Annual Planning 2016-2017 1st Semester: Jack and The Beanstalk

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Optional course: English through Stories Vizat Director,

4th Grade
Classes/Week: 1 Vizat Şef Comisie Metodică,

Annual Planning
1st semester

Nr. Unit Content Objectives Classes Week


1. Let’s Tell Tales Familiarizing the pupils with 1 1st

the optional course they are
going to study week

2. My favourite story 1.1 Să înţeleagă semnificaţia S 7 2nd -8th

globală a mesajului scris t
Jack and the Beanstalk 1.2 Sa înţeleagă informaţii cheie
r weeks
dintr-un text u
2.1 Să desprindă sensul global cal
New words in context unui scurt mesaj audiat. t
2.2 Sa reacţioneze adecvat ula
Reading diferite tipuri de mesaje. r
comprehension 3.1 Să reproducă scurte mesaje,e
exercises părţi ale unui mesaj s
„The Story of 4.1 Să exteriorizeze trăirile
Cinderella” Grimm interioare ale perso-najelor prin
gestică, mimică, timbrul vocii,
Brothers mişcare scenică u
Listening t
New words in context
Project: My tale in h
images a
Revision. Evaluation. e

Structures: can, be able to.
Functions: describing
colourful photographs,
describing funny little stories;

3. Trustworthy Friends Structures: demonstrative 1.1. 6 9th-14th

pronouns, opposite adjectives 2.1.
„Little Red Riding (good/bad, beautiful/ugly etc) 2.2. weeks
Hood” Charles Perrault 3.2 Să integreze cuvinte şi expresii
noi în enunţuri proprii
Reading and listening Functions: describing story 3.3 Să emită enunţuri scurte în
New words? Easy! characters situaţii de interacţiune

The Cracow Dragon – 4.1.

adapted by Jenny
4.2 Să se manifeste spontan,
dezinvolt în inter-pretarea
Dooley personajelor
Words in context
Project: My favourite
Revision. Evaluation

4. The Fairies Structures: plural nouns, the 1.1. 4 15th-18th

adjective – word order 1.2.
2.1. weeks
„The Little Mermaid” Functions: describing 2.2.
Van Gool edition supernatural characters 3.1.
Reading and listening 4.1.
New vocabulary
My life as a mermaid
Revision. Evaluation.
2nd semester

Nr. Unit Content Objectives Classes/ Week


1. The Fairies Structures: plural nouns, the 1.1. 3 1st-3rd

adjective – word order 1.2.
2.1. weeks
The Frog Princess - adapted by Functions: describing 2.2.
Jenny Dooley supernatural characters 3.1.

Listening 4.1.
Reading comprehension
Project: My favourite character

2. My Favourite Hero Structures: present simple 6 4th -9th

tense, prepositions 1.2.
The brave little tailor - by 2.1. weeks
Grimm Brothers Fuctions: describing story 2.2.
characters, talking about 3.1.
Listening and reading heroic acts and major events
Words in context 3.3.
Me as a hero
Rapunzel – by Grimm Brothers
Listening and reading
New vocabulary
Project: My Favourite Hero
Revision. Evaluation.

3. A Magic World Structures: present 1.1. 6 10th-16th

continuous tense, 2.2.
Aladdin and the Magic Lamp – prepositions 3.3. weeks
adapted by Jenny Dooley and
Charles Lloyd 4.1.
Functions: writing a letter to
a pen-friend, making up a 4.2
Listening and reading
Words in context story 12th week
My version of the story Scoala altfel:
”Sa stii mai
A Mirror, a Carpet and a Lemon multe, sa fii
– folk tale adapted by Jenny mai bun!”

Listening and reading

New vocabulary
My English Stories Collection -
Revision. Evaluation.

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