SEC. 6. Petition. - A Verified Written Petition For A Writ

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Writ of Habeas Data The writ of habeas data shall be enforceable anywhere
in the Philippines.
Sec. 5. Docket Fees. - No docket and other lawful fees
SECTION 1. Habeas Data. - The writ of habeas data is shall be required from an indigent petitioner. The petition
a remedy available to any person whose right to privacy of the indigent shall be docked and acted upon
in life, liberty or security is violated or threatened by an immediately, without prejudice to subsequent
unlawful act or omission of a public official or employee, submission of proof of indigency not later than fifteen
or of a private individual or entity engaged in the (15) days from the filing of the petition.
gathering, collecting or storing of data or information
regarding the person, family, home and correspondence SEC. 6. Petition. - A verified written petition for a writ
of the aggrieved party. of habeas data should contain:

SEC. 2. Who May File. - Any aggrieved party may file a (a) The personal circumstances of the petitioner
petition for the writ of habeas data. However, in cases of and the respondent;
extralegal killings and enforced disappearances, the
petition may be filed by:
(b) The manner the right to privacy is violated or
threatened and how it affects the right to life,
(a) Any member of the immediate family of the liberty or security of the aggrieved party;
aggrieved party, namely: the spouse, children
and parents; or
(c) The actions and recourses taken by the
petitioner to secure the data or information;
(b) Any ascendant, descendant or collateral
relative of the aggrieved party within the fourth
(d) The location of the files, registers or
civil degree of consanguinity or affinity, in default
databases, the government office, and the
of those mentioned in the preceding paragraph;
person in charge, in possession or in control of
the data or information, if known;

SEC. 3. Where to File. - The petition may be filed with

(e) The reliefs prayed for, which may include the
the Regional Trial Court where the petitioner or
updating, rectification, suppression or
respondent resides, or that which has jurisdiction over
destruction of the database or information or
the place where the data or information is gathered, files kept by the respondent.
collected or stored, at the option of the petitioner.
In case of threats, the relief may include a
The petition may also be filed with the Supreme Court or
prayer for an order enjoining the act complained
the Court of Appeals or the Sandiganbayan when the
of; and
action concerns public data files of government offices.
(f) Such other relevant reliefs as are just and
SEC. 4. Where Returnable; Enforceable. - When the
writ is issued by a Regional Trial Court or any judge
thereof, it shall be returnable before such court or judge.
SEC. 7. Issuance of the Writ. - Upon the filing of the
petition, the court, justice or judge shall immediately
When issued by the Court of Appeals or the
order the issuance of the writ if on its face it ought to
Sandiganbayan or any of its justices, it may be
issue. The clerk of court shall issue the writ under the
returnable before such court or any justice thereof, or to
seal of the court and cause it to be served within three
any Regional Trial Court of the place where the
(3) days from the issuance; or, in case of urgent
petitioner or respondent resides, or that which has necessity, the justice or judge may issue the writ under
jurisdiction over the place where the data or information his or her own hand, and may deputize any officer or
is gathered, collected or stored.
person serve it.

When issued by the Supreme Court or any of its justices,

The writ shall also set the date and time for summary
it may be returnable before such Court or any justice hearing of the petition which shall not be later than ten
thereof, or before the Court of Appeals or the
(10) work days from the date of its issuance.
Sandiganbayan or any of its justices, or to any Regional
Trial Court of the place where the petitioner or
respondent resides, or that which has jurisdiction over SEC. 8. Penalty for Refusing to Issue or Serve the
the place where the data or information is gathered, Writ. - A clerk of court who refuses to issue the writ after
collected or stored. its allowance, or a deputized person who refuses to

serve the same, shall be punished by the court, justice the data or information cannot be divulged to the public
or judge for contempt without prejudice to other due to its nature or privileged character.
disciplinary actions.
Sec. 13. Prohibited Pleadings and Motions. - The
SEC. 9. How the Writ is Served. - The writ shall be following pleadings and motions are prohibited:
served upon the respondent by a judicial officer or by a
person deputized by the court, justice or judge who shall (a) Motion to dismiss;
retain a copy on which to make a return of service. In
case the writ cannot be served personally on the
(b) Motion for extension of time to file return,
respondent, the rules on substituted service shall apply.
opposition, affidavit, position paper and other
SEC. 10. Return; Contents. - The respondent shall file
a verified written return together with supporting (c) Dilatory motion for postponement;
affidavits within five (5) working days from service of the
writ, which period may be reasonably extended by the
Court for justifiable reasons. The return shall, among (d) Motion for a bill of particulars;
other things, contain the following:
(e) Counterclaim or cross-claim;
(a) The lawful defenses such as national
security, state secrets, privileged (f) Third-party complaint;
communications, confidentiality of the source of
information of media and others; (g) Reply;

(b) In case of respondent in charge, in (h) Motion to declare respondent in default;

possession or in control of the data or
information subject of the petition; (i) Intervention;

(i) a disclosure of the data or information (j) Memorandum;

about the petitioner, the nature of such
data or information, and the purpose for
(k) Motion for reconsideration of interlocutory
its collection;
orders or interim relief orders; and
(ii) the steps or actions taken by the
(l) Petition for certiorari, mandamus or
respondent to ensure the security and
prohibition against any interlocutory order.
confidentiality of the data or information;
SEC. 14. Return; Filing. - In case the respondent fails
to file a return, the court, justice or judge shall proceed to
(iii) the currency and accuracy of the
hear the petition ex parte, granting the petitioner such
data or information held; and,
relief as the petition may warrant unless the court in its
discretion requires the petitioner to submit evidence.
(c) Other allegations relevant to the resolution of
the proceeding.
SEC. 15. Summary Hearing. - The hearing on the
petition shall be summary. However, the court, justice or
A general denial of the allegations in the petition shall judge may call for a preliminary conference to simplify
not be allowed. the issues and determine the possibility of obtaining
stipulations and admissions from the parties.
SEC. 11. Contempt. - The court, justice or judge may
punish with imprisonment or fine a respondent who SEC. 16. Judgment. - The court shall render judgment
commits contempt by making a false return, or refusing within ten (10) days from the time the petition is
to make a return; or any person who otherwise disobeys submitted for decision. If the allegations in the petition
or resist a lawful process or order of the court. are proven by substantial evidence, the court shall enjoin
the act complained of, or order the deletion, destruction,
SEC. 12. When Defenses May be Heard in or rectification of the erroneous data or information and
Chambers. - A hearing in chambers may be conducted grant other relevant reliefs as may be just and equitable;
where the respondent invokes the defense that the otherwise, the privilege of the writ shall be denied.
release of the data or information in question shall
compromise national security or state secrets, or when

Upon its finality, the judgment shall be enforced by the The procedure under this Rule shall govern the
sheriff or any lawful officers as may be designated by the disposition of the reliefs available under the writ
court, justice or judge within five (5) working days. of habeas data.

SEC. 17. Return of Service. - The officer who executed SEC. 23. Substantive Rights. - This Rule shall not
the final judgment shall, within three (3) days from its diminish, increase or modify substantive rights.
enforcement, make a verified return to the court. The
return shall contain a full statement of the proceedings SEC. 24. Suppletory Application of the Rules of
under the writ and a complete inventory of the database Court. - The Rules of Court shall apply suppletorily
or information, or documents and articles inspected, insofar as it is not inconsistent with this Rule.
updated, rectified, or deleted, with copies served on the
petitioner and the respondent. SEC. 25. Effectivity. - This Rule shall take effect on
February 2, 2008, following its publication in three (3)
The officer shall state in the return how the judgment newspapers of general circulation.
was enforced and complied with by the respondent, as
well as all objections of the parties regarding the manner a.) Nature and Purpose
and regularity of the service of the writ.
The writ of habeas data is an independent and summary
SEC. 18. Hearing on Officer’s Return. - The court shall remedy designed to protect the image, privacy, honor,
set the return for hearing with due notice to the parties information, and freedom of information of an individual,
and act accordingly. and to provide a forum to enforce one’s right to the truth
and to informational privacy. (Manila Electric Co. v. Lim,
SEC. 19. Appeal. - Any party may appeal from the final G.R. No. 184769, 5 October 2010)
judgment or order to the Supreme Court under Rule 45.
The appeal may raise questions of fact or law or both. It seeks to protect a person’s right to control information
regarding oneself, particularly in instances in which such
The period of appeal shall be five (5) working days from information is being collected through unlawful means in
the date of notice of the judgment or final order. order to achieve unlawful ends. (Roxas v. Arroyo, G.R.
No. 189155, 7 September 2010)
The appeal shall be given the same priority as in habeas
corpus and amparo cases. It must be emphasized that in order for the privilege of
the writ to be granted, there must exist a nexus between
SEC. 20. Institution of Separate Actions. - The filing of the right to privacy on the one hand, and the right to life,
liberty or security on the other. (Gamboa v. Chan, G.R.
a petition for the writ of habeas data shall not preclude
No. 193636, 24 July 2012)
the filing of separate criminal, civil or administrative
Essentially, habeas data allows families of victims of
SEC. 21. Consolidation. - When a criminal action is enforced disappearance to petition the courts to compel
government and security officials to allow access to
filed subsequent to the filing of a petition for the writ, the
documents about the missing person
latter shall be consolidated with the criminal action.

When a criminal action and a separate civil action are b.) Coverage/ Grounds
filed subsequent to a petition for a writ of habeas data,
Issuance of writ of habeas data; requirements
the petition shall be consolidated with the criminal action.

1. The existence of a person’s right to informational privacy

After consolidation, the procedure under this Rule shall
continue to govern the disposition of the reliefs in the 2. An actual or threatened violation of the right to privacy in
petition. life, liberty or security of the victim (proven by at least
substantial evidence)
SEC. 22. Effect of Filing of a Criminal Action. - When
Note that the writ will not issue on the basis merely of an
a criminal action has been commenced, no separate
petition for the writ shall be filed. The relief under the writ alleged unauthorized access to information about a
shall be available to an aggrieved party by motion in the
criminal case.
c.) Proceedings under AM No. 08-1-16-SC

Vivares v. St. Theresa's College the Writ of Habeas Data complements the Writ of
(G.R. No. 202666, September 29, 2014) Amparo, pointed out that:
A group of graduating high school students of St. The writ of habeas data, however, can be availed of as
Theresa's College (STC) while changing into their an independent remedy to enforce one’s right to privacy,
swimsuits during a beach outing took digital pictures of more specifically the right to informational privacy. The
themselves clad only in their undergarments. These remedies against the violation of such right can include
pictures were then uploaded on one of the students the updating, rectification, suppression or destruction of
Facebook profile. the database or information or files in possession or in
Back at the school, a computer teacher at STC’s high control of respondents. Clearly then, the privilege of the
school department, learned from her students that some Writ of Habeas Data may also be availed of in cases
seniors at STC posted pictures online, depicting outside of extralegal killings and enforced
themselves from the waist up, dressed only in disappearances.
brassieres. The teacher then asked her students if they (b) MEANING OF "ENGAGED" IN THE GATHERING,
knew who the girls in the photos are. In turn, they readily COLLECTING OR STORING OF DATA OR
identified them. INFORMATION - The provision, when taken in its proper
Using STC’s computers, the teachers students logged in context, as a whole, irresistibly conveys the idea that
to their respective personal Facebook accounts and habeas data is a protection against unlawful acts or
showed her photos of the identified students, which omissions of public officials and of private individuals or
include them: (a) Drinking hard liquor and smoking entities engaged in gathering, collecting, or storing data
cigarettes inside a bar; and (b) Along the streets of Cebu about the aggrieved party and his or her
wearing articles of clothing that show virtually the correspondences, or about his or her family. Such
entirety of their black brassieres. What is more, the individual or entity need not be in the business of
teachers students claimed that there were times when collecting or storing data.
access to or the availability of the identified students’ To "engage" in something is different from undertaking a
photos was not confined to the girls’ Facebook friends, business endeavour. To "engage" means "to do or take
but were, in fact, viewable by any Facebook user. part in something." It does not necessarily mean that the
Upon discovery, the teacher reported the matter and, activity must be done in pursuit of a business. What
through one of her student’s Facebook page, showed matters is that the person or entity must be gathering,
the photos to STC’s Discipline-in-Charge, for appropriate collecting or storing said data or information about the
action. Thereafter, following an investigation, STC found aggrieved party or his or her family. Whether such
the identified students to have deported themselves in a undertaking carries the element of regularity, as when
manner proscribed by the school’s Student Handbook. one pursues a business, and is in the nature of a
personal endeavour, for any other reason or even for no
As punishment, STC enjoined the group of graduating reason at all, is immaterial and such will not prevent the
students from joining the commencement exercises. writ from getting to said person or entity.
The parents of the group of students filed an action for (c) PRIVACY ON FACEBOOK - To address concerns
violation of the right to privacy and the issuance of a writ about privacy, but without defeating its purpose,
of habeas data. Facebook was armed with different privacy tools
ISSUE: designed to regulate the accessibility of a user’s profile
whether or not a writ of habeas data should be issued as well as information uploaded by the user. In H v. W,
given the factual milieu. the South Gauteng High Court recognized this ability of
the users to "customize their privacy settings," but did so
whether or not there was indeed an actual or threatened with this caveat: "Facebook states in its policies that,
violation of the right to privacy in the life, liberty, or although it makes every effort to protect a user’s
security of the minors involved in this case. information, these privacy settings are not foolproof."
Before one can have an expectation of privacy in his or
HELD: her OSN activity, it is first necessary that said user, in
this case the children of petitioners, manifest the
intention to keep certain posts private, through the
employment of measures to prevent access thereto or to
limit its visibility. And this intention can materialize in
stress, was designed "to safeguard individual freedom
cyberspace through the utilization of the OSN’s privacy
from abuse in the information age." As such, it is tools. In other words, utilization of these privacy tools is
erroneous to limit its applicability to extralegal killings the manifestation, in cyberworld, of the user’s invocation
and enforced disappearances only. In fact, the
of his or her right to informational privacy.
annotations to the Rule prepared by the Committee on
the Revision of the Rules of Court, after explaining that Therefore, a Facebook user who opts to make use of a
privacy tool to grant or deny access to his or her post or

profile detail should not be denied the informational to make the photos visible only to them or to a select
privacy right which necessarily accompanies said few. Without proof that they placed the photographs
choice. Otherwise, using these privacy tools would be a subject of this case within the ambit of their protected
feckless exercise, such that if, for instance, a user zone of privacy, they cannot now insist that they have an
uploads a photo or any personal information to his or her expectation of privacy with respect to the photographs in
Facebook page and sets its privacy level at "Only Me" or question.
a custom list so that only the user or a chosen few can Had it been proved that the access to the pictures
view it, said photo would still be deemed public by the posted were limited to the original uploader, through the
courts as if the user never chose to limit the photo’s "Me Only" privacy setting, or that the user’s contact list
visibility and accessibility. Such position, if adopted, will has been screened to limit access to a select few,
not only strip these privacy tools of their function but it through the "Custom" setting, the result may have been
would also disregard the very intention of the user to different, for in such instances, the intention to limit
keep said photo or information within the confines of his access to the particular post, instead of being
or her private space. broadcasted to the public at large or all the user’s friends
Considering that the default setting for Facebook posts en masse, becomes more manifest and palpable.
is"Public," it can be surmised that the photographs in (d) CYBER RESPONSIBILITY - It has been said that
question were viewable to everyone on Facebook, "the best filter is the one between your children’s ears."
absent any proof that petitioners’ children positively This means that self-regulation on the part of OSN users
limited the disclosure of the photograph. If suchwere the and internet consumers in general is the best means of
case, they cannot invoke the protection attached to the avoiding privacy rights violations. As a cyberspace
right to informational privacy. The ensuing community member, one has to be proactive in
pronouncement in US v. Gines-Perez44 is most protecting his or her own privacy. It is in this regard that
instructive: many OSN users, especially minors, fail. Responsible
"person who places a photograph on the Internet social networking or observance of the "netiquettes" on
precisely intends to forsake and renounce all privacy the part of teenagers has been the concern of many due
rights to such imagery, particularly under circumstances to the widespread notion that teenagers can sometimes
such as here, where the Defendant did not employ go too far since they generally lack the people skills or
protective measures or devices that would have general wisdom to conduct themselves sensibly in a
controlled access to the Web page or the photograph public forum.
itself." It is, thus, incumbent upon internet users to exercise due
Also, United States v. Maxwell46 held that "[t]he more diligence in their online dealings and activities and must
open the method of transmission is, the less privacy one not be negligent in protecting their rights. Equity serves
can reasonably expect. Messages sent to the public at the vigilant. Demanding relief from the courts, as here,
large in the chat room or e-mail that is forwarded from requires that claimants themselves take utmost care in
correspondent to correspondent loses any semblance of safeguarding a right which they allege to have been
privacy." violated. These are indispensable. We cannot afford
That the photos are viewable by "friends only" does not protection to persons if they themselves did nothing to
necessarily bolster the petitioners’ contention. place the matter within the confines of their private zone.
OSN users must be mindful enough to learn the use of
It is well to emphasize at this point that setting a post’s privacy tools, to use them if they desire to keep the
or profile detail’s privacy to "Friends" is no assurance information private, and to keep track of changes in the
that it can no longer be viewed by another user who is available privacy settings, such as those of Facebook,
not Facebook friends with the source of the content. The especially because Facebook is notorious for changing
user’s own Facebook friend can share said content or these settings and the site's layout often.
tag his or her own Facebook friend thereto, regardless of
whether the user tagged by the latter is Facebook In finding that respondent STC and its officials did not
friends or not with the former. Also, when the post is violate the minors' privacy rights, We find no cogent
shared or when a person is tagged, the respective reason to disturb the findings and case disposition of the
Facebook friends of the person who shared the post or court a quo.
who was tagged can view the post, the privacy setting of
which was set at "Friends."
In sum, there can be no quibbling that the images in
question, or to be more precise, the photos of minor
students scantily clad, are personal in nature, likely to
affect, if indiscriminately circulated, the reputation of the
minors enrolled in a conservative institution. However,
the records are bereft of any evidence, other than bare
assertions that they utilized Facebook’s privacy settings

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