Online Crime Reporter

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[Online crime reporting]


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Department Of Computer Science

Allama Iqbal Science College

Online Crime Reporting OCR

Online Crime Reporting OCR

Revision History
Date Description Authors Comments
Version 1 Muhammad Amir First version

Document Approvals
Following of the Software Requirements Specification has been accepted and approved by the
Signature Printed Name Title Date
Supervisor, CSIT 21306

Online Crime Reporting OCR

Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 PURPOSE .........................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 SCOPE.............................................................................................................................................................1
1.3 DEFINITION, ACRONYM, ABBREVIATION................................................................................................................1
1.4 REFERENCE..............................................................................................................................................................2
1.5 THE OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................................................2
2. OVERALL DESCRIPTIONS ................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 PRODUCTS PERSPECTIVE ............................................................................................................................................2
2.1.1 Operation .....................................................................................................................................................3
2.1.2 Site Adaptation Requirement .......................................................................................................................3
2.2 PRODUCT FUNCTION .................................................................................................................................................3
2.3 USERS CHARACTERISTIC ............................................................................................................................................3
2.4 GENERAL CONSTRAINT ..............................................................................................................................................4
2.5 ASSUMPTION AND DEPENDENCIES ...............................................................................................................................4
3. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENT .................................................................................................................................... 4
3.1 EXTERNAL INTERFACE REQUIREMENT............................................................................................................................4
3.1.1 System Interface...........................................................................................................................................4
3.1.2 Interface .......................................................................................................................................................4
3.1.3 Hardware Interfaces ....................................................................................................................................4
3.1.4 Software Interfaces ......................................................................................................................................5
3.1.5 Communications Interface ...........................................................................................................................5
3.2 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS......................................................................................................................................5
3.2.1User Login ....................................................................................................................................................5
3.2.2Add New User ...............................................................................................................................................5
3.2.3 Reporting Crime ...........................................................................................................................................6
3.2.4 View FIR Status.............................................................................................................................................6
3.2.5Update FIR ....................................................................................................................................................6
3.2.6Delete FIR ......................................................................................................................................................6
3.2.7 View Criminal ..............................................................................................................................................6
3.2.8 Admin login ..................................................................................................................................................6
3.2.9 Add Station...................................................................................................................................................7
3.2.10 Delete Station.............................................................................................................................................7
3.2.11 Add Criminal ...............................................................................................................................................7
3.2.12 Station login ...............................................................................................................................................7
3.2.13 Add review panel........................................................................................................................................7
3.2.14 Generate criminals report ..........................................................................................................................8
3.5 NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ..............................................................................................................................8
3.5.1 Performances ...............................................................................................................................................8
3.5.2 Reliability......................................................................................................................................................8
3.5.3 Availability ...................................................................................................................................................9
3.5.4 Security.........................................................................................................................................................9
3.7LOGICAL DATABASE REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................................9
4. ANALYSIS MODELS ........................................................................................................................................... 11
4.1 USE CASES ............................................................................................................................................................11
4.2 DATA FLOW DIAGRAM ............................................................................................................................................16
4.3 SEQUENCE DIAGRAM ..............................................................................................................................................21

Online Crime Reporting OCR

1. Introduction
The developing project Online Crime Reporting is a web based website application. This
product gives office to reporting website crime, complaints, demonstrate most needed persons'
points of interest and so forth. Any Number of customers can associate with the server. A web
Server must be kept up for brief stockpiling of objections and question documents for handling
reason. Every client first registers with the server for reporting crimes.

The principle modules in this task are:

 User
 Police Station
 Review panel
 Admin

1.1 Purpose
The objective of the project is to provide an efficient system through which the user can report
the crime online. The system will save a lot of time and resources. It is easy and user friendly
working using the system. The user will search the nearest police station, select the police station
and will report the crime. It is also helpful for the police department. Using the system the admin
can upload latest news about the criminals and also safety measures.

1.2 Scope
The developing system online crime reporting will be used at user level and admin level. The
user first register to the system. The registered users will be able to register FIR, update their
FIR. They can view most wanted criminals and also the missing persons. The user can be
facilitated with these facilities by connecting with the system through internet.
 Data accuracy
 Minimal time require
 Reduce manual data entry
 Better services
 User friendly

1.3 Definition, Acronym, Abbreviation.

FIR First Information Report. FIR is written document prepared by the police

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Online Crime Reporting OCR

PHP Hypertext Preprocessor

CSS Cascading Style Sheet
WAMP Windows Apache MYSQL PHP

Review panel: It is a committee in police station that view the initially crime report add by the
user and approve for next process.
Validation: validation is the process of checking of some certain criterion.

1.4 Reference

1.5 The Overview

Initially, databases of all the police stations and their authorizing members must be maintained.
When a user logs in with his/her E-mail ID and password, the user can report the crime and
report the crime. The reported compliant will be entertained and review by the concerning police
station. After viewing the complain by the police officer, the police officer add FIR according to
the initial report entered by the user. Once it is approved by the station, the report is forwarded
to the immediate investigation.

2. OverallDescriptions
The first part of this document describes introduction and purpose of the system online crime
reporting. The system provides facility to register user to add FIR. Second part describes
perspective of the system, operations, system functions, user characteristics and system
characteristics. The third part of this document describes functional and non-functional
requirements of the system. This is the most important part of part of document which describes
the user requirement for the system. Functional demand describes what the system ought to do.
The non-functional needs describe the system security, accessibility, performance etc.The fourth
part of the document contains diagrams. These diagrams describe the system functionality

2.1 Products Perspective

The user will report a crime by using this system. When will report, the details of
user will be store in the database of the system. So the user login to the system and report the
crime. If a user is not register he/she register first and then report. Every user will be a unique id
and password through which he /she can login to the system.
The following subsections describe how the software operates inside various constraints.

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Online Crime Reporting OCR

2.1.1 Operation

Registration The new user will registered on the system

Login The register user will login to the system
Add FIR The user add FIR about the crime
Add most The most wanted criminals will be added to the system
Add missing Missing citizen will be added
View most The most wanted criminals viewed by the users
View missing The missing person viewed by the users of the system
Add station New station will be added
Delete station The station will be deleted from the system

2.1.2 Site Adaptation Requirement

 A 100kv generator needed in case of power failure
 A scanner should be available for scanning images of criminals and missing
 A printer should be available if admin want to print report

2.2 Product Function

 Add new user
 Add station for reporting
 Add criminals
 User verification
 Add FIR
 View report status
 Add missing citizens

2.3 Users Characteristic

Administrator: He is the core user of the system and is able to add new user, new station, delete
and update the police station to the system and allow them to access the account once given

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Online Crime Reporting OCR

authorization by the administrator, and might delete any existing operator or modify their details.
they will conjointly read in real time what a user is activity promptly.
User: The user login at the client level and get access to the latest news . They can view most
wanted person. The user have also given permission to change their password. But they cannot
delete another user account or make modification.
Review Panel: Review panel is experienced members. They can check and process all the incoming
complaints from the user. They review the early report entered by the user and assign police after
approving the FIR.
Station: The station can view the report entered by the user.The station adds appropriate FIR
according to the crime report by user. The station will assign the police officer for immediate
investigation. They can release the final report for a complaint.

2.4 General Constraint

 The user must be entered his/her identity using Phone number or E-mail id before he/she
can register.
 The user must be at least 18 years of age.
 Each police station must have at least one Review Panel Member assigned.
 Every Station musthave the authorization of a Review Panel.
 User must login to system to register FIR

2.5 Assumption and Dependencies

 Each User should have an E-mail ID and Password for login.
 Every Admin must have a Username and Password.
 Each Station in the system must have a Station name and Password.
 There is only one Administrator for the system.
 The user must registered to report a crime.

3. Specific Requirement
3.1 External Interface Requirement
3.1.1 System Interface

3.1.2 Interface
Application will be accessed by the use of a browser interface. This interface should be
viewed best by using 1024x768 and 800x600 pixels resolution setting. The software should be
fully compatible with Firefox, Chrome and Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6 and above.

3.1.3 Hardware Interfaces

 Processor : Intel Pentium (III) or higher

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Online Crime Reporting OCR

 RAM :1 Mb
 Hard Disk :40 GB or more
 Monitor :SVGA Color
 104 Keyboard
 USB mouse
 Any modem

3.1.4 Software Interfaces

 Operating System: Windows XP or above
 Languages: PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML
 Front End/IDE: PHP
 Back End: WAMP Server
 Browser Program: Internet Explorer/Mozilla Firefox/Chrome

3.1.5 Communications Interface

The user who visits the system must be connected with internet to access the website.

 Dialup Modem of 52 Kbps.

 Broadband Internet
 Broadband connection with a Internet Provider

3.2 Functional Requirements

Functional requirements specify what outputs should be produced from the given inputs. These
requirements describe the relationship between the input and output of the system. For each
functional requirement a detailed explanation of all the data input and their source, the units of
measure and range of valid input are given.

The following section describes the various processes provided by the system.

3.2.1User Login
 Introduction: The user should enter user name and password
 Inputs: input will be user name and password
 Processing: match the user name and password from the database
 Outputs: Display the user homage

3.2.2Add New User

 Introduction: Adding new user.
 Input: User Details along with name phone number.

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 Processing: Verifies the identification details entered by the user.

 Output: New user details will be stored in the database.

3.2.3 Reporting Crime

 Introduction: Crime reporting.
 Input: FIR Details.
 Processing: Verify either the FIR Number match in the database.
 Output: FIR submitted to station and stored in database.

3.2.4 View FIR Status

 Introduction: viewing the FIR status.
 Input: FIR id.
 Processing: verify the FIR id from database.
 Output: Status of the FIR.

3.2.5Update FIR
 Introduction: updating the FIR.
 Input: Give FIR id with updating details.
 Processing: verify FIR id in database.
 Output: updated FIR.

3.2.6Delete FIR
 Introduction: Deleting the FIR from database.
 Input: Give FIR id.
 Processing: verify FIR id in database.
 Output: FIR deleted.

3.2.7 View Criminal

 Introduction: view the criminal’s details.
 Input: input area for search.
 Processing: looking for criminals details in database.
 Output: details about criminals.

3.2.8 Admin login

 Introduction: login for admin.
 Input: user name and password.

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 Processing: verify user name and password.

 Output: admin home page.

3.2.9 Add Station

 Introduction: add new station in system.
 Input: details about station.
 Processing: verify if the station already exists.
 Output: station details will be stored in the database.

3.2.10 Delete Station

 Introduction: removing the station from the system.
 Input: Stationid.
 Processing: verify if the station is exists or not.
 Output: station details will be deleted from the database.

3.2.11 Add Criminal

 Introduction: add new criminal details.
 Input: criminal details with photo.
 Processing: check if record already exists.
 Output: details will be stored in database.

3.2.12 Station login

 Introduction: login to the station.
 Input: input user name and password.
 Processing: match user name and password in database.
 Output: it will display the station homepage.

3.2.13 Add review panel

 Introduction: New review panel member will be added
 Input: input new review panel details.
 Processing: match the id in database.
 Output: The review panel details will be stored in database.

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3.2.14 Generate criminals report

 Introduction: The system generate a report about criminals record
 Input: input criminal id.
 Processing: match the id in database.
 Output: The report show criminal record.

3.5 Non-Functional Requirements

3.5.1 Performances
Performance is measured in terms of provided output by the appliance. demand
specification plays a very important half within the analysis of a system. only if the necessity
specifications area unit properly given, it's attainable to style a system, which is able to work into

3.5.2 Reliability
Verification and data validation in the is done at every stage of activity.

 The system should validating the candidate name and password from the database
 Validate the admin name and password.

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3.5.3 Availability
 The system should available for 24 hours

3.5.4 Security
 The main admin of the system has highest authority to edit/create the database.
 The user has not authority to delete or update database.

3.7Logical Database Requirements

The logical database contain entity relationship diagram. The ER diagram shows the
logical explanation of the database of the system.

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3.7.1 E.R Diagram

Id name

Admin Name

has User

date station
address nationality
cname FIR



Id name
Name Id

phone area

age cime

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4. Analysis Models
SDLC Model has been used for system analysis.

4.1 Use Cases

The development of use cases effort is to investigate the outline of the system and manufacture a
model of system’s needs. A use case diagram shows a static read of the system functions and
their static relationship each with external entities and with one and another.
Use case consists of:
System: The system is represented as rectangle.
Actor: Each actor is shown as a stick figure.
Use case:A use case is shown as a oval labeled with the name of the employment case.

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Figure 4.1.1 user use case diagram

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Figure 4.1.2 Admin use case diagram

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Figure 4.1.3 Station use case diagram

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Fig 4.1.4 use case diagram for review panel

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4.2 Data Flow Diagram

A data flow diagram is a graphical representation data that depicts information flow. The
functions that done by the system that area unit such throughout the definition section area unit
practically clear victimization absolutely functional information flow diagrams.Following are the
levels of data flow diagram of the online crime reporting system

Fig. 4.2.1 Level 0 DFD

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Username and password

user name/password
Log in Register

DistrictID StationID
Add Add
Delete/ criminal
Add Add Add station
Reject district city records

FIR State District City Station Criminal

Get Get
state ID district

Fig 4.2.2: LEVEL 1 DFD

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Log in Register

View Search
station Lodge

Station Criminal FIR


Fig 4.2.3: LEVEL 2 DFD

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Log in Register




Fig 4.2.4: LEVEL 3 DFD

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Station Login Register

Approved Assign
Complaint Police

e Report


Fig 4.2.5: LEVEL 4 DFD

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4.3Sequence Diagram
4.3.1 User side sequence diagram

4.3.2police station sequence diagram

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4.3.3Admin side sequence diagram

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4.3.4Review panel sequence diagram

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