Sukses Menyusui Dengan Pijat Oketani

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S1 Nursing Study Program Faculty of
Nursing and Health
Sciences University of
Muhammadiyah Semarang Email:
[email protected]

Breastfeeding is a pleasant psychological experience for a mother. Some mothers experience difficulties and
failures of breastfeeding with the reason that breast milk has not come out, little milk or nipple blisters that
make mothers afraid to breastfeed. Some mothers need special breast care to facilitate the lactation process.
Oketani massage is one method of breast care that does not cause pain. Oketani massage can stimulate the
power of the pectoralis muscle to increase milk production and make the breasts softer and elastic so that the
baby can suck the milk. Octane massage will also provide overall relief and comfort to the respondent, improve
the quality of breast milk, prevent the nipple blisters and mastitis and can improve / reduce lactation problems
caused by a flat nipple, inverted nipples. Ohno, et al (2001) explained that an increase in protein levels is
caused by an increase in the activity of the protease enzyme stimulated by massage on the tissues and mammary
glands. Increased protease enzyme activity can increase protein synthesis. Oketani massage can also cause the
mammary glands to become mature and wider, so that the milk glands are increasing and the milk produced is
also more abundant.

A. Introduction increase bonding between mother and

Breastfeeding is the best way to meet baby while supporting children's physical
nutritional needs for baby's growth and and mental growth naturally. Oketani
development. Breast milk participates in massage can help nursing mothers
cognitive, sensory, motoric development overcome difficulties when breastfeeding
and provides protection against infections their babies. Oketani massage can
and chronic diseases. Breast milk provide comfort and relieve pain in
production is influenced by hormonal postpartum mothers. The body of a
factors (prolactin and oxytocin), food postpartum mother becomes more
intake, maternal psychological conditions, relaxed. This is different from
breast care, frequency of suckling babies, conventional breast massage. Octane
consumption of drugs / hormonal massage will make the breasts softer, the
contraception (Kompas, 2013). Breast areola and nipples become more elastic,
care will stimulate the breast and affect making it easier for the baby to suckle.
hypopise to release more of the hormone Milk flow is more smooth because there
progesterone, estrogen and oxytocin. The is emphasis on the alveoli (Kabir &
hormone oxytocin will cause contractions Tasnim, 2009). Machmudah and
in other cells around the alveoli so that Khayatil, 2013 explained that the
milk flows down to the putting. combination of oketani massage and
Oketani Massage is a unique breast care oxytocin can increase milk production
that was first popularized by Sotomi seen in the parameters of the frequency
Oketani from Japan and has been of suckling babies, frequency of bowel
implemented in several countries movements and BAK. In 2014,
including Korea, Japan and Bangladesh. Machmudah, Khayati and Isworo also
Sotomy explains that breastfeeding can explained that Oketani massage can
increase the composition of protein and
carbohydrates in breast milk.
B. Breast Anatomy
In the Oketani massage technique, the This binding network supports elasticity and
breasts are divided into two, namely spontaneously develops and contracts to
the left side and the right side. The accommodate physiological functions of the breast.
first perpendicular line is pulled from Fascia acts as the base of the breast. If the
the putting to the breast line. Use this base loses its elasticity for any reason, a
as a baseline with an area of 105º major pectoral fascial fracture will appear. If
measured on both sides and named B breast milk is not excreted in conditions such
and C. A stands for the remaining as the pressure in the breast rises, venous
150º at the top of both breasts, B blood circulation will be disrupted and the
stands for the inside of the right side mammary blood vessels become dense. At
of the breast and the left outer side of the same time the areola and nipple become
the breast, while C stands on the side indurated (hardened). The manual Oketani
outside the right breast and the side in technique dissolves the disorder by
the left breast. Both B and C are 105º separating the separation of adhesion
on each side. Then each part A, B and between the breast base manually and the
C is divided into three parts. In both main pectoral fascia to help restore normal
the left and right breasts. Part A is breast function. This technique is called
divided into three equal parts 1, 2, and opening depth.mammae. The basic breast
3 in a clockwise direction, while parts mechanism is push ups and pull ups. The
B and C are divided equally from top idea is to mobilize the breast from its base
to bottom (1), (2) and (3). Namely, B- toits increasevascularity and thereby
(3) and C- (3) are close to each other increase milk flow.
and specify limits B and C in the
middle. B (3) and C- (3) are located D. Characteristics of Oketani Massage: Oketani
on the breast axis that supports when 1. massage does not cause discomfort or
standing. pain.
2. Patients can immediately feel recovered
and relieved (comfort and relief).
3. Can improve the lactation process
regardless of the size or shape of the
breast and nipples of the patient
4. Improve the quality of breast milk.
5. Can repair nipple deformities such as
inversion or putting flat.
6. Can prevent injuries to the nipples and
(Kabir & Tasnim, 2009; Machmudah et al,
Image: Breast Anatomy based onMassage
Oketanisource: Kabir, 2009 E. Steps of Oxide Massage (Kabir & Tasnim,
2009; Jeongsug, et al, 2012)
a. Step I:

C. Basic Implementation of Oketani Massage Push area C and pull it up (direction

Breast consists of mammary glands that are A1) and B2 using the third finger of
surrounded by skin, connective tissue and the right hand and the little finger of
adipose tissue. Posteriorly, the mammary the left hand towards the shoulder.
gland is loosely connected to the inner fascia Image:.
of the pectoralis major. The breast can
move against the pectoralis of the thoracic
and muscular major. The location of the
breast is bound by connective tissue to the
skin and chest muscles.
bStep II: e. Step V:
Push towards C 1-2 and pull it up Pull the breast towards the
from the center of A (1-2) using the practitioner with his right hand
fingers of both hands towards the while gently rotating it from the
left armpit. upper edge to hold the lower
Picture: margin of the breast as step 4.

c. Step III:

Push C (2) and pull it up A (3) and

B (1) by using the finger and thumb
f. Step VI:
of the right hand and the third
finger of the left hand placing the Pull the breast towards the
thumb above the second joint of the practitioner with the left hand of
right thumb. Then push and pull the chili turning it gently from
parallel to the opposite breast. upper edge to grip margin below
Push and pull numbers (1 breast like technique no
), (2) and (3) used to separate the 5. This is the procedure opposite to
hard part of the breast from the step no..
fascia of the main pectoralis.

dStep IV: g.Step VII: Break

Pressing the entire breast towards down the breast towards the
the umbilicus places the right practitioner with his left hand
thumb on C (1), middle, third, and while gently rotating it from the
the little finger on the B side and upper edge to hold the lower
the left thumb on C (1), middle, margin of the breast like
third, and pinkie on the side A. manipulation 5. This is a procedure
Picture: contrary to operation (5). Manual
procedures (5) and (6) are
techniques for isolating the hard
base part of C-breast (2) to C (1)
from the main pectoralis fascia.
by massage on the tissues and mammary
glands. Increased protease enzyme
activity can increase protein synthesis.
Oketani massage can also cause the
mammary glands to become mature and
wider, so that the milk glands are
F. Discussion increasing and the milk produced is also
Breastfeeding is the entire breastfeeding more abundant. Ohno et al (2001) also
process from breast milk produced to the explained that oketani massage would
baby's process of sucking and ingesting cause decreased lipoxygenase activity.
breast milk (Roesli, 2010). Breastfeeding Lipoxygenase is an enzyme - an enzyme
has many advantages for both mother and that catalyzes the addition of oxygen to
baby. Breast milk is the most suitable unsaturated fats and can affect the
food for the digestive capacity of babies development and development of cancer
because babies can absorb breast milk in humans. (Machmudah, 2014).
well, never constipation, diarrhea and give
satisfaction to babies. Breast milk is also Foda et al (2004) also explained that
free from germs because breast milk octane massage can increase the
contains antibodies so that babies who get production of the hormone prolactin and
breast milk are rarely sick and allergic oxytocin. Prolactin is responsible for the
compared to babies who get formula milk. production of breast milk in the alveoli,
Babies who get ASI will get the while the hormone oxytocin can
opportunity to be held by their mothers stimulate the mammary glands to secrete
who can facilitate the affection of mother breast milk. From the explanation above,
and baby (attachment). it can be concluded that oketani massage
in addition to increasing the amount of
After the mother shows the right ASI production can also improve the
breastfeeding and implementation quality of breast milk, namely the levels
position, some mothers need further of protein and carbohydrates of breast
assistance to improve and improve the milk.
lactation process. One of them is by
giving Oketani massage to nursing Yuliati et al. (2017) explained that
mothers. Oketani massage can stimulate oketani massage would cause the
the development of the baby's physical mammary glands to become more mature
and mental health, improve the mood and and wide so that milk production could
sleep patterns of the baby with the increase.
increased quality of breast milk secreted.

Oketani massage is a management skill to

deal with lactation problems such as Bibliography
inadequate milk production, breast Foda. Et al (2004). Composition of Milk
swelling. Oketani massage will cause the Obtained From Unmassaged Versus
breasts to become soft, supple and the Massaged Breasts of Lactating Mothers.
areola to become more elastic, the Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology
lactiferous ducts and nipples also become and Nutrition 38:484–487
more elastic. All breasts become more
flexible and produce good quality milk Jeongsug., Hye Young., Sukhee & Myeong
because of the total content of solids, the Soo. (2012). Effects of Oketani Breast
concentration of fat and gross energy Massage on Breast Pain, the Breast Milk
increases. Ohno, et al (2001) explained pH of Mothers and The Sucking Speed of
that an increase in protein levels is caused Neonates. Journal of Korean J Women
by an increase in the activity of the Health Nurs , Vol 18 No. 2, 149-158
protease enzyme stimulated
Kabir & Tasnim. (2009). Oketani Lactation
Management: A New Method to
Augment Breast Milk. Journal of
Bangladesh College of Physicians and
Surgeon, Vol. 27, No. 3
Machmudah & Khayati. (2013). The
production of breast milk in postpartum
mothers is carried out with oxytocin and
octane massage in the city of Semarang.

Machmudah ,. Khayati ,. Isworo. (2014).

Chemical composition of breast milk in
postpartum mothers performed by
oxytocin and octane massage in the city
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the Oketani breast massage method (PhD
thesis). Nagano, Japan: Shinshu

Yuliati, et al. 2017. The impact of the

combination of rolling and exercise massage in
prolactin the level and breast milk production
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Belitung Nursing Journal. 2017 August; 3 (4):

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