Abbott1990 PDF
Abbott1990 PDF
Abbott1990 PDF
To cite this article: Andrew Abbott (1990): Conceptions of Time and Events in Social Science Methods: Causal and
Narrative Approaches, Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History, 23:4, 140-150
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HISTORICAL METHODS, Fall 1990, Volume 23, Number 4
Andrew Abbott
Department of Sociology
Rutgers University
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people have certain kinds of careers or we can focus on There are two formal ways to conceptualize careers.
why people have certain kinds of careers. That is, we On the one hand, one can treat them as realizations of
can worry about causality on the one hand or narrative stochastic processes. 2 On this argument, there exists some
typicality on the other. sort of underlying process with certain kinds of parame-
The difference is paradigmatic. Those worried about ters. These parameters may be determining causes, such
causality see no point in studies that don't discover as an individual's race or education, or they may be pref-
causes. Those worried about typicality see causes as so erences that dictate an individual's choices. 3 This stochas-
much reification. The different views entail assumptions tic view sees the career as a realization: a career is simply
that make them mutually invisible. They are like two dif- the list of results that the underlying process throws up
ferent paths through the same park; one sees the same over succeeding time periods. It is, in that sense, an acci-
things from each, but those things look very different. 1 dent rather than a pattern, an appearance rather than a
The contrast of causal and narrative analysis of course reality. Reality lies at the level of the underlying process
goes beyond the issue of careers. However, careers pro- of causes or choices.
vide an empirical referent for an otherwise abstract dis- As one might expect, career-analysis methods that de-
cussion. Careers are a particularly good example because rive from this view focus on outcomes at particular
they mix chance and determinism. Stage processes, al- points. For example, the Wisconsin status attainment
though widely theorized in social science, are usually con- model assumes that a set of variables predicts occupa-
ceived to be more regular than careers; the typical pattern tional outcome at a point, the time point of the depend-
is taken for granted, and we seek the causes that propel ent observation with which the path model ends. The
it. By contrast, interactional processes, although equally much more sophisticated durational models based on
well known, are conceived to be looser than careers. event-history data adopt the same idea but predict out-
There the focus is more on contingent developments, and come at a succession of points. Again, there is no concep-
typicality is presumed quite unlikely. In careers, we ex- tion of the career as a whole. Some authors distinguish
pect both a fair amount of pattern and a fair amount of classes of cases that follow different sequences of out-
fluctuation. Thus, they offer a particularly good example comes and then seek differences in causal parameters be-
of the tradeoffs between thinking about historical proc- tween those classes. Such models remain within the sto-
esses in terms of causality and thinking about historical chastic framework. Sequences of outcomes-for exam-
processes in terms of narrative pattern. ple, event "careers" of people entering the labor force-
I will begin by drawing a general portrait of the two are used merely to separate subgroups; there is no idea
different ways of imagining careers and then consider the that the causes themselves might be subject to differing
assumptions of these two views, focusing on major. dif- orders in differing cases within the groups. 4
ferences. These differences concern (1) the nature of the Alternatively, one might conceptualize careers as
social process, (2) the working of causes, (3) the character wholes. That is, one could view a career as a single unit at
and "orderability" of events, and (4) the nature of time. its completion. The varying impacts of opportunities,
In conclusion, I will consider what these differences mean constraints, causes, and choices are all then taken to
for methodological development. merge their effects indistinguishably in a single thing, the
Falll990, Volume 23, Number 4 141
career line. In this view, the career is a reality, a whole, Constitutive Assumptions
not simply the list of successive realizations of an under-
lying stochastic process. It is important to recall that this Assumptions about the social process begin with con-
is our commonsense construction of the history of per- stitutive assumptions about the nature of social actors
sons and of many supraindividual actors. Thus, we con- and their world. That is, the first assumptions of the two
sider academic careers to take one or another form. We views are less about time passing per se than they are
make psychological predictions on the basis of particular about the social beings involved in that time.
life-event sequences. We talk about patterns in riots, rev- In the stochastic or causal view of careers, as in the
olutions, and other forms of collective behavior. Each of broader "general linear reality" that I have analyzed
these discussions assumes that past careers-of individu- elsewhere, the social world is made up of fixed, given en-
als, social movements, organizations-can be treated as tities with variable properties. We usually call these enti-
wholes, as units. Beginning, middle, and end are all of ties "cases" and their properties "variables." 8 A career
one piece, the one leading ineluctably to the next. 5 consists of the succession of the values of a dependent
property or properties over time. The stochastic view
However, methods for analyzing careers as whole units aims to find the minimum number of properties neces-
are rare. Peter Abell has argued for a homomorphic sary to generate these observed "careers," which are in
analysis that reduces such narratives to a number of com- fact most often considered one time point at a time, as in
mon shapes. It is not yet clear how Abell's methods
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status-attainment models.
would be applied empirically. Optimal matching tech- Such a procedure builds up career from a minimum of
niques seem to be the only empirically practicable tech- mere existence. Its paradigms are the literatures of in-
niques available. They measure the resemblance of career dustrial reliability and epidemiology. In these fields, ex-
sequences by counting the numbers of changes required istence itself is the dependent, and sometimes the only,
to tum one sequence into another. 6 property of interest; waiting time till death may, for ex-
There are thus two ways of seeing careers, indeed two ample, be a function only of prior lifetime. 9 Of course,
ways of seeing historical processes more generally. One the stochastic view of careers can envision considerably
focuses on stochastic realizations and aims to find causes; more complex matters, but it does so by adding more
the other focuses on narratives and aims to find typical properties-more independent and dependent variables
patterns. This dichotomy holds as clearly in other fields -to this foundation of mere being. It is striking that in-
of research as it does in the study of careers. Thus, one itiative and action in such "career" models belong to the
can imagine revolutions as the realizations of stochastic variables, not to the cases. Variables do things; the cases
processes, in which case the history of a given revolution themselves merely endure. 10
is actually just the listing of successive outcomes of some By contrast, in the narrative or typical-pattern view of
underlying causal processes. On the other hand, one can careers, the social world is made up of subjects who par-
see revolution as having a complete implicit logic running ticipate in events. The very language used to describe the
from start to finish, in which case the history of a given position is radically different; "event" here means some-
revolution is a logical narrative with an inherent telos. thing quite different from "realization of a Bernoulli
Similar arguments apply to life courses, organizational process." The subjects and events of the "narrativist"
histories, occupational development, and so on. are inherently complex. Analysis occurs by directly sim-
plifying them.
Rephrasing the narrative position in the terminology of
MAJOR DIFFERENCES IN ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT the stochastic view helps to make the two views commen-
TIME AND IDSTORICAL PROCESSES surable. In that terminology, what the narrativists call
"an event" may be defmed as a combination of particu-
These two views of careers make a variety of assump- lar values of many variables. One moves from the sto-
tions about time and the embedding of social life in time. chastic state-space to the narrative list of "events" simply
Of course, any particular author makes a diverse choice by creating a list of neighborhoods (for a continuous
of these assumptions, but reflecting about two polarized state-space) or combinations of properties (for a discrete
versions of the assumptions makes one more aware of the one) that exhaustively cover (in the continuous case) or
choices that are made. If the following argument seems classify (in the discrete one) the state-space. This is the list
overly schematic, then, one reason lies in its desire to ex- of possible events.
cavate our views of the social process. To a certain ex- . To a narrativist, the justification for thinking directly
tent, however, I have made a polemical point as well. The in terms of these events, rather than in terms of the di-
stochastic view is overwhelmingly dominant in empirical mensions or the uncrossed categories themselves, is the
social science. I wish to argue that, despite its real attrac- surprising empirical fact that once we consider a state-
tions, that view is not the only reasonable way to formal- space of any real complexity, most events are null. That
ize social processes. 7 is, most combinations of particular values of discrete var-
iables are never observed, and most neighborhoods in a mension. The data in table 1 show how many of the cells
continuous variable space are empty. If it is the case that have specified numbers of occupants in this data. The
the state-space is mostly empty-if most possible events number of empty cells is surprising. If we cut each dimen-
don't happen-why should we design models covering all sion in two halves (a "two-cut") 7 of 16 cells are unoccu-
possible events? Such models (general linear models, for pied. Overall, of course, the number of empty cells re-
example) try to explain not only what did occur, but also flects the disparity between the 51 cases and the hundreds
lots of things that didn't or perhaps can't (because of or thousands of grid cells. But note the concentration in
constraints) occur. It is more parsimonious to defme the the cells that are occupied. In a two-cut, 45 of the 51 cases
actually observed locations as "events" and to investi- are in 4 of 16 cells. In a three-cut, 28 of the cases are in 5 of
gate their narrative structure directly, without recourse to 81 cells. In a four-cut, 23 of the cases are in 6 of 256 cells.
reified "causes." We usually justify the use of "varia- Note, too, that one must divide this space into 10,000 cells
bles" on the ground that reality is too complex to do to get each of the 51 cases in its own cell. Some of this
otherwise. Maybe that isn't true. clumping is random. But Poisson fits to this data show
An empirical example is useful to illustrate the assertion distinct evidence of further clumping, of real order. In a
that most events don't occur. I have randomly taken four three-cut, for example, a Poisson model predicts that
variables on U.S. states from the Statistical Abstract: cur- about half the cells should be empty; in fact, three quar-
rent expenditures per school pupil, crime rate per 100,000 ters are empty-distinct evidence of clumping in other
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Number of CeUs with n Occupants
plify the complex flow of occurrences. Rather than build- of motion will treat these durational differences as gener-
ing up its cases by assigning them minimal properties be- ating variance in estimates of the effect of the causal pre-
yond a foundation of existence, the narrative view as- dictors on the careers. By contrast, if we consider the ca-
sumes a complexity from which it must "build down," or reers as a whole, we could propose that the causes are in
simplify. Existence, of course, still determines the ulti- each case the same, but that they are "working at differ-
mate beginnings and endings of careers, but it is incon- ent rates." Within the stochastic view, this is an assertion
ceivable as a separate matter for inquiry. that some unmeasured variable(s) interacts with the ob-
A substantive example underlines the difference. Sup- served variables, since time itself presumably causes
pose we are considering the passage of workmen's com- nothing. A whole-career approach allows us to see that in-
pensation laws in American states. To treat this problem teraction effect-and hence raise the issue of unmeasured
from the stochastic view, one observes forty-eight states variables-relatively easily. Moreover, we might wish to
(the fixed entities) over some defmed time period in which consider the actual idea that causes can work at different
those laws are passed (for example, 1909-1929) and notes rates. This is a standard assumption of working histori-
when they do and do not have compensation laws. The ans, and, as we shall see below, assuming uniformity of
goal of the event-history approach is to fmd the minimal pacing involves problematic assumptions about the con-
set of state properties (types of economy, productivity of tinuity of causal effects. It is for this reason that differ-
manufacturing, etc.) that will predict when the laws will ences in assumptions about causal pacing matter.
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appear and when they will not. In the whole-career model, A second difference about causality concerns rele-
one establishes the basic events leading to workmen's vance. As I have argued elsewhere, the stochastic view
compensation laws in the various states and tries to figure must make the assumption that causes are always rele-
out the typical sequence of events by which compensation vant; once in the model, they must remain. In formal
laws come about. These events undoubtedly involve many terms, this means that any method employing linear trans-
of the "variables" used in the stochastic approach, but formations for modeling (whether directly or as an expo-
rather than treating them independently, the narrativist nential term, as in partial likelihood methods) has to as-
will view particular combinations of particular values of sume that the dimensionality of the transform involved
those variables as events in one or more patterns for the doesn't change. Because the whole-careers view looks at
compensation story. The narrative process is justified be- careers in terms of events, it can regard the causal factor
cause with, say, fourteen variables, the vast majority of of being black or female as affecting some of those career
possible events must of necessity not be observed if we events but not others. There is no need to presume a per-
take the stochastic approach. 14 petual importance. Of course, in the stochastic view this
problem could be formally handled by allowing the coef-
Assumptions about Causality ficients of the underlying transformation to vary con-
tinuously and by assuming that most of them are zero
These fundamental differences about how to simplify most of the time. But that procedure throws away the ben-
the complexities of social life are complemented by differ- efits of assuming the transformation model in the first
ences over how to understand causality. Ultimately, the place and precludes estimation in most situations. It
two views accept the same ideas about explanation; both would be a very cumbersome means of handling a prob-
regard narration as the fmal form of social explanation. lem confronted directly by the whole-careers view. 16
That the whole-career view does so is obvious, but sto- This difference is closely related to a more general dif-
chastic writers usually appear to think that causality re- ference between historiographical procedures and social
sides in variables. Yet careful reading shows that the lan- science ones. Historians write their narratives to follow
guage of "variables causing things" is merely a short- the causal action. If that action now seems to involve one
hand; stochastic writers fall back on stories or "plausible or two principal causes and not other causes central just
mechanisms," when they must defend or support particu- one or two events ago, then the historian simply ignores
lar assertions about the variables. Narrative is the funda- the present of those prior causes. They are assumed to be
mental recourse. 15 bubbling along in the background and not really affecting
This ultimate common reliance on narrative is entan- much. Such a view directly contravenes the views of most
gled with other causality assumptions that are quite differ- social scientists. The physical science model on which
ent. A first assumption concerns the pacing of causes. Al- social scientists try to operate makes no allowances for
though not required to, stochastic models generally causes that appear and disappear. One can hardly imagine
assume that causes work "at equal speed" across all a sociologist saying that "race simply didn't matter much
cases. Whole-career models, by contrast, imagine causal except at a couple of crucial conjunctures." Yet this kind
pacing as potentially varying. Consider two careers in of argument is clearly implicit in standard narrative pro-
which the same sequence of jobs is observed, but in one of cedures in history. 17
which the duration of each job is exactly twice that in the A third basic difference concerns the meaning of
other. Any model examining transitions or probabilities causes. The stochastic approach assumes, broadly speak-
ing, that the meaning of a given variable doesn't vary with Assumptions about Events and Their Orderability
historical time and with the context of other variables. In-
teraction (the formal term for the latter context) is basical- Although the stochastic approach to careers doesn't
ly assumed to be secondary; main effects are primary. By really operate in terms of events, it does include distinct
contrast, the whole-careers approach, with its focus on assumptions about the ordering of values of variables. To
events, assumes that interaction comes first. For as I show how these assumptions work, I must introduce the
argued earlier, the whole-careers approach sees as events concept of a variable's "time horizon," a time within
what the stochastic view would call constellations of par- which one can qbserve a meaningful fluctuation in that
ticular values of variables, particular values of interac- variable. The idea of "meaningful fluctuation" assumes
tions. Main effects are a fiction with which the narrativist that any variable is subject to measurement errors or
dispenses, because social life doesn't actually occur in "minor variation" (the two are probabilistically equiva-
main effects, but rather in events/interactions. Gender, lent here) but that we know enough about those errors or
the disembodied characteristic, in fact causes nothing to variations to be certain, after some quantity of change in
happen. Men and women cause things to happen. And the variable, that an observed change is not an error or a
men and women never lack other characteristics than their random fluctuation but a substantive change. Thus, the
gender. Life never occurs in main effects. time horizon is the period it takes to separate signal and
noise or real and random change.
This difference reflects the constitutive assumptions Time horizons fluctuate from variable to variable. In
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discussed earlier. The stochastic approach starts with some cases, they reflect the relation between the variance
cases whose only property is existence and adds to ex- of the error process and the determinate coefficients of
istence as few other properties (mostly main effects, but (say) autoregression. If a large error variance is superim-
sometimes interactions) as can explain the course of the posed on a slow determinate trend, it will take us longer
careers. If main effects suffice, they suffice. By contrast, to see the trend than if the superimposed error variance is
the whole-careers view sees cases as inherently complex small. This happens because of the practical strategy we
and uses typologies of events, cases, and narratives to sim- use to identify changes in variables. Because we wish to
plify that complexity. Such typologies take complexity as avoid mistaking random variation for true trend, we set
primary, rather than deriving it as the product of crossed our criterion for "real change" in terms of the error distri-
categorizations or dimensions, as would a "main-effects" bution.19 To some extent, then, varying time horizons
approach. arise in measurement error and other forms of superim-
This focus on interaction means rethinking how we posed random variation. In this case, they are a practical
assign causal meaning to "variables." In the narrative problem but not a theoretical one.
view, the meaning of a particular value of a "variable" is Often, however, time horizons differ in substantive,
not fixed by its relation to other values of this variable theoretical ways. For example, time-horizon fluctuations
among the other cases, but rather fluctuates with its status also arise in relations of inclusion. The most obvious, but
as one among the several values of different variables that by no means the only, such example is the time-horizon
make up various particular events. To take my earlier ex- difference between a macrovariable and its microconstitu-
ample of workmen's compensation laws, the impact of a ents. Intuitively, we think of aggregate measures as lack-
given level of productivity in Massachusetts is not defined ing ontological status in themselves; they are simply sums
with relation to levels of productivity in other states but of individual-level measures, in which case they would
with relation to the conjuncture of productivity, industri- seem to have the same time horizon as the individual-level
alization, and other variables in Massachusetts at a partic- measures. But in fact, we are likely to notice a change in
ular time. Main effects as such don't exist. 18 one individual's job satisfaction faster than we can ob-
This same argument applies to temporal context. A serve a change in the job satisfaction of a group of indi-
particular value of productivity may have no absolute viduals. This is true for both conceptual and probabilistic
meaning independent of time. Of course, the stochastic reasons.
view can approach this problem via change scores. But the Theoretically, time horizons differ because emergents
temporal contexts of variables may be more complex than such as group job satisfaction do have reality and can't be
change relations can capture. A given value may acquire conceptually reduced to the sums of individual-level
significance because it is the first reversal of a long, steady measures that we use to indicate them. The job satisfac-
fall or because it initiates a long, steady state. In either tion of a group is a cultural construct with real conse-
case, it is the general temporal context, not the immediate quences. Although we can measure it only by aggregating
change, that matters. Only when this preceding temporal individual-level measures, clearly those are just indicators
context has a standard linear impact on the present can of the fuzzy thing itself. The causal consequences flowing
the stochastic view really handle temporal context, as in from recognition of a social fact like "workers are dissat-
ARIMA methods, and even there the analysis of multiple isfied with their conditions of employment" are quite dif-
variables is a central problem. ferent from the causal consequences flowing from thou-
Fall1990, Volume 23, Number 4 145
sands of individual statements that "Jones hates her ful variation but not the long-term one. In such a case,
job." In the one case, we may have revolution; in the we could not believe that the short-term variable causes
other, we have burnout and other forms of individual the long-term one, because we can measure only error in
response. the latter.
The mathematical argument that aggregate measures Another assumption crucial to the stochastic ap-
have longer time horizons requires no such emergentist proach is that, generally speaking, succeeding observa-
assumptions and is therefore-to those who don't like tions of all variables are what I shall call contingently in-
such assumptions-all the more telling. In formal terms, dependent. That is, we assume that if there is autore-
time horizon is the waiting time until a result exceeding a gression, it takes a given pattern that does not vary
certain limit is passed, that limit being defmed as some through time periods. Values of a variable in succeeding
percentile-say, the ninety-fifth-of the distribution of time frames cannot be linked in arbitrary ways. Suppose
the underlying variable. (For simplicity, I dispense with we are estimating some dependent aspect of a job career
the signal/noise model and assume an underlying normal with multiple-independent-variable regression done in
distribution.) Assume that we "move the bell over" so time-series format; successive years constitute the
that it is centered at the old ninety-fifth percentile, and "cases," and some variable aspect of career-income,
that the shape of the distribution does not change. 20 How for example-is predicted from a vector of potentially
many samples will we take before we notice what has lagged independent variables. If there are arbitrary pat-
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happened? Half of the potential samples in the new dis- terns linking successive variables of an independent var-
tribution still lie below our criterion (the ninety-fifth iable, such as temporary work assignments that last sev-
percentile of the old distribution and the fiftieth per- eral observation periods and that reflect "events" in the
centile of the new one) and thus don't tell us that change economy lasting several observation periods, the vary-
has taken place. The distribution of the waiting time until ing autoregression in the independent variables does
we get one above the mean is geometric; we have a (.5) complicated and unspecifiable (because interactive)
chance of success in the first trial, a (.5*.5) chance in the things to our parameter estimates. The problem is that
second, a (.5 * .5 * .5) chance in the third, and so on. The certain succeeding values of various independent vari-
mean of the geometric distribution-the expected waiting ables are linked in "events" that span several observa-
time to the first success (i.e., to what we have decided to tion frames. 23
call a measurable difference)-is q!p, where q is the prob- The time-horizon problem is handled differently in
ability of failure and p that of success. In the present case, the whole-career view. Here all that matters is the list of
that value is (.5/.5), or one trial. We are likely to have to events. They can be big or small in time horizon. In cer-
wait one trial to get a value above the mean of the new tain kinds of careers, for example, having a certain kind
distribution, the ninety-fifth percentile of the old one. of patron at a particular stage determines the pattern of
Now consider the situation when we add together n sit- the entire rest of the career. This is an immediately de-
uations exactly like this, that is, when we add measures terminable event, as opposed to other events of longer
on n different individuals together. 21 The distribution of time horizon such as "mastering fundamental profes-
the sum of n such geometric variables is ann-fold convo- sional techniques" or "holding various minor jobs."
lution of geometric distributions. (Intuitively, convolu- The only narrative assumption that need be made is that
tions pick up the idea that when we add two distributions an event can affect only events beginning after it in the
any value of the summed distribution can arise in many career. 24 Because the narrative moves from event to
possible ways.) The expected value of then-fold convolu- event, there is no necessity even to assume a regularly
tion of the geometric distribution with itself is simply n spaced observation framework, such as observation
times the expected value of the original distribution, in every year. A small, highly specifiable event can be seen
this case n times 1. That is the expected waiting time until as affecting large, diffuse events. The only necessary
we will observe a change in the summed (or averaged) assumptions involve orderability.
variable. This time is substantially longer than in the case The stochastic and whole-career views also think
of individuals. Our notion of time horizon has, then, a about the sequence of events somewhat differently. In
sound probabilistic basis. 22 the stochastic approach, the standard assumption is that
The concept of time horizons allows us to see impor- the fundamental order is an order of variables and that
tant differences between the two approaches considered all cases obey this same order. In any multiple regres-
here. Stochastic methods must assume what is technically sion, for example, it is assumed that the pattern of
called partial ordering of the variables' time horizons. causality is the same in every case. This is equivalent,
Causality can obtain between variables of equal time hor- given the relation of stories about "causal mechanisms"
izons, or it may flow from variables of longer time hori- to path diagrams, to the assertion that every case
zon to those of shorter ones. But it cannot flow the other follows the same narrative. One can, of course, use
way, for one could then envision an observation interval dummy variables, or simply split up one's cases, to
such that the short-term variable would exhibit meaning- avoid this assumption to some extent. But the
characteristic aim is to find a pattern of causes that time 1 on income at time 2 five years later, our first idea
holds across all cases rather than to find a variety of pat- would be to regard education as a step function, meas-
terns. A related assumption maintains that no particular ured by degree (high school, B.A., M.S., Ph.D.), and to
sequence of particular values of variables has any par- estimate its effect across cases in the normal way. But it
ticular causes or consequences. (Technically, this is part would obviously be preferable to have annual measures
of the "main-effects-first" assumption.) That is, we of education, because education is not simply a matter
can't say that whenever we see particular events a,b,c in of degrees but also of on-the-job training, and the latter
that order we will always observe d. No statements are might have its own distinct effect on income. If our
made about particular values of a,b,c; statements are measurement frame were annual, we could see the
made only about variables A,B,C, and D. causal effect of degree in year 1 as falling on some inter-
In contrast, in the whole-careers approach the order mediate variable-for example, general occupation in
of particular events is the center of interest. Our first year 2-and see that general occupation as providing ac-
aim is to consider whether there is one or several char- cess to other forms of on-the-job education that would
acteristic sequences of events. Here the assumptions in- then affect detailed occupational position in year 3 and
volve our ability to place a set of events in order. One so on. That is, the original education-income effect over
version of the assumptions assumes strict order; there is five years would be regarded as interpolating a whole
no overlap between events. Another may permit some series of lesser processes. With those processes in the
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overlap but place restrictions on its amount. Another model, it seems unnecessary and perhaps even illegiti-
strategy uses the basic observation framework of the mate to draw a causal arrow from education in year 1
stochastic method but defines the observations in terms directly to income in year 5.
ofevents: the joint event of being of such and such an It is this interpolation that makes us prefer more
age and hold such and such a job, and so on. panels to less in longitudinal work and that makes the
Because order is central to the whole-career ap- event-history data framework, with its exact dates of
proach, we must be able to define order rigorously for events, so appealing. More data is better. Better dating
that approach to work. There seem to be two basic strat- is better. 26
egies. One retains time-horizon flexibility and defines But in the limit, we have here the continuity of calcu-
events conceptually. It considers a reality of observable lus. There is no time interval so small that independent
"occurrences" and imagines how these might be coni- variables are not affecting dependent ones within it, for
gated into conceptual "events." Occurrences are things if we continue unmasking the interpolative character of
like taking courses or holding particular jobs; events are coefficients, we end up at daily or hourly measurement.
things like "getting an education" and "developing as a However at this level, we invariably think of reality in
professional." Constraints on the orderability of the particular narratives. In those narratives, general varia-
events can then be seen as issues of measurement given bles like "my education" are simply resources in inter-
temporal patterns of occurrences within events. Alter- actional facework; their consequences for one's income
natively, we may define events combinatorially within a arise through the privileges or disadvantages that occur
standard measurement framework, as just suggested. in interaction. And these daily narratives of real interac-
This produces orderability automatically but at the price tion generally don't involve most of the variables of
of losing all information about the temporal "shape" of long-run importance, or if they do, they do so in infini-
events-their duration and their intensity in terms of tesimal ways indistinguishable, in any practical sense,
producing occurrences-in short, their time horizon. from error. At such a fine temporal level, reality is quite
Thus, this last approach is a hybrid of a stochastic con- discontinuous and choppy. Major changes (e.g., in job
ceptualization and a whole-career one. 25 status) are likely to be quite abrupt; the record that jus-
tifies a major promotion may take years to build, but
The Character of Time the promotion itself is instantaneous. That is, more
panels are better, but only up to a point. If we look too
Finally, the stochastic and whole-career approaches closely, the effects of global variables such as "my edu-
differ with regard to the character and depth of causal cation" become very hard to specify meaningfully. 27
time. The stochastic view implies a belief that the social This reductio ad interactionem presents the stochastic
process is continuous and causally shallow, whereas the view of careers with a fundamental dilemma. The sto-
whole-career approach sees it as discontinuous and chastic view's main assumption is that the career is
causally deep. These are not, of course, conscious simply a sequential list of the results of an underlying
assumptions; rather, they are implicit in the ways that and real stochastic or choice process. A set of initial val-
the two approaches address their problems. ues faces the model and produces new values that in tum
The characteristic stochastic study of careers takes face the model and so on; the immediate past is perpetu-
discrete repeated observations on its variable (i.e., panel ally producing the future, much of it by reproducing
data). If we are considering the effect of education at constancy, of course. For such a model, it is obviously
Falll990, Volume 23, Number 4 147
better to have more iterations than fewer, and yet after a may be simultaneously shaped by ongoing events that
certain number of temporal subdivisions, the assump- began at very different times in the past: overall shifts in
tion that every variable (or its constituents) is always in labor demand consequent on changes in the division of
the model obviously breaks down. One requires a "mi- labor, recent vagaries of recruitment, changes in the via-
crotemporal model" that addresses these local disconti- bility of individual hiring organizations, and so on.
nuities but that can somehow produce the appearance of There is no need to reiterate these issues for those who
a more continuous reality to be interpolated at the mac- have lived through the academic market since the 1960s.
rotemporallevel. 28 Note, however, that this position involves us in the as-
The whole-career view, like any narrative view, dis- sessment of multiple overlapping events.
penses altogether with this insistence on an absolutely
continuous historical time. Events have finite duration. CONCLUSION
They begin and end. There is less of a microtranslation
problem because larger historical time has the same dis- In this article, I have aimed to distinguish two funda-
continuity as does microtime. Particular causes are not mentally different views of historical processes. Accord-
always present, but matter only when they are part of ing to one view, historical processes are generated by
the complex particulars the narrativist calls events. It stochastic processes. The social world consists of indi-
should be noted that although this view has all the viduals with particular properties. Causes work at fixed
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 05:38 16 April 2013
weight of historiography behind it, it is quite shaky phil- rates in all cases; are generally, rather than occasionally,
osophically. Mead, Whitehead, and many others have salient; and primarily work independently, although at
argued that reality flows from deep past to immediate times combining in interactive effects. Causality flows
past to present and future and that the deep past has to some extent from context to detail but generally be-
causal effects only through having determined the im- tween variables of "equal" status. There are few or no
mediate past. The stochastic view founds itself on this patterns of causality reaching beyond a single iteration
quite reasonable assumption. One's doctoral location, of the model, and the patterns that are observed affect
for example, may affect initial university placement, but all individuals equally: everyone has the same causal
its effects on later events should work through its effect history. Social time is essentially continuous.
on that initial placement. 29 The other view sees historical processes as whole
Yet there are a number of reasons for considering stories. The social world consists of complex subjects to
such historical "action at a distance." One of them is whom complex things-events-happen. Causality flows
implicit in Mead's own theory of the past. The present is differently in different cases, perhaps at different rates,
continuously reshaping the past in line with its concerns. certainly in different patterns. Most causes work in com-
In career terms, people constantly reinterpret their past plex bunches, the events, rather than alone. There is no
job history in order to decide what to do now. Suppose necessity that these events be of a certain consistent tem-
a period of bad market conditions has sent people to poral size or length and no restriction on relations be-
jobs and organizations that they would otherwise have tween events of differing sizes. Events can come in a vari-
ignored, and this period is then followed by better mar- ety of temporal orderings: strict sequence, overlap, si-
ket conditions. Some may then redefine their years on multaneity. All of this means that historical processes are
the periphery as useful preparation for current changes, fundamentally discontinuous.
whereas others may view them as mere waiting time, My first purpose in distinguishing these views has been
and still others may have lost sight of their peripheral or to make them visible. The second is to establish the latter
undesired qualities altogether, perhaps seeing this peri- of them as a possible foundation for methods addressed
od as one of liberation from a career treadmill. These to the question, What are the characteristic patterns in
different analyses have varying implications for the in- social narratives? Our present approach to social proc-
dividuals' future choices, even though all the people in- esses following the first approach has been productive; I
volved objectively may have had the experience of going am certainly not denying that. But it makes many as-
to (what they at the time thought to be) the periphery. sumptions that restrict its vision.
Because people are constantly assigning new historical The central restrictive assumption is that most events
efficacy to far past events by reinterpreting their careers happen; hence, the variety of historical processes in over-
in light of them, we must consider the far past to have whelmingly great. This assumption implies that the best
some sort of causal efficacy. 30 models are global models aimed at global regularities, for
We must also assume that there is historical action at it implies that these are the only feasible models. The idea
a distance because, as I have shown, it is difficult to do that complexity requires global models in tum entails
otherwise. Because insistence on the continuity of his- highly restrictive further assumptions: uniform causal
torical processes proves impractical, we must make do pacing, relatively consistent causal effects, main effects
with the alternative view that events have finite and dominating interaction, consistency of time horizons,
varying durations and that they may overlap. A career and single causal order across all cases. Thus, if we stop
believing that most events happen, we can open new pos- given actors that determine outcomes. The preference model
simply adds the idea that actors choose what accords with their in-
sibilities for formal analysis of historical processes. terest in a suitably sophisticated fashion. Both sociological and
These new analyses will not instantly produce results economic views of causality regard the fundamental determinants
comparable to those we presently have. One can use op- of behavior as external to the actor in some sense. In the sociolog-
ical case, the determinants are reified "causes" such as "race,"
timal matching, for example, to examine the develop- "education," and "power." In the economic case, the determi-
ment of welfare states and develop measures of resem- nants are the opportunities/constraints that set possible choices
blance between these several histories. However, causal and the preferences that determine which of the choices is op-
timal. The individual per se simply acts as a locus where the inter-
interpretation of those resemblances presents problems. section of these determinants takes place. For further discussion,
For example, to find what overall causes determine the see Abbott, A. What do cases do? Paper presented at the North-
contrast between one group of welfare histories and an- western University Conference on What is a case, March 1, 1990.
4. But these writers continue to at least regard different sequences of
other, one has to solve the problem of when to measure events as worthy of differentiated inquiry and hence show strong-
the causal variables: as of the beginning of the histories? er sensitivity to the narrative character of social reality than do
as of a particular fixed date across all histories? as of the the more classical status attainment writers. For examples, see
Hogan, D. P. 1978. The variable order of events in the life course.
midpoints of the histories? The answers are not obvious. American Sociological Review 43:573-86; Marini, M. M. 1987.
In the short run, a shift to narrative formalism means Measuring the process of role change during the transition to
forgoing much of our customary interest in causes. Of adulthood. Social Science Research 16:1-38; and Marini, M. M.,
H. C. Shin, and J. Raymond. 1989. Socioeconomic consequences
course one can answer that most of our causal results, of the process of transition to adulthood. Social Science Research
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 05:38 16 April 2013
based as they are on the preceding strict assumptions, are 18:89-135. For a similar concern in the stress literature, see Chal-
little more than polite fictions. But still, narrative meth- mers, B. F. 1981. A selective review of stress. Current Psychologi-
cal Reviews 1:325-43.
ods will provide no easy answers. 5. I am very uncomfortable with so strong a statement. Usually, his-
On the other hand, narrative positivism has some dis- torical processes are regarded as open to chance, but somewhat
tinct and powerful advantages. It will facilitate direct constrained; then there will be typical patterns, yet no determina-
tion ab initio. I reserve the term "fate" for processes that unfold
communication between history and the social sciences, in real, contingent time but that have strong teleology and con-
because it thinks about social reality the way historians sider fate to be not a scientific but a literary concept. Thus, the in-
traditionally have done. It will provide us with a method evitability of tragedy arises, for Aristotle, in the original hubris of
the protagonist. The details of the plot are merely the working
for directly addressing questions of typical sequence(s) out-the career-of that hubris. In any case, the notion that ca-
that are central to a number of contemporary empirical reers and other historical processes can be treated as wholes goes
literatures: life course, organizations, labor markets, and back to the concept of "natural history" as set forth by Robert
Park and others of the Chicago school of sociology. Park on race
revolutions. It will uncover regularities in social processes relations; Edwards on revolutions; Shaw on delinquent careers;
that can then be subjected to causal analysis of a more Thrasher on gangs; Hughes on occupations; Burgess, Reckless,
traditional sort. Eventually, it may more fully analyze the Cressey, and many others on neighborhoods-all saw characteris-
tic developmental patterns. In every case, "natural history" de-
complex patterns of history than the causal methods are noted development shaped by internal forces and environing con-
able to at their best. In the meantime, I think serious re- straints, but taking a characteristic pattern or form.
flection about basic temporal assumptions can help us all 6. Abell's principal work in this vein is Comparative narratives.
improve our work. 31 1984. Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior 14:309-31;
Analyzing qualitative sequences, in Abell and M. Proctor, eds.
1985. Sequence analysis. Brookfield, Vt.: Gower, 99-115; and
1987. The syntax of social life. Oxford, Eng.: Oxford University
NOTES Press. The classic citation on optimal matching techniques is San-
koff, D., and J. B. Kruskal, eds. 1983. Time warps, string edits,
This article was originally presented at the Social Science History As- and macromolecules Reading, Mass.: Addison Wesley. The tech-
sociation Annual Meeting held in Washington, D.C., on November niques are applied to dance sequences in Abbott, A., and J. For-
17, 1989. I would like to thank members of that audience for various rest. 1986. Optimal matching methods for historical data. Journal
useful comments. The article summarizes arguments I am making at of Interdisciplinary History 16:473-96; and are also applied to ca-
greater length in a book manuscript currently in preparation. reers of German musicians in Abbott, A., and A. Hrycak. Meas-
uring resemblance in social sequences. American Journal of Soci-
1. I speak from personal experience, having submitted formalized ology, %:144-85. The stability of the methods under coding vari-
narrative analyses to journals whose reviewers are trained to think ation is shown in Forrest, J., and A. Abbott. The optimal match-
causally. Nonetheless, the usual disclaimers apply to the follow- ing method for anthropological data: An introduction and relia-
ing paper. I am overdrawing distinctions in order to underline im- bility analysis. Journal of Quantitative Anthropology, forthcom-
portant choices. Few analysts will take uniformly consistent posi- ing. For an overview of sequence methods see Abbott, A. A
tions on the assumptions I shall analyze. And good work can be primer on sequence methods. Organization Science, forthcoming.
done from either perspective. 7. I am not urging a turn away from positivist methods in the usual
2. Hereafter, I will use the phrase "stochastic view" as a shorthand sense. Thinking about things narratively means thinking along
for this view. I do not mean to imply thereby that the alternative cases rather than across them, as I have argued in Abbott, A.
"whole-career" view is in some way a "deterministic view" as op- 1983. Sequences of social events. Historical-Methods 16:129-47.
posed to a "stochastic" one; "stochastic" is short for "stochastic It does not necessarily involve a turn to interpretive methods, al-
process." though the two have shown an elective affinity in the past. People
3. It does not really matter whether we regard the underlying process who have argued for or assumed a necessary connection (e.g.,
as driven by "causes," as is customary in sociological modeling, Richardson, L. 1990. Narrative and sociology. Journal of Con-
or as driven by "choices," as is customary in economics. Logical- temporary Ethnography 19:116-35) are conflating the problem of
ly, economists' preferences and opportunities function in a man- "multiple means," (that variables can have more than one mean-
ner equivalent to "causes"; they are properties distributed among ing in a given model, in positivist terms) and the problem of tern-
Falll990, Volume 23, Number 4 149
porality proper. I am avoiding that conflation. Therefore, in this "tail off' until I have deleted 20 percent of the cases. The per-
article narrative means narrative positivism. Even so, multiple centage of outliers does not significantly change until I have de-
meanings can in fact be formalized as well, as in Barthes, R. 1974. leted a substantial portion of the data, because deleting some out-
S/Z. New York: Hill and Wang. So even there, the assumption of liers just transforms other cases into outliers.
"inherent unformalizability" is an error. If one does not recog- 13. As those were the data easiest at hand, this is a cross-sectional ex-
nize that the positivist/interpretivist dichotomy is a recursive one, ample. The situation would be the same if I were to link up these
using it obscures rather than enlightens. See Abbott, A. Posi- measurements over several time periods; the state-space would be
tivism and interpretation in sociology. Sociological Forum, forth- a lot emptier than we might expect. In cross-sectional data, dis-
coming. covering the kind of local regularity here documented is the cen-
8. See Abbott, A. 1988. Transcending general linear reality. Socio- tral task of descriptive methods like clustering and scaling, which
logical Theory 6:169-86. That article gives a general analysis of create the typologies I have suggested here. I have clustered this
what may be called the philosophical assumptions implicit in stan- data using a Euclidean metric in the four-space and find a number
dard linear models. The present article elaborates the aspects of of clusters. Sometimes the members of a cluster are likely for ob-
those assumptions that relate to the passage of time. For analyses vious reasons (Louisiana and Texas), sometimes for less obvious
of the idea of cases and variables, see Abbott, A., "Transcend- reasons (Vermont, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania), and sometimes
ing"; Abell, Syntax; and Ragin, C. 1987. The comparative meth- quite unlikely (Illinois, Nevada, Michigan, New Mexico, Mary-
od. Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press. land, and Delaware, all closer to each other than are Louisiana
9. Hence demography is the foundational science of the stochastic and Texas). Note that narrative analysis as I am proposing it here
view. Note, however, that the tendency to sharply separate exis- is essentially an extension of typological thinking to the temporal
tence and other variable attributes implies a curious separation realm. One might further note that these results show how unreal-
between demographic and causal models that in fact bedevils this istic the scatterplots are for the "no correlation" examples typi-
kind of research. cally shown in statistics texts. In such diagrams, the points are
10. For an extensive analysis of this issue see A. Abbott, What do usually well scattered throughout the space. In fact, even on Pois-
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 05:38 16 April 2013
have chosen the seventy-fifth percentile or the ninety-ninth. tion Research 15:323-56; and 1989. Decision development in
Rather it is a function of where our criterion is located in the new, small groups V. Human Communication Research 15:549-89.
hypothetical distribution (i.e., at the mean in this case). This un- 26. For a detailed discussion of this "more is better" issue see Tuma,
derlines that I have actually defined, in statistical terms, a "type N. B., and M. Hannan. 1984. Social dynamics. Orlando, Fla.:
2" time horizon, one in which we are concerned with the wait to Academic Press, 82-91. They argue that the practically optimal
see a true change. There is also clearly a "type 1" time horizon, a spacing of waves is one that reduces the probability of two or
waiting time until we make a false conclusion of change when ac- more changes between waves to a negligible amount. Their argu-
tually there is none. This, too, will be larger for aggregated vari- ment rests on the conception that I have called "time horizon,"
ables, but unlike the type 2 time horizon, it will be a function of the typical waiting time for a substantial change. They do not
the criterion level in the original distribution. For a formal discus- consider the issue of "disappearance of causes" at the microlevel,
sion of convolutions and their application to these particular dis- which is discussed below. That is, while they consider the time
tributions, see Feller, W. 1968. An introduction to probability horizon of the dependent variable, they do not consider those of
theory and its applications. New York: Wiley, 266-69. One might the independent ones.
be tempted to think that since the aggregated variable involves n 27. The event-history framework as usually used with historical data
trials of the individual variables, one trial of the aggregate, which employs annual measurement because that is the typical frame-
is really n trials of individuals, is the waiting time, just as in the in- work of the records. Thus, the microreduction problem described
dividual case. This is not so. Each trial of the sum entails trials of in the text does not force itself on the event historians.
each individual case. It is n trials of the ensemble that concern us 28. The relation of micro- and macrostructures is a widely discussed
here, which will take longer (n times longer) than the waiting time issue, in sociology at least. The best macrotheories are relatively
in the case of individuals. Note also that my assumption of imme- institutional and treat the microlevel as relatively fixed. Marx,
diate stepwise change in fact makes this a conservative figure; Weber, and Durkheim all tended to think this way, as have their
with continuously changing variables, the waiting time will be still current votaries. In contrast, by far the most exciting micro-
longer. These facts imply deep problems in the use of summed theories treat the microlevel as extremely open and uncertain. The
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 05:38 16 April 2013
social scales in temporal designs. Chicago School and the ecologists and symbolic interactionists
23. This problem is not escaped by event-history methods, which in who descend from them all take this position. Despite some
their most common form-partial-likelihood models-evade the valiant efforts, no one has really managed to put Humpty Dump-
normal problems of multicollinearity that arise in the estimated ty together again. Although there is a large literature on the issue
parameter variances by avoiding variance-based estimation. The in current sociological theory, most of it lacks data, applicability,
writing of a likelihood equation, the fundamental step in likeli- indeed even comprehensibility. It consists of "theory fixes" that
hood estimation, assumes the joint independence of the observa- stick together a few general concepts and claim to have solved the
tions, something unfortunately impossible to assume in an event- problem. Some standard views of the micro/macro relation are
(1) macrostructures are simple aggregates of micro occasions, (2)
history data array; what happened in Massachusetts in 1912 cer-
tainly is conceptually dependent on what happened there in 1911. micro occasions are mere instances of macrostructures, (3) mi-
Under certain conditions in the discrete-time estimation of event- cro occasions are stochastic realizations of macro processes, (4)
history models, the estimation equations do reduce to a situation macrostructures are constraints (alternatively, facilitators) for
of apparent independence. One condition is that the vector of ex- micro occasions, (5) micro is the level of freedom and macro that
planatory variables explains all variation in the hazard rate. (See of constraint, (6) macrostructures are simply stochastic limits of
P. D. Allison, "Discrete-time methods for the analysis of event sequences of micro occasions, and (7) microstructures are psycho-
histories," in S. Leinhardt [ed.], Sociological methodology 1982. logical, whereas macrostructures are social. None of this liter-
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.) The other condition is that of full ature recognizes the micro/macro problem as inherently tem-
rank for the matrix of explantory variables, an assumption vio- poral, that is, none of it recognizes the conceptual, as opposed to
lated by any autoregression among them. Econometricians have practical, problem of time horizons. The standard review of this
worried about this issue (seeP. Kennedy. 1985. A guide to econo- literature is Alexander, J. C., B. Giesen, R. Munch, and N. J.
metrics. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 38), but it does not prom- Smelser. 1987. The micro-macro link. Berkeley, Calif.: University
inently feature in sociological discussions of event-history meth- of California Press.
ods. I have discussed the concept of time horizons-with an ex- 29. Mead's general analysis of temporality is found in The philoso-
ample from time-series analysis-in "Transcending." phy of the present. 1932. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Useful summaries are Tonnes, A. 1932. A note on the problem of
24. One might imagine an event affecting an event already in process the past. Journal of Philosophy, 29:599-606; and Eames, E. R.
by a process analogous to catalysis. In that case, an event would Mead's Concept of Time. in Corti, W. R., ed. 1973. The philoso-
modify an already-developing event of larger time horizon than phy of George Herbert Mead. Amrisvil, Switzerland: Amrisvil
itself. Certainly one can tell narratives this way. How to embody Press, 59-81. Of course, state variables such as doctoral location
them in empirical practice is a different matter. remain present, and so one may draw path arrows as if they had
25. For a formal analysis of these problems of colligation and meas- deferred effects. But the guts of the stochastic model of reality is
urement under the first approach, see Abbott, A. 1984. Event se- that the entire situation at one instant produces the entire situa-
quence and event duration: Colligation and measurement. His- tion at the next. If part of that production is simple reproduction,
torical Methods 17:192-204. I have applied some of the tech- then so be it. What matters is the continuity of career time and the
niques there described to sequences of welfare state development reality of the underlying stochastic process.
in Abbott, A., and S. DeViney, Sequences of welfare state devel- 30. Mead, of course, would argue that in fact all the causality is hap-
opment. Paper presented at the American Sociological Associa- pening in the making of the immediate present. It is merely an
tion Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., August 1989; and to se- analytical convenience or shorthand to regard the distant past as
quences of development in American medical communities in Ab- efficacious.
bott, A. 1984. Professionalization large and small. Manuscript, 31. My current work attempts to use optimal matching to consider
Rutgers University. The literature on colligation is expanding. M. multiple-case, multiple-variable time-series data. This is the prob-
S. Poole, in particular, has followed up the lead of Bales's Inter- lem of finding different "tracks" through the state-space of vari-
action Process Analysis. See Poole, M. S., and J. Roth. 1989. ables. Citations to articles illustrating other applications of narra-
Decision development in small groups IV. Human Communica- tive positivism may be found in earlier footnotes.