4 TH Grading IP
4 TH Grading IP
4 TH Grading IP
The burning of plastics in the environment is a very high-risk factor that effects
in air pollution. While the government is looking for new and efficient alternative roots
of plastic at the same time minimize its effects and to be eco-friendly, they have been
implementing orders to ban shop keepers from giving out plastic bags to the customers
for carrying their purchases with the small lasting effect, but it does not entirely solve
the problem.
Plastic bags are popular among the retailers and customers because it is low-
cost, firm, lightweight, and handy. It carries not just groceries fresh from the
supermarket but also other things. However, plastics are one of the factors for causing
pollution, wildlife killings, and taking the resources of this planet, earth.
It takes less time for the biodegradable plastic to be decomposed or breaks after
being thrown away, if they are not recycled, well, this means that it gets absorbed by
the Earth, in that way, it will eliminate the number of plastics that are dominating our
Plastics are useful since it can be used for containing the food and water
consumed each and every day. But it could be very harmful to the environment. That is
why there is a need to have an alternative source of organic plastic, and one of these is
taro. Taro is biodegradable and there is no problem in burning, or just piling it up on the
The use of biodegradable plastic helps people by using less energy in producing it. It
means that people could produce twice the number of the non-biodegradable plastic in
a given time. As such, it does not have chemicals which are harmful to humans and to
the environment. With all the reasons stated above, it is imperative therefore to study
following question:
a) resistance to heat;
b) tensile strength;
c) durability; and
The aims of the study are to determine the effectivity of Taro (C. esculenta) as
2. compare the differences of properties between bioplastic made from Taro and
regular plastic
Ha: There is a significant difference in the effectivity between bioplastic made from
The results of this study would provide benefits to the society as part of the
environment in which it helps to find answer to matters that dealt with plastic. The
results of the study is developing biodegradable plastic when it is a huge blow to lessen,
This study will only be limited to the identification of the effectiveness of Taro
Definition of Terms
Taro (C. esculenta), also called eddo or dasheen, herbaceous plant of the family
became a staple crop, cultivated for its large, starchy, spherical underground tubers,
which are consumed as cooked vegetables, made into puddings and breads, and also
made into the Polynesian poi, a thin, pasty, highly digestible mass of fermented
taro starch. The large leaves of the taro are commonly stewed.
Taro is cultivated in rich, well-drained soil. The tubers are harvested seven
months after planting. Taro leaves and tubers are poisonous if eaten raw; the acrid
It is the most widely raised or grown on a farm or under the controlled conditions
plants. It is native in the South Asia, Southeast Asia and into the southern parts of East
Asia. It has a lot of local name and the C. esculenta is called Gabi in the Philippines. It
can be grown in a wet field where rice could be also grown and where water is existing
or occurring in large amounts. The C. esculenta is one of the few crops (together with
rice) that can also survive and could be grown under the flooded conditions. This is
because of the air spaces in the petiole, a slender stem that supports the blade of the
leaves. This can allow underwater gaseous exchange with the atmosphere. The C.
esculenta can be harvested when the physical characteristics change, just like when the
plant height decreases and when the leaves turns yellow. The C. Esculenta has a lot of
health benefits, it includes the ability to improve a person’s digestive health, it can
prevent cancer, and it can improve a person’s vision health. It can also boost a person’s
immune system and the blood circulation of the body. To students, the C. Esculenta can
enhance learning; it has vitamin B1 or Thiamine which can help increase focus, energy,
fight chronic stress and prevents memory loss. But it has high-calorie content, every 100
grams of the C. Esculenta contains 112 calories. Bioplastic from starch: an economically
The word plastic came from the Greek word “plastikos”, meaning capable of
being molded. Plastics can be as hard as metal or as soft as silk. They can take any shape
in almost any form due to the versatility of the carbon, the most common backbone of
polymer chains. Plastics can be conveniently divided into two categories: semi-
synthetic, in which the basic chain structure is derived from a natural product, such as
cellulose; and synthetic, which is built up chemically from small units or monomers.
Despite the various applications of plastics, drawbacks have been encountered in three
major points. Firstly, there are certain chemicals used in the manufacture of. Plastics
that may cause allergic reactions. Three is a need man from this threat. Secondly, since
cellulose films are biodegradable; they are readily attacked by bacteria. Films and
packaging materials from synthetic polymers are normally attacked at a very low rate.
New polymers such is nylon, polyvinyl chloride and Polystyrene have replaced
cellulose, the pioneer plastic material. As a result, these plastic materials have become
Since Polystyrene is known to leach styrene, which can damage the nervous
system. The hotter the food is the more styrene leaches from those containers which
means using them for hot foods and drinks may be worst of all. Another plastic is the
#3. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) is found in bags for bedding, meat wrap, plastic toys and
packs used to store medications. This plastic contains poisonous chemicals including
softener. Causing males of many species to become more female. These chemicals have
deformations, low sperm counts and infertility in a number of species, including polar
things. Plastics lead to landfills. Covered below each one of them, poisonous chemicals
just like mentioned above from plastics seep into groundwater, flowing next into lakes
and rivers.
With this study, Plastics will not end up in the landfills and will pile up for an
average of 450 years considering some bottles takes 1000 years to biodegrade because
extract, depending on the conditions just like the temperature and also what chemicals
especially in toys or other products for children, and products that associates with foods
and drinks.
Plastic bags are harmful, by polluting the environment, and kills animals
including aquatic life. About a hundred million plastic bags are used every year in the
US alone. If someone considers the huge economies and population of India, China,
Europe and other parts of the world, numbers can be staggering, or be amazed. The
problem is continuing to be a bad situation by the developing countries like India; plastic
bags are highly used by everybody. Plastic bags are being used; most bags go into land
fill or rubbish tips. Every year, more and more bags are ending up littering the
environment. If they become litter, plastic bags find their way into the water ways,
parks, streets, beaches, and if they burned they fill the air with toxic fumes. About
10,000 animals such as dolphins, turtles, penguins, whales are killed every year due to
this plastic waste. Many animals ingest plastic bags mistaking it for food, and eventually
die. And worse, the ingested plastic bag remains intact even after the death and
decomposition of that animal. One of the worst environmental effects is that they are
innovations have ushered in convenience and advances like few other materials, it’s
very nature is rife with contradiction. It’s remarkably durable; it’s cheap and easy to
manufacture, making it the first choice for single-use items. (Melissa Breyer, 2016)
from renewable raw materials. There are normally two forms of biodegradable plastic,
injection molded and solid. The solid forms normally are used for items such as food
decompose unless they are disposed of properly, meaning that biodegradable plastics
must be treated similarly to compost. The natural breakdown of the plastic will not occur
if it is simply tossed in a landfill with other trash. This is something that concerned
citizens will need to be mindful of. Some scientists also suggest that greenhouse gases
are locked within the plastic and are released into the atmosphere when composted.
these plastics do not contain the harmful chemicals and materials that traditional plastics
that when biodegradable plastics break down, those metals will be released into the
The benefits would seem to outweigh any potential drawbacks, but the question
of whether or not biodegradable plastics will someday replace traditional plastic is still
a matter of debate.
After formation, regular plastics hold carbon. When they are disposed of and
begin to decompose or when they are melted, that carbon is then released into the
involved in the manufacturing process. Methane and other forms of pollutants could
also be released from traditional plastic when they are recycled and burned. This is not
the case with biodegradable plastics, which do not contain those polluting materials.
One of the many positive aspects of biodegradable plastics is that they are able
to be broken down by naturally occurring bacteria, which again will be beneficial to the
Aside from a slightly higher cost to produce, biodegradable plastics hold many
advantages over standard plastics, with a lesser impact on the environment being one of
Biodegradable plastics are made from all-natural plant materials. These can
include corn oil, orange peels, starch, and plants. Traditional plastic is made with
chemical fillers that can be harmful to the environment when released when the plastic
is melted down. With biodegradable plastic, you get a substance made from natural
sources that does not contain these chemical fillers, and does not pose the same risk to
the environment.
The process of making biodegradable plastics begins with the melting down of
all the materials. That mixture is then poured into molds of various shapes such as plastic
Research Design
This study is an experimental design. The taro root will be treated as the
independent variable while the properties of biodegradable plastic for every amount of
the taro root will be treated as the dependent variable. This experimental design will use
a single group design. The duration of the study will be done July and August of 2018.
The materials to be used in this study are taro, glycerin, water, and vinegar. The
equipment to be used are knife, spoon, pan, container, gloves, cloth, spatula, grater and
Gathering of Materials
Taro (C. Esculenta) will be bought at Valencia City Public Market and glycerin
Preparation of Taro
First, the taro will be peeled using a kitchen knife. Next, the peeled Taro roots will
be grated and placed in a container filled with water, then leave it for 2-3 minutes. After,
pour the water filled with grated Taro in a strainer, leaving the liquid to settle. After,
pour the liquid in another container, repeat the same step twice and let it dry. After
A cooking pan will be added with 1 table spoon of the powdered Taro, ¼ cup of
water, 1 teaspoon of vinegar, and 1 teaspoon of glycerin; hence, mixing it well before
turning the fire on. While heating, keep on stirring until the white liquid forms into clear
gel-like liquid. When bubbles starts to form, it is a sign that the mixing of ingredients
are finish. Then pour the finished product into a container, then let it dry until it is not
anymore sticky. Henceforth, the product can be easily remove from the container.
Determination of Properties
a) The resistance to heat will be done after setting the mixture aside, the product
will then be placed on a watch glass which will then be placed under the heat of the sun.
b) Determining the tensile strength will be done by stretching the product using a
spring balance.
c) Durability time will be determined when the product is buried in a can full of
different types of specifically clay, loom and sand which will rest for 2-3 weeks.
Chapter 4
The statistical analysis that will be used is descriptive statistics. Since it will test
the characteristic of the study. Providing the information about what happened during
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