RFP App A Solar Technical Specification
RFP App A Solar Technical Specification
RFP App A Solar Technical Specification
Acronyms and Abbreviations
AC alternating current
A ampere
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
CPT control power transformer
DC direct current
DR Distributed Resources
EL electroluminescence
EN European Standard
EPS Electric Power System
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
kW kilowatt
kWh kilowatt hour
LPS lightning protection system
mil unit of measurement for length (thousandth of an inch)
MW megawatt
MWAC megawatt alternating current
NEC National Electric Code
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
O&M operation and maintenance
PCB polychlorinated biphenyl
PCC Point of Common Coupling
PV photovoltaic
PVC polyvinyl chloride
PVEL PV Evolution Labs
List of Appendices to Appendix A
A-1 Not Used
A-3 Permit-Matrix
Technical Specification
This is Appendix A - Solar Photovoltaic Resources 2016 – Technical Specification, which
will subsequently become a contract document, as a supplement to the TURNKEY
Agreement”). Capitalized terms used and not defined herein have the meanings given in the
Agreement unless the context requires otherwise.
c. In compliance with the terms of the contract documents, the operating guidelines, the
Utility’s interconnection requirements (RFP Appendix A-2 – Interconnection
Agreement), and all applicable laws, standards, and permits.
d. Approved as to form, use, and content by all government authorities and private entities
authorized to administer or enforce any building, electrical, or construction code or
standard whose approval of the final design of the Plant, or any portion thereof, is
necessary for the construction, operation, or interconnection of the Plant.
A-1.1 Performance Characterization
The predicted PV system performance estimate must be provided in RFP Appendix A-8 and
is based on the performance characterization data in RFP Appendix C-1 or C-2. The
predicted PV system performance information that is to be provided shall include the PVSyst
report, the 12X24 output in an Excel format, and an 8760 output in an Excel format.
Contractor shall guarantee the energy performance of the Plant as set forth in RFP Appendix
A-1.2 Permitting
Contractor shall apply for and obtain all permits and authorizations necessary for
construction of the Plant, as per the attached permitting matrix (RFP Appendix A-3). Copies
of all applicable permits will be provided to Owner within 5 business days after they are
obtained or completed.
Installation of the monitoring system, meteorological station, and revenue grade metering
Contractor shall provide all utilities necessary during construction, including but not limited
to electricity, water, toilets, fuel and communications. Contractor shall be responsible for all
costs associated with construction power. The following sections and associated appendices
describe the scope of work and technical specification for the Plant.
A-3.6.4 Fencing
Contractor shall utilize temporary fencing whenever an existing fence is removed and as
necessary to maintain security and prevent the movement of livestock. Contractor shall
provide a minimum setback of 30 feet between the perimeter fence line and the solar panels
and project substation. Fencing shall meet PacifiCorp design standards of Appendix A-7.10 -
PacifiCorp Engineering Handbook, Part 6B.5 Fence Application and Construction.
A-3.6.5 Site Finish Grade
Contractor shall leave the Site in a clean condition upon completion of the work. Efforts shall
be made to restore area to a clean condition as soon as practical. Contractor shall remove all
trash, debris, and stockpiles. The Site access roads shall be returned to a condition that meets
the original specification by repairing road damage such as ruts, gouges, and weather damage
that may have occurred during the course of construction.
The Site finish grade within the equipment footprint and in areas required for operation and
maintenance of the Plant shall be fully stabilized in a manner that meets or exceeds local
county requirements.
Provisions of the SWPPP for final storm water drainage shall be implemented.
Contractor shall seed and mulch all areas of the Plant Site that have been disturbed beyond
the permanent portion of the Site and access road, per the SWPPP.
A-3.7 Plant Design and State Requirements
Any technical requirements under any applicable state incentive program shall be met by the
contractor. For example, any technical requirements under the State of Utah Energy Office
incentive structure shall be met by the contractor.
A-3.7.1 Electrical Engineering
Contractor shall provide all electrical engineering design services, meeting applicable codes
and standards and the requirements of the interconnecting utility.
The engineering and design shall include the appropriate sizing and cabling (above and
below ground) that will connect all applicable equipment to the point of interconnection. The
Plant electrical system shall be designed for electrical system losses on the DC wiring system
to be no more than 2 percent and losses on the AC wiring system no more than 2 percent. In
the event that the Contractor proposes a direct current (VDC) system greater than 1,000 volts,
then the Contractor is responsible for determining if the authority having jurisdiction will
allow use of same and to design accordingly.
All protection equipment used throughout the system shall be sized and specified to reduce
damage to all components to the utility interconnection point in the event of electrical failure.
The aboveground portion of the electrical systems shall be neatly routed to facilitate access,
troubleshooting, maintenance, etc.
Trench depth for electrical wires shall be as follows:
Bottom of trench ~ 3.5 feet typical for DC trench
Bottom of trench ~ 4 feet below finish grade for AC trench (28kV)
Bottom of trench ~ 5 feet below finish grade if both DC and AC (28kV) in same space
The electrical design shall include the design of equipment grounding and lightning and
surge protection for the entire Plant Site. Contractor shall provide a comprehensive surge
protection system and provide a lightning risk assessment. The results of the lightning risk
assessment and consultation with PacifiCorp will be the basis for determining the extent of
the lightning protection system (LPS) that is required.
An arc flash study shall be performed per Appendix A-7.12 - PacifiCorp Generation
Engineering New Generation Plant Construction Standard, Arc Flash Hazard
Contractor shall design and specify all communications hardware and software required for
system protection and remote monitoring and control. All monitoring and communication
supplemental equipment and cabling shall be designed and specified by Contractor, subject
to Owner review.
The power delivered to the grid must at all times meet the interconnect requirements for
power factor. A one-line drawing is required illustrating the power factor control strategy.
A-3.8 Communication System
Contractor shall procure and install a SCADA system as required in the Interconnection
Contractor shall install communications systems as required by the Interconnection
Contractor shall install communications systems as required in Section A-3.9 Security.
Contractor shall supply all equipment necessary to connect to Transmission Provider’s
fiberoptic cable for each of the communications described in this section.
A-3.8.1 Communications System Testing and Warranty
Contractor shall test the installed communication system to demonstrate its ability to meet
the requirements of its intended use. Testing shall be performed when the final system
interconnections have been made.
A-3.9 Security
Contractor shall provide a security system for the Plant. The security system around the
perimeter shall include a 7-foot-high chain link fence with 1-foot top guard (total 8-foot high)
of three strands of nine-gage barbed wire. The perimeter fence shall include three locked
gates: two with a width of 20 feet for vehicles and one pedestrian entrance with a width of
4 feet. Fencing shall meet guidelines in section A-3.6.4 Fencing. Contractor shall utilize
temporary fencing whenever an existing fence is removed and as necessary to maintain
security and prevent the movement of livestock.
Perimeter signage shall be provided by Owner and installed by Contractor in accordance with
Owner standards. Signage shall be installed every 65 feet along the perimeter fence and on
all gates. Signage shall be installed five feet above ground level.
Signage that will be provided by the Owner will include the following:
No Trespassing
SI# 8252306
Mounting Hardware
SI# 7999092
that may be provided by the Security Sub-Contractor may include the furnishing and
installation of wiring, cabling, labor, tools, equipment, and ancillary materials required
for a complete and operational security system. At minimum, it is expected the Security
Sub-Contractor will provide the following equipment: cameras, network DVRs, and any
specialized security communications equipment.
f. Contractor shall be responsible for the furnishing and installation of all necessary
conduit, 120 volt alternating current (Vac) power extensions for all Security related
equipment. Contractor to allocate a minimum or (3) three each – 1” conduits from each
Inverter Pad.
g. Contractor shall provide a free standing weather proof enclosure with adequate space
required for Security Control Equipment as specified by the Security Sub-Contractor.
Contractor may also install the solar facility SCADA equipment, in accordance with
Section A-4.12, within the same enclosure.
h. Installation of telephone lines, and/or cellular modem(s), and/or local area network for
the interconnectivity of all related Security System Equipment.
i. Contractor shall provide fiber optic cable for Security System Communications. Fiber
optic cable shall consist of a minimum of (4) four fiber strands between each inverter
pad. Security fiber strands provided can be included in the fiber optic cabling that is
provided as part of the SCADA Communications System.
j. The system shall be complete, tested, and fully operational. Prior to construction,
Contractor shall provide the following:
i. Descriptive statement and single-line block diagram to show how all related
equipment will interface and operate as a complete system.
ii. Product data: manufacturer’s technical data sheets on each product to be used.
iii. Drawings, including plans, elevations, equipment mounting heights, and
dimensions required to show devices’ locations and demonstrate accessibility
compliance in accordance with referenced documents.
iv. Detailed schematic wiring diagrams for all system devices; wiring information shall
include cable type, conductor routings, quantities, and connection details at devices.
v. Manufacturer’s user’s manuals for operations, administration, installation, and
A-3.9.1 Security System Installation
All system components and appurtenances shall be installed in accordance with the
manufacturer’s specifications, referenced practices, guidelines, and applicable codes. All
necessary interconnections, services, and adjustments shall be furnished as required for a
complete and operable system as specified. Control signal, communications, and data
transmission line grounding shall be installed as necessary to preclude ground loops, noise,
and surges from adversely affecting system operation.
All security system wiring shall be installed in dedicated conduit throughout. Cable shall not
be pulled into conduits or placed in raceways, compartments, outlet boxes, junction boxes, or
similar fittings with other wiring. All low-voltage wiring outside the control console,
cabinets, boxes, and similar enclosures shall be plenum rated where required by code.
All wiring conductors connected to terminal strips shall be individually numbered and each
cable or wiring group being extended from a panel or cabinet to a building-mounted device
shall be identified with the name and number of the particular device as identified and shown
on the drawings.
A-4 Equipment
A-4.1 Equipment Supply
As described in detail throughout this document, Contractor shall purchase and furnish to the
Site all material required to complete the Plant, including the following material:
Miscellaneous steel
Support steel posts
Components (nuts, bolts, clamps, etc.)
PV modules
Fixed tilt racking or single axis tracker equipment (as applicable) and components
DC cabling and combiner boxes
DC junction boxes
AC cabling
Power centers, including inverters
Electrical switchgear
Meteorological station
Remotely accessible data acquisition system
All materials related to drainage required by the civil engineering plan
All electrical conduit and junction boxes
Concrete equipment pads
Fencing, gates, lighting, security cameras, and security camera recording equipment
Communications structure (if required)
Each item of equipment to be supplied by Contractor shall be subject to inspection and
testing during and upon completion of its fabrication and installation as per PacifiCorp
Facility Connection (Interconnection) Requirements for Distribution Systems (34.5 kilovolts
and below).
Contractor shall provide the manufacturer’s flash test data for all modules to Owner upon
procurement of modules.
Prior to the arrival of equipment and materials at the Site, the Contractor shall install a
fenced, secured area and provide security for the storage of such equipment and materials.
Contractor shall notify Owner of the location and layout of intended staging areas, parking
areas, storage areas, office areas, workshops, and other temporary facilities. Temporary
construction roads and staging areas not converted to permanent roads (if any) shall be
restored in accordance with all permit requirements.
Contractor shall be responsible for receiving and storing all freight at the Site in a secure
Installed equipment and materials shall be new, of good quality and suitable grade for the
intended purpose, and not a lower grade or quality than specified in the design and
engineering plans or in manufacturers’ recommendations. Where applicable, utility-grade
equipment shall be used. Commercial- or residential-grade equipment shall not be
acceptable. No equipment shall utilize polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).
If Contractor proposes to use equipment that is non-utility grade, it is the responsibility of
Contractor to identify the equipment and report it to PacifiCorp for approval. It is the
responsibility of Contractor to identify any equipment using SF6 gas. It is the responsibility
of Contractor to identify any proposed batteries and provide quantities and associated data
sheets. It is the responsibility of Contractor to provide data sheets and quantities on any
proposed chemicals used on the Plant. Contractor shall provide a list of all major equipment
to be purchased, constructed, and installed as part of the Plant. The list shall identify both the
items and quantities.
Contractor shall submit to Owner grounding and lightning calculations for assurance of safe
step and touch potentials on the Site, in accordance with Owner’s standards. Contractor shall
conduct a ground resistivity test, with opportunity for witness by Owner as provided in the
Agreement, to verify that the grounding system meets minimum requirements for the overall
grounding scheme. Interior fencing (including without limitation internal fences around
interconnection equipment and inverters) shall be installed and grounded and substation
grounding shall be done in accordance with PacifiCorp Engineering Handbook Parts 6B.5
and 6B.6. Fencing around the perimeter of the overall Plant Site shall not need to meet the
aforementioned Handbook standards, but shall be grounded in accordance with local codes.
Perimeter fences shall not be shared with the substation fence and shall be at least 30 feet
from the fence around the interconnection equipment. A ground grid meeting the
requirements of IEEE 80 shall be installed in the area of the interconnection equipment.
Designs are to be provided by a recognized expert LPS design firm, supplier, or professional
engineering firm, and are to be submitted to the Owner.
All components of the LPS shall be in compliance with the selected system design standard
Careful consideration must be given to the design and placement of all air terminals so as to
have no shadowing effect on PV panels.
REC Solar
Solar Frontier
m. Demonstrate batch consistency by documenting that the batch of modules proposed for
this project meets performance requirements. A minimum of five modules shall be tested
to ensure performance and reliability under accelerated lifetime tests. Documentation
shall include flash test results and EL images before and after the tests shown in Figure 1.
Costs of the modules, shipping, testing, and summary report are the responsibility of the
Contractor. The documentation of the batch, module sampling, EL imaging, flash testing,
and summary report shall be provided to the Owner.
Note that the Owner, at its sole discretion, may randomly select up to 20 PV modules used in
the Plant for delivery to a third party for quality verification testing. The costs of such
verification testing will be the responsibility of Owner. Owner reserves the right to refuse the
Bidder’s proposed module if the independent tests indicate performance, workmanship, batch
quality, or reliability issues.
>120 0.16
Continuous Continuous
88 - 110 Continuous Operation
Operation Operation
70 - 88 20 Mandatory Operation 21
50 - 70 10 Mandatory Operation 11
Notwithstanding the above, the inverter and associated system shall meet all requirements
specified in the Interconnection Agreement. Contractor shall notify Owner at least two
weeks prior to factory acceptance tests that will be performed to demonstrate these
capabilities. Owner, or its representative, shall have the opportunity to witness factory
acceptance tests.
c. Carry a minimum 5-year standard warranty with options for at least a 20-year extended
d. Be designed for a 30-year lifetime, assuming regular maintenance (including replacement
of inverter components).
e. Have a maximum harmonic distortion less than 3 percent of total harmonic distortion at
rated power output.
Buildings, storage facilities, and enclosures shall be provided to the extent that protection is
needed; the environment needs to be maintained for the long-term reliability, availability, and
operation of the equipment; or that it is required by law or the Interconnection Agreement.
Inverter manufacturer shall:
a) Be certified to ISO 9001and ISO 14001 standards.
b) Be regarded as a Tier 1 Supplier.
c) Shall have supplied a minimum of 50 MW capacity in utility-scale projects located in
North America
Acceptable inverter vendors are:
a) ABB
b) Advanced Energy
c) Bonfiglioli
d) Eaton
e) General Electric
f) Schneider Electric
g) SMA
h) Solectria
torque tubes, support attachments, module mounting brackets, all fastening hardware, and
supports (if applicable) shall have a 30-year design lifetime. Equipment shall have corrosion
protection coatings as discussed in section A-3.3.5 Corrosion Protection. PV modules may be
either 60-cell or 72-cell modules, and may be mounted in landscape orientation. PV modules
may be mounted in portrait orientation only if backtracking is employed in the tracker
As discussed in section A-3.3.6 Single Axis Tracking Structures, many trackers feature a
“stow” option. If this feature is required for the racking, supports, and foundations to satisfy
the design wind loads, a backup energy source shall be installed on the Site to ensure the
tracker will be able to move into stow position during winds in excess of the suppliers design
wind speed if the power from the grid is interrupted. Owner does not require the backup
energy source if the stow feature is not needed. Contractor shall design the PV arrays’
mounting systems, foundations, and piers as provided in the Agreement. The design shall be
based upon standard industry practice, including the requirements of applicable codes,
standards, and permits, as well as the information and specifications provided by the module,
inverter, transformer, switchgear, racking, and all other vendors.
Single axis tracking vendors under consideration shall have installed a minimum of 50 MW
of capacity in utility-scale projects.
Data from the monitoring system can be accessed through the system’s dashboard, which
allows for public and administrator panel views. All electronics shall be enclosed in a NEMA
4 enclosure. This system may be housed in the same enclosure as the security equipment (see
Section A-3.9). The data shall be collected at hardwired locations and transmitted wirelessly
via a cellular modem to be provided and installed by Contractor. Contractor shall test the
installed communications system to demonstrate its ability to meet the requirements of its
intended use. Testing shall be done when the final system interconnections have been made.
Contractor shall furnish and install all materials and equipment necessary to complete the
SCADA installation. The monitoring system shall be configured for automatic reporting of
generation statistics required by Owner. The data shall be collected at the hardware locations
and transmitted wirelessly via a wireless SCADA system to be provided and installed by
Contractor. Points to be monitored by the SCADA system shall include, at a minimum:
Meteorological station
- Monitor and record all items in section A-4.11 Meteorological Stations
- AC voltage
- DC voltage
- AC current
- DC current
- Kilowatts (kW)
- Kilowatt hours (kWh)
- Monitor and store date from the Plant meter on an interval between 5 and 20 seconds
Tracker control system integration, remote monitoring, and control
Any buildings or shelters
Plant switchgear
The following shall make up the SCADA calculated values list:
Model versus actual performance in kW and kWh
Day’s energy in kWh
Month’s energy in kWh
Year to date energy in kWh
Total lifetime energy in kWh
Plant performance ratio, current value
Plant performance ratio, day’s average
Plant performance ratio, month’s average
Plant performance ratio, year to date average
Plant performance ratio, since commissioning
All monitored plant electrical generation equipment (e.g., inverters, transformers, switchgear)
shall be monitored to capture real time AC and DC electrical characteristics, including:
Power factor
All monitored plant electrical generation equipment (e.g., inverters, transformers, switchgear)
shall be monitored to capture all diagnostic information, including:
Status indicators
Fault states
A-4.13 Revenue Meter
A bi-directional revenue grade meter shall be installed to measure the total Plant output at the
switchgear for accurately metering energy (kWh) generated by the Plant. The revenue grade
meter shall be American National Standards Institute C12.20 0.2% Class UL listed, ISO9001
certified, which is accepted by all authorities requiring revenue grade. The meter must have a
display for easy reading of current power generation and lifetime generation and shall be
compliant with Western Renewable Energy Generation Information System certification
requirements for Renewable Energy Credit sales or trading.
This revenue meter will be supplied by the Transmission Provider. Contractor shall
coordinate with the Transmission Provider for the installation of same.
components. The security system shall be sufficient to monitor and deter any theft or
vandalism onsite. The security component supplier shall provide detailed specifications of
each component.
The Security Sub-Contractor and Contractor shall coordinate with the SCADA
design/instrumentation and control engineer to ensure sufficient bandwidth is available on
the network to accommodate the proposed security system. Owner may elect to reduce the
equipment needs based on the location of the Site and subsequent security requirements.
Surveillance cameras and pan/tilt/zoom (P/T/Z) drives shall meet the following minimum
requirements. Surveillance cameras and P/T/Z drives shall be provided by the Security Sub-
Contractor. Alternative solutions providing higher upgradeability and compatibility with
future products are acceptable at no additional cost, subject to Owner’s approval.
1. The P/T/Z unit shall meet the following design and performance specifications:
a. The unit shall be microprocessor controlled with network / IP based programming via
standard WEB based interface.
b. Each pan/tilt drive unit shall operate as an independent unit with exclusive
programming and setup data contained on each unit’s nonvolatile memory.
c. The unit shall be capable of 360-degree continuous pan rotation with a vertical
unobstructed tilt of +36 to -85 degrees.
a. Manual Control Speeds of: 0.1 degree to 40 degree per second (Pan), and 0.1
degree to 30 degree per second (Tilt)
b. Preset Speeds of: 100 degree per second (Pan) and 30 degree per second (Tilt)
d. The unit shall pan and tilt under manual control.
e. The unit shall be capable of 16 learned tours And 256 configurable preset locations
for Alarm Call-up configuration.
2. The camera shall meet the following specifications:
a. The sensor type shall be 1/2-.8-inch Type Exmor CMOS Sensor.
b. The camera shall provide a minimum of 1080p (1920x1080) resolution, at 30 Images
per second (ips).
c. Camera shall provide a minimum of 2 simultaneous video streams: Dual H.264 or
H.264 and Scalable MJPEG.
d. Camera shall allow for control and monitoring of video via IPv4 and IPv6 Networks.
3. The motorized lens shall meet the following design and performance specifications:
a. The camera shall provide 16:9 Aspect Ratio and shall provide a 30X optical zoom
and 12X Digital Zoom.
b. The lens shall provide horizontal angle of view of 59.5 degrees (wide) to 2.1 degrees
2. The NVR shall provide for live and playback viewing while the system continues to
record new images. It shall be capable of time division, multiplexing multiple cameras
and storing their digitized and compressed images on integral hard disk drives, and search
and retrieval either locally at the unit or from a remote work station using a graphical user
interface. It shall have Ethernet connectivity.
3. The NVR shall record video on an internal hard disk drive(s). It shall support multiple
internal and external hard disk drives of minimum 500 gigabytes, or large enough to store
up to 1 month of the camera recordings.
4. The NVR shall support archiving of images on an external archiving device. It shall
support recording on portable / removable storage media.
5. The NVR viewing software shall provide the following displays as a minimum in live
and playback mode: full-screen, sequencing, quad, 9-way, or 12-way. It shall allow the
user to rearrange cameras in any multi-screen display, in both live and playback modes.
The display options shall include but not limited to:
a. Camera tilting
b. Title display, per monitor
c. Time and date, per monitor
A-4.14.2 Security Software
The Security Sub-Contractor shall provide a minimum of two software and database
management licenses. Contractor shall provide two copies of the software on CDs for backup
and a complete user manual. Software shall be Windows compatible. Contractor shall
provide free software upgrades during the warranty period of the system as a minimum.
A-4.15 Wire, Cable, and Connectors
Contractor shall provide information about proposed wire, cable, and connectors, including
all underground facilities. Cable shall be designed and installed for a service life of 30 years.
Cable for DC feeders and PV panel interconnect shall be 2-kilovolt 90°C (wet or dry) power
cable type USE-2 or RHH/RHW-2 with XLPE jacket and UL 1581, VW-1 rating or
approved equal for intended use capable of meeting DC collection system design current
requirements. Externally installed cables shall be sunlight and ultraviolet resistant, suitable
for direct burial, and conform to NEC 300.5 Underground Installation, Table 300.5 Minimum
Cover Requirements, rated to the maximum DC voltage of the Plant.
PV panel interconnect connectors shall be: (i) latching, polarized, and non-interchangeable
with receptacles in other systems, and (ii) tap branch connectors with multi-contact
termination connectors. Grounding member shall be first to make and last to break contact
with mating connector and shall be rated for interrupting current without hazard to operator.
Cables shall be listed and identified as PV wire as stated in NEC Article 690. If a cable tray
is utilized, there shall be no self-tapping screws, only a clamping mechanism to secure the
top. All underground cable shall be mapped and identified along its entire run with hazard
tape and tracing, 18 inches above the cable elevation and 18 inches below finish-grade
Galvanized, rigid metal conduit where underground cable is exposed above ground or
stubbed up to junctions or poles shall be used. Rigid metal conduit shall be included in the
corrosion mitigation plan and shall be designed for a 30-year life in the Site soils and
conditions. All 90-degree bends shall be in long sweeps installed in accordance with standard
utility practices. Underground cable shall be direct-buried a minimum of 3 feet below finish-
grade elevation. No underground cable splicing shall be acceptable under any
circumstance. All cable splices shall be brought above ground and housed in a suitable
enclosure or, if below grade, placed in a suitable vault that is clearly marked.
Cables shall be labeled in accordance with Section A-4.2 Signage and Labeling.
A-4.16 Plant Switchgear
Switchgear shall be located outdoors in a NEMA 4 lockable enclosure. Switchgear shall
include an auxiliary compartment containing all instrument transformers associated with the
protective relays and the 120/240-V CPT shown in the one-line diagram(s). The protective
relay system shall be specified, designed, and installed in accordance with interconnecting
utility’s requirements. Switchgear monitoring and communication hardware shall be included
to meet the requirements of sections A-4.12 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition and
A-4.13 Revenue Meter, and the metering requirements of Owner. Relay current transformers
shall be C400 accuracy class.
The CPT shall be fused and disconnectable. The CPT shall be sized and single-phase
breakers shall be included to supply power to a 120-V convenience receptacle and an energy
efficient light within the switchgear enclosure, switchgear heaters, and the 240/120-VAC
panelboard within the communications shelter (if applicable). The switchgear main breaker
shall have vacuum fault interrupters and shall have provisions for bifurcation. Medium-
voltage protective device selection and relaying should be based on the use of Schweitzer
Electric Laboratories relays or approved other, as required and specified in the
Interconnection Agreement.
In general, the interconnection design and components should meet the requirements of the
interconnecting utility and the interconnection agreement (including the necessity of a
grounding transformer if required).
A-4.17 Emergency Direct Current Battery System
The batteries and chargers location shall be specified in accordance with temperature and
shading requirements, and the battery system shall meet the requirements set forth in the
Interconnection Agreement. The battery system shall be sized: to provide DC power to trip,
close, and recharge the switchyard 8 hours after a loss of power; recharge within 12 hours;
and supply sufficient power to the SCADA and communications systems for 12 hours
minimum. The battery sizing calculation shall be provided by Contractor to Owner.
A-5 Warranties
A-5.1 General Contractor Warranty
Contractor shall provide a full-wrap 5-year warranty (parts and labor) for the Plant
equipment. Contractor shall participate with Owner in annual Site visits to conduct a visual
inspection of the Plant and discuss the Plant’s performance and operation. Contractor
promptly will notify Owner of any observed problems or concerns concerning the Project or
Plant. Safety-related issues shall be reported as soon as possible.
Contractor shall follow all material requirements of the warranties of the principal equipment
suppliers using the procedures detailed in the manuals delivered upon completion of the
Plant. During the period of the Contractor warranty, Contractor shall have the benefit of the
warranties from the major equipment suppliers listed below.
A-5.2 Solar Module Warranty
Provide the proposed module warranty duration, terms and conditions. At a minimum, solar
module manufacturer shall provide a 25-year warranty on the solar modules with at least 80 percent
of power output guaranteed at 25 years as more particularly described and provided in the module
warranty to be provided by the Contractor. The solar module manufacturer shall confirm that the
warranty applies on an “as installed basis,” i.e., it will confirm the panels were installed according to
its requirements and specifications for installation.
A-5.3 Racking and Tracking System Warranty
Provide the proposed tracker warranty duration, terms and conditions. The tracking
manufacturer, if applicable, shall supply a 5-year warranty for the installed structure and a 5-year
warranty on the motor, and the racking design shall be certified by both the tracking manufacturer and
the solar module manufacturer such that all warranties apply on an “as installed” basis. An extended
warranty for parts only (motorized drives) shall be provided for a period of 10 years by Contractor.
The racking manufacturer, if applicable, shall supply a 10-year warranty for the installed
structure, and the racking design shall be certified by both the racking manufacturer and the
solar module manufacturer such that all warranties apply on an “as installed” basis.
The racking and tracking manufacturer shall supply a minimum five (5) years full parts and
labor replacement warranty, as more particularly described and provided by the Contractor.
Contractor will be provided with continuous access to Plant data as available through the
SCADA performance monitoring system. Contractor shall respond (or cause Owner’s O&M
contractor, if different than the Contractor, to respond) within a commercially reasonable
amount of time to any issues identified by monitoring of Plant data. The promptness of the
response to any individual issue shall be considered commercially reasonable if, taking into
account all relevant circumstances, a response within that time could reasonably be expected
to avoid an impact on the annual output of the Plant. For example, all other things being
equal, a commercially reasonable response time will be shorter during high insolation
summer months and longer during low insolation winter months.
In the event Contractor is not selected to perform O&M services pursuant to a separate
agreement, Contractor shall perform the following services for five (5) years following
substantial completion:
Monitor the data from the Plant on a regular periodic basis and promptly report to Owner
any discrepancies or issues observed in the data.
Meet Owner onsite once a year to inspect the Plant and discuss the Plant’s performance
and operation.
requirements in the Interconnection Agreement. Contractor shall provide Owner and the
transmission provider with at least 15 days advance written notice of the first test that
involves either backfeed or delivering energy to PacifiCorp, and must be in compliance with
the Interconnection Agreement.
2. Start Up, Operation and Shutdown Manual for the Plant, including comprehensive
and complete procedures for checkout, startup and testing of the Project and will
include as a minimum the following items:
The above requirements are a minimum; however, requirements which are clearly not
applicable to specific items or components may be deleted, however, any additional
information which is necessary for proper operation and care of the equipment shall be
(e) Contractor has paid Owner all amounts due hereunder and not in
dispute; and
(f) Contractor has delivered to Owner a Notice of Final Completion
stating that all the preceding conditions in this Section 15.4 have been
A-11.6.2 Procedures for Final Completion.
When Contractor believes that it has achieved Final Completion, it shall deliver to Owner
a Notice of Final Completion. Such Notice shall contain a report in a form reasonably
acceptable to Owner, and with sufficient detail to enable Owner to determine that
Contractor has achieved Final Completion. Owner shall, within twenty (20) Days
following receipt of such Notice, either: (a) approve Contractor’s Notice of Final
Completion, indicating Owner’s acceptance of the achievement of Final Completion; or
(b) if reasonable cause exists for doing so, notify Contractor in writing that Final
Completion has not been achieved, stating in detail the reasons therefor. If Owner
delivers the Notice under the preceding clause (b), Contractor promptly shall take such
actions, including the performance of additional Work, to achieve Final Completion, and
upon completion of such actions, shall issue to Owner a revised Notice of Final
Completion pursuant to this Section 15.5. Such procedure shall be repeated as necessary
until Final Completion has been achieved. If Owner fails to respond to Contractor’s
submitted Notice of Final Completion within the time set forth above, Owner shall be
deemed to have approved Contractor’s Notice of Final Completion. For all purposes of
this Agreement, the Final Completion Date shall be the date on which Contractor delivers
to Owner the Notice of Final Completion that Owner ultimately accepts or is deemed to
have accepted (or pursuant to a later determination under the dispute resolution
procedures, should have accepted). Any disputes regarding the existence or correction of
any such alleged deficiencies shall be resolved pursuant to Article 35. Contract shall
cause Final Completion to occur no later than sixty days following the Substantial
Completion Date.
A-11.6.3 Energy Performance Test.
The Plant shall undergo an Energy Performance Test to be commenced after the
Substantial Completion Date and to be completed after to the Final Completion Date.
The Energy Performance Test shall be completed in accordance with the methodologies,
assumptions, standards, protocols, correction curves and other requirements of RFP
Appendix A-10.
A-11.6.4 Energy Performance Test Completion.
The Energy Performance Test shall be deemed to have been completed when such tests
are completed in accordance with the Energy Performance Test Procedures and
Contractor has either demonstrated achievement of the Energy Performance Guarantee or
fully liquidated the Energy Performance Guarantee in accordance with Section 16.2.