Risk Assessment For Sand Blasting PDF
Risk Assessment For Sand Blasting PDF
Risk Assessment For Sand Blasting PDF
Definite 5 5 10 15 20
High 4 4 8 12 16
lity &
Moderate 3 3 6 9 12
Low 2 2 4 6 8
Negligible 1 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
Minor Serious Major Catastrophic
Key to Priorities
Medium Priority (5 days) High Priority (2-3 days) Immediate
The table below provides a simplified representation of the methodology used and the processes involved in this Hazard Identification & Risk Analysis Procedure (Risk
Management) to be undertaken by OCIA and all Subcontractors in order to initiate, act on, review and effectively manage project-related risks throughout the Construction
statement , Job safety analysis. Mitigation measure, Residual risk COMMUNICATION
Identify activities , Identify hazards Assess Impacts, Analyze Risk , Communication & Training Audit, Inspection & Up dating of Log.
Establish Mitigation Measures.
Hazards Identified (include the exposed groups) Probability Severity Risk Control Measures to be Implemented Probability Severity Risk Residual Date Action
1-5 1-4 1 - 20 1-5 1-4 1 - 20 Risk Completed
Crane / Boom failure 3 3 9 Certified controlled and well maintained 2 3 6
Licensed competent crane operator.
Complete the crane checklist inspection
Re inspect the crane after each shift
Collapse or rollover of crane 3 3 9 All the service drawings to be inspected prior 2 3 6
to the commencement of any works
Steel plates fitted where appropriate to
provide additional support
All movements to be controlled by a
competent banks man.
A competent trained supervisor to be present
and in control of the works at all times.
Unstable ground of the crane outriggers 3 3 9 Crane operator to assess work and lifting 2 3 6
area before any lifting operations are carried
Outrigger to be fully extended and load
bearing pads to be use during lifting
Unstable load 3 2 6 Sufficient tag lines to be used at all times. 2 2 4
Trained and competent banks man to be in
control of the lift at all times.
A competent trained supervisor to be present
and in control of the works at all times
Incorrect / Unsafe slinging 4 3 12 Load to be rigged by a trained competent 2 3 6
rigger at all times
A competent trained supervisor to be present
and in control of the works at all times
All movements to be controlled by a
competent banks man.
All slings shall be protected from sharp
objects and edges of the load at all times.
Fire or explosion ( combustible materials, gas 3 3 9 Area to be checked from flammables before 2 3 6
cylinders, etc.) the commencement of any works and also
area to be checked one hour after work has
Gas cylinders must be kept in the vertical
Site emergency plan to be followed in event
fire or explosion.
All personnel to be inducted and aware of
emergency procedures.
Fire blankets and extinguishers to be present
at the work places.
Disc cutting and grinding, Cut/severing by 3 3 9 Hand tools are to be inspected and colour 2 3 6
using the tools incorrectly. coded by the designated competent person.
Tools to be used by the qualified employees
only. Proper PPE wearing, toolbox talk prior
to starting the activity.
Use of mechanical lifting equipments 3 3 9 All operators will be competent in use of 2 3 6
mechanical lifting equipment.
Equipment will be suitable, sufficient,
maintained and inspected (colour coded)
prior to use.
Irritation to eyes 3 3 9 All personnel to wear appropriate PPE at all 2 3 6
Cut and abrasions 3 3 9 All personnel to wear appropriate PPE at all 2 3 6
High noise during bolts tightening 3 3 9 All personnel will be using hearing protection 2 3 6
at / around the origin of high noise.
Irritation to the respiratory track 3 3 9 All personnel to wear appropriate PPE at all 2 3 6
Burns, scalds and scars 3 3 9 All personnel to wear appropriate PPE at all 2 3 6
Inadequate lighting 3 2 6 Temporary lights to be in place wherever 2 2 4
Use of hand tools and equipment 3 3 9 All personnel involved to be competent 2 3 6
All tools to be maintained in good order and
used correctly by trained operators only.
Hand tools will be secured by robe when
used at height and secured to fixed point.