Business Plan Presentation Rubric: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Concept Statement

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Business Plan Presentation Rubric

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

Concept Statement Group did not include in Missing parts of the Had each component. Had each component Presented in a way
-Presenting the product, reason for presentation or to such a concept statement. Might not have been overall clear but might that was clear and
selecting the product and summarizes limited degree it would Left some questions. clear or well have left some made sense to
not count. described. Left some questions. stakeholders. Had
the general plan.
questions. each component.
Marketing Plan Group did not include in Missing parts of the Had each part of the Had each part of the Had each part of the
- Presents the need for the product, presentation or to such a marketing plan. Left marketing plan but not marketing plan and marketing plan and
who it will be marketed to and why limited degree it would some questions. presented in a very started to support supported the
not count. clear or organized way. some of the decisions decisions. Clearly
that group.
Was not supported. but still left for some presented.
- Present a sample of a marketing
Left some questions. questions.
strategy (i.e. magazine, tv or radio ad)
Finance & Accounting Group did not include in Only presented the Presented both cost Presented both cost Presented both cost
- Show an accounting plan for the presentation or to such a cost or the revenue. and revenue but did and revenue and and revenue and
business, outlining the fixed and limited degree it would not provide support or provided support. Not provided support.
not count. research for how they completely clear but Clear and well
variable costs as well as project ted
got the information. overall good. presented to
-Give supporting evidence.
Management & Organizational Group did not include in Presented an Presented an Presented an Presented an
Structure presentation or to such a organizational organizational or4nzationals turned or4nzationals turned
- Explain what type of work limited degree it would structure but not structure and then and provided support and provided support
not count. supports or either provided and explained how it and explained how it
environment the business wants, and
explanation. support or explained represented the work represented the work
show an organizational structure of
how it represented the environment. Might environment.
the business that represents that idea. work environment. not have been Completely clear and
completely clear. well presented.
Legal Considerations Group did not include in Group attempted to Group provided but Group identified and Group identified and
-Identify any legal considerations the presentation included but not clear was not clear about related specifically to related specifically to
business team might foresee and did not relate to how it related to this this business. this business and
this business. business discussed how they
would go about
handling the issue.
Overall Presentation Group was disorganized Group was a little Everyone participated. Everyone participated Everything at a level 4
-How well was the paper / report and the presentation was disorganized and there Each section was in the presentation. plus it had something
written not coherent and could were some parts that presented. It was not The flow made sense that made it stand out
not be followed. Missing needed work. Might always clear. and it was clear, just a little bit more.
-Demonstration of understanding the
many components. have missed one entertaining and
Someone or a few people section. professional.
-Ability to support decisions might not have Someone might not
throughout the paper / report. participated. have participated.

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