R, Arbqrql (, Sail (: 3Fltf, (
R, Arbqrql (, Sail (: 3Fltf, (
R, Arbqrql (, Sail (: 3Fltf, (
TDS CPC, Aaykar Bhawan, Sector - 3, Vaishali, Ghaziabad, U.P. ' 201010
3flTf,{ siti"i, terr -r, teffi, arBqrql(, sail{ $*?r-201010
Tetephone: 0120-1811600 (Totl Free): 18001030311 fu:0120-1811600 (dd fr1: TOOruSOSl+
Website:.lll):l.i::.,..1rL!!rllr...(li) .iti Email ID: L:i!l.rll.t:.t.!,!.1..!:,) i.rl'.r..i..i1r....(.1.11..l-t
TDS Form Number Token Number Date of Filing of Regular Statement Order Pass Date
This is to give you a norice that a sum of Rs. 36.30.860.00 ( including inte rest ) has been determined to be payable by you in respect of statement
filed by you as above
The sum has been determined u/s 2004 ofthe Income Tax Act. 1961 in respect ofthe TDS statement as considered above. The details
given in the .Justification Report' which is available in your account on TRACES (1!\uf .t.1se[c;i8!.]!). The brief summary of sum payable
is mentioned as belou on sample basis:
claimed tns'l
| ** | | n-o,-t | 'Interest / others' I I
l"l,;;;;;;..*,,, |
I : I lnt.r.rr on pxymcnts default tL/s
I rt.t |Inlerestonshonpayment
| 0.00|
| 000|
|I I lT:':.
l,orrrAr/"o6c{7) I| II II I
J. The defaults at S1. No. 1 and 2 in the table above are on account of the fact that you have either not deducted or not paid or after so deducting,
failed to pay the whole or any part of the ta\ as per the Income Tax Act, 1961 . Ybu are requested to pay the default amount as per Sl. No. I ' 2,
3(a) & (a)in the table above, within the calendai month of the order pass date. In case of further delay in payment, you are advised to recalculate
the interest under section 201(lA) for Sl. No. 3(a) & a(a) and pay accordingly
3.1 please note that as you pay the defaults at Sl. No. I & 2, the conesponding interest would reduce & the'Interest on Late Payment / Deduction
shall be appropriately calculated
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