Ewa Hondra: Learning Support Department Individual Education Plan

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Learning Support Department

Individual Education Plan

Ewa Hondra

Student Name Nina Learning Support: Start Date

Class: 5 DOB Review Date

Target Strategies Support

To develop Nina’s reading skills,

She would be able to: 1.
 Reading chunks in the fastest way Nina needs a teacher who
1.Improve the pace of reading helps her understand and explain
2. the instruction during the exam,
2.Improve reading comprehension  enlarging the font this teacher also reads this
 giving symbols for particular events in the story instruction out loud. In case of
 using sequence cards more complex instructions, this
3.Improve her reading fluency  drawing the missing card in the sequence teacher should divide them into
smaller steps. This teacher should
3. be aware of the fact that Nina
 following the text with a window for reading and pointing shouldn’t read the text out loud
to individual sounds unless she wants to do it.
 Two pupils work together, comparing the reading text with
monitoring/scaffolding of the teacher
 The first pupil reads correctly and starts reading to show
the poorer learner the correct model of reading
 Use a tape recorder to give the pupil a chance to read the
text out loud and then underline the mistakes.


Learning Support Department, The British School of Warsaw

[email protected]
Learning Support Department

Individual Education Plan

To improve Nina’s visual processing skills,  Using relaxation techniques to provide stimulation and release
She would be able to: stress connected to reading
 Using bilateral exercises
 Increase the ability to keep focus on one object at a time through  Sand-writing/ shaving foam writing
movement, spatial relationship, form and direction
 Improve her eye movements  Spot-the-difference activities
 Discriminating between different patterns and shapes
 Sentence tracking activities, window for reading


To improve Nina’s phonological awareness,  Memory game in which each student is looking for his or her Additional support focused on
She would be able to: written representation of the phonemes and looks for the phonological awareness
rhyming pairs and makes nursery rhymes with them
 See the correlation between the spoken form of the phonemes and  Dominoes in which students place the right written form of a
their written form word to the right picture
 Using multisensory activities, for example differentiating
between the sounds (bear-pear), dividing words into syllables,
adding or removing syllables (flower-shower) to form new

Target Strategies Support

To improve Nina’s ability of producing a small piece of writing,  Mnemonics The student needs a lot of
She would be able to:  using mind-map scaffolding and patterns from the
 Connect the ideas together  using symbols which represent particular events teacher; patterns are
 Make a small piece of writing  ordering the parts of small pieces of writing (heading, transformed into words in a piece
 gain a better fluency in putting her ideas into words introduction, body, ending) of writing

To improve Nina’s spelling,  Teacher plays “Hangman” with the learners. Sound
She would be able to: dictation: students write the letters.

Learning Support Department, The British School of Warsaw

[email protected]
Learning Support Department

Individual Education Plan

 Colour-coding – marking individual letters with The student needs to be given

 understand how sounds and letters go together different colours spelling patterns and they need to
 Building words with blocks using different sizes be repeated as much as possible
 Sand writing
 Word search games
 crosswords

Target Strategies Support

To improve Nina’s pace of working,  using notebook with provided patterns Prolonging time of writing the
She would be able to:  on the wall in the classroom there are different patterns exam
 get to work more easily how to write, for example, a postcard/ an e-mail.
 organize herself
 use the patterns to work faster

Student Contribution:

General Comment

Learning Support Department, The British School of Warsaw

[email protected]
Learning Support Department

Individual Education Plan

 giving extra instructions, reminding students of previous patterns


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Parents Student Head of Learning Support Date

Learning Support Department, The British School of Warsaw

[email protected]

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