Children Dental Procedures
Children Dental Procedures
Children Dental Procedures
Etiology, Research
and Contemporary
Bernadette K. Drummond
Nicola Kilpatrick Editors
Planning and Care for Children and
Adolescents with Dental Enamel Defects
Bernadette K. Drummond
Nicola Kilpatrick
viii Preface
This book is intended to provide contemporary information on both DDE and its
impact during childhood. Each of the chapters covering specific aspects of DDE has
been written to stand alone. However, where appropriate, the reader is directed to
further linked information in other chapters. Although guidance is offered on vari-
ous management options from both preventive and restorative perspectives, it is not
intended to suggest that these are the only options. Clinicians are encouraged to use
the information to consider the best pathway for each individual patient after taking
account of the child’s and family’s perspectives, the developing occlusion, the clini-
cian’s own skills, and the severity of the presenting anomaly.
xiv Contents
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
xvi Contributors
The enamel of the primary dentition undergoes development from approximately
the 13th week of gestation to around 3 years of age when the second primary
molars erupt into the oral cavity. During this period, the developing primary
dentition can be affected by many systemic and local environment insults that
lead to changes in the quality and quantity of the enamel. The systemic influ-
ences that can cause abnormalities in the primary enamel range from pregnancy
conditions such as pre-eclampsia to neonatal disruptions such as preterm births
and postnatal infections such as rubella and chickenpox. The prevalence of
enamel defects has been reported to range from approximately 30 % in the gen-
eral population in USA, Britain, and Australia to over 70 % in preterm children
and indigenous populations worldwide. The high prevalence of enamel hypopla-
sia reflects the vulnerability of developing teeth to environmental changes and
suggests that complications of enamel defects, such as increased caries suscepti-
bility, are common in the primary dentition.
The formation of enamel extends over a considerable period of time in the life of an
individual. In the primary dentition, enamel formation commences at the tips of the
incisors at approximately 15–19 weeks in utero and ends with the emergence of the
second primary molars between 25 and 33 months of age [1]. During this long
period of enamel development, many conditions can adversely affect the enamel-
forming cells causing abnormalities to be produced. As enamel does not remodel,
any aberrations occurring during formation may be permanently recorded on the
surface as visible defects. Such developmental defects of enamel have major clini-
cal significance. Some defects in the anterior teeth can affect aesthetics, cause
severe tooth sensitivity, and impair masticatory function [2]. Importantly, enamel
defects in the primary dentition are now increasingly recognized as a major risk fac-
tor for early childhood caries (ECC) [3].
The formation of enamel or amelogenesis begins during the late bell stage of tooth
development when specialized enamel-forming cells, the ameloblasts, are differen-
tiated from the inner enamel epithelium [4]. The initial stages of enamel formation
are characterized by the secretion of specific proteins by the ameloblasts such as
amelogenin and ameloblastin to form an enamel matrix which is later mineralized
[5, 6]. After the laying down of the enamel matrix, the ameloblasts regulate the
removal of water and proteins from the enamel matrix and promote the ingress of
minerals [7]. The cellular and biochemical events that occur during amelogenesis
are complex and can be adversely affected by genetic changes as well as by sys-
temic and local environmental conditions.
Abnormalities that originate during the formation of enamel are commonly
referred to as developmental defects of enamel (DDE) [8]. The presentation and
severity of DDE are dependent on the stage of enamel development at the time of
the insult, as well as the extent and duration of the adverse condition [9]. Quantitative
deficiencies of DDE, which usually arise from disruptions of matrix formation, are
known as enamel hypoplasia and may be expressed as pits, grooves, and thin or
missing enamel [8]. In contrast, qualitative enamel deficiencies are usually associ-
ated with altered enamel mineralization and may be expressed as changes in the
translucency or opacity of the enamel that may be diffuse or demarcated, and col-
ored white, yellow, or brown [8]. Generally, it is thought that the more immature the
stage of enamel formation, the more vulnerable to damage. Disturbances which
occur during the secretory stages of enamel formation are generally thought to
reduce the quantity of enamel formed, and this is usually expressed as enamel hypo-
plasia. In contrast, disturbances at the final stages are usually associated with altered
mineralization of the enamel which manifests clinically as opacities. As the various
primary teeth in a child’s mouth may be at different stages of enamel formation at
the time of an adverse condition, a spectrum of DDE, ranging from mild opacities
to severe enamel hypoplasia, can result from a single insult.
As DDE are permanent records of enamel changes, the location of a defect on the
enamel surface can suggest the timing of the events that disrupted enamel forma-
tion. Although exact timing is often difficult to identify, knowledge of the chronol-
ogy of development of the primary tooth crowns may be useful in estimating the
approximate times of the insults (Table 1.1). Table 1.1 shows that the primary teeth
usually commence mineralization in utero, starting with primary central incisors at
approximately 15–19 weeks, canines at 16–22 weeks, first molars at 19–22 weeks,
and second molars at 20–22 weeks [1]. At birth, the amount of enamel formed is
approximately three-quarters, two-thirds, and one-third of the primary central inci-
sor, lateral incisor, and canine crowns respectively. In addition, at birth, the first
molar cusps are usually formed, but not coalesced, and the second molar cusp tips
are commencing initial mineralization. Table 1.1 also shows that crown formation is
1 Dental Enamel Defects in the Primary Dentition: Prevalence and Etiology 3
complete in the primary incisors by 3 months, the first molars by 6 months, the
canines by 10 months, and the second primary molars by 12 months. After complete
crown formation, the newly formed enamel undergoes a process of maturation and
hardening that continues post-eruption [4].
The enamel formed prenatally may be demarcated from that formed postnatally
by an area of altered enamel known as the neonatal line. This band of abnormal
enamel has a disorganized prism alignment and contains more organic material
compared to the adjacent enamel [10]. As the entire primary dentition commences
calcification before birth, the neonatal line is usually present in all primary teeth
[11]. It may widen to a clinically visible area of abnormal enamel if a child experi-
ences adverse neonatal conditions such as fetal distress and difficult birth delivery.
Many DDE associated with perinatal illnesses are thus located at the neonatal line.
Several indices have been utilized to record DDE, the most popular being a descrip-
tive index, the Developmental Defects of Enamel (DDE) index which does not
attempt to identify the etiology [8]. There have been several modifications of this
index, including simplified versions that can be applied for screening purposes.
Many authors use the simplified modifications of the index to record DDE in the
primary dentition for practical reasons [8]. Variations in prevalence of DDE reported
in different populations are likely to be the result of differing criteria being used to
define enamel defects. In addition, there are population variations resulting from
differences in general health, and background fluoride exposure levels may also
contribute to differences in the reported prevalence of DDE. Furthermore, in many
studies, the recording of DDE in primary teeth several years post-eruption may be
complicated by difficulties in diagnosing DDE once the lesions have become cari-
ous or have been restored [12]. Finally, differing field conditions during examina-
tion for DDE, such as variations in lighting and whether the teeth are dried prior to
recording of the defects, may also contribute to differences in reported prevalence.
As there are few high-quality studies, the true prevalence of DDE in the primary
dentition is unclear. Most prevalence studies on the primary dentition have been
based on convenient samples from the general or special population groups such as
medically compromised children. Table 1.2 lists selected reports of prevalence of
DDE in the primary dentition published since 1996. There are significant variations
4 W.K. Seow
In a study of over 3,200 primary teeth, 5 % of primary teeth had some form of DDE,
and the most prevalent defects were found, in descending order, in the mandibular
second molar, maxillary second molar, mandibular canine, mandibular first molar,
maxillary first molar, maxillary lateral and central incisors, and maxillary canine
1 Dental Enamel Defects in the Primary Dentition: Prevalence and Etiology 5
[21]. Only a very small percentage of the mandibular central and lateral incisors
exhibited DDE, and these were mainly enamel opacities [21]. In addition, the most
common type of DDE found in the primary dentition was the demarcated opacity,
followed, in turn, by diffuse opacity and enamel hypoplasia. In another study, the
maxillary primary central and lateral incisors were affected by enamel hypoplasia at
the highest frequencies (41 % and 39 %), followed by the maxillary canines (26 %),
maxillary first molars (22 %), and mandibular first molars (19 %) [13].
Table 1.3 shows the plethora of conditions that have been associated with DDE in
primary teeth. Hereditary conditions such as amelogenesis imperfecta are caused
by abnormalities in genes involved in enamel formation [26]. Other forms of DDE
that may be inherited include those that are inherited as familial disorders or dys-
morphic syndromes that show enamel defects [27]. Acquired systemic conditions
that can cause DDE may be encountered perinatally, neonatally, or postnatally
and include conditions such as birth trauma, metabolic conditions, and infections.
Adverse conditions experienced by the mother during pregnancy that may cause
DDE in the child include severe maternal vitamin D deficiency [28] and infection
with syphilis [29]. Local factors impacting on the oral cavity, such as trauma and
radiation, can also cause many DDE in the primary dentition. However, evidence
for the associations between many of the acquired systemic conditions and DDE
are based mainly on clinical studies and case reports. There are only a few instances
such as the use of tetracyclines where direct causal links have been demonstrated
between an individual adverse condition and enamel changes in primary teeth [30].
Systemic Factors
Hereditary Conditions
Amelogenesis Imperfecta
Amelogenesis imperfecta is a genetic condition in which both dentitions are charac-
terized by enamel defects and will be discussed in detail in Chap. 5.
Numerous acquired conditions have been associated with DDE in the primary denti-
tion. Such conditions may be systemic or local and may be timed to the antenatal,
perinatal, or postnatal periods of development. Prenatal factors that have been asso-
ciated with DDE in the primary dentition include failure to access antenatal care,
increased maternal weight gain during pregnancy, pre-eclampsia and maternal
smoking [33]. Maternal vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy that is associated
with hyperparathyroidism has also been associated with enamel defects [28].
Premature Birth
The DDE found in prematurely born children may be associated with neonatal com-
plications of birth prematurity such as respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal
and renal abnormalities, intracranial hemorrhage, hyperbilirubinemia and/or ane-
mia. Deficient gastrointestinal absorption and inadequate supplies of calcium and
phosphorus have also been associated with DDE in the primary teeth of prematurely
born children [36]. Children who are born premature with low birth weight have
been reported to show a higher prevalence of DDE compared to children born full
term with normal birth weight. In children with birth weights less than 1,500 g and
between 1,500 and 2,500 g, the prevalences were found to be 62 and 27 %, respec-
tively, compared with only 13 % in children with normal birth weight [37]. In addi-
tion, in utero insults associated with small-for-gestational status have been recently
suggested as an important cause of enamel hypomineralization/hypoplasia in pri-
mary teeth of very low birth weight children [38].
Local trauma may occur from laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation which
are often required in prematurely born children during management of respiratory
distress. This can disrupt development of teeth [39]. In a preterm child, due to the
lack of fulcrum support from an extremely small mandible, the laryngoscope is
often placed on the anterior maxillary alveolus during intubation. This may result
in inadvertent pressure being exerted on the developing primary maxillary incisor
teeth. In severe cases, crown distortions, dilacerations and enamel hypoplasia/
hypomineralization can result from such trauma from the laryngoscope. As the
pressure from the laryngoscope is usually exerted on the left side, the most com-
mon teeth affected from laryngoscope trauma are the maxillary left incisor teeth.
Figure 1.1 shows a maxillary primary left central incisor with severe enamel hypo-
plasia in a prematurely born child caused by traumatic intubation during the neo-
natal period.
8 W.K. Seow
Serious systemic infections during pregnancy and in infancy have been shown to be
associated with DDE in the primary dentition. Potential mechanisms include the
infective microorganisms damaging the ameloblasts directly or altering their cellu-
lar function indirectly through their metabolic products. High temperatures in young
1 Dental Enamel Defects in the Primary Dentition: Prevalence and Etiology 9
children associated with urinary tract infections, otitis media and respiratory tract
diseases may also affect ameloblast function resulting in defects of enamel [51].
Bacterial infections including congenital syphilis and meningococcal disease have
also been shown to cause DDE in the primary dentition [52]. Viral infections, in
either the mother during pregnancy or the infant postnatally such as chickenpox,
rubella, measles, mumps and cytomegalovirus are also well known to be associated
with DDE [29]. Figure 1.3 shows a mandibular primary second molar with enamel
hypoplasia that is associated with a previous severe viral infection that occurred at
approximately 12 months of age.
study has suggested that children ingesting fluoride supplements from 6 to 9 months
of age have an increased risk for fluorosis in the primary second molars [56].
High levels of lead from environmental exposures, accidental or pica ingestion
have been shown to cause DDE in the primary dentition [57]. Tetracyclines are also
well known to cause dental discolorations and enamel hypoplasia [30]. Although
most previous reports of tetracycline staining are of permanent teeth, any primary
teeth developing during the time of tetracycline intake could also theoretically be
Local insults such as trauma involve only the teeth in the immediate area of damage
in contrast to systemic factors which usually affect all developing teeth. For exam-
ple, local trauma exerted through the thin buccal cortical bone is thought to be the
cause of demarcated opacities commonly observed on the labial surfaces of primary
canines [60]. The reason for the primary canines being at highest risk for DDE is the
fact that the cortical buccal bone overlying the canines is thin, and the developing
tooth buds situated beneath the cortical bone are easily traumatized by external
pressure from accidents, falls or blows etc. Developing teeth exposed to radiation
for treatment of tumors or leukemia are also known to be at risk for a range of devel-
opmental defects including DDE [61].
In conclusion, the high prevalence of enamel defects that is reported in the pri-
mary dentitions of some children reflects the vulnerability of these developing teeth
to environmental changes during gestation and in the immediate postnatal period.
Given the reported complications associated with DDE, such as increased caries
susceptibility, it is important that these defects are identified in young children as
early as possible so that appropriately targeted prevention can be established.
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Enamel Defects in the Permanent
Dentition: Prevalence and Etiology 2
Robert P. Anthonappa and Nigel M. King
The prevalence of developmental defects of enamel (DDE) in the permanent
dentition in developed countries has been reported to be in the range of 9–68 %
and with no gender predilection. Several etiological factors have been implicated
as being responsible for DDE in the permanent teeth. Although local, systemic,
genetic or environmental factors have been attributed to DDE frequently they are
likely to be multifactorial in nature. These factors are discussed in relation to the
timing of enamel development with consideration of the evidence, or lack
thereof, for the association between the putative etiological factors and the nature
of the subsequent abnormalities.
The first permanent tooth to begin calcification is the first molar. This occurs around
the time of birth, while the anterior teeth commence calcification between 4 and
6 months of age in a sequential order from the central incisor to the canine. The max-
illary lateral incisor is the exception as calcification of this tooth occurs around
10–12 months of age [1]. At around 6 years of age, the first permanent molar tooth
begins to erupt into the oral cavity and by the age of 14 years, most children have all
of their permanent teeth erupted except for their third molars (Table 2.1). Many fac-
tors have been implicated in the etiology of developmental defects of enamel (DDE)
in permanent teeth. This chapter discusses these factors in relation to the timing of
R.P. Anthonappa, BDS, MDS, PhD • N.M. King, BDS Hons MSc Hons, PhD (*)
Department of Paediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine,
Dentistry and Health Sciences, University of Western Australia,
17 Monash Avenue, Nedlands, Perth, WA 6009, Australia
e-mail: [email protected];
[email protected], [email protected]
enamel development and considers the evidence, or lack thereof, for the association
between the etiological factors and the nature of the subsequent abnormalities.
Mouth and tooth prevalence are the most commonly used systems to report the
prevalence data for DDE. Mouth prevalence is determined by the inclusion of any
individual who has been found to have at least one tooth affected by the condition,
while tooth prevalence illustrates the percentage of teeth affected per person. Mouth
prevalence figures reflect the extent of the distribution of enamel defects in a popu-
lation group because individuals who are mildly and severely affected are grouped
together. Tooth prevalence indicates the proportion of teeth affected and hence
reflects the severity of the condition [2].
Table 2.2 summarizes the prevalence of DDE in the permanent dentition as
reported in the literature. Wide variations exist in the literature because of the use of
various terminologies and the different diagnostic criteria employed to describe the
enamel defects in the permanent dentition [21, 22, 24, 26]. Nevertheless, the major-
ity of reports have failed to demonstrate any difference in the prevalence of enamel
defects between girls and boys [12, 27]. Furthermore, for all types of enamel defects,
the published mouth prevalence in the permanent dentition ranges from 9.8 % to
93 % [8, 26], while tooth prevalence figures range from 2.2 % to 21.6 % [26, 28].
Enamel morphogenesis is a continuous, complex process that starts with the secre-
tion of enamel matrix proteins followed by mineralization and finally maturation.
This process has been shown to start at the cusps on the molars and the incisal part
2 Enamel Defects in the Permanent Dentition: Prevalence and Etiology 17
Table 2.2 The prevalence figures, reported in the literature, for any type developmental defects
of enamel in the permanent dentition of healthy children
of the incisors, progressing to the cervical areas of the teeth [29]. However, there is
still limited understanding of how mineralization progresses across the crowns of
the teeth. This could be important in determining the timing of defects to relate to
specific disturbances caused by systemic disorders. Disturbances in the different
stages of enamel formation may result in a range of enamel defects with quite dif-
ferent clinical appearances and structural changes. Defective formation of the
enamel matrix results in hypoplasia, a quantitative defect, depicted by generalized
thinning or pitting types of defects (Fig. 2.1). Defective calcification of an otherwise
normal fully developed organic enamel matrix results in hypomineralization, a
qualitative defect (Fig. 2.2). This is seen clinically as changes in color and
2 Enamel Defects in the Permanent Dentition: Prevalence and Etiology 19
Fig. 2.3 (a) Caries in the mandibular second primary molar has led to the intra-radicular infection
which has resulted in hypoplasia of the developing second premolar. (b) Hypoplasia of the maxil-
lary permanent canine as a consequence of infection of the primary predecessor. (c) Hypoplasia in
the form of missing enamel is exhibited by this mandibular second premolar following infection of
the primary second molar
translucency of the enamel and presents as enamel opacities which can be either
demarcated or diffuse [2, 30].
Although the etiology of enamel defects may be attributed to local, systemic,
genetic, or environmental factors, most are likely to be multifactorial in nature. This
makes it difficult to identify a single cause for many cases of DDE. The time frame
of exposure and the mechanism underpinning the causative factors determine the
presentation of these defects. Defects on a single tooth or only a few teeth suggest a
local etiological factor e.g. a defect in a permanent tooth due to damage (trauma or
infection) to its primary predecessor (Fig. 2.3a–c). Alternatively, a systemic factor
(both short and longer term) may affect all the teeth that are developing during the
time of the insult and lead to what is described as a chronological defect. Genetic
factors can be considered separately. Defects caused by genetic factors are most
often (although not always) generalized in distribution, affecting both the primary
and permanent dentitions. They may present as either enamel defects alone as seen
20 R.P. Anthonappa and N.M. King
Based on the number of teeth affected, the possible etiological factors for DDE in
permanent teeth can be categorized as being local or general. However the evidence
is equivocal, with the majority of published reports being animal studies or case
reports of children with specific systemic disorders. The putative etiological factors
reported in the literature are summarized in Table 2.3. Only a few of these factors
have good evidence supporting a direct causal effect, e.g., trauma to a primary pre-
decessor or high levels of ingested fluoride during early childhood.
When only one or few adjacent teeth exhibit an enamel defect, it is usually con-
sidered to be caused by a very localized or isolated factor rather than a more
generalized systemic or genetic factor [32]. The most common causes of localized
enamel defects are trauma, chronic radicular infection resulting from pulpal
necrosis in a primary predecessor tooth, surgery in the adjacent area or radiation
therapy. Other isolated defects with incompletely formed enamel such as those
associated with dens invaginatus and dens evaginatus may be due to a genetic
influence in certain teeth.
Intrusive and lateral luxation injuries to the primary teeth often result in enamel
defects in the succedaneous permanent teeth [33, 34]. This occurs most often in the
anterior teeth as they are more likely to suffer the direct impact of trauma from fall-
ing or being struck by an object than the posterior teeth. The severe consequences
arise because of the direct or nearly direct impact of the apex of the root of a primary
incisor on the crown or follicle of the developing permanent successor or may occur
as a consequence of post-traumatic complications of inflammation and infection.
Furthermore, if the trauma to the primary tooth leads to pulpal necrosis, then there
is a greater likelihood of enamel defects occurring in the succedaneous permanent
tooth. This can also occur following severe dental caries with pulp exposure leading
to untreated chronic infection [35]. Surgical procedures such as extraction of pri-
mary teeth, removal of supernumerary teeth, cleft palate repair or distraction osteo-
genesis have all been reported to cause localized enamel defects in the succedaneous
or adjacent permanent teeth [36–39]. Untreated carious lesions extending into the
pulp of primary teeth may result in pulpal necrosis and infection which may result
in DDE in the succedaneous permanent teeth (Fig. 2.3) [40–42]. The reported
defects have ranged from demarcated opacities to hypoplastic defects [43].
Generalized enamel defects are those defects that are seen either on the crowns of
groups of teeth or in all the teeth. As mentioned previously, the stage of amelogen-
esis in the particular tooth germ at the time of the insult or injury is often critical to
the resulting location and type of enamel defect. The timing of the disturbances
22 R.P. Anthonappa and N.M. King
Table 2.3 List of etiological factors, reported in the literature, responsible for the formation of
enamel defects in the permanent dentition
Local Perinatal and neonatal Postnatal Hereditary conditions
Trauma Neonatal Nutritional and 22q11 deletion syndrome
Primary tooth hypocalcemia gastrointestinal
Surgery disturbances
Distraction resulting in
osteogenesis hypocalcemia and
Tooth forceps vitamin D
Chronic periapical Severe perinatal and Bacterial and viral Autoimmune
infection in a primary neonatal hypoxic infections polyendocrinopathy-
tooth injury associated with candidiasis-ectodermal
high fever dystrophy
Cleft lip and palate Prolonged delivery Exanthematous Candidiasis
diseases endocrinopathy syndrome
Radiation Prematurity Juvenile Cleidocranial dysostosis
Burns Low birth weight Hypothyroidism Celiac disease
Osteomyelitis Twins Hypogonadism Congenital adrenal
Jaw fracture Cerebral injury Phenylketonuria Congenital contractual
Neurological Alkaptonuria Congenital unilateral facial
disorders hypoplasia
Hyperbilirubinemia Renal disorders Ectodermal dysplasias
Prolonged neonatal Congenital heart Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
diarrhea and vomiting disease
Severe neonatal Congenital allergy Epidermolysis bullosa
High fever Oxalosis Focal dermal hypoplasia
Mercury poisoning Heimler’s syndrome
Fluoride Hypoparathyroidism
Prolonged use of Ichthyosis vulgaris
Prolonged diarrhea Lacrimo-auriculo-dento-
and vomiting digital syndrome
Radiation and Morquio syndrome
cytotoxic therapy Mucopolysaccharidosis
Orodigitofacial dysostosis
Prader-Willi syndrome
Seckel syndrome
Tuberous sclerosis
Vitamin D-resistant rickets
William’s syndrome
2 Enamel Defects in the Permanent Dentition: Prevalence and Etiology 23
during tooth morphogenesis will determine the location and type of defects and the
number of teeth that will be affected. Homologous pairs of teeth will usually have
enamel defects in similar locations although the severity of the defects may not
always be the same suggesting that even homologous teeth do not always mineralize
at exactly the same rate. As the process of enamel development occurs in the differ-
ent tooth types over different developmental times, the locations of enamel defects
will differ between different homologous pairs of teeth [44]. Developmental defects
with this type of distribution are referred to as generalized defects of enamel and
may be caused by environmental factors or systemic conditions that have either a
defined time of influence or an ongoing influence throughout childhood, or they
may be caused by genetic factors. These conditions and their association with DDE
are discussed more fully in Chaps. 4 and 5.
Environmental Factors
Several environmental factors have been associated with DDE. These are believed
to cause systemic disturbances that affect enamel development rather than the envi-
ronmental agent affecting the ameloblasts directly. Environmental agents such as
lead, mercury, bisphenol A (an endocrine-disrupting chemical), some drugs such as
anticancer agents and tetracycline and some trace elements including fluoride and
strontium have been implicated in DDE. The systemic ingestion of these chemical
substances may exert an adverse effect on enamel formation during and after fetal
development [45, 46]. Exposure to such substances during amelogenesis may result
in the formation of defective enamel depending on the stage of enamel develop-
ment, the timing of exposure, the length of exposure and the underlying health of
the individual [47]. It should be remembered that some of the substances also have
a very positive effect, such as the ingestion of low levels of fluoride to improve
enamel maturation and decrease dental caries risk.
DDE arising from excess fluoride ingestion have been found in areas with high
natural levels of fluoride in the drinking water. Ingestion of excess fluoride during
tooth development can result in dental fluorosis, a form of enamel hypomineral-
ization where the white striations contain less mineral and retain more develop-
mental enamel proteins. The hypomineralization can vary from minor white
striations to small or more extensive opacities [48, 49]. The first 3 years of life is
generally understood to be the window of maximum susceptibility for the devel-
opment of fluorosis in the permanent maxillary central incisor teeth [50].
Nevertheless, for the whole permanent dentition, excluding the third molars, the
first 6–8 years of life is an important period when exposure to appropriate levels
of fluoride as defined in local guidelines should be followed [51]. Fluorotic hypo-
mineralization defects do have specific characteristics which allow them to be
differentiated from defects caused by other factors [52], and this can be useful for
the clinician to consider when diagnosing DDE. The characteristic lesions in fluo-
rosis are dull and chalky in appearance; they may vary in color from chalky white,
yellow, or brown, and in some cases there are small pits which accumulate organic
matter producing yellow to brown spots (Fig. 2.5). When diagnosing DDE that
24 R.P. Anthonappa and N.M. King
consequently lead to DDE [67]. It has been reported that central nervous system
irradiation with scattered irradiation of 0.72–1.44 Gy to the dental arches can result
in a range of enamel defects in developing permanent teeth [68, 69].
Genetic Disorders
Systemic Conditions
It has been suggested that perinatal and postnatal problems, hypoxia and malnutri-
tion may be related to the occurrence of DDE in permanent teeth. However, the
mechanisms are not clearly understood and it is difficult to link any of the condi-
tions directly to the defects. Children with low birth weights have been shown to
be more at risk for developing DDE in their primary teeth. However the evidence
is weaker in relation to the permanent dentition [75]. Similarly, problems at the
time of delivery such as caesarean section and labor in excess of 20 h and poor
respiratory response in the postnatal period (hypoxia and respiratory diseases in
early childhood) have all been linked with the occurrence of DDE, but currently
there is insufficient evidence to be confident about any of these as direct causes of
DDE [76].
There are numerous reports of DDE in the permanent dentition being associated
with diseases and infectious conditions occurring in early childhood. Infectious dis-
eases occurring during early childhood that may be related to DDE include chick-
enpox, asthma, measles, mumps, scarlet fever, exanthematous fevers, pneumonia
and urinary tract infections. Other conditions such as convulsions, tuberculosis,
diphtheria, whooping cough, otitis media, bulbar polio with encephalitis, gastroin-
testinal disturbances, cyanotic congenital heart disease, neurological disorders and
renal disorders have also all been mentioned in association with DDE.
Vitamin D deficiency, hypocalcemia, hypophosphatemia and hyperparathyroid-
ism have also all be implicated in DDE in the permanent dentition. Vitamin
D-dependent rickets (VDDR) is a condition which appears to be increasing in prev-
alence either due to vitamin D deficiency in the mother during pregnancy or vitamin
D deficiency in the young child [77]. Vitamin D deficiency contributes to the devel-
opment of hypocalcemia and hypophosphatemia which is then compounded by sec-
ondary hyperparathyroidism which in turn increases renal inorganic phosphate (Pi)
clearance, effectively worsening the hypophosphatemia. Consequently the low
26 R.P. Anthonappa and N.M. King
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Molar Incisor Hypomineralization
and Hypomineralized Second Primary 3
Molars: Diagnosis, Prevalence,
and Etiology
Molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) is a term used to describe a specific
clinical entity in which there are demarcated opacities in erupting first perma-
nent molars, frequently in combination with similar opacities in permanent inci-
sors. Recently, comparable lesions have been reported in second primary molars
and are referred to as hypomineralized second primary molars (HSPM). This
chapter describes the diagnosis, etiology, and prevalence of MIH and HSPM
and discusses the clinical characteristics and implications of this subgroup of
DDE. Given the specific distribution of the developmental defects associated
with MIH (and HSPM), the timing of any causative environmental disruption
can be hypothesized to be between the 18th week of pregnancy and around
3–5 years of age. However, the evidence surrounding specific factors remains
weak, not least because of a lack of consensus regarding assessment protocols
and limited understanding as to the exact pathogenesis. Etiology seems to be
multifactorial, and the etiological factors can be found in the pre-, peri-, and
postnatal period. The literature suggests the worldwide prevalence of MIH varies
between 2.8 % and 44 %, whereas for HSPM, figures of between 4.9 and 9.0 %
have been reported. The presence of HSPM and demarcated opacities in erupt-
ing permanent incisors represents risk indicators for subsequent MIH. As MIH is
associated with hypersensitive teeth, posteruptive loss of enamel and rapid caries
progression early diagnosis is clinically very important.
Despite a general decline in caries prevalence over the past 30 years, there remains a
subgroup of children in whom rapid caries progression, particularly affecting the first
permanent and second deciduous molars, still occurs. These children present fre-
quently to dentists who are confronted with large defects during or soon after the
eruption of the affected teeth. In 1987 Koch et al. [1] reported the prevalence of
hypomineralized first permanent molars in different Swedish birth cohorts. These
molars have subsequently been referred to in the literature, as non-fluoride hypomin-
eralization, idiopathic enamel hypomineralization, non-endemic mottling of enamel,
or cheese molars [2]. The phenomenon, known as molar incisor hypomineralization
(MIH) was first recognized in 2001 and defined as hypomineralization of one to four
first permanent molars often in combination with affected permanent incisors
(Fig. 3.1) [3]. Subsequently, MIH-like lesions have been recognized in second pri-
mary molars (Fig. 3.2) leading to the description of hypomineralized second primary
molars (HSPM) [4] also called deciduous molar hypomineralization (DMH) [5].
Fig. 3.1 Example of MIH with molar as well as incisor opacities. Notice the white demarcated
opacity 11, yellow demarcated opacity 21. Yellow brown demarcated opacities erupting 46, brown
demarcated opacities with occlusal buccal posteruptive enamel loss 36, as well as demarcated yel-
low brown opacities in erupting 16 and 26 (Courtesy of Dr. H. Pohlen, Alsdorf, Germany)
3 Molar Incisor Hypomineralization 33
Diagnostic Criteria
Clinical Features
MIH is a hypomineralization defect affecting the quality (as opposed to the quan-
tity) of the enamel. It is identified visually as an alteration in translucency of the
enamel, with a sharp demarcation between the affected and sound enamel, known
as a demarcated opacity. The color of the hypomineralized area is white, yellow or
brown and the area has a dull (porous) or shiny surface appearance (Fig. 3.3). MIH
is not only variable in expression between patients but also within an individual
patient. The number of affected first permanent molars per child can vary from one
to four and the expression of the defects may vary from molar to molar. Within one
patient, intact demarcated opacities can be found in one molar, while in another
molar in the same patient, the porous enamel is already broken down (asymmetrical
appearance). The porous brittle enamel can easily chip off under the masticatory
forces very soon after eruption. This chipping off has been described in the litera-
ture as posteruptive enamel loss or PEB [4]. Sometimes the loss of enamel in PEB
can occur so rapidly after eruption that it seems as if it was not formed initially
(Fig. 3.4). However, it is important that the clinician distinguishes between PEB and
hypoplasia. Hypoplasia is a primary quantitative defect of the enamel that occurs
during tooth development. The resulting enamel may be thin or actually missing and
may be characterized as pits or grooves across the tooth surface. The color and loca-
tion of the demarcated opacities in MIH-affected molars are indicative of the
Fig. 3.4 Tooth 16 with posteruptive enamel loss and opacity on the palatal surface. The same
tooth after 1 year posteruptive enamel loss with cavity formation
relative risk for PEB; brown, dull, and porous opacities on cuspal tips are thought to
be weaker than white and shiny ones on smooth surfaces and therefore more vulner-
able to chipping [9].
The clinical appearance of the location, size, and form of the HSPM- and MIH-
related carious lesions and restorations often do not fit with normal caries distribu-
tion patterns. These lesions and restorations have been reported as atypical caries or
atypical restorations in some epidemiological studies [4]. When the incisors also
show opacities most commonly these remain intact because the chewing forces have
less impact on incisors compared with molars (Fig. 3.5).
Both MIH and HSPM are very inconvenient for the child. The child may experi-
ence pain and sensitivity from the affected teeth particularly when exposed to hot
and cold foods and drinks. Even if the (porous) hypomineralized enamel is intact,
36 K.L. Weerheijm et al.
toothbrushing can cause sensitivity [2, 3]. In the event of PEB caries can progress
rapidly increasing the risk of toothache. Pain-free treatment, which can be challeng-
ing because the teeth are sensitive, is important to avoid behavioral management
problems or the development of dental anxiety in the future [11].
Etiology of MIH
Tooth development is under strict genetic control; however it is also very sensitive to
environmental changes. Ameloblasts, which are highly specialized calcium-
transporting cells, play an integral role in all three of the stages of enamel formation:
matrix formation, initial calcification and final maturation [12]. If ameloblast function
is disrupted during the secretory phase, there will be irreversible damage to the cells
and the teeth are characterized by a deficiency of tooth substance that ranges from
minor pits and groves to total absence of enamel; this is termed enamel hypoplasia and
is a quantitative defect. If, however, disruption of ameloblasts occurs later during
either the calcification or maturation phase, then the teeth will manifest in a qualitative
defect termed enamel hypomineralization and can present as an enamel opacity [13].
As discussed in Chaps. 1 and 2, ameloblasts are highly susceptible to environ-
mental disruptions leading to developmental defects in the enamel (DDE).
Depending on the timing of the disruption, which can be from the time the first
primary tooth starts to form (15–19 weeks in utero) to the completion of the matura-
tion of the third permanent molar (around 12 years of age), the defects manifest
differently across either dentition. However MIH is a very distinct form of DDE in
which the enamel of the first permanent molars (+/− the incisors) is specifically
hypomineralized. First permanent molars begin to develop in the fourth month in
utero, but calcification does not start until around the time of birth. For an environ-
mental disruption to contribute to MIH specifically, it would therefore likely occur
from sometime around the time of birth to 3–5 years of age by which time matura-
tion of the coronal enamel on the first permanent molars (and incisors) is complete.
Recent in vitro studies have suggested an even narrower window of susceptibility
around 6–8 months of age based upon the histological, mechanical, and chemical
properties of affected first molar teeth [14, 15]. In general, the putative causes of
MIH are similar to those identified in Chaps. 1 and 2 in association with more gen-
eralized DDE in both the primary and permanent dentitions. Table 3.1 is a summary
of the possible etiological factors for MIH. The factors are divided into pre-, peri-
and postnatal factors with medical problems being commonly mentioned. Fluoride
does not appear to influence the occurrence of MIH [25].
The strength of the evidence surrounding the etiology of MIH specifically
remains weak [18, 25]. There are a number of reasons for this including:
(i) The historical lack of consensus surrounding both the definition of MIH and how
to record it, leading to the use of a wide variety of often unvalidated indices.
(ii) Reliance on retrospective data either using parental recall of the perinatal
period or, slightly more reliable but nevertheless generally incomplete, retro-
spective chart reviews.
3 Molar Incisor Hypomineralization 37
(iii) Under-recording of the problem. First permanent molars affected by MIH are
susceptible to both PEB and rapid carious attack shortly after emerging into
the oral cavity. Many studies exclude restored or carious teeth from the assess-
ment which is likely to lead to an under-reporting of MIH, while others may
incorrectly classify PEB as hypoplasia. Similarly, severely affected molars
often require early extraction. Many studies include population samples of
children over 10 years old and few make any attempt to discover why missing
teeth have been extracted – this is also likely to lead to under-reporting of
enamel evolves the etiology of this condition will become clearer but is almost
certainly multifactorial and complex.
Etiology of HSPM
As with MIH, the etiology of HSPM appears to be multifactorial. Three studies have
been published to date with the pre- and perinatal factors being reportedly more
important in HSPM than in MIH [46–48]. Ninety-four percent of children with
HSPM have been reported to have at least one medical problem: 24.5 % occurring
prenatally, 45.3 % perinatally, and 9.4 % postnatally [46] with the greater the num-
ber of medical problems the greater the risk of HSPM. Furthermore, the ethnicity of
the child, maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy, low birth weight and
fever episodes in the child’s first year of life have been identified as risk factors for
HSPM [47]. Conversely, use of medications during pregnancy (specifically antibiot-
ics and antiasthmatic and anti-allergic medications) does not seem to influence the
occurrence of HSPM [47, 48].
Prevalence of MIH
The reported prevalence of MIH varies between 2.8 and 44 %. However despite the
publication of recommended diagnostic criteria for [4, 6], the lack of consensus sur-
rounding examination protocols, choice of index and population characteristics
means that it is still hard to make valid comparisons between the various epidemio-
logical studies [14, 25]. Table 3.2 summarizes the reported prevalence of MIH
worldwide including the indices used in each study. In addition to differences in
reported prevalence of MIH between countries, differences are also noted across
birth year. For example, in the study of Koch et al. [1], the prevalence of MIH varied
between 4.4 and 15.4 % across the different birth years with a peak in prevalence for
those children born in 1970. These data were reproduced later by Jalevik et al. in
Swedish children born in 1990 [26]. Most studies show an equal distribution of
MIH between sexes [26, 55, 71] and, although Leppäniemi et al. [55] found a pre-
disposition for MIH in the upper jaw, most studies fail to show any quadrant predi-
lection for MIH defects [9, 26, 68, 71].
Prevalence of HSPM
Compared with MIH, there are very few prevalence studies on HSPM. Table 3.3
summarizes the available data which suggests that the prevalence of HSPM varies
between 4.9 and 9.0 %. HSPM is also equally distributed between sexes and arches
[7]. HSPM is now also recognized as a risk factor and clinical indicator for MIH
(OR: 4.4 (95 % CI: 3.1–6.4) [72]. Even relatively mild expressions of HSPM
increase the chances of future MIH (Fig. 3.2) [72]. In children with mild HSPM, the
3 Molar Incisor Hypomineralization 39
odds ratio (OR) for MIH was 5.3 (95 % CI: 2.9–9.4) and in children with severe
HSPM, the OR was 4.0 (95 % CI: 2.6–6.3).
Clinical Implications
Opacities on second primary molars (HSPM) and erupting permanent incisors are
potential indicators for MIH. While MIH cannot be confirmed until the complete
eruption of all four first permanent molars the dental team should be alert for such
lesions as soon as teeth erupt. In the case of the second primary molars, this is around
2 years of age. This emphasizes the importance of raising parental awareness of oral
health and establishing a dental home early in their child’s life. Understanding these
40 K.L. Weerheijm et al.
lesions as predictors of MIH means that it is possible to inform patients of the poten-
tial implications and need for proactive prevention and dental management. More
frequent dental checkups may be needed during the period of first permanent molar
eruption [72]. When opacities on newly erupting first permanent molars are first
identified, it is important to discuss the diagnosis of MIH not only because hypomin-
eralized teeth cause discomfort and develop caries more easily but also because the
permanent incisors may be affected. This can prepare the individual child and their
parents for future esthetic issues that may become evident once the incisors erupt.
However it is also equally important to reassure affected children and their parents
that permanent teeth other than first molars and incisors are unlikely to be hypomin-
eralized because the timing of development of the remainder of the permanent denti-
tion does not coincide with that of the first molars and incisors.
Future Goals
In most countries where more than one prevalence study has been performed (see
Tables 3.2 and 3.3), the more recent study shows a higher prevalence. It is unknown
if this is an expression of increasing prevalence or an example of improved recogni-
tion of this particular dental enamel defect. Data from around the world and from
different birth cohorts are important not only for future dental service planning but
also in helping the search for better understanding of the etiological factors involved
in MIH and HSPM. From that point of view it now seems advisable to incorporate
assessment of MIH and HSPM prevalence figures with standardized score criteria
into national epidemiological caries prevalence studies in order to answer the ques-
tion as to whether the prevalence of MIH and HSPM is stable or whether it increases
or decreases over time.
HSPM and MIH require early diagnosis. HSPM as well as demarcated opacities
on erupting permanent incisors can be used as predictor for MIH though not
exclusively. Children who experience one or more of the possible etiological fac-
tors need to be checked for HSPM and/or MIH. Children with HSPM or MIH
need increased surveillance by the dental team including more frequent dental
checkups and additional preventive advice particularly around the time of erup-
tion of the second primary and first permanent molars. Prevention and treatment
options for MIH and HSPM will be addressed further in Chaps. 8, 9, 10 and 11.
1. Koch G, Hallonsten AL, Ludvigsson N, Hansson BO, Holst A, Ullbro C. Epidemiologic study
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49. Arrow P. Prevalence of developmental enamel defects of the first permanent molars among
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50. Balmer RC, Laskey D, Mahoney E, Toumba KJ. Prevalence of enamel defects and MIH in
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52. Soviero V, Haubek D, Trindade C, Da Matta T, Poulsen S. Prevalence and distribution of
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old Brazilian children. Acta Odontol Scand. 2009;67(3):170–5.
53. da Costa-Silva CM, Jeremias F, de Souza JF, Cordeiro Rde C, Santos-Pinto L, Zuanon
AC. Molar incisor hypomineralization: prevalence, severity and clinical consequences in
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54. Cho SY, Ki Y, Chu V. Molar incisor hypomineralization in Hong Kong Chinese children. Int J
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55. Leppaniemi A, Lukinmaa PL, Alaluusua S. Nonfluoride hypomineralizations in the permanent
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56. Petrou MA, Giraki M, Bissar AR, Basner R, Wempe C, Altarabulsi M, et al. Prevalence of
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57. Parikh DR, Ganesh M, Bhaskar V. Prevalence and characteristics of molar incisor hypominer-
alisation (MIH) in the child population residing in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. Eur Arch
Paediatr Dent. 2012;13(1):21–6.
58. Ghanim A, Bagheri R, Golkari A, Manton D. Molar-incisor hypomineralisation: a prevalence
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82. doi:10.1007/s40368-013-0067-y. Epub 2013 Jul 17.
59. Ghanim A, Morgan M, Marino R, Bailey D, Manton D. Molar-incisor hypomineralisation:
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60. Calderara PC, Gerthoux PM, Mocarelli P, Lukinmaa PL, Tramacere PL, Alaluusua S. The
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Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2005;6(2):79–83.
61. Zawaideh FI, Al-Jundi SH, Al-Jaljoli MH. Molar incisor hypomineralisation: prevalence in
Jordanian children and clinical characteristics. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent. 2011;12(1):31–6.
62. Fteita D, Ali A, Alaluusua S. Molar-incisor hypomineralization (MIH) in a group of school-
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63. Jasulaityte L, Veerkamp JS, Weerheijm KL. Molar incisor hypomineralization: review and
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64. Mahoney EK, Morrison DG. The prevalence of molar-incisor hypomineralisation (MIH) in
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65. Mahoney EK, Morrison DG. Further examination of the prevalence of MIH in the Wellington
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66. Martinez Gomez TP, Guinot Jimeno F, Bellet Dalmau LJ, Giner TL. Prevalence of molar-
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67. Garcia-Margarit M, Catala-Pizarro M, Montiel-Company JM, Almerich-Silla JM.
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44 K.L. Weerheijm et al.
68. Weerheijm KL, Groen HJ, Beentjes VE, Poorterman JH. Prevalence of cheese molars in
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70. Kuscu OO, Caglar E, Sandalli N. The prevalence and aetiology of molar-incisor hypominerali-
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hypomineralization and molar incisor hypomineralization. J Dent Res. 2012;91(6):551–5.
Syndromes and Diseases Associated
with Developmental Defects of Enamel 4
Mike Harrison, Angus Cameron, and Nicky Kilpatrick
Some patients have what may be described as “syndromic teeth.” The size, number
or crown/root morphology can indicate that the patient is affected by a recognized
malformation syndrome. Developmental defects of enamel (DDE) can sometimes
be part of a constellation of developmental changes elsewhere in the body and may
even provide diagnostic clues. If the underlying condition includes processes that
may affect enamel formation in more generalized, non-genetic ways, it can be dif-
ficult to be precise about the mechanism of the defect. Examples include renal dis-
ease and congenital cardiac defects, both of which can be of genetic origin and
disturb enamel formation by genetic and/or pathological means. This section will
describe some diseases and syndromes reported to exhibit DDE, with some guid-
ance about whether they are likely to have direct or indirect association.
Enamel defect
Fig. 4.1 Classification of the etiology of enamel defects in relation to systemic diseases or genetic
syndromes, but in reality there is much overlap with many systemic diseases having
an identified genetic origin e.g. cystic fibrosis.
These disorders of enamel will be considered in three ways (see Fig. 4.1):
(i) Those presenting with systemic disease as a pathological but non-genetic effect
on ameloblasts
(ii) Those presenting with a genetic disease and with a similar pathological but
non-genetic effect on the ameloblasts
(iii) Those specific genetic diseases in which the affected gene is known to be
directly involved in amelogenesis
It is not uncommon for infants to be born as early as 25 weeks gestation and not
only to survive, but develop with relatively few physical or intellectual conse-
quences. However the stigmata of the preterm infant can manifest even in children
born up to 36 weeks, related to conditions including perinatal respiratory distress,
intracranial bleeds, pulmonary immaturity, persistent ductus arteriosus and ven-
tricular septal foramina, necrotizing enterocolitis and some debilitating infections.
Long-term ventilation via oral or nasal intubation, hyperbilirubinemia leading to
jaundice and suboptimal nutrition all contribute to the comorbidity. Neonatal
hypocalcemia presents in all newborn infants up to 48 h until the development of
4 Syndromes and Diseases Associated with Developmental Defects of Enamel 47
Renal Disease
Nephrotic Syndrome
Celiac Disease
Enamel defects occur with varying severity in patients with celiac disease, an
immune-mediated disorder in which damage to the mucosa of the small intestine
48 M. Harrison et al.
Fig. 4.2 Grade I enamel defects in a 14-year-old girl diagnosed with celiac disease at the age of
9 years (Courtesy of Dr AK Natarajan, New Zealand)
pattern of specific enamel defects occurs and no other cause can be determined,
clinicians should consider celiac disease in the differential diagnosis. Questions in
the history should include occurrence of recurrent aphthous ulceration, abdominal
pain, diarrhea, poor weight gain, fatigue, anemia or a family history of celiac dis-
ease. A referral should be made to a pediatrician or gastroenterologist for testing
with a description of the oral signs that have been detected.
Childhood Oncology
The enamel organ is very sensitive to the toxic effects of chemotherapeutic agents
and radiation therapy. The effects of radiation may be attributable to both determin-
istic effects (non-stochastic, dose dependent) and stochastic effects (random, no
minimum dose). Agenesis, microdontia, and ridges of hypoplasia may be seen,
almost always with concomitant disturbances of dentin development and root mal-
formations in particular (Fig. 4.3a, b).
The leukemias are the most common group of childhood malignancies; thus the
effects of therapy on amelogenesis tend to be generalized. Therapy for solid tumors
such as brain and ocular lesions is often more targeted and more likely to affect one
side or even one quadrant. The severity of the defects will be determined primarily
by the age of the child when therapy is commenced and then by the type, intensity
and duration of therapy [13].
50 M. Harrison et al.
The term “rickets” has been traditionally used to describe the skeletal disease associ-
ated with deficiency in vitamin D, be that a dietary deficiency or one resulting from
insufficient exposure to sunlight. However more recently the term has been expanded
to include inherited metabolic bone diseases causing defects in mineral metabolism.
Advances in understanding the molecular basis of disorders of hard tissue formation
and regulation have led to discovery of specific genes and their protein products
which, when mutated, lead to specific bone diseases. As is often the case, where
skeletal bone metabolism is defective, odontogenesis is affected in some way [14].
Deficiency of vitamin D and calcium was a very common cause of rickets in the past.
However it almost disappeared in the Western world during the early twentieth century
thanks to the fortification of foods with vitamin D. More recently there has been a resur-
gence in the prevalence of VDDR which has been linked to inadequate exposure to
sunlight. The factors behind this remain putative but include heightened awareness of
the risk of skin cancer, cultural clothing practices leading to women being fully covered
and dark-skinned people living in northern (cloudy) climates with little daily sunlight.
Enamel and dentin defects have long been reported in VDDR, with hypoplastic
(often discolored) enamel, large pulp chambers, short roots and interglobular dentin
spaces [15]. These defects are closely linked to circulating levels of the active meta-
bolic form of vitamin D, namely 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. Direct effects on the
enamel organ and odontoblasts can cause defects in both matrix secretion and min-
eralization resulting in hypoplastic enamel which may also be hypomineralized
(Fig. 4.4). Importantly early diagnosis of VDDR and appropriate dietary supple-
mentation can improve both skeletal and dental mineralization.
While rare, XLHR is the most common cause of familial rickets with an inci-
dence of 1:20,000 births [16]. The disease is related to an isolated phosphate
4 Syndromes and Diseases Associated with Developmental Defects of Enamel 51
transport defect caused by mutations in the PHEX gene that results in increased
inhibition of both skeletal and dental mineralization. This X-linked dominantly
inherited condition is characterized clinically by hypophosphatemia (reduced
phosphate level in the blood), growth retardation, rickets and well-recognized
dental manifestations. Initial descriptions of XLHR emphasized the poor clini-
cal response to vitamin D rather than the distinctive finding of marked hypo-
phosphatemia, hence the historical use of the term “vitamin D-resistant
As with some other familial forms of rickets, XLHR is associated with spontane-
ous dental abscesses which are probably associated with the thin, hypomineralized
dentin and large pulp chambers. The enamel in these conditions often appears mac-
roscopically normal though enamel hypoplasia, cracks and defects have been
reported [17]. The mechanism behind these enamel defects, which are reported to
occur in up to 28 % of XLHR affected individuals [18], is currently unclear; how-
ever they may well contribute to the apparently spontaneous nature of these
abscesses (Fig. 4.5a, b). The dental manifestations can be particularly miserable for
the affected individuals and are also difficult to manage clinically [19]. Early clini-
cal and molecular diagnosis of these familial disorders may lead to timely correc-
tion of the metabolic defect. While medical management, aimed at controlling
serum calcium and phosphate, undoubtedly has a positive effect on skeletal devel-
opment, there is also evidence that the associated dental defects may be partially or
totally rescued [20].
Cystic Fibrosis
in the normal population [21, 22]. Currently the exact mechanism behind the
occurrence of DDE in CF is unknown, and as such these defects may simply
represent those expected in any debilitating illness of early childhood. However
CFTR is known to regulate the carbonic acid buffer system, controlling the pH
critical for ameloblast function and apatite deposition [23] and therefore it is
possible that there is some direct genetic impact on enamel formation yet to be
TS is a genetic disorder that can affect multiple organ systems with benign hamar-
tomas. It is considered a common epilepsy syndrome and may be associated with
autism spectrum disorder and other neurocognitive disabilities. It has long been
recognized that enamel pits (hypoplasia) are a variable feature of TS. These pits
may be widespread, mimicking some pitted forms of amelogenesis imperfecta
(AI), or sparse with fewer than 10 pits in an entire dentition (Fig. 4.6). There is
4 Syndromes and Diseases Associated with Developmental Defects of Enamel 53
There are very few truly syndromic AI conditions and equally few monogenic dis-
orders with proven influence on amelogenesis. Those listed below are far from an
exhaustive list, but it is likely that many syndromes reported to express enamel
defects as part of the phenotype will in time reveal an expanded family of genes
directly involved in amelogenesis.
TDO manifests as kinky hair shafts, thin hypoplastic enamel, and increased thick-
ness of cranial bones. Abscess formation is common due to the morphology of the
taurodontic pulp chambers and extended pulp horns combined with rapid attrition
of the enamel (Fig. 4.7). The responsible gene for TDO has been identified as
DLX3, a homeobox gene expressed in all three affected tissues. A causative expla-
nation of the pathogenesis of the hypoplastic enamel defect appears in a report by
Nieminen and coworkers [28] explaining how the DLX3 expression pattern fits
with the finding that the principal dental tissue affected in TDO is the epithelially
derived enamel.
Recently it has been established that abnormal RAS signaling does actually have
a negative effect on enamel formation in animal and human subjects with Costello
syndrome [29]. Disorders with mutations in the molecules of the combined
RAS/MAPK pathways lead to a number of other recognizable malformation
Hunter and others reported nephrocalcinosis associated with AI and postulated that
a clinical presentation of AI should prompt referral for renal ultrasound [30].
Subsequent similar reports were termed enamel-renal syndrome and it is now
accepted that a small cohort of patients with hypoplastic, hypomineralized AI with
multiple unerupted teeth may develop nephrocalcinosis. Furthermore, a clinically
related group of AI patients with gingival fibromatosis have been found to have
causative mutations in the FAM20A gene [31] (see Chap. 5).
These conditions are characterized by severe fragility and blistering of the skin follow-
ing minimal lateral pressure or trauma. Clinical types of EB are described by the level of
tissue separation within the epidermis (EB simplex), basement membrane (junctional
EB) and underlying connective tissue (dystrophic EB). The latter types, junctional and
dystrophic EB, are associated with enamel defects ranging from thin hypoplasia through
to widespread pitting or furrowing (Fig. 4.8a, b). A higher incidence of caries is noted in
these groups [32] though this is also likely to be linked to the difficulties in maintaining
oral hygiene when the oral mucosa is prone to blistering (Fig. 4.8c).
4 Syndromes and Diseases Associated with Developmental Defects of Enamel 57
Severe illness in early childhood can have an adverse effect on enamel formation.
Where genetic conditions feature enamel defects, they can either be directly attribut-
able to gene expression patterns during amelogenesis or the result of the impact of
systemic disease on ameloblast function. Very few conditions have been investigated in
sufficient detail to precisely determine the pathogenesis of the enamel defect. In the
future, modern in situ molecular technology should be able to demonstrate functional
pathology of disease-causing gene products during odontogenesis, at least in an animal
model of any given condition. Having said this, the mechanisms underpinning many
dental anomalies remain mysterious even in some relatively common genetic or chro-
mosomal anomalies such as trisomy 21, where anomalies of tooth number (hypodontia
and hyperdontia) and microdontia are common. Although it may seem an obscure aca-
demic exercise to be aware of these rare conditions, there are occasions when accurate
description of an enamel defect is an important step in diagnosing a rare disorder.
1. Jacobsen PE, Haubek D, et al. Developmental enamel defects in children born preterm: a sys-
tematic review. Eur J Oral Sci. 2014;122(1):7–14.
2. Arrow P. Risk factors in the occurrence of enamel defects of the first permanent molars among
schoolchildren in Western Australia. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2009;37(5):405–15.
3. Brogardh-Roth S, Matsson L, Klingberg G. Molar-incisor hypomineralization and oral hygiene
in 10- to-12-yr-old Swedish children born preterm. Eur J Oral Sci. 2011;119:33–9.
4. Seow W. A study of the development of the permanent dentition in very low birthweight chil-
dren. Pediatr Dent. 1996;18:379–84.
5. Oliver W, Owings C, Brown W, Shapiro B. Hypoplastic enamel associated with the nephrotic
syndrome. Pediatrics. 1963;32:399–406.
6. Kagnoff M. Celiac disease: pathogenesis of a model immunogenetic disease. J Clin Invest.
7. Majorana A, Bardellini E, Ravelli A, Plebani A, Polimeni A, Campus G. Implications of glu-
ten exposure period, CD clinical forms, and HLA typing in the association between celiac
disease and dental enamel defects in children. A case-control study. Int J Paediatr Dent.
8. Aguirre J, Rodríguez R, Oribe D, Vitoria J. Dental enamel defects in celiac patients. Oral Surg
Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 1997;84:646–50.
9. Aine L. Coeliac-type permanent-tooth enamel defects. Ann Med. 1996;28(1):9–12.
10. Priovolou C, Vanderas A, Papagiannoulis L. A comparative study of enamel defects in chil-
dren and adolescents with and without coeliac disease. Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2004;5(2):102–6.
11. Wierink C, Van Dierman D, Aartman I, Heymans H. Dental enamel defects in children with
coeliac disease. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2007;17:163–8.
12. Maki M, Aine L, Lipsanen V, Koskimies S. Dental enamel defects in first-degree relatives of
coeliac disease patients. Lancet. 1991;337:763–4.
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13. Minicucci E, Lopes L, Crocci A. Dental abnormalities in children after chemotherapy treat-
ment for acute lymphoid leukemia. Leuk Res. 2003;27(1):45–50.
14. Foster B, Nociti FH, Somerman MJ. The rachitic tooth. Endocr Rev. 2013;35:1–34.
15. Zambrano M, Nikitakis N, Sanchez-Quevedo M, Sauk J, Sedano H, Rivera H. Oral and dental
manifestations of vitamin D-dependent rickets type I: report of a pediatric case. Oral Surg Oral
Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2003;95(6):705–9.
16. Hanna J, Niimi K, Chan J. X- linked hypophosphatemia: genetic and clinical correlates. Am J
Dis Child. 1991;145(8):865–70.
17. Murayama T, Iwatsubo R, Akiyama S, Amano A, Morisaki I. Familial hypophosphatemic
vitamin D-resistant rickets: dental findings and histologic study of teeth. Oral Surg Oral Med
Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2000;90(3):310–6.
18. Bender I, Naidorf I. Dental observations in vitamin D resistant rickets with special reference
to periapical lesions. J Endod. 1985;11(11):514–20.
19. Alexander S, Moloney L, et al. Endodontic management of a patient with X-linked hypophos-
phataemic rickets. Aust Endod J. 2001;27(2):57–61.
20. Chaussain-Miller C, Sinding C, Septier D, Wolikow M, Goldberg M, Garabedian M. Dentin
structure in familial hypophosphatemic rickets: benefits of vitamin D and phosphate treatment.
Oral Dis. 2007;13(5):482–9.
21. Azevedo TDPL, Feijo GCS, Bezerra ACB. Presence of developmental defects of enamel in
cystic fibrosis patients. J Dent Child. 2006;73(3):159–63.
22. Narang A, Maguire A, Nunn JH, Bush A. Oral health and related factors in cystic fibrosis and
other chronic respiratory disorders. Arch Dis Child. 2003;88(8):702–7.
23. Sui W, Boyd C, Wright J. Altered pH regulation during enamel development in the cystic
fibrosis mouse incisor. J Dent Res. 2003;82(5):388–92.
24. Flanagan N, O’Connor W, McCartan B, Miller S, McMenamin J, Watson R. Developmental
enamel defects in tuberous sclerosis: a clinical genetic marker? J Med Genet.
25. OMIM. Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man. Center for Medical Genetics, Johns Hopkins
University and National Center for Biotechnology Information. Baltimore: National Library of
Medicine; 2013.
26. Balmer R, Fayle SAF. Enamel defects and ectopic eruption in a child with Usher syndrome and
a cochlear implant. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2007;17(1):57–61.
27. Nordgarden H, Lima K, Skogedal N, Følling I, Storhaug K, Abrahamsen T. Dental develop-
mental disturbances in 50 individuals with the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome; relation to medical
conditions? Acta Odontol Scand. 2012;70(3):194–201.
28. Nieminen P, Lukinmaa P, Alapulli H, Methuen M, Suojärvi T, Kivirikko S, et al. DLX3 home-
odomain mutations cause tricho-dento-osseous syndrome with novel phenotypes. Cells
Tissues Organs. 2011;194(1):49–59.
29. Goodwin A, et al. Abnormal Ras signaling in Costello syndrome (CS) negatively regulates
enamel formation. Hum Mol Genet. 2014;23(3):682–92.
30. Hunter L, Addy L, Knox J, Drage N. Is amelogenesis imperfecta an indication for renal exami-
nation? Int J Paediatr Dent. 2007;17(1):62–5.
31. Kantaputra P, Kaewgahya M, Khemaleelakul U, Dejkhamron P, Sutthimethakorn S,
Thongboonkerd V, et al. Enamel-renal-gingival syndrome and FAM20A mutations. Am J Med
Genet A. 2013;164A(1):1–9. Epub Nov 20.
32. Wright J. Oral manifestations in the epidermolysis bullosa spectrum. Dermatol Clin.
33. Luder H, Gerth-Kahlert C, Ostertag-Benzinger S, Schorderet D. Dental phenotype in Jalili
syndrome due to a c.1312 dupC homozygous mutation in the CNNM4 gene. PLoS One.
Amelogenesis Imperfecta: Current
Understanding of Genotype-Phenotype 5
John Timothy Wright
There are nearly 100 hereditary conditions that affect enamel formation.
Hereditary enamel conditions not associated with other tissue or developmental
defects are traditionally referred to as amelogenesis imperfecta (AI). Enamel
malformations involve either a deficiency in the amount of enamel (hypoplasia),
a decrease in the mineral content or change in the composition of enamel (hypo-
mineralization), or a combination of these two manifestations. The different
amelogenesis imperfectas are challenging to diagnose and treat as they are
extremely diverse in their clinical presentation and are genetically heteroge-
neous. There are multiple genes now known to cause AI and these different genes
code for proteins that are critical for normal enamel formation. Ten genes with
mutations known to cause AI have already been discovered, and the powerful
new molecular technologies now available will help identify new genes that are
associated with enamel defects. Understanding the etiology of hereditary condi-
tions affecting enamel and how the enamel differs from normal (amount and/or
composition) will allow clinicians to better advise their patients and select opti-
mal treatment approaches.
Enamel formation involves many diverse processes that are highly controlled at the
molecular level. These processes and developmental pathways can be sensitive to
environmental conditions that can disrupt the complex processes critical for nor-
mal biomineralization [1]. There are nearly 100 hereditary conditions that affect
enamel formation that are recorded in the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
database [2]. Most of these hereditary enamel defects are associated with syn-
dromes where tissues other than enamel also are affected. Hereditary enamel con-
ditions not associated with other tissue or developmental defects are traditionally
referred to as amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) [3]. These hereditary conditions pre-
dominantly affect the quantity and/or quality of enamel in the absence of other
developmental traits [4]. The different amelogenesis imperfectas are challenging to
diagnose and treat as they are extremely diverse in their clinical presentation and
are genetically heterogeneous. Prior to the identification of any genes known to
cause AI, several studies described the prevalence and phenotype (clinical appear-
ance) of AI [5–8] in a variety of populations around the world. Studies conducted
in the United States, Israel [9, 10] and Scandinavian countries [9–13] indicate the
prevalence of AI to range from about 1:700 to 1:14,000. It is likely that most gen-
eral populations will have a prevalence of around 1:6,000–8,000 with the preva-
lence of specific subtypes varying in different populations. The purpose of this
chapter is to provide clinicians with a guide that will help them identify the differ-
ent AI types, the different causes of these conditions and how the specific genetic
cause can be related to a specific clinical appearance or phenotype. How this
knowledge is important for identifying a diagnosis and then for selecting different
treatment approaches will also be addressed.
secreting the enamel matrix over the full thickness of the enamel, but the mineral-
ization of the enamel was perturbed through these different mechanisms. Some AI
cases were observed to have hypoplasia and hypomineralization of the enamel as
well as taurodontism or apical displacement of the furcation in molar teeth [15].
Many of these cases were found to actually represent families with the tricho-dento-
osseous syndrome [16].
As the molecular basis of the AI conditions have been elucidated and the pheno-
types more carefully characterized using a variety of techniques, numerous investi-
gators have called for a new nomenclature that includes the molecular basis of these
conditions [17–19]. Indeed it became clear early on that there was a need to have a
consistent nomenclature to describe the many different genetic mutations occurring
in the same gene (allelic mutations) [20]. Standardized nomenclature has been
adopted for classifying mutations for AI and other conditions and there have been
some suggested changes in the AI classification but there is not at this time a clas-
sification system for AI that includes all the current genetic information [21]. Many
clinicians still use the Witkop classification and it remains, for the most part, a use-
ful way to communicate the phenotype and likely mode of inheritance. Several
modifications to the Witkop classification have been proposed (Table 5.1) based on
our increasing understanding of the pathogenesis of these conditions and these
modifications attempt to simplify some of the subtypes that were based primarily on
descriptive phenotypes (e.g., rough, smooth) [4, 22].
The early reports of enamel defects identified that they could be inherited by all the
known modes of Mendelian inheritance: autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive
and X-linked recessive [9]. The prevalence of the different subtypes varies with auto-
somal recessive AI types appearing to have a higher prevalence compared with the
autosomal dominant AI types in Middle Eastern countries [10]. The presence of a
family history of an enamel defect is very helpful in diagnosing whether the condi-
tion is indeed AI and what the AI subtype might be. Clinicians should ask patients
and parents if anyone in the family has a similar enamel defect. If so, which family
members and was there male-to-male transmission suggesting autosomal dominant
inheritance. Were males and females similarly affected or did females often show a
decreased level of severity? In the case of autosomal inherited traits, males and
females will typically be similarly affected. However, if the trait is X-linked, males
will typically have more severe manifestations compared with females due to
lyonization [23]. Female cells only express one of their X chromosomes in any given
cell so they will present a mosaic profile of affected and unaffected cells when they
carry a mutation on a gene that resides on their X chromosome. Thus, enamel in
females can be mildly or severely affected depending on the number of ameloblasts
expressing DNA from the X chromosome with or without the mutant gene. This
phenomenon of lyonization is clearly seen in the different X-linked AI subtypes
where female enamel may be only mildly hypoplastic or variable in color changes
that can present as streaks down the enamel of the tooth crown (Fig. 5.1) [24].
The clinical phenotypes seen with the different genetic mutations are markedly
different. These phenotypic variations occur for several different reasons. There are
multiple genes now known to cause AI and these different genes code for proteins
that have diverse functions. Thus, it is not surprising that mutations in the amelo-
genin gene that codes for the most abundant enamel matrix protein (amelogenin)
would be associated with a very different phenotype compared with mutations in a
gene coding for a proteinase like MMP20 that is involved in processing the enamel
matrix proteins. There are now over 10 different genes coding for different AI types
as reviewed in Table 5.1 [19, 25–27]. These genes code for proteins that are part of
the extracellular matrix, proteinases that process the matrix, proteins involved in
cellular attachments, proteins involved in ion regulation, genes that regulate the
expression of other genes and genes whose protein functions remain unknown at
this time (Table 5.2).
The primary feature of the different types of hypoplastic AI is some degree of thin-
ning of the enamel. The currently known genes associated with this phenotype
include AMELX, ENAM, LAMB3, and FAM20A. Currently all the AMELX muta-
tions causing loss of protein due to signal peptide changes or loss of the C-terminus
of the amelogenin protein result in a generalized thinning of the enamel layer in
males and variable thinning in females (Fig. 5.1). Females with these types of
AMELX mutations will have vertical furrows and grooves affecting the enamel
thickness [20]. The difference in phenotype between males and females with
X-linked AI is due to lyonization as described previously.
Many of the families identified as having autosomal recessive generalized hypo-
plastic amelogenesis imperfecta (OMIM #614253 AI and gingival fibromatosis syn-
drome) and mutations in the FAM20A gene have been shown to have
microcalcifications in their kidneys and thus have enamel-renal syndrome
(OMIM#204690) [28–30]. This condition has been reported using a variety of
64 J.T. Wright
names with the typical oral phenotype including generalized thin hypoplastic
enamel, failure of eruption of teeth and gingival enlargement (Fig. 5.2a, b).
Management of the dentition can be very difficult due to the combination of these
features and the rather common occurrence of resorption of the unerupted teeth.
Mutations in the ENAM gene are associated with two distinct phenotypes.
Mutations that cause a loss of protein are thought to result in a localized pitted pheno-
type due to haploinsufficiency (only a single functional copy of a gene) where a
greatly diminished amount of protein is produced by the ameloblasts because only
one of the two allelic ENAM genes produces a functional protein [31, 32]. This phe-
notype (OMIM#104500) is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait and is character-
ized by horizontal pitting or grooves that decorate the clinical crown. These hypoplastic
pitted/grooved areas are juxtaposed between areas of enamel that are full thickness.
The enamel color appears normal indicating a normal mineral content. Other ENAM
mutations produce a generalized thin hypoplastic phenotype (OMIM#104500)
through a dominant negative mechanism where it is thought that some dysfunctional
protein is produced that interferes with the normal process causing a more global
amelogenesis dysfunction and thin enamel over the entire dental crown. There are a
few case reports of hypoplastic AI due to ENAM mutations being inherited through
an autosomal recessive manner (OMIM#204650) [33].
Some presentations of AI have been shown to be associated with mutations that
have effects in other tissues. Hypoplastic AI has recently been associated with
mutations in genes that are important in cell-to-cell attachments such as LAMB3
[27]. The protein product from the LAMB3 gene and two other genes form the pro-
tein laminin 5 that is critical for anchoring the epidermis and dermis. Some
5 Amelogenesis Imperfecta: Current Understanding of Genotype-Phenotype 65
mutations in this gene are associated with junctional epidermolysis bullosa (OMIM#
226700, 226650) that is associated with tissue fragility and a propensity to develop
large blisters and a hypoplastic pitted to generalized thin enamel phenotype [34].
Recently families with no predilection or history of blistering or skin manifestations
have been identified to have LAMB3 gene mutations associated with a hypoplastic
enamel phenotype. It is likely that other genes important in cell-cell or cell-matrix
interactions or other ameloblast critical functions will be found to be associated
with hypoplastic enamel defects in the future. The majority of enamel defects
reported with syndromes are of the hypoplastic phenotype although many of these
conditions have not been fully characterized to determine if hypomineralization
also is a phenotypic component.
Fig. 5.3 The permanent dentition of males with the P70T mutation in the gene that codes for
amelogenin have X-linked hypomaturation AI have a relatively normal enamel thickness with the
coronol two thirds of the crown having a brown discoloration and the cervical area being white
opaque in color. The primary molars all have a white opaque coloration
[19, 25, 35]. Mutations in the first three of these genes are known to involve pro-
cessing of the enamel matrix. The role of WDR72 is not clear and the C4ORF26
protein may be important in regulation of crystallite mineralization. The clinical
phenotype that results from all of these mutations includes enamel that is typically
of normal thickness but is hypomineralized, has an increased protein content com-
pared with normal fully mineralized enamel and as a result is abnormal in color
and appearance [19]. Inheritance is either X-linked or autosomal recessive depend-
ing on the gene involved.
X-linked hypomaturation AI results from AMELX mutations that cause the ame-
logenin protein to be processed abnormally and at a slower rate [36]. For example,
the AMELX P70T mutation causes a change of the proline amino acid at position 70
to a tyrosine and this alters a major proteinase cleavage site for MMP20, the pri-
mary proteinase for processing the amelogenin protein. In affected males, this
results in enamel that in the primary dentition has a white opaque coloration and a
brown coloration with a white opaque cervical enamel in the permanent dentition
(Fig. 5.3) [37]. Females will have vertical striping of this discoloration due to
lyonization [23].
The proteinases primarily responsible for processing the enamel matrix proteins
(e.g. amelogenin, enamelin, ameloblastin, amelotin, etc.) are MMP20 and KLK4
[38]. Although MMP20 (a matrix metalloproteinase) is primarily active during the
secretory stage of development, it is associated with hypomaturation AI due to its
role in matrix processing that is a requisite for normal mineralization. KLK4 on the
other hand is active in the maturation stage and is an aggressive serine proteinase
that cleaves a variety of proteins to help ensure as much enamel matrix is processed
and removed as possible to allow the enamel crystallites to grow and mineralize to
the fullest extent. Enamel is normally about 85 % mineral per volume or 95 % by
5 Amelogenesis Imperfecta: Current Understanding of Genotype-Phenotype 67
weight [39]. All of the hypomaturation AI types that have been characterized bio-
chemically have retention of protein and decreased mineral content [40].
Interestingly, the mineral content varies substantially between the different hypo-
maturation AI types with the X-linked form having a higher mineral content than
the proteinase-associated AI types, while the C4ORF26-associated AI has a very
low mineral content and very high protein content [19, 24, 41]. Typically, the higher
the protein content, the lower the mineral content and the more likely the affected
individual is to have hypersensitivity of the teeth to thermal and chemical stimuli
and loss of enamel as the teeth come into function.
The degree of enamel mineralization can be assessed clinically by features such
as coloration of the dentition (discoloration is associated with decreased mineral
content and increased protein content), enamel loss and fracturing and lack of radio-
graphic contrast between enamel and dentin on radiographs (Fig. 5.4a, b). The pres-
ence and appearance of these phenotypic features can be helpful in determining
which AI type an individual has as well as what the appropriate treatment might be.
Enamel that is discolored, poorly mineralized, suffers fracturing from the crown and
is associated with hypersensitivity displays phenotypic features that should lead the
clinician to consider some type of full coronal coverage treatment.
68 J.T. Wright
The primary feature of hypocalcified AI is the marked reduction in the mineral con-
tent of the enamel that can be similar or even less than that of normal dentin. Most
cases of hypocalcified AI are inherited as an autosomal dominant trait and are
caused by mutations in the FAM83H gene. Typically all of the teeth in both the pri-
mary and permanent dentitions are similarly affected. The lack of mineral and
increased protein content diminishes the insulating properties of the enamel and
hypersensitivity is often a feature of this AI type. Affected individuals frequently
have marked gingival inflammation and can have extensive calculus formation
(Fig. 5.5a). The incompletely mineralized enamel contrasts poorly with the dentin
on radiographs and tends to break away from the teeth as they come into function
shortly after emergence into the oral cavity (Fig. 5.5b).
Some families have FAM83H mutations that are located farther in the 3-prime
direction resulting in a genetic code that would generate a protein that is not as
truncated as those produced by most FAM83H mutations. This slightly less trun-
cated protein may have some functionality resulting in affected individuals having
a localized hypocalcified phenotype with the cervical area of enamel typically being
affected, while the rest of the dental crown is relatively normal. This is a relatively
uncommon phenotype as most cases of hypocalcified AI involve the entire dental
crown. There also can be autosomal recessive hypocalcified AI cause by mutations
in the SLC24A4 gene although these cases appear to be rare as well.
5 Amelogenesis Imperfecta: Current Understanding of Genotype-Phenotype 69
Hypomaturation/Hypoplastic Amelogenesis
with Taurodontism
The presence of class III malocclusion with or without a skeletal open bite is much
more prevalent in individuals with AI than the general population. Studies indicate
around 25–45 % of individuals with AI will have these types of malocclusions [47,
48]. This phenotypic feature can occur in any of the AI types and is not always
associated with self-reported dental hypersensitivity. It has been proposed that this
could represent a direct effect of the mutated gene or may be a secondary effect. It
seems likely that most of the open bite and class III malocclusions are not due
directly to the dysfunctional mutant protein but due to other factors that remain
unclear such as changes in bite force and tone of the muscles of mastication. These
malocclusions certainly add greatly to the complexity, expense and duration of
management of some AI cases.
The diagnosis of AI and its molecular causes at the gene level have advanced greatly
since the first genetic mutation was identified in the amelogenin gene in 1991. New
molecular techniques such as whole-genome sequencing make it possible to iden-
tify causative mutations with only a few affected individuals. Consequently, there
are now 10 plus genes with mutations known to cause AI and there is no doubt that
these powerful molecular technologies will help identify new genes that are associ-
ated with enamel defects. Knowing the molecular basis of the different AI types
allows affected individuals and their families to have a definitive diagnosis that in
the past was extremely challenging to obtain given the many types of AI and the
diverse syndromic conditions that affect enamel formation. Clinicians that know the
AI type and how the enamel is affected will be better able to identify treatment
strategies and select the materials that are likely to generate optimal outcomes.
70 J.T. Wright
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43. Crawford PJM, Aldred MJ. Amelogenesis imperfecta with taurodontism and the tricho-dento-
osseous syndrome: separate conditions or a spectrum of disease? Clin Genet. 1990;38:44–50.
44. Wright JT, et al. Phenotypic variability of the tricho-dento-osseous syndrome associated with
a DLX3 homeobox gene mutation. In: Chemistry and biology of mineralized tissues.
Proceedings of the sixth international conference. Goldberg M, Boskey A, Robinson C, edi-
tors. Amer Acad Orthoped Surg: Rosemont; 2000. p. 27–31.
72 J.T. Wright
45. Dong J, et al. DLX3 mutation associated with autosomal dominant amelogenesis imperfecta
with taurodontism. Am J Med Genet A. 2005;133A(2):138–41.
46. Wright JT, et al. DLX3 c.561_562delCT mutation causes attenuated phenotype of tricho-
dento-osseous syndrome. Am J Med Genet A. 2008;146(3):343–9.
47. Persson M, Sundell S. Facial morphology and open bite deformity in amelogenesis imperfecta.
Acta Odontol Scand. 1982;40:135–44.
48. Cartwright AR, Kula K, Wright JT. Craniofacial features associated with amelogenesis imper-
fecta. J Craniofac Genet Dev Biol. 1999;19:148–56.
Molar Incisor Hypomineralization:
Structure, Composition, and Properties 6
Erin K. Mahoney and Rami Farah
The first permanent molars in molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) are
characterized by localized demarcated lesions or opacities within the enamel.
These lesions are often rough and plaque retentive and at risk of rapid caries
and post-eruptive breakdown (PEB). There is increasing evidence to suggest
that the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of MIH-affected enamel
are different to those of otherwise healthy enamel. Studies suggest that the
hardness and modulus of elasticity of MIH-affected enamel are reduced by
between 50 and 75 % and are accompanied by a simultaneous 20 % reduction
in mineral content. Furthermore, the protein content of affected enamel is up to
15 times higher than in sound enamel particularly in the darker brown opaci-
ties. These findings may explain why hypomineralized enamel fractures easily
under occlusal function causing PEB. Scanning and transmission electron
microscopic studies have shown that the microstructure of this enamel is more
disorganized and, when etched with phosphoric acid, it does not show the typi-
cal etching pattern. This may contribute clinically to the compromised bonding
of adhesive dental materials to affected teeth. Knowledge of the physical and
mechanical properties and composition of developmentally defective enamel
helps clinicians understand the challenges associated with treating affected
The first permanent molars in children with MIH are characterized by localized demar-
cated hypomineralized enamel lesions or opacities with compromised mechanical
properties. These hypomineralized lesions are often rough and plaque retentive which,
coupled with hypersensitivity, makes adequate oral hygiene difficult. The net result is
a predisposition to rapid caries and post-eruptive breakdown (Fig. 6.1). Over the past
15 years, there has been a growing body of research focused on understanding the
physical and chemical properties and the behavior of such hypomineralized lesions.
This is important as it helps clinicians to make informed treatment choices and pro-
vides greater insight into the likely long-term prognosis of these compromised teeth.
This chapter summarizes what is known about the structure, composition and
properties of hypomineralized enamel and relates this knowledge to the clinical
appearance and behavior of MIH-affected teeth. The first part of this chapter briefly
reviews otherwise healthy sound enamel, while the second part describes the macro-
and microscopic appearance of MIH enamel, its chemical and structural properties
and their impact on its mechanical behavior.
Sound Enamel
Hypomineralized Enamel
Macroscopic Changes
inclined planes and smooth surfaces. When MIH teeth, with clinically obvious
opacities, are extracted and sectioned prior to any in vitro testing, the lesion usually
extends from the ADJ to the surface of the tooth and the cervical enamel appears
normal macroscopically (Fig. 6.3).
Mechanical Properties
opposed to those of sound enamel. Hardness values for enamel from hypomineral-
ized first permanent molars have been reported as low as 0.5 GPa up to approxi-
mately 2 GPa with a modulus of elasticity of around 15 GPa [2, 3]. This 50–75 %
reduction in the mechanical properties suggests that hypomineralized enamel has a
low resistance to wear and will flex on loading which helps explain why MIH-
affected teeth appear clinically weaker and more prone to fracture. Further work by
Crombie and colleagues has shown that in general (although not always) white/
cream-colored opacities are harder than yellow-brown lesions [2]. This information
can be used clinically to help predict which teeth are likely to fracture or wear on
eruption and which may be able to be monitored over time.
The mechanical properties of sound enamel do vary across the tooth surface
[5– 7]. This has also been found in the enamel of hypomineralized first permanent
molars with the surface of the lesion being harder than the body [8]. Furthermore,
there is a transitional zone between the apparently sound enamel of the cervical
region and the hypomineralized defect (Fig. 6.4a–c). This transitional zone is
approximately 500–600 μm (0.5–0.6 mm) in width, with a linear reduction in
mechanical properties from the sound to affected enamel [9].
Studies have confirmed that the hardness and modulus of elasticity of enamel in the
cervical region are essentially normal. This means that clinicians can expect this region
to support normal bonding for restorative materials such as resin-based composites
whereas adhesion in hypomineralized regions of enamel may be compromised.
Hardness GPa
0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Distance from CEJ (microns)
0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Distance from CEJ (microns)
Fig. 6.4 (a) A cross section through an MIH-affected first permanent molar showing the transi-
tional zone between the occlusal-affected enamel and the normal cervical enamel. (b) Hardness of
unaffected control tooth from enamel at CEJ (cementoenamel junction) to a position level with the
dentine cusp tip. (c) Hardness of first permanent molar seen in (a) showing the transitional area
found between the sound and hypomineralized enamel
6 Molar Incisor Hypomineralization: Structure, Composition, and Properties 79
Fig. 6.5 A TEM image of hypomineralized enamel crystals showing the increased width of the
enamel sheath structure (Courtesy of Zonghan Xie, Mark Hoffman, and Michael Swain)
studies have consistently shown that, regardless of the etching time, exposure of
hypomineralized enamel to phosphoric acid fails to produce any of the traditional
etching patterns seen in sound enamel [13, 14]. It has been suggested that this
abnormal etching pattern may be the result of excess proteins remaining in the com-
promised enamel preventing normal acid dissolution [10].
The microshear bond strength of a resin-based composite to hypomineralized
enamel has been shown to be significantly less (up to a 54 % reduction) compared
with that to sound enamel [13]. Furthermore, SEM studies confirmed a high fre-
quency of cohesive failures within the compromised enamel as opposed to an adhe-
sive failure at the interface with the composite material. This suggests that the
hypomineralized enamel failed when stress was applied i.e. the enamel itself was
weaker than the strength of the bond between the resin and compromised enamel.
The less densely packed crystals in the rods are associated with reduced mineral
density and in turn compromised mechanical properties. Mineral density is an indi-
cation of the degree of mineralization of a given material. The higher the mineral
density, the more mineralized the tissue and the more tightly packed the crystals.
The reduced mineral density of MIH enamel has been confirmed using x-ray
microtomography [15, 16]. This technique utilizes a small version of the computer-
ized tomography (CT) scan to take multiple radiographic images of the specimen
under study from multiple angles. A computer then uses the multiple radiographs to
reconstruct a three-dimensional image of the specimen (in black and white as in
conventional radiographs). Just as in conventional radiographs, the whiter the speci-
men (or enamel in this case), the more mineralized it is, and the darker the enamel,
the less mineralized it is (hypomineralized). This is referred to as the gray-level
reading of the enamel. The gray level can be read (given a number) depending on
how white or dark it is, and this number can then be used to directly calculate the
mineral density of enamel. The mineral density of affected MIH enamel is, on aver-
age, around 20 % lower than that of sound enamel and varies across the lesion [15].
Cervically, where the enamel appears clinically normal, the mineral density is nor-
mal; however it drops across the transitional zone into the affected occlusal region.
The mineral density is lowest in the center of the lesion. Using x-ray microtomog-
raphy it was also demonstrated that the MIH defects follow the incremental lines of
enamel formation. Three dimensionally, this suggests that defects are shaped like an
irregular cone, with the narrow tip located close to the ADJ and the wider base fan-
ning out towards the enamel surface.
In addition to a reduction in the mineral density, the less densely packed crystals
are associated with a 5–25 % increase in porosity as demonstrated using polarized
light microscopy [2, 11, 17]. The high porosity in MIH enamel, combined with wide
dentinal tubules, may allow for easier irritation of the thermal and chemical stimuli
to the pulp. Rodd and co-workers demonstrated quantitative changes in the pulpal
tissue of hypomineralized teeth, with increased neuronal and vascular expression of
a noxious heat receptor in some pulpal regions [18]. This is indicative of underlying
pulpal inflammation. Clinically, this inflammation leads to heightened pulpal excit-
ability and sensitivity in the affected teeth, making a simple procedure like brushing
the teeth or drinking a cold or a warm beverage difficult for MIH-affected
6 Molar Incisor Hypomineralization: Structure, Composition, and Properties 81
Hemoglobin and proteins involved in tissue injury and its repair, or in bleeding and
coagulation, have also been detected, but with less abundance than serum proteins
[24, 27].
The presence of serum proteins in MIH enamel is peculiar. While minute amounts
of albumin and other serum proteins do enter enamel during development, they are
degraded and removed during the maturation phase [28]. Only trace amounts are
detected in mature sound enamel. It is unclear how such an abundance of serum
proteins (and some hemoglobin) can gain access into MIH enamel. The most likely
explanation is that there is “leakage” of serum (and perhaps blood) into MIH enamel
during its formation. If this leakage occurs during the transition and maturation
stages of amelogenesis it is likely to have a detrimental effect because albumin has
the capacity to bind to the immature apatite crystals, inhibiting their growth [29]. In
normal enamel formation, albumin degradation in the maturation stage is a prereq-
uisite for maximal crystal growth. In addition, alpha-1-antitrypsin and antithrombin
are serine proteinase inhibitors, interfering with the function of the proteinase kal-
likrein 4 (KLK4). KLK4 secreted during these stages of amelogenesis degrades the
organic matrix remaining from the secretion stage. This facilitates the continued
deposition of minerals into enamel required for full mineralization of hard enamel.
The presence of antitrypsin and antithrombin may impair KLK4 activity resulting in
hypomineralized enamel with the associated elevated protein and reduced mineral
The structure, composition, and properties of hypomineralized enamel are fun-
damentally altered which in turn affects its behavior and response to both the oral
environment and dental treatment. Biomaterial science and scientists, through
the use of a variety of in vitro techniques, can help clinicians understand these
differences. Further research, which should also extend to hypomineralized pri-
mary enamel, is required to identify ways to optimize mineralization of develop-
mentally defective enamel and to improve both prevention and treatment
strategies in the future.
1. He LH, Swain MV. Enamel – a “metallic-like” deformable biocomposite. J Dent. 2007;
2. Crombie FA, Manton DJ, Palamara JE, Zalizniak I, Cochrane NJ, Reynolds EC. Characterisation
of developmentally hypomineralised human enamel. J Dent. 2013;41(7):611–8.
3. Mahoney E, Ismail FS, Kilpatrick N, Swain M. Mechanical properties across hypomineral-
ized/hypoplastic enamel of first permanent molar teeth. Eur J Oral Sci. 2004;112(6):
4. Kinney JH, Marshall SJ, Marshall GW. The mechanical properties of human dentin: a critical
review and re-evaluation of the dental literature. Crit Rev Oral Biol Med. 2003;14(1):13–29.
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5. Cuy JL, Mann AB, Livi KJ, Teaford MF, Weihs TP. Nanoindentation mapping of the mechani-
cal properties of human molar tooth enamel. Arch Oral Biol. 2002;47:281–91.
6. Meredith N, Sherriff M, Setchell DJ, Swanson SAV. Measurement of the mircohardness and
Young’s modulus of human enamel and dentine using an indentation technique. Arch Oral
Biol. 1996;41:539–45.
7. Xu HHK, Smith DT, Jahanmir S, Romberg E, Kelly JR, Thompson VP, et al. Indentation dam-
age and mechanical properties of human enamel and dentin. J Dent Res. 1998;77(3):472–80.
8. Crombie F, Cochrane NJ, Manton DJ, Palamara JE, Reynolds EC. Mineralisation of develop-
mentally hypomineralised human enamel in vitro. Caries Res. 2013;47:259–63.
9. Mahoney EK, Rohanizadeh R, Ismail FS, Kilpatrick NM, Swain MV. Mechanical properties
and microstructure of hypomineralised enamel of permanent teeth. Biomaterials.
10. Jalevik B, Dietz W, Noren JG. Scanning electron micrograph analysis of hypomineralized
enamel in permanent first molars. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2005;15(4):233–40.
11. Suckling GW, Nelson DG, Patel MJ. Macroscopic and scanning electron microscopic appear-
ance and hardness values of developmental defects in human permanent tooth enamel. Adv
Dent Res. 1989;3(2):219–33.
12. Xie Z, Kilpatrick NM, Swain MV, Munroe PR, Hoffman M. Transmission electron microscope
characterisation of molar-incisor-hypomineralisation. J Mater Sci Mater Med.
13. William V, Burrow MF, Palamara JEA, Messer LB. Microshear bond strength of resin compos-
ite to teeth affected by molar hypomineralization using 2 adhesive systems. Pediatr Dent.
14. Mahoney EK. Micromechanical and structural analysis of compromised dental tissues. PhD
thesis, University of Sydney; 2005.
15. Farah RA, Swain MV, Drummond BK, Cook R, Atieh M. Mineral density of hypomineralised
enamel. J Dent. 2010;38(1):50–8.
16. Fearne J, Anderson P, Davis GR. 3D X-ray microscopic study of the extent of variations in
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17. Jalevik B, Noren JG. Enamel hypomineralization of permanent first molars: a morphological
study and survey of possible aetiological factors. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2000;10(4):278–89.
18. Rodd HD, Boissonade FM, Day PF. Pulpal status of hypomineralized permanent molars.
Pediatr Dent. 2007;29(6):514–20.
19. Kilpatrick NM. New developments in understanding development defects of enamel: optimiz-
ing clinical outcomes. J Orthod. 2009;36:277–82.
20. Jalevik B, Klingberg GA. Dental treatment, dental fear and behaviour management problems
in children with severe enamel hypomineralization of their permanent first molars. Int J
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21. Farah RA, Drummond BK, Swain M, Williams S. Linking the clinical presentation of molar-
incisor hypomineralisation to its mineral density. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2010;5:353–60.
22. Da Costa-Silva CM, Ambrosano GMB, Jeremias F, De Souza JF, Mialhe FL. Increase in sever-
ity of molar–incisor hypomineralization and its relationship with the colour of enamel opacity:
a prospective cohort study. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2011;21(5):333–41.
23. Jalevik B, Odelius H, Dietz W, Noren J. Secondary ion mass spectrometry and X-ray micro-
analysis of hypomineralized enamel in human permanent first molars. Arch Oral Biol.
24. Farah RA, Monk BC, Swain M, Drummond BK. Protein content of molar-incisor hypominer-
alisation enamel. J Dent. 2010;38(7):591–6.
25. Parry David A, Brookes Steven J, Logan Clare V, Poulter James A, El-Sayed W, Al-Bahlani S,
et al. Mutations in C4orf26, encoding a peptide with in vitro hydroxyapatite crystal nucleation
and growth activity, cause amelogenesis imperfecta. Am J Hum Genet. 2012;91(3):565–71.
84 E.K. Mahoney and R. Farah
26. Wright JT, Hall KI, Yamauchi M. The enamel proteins in human amelogenesis imperfecta.
Arch Oral Biol. 1997;42(2):149–59.
27. Mangum JE, Crombie F, Kilpatrick NM, Manton DJ, Hubbard MJ. Surface integrity governs
the proteome of hypomineralised enamel. J Dent Res. 2010;69:1160–5.
28. Robinson C, Brookes SJ, Kirkham J, Shore RC, Bonass WA. Uptake and metabolism of albu-
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29. Robinson C, Kirkham J, Brookes SJ, Shore RC. The role of albumin in developing rodent
dental enamel: a possible explanation for white spot hypoplasia. J Dent Res. 1992;71(6):
The Psychosocial Impacts
of Developmental Enamel Defects 7
in Children and Young People
Within pediatric healthcare, increasing importance is being placed on the
patient’s own experience of illness and related treatments. Clearly there is a
need for dentists to also appreciate how various oral conditions may impact on
their young patients. The dental literature has a long tradition of epidemiologi-
cal, clinical, and laboratory research relating to developmental defects of
enamel (DDE). Psychosocial research, however, is a more recent line of
enquiry, and one that is still in its infancy, particularly where children and
young people are concerned. In this chapter we will consider how disturbances
in enamel formation can affect the appearance and function of teeth which, in
turn, can impact on an individual’s emotions and social interactions. In addi-
tion, the need for patients to undergo, sometimes complex and prolonged,
courses of treatment may bring its own positive or negative effects. We will
first broadly consider the various approaches that can be used to gain insight
into children’s perspectives of oral conditions and dental treatment. The psy-
chosocial impacts of DDE will then be described in terms of how they affect
the individual, how dental interventions affect the individual, and, lastly, how
others view young people with DDE.
Over the last decade, there has been growing appreciation of the relationship
between oral health status and children’s quality of life or well-being. This has led
to a wealth of studies exploring the impact of dental disease, dentoalveolar trauma,
malocclusion, and dental or craniofacial anomalies on both oral health-related and
general health-related quality of life [1–6]. Furthermore, greater emphasis is now
being placed on young patients’ perspectives and experiences of dental care and
their participation in decision-making [7]. It is speculated that changes in how chil-
dren are viewed and engaged in dentistry may underpin and facilitate future enamel
defect-related research and service evaluation.
Research into the impacts of DDE may be driven by different agendas. Firstly, at
the population level, there has been a need to establish whether DDE constitute a
public health concern in the ongoing debate about the risks/benefits of water fluori-
dation. Indeed, the majority of psychosocial DDE-related research to date has been
conducted in areas of natural or artificial water fluoridation in both developed and
developing countries. Secondly, at the patient level, clinicians need to fully under-
stand the impacts of DDE for each individual in order to better meet their needs and
treatment expectations.
The media and celebrity industry also play a key role in shaping how society
views and values appearance. Many children are growing up in a world where unre-
alistic body images are portrayed as desirable. A “perfect” smile of straight and
artificially white teeth is inherent to this globalized representation of beauty. There
is little tolerance for tooth color that deviates from the norm, placing a greater psy-
chosocial impact on the individual and presenting more complex clinical and ethical
challenges for the dentist.
A variety of methods, both qualitative and quantitative, may be used to engage chil-
dren in research about their oral health and experiences of treatment [8]. Oral
health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) questionnaires have dominated quantita-
tive research in this field. The most frequently used child measures include the age-
specific Child Perceptions Questionnaires (CPQ11–14 and CPQ8–10) [9–11], the Child
Oral Health Impact Profile (Child OHIP) [12], and the Child Oral Impacts on Daily
Performances (Child OIDP) Questionnaire [13]. It should be borne in mind that
these instruments are generic OHRQoL measures, and although they have been
used with children with DDE [1, 14–16], they are not specific for enamel condi-
tions. Studies have also employed proxy (parent) assessments of child OHRQoL in
relation to DDE [2], but these will not be reviewed in this chapter as the focus is on
children’s self-reported impacts. Multidisciplinary research has also examined the
relationship between the impact of DDE and various psychological constructs such
as coping styles or self-esteem [17, 18].
7 The Psychosocial Impacts of Developmental Enamel Defects 87
In the main, the psychosocial literature has focussed on children with DDE on per-
manent teeth attributed to dental fluorosis [28] and less is known about how condi-
tions such as amelogenesis imperfecta (AI), molar incisor hypomineralization
(MIH), or trauma-related sequelae affect individuals.
One of the earliest studies to consider the psychosocial impact of severe dental
fluorosis was conducted with 13- to 15-year-olds living in Tanzania [27]. The main
finding was that 70 % of respondents said that the way their teeth looked hindered
them from smiling freely. Interestingly, the negative impact of DDE on smiling has
been a common theme throughout the literature.
A more detailed investigation was later carried out in Tanzania, in an area where
75 % of the population had a Thylstrup-Fejerskov Index (TFI) score of ≥2 [14]. To
88 Z. Marshman and H.D. Rodd
Although there have been comparatively few studies on the psychosocial aspects
of AI [32], it is evident that this condition has far greater impact than dental
7 The Psychosocial Impacts of Developmental Enamel Defects 89
fluorosis. This is not surprising in view of the often severe functional problems,
relating to dental hypersensitivity and tooth tissue loss, which may accompany
compromised aesthetics. The first, and landmark, study of the psychosocial
impacts of AI was conducted with a mainly adult population, although a few ado-
lescent participants were included [19]. Interestingly, social avoidance and dis-
tress were found to be greatest among younger patients. More recently, a mixed
method study involving children from a UK dental hospital has made a significant
contribution to our understanding of how AI affects younger people [16]. In-depth
interviews were conducted with seven children, aged 13–16 years. A further 40 AI
patients, aged 10–16 years, completed the CPQ11–14 as well as some additional
questions generated from the previous interviews. Participants reported impacts
relating to aesthetics as well as function. Children did not like to show their teeth,
especially for photographs and in social settings.
I don’t like smiling with my teeth because I don’t like them (girl, aged 13)
When all my friends are talking I’d want to join in but don’t want to show my teeth
(girl, aged 16)
For some children, tooth sensitivity was actually more of an issue than aesthetics.
It is the sensitivity more than the colour, the colour doesn’t bother me, it’s more the sensitiv-
ity (girl, aged 15)
If there was no problem with sensitivity, I’d drink faster and bite down on ice lollies and not
cringe when I think of it (girl, aged 13)
The only study to utilize in-depth interviews to explore the impact of DDE was
conducted in the UK with populations receiving either a non-fluoridated or fluori-
dated (1 ppm) water supply [23]. A theoretical framework, based on symbolic inter-
actionism was used to guide and interpret the qualitative data. Twenty-one 10- to
15-year-old young people were interviewed, with TFI scores ranging from 0 to 5.
The impact of DDE was frequently described in terms of how much dental appear-
ance “bothered” the individual. Photographs of the teeth of two participants have
been included to illustrate the clinical severity of the DDE.
I don’t like the colour, I’m conscious about it, when I am talking I don’t like showing
them…. I’m actually quite bothered (boy, aged 15)
I always wanted to change my teeth, they are like multi-coloured… I’m loads bothered
(girl, aged 14) (Fig. 7.1)
I’ve got some marks on the side of these two teeth, but they don’t bother me (girl, aged 13)
Interestingly, DDE impacted most on individuals whose sense of self was defined
by appearance and who depended on perceived approval from others about
90 Z. Marshman and H.D. Rodd
appearance. No association was found between gender, age, severity of DDE, and
the reported impacts. However, this research was the first to identify that a sense of
self may explain variation in the impact of DDE on young people. The following
selected quotes illustrate how DDE were found to impact variably on the partici-
pants, in terms of how they felt about their own dental appearance.
I don’t want to look at myself in the mirror ‘cos I know I’ll look horrible…. (girl, aged 14)
I’m happy with the way I am, it doesn’t really matter what you look like, its personality.
(girl, aged 12) (Fig. 7.2)
Another important finding was the degree to which children were teased or ques-
tioned about the marks on their teeth, particularly when new people were encoun-
tered. Again, there was considerable variation in how teasing and name-calling
impacted on young people, which may have related to how much importance the
individual placed on their appearance as a whole.
I don’t’ like the thing on my tooth and I don’t like my big ears. Whenever I get into an argu-
ment with someone that’s the first thing they go on about (boy, aged 11)
When people are being nasty they always say things about my teeth, I don’t really care (girl,
aged 12)
Whenever I go on holiday or when I meet some new friends I don’t know they say “I don’t
mean to be bad, but I think you’ve got something on your teeth there”… They thought I
wasn’t brushing them and stuff… (boy, aged 11)
[16]. This figure concurs with findings from an earlier study of children with a range
of DDE, where 56 % stated that they had been subject to unkind remarks about their
teeth [22]. Although Marshman and colleagues [23] found variation in how teasing
and name-calling impacted on young people, for some young people, being subject
to teasing may be the motivation for seeking cosmetic treatment, and the clinician
needs to be sensitive to such issues. However, young patients may be self-conscious
and not always forthcoming about this matter, especially when meeting a dentist
they do not know well. An empathetic approach is clearly needed, and the dentist
should be able to direct patients to available support services, such as online anti-
bullying resources (
Dental Anxiety
Psychosocial Outcomes
To date, only one study appears to have considered the impact of treatment on
young people with DDE [22]. This service evaluation sought the views of 67 young
people, aged 7–16 years, who had received microabrasion and/or composite restora-
tions on their upper incisors for a variety of visible enamel defects. Participants
completed a simple 10-item questionnaire which was developed with service users.
There was also a free text box for patients to write further comments. Prior to any
intervention, children reported high levels of worry and embarrassment. However,
following treatment, children said they felt happier and were more confident.
I am a lot happier now, people don’t pick on me (girl, aged 10)
I cannot fault my treatment which has made me gain some confidence, which has helped me
in this difficult year of exams (girl, aged 16)
It is encouraging to see that a more recent study, conducted with children with
AI, did seek young patients’ expectations at the outset of treatment [16]. The authors
asked 40 children what was the single most important thing they wanted from their
course of treatment? The majority (63 %) stated that they hoped for an improvement
in the color of their teeth, and 18 % said they wanted a better smile. For 10 %, a
reduction in tooth sensitivity was the most important outcome.
Timing of Interventions
Another consideration is how the timing of any dental treatment, particularly for
largely esthetic interventions, impacts on the individual. Clinical anecdote suggests
that some children, who have been previously unconcerned about their dental
appearance, are prompted to request treatment because of a significant social event
(e.g., being a bridesmaid at a wedding) or change in their circumstances.
One study explored the experiences of 11- to 12-year-old children with a variety
of visible facial and dental differences, including DDE, during their transition to
secondary (high) school [17, 20, 22]. A 2-week diary was developed with children
and incorporated both open and closed questions with space to include drawings.
7 The Psychosocial Impacts of Developmental Enamel Defects 93
Some children discussed their oral conditions such as cleft lip and how they dealt
with questions from peers about it, while others reported having sought treatment to
improve the appearance of enamel defects prior to starting secondary school
(Fig. 7.3).
It should be noted, however, that heightened appearance-related concerns were
not limited to oral conditions as some children stated that they had tried to lose
weight, have their hair cut, or not to wear glasses prior to the transition. This enquiry
demonstrated how impacts from DDE may be more or less important to a young
person at different times during their life course, and dental care professionals
should be sensitive to these issues when planning courses of treatment.
Another important consideration, relating to the provision of dental treatment, is
how this may impact on a child’s school attendance and social activities. The need
for frequent dental visits, often at a specialist practice some distance from home, is
likely to have a social impact on the child and their family. However, our review of
the literature failed to reveal any studies in this area.
In general, the evidence base is lacking to support the psychosocial benefits of
DDE-related treatment for young people. This should be a priority for future
research as it becomes increasingly important that treatments are justified and eval-
uated in terms of patient benefit. Longitudinal studies are paramount to consider
both the short- and long-term psychosocial effects of different dental interventions
and thereby develop and safeguard services for young people with DDE.
94 Z. Marshman and H.D. Rodd
Appearance-Related Judgments
The first study to consider how a child’s dental appearance influenced how their
peers and adults viewed them was conducted by Shaw [41]. Children, depicted in
photographs, as having well-aligned teeth and normal facial appearance were
judged to be better looking, more desirable as friends, more intelligent, and less
likely to behave aggressively than children with a malocclusion or cleft lip.
More recently, a similar methodology was employed to determine whether, or
not, young people made value judgments, or ascribed certain social attributes, to
other young people with visible enamel defects [21]. Focus groups were first con-
ducted with children aged 11 to 16 years to identify what terminology they used,
or judgments they made, in relation to photographs of teeth with a range of
DDE. Two common themes emerged from these discussions with participants
perceiving that people with DDE were “lazy” or “did not care about their appear-
ance” (Fig. 7.4).
The investigators then recruited 547 school children, aged 11–12 and 14–15 years,
to rate full-face photographs of a boy and girl using a social attribute questionnaire
that had been previously developed with young people. The 11 social attributes
included: kind, rude, clever, honest, cares about appearance, careful, lazy, confident,
helpful, stupid, and naughty. Half the participants were shown photographs of the
boy and girl with normal teeth, and half were shown digitally modified photographs
of the same children with a visible enamel defect affecting one upper incisor. The
key finding was that young people did make negative social judgments on the basis
of DDE. Age and socioeconomic status did not have an effect on raters’ scores, but
girls were more positive in their assessment than boys. Affected individuals may be
unfairly judged by others which may, in turn, impact on their self-esteem, social
interactions, and life prospects.
This brief review of the literature, albeit an emerging literature, suggests that hav-
ing a DDE can impact on children and young people in a variety of ways. Generic
oral health-related quality of life questionnaires have provided conflicting findings,
but qualitative enquires have given a richer and more meaningful insight into the
range and severity of psychosocial impacts. Appearance-related impacts are fore-
most with some children reporting embarrassment, upset, and reluctance to smile
or show their teeth in normal social interactions. In addition, some children may
experience dental hypersensitivity as well as compromised esthetics, which are
likely to have negative impacts on daily activities. For young patients requiring
extensive dental treatment, there is the potential to develop dental anxiety. Studies
have also shown that some children with DDE are subject to dental appearance-
related teasing and may incur negative social judgments from their peers. Most of
the research to date has been conducted on the impact of DDE in the permanent
dentition with little knowledge about the nature or severity of the impact of DDE
on younger children.
Some individuals with a visible difference cope better than others but the reasons
for their resilience have not been fully elucidated. This observation is supported by
the finding that there is no simple correlation between the severity of the enamel
defect and the resultant impact. Further research, in collaboration with social sci-
ence experts, is indicated to explore these complex and dynamic relationships,
throughout childhood and adolescence.
The “take-home” message for clinicians is that children and young people with
DDE require an empathetic and insightful approach. Every effort should be made to
provide timely and aesthetic care, which addresses the young patient’s individual
concerns and circumstances. However, unrealistic treatment expectations may be
encountered, and these need to be met with good communication and appropriate
support. It is important that robust pediatric patient-reported outcome measures are
developed for future use, so that we can be sure that our treatment is actually help-
ing to reduce the psychosocial impacts of having an enamel defect.
96 Z. Marshman and H.D. Rodd
1. Do LG, Spencer A. Oral health-related quality of life of children by dental caries and fluorosis
experience. J Public Health Dent. 2007;67(3):132–9.
2. Arrow P. Child oral health-related quality of life (COHQoL), enamel defects of the first perma-
nent molars and caries experience among children in Western Australia. Community Dent
Health. 2013;30(3):183–8.
3. Bendo C, Paiva S, Varni J, Vale M. Oral health-related quality of life and traumatic dental
injuries in Brazilian adolescents. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2014;42(3):216–23.
4. Eslami N, Majidi MR, Aliakbarian M, Hasanzadeh N. Oral health-related quality of life in
children with cleft lip and palate. J Craniofac Surg. 2013;24(4):e340–3.
5. Kotecha S, Turner PJ, Dietrich T, Dhopatkar A. The impact of tooth agenesis on oral health-
related quality of life in children. J Orthod. 2013;40(2):122–9.
6. Scapini A, Feldens CA, Ardenghi TM, Kramer PF. Malocclusion impacts adolescents’ oral
health-related quality of life. Angle Orthod. 2013;83(3):512–8.
7. Hall M, Gibson B, James A, Rodd HD. Children’s experiences of participation in the cleft lip
and palate care pathway. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2012;22(6):442–50.
8. Gilchrist F, Rodd HD, Deery C, Marshman Z. Involving children in research, audit and service
evaluation. Br Dent J. 2013;214(11):577–82.
9. Jokovic A, Locker D, Guyatt G. Short forms of the Child Perceptions Questionnaire for
11–14-year-old children (CPQ(11–14)): development and initial evaluation. Health Qual Life
Outcomes. 2006;4:4.
10. Jokovic A, Locker D, Stephens M, Kenny D, Tompson B, Guyatt G. Validity and reliability of
a questionnaire for measuring child oral-health-related quality of life. J Dent Res.
11. Jokovic A, Locker D, Tompson B, Guyatt G. Questionnaire for measuring oral health-related
quality of life in eight- to ten-year-old children. Pediatr Dent. 2004;26(6):512–8.
12. Broder HL, McGrath C, Cisneros GJ. Questionnaire development: face validity and item
impact testing of the child oral health impact profile. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol.
13. Gherunpong S, Tsakos G, Sheiham A. Developing and evaluating an oral health-related qual-
ity of life index for children; the CHILD-OIDP. Community Dent Health. 2004;21(2):161–9.
14. Astrom AN, Mashoto K. Determinants of self-rated oral health status among school children
in northern Tanzania. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2002;12(2):90–100.
15. Michel-Crosato E, Biazevic MGH, Crosato E. Relationship between dental fluorosis and qual-
ity of life: a population based study. Braz Oral Res. 2005;19(2):150–5.
16. Parekh S, Almehateb M, Cunningham SJ. How do children with amelogenesis imperfecta feel
about their teeth? Int J Paediatr Dent. 2014;24(5):326–35.
17. Rodd HD, Marshman Z, Porritt J, Bradbury J, Baker SR. Oral health-related quality of life of
children in relation to dental appearance and educational transition. Br Dent J. 2011;211(2):E4.
18. Rodd HD, Marshman Z, Porritt J, Bradbury J, Baker SR. Psychosocial predictors of children’s
oral health-related quality of life during transition to secondary school. Qual Life Res.
19. Coffield KD, Phillips C, Brady M, Roberts MW, Strauss RP, Wright JT. The psychosocial
impact of developmental dental defects in people with hereditary amelogenesis imperfecta.
J Am Dent Assoc. 2005;136(5):620–30.
20. Marshman Z, Baker SR, Bradbury J, Hall MJ, Rodd HD. The psychosocial impact of oral
conditions during transition to secondary education. Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2009;10(4):176–80.
21. Craig S. How children view other children with enamel defects. MPhil thesis. Sheffield:
University of Sheffield; 2013.
22. Rodd HD, Abdul-Karim A, Yesudian G, O’Mahony J, Marshman Z. Seeking children’s per-
spectives in the management of visible enamel defects. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2011;
7 The Psychosocial Impacts of Developmental Enamel Defects 97
23. Marshman Z, Gibson B, Robinson PG. The impact of developmental defects of enamel on
young people in the UK. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2009;37(1):45–57.
24. Vargas-Ferreira F, Ardenghi TM. Developmental enamel defects and their impact on child oral
health-related quality of life. Braz Oral Res. 2011;25(6):531–7.
25. Pope AW, Ward J. Self-perceived facial appearance and psychosocial adjustment in preadoles-
cents with craniofacial anomalies. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 1997;34(5):396–401.
26. Lovegrove E, Rumsey N. Ignoring it doesn’t make it stop: adolescents, appearance, and bully-
ing. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 2005;42(1):33–44.
27. Helderman WHV, Mkasabuni E. Impact of dental fluorosis on the perception of well-being in
an endemic fluorosis area in Tanzania. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 1993;21(4):243–4.
28. Chankanka O, Levy SM, Warren JJ, Chalmers JM. A literature review of aesthetic perceptions
of dental fluorosis and relationships with psychosocial aspects/oral health-related quality of
life. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2010;38(2):97–109.
29. Sujak SL, Abdul Kadir R, Dom TN. Esthetic perception and psychosocial impact of develop-
mental enamel defects among Malaysian adolescents. J Oral Sci. 2004;46(4):221–6.
30. Robinson PG, Nalweyiso N, Busingye J, Whitworth J. Subjective impacts of dental caries and
fluorosis in rural Ugandan children. Community Dent Health. 2005;22(4):231–6.
31. Locker D. Disparities in oral health-related quality of life in a population of Canadian children.
Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2007;35(5):348–56.
32. Poulsen S, Gjorup H, Haubek D, Haukali G, Hintze H, Lovschall H, et al. Amelogenesis
imperfecta – a systematic literature review of associated dental and oro-facial abnormalities
and their impact on patients. Acta Odontol Scand. 2008;66(4):193–9.
33. Jalevik B, Klingberg GA. Dental treatment, dental fear and behaviour management problems
in children with severe enamel hypomineralization of their permanent first molars. Int J
Paediatr Dent. 2002;12(1):24–32.
34. Jalevik B, Klingberg G. Treatment outcomes and dental anxiety in 18-year-olds with MIH,
comparisons with healthy controls – a longitudinal study. Int J Paediatr Dent.
35. McDonald S, Arkutu N, Malik K, Gadhia K, McKaig S. Managing the paediatric patient with
amelogenesis imperfecta. Br Dent J. 2012;212(9):425–8.
36. Bevans KB, Riley AW, Moon J, Forrest CB. Conceptual and methodological advances in
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37. Dashash M, Yeung CA, Jamous I, Blinkhorn A. Interventions for the restorative care of amelo-
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41. Shaw WC. The influence of children’s dentofacial appearance on their social attractiveness as
judged by peers and lay adults. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 1981;79(4):399–415.
Examination and Treatment
Planning for Hypomineralized 8
and/or Hypoplastic Teeth
When children present with teeth with developmental defects of enamel (DDE),
achieving long-term successful outcomes for the teeth is dependent on establish-
ing a diagnosis of the problems and on immediate, short- and longer-term treat-
ment planning. Good records (medical and dental history as well as clinical
radiographic, photographic, and histologic examination) that are available for
successive clinicians who treat the child are also important. It is also important
to consider referral for medical evaluation if it is thought the defects are related
to a general systemic or genetic condition that has not been investigated. This
chapter provides guidance on the process of examination required to establish a
diagnosis and possible treatment options including the impact on the developing
occlusion when those options may involve extractions.
Despite many papers describing the structure and composition of defective enamel
(see Chaps. 5 and 6), there is still limited understanding of how enamel with decreased
mineral and/or with increased protein content can be successfully managed with cur-
rently available restorative procedures. Understanding the diagnosis will allow the
immediate needs to be considered including management of sensitivity, poor esthet-
ics, and posteruptive breakdown (PEB). Because the defects are usually diagnosed in
young children, once the immediate problems have been managed, an intermediate
management plan should be developed to preserve the teeth until permanent restora-
tions can be placed, often over a decade later. Early management may include using
preventive materials to decrease caries risk and sensitivity, masking defects to improve
appearance, and temporarily and/or permanently restoring hypoplastic defects. It can
seem tempting to extract teeth when only one or a few teeth are affected, but full
assessment of occlusal development is important to consider orthodontic treatment
needs. Young patients have a wide range of coping skills, and sedation or general
anesthesia may be required to optimize outcomes. There are also financial implica-
tions. While funding may be available to support dental treatment during childhood, it
may not be as accessible in early adulthood when definitive restorations are planned.
Long-term planning should therefore also take in to consideration the ability of the
child/family to afford anticipated treatment. Families require a significant amount of
knowledge of the problems associated with DDE to understand that the affected teeth
will require a lifetime of dental care even when they remain caries and erosion free.
This chapter considers what should be included in the examination, diagnosis, and
treatment planning when children present with teeth with DDE.
Table 8.1 Descriptions of enamel defects that have been used in epidemiological studies
Type of defect Extent of defects Diffuse opacities opacities
Normal Less than one third Diffuse lines White cream
Diffuse opacity Between one and two Diffuse patchy Yellow brown
Demarcated opacity At least two thirds Diffuse confluent
Hypoplasia Staining
Hypoplasia pits Pits
Hypoplasia grooves Loss of enamel
Hypoplasia, missing enamel,
Any other
8 Examination and Treatment Planning 101
Clinical History
As many opacities and hypoplastic defects appear to have no obvious cause, a care-
ful and accurate history can pinpoint the timing in relation to possible associated
medical events when the defects may have occurred. There will often be a history of
repeated attempts to restore teeth with DDE or of a child who is often described as
uncooperative. This suggests that because of the sensitivity of affected teeth, chil-
dren have been more anxious, and local anesthesia has not been successful [1]. In
older children, first molars in molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) may have
already been extracted. Table 8.2 summarizes the information that is useful in the
clinical history.
The problems, signs, and symptoms given by the child should be recorded. It can
sometimes be difficult to elicit concerns or a pain history from younger children but
suitable questions often help identify the issues, as suggested in Table 8.3 and
described in Chap. 7.
Clinical Examination
The clinical examination should note the sites, size, and appearance of DDE on
individual primary and/or permanent teeth. This can help to differentiate between
isolated insults during development or a genetic- or systemic-related problem that
has affected all the teeth. DDE in selected primary teeth can indicate a potential
problem in permanent teeth. Developmental defects of the primary second molar
alone are suggestive of hypomineralized second primary molars (HSPM) which are
predictive of MIH as discussed in Chap. 3. Developmental defects that affect all the
primary teeth may indicate a more generalized impact in the permanent dentition
(Chaps. 4 and 5). The texture and color of the enamel indicate the presence of hypo-
plasia and/or hypomineralization. The darker the color, particularly in MIH, the
higher the enamel protein content, indicating increased risk of cohesive failure of
bonded restorations [2]. Texture can be determined by gently running a probe across
the surface. Enamel that is opaque may have a relatively smooth texture reflecting
the fact that the surface enamel has mineralized further after eruption. However it is
important to remember that from the bonding perspective, the subsurface is still
hypomineralized. Color and texture will partly determine the restorative approaches.
In hypomineralized enamel without hypoplasia or breakdown, attempts can be
made to improve the appearance using microabrasion with and without bleaching or
possibly resin infiltration. This is discussed further in Chap. 11. Areas of posterup-
tive breakdown or hypoplasia should be noted as well as the position of normal
enamel that can be utilized to optimize bonding and achieve a sound marginal seal
for restorations. In most MIH-affected first permanent molars, there is a band of
relatively normal enamel at or below the gingival margin as shown in Fig. 8.1. This
allows for good permanent crown margins in late adolescence once pulps have
matured and teeth have erupted to provide an acceptable crown height. The chal-
lenge in a young child is how to achieve protection of the crowns and pulps of
affected teeth until late adolescence (Chaps. 9 and 11 discuss management options).
Care should be taken when diagnosing caries. What appears to be caries visually
may be found to be sound dentine with posteruptive enamel breakdown after the
surface has been cleaned and dried. This is important as non-carious dentine should
Radiographic Examination
Histological Examination
When a systemic or genetic cause for the DDE is suspected, it is recommended that
any available teeth be examined histologically. The histological appearance will
help to determine a more accurate diagnosis and provide the clinician with a better
understanding of the condition and likely behavior of the tissues when planning
restorative care. Histology can be carried out on exfoliated primary teeth or ideally
on permanent teeth if they become available.
Medical Examination
Information to Be Recorded
Because children with DDE will face ongoing treatment needs, it is important to
produce good records that can be used throughout childhood and adolescence.
Table 8.4 suggests the clinical and orofacial developmental features that should be
Treatment Planning
Treatment planning for children with DDE will determine the stages of treat-
ment to optimize long-term survival of the teeth [3]. Many children with DDE
do not cope well with dental treatment. This will play a significant role in the
decision-making process as many options require the child/adolescent to cope
with complex long-term restorative and/or orthodontic care. Planning should
optimize the timing of treatment and minimize the need for repeated procedures
when sedation or general anesthesia is needed. Financial considerations will
also impact on treatment choices and need to be acknowledged both for short-
and longer-term treatment plans. Table 8.5 summarizes possible management
options in the immediate, short-term and long-term management of teeth with
enamel defects.
106 B.K. Drummond and W. Harding
It is important that the orthodontist is aware of the prognosis of the teeth so that
they can include this in their assessment of the risks and benefits of possible orth-
odontic options. As it is not always possible to involve an orthodontist, the follow-
ing is a guide when planning extraction of first permanent molars. It allows
appropriate information to be given to the child and parents. It is recommended
that details be carefully recorded and given to the family in written form. This
includes clinical and radiographic details and photographs. It can help answer
questions about the treatment that may come many years later. Details that should
be recorded include:
1. Are teeth restorable with good long-term prognosis and without repeated
2. Are the third molars developing? Are there other missing teeth?
3. Are the second molars developing normally with acceptable eruption paths to
erupt into functional occlusion? What are their stages of development?
4. Are all the premolars developing normally with normal eruption paths?
5. Are other teeth hypomineralized? Is this a generalized problem?
6. If there is crowding, what impact will the extractions have?
7. What is the anterior occlusion including overbite and overjet? Will the overbite
be acceptable if molars are extracted or will it increase? Is there a lip trap?
8. What is the facial growth pattern?
1. Extract immediately if age and stage of development are appropriate or the tooth
is not restorable, even temporarily
2. Delay extraction to optimize the eruption of surrounding teeth
3. Delay extraction until done as part of orthodontic treatment
4. Keep and plan the path to permanent restoration of the tooth/teeth
Where conditions are favorable, satisfactory space closure can be achieved when
first molar extractions are done in children and young adults [8–10]. Williams and
Hosila [11] noted that extraction of first permanent molars was associated with less
effect on the profile and significantly more likelihood of third molars erupting than
with premolar extractions. First molar extraction will not always relieve crowding
posteriorly, but improvements in third molar eruption have been reported [6, 12,
13]. In the majority of children with early loss of permanent first molars before
12 years of age, third molar development appears to be accelerated on the side of the
extraction [14]. Figure 8.4 a–c shows the outcome of extracting a single lower molar
at a time to optimize eruption of the second permanent molar.
108 B.K. Drummond and W. Harding
1. In dentitions with excess space in the arches, extractions may leave permanent
spaces or orthodontic treatment may be needed to close unacceptable spacing.
2. When molars are extracted in one quadrant only, overeruption of the opposing
molar or occlusal interferences may occur. Compensating extractions (i.e.,
removal of the opposing tooth) are not always advised. Balancing extractions
(i.e., removal of the contralateral tooth) can be considered after the available
space and anterior occlusion are taken into account. In some instances a balanc-
ing extraction may be a premolar on the opposite side especially where the oppo-
site molar is not compromised. There can be a risk of midline shift when only
one molar is extracted [15].
3. When a lower first molar is extracted, occlusal forces can influence mesial and
lingual tilting of the second molar because of the thinner lingual plate. Lingual
positioning may result in a scissor bite or nonworking side interferences that can
8 Examination and Treatment Planning 109
cause unwanted tooth wear. Poor interproximal contacts can lead to food impac-
tion and difficulty in cleaning. This is less likely to occur with an upper first
molar extraction, as the upper second molar will usually erupt into a good posi-
tion as long as the second molar is unerupted at the time of the extraction as
illustrated in Fig. 8.5.
4. Early extraction of first permanent molars before 8 years-of-age may result in
distal drifting, tilting, and rotation of unerupted second premolars even in well-
aligned arches. In severe ectopic eruption, the second premolar may impact
against the second molar as it erupts. Where a distal eruption path of the second
premolar is detected, the second primary molar could be extracted at the same
time as the first molar extraction to encourage a vertical eruption path for the
premolar (Fig. 8.6a, b).
110 B.K. Drummond and W. Harding
5. An increase in overbite can occur following the early extraction of first molars.
Retroclination of the lower incisors worsens in children with previously pro-
clined upper incisors and increased overjet [16]. In children with decreased
facial height, crowded lower anteriors, or a deep overbite, early extraction of the
first molars is contraindicated without management to prevent further problems
in the anterior occlusion (Fig. 8.6).
6. Where there is a skeletal or dental malocclusion, extractions may be timed to
utilize space to correct the malocclusion:
(a) In a class II occlusion with maxillary protrusion, upper first molar spaces
may be required for anterior teeth retraction.
(b) With a lower lip trap and increased overjet, extraction of lower first molars
can result in lower incisor retroclination which may increase overjet and
complicate treatment (Fig. 8.7).
(c) In bimaxillary protrusion, first molar extraction spaces may be required for
anterior retraction.
(d) In severe crowding, first molar extraction spaces may be required to alleviate
the crowding.
(e) Distal drift of the lower premolars may occur after lower first molar extrac-
tions to allow improvement in alignment of the anterior teeth where the over-
jet and overbite are acceptable, but this rarely occurs in the upper arch.
(f) In class III malocclusions, lower first molar extraction spaces may be needed
for lower anterior teeth retraction.
(g) With maxillary constriction, the first molars may be needed for expansion
(h) With a skeletal anterior open bite, early extraction of first molars may be
advantageous as part of orthodontic management.
7. To optimize the eruption of second molars into first molar positions, the timing
of extractions, particularly the lower, is important. Ideal timing is usually around
9–10 years of age, when the bifurcation dentine of the second molar is mineral-
izing with the beginning of root formation [17, 18] (Fig. 8.2). Temporary mea-
sures may be necessary to retain the teeth in an infection- and pain-free state
until the ideal time for the extractions. This timing will encourage the eruption
of the second molar (often early) into contact with the second premolar in an
uncrowded dentition.
8 Examination and Treatment Planning 111
This chapter has covered aspects of clinical and radiographic examination and
treatment planning for children with DDE. It has provided some guidance when
considering options to extract teeth that have DDE. Careful planning that includes
the management of sensitivity and esthetics will help the child to care for their
teeth and develop skills to cope with dental treatment. An important aspect is the
need to keep good records of both the original diagnoses and initial treatments as
teeth with defects will require long-term treatment and records can be given to
successive clinicians to aid in planning further care. Although young children
may be difficult to manage, they deserve even more attention when they have
DDE because the care given in the early permanent dentition can have a pro-
found impact on the outcomes for the life of the teeth and on the child’s ability
to continue seeking dental care.
1. Jälevik B, Klingberg G. Dental treatment, dental fear and behavior management problems in
children with severe enamel hypomineralization of their permanent molars. Int J Paediatr
Dent. 2002;12(1):24–32.
2. William V, Burrow M, Palamara J, Messer L. Microshear bond strength of resin composite to
teeth affected by molar incisor hypomineralization using 2 adhesive systems. Pediatr Dent.
3. Lygidakis N. Treatment modalities in children with teeth affected by molar-incisor enamel
hypomineralisation (MIH): a systematic review. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent. 2010;11(2):65–74.
4. American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Guideline on pulp therapy for primary and imma-
ture permanent teeth. Pediatr Dent. 2010;35(6):235–42.
5. Zagdwon A, Fayle S, Pollard M. A prospective clinical trial comparing preformed metal
crowns and cast restorations for defective first permanent molars. Eur J Paediatr Dent.
6. Sandler P, Atkinson R, Murray A. For four sixes. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop.
7. Koch M, Garcia-Godoy F. The clinical performance of laboratory-fabricated crowns placed on
first permanent molars with developmental defects. J Am Dent Assoc. 2000;131(9):1285–90.
8. Jälevik B, Moller M. Evaluation of spontaneous space closure and development of permanent
dentition after extraction of hypomineralized permanent first molars. Int J Paediatr Dent.
9. Mejare I, Bergman E, Grindefjord M. Hypomineralized molars and incisors of unknown ori-
gin: treatment outcome at age 18 years. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2005;15(1):20–8.
10. Teo T, Ashley P, Parekh S. The evaluation of spontaneous space closure after the extraction of
first permanent molars. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent. 2013;14(4):207–12.
11. Williams R, Hosila L. The effects of different extraction sites upon incisor retraction. Am J
Orthod. 1976;69(4):388–410.
12. Gill D, Lee R, Tredwin C. Treatment planning for the loss of first permanent molars. Dent
Updat. 2001;28:304–8.
13. Ong D-V, Bleakley J. Compromised first permanent molars: an orthodontic perspective. Aust
Dent J. 2010;55(1):2–14.
14. Yavuz I, Baydas B, Ikbal A, Dağsuyu M, Ceylan I. Effects of early loss of permanent first
molars on the development of third molars. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop.
15. Çağlaroğlu M, Kilic N, Erdem A. Effects of early unilateral first molar extraction on skeletal
asymmetry. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2008;134(2):270–5.
112 B.K. Drummond and W. Harding
16. Richardson A. Spontaneous changes in the incisor relationship following extraction of lower
first permanent molars. Br J Orthod. 1979;6(2):85–90.
17. Cobourne M, Williams A, McMullen R. A guideline for the extraction of first permanent
molars in children. London: Royal College of Surgeons of England; 2009.
18. Thunold K. Early loss of the first molars 25 years later. Rep Congr Eur Orthod Soc.
Managing the Prevention of Dental
Caries and Sensitivity in Teeth 9
with Enamel Defects
Developmental defects of enamel (DDE) may affect either or both the quality
and the quantity of enamel and as such potentially have implications for caries
risk and hypersensitivity. The management of these teeth in terms of caries pre-
vention/tooth structure preservation and sensitivity often overlaps and so is pre-
sented together. This chapter proposes strategies to address the fundamental
deficiencies of the enamel and to optimize clinical and patient outcomes. Earliest
possible intervention is advocated and includes oral hygiene, diet and salivary
advice, mineralization therapy, and surface sealants. These are all broadly famil-
iar to the clinician from the caries context, but some modifications are recom-
mended when applied to developmental defects. Less familiar techniques, such
as the potential applications for recently developed infiltrant resin materials, as
well as full coverage “sealants” for severely affected teeth, are also presented.
When considering dental caries and sensitivity, the clinician should understand that
enamel defects, either developmental or acquired, fall within one or both of two
categories: defects of enamel quantity and/or defects of enamel quality. The relative
caries or posteruptive breakdown (PEB) risk, mechanism of hypersensitivity, and
therefore appropriate management are to a large extent determined by the type of
defect. Hypersensitivity tends to be associated more with hypomineralized enamel
Research has established that enamel surface integrity and bacterial adhesion are
important in caries initiation. While it has been well documented in the primary
dentition that the relatively reduced thickness and poorer structure of enamel can be
linked to an increased rate of caries progression [4, 5], the evidence in the perma-
nent dentition is equivocal. Enamel defects are often vulnerable from both perspec-
tives with hypoplasia or PEB not only reducing the thickness of the protective
enamel layer but potentially creating non-cleansable contours. Furthermore in
hypomineralized defects apparently intact surfaces frequently display surface irreg-
ularities and porosities on a microscopic scale (Fig. 9.1 – SEM image of pitted
enamel surface). The susceptibility of these qualitative defects to dental caries can
be compounded by increased porosity and in some cases, such as in molar incisor
hypomineralization (MIH) and hypocalcification/hypomaturation types of amelo-
genesis imperfecta (AI), decreased mineral and increased protein content, and
decreased hardness and increased solubility of enamel [6–8]. The management of
To achieve success with any preventive strategy, early and accurate diagnosis is
critical (see Chaps. 1, 2, 3, and 5). Once a diagnosis has been made, it is essential to
emphasize the importance of general preventive principles for these teeth and to
116 F. Crombie and D.J. Manton
recognize that otherwise acceptable levels of care and compliance may be insuffi-
cient for caries prevention in these more vulnerable teeth. Where clinicians note that
primary second molars or permanent incisors have DDE, this indicates the first
permanent molars may also be affected and consideration should be given to alter-
ing recall timing and/or frequency to facilitate earliest possible intervention [11,
12]. If the case appears to be severe or complex, especially for genetic conditions
such as AI or where sedation or general anesthesia may be required, early specialist
referral to plan longer-term interventions may be the most appropriate management
a general practitioner can provide (Chaps. 10 and 11).
Oral hygiene instruction should be undertaken including advice to ensure par-
tially erupted teeth are cleaned appropriately – often using a buccolingual stroke
with a soft brush for partially erupted molars to improve efficacy of plaque removal
during the long eruption phase [13]. Given defects often manifest at an early age,
before independent oral hygiene is recommended, the use of disclosing agents can
assist both children and parents to better visualize deposits on the teeth. For sensi-
tive teeth the simple suggestion to use warm water with the toothpaste when brush-
ing may be helpful. Defects affecting the primary dentition may encourage increased
cariogenic bacteria colonization with consequent higher caries risk. Although this
has not been a consistent finding, it may still be prudent to include advice to reduce
caries risk even when there has been little past evidence of caries [14, 15].
Dietary counseling, ideally in the form of a motivational interview where by
providing information in a collaborative manner, encouraging willingness, ability,
and readiness the clinician facilitates rather than directs change [16], is recom-
mended [17]. This may include advice on caries prevention as well as on managing
hypersensitivity, which is often as simple as avoiding or decreasing causative fac-
tors – i.e., cold drinks or food. As with standard dietary counseling, the role of fer-
mentable carbohydrates (especially sucrose), particularly in terms of frequency and
duration, should be discussed along with strategies to minimize exposures and ideas
for healthier alternatives [18]. Intrinsic and/or extrinsic acids may also warrant
some discussion not only in terms of exacerbating sensitivity but also, particularly
in generalized conditions such as AI, because they may accelerate enamel loss in the
form of erosive tooth wear. The influence of salivary characteristics should also be
considered and potentially integrated into dietary counseling. As there is some evi-
dence to suggest that salivary protection is less favorable in children affected by
MIH, testing of salivary characteristics such as flow and consistency may be of
benefit [14].
Preventive Agents
Another core component of caries prevention and desensitization is the use of fluo-
ridated agents and calcium-based remineralizing agents. Ideally, for qualitative
defects, the aim is not merely to remineralize any posteruptive demineralization but
to address the primary mineral deficiency [19]. Studies of MIH, both in vivo and
in vitro, suggest that casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate with
9 Managing the Prevention of Dental Caries and Sensitivity 117
Fig. 9.3 Polarized light images of surface layer observed on both intact and PEB surfaces of MIH-
affected teeth (in water, ×5 mag.). White/gray indicates reduced porosity (≤5 %), brown/orange
indicates increased porosity (>5 %)
Surface Sealing
In more severe hypomineralization cases, preventive measures alone are often insuf-
ficient and some form of surface protection is indicated [23]. At its simplest this will
be standard sealing and this is recommended prior to full emergence of the tooth
[24]. A glass ionomer cement (GIC) material is therefore the best initial choice as it
can tolerate the presence of some moisture and can provide a source of ions which
appear to be advantageous to the underlying tooth in several ways. An incidental
finding of an MIH characterization study suggested that deeper mineralization
improvements occur under a GIC sealant compared with enamel surfaces exposed to
the oral environment [25]. It has been reported that GIC materials also provide a
“halo protection” effect, whereby healthy enamel immediately adjacent to a GIC
material is less susceptible to demineralization, which may be further enhanced by
the addition of CPP-ACP to the GIC [26]. Where PEB has already occurred,
9 Managing the Prevention of Dental Caries and Sensitivity 119
protective sealing may be extended over all the affected areas to decrease caries risk
until such time that more definitive treatment can be undertaken. Where sealing can-
not be achieved, full coverage options should be considered (Chaps. 10 and 11).
Once isolation can be established, there are more clinical options available (Chap.
11). However, resin-based sealants are not always recommended because of the dif-
ficulties in bonding to enamel that is hypomineralized and has a higher protein con-
tent (see Chap. 6). It is widely reported that enamel defects display atypical and often
poor etch patterns (Chap. 6) with implications for bonding of resin materials includ-
ing resin sealants [27–30]. Extended etching times for severely fluorotic enamel are
recommended because of the increased resistance of fluorapatite to acidic dissolution
[27]. There is some evidence to suggest that the higher organic content of defective
enamel limits remineralization and reduces bond strengths. Techniques such as irri-
gation with NaOCl can remove protein and improve bonding and penetration of resin
materials in MIH and AI [29, 31–33]. It appears important that to increase bond
strengths, the NaOCl should be used after etching, not before [29, 34, 35].
Methods reported to increase bond strengths and retention rates of resin-based
sealants to intact hypomineralized occlusal surfaces have involved the use of a
single-bottle adhesive system (One-Step®, Bisco, IL, USA) and pretreatment with
NaOCl after etching. Resin infiltration with materials such as Icon (DMG, Hamburg,
Germany) has been reported to increase bond strengths in vitro; however, whether
this decreases sensitivity and PEB is unknown [29, 34, 36].
Resin Infiltration
In some children and adolescents, full coverage of affected teeth may be required in
a protective rather than reparative capacity [3]. This may be for two reasons – pro-
tection of friable structure and decreasing sensitivity. In the case of a generalized
120 F. Crombie and D.J. Manton
defect such as AI, composite strip crowns on anterior teeth and preformed metal
crowns on posterior teeth (cemented with GIC) may be appropriate. This can be
definitive for the primary dentition and transitional for the permanent dentition
(Chaps. 10 and 11).
There has been some suggestion for the use of a technique modified after that of
Zagdwon et al. where preformed crowns are placed over severely hypomineralized
permanent molars with as little tooth preparation as possible [38]. This technique
often involves the of use orthodontic separators to create space for the crown, reduc-
ing the need for interproximal preparation. The minimal occlusal preparation does
cause an increase in vertical dimension. However, in children this spontaneously
decreases over the course of a couple of months. The pulpal status of the tooth needs
to be at a stage where any inflammatory changes present are reversible. This tech-
nique is similar to the “Hall technique” advocated recently for the treatment of ini-
tial lesions in primary teeth which relies on the sealing of the lesion from the oral
environment, thereby stopping progression of any caries and also protecting devel-
opmental weakened tooth structure [39]. While results for the Hall technique are
promising, further research is required in this area, particularly in the context of
developmental defects.
For hypoplastic defects, the provision of a cleansable surface is the most effective
way of decreasing caries risk – this may be achieved with resin composites or full
coverage. Sensitivity is less of an issue with these teeth, but if it is present, similar
techniques to those for hypomineralization defects are appropriate.
For hypomineralized defects, maintenance of the enamel surface integrity and
limitation of sensitivity are essential. Increase in caries risk due to the inability to
clean the hypomineralized area can lead to PEB. Therefore the conditions should be
seen as interrelated. Adherence to the modified recommendations according to
William et al. [40] and Oliver et al. [10] is appropriate (see Table 9.1).
1. Rodd HD, Boissonade FP, Day PF. Pulpal status of hypomineralized permanent molars. Pediatr
Dent. 2007;29(6):514–20.
2. McDonald S, Arkutu N, Malik K, Gadhia K, McKaig S. Managing the paediatric patient with
amelogenesis imperfecta. Br Dent J. 2012;212(9):425–8.
3. Weerheijm KL. Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH): clinical presentation, aetiology and
management. Dent Updat. 2004;31(1):9–12.
4. Wang LJ, Tang R, Bonstein T, Bush P, Nancollas GH. Enamel demineralization in primary and
permanent teeth. J Dent Res. 2006;85(4):359–63.
5. Salanitri S, Seow WK. Developmental enamel defects in the primary dentition: aetiology and
clinical management. Aust Dent J. 2013;58(2):133–40.
6. Crombie F, Manton D, Palamara J, Zalizniak I, Cochrane N, Reynolds E. Characterisation of
developmentally hypomineralised human enamel. J Dent. 2013;41(7):611–8.
7. Wright JT. Amelogenesis imperfecta. Eur J Oral Sci. 2011;119 Suppl 1:338–41.
8. Elfrink MEC, ten Cate JM, van Ruijven LJ, Veerkamp JSJ. Mineral content in teeth with
Deciduous Molar Hypomineralisation (DMH). J Dent. 2013;41(11):974–8.
9. Featherstone JDB. Remineralization, the natural caries repair process – the need for new
approaches. Adv Dent Res. 2009;21(1):4–7.
10. Oliver K, Messer LB, Manton DJ, Kan K, Ng F, Olsen CB, et al. Distribution and severity of
molar hypomineralisation: trial of a new severity index. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2013;24(2):131–51.
11. Elfrink MEC, ten Cate JM, Jaddoe VWV, Hofman A, Moll HA, Veerkamp JSJ. Deciduous
molar hypomineralization and molar incisor hypomineralization. J Dent Res. 2012;91(6):
12. Ghanim A, Manton D, Marino R, Morgan M, Bailey D. Prevalence of demarcated hypominer-
alisation defects in second primary molars in Iraqi children. Int J Paediatr Dent.
13. Frazão P. Effectiveness of the bucco-lingual technique within a school-based supervised tooth-
brushing program on preventing caries: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Oral Health.
14. Ghanim A, Marino R, Morgan M, Bailey D, Manton D. An in vivo investigation of salivary
properties, enamel hypomineralisation, and carious lesion severity in a group of Iraqi school-
children. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2013;23(1):2–12.
15. Hong L, Levy SM, Warren JJ, Broffitt B. Association between enamel hypoplasia and dental
caries in primary second molars: a cohort study. Caries Res. 2009;43(5):345–53.
16. Martins RK, McNeil DW. Review of motivational interviewing in promoting health behaviors.
Clin Psychol Rev. 2009;29(4):283–93.
17. Harrison R, Benton T, Everson-Stewart S, Weinstein P. Effect of motivational interviewing on
rates of early childhood caries: a randomized trial. Pediatr Dent. 2007;29(1):16–22.
18. Moynihan PJ, Kelly SAM. Effect on caries of restricting sugars intake: systematic review to
inform WHO guidelines. J Dent Res. 2014;93(1):8–18.
19. Crombie F, Cochrane N, Manton D, Palamara J, Reynolds E. Mineralisation of developmen-
tally hypomineralised human enamel in vitro. Caries Res. 2013;47(3):259–63.
20. Baroni C, Marchionni S. MIH supplementation strategies prospective clinical and laboratory
trial. J Dent Res. 2011;90(3):371–6.
21. Cochrane N, Cai F, Huq N, Burrow M, Reynolds E. New approaches to enhanced remineral-
ization of tooth enamel. J Dent Res. 2010;89(11):1187–97.
22. Den Besten P, Giambro N. Treatment of fluorosed and white-spot human enamel with calcium
sucrose phosphate in vitro. Pediatr Dent. 1995;17:340–5.
23. Wright JT. The etch-bleach-seal technique for managing stained enamel defects in young per-
manent incisors. Pediatr Dent. 2002;24:249–52.
24. Lygidakis NA, Wong F, Jälevik B, Vierrou AM, Alaluusua S, Espelid I. Best clinical practice
guidance for clinicians dealing with children presenting with Molar-Incisor-Hypomineralisation
(MIH). Eur Arch Paediatr Dent. 2010;11(2):75–81.
122 F. Crombie and D.J. Manton
Many genetic and environmental conditions can interfere with the normal
development of primary teeth and can manifest as defects in the enamel.
Such defects can be associated with pain and discomfort and can have esthetic
implications which may affect the young child’s self-esteem. It is not only
important for clinicians to be able to diagnose the defects but also to under-
stand the implications these might have on restorative techniques and materi-
als they choose. Restorative management can be challenging because of the
limited cooperation in some children, the extent of the defects, and the sensi-
tivity that may be present. The main aims of treatment should be to alleviate
pain and sensitivity, improve esthetics, and manage any other concerns that
the child or the parents might have. This should be followed by consideration
of long-term treatment planning involving progression of the primary through
to the mixed dentition. In many cases, especially where there is a genetic
component with generalized involvement of both the primary and subsequent
permanent teeth, an interdisciplinary approach to management is appropri-
ate. Finally it is important to be able to provide treatment in a manner the
child finds acceptable. This chapter helps the reader identify and effectively
manage primary teeth with commonly encountered enamel defects.
The etiology of DDE in the primary dentition can be divided into systemic and
local causes. Local factors affecting primary teeth are limited to traumatic injuries.
This is occasionally seen following neonatal intubation or the use of an oral air-
way for an extended period of time [1]. However, this has to occur at a very young
age, i.e., before birth or during infancy, for it to affect enamel formation of the
anterior primary teeth, making this an unusual phenomenon. Systemic factors, on
the other hand, are more common and comprise a variety of conditions [2, 3]
which are summarized in Table 10.1 below and discussed in more detail in Chaps.
1, 2, 3, and 4.
Unlike genetically determined defects, the effect of developmental factors on
enamel formation depends upon the timing, duration, and severity of these factors
and is usually referred to as chronological hypoplasia/hypomineralization
(Fig. 10.1). For these factors to affect the formation of enamel in primary teeth, they
will occur during hard tissue formation of the primary teeth. This starts with central
incisor formation at 13–16 weeks after fertilization and ends with the second pri-
mary molars at 8–11 months of age [4]. The type of resulting defect will reflect
whether the insult occurred during enamel matrix formation (leading to hypopla-
sia), mineralization (causing hypocalcification defects), or during maturation phase
(causing hypomaturation defects). A clinician is likely to encounter two main types
of enamel defects: hypoplastic and hypomineralized enamel. Hypoplastic enamel
[4, 5] (Fig. 10.2) is caused by incomplete or defective formation of the organic
Table 10.1 Systemic factors that may be associated with DDE in primary teeth
Factors Examples
Genetically determined Amelogenesis imperfecta [3]
Chromosomal anomalies Down syndrome
Congenital defects Cardiac defects, unilateral facial hypoplasia or hypertrophy [2]
Inborn errors of Galactosemia, phenylketonuria, alkaptonuria, erythropoietic
metabolism porphyria, primary hyperoxaluria
Neonatal disturbances Prematurity, hypokalemia
Infectious diseases Measles, chickenpox
Neurological disturbances
Chronic medical diseases Hepatic disease, endocrinopathies, renal disease, enteropathies
Maternal health during Hypertension, nutritional deficiency, substance abuse
Nutritional deficiencies Vit. D deficiency
10 Restorative Management of Dental Enamel Defects in the Primary Dentition 125
The gingival condition and oral hygiene of patients with both generalized defects,
such as in AI or isolated defects, are often poor. Figures 10.1 and 10.3 show the
presence of calculus in children with hypoplastic and hypomineralized AI. This
occurs because many of the teeth are sensitive to thermal and toothbrush stimuli,
which prohibits effective toothbrushing. Having enamel defects can also be an addi-
tional caries risk factor as the teeth are rough and porous with softer and/or thinner
enamel. Therefore, treatment planning should firstly focus on prevention including
effective oral hygiene instruction using warm water and very soft brushes,
10 Restorative Management of Dental Enamel Defects in the Primary Dentition 127
optimizing fluoride exposure both at home and with regular professional applica-
tion, diet advice and sealants, or temporary restorations where appropriate. A guide
is given in the UK Department of Health and British Association for the Study of
Community Dentistry toolkit [8]. Comprehensive dietary analysis and advice is
essential from both a caries and tooth surface-loss perspective. This will involve
identifying fermentable carbohydrates and acidic foods and beverages in the diet
and advising on their reduction and timing of use to minimize damage.
It is unrealistic to expect children with DDE to dramatically improve their oral
hygiene without some intervention to reduce the sensitivity of the teeth. This might
include the use of preventive agents such as topical fluorides or calcium phosphate-
containing products or by placing interim restorations (glass ionomer cements or
compomers) that will seal the dentine, thereby allowing the child to brush the
affected teeth with less discomfort. In younger children, below 6 years-of-age, par-
ents should help with brushing twice daily and should carry out regular flossing if
the contact areas are closed.
Reducing Sensitivity
Several strategies are available for the treatment of the sensitivity associated with
DDE, although none have been found to be reliable for every case (see Chap. 9). It is
important to consider desensitization in order to reduce the discomfort felt by many
children with DDE. This sensitivity also makes restorative interventions, especially
with adhesive materials, even more challenging. Some of the suggested methods for
desensitization include the use of topical fluoride preparations, in particular fluoride
varnishes, such as Duraphat® 22,600 ppm F (Colgate Oral Care) or 3M Espe Fluoride
Varnish with tricalcium phosphate. Care should be taken to use the recommended
amounts on erupting teeth with DDE in preschool-aged children. More recently a
combination of casein phosphopeptide and amorphous calcium phosphate
(CPP-ACP – GC Tooth Mousse/MI Paste) with and without fluoride has also been
advocated to help decrease sensitivity. CPP-ACP helps create, stabilize, and deposit a
supersaturated solution of calcium and phosphate at the enamel surface. Therefore, it
has been suggested that home application of a CPP-ACP-containing cream especially
128 M. Duggal and H. Nazzal
when combined with fluoride use will help remineralize and desensitize by acting as
a source of bioavailable calcium and phosphate. Other topical fluorides may also be
useful; among these are stannous fluoride gels, such as Gel-Kam® 1,000 ppm F
(Colgate Oral Care) or OMNI Gel 0.4 %/1,000 ppm F (3M). There has also been a
suggestion that desensitizing toothpastes may help with some hypomineralized teeth.
Currently there is no strong evidence to support the efficacy of these strategies in the
management of DDE, though all these products may help reduce sensitivity and
enhance mineralization of the hypomineralized areas. However, none of the available
products are always effective, and clinicians should consider using products in com-
bination or trying different products in an attempt to alleviate the symptoms in patients.
Pain management in children is an integral part of good pediatric dentistry. Both the
technique and choice of local analgesia are important for the provision of high qual-
ity, effective restorations in children, particularly if they are to last for the lifetime
of the primary teeth (up to 8 years). In particular, teeth that have DDE are more
likely to be sensitive and consequently providing effective analgesia is often more
difficult than for unaffected teeth.
Behavior Management
Clinicians should evaluate the understanding and coping skills of the child with
DDE when the teeth require intervention. One of the commonly encountered prob-
lems is that children with DDE present with higher levels of anxiety. This is espe-
cially true in cases where the defect is associated with sensitivity or where previous
treatment has been attempted without appropriate pain control or behavior manage-
ment. If such defects are suspected, especially when associated with sensitivity, it is
important not to air-dry these teeth during examination but to dry them gently with
a cotton pellet. Managing young children requires empathy and some knowledge of
behavior management techniques for children. Many pediatric dentistry textbooks
cover useful techniques for helping children cope with restorative care. In the center
of all the techniques is “tell, show, and do” which will allow most children to be able
to cooperate for restorative care when it is presented in age-appropriate language
and demonstration. This of course takes a little extra time but is time well spent in
preparing a child for more complex care as they grow older.
Local Analgesia
For children who have been sensitized to previous invasive dental treatment, in particu-
lar local analgesia, the use of computer-controlled anesthesia (such as the Wand and the
Wand STA – controlled dental anesthesia, Dental Practice Systems, Welwyn, Herts,
10 Restorative Management of Dental Enamel Defects in the Primary Dentition 129
UK) can be an excellent way to administer local analgesia. The Wand provides several
advantages over conventional syringes including the fact that it does not look like a
conventional syringe; the fine bevel of the needle and the slow speed with which the
local analgesic solution can be administered make it a simple way to deliver painless
local analgesia. The use of 4 % articaine should be considered in managing older chil-
dren especially where there is a history of failed local analgesia. For children over
4 years-of-age who are extremely wary of local analgesia, infiltration with 4 % artic-
aine in the lower arch as opposed to an inferior dental block may provide adequate
analgesia for restorations to be placed [9]. It is also important to make use of topical
anesthesia. The preemptive use of systemic analgesics (in accordance with local guide-
lines) can also be an effective way of helping children cope with care successfully [10].
In extremely apprehensive children who are otherwise cooperative, the use of inha-
lation sedation should be considered. This form of sedation has the particular ben-
efit of having an analgesic effect which lessens the child’s response to painful
stimuli. Hence for children whose apprehension is due to sensitive teeth that have
been previously treated without effective local analgesia, inhalation sedation with
nitrous oxide and oxygen provides a safe, effective, and noninvasive method for
managing the child’s anxiety [11]. Other forms of sedation can be utilized according
to local guidelines and clinicians’ usual practice.
General Anesthesia
Clinicians treating children with severe enamel defects should consider the early use
of general anesthesia to allow effective successful stabilization of the primary teeth.
Previous studies of treatment under general anesthesia have shown good outcomes
with decrease in the numbers of repeat restorations [12]. Children with severe enamel
defects often present before they are old enough to cope with restorative dentistry;
therefore, the use of general anesthesia is effective and valid for this group.
Interim Restorations
There is evidence to suggest that hypomineralized enamel does not always show
a typical etch pattern compared with normal enamel. This can potentially reduce the
strength and integrity bond of enamel to composite resin [14, 15]. This is less of an
issue with mild cases where normal enamel is present around isolated lesions.
Pretreatment with 5 % sodium hypochlorite has been advocated to improve bond
strength to hypocalcified enamel [16, 17]. The removal of affected enamel and
bonding to dentin, which may be sclerotic, has also been suggested. However
research outcomes are still not clear on the most reliable approach to bonding to
sclerotic dentine in primary teeth. Recent research would suggest that reduced etch-
ing times may result in more reliable bonding particularly when using a total-etch
132 M. Duggal and H. Nazzal
system [18]. Clinicians may need to try different approaches to achieve good results
and reviewing research on the particular bonding system being used when planning
treatment can be very helpful.
Preformed Crowns
Full coverage with either stainless steel or other esthetic preformed crowns should
be considered in cases where:
Composite restorations are appropriate when restoring anterior teeth with demarcated
defects affecting a maximum of two surfaces. Where lesions are diffuse, are large,
involve multiple surfaces, or are associated with sensitivity, the use of strip crowns or
preformed crowns is advocated [22, 23]. The technique for placing strip crowns
involves the removal of approximately 1–2 mm of enamel from all the surfaces of the
crown. The enamel is etched and prepared for bonding according to the manufactur-
er’s instructions and the crown is filled with composite, placed on the tooth, with
excess removed from the margins and the composite cured. Once the strip crown has
134 M. Duggal and H. Nazzal
Fig. 10.7 (a–c) Same child as in Fig. 10.4 post-placement of stainless steel crowns on second
primary molars using the Hall technique (Courtesy of Nicky Kilpatrick)
10 Restorative Management of Dental Enamel Defects in the Primary Dentition 135
been removed, the restoration is finished in the usual manner (Figs. 10.5c and 10.9).
More recently, the use of preformed white veneered crowns such as NuSmile Signature
and pre-veneered Kinder Krowns® or zirconia crowns such as NuSmile zirconia and
Zirconia Anterior Kinder Krowns® is advocated by some clinicians. These crowns
provide very good esthetic results (Fig. 10.10). However they do require more exten-
sive crown preparation and care must be taken to protect the pulp. The preformed
crowns do have a higher cost and chipping can occur in the veneered stainless steel
crowns (Fig. 10.8). Further studies are needed to assess the longevity of these restora-
tions with particular attention being paid to their cost-effectiveness.
In some cases extractions of severely affected teeth may be required. This should be
done with evaluation of the space requirements in the developing dentition. In chil-
dren where multiple teeth are affected and extractions are required, an
136 M. Duggal and H. Nazzal
Children who suffer from DDE in their primary dentition deserve the highest qual-
ity restorative and preventive treatment. These children can be young, extremely
apprehensive, and often caries-free, which means that management of affected teeth
may be their first experience of invasive dentistry. Treatment should be provided
with the use of appropriate behavior management techniques and analgesia to help
children develop skills to cope with the restorative care both immediately and into
their future.
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Arch Paediatr Dent. 2006;7(2):58–62.
22. Webber D, Epstein N, Wong J, Tsamtsouris A. A method of restoring primary anterior teeth
with the aid of a celluloid crown form and composite resins. Pediatr Dent. 1979;1(4):244–6.
23. Kupietzky A, Waggoner W, Galea J. Long-term photographic and radiographic assessment of
bonded resin composite strip crowns for primary incisors: results after 3 years. Pediatr Dent.
Restorative Management of Permanent
Teeth Enamel Defects in Children 11
and Adolescents
The clinical challenges associated with the restorative management of develop-
mental defects of enamel (DDE) have been well documented and include man-
aging sensitivity and caries risk, loss of occlusal determinants, and the negative
impact on individual self-worth and social interaction. This chapter outlines
management options for DDE associated with molar incisor hypomineraliza-
tion (MIH), amelogenesis imperfecta (AI), fluorosis, and intrinsic discoloration
in permanent teeth. Many materials and techniques may be used to manage
DDE. The complexity of intervention is dictated by the severity and nature of
the disturbances including color (brown/cream/yellow/white opacities – hypo-
mineralization), structure (hypoplasia – pits, grooves), pre-eruptive resorption,
post-eruptive breakdown, the patient’s individual circumstances, and the age and
stage of development.
The aim of treatment for a child or adolescent with developmental defects of enamel
(DDE) is to provide comfort, natural form, and function and prevent additional
problems. Setting achievable goals is key to ensuring a successful outcome because
the impact on perception of attractiveness and well-being can sometimes skew and
heighten the expectations of children and families unrealistically [1]. Management
and maintenance costs can be considerable and impact directly and indirectly on all
members of a family. Extensive defects may be associated with other anomalies and
the development of an interdisciplinary plan in early childhood is important to pro-
tect compromised tooth structure and establish occlusal stability [2]. Definitive
management may not occur until late adolescence or early adulthood, and consider-
ation must be given to the ability of children to manage treatment and avoid burn-
out. Clinicians must be responsive to the changing esthetic and functional needs of
the developing child and adolescent.
Restorative modalities can include tooth bleaching and microabrasion therapy,
enamel infiltration with composite resin [3], direct and indirect veneering materials
and/or indirect (laboratory-fabricated or computer-aided design, CAD-milled)
polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), and composite or ceramic restorations. Full-
coverage restorations may be required for more severely affected teeth where mask-
ing of the underlying tooth color is required, or there is severe sensitivity or a need
to improve the shape of the tooth. Preformed stainless steel crowns (SSC) can be
placed on affected permanent (as well as primary) molar teeth in childhood to main-
tain occlusal support and arch length [4]. The use of composite, acrylic, or polycar-
bonate shell crowns has also been reported [5, 6]. In late adolescence or early
adulthood, these interim solutions may be replaced with laboratory-fabricated com-
posite resin, ceramic, porcelain fused to metal (PFM), cast, or CAD-milled ceramic
or alloy crowns.
Because of the wide variation in the clinical presentation of enamel defects, recog-
nition of the etiology and subsequent management can be difficult. However, dif-
ferential diagnosis of the defect will assist in determining which treatment
techniques and materials may perform best. It has been suggested that by under-
standing the origin of the enamel defect, clinicians are able to more appropriately
target the treatment to the patient’s needs, preserve residual tooth structure, and
avoid overly invasive procedures [7]. Conventional enamel etching and bonding
techniques following manufacturer’s guidelines are usually successful for enamel
that is reduced in quantity but still well mineralized (i.e., thin or hypoplastic). If
dentine is relatively unaffected, dentine bonding systems, glass ionomer, polyacid-
modified composite resins (PMCR), or resin-modified glass ionomer cements
11 Restorative Management of Permanent Teeth Enamel Defects 141
• Diffuse (superficial) and small demarcated enamel opacities
• Hypomineralized enamel defects
• Post-orthodontic treatment decalcification
• Initial treatment for demarcated enamel opacities
142 S.M. Hanlin et al.
• Deep hypoplastic enamel defects
• Intrinsic discolorations, e.g., tetracycline (dentinal) discoloration
• Discoloration associated with nonvital teeth
• Clean teeth with pumice and water to remove superficial staining and plaque and
expose a clean enamel surface, wash, and dry.
• Isolate the teeth with dental dam. Mix 18 % hydrochloric acid (HCl) with pumice
into a slurry or use acid from a proprietary kit. Apply a small amount to the labial
surfaces using a rubber cup rotating slowly (5–10 s). Wash carefully into an aspi-
rator tip. Repeat until the stain has reduced, up to a maximum of 60-s acid expo-
sure. Remove the dam and apply color-free neutral fluoride.
• The patient should apply either fluoride gel- or a calcium-based material (CCP–
ACP, calcium triphosphate) several times a day until follow-up to enhance
• Review 2–4 weeks later, repeat once more if clinically indicated, and if not, con-
sider an alternative treatment modality. Repeat sensibility tests and update
• Hypomineralized enamel defects
• Mild tetracycline staining
• Mild fluorosis
• Hypoplastic enamel defects
• Vital bleaching can occur chairside/in the office or at home using custom-
designed bleaching trays (vacuum formed).
• The in-office technique involves application of carbamide peroxide to the sur-
faces of the teeth with activation of the process by a heat source. This consumes
chair time, adding to the expense. It is useful for treatment of mild enamel defects
where strict isolation of a single tooth is required.
144 S.M. Hanlin et al.
• The home bleaching technique utilizes a custom bleaching tray constructed for
the maxillary and/or the mandibular teeth. The patient applies the carbamide
peroxide (gel) to the teeth via the tray on a daily basis until the desired color
change is achieved. There are many proprietary products available, and the prin-
cipal differences lie in the concentration of carbamide peroxide employed and
the amount of hydrogen peroxide released. Current recommendations indicate
that a 10 % solution is both safe and successful in modifying tooth color.
• The concurrent use of a calcium-based product such as that with casein phospho-
peptide–amorphous calcium phosphate will control any tooth sensitivity.
• Review 2–6 weeks later. An 80 % color change should have occurred.
• Take postoperative photographs including the pre- and posttreatment shade tab
for long-term records.
Minor ulceration or irritation may occur during the initial treatment which may
relate to tray overextension. There may be transient pulpal sensitivity because carb-
amide peroxide gel (10 %) breaks down in the mouth into 3 % hydrogen peroxide
and 7 % urea. Both have low molecular weights that allow them to diffuse through
enamel and dentine and cause pulp irritation [24]. If sensitivity occurs, exposure
time can be decreased, or it may be necessary to discontinue treatment. To date,
there is no evidence that bleaching solutions with a low pH (below the critical pH of
5.2–5.8) causes enamel demineralization [25], possibly because urea, followed by
ammonia and carbon dioxide, is released on degradation of the carbamide peroxide
elevating the pH. Bond strength of composite resin to bleached enamel decreases
initially and has been attributed to the residual oxygen in the bleached tooth surface
inhibiting polymerization of the composite resin, but this returns to normal within
7 days [26]. Vital-bleaching systems do not modify the color of restorative materials
and any perceived effect is probably due to superficial cleansing. Regular retreat-
ment may be necessary to maintain effective lightening [27]. When considering the
use of bleaching products, the clinicians should be mindful of local regulations and
seek advice with respect to contemporary legislation.
Composite resin bonded to etched enamel and/or pretreated dentine can be used to
restore tooth defects or improve esthetics by replacing or masking areas of discol-
ored or defective enamel.
• Demarcated enamel opacities
• Hypoplastic enamel defects
• Diffuse enamel opacities
11 Restorative Management of Permanent Teeth Enamel Defects 145
• Apply dental dam and contoured matrix strips if required.
• Selective removal of demarcated lesion with a round diamond bur may be
required to optimize esthetics and bonding; however, bonding can also be
improved by selective use of GIC, or polyacid-modified composite.
• The enamel margins can be chamfered with a diamond fissure bur to increase the
surface area for retention and blend the composite margin with the enamel.
• Etch the area, wash and dry, and apply the primer, bonding agent, and the chosen
shade of composite. A brush lubricated with bonding agent can be used to smooth
and shape before light curing.
• Remove the matrix strip/dam, polish with graded polishing discs and diamond
finishing burs, and characterize the surface if required.
• Take postoperative photographs for records.
However, when it is not possible or desirable to remove the entire opacity, problems
with marginal staining, color matching, and suboptimal esthetics can arise.
Composite resin can be used as a veneer to cover the entire labial aspect of the tooth
and improve color and contour. These veneers can also protect against further
breakdown of severely hypoplastic enamel as shown in Fig. 11.3a, b. Composite
veneers may be directly placed at the chairside or indirectly fabricated in the labora-
tory. Composite veneering is conservative, cost-effective, and repairable in the
mouth and may offer a satisfactory long-term alternative to full-coverage restoration
in mild enamel defects even in adults. They are useful in the young dentition, in
immature teeth with large pulp horns, large pulp chambers, immature gingival con-
tour, and short crown height on teeth that are still erupting.
Before proceeding with any veneering technique, it is necessary to decide
whether to reduce the thickness of labial enamel. Increased labio-palatal bulk with-
out tooth preparation makes it harder to maintain good oral hygiene. However,
increase in the labial contour may enhance appearance of in-standing or rotated
teeth. Bond strengths to enamel are increased when 200–300 μm of the surface
enamel is removed, and the restoration will maintain the tooth contour. Some reduc-
tion and/or use of an opaquing agent may be required to mask intense stain in a
discolored tooth. Hybrid composite resins finished to a higher surface luster can
replace relatively large amounts of missing tooth tissue or may be used in thin sec-
tions. Layering of dentine and enamel shades can be used to simulate natural color
gradations and hues.
• Large demarcated enamel opacities
• Widespread hypoplastic enamel defects
• Very darkly discolored teeth
• Minimal enamel defects
• Insufficient tooth tissue available for bonding
• Oral habits, e.g., woodwind musicians where embrasure may be critical
• Heavy occlusal load/parafunction
Good esthetics can be maintained for many years with regular reviews and repolish-
ing as needed [28]. Indirect composite veneers can be fabricated from elastomeric
impressions of the teeth, direct scanning of the prepared tooth or indirect scanning
of a stone working cast. Laboratory-fabricated composite veneers can provide many
of the characteristics of a ceramic veneer as described below. Color reproduction
148 S.M. Hanlin et al.
and surface wear are improving. However, in a situation with high esthetic demand,
porcelain would still be the material of choice for restoration longevity and
Porcelain Veneers
Clinicians face challenges when attempting to cover posterior teeth that are partially
erupted, have significant sensitivity, suffer post-eruptive breakdown, or are difficult
to anesthetize. Recommendations for managing sensitivity are included in Chap. 9.
Where it is not appropriate to seal enamel because of the degree of hypomineraliza-
tion, longer-term solutions are required.
Patients with isolated teeth affected by enamel defects may have stable intra- (tooth
to tooth) and inter-arch (maxilla to mandible) contacts, and acceptable arch align-
ment and length that provide a functional occlusion. Restorative management can be
undertaken while conforming to the existing occlusal scheme. Where there is signifi-
cant hypoplasia of the occlusal surfaces of molars and premolars, the teeth may not
erupt into contact or the occlusal contacts that are formed may be on unstable inclined
planes that predispose to tooth movement and tooth chipping. Specific malocclusions
are associated with some types of AI including anterior open bite, delayed eruption,
and/or missing teeth [29]. In such cases, a reorganized occlusal scheme has to be
planned, and the vertical dimension, tooth replacement and repositioning, restorative
materials, and techniques all have to be taken in to consideration in order to achieve
long-term occlusal stability. Creation of the final occlusal interface requires a restor-
ative solution, but arch alignment, uncovering teeth and preservation of arch length,
requires orthodontic and sometimes surgical management to support the restorative
plan. Compromises in the ideal plan may often occur with successful management
requiring ongoing explanation and discussion with patients and parents.
Where enamel defects are minimal and the teeth have areas of normal enamel,
composite resin may be placed on the occlusal surfaces taking care to overlap the
11 Restorative Management of Permanent Teeth Enamel Defects 149
bonded margins onto healthy enamel. Preformed stainless steel crowns placed over
the tooth with minimal or no preparation provide a very useful intermediate option
in the younger child. Before the permanent dentition has erupted, children usually
manage well if “bite opening” occurs when crowns are placed. However, care
should be taken when there is an existing anterior open bite. In adolescents, other
options such as PMMA resin crowns or Zirconia-milled crowns are being trialed
where esthetics may be of particular concern.
• Hypomineralized molars with breakdown or sensitivity
• Hypoplastic molars
• To prevent further tooth wear
• Severely broken down tooth that cannot retain the crown.
• Extraction and orthodontic management is preferred.
a b
Fig. 11.4 (a) Radiographic appearance of appearance of a stainless steel crown on a lower left
first molar with DDE. (b, c) Stainless steel crowns placed on severely hypoplastic molars in
AI. Note the hypoplasia of the rest of the erupting permanent teeth
Stainless steel crowns seal the teeth and provide thermal protection allowing the
pulps to mature. The enamel is protected from breakdown, the occlusion is main-
tained, and the teeth can continue to erupt to the mature height, thus providing
optimal conditions for more definitive solutions in late adolescence or adulthood
[4]. This is illustrated in Fig. 11.4a–c.
Fig. 11.5 (a–c) Post crown lengthening surgery in maxillary and mandibular right and left quad-
rants showing access to good quality enamel in hypoplastic AI
AI. The extent of the defects and number of teeth will determine if periodontal man-
agement can be undertaken with local anesthetic alone or will require sedation or
general anesthesia. A team approach involving a pediatric dentist, prosthodontist,
periodontist, and orthodontist is important to optimize care. Good explanation of
the short- and long-term goals will help children and their parents understand the
reasons for surgery and the restorative plan.
Veneers, overlays, or crowns restore missing tooth tissue by surrounding part or all
of the remaining natural structure [32]. They restore form, function, esthetics, and
longevity and provide protection. They are indicated for teeth with large occlusal
11 Restorative Management of Permanent Teeth Enamel Defects 153
a b
Fig. 11.7 (a, b) Pre- and post-placement of a preformed gold onlay, cemented on unprepared
upper first molar using Panavia Ex
The outcomes are dependent on the exactness of the procedures and the quality and
quantity of underlying dentine [33]. These restorations require ongoing mainte-
nance and monitoring and eventual replacement during adulthood. The primary
goal in late childhood and adolescence should be to restore the teeth as effectively
as possible to preserve tissue for subsequent restorations.
154 S.M. Hanlin et al.
It can be very difficult for practitioners to decide how best to restore newly
erupted permanent teeth that have hypomineralized or hypoplastic enamel. The
primary aim is to protect the teeth from further breakdown and caries and to
minimize sensitivity. In the anterior region, it is also important to address esthetic
concerns. The second aim is to protect the pulp to allow normal maturation so
that teeth will be permanently restorable in early adulthood. These goals are
achievable using a combination of adhesive resin materials and preformed
crowns including stainless steel crowns. These restorations can provide protec-
tion for up to 10 years during which time the developing occlusion can be man-
aged in a multidisciplinary manner involving dentists, pediatric dentists,
orthodontists, and prosthodontists. However, all this care is not without consider-
able cooperation from the child/young person. Practitioners should focus on pro-
viding the best interim solutions in the most acceptable way to the child and their
family which may include accessing sedation and/or general anesthesia in addi-
tion to local anesthetic.
1. Dashash M, Yeung CA, Jamous I, Blinkhorn A. Interventions for the restorative care of amelo-
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28. Welbury RR. A clinical study of a microfilled composite resin for labial veneers. Int J Paediatr
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33. Harley KE, Ibbetson RJ. Dental anomalies–are adhesive castings the solution? Br Dent
J. 1993;174(1):15–22.
Future Possibilities for Managing Dental
Enamel Defects: Recent and Current 12
Research Approaches
The cause of an enamel defect can be genetic, systemic, local, and/or induced.
The repair of these defects spans the fields from gene therapy to invasive or non-
invasive conventional restorative therapies. No matter how disfiguring some of
the genetic and systemic conditions are, it is unlikely that the modern techniques
of genetic and tissue engineering will be used in the near future to repair or pre-
vent these enamel defects. Clinicians will have to rely on more conventional
invasive, minimally invasive, and noninvasive techniques to treat this problem.
This chapter describes some new and novel techniques which are in use and/or
development for the repair of enamel defects. They include: growing enamel
crystals on dental substrates, penetration of carious lesions with self-assembling
molecules which encourage mineral formation, infiltrating carious lesions with
resins, a paint on “enamel” using a self-etch resin, and an “enamel” crystal con-
taining flexible laminate – a tooth “Band-Aid.”
Disclaimer The technology for the products described in the latter part of the chapter has been
licensed from the University of Michigan to a spin-off company, TruEnmel, of which the authors
are part owners.
A. Czajka-Jakubowska, PhD
Department of Maxillofacial Orthopedics and Orthodontics,
Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland
e-mail: [email protected]
J. Liu, PhD • S.-R. Chang, MS • B.H. Clarkson, BChD, MS, PhD (*)
Department of Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics,
School of Dentistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48103, USA
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]
There are a wide range of putative causes of development defects of enamel (DDE)
including: genetic, for example, amelogenesis imperfecta (AI); systemic, which
causes a generalized disturbance of enamel formation, as in fluorosis; or local dis-
turbances causing hypoplasia. The etiology of DDE has been discussed in great
detail in Chaps. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. There are also acquired enamel defects, or those
which can be loosely defined as defects resulting from a disease, such as caries or
caused iatrogenically during the repair of a disease. Other acquired defects may
include cracks, abfractions, wear, and erosion. The potential to repair these defects
ranges from very complex gene therapy to the more conventional, invasive restor-
ative techniques. In the near future, it is expected that several forms of noninvasive
restorative therapy will become routine.
Genetic Engineering
be identified at birth or in the first few months of life. This would be possible given
a known family history. However, for many children AI is not diagnosed until the
permanent teeth start to erupt, and so this particular approach might only benefit
some of the later developing teeth.
One of the problems of using another recent medical technology, tissue engineer-
ing to develop new enamel, is that this is only applicable to tissues with living cells.
Unfortunately, the ameloblast undergoes apoptosis and dies once enamel has
reached maturity. This makes enamel regeneration impossible unless a source of a
person’s stem cells could be engineered or redirected to produce viable ameloblasts.
While this has been shown to be possible in in vitro conditions, how this enamel
could be used to “restore” enamel in erupted teeth remains a challenge. Therefore,
it is believed that the more conventional ways of treating defective enamel will con-
tinue for the foreseeable future.
Growing biomimetic enamel crystals, both in vitro and in vivo, has been shown to be
possible by a number of scientific groups [4–10]. Studies have reported using enamel
proteins (amelogenin) [5, 6, 8], peptides and artificial proteins [11], and dendrimers
[4, 10] to promote the growth of fluorhydroxyapatite (FHA) on etched enamel sur-
faces. Other studies have used pure chemical solutions in an attempt to grow enamel-
like structures on etched enamel surfaces. Perhaps the most convincing of these is
that reported by Yin et al. in 2009 [12]. They were able, after 8 days and near physi-
ological conditions, to grow enamel-like crystals on etched human enamel surfaces.
The FHA crystal had the characteristic shape of human enamel crystals and a cal-
cium/phosphorus ratio of 1.59 similar to the expected ratio of FHA of 1.67. However,
whether the crystal growth would have occurred in the presence of saliva which
contains crystal growth inhibitors including statherin is debatable. The artificial pro-
tein, polyamidoamine dendrimers (PAMAM) have been used as scaffolds for enamel-
like crystal growth in both in vitro and in vivo studies [4, 10]. The PAMAM
dendrimers are modified with carboxylic acid groups (COOH) that allows them to be
adsorbed onto etched enamel surfaces where they act as a template for enamel-like
crystal formation. Further modification with alendronate (ALN) increases the bind-
ing strength to the etched enamel. These modified dendrimers were used in an in vivo
study where they were adsorbed onto enamel sections and sewn to the inside of rat
cheeks [10]. After 28 days, the sections were removed, and enamel coatings ana-
lyzed. The coatings had a calcium/phosphorous ratio of 1.67 identical to the ratio of
human enamel apatite, but the images of the crystals did not show the normal mor-
phology of human enamel crystals. Enamel-like crystals have been successfully
grown on various substrates, dentin, the amelodentinal junction, and metal (implant)
surfaces [13]. Thus, this technology is available, but problems do exist when attempt-
ing to translate it for in vivo use. The crystals grow slowly; there is low strength of
adhesion of the crystals to the substrate; and the crystals have to be protected during
their growth phase from the forces of mastication, tooth brushing, hot and cold
drinks, and occasionally the low pH of these drinks.
160 A. Czajka-Jakubowska et al.
enamel or dentin, would “catalyze” the formation of mineral from plaque fluid and/
or saliva [21].
In 2006, a landmark paper by Chen et al. described the in vitro synthesis of FHA
crystals and their ability to coat a substrate with these crystals which had a prism-
like structure resembling the surface of human enamel [22]. The effects of these
coatings on the in vitro and in vivo response of various cell lines have been reported
[23–25]. In 2013, Clark et al. reported the anticariogenic effect of FHA coated pre-
formed stainless steel crowns at the tooth/crown margin in an in vitro model [26].
These enamel-like crystals and coatings are synthesized without the use of cells or
proteins. They can be produced under hydrothermal (Fig. 12.1) or ambient condi-
tions (Fig. 12.2). The crystals resemble enamel crystals in shape, composition, and
size. The larger FHA crystals seen in Fig. 12.1 are produced by applying heat and a
162 A. Czajka-Jakubowska et al.
small amount of pressure for 10 h. The crystals synthesized under ambient condi-
tions are smaller and take up to 1–3 days to form. All the crystals are produced from
a solution containing calcium, phosphorus, and fluoride. Irrespective of how they
are synthesized, the crystals have a calcium/phosphorus ratio of approximately
1.67, the same as human enamel crystals, and an x-ray diffraction pattern typical of
FHA [27].
The crystals have been incorporated into several different vehicles including res-
ins, a laboratory-synthesized substance that resembles the “glue” that allows mol-
lusks to adhere to rocks in the ocean and water. Variations of these mixtures could
be used in the treatment and prevention of caries, tooth sensitivity, and erosion or to
“whiten” discolored teeth. An ideal vehicle for the FHA crystals might be any of the
self-etch adhesives which are now used routinely in dentistry. The concept is that
this combination can be used as a “paint on” enamel. Because of the acid nature of
the adhesive, it will bond to enamel and dentin allowing it to cover those surfaces
with a layer of enamel crystals. It can be tinted to match the color of the tooth or to
whiten a discolored tooth (Fig. 12.3). It could also be used to repair carious and
erosive lesions (Fig. 12.4), as an occlusal sealant (Fig. 12.5) or as desensitizing
12 Future Possibilities for Managing Dental Enamel Defects 163
a c
agent (Fig. 12.6) – a five-in-one product. One further advantage of this technology
is that it will release fluoride over time even if incorporated into a resin (Fig. 12.7).
This will allow not only the treatment options described above but may also have a
caries-preventive effect by promoting remineralization or possibly continuing
164 A. Czajka-Jakubowska et al.
laminate which would conform to the curved surface of a tooth, the crystals have
been mixed with a polymer with the trade name of Eudragit. This is used as an
enteric coating for tablets (e.g., aspirin) and it dissolves at various pHs. It has the
advantage of being approved by the Federal Drug Administration in the USA for
use in humans. This laminate is white in appearance and is flexible (Fig. 12.10a).
It can be cut to any size and is easily adapted to the curved surface of a tooth. It can
be bonded to the tooth surface, or, if allowed to dry on the tooth, it will adhere to
that surface. It could be used like a “Band-Aid” to cover discolored, defective
enamel and early carious lesions without removing any tooth tissue. The laminate
is esthetic and will cover large areas of tooth surface (Fig. 12.10b). It is hoped that
as the Eudragit dissolves over time, the FHA crystals will become incorporated
into the enamel surface producing a surface with high-fluoride content. This lami-
nate will achieve an esthetic repair along with caries-preventive activity – a nonin-
vasive approach.
166 A. Czajka-Jakubowska et al.
The latter part of this chapter has described two potential products for the repair
and prevention of enamel defects. Prototypes of these modalities have already been
tested in vitro and are good examples of potential noninvasive type of products.
There is now the need for them to undergo clinical testing to establish their useful-
ness in clinical practice.
It can be seen from current research approaches that the future will hold many
new approaches to managing teeth not only with enamel defects but also with
defects created by dental caries and dental trauma of various kinds. The
approaches will be influenced by improved understanding of genetic effects at
the cellular level and by how these might be modified. They will also be influ-
enced by the development of biomimetic materials for use throughout the body.
This will require dental practitioners to engage with the new technologies and to
embrace the evolving understanding of dental hard tissues in health and disease.
To do this, the profession needs to continue to move from a primarily restorative
approach to treating diseases of the dental hard tissues that involves removal of
damaged tissue to one which alters and modifies the tissues even when
1. Ikeda E, Morita R, Nakao K, Ishida K, Nakamura T, Takano-Yamamoto T, et al. Fully func-
tional bioengineered tooth replacement as an organ replacement therapy. Proc Natl Acad Sci
U S A. 2009;106(32):13475–80.
2. Barron MJ, Brookes SJ, Kirkham J, Shore RC, Hunt C, Mironov A, et al. A mutation in the
mouse Amelx tri-tyrosyl domain results in impaired secretion of amelogenin and phenocopies
human X-linked amelogenesis imperfecta. Hum Mol Genet. 2010;19(7):1230–47.
3. Brookes SJ, Barron MJ, Boot-Handford R, Kirkham J, Dixon MJ. Endoplasmic reticulum
stress in amelogenesis imperfecta and phenotypic rescue using 4-phenylbutyrate. Hum Mol
Genet. 2014;23(9):2468–80.
4. Chen L, Liang K, Li J, Wu D, Zhou X, Li J. Regeneration of biomimetic hydroxyapatite on
etched human enamel by anionic PAMAM template in vitro. Arch Oral Biol. 2013;
5. Habelitz S, DenBesten PK, Marshall SJ, Marshall GW, Li W. Self-assembly and effect on
crystal growth of the leucine-rich amelogenin peptide. Eur J Oral Sci. 2006;114 Suppl 1:315–
9. Discussion 27 – 9, 82.
6. Habelitz S, Kullar A, Marshall SJ, DenBesten PK, Balooch M, Marshall GW, et al. Amelogenin-
guided crystal growth on fluoroapatite glass-ceramics. J Dent Res. 2004;83(9):698–702.
7. Ishikawa K, Eanes ED, Tung MS. The effect of supersaturation on apatite crystal formation in
aqueous solutions at physiologic pH and temperature. J Dent Res. 1994;73(8):1462–9.
8. Uskokovic V, Li W, Habelitz S. Biomimetic precipitation of uniaxially grown calcium phos-
phate crystals from full-length human amelogenin sols. J Bionic Eng. 2011;8(2):114–21.
9. Wang X, Xia C, Zhang Z, Deng X, Wei S, Zheng G, et al. Direct growth of human enamel-like
calcium phosphate microstructures on human tooth. J Nanosci Nanotechnol. 2009;
12 Future Possibilities for Managing Dental Enamel Defects 167
This chapter sums up the information provided by an international group of
authors on dental enamel defects (DDE) in children and adolescents. It com-
ments on the difficulty of identifying defects in individuals based on indices that
have been developed for prevalence studies. It comments on the significant
impact DDE have on quality of life and notes the difficulties in providing care
that exists because of limited evidence of outcomes from different procedures.
Finally it encourages clinicians to work with dental specialists in early childhood
to plan the best available path to the permanent dentition.
describing the structure and composition of the compromised enamel in the differ-
ent presentations of DDE. More recently, reports describing the genetic influences,
including specific mutations, linked to different types of DDE have been appearing
in the literature. However, management remains a very real challenge for clinicians
and patients alike. While there are many case reports of clinical management of
DDE, there is still no good evidence for proven successful ways to manage DDE in
very young children or through adolescence until permanent restorative solutions
can be provided.
With these considerations in mind, this book has been written by a group of
authors, colleagues, and friends, all of whom have wide experience investigating
and managing DDE. The aims are to summarize what is currently known about the
prevalence and etiology of DDE and to provide guidance for clinicians when faced
with managing DDE in children and adolescents. We hope to encourage interest in
providing care for these children and adolescents to allow them to reach adulthood
as confident young people with healthy smiles and functioning dentitions. The
growing awareness of the broader impacts of DDE on young people, and in particu-
lar their oral health-related quality of life, has been recognized and is reviewed.
Where the defects involve anterior teeth, appearance is compromised which has a
significant impact on the affected individual particularly when other children or
adults comment on their “different” teeth. Furthermore, defective enamel is often
sensitive with young children complaining they cannot eat ice cream. It follows that
oral hygiene and tooth brushing in particular is likely compromised and prevention
of dental caries may be more difficult. Options for decreasing sensitivity to help
with preventive care are discussed.
Unlike caries, there is still no good evidence to support reliable approaches to the
management of different types of DDE during childhood. This book presents a
range of options for maintaining the primary and young permanent dentitions
throughout childhood. These options include optimizing appearance, in terms of
both the color and shape of teeth as well as the occlusion; reducing sensitivity;
maintaining function; minimizing wear and caries as well as promoting healthy
periodontal tissues; and most importantly of all helping these young people to
develop dental coping skills for the long-term complex restorative care that may be
required well in to adulthood.
This book has drawn on the experience, skills, and research outcomes from den-
tal clinicians and researchers across the world. It has allowed these writers to sum-
marize their knowledge and to challenge others to think about and realize their role
in recognizing DDE, recording what they see, and ensuring, where appropriate, that
these dental problems are recorded alongside any other general health problems. In
this way dental professionals can contribute to advancing understanding of the links
between genetic/medical conditions and DDE which will, in turn, inform develop-
ment of technological approaches to rescuing teeth before the defects develop.
We hope that readers will be able to use the information in this book in their man-
agement of DDE and that they will continue to seek better restorative solutions for
these problems and collaborate with specialists including pediatric dentists, ortho-
dontists, prosthodontists and researchers in tooth development to allow patients and
parents to have a long-term vision of healthy and functional smiles in adulthood.
A Celiac disease, 8
Adverse perinatal conditions, 6–7 Cementoenamel junction (CEJ), 78
Ameloblasts Child Oral Health Impact Profile
direct genetic effect, 54–56 (Child OHIP), 86
indirect effect, 50–53 Child Oral Impacts on Daily Performances
nongenetic effect, 46–49 (Child OIDP) Questionnaire, 86
Amelodentinal junction (ADJ), 75, 76 Child Perceptions Questionnaires
Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI), 6, 25, 55 (CPQ11–14 and CPQ8–10), 86
classification of, 60–61 Chronological hypoplasia/hypomineralization,
future directions and, 69–70 124, 125
genes and function, 63, 64 CNNM4, 55
hypocalcified (see Hypocalcified AI) Composite resin, direct restoration with
hypomaturation (see Hypomaturation AI) contraindications, 144
hypoplastic (see Hypoplastic, AI) indications, 144
malocclusion and, 69 outcomes, 145–146
Mendelian inheritance, 61–63 technique, 145
nomenclature and genetic basis for, 62, 63 venners (see Direct composite veneers)
psychosocial impacts of, 88–89 Computerized tomography (CT), 80
with taurodontism, 69 C4ORF26, 66
AMELX, 63, 66 Cystic fibrosis (CF), 51, 52
Autosomal recessive cone-rod dystrophy, 55 Cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator
protein (CFTR), 51, 52
Birth trauma, 6–7 D
Bleaching DDE. See Developmental defects of enamel
contraindications, 143 (DDE)
indications, 143 Deciduous molar hypomineralization
outcomes, 144 (DMH). See Hypomineralized
techniques, 143–144 second primary molars (HSPM)
Dental anxiety, 91
Dental fluorosis, 87–88
C Developmental defects of enamel (DDE)
Casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium in adolescents, 169–170
phosphate (CPP-ACFP/ACP), bonding protocols, 99
118–119 child-centered approaches, 86–87
central and lateral incisors affected birth trauma and adverse perinatal
by, 5, 7 conditions, 6–7
DDE quantitative deficiencies, 2 celiac disease and gastrointestinal
prevalence of, 1 malabsorption, 8
tetracyclines, 10 chemicals and toxins, 9–10
tooth with, 4 generalized inherited disorder/syndrome, 6
Enamel mineralization, 2–3 infections, 8–9
Enamel morphogenesis, 16 isolated cleft lip and palate, 8
Enamel-renal syndrome/Enamel-renal-gingival liver and renal conditions, 8
syndrome, 55 malnutrition and nutritional deficiencies, 8
Endotracheal intubation, 7 premature birth, 7
Environmental factors, 23–25 Hyperbilirubinemia, 7, 9
Epidermolysis bullosa (EB), 55, 56 Hypocalcified AI, 68
European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Hypomaturation AI
(EAPD), 33 AMELX, 66
enamel mineralization degree, 67
KLK4, 66
F MMP20, 66
FAM20A, 63–65 phenotypes, 65
FAM83H, 68 preoperative photograph of child with, 134
Fluorhydroxyapatite (FHA) crystal types, 67
advantage, 163–164 Hypomineralization
ambient conditions, 161–162 composition, 81–82
brittle films, 164 enamel, 23, 24
flexural strength and elastic modulus, 164 fluorotic, 23
human incisor tooth, 165 hardness and elasticity modulus, 77
hydrothermal conditions, 161 macroscopic changes, 75–76
paint on enamel maxillary/mandibular incisor
early carious lesions, 162 teeth, 18–19
occlusal sealant, 162, 163 mechanical properties, 76–77
SEM observation, 162, 163 microstructure, 77–81
vehicle for, 162 TEM image of, 79
Fluorosis, 23–24 Hypomineralized and/or hypoplastic teeth.
See Developmental defects
of enamel (DDE)
G Hypomineralized second primary molars
Gastrointestinal malabsorption, 8 (HSPM)
Generalized enamel defects, 21–23 clinical implications, 39–40
Genetic disorders, 19, 25 diagnosis, 33
Genetic systemic disease etiology, 38
CF (see Cystic fibrosis (CF)) goals, 40
OMIM, 53 mild, 32, 33
rickets, 50 prevalence, 38–39
TS (see Tuberous sclerosis (TS)) Hypomineralized teeth, clinical management
VDDR, 50, 51 tree, 120
XLHR, 50–52 Hypoparathyroidism, and enamel defects, 6
Glass ionomer cement (GIC), 118 Hypoplasia, 34
intra-radicular infection, 19
maxillary central incisors, 18, 20
H secretory stage of amelogenesis, 20
Hall technique, 134 Hypoplastic
Hereditary conditions, DDE AI
acquired systemic conditions, 6 AMELX, 63
amelogenesis imperfecta, 6 ENAM, 64
174 Index
K Neonatal line, 3
Kallikrein 4 (KLK4), 82 Nutritional deficiencies, 8
Kinder Krowns®, 135
L Occlusal overlays and crowns, 152–153
LAMB3, 64–65 Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
Laryngoscopy, 7 (OMIM), 53
Liver, in DDE, 8 Oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL)
Localized enamel defects, 21 questionnaires, 86
Longer-term restorations Oral hygiene, 116
anterior teeth, 133, 135, 136
molar teeth
composite resin, 130–132 P
preformed crowns, 132–135 Panoramic radiography, 103
Low birth weights of adolescent, 109
DDE in primary teeth, 25 outcome of extracting, 107–108
systemic disease, 46–47 9-year-old female, 109, 110
Partial veneers, 152–153
Permanent dentition
M calcification and eruption dates, 16
Malnutrition deficiencies, 8 dose-response relationship, 24
Malocclusion, 110 enamel defects formation, 15–16, 22
Microabrasion environmental factors, 23–25
contraindications, 142 etiology, 16–20
indications, 141 generalized enamel defects, 21–23
outcome, 142, 143 genetic disorders, 25
technique, 142 localized enamel defects, 21
Molar incisor hypomineralization luxation injuries, 21
(MIH), 169–170 mouth and tooth prevalence, 16
children with, 74, 91 periodontal management of
clinical features, 34–36 gingival recontouring and crown
with clinical obvious opacities, 76 lengthening, 150–151
definition, 36 indirect interim restorations, 151–152
Index 175
RAS/MAPK pathways syndrome, 54–56
Renal diseases, 8