Agricola Automa

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Agricola Automa Decks

An alternate single player experience inspired by Viticulture’s Automa


Uwe Roseberg, Agricola’s designer, loves the board game Viticulture. He loves it so much, he designed an expansion to
the worker-placement game called Moor Visitors. The name is a play on the Agricola expansion called Farmers of the

Viticulture has a fantastic single player component called the Automa. It is great primarily because the single player
experience feels very much like the 2-6 player game. This feeling is accomplished via a deck of Automa cards where each
card displays the names of a few actions spaces. At the start of each turn (called Seasons), those spaces are then
occupied by an opponent’s meeples and made unavailable to the player. The player must adapt to the fact that they
can’t always use the actions spaces they were planning on.

Agricol’a single player game is quite fun, but it is a very different game than the 2-4 player (soon 2-6) experience. With
no worries that another player will take action spaces, the desired actions are guaranteed. This results in a great and
challenging strategy game that is, however, free of tension and has limited variability. Additionally, players can let
animals build up on the action spaces until the maximum point number is reached. A single action can get max points for
each. This would never happen in a game with opponents.

Wouldn’t it be great if Agricola had an Automa deck that emulated another player so the single player experience
matched the 2-4 player game?

That is what the pages below attempt to introduce: A single player variant.


The Agricol single player rules that differ from the 2-4 player rules are not used. So, players start with the normal
amount of food, 3 wood is given each Round, and each farmer needs only 2 food during Harvest.

The Agricola Automa variant is composed of 13 small decks of cards. There are two decks for each of the six Stages of
the game (Stages are broken up by the Harvests, if you recall) and one Farming Action deck that is related to the actions
printed on the game board.

Automa Plans Automa Action

Deck: Farming Action
Deck: Stage 1 Deck: Stage 1
Deck: Stage 2 Deck: Stage 2
Deck: Stage 3 Deck: Stage 3
Deck: Stage 4 Deck: Stage 4
Deck: Stage 5 Deck: Stage 5
Deck: Stage 6 Deck: Stage 6

Shuffle each of the 13 decks and place them above their applicable Stage of the game board.

The Farming Action deck should be above the “Farm Expansion” action of the game board. The two Stage 1 decks should
be above Round 1 and Round 2. The two Stage 2 decks should be above Round 5. Etc.

The first player is determined as normal. It will be either the human player or the Automa.

The player selects the Automa’s color. Only the farmers of that color will be needed. The Automa does not even need a
farmyard board.

The Automa does not draw Minor Improvements or Occupations.

The human player can still choose to select their Minor Improvements and Occupations or select randomly. Same for the
order of the Actions Space cards. Same for all the single player optional rules.


Automa Plans
At the start of each Round, the top card of the Automa Plans ( ) deck for the current Stage is
revealed (remember, Rounds 1-4 are Stage 1, 5-7 are Stage 2, 8-9 are Stage 3, 10-11 are Stage 4, 12-13 are Stage 5, and
14 is Stage 6). So, in Round 1, the top card of the Stage 1 Automa Plans deck is revealed. These cards show what Stage or
Stages the Automa is looking to take an action within (or the actions printed on the board via the Farming Action deck).

The revealed Automa Plans card will remain revealed until the end of the Round.

If the human player has the yellow starting player token, they take their action now. When that action resolves or if the
Auotma has the yellow starting player token, then:

Automa Action
The top card of the Automa Action ( ) deck listed first (next to the number 1) on the revealed
Automa Plans card is drawn. In Stage one, this will be either the Stage 1 Automa Action deck or the Farming Action
Automa Action deck.

Automa Action cards will contain the name of a single Action Space. Place one of the Automa’s farmers on that Action
Space. The space in now occupied and can’t be used by the human player (as the normal 2-4 player rules mention).
Unless detailed below, the Actions Space occupied by an Automa’s farmer has no other effect. However, some Actions
Spaces are affected by the Automa’s farmer:

 If the Action Space contains any token (Animal, Building Resource, or Crop token), all the tokens are returned to
the supply.
 If the Action Space is the Meeting Place, the yellow starting player token is given to the Automa (or retained if it
already had the token)
 If the Action Space allows a Major Improvement to be played, a Major Improvement from the Major
Improvement Supply Board is randomly selected. The selected Major Improvement is removed from the Major
Improvement Supply Board and can no longer be selected by the human player. If the selected Major
Improvement is a Fireplace or Cooking Hearth (or any Major Improvement with alternate costs), the least costly
version is selected.
Note: For any of the Automa Action decks enumerated on the revealed Automa Plans card, if the all of the Action
Spaces of that Stage are occupied, the Farming Action deck is used instead.

The resolved Automa Action card is returned to the bottom of its deck.

The human player takes their next action.

The Automa then takes a card from the Automa Action deck listed next on the revealed Automa Plans card (this will be
next to the number 2).

Play continues until both the human player has used all their farmers and all the Automa Actions listed on the revealed
Automa Plans card have been used. The revealed Automa Plans card is now put on the bottom of its respective deck and
the Rounds ends as normal (all the Automa’s farmers are removed from Action Spaces).


The normal single player point goals (50 points, then 55, 59, 62, 64, 65, 66 and 67 points) are too difficult when Action
Spaces can be blocked and tokens can be removed from them. So, I don’t know, start with a goal of 30 and go up from
Automa Plans Automa Plans Automa Plans Automa Plans

Deck: Stage 1 Deck: Stage 1 Deck: Stage 1 Deck: Stage 1

Automa Action: Automa Action: Automa Action: Automa Action:

1. Stage 1 Automa Card 1. Stage 1 Automa Card 1. Farming Action Automa Card 1. Farming Action Automa Card
2. Stage 1 Automa Card 2. Farming Action Automa Card 2. Farming Action Automa Card 2. Stage 1 Automa Card

If all Stage 1 Action Spaces are occupied, If all Stage 1 Action Spaces are occupied, If all Stage 1 Action Spaces are occupied,
instead, take the top Automa Card from instead, take the top Automa Card from instead, take the top Automa Card from
the Farming Action Automa deck. the Farming Action Automa deck. the Farming Action Automa deck.

Automa Plans Automa Plans Automa Plans Automa Plans

Deck: Stage 2 Deck: Stage 2 Deck: Stage 2 Deck: Stage 2

Automa Action: Automa Action: Automa Action: Automa Action:

1. Stage 1 Automa Card 1. Stage 1 Automa Card 1. Stage 1 Automa Card 1. Stage 2 Automa Card
2. Stage 1 Automa Card 2. Stage 1 Automa Card 2. Stage 2 Automa Card 2. Stage 1 Automa Card
3. Stage 1 Automa Card 3. Stage 2 Automa Card 3. Stage 1 Automa Card 3. Stage 1 Automa Card

If all the given Stage’s Action Spaces are If all the given Stage’s Action Spaces are If all the given Stage’s Action Spaces are If all the given Stage’s Action Spaces are
occupied, instead, take the top Automa occupied, instead, take the top Automa occupied, instead, take the top Automa occupied, instead, take the top Automa
Card from the Farming Action Automa Card from the Farming Action Automa Card from the Farming Action Automa Card from the Farming Action Automa
deck. deck. deck. deck.
Automa Plans Automa Plans Automa Plans Automa Plans

Deck: Stage 3 Deck: Stage 3 Deck: Stage 3 Deck: Stage 3

Automa Action: Automa Action: Automa Action: Automa Action:

1. Stage 1 Automa Card 1. Stage 1 Automa Card 1. Stage 1 Automa Card 1. Stage 2 Automa Card
2. Stage 1 Automa Card 2. Stage 1 Automa Card 2. Stage 2 Automa Card 2. Stage 3 Automa Card
3. Stage 1 Automa Card 3. Stage 2 Automa Card 3. Stage 3 Automa Card 3. Stage 1 Automa Card
4. Stage 2 Automa Card 4. Stage 3 Automa Card 4. Stage 1 Automa Card 4. Stage 1 Automa Card

If all the given Stage’s Action Spaces are If all the given Stage’s Action Spaces are If all the given Stage’s Action Spaces are If all the given Stage’s Action Spaces are
occupied, instead, take the top Automa occupied, instead, take the top Automa occupied, instead, take the top Automa occupied, instead, take the top Automa
Card from the Farming Action Automa Card from the Farming Action Automa Card from the Farming Action Automa Card from the Farming Action Automa
deck. deck. deck. deck.

Automa Plans

Deck: Stage 3

Automa Action:
1. Stage 3 Automa Card
2. Stage 1 Automa Card
3. Stage 1 Automa Card
4. Stage 1 Automa Card

If all the given Stage’s Action Spaces are

occupied, instead, take the top Automa
Card from the Farming Action Automa
Automa Plans Automa Plans Automa Plans Automa Plans

Deck: Stage 4 Deck: Stage 4 Deck: Stage 4 Deck: Stage 4

Automa Action: Automa Action: Automa Action: Automa Action:

1. Stage 1 Automa Card 1. Stage 1 Automa Card 1. Stage 1 Automa Card 1. Stage 2 Automa Card
2. Stage 1 Automa Card 2. Stage 1 Automa Card 2. Stage 2 Automa Card 2. Stage 3 Automa Card
3. Stage 1 Automa Card 3. Stage 2 Automa Card 3. Stage 3 Automa Card 3. Stage 4 Automa Card
4. Stage 2 Automa Card 4. Stage 3 Automa Card 4. Stage 4 Automa Card 4. Stage 1 Automa Card
5. Stage 3 Automa Card 5. Stage 4 Automa Card 5. Stage 1 Automa Card 5. Stage 1 Automa Card

If all the given Stage’s Action Spaces are If all the given Stage’s Action Spaces are If all the given Stage’s Action Spaces are If all the given Stage’s Action Spaces are
occupied, instead, take the top Automa occupied, instead, take the top Automa occupied, instead, take the top Automa occupied, instead, take the top Automa
Card from the Farming Action Automa Card from the Farming Action Automa Card from the Farming Action Automa Card from the Farming Action Automa
deck. deck. deck. deck.

Automa Plans Automa Plans

Deck: Stage 4 Deck: Stage 4

Automa Action: Automa Action:

1. Stage 3 Automa Card 1. Stage 4 Automa Card
2. Stage 4 Automa Card 2. Stage 1 Automa Card
3. Stage 1 Automa Card 3. Stage 1 Automa Card
4. Stage 1 Automa Card 4. Stage 1 Automa Card
5. Stage 1 Automa Card 5. Stage 2 Automa Card

If all the given Stage’s Action Spaces are If all the given Stage’s Action Spaces are
occupied, instead, take the top Automa occupied, instead, take the top Automa
Card from the Farming Action Automa Card from the Farming Action Automa
deck. deck.
Automa Plans Automa Plans Automa Plans Automa Plans

Deck: Stage 5 Deck: Stage 5 Deck: Stage 5 Deck: Stage 5

Automa Action: Automa Action: Automa Action: Automa Action:

1. Stage 1 Automa Card 1. Stage 1 Automa Card 1. Stage 1 Automa Card 1. Stage 2 Automa Card
2. Stage 1 Automa Card 2. Stage 1 Automa Card 2. Stage 2 Automa Card 2. Stage 3 Automa Card
3. Stage 1 Automa Card 3. Stage 2 Automa Card 3. Stage 3 Automa Card 3. Stage 4 Automa Card
4. Stage 2 Automa Card 4. Stage 3 Automa Card 4. Stage 4 Automa Card 4. Stage 5 Automa Card
5. Stage 3 Automa Card 5. Stage 4 Automa Card 5. Stage 5 Automa Card 5. Stage 1 Automa Card

If all the given Stage’s Action Spaces are If all the given Stage’s Action Spaces are If all the given Stage’s Action Spaces are If all the given Stage’s Action Spaces are
occupied, instead, take the top Automa occupied, instead, take the top Automa occupied, instead, take the top Automa occupied, instead, take the top Automa
Card from the Farming Action Automa Card from the Farming Action Automa Card from the Farming Action Automa Card from the Farming Action Automa
deck. deck. deck. deck.

Automa Plans Automa Plans Automa Plans

Deck: Stage 5 Deck: Stage 5 Deck: Stage 5

Automa Action: Automa Action: Automa Action:

1. Stage 3 Automa Card 1. Stage 4 Automa Card 1. Stage 5 Automa Card
2. Stage 4 Automa Card 2. Stage 5 Automa Card 2. Stage 1 Automa Card
3. Stage 5 Automa Card 3. Stage 1 Automa Card 3. Stage 1 Automa Card
4. Stage 1 Automa Card 4. Stage 1 Automa Card 4. Stage 1 Automa Card
5. Stage 1 Automa Card 5. Stage 1 Automa Card 5. Stage 4 Automa Card

If all the given Stage’s Action Spaces are If all the given Stage’s Action Spaces are If all the given Stage’s Action Spaces are
occupied, instead, take the top Automa occupied, instead, take the top Automa occupied, instead, take the top Automa
Card from the Farming Action Automa Card from the Farming Action Automa Card from the Farming Action Automa
deck. deck. deck.
Automa Plans Automa Plans Automa Plans Automa Plans

Deck: Stage 6 Deck: Stage 6 Deck: Stage 6 Deck: Stage 6

Automa Action: Automa Action: Automa Action: Automa Action:

1. Stage 1 Automa Card 1. Stage 1 Automa Card 1. Stage 1 Automa Card 1. Stage 2 Automa Card
2. Stage 1 Automa Card 2. Stage 1 Automa Card 2. Stage 2 Automa Card 2. Stage 3 Automa Card
3. Stage 1 Automa Card 3. Stage 2 Automa Card 3. Stage 3 Automa Card 3. Stage 4 Automa Card
4. Stage 2 Automa Card 4. Stage 3 Automa Card 4. Stage 4 Automa Card 4. Stage 5 Automa Card
5. Stage 3 Automa Card 5. Stage 4 Automa Card 5. Stage 5 Automa Card 5. Stage 1 Automa Card

If all the given Stage’s Action Spaces are If all the given Stage’s Action Spaces are If all the given Stage’s Action Spaces are If all the given Stage’s Action Spaces are
occupied, instead, take the top Automa occupied, instead, take the top Automa occupied, instead, take the top Automa occupied, instead, take the top Automa
Card from the Farming Action Automa Card from the Farming Action Automa Card from the Farming Action Automa Card from the Farming Action Automa
deck. deck. deck. deck.

Automa Plans Automa Plans Automa Plans

Deck: Stage 6 Deck: Stage 6 Deck: Stage 6

Automa Action: Automa Action: Automa Action:

 Stage 3 Automa Card 1. Stage 4 Automa Card 1. Stage 5 Automa Card
 Stage 4 Automa Card 2. Stage 5 Automa Card 2. Stage 1 Automa Card

 Stage 5 Automa Card 3. Stage 1 Automa Card 3. Stage 1 Automa Card

 Stage 1 Automa Card 4. Stage 1 Automa Card 4. Stage 1 Automa Card

5. Stage 1 Automa Card 5. Stage 2 Automa Card
 Stage 1 Automa Card

If all the given Stage’s Action Spaces are If all the given Stage’s Action Spaces are
If all the given Stage’s Action Spaces are
occupied, instead, take the top Automa occupied, instead, take the top Automa
occupied, instead, take the top Automa
Card from the Farming Action Automa Card from the Farming Action Automa
Card from the Farming Action Automa
deck. deck.
Automa Action Automa Action Automa Action Automa Action

Deck: Farming Action Deck: Farming Action Deck: Farming Action Deck: Farming Action

Action Space Action Space Action Space Action Space

Farm Expansion Meeting Place Grain Seeds Farmland

If this Action Space is occupied, return this If this Action Space is occupied, return this If this Action Space is occupied, return this If this Action Space is occupied, return this
card to the bottom of the Farming Action card to the bottom of the Farming Action card to the bottom of the Farming Action card to the bottom of the Farming Action
Automa deck and either Automa deck and draw the top Farming Automa deck and either Automa deck and either
 Use the unoccupied Meeting Place if Action card  Use the Meeting Place if the Automa  Use the Meeting Place if the Automa
the Automa does not have the does not have the yellow starting does not have the yellow starting
yellow starting player token player token player token
 Draw the top Farming Action card  Draw the top Farming Action card  Draw the top Farming Action card

Automa Action Automa Action Automa Action Automa Action

Deck: Farming Action Deck: Farming Action Deck: Farming Action Deck: Farming Action

Action Space Action Space Action Space Action Space

Lessons Day Laborer Forest Clay Pit

If this Action Space is occupied, return this If this Action Space is occupied, return this If this Action Space is occupied, return this If this Action Space is occupied, return this
card to the bottom of the Farming Action card to the bottom of the Stage 1 card to the bottom of the Farming Action card to the bottom of the Farming Action
Automa deck and either Automa deck and either Automa deck and either Automa deck and either
 Use the Meeting Place if the Automa  Use the Meeting Place if the Automa  Use the Meeting Place if the Automa  Use the Meeting Place if the Automa
does not have the yellow starting does not have the yellow starting does not have the yellow starting does not have the yellow starting
player token player token player token player token
 Draw the top Farming Action card  Draw the top Farming Action card  Draw the top Farming Action card  Draw the top Farming Action card
Automa Action Automa Action

Deck: Farming Action Deck: Farming Action

Action Space Action Space

Reed Bank Fishing

If this Action Space is occupied, return this If this Action Space is occupied, return this
card to the bottom of the Farming Action card to the bottom of the Farming Action
Automa deck and either Automa deck and either
 Use the Meeting Place if the Automa  Use the Meeting Place if the Automa
does not have the yellow starting does not have the yellow starting
player token player token
 Draw the top Farming Action card  Draw the top Farming Action card

Automa Action Automa Action Automa Action Automa Action

Deck: Stage 1 Deck: Stage 1 Deck: Stage 1 Deck: Stage 1

Action Space - Card Action Space - Card Action Space - Card Action Space - Card

Fencing Sheep Market Grain Utilization Major Improvement

If this Action Space Card has not been If this Action Space Card has not been If this Action Space Card has not been If this Action Space Card has not been
played or is occupied, return this card to played or is occupied, return this card to played or is occupied, return this card to played or is occupied, return this card to
the bottom of the Stage 1 Automa deck the bottom of the Stage 1 Automa deck the bottom of the Stage 1 Automa deck the bottom of the Stage 1 Automa deck
and draw another Stage 1 Automa card and draw another Stage 1 Automa card and draw another Stage 1 Automa card and draw another Stage 1 Automa card
Automa Action Automa Action Automa Action

Deck: Stage 2 Deck: Stage 2 Deck: Stage 2

Action Space - Card Action Space - Card Action Space - Card

Basic Wish for Children House Redevelopment Western Quarry

If this Action Space Card has not been If this Action Space Card has not been If this Action Space Card has not been
played or is occupied, return this card to played or is occupied, return this card to played or is occupied, return this card to
the bottom of the Stage 2 Automa deck the bottom of the Stage 2 Automa deck the bottom of the Stage 2 Automa deck
and draw another Stage 2 Automa card and draw another Stage 2 Automa card and draw another Stage 2 Automa card

Automa Plans Automa Action

Deck: Stage 3 Deck: Stage 3

Action Space - Card Action Space - Card

Pig Market Vegetable Seeds

If this Action Space Card has not been If this Action Space Card has not been
played or is occupied, return this card to played or is occupied, return this card to
the bottom of the Stage 3 Automa deck the bottom of the Stage 3 Automa deck
and draw another Stage 3 Automa card and draw another Stage 3 Automa card
Automa Action Automa Action

Deck: Stage 4 Deck: Stage 4

Action Space - Card Action Space - Card

Cattle Market Eastern Quarry

If this Action Space Card has not been If this Action Space Card has not been
played or is occupied, return this card to played or is occupied, return this card to
the bottom of the Stage 4 Automa deck the bottom of the Stage 4 Automa deck
and draw another Stage 4 Automa card and draw another Stage 4 Automa card

Automa Action Automa Action

Deck: Stage 5 Deck: Stage 5

Action Space - Card Action Space - Card

Urgent Wish for Children Cultivation

If this Action Space Card has not been If this Action Space Card has not been
played or is occupied, return this card to played or is occupied, return this card to
the bottom of the Stage 5 Automa deck the bottom of the Stage 5 Automa deck
and draw another Stage 5 Automa card and draw another Stage 5 Automa card
Automa Action

Deck: Stage 6

Action Space - Card

Farm Redevelopment
If this Action Space Card has not been
played or is occupied, return this card to
the bottom of the Stage 6 Automa deck
and draw another Stage 6 Automa card

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