3F2 Bohring': The Behavior at Unit Argument of The Hypergeometric Function
3F2 Bohring': The Behavior at Unit Argument of The Hypergeometric Function
3F2 Bohring': The Behavior at Unit Argument of The Hypergeometric Function
Key words, special functions, hypergeometric series, hypergeometric functions, continuation formulas,
hypergeometric differential equations
* Received b y the editors October 21,1985; accepted for publication (in revised form) September 17,1986.
[8], A and B are not known in general. This matter has recently received attention in
the special case when s 0. Then, as z-+ 1 in the sector larg (1- z) < r, we have
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(a,b,c z)
r(e)r(f) 3F2 e,f
L+M(1-z)+O({1-z}2)+K In (1-z){l+O(1-z)}
and, if Re (c) > 0,
(1.8) L=2q(1)-O(a)-b(b)+ Y
.,=1 m(a).,(b).,
Here q,(x) denotes the logarithmic derivative F’(x)/F(x) of the gamma function. The
expression (1.8) for L, contained without proof in Ramanujan’s note books [9], has
recently been proved by Evans and Stanton [3], but, as they state themselves, "because
of the inductive nature" of their proofs, their paper "unfortunately sheds little light
on how Ramanujan might have made this remarkable discovery." A new proof along
different lines is therefore of interest. Also, the third connecting constant M is not
known. Its value will be given in (4.9) below.
In the present paper we first consider the general case when s is not equal to an
integer and determine the connecting constants A, B, C of (1.5) for the function
3F2(a, b, c; e,f; z). The results for the exceptional case when s is equal to zero or,
more generally, equal to any integer are then obtained by a limiting process.
A lemma is provided in 2. The main theorem for the general case is derived in
{} 3. The results for the exceptional cases are supplied in {} 4.
2. A lemma. In order to avoid inconvenient and unnecessary restrictions of
the denominator parameters, we follow Olver [6] and consider
{F(e)F(f)}-laFE(a, b, c; e,f; z) rather than aFt_ itself, but without explicitly introducing
a new symbol for this quantity. As a function of z, it has a finite value at z 1 if
Re(e+f-a-b-c)>O. Following Wimp [11], [12] we may consider this value as a
function of the five parameters. This suggests the following.
DEFINITION 1. For those points of the parameter space which satisfy Re (e +f-
a b c) > 0 let the symbol 3F2(a, b, c; e, f) be defined by
F(e)F(f) 3F2 e,f F(e)F(f) 3F2 e,f
and let it then be defined for the other points by analytic continuation.
Using this definition we supply for later application the following.
LEMMA 1. With s e + f a b c there holds
r(e)r(f) 3F= e,f =r(c)r(a+s)r(b+s)
Proof. If Re (s) > 0 and Re (c) > 0 we have from [2] or [5]
(a,b, cl) =r(c)r(a+s)r(b+s),F(e-c,f-c,s)
F(e)F(f) 3F2 e,f
Here the conditions on s and c are needed to ensure the convergence of the hyper-
geometric series of unit argument on the left- and right-hand side, respectively. By
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means of Definition 1 and analytic continuation with respect to the parameters we get
rid of these restrictions, which completes the proof.
written with powers of 1-z rather than z-1 for later convenience, yields for the
coefficients g, the recurrence relation
r(e)r(f) 3F2 e,f
where the connecting constants go(0), gl(0), go(s) still have to be determined while
the other coefficients g,(r) are then given by the recurrence relation
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(r-s+ n)(r+ n)(r+ n- 1)
(3.7) ((r+n- 1){(r+n-2)(2r-s+2n- l+a+b+c)
-ef+ ab+ bc+ ca + a + b+ c+ 1}g,,_l(r)
-(r+ n-2+ a)(r+ n-2 + b)(r+ n-2+ c)g,,_2(r)),
to be used for r 0 with n 2, 3, 4, ,
or for r s with n 1, 2, 3, , and g_l(S) 0.
The connecting constant go(s), which multiplies the (at z 1 singular contribution,
can most conveniently be determined by Darboux’s method [6] as follows. The left-hand
side of (3.6), when written in the form Y uz has coefficients
r(y +
nX-Y 1+O
The leading singular term on the right-hand side of (3.6) is go(s)(1- z) s, which, when
expanded in powers of z by means of the formula
(3.11) (1 z) S_._
y. (-s). Ztl
,=o n!
and written in the form v,z", has coefficients
go(s) F(-s+ n)
(3.12) v. r(-s) r(l+n)
with the asymptotic behavior
(3.13) v. 1+0
as n o. Thus un and v, have, in view of the definition of s according to (1.4), the
same n-dependence of the leading asymptotic term, as expected, and comparison of
the constant factors in (3.9) and (3.13) yields
(3.14) go(s)=r(-s).
This result has been obtained in a different way by Nerlund [8]. More recently such
connection problems have been treated by Naundorf [7] and by Sch5fke and Schmidt
The connecting constants go(0) and gl(0), which appear in the (at z- 1) regular
term, will now be determined. If Re (s)> 0, the singular contribution vanishes and
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In a similar way, if Re (s) > 1, the derivative with respect to z of (3.6) gives
r(a+ 1)r(b + 1)F(c + 1) 1, b+ 1, c+ 1
(3.16) g,(0)
r(e + 1)r(f+ 1)
By analytic continuation with respect to the parameters, Definition 1 and Lemma 1,
we then finally obtain
(3.17) go(0)
F(a+s)F(b+s) 3F2 (e-c,f s
a+s,b+s /’
r(a+ 1)r(b + )r(s- a)
(3.18) g,(O)
r(a+s)r(b+s) 3F2
a+s, b+s -c,s-1)
All the other coefficients g,(r) appearing in (3.6) are now uniquely defined by the
recurrence relation (3.7). On the computer they may efficiently be evaluated in this
way, but for analytical work, in particular the investigation of the so far excluded
exceptional cases when s is equal to an integer, an explicit representation of all the
g, (r) is desirable.
When r=0 we may consider the nth derivative with respect to z of (3.6) and
proceed essentially in the same way as above with gl(0). As a generalization of (3.17),
(3.18) we then immediately obtain
To proceed further, it is convenient to get rid of some factors and to consider y,(r)
defined by
(3.22) n !g,(r) (-1)"r(s -2r- n)y,(r)
rather than g, (r) itself. In view of r {0, s}, the recurrence relation for y, (r) then reads
y.(r) ={(r+n-2)(2n- l+2r-s+a+b+c)
(3.23) -ef+ ab+ bc+ ca + a + b+ c+ 1}y._l(r)
+(s- r- n + 1)(a + r+ n 2)(b + r+ n 2)(c + r+ n 2)y._2(r),
and we are interested in its special solution which, according to (3.14), (3.17), (3.18),
(3.21), has the starting values
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F( a + r)F( b + r)
(3.24) yo(r)
F(a + s)F(b + s) 3F2 (
e c, f c, s
a + s, b + s r)
(3.25) yl(r)
F(a+ r+l)F(b+ r+l)
F(a+s)r(b+s) 3122
a+s, b+s
The factor of y,-l(r) in (3.23) may be rewritten, using the definition of s, as
(n-2)(2n-l+4r-s+a+b+c)-(e+r)(f+r)+(a+ r)(b+r)
+(b+ r)(c+ r)+(c+ r)(a+ r)+ a+ b+c+3r+ l.
We then may see that the recurrence relation for y,(r) can be obtained from that for
y,(0) by the simultaneous substitutions
(3.27) a-a+r, b-b+r, cc+r, ee+r, f-f+r,
and as a consequence,
(3.28) s s- r.
The same is true for the starting values (3.24), (3.25). Since we already know from
(3.19) that
r(a+n)r(b+n) e-c,f -c,
(3.29) yn(0)
F(a+s)F(b+s) a+s, b+s
it follows by the substitutions (3.27)-(3.28) that
r(e)r(f) 3F e,f(a,
b, c
g.(O)(1-z)"+(1-z) Z
where the series on the right-hand side converge inside the circle [z-11= 1 and the
coefficients g.(r), with re {0, s}, are
(3.32) g.(r)=(_l).F(a+r+n)r(b+r+n)r(s-2r-n)
F(a+s)F(b+s)n 3F2 (e-c,f -c,s-r-n)
We may observe that when f= c or e c then the 3F2 on the right-hand side of
(3.32) becomes equal to 1 and the Theorem 1 reduces to the continuation formula for
the 2F1.
The recurrence (3.7) for the quantities (3.32) can also be deduced from the work
of Lewanowicz [4] and is, essentially, a special case of the recursion relation for the
Wilson polynomials.
r(e)r(/) 3
e,f (a, c[ )
Y k,,(1-z)"+(1-z)’ 2 {p.+q. ln(1-z)}(1-)"
=0 =0
where the series on the right-hand side converges inside the circle z- 1[---1 and the
coefficients are
+(-1) +’n! E
(a+t),.(b+t)mm! )
(a + t),,(b +
(4.4) q,, _(_1),
(t+n)!n! t),,3F2(e-c,f-c
r(a)r(b)r(c) b,
r(e)r(f) 3F e,f
(a, cl )
=(l-z)-’ Z
h,,(1-z)"+ Z
{u.+v. ln(1-z)}(1-z)"
where the series on the right-hand side converges inside the circle ]z-1] 1 and the
coefficients are
u. n t(t+
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(-1)t (e-c),,(f-c),,,(-t-n)m
(4.7) {(1 + t+ n- m)+ if(1 + n)- ,(a + n)- (b + n)}
+ (-1)"(+ n)! 2
,=+,,+1 (a-t),(b-t)mm!
v,,=-(-1)’(a-t)t+"(b-t)t+" 3F_ ( )
(4.8) e-c’f-c’-t-n 1
+ n !n a-t,b-t
When 0, the empty sums in (4.1) or (4.5) have to be interpreted as 0.
If f= c or e =c, the formulas in Corollaries 1 and 2 immediately reduce to the
corresponding formulas for the Gaussian hypergeometric function, which appear, apart
from some minor differences of presentation, as (15.3.10)-(15.3.12) in 1], for instance.
Taking the leading terms of (4.1) or (4.5) with 0 we may obtain (1.6) with the
constants K and L as expected and the third connecting constant
M { ab (e c)(f- c)}{2 + 2,(1) ,(a + 1) ,(b + 1)}
+(e-c)(f-c)-ab (Re (c) > -1).
2 (m-1)m(a)r,,(b)
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