Lecture 5 Binary Codes

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1. Binary codes types.

2. BCD code (8421 code).
3. Alphanumeric codes.
4. Excess-3 and Gray code.
5. Parity method for error detection.

1. Binary codes types:

 Weighted codes
o BCD (8421)
o 6311
o 2421
o 642-3
o 84-2-1
 Non_ Weighted codes
o Excess-3
o Gray
 Alphanumeric codes.
 Error detection codes (Parity).
 Weighted codes and non-weighted codes are used to represent the decimal
 Alphanumeric codes are used to represent the numeric and nonnumeric data
 Error detection codes are used to detect the errors during the data
 Weighted codes use 4 binary digits to represent (0-9) decimal numbers.
2. BCD code (8421 code)
 Simplest form: each decimal digit is replaced by its binary equivalent.

Example1: 937.25 is represented by


1001 0011 0111 0010 0101

(937.25)= (100100110111.00100101)BCD

 This representation is referred to as "Binary-Coded-Decimal": BCD or more

explicitly as 8-4-2-1(8421 code).
The result is quite different than that obtained by converting the
number as a whole into binary.
Example 2:

𝟖𝟓𝟒𝟏𝟎 = 100001010100(BCD)
 BCD is inefficient, e.g. to represent 999 and 999999 bits needed:
o 10 and 20 in binary numbers
o 12 and 24 for BCD code.

Decimal numbers 8421(BCD) 6311 642-3

0 0000 0000 0000
1 0001 0001 0101
2 0010 0011 0010
3 0011 0100 1001
4 0100 0101 0100
5 0101 0111 1011
6 0110 1000 0110
7 0111 1001 1101
8 1000 1011 1010
9 1001 1100 1111
Example 3: convert 0110100000111001(BCD) to its decimal


Divide the BCD number into four-bit groups and convert each to decimal:

0110 1000 0011 1001

6 8 3 9

0110100000111001(BCD) = 683910

 BCD is used in interfacing between a digit device and a human being, e.g.
digital voltmeter (DVM).

Example 4: Convert the following decimal and binary numbers to


a) 564810
b) 100011012


a) 564810 =0101 0110 0100 1000

b) 100011012=14110=0001 0100 0001

Example 5: convert the BCD number 011111000001 to its

decimal equivalent.

0111 1100 0001BCD = error

Doesn’t exist in the BCD Code

3. Alphanumeric codes
 A complete alphanumeric code would include the 26 lowercase characters, 26
uppercase characters, 10 numeric digits, etc.
 There are many choices of codes sets to represent alphanumeric characters and
several control characters.
 Two well accepted code sets are used for information coding:
o EBCDIC code: extended binary coded decimal interchange code.
o ASCII Code: American standard code for information interchange: The
ASCII code is a seven-bit code, and so it has 27 =128 possible code groups.
Example: Write the ASCII code for the message: The email is


1010100 1101000 1100101 1100101 1101101

1100001 1101001 1101100 1101001 1110011
Alphanumeric codes: ASCII and EBCDIC Codes

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