NASA Coefficients
NASA Coefficients
NASA Coefficients
R=19940013151 2017-10-19T21:52:00+00:00Z
Bonnie J. McBride
Lewis Research Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Sanford Gordon
Sanford Gordon and Associates
Cleveland, Ohio
Martin A. Reno
Heidelberg College
Tiffin, Ohio
Although the changes and corrections involve table II, none involve the first 14 coefficients, which are used in equations (1) to (3)
to obtain values of C_IR, H°IRT, and S°IR. The following errors were noted:
1. For the following species the last floating-point value on record 4, which contains a value for H°(298.15)/R, was changed
as follows:
Name H°(298.15)IR
CF+ I. 38242181E+05
CP 6.256075221]+04
C2 9. g8804.500B+04
COH13, n-hexyl 3.01881891E+03
C7H15, n-heptyl 5.279926_)E+02
C7H18, n-heptane -2.25870198B+04
C8H17, n-octyl -I.g6283365R+03
C8H18, n-octa_ue -2.510671101]+04
CIOH8, naphthale 1.81105080]]+04
C12Hg,o-bipheny 5.14438397E+04
C12HIO, blpheny 2.19060792E+04
Ca3 I. 48651i784E+04
SIC4H12 -3.447034161]+04
Zn 1.568342_71_04
Zn÷ 1.24694361E+05
Zn- 1. 32142483E+04
Zr 7.33657185E+04
ZrN 8.67984416E+04
ZrO 1.00928504E+04
_(_) -3.01770034E+04
B303H3 (cr) -1.618_)492E+05
Be0(_) -7.316776131]+04
o_os(:_.) -1.46168404E+05
¢_C*) - I. 474424$3E+05
Ce0H(_) -5.01203318E+04
FeCL3(e) -4.80371062B+04
_o(,) -4.367918_
_o_(e) -6.96311749Frd),t
Li_04(,,.) -I. 7275425TB+05
N,,,2s04cv) -1.66914947]]+05
Nb02(I) -O. 56111666]]+04
Pb_Ca) -8.14204326E+04
Si02 O,q,) - 1.09550292E+05
From To From To
Summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
Symbols ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
Standard States, Reference States, and Fundamental Constants ..................................................................... 2
Empirical Equations for Fitting Thermodynamic Functions .......................................................................... 3
Assigned Enthalpy Values .............................................................................................................................. 3
Heats of Formation and Equilibrium Constants ............................................................................................. 3
Least-Squares Fit ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Thermodynamic Data Coefficients .................................................................................................................. 4
Names .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Heats of Formation ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Six-Character Reference Codes ................................................................................................................... 4
Atomic Symbols in Formula Used by CETPC and CET89 ......................................................................... 4
Phase and Species Order .............................................................................................................................. 5
Temperature Ranges .................................................................................................................................... 5
Coefficients .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Transport Property Coefficients ....................................................................................................................... 5
Concluding Remarks ........................................................................................................................................ 5
References ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
# P
k Boltzmann constant
aAIomic mass unil uscd for calculating molar masses, 1/12 mass 12C.
me electron mass
N principal quantum number for atomic These constants were used in McBride and Gordon (1992)
species in calculating the thermodynamic functions for many gases.
The atomic weights were taken from De Laeter and Heumann
PO standard-state pressure
(1991). These weights are given in atomic mass units (u) based
qi temperature exponents in eq. (1) on 12C = 12u. Some of the older data were calculated with
R universal gas constant values of R, Sackur-Tetrode constants, and atomic weights
fromthoseselectedforthisreport.Thecoefficients And, in general, for all species
inthese values.
H°(298.15) = AfH°(298.15) (5)
H°(T)=H°(298.15)+{H°(T)-H°(298.15)} (6)
Empirical Equations for Fitting
Thermodynamic Functions
Heats of Formation and Equilibrium
The thermodynamic data for many individual species can Constants
be conveniently stored for use with computer programs in the
form of coefficients associated with equations that fit the
Heats of formation and Iogl0 K for a species are calculated
data. The following dimensionless form was chosen for this
as a function of temperature for the formation of the species
from the elements in their assigned reference states. The fol-
lowing is an example of how these properties can be calcu-
lated for CO(g) at 1000 K
Cp(T) _ Z aiTq' (1)
dfn°(lOOO) = H°(1000)CO(g)- H°(1000)C(gr)
For CET89 and CETPC, r = 5 and the qi values are 0, 1, 2, 1
3, and 4. A second set is planned for future NASA Lewis 2 H°(1000) O2(g) (7)
chemical equilibrium codes. The new set has two additional
terms (r = 7), one with qi = -1 and one with qi = -2. (See the ,4 fG ° (1000) = G ° (1000)CO(g) - G ° (1000)C(gr)
section Least-Squares Fit for an additional discussion of these
equations.) - -- G ° (1000) 0 2 (g) (8)
Enthalpy and entropy are related thermodynamically to 2
(3) Least-Squares Fit
Gordon (1992).
For the condensed species, each phase has its own set of The last floating-point number in each species set is the
coefficients. When phase transitions occur, the fit was con- heat of formation at 298.15 K divided by R. These values are
strained so that the difference in Gibbs energy is zero between the result of using the coefficients in equation (2). The newer
the phases. data, generally with temperature ranges from 200 to 298.15
For some species and some temperature intervals, how- to 6000 K, were forced to fit the original data at 298.15 K.
ever, coefficients were not obtained by means of the PAC Thus, these heats of formation should match the original val-
programs. The exceptions were when the original reference ues exactly. The older data, however, were forced to fit at
had equations in acceptable form or when C_(T)for an entire 1000 K. Thus, these heats of formation at 298.15 K will be
temperature interval was constant. slightly different than the original values.
The format of the thermodynamic data coefficients is de- reference code to indicate the major source and date of the
tailed in table I and the data are listed in table II. In table I1 the data. The letters indicate the reference, and the numbers that
data references are given in a column to the right of the data follow indicate a date. The following chart gives the refer-
records. Some further comments are given in the following ences associated with the various letter codes.
Letters References
J [JANAF] Chase et al. (1985) with date from individual sheet
Species names are the first 15 characters in the first record CODA [CODATA] Cox et al. (1989)
L [Lewis I A combination of references or a NASA Lewis
for each set. Many of the species names listed here are
different from the names used in the data distributed with reference with date of least-squares fit
TPIS IThermodynamic Properties of Individual Substances I
previous CET89 computer programs. This difference is
Gurvich et al. (1979, 1982, 1989, or 1991)
important when using CET89 and CETPC because the names X [TeXas:] TRC data with date from individual sheet
used in some of the input must be exactly the same as the SRD [Standard Reference Data] Alcock et al. (1993)
names, used in the thermodynamic data. Older species names BUR IBurcat] Burcat et al. (1979, 1982, 1984, 1992)
were all upper case. The newer names have some lower case BAR [Barin] Barin and Knacke (1973) or Barin et al. (1989)
characters and the names are case sensitive. The letter "L" is
always upper case in the formula part of the name so that it
Atomic Symbols in Formula Used by CETPC and CET89
will not be confused with the number "1." Thus, for example,
chlorine is given as CL rather than CI. Various letters are used
The atomic symbols used in the chemical formula follow-
to represent the solid phases depending on what they were
ing the six-character code are the same as those used within
called in the original reference and what FORTRAN characters
are available. The following chart shows the meaning of some the computer programs. The letters are all upper case. The
of the abbreviations: letter "E" represents electrons for the ionized species.
Phase and Species Order and 1000 to 5000 K, to be consistent with the thermodynamic
data intervals. Each pure species, therefore, has four sets of
The phase column for the first record of each species indi- coefficients: two sets for viscosity (low- and high-temperature
cates whether the species is condensed (C) or gaseous (G). intervals) and two sets for thermal conductivity (low- and
For CET89 and CETPC the order of the sets of data for the high-temperature intervals). Only two sets of coefficients are
gaseous species is immaterial. For the condensed species the given for the viscosity interactions. The format used for the
data for the various phases must be adjacent and in the order transport property data is given in table ill and the coefficients
of increasing temperature range. In table II all the gases pre- are given in table IV.
cede the condensed species. This same order is used within
CETPC and CET89.
Concluding Remarks
Temperature Ranges
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Integer 3 I1 80
Coefficients bl and b2 in eqs. (2) and (3) for T< 1000 K 2E15.8 31-60
Integer 4 I1 8O
H° (T) T T2 T3 T4 b]
Enthalpy : RT - al + a2 2 + a3 T + a4 --4 + a5 --5 + --T (2)
S°(T) T2 T 3 T4
Entropy : R = al In T + a 2T + a 3 -7 + a4 T + a5 _ + b2 (3)
ALOF J12/78AL 1.0 1.F 1 9.G 3_9.899 5_99.998 61.97934 1 Chase (1985)
6.45216228E+_8 1 19265958E-B3-5.2893137eE-87 1.83678118E-19-7.47653678E-15 2
-7.21163638E+84-9 .81812786E+88 2.8391461_E+08 1.8948762_E-82-2.89787788E-S5 3
2.136_9418E-88-6 15798739E-12-7.1182333gE+04 1.23866981E+91-6.99488689E+84 4
ALOH J12/67AL 1.0 1.H 1 9.G 388.8_8 58_8._09 43.98888 1 Chase (1985)
3.68686748E+_8 3 36368229E-e3-1.24662449E-96 2.13822959E-19-1.3898319eE-14 2
-2.39461858E+_4 3 .69815562E+88 2,61322118E+88 2.77168948E-83 7.41578388E-86 3
-1.13646828E-88 4 55695599E-12-2.25867978E+84 1.887633_SE+81-2.16392416E+84 4
ALOH+ J12/67AL 1.0 1.H 1E -1.G 399.99_ 5990.9_ 43.98838 1 Chase (1955)
4.15819878E+88 2 89252129E-83-1.SS654148E-86 1.79451679E-18-1.15878148E-14 2
6.38928888E+84 2 .64913811E+99 1.96934398E+88 7.919114_SE-83-2.28579599E-96 3
-4.81837898E-89 2 57975968E-12 6.45181858E+84 1.41861776E+81 6.64197358E+84 4
ALOH- J12/67AL 1.0 1.H 1E 1.G 398,988 5888.888 43.98943 1 Chase (1985)
4.39187188E+88 2 16685938E-83-7.39886459E-97 1.18219558E-19-7.22988419E-15 2
-2.91349959E+_4 3 .62788763E+_ 2.91382948E+98 5.95397158E-93-3.95589549E-86 3
-1.25987090E-89 1 .28868948E-12-2.87818278E+94 1._6224679E+81-2.76775938E+84 4
AL02 J12/79AL 1.0 2. 9 e.O 389.898 5998.88_ 58.98834 1 Chase (1985)
6.68646419E+88 1 .88822528E-83-S.22293448E-97 1.13242288E-18-8.52989688E-15 2
-1.2532432_E+94-8 .81717584E+_9 3.25451488E+88 1.42758449E-82-2.11832488E-e5 3
1.59562598E-88-4 .21426148E-12-1.18125828E+84 8.38255496E+88-1.83664132E+e4 4
ALO2- J12/79AL 1.0 2.E 1 8 G 388.889 598e.8_8 58.98889 1 Chase (1985)
6.36874828E+_8 1 .27928388E-83-6.65939918E-87 1.18463798E-18-7.9512442eE-15 2
-6.89729898E+84-8.79979498E+89 3.88129388E+98 1.38396548E-92-1.71199229E-_5 3
1.8978788BE-88-2.79421288E-12-6.B2862838E+84 7.58156692E+SB-5.88388468E+84 4
ALO2H J12/68AL 1.0 2.H 1 9 G 399.99_ 5898.889 59.98828 1 Chase (1985)
6.42643468E+98 3.22393628E-O3-1.21393488E-86 2.19745999E-1_-1.38289999E-14 2
-5.76261548E+84-7.45759253E+88 2.4898456_E+88 1.61492648E-82-1.68335248E-85 3
6.44661668E-89-4.89947698E-13-S.6682759BE+84 1.23878718E+81-5.53546581E+84 4
ALS J12/79AL 1.S 1. 9 • 0 298.889 6988.888 59.84754 1 Chase (1985)
1.98171118E+89 3.97526437E-83-1.49428858E-96 2.26365879E-1e-l.21836384E-14 2
2.82485754E+94 1.59882273E+81 2.71455183E+88 7.31189725E-93-1.26528925E-85 3
1.91796165E-98-2.87613387E-12 2.76434914E+94 1.95669599E+91 2.86847932E+84 4
AL2 J 6/79AL 2. 9. 9 9 G 3ee.8e9 59eg.ee9 53.96388 1 Chase (1985)
5.8158_628E+99-1 .3269537_E-93 6.87518869E-97-1.96924198E-18 7.96114898E-15 2
5.6789_478E+94-4 .95471857E+88 1.89944819E+9_ 1.59365_28E-82-2.7258258_E-05 3
1.98711288E-88-5 .36848468E-12 5.75311349E+94 1.48729889E+81 5.85749298E+84 4
AL2Br6 J 9/79AL 2.BR 6. 8. 9 0 388.889 5898.998 533.38788 1 Chase (1985)
2.12743318E+81 8 .39396368E-94-3.75947788E-87 7,41781198E-11-5.3728551eE-15 2
-1.19298268E+_5-6 .61868288E+81 1.41859798E+91 3.44525069E-92-6.2522437_E-95 3
5.21732389E-98-1 .64827898E-11-1.18825258E+gS-2.29291868E+81-1.12721454E+85 4
AL2CL6 J 9/79AL 2.CL 6. 9. 9 O 399 989 5999.9_9 266.67928 1 Chase (1985)
2.97949939E+91 1 .39142478E-83-6.22186719E-87 1 .22593778E-18-8.87275858E-15 2
-1.62484729E+95-6 .24731881E+81 1.85891988E+81 4 .98774368E-e2-8.7299726_E-_5 3
7.17234328E-98-2 .24243288E-11-1.68517848E+85-1 .48848671E+91-1.55842516E+_5 4
AL2F6 J 9/79AL 2.F 6. 8. 8 O 388 ese 5988.99_ 167.95359 1 Chase (1985)
1.88298469E+91 3 .629223_gE-93-1.69855529E-96 3 .15662529E-19-2.27892878E-14 2
-3.23151188E+85-6 .32488798E+81 3.16181188E+88 6 .889889_SE-82-1.89658688E-84 3
8.32933428E-88-2 .4561B498E-11-3.19942488E+85 1 .22125648E+81-3.16753265E+85 4
AL216 J 9/79AL 2.1 6. e. 9 0 388 888 5888.8_8 815.38999 1 Chase (1985)
2.15831918E+81 5 .75941938E-84-2.58398288E-87 5 .18459778E-11-3.78177388E-15 2
-6.64491319E+94-5 .11668663E+91 1.62254989E+81 2 .59384398E-82-4.7642352eE-85 3
4._8836858E-98-1 .27371849E-11-6.45194979E+94-2 .65484143E+e1-5.88767888E+84 4
AL20 J12/79AL 2.0 1. 8. 8 O 388 889 5888.888 69.96248 1 Chase (1985)
6.77296279E+_9 8.255B9929E-94-3.62919919E-97 .953139_gE-11-4.7345211_E-15 2
-1.96431978E+84-B.77233125E+88 4.97326568E+88 .13876138E-82-1.65651628E-B5 8
1.17842849E-98-3.8B858939E-12-1.98542399E+84 .49834835E+88-1.74618292E+_4 4
AL20+ J12/79AL 2.0 1.E -1. 8 G 388 888 5_89.99_ 69.96193 1 Chase (1985)
6.8797885_E+88 7.87498779E-84-3.14192448E-87 .16489838E-11-4.4478698_E-15 2
7.62787568E+e4-8.38181441E+88 4.18457368E+88 .19783518E-82-1.85225898E-e5 3
1.37566918E-88-3.98674239E-12 7.68527838E+84 .18257249E+88 7.84795396E+94 4
AL202 J12/79AL 2.0 2. 8. 8 G 388 889 5888.898 85.96188 1 Chase (1985)
9.15989768E+88 9.68539279E-84-4.32585138E-87 .51788498E-11-6.16153798E-15 2
-5._4289599E+_4-1.91564689E+91 2.75964118E+98 .99975999E-92-5.2199497eE-85 3
4.22826868E-88-1.38753688E-11-4.92268328E+84 .11887728E+91-4.74536598E+84 4
AL202+ J12/79AL 2.0 2.E -1. 9 G 388 889 5888.888 85.96133 1 Chase (1985)
9.27516939E+99 8.35872239E-94-3.73616888E-87 7.36851688E-11-5.32627948E-15 2
6.5264868BE+84-1.86772586E+81 3.34219848E+88 2.81112498E-82-4.95471788E-85 3
4.95_9752_E-98-1.26193199E-11 6.6362896_E+84 9.29924168E+99 6.82447923E+84 4
Ar L 6/88AR 1. 9. e. 9 O 298.999 6999.999 39.94888 1 McBride (1993)
2.58898888E+88 8.89889_98E+88 8.98998888E+88 8.888888_9E+89 8.888988_8E+88 2
-7.45378899E+82 4.37967491E+88 2.58898888E+88 8.88898_9_E+89 9.98998888E+88 3
9.89999899E+e9 9.899_9988E+ge-7.45375_geE+82 4.37967491E+98 9.99999998E+98 4
Ar+ L10/92AR 1.E -1 0. O.G 298.150 6000.000 39.94745 1 Moore, C.E. (1971)
2.86999547E+eO-1.42547242E-04 9.36688776E-09 2.92580859E-12-3.58247941E-16 2
1.82702617E+05 3.53229975E+00 2.59316097E+O0-1.32892944E-03 5.26503944E-06 3
-5.97956691E-09 2.18967862E-12 1.82878368E+05 5.44980570E+00 1.83628186E+06 4
B J 6/83B 1. • 0. O.G 200.000 60e0.000 10.81100 1 Chase (1985)
2.49860273E+00 1.40267322E-06 1.09458278E-09-1.20006414E-12 2.43121994E-16 2
6.66075914E+04 4.21887979E+00 2.51054099E+OO-6.23801328E-05 1.42178099E-07 3
-1.41697796E-10 6.16018749E-14 6.66053894E+04 4.16367209E+00 6.73521350E+04 4
B+ J 6/83B 1.E -1 0. O.G 298,150 6000.000 10.81045 1 Chase (1985)
2.51207118E+O0-2.60008491E-05 1.90411755E-OS-5.71840071E-12 6.06893037E-16 2
1.63627851E+05 2.35392699E+00 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 1.63631960E+05 2.41907708E+00 1.64377336E+05 4
B- J 6/83B 1.E 1 0. O.G 298,150 6000.000 10.81155 1 Chase (1985)
2.50007592E+00-8 .17294256E-08 3.29965783E-11-5.74649652E-15 3.62366056E-19 2
6.26417693E+04 4 .61598613E+00 2.50120271E+00-5.73427208E-06 1.09670435E-08 3
-9.50303533E-12 3 .08935774E-15 6.26415806E+04 4.61078158E+00 6.33871389E+04 4
BCL J12/64B 1.CL 1 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 46.26370 1 Chase (1985)
4.10205710E+00 4.86591930E-04-1.88643260E-07 3.58333420E-11-2.50990690E-18 2
1.56879580E+04 1.95526119E+00 2.83644630E+00 4.43688120E-O3-4.38875220E-06 3
1.51610780E-09 3.26461950E-14 1.60013610E+04 8.34533209E+00 1.70084902E+04 4
BCL+ J 6/68B 1.CL 1E -1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 46.26316 1 Chase (1985)
4.10608880E+00 4.72741700E-O4-1.79285840E-07 3.24161370E-11-2.05487580E-16 2
1.47130970E+05 2.64272940E+00 2.81241970E+00 4.60063920E-03-4.91199620E-06 3
1.96722160E-09-1 .38378020E-13 1.47448490E+05 9.15668240E+00 1.48462806E+06 4
BCLF J12/64B 1.CL 1 F 1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 66.26210 1 Chase (1985)
5.70767570E+00 1.41002030E-03-6.01141370E-07 1.13670440E-10-7.93680630E-15 2
-3.96933270E+04-1,53503845E+00 3.31202340E+00 7.41987630E-O3-4.34859490E-06 3
-1.13740570E-09 1.37638900E-12-3.90175480E+04 1.09483562E+O1-3.77402963E+04 4
BCL2 J 6/72B 1.CL 2 • O.G 300.000 6000.000 81.71640 1 Chase (1985)
6.44598380E+00 5.79279480E-04-2.60497050E-07 6.35963580E-11-5.39822150E-15 2
-1.16613040E+04-4.46086977E+00 3.29747860E+00 1.20826760E-O2-1.61237550E-06 3
9.62658560E-09-2.05991990E-12-1.09665370E+04 1.10426333E+O1-9.66076191E+03 4
BCL2+ J12/70B 1.CL 2 E -1 O.G 300.000 5800.000 81.71686 1 Chase (1986)
6.92666270E+00 6 .77776330E-04-3.21014960E-07 6.83444220E-11-5.00736920E-15 2
7.88678220E+04-8 .93462664E+00 4.27049310E+00 1.06037910E-O2-1.42298380E-05 3
8.53728310E-09-1 .83496710E-12 7.94360160E+04 4.07645066E+00 8.10708542E+04 4
BCL2- J 6/72B 1.CL 2 E 1 O.G 300.000 5000.000 81.71695 1 Chase (1985)
6.35182180E+00 7 .70288480E-O4-4.46998630E-07 1.38311780E-10-1.32219950E-14 2
-t.97054320E+04-4 .77472070E+00 3.23587910E+00 1.16902190E-02-1.47782590E-06 3
8.21816460E-09-1 .56579130E-12-1.89818150E+04 1.06900104E+01-l.76126075E+04 4
BCL3 J12/64B 1.CL 3 0 O.G 300.000 5000.000 117 16910 1 Chase (1985)
8.59853800E+00 1 .55319230E-03-6.70006020E-07 1.27891120E-1e-9.00000590E-15 2
-5.13570710E+04-1 .51584297E+01 3.73962650E+00 1.81058130E-02-2.13404610E-05 3
1.08283350E-08-1 .73259670E-12-S.02146090E+04 9.06312747E+00-4.84628831E+04 4
BF J12/64B 1.F 1 0 O.G 300.000 5000.000 29 80940 1 Chase (1986)
3.57718880E+00 1 .01929080E-O3-4.12515640E-07 7.71964380E-11-6.34987410E-15 2
-1.51272640E+04 3 .26612227E+00 3.46136090E+00-9 .66854680E-04 6.01367440E-06 3
-6.49780570E-09 2 .23553490E-12-1.49698200E+04 4 .46077947E+OO-1.39390003E+04 4
BF2 J 6/72B 1.F 2 0 O.G 300.000 5000.000 48 80781 1 Chase (1986)
5.44474570E+00 1 .75332110E-03-7.84444740E-07 1 .57198590E-10-1.13110710E-14 2
-7.28603670E+04-2 .27331909E+00 3.03093030E+00 7 .24110210E-03-2.82509190E-06 3
-2.89204130E-09 2 .00461020E-12-7.21511020E+04 1 .04457036E+O1-7.09553140E+04 4
BF2+ J12/708 1.F 2.E -1 O.G 300.000 5000.000 48 80726 1 Chase (1985)
5.81276380E+00 1 .81934240E-03-7.71034570E-07 1 .44897820E-10-9.98091560E-15 2
3.67948010E+04-7 .00431186E+00 3.31464740E+00 8 .64436540E-O3-6.75253960E-06 3
1.33836650E-09 4 .51149100E-13 3.74836490E+04 6 .90468985E+00 3.87993258E+04 4
BF2- J 6/72B 1.F 2.E 1 O.G 300.000 5000.000 48 80836 1 Chase (1986)
5.31003480E+00 2.00204390E-O3-9.72355100E-07 2.16414430E-10-1.66408810E-14 2
-9.83369280E+04-2.32776093E+00 3.14245810E+00 6.41045790E-03-1.23864610E-06 3
-4.12201000E-09 2.34723670E-12-9.76729640E+04 9.22523217E+O0-9.64690963E+04 4
BF3 J 6/69B 1.F 3.0 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 67 80621 1 Chase (1985)
7.02419850E+00 3.22215590E-O3-1.37061540E-06 2.59196710E-10-1.81223100E-14 2
-1.39180720E+O5-1.11843009E+01 2.44682440E+00 1.52763120E-O2-1.07846170E-05 3
6.89075020E-10 1.48931870E-12-1.37901350E+05 1.25678211E+Ol-l.36586061E+05 4
BH J12/64B 1.H 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 11 81894 1 Chase (1985)
2.89190790E+00 1.58329460E-O3-5.82617290E-07 1 ,02420680E-10-6.76695690E-15 2
5.23287140E+04 3.79624329E+00 3.68622060E+00-1 .30554350E-03 2.67421050E-06 3
-9.10737380E-10-1.55911360E-13 5.21763300E+04-5 .52454012E-02 5.32391023E+04 4
BHF2 J12/65B 1.H 1.F 2. O.G 300.000 5000.000 49.81575 1 Chase (1985)
5.31846270E+00 4.74444660E-O3-1.93378680E-06 3 .55083820E-10-2.42936670E-14 2
-9.03750120E+O4-3.04314020E+00 2.40536020E+00 9 .27558440E-03 1.33864610E-06 3
-8.68078950E-09 4.12110150E-12-8.93884090E+04 1 .28880442E+01-8.82623625E+04 4
BeCLF J 6/65BE 1.CL 1.F 1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 63.46329 1 Chase (1985)
6.44027910E+00 1.14636930E-03-4.85453600E-07 9.12878650E-11-6.34435490E-15 2
-7.10597710E+O4-7.72869958E+00 4.10243810E+00 8.50174900E-03-8.90939630E-06 3
4.00762320E-09-S.16275390E-13-7.04687360E+04 4.09916292E+00-6.89387657E+04 4
BeCL2 J 6/65BE 1.CL 2 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 79.91758 1 Chase (1985)
6.70431910E+00 8.71664680E-O4-3.72550530E-07 7.05670060E-11-4.93353600E-15 2
-4.64945580E+O4-8.42201233E+00 4.49271250E+00 8.05355450E-O3-8.83192390E-06 3
4.08970490E-09-5.34980920E-13-4.49528810E+04 2,69582137E+O0-4.33256234E+04 4
BeF J12/71BE 1.F 1 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 28.01069 1 Chase (1956)
3.70952950E+00 8.93836000E-O4-3.61130680E-07 6.76010920E-11-4.64208330E-15 2
-2.16600520E+04 3.16419267E+00 3.27618620E+00 2.52337590E-04 4.09399440E-06 3
-5.31281500E-09 1.99549000E-12-2.14459240E+04 5.86499677E+O0-2.04313003E+04 4
BeF2 J 6/70BE 1.F 2 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 47.00899 1 Chase (1985)
6.04576310E+00 1.56293740E-O3-6.61081970E-07 1.24475510E-10-8.67160630E-15 2
-9.77791270E+O4-7.91788256E+00 3.52342740E+00 9.38902840E-O3-9.56362080E-06 3
4.29209890E-Og-5.77511130E-13-9.71304610E+04 4.88397544E+OO-9.57389228E+04 4
BeH J 3/63BE 1.H 1 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 10.02012 1 Chase (1985)
3.05702180E+00 1,49772230E-O3-B.68729630E-07 1.02608170E-10-6.91569790E-15 2
3.76395130E+04 3.40027448E+00 3.73123050E+00-Z.91435480E-03 4,89103250E-06 3
-3.29258830E-09 6.66385620E-13 3.75655600E+04 3.88608224E-01 3.86299590E+04 4
BeH+ J 9/66BE 1.H 1E -1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 10.01957 1 Chase (1985)
2.90159920E+00 1.67517610E-O3-6.68055030E-07 1.25109_10E-10-8.17414660E-15 2
1.38168120E+05 3.55562865E+00 3.70957120E+00-1.58520310E-03 3.62287690E-06 3
-1.89332210E-09 1.71732640E-13 1.38028660E+OS-2.82896920E-01 1.39092559E+05 4
BeI J12/75BE 1.I 1 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 135.91665 1 Chase (1955)
4.26004930E+00 3.43208190E-O4-1.27594770E-07 2.41897090E-11-1.45701420E-15 2
1.91103520E+04 4.04766768E+00 2.78261220E+00 6.84103480E-O3-1.13898960E-06 3
8.99241280E-09-2.72776860E-12 1.93961830E+04 1,10789367E+01 2.04457353E+04 4
BeI2 J12/75BE 1.I 2 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 262.82112 1 Chase (1985)
7.00112620E+00 5.68788720E-04-2.52537550E-07 4.95410540E-11-3.57472040E-15 2
-9.90388590E+O3-5.21025524E+00 4.93737860E+00 8.74047370E-O3-1.31147240E-05 3
9.49284940E-O9-2.69263360E-12-9.46160050E+03 4.82951136E+O0-7.69941366E+03 4
BeN J 6/63BE 1.N 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 23.01892 1 Chase (1985)
3.78559370E+00 8.23865750E-04-3.27116020E-07 6.15518880E-11-4.28090410E-15 2
5.00661800E+04 3.10558513E+00 3.16842860E+00 1.02824830E-03 2.73760170E-06 3
-4.34810990E-09 1.75344530E-12 5.03104510E+04 6.66252483E+00 5.13172421E+04 4
BeO J12/74BE 1.0 1. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 25.01158 1 Chase (1955)
5.66778473E+O0-4.07847614E-03 3.41112608E-06-8.21052371E-10 6.13773279E-14 2
1.45899580E+O4-8.08580712E+00 3.78974248E+OO-3.24896226E-03 1.12988533E-05 3
-1.18056315E-08 4.20675761E-12 1.53410696E+04 2.73905294E+00 1,64050557E÷04 4
BeOH J12/75BE 1.0 1.H 1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 26.01952 1 Chase (1985)
4.61167200E+00 2.39720130E-03-8.B4891620E-07 1.43090620E-10-9.11123990E-15 2
-1.53618380E+04-1.98829219E+00 1.91391480E+00 1,35071590E-02-1.85316870E-05 3
1.29424710E-O8-3.54389610E-12-1.48196830E+04 1.09928304E+Ol-1.37885210E+04 4
BeOH+ J12/758E 1.0 1.H 1.E -Z.G 300.000 5000.000 26.01897 1 Chase (1985)
4.62235270E+00 2.39025710E-O3-8.55494730E-07 1.44416710E-10-9.35602940E-15 2
8.98294360E+04-2.72614681E+00 1.92809820E+00 1.35342400E-02-1.86540260E-05 3
1.30739210E-O8-3.59005760E-12 9.03683050E+04 1.02257268E+01 9.14040565E+04 4
BeO2H2 J12/75BE 1.0 2.H 2. O.G 300.000 5000,000 43.02686 1 Chase (1985)
7.85504780E+00 4.64775800E-03-1.65028340E-06 2.76706230E-10-1.78262980E-14 2
-8.41062590E+04-1.84294661E+01 2.41843930E-01 3.99135680E-02-6.45882810E-05 3
5.10234760E-O8-1.64792050E-11-8.27410450E+04 1.73136259E+01-8.13720155E+04 4
BeS J 9/77BE 1.S 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 41.07818 1 Chase (1985)
5.20407340E+O0-3.B7420220E-03 4,25788910E-06-1.25605990E-09 1.13434030E-13 2
3.02260840E+O4-3.57801203E+00 2.90225380E+00 3.18974130E-O3-1.36518250E-06 3
-1.50927100E-09 1.22759290E-12 3.07107600E+04 7.87585057E+00 3.17033766E+04 4
Be20 J 9/63BE 2.0 1. 0. O.O 300.000 5000.000 34.02376 1 Chase (1985)
5.45497340E+00 2.19703850E-O3-9,29195780E-07 1.74964100E-10-1.21899820E-14 2
-9.49589850E+03-5.67042283E+00 2.75278970E+00 8.96486990E-03-B.SB592470E-06 3
-3.47691880E-10 1.10154720E-12-B.71747090E+03 8.45191877E+00-7.54778448E+03 4
Be2OF2 J 6/66BE 2.0 1.F 2. O.G 300.000 5000.000 72.02057 1 Chase (1985)
1.03113430E+01 2.92581510E-O3-1.24819870E-06 2.36521690E-10-1.65591600E-14 2
-1.48446230E+05-2.44876830E+01 4.86000260E+00 1.94389820E-O2-1.88187600E-OB 3
7.10095030E-09-3.72252580E-13-1.47039590E+05 3.24173340E+OO-Z.44878984E+05 4
Be202 J 9/63BE 2.0 2. 0. O.G 300,000 5000.000 50.02316 1 Chase (1985)
7.17836520E+00 3.07969260E-O3-1.31622730E-06 2.49706140E-10-1.74963390E-14 2
-5.19848760E+O4-1.29255949E+01 1.71027390E+00 1.82449390E-02-1.43772530E-05 3
2.12688160E-09 1.46919930E-12-5.05123660E+04 1.52145101E+O1-4.93136425E+04 4
Be303 J 9/63BE 3,0 3. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 75.03475 1 Chase (1985)
9.19073220E+00 7.36237010E-03-3.12927290E-06 5.91625890E-10-4.13601940E-14 2
-1.30618490E+OS-2.33168799E+01 2.00026920E+00 2.00051720E-02 5.75178470E-07 3
-1.70928050E-08 8.48627850E-12-1.28268670E+05 1.56209531E+Ol-l,26807812E+05 4
CF3+ J12/71C 1F 3.E -1. e.G 3g_._g 6_.e_e 69._g866 1 Chase (1985)
7._2264_6_E+00 3.2441271_E-_3-1.386487BgE-e6 [email protected]_E-14 2
4.8_22318_E+_4-1.12_66339E+_l 2.26_5576eE+_ 1.8422323_E-_2-9.8966674_E-_6 3
-7.8345e46BE-18 2.12118928E-12 4.9365338_E+_4 1.35784581E+81 5._6368231E+_4 4
CF4 L 6/83C 1F 4 _. _.G 2BB.B_ 6BBB.OBB 88._461 1 Rodgers (1974)
9,47215359E+00 3.69525216E-O3-1.4_378582E-B6 2.39188188E-1B-1.485589_6E-14 2
-1.16816337E+OS-2.49789891E+_l 1._5143992E+_ 2.78246468E-B2-2.4652526_E-_S 3
6.746483B4E-09 9.189_9316E-13-1.13574867E+B5 1.81988899E+Bl-l.122279BBE+BS 4
CH TPIS79C I H 1 @. _.G 2_e._ 68_._8_ 13._1894 1 Gurvich (1979)
2.62898627E+B_ 1.76537236E-B3-4.614757BBE-B7 S.92886472E-11-3.34731962E-16 2
7.11314363E+_4 7.4_532163E+_ 3.48981666E+_ 3.23835541E-_4-1.68899_65E-_6 3
3.16217327E-Og-l.4¢6_9967E-12 7._7972934E+_4 2._84BllBBE+_ 7.18428386E+_4 4
CH+ TPIS91C 1H I E -1. 8.G 298.15_ 6_._ 13._1839 1 Qurvich (1991)
4.63726693E+B_-2.951654B3E-_3 1.69587178E-B6-3.B1_97789E-19 2.22129197E-14 2
1.94661979E+_5-B._278224_E+_ 3.53796662E+_9-7.5926_194E-_B-6.BgB667_8E-B7 3
2._9819622E-99-1._BB_6821E-12 1.95_57229E+85 5.23237674E-_1 1.961_68_6E+_6 4
CHCL TPIS79C 1H 1CL 1. B.G 298.16_ 5_B._ 48.47164 1 Gurvich (1979)
6.1566_36_E+89 4.5888325_E-94 4.4749823BE-_7-1.3696787_E-l_ 1._2424458E-14 2
3.631_677_E+94-1.75115341E+_B 2.96136118E+B_ 6.11519169E-_3-4.52_318_E-_6 3
1.38933898E-99 7.1578_86_E-14 3.59599838E+84 9.74368389E+BB 3.7877398_E+84 4
CHCLF2 L12/77C 1H 1CL 1.F 2.G 298.16_ 6_._9 86.46845 1 Chen (1976)
7.9_298278E+@_ 4.62519BBBE-B3-1.6489867BE-B6 2.5919429_E-1B-1.48362129E-14 2
-6.1234266_E+_4-1.3734293_E+_l 2.468112_E+_ 1.5883945_E-_2-2.82_9_lS_E-_6 3
-1._478132_E-_8 6._7B4896_E-12-5.957_879_E+_4 1.5193428_E+_l-6.8172637_E+B4 4
CHCL2F L12/77C 1H 1CL 2.F 1.G 298.16_ 5_.9_ 1_2.92274 1 Chen (1976)
8.5883923_E+@0 4.B345713_E-_3-1.4268226BE-_6 2.22473_38E-l_-l.263_173_E-14 2
-3.7427918_E+O4-1.5411664_E+_l 3.11_71698E+B_ 1.6295891_E-_2-4.7331187_E-_6 3
-9.479816_E-69 6.1323758_E-12-3.58622118E+B4 1.29638588E+B1-3.4269462BE+B4 4
CHCL3 X 6/81C 1H 1CL 3. g.G 298.15g SBgB.B_ 119.37784 1 TRC (6/81) t, uvw-7189
8.993883_E+0_ 3.56521928E-_3-1.2537648BE-B6 1.9479131_E-l_-l.lB32821BE-14 2
-1.56_98_B_E+64-1.7631689_E+_l 3.68198_18E+BB 1.6611_21_E-B2-6.6188881BE-_6 3
-8.1291568_E-_9 5.9433135_E-12-1.4141844BE+B4 9.98351_39E+BB-1.2379277gE+g4 4
CHF3 L 6/81C 1H I F 3. _.G 298.168 5_._B_ 78.81416 1 Rodgers (1974)
7.3878249_E+80 5.1266924_E-B3-1.837177SBE-B6 2.9_46438E-lg-l.6692_89_E-14 2
-8.6367438_E+_4-1.361_262_E+_l 1.7857_94_E+_ 1.5961129_E-_2-1.B575_16_E-_6 3
-1.1366911BE-gB 6.127529B_E-12-8.4591125BE+B4 1.645759B_E+_l-B.3382936BE+B4 4
CH2 Lll/89C I H 2 _. _.G 2_._ 6_._ 14._2688 1 Bunker (1983)
2.77723166E+86 3.83663476E-B3-1.3486322BE-_6 2.11641255E-1B-1.23445662E-14 2 Jacox (1988)
4.5859_3_4E+84 6.67286429E+_B 3.74484879E+B_ 1.1796_823E-_3 1.945_2264E-_6 3 TRC (4/89) w-1928
-2.529328_6E-99 1.12447631E-12 4.55799523E+84 1.6285_126E+B_ 4.67616252E+_4 4
CH2CLF L12/77C 1H 2 CL 1.F 1.G 298.159 5_8.gBB 68.47798 1 Chen (1976)
5.9572783_E+_0 6._8797_E-_3-2._813759_E-_6 3.1346215_E-l_-l.7_84878_E-14 2
-3.428_781_E+_4-4.87988151E+_ 2._975533_E+_ 1.2551896_E-_2 2.7147_36_E-_7 3
-9.1319841_E-89 4.47135738E-12-3.2973617BE+B4 1.61681778E+B1-3.1893671BE+B4 4
CH2CL2 L12/81C 1H 2 CL 2. _.G 298.15_ 5_._ 84.93228 1 Rodgers (1974)
6.49912838E+_0 5.5672348_E-B3-1.8887449BE-B6 2.82333938E-1B-1.5266869BE-14 2
-1.4_48813_E+_4-7._1155241E+_ 2.3626127_E+_ 1.3885532_E-_2-2._872167_E-_6 3
-8.66561688E-_9 4.9494315gE-12-1.276123_E+_4 1.SB849158E+_l-l.1473476BE+_4 4
CH2F2 L 6/81C 1H 2 F 2. g.G 298.15g 5B_8.B_B 52._2369 1 Rodgers (1974)
6.29831128E+_e 6.7568_128E-g3-2.34_16538E-_6 3.57223818E-lg-l.9789986_E-14 2
-5.6799215_E+O4-3.52851351E+_ 1.9264_78_E+_ 1._B29_97_E-_2 3.4659915_E-_6 3
-9.6855999_E-_9 3.8165322_E-12-5.55_5395_E+_4 1.5476937_E+_l-5.4448689_E+_4 4
CH3 Lll/89C 1H 3 B. _.G 2_._ 6_._ 15._3482 1 Jacox (1988)
2.96866_33E+90 5.8_717546E-B3-1.97778534E-96 3.97278752E-19-1.78853897E-14 2 TRC(4/B9)w-1928
1.65388869E+_4 4.779445_3E+_ 3.67359_4_E+_ 2._1_95175E-_3 5.73_21856E-_6 3
-6.87117425E-¢9 2.54385734E-12 1.64449988E+B4 1.6B456433E+B_ 1.76679B83E+B4 4
CH3CL L12/81C 1H 3 CL 1. _.G 298.16g 6g_g._g_ 5_.48752 1 Rodgers (1974)
4.2952986_E+_ 7.2846822_E-_3-2.4161191_E-_6 3.S2_6838_E-l_-l.84_6185_E-14 2
-1.1793465_E+_4 8.593_1877E-_1 2._672446_E+_ 9.2_91523_E-83 3._426_54_E-_6 3
-8._342_62_E-_9 3.2127443BE-12-1._896883BE+B4 1.3583957_E+B1-9.8681315BE+B3 4
CH3F L 6/81C 1H 3 F 1. g.G 298.15@ 5_BB._B_ 34.e3322 1 Rodgers (1974)
3.6256523BE+_ 7.9683699BE-_3-2.6845319BE-_6 3.98411_8BE-1B-2.1348639_E-14 2
-3._37248_E+_4 3._6989799E+_ 2.2651_24_E+_ 6._733855_E-_3 6.982541_E-_6 3
-8.138B911_E-_9 2.1_36341BE-12-2.9577664BE+B4 1.1843954BE+B1-2.85841BS_E+_4 4
CH20H L12/92C 1H 3 0 1. _.O 2_._ 6_._ 31._3422 1 Burca% (1979)
4.67625639E+_0 6.564_6_14E-_3-2.26S25471E-_6 3.55682481E-l_-2.B862619_E-14 2 Jacox (1988)
-2.89248574E+_3 4,87737_5E-_1 3.86388918E+_ 5.596723_4E-_3 5.93271791E-_6 3 See%ula (1992)
-1.84532_12E-_8 4.36967278E-12-2.5_B_1367E+g3 5.473_2243E+B_-1.B7841786E+B3 4
CH30 L1_/92C 1H 3 0 1. _.G 2_._ 6_._ 31._3422 1 Jacox (7988)
4.26676538E+_ 7.8538811BE-_3-2.83739943E-B6 4.69B39669E-lB-2.74426_84E-14 2 Gurvich (1991)
-3.4_73227E+_2 3.85637447E-_1 3.26624894E+_ 3,3_3_117E-_3 1.7_493964E-_6 3
-2.27184476E-_8 8.8_75652_E-12 3.33281488E+_2 7.42568_4gE+gB 1.66353171E+83 4
CH3CN L12/92C 2.H 3.N 1 O.G 200.000 6000.000 41.05256 1 Spangenberg (1974)
5.08576974E+00 9.70797040E-03-3.48484946E-06 5.62106760E-10-3.36234670E-14 2 TRC(12/86)w-9270
6.45863074E+03-3.26553903E+00 3.82484221E+00 4.10100369E-03 2.14645679E-06 3
-2.87234543E-08 1.11804146E-11 6.28838622E+03 5.54024211E+00 7.74910368E+03 4
CH3CO,acetyl BUR 84C 2.H 3.0 1 O.G 300.000 5000.000 43.04522 1 Burcat (1984)
5.61227890E+00 8.44988600E-03-2.85414720E-06 4.23837630E-10-2.26840370E-14 2
-5.18786330E+03-3.26178193E+00 3.12527850E+00 9.77822020E-03 4.52144830E-06 3
-9.00946160E-09 3.19371790E-12-4.10850780E+03 1.12420212E+01-2.71844485E+03 4
C2H4 L 1/91C 2.H 4. 0 O.G 200.000 6000.000 28.06376 1 Chao (1975)
3.99182761E+00 1.048339106-02-3.71721385E-06 5.94628514E-10-3.53630526E-14 2 Knippers (1985)
4.26865819E+03-2.69062151E-01 3.959201486+00-7.57052247E-03 5.70990292E-06 3 TRC (4/87) w-2500
-6.91588753E-08 2.69884373E-11 5.08977693E+03 4.09733096E+00 6.31426266E+03 4
C2H40,ethylen o L 8/88C 2.H 4.0 1 O.G 200.000 6000.000 44.05316 1 Chase (1986)
5.48888429E+00 1.20460231E-02-4.33361545E-06 7.00269000E-10-4.19481870E-14 2 Shimanouchi (1972)
-9.18047576E+03-7.08063868E+00 3.75904931E+00-9.441192926-03 8.03096770E-05 3
-1.00807756E-07 4.00398357E-11-7.56081402E+03 7.84977030E+00-6.33046566E+03 4
CH3CHO,e_hanal L 8/88C 2.H 4.0 1 O.G 200.000 6000.000 44.06316 1 Chao (1986)
6.404178996+00 1.17229676E-02-4.22626830E-06 6,83716733E-10-4.09842676E-14 2 TRC(S/78)w-5300
-2.25931508E+04-3.48117593E+00 4.72947627E+00-3.19343161E-03 4.75353505E-05 3
-5.74590474E-08 2.19312619E-11-2.15728799E+04 4.10295455E+00-1.99879488E+04 4
CH3COOH L 8/88C 2.H 4.0 2 O.G 200.000 6000.000 60.06266 1 Chao (1978)
7.67083678E+00 1.35152695E-02-5.258746886-06 8.93186062E-10-5.63180891E-14 2
-5.67660971E÷04-1.54676690E+01 2.78936844E+00 1,00001016E-02 3.42667978E-06 3
-6.090179196-08 2.06217504E-11-6.34752292E*04 1.41069604E+01-6.19873137E+04 4
(HCOOH)2 BUR 92C 2.H 4 0 4 O.G 300.000 5000.000 92.05136 1 Burcat (1992)
1.22073710E+01 1.36888510E-02-4.68403690E-06 7.05116630E-10-3.83692850E-14 2
-1.03959380E+05-3.57098080E+01 3.76923860E+00 2.72247160E-02 1.72380530E-06 3
-2.07767240E-08 9.93799490E-12-1.01049880E+05 1.05054940E+01-9.87373140E+04 4
C2H6 L12/92C 2.H 5 0 O.G 200.000 6000.000 29.06170 1 Chen, Y. (1990)
4.28800535E+00 1.24337374E-02-4.41383829E-06 7.06626943E-10-4.203418566-14 2
1.20564200E+04 8.46299623E-01 4.30646568E+00-4.18668892E-03 4.97142807E-06 3
-5.99126606E-08 2.30609004E-11 1.28416265E+04 4.70720924E+00 1.42712246E+04 4
C2H6 L 8/88C 2.H 6 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 30.06964 1 Pamidlmukala (1952)
4.04666674E+00 1.53638766E-02-6.47039321E-06 8.778262286-10-6.23167306E-14 2
-1.24473512E+04-9.68683607E-01 4.29142492E+00-6.50164270E-03 E.99438288E-06 3
-7.08466286E-08 2.68686771E-11-1.15222066E+04 2.66682316E+00-1.00849662E+04 4
CH3N2CH3 L 8/88C 2.H 6 N 2. O.G 200.000 6000.000 68.08312 1 Pamidimukala (1982)
7.44954851E+00 1.74406153E-02-6.273824536-06 1.01351178E-09-6.06937494E-14 2
1.41979978E+04-1.41567638E+01 6.29613632E+00-2.25816427E-03 6.21232803E-06 3
-7.46292997E-08 2.80371947E-11 1.569288606+04-2.49925915E+00 1.78843203E+04 4
CH3OCH3 L12/92C 2 H 6 0 1. O.G 200.000 6000.000 46.06904 1 Chao (1986)
6.64844183E+00 1.63381899E-02-S.86802367E-06 9.46836869E-10-6.666047386-14 2 TRC(6/91)w-6040
-2.51074690E+04-5.96264939E+00 5.30562279E+00-2.14254272E-03 5.30873244E-05 3
-6.23147136E-08 2.30731036E-11-2.39866295E+04 7.13264209E-01-2.21432171E+04 4
C2HSOH L 8/88C 2 H 6 0 1. O.G 200.000 6000.000 46.06904 1 Chao (1986)
6.56289770E+00 1.82034264E-02-5.38922247E-06 8.62150224E-10-6.128246836-14 2 TRC(6/B7)w-5030
-3.16267984E+04-9.47567644E+00 4.86868178E+00-3.74006740E-03 6.95650267E-06 3
-8.86641147E-08 3.51684430E-11-2.99961309E+04 4.801922946+00-2.82678288E+04 4
CCN L12/92C 2 N 1 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 38.02874 1 Gurvich (1991)
6.63694940E+00 1.93336181E-03-7.43007993E-07 1.256541676-10-7.70420035E-15 2 Jacox (1988)
9.490280656+04-3.70380637E+00 3.67600724E+00 7.88842348E-03-9.55326639E-06 3
7.31344088E-09-2.48035202E-12 9.54195636E+04 5.81661960E+00 9.67960600E+04 4
CNC TPIS91C 2 N 1. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 38.02874 1 Ourvich (1991)
5.93259696E+00 1.579147646-03-6.12333632E-07 1.03869610E-10-6.43161897E-16 2
8.03326833E+04-6.60207167E+00 3.98958871E+00 5.21977832E-03-5.81083706E-07 3
-3.39416520E-09 1.76273084E-12 8.096563676+04 3.88721926E+00 8.23761254E+04 4
C2N2 TPIS79C 2 N 2. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 52.03548 1 Gurvich (1979)
6.70644769E+00 3.64260339E-03-1.30934260E-06 2.16411061E-10-1.31187410E-14 2
3.486080066+04-1.04803696E+01 2.32926325E+00 2.61637847E-02-4.90003994E-06 3
4.61917478E-08-1.64323856E-11 3.56684424E+04 9.86336227E+00 3.71759731E+04 4
C20 L12/89C 2 0 1. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 40.02140 1 Jacox (1988)
5.516764446+00 1.87745704E-03-7.01159757E-07 1.21505291E-10-7.76778855E-15 2 Gurvich (1979)
3.30970458E+04-4.27636138E+00 2.86345422E+00 1.19732969E-02-1.81232501E-05 3
1.53813634E-08-5.289065246-12 3.37500945E+04 8.89405881E+00 3.50037906E+04 4
C3 TPIS79C 3 0. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 36.03300 1 Gurvich (1979)
4.803577686+00 2.14511233E-03-1.072920746-06 2.607352596-10-2.01631960E-14 2
9.93965416E+04 3.89369308E-01 5.43283963E+00-4.46754383E-03 1.49321482E-05 3
-1.47953138E-08 5.01421112E-12 9.94957222E+04-1.58720715E+00 1.01022009E+05 4
C3H3,propargyl BUR 92C 3 H 3. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 39.06682 1 Burcat (1992)
6.64176821E+00 8.08687428E-03-2.84787887E-06 4.535269776-10-2.68879816E-14 2
3.89793699E+04-1.04004266E+01 1.82840766E+00 2.37839036E-02-2.19228176E-06 3
1.00067444E-08-1.38984644E-12 4.01863068E+04 1.38447967E+01 4.16139977E+04 4
C7H8 L 1/93C 7.H 8 0. O.G 200.000 6000 000 92.14052 1 Hitchcock (1975)
1.29394750E+01 2.66921BS8E-O2-9.68420108E-06 1.57392140E-O9-g.46670482E-14 2 Rudolph (1967)
-6.77035769E+O2-4.67255302E+01 1.61191400E+00 2.11188902E-02 8.53221453E-05 3 TRC(10/85)w-3000
-1.32566876E-07 5.59406109E-11 4.09651976E+03 2.02973614E+01 6.03402967E+03 4
C7H80,cresol mx L 1/93C 7.H 8 0 1. O.G 200.000 6000 000 108.13992 1 Kudchadker (1978)
1.65179499E+01 2.54721604E-O2-9.18781249E-06 1.48772875E-O9-8.g2617180E-14 2
-2.36116775E+O4-6.19386224E+O1 7.98026029E-01 4.67284934E-02 2.73617362E-05 3
-7.75823278E-08 3.68948350E-11-1.83324087E+04 2.42303179E+Ol-l.59117014E+04 4
C7H14,1-heptene X 4/87C 7.H 14 0 O.G 200.000 6000 000 98.18816 1 TRC (4/87) tuvw-2500
1.84972484E+01 3.32575990E-O2-1.18150330E-05 1.92513278E-O9-1.16441886E-13 2
-1.65142044E+O4-6.83095138E+01 8.70575623E+00 2.79788048E-03 1.55212260E-04 3
-2.09020114E-07 B.40527224E-11-1.12661385E+O4-4.45341873E+OO-7.S4824999E+03 4
C7H15,n-hep%yl X10/83C 7.H 15 0 O.G 200.000 6000 000 99.19610 1 TRC(10/83)buvw-1930
1.64117107E+01 4.03602901E-O2-1.47823188E-05 2.44414560E-O9-1.49160374E-13 2
-7.76310920E+O3-5.49531828E+01 1.02804136E+01 7.01553566E-04 1.59551347E-04 3
-2.09593179E-07 8.33445318E-11-3.60307311E+O3-1.03020940E+01 3.35430000E+04 4
C7H16,n-heptane X10/85C 7.H 16 0 O.G 200.000 6000 000 100.20404 1 TRC (10/85) tuvw-1460
1.85354704E+01 3.91420468E-O2-1.38030268E-05 2.22403874E-09-1.33452580E-13 2
-3.19500783E+O4-7.01902840E+01 1.11532484E+01-9.49416433E-03 1.95571181E-04 3
-2.49752520E-07 9.84873213E-11-2.67711735E+04-1.59096110E+01 3.32210000E+04 4
C8H8,sbyrene X 4/89C 8.H 8 0 O.G 200.000 8000 000 104.15152 1 TRC (4/89) tuvw-4490
1.58813334E+01 2.88374055E-O2-9.90244561E-06 1.83759141E-09-9.98448972E-14 2
1.00847804E+O4-6.09419319E+01 1.18175769E+00 3.34876025E-02 6.92366253E-05 3
-1.24490419E-07 5.49384735E-11 1.56039062E+04 2.26824980E+01 1.78362886E+04 4
C8H10,e%hylbenz X10/86C 8.H 10. 0 O.G 200.000 8000 000 106.16740 1 TRC(10/86) buvw-3200
1.55760759E+01 3.23064579E-O2-1.19002723E-05 1.96792542E-O9-1.19911164E-13 2
-4.41157516E+O3-5.91043877E+01 3.51534963E+00 1.78145681E-02 1.18934012E-04 3
-1.75639764E-07 7.32061099E-11 1.02038595E÷03 1.41539629E+01 3.59852836E+03 4
CBH16_1-oc%ene X 4/87C 8.H 16. 0 O.G 200.000 8000.000 112.21504 1 TRC (4/87) tuvw-2500
2.20134088E+01 3.67972174E-O2-1.29830482E-05 2.10854637E-O9-1.27294158E-13 2
-2.06109835E+O4-8.55337170E+01 1.01487860E÷01 1.25107538E-03 1.85252738E-04 3
-2.49094162E-07 1.00250395E-10-1.43267453E+O4-8.50774418E+OO-1.00535089E+04 4
CBH17,n-octyl X10/83C 8.H 17. 0 O.G 200.000 8000.000 113.22298 1 TRC (10/83) %uvw-1930
1.87968043E+01 4.60048523E-O2-1.68790126E-05 2.T9422477E-O9-1.70663886E-13 2
-1.14592578E+O4-8.59822206E+01 1.18082518E+O1-8.50348136E-04 1.87697700E-04 3
-2.45890702E-07 9.75813027E-11-B.66450442E+O3-1.47298487E+01 3.81030000E+04 4
CBH18, isooctane X 4/85C 8.H 18. 0 O.G 200.000 6000.000 114.23092 1 TRC (4/85) %uvw-1490
1.59899273E+01 5.53184790E-O2-1.95267072E-06 3.11779172E-O-1.85312577E-13 2
-3.58757973E+O4-6.01161414E+01 8.15737338E-01 7.32643959E-02 1.78300688E-05 3
-6.93589620E-08 3.21629382E-11-3.04772862E+04 2.41509994E+O1-2.69420567E+04 4
CBH18,n-octane X 4/85C 8.H 18. 0 O.G 200.000 6000.000 114.23092 1 TRC (4/85) tuvw-1490
2.21755407E+01 4.24428161E-O2-1.49161103E-05 2.40376673E-O9-1.44359037E-13 2
-3.61030944E+O4-B.BOB54457E+01 1.25244908E+OZ-l.01018365E-02 2.21991595E-04 3
-2.84882420E-07 1.12409624E-10-2.98433034E+O4-1.97108584E+01 3.77800000E+04 4
C9H19,n-nonyl X10/83C 9.H 19. 0 O.G 298.150 5000.000 127.24986 1 TRC (10/83) %uvw-1930
1.91952670E+01 5.54392490E-02-2.14368010E-05 3.T8851440E-09-2.BOO29870E-13 2
-1.43737110E+O4-8.60562950E+01 2.87584850E+00 7.57927890E-02 1.34624310E-05 3
-8.40883970E-08 2.86941720E-11-B.68345310E+03 2.42822320E+O1-4.45371290E+03 4
C10H8,naphthale L 8/93C 10.H 8. 0 O.G 200.000 6000.000 128.17382 1 Chen (1979)
1.86129899E+01 3.04494141E-02-1.11224799E-05 1.81615406E-09-1.09601224E-13 2
8.91552944E+O3-8.00230479E+O1-l.04919326E+00 4.62970611E-02 7.07592203E-05 3
-1.38408186E-07 6.20475748E-11 1.59848388E+04 3.02121571E+01 2.07130780E+04 4
C10H21,n-decyl X10/83C 10.H 21. 0. O.G 298.150 5000.000 141.27674 1 TRC (10/83) tuvw-1930
2.13221280E+01 6.15735240E-O2-2.38494830E-05 4.22091160E-O9-2.78893070E-13 2
-1.79678090E+O4-7.56437890E+01 3.08970070E+00 8.41179490E-02 1.59018380E-05 3
-7.23879340E-08 3.22669250E-11-1.16149410E+04 2.52811840E+O1-6.94456890E+03 4
C12H9,o-bipheny L12/84C 12.H 9. 0. O.G 200.000 8000.000 153.20346 1 Burca% (1985)
2.25693421E+01 3.45619386E-O2-1.27020788E-05 2.08111827E-O-l.25849480E-13 2
4.05905091E+O4-9.57792390E+01 4.07649156E-01 5.42797841E-02 7.12514701E-05 3
-1.44404490E-07 6.48500575E-11 4.85349837E+04 2.81982515E+01 2.65893350E+04 4
0-C12D9 L12/84C 12.D 9. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 182.25892 1 Burcat (1985)
3.01231990E+01 2.83282550E-O2-1.03885400E-05 1.55933380E-O9-9.65271160E-14 2
3.32077890E+O4-1.35191307E+O2-7.32993960E-01 8.98368950E-O2-1.37312750E-05 3
-5.94270200E-08 3.37024300E-11 4.29430940E+04 3.00419580E+01 4.64884100E+04 4
C12H10,biphenyl L12/84C 12.H 10. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 154.21140 1 Burca% (1985)
2.28964892E+01 3.68452570E-O2-1.35016270E-05 2.20802808E-O9-1.33358223E-13 2
1.07394499E+O4-1.00510148E+02 1.94568186E-01 5.35264368E-02 8.54996701E-05 3
-1.83903608E-07 7.29977217E-11 1.90020431E+04 2.72151271E+01 2.87835110E+04 4
C12D10 L12/84C 12.D 10. 0. O.G 300.000 6000.000 164.27302 1 Burcat (1985)
3.09050600E+01 3.03499880E-02-1.10950480E-O5 1.77558100E-09-1.03323270E-13 2
2.88344530E+03-1.42438937E+02-1.57934860E+00 9.50595740E-O2-1.45320710E-05 3
-6.26455970E-08 3.55300790E-11 1.31374220E+04 3.15299410E+01 1.66475020E+04 4
Jet-A(9) L 6/88C 12 H 23. 0. O.G 273.150 5000.000 167.31462 1 Gracia-Salcedo (1988)
2.48802010E+01 7.82500480E-O2-3.15509730E-05 5.78789000E-O9-3.98279680E-13 2
-4.31106840E+04-9.36552550E+01 2.08692170E+00 1.33149650E-O1-8.11574520E-05 3
2.94092860E-08-6.S1952130E-12-3.59128140E+04 2.73552890E+01-3.00344960E+04 4
Ca L 3/93CA I 0. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 40.07800 1 Chase (1985)
1.92707623E+00 1.34909167E-03-1.07515862E-06 3.25467865E-10-2.64671538E-14 2 Sugar (1979)
2.08196210E+04 7.42878398E+00 2,50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2.06389279E+04 4.38454833E+00 2.13843029E+04 4
Ca+ J 9/83CA I E -1. 0. O.G 298.150 6000.000 40.07745 1 Chase (1985)
2.64221438E+00-1.60517359E-04-2.70843966E-08 5.13522496E-11-5.96487048E-15 2
9.22596379E+04 4.25372623E+00 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 9.23242106E+04 6.07767498E+00 9.30696856E+04 4
CaBr J12/74CA i BR 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 119.98200 1 Chase (1985)
4.32173630E+00 4.09036740E-O4-2.45415310E-07 6.90268740E-11-5.36841960E-15 2
-7.24627320E+03 5.67668069E+00 3.85118770E+00 3.02714810E-03-5.50978070E-06 3
4.67645710E-O9-1.49599600E-12-7.18372390E+03 7.77803289E+00-5.94108833E+03 4
CaBr2 J 6/74CA 1BR 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 199.88600 1 Chase (1985)
7.41516390E+00 9.65490130E-O5-4.24638160E-08 8.22868650E-12-5.86170570E-16 2
-4.85368240E+O4-4.48080162E+00 6.60571570E+00 3.60588920E-03-5.83146500E-06 3
4.26348010E-09-1.16672780E-12-4.83829630E+O4-6.31052281E-O1-4.62968444E+04 4
CaCL J 6/70CA 1CL 1. 0. 0.0 300.000 5000.000 75.53070 1 Chase (1985)
4.30671160E+00 4.00849630E-04-2.33136610E-07 6.39217970E-11-4.86623830E-15 2
-1.38926560E+04 4.37337421E+00 3.67305150E+00 3.31441640E-O3-S.16824350E-06 3
3.71112670E-O9-9.96870310E-13-1.37841440E+04 7.33679641E+00-1.26805061E+04 4
CaCL2 J 6/70CA 1CL 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 110.98340 1 Chase (1985)
7.36500140E+00 1.53271080E-04-6.72752850E-08 1.30141310E-11-9.25679680E-16 2
-5.89547310E+04-7.18852086E+00 6.16133630E+00 5.30604290E-03-B.46494630E-06 3
6.11288970E-O9-1.65223620E-12-5.87229350E+O4-1.44829735E+O0-5.67135827E+04 4
CaF J12/68CA 1.F 1. 0. O.Q 300.000 6000.000 59.07640 1 Chase (1986)
4.19886210E+00 4.92440930E-04-2.61021230E-07 6.47916350E-11-4.73039510E-15 2
-3.40211290E+04 3.46314749E+00 3.05089900E+00 5.15494390E-03-7.35082960E-06 3
4.78764580E-09-1.15231550E-12-3.37923450E+04 8.98800879E+00-3.27096252E+04 4
CaF2 J12/68CA 1.F 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 78.07481 1 Chase (1985)
6.65434310E+00 3.90526920E-O4-1.70810700E-07 3.29528400E-11-2.33877410E-15 2
-9.64452790E+04-S.31072110E+00 4.23081520E+00 1.02558050E-02-1.64443450E-O6 3
1.05467910E-OS-2.68439160E-12-9.59552610E+04 6.36780660E+00-9.43548797E+04 4
CaI J 6/74CA 1.I 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 166.98247 1 Chase (1985)
4.31984710E+00 4.34666910E-O4-2.74419200E-07 8.00804410E-11-6.54516080E-15 2
-1.90648040E+03 6.71480235E+00 4.02391010E+00 2.26599780E-03-4.09398330E-06 3
3.48400510E-OB-l.l1629960E-12-1.87705110E+03 7.99031065E+00-6.06862329E+02 4
CaI2 J 6/74CA 1.I 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 293.88694 1 Chase (1986)
7.42386650E+00 8.85553580E-OS-3.98468930E-08 7.89183570E-12-5.73526580E-16 2
-3.32877520E+O4-2.97844542E+00 6.56417270E+00 4.26846500E-O3-7.92475830E-06 3
6.72056000E-OB-2.14854610E-12-3.31382820E+04 1.02209228E+O0-3.10492020E+04 4
CaO J12/74CA 1.0 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 56.07740 1 Chase (1985)
9.17458650E+OO-1.06432340E-02 7.69689680E-O6-1.90704430E-09 1.55092310E-13 2
2.32480410E+O3-2.44276825E+01 2.67186020E+00 6.43240280E-O3-9.57270300E-06 3
6.76204240E-O9-1.81730490E-12 4.27345310E+03 9.65422679E+00 5.28389925E+03 4
CaOH J12/75CA 1.0 1.H 1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 57.08534 1 Chase (1985)
5.27547590E+00 1.80256200E-O3-6.84356480E-07 1.30601960E-10-B.91315800E-15 2
-2.49846810E+O4-2.31108541E+00 2.10048520E+00 1.86951590E-O2-3.35066440E-06 3
2.80256380E-OB-8.79926890E-12-2.45309150E+04 1.20387635E+O1-2.33185135E+04 4
CaOH+ J12/75CA 1.0 1.H 1.E -1.G 300.000 5000.000 57.08479 1 Chase (1985)
5.40510870E+00 1.52450030E-03-4.78308080E-07 7.13472160E-11-4.12983490E-15 2
4.26859330E+04-3.66981133E+00 2.16664600E+00 1.86186760E-O2-3.32682220E-05 3
2.78722200E-08-8.76080100E-12 4.31683950E+04 1.10927661E+01 4.43915181E+04 4
CaO2H2 J12/75CA 1.0 2.H 2. O.G 300.000 5000.000 74.09268 1 Chase (1985)
8.85820360E+00 2.99419090E-O3-9.32192990E-07 1.37883860E-10-7.91119850E-15 2
-7.62794960E+04-1.71393039E+01 2.32221660E+00 3,75156820E-02-6.79965130E-05 3
5.72902630E-08-1.80814750E-11-7.53228630E+04 1.24879611E+01-7.34591048E+04 4
CaS J 9/77CA 1.S 1. 0. O.G 298.150 5000.000 72.14400 1 Chase (1985)
5.35707752E+00-4.18392513E-03 4.68291375E-O6-1.40725075E-09 1.28892668E-13 2
1.34741825E+O4-1.43173210E+00 3.22586008E+00 5.30640418E-O3-8.76527639E-06 3
6.42601054E-09-1.61529035E-12 1.37334866E+04 8.34892050E+00 9.35841600E+03 4
Ca2 J 9/83CA 2. 0. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 80.15600 1 Chase (1985)
3.16700199E+OO-6.16814444E-04 2.03540960E-O7-2.77128180E-11 1.65003046E-15 2
4.04382380E+04 1.37113509E+01 4.94590110E+00 4.30621337E-O3-3.23384227E-05 3
4.51640811E-O8-1.93501071E-11 3.96175492E+04 2.54511315E+00 4.10779763E+04 4
HBO J12/78H 1.B 1.0 1 O.G 300.00g 50gO.g00 27 81834 1 Chase (1985)
3.74851810E+00 3.66108590E-03-1.46354090E-06 2.65199030E-10-1,7834275gE-14 2
-2.52257980E+04 1.74647757E+00 2.21431060E+00 9.37185130E-03-1.07110740E-05 3
7.67697740E-O9-2.35863710E-12-2.48492460E+04 9.37201677E+OO-2.38530740E+g4 4
HBO+ J12/75H 1.B 1.0 1E -1.G 300.00g 5000.g00 27 81779 1 Chase (1985)
3.94750800E+00 3.43154360E-03-1.27870840E-06 2.21806040E-10-1,47571920E-14 2
1.41359980E+05 1.99889589E+00 2.25442830E+00 8.03018720E-03-S.97490720E-06 3
2.42819500E-O9-4.30511240E-13 1.41850690E+06 1.08122075E+01 1.42831572E+05 4
HBO- J12/75H 1.B 1.0 1E 1.G 300.000 5000.000 27 81889 1 Chase (1985)
4.08692650E+00 2.97847860E-03-1,23871070E-06 2.46933350E-10-1.84580480E-14 2
-3.09300260E+04 2.78014255E+00 3.97079550E+OO-2.21001070E-03 1.45354130E-05 3
-1.56389250E-08 5.39789660E-12-3.05894990E+04 4.82496975E+00-2.94037719E+04 4
HB02 J12/64H 1.B 1.0 2 O.G 300.000 5000.000 43 81774 1 Chase (1985)
4.73895190E+00 4.77187710E-O3-1.80634940E-06 3.14928890E-1B-2.0738312BE-14 2
-6.92488380E+04 9.86391767E-03 2.87078660E+00 7.88626440E-O3-4.07368420E-07 3
-4.70590220E-09 2.35488930E-12-6.86241110E+04 1.01805186E+O1-6.74294533E+04 4
HBS J12/75H 1.B 1.S 1 O.G 300.009 5000.000 43 88494 1 Chase (1985)
4.44122650E+00 2 .99798250E-03-1.19382300E-06 2.11958320E-10-1.34660970E-14 2
4.44029750E+03-6 .46783174E-01 1.55959030E+00 1.39668380E-02-1.79885950E-06 3
1.23151419E-08-3 .40909570E-12 8.08909360E+03 1.35018986E+01 6.03866710E+03 4
HBS+ J12/75H 1.B 1.S 1E -1.G 300.00g 5000.000 43 88439 1 Chase (1985)
4.70975420E+00 2 .81870360E-O3-1.16330880E-06 2.17688390E-10-1.51086860E-14 2
1.34191390E+05-8 .37472195E-01 2.25115610E+00 1.20771680E-02-1.83221560E-05 3
1.04940900E-08-2 .93262920E-12 1.34754760E+05 1.12707699E+01 1.35846718E+05 4
HBr J 9/66H 1.BR 1. 0 g.G 300.000 5000.000 80 91194 1 Chase (1985)
2.79358040E+00 1 .56559250E-03-5.61710640E-07 9.578314205-11-6.18139900E-15 2
-5.23383840E+03 7 .65553403E+00 3.60566900E+00-5.95294310E-04 6.50295680E-07 3
9.37812190E-10-7 .11418529E-13-6.43894550E+03 3.49634113E+00-4.38311167E+03 4
HCN L 7/88H 1.C 1.N 1 O.G 200.000 6000.000 27.02568 1 Gurvich (1979)
3.80231733E+00 3 .14630009E-03-1.06315698E-06 1.66185395E-10-9.79891789E-15 2
1.49104829E+04 1 .57503584E+00 2.25901123E+00 1.00510591E-02-1.33514911E-05 3
1.00920882E-08-3 .00882048E-12 1.52168495E+04 8.91634590E+00 1.62366754E+04 4
HCO L12/89H 1.C 1.0 1 O.G 200.000 6000.000 29.01834 1 Jacox (1988)
3.64896209E+00 3 .08090819E-03-1.12429876E-06 1.86398085E-10-1.13951828E-14 2 Qurvich (1979)
3.71209048E+03 5 .06147406E+00 4.22118584E+00-3.24392532E-03 1.37799446E-05 3
-1.33144093E-08 4 ,33768865E-12 3.83956496E+03 3.39437243E+00 5.05141013E+03 4
HCO+ J12/70H 1.C 1.0 1E -1.G 300.000 5000.000 29.01779 1 Chase (1985)
3.74118800E+00 3 .3441517gE-03-1.23971210E-06 2.11893880E-lg-l.37041500E-14 2
9.88840780E+04 2 .07861350E+00 2.47397360E+00 8.67155900E-03-1.00316000E-05 3
6.71705270E-09-1 .78726740E-12 9.91466080E+04 8.17571180E+00 1.00193449E+06 4
HCCN TPIS91H 1.C 2.N 1 O.G 200.000 6000.000 39.03668 1 Gurvich (1991)
6.56314169E+00 3.48040967E-03-1.24603080E-06 2.00764486E-10-1.20044647E-14 2
7.11347086E+O4-9.86556141E+00 1.87184307E+00 2.60611314E-O2-4.62723965E-05 3
4.18609731E-O8-1.45352705E-11 7.20340360E+04 1.22173228E+01 7.34175107E+04 4
HCL J 9/64H 1.CL 1. 0 g G 300.000 5000.000 36 46064 1 Chase (1986)
2.76658840E+00 1.43818830E-O3-4.69930000E-07 7.34994080E-11-4.37311060E-15 2
-1.19174680E+04 6.47160629E+00 3.52481710E+00 2.99848620E-05-8.62218910E-07 3
2.09797210E-O9-9.86581910E-13-1.21505090E+04 2.40892359E+00-1.11021897E+04 4
HD J 6/77H 1.D 1. 0 0 G 300.000 5090.009 3 02204 1 Chase (1985)
2.84645440E+00 1.06319610E-03-2.44338050E-07 2 .90508340E-11-1.16215310E-16 2
-7.61824650E+02 9.80143004E-01 3.43254770E+00 6 .51070280E-04-1.93326660E-06 3
2.41017360E-09-8.67323970E-13-1.g0092720E+03-2 .38902346E+00 3.86979786E+01 4
HD+ J 9/77H 1.D 1.E -1 0 G 300.000 6090.000 3 02149 1 Chase (1985)
3.29097640E+00 1.15515290E-03-3.44494630E-07 7 .67226820E-11-8.B9481330E-15 2
1.78942790E+05-4,78608910E-01 3.88271360E+00-3 .07793810E-03 8.19144730E-06 3
-6.81194990E-09 1.98598980E-12 1.78945630E+05-2 .80336148E+OB 1.80026303E+05 4
HD- J 9/77H 1.D 1.E 1 0 G 300.000 5000.000 3 02259 1 Chase (1985)
3.49399490E+00 1.24486670E-03-4.72887140E-07 9 .10596370E-11-6.48629260E-15 2
2.71577340E+O4-2.23110490E+00 3.64288770E+00-2 .12912890E-03 8.92841230E-06 3
-9.34812040E-09 3.25649710E-12 2.72692710E+04-2 .25562690E+00 2.83227106E+04 4
HDO J 6/77H 1.D 1.0 1 0 G 300.000 5000.000 19 02144 1 Chase (1985)
2.66726880E+00 3.55752090E-03-1.20260030E-06 1 .96072090E-10-1.23526200E-14 2
-3.03728690E+04 7.98359910E+00 4.07844220E+00-1 .38202850E-03 8,70255340E-06 3
-4.41636460E-09 1.22630620E-12-3.07076080E+04 9 .71067969E-01-2.95117089E+04 4
HF J 6/77H 1.F 1. 0 0 G 300.000 5000.000 20 00634 1 Chase (1985)
2.99191100E+00 7.14894750E-O4-6.86309730E-08-1 .16171300E-11 1.94123750E-15 2
-3.36213640E+04 3.82549503E+00 3.43799860E+00 5.35715980E-04-1.52296550E-06 3
1.75644910E-Og-5.78699400E-13-3.38189720E+04 1.20618153E+O0-3.27803794E+04 4
Kr+ L10/92KR 1.E -1. 0. 0 G 298.150 6000.000 83 79945 1 Moore, C.E. (1971)
2.18968725E+00 4.63775689E-O4-1.29507482E-07 1.31158688E-11-3.84977987E-16 2
1.62583110E+05 8.62427685E+00 2.48153546E+00 1.49864676E-O4-4.15576590E-07 3
4.40237547E-10-l.19374746E-13 1.62460592E+05 6.95257995E+00 1.63204264E+05 4
Li J12/B3LI 1. 0. 0. 0 G 200.000 6000.000 6 94100 1 Chase (1985)
2.50413107E+00 3.45604704E-05-6.44790018E-08 2.75752966E-11-1.78783935E-15 2
1.84074474E+04 2.40802074E+00 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
O,O0000000E+O00.O0000000E+O0 1.84139020E+04 2.44762297E+00 1.91592770E+04 4
Li+ J12/B3LI 1.E -1. 0. 0 G 298.150 6000.000 6 94045 1 Chase (1985)
2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
8.17271940E+04 1.75435723E+00 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 O.O0000000E+O0 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 8.17271940E+04 1.75435723E+00 8.24725690E+04 4
LIALF4 J12/79LI I.AL I.F 4. 0 G 300 000 5000.000 109 91615 1 Chase (1985)
1.40377420E+01 2.24826420E-O3-1.00100020E-06 1.96702490E-10-l.42088860E-14 2
-2.27627570E+O5-4.23601480E+01 2.54034210E+00 5.19858810E-O2-8.61880310E-05 3
6.74968160E-O8-2.03675090E-11-2.25357670E+05 1.25719320E+O1-2.22927352E+05 4
LIB02 J 6/71LI 1B 1.0 2. 0 G 300 000 5000.000 49 75080 1 Chase (1985)
7.42660960E+00 2.70437570E-O3-1.12847410E-06 2.10623980E-10-1.45849090E-14 2
-8.03702850E+O4-1.06007918E+01 3.74354740E+00 1.44752570E-O2-1.52096880E-05 3
7.41365410E-09-1.22421910E-12-7.94377560E+04 8.01202564E+O0-7.77985412E+04 4
LiCL J 6/62LI 1CL 1. 0. 0 G 300 000 5000.000 42 39370 1 Chase (1985)
4.27121430E+00 3.14002910E-O4-1.01231300E-07 1.84518530E-11-1.23987310E-15 2
-2.48844420E+04 1.04172158E+00 2.99069060E+00 S.03386420E-O3-6.56719790E-06 3
3,80501600E-O9-7.61174550E-13-2,46031820E+04 7.32818448E+O0-2.35386288E+04 4
LIF J12/68LI 1F 1. O. 0 G 300 000 5000.000 25 93940 1 Chase (1985)
4.04302480E+00 5.70410540E-O4-2.14541440E-07 4.06090130E-11-2.83579200E-15 2
-4.22993180E+04 6.97695282E-01 2.85288690E+00 3.95327810E-O3-3.17249850E-06 3
4.32443970E-10 3.70556670E-13-4.19872650E+04 6.79102868E+O0-4.09879652E+04 4
LiFO J 9/65LI 1F 1.0 1. 0 G 300 000 5000.000 41 93880 1 Chase (1985)
5.99261090E+00 1.11392000E-03-4.78884930E-07 9.10683320E-11-5.38491230E-15 2
-1.31009890E+O4-B.33660340E+O0 2.50017900E+00 1.26617170E-O2-1.41575890E-05 3
6.45063740E-O9-7.42614310E-13-1.22655340E+04 1.21440181E+Ol-l.10700161E+04 4
LiF2- J12/68LI 1F 2.E 1. O.G 300 000 5000.000 44 93835 i Chase (1985)
6.34485900E+00 1.25712720E-03-5.35228300E-07 1.01130250E-10-7.05817440E-15 2
-8.76678900E+O4-9.29840302E+00 3.47181360E+00 1.06367130E-O2-1.17776460E-05 3
5.67654870E-O9-8.46598400E-13-8.69631110E+04 5.14092778E+OO-8.55484576E+04 4
LIH J 9/67LI 1H 1. 0. O.G 300 000 5000.000 7 94894 1 Chase (1985)
3.58842970E+00 1.07276910E-03-4.01945880E-07 7.38285570E-11-4.92696440E-15 2
1.57176250E+O4-3.75038965E-01 3.42094860E+OO-6.80673660E-04 5.65273810E-06 3
-6.21803480E-09 2.15317550E-12 1.58849450E+04 1.06574194E+00 1.69133172E+04 4
LiN J12/66LI 1.N 1. 0. O.G 300 000 5000.000 20 94774 I Chase (1985)
4.22580770E+00 3.96671870E-O4-1.24939930E-07 2.31747590E-11-1.58519170E-15 2
3.89169520E+04 7.00851481E-01 2.88943000E+00 5.22125340E-03-6.59690210E-06 3
3.72889970E-Og-7.23551430E-13 3.92163230E+04 7.28887145E+00 4.02586191E+04 4
LiO J 3/64LI 1 0 1. 0. O.G 300 000 5000.000 22 94040 1 Chase (1985)
4.18762050E+00 4.11865740E-04-1.45202960E-07 2.72530700E-11-1.88647750E-15 2
8.77952590E+03 1.23142599E+00 2.83890070E+00 5.15386260E-03-6.30823820E-06 3
3.41143850E-09-6.16313430E-13 9.08843140E+03 7.91311789E+00 1.01146406E+04 4
LiO- J12/67LI I 0 1.E 1. O.G 300 000 6000.000 22 94095 1 Chase (1985)
4.18102170E+00 4.17850000E-O4-1.50248450E-07 2.83977320E-11-1.97891810E-15 2
-9.38497020E+O3-1.42392244E-01 2.85158660E+00 5.01698800E-03-5.95474750E-06 3
3.03994510E-Og-4.78729690E-13-9.07780760E+03 6.45947076E+00-8.05144594E+03 4
LIOH J 6/71LI 1 0 1.H 1. O.O 300 000 5000.000 23 94834 1 Chase (1985)
5.50969570E+00 1.36854640E-03-3.94414690E-07 5.23321950E-11-2.59586760E-15 2
-2.98992310E+O4-6.50701600E+00 3.34623000E+00 1.17872530E-02-1.82526570E-05 3
1.30856140E-O8-3.43287420E-12-2.95646360E+04 3.46123330E+00-2.81800732E+04 4
LIOH+ J12/71LI 1 0 1.H 1.E -1.G 300.000 5000.000 23 94779 1 Chase (1985)
5.53292690E+00 1.37779310E-03-4.06593090E-07 5.55909100E-11-2.86046240E-15 2
9.18885790E+O4-4.99359277E+00 3.63797390E+00 1.08971540E-02-1.72296700E-05 3
1.26679270E-08-3.41652590E-12 9.21611930E+04 3.63776083E+00 9.36013974E+04 4
2.03133590E-08-5.34332470E-12-7.41600030E+04 .79279422E-O1-7.19851709E+04 4
MgF2+ J12/75MG 1.F 2.E -1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 62.30126 1 Chase (1985)
6.89106730E+00 7.17812830E-04-3.29411720E-07 6.58811280E-11-4.58732280E-lS 2
6.89931450E+O4-8.71301390E+00 3.52128840E+00 1.52695560E-02-2.S1800890E-O5 3
1.96354990E-O8-5.90549190E-12 6.96583880E+04 7.39020950E+00 7.12004950E+04 4
MgH J12/66MG 1.H 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 25.31294 1 Chase (1985)
3.46385910E+00 1.24040550E-03-5.02782100E-07 9.81188340E-11-6.61830680E-15 2
1.91763100E+04 2.99775186E+00 3.51023970E+O0-1.23683520E-03 6.42469980E-06 3
-6.60548460E-09 2.20036250E-12 1.92938930E+04 3.37365416E+00 2.03302445E+04 4
MgI J12/74MG 1.I 1. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 151.20947 1 Chase (1985)
4.41245599E+00 1.78910914E-O4-B.22986679E-08 9.68713486E-12-4.67113786E-16 2
1.62581907E+03 5.16451018E+00 3.39596606E+00 6.11494866E-O3-1.31544146E-05 3
1.27259311E-O8-4.53414297E-12 1.76933628E+03 9.69586508E+00 2.96042364E+03 4
M912 J12/74MG 1.I 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 278.11394 1 Chase (1985)
7.37111620E+00 1.49419540E-04-6.70677380E-08 1.32575590E-11-9.62005020E-16 2
-2.15119230E+O4-3.93845663E+00 6.10814260E+00 6.14621180E-O3-1.11665270E-OB 3
9.32665250E-09-2.94871660E-12-2.12863230E+04 1.97126687E+00-1.92736169E+04 4
MgN J 3/64MG 1.N 1. 0. O.G 300.000 8000.000 38.31174 1 Chase (1985)
4.22144170E+00 3.64892400E-O4-1.29957300E-07 2.44189400E-11-1.69177590E-15 2
3.33829310E+04 2.73205196E+00 2.88945490E+00 5.17571750E-03-6.58490160E-06 3
MgO J12/74MG 1.0 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 40.30440 1 Chase (1985)
7.94944280E+00-1.26407550E-O3-2.40097300E-07 1.62732770E-10-1.76119090E-14 2
3.49443840E+03-2.18011730E+01 5.33534970E+OO-1.33391340E-02 3.5667S260E-05 3
-2.60574710E-08 4.98411960E-12 5.73155730E+O3-2.13277681E+00 6.99638853E+03 4
MgOH J12/75MG 1.0 1.H 1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 41.31234 1 Chase (1985)
5.26714240E+00 1.67827200E-03-5.43091730E-07 8.25633490E-11-4.71335130E-15 2
-2.15093360E+O4-3.39516556E+00 1.76243570E+00 1.91670050E-O2-3.32193180E-05 3
2.71589780E-08-8.38892750E-12-2.0549i820E+04 1.27344525E+01-l.98155784E+04 4
M9OH+ J12/75MG 1.0 1.H 1.E -1.G 300.000 5000.000 41.31179 1 Chase (1985)
5.28244790E+00 1.66404370E-O3-5.40166510E-07 8.34678240E-11-5.00361680E-15 2
6.85958160E+O4-4.15038868E+00 1.78314210E+00 1.92285270E-02-3.35031430E-05 3
2.74913640E-OS-8.51510070E-12 6.91505840E+04 1.19305235E+01 7.02911854E+04 4
MgO2H2 J12/75MG 1.0 2.H 2. O.G 300.000 5000.000 58.31968 1 Chase (1986)
8.51783840E+00 3.37913800E-03-1.10220330E-06 1.71111790E-10-1.03022860E-14 2
-7.16267310E+O4-1.76294649E+01 1.54947500E+00 3.82704800E-O2-6.65093280E-05 3
5.45362940E-OS-1.68913380E-11-7.05167540E+04 1.44170361E+O1-6.88415815E+04 4
MgS J 9/77MG 1.S 1. 0. O.G 300.000 6000.000 66.37100 1 Chase (1985)
1.03585650E+01-5.53070850E-03 2.09511990E-06-3.52248380E-10 2.22827360E-14 2
1.33293460E+O4-3.31905223E+01 7.80892150E+O0-3.24935950E-02 9.25172570E-05 3
-9.09652030E-08 2.97256310E-11 1.69322900E+O4-1.10479063E+01 1.74679366E+04 4
M92 J 9/83MG 2. 0. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 48.61000 1 Chase (1985)
1.56499308E+00 3.13771932E-O3-3.15497401E-06 1.11815199E-09-1.08539001E-13 2
3.41094885E+04 1.94547704E+01 5.66648917E+O0-1.81207983E-02 4.06706233E-05 3
-4.00720091E-08 1.45040463E-11 3.34280753E+04 5.33095711E-01 3.45979248E+04 4
Mg2F4 J12/75MG 2.F 4. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 124.60361 1 Chase (1985)
1.46720160E+01 1.52993180E-03-6.83471170E-07 1.34604690E-10-9.73833980E-15 2
-2.11437660E+OB-4.42782440E+01 4.22990530E+00 4.92908490E-O2-8.64496720E-05 3
7.04593710E-O8-2.18871100E-11-2.09492990E+05 5.00323612E+00-2.06675889E+05 4
MoO3 TPIS82MO 1.0 3. 0. 0.0 298.160 5000.000 143.93820 1 Gurvich (1982)
8.55990790E+00 1.51369070E-03-6.13732600E-07 1.07588900E-10-6.22775550E-15 2
-4.67662700E+O4-1.67028250E+01 3.65431210E+00 1.44909920E-O2-7.66813900E-06 3
-6.09846400E-09 5.18258090E-12-4.B4830940E+04 8.50521889E+00-4.38287210E+04 4
Mo206 TPIS82MO 2.0 6. 0. O.G 298.150 5000.000 287.87640 1 Gurvich (1982)
1.39233320E+01 1.29087490E-O2-7.39293860E-06 1.74541090E-09-l.44106680E-13 2
-1.42928310E+OB-3.64486140E+01 7.75467210E+00 3.26250640E-O2-1.66699060E-06 3
-1.50396000E-08 1.23603580E-11-1.41833380E+OB-6.45092731E+O0-1.38247070E+06 4
Mo309 TPISB2MO 3.0 9. 0. O.G 298.150 5000.000 431.81460 1 Gurvich (1982)
2.22622990E+01 1.85849670E-O2-1.05893570E-05 2.49267520E-09-2.05426360E-13 2
-2.36200380E+OB-7.10881860E+01 1.35774240E+01 4.53893100E-02-2.13059540E-05 3
-2.28677660E-08 1.77523270E-11-2.34596880E+OB-2.BB771390E+O1-2.28762670E+06 4
Mo4012 TPIS82MO 4.0 12. 0. O.G 298.150 6000.000 575.75280 1 Gurvich (1982)
3.04317470E+01 2.47326460E-O2-1.41185490E-05 3.32712920E-O9-2.74390160E-13 2
-3.25903630E+OB-1.07280337E+02 1.87274780E+01 6.11594990E-O2-2.91419130E-05 3
-3.06580500E-08 2.40118200E-11-3.23765940E+05-5.00883840E+01-3.15779310E+05 4
Mo5015 TPIS82MO 5.0 15. 0. O.G 298.150 5000.000 719.69100 1 Ourvich (1982)
3.86225430E+01 3.07427420E-O2-1.75360470E-05 4.13062300E-O9-3.40557710E-13 2
-4.13241560E+OB-1.43736757E+02 2.38870540E+01 7.61410000E-02-3.B1747290E-05 3
-3.98648650E-08 3.06311230E-11-4.10521060E+05-7.16041770E+O1-4.00401060E+05 4
N L 6/88N 1. 0. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 14.00674 1 Moore, C.E. (1975)
2.41594293E+00 1.74890600E-O4-1.19023667E-07 3.02262387E-11-2.03609790E-15 2 Cox (1989)
5.61337748E+04 4.64960986E+00 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 5.61046378E+04 4.19390932E+00 5.68500128E+04 4
N+ L 7/88N 1.E -1. 0. O.G 298.150 6000.000 14.00619 1 Moore, C.E. (1976)
2.51112967E+00 3.46441751E-O6-1.B9426938E-08 7.24865663E-12-6.44501426E-16 2
2.25624340E+06 4.92767646E+00 2.80269446E+00-1.44768911E-03 2.77118380E-06 3
-2.40187362E-09 7.80839931E-13 2.26676244E+06 3.57877820E+00 2.26366632E+06 4
N- L 7/88N 1.E 1. 0. O.G 298.150 6000.000 14.00729 1 Chase (1986)
2.50897099E+00-9.68412761E-06 3.8S210062E-09-6.68936998E-13 4.20991172E-17 2
6.62083017E+04 4.94963217E+00 2.62723403E+00-5.93445018E-04 1.12028916E-06 3
-9.62585603E-10 3.11119567E-13 6.61880871E+04 4.40111191E+00 5.69631625E+04 4
NCO L12/89N 1.C 1.0 1. O.G 200.000 6000.000 42.01714 1 Jacox (1988)
5.16266717E+00 2.30946694E-O3-8.83699619E-07 1.48625346E-10-9.08867905E-16 2 Gurvlch (1979)
1.94963760E+04-2.66406360E+00 2.76462392E+00 9.23008037E-03-9.28006629E-06 3
5.62621381E-09-1.61200144E-12 2.01842954E+04 9.86368773E+00 2.13441716E+04 4
ND J 6/77N 1.D 1. 0. O.G 298.150 5000.000 16.02084 1 Chase (1986)
2.82970340E+00 1.66841750E-03-6.32873330E-07 1.14776860E-10-7.83186840E-16 2
4.42659610E+04 6.00662489E+00 3.72064880E+OO-l.63418480E-03 3.18774260E-06 3
-1.60914010E-09 9.71261140E-14 4.40727560E+04 1.64956279E+00 4.51390710E+04 4
ND2 J 6/77N 1.D 2. 0. O.G 298.150 6000.000 18.03494 1 Chase (1986)
3.35153910E+00 3.37631620E-O3-1.32134570E-06 2.68006790E-10-2.0elO1740E-14 2
2.10777490E+04 4.37387609E+00 4.02697800E+00-1.40861280E-03 7.77658160E-06 3
-6.49676760E-09 1.75641700E-12 2.10980280E+04 1.76483929E+00 2.22927630E+04 4
ND3 J 6/77N 1.D 3. 0. O.G 298.150 6000.000 20.04905 1 Chase (1986)
3.19616660E+00 6.73117680E-O3-2.64234000E-06 4.76308680E-10-3.28048280E-14 2
-8.39666270E+03 4.16290449E+00 2.94278390E+00 5.10352910E-03 2.73928210E-06 3
-4.68476620E-09 1.62766740E-12-8.16515630E+03 6.15621769E+O0-7.04511980E+03 4
NF TPIS89N 1.F 1. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 33.00514 1 Gurvlch (1989)
4.06042292E+00 3.60664860E-04-6.96721816E-08 1.46926454E-11-1.66372401E-15 2
2.66711982E+04 2.08774790E+00 3.59927999E+O0-2.18190788E-03 1.14106863E-05 3
-1.40068494E-08 5.63332638E-12 2.69702626E+04 5.36573588E+00 2.80221438E+04 4
NF2 TPIS78N 1.F 2. 0. O.G 298 150 5000.000 62.00355 1 Ourvich (1978)
6.67109980E+00 1.62490640E-03-6.64320600E-07 1.29882090E-10-9.34891620E-15 2
2.17289180E+O3-3.21733831E+00 2.18233810E+00 1.30700080E-O2-1.51478870E-05 3
8.23364600E-Og-l.68688640E-12 3.02632470E+03 1.42967350E+01 4.13964480E+03 4
NF3 L12/86N 1.F 3. 0. 0 G 298 150 5000.000 71.00195 1 Gurvich (1978)
7.84199640E+00 2.69275920E-03-1.08013060E-06 2.12212560E-10-l.62881240E-14 2
-1.86684320E+04-1.49708930E+01 3.47412870E-01 3.07604790E-02-4.26860860E-06 3
2.88432090E-OS-7.70346560E-12-1.69875040E+04 2.18734930E+Ol-1.68399670E+04 4
NH Lll/89N 1.H 1. 0. • G 200 000 6000.000 16.01468 1 Anderson (1989)
2.78372645E+00 1.32985886E-03-4.24785565E-07 7.83494425E-11-B.60461298E-16 2 Gurvich (1978)
4.21345163E+04 5.74084867E+00 3.49295037E+00 3.11795722E-O4-1.48906628E-06 3
2.48167403E-O9-1.O3570916E-12 4.18942940E+04 1.84834974E+00 4.29408348E+04 4
NH+ L 2/89N 1.H 1.E -1. 0 G 298 160 6000.000 15.01413 1 Anderson (1989)
2.95918980E+00 1.34991719E-03-4.61487782E-07 8.26977666E-11-5.55758913E-15 2 Gurvich (1989)
1.99524505E+06 6.59978007E+00 4.61611136E+OO-3.13435677E-03 2.91705130E-06 3 Gibson (1985)
2.57384848E-10-7.31431347E-13 1.99085043E+06-2.92768474E+00 2.00347960E+06 4
NHF TPIS78N 1.H 1.F 1. 0 G 298 150 5000.000 34.01308 1 Gurvich (1978)
3.70661660E+00 3.05928380E-O3-1.19481890E-06 2o16320410E-10-1.44712850E-14 2
1.21713170E+04 6.63012479E+00 3.60790490E+00 1.46885700E-03 6.13893190E-06 3
-7.07642930E-09 2.73156620E-12 1.23266210E+04 7.16279689E+00 1.34706930E+04 4
NHF2 TPIS7BN 1.H 1.F 2. 0 G 298 150 6000.000 53.01149 1 Gurvich (1978)
5.28766160E+00 4.63323300E-O3-1.87737490E-06 3.46993030E-10-2.40367500E-14 2
-1.44236330E+04-1.64463031E+00 2.20674810E+00 1.18774010E-O2-B.SO126930E-06 3
-2.19112190E-09 1.97461810E-12-1.35221410E+04 1.45610290E+Ol-l.23881340E+04 4
NH2 L12/89N 1.H 2. 0. 0 G 200.000 6000.000 16.02262 1 Gurvich (1978)
2.84768992E+00 3.14280036E-03-8.98641458E-07 1.30318284E-10-7.48812926E-16 2 Jacox (1988)
2.18239049E+04 6.47165433E+00 4.20656857E+OO-2.13661363E-03 7.26861301E-06 3
-6.93069876E-09 1.80690978E-12 2.15352231E+O4-1.46662770E-01 2.27476416E+04 4
NH2F TPIS78N 1.H 2.F 1. O.G 298.160 5000.000 35.02102 1 Gurvich (1978)
3.03168860E+00 6.42239370E-03-2.48327640E-06 4.43703310E-10-2.99811000E-14 2
-1.03021670E+04 8.27719469E+00 3.64634270E+00-1.12299140E-03 1.71560860E-06 3
-1.90333680E-08 6.73846960E-12-1.01760020E+04 6.56726679E+O0-9.02048620E+03 4
NH3 TPIS89N 1.H 3. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 17.03056 1 Gurvich (1989)
2.71709692E+00 6.66866338E-03-1.76886396E-06 2.67417260E-10-l.52731419E-14 2 Haar (1968)
-6.68451989E+03 6.09289837E+00 4.30177808E+00-4.77127330E-03 2.19341619E-05 3
-2.29866489E-08 8.28992268E-12-6.74806394E+03-6.90644393E-01-5.B2628060E+03 4
NH20H TPIS89N 1.H 3.0 1. O.G 200.000 6000.000 33.02996 1 Gurvich (1989)
3.88112362E+00 8.16708719E-03-2.82615742E-06 4.37931330E-10-2.B2724921E-14 2
-7.58782727E+03 3.79166901E+00 3.21016076E+00 6.19671780E-03 1.10594913E-06 3
-1.96668207E-08 8.82516311E-12-7.30912839E+03 7.93293640E+00-6o01358348E+03 4
NH4+ TPIS89N 1.H 4.E -1. O.G 298.160 6000.000 18.03795 1 Gurvich (1989)
1.31670311E+00 9.64926663E-O3-3.2904959BE-06 5.12045396E-10-2.98499060E-14 2
7.67277044E+04 1.20930980E+01 5.02209278E+00-l.17098960E-02 3.97600112E-05 3
-3.69419871E-08 1.20264483E-11 7.63029764E+O4-4.20622298E+00 7.75637944E+04 4
BeAL204(s) J12/79BE 1.AL 2.0 4. 0.C 300.000 2146.000 126.97286 1 Chase (1985)
2.02655590E+01-1 .04666490E-02 2.30439540E-OB-1,B4936830E-08 3.60249400E-12 2
-2.83363010E+05-1 ,07472220E+02-B.05473800E+00 1.13572400E-O1-l.87827280E-04 3
1.48068570E-07-4 .48072780E-11-2.77980440E+OB 2.71357190E+O1-2.76722007E+05 4
BeAL204(L) J12/79BE 1.AL 2.0 4. 0.C 2146.000 5000.000 126.97286 1 Chase (1985)
2.96362910E+01 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-2.80569820E+05-1 .71169540E+02 2.96362910E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00-2.80569820E+05-1.71169540E+02 0.00000000E+00 4
BeBr2 (s) J 6/75BE 1.BR 2. 0. 0.C 300.000 1600.000 168.82018 1 Chase (1985)
-2.27183290E+00 3 .71850840E-02-4.33216390E-05 2 .30580060E-08-4.B7496410E-12 2
-4.29712510E+04 1 .67088690E+01 5.85510580E+00 7 .29917640E-03 1.26780450E-06 3
-9.17810970E-09 4 .83067700E-12-4.48404830E+04-2 .34448860E+01-4.27750136E+04 4
BeCL2(s) J 6/65BE 1.CL 2. 0. 0 C 300.000 688.000 79.91758 1 Chase (1985)
3.00657450E+00 1 .95395590E-O2-4.89136050E-06-2 .96041580E-08 2.35348610E-11 2
-6.07221000E+04-1 .25797720E+01 3.00657450E+00 1 .95395590E-02-4.89136050E-06 3
-2.96041580E-08 2 .35348610E-11-6.07221000E+04-1 .25797720E+01-5.90478272E+04 4
BeCL2 (L) J 6/65BE 1.CL 2. 0. 0 C 688.000 5000.000 79.91758 1 Chase (1985)
1.46037190E+01 • .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-6,44984170E+04-7 .64487840E+01 1.46037190E+01 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 • .00000000E+O0-6.44984170E+04-7 .64487840E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
BeF2(Lqz) J 6/70BE 1.F 2. 0. • C 300 000 500.000 47.00899 1 Chase (1985)
2.05937700E+O1-6.63969300E-O2-1.20323980E-04 8.98005550E-07-9.66692640E-10 2
-1.26937080E+OB-9.17851130E+01 2.05937700E+01-6.63969300E-02-1.20323980E-04 3
8.98006550E-O7-9.66692640E-10-1.26937080E+OB-9.17851130E+Ol-l.23492663E+05 4
BeF2 (hqz) J 6/70BE 1.F 2. 0. 0 C 500 000 825.000 47.00899 1 Chase (1985)
5,69655760E+00 4 .02583580E-03 0,00000000E+00 • .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.25288840E+05-2 .70913890E+01 5.69656760E+00 4 .02583580E-03 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00-1.25288840E+O5-2 .70913890E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
BeF2 (L) J 6/70BE 1.F 2. 0. • C 825 000 2000.000 47.00899 1 Chase (1985)
6.04896390E+00 4 .33284980E-03 1.87544030E-07-3 .60194820E-10 9.13388220E-14 2
-1.25113610E+05-2 .90262480E+01 7.74233610E+00-6 .96800650E-04 2.67434060E-06 3
3.12625420E-09-2 .54562790E-12-1.25465300E+05-3 .74403040E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
BeI2 (s) J12/75BE 1.I 2. 0. 0 C 300 000 753.000 262.82112 1 Chase (1985)
2.67722950E+00 2 .69230920E-02-2.88952040E-O5 4 .00766040E-09 6.40517020E-12 2
-2.44469680E+04-7 .55309190E+00 2.67722960E+00 2.69230920E-O2-2.88952040E-05 3
4.00766040E-09 6 .40517020E-12-2.44469680E+O4-7.55309190E+OO-2.26964492E+04 4
BeI2(L) J12/75BE 1.I 2. 0. 0 C 753 000 5000.000 262.82112 1 Chase (1985)
1.36871960E+01 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-2.69933120E+04-6.33135730E+01 1.35871960E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-2.59933120E+O4-6.33135730E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
BeO(a) J12/74BE 1.0 1. 0. 0 C 200 000 2373.001 25.01158 1 Chase (1985)
3.22375488E+00 4.89276244E-03-3.05832591E-06 9.91401433E-10-1.23442671E-13 2
-7.45140761E+04-1.85239582E+01-3.06995225E+00 3.22099414E-O2-4.85141436E-05 3
3.51263133E-08-9.B260085BE-12-7.33202340E+04 1.14094979E+01 2.83603400E+03 4
BeO(b) J12/74BE 1.0 1. 0. 0 C 2373 001 2821.220 25.01158 1 Chase (1985)
1.23933471E+Ol-1.03223075E-02 6.52733591E-O6-1.73093889E-09 1.70986494E-13 2
-7.81759610E+O4-7.06417631E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0,00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2.83603400E+03 4
BeO(L) J12/74BE 1.0 1. 0. 0 C 2821 220 6000.000 26.01158 1 Chase (1985)
9.56123164E+00 0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-7.42016413E+04-B.80635442E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2.83503400E+03 4
BeO2H2(b) J12/75BE 1.0 2.H 2. 0 C 300 000 1000,000 43.02686 1 Chase (1985)
-7.01683260E+00 8.30056540E-O2-1.41520290E-04 .14216650E-07-3.51055350E-11 2
-1.09507110E+05 2.66160610E+O1-7.01683250E+00 .30056540E-O2-1.41520290E-04 3
1.14216650E-O7-3.61055350E-11-1.09507110E+05 .66160610E+O1-1.08951020E+05 4
BeS(s) J 9/77BE 1.S 1. 0. 0.C 300 000 3000.000 41.07818 1 Chase (1985)
3.47870360E+00 6.51062330E-03-4.13140450E-06 .24499300E-O9-1.38219470E-13 2
-2.96665300E+O4-1.73913260E+01-2.87300060E+00 .80787040E-O2-6.25067050E-05 3
4.89042780E-O8-1.4638B810E-11-2.86551820E+04 .18429220E+01-2.81817977E+04 4
Be2C(s) BAR 735E 2.C 1, 0. 0.C 300 000 2400.000 30.03536 1 Barin (1973)
4.43741700E+00 2.56945380E-03 0.00000000E+00 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.55073240E+O4-2.40861210E+01 4.43741700E+00 2.56945380E-03 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-1.SB073240E+O4-2.40861210E+01-l.40701050E+04 4
Be2C(L) BAR 73BE 2.C 1. 0. 0.C 2400 000 5000.000 30.03536 1 earin (1973)
1.10708970E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.49696410E+04-6.B7751160E+01 1.10708970E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-1.49696410E+O4-6.57751160E+01-1.40701050E+04 4
Br2(cr) L 1/93BR 2. 0. 0. 0.C 200 000 265.900 159.80800 1 McBride (1993)
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 9.12545994E+OO-8.26160881E-02 6.99861517E-04 3
-2.40843064E-06 3.21106016E-09-3.30408820E+O3-3.01727996E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Cu205S(s) J 6/66CU 2.0 5.S 1. 0.C 300.000 1600.000 239.15500 1 Chase (1985)
1.60116340E+01 1.94246680E-02-1.84482510E-05 1.11872040E-08-2.61119830E-12 2
-1.176162006+05-7.87274890E+01 2.52571780E+00 7.22069680E-02-9.78666660E-05 3
6.64324990E-08-1.67444530E-11-1.147864606+05-1.31961120E+01-1.11667236E+05 4
Fe(a) J 3/78FE 1. 0. 0. 0.C 200.000 1042.000 56.84700 1 McBride (1993)
4.69080173E+03-9.90659991E+00 2.69427446E-03 6.54445321E-06-3.01669823E-09 2
-1.41547686E+06-2.49294387E+04 2.41337476E+00-1.67780744E-03 2.14701339E-05 3
-3.80171438E-08 2.20426984E-11-7.74380998E+02-1.06560296E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Fe(a) J 3/78FE 1. 0. 0. 0.C 1042.000 1184.000 66.84700 1 McBride (1993)
6.69678809E+02-1.14068217E+00 4.96306997E-04 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-2.62106802E+06-3.66666236E+03 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
Fe(c) J 3/78FE 1. 0. 0. 0.C 1184.000 1666.000 56.84700 1 McBride (1993)
6.10109990E+01-1.60946061E-01 1.68369493E-04-7.74863702E-08 1.33091290E-11 2
-1.66335464E+04-3.13710668E+02 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.0000000QE+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
Fe(d) J 3/78FE 1. 0. 0. 0,C 1666.000 1809.000 65.84700 1 McBride (1993)
-4.35904698E+02 7.68489448E-01-4.46898892E-04 B.67070913E-OB 0.00000000E+00 2
1.87925634E+05 2.45057619E+03 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.0e000000E+00 3
0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.000000006+00 0.00000000E+00 4
Fe(L) J 3/7BFE 1. 0. 0. 0.C 1809.000 6000.000 66.84700 1 McBride (1993)
6.63538332E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00080800E+00 2
-1.27428941E+03-2.94772271E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.000000e0E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.0e000000E+00 4
FeCSOT(L) J 3/78FE 1.C 5.0 5. 0.C 3ee.eee 5eeo.eee 195.89900 1 Chase (1985)
2.81184500E+01 e.eeeeeOeOE+ee e.eoeeeeeeE+ee • .eeeeeeeeE+ee e.eeeeeeeeE+ee 2
-1.eOS24830E+OS-l.19666410E+e2 2.811846e0E+01 • ,eeeeeeeeE+ee e.eeeeeeeeE+ee 3
e.eeeeeeeeE+ee e.eeeeeOeeE+O0-l.0e52483eE+eS-1 .19666410E+02-9.21413141E+04 4
FeCL2(s) J12/70FE 1.CL 2. 0. 0.C 3ee.eee 95e.eee 126.75240 1 Chase (1985)
7.11222710E+00 1.10869530E-02-1.70727420E-06 1 .35158170E-08-4.13650360E-12 2
-4.36009850E+04-2.89940550E+01 7.112227106+00 1 .10869630E-02-1.70727420E-05 3
1.35158170E-eS-4.1365e360E-12-4.360e9850E+e4-2 .B9940650E+01-4.11137739E+04 4
FeCL2(L) J12/70FE 1.CL 2. 0. 0.C 960.000 6000.000 126.75240 1 Chase (1985)
1.22888630E+01 0.00000000E+00 e.eeeeeeeeE+ee • .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-4.11098210E+e4-S.3193e670E+el 1.22888630E+01 • .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.000000006+00-4.11098210E+04-5 .31930670E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
FeCL3(s) J 6/68FE 1.CL 3. 0. 0.C 200,000 677.000 162.20610 1 Chase (1986)
0.0000eOeeE+00 0.00e00000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-7.39666856E+00 2.02608434E-01-8.44606923E-04 3
1.592866026-06-1.07989321E-09-5.00144664E+04 2.44460935E+01 1.97062370E+04 4
FeCL3(L) J 6/66FE 1.CL 3 0. 0.C 677.000 6000.000 162.20610 1 Chase (1985)
1.61031270E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-4.84135278E+04-6.75758990E+01 1.61031270E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.000000006+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-4.84135278E+04-6.76768990E+01 1.97062370E+04 4
FeO(s) J 6/66FE 1.0 1 0. 0.C 300.000 1660.000 71.84640 1 Chase (1986)
5.83164890E+00 1.42751660E-03-9.32081430E-08-6.59977630E-12-2.25121430E-14 2
-3.46669020E+04-2.64469900E+01 6.31964750E+00 2.20966910E-03 1.07217760E-06 3
-2.79297290E-09 1.33207330E-12-3.44071650E+04-2.36860340E+01-3.27183476E+04 4
FeO(L) J 6/65FE 1.0 1 0. 0.C 1650.000 5000.000 71.84640 1 Chase (1985)
8.20224820E+00 0.00000000E+00 0,00000000E÷00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-3.38486160E+04-4.00791290E+01 8.20224820E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-3.38486160E+04-4.00791290E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Fe(OH)2(s) J 6/66FE 1.0 2 H 2. 0.C 300.000 1600.000 89.86168 1 Chase (1985)
7.40318080E+00 1.19817420E-02-1.49576110E-06-6,06263690E-09 2.00371110E-12 2
-7,16922660E+04-3.46732670E+01 1.00912180E+01 4.45231410E-03 4.06668650E-06 3
-4.00946260E-09 2.39471640E-13-7.22776880E+04-4.84000340E+01-6.90429813E+04 4
Fe(OH)3(s) J 6/66FE 1.0 3 H 3. 0.C 300.000 1500.000 106.86902 1 Chase (1985)
8.022392606+00 1.64201360E-02-1.23693780E-07-6.81928380E-09 2.32769070E-12 2
-1.03213360E+05-3.79340200E+01 4.41168360E+00 3.26824620E-02-2.23938160E-05 3
2.86467920E-09 2.26223210E-12-1.02718340E+05-2.13310140E+01-1.00141482E+06 4
FeB(a) J 9/77FE 1.S 1 0. 0.C 300.000 411.000 87.91300 1 Chase (1985)
1.89776270E+01-1.09642820E-01 2.21860160E-04 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.49952420E+04-7.81254350E+01 1.89776270E+01-1.09642820E-01 2.21860160E-04 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-1.49952420E+04-7.81254350E+01-1.22468515E+04 4
FeS(b) J 9/77FE 1.S 1 0. 0.C 411.000 698.000 87.91300 1 Chase (1985)
8.70286050E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.46897380E+04-4.20821020E+01 8.70285050E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.000000006+00 0.00000000E+00-1.46897380E+04-4.20821020E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
FeS(c) J 9/77FE 1.S 1 0. 0.C 598.000 1463.000 87.91300 1 Chase (1986)
-2.68304830E+00 3.67661040E-02-6.21822740E-05 3.16071700E-08-6.41260410E-12 2
-1.14986840E+04 1.62391240E+01 9.372417606+00 9.41620890E-04-1.58298640E-08 3
1.83808810E-08-6.77070670E-12-1.45816860E+04-4.61415160E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
KCN(s) J 3/66K 1.C 1.N 1. 0.C 300.000 895.000 65.11604 1 Chase (1985)
8.17997280E+O0-1.40107820E-03 3.42377250E-06-3.49617380E-09 1.30527800E-12 2
-1.60482010E+O4-3.09445250E+01 8.17997280E+00-1.40107820E-03 3.42377250E-06 3
-3.49617380E-09 1.30527800E-12-1.60482010E+04-3.09445250E+Ol-l.36476597E+04 4
KCN(L) J 3/66K 1.C 1.N 1. 0.C 895.000 5000.000 65.11604 1 Chase (1985)
9.05813050E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.52267170E+O4-3.54540830E+01 9.05813050E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 O.00000000E+O0-l.62267170E+O4-3.54540830E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
KCL(s) J 3/66K 1.CL 1. 0. 0.C 300,000 1044.000 74.55100 1 Chase (1985)
3.91571690E+00-2.09272710E-03 4.73101820E-06 7.01525370E-O9-5.51460980E-12 2
-5.27470660E+04-1.01448000E+01 5.39343110E+00 2.65352420E-03 9.60756550E-07 3
-5.02518430E-09 4.0721228E_E-12-5.42483890E+O4-2.16968140E+Ol-B.25219178E+04 4
KCL(L) J 3/66K 1.CL 1. 0. 0.C 1044.000 5000.000 74.56100 1 Chase (1985)
8.85180640E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-5.33694780E+O4-4.00100590E+01 8.85180640E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 O,00000000E+OO-5.33694780E+04-4.00100590E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
KF(s) J 6/69K 1.F 1. 0. 0.C 300.000 1131.000 58.0967e 1 Chase (1985)
9.46277820E+O0-6.40575120E-03 6.39132620E-08 7,59495890E-09-3.35981040E-12 2
-7.12491070E+O4-4.48318040E+01 4.98439720E+00 3.59431900E-O3-1.76964010E-06 3
-4,81061410E-10 Z.02807300E-12-7,00181490E+04-2.13845040E+O1-6.83883952E+04 4
KF(L) J 6/69K 1.F 1. 0. 0.C 1131.000 5000.000 58.09670 1 Chase (1985)
8.65554690E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-6.92680250E+04-4.11799320E+01 8.65564690E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-6.92680250E+04-4,11799320E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
KHF2(a) J 6/71K 1.H 1.F 2. 0.C 300.000 469.850 78.10305 1 Chase (1985)
-9.12984980E+00 8.66188890E-02 4.39044120E-OS-6.68675990E-07 8.04541630E-10 2
-1.12582590E+05 4.10828000E+O1-9.12984980E+00 8.66188890E-02 4.39044120E-05 3
-6.68675990E-07 8.04541630E-10-l.12582590E+05 4.10828000E+Ol-l.12008733E+05 4
KHF2(b) J 6/71K 1.H 1.F 2. 0.C 469.850 511.950 78.10305 1 Chase (1985)
1.20573780E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.14571260E+OS-B.41701400E+01 1.20573780E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-1.14571260E+05-5.41701400E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
KHF2(L) J 6/71K 1.H 1.F 2. 0.C 611.960 6000,000 78.10305 1 Chase (1985)
1.25807370E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.14043090E+05-5.58799150E+01 1.26807370E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 O,00000000E+OO-l.14043090E+05-B.58799150E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
KOH(a) JZ2/70K 1.0 1.H 1. 0,C 300.000 616.080 56.10564 1 Chase (1985)
6.44009770E+00 1.13101680E-03 1.50732720E-OS-1.49061190E-08 1.05563250E-11 2
-5.31618980E+O4-2.80988530E+01 6.44009770E+00 1.13101680E-03 1.50732720E-05 3
-1.49061190E-08 1.06663250E-11-5.31618980E+04-2.80988530E+O1-5.1082820BE+04 4
KOH(b) J12/70K 1.0 1.H 1. 0.C 516.000 679.000 56.10664 1 Chase (1985)
9.46071400E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-5.32916480E+04-4.33693260E+01 9.46071400E+00 0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-5.32916480E+O4-4.33693260E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
KOH(L) J12/70K 1.0 1.H 1. 0.C 679.000 5000.000 56.10664 1 Chase (1985)
9,99564690E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-5.26207310E+04-4.53343920E+01 9.99584690E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E÷00 3
0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+O0-5.26207310E+O4-4.S3343920E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
K02(s) J 6/71K 1.0 2. 0. 0.C 300.000 1500.000 71.09710 1 Chase (1986)
-1.04945450E+01 6.88589880E-O2-8.14023070E-05 4.29476920E-0B-8.49658320E-12 2
-3.24899890E+04 5.96869130E+01 3.87754870E+00 3.01570310E-O2-5.11822510E-06 3
4.16338720E-08-1.30729560E-11-3.63407270E+O4-1.44190320E+01-3.42203377E+04 4
K2C03(s) J 3/66K 2.C 1.0 3. 0.C 300.000 1174.000 138.20580 1 Chase (1985)
2.28243410E+Ol-l.35809930E-02 8.74098900E-06 1.14944260E-O8-6.75881490E-12 2
-1.45778440E+OS-l.10486650E+02 8.43986320E+00 1.88362560E-O2-4.68274830E-07 3
-1.05196100E-08 6.43184120E-12-1.41667440E+O6-3.48944240E+O1-l.38335773E+05 4
K2CO3(L) J 3/66K 2.C 1.0 3. 0.C 1174.000 6000.000 138.20580 1 Chase (1986)
2.51614690E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0,00000000E+00 2
-1.47401380E+OB-1.31107300E+02 2.61614690E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+O0-1.47401380E+OS-1.31107300E+02 0.00000000E+00 4
K20(s) J 6/63K 2.0 1. 0. 0.C 298.150 2000.000 94.19600 1 Chase (1985)
7.18702640E+00 9.11492365E-O3-4.18066880E-06 1.79898267E-09-2.83941251E-13 2
-4.60009426E+O4-3.17449802E+01 4.43039872E-01 6,20637705E-02-1.36231073E-04 3
1.36376972E-07-4.90163860E-11-4.56125862E+O4-4.75903470E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
K202(s) J 9/63K 2.0 2. 0. 0.C 298.160 2000.000 110.19540 1 Chase (1985)
1.04816299E+01 6.90861807E-03 4.86567038E-07-2.54902723E-10 4.08386186E-14 2
-6.31814318E+O4-4.84772902E+01 8.82674208E+00 1.32621264E-O2-1.11439578E-05 3
1.09588563E-O8-4.24101605E-12-6.27735254E+04-4.02614321E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
K26(1) J 3/78K 2.S 1. 0. 0.C 300.000 1050.000 110.26260 1 Chase (1986)
-7.48493370E+01 9.36197960E-02 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-9.72179390E+03 4.49673930E+02 3.13644310E+01-l.88106630E-01 6.60057270E-04 3
-6.97035650E-07 3.12490940E-10-4.99974060E+O4-1.28104560E+O2-4.52887377E+04 4
1 Chase (1985)
K2S(2) J 3/78K 2.S 1. 0. 0.C 1050.000 1100.000 110.26260
1.56428160E+02-1.26644440E-01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1,31144190E+05-9.27942760E+02 1,66428160E+02-1.26644440E-01 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0,00000000E+00-1.31144190E+05-9.27942750E+02 0.00000000E+00 4
1 Chase (1986)
K2S(3) J 3/78K 2.S 1. 0. 0.C 1100.000 1221.000 110.26260
1,71198670E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-5.45249530E+04-9.16665110E+01 1.711986705+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-5.45249530E+04-9.16665110E+01 0,00000000E+00 4
K2S(L) J 3/78K 2 S 1. 0. 0.C 1221.000 5000.000 110.26260 1 Chase (1985)
1.21429270E+01 0.000000005+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-4.65203490E+04-5.47160430E+01 1.21429270E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-4.65203490E+04-5.47160430E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
1 Chase (1985)
K2SO4(a) J 6/78K 2 S 1.0 4. 0.C 300.000 857.000 174.26020
1.70265260E+00 8.47097140E-02-1.76325730E-04 1.928280305-07-7.64708900E-11 2
-1.75980870E+05-7.56319510E+00 1.70265260E+00 8,470971405-02-1.76328730E-04 3
1.928280305-07-7.64708900E-11-1.75980870E+05-7.56319510E+00-1.72921009E+05 4
1 Chase (1985)
K2SO4(b) J 6/78K 2 S 1.0 4. 0.C 857.000 1342.000 174.26020
-2.90198660E+02 1.05696310E+00-1.34752990E-03 7.67665760E-07-1.63374400E-10 2
-1.05542140E+05 1.45300940E+03 1.38071770E+01 9.67305900E-03 4.66685510E-08 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-1.75853260E+05-5.84412960E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
K2SO4(L) J 6/78K 2 S I 0 4. 0.C 1342.000 5000.000 174.26020 1 Chase (1985)
2.42304990E+01 0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.76955190E+05-1,17402220E+02 2.42304990E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-1.76955190E+06-1.174022205+02 0.e0000000E+00 4
1 McBride (1993)
Li(cr) TPIS82LI 1 • g. 0.C 200.000 463.690 6.94100
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 6.10909942E-01 1.41041217E-02-1.74958170E-05 3
-3.33741023E-08 7.76629665E-11-6.25121208E+02-3.26449947E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
1 McBride (1993)
Li(L) TPIS82LI 1 • 0. 0.C 453.690 3000,000 6.94100
3.89314223E+00-8.42787696E-04 4.45546328E-07-3.66337454E-11 3.892792205-15 2
-8.22019556E+02-1.78183077E+01 4.62266638E+00-4.06164205E-03 6.91666170E-06 3
-4.24960086E-09 1.23517473E-12-9.68811267E+02-2.12778501E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
LiALO2(s) J12/79LI 1.AL I 0 2. 0.C 300.000 1973.000 65,92134 1 Chase (1985)
8.54408940E+00 6.48867910E-03-4.08639690E-06 1.54714660E-09-2.24960380E-13 2
-1.45981500E+05-4.45906180E+01-5,28411560E+00 7.84525870E-02-1.45415780E-04 3
1.246295805-07-4.01137050E-11-1.43818310E+05 1.85767330E+01-1.42964183E+05 4
LiALO2(L) J12/79LI 1.AL 1 0 2. 0.C 1973.000 6000.000 65.92134 1 Chase (1985)
1.50966790E+01 0,00000000E+00 0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.41658390E+05-8.09937670E+01 1.50966790E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-1.41668390E+05-8.09937670E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
1 Chase (1985
LICL(s) J 6/62LI 1.CL 1 0. 0.C 300.000 883.000 42.39370
4.10952450E+00 8.19810030E-03-1.15418740E-05 1.05853860E-08-3.64670220E-12 2
-5.060826605+04-1.82988940E+01 4,10952450E+00 8.198100305-03-1,15418740E-05 3
1.05853860E-08-3.64570220E-12-6.06082660E+04-1.82988940E+01-4.91014060E+04 4
1 Chase (1955)
LiCL(L) J 6/62LI 1.CL I 0. 0.C 883.000 2000.000 42.39370
8.21494770E+00 5.63913610E-04-1.73503310E-06 7.65960080E-10-1.23784770E-13 2
-5.00073220E+04-3.88089610E+01 1.03830280E+01-4.71796990E-03-1.61383170E-06 3
8.08071740E-09-4.44594930E-12-5.05391200E+04-4.99219600E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
1 Chase (1985)
LiF(s) J12/68LI 1.F 1 0. 0.C 300.000 1121.300 25.93940
6.54057380E+00-1.34210800E-04 1.78266060E-06 8.89964440E-10-9.12966640E-13 2
-7.59003650E+04-2.74472760E+01 1.76943260E+00 1.75052240E-02-2.80387510E-06 3
2.28933850E-08-6.96336580E-12-7.52992780E+04-9.94780570E+00-7.41994361E+04 4
LIF(L) J12/68LI 1.F 1. 0. 0.C 1121.300 6000.000 26.93940 1 Chase (1985)
7.71954010E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.000000005+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-7.43043470E+04-3.88154870E+01 7.71954010E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0°00000000E+00-7.43043470E+04-3.88164870E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
1 Chase (1985)
LiH(s) J 9/67LI 1.H 1. 0, 0.C 300.000 961.800 7.94894
3.86118120E-01 1.21279570E-02-8.69003360E-06 5.63115650E-09-1.26934830E-12 2
-1.14869910E+04-3.06545750E+00 3.86118120E-01 1.21279670E-02-8.69003360E-06 3
5.63115550E-09-1.26934830E-12-1.14869910E+04-3.06545750E+00-1.08990681E+04 4
1 Chase (198S)
LiH(L) J 9/67LI 1.H 1. 0. 0.C 961.800 5000.000 7,94894
7,49811910E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.15818260E+04-4.00472780E+01 7.49811910E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.000000005+00-1.15818260E+04-4.00472780E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
1 Chase (1985)
LiOH(s) J 6/71LI 1.0 1.H 1. 0.C 300.000 744.300 23.94834
6.32277970E-01 2.53405380E-02-2.78979500E-05 8.692589305-09 4.14998940E-12 2
-5.94126800E+04-4.83826970E+00 6.32277970E-01 2.53405380E-02-2.78979500E-05 3
8.69258930E-09 4,14998940E-12-5.94126800E+04-4.83826970E+00-5.83252001E+04 4
1 Chase (1985)
LiOH(L) J 6/71L1 1.0 1.H 1. 0.C 744.300 6000.000 23.94834
1.04742180E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.000000005+00 2
-6.01866710E+04-5.38971400E+01 1.04742180E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-6.01856710E+04-5.38971400E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Mg2TiO4(L) J 6/67MG 2.TI 1.0 4. 8.C 2813.888 5888.888 168.48768 1 Chase (1985)
2.74763298E+81 8.88888888E+88 O.8888_BeBE+88 _.8_e_g_E+_ _._BeE+8_ 2
-2.6153559eE+_5-1.4746837eE+_2 2.7476329_E+_1 _._e_OE+_ O._8_e_E+_ 3
_._8_8E+0_ 8.eBeOeOBeE+_8-2.61635590E+eS-l.4745837_E+82 _._8_E+e8 4
Mo(cr) J 3/78M0 1. _. _. B.C 2_8._ 2896._ 95.94_8_ 1 McBride (1993)
6.38432823E+B_-6.B1622188E-B3 6._1482526E-B6-2.32962338E-B9 3.82_788BE-13 2
-1.6265722_E+_3-2.62488891E+_l 1.32884141E+_8 9.82653689E-_3-2.1_929825E-_5 3
2.B98_9528E-_8-7.68783244E-12-6.84364789E+82-6.29286838E+88 B.g_8888_E+88 4
Mo(L) J 3/78M0 1. 8. _. _.C 2896._ 68_.8_ 9E.948_ 1 McBride (1993)
4.52894999E+_8 8.B_888_BE+BB _.BgB_B88BE+BB B.BBe_BBBBE+88 B.B888BBBBE+B8 2
2.82148667E+_3-2.28_74762E+_l _.8_8_E+8_ _.8_8_8_E+8_ _._8_8_E+_8 3
NH4CL(a) BAR 73N 1.H 4.CL 1. B.C 298.158 458.B8_ 53.49128 1 Barin (1973)
4.67493838E+_8 1.92734258E-_2 8.8B88gB_BE+BB g.B_B88B88E+_B 8.BeB8_BB_E+g_ 2
-4._8827518E+_4-2._9591338E+81 4.6749383_E+_ 1.9273425_E-_2 _.8_8_8E+_ 3
_._888BB_BE+Bg B.88B_BBBBE+8_-4.BBB2751eE+_4-2.8959133_E+_1-3.783227BBE+84 4
NH4CL(b) BAR 73N 1.H 4.CL 1. _.C 458.88_ 793.2_ 53.4912_ 1 Barln (1973)
4.1666858_E+_8 1.3436849_E-82 _._88B_BB_E+B8 8.BBBB88BBE+88 _.B_B8888_E+8B 2
-3.8762693_E+84-1.4134482BE+_l 4.166686_E+_ 1.3436_49_E-82 8.__E+_ 3
_.8_B88_BE+88 8.BgB88B8BE+B_-3.87626938E+84-1.41344928E+B1-3.78322788E+84 4
Na(cr) CODABgNA 1. _. 8. _.C 2_.8_ 371._18 22.98977 1 McBride (1993)
_._8_E+_ _._88_E+_8 1.23984242E+_ 2.8_562189E-_2-7.36418252E-85 3
1.82712149E-87 8._e88BBBE+88-8.1332B916E+B2-4.5_681391E+B8 _._Bg_B_E+Bg 4
Na(L) CODA89NA 1. 8. _. 8.C 371._1_ 23_B.88_ 22.98977 1 McBride (1993)
4.59858543E+B8-2.42469486E-e3 1.32453794E-86-4.12375317E-11 6.4_167_81E-15 2
-9.98535834E+82-1.B6257127E+B1 4.32382419E+8e-l.41145451E-B3-1.31868846E-B7 3
9.17457679E-18-2.35865B7eE-13-9.36822263E+e2-1.72722638E+Bl 8.e_Be8eeBE+_8 4
NaALO2(a) J 3/63NA 1.AL 1.0 2. e.C 3_._8 74B._e 81.97811 1 Chase (1985)
-8._5_478_BE-el 5.8434968_E-82-1.1884415BE-e4 1.197B_42eE-_7-4.6224793BE-11 2
-1.3781665_E+_5-5.3335282_E-_2-B.eS_47888E-_l 5.8434968_E-_2-1.1884415_E-_4 3
1.1978_428E-_7-4.6224793_E-11-1,3781665_E+_5-5.3335282_E-_2-1.36294676E+_5 4
NaALO2(b) J 3/63NA 1.AL 1.0 2. 8.C 74_._ 3_88._8 81.97811 1 Chase (1985)
1.19662188E+B1-2.2817277eE-83 3.77137418E-B6-1.293267e_E-e9 1.4136_22_E-13 2
-1.4_84818_E+_S-6._8_6455_E+_l 1._542343_E+_1 8,84839_7_E-84 1.39_6763_E-_6 3
-5.1391393_E-1_ 9.B9B9B9gBE+B8-1.395886BgE+B8-5.2371362BE+Bl 9.B99_988_E+_B 4
NaBr(s) J 9/64NA 1.BR 1. 8. _.C 3_._e_ 1_2_._ 1_2.89377 1 Chase (1985)
6.6246448_E+_B 1.2382983BE-_4 4._99B276_E-87 2.B6836518E-l_-l.88764858E-14 2
-4.556_372_E+_4-2.76_58_E+_l 4.87664618E+8_ 6.8318928_E-_3-1._641163_E-_5 3
9.1613928_E-B9-2.8816297BE-12-4.S1486448E+e4-1.8982545_E+_l-4.34682858E+84 4
NaBr(L) J 9/64NA 1.BR 1. 8. _.C 1_28._ 58_._ 1_2.89377 1 Chase (1955)
7.4981191BE+_8 B.B9B89B_E+B8 9.998898BBE+B9 9._98B999BE+BB B.gBBBB88BE+88 2
-4.384977_E+_413._17_4518E+_l 7.4981191_E+_ _.__E+8_ _.__E+_8 3
• .8_8_8E+_ _._8_E+8_-4.3_4977_E+_4-3._17_461_E+_l _._8_E+_8 4
NaCN(s) J 3/66NA 1.C 1.N 1. 8.C 3_._8_ 835.8_ 49._751 1 Chase (1985)
7.9967732_E+99 1.915485BBE-93-5.34215918E-B6 6.8991642BE-99-3.1414911BE-12 2
-1.334_294_E+_4-3.17_39338E+_l 7.9967732_E+_ 1.9154558_E-_3-5.3421S91_E-_6 3
6.8891642BE-B9-3.14149118E-12-1.334_294BE+B4-3.17B3933_E+Bl-l._9B61445E+B4 4
NaCN(L) J 3/66NA 1.C 1.N 1. 8.C 835._ 5_._e_ 49._751 1 Chase (1985)
9.56136BBgE+B_ B._BBB_B_E+8B _._8_8_B_E+BB 8._8_BB_E+8_ _.B_88_BE+8B 2
-1.33864_7_E+e4-4._2873_9_E+_1 9.561368_E+_ 8._88_E+_ _.__E+_ 3
8.989_899_E+9_ 9.9_89_8_BE+8_-l.33864_7_E+84-4._2873999E+91 9._8_9E+8_ 4
NaCL(s) J 9/64NA 1.CL 1. 8. 8.C 3_._ 1_73.8_ 58.44247 1 Chase (1985)
2.21349278E+BB 1.5859982BE-B3 5.B486383BE-B6 2.682_549_E-_9-3.6487_968E-12 2
-4.92632_38E+_4-2.692566_E+_8 5.B24B7788E+_ 5.19498668E-_3-7.283373BBE-_6 3
6.g671979_E-89-1.2_13424BE-12-S.l123338_E+_4-2.12272_1_E+_l-4.94474351E+_4 4
NaCL(L) J 9/64NA 1.CL 1. _. _.C 1873.8_ 5_._ 58.44247 1 Chase (1955)
1.23584888E+81-6.39712eleE-83 3.2_47238E-86-6.7717362_E-l_ 5.1_15612_E-14 2
-5.1423265_E+84-6.8585538BE+_l 1.2358488_E+_l-6.3_712_l_E-_3 3.2_4723_E-B6 3
-6.7717362eE-1_ 5.1_15612eE-14-5.1423265_E+e4-6.e58553_eE+_l _.8_e_e_E+e_ 4
NaF(s) J12/68NA 1.F 1. _. _.C 3_e._88 1269._8B 41.98817 1 Chase (1955)
7.8342B26_E+_-9.483918_E-e4-S.4843986_E-_6 8.6843_22_E-89-2.928586_E-12 2
-7.18184_5_E+_4-3.8815718_E+_l 3.6977552_E+_ 1.852_572_E-e2-1.7235656_E-_5 3
1.4125911_E-_8-3.9514529_E-12-7._647183_E+_4-1.7393633_E+_l-6.92_33173E+_4 4
NaF(L) J12/68NA 1.F 1. _. 8.C 1269._ 35_e._88 41.98817 1 Chase (1955)
1._963261_E+_l-3.2_68459_E-_3 1.1611662_E-_6-1.6299297_E-l_ 5.2456141gE-15 2
-7._673943_E+_4-5.63756958E+81 1._963261_E+_1-3.2_68459_E-83 1.16116628E-_6 3
-1.62992978E-18 8.24561418E-15-7._6739438E+84-5.6375695eE+81 _.8_8_8888E+88 4
NaI(s) J 9/63NA 1.1 1. _. e.C 38_._ 933._ 149.89424 1 Chase (1955)
5.4995984_E+_ 3.5668_53_E-_3-3.996563_E-86 3.1841873BE-89-9.53_87228E-13 2
-3.639_356_E+_4-2._399251_E+_l 5.4995984_E+_ 3.5668_53_E-_3-3.996563_E-_6 3
3.18418739E-99-9.53_8722BE-13-3.63983568E+84-2.93992619E+91-3.46215846E+94 4
NaOH(a) J12/70NA 1.0 1.H 1. 0.C 300.000 696.000 39.99711 1 Chase (1985)
8.58794940E+OO-3.54060130E-O3-4.SB333940E-05 1.84184830E-O7-1.50189730E-10 2
-6.36118510E+O4-3.94075850E+01 8.58794940E+OO-3.S4060130E-O3-4,55333940E-05 3
1.84184830E-O7-1.50189730E-10-6.35118510E+O4-3.94076850E+O1-5.12178981E+04 4
NaOH(L) J12/70NA 1.0 1.H 1. 0.C 696.000 2500.000 39.99711 1 Chase (1985)
9.49723210E+00 2.27179720E-O3-2.39779340E-06 7.83984770E-10-B.19764720E-14 2
-5,29068240E+O4-4.62999000E+01 9.05567760E+00 4.30250410E-O3-2.42591320E-06 3
-3.54796640E-09 2.68894200E-12-5.29424460E+O4-4.35151400E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
NaO2(s) J 6/63NA 1 0 2. 0. 0.C 300.000 2000.000 54.98857 1 Chase (1986)
6.67531770E+00 6.42345130E-O3-1.54377730E-06 6.83577740E-10-l.10739220E-13 2
-3.35725460E+O4-2.SB486080E+01 7.27988820E+00 4.41607210E-03 1.24139210E-06 3
-1,29211710E-09 4.82594790E-13-3.37265610E+O4-2.B8998070E+O1-3.13511405E+04 4
Na2C03(1) J 3/66NA 2 C 1.0 3. 0.C 300.000 723.160 106.98874 1 Chase (1985)
6.78356590E+00 3.88297010E-O2-9.82624550E-05 1.65430840E-O7-8,32945150E-11 2
-1.39170100E+O5-3.04632930E+01 6.78356590E+00 3.88297010E-O2-9.82624550E-05 3
1.65430840E-O7-8.32946150E-11-1.39170100E+OS-3.04632930E+O1-l.36002267E+06 4
Na2C03(2) J 3/66NA 2 C 1.0 3. 0.C 723.160 1123.150 105.98874 1 Chase (1985)
8.28177650E+00 1.12753890E-02 1.99632940E-06 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.37612660E+O6-3.13726800E+01 1.18483410E+O1-3.51389860E-03 2.06166690E-06
-7.39651750E-09 0.00000000E+OO-1.38141870E+OS-4.80643680E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Na2CO3(L) J 3/66NA 2 C 1.0 3, 0.C 1123.160 5000.000 105.98874 1 Chase (1985)
2.27962950E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.42292180E+OS-l.16221210E+02 2.27962950E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-1.42292180E+OS-1.16221210E+02 0.00000000E+00 4
Na20(c) J 6/68NA 2 0 1. 0. 0.C 300.000 1243.200 61.97894 1 Chase (1985)
2.41689560E+O1-2.52797440E-O2-4.73906580E-06 3.18363870E-O8-1.45702650E-11 2
-5.80482360E+O4-1.26180650E+02 5.26545830E+00 1.11168720E-O2-6.38763820E-07 3
-9.69932070E-09 5.37200710E-12-5.23143450E+O4-2.41870240E+O1-5.02726131E+04 4
Na20(a) J 6/68NA 2 0 1. 0. 0.C 1243.200 1406.200 61.97894 1 Chase (1985)
-1.49065900E+02 2.27990380E-01 3.83912680E-OB-1.70999190E-07 6.13959260E-11 2
1.16147950E+04 8.46892680E+O2-1.49065900E+02 2.27990380E-01 3.83912680E-05 3
-1.70999190E-07 6.13959260E-11 1.16147960E+04 8.46892680E+02 0,00000000E+00 4
Na20(L) J 6/68NA 2 0 1 0. 0.C 1406.200 6000.000 61.97894 1 Chase (1985)
1.25807370E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-4.85948570E+O4-6.06615490E+01 1.25807370E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-4.86948570E+O4-6.06615490E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Na202(a) J 6/68NA 2.0 2 0. 0.C 300.000 785.000 77.97834 1 Chase (1985)
4.58152780E+00 3.24559100E-O2-6,11542010E-05 4.26639790E-O8-1.39916370E-11 2
-6.41610530E+O4-2.24554530E+01 4.58152780E+00 3.24559100E-O2-5.11542010E-05 3
4.26639790E-O8-1.39916370E-11-6.41610530E+O4-2.24554630E+O1-6.17267448E+04 4
Na202(b) J 6/68NA 2.0 2 0. 0.C 785.000 6000.000 77.97834 1 Chase (1986)
1.36626800E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-6.56325710E+O4-6.68415510E+01 1.36626800E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-6.56326710E+O4-6.68416610E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Na2S(1) J 3/78NA 2.S 1 0 0.C 300.000 1276.000 78.04664 1 Chase (1985)
4.46755600E+O2-1.05851110E+00 8.11700930E-O4-1.88778780E-07 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.77483940E+OS-2.34626590E+03 9.70755990E+OO-3.11261830E-04 5.51211610E-06 3
-6.04350720E-09 2.30175490E-12-4.69503790E+O4-4.38376130E+O1-4.40320621E+04 4
NaSO4(IV) J 6/78NA 2.S 1.0 4 0.C 468.000 514.000 142.04314 1 Chase (1985)
0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 9.71967784E+00 2,18820420E-O2-6.19770747E-06 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-1.70712819E+OS-4.36063369E+01 2.32172790E+04 4
NaS04(I) J 6/78NA 2.S 1.0 4 0.C 514.000 1157.000 142.04314 1 Chase (1986)
1.61167389E+01 8.20926891E-O3-2.33306547E-07 0.00000000E+00 0.00_00000E+00 2
-1.71129101E+OS-7.46990748E+01 1.54854389E+01 1.92613777E-O2-3.32267332E-05 3
3.56283302E-O8-1.30577214E-11-1.71322923E+OS-7.35127015E+01 2.32172790E+04 4
NaSO4(L) J 6/78NA 2.S 1.0 4 0.C 1157.000 6000.000 142.04314 1 Chase (1985)
2.36977729E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.71658912E+OS-l.16358482E+02 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2.32172790E+04 4 65
Na3ALF6(a) J12/79NA 3.AL 1.F 6. 0.C 300.000 836.000 209.94126 1 Chase (1985)
2.25929580E+00 1.55696660E-01-3.61618440E-04 4.04790800E-07-1.65055520E-10 2
-4.040599305+05-1.77985450E+01 2.25929580E+00 1.55696660E-01-3.61618440E-04 3
4.047908005-07-1.65065520E-10-4.04069930E+05-1.77985450E+01-3.98938949E+05 4
Na3ALF6(b) J12/79NA 3.AL 1.F 6. 0.C 836.000 1285.000 209.94126 1 Chase (1985)
9.55439570E+00 3.52015420E-02-1.46209940E-05 4.40206690E-09 0.00000000E+00 2
-3.99075520E+05-2.82161770E+01 1.65936570E+01 1.69116940E-02 1.03166000E-06 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-4.01086890E+05-6.49107920E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Na3ALF6(L) J12/79NA 3.AL 1.F 6. 0.C 1285.000 6000.000 209.94126 1 Chase (1956)
4.75676230E+01 0.000000005+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-4.12965380E+05-2.53758800E+02 4.75676230E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-4.12966380E+05-2.53758800E+02 0.00000000E+00 4
NaSAL3F14(s) J12/79NA 5.AL 3.F 14. 0.C 300.000 1010.000 461.87110 1 Chase (1955)
6,08053760E+01 1.01490150E-02 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-9.31943650E+05-2.94919480E+02 1.37281710E+01 2.32983000E-01-4.16721720E-04 3
3.537326805-07-1.12767740E-10-9.232558205+05-7.39137540E+01-9.118433105+05 4
NaSAL3F14(L) J12/79NA 6.AL 3 F 14. 0.C 1010.000 6000.000 461.87110 1 Chase (1985)
1.17130100E+02 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-9.56128840E+05-6.47053090E+02 1.17130100E+02 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-9.66128840E+05-6.47083090E+02 0.90000000E+00 4
Nb(cr) J12/73NB 1. 0 0. 0.C 200.000 2760.000 92.90638 1 McBride (1993)
4.214999865+00-2.90686491E-03 3.12396990E-06-1.27909749E-09 2.09229406E-13 2
-1.28682102E+03-1.91976179E+01 1.91200557E+00 6.92396276E-03-1.56081201E-06 3
1.61804090E-08-6.04602043E-12-7.69037196E+02-8.00990261E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
Nb(L) J12/73NB 1. • • 0,C 2760.000 6000.000 92.90638 1 McBride (1993)
4.025733335+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
1.42704047E+03-1.85790562E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
Nb0 (s) J12/73NB 1.0 1 g g.C 3gO.ggg 2210.900 198.90578 1 Chase (1985)
5.12385530E+00 8 .93758600E-04 3.09308450E-07-1.64337020E-10 2.86698360E-14 2
-5.21109100E+04-2 .40995200E+01 2.98212600E+00 1.02175450E-02-1.51788960E-06 3
1.13084670E-08-3 .13828580E-12-5.17033690E+04-1.391859705+01-5.04733489E+04 4
NbO (L) J12/73NB 1.0 1 • 0.C 2210.000 6000.000 108.90578 1 Chase (1985)
7.54844210E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00080000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-4.45871380E+04-3 .58173400E+01 7,64844210E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00-4,45871380E+04-3.58173400E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Nb02 (I) J12/73NB 1.0 2 0 0.C 200.000 1090.000 124.90618 1 Chase (1985)
5.28902716E+00 5 .20386062E-03 0.00000000E+09 0.00000000E+00 0.00000900E+00 2
-9.72972461E+04-2 .48908597E+01-1.64841792E+00 5.45836428E-02-1.20674626E-04 3
1.23777770E-07-4 .66154808E-11-9.67311630E+04 3.47268215E+00 9.27174400E+03 4
Nb02 (II) J12/73NB 1.0 2 0 0.C 109B.000 1200.000 124.90515 1 Chase (1985)
1.11714100E+01 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.00205998E+05-5 .99819441E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E÷00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 9.27174400E+03 4
Nb02(III) J12/73NB 1.0 2 0 0.C 1200.000 2176.000 124.90618 1 Chase (1985)
9.98885082E+00 • .90000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.e0000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-9.87869274E+04-5 .15975088E+01 0.00000000E+00 e.ooeeoOOeE+Oe e.eooeeeOOE+Oe 3
0.00000000E+00 • .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.08000000E+00 9.27174400E+03 4
NbO2(L) J12/73NB 1.0 2 0 0.C 2175.000 6000.000 124.90618 1 Chase (1985)
1.13223760E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.0eOeOOOOE+00 o.eoooeoeoE+eO 2
-9.06165758E+04-5.67653462E+01 0.00000000E+00 e.eeeeoeeoE+eO o.00eeoeeoE+oo 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0. 00000000E+00 e.eeeeeeeeE+ee 9.271744eeE+e3 4
Nb205(s) J12/72NB 2.0 6. • 0.C 3_1.000 1785.000 265.80976 1 Chase (1985)
1.70548920E+01 4.91406680E-03 4.72946440E-07-1.83760710E-09 6.06219220E-13 2
-2.34230270E+06-8.32247990E+01 8.6053488eE+00 3.44012140E-02-3.769874805-06 3
1.98637200E-08-3.961026705-12-2.32232290E+05-4.06849200E÷01-2.28463075E+05 4
Nb2OS(L) J12/72NB 2.0 5. • 0.C 1785.000 5000.000 265.80976 1 Chase (1985)
2.91369870E+01 0.000000005+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-2,37360250E+06-1.59333960E+02 2.91369870E÷01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-2.37360260E+05-1.59333960E+02 0.00000000E+00 4
Ni(cr) J12/76NI 1. 0. • 0.C 200.000 631.000 58.69340 1 McBride (1993)
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3.92097614E+00-2.34184719E-02 1.34230145E-04 3
-2.76971639E-07 1.98530861E-10-8.62387206E+02-1.56856186E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Ni(cr) J12/76NI 1. 0. • 0.C 631.000 1728.000 58.69340 1 McBride (1993)
9.58208572E+00-1.78945122E-02 1.97185112E-05-9.11967952E-09 1.68728609E-12 2
-2.61782186E+03-4.74612393E+01 4.864848775+02-2.303953805+00 4.10622634E-03 3
-3.23350101E-06 9.49617381E-10-8.11709086E+04-2.26428960E+03 0.00000000E+00 4
SrO2H2(s) J12/75SR 1.0 2.H 2. 0.C 300.000 783.160 121.63468 1 Chase (1986)
4.17069560E+00 1.65037010E-02-1.30297450E-06 1.39718190E-09-5.39489420E-13 2
-1.18500560E+05-1.69628130E+01 4.17069560E+00 1.650370105-02-1.30297450E-06 3
1,39718190E-09-5.39489420E-13-1.185005605+05-1.69628130E+01-1.16532637E+06 4
SrO2H2(L) J12/75SR 1.0 2.H 2. 0.C 783.180 5000.000 121.63468 1 Chase (1985)
1.89717510E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.000000005+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.22611740E+05-9.96605010E+01 1.897175105+01 0.000000005+000.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-1.22611740E+05-9.966050105+01 0.00000000E+00 4
SrS(s) J 9/775R 1.S 1. 0. 0.C 300.000 3000.000 119.68600 1 Chase (1986)
5.94054630E+00 1.04473280E-03-3,079439205-07 9.71985450E-11-1.11296850E-14 2
-5.82547290E+04-2.60999610E+01 5.74442320E+00-2.03636100E-03 1,19833400E-05 3
-1.48896430E-08 5.96164430E-12-5.80629980E+04-2.43073180E+01-5.63615462E+04 4
Ta(cr) J12/72TA 1. • 0. 0.C 200.000 3268.000 180.94790 1 McBride (1993)
2.89594963E+00 5.33759133E-04-3.591447215-08-7.207614615-11 3.13302008E-14 2
-8.71255826E+02-1.16440280E+01 2.32998499E+00 4.45028402E-03-9.52242819E-06 3
9.87829159E-09-3.783084065-12-8.26091467E+02-9.27093646E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
Ta(L) J12/72TA 1. • 0. 0.C 3268.000 6000.000 180.94790 1 McBride (1993)
5.03216666E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.000000005+00 0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-7.44223758E+02-2.59736577E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
TaC(s) J12/73TA 1.C 1 0. 0.C 300.000 4273.000 192.95890 1 Chase (1986)
5.00270560E+00 1.28490410E-03-1.74959390E-07 3.52465810E-11-2.64292600E-15 2
-1.90205530E+04-2.41296910E+01 1.02497170E+00 1.76286200E-02-2.65158590E-05 3
1.73133080E-08-4.30578580E-12-1.82265970E+04-6.00931270E+00-1,73307143E+04 4
TaC(L) J12/73TA 1.C 1 0. 0.C 4273.000 5000.000 192.96890 1 Chase (1985)
8.05167150E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.01033380E+04-4.20855450E+01 8.05167150E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-1.01033380E+04-4.208654505+01 0.01i_00000E+00 4
Ta205(s) J12/72TA 2.0 5 0. 0.C 300.000 2058.000 441.89280 1 Chase (1986)
1.84736840E+01 3.49024330E-03 9.11565840E-07-1.15082870E-09 2.47020600E-13 2
-2.524591105+05-9.07334910E+01 1.011994205+01 2,553755905-02-1.68473510E-05 3
3.47340780E-11 3.12680110E-12-2.50081740E+05-4.73108770E+01-2.460767155+05 4
Ta2OS(L) J12/72TA 2.0 5 0. 0.C 2058.000 5000.000 441.89280 1 Chase (1985)
2.91873090E+01 0.00000000E+00 0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-2.5336245_E+OS-1.58577740E+02 2.91873090E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-2.53362450E+OS-l.58677740E+02 0.00000000E+00 4
Ti(a) CODA89TI 1. 0 0. 0,C 200,000 1156.000 47.88000 1 McBride (1993)
2.97987171E+01-5.67369024E-02 3.084873505-05 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-9.27557025E+03-1.56730793E+02 1.328296405+00 1.04776117E-02-2.19816539E-05 3
2.17469998E-08-7.66060428E-12-7.06881044E+02-6.197229125+00 0.00000000E+00 4
Ti(b) CODA89TI 1 0 0. 0.C 1166.000 1944.000 47.88000 1 McBride (1993)
4.5505_938E+00-5.78446834E-03 6.58428776E-06-2.605234845-09 4.06930218E-13 2
-1,86698724E+02-1.97953040E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.0000¢000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
TI(L) CODA89TI 1 • 0. 0.C 1944.000 6000.000 47.88000 1 McBride (1993)
5.6287_414E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-2.37505598E+03-3.07872691E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00005000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
TIC(s) J 6/68TI 1C 1 0. 0,C 300.000 3290.000 69.89100 1 Chase (1985)
5.94139;60E+00-3.72799670E-04 7,12099530E-07-1.351709005-10 9.98036600E-15 2
-2.41734_50E+04-3.15302220E+01-1.363394205+00 2.82522370E-02-4.11752110E-05 3
2.67888_80E-08-6.34698680E-12-2.267835205+04 3.862648305+00-2.21429614E+04 4
TIC(L) J 6/68TI 1C 1 0. 0.C 3290.000 6000.000 69.89100 1 Chase (1986)
7.54844_10E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.76602_40E+04-4.062966105+01 7.54844210E+00 0,000000005+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000fPJOE+00 0.00000000E+00-1.76602040E+04-4.06296610E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
TiCL2(s) J12/68TI 1CL 2 0. 0.C 300.000 2000.000 118.78640 1 Chase (1985)
7,968414r05+00 2.54479250E-03-2,864811905-07 1.31878060E-10-2.22708260E-14 2
-6.450844_05+04-3.57130890E+01 5.75675180E+00 1.36310330E-02-2.04162290E-05 3
1.59098830E-08-4.545110405-12-6.41699180E+04-2.55864560E+01-6.19987670E+04 4
TiCL3(s) J 6/68TI 1CL 3. 0. 0.C 300.000 5000.000 154.23810 1 Chase (1985)
1.14626_0E+01 1.40178060E-03-3.06897240E-08 1.233900705-13-1.05612980E-17 2
-9.031696_0E+04-4.89930780E+01 1.09379360E+01 2.662273605-03-1.47859230E-07 3
-1.54067_05-09 9.221877405-13-9.018266805+04-4.62872870E+01-8.68071084E+04 4
TiCL4(L) J12/67TI 1 CL 4. 0. 0.C 300.000 5000.000 189.69080 1 Chase (1985)
1.71426_0E+01 1.09370870E-03-1.06903110E-09 2.661675705-13-2.27944800E-17 2
-1.01880_0E+05-6.76401420E+01 1.70660420E+01 1.57771680E-03-1.08703760E-06 3
1.03903_0E-09-3.60225300E-13-1.01871340E+05-6.730822805+01-9.67206958E+04 4
TiN(s) J 6/68TI 1.N 1. 0. 0.C 300.000 3220.000 61.88674 1 Chase (1985)
5.60100_05+00 3.56459390E-04 3.95218030E-07-8.871800205-11 7.78445130E-15 2
-4.24434_05÷04-2.87732930E+01-2.53201190E+00 4.11748560E-02-7.70557760E-05 3
6.528986_0E-08-2.06051870E-11-4.112466605+04 8.675079605+00-4.06109779E+04 4
Viscosity: conductivity:
Thermal In _ l =AInT+B+
In C_+D
Interaction parameter : In rlii] T T"
Form Approved
October 1993 Technical Memorandum
Unclassified - Unlimited
Subject Category 77
Libraries of thermodynamic data and transport properties are given for individual species in the form of least-squares
coefficients. Values of C_,(T), H°(T), and S°(T) are available for 1130 solid, liquid, and gaseous species. Viscosity
and thermal conductivity data are given for 155 gases. The original C_(T) values were fit to a fourth-order polynomial
with integration constants for H°(T) and S°(T). For each species the integration constant for H°(T) includes the heat
of formation. Transport properties have a different functional form. The temperature range for most of the data is 300 to
5000 K, although some of the newer thermodynamic data have a range of 200 to 6000 K. Because the species are
mainly possible products of reaction, the data are useful for chemical equilibrium and kinetics computer codes. Much
of the data has been distributed for several years with the NASA Lewis equilibrium program CET89. The thermody-
namic properties of the reference elements have been updated along with about 175 species that involve the elements
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. These sets of data will be distributed with the NASA Lewis personal computer
program for calculating chemical equilibria, CETPC.