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10 Vector Quantization


Recall in Lossless Methods:
• Block Huffman is better than single-symbol Huffman
– Blocks allow to exploit correlation between symbols (assuming source
symbols are not independent!)
• Shannon proved that “blocking taken to the limit” achieves
optimal compression… exploits correlation

Recall in Scalar Quantization:

• It is the lossy version of a single-symbol method
• Shannon also proved that for lossy we can achieve the
theoretical bound on compression (R-D curve) via “blocking
taken to the limit”

This blocking idea motivates Vector Quantization

Main Idea of VQ
That info theory says to consider “blocking” to exploit correlation

Î Group into vectors (non-overlapping) and “quantize” each vector


No Need to Limit
to 2-D Vectors

Samples in
ACF of Speech
vector are highly

1 2 3
Illustration of Gain from VQ: Real Speech Data
Equivalent VQ is
to SQ Better
than SQ
x1 Cells x1

Only quantize
this band… two

x2 x2
• 100 cells smaller than SQ
– Same Rate, Lower Distortion
• Fewer than 100 cells of same size as SQ
– Lower rate, Same Distortion
Going to higher dimension: vectors concentrated in smaller
% of whole space Î Improved Performance

Same speech signal…

3-D VQ

Forming Vectors
For time signals… we usually form vectors from temporally-sequential samples.

For images… we usually form vectors from spatially-sequential samples.

But… you should let the ACF structure guide your choice…

Note: Book uses upper-
case italic to indicate a
vector… I use the
k more standard lower-
x1 = [ x[0] x[ N ] x[2 N ] x[3N ]]
case bold non-italic…

x 2 = [ x[1] x[ N + 1] x[2 N + 1] x[3N + 1]]

x 3 = [ x[2] x[ N + 2] x[2 N + 2] x[3N + 2]]

Designing VQ
Q: What does it mean to design a VQ?
A: Similar to SQ… Specify Decision Boundaries and Reconstruction Values…
except now those are in N-D space… Goal is to minimize MSQE for a given rate
(or vice versa)
Example of a VQ Design: For 2-D
vectors taken from a sequence of
independent Gaussian samples…
Decision Somehow we need to design the
Boundary DBs and RLs…
However, we really only need to
specify the RLs…
Level Then the ith Decision Region
consists of all points closer to the
ith RL than they are to any other
We’ll see how to do this later…

Figure from book Vector Quantization and Signal Compression by Gersho & Gray
Structure of a VQ Fig. 10.1 in Textbook


Binary Codes
⎡log2M⎤ bits
1 code per code vector

M L-Dim Code Vectors

i.e. Reconstruction Points

Example 2

x[n]: … 0.75 1.27 1.78 2.11 … 1

-2 -1 1 2


Encoder Decoder
Find Closest Table
Code-Vector Look-Up
Codebook Index Index Codebook
-2 -2 00 00 -2 -2
-1 -1 01 01 -1 -1
1 1 10 10 1 1
2 2 11 11 2 2
Encoder & Decoder Operation
Encoder: Search codebook for code vector yj that is closest to
input vector x.
Codebook {y i }i =1 = C where each y i ∈ℜ L

x is closest to yj if:
x − y j ≤ x − yi ∀y i ∈ C d ( x , y j ) ≤ d ( x , y i ) ∀y i ∈ C

∑z (Euclidian Notation: If x is closest to yj we

where z = 2

i =1
i Norm) write Q(x) = yj

for z = [ z1 z2 " z L ]
T Note: VQ cells are defined by the
RLs & these equations rather than
explicit boundaries!!!

Decoder: Use received binary codeword (the “index”) as an

address into the codebook (i.e., Table Look-Up) 10
Complexity of VQ
Encoder is Computationally Complex
Must check all M yi for closeness… must compute M norms
M can be quite large: 256, 512, 1024, etc.
Decoder is Easy & Fast

VQ Complexity is Asymmetrical
• May not work well for Real-Time Encoding
• But Real-Time Decoding is very easy

VQ Rate & Performance vs. Rate
If L-D vectors are quantized using a VQ having M
reconstruction points we need binary codewords having

codeword length = ⎡⎢ log 2 M ⎤⎥ bits/vector “Typical” L values:

• Images: L = 16 (4x4)
⎡⎢log 2 M ⎤⎥
# bits/sample = bits/sample • Speech: L = 3,4,5,6

Info Theory Says: Increasing L improves the VQ performance

Practice Says: … only up to a point!

• Improvement decreases w/ increasing L
• Design gets harder w/ increasing L
• Encoder complexity grows w/ increasing L

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