Abrasive Blasting and Spray Painting Safety
Abrasive Blasting and Spray Painting Safety
Abrasive Blasting and Spray Painting Safety
Painting Safety
Number: CSBP-GM-11-031-13
Actual Change Details: Document owner changed from Engineering to Safety Department.
Prefix added to CSBP reference document numbers.
General formatting
WesCEF disclaims any liability or responsibility for the use of this document other than as authorised by
Abrasive Blasting and Spray
Painting Safety
1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 3
WesCEF disclaims any liability or responsibility for the use of this document other than as authorised by
Abrasive Blasting and Spray
Painting Safety
Worksafe Codes of Practice for Abrasive Blasting and Spray Painting contain extensive safety
information applicable to these tasks. Compliance with all the safety precautions described in these
Codes of Practice is required for all spray painting and abrasive blasting carried out on CSBP
This guide manual describes the control measures and safe working requirement that are specific to
CSBP's facilities and must be read in conjunction with the Worksafe Codes of Practice. In some
cases, the requirements of this guide manual are more stringent than the Codes of Practice.
All personnel directly involved in the work of spray painting or abrasive blasting shall read and
understand the applicable Worksafe Code of Practice and this guide manual before commencing
spray painting or abrasive blasting work.
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Abrasive Blasting and Spray
Painting Safety
CSBP-ES-14-102-13 Surface Treatment of Lead-based Coatings
CSBP-GM-11-031-22 Compressed Air Safety
NOHSC 1012 National Standard for the Control of Inorganic Lead at Work
NOHSC 2015 National Code of Practice for the Control and Safe Use of Inorganic
Lead at Work
The following general requirements apply to both abrasive blasting and spray painting work.
All equipment including ladders, scaffold, compressors, electrical and pneumatic equipment shall
be properly maintained, in good condition and used in strict accordance with any safety regulations
applicable to that equipment.
Particular care must be taken when working with compressed air and air compressor equipment.
Refer to CSBP Guide Manual Compressed Air Safety (CSBP-GM-11-031-22).
Prior to the commencement of any abrasive blasting or spray painting operations, the personnel
directly involved shall complete a JSA. A copy of the JSA shall be provided to the Responsible
Officer for review and approval prior to commencement of the task. Refer to CSBP Guide Manual
for STOP and Job Safety Analysis Risk Assessment (CSBP-GM-11-031-23) for details.
For large abrasive blasting or spray painting jobs where there may be a higher level of hazards, a
Team Based Risk Assessment may be required. Refer to CSBP Guide Manual Team Based Risk
Assessment (CSBP-GM-11-030-02) for details.
A CSBP Work Permit is required prior to the commencement of any abrasive blasting or spray
painting work done on site. Work Permits will be issued in accordance with CSBP Procedure Work
Permit System (CSBP-GM-11-031-51).
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Abrasive Blasting and Spray
Painting Safety
All PPE used shall be an approved and acceptable quality complying with CSBP Guide Manual
Personal Protective Equipment (CSBP-GM-11-031-01) and appropriate for the task being
As required, the following PPE shall be used in addition to normal site protective equipment.
• mono-goggles with elastic strap
• full face shield fitted to hat
• leather or rubber gauntlets
• suitable full body cover
• hearing protection
• blasting hood with breathing air supply
• canister or other respiratory protection
Equipment such as electric motors, instruments, etc, shall be suitably protected to prevent possible
damage caused by ingress of dust or overspray. All equipment labels, signs, instruction plates, etc
that could be damaged by abrasive blasting or spray painting operations shall be covered while the
work is in progress.
High pressure water blasting shall be carried out in strict compliance with the safety and
operational requirements specified in the CSBP Guide Manual Hydrojetting Safety (CSBP-GM-11-
031-18) and High Pressure Water (Hydro) Jetting Systems (CSBP-GM-11-031-39).
Care must be taken to ensure that the blasting media stream from the blasting nozzle does not
inadvertently hit any material containing asbestos which could release asbestos fibres. Where the
risk of this has been identified, protective covers must be fitted over the asbestos material prior to
work commencing.
Dry ice blasting (also known as CO2 or carbon dioxide blasting) must not be used on vessels or
surfaces that contain or have contained sodium cyanide. Carbon dioxide reacts with sodium
cyanide to form hydrogen cyanide gas.
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Abrasive Blasting and Spray
Painting Safety
Lead-based paint was commonly applied as a protective coating to steelwork in CSBP's facilities
before about 1985. Removal of lead-based paint coatings requires special precautions to protect
people and the environment.
Lead-based paint is defined as a paint film or component of a coating system containing lead or
lead compounds, in which the lead content (calculated as lead metal) is in excess of 1.0% by
weight of the dry film.
Where any existing paint coating is to be removed by abrasive blasting, the existing coating shall
be subject to sampling, testing and analysis in accordance with AS 4361.1 for presence of lead.
Refer to CSBP Engineering Standard Surface Treatment of Lead-Based Coatings (CSBP-ES-14-
102-13) for further details.
Where the presence of lead in the coating is confirmed, all further work associated with removal of
the coating shall be subject to detailed assessment of work method, safety precautions and
environmental controls necessary before any work proceeds. A team based risk assessment shall be
performed for all abrasive blasting operations involving removal of lead-based paint coatings.
Careful attention must be paid to health monitoring of personnel directly involved in the blasting
operations. Refer WesCEF Health Surveillance and Biological Monitoring (WCEF-PD-OHS-090-
02) for further details.
The method for controlling the collection of abrasive blasting residue containing lead must be well
planned and carefully managed. In particular, water residue from wet blasting of lead based paint
must not be allowed to run uncontrolled down drains.
All abrasive blasting activity shall be carried out by a team of at least two people.
The Blasting Operator is the person actually holding and directing the blasting nozzle or spray gun
during the abrasive blasting or spray painting operation.
The Blasting Assistant is the person who supports the blasting operator while the abrasive blasting
operation is in progress. The role of the Blasting Assistant is to :
a. start up, maintain and shut down supply of compressed air or blasting media to the blasting
operator as required,
b. act as a safety observer for the blasting operator and to provide assistance in an emergency
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Abrasive Blasting and Spray
Painting Safety
• Dry abrasive blasting shall only be carried out by an approved contractor, or by competent
CSBP personnel for small, in-house operations.
• Dry abrasive blasting shall be done outside normal working hours, unless special arrangements
are made and the area can be effectively isolated.
• An exclusion zone shall be established at least 50m around all dry abrasive blasting operations.
The area shall be barricaded off and signs posted to exclude non-authorised personnel from
entering the work area. If the 50m exclusion zone cannot be established, screening shall be
erected around dry abrasive blasting to prevent dust escaping from the immediate work area.
• Long sleeved shirt and trousers or overalls and appropriate safety equipment, that is blasting
hood and disposable overalls, gloves, safety footwear, hearing and respiratory protection shall
be worn. Disposable overalls shall have elasticised or be taped at the ankles, cuffs and collar to
exclude grit and dust. All personnel in the vicinity of the operations shall wear goggles for eye
• Appropriate hearing protection and respiratory protection shall be worn by all personnel
involved and anyone working nearby.
• Where respiratory protection is required, a dedicated supply of breathing air shall be provided
for the operator.
• The blasting operator shall have direct control of the flow of abrasive material through the
nozzle. A positive, fast acting emergency cut-off device (dead man control) shall be fitted at
the nozzle end of the abrasive blasting hose to automatically cut off the flow of abrasive
material from the blast pot if the person operating the nozzle becomes unable to control the
flow of abrasive material through the nozzle.
Note: Flow control using a manually operated ball valve or similar worn on the blasting
operator's belt is not automatic and is not acceptable as an emergency cut-off device.
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Abrasive Blasting and Spray
Painting Safety
• All possible precautions shall be taken to limit the drift of dust. Wind direction and changes in
wind direction shall be considered.
• Short-term entry into the exclusion zone is acceptable if appropriate respiratory protection and
hearing protection is worn.
• Abrasive blasting equipment (including the nozzle) shall be grounded to prevent static
electricity build up.
• The hose shall not pass near hazardous areas, since sparks caused by static build up could
ignite flammable vapours.
• The area shall be cleaned and damped down at the end of each work day to prevent the risk of:
- dust contamination,
- eye injuries,
- blocked drains.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) showing the health and safety precautions to be taken during
application of coating materials shall be provided to CSBP's Safety and Hygiene Adviser for
review prior to any spray painting work commencing. Copies of all relevant MSDS's shall be
provided for all materials including cleaning and preparation solvents, thinners and coating
At any time spray painting operations are planned, warning signs shall be erected around the work
area and at the entrance to the site and to all car parking areas to clearly indicate that painting is in
progress. The signs shall remain visible throughout the entire period that spray-painting operations
are in progress. The signs shall be covered or removed when spray painting is not being carried
WesCEF disclaims any liability or responsibility for the use of this document other than as authorised by
Abrasive Blasting and Spray
Painting Safety
During spray painting operations, every reasonable precaution shall be taken to eliminate the
likelihood of paint overspray drifting outside the immediate area of work, which could cause
damage to CSBP's and private property. Measures such as warning signs, weather and wind
direction monitoring, encapsulation, etc, must be considered.
No spray application of paint coatings shall proceed if the wind speed and direction will carry
overspray outside the site boundary fence or into designated car parking areas on or around the site.
Wind speed and direction shall be frequently monitored at a number of locations around the work
area using an appropriate measuring instrument to determine if it is safe to continue spray painting.
In windy conditions where overspray damage is likely to occur, coatings shall be applied by some
other means such as by roller, subject to the approval of the Superintendent.
All spray painting work shall be carried out with adequate ventilation or with appropriate
protection so as to remove and disperse solvent vapours and dust particles, avoid fire and
explosion, ensure safety of personnel and provide a safe working environment. Fans supplying
fresh air shall be provided to all work areas where natural airflow is restricted.
• Before spray painting operations commence, an assessment of the work and the area in which
the work is to be performed shall be conducted, to identify possible hazardous conditions that
may arise. All personnel shall complete a Take 5 personal risk assessment before work starts.
• Other personnel in the working area shall be informed and a work permit obtained.
• An exclusion zone shall be established around the work area or the area shall be screened off.
• Spray painting pressures shall not exceed the maximum specified by the manufacturer.
• The spray gun and the pressure source shall be connected to an earth bonding system to prevent
the build-up of static electricity.
• Paint shall not be applied near switchboards, transformers, electrical equipment, or in the
vicinity of electric lights, due to the risk of ignition.
• Equipment identification plates, working pressure plates and safety signs shall be kept clean,
readable and not obscured by paint.
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Abrasive Blasting and Spray
Painting Safety
• Paint and solvent soaked rags shall be placed in fireproof metal containers to prevent the risk of
spontaneous combustion.
• Thinners and solvents shall be stored on the work site in small quantities in approved
containers. The quantity of paint shall not exceed one day’s usage.
• Surfaces over 200C shall not be painted, as the paint spray may ignite.
• Personnel involved in spray painting operations shall be provided with appropriate respiratory
equipment in accordance with AS 1715, and trained in its use.
• Approved canister type masks or other appropriate respiratory protection devices shall be worn
by trained operators and others in the vicinity.
• When working at height, an approved work platform shall be used and the area below marked
with warning notices.
• Caution notices, warnings and precautions detailed on manufacturer’s coating and material
labels and data sheets shall be strictly observed.
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