Budget Call Circular 2019-2020: Government of Pakistan Finance Division Islamabad
Budget Call Circular 2019-2020: Government of Pakistan Finance Division Islamabad
Budget Call Circular 2019-2020: Government of Pakistan Finance Division Islamabad
Government of Pakistan
Finance Division
Appendix A
Special Instructions
The following are the specific instructions to complete the requirements of Section I and Section II forms:
1. The Budget Calendar (Appendix B) presents the activities that are required to complete the
budget preparation process. The budget calendar is presented in a tabular format, which
contains activities, the responsible stakeholder and the deadlines of each activity. These
deadlines may be adhered to.
2. The Indicative Budget Ceilings of Current and Development Budget for three years i.e. 2019-
20, 2020-21 and 2021-22 will be communicated through a separate letter.
3. When the Indicative Budget Ceilings for three years are received, forms enclosed in Section II
(Strategic Overview Form and LM Forms) will be completed by office of the Principal
Accounting Officers. These forms are designed to help Ministries in strategic allocation of
Ceilings to ‘outputs’.
4. Upon completion of ‘LM’ forms, the following will be forwarded to the relevant Fund Centres
by Principal Accounting Officers:
a. Section I forms,
b. Section II forms and Fund Centre Form,
c. Three (3) years Ceilings that will guide Fund Centres to prepare their budgets (these
Ceilings will result from completed Section II ‘LM Forms’),
d. List of standard output indicators related to that Fund Centre.
5. The Section I forms will be forwarded to the Budget Wing (Finance Division) for further
necessary action. The Section I includes:
6. In Section I, the Revised Estimates for the year 2018-19 for current and development
expenditures must include, among other things, the following:
7. While preparing BOs / NISs, the Ministries / Divisions are required to obtain budget provisions
under relevant Cost Centres and Circle of Accounts (where the payment is actually required to
be made). AGPR has been instructed not to authorise payment where budget provision does
not exist.
8. The Federal Budget will be prepared at the controlling / expenditure DDO level. The AGPR has
been instructed not to extend any expenditure over and above the printed budget 2019-20
stands incorporated in the system without the consent of Finance Division. The Ministries /
Divisions who are operating their budget at spending DDOs level are requested to submit
2019-20 (Budget) at spending DDOs level to the Budget Wing within fifteen (15) days of the
announcement of Federal Budget 2019-20 on the template given at (Section I - Annex VI).
9. No lump-sum provision should be made or proposed to be made in the budget. All items under
the object classification should be proposed according to the prescribed detailed object heads
of accounts so that the number of references to the Financial Advisers / Finance Division is
reduced to the minimum.
10. Organisations / entities that use single-line budget (other than subsidies) will provide detailed
budget information (i.e. on detailed object classification) and also to provide details of their own
11. Approved ‘Green Book 2019-22’ may be forwarded to the MTBF Secretariat, Budget Wing
(Finance Division) by the date mentioned in the Budget Calendar. The standard format of
‘Green Book 2019-22’ is included in section II. The MTBF Secretariat has installed software
called ‘Financial Management Application’ in your Ministry/Division to help you prepare the
‘output based budget’. The Line Ministry (LM) forms will be retained by your Ministry / Division.
12. To fill in Section I forms and Section II forms (including Fund Centre Form), Budget Section,
P&D Section and ‘Core Team’ in Ministries will provide necessary assistance to Fund Centres
(Spending Units). MTBF Secretariat, Budget Wing, Finance Division will provide necessary
assistance in filling Section II forms to ‘Core Teams’ established in each of the office of Principal
Accounting Officers. All queries and clarifications should be addressed to:
Appendix B
Budget Calendar
The time-schedule prescribed for the submission of budget estimates in respect of Receipts as well as
Current and Development expenditure of the Federal Government on Chart of Accounts is given below:-
1. Issuance of ‘Budget Call Circular’ 2019-20 Finance Division 21st December, 2018
S# Activities Responsible Deadline (Last date)
8. Last date for submission of Section I Forms (BOs / Principal By 22nd March, 2019
NISs) on Chart of Accounts for development Accounting
expenditure to the Budget Wing (Finance Division) Officers
12. Finalization / Printing of Section II Forms by the Budget Section, Third week of April, 2019
Ministries / Divisions. The concerned Ministry / P&D Section in
Division will retain these forms. Ministries /
13. Submission of Final ‘Green Book’ report to Budget Principal Third week of April, 2019
Wing (MTBF Secretariat), Finance Division Accounting
14. Completion of all Budget Documents (including Finance Division Last week of April
Green Book), Schedules and Summaries for
Cabinet etc.
15. Presentation of Budget to the Cabinet and the Finance Minister May 2019 (tentative)
Appendix C
The overall process in Federal Ministries will be supported by the Finance Division / MTBF team.
1. Issuance of ‘Budget Call Circular 2019-20’ to the Principal Accounting Officers (PAOs)
As a first step the Finance Division will issue “Budget Call Circular” to the PAOs of all the Ministries
/ Divisions. This is the budget call circular that contains the instructions and forms required to be
completed under the leadership of the PAO.
In next step, the Finance Division will prepare medium-term (3-years) Budget Strategy Paper. The
Budget Strategy Paper will contain Medium-Term Macroeconomic and Medium-Term Fiscal
Frameworks. In order to develop the Macro-Fiscal projections, the Finance Division interacts with
various stakeholders (including Federal Board of Revenue, Planning Commission, Economic
Affairs Division, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, and State Bank of Pakistan). Based on these
projections, indicative budget ceilings are formulated. The Budget Strategy Paper is approved by
the Cabinet before ceilings are forwarded to the PAOs.
3. Issuance of Indicative Budget Ceilings for current and development budget to all PAO’s
Federal ministries will receive indicative budget ceilings for three years. The ceilings for current
budget are prepared by Finance Division. The ceilings for development budget are prepared by the
Planning Commission and issued by the Finance Division. Copy of indicative budget ceiling letter
is being sent to the concerned FAs / DFAs. Copy of development budget indicative budget ceiling
letter is being sent to the concerned FAs / DFAs and Sector Chiefs in the Planning Commission.
After receiving ceilings for current & development expenditure, office of the Principal Accounting
Officer (PAO) will conduct in-house meeting to develop a Strategic Plan for the upcoming three
years. Offices of the PAOs have established ‘Core Teams’ for this purpose. The Terms of
Reference of the ‘Core Teams’ have already been forwarded to all PAOs. Broadly, the ‘Core
Teams’ are responsible for planning, budgeting, and monitoring processes.
The ministries / divisions will go through the Budget Preparation Forms. Instructions and
Procedures to fill in the Budget Forms of Section I and Section II are part of the relevant sections.
6. Submission of Section I and Section II forms by Ministries / Divisions for current budget to
FAs / DFAs for Quality Assurance
In the presence of ceilings, the Financial Advisers will quality assure the Fund Centre forms (BO /
NIS) and give their recommendations (if so) to the concerned Principal Accounting Officer.
7. Submission of Section I and Section II forms by Ministries / Divisions for development
budget to Sector Chiefs in Planning Commission and copy to FAs/DFAs
8. Submission of Section I Forms (BO / NIS) for recurrent and development expenditure
budget to Budget Computerization (Budget Wing – Finance Division)
Section I Forms (BO / NIS, “Posts Proforma” and “Spending DDOs Budget Estimates”) will be
forwarded to the Budget Computerization of Budget Wing – Finance Division by the date mentioned
in the Budget Calendar Appendix B of this BCC.
9. Review and approval of budget estimates and additional demands (current + development)
by the Priorities Committee
Each Principal Accounting Officer (PAO) will be invited to make presentations on their budget
proposals to the Priorities Committee (comprising Finance Division, Planning, Development and
Reform Division, and Economic Affairs Division). It is important to note that these presentations will
deal with both the current and development sides of the budget proposals. Priorities Committee
would also consider and approve additional resource bids by the Ministry. Before consideration of
additional bids in the Priorities Committee, these bids would first be reviewed by the FAs / DFAs in
case of current budget, and by Sector Chiefs in the Planning, Development and Reform Division &
FAs / DFAs in case of Development Budget.
The Priorities Committee will discuss past performance, current year’s budgetary allocations, and
ceilings for the budget year and forecast years. In addition, discussions will focus on ‘outputs’
(services) to be delivered and policy priorities.
Information such as LM Form 1, and LM 2 alongside other relevant information will be discussed
in the Priorities Committee meeting.
12. Finalisation and Submission of Final ‘Medium Term Budget Estimates for Service Delivery’
(Green Book) report (as per format given in Section II) by the Ministries/Division to Finance
“Green Book” is the summary presentation of LM forms and Fund Centre Form of Section II. Green
Book should be approved by the relevant competent authority i.e. PAO. As part of the Green Book
approval process, the PAOs would need to brief their relevant Minister before giving approval.
13. Completion of all Budget Documents (including ‘Green Book’), Schedules and Summaries
for Cabinet etc.
14. Presentation of Budget (including ‘Green Book’) to the Cabinet and Parliament.
2. The estimates of Foreign Aid Receipts for both 2018-19 (Revised) and 2019-20 (Budget),
together with actuals for the years 2016-17 and 2017-18 are required to be furnished by the
Economic Affairs Division. The administrative authorities may, however, assist that Division by
furnishing promptly such information or material as may be required by them for compiling these
B. Other Revenue/Capital Receipts Administrative Ministries / Divisions and Audit & Accounts
1. The estimates of expenditure included in the Budget Estimates should be broken down
into Charged and Voted expenditure.
2. No Budget Order / New Item Statement (BO / NIS) will be accepted, in which Employee
Related Expenses have been claimed, if not duly supported with the information asked for in the
Annex V.
3. The Estimates of Development Expenditure 2019-20 should not include any scheme
which has not been approved in accordance with the prescribed procedure. These estimates
should be accompanied with detailed expenditure estimates for budget provision in respect of
individual projects and be supported by relevant PC-I or PC-II Form.
4. A statement in PPWD Form 4 showing the provision that may have been separately
proposed to the Housing and Works Division for works expenditure for the year 2019-20 if any,
pertaining to a project should also be submitted along with the budget estimates. The Housing
and Works Division will compile them according to individual development projects included in
the Public Sector Development Programme and furnish a copy to the Budget Wing (S.O. BR-III
Section) of the Finance Division within three days after the finalization of the budget estimates in
respect of development projects.
5. Foreign exchange component of Development Expenditure – The foreign exchange
component of estimates of development expenditure is required to be shown distinctly together with
the source from which it will be met (i.e., whether from own resources or from foreign aid). When the
foreign exchange components are to be financed (wholly or partly) from foreign aid, the source and
type of aid should invariably be indicated in the budget provision for the relevant project/scheme and
at the end of the relevant New Item Statement. In case of Foreign Aid Grants, equal amount of
recoveries should be reflected in NIS Form under Sr. No 13 of Annex IV.
6. The provision made for foreign exchange expenditure is not available for rupee
expenditure or vice versa and no re-appropriation is permissible between the provision for rupee
and foreign exchange expenditure. This should be kept in view while framing the estimates for
rupee as well as foreign exchange requirements.
The Ministries / Divisions / Departments should read the following instructions
carefully and all BOs / NISs should invariably be prepared in the enclosed format.
1. Ministries / Divisions / Departments are required to submit one Budget Order (BO) and
one New Item Statement (NIS), if necessary for every office.
2. Separate BO / NIS for Charged and Voted shall be submitted for every office. Combined
total of Charged and Voted document may be shown invariably in a covering statement.
3. No column in the BO / NIS forms should be left blank. In case any column is not
applicable, it may be marked N.A. BO / NIS should be prepared in thousands.
4. FA Organization to make sure that Functions / Objects are correct and No. of posts
shown in Annex-V are same as BO / NIS.
5. Detailed object head having Rs 1,000/- to keep the head operative on presumption basis
may be avoided in BOs / NISs.
Serial No. 2 Fund information i.e. Demand No., Fund Code and Description.
Serial No. 4 Fund Centre / DDO Code and description. It shall be left blank where
Multiple DDOs are being entered into one BO / NIS. In case of New
Office / Department, the word "NEW" should be written in braces after
the nomenclature. If an office has been opened during the current
financial year, provision may be substantiated by a copy of the schedule
of Supplementary Grants as an Annex to the BO / NIS. In case of
Development Scheme, the name of department and scheme both
should be mentioned.
Serial No. 6 Use this space for writing any related information, otherwise write N.A.
and should not be left blank.
Serial No. 7 Write all the Function levels i.e. Major, Minor, Detailed and Sub-
Detailed codes with the descriptions and total amount of budget
against each level (both revised estimates for the year 2018-19 and
budget estimates for the year 2019-20) in the BO / NIS. It is irrelevant
to mention those objects in which no RE and BE reflects.
Serial No. 8 This has been bifurcated into three parts i.e.
Serial No. 12 Recoveries, if any, should also be shown in a separate sheet at the end
of every BO / NIS form.
(Asma Malik)
Director (Budget Computerization)
Finance Division
Phone: (051) 9209587
Fax: (051) 9221393
Annex IV
Government of Pakistan
Ministry :
Division :
Department :
From :
To :
1 Type of Document ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤
(Tick the Box Applicable) BO Addl. BO NIS Addl. NIS
Code Description
3 Attached Department /
Sub-Detailed Function
5 Circle
Document with Multiple DDOs / Departments ¤ (Tick the box where applicable)
New Diary No.
Checked By (Name)
Entered By (Name)
(Rupees in Thousands)
Object Object Description Revised Estimates Budget Estimates No. of
8 Centre
Code (Commitment Item) 2018-19 2019-20 Posts
9 Total Provision (Gross)
10 Foreign Exchange
(i) Foreign Aid
(ii) Own Resources
11 Local Currency
Name & Designation
Telephone No. . . . . . . . .
Annex V
( __________________ )
Name & Designation
Tele. No. ____________
( __________________ )
Name & Designation
Tele. No. ____________
NOTE: a) Use one Excel Sheet for one Fund / Demand containing all DDOs.
b) Distribution may be provided by combining BO & NIS (Budget) for each DDO.
Budget Preparation Forms
and Instructions for Preparing
Medium-Term Budget
General Guidelines
1. This section contains forms that are designed to prepare Medium-Term Output Based
Budget (2019-22). The ‘Output Based Budget’ follows the ‘Logic of Intervention’ (Ref: page
22) method.
2. This section encloses Strategic Overview Form, and ‘LM Forms’, which are to be completed
by the office of the Principal Accounting Officer (PAO) before the ‘Fund Centre Form’ is
dispatched to and completed by the Fund Centres.
3. The Ministry Strategic Review Form and ‘LM Forms’ should be prepared in collaboration
with the strategic management of the Ministry/Division. The strategic management includes
Secretary, senior officials (from technical, operational, administrative and planning
sections/wings etc.) and the heads of Attached Departments. The ‘Core Teams’ established
in the offices of PAOs will be primarily responsible for filling ‘LM Forms'.
4. ‘Medium Term Budget Estimates for Service Delivery’ (Green Book) should be completed
after Strategic Overview Form, ‘LM Forms and ‘Fund Centre Form’ are completed. The
‘Green Book’ should be approved by the concerned Principal Accounting Officer before it is
forwarded to the Finance Division for compilation.
5. Budget will be prepared by Principal Accounting Officers – this means that all the budgetary
amounts for which a PAO is responsible will show in a single Green Book. Since the budget
is presented by ‘Demands for Grants’ in the Parliament, the budget for PAOs may be shown
in demands falling under a different Ministry / Division. The Green Book aims to consolidate
all the budgets related to a PAO together with reconciliation with ‘Demands for Grants’.
6. For each of the output, there is a new requirement to present ‘key projects’ and their details.
Key projects should be of strategic nature, and can be linked to specific outputs.
7. A personnel plan is being introduced. In this plan, the ‘Core Teams’ will provide details of
the estimate number of posts to be filled over the medium-term. This will help the office of
the PAOs to forecast employee recruitment / retirement in addition to funding requirements.
This information will be presented on different levels of cadres. Additionally, number of
female employees will be presented to cater for requirements of gender based budgeting
8. Actual expenditure and actual performance achieved will be provided for two previous years.
9. For each of the output, the respective ‘office responsible’ will be mentioned.
10. Amounts should be rounded off to the nearest thousand. For this purpose, provision of up
to Rs.499 should be taken as zero and provision of Rs.500 and above as Rs.1,000.
Sequence of Filling Line Ministry Forms ‘LM Forms’:
Upon receipt of ‘LM Forms’ and the Ministerial Ceilings the Ministries/Divisions are expected to
go through the following step by step process:
3 Fund Centre Form to be filled by each Fund Centre Fund Centre Form
Identification of Output Indicators / Targets through
consolidation of information sent by the Fund
4 LM Form 2
Centres (Indicators / Targets should be in male /
female where possible)
Presentation of all the information of LM & Fund
5 ‘Green Book’
Centre Form in the required format.
Note: The ‘Medium-Term Budget Estimates for Service Delivery’ (Green Book) may be
signed by the Principal Accounting Officer (PAO) and may be forwarded to the
MTBF Secretariat Budget Wing, Ministry of Finance by the date mentioned in the
Budget Calendar.
MTBF Secretariat,
Room 107, Q Block, Finance Division
Phone: (051) 9202661, 9209422, Fax: (051) 9221288
Logic of Intervention
The Logic of Intervention is a management tool used to improve the design of a ministry or
division’s work plan. Preparing the logical framework involves identifying strategic elements
(inputs, outputs, outcomes, goals) and their linkage to each other. The logical framework also
involves defining indicators (for measuring progress), and the assumptions or risks that may
influence success and failure in achieving the goals of the ministry.
The basic idea of the log of intervention is the way high level objectives or GOALS are to be
achieved through the use of resources (INPUTS) to produce OUTPUTS, which contribute to
OUTCOMES and eventually to high-level GOALS:
The definitions of the principal elements in the Logic of Intervention are as follows
The financial, human, and material resources required to undertake activities
that contribute to the service delivery (Output).
The products or services delivered to general public or to other
Ministry/Department etc. for example one of the services (output) of Ministry of
Water and Power is “Enhancement of electricity generation, transmission and
distribution services”
The short-term and medium-term impact on the target population of a
particular service (output) being delivered. For example the outcome of the
service (output) provided by the Ministry of Water and Power “Reduction in
load shedding by 2020 and gradual reduction in electricity prices”
The high-level objective to which the office of the Principal Accounting Officer
is aspiring to embrace. Where relevant, organisational goal should be linked
with one or more goals defined in the ‘Vision 2025’ document. For example
goal for Water and Power Division will be “Double power generation by 2025 in
order to provide uninterrupted and affordable electricity”
Strategic Overview Form
(1) Ministry:
Attached Departments:
Outcome 1:
4.6 Outputs:
Output 1:
Office responisble
Instructions for Filling “Strategic Overview Form”
Specific Instructions:
4.3 Write the name of the Policy Document and also provide
Reference web link of the Policy Document
4.5 List down the names of outcomes and briefly describe the
rationale of each outcome
4.6 List down the names of output, briefly describe rationale of each
output future policy priorities and office responsible the output
Budget and Expenditure Information by Outputs and Fund Centres
(1) Ministry:
(2) Principal Accounting Officer (Name & Designation):
(3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Recurrent /
Office Fund Centre Fund Centre %age Actual Expenditure Original Budgt Forecast
S.# Output(s) Responsible Code Name ('R' / 'D') Contribution 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
'000 '000 '000 '000 '000 '000
Instructions for Filling Form LM-1
This form is designed to help Line Ministries in linking outcomes to outputs, outputs to Fund
Centres and allocating ‘Medium Term Budget Ceiling’ to its strategic priorities. This form can
help identify new outputs to be introduced by Fund Centres during a particular year, or
contribution pattern by a Fund Centre (e.g. a Fund Centre may contribute to an output for two
years only).
Senior Management team (including attached Departments) of the ministry should review the LM
form - 1 for 2019-22 together with the ‘Strategic Overview Form’ mentioned earlier. The
ministry/division should amend and update LM Form-1 if needed.
The structure of goal, outputs and outcomes is as per the ‘Logic of Intervention’ methodology
described earlier in this Section.
Specific Instructions:
Serial Number 8. Write whether the Fund Centre is a Current or Development Budget
consuming entity. Use the letter ‘R’ for ‘Current’ and letter ‘D’ for
‘Development’ budget consuming entity.
Serial Number 9. Write the percentage contribution of the Fund Centre to a particular output.
For example, if a Fund Centre is contributing 40% to Output A and 60% to
Output B, then under Output A write the percentage contribution ‘40%’.
Serial Number 10. Write actual expenditure against each Fund Centre for the year 2016-17 &
2017-18. If a Fund Centre is contributing to more than one Output then write
only the proportionate amount. For example, if the total expenditure of a Fund
Centre is Rs. 100,000 and it is contributing 40% to Output A and 60% to
Output B, amounts which would be written under each Output would be Rs.
400,000 and Rs. 600,000 respectively. Total expenditure of all the Fund
Centres under a particular Output would be written against the Output in bold.
Serial Number 11. Write Original Budget for 2018-19 and 2019-20. Like ‘Serial Number 12’ write
only the proportionate amount in case of multi contributing Fund Centre.
Serial Number 12. Write the Budget Forecast for the year 2020-21 and 2021-22 as allocated to
the different Fund Centres.
(1) Ministry:
(2) Principal Accounting Officer (Name & Designation):
Instructions for Filling Form LM-2
Purpose of the Form:
Based on the budget allocated, this form looks at medium term Indicators (Measures) and
Targets for the Outputs defined in the Form LM - 1.
Specific Instructions:
Serial Number 1. Self Explanatory.
Serial Number 2. Self Explanatory.
Serial Number 3. Serial numbers provide a basis for referencing between Line Ministry forms.
These should carefully be numbered. The serial number assigned to Outputs
in the Form LM – 1 should be used here.
Serial Number 4. Write the name of output(s). This should be the same as defined in the Form
LM – 1.
Serial Number 5. Write Indicators here. This is the unit of measurement of Output e.g. Hospital
services can be measured through provision of hospital services to the
number of patients.
Note 1: Ministries / Divisions /Entities should prepare standard list of
indicators and send it to the Fund Centres along with the Fund Centre
forms and the budget ceilings. Fund Centres will provide targets for the
relevant indicators. If the Fund Centres cannot find the relevant indicators
they can suggest the new ones and provide target as well. LM-2 will show
the consolidated picture of the indicators and targets.
Serial Number 6. Write the Targets achieved in 2015-16 and 2016-17 against the indicators
mentioned in Serial Number 5.
Serial Number 7. Write the Plan Targets for 2018-19 and 2019-20.
Serial Number 8. Write the Forecast Targets for the year 20120-21 and 2021-22.
Format of the
1. Goal:
Output 1 xx xx xx xx xx xx
Output 2 xx xx xx xx xx xx
Total xx xx xx xx xx xx
A02 .. xx xx xx xx xx xx
Total xx xx xx xx xx xx
3. Organisational Structure:
Attached Departments:
Regulatory Authorities / Autonomous Organisations/State Owned Enterprises:
6. Outputs:
Output 1:
Brief rationale of the output
Office responsible
Output 2:
Brief rationale of the output
Office responsible
7. Performance Details
Selected Performance Targets Achieved Planned Targets Forecast Targets
Indicators 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
Output 1 1.
Output 2 2.
8. Personnel Plan
Actual Filled Planned to be Filled Forecast
Number of Filled / To be Filled Posts
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
Grade 16 – 19
Grade 1 – 15
Signed By PAO:
Name & Designation: _____________________
Instructions for Filling the ‘Green Book’
Purpose of the Green Book:
Output based budget 2019-22 will be presented as per this format. The information for this
report will be derived from the Section II forms (i.e. Strategic Overview Form, LM Forms 1-2,
and Fund Centre Form).
The Green Book is prepared to help different stakeholders in analysing the cost of services
(outputs) and their effects (outcomes) over the medium term as well as the performance of the
ministry during the preceding year and the performance targets for the next three years.
This report should be approved by the concerned Principle Accounting Officer.
Specific Instructions:
At the top of the report, kindly mention the name of Ministry / Division / Entity, e.g. Ministry of
Commerce and Textile Industry. Also provide Designation of the Principal Accounting Officer:
e.g. Secretary, Commerce Division, and Executive Authority: e.g. Minister for Commerce
Serial Number 9. Personnel Plan: Grade wise Number of Regular posts in four groups BPS 1-
15, BPS 16-19 and BPS 20 & above.
Also provide the information of Total Projects Employee and other
contractual staff of the Division / Entity.
Personnel Information covers the year-end actual information for the period
2016-17 & 2017-18 as on 30th June of each year and Planned to be filled
for period FY 2018-19 & 2019-20 and the forecast for the period FY 2020-
21 & 2021-22.
Serial Number 10. Strategic Initiatives: (Selected Key Projects): In this section, write details of
the strategic key projects e.g. name of the project, Project Total cost and
estimated completion date as per Revised PC1, Key Milestone of the project
to be achieved in 2019-20. You will find this information on Fund Centre
Form, Serial No 12.
For ‘key milestones of the project’ – please mention the milestone
planned to be achieved in FY 2018-19. For example ‘Launch of health
insurance card in 23 districts’ or 50% completion of the infrastructure
To be filled by Fund Centres
Total Recoveries
PART 2: Performance Information
Actual Target Achieved Planned Targets
Output Indicator Target
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
1) Please use the list of output indicators sent by your parent ministry / division. If this information is not supplied, then
develop your own indicators and their targets. Indicators are measures of performance and should be based on
'beneficiaries'. There should not be more than 2 indicators for each Fund Centre.
2) Whereever possible indicators and targets should be gender-disaggregated (i.e. separate for male and female)
Actual Filled Planned to be filled Forecast
Filled Number of Posts
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
Total Total
Completion Estimated Estimated
Project Name upto June, Budget Forecasts
Date Cost Cost
(Original) (Revised)
2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
000 000 000 000 000 000 000
1) For ‘k ey milestones of the project’ – please mention the milestone planned to be achieved in FY 2019-20. For example,
‘Launch of health insurance card in 23 districts’ .
This form will be signed by Fund Centre / Project head. (Name and Designation)
Instructions for filling Fund Centre Form
The purpose of this Form is to present Budget Estimates of a Fund Centre for the Medium Term
period (i.e. 2019-22). The Budget Estimates on this form will be provided at major object level
for three years. The contribution of the Fund Centre to the Ministry output would also be
presented on this form.
Specific Instructions:
Serial Number 1: Write full name of the relevant Ministry (e.g. Ministry of Commerce and
Textile Industry)
Serial Number 2: Identify Division within the Ministry (e.g. Commerce Division)
Serial Number 3: Write Fund Centre Code for your Fund Centre (e.g. ID 2684)
Serial Number 4: Write full name of your Fund Centre (Spending Unit).
Serial Number 5: Code and description of the required items of the expenditure have
already been provided.
Serial Number 6 – 7: Write down the actual expenditure for the year 2016-17 & 2017-18 at the
major object level only. Write the amounts in thousands, which means
that you don’t have to write the last three zeros.
Serial Number 8: Write down the original budget for the year 2018-19 at the major object
level only. Write the amounts in thousands, which means that you don’t
have to write the last three zeros.
Serial Number 9: Write budget estimate for 2019-20 at major object code level only. You
can copy these figures from BOs / NISs. Write the amounts in thousands,
which means that you don’t have to write the last three zeros. Total
budget estimate for the year should not be more than the ceiling
communicated by your ministry. If a code is not applicable to your Fund
Centre, please delete the entire row.
Serial Number 10: Write budget forecast for 2020-21 at major object code level. Write the
amounts in thousands, which means that you don’t have to write the last
three zeros. Total budget forecast should not be more than the ceiling
communicated by your ministry.
Serial Number 11: Same as serial number 9 above but for 2021-22.
Serial Number 12: Write the targets for the Output / service indicators. List of the indicators
will be provided by your ministry. You are required to provide information
for only those indicators which are relevant to your Fund Centre. All
indicators that relate to service delivered to individuals should be
gender-disaggregated. If this information is not provided by your
Ministry / Division, you may provide your own indicators and their related
targets. Kindly ensure that indicators are no more than 2 in number.
Serial Number 13: Information is required for filled / to be filled number of posts only. The
Fund Centre should also provide forecasts for the number of posts to be
Serial Number 14: This is to be filled by projects only. For the project, please provide the
total estimated cost and estimated completion dated of the project as per
PC 1 (both original and final revision – if any), and expenditure up to June
30, 2018 and the budget forecast for the next three years.
Note: This form should be signed by the Fund Centre (Spending Unit) Head.