. His skills focus on hacking, computers, and electronic warfare.
4chan, played by Joey, is a troll with low Street Cred and Public Awareness but moderate Notoriety. He has high Memory and Initiative but low attributes for Charisma, Edge, and Social Limit. His skills focus on hacking, computers, and electronic warfare.
4chan, played by Joey, is a troll with low Street Cred and Public Awareness but moderate Notoriety. He has high Memory and Initiative but low attributes for Charisma, Edge, and Social Limit. His skills focus on hacking, computers, and electronic warfare.