Valuation 150723133558 Lva1 App6892
Valuation 150723133558 Lva1 App6892
Valuation 150723133558 Lva1 App6892
Valuation is the technique of estimating and determining the fair price or value of
important to know from the client what the purpose of valuation is.
Buying or Selling Property: - When it is required to buy or sell a property, its
valuation is required.
Taxation: - To assess the tax of a property, its valuation is required. Taxes may
be municipal tax, wealth tax, Property tax etc, and all the taxes are fixed on the
Security of loans or Mortgage: - When loans are taken against the security of the
Compulsory acquisition: - Whenever a property is acquired by law; compensation
property is required.
Partition of property
Value means the worth of a commodity in exchange , and for the sake of
Valuation is an opinion and varies from purpose to purpose. Value can be said to
In order to have value, a commodity must have three essential qualifications, namely:-
b) It must be scarce
Market Value :-
The market value of a property is the amount which can be obtained at any
particular time from the open market if the property is put for sale .
The market value will differ from time to time according to demand and supply.
The market value also changes from time to time for various miscellaneous
ii. Purchaser must be willing to purchase and must be a prudent one who can put
vii. Present and future uses known as potentials are to be taken into account.
Assessed value :-
It is worked out and recorded in the register of local municipal authority and used
for the purpose of determining the property tax payable by the owner.
Forced value:-
Forced value or Distress value is the value paid to seller who is in some kind of
asset. In such cases the transaction materializes due to the low price payable or
Earning value:-
It is the present value of a property duly taking into consideration the income it
Potential value:-
Potential value takes into account future utility, means the value which a property
schemes, division into building plots and the like become actualities.
Scrap value:-
Scrap value may be defined as the values of materials of dismantle buildings.
After the completion of utility period the dismantled materials such as Steel,
timber, bricks and furniture will fetch a certain amount which is called scrap value
of building.
Salvage value:-
The value of building at the end of utility period without being dismantled is called
Another example is a machine after the completion of its usual span of life, may
Scrap value of machine is Positive because it will be used for other purpose.
Insurable value:-
Insurable value relates to the cost to reproduce improvements. Insurance
proceeds for building construction for damages caused by fire, flood or other
Liquidation Value:-
Liquidation Value relates to the concept that the property requires immediate
Liquidation value would result with an abbreviated marketing period such as an
This would not meet the criteria of the market value definition that a reasonable
Book Value:-
Book value is the amount shown in the account book after allowing necessary
The book value of a property at a particular year is the original cost minus the
amount of depreciation allowed per year and will be gradually reduced year to
year and at the end of the utility period of the property, the book value will be only
scrap value.
PRICE: It is cost of commodity plus additional reward to the producer for the
labour and capital invested.
VALUE : It is not inherent in the property itself will be determined in the open
market by following factors
a) Utility of commodity
b) Scarcity as existing
c) Transferability or Marketability
In short,
Cost is a Fact
Price is a policy
Value is an Opinion
vice versa.
Where the supply is highly elastic and quickly adjusts and matches the demand,
increasing level of prosperity and the like will increase the demand for new and
better residential accommodation/shops/offices etc . And the rents will in turn
show an upward tendency.
Restrictions imposed by local and state authorities affect the supply of land and
buildings. Such restrictions may be in the form of development plans, zoning for
laid down floor space index, building bye laws, urban land ceiling act and the like.
Value of land and building tend to rise sharply when inflationary conditions
prevail. Shares, bullions and real estate are of late considered as the only forms
of investment capable of keeping ahead of the eroding worth of rupee.
the value of vacant plots. On the other hand, declaration of green belts,
reservations, possibility of government acquiring land and other such factors will
A plot surrounded on all sides leaving no approach will fetch a lower price as
or tenant occupied and all such pertinent factors affect value of the property.
i.e an old dated building with massive walls, arrangement of rooms not suited in
Reasons of Obsolescence
The method changes depending on whether you are building, buying or selling
There are a number of methods of valuing property, each of which has its
advantages and disadvantages. But, most common are divided in two categories
i) Rental method
“outgoings” are to be deducted from the gross income in order to arrive at the net
Total of outgoings of a property will differ from one case to another, and may vary
in the region of 30 to 55% of the gross rent receivable from the property.
i) Rental Method :
In this method, the net income by way of rent is found out by deducting all
purchase is calculated. This net income multiplied by Year’s Purchase gives the
This method is applicable only when the rent is known or probable rent is
determined by enquiries.
In such cases, the net income is worked out after deducting gross income; all
possible working expense, outgoings, interest on the capital invested etc. The net
In such cases, the valuation may work out to be high in comparison with the cost
of construction.
i) Land and Building method of valuation:-
Land and building method of valuation consists of estimating the cost of building,
depreciated to allow for age of the building on the relevant date of valuation, and
adding to it the fair market value of land on the relevant date of valuation.
This method is suitable when land forming part of the property is not yet utilized
sale in the recent past is taken, and by working out an average, assessment of
Market value of land depends on many factors such as location, size and shape
After deciding the average market value of land in the vicinity, weightage for
various plus and minus factors of the land being valued is considered to arrive at
Front land is always more valuable than land at its rear.
For valuation of large plots of land having considerable depth and where the plot
cannot be subdivided into smaller plots due to legal or situational restraints the
Belting method can be resorted to only for very large plots of say more than 1000
sq.m. In area and having road at one of the smaller side of the plot only.
In the belting method the depth of plot is divided into three belts. The depth of the
first belt having frontage has to be decided considering the nature of land use in
the locality.
Depth of the second belt is usually taken as 50% more than the depth of the first
belt, and remaining land at rear of the second belt is taken as the third belt.
Value per unit of land in the first belt is taken same as the rate of plots of
reasonable size and having depths ideal for the intended land use i.e.
Commercial/residential etc.
Rate of land in the second belt is taken as 66% of the land rate in the first belt.
And for the balance third belt the rate is taken as 50% of the land rate in the first
depreciation in value to account for age of the building, duly allowing for scrap
The account method for calculating cost of a building can be employed where
expenses such as architect’s fees etc. is carefully maintained or where work has
Detailed or item wised method of calculating cost of building involves working out
quantities of all items of work and applying unit rates of each item prevailing on
This is the most accurate method but is laborious and involves a great deal of
vacant land which has gained a building potential due to movement of building
The purpose of this method is to find out the potential value of the land if it is
developed by laying out roads and dividing the land into plots of reasonable size
i) Examine the demand and current market rate for small plots of reasonable size
in the area.
ii) Ensure that there are no encumbrances like “green belt”, or reservations for
iii) Examine rules of development control/town planning departments etc. To find out
minimum widths for colony roads, areas to be set aside for compulsory gardens/
After deducting the area required for roads and other amenities from the area of
land being developed, the balance area multiplied by the expected sale price per
unit area for small plots will yield the likely gross income.
Sinking fund :-
Sinking Fund may be defined as the fund which is gradually accumulated by way
Depreciation is the gradual decrease in the property with time due to structural
deterioration, wear and tear, decay and obsolescence .the value is reduced due
to gradually used reduced due to its use, life, wear & tear.
estimated life’.
Rateable Value:-
Rateable Value is net annual letting value of a property , which is obtainable after
deducting the amount of yearly repairs from gross income. Municipal and other
Annuity is the annual periodic payments for repayment of the capital amount
These payments are either paid at the end of year or at the start of year.
Capital cost:-
Capital cost is the total cost of construction including land, or the original total
income from the property and the highest prevailing rate of interest.
Year’s Purchase
Year’s purchase is defined as the capital sum required to be invested in order to
receive a net receive a net annual income as an annuity of rupee one at a fixed
rate of interest.
The capital sum should be 1×100/rate of interest.
The capital sum should be x(100/rate of interest)
Land value