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NASA Technical Memorandum 4513

Coefficients for Calculating

Thermodynamic and Transport
Properties of Individual Species

Bonnie J. McBride
Lewis Research Center
Cleveland, Ohio

Sanford Gordon
Sanford Gordon and Associates
Cleveland, Ohio

Martin A. Reno
Heidelberg College
Tiffin, Ohio

National Aeronautics and

Space Administration
Office of Management
Scientific and Technical
Information Program

NASA Technical Memorandum 4513



Bonnie J. McBride, Sanford Gordon, and Martin A. Reno

October 1993

Although the changes and corrections involve table II, none involve the first 14 coefficients, which are used in equations (1) to (3)
to obtain values of C_IR, H°IRT, and S°IR. The following errors were noted:

1. For the following species the last floating-point value on record 4, which contains a value for H°(298.15)/R, was changed
as follows:

Name H°(298.15)IR

CF+ I. 38242181E+05
CP 6.256075221]+04
C2 9. g8804.500B+04
COH13, n-hexyl 3.01881891E+03
C7H15, n-heptyl 5.279926_)E+02
C7H18, n-heptane -2.25870198B+04
C8H17, n-octyl -I.g6283365R+03
C8H18, n-octa_ue -2.510671101]+04
CIOH8, naphthale 1.81105080]]+04
C12Hg,o-bipheny 5.14438397E+04
C12HIO, blpheny 2.19060792E+04
Ca3 I. 48651i784E+04
SIC4H12 -3.447034161]+04
Zn 1.568342_71_04
Zn÷ 1.24694361E+05
Zn- 1. 32142483E+04
Zr 7.33657185E+04
ZrN 8.67984416E+04
ZrO 1.00928504E+04
_(_) -3.01770034E+04
B303H3 (cr) -1.618_)492E+05
Be0(_) -7.316776131]+04
o_os(:_.) -1.46168404E+05
¢_C*) - I. 474424$3E+05
Ce0H(_) -5.01203318E+04
FeCL3(e) -4.80371062B+04
_o(,) -4.367918_
_o_(e) -6.96311749Frd),t
Li_04(,,.) -I. 7275425TB+05
N,,,2s04cv) -1.66914947]]+05
Nb02(I) -O. 56111666]]+04
Pb_Ca) -8.14204326E+04
Si02 O,q,) - 1.09550292E+05

2. The following names were changed:

From To From To

N_o0sCZ) Na2C03 (I) SrCh2(1) Sr_2(=)

N_003C2) Na2O03 (II) SrCL2(2) S,<_2(b)

._so4(zv) N,_,s04(zv) T1203(1) TIg-OS(,)

N_S04(Z) .,_.s04 (z) Ti203 (2) Ti203(b)
._S040.) Na2SO4(L)
Ni382(1) Ni3S2(I) w.o4(zz)
Ni382(2) Ni3S2(II)

Summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
Symbols ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
Standard States, Reference States, and Fundamental Constants ..................................................................... 2
Empirical Equations for Fitting Thermodynamic Functions .......................................................................... 3
Assigned Enthalpy Values .............................................................................................................................. 3
Heats of Formation and Equilibrium Constants ............................................................................................. 3
Least-Squares Fit ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Thermodynamic Data Coefficients .................................................................................................................. 4
Names .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Heats of Formation ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Six-Character Reference Codes ................................................................................................................... 4
Atomic Symbols in Formula Used by CETPC and CET89 ......................................................................... 4
Phase and Species Order .............................................................................................................................. 5
Temperature Ranges .................................................................................................................................... 5
Coefficients .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Transport Property Coefficients ....................................................................................................................... 5
Concluding Remarks ........................................................................................................................................ 5
References ........................................................................................................................................................ 5

Table I.- Format for Thermodynamic Data Coefficients in Table II .............................................................. 9

Table 1I.- Thermodynamic Data Coefficients .............................................................................................. 10
Table III.- Format for Transport Property Data in Table IV ........................................................................ 74
Table IV.--Transport Property Coefficients ................................................................................................. 75

# P


PAGE _.L.L.-- INTE_TtO,',_ALLY CL/'.r(;_,
Only the executable code will be included and the coefficient
data will be unformatted and not legible. This report lists
these thermodynamic and transport coefficients in a legible
Libraries of thermodynamic data and transport properties
formatted form and gives data references. These data bases
are given for individual species in the form of least-squares will also be available on diskettes in the formatted form and
coefficients. Values of heat capacity Cp(T), enthalpy will be included with future distributions of the CET89
H°(T), and entropy S°(T) are available for 1130 solid, liq- source code.
uid, and gaseous species. Viscosity and thermal conductivity
The functional form for C°p(T) is a fourth-order polyno-
data are given for 155 gases. The original Cp(T) values were mial with integration constants for H°(T) and S°(T). Much
fit to a fourth-order polynomial with integration constants for
of the coefficient data are the same as the data that have been
H°(T) and S°(T). For each species the integration constant
distributed for several years with the NASA Lewis equilib-
for H°(T) includes the heat of formation. Transport properties
rium program CET89 except that they have been adjusted for
have a different functional form. The temperature range for
newer physical constants (Cohen and Taylor, 1987), for newer
most of the data is 300 to 5000 K, although some of the newer
atomic weights (De Laeter and Heumann, 1991), and for
thermodynamic data have a range of 200 to 6000 K. Because
the reference pressure for the ideal gases as 1 bar rather than
the species are mainly possible products of reaction, the data
1 atmosphere. Some data have been updated. These include
are useful for chemical equilibrium and kinetics computer
the reference elements (McBride et al., 1993) and about 175
codes. Much of the data has been distributed for several years
species that involve the elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen,
with the NASA Lewis equilibrium program CET89. The ther-
and nitrogen. Generally, these newer data were calculated by
modynamic properties of the reference elements have been up-
using PAC91 (McBride and Gordon, 1992), and the older
dated along with about 175 species that involve the elements
data were calculated by using earlier versions of that code.
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. These sets of data
The coefficients for the older data are for the temperature in-
will be distributed with the NASA Lewis personal computer tervals 300 to 1000 K and 1000 to 5000 K. The fits were con-
program for calculating chemical equilibria, CETPC.
strained so that the coefficient functional form gives results
that match the original data at 1000 K. The coefficients for
the newer data are for the intervals 200 to 1000 K and 1000
Introduction to 6000 K. The fits were constrained so that the functional
form values match the original data at 298.15 K and also so
This report documents the thermodynamic and transport that the higher interval functional values match the lower in-
property data used in several versions of the NASA Lewis terval functional values at 1000 K.
equilibrium computer programs CET89 (Gordon et al., 1971, The original data for gases are generally the result of ideal-
1976, 1984, and 1988) and CETPC (to be published). Many gas calculations, whereas the data for the condensed species
other computer codes, such as the one given in Radhakrishnan are generally the result of a fit to experimental measure-
and Bittker (1993), use the same data. The libraries of data ments. For most species either the thermodynamic functions
are presented in the form of least-squares coefficients. or the molecular constant data are taken from other compila-
Thermodynamic data coefficients are given for 1130 species tions such as JANAF (Chase et al., 1985) and the Russian
(gaseous, liquid, or solid). Transport property coefficients are volumes (Gurvich et al., 1978, 1979, 1982, 1989, and 1991),
given for 155 gaseous species. These coefficients generate although many other references were used.
the thermodynamic functions heat capacity Cp (T), enthalpy The transport property data from which the least-squares
H°(T), and entropy S°(T) and the transport properties coefficients were generated are described in Gordon et al.
viscosity :9 and thermal conductivity A. (1984). Coefficients are given for viscosity, thermal conduc-
CETPC is essentially CET89 adapted for use on an IBM- tivity, and three binary viscosity interactions. The functional
compatible personal computer. This code, the accompanying form to which the data are fitted is described in a later sec-
thermodynamic and transport property coefficients, and tion. The temperature range was divided into two intervals,
sample problems will be distributed on a 3V2-in. diskette. 300 to 1000 K and 1000 to 5000 K. This corresponds to the
usedforthethermodynamicdataatthe r number of coefficients a i in eq. (1)
timeoftheGordon etal.(1984)report. So/R Sackur-Tetrode constant
CETPC andareannotatedwiththereferences. s°(i) entropy at temperature T for standard
T temperature, K
0 viscosity, eq. (10)
thermal conductivity, eq. (10)

ai polynomial coefficients used in eqs.

(1) to (3)
bl integration constant defined by eq. (2) Standard States, Reference States, and
b2 integration constant defined by eq. (3) Fundamental Constants
C_(T) heat capacity at constant pressure for
standard state The symbols and definitions follow the recommendations
of Cox (1982). All data in this report are for species in their
c speed of light
standard states. For gases this is ideal gas at the standard
c2 second radiation constant, hc/k pressure of 105 Pa (1 bar). For condensed species the stan-
6°(7) either {G°(70 - H°(O)}+H°(O) or dard state is the pure crystalline or liquid substance at the
{G°(T) - H°(298.15)}+H°(298.15) same standard pressure. All thermodynamic properties are
G°(73 -/-/°(0) Gibbs energy at temperature T relative standard molar quantities.
The reference states of the elements as well as the data
to enthalpy at 0 K for standard state
used for these elements are given in McBride et al. (1993).
G°(T) -/-/°(298.15) Gibbs energy at temperature T relative
Generally they are taken to be the thermodynamically stable
to enthalpy at 298.15 K for standard
state at 298.15 K. For those species that are gases at 298.15 K
and 1 bar, the entire temperature range is taken to be gaseous.
AfG°(T) Gibbs energy of formation of a sub- For species that are condensed at 298.15 K the entire range is
stance at temperature T from its ref- taken to be condensed with transitions between various
erence elements in their standard state
phases, such as between solid and liquid phases.
no(o) chemical energy at 0 K for standard Most of the properties are given in the International Sys-
state tem of Units (SI); that is, the temperatures are in kelvin (K),
/-/°(298.15) assigned enthalpy at 298.15 K for the energies in joules (J), and the pressures in bars. Some-
standard state (assigned to be equal to times the values are made dimensionless by dividing them
either by the gas constant R or RT. The fundamental constants
were taken from Cohen (1987) and are as follows:
/-/0(/') either {n°(T) - H°(O)}+H°(O) or
{n°( 70 - H°(298.15) } +//°(298.15) Value Units
Quantity Symbol
H°(T_--H°(298.15) sensible enthalpy at temperature T
relative to 298.15 K for standard state Molar gas constanl R 8.314510(701 J/(mol-K)
A¢H°(r) enthalpy of formation (heat of forma- constant:
tion) of a substance at temperature T For po=100 000 Pa So/R -1.151693(21)
from its reference elements in the =1 bar
For po=101 325 Pa So/R -I.64856(21)
standard state
=1 arm
h Planck's constant Second radiation c2 0.01438769(12) mK
constant, hc/k
K equilibrium constant
Electron mass me 0.000548579903(13) atl

k Boltzmann constant
aAIomic mass unil uscd for calculating molar masses, 1/12 mass 12C.

me electron mass
N principal quantum number for atomic These constants were used in McBride and Gordon (1992)
species in calculating the thermodynamic functions for many gases.
The atomic weights were taken from De Laeter and Heumann
PO standard-state pressure
(1991). These weights are given in atomic mass units (u) based
qi temperature exponents in eq. (1) on 12C = 12u. Some of the older data were calculated with
R universal gas constant values of R, Sackur-Tetrode constants, and atomic weights
fromthoseselectedforthisreport.Thecoefficients And, in general, for all species
inthese values.
H°(298.15) = AfH°(298.15) (5)

H°(T)=H°(298.15)+{H°(T)-H°(298.15)} (6)
Empirical Equations for Fitting
Thermodynamic Functions
Heats of Formation and Equilibrium
The thermodynamic data for many individual species can Constants
be conveniently stored for use with computer programs in the
form of coefficients associated with equations that fit the
Heats of formation and Iogl0 K for a species are calculated
data. The following dimensionless form was chosen for this
as a function of temperature for the formation of the species
from the elements in their assigned reference states. The fol-
lowing is an example of how these properties can be calcu-
lated for CO(g) at 1000 K
Cp(T) _ Z aiTq' (1)
dfn°(lOOO) = H°(1000)CO(g)- H°(1000)C(gr)
For CET89 and CETPC, r = 5 and the qi values are 0, 1, 2, 1
3, and 4. A second set is planned for future NASA Lewis 2 H°(1000) O2(g) (7)
chemical equilibrium codes. The new set has two additional
terms (r = 7), one with qi = -1 and one with qi = -2. (See the ,4 fG ° (1000) = G ° (1000)CO(g) - G ° (1000)C(gr)
section Least-Squares Fit for an additional discussion of these
equations.) - -- G ° (1000) 0 2 (g) (8)
Enthalpy and entropy are related thermodynamically to 2

Cp(R) as follows: By definition,

H°(T) b, IC_,( r)dT -,4 fi°(r)

- 4- (2) loglo K - 2.3025851 RT (9)

(3) Least-Squares Fit

For most of the species in this report the coefficients in

where b 1 and b 2 are integration constants. These are two ad-
equations (1) to (3) were obtained by means of a least-
ditional constants (or coefficients) to the five or seven coeffi-
squares fit. The code PAC91 (McBride and Gordon, 1992)
cients in equation (1). and earlier versions of the code (e.g., McBride and Gordon,
These equations are given again in table 1 along with the 1967) were used to obtain the coefficients. For all
format of the data listed in table II.
calculations (1) a fourth-order polynomial was used for
Cp(T); (2) the temperature range was split into two
intervals with a breakpoint at 1000 K; (3) a fitting constraint
Assigned Enthalpy Values required coefficients in both intervals to yield the same
values of the functions at the 1000 K common point; and (4)
For some applications, such as those discussed in Gordon generally the functions Cp(T)/R, H°(T)/R, and S"(T)/R were
and McBride (1976), it is convenient to combine sensible fit simultaneously (Zeleznik and Gordon, 1961).
enthalpies and energies of chemical and physical changes There are two major differences between the data produced
into one numerical value. An arbitrary base may be adopted by PAC91 and the data produced by earlier PAC versions: the
for assigning absolute values to the enthalpy of various sub- overall temperature range and the point where the coefficients
stances inasmuch as only differences in enthalpies are meas- reproduce the original functions exactly. Generally, the PAC91
urable. For CET89 and CETPC the arbitrary base selected data are for the range 200 (or 298.15 for ions) to 6000 K,
was a value of zero at 298.15 K for the reference elements. whereas the older data are for the range 300 to 5000 K. The
Thus, for the assigned reference elements exact-fit points are 1000 K for the older data and 298.15 K for
the newer data. Thus, the newer data reproduce the heats of
AfH°(298.15) = H°(298.15)= 0 (4) formation exactly at 298.15 K.
Thermodynamic functions for some gases were not recalcu- Abbreviation Phase
lated but rather taken directly from tables. When these data do
an andalusite
not cover the entire temperature range used here, they must be
caL calcite
extrapolated before they are fit. Data for the entire range is a
cr crystal
requirement of equilibrium programs such as CETPC and gr graphite
CEA (Gordon and McBride, 1993). Although many of these hqz high quartz
species are not expected to exist at these high temperatures, L liquid
Lqz low quartz
the program includes the species at the higher temperature
rd red
and then uses the coefficient data to decide whether the species
ru futile
should be included. If the data are fit to some temperature yw yellow
much lower than the 5000 or 6000 K limit, the coefficients a alpha
could represent the data so poorly that an incorrect exclusion b beta

or inclusion of the species could result. Functions for these c gamma

d delta
species were extrapolated by using the procedure described
in Wilhoit (1975). A more complete discussion of this method,
as well as the dangers of using coefficients to extrapolate
outside of their temperature ranges, is given in McBride and Heats of Formation

Gordon (1992).
For the condensed species, each phase has its own set of The last floating-point number in each species set is the
coefficients. When phase transitions occur, the fit was con- heat of formation at 298.15 K divided by R. These values are
strained so that the difference in Gibbs energy is zero between the result of using the coefficients in equation (2). The newer

the phases. data, generally with temperature ranges from 200 to 298.15
For some species and some temperature intervals, how- to 6000 K, were forced to fit the original data at 298.15 K.
ever, coefficients were not obtained by means of the PAC Thus, these heats of formation should match the original val-

programs. The exceptions were when the original reference ues exactly. The older data, however, were forced to fit at

had equations in acceptable form or when C_(T)for an entire 1000 K. Thus, these heats of formation at 298.15 K will be

temperature interval was constant. slightly different than the original values.

Six-Character Reference Codes

Thermodynamic Data Coefficients

The second field of the first record contains a six-character

The format of the thermodynamic data coefficients is de- reference code to indicate the major source and date of the
tailed in table I and the data are listed in table II. In table I1 the data. The letters indicate the reference, and the numbers that

data references are given in a column to the right of the data follow indicate a date. The following chart gives the refer-

records. Some further comments are given in the following ences associated with the various letter codes.


Letters References
J [JANAF] Chase et al. (1985) with date from individual sheet
Species names are the first 15 characters in the first record CODA [CODATA] Cox et al. (1989)
L [Lewis I A combination of references or a NASA Lewis
for each set. Many of the species names listed here are
different from the names used in the data distributed with reference with date of least-squares fit
TPIS IThermodynamic Properties of Individual Substances I
previous CET89 computer programs. This difference is
Gurvich et al. (1979, 1982, 1989, or 1991)
important when using CET89 and CETPC because the names X [TeXas:] TRC data with date from individual sheet
used in some of the input must be exactly the same as the SRD [Standard Reference Data] Alcock et al. (1993)
names, used in the thermodynamic data. Older species names BUR IBurcat] Burcat et al. (1979, 1982, 1984, 1992)
were all upper case. The newer names have some lower case BAR [Barin] Barin and Knacke (1973) or Barin et al. (1989)
characters and the names are case sensitive. The letter "L" is
always upper case in the formula part of the name so that it
Atomic Symbols in Formula Used by CETPC and CET89
will not be confused with the number "1." Thus, for example,
chlorine is given as CL rather than CI. Various letters are used
The atomic symbols used in the chemical formula follow-
to represent the solid phases depending on what they were
ing the six-character code are the same as those used within
called in the original reference and what FORTRAN characters
are available. The following chart shows the meaning of some the computer programs. The letters are all upper case. The
of the abbreviations: letter "E" represents electrons for the ionized species.
Phase and Species Order and 1000 to 5000 K, to be consistent with the thermodynamic
data intervals. Each pure species, therefore, has four sets of
The phase column for the first record of each species indi- coefficients: two sets for viscosity (low- and high-temperature
cates whether the species is condensed (C) or gaseous (G). intervals) and two sets for thermal conductivity (low- and
For CET89 and CETPC the order of the sets of data for the high-temperature intervals). Only two sets of coefficients are
gaseous species is immaterial. For the condensed species the given for the viscosity interactions. The format used for the
data for the various phases must be adjacent and in the order transport property data is given in table ill and the coefficients
of increasing temperature range. In table II all the gases pre- are given in table IV.
cede the condensed species. This same order is used within
CETPC and CET89.

Concluding Remarks
Temperature Ranges

The thermodynamic data for the next NASA Lewis chemi-

The temperature ranges listed give the range where the
cal equilibrium program (Gordon and McBride, 1993)will
data were fitted. Most of the gases were fitted for the whole
have a different format with the possibility of two additional
range (i.e., 200, 298.15, or 300 K to 5000 or 6000 K). As dis-
coefficients in equation (1) and more temperature intervals.
cussed previously the fits are for two intervals with a com-
For gases there may be as many as three intervals, namely
mon break at 1000 K. The ranges for the condensed species
200 to 1000 K, 1000 to 6000 K, and 6000 to 20 000 K. For
vary according to the original data. For liquids with a con-
o condensed species there may be any number of intervals and
stant Cp the range is extended to 5000 or 6000 K. Generally, the breakpoints may be variable (see McBride and Gordon,
using the coefficients to extrapolate more than a short range
1992; and McBride et al., 1993).
outside these limits can result in very large errors. CET89
and CETPC allow the data to be extrapolated 20 percent out-
side the fitted range.
Alcock, C.B., Chase, M.W., and Itkin, V., 1993, "Thermodynamic

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Record Contents Format Columns

Species name A15 1-15

Reference/date code A6 19-24
Chemical formula: symbols and numbers 4 (A2, F3.0) 25-44
"G" for gaseous species, "C" for condensed AI 45
Temperature range 2F10.3 46--65
Molecular weight F13.5 66-78
Integer 1 11 80
Coefficients a_(i = 1,5) in eq. (1) for T _> 1000 K 5E15.8 1-75
Integer 2 11 80
Coefficients b 1 and b 2 in eqs. (2) and (3) for T> 1000 K 2E15.8 1-30

Coefficients a i (i = 1,3) in eq. (l) for T< 1000 K 3E15.8 31-75

Integer 3 I1 80

Coefficients ai (i = 4,5) in eq. (1)for T_< 1000 K 2E15.8 1-30

Coefficients bl and b2 in eqs. (2) and (3) for T< 1000 K 2E15.8 31-60

H ° (298.15)/R, K E15.8 61-75

Integer 4 I1 8O


BeOff J12/75BE 1.0 1.H 1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 26.01952 1

4.61167200E+00 2.39720130E-O3-8.54891620E-07 1.43090620E-10-9.11123990E-15 2
-1.53618380E+O4-1.98829219E+O0 1.91391480E+00 1.35071590E-O2-1.85316870E-05 3
1.29424710E-O8-3.S4389610E-12-1.48196830E_04 1.09928304_+01-1.37885210E+04 4

Empirical equations for this example:

Heat capacity : C_ (T)

R = al +a2T+a3T2 +a4T3 +asT4 (1)

H° (T) T T2 T3 T4 b]
Enthalpy : RT - al + a2 2 + a3 T + a4 --4 + a5 --5 + --T (2)

S°(T) T2 T 3 T4
Entropy : R = al In T + a 2T + a 3 -7 + a4 T + a5 _ + b2 (3)

CETPC thermodynamic data file References for data

Electron gas L10/92E 1. 0. • O.G 200.000 6000.000.000848679903 1 McBride (1993)

2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-7.46375000E+02-1.17208122E+01 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-7.46375000E+02-1.17208122E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
AL J 6/83AL 1. 0. • O.G 200.000 6000.000 26.98164 1 Chase (1986)
2.53385701E+00-4.65859492E-05 2.82798048E-08-8.54362013E-12 1.02207983E-15 2
3.89045662E+04 5.37984179E+00 3.11112433E+00-3.59382310E-03 8.14749313E-06 3
-8.08808966E-09 2.93132463E-12 3.88283390E+04 2.84045730E+00 3.96636696E+04 4
AL+ J 6/83AL 1.E -1. • O.G 298.160 6000.000 26.98099 1 Chase (1986)
2.51215337E+00-2.61011300E-05 1.90360463E-08-5,68881493E-12 6.00529995E-16 2
1.09023995E+05 3.72538259E+00 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 1.09028141E+06 3.79100584E+00 1.09773616E+06 4
AL- J 6/83AL 1.E 1. • O.G 298.160 6000.000 26.98209 1 Chase (1985)
2.18963489E+00 8.03446211E-04-3.79389535E-07 6.90059853E-11-4,39884116E-15 2
3.30960260E+04 7.65557200E+00 2.64731898E+00-7.20371592E-04 1.02539612E-06 3
-3.51118197E-11-2.38932974E-13 3.30049252E+04 5.30876678E+00 3.37710821E+04 4
ALB02 J 6/66AL 1.B 1.0 2 O.G 300.000 6000.000 69.79134 1 Chase (1985)
7.17229950E+00 2.97807410E-03-1.24311070E-06 2.31887790E-10-1.60412080E-14 2
-6.76836820E+04-9.98173974E+00 2.30872340E+00 1.88905390E-02-2.06333480E-05 3
1.02513240E-08-1.69412830E-12-6.64821670E+04 1.44770185E+01-6.51170313E+04 4
ALBr J 9/79AL 1.BR 1. • O.G 300.000 5000.000 106.88564 1 Chase (1985)
4.38224240E+00 2.12007070E-04-7.07644470E-08 1.06590180E-11 1.48302660E-16 2
5.76168490E+02 3.73910868E+00 3.49006110E+00 4.54767970E-03-8.19355780E-06 3
6.86661520E-09-2.17650580E-12 7.29453060E+02 7.88664758E+00 1.91229750E+03 4
ALBr3 J 9/79AL 1.BR 3. 0 O.G 300.000 6000.000 266.69354 1 Chase (1985)
9.615059006+00 4.44685460E-04-1.99029830E-07 3.925181806-11-2,84279750E-15 2
-5.23495440E+04-1.31191090E+01 6.25372060E+00 1.60802170E-02-2.86697580E-05 3
2.361607606-08-7.39313140E-12-5.17352110E+04 2.68365808E+00-4,93669766E+04 4
ALC J 6/63AL 1.C 1. 0 O.G 300.000 6000.000 38.99254 1 Chase (1985)
4.15644780E+00 4.46924900E-04-1.74670400E-07 3.43043360E-11-2.47727060E-16 2
8.16066050E+04 2.90472525E+00 2.64224830E+00 6.44651610E-03-9.58923760E-06 3
6.90408060E-09-1.94307790E-12 8.19298740E+04 1.02673620E+01 8.29321939E+04 4
ALCL J 9/79AL 1.CL 1. 0 O.G 300.000 6000.000 62.43424 1 Chase (1985)
4.33962710E+00 2.48388740E-04-8.29218520E-08 1.23423190E-11-2,37558180E-17 2
-7.52810810E+03 2.53729426E+00 3.12222860E+00 5.92804740E-03-1.04168320E-05 3
8.55510650E-09-2.67223800E-12-7.30768390E+03 8.26335616E+00-6.18958661E+03 4
ALCL+ J 6/76AL 1.CL 1.E -1 O.G 300.000 6000.000 62.43369 1 Chase (1985)
4.62849650E+00-3.47505360E-04 2.29973510E-07-2.42797980E-11-2.64405440E-16 2
1.02204470E+05 1.43039988E+00 2.869836206+00 6.65346860E-03-1.132770706-05 3
9.07029740E-09-2.77946400E-12 1.02697410E+05 1.00199526E+01 1,03666310E+05 4
ALCLF J 6/76AL 1.CL 1.F 1 O.O 300.000 5000.000 81.43264 1 Chase (1986)
6.42626220E+00 6.78611680E-04-3.11863920E-07 6.21423790E-11-4.25195730E-15 2
-6.09387690E+04-3.06227080E+00 3.21759680E+00 1.45245490E-02-2.39224880E-05 3
1.86216090E-08-5.69036670E-12-6.03066080E+04 1.22718185E+01-5.88778039E+04 4
ALCLF+ J 6/76AL 1.CL 1.F 1E -1.G 300.000 5000.000 81.43209 1 Chase (1985)
6.88359050E+00 7.05093660E-04-3.13660880E-07 6.16073100E-11-4,44905370E-15 2
3.10059900E+04-8.48211360E+00 3.73412920E+00 1.38890430E-02-2.22225390E-05 3
1.69376830E-08-5.00613420E-12 3.16477550E+04 6.66914740E+00 3.32131840E+04 4
ALCLF2 J 6/76AL 1.CL 1.F 2 O.G 300.000 5000.000 100.43105 1 Chase (1985)
8.86746440E+00 1.29333190E-03-5.74687960E-07 1.12784190E-10-8.13981540E-15 2
-1.23092500E+05-1.56007845E+01 3.49052450E+00 2.34106220E-02-3.67308020E-05 3
2.75774850E-08-8.05708740E-12-1.219785706+05 1.035983466+01-1.20171161E+05 4
ALCL2 J 6/76AL 1.CL 2. • O.G 300.000 5000.000 97.88694 1 Chase (1985)
6.64141330E+00 4.33919070E-04-2.03424560E-07 4.09001350E-11-2.72093750E-15 2
-3.57946890E+04-3.34843902E+00 3.93367410E+00 1.29289180E-02-2.27679920E-05 3
1.86055150E-08-5.79002790E-12-3.52966190E+04 9.40186678E+00-3.37162634E+04 4
ALCL2+ J 6/76AL 1.CL 2.E -1 O.G 300.000 5000.000 97.88639 1 Chase (1985)
7.09545770E+00 4.65254700E-04-2.07664790E-07 4.087990606-11-2.95689140E-15 2
5.56437750E+04-8.518098636+00 4.356112806+00 1.264061206-02-2.15540600E-05 3
1.72227530E-08-5.27444730E-12 5.616973606+04 4.493047376+00 5.78714632E+04 4
ALCL2- J 6/76AL 1.CL 2.E 1 O.G 300.000 6000.000 97.88749 1 Chase (1985)
6.71266180E+00 3.46568360E-04-1.58843540E-07 2.99600630E-11-1.65448150E-15 2
-5.99542570E+04-4.13632911E+00 4.251094606+00 1.19685620E-02-2.16382290E-05 3
1.78692300E-08-5.62207530E-12-5.95130610E+04 7.39326189E+00-5.78712622E+04 4
ALCL2F J 6/76AL 1.CL 2.F 1 O.G 300.000 6000.000 116.88534 1 Chase (1985)
9.14760670E+00 9.76691590E-04-4.34886760E-07 8.54640750E-11-6.17394740E-15 2
-9.80602870E+04-1.53791197E+01 4.25516640E+00 2.20167890E-02-3.62769860E-05 3
2.82748420E-08-8.50110950E-12-9.70888870E+04 8.02488762E+00-9.51102737E+04 4


ALCL3 J 9/79AL 1.CL 3. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 133.33964 1 Chase (1985)

9.40410830E+00 6.86418720E-O4-3.06638500E-07 6.03915090E-11-4.36935740E-15 2
-7.32858130E+04-1.62963831E+01 4.91326650E+00 2.10318640E-O2-3.65469310E-05 3
2.95868120E-O8-9.14510050E-12-7.24410560E+04 4.94299605E+OO-7.03101033E+04 4
ALF J 9/79AL 1.F 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 45.97994 1 Chase (1985)
4.12613950E+00 4.62680540E-04-1.74777330E-07 3.00154840E-11-1.53288410E-15 2
-3.32759380E+04 2.06640736E+00 2.64729250E+00 6.08226860E-03-8.59634290E-06 3
5.89798370E-O9-1.58867650E-12-3.29492600E+04 9.31391236E+00-3.19546746E+04 4
ALF+ J 6/76AL 1.F 1E -1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 45.97939 1 Chase (1985)
3.35221860E+00 1.31038670E-O3-1.43183830E-O7-4.54423300E-11 7.34207490E-15 2
8.22325000E+04 7.08370827E+00 2.72530530E+00 4.81203130E-03-5.44117190E-06 3
2.74390840E-09-3,58751920E-13 8.22504680E+04 9.72336097E+00 8.32340781E+04 4
ALF2 J 6/76AL 1.F 2 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 64.97835 1 Chase (1985)
6.15793000E+00 9.81322870E-O4-4.45350280E-07 8.82059600E-11-6.12622550E-15 2
-8.S5664790E+04-3.95119222E+00 2.74084650E+00 1.44667450E-02-2.15206190E-05 3
1.54119890E-08-4.32297970E-12-8.48345940E+04 1.26766819E+O1-8.35361263E+04 4
ALF2+ J 6/76AL 1.F 2 E -1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 54.97780 1 Chase (1985)
6.59253940E+00 1.03194890E-O3-4.57394400E-07 8.96205990E-11-6.46098250E-15 2
8.89919430E+O3-9.45969758E+00 3.12391760E+00 1.45230560E-O2-2.Z3154430E-05 3
1.51561330E-OS-4.23740960E-12 9.65450720E+03 7.47417652E+00 1.10710379E+04 4
ALF2- J 6/76AL 1.F 2 E 1. 0.O 300.000 5000.000 64.97889 1 Chase (1985)
6.26667450E+00 8.37111720E-O4-3.68400210E-07 7.01504770E-11-4.68762980E-15 2
-1.11252900E+05-5.02117975E+00 2.67153500E+00 1.56019440E-O2-2.44193220E-05 3
1.82531690E-08-5.30647750E-12-1.10508600E+05 1.23382336E+Ol-1.09200801E+05 4
ALF20 J 6/76AL 1.F 2 0 1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 80.97775 1 Chase (1985)
8.82056220E+00 1.25486940E-03-5.45244650E-07 1.20368600E-10-9.64835990E-15 2
-1.36306680E+05-1.60428721E+01 3.08740900E+00 2.38332390E-O2-3.60629830E-05 3
2.62689190E-08-7.48567600E-12-1.35065400E+05 1.18936719E+01-l.33355812E+05 4
ALF20- J 6/76AL 1.F 2.0 1.E 1.G 300.000 5000.000 80.97829 1 Chase (1985)
8.61427860E+00 1.57845960E-03-7.00291150E-07 1.37292120E-10-9.90139850E-15 2
-1.60403360E+OS-1.58792509E+01 2.91975970E+00 2.40940130E-02-3.60809440E-05 3
2.60678480E-O8-7.38083790E-12-1.59181520E+05 1.18310821E+01-l.S7510833E+O5 4
Chase (1985)
ALF3 J 9/79AL 1.F 3. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 83.97675 1
8.72897229E+00 1.31428559E-O3-5.17599581E-07 8.86782789E-11-5.52837363E-15 2
-1.48390330E+05-1.75036661E+01 3.10285412E+00 2.23455765E-O2-3.14588690E-05 3
2,11582073E-08-5.S3896073E-12-1.47126797E+05 1.01597069E+Ol-l.45447229E+05 4
ALF4- J 6/76AL 1.F 4.E 1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 102.97570 1 Chase (1985)
1.14714510E+01 1.75257860E-O3-7.80642270E-07 1.53444740E-10-1.10863740E-14 2
-2.43360360E+OS-3.11980750E+01 2.58785930E+00 3.99304410E-O2-6.57369140E-05 3
5.11630550E-OS-1.53586950E-11-2.41596490E+05 1.13015770E+O1-2.39537061E+05 4
Chase (1985)
ALH J 6/63AL 1.H 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 27.98948 1
3.33668980E+00 1.28778640E-03-4.98699410E-07 9.22946330E-11-6.34516940E-15 2
3.00917610E+04 3.09548828E+00 3.65768570E+OO-l.g7446980E-03 6.86633980E-06 3
-6,20414040E-09 1.86631030E-12 3.01464580E+04 2,08851108E+00 3.11985222E+04 4
ALI J 9/79AL 1.I 1. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 153.88601 1 Chase (1985)
4.30067835E+00 3.94526798E-04-1,94717877E-07 4.31766594E-11-2.50995942E-15 2
6.87733839E+03 5.19554991E+00 3.37619386E+00 6.20358000E-O3-1.33437988E-05 3
1.28978040E-O8-4.59262508E-12 6.98468944E+03 9.20980278E+00 8.17245995E+03 4
Chase (1985)
ALI3 J 9/79AL 1.I 3. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.009 407.69495 1
9.70924960E+00 3.36646920E-04-1.50948540E-07 2.98131580E-11-2.16179940E-15 2
-2.62339960E+O4-1.06639943E+01 6.97612980E+00 1.32127780E-02-2.38290730E-05 3
1.97963930E-OS-6.23362760E-12-2.57415850E+04 2.14766716E+OO-2.32487352E+04 4
ALN J12/7gAL 1.N 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 40.98828 1 Chase (1985)
4.14504680E+00 4.85609620E-O4-2.01264090E-07 4.12594880E-11-2,88543080E-15 2
6.15832400E+04 3.58234302E+00 2.64486500E+00 6.54168760E-O3-9.86253390E-06 3
7.18823230E-09-2.04448450E-12 6.18973820E+04 1.08478644E+01 6.29028113E+04 4
ALO J12/79AL 1.0 1. 0. O.G 300,000 5000,000 42.98094 1 Chase (1985)
3.31390640E+00 1.04524210E-03 2.74855330E-O7-1.79286060E-10 1.99878130E-14 2
7.09433360E+03 7.20963426E+00 2.81161030E+00 3.95842610E-O3-3.36953040E-06 3
6.73304970E-10 4.00894550E-13 7.06550370E+03 9.20895756E+00 8.05147516E+03 4
ALO+ J12/79AL 1.0 1.E -1. O.G 300.090 5090.900 42.98039 1 Chase (1985)
4.19084670E+00 6.93581980E-O4-3.44599990E-07 7.61723270E-11-5.90324000E-15 2
1.18074390E+05 3.52951981E+00 2.94144340E+00 5.25921680E-O3-7.34390730E-06 3
5.33167930E-Og-l.57833360E-12 1.18374690E+05 9.73538251E+00 1.19430345E+05 4
ALO- J12/79AL 1.0 1.E 1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 42.98149 1 Chase (1985)
4,03805550E+00 5.58371100E-O4-2.18886650E-07 3.85330240E-11-2.10955500E-15 2
-3.37100890E+04 2.24480660E+00 2.72267540E+00 4.94755180E-03-5.75717540E-06 3
3.14244000E-09-6.41528320E-13-3.33912960E+04 8.83631380E+00-3.24045842E+04 4
ALOCL J 9/64AL 1.0 1.CL 1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 78.43364 1 Chase (1985)
6.78052000E+00 7.96628220E-04-3.42333560E-07 6.50226480E-11-4.55191970E-15 2
-4.40808320E+O4-9.30014037E+00 3.24444090E+00 1.41170050E-O2-1,93220380E-05 3
1.19627980E-OB-2.70691800E-12-4.33123430E+04 8,00537213E+OO-4.18659024E+04 4


ALOF J12/78AL 1.0 1.F 1 9.G 3_9.899 5_99.998 61.97934 1 Chase (1985)
6.45216228E+_8 1 19265958E-B3-5.2893137eE-87 1.83678118E-19-7.47653678E-15 2
-7.21163638E+84-9 .81812786E+88 2.8391461_E+08 1.8948762_E-82-2.89787788E-S5 3
2.136_9418E-88-6 15798739E-12-7.1182333gE+04 1.23866981E+91-6.99488689E+84 4
ALOH J12/67AL 1.0 1.H 1 9.G 388.8_8 58_8._09 43.98888 1 Chase (1985)
3.68686748E+_8 3 36368229E-e3-1.24662449E-96 2.13822959E-19-1.3898319eE-14 2
-2.39461858E+_4 3 .69815562E+88 2,61322118E+88 2.77168948E-83 7.41578388E-86 3
-1.13646828E-88 4 55695599E-12-2.25867978E+84 1.887633_SE+81-2.16392416E+84 4
ALOH+ J12/67AL 1.0 1.H 1E -1.G 399.99_ 5990.9_ 43.98838 1 Chase (1955)
4.15819878E+88 2 89252129E-83-1.SS654148E-86 1.79451679E-18-1.15878148E-14 2
6.38928888E+84 2 .64913811E+99 1.96934398E+88 7.919114_SE-83-2.28579599E-96 3
-4.81837898E-89 2 57975968E-12 6.45181858E+84 1.41861776E+81 6.64197358E+84 4
ALOH- J12/67AL 1.0 1.H 1E 1.G 398,988 5888.888 43.98943 1 Chase (1985)
4.39187188E+88 2 16685938E-83-7.39886459E-97 1.18219558E-19-7.22988419E-15 2
-2.91349959E+_4 3 .62788763E+_ 2.91382948E+98 5.95397158E-93-3.95589549E-86 3
-1.25987090E-89 1 .28868948E-12-2.87818278E+94 1._6224679E+81-2.76775938E+84 4
AL02 J12/79AL 1.0 2. 9 e.O 389.898 5998.88_ 58.98834 1 Chase (1985)
6.68646419E+88 1 .88822528E-83-S.22293448E-97 1.13242288E-18-8.52989688E-15 2
-1.2532432_E+94-8 .81717584E+_9 3.25451488E+88 1.42758449E-82-2.11832488E-e5 3
1.59562598E-88-4 .21426148E-12-1.18125828E+84 8.38255496E+88-1.83664132E+e4 4
ALO2- J12/79AL 1.0 2.E 1 8 G 388.889 598e.8_8 58.98889 1 Chase (1985)
6.36874828E+_8 1 .27928388E-83-6.65939918E-87 1.18463798E-18-7.9512442eE-15 2
-6.89729898E+84-8.79979498E+89 3.88129388E+98 1.38396548E-92-1.71199229E-_5 3
1.8978788BE-88-2.79421288E-12-6.B2862838E+84 7.58156692E+SB-5.88388468E+84 4
ALO2H J12/68AL 1.0 2.H 1 9 G 399.99_ 5898.889 59.98828 1 Chase (1985)
6.42643468E+98 3.22393628E-O3-1.21393488E-86 2.19745999E-1_-1.38289999E-14 2
-5.76261548E+84-7.45759253E+88 2.4898456_E+88 1.61492648E-82-1.68335248E-85 3
6.44661668E-89-4.89947698E-13-S.6682759BE+84 1.23878718E+81-5.53546581E+84 4
ALS J12/79AL 1.S 1. 9 • 0 298.889 6988.888 59.84754 1 Chase (1985)
1.98171118E+89 3.97526437E-83-1.49428858E-96 2.26365879E-1e-l.21836384E-14 2
2.82485754E+94 1.59882273E+81 2.71455183E+88 7.31189725E-93-1.26528925E-85 3
1.91796165E-98-2.87613387E-12 2.76434914E+94 1.95669599E+91 2.86847932E+84 4
AL2 J 6/79AL 2. 9. 9 9 G 3ee.8e9 59eg.ee9 53.96388 1 Chase (1985)
5.8158_628E+99-1 .3269537_E-93 6.87518869E-97-1.96924198E-18 7.96114898E-15 2
5.6789_478E+94-4 .95471857E+88 1.89944819E+9_ 1.59365_28E-82-2.7258258_E-05 3
1.98711288E-88-5 .36848468E-12 5.75311349E+94 1.48729889E+81 5.85749298E+84 4
AL2Br6 J 9/79AL 2.BR 6. 8. 9 0 388.889 5898.998 533.38788 1 Chase (1985)
2.12743318E+81 8 .39396368E-94-3.75947788E-87 7,41781198E-11-5.3728551eE-15 2
-1.19298268E+_5-6 .61868288E+81 1.41859798E+91 3.44525069E-92-6.2522437_E-95 3
5.21732389E-98-1 .64827898E-11-1.18825258E+gS-2.29291868E+81-1.12721454E+85 4
AL2CL6 J 9/79AL 2.CL 6. 9. 9 O 399 989 5999.9_9 266.67928 1 Chase (1985)
2.97949939E+91 1 .39142478E-83-6.22186719E-87 1 .22593778E-18-8.87275858E-15 2
-1.62484729E+95-6 .24731881E+81 1.85891988E+81 4 .98774368E-e2-8.7299726_E-_5 3
7.17234328E-98-2 .24243288E-11-1.68517848E+85-1 .48848671E+91-1.55842516E+_5 4
AL2F6 J 9/79AL 2.F 6. 8. 8 O 388 ese 5988.99_ 167.95359 1 Chase (1985)
1.88298469E+91 3 .629223_gE-93-1.69855529E-96 3 .15662529E-19-2.27892878E-14 2
-3.23151188E+85-6 .32488798E+81 3.16181188E+88 6 .889889_SE-82-1.89658688E-84 3
8.32933428E-88-2 .4561B498E-11-3.19942488E+85 1 .22125648E+81-3.16753265E+85 4
AL216 J 9/79AL 2.1 6. e. 9 0 388 888 5888.8_8 815.38999 1 Chase (1985)
2.15831918E+81 5 .75941938E-84-2.58398288E-87 5 .18459778E-11-3.78177388E-15 2
-6.64491319E+94-5 .11668663E+91 1.62254989E+81 2 .59384398E-82-4.7642352eE-85 3
4._8836858E-98-1 .27371849E-11-6.45194979E+94-2 .65484143E+e1-5.88767888E+84 4
AL20 J12/79AL 2.0 1. 8. 8 O 388 889 5888.888 69.96248 1 Chase (1985)
6.77296279E+_9 8.255B9929E-94-3.62919919E-97 .953139_gE-11-4.7345211_E-15 2
-1.96431978E+84-B.77233125E+88 4.97326568E+88 .13876138E-82-1.65651628E-B5 8
1.17842849E-98-3.8B858939E-12-1.98542399E+84 .49834835E+88-1.74618292E+_4 4
AL20+ J12/79AL 2.0 1.E -1. 8 G 388 888 5_89.99_ 69.96193 1 Chase (1985)
6.8797885_E+88 7.87498779E-84-3.14192448E-87 .16489838E-11-4.4478698_E-15 2
7.62787568E+e4-8.38181441E+88 4.18457368E+88 .19783518E-82-1.85225898E-e5 3
1.37566918E-88-3.98674239E-12 7.68527838E+84 .18257249E+88 7.84795396E+94 4
AL202 J12/79AL 2.0 2. 8. 8 G 388 889 5888.898 85.96188 1 Chase (1985)
9.15989768E+88 9.68539279E-84-4.32585138E-87 .51788498E-11-6.16153798E-15 2
-5._4289599E+_4-1.91564689E+91 2.75964118E+98 .99975999E-92-5.2199497eE-85 3
4.22826868E-88-1.38753688E-11-4.92268328E+84 .11887728E+91-4.74536598E+84 4
AL202+ J12/79AL 2.0 2.E -1. 9 G 388 889 5888.888 85.96133 1 Chase (1985)
9.27516939E+99 8.35872239E-94-3.73616888E-87 7.36851688E-11-5.32627948E-15 2
6.5264868BE+84-1.86772586E+81 3.34219848E+88 2.81112498E-82-4.95471788E-85 3
4.95_9752_E-98-1.26193199E-11 6.6362896_E+84 9.29924168E+99 6.82447923E+84 4
Ar L 6/88AR 1. 9. e. 9 O 298.999 6999.999 39.94888 1 McBride (1993)
2.58898888E+88 8.89889_98E+88 8.98998888E+88 8.888888_9E+89 8.888988_8E+88 2
-7.45378899E+82 4.37967491E+88 2.58898888E+88 8.88898_9_E+89 9.98998888E+88 3
9.89999899E+e9 9.899_9988E+ge-7.45375_geE+82 4.37967491E+98 9.99999998E+98 4


Ar+ L10/92AR 1.E -1 0. O.G 298.150 6000.000 39.94745 1 Moore, C.E. (1971)
2.86999547E+eO-1.42547242E-04 9.36688776E-09 2.92580859E-12-3.58247941E-16 2
1.82702617E+05 3.53229975E+00 2.59316097E+O0-1.32892944E-03 5.26503944E-06 3
-5.97956691E-09 2.18967862E-12 1.82878368E+05 5.44980570E+00 1.83628186E+06 4
B J 6/83B 1. • 0. O.G 200.000 60e0.000 10.81100 1 Chase (1985)
2.49860273E+00 1.40267322E-06 1.09458278E-09-1.20006414E-12 2.43121994E-16 2
6.66075914E+04 4.21887979E+00 2.51054099E+OO-6.23801328E-05 1.42178099E-07 3
-1.41697796E-10 6.16018749E-14 6.66053894E+04 4.16367209E+00 6.73521350E+04 4
B+ J 6/83B 1.E -1 0. O.G 298,150 6000.000 10.81045 1 Chase (1985)
2.51207118E+O0-2.60008491E-05 1.90411755E-OS-5.71840071E-12 6.06893037E-16 2
1.63627851E+05 2.35392699E+00 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 1.63631960E+05 2.41907708E+00 1.64377336E+05 4
B- J 6/83B 1.E 1 0. O.G 298,150 6000.000 10.81155 1 Chase (1985)
2.50007592E+00-8 .17294256E-08 3.29965783E-11-5.74649652E-15 3.62366056E-19 2
6.26417693E+04 4 .61598613E+00 2.50120271E+00-5.73427208E-06 1.09670435E-08 3
-9.50303533E-12 3 .08935774E-15 6.26415806E+04 4.61078158E+00 6.33871389E+04 4
BCL J12/64B 1.CL 1 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 46.26370 1 Chase (1985)
4.10205710E+00 4.86591930E-04-1.88643260E-07 3.58333420E-11-2.50990690E-18 2
1.56879580E+04 1.95526119E+00 2.83644630E+00 4.43688120E-O3-4.38875220E-06 3
1.51610780E-09 3.26461950E-14 1.60013610E+04 8.34533209E+00 1.70084902E+04 4
BCL+ J 6/68B 1.CL 1E -1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 46.26316 1 Chase (1985)
4.10608880E+00 4.72741700E-O4-1.79285840E-07 3.24161370E-11-2.05487580E-16 2
1.47130970E+05 2.64272940E+00 2.81241970E+00 4.60063920E-03-4.91199620E-06 3
1.96722160E-09-1 .38378020E-13 1.47448490E+05 9.15668240E+00 1.48462806E+06 4
BCLF J12/64B 1.CL 1 F 1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 66.26210 1 Chase (1985)
5.70767570E+00 1.41002030E-03-6.01141370E-07 1.13670440E-10-7.93680630E-15 2
-3.96933270E+04-1,53503845E+00 3.31202340E+00 7.41987630E-O3-4.34859490E-06 3
-1.13740570E-09 1.37638900E-12-3.90175480E+04 1.09483562E+O1-3.77402963E+04 4
BCL2 J 6/72B 1.CL 2 • O.G 300.000 6000.000 81.71640 1 Chase (1985)
6.44598380E+00 5.79279480E-04-2.60497050E-07 6.35963580E-11-5.39822150E-15 2
-1.16613040E+04-4.46086977E+00 3.29747860E+00 1.20826760E-O2-1.61237550E-06 3
9.62658560E-09-2.05991990E-12-1.09665370E+04 1.10426333E+O1-9.66076191E+03 4
BCL2+ J12/70B 1.CL 2 E -1 O.G 300.000 5800.000 81.71686 1 Chase (1986)
6.92666270E+00 6 .77776330E-04-3.21014960E-07 6.83444220E-11-5.00736920E-15 2
7.88678220E+04-8 .93462664E+00 4.27049310E+00 1.06037910E-O2-1.42298380E-05 3
8.53728310E-09-1 .83496710E-12 7.94360160E+04 4.07645066E+00 8.10708542E+04 4
BCL2- J 6/72B 1.CL 2 E 1 O.G 300.000 5000.000 81.71695 1 Chase (1985)
6.35182180E+00 7 .70288480E-O4-4.46998630E-07 1.38311780E-10-1.32219950E-14 2
-t.97054320E+04-4 .77472070E+00 3.23587910E+00 1.16902190E-02-1.47782590E-06 3
8.21816460E-09-1 .56579130E-12-1.89818150E+04 1.06900104E+01-l.76126075E+04 4
BCL3 J12/64B 1.CL 3 0 O.G 300.000 5000.000 117 16910 1 Chase (1985)
8.59853800E+00 1 .55319230E-03-6.70006020E-07 1.27891120E-1e-9.00000590E-15 2
-5.13570710E+04-1 .51584297E+01 3.73962650E+00 1.81058130E-02-2.13404610E-05 3
1.08283350E-08-1 .73259670E-12-S.02146090E+04 9.06312747E+00-4.84628831E+04 4
BF J12/64B 1.F 1 0 O.G 300.000 5000.000 29 80940 1 Chase (1986)
3.57718880E+00 1 .01929080E-O3-4.12515640E-07 7.71964380E-11-6.34987410E-15 2
-1.51272640E+04 3 .26612227E+00 3.46136090E+00-9 .66854680E-04 6.01367440E-06 3
-6.49780570E-09 2 .23553490E-12-1.49698200E+04 4 .46077947E+OO-1.39390003E+04 4
BF2 J 6/72B 1.F 2 0 O.G 300.000 5000.000 48 80781 1 Chase (1986)
5.44474570E+00 1 .75332110E-03-7.84444740E-07 1 .57198590E-10-1.13110710E-14 2
-7.28603670E+04-2 .27331909E+00 3.03093030E+00 7 .24110210E-03-2.82509190E-06 3
-2.89204130E-09 2 .00461020E-12-7.21511020E+04 1 .04457036E+O1-7.09553140E+04 4
BF2+ J12/708 1.F 2.E -1 O.G 300.000 5000.000 48 80726 1 Chase (1985)
5.81276380E+00 1 .81934240E-03-7.71034570E-07 1 .44897820E-10-9.98091560E-15 2
3.67948010E+04-7 .00431186E+00 3.31464740E+00 8 .64436540E-O3-6.75253960E-06 3
1.33836650E-09 4 .51149100E-13 3.74836490E+04 6 .90468985E+00 3.87993258E+04 4
BF2- J 6/72B 1.F 2.E 1 O.G 300.000 5000.000 48 80836 1 Chase (1986)
5.31003480E+00 2.00204390E-O3-9.72355100E-07 2.16414430E-10-1.66408810E-14 2
-9.83369280E+04-2.32776093E+00 3.14245810E+00 6.41045790E-03-1.23864610E-06 3
-4.12201000E-09 2.34723670E-12-9.76729640E+04 9.22523217E+O0-9.64690963E+04 4

BF3 J 6/69B 1.F 3.0 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 67 80621 1 Chase (1985)
7.02419850E+00 3.22215590E-O3-1.37061540E-06 2.59196710E-10-1.81223100E-14 2
-1.39180720E+O5-1.11843009E+01 2.44682440E+00 1.52763120E-O2-1.07846170E-05 3
6.89075020E-10 1.48931870E-12-1.37901350E+05 1.25678211E+Ol-l.36586061E+05 4
BH J12/64B 1.H 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 11 81894 1 Chase (1985)
2.89190790E+00 1.58329460E-O3-5.82617290E-07 1 ,02420680E-10-6.76695690E-15 2
5.23287140E+04 3.79624329E+00 3.68622060E+00-1 .30554350E-03 2.67421050E-06 3
-9.10737380E-10-1.55911360E-13 5.21763300E+04-5 .52454012E-02 5.32391023E+04 4
BHF2 J12/65B 1.H 1.F 2. O.G 300.000 5000.000 49.81575 1 Chase (1985)
5.31846270E+00 4.74444660E-O3-1.93378680E-06 3 .55083820E-10-2.42936670E-14 2
-9.03750120E+O4-3.04314020E+00 2.40536020E+00 9 .27558440E-03 1.33864610E-06 3
-8.68078950E-09 4.12110150E-12-8.93884090E+04 1 .28880442E+01-8.82623625E+04 4


BH2 J12/64B 1.H 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 12.82688 1 Chase (1985)

3.36252860E+00 3.90128540E-03-1.60975610E-06 2.66728060E-10-1.77130630E-14 2
2.29190280E+04 1.25928269E+00 2.39682820E+00 7.47762600E-03-7.20195140E-06 3
4.68263980E-09-1.25106800E-12 2.31626600E+04 6.07647039E+00 2.41541598E+04 4
BH3 J12/64B 1.H 3. 0. O.G 300.000 6000.000 13.83482 1 Chase (1985)
2.06217260E+00 7.265589605-03-2.76103370E-06 4.78037090E-10-3.13342850E-14 2
1.19237630E+04 8,84946083E+00 3.94870330E+00-5.21705430E-04 7.64811640E-06 3
-4.61486940E-09 5.63186160E-13 1.16188090E+04-4.65174579E-02 1.28316429E+04 4
BN J 6/66B 1.N 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 24.81774 1 Chase (1985)
3.59818320E+00 8.71768050E-04-2.99726440E-07 5.60369440E-11-4.07504210E-15 2
6.61712410E+04 4.60022526E+00 3.53760660E+00-1.35565860E-03 6.22141890E-06 3
-6.16832690E-09 1.98724610E-12 5.63297430E+04 5.56317675E+00 5.73679101E+04 4
BO J 6/68B 1.0 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 26.81040 1 Chase (1985)
3.16649560E+00 1.38165890E-03-6.60496300E-07 9.91166780E-11-6.41645460E-15 2
-1.03034220E+03 6.03748954E+00 3.72972500E+00-2.08783240E-03 5.73628490E-06 3
-4.38948280E-09 1.09166320E-12-1.06188590E+03 3.62654104E+00-1.45402311E-01 4
BOCL J12/65B 1.0 1.CL 1. O.G 300.000 6000.000 62.26310 1 Chase (1985)
6.71355660E+00 1.86646890E-03-7.74878980E-07 1.43985720E-10-9.93177450E-16 2
-3.99773530E+04-4.88040355E+00 3.27053210E+00 1.02277500E-02-1.20701630E-05 3
7.20255620E-09-1.69147380E-12-3.93782080E+04 7.349302265+00-3.80417116E+04 4
BOF J12/65B 1.0 1.F 1. O.G 200.000 6000.000 46,80880 1 Chase (1985)
5,39296603E+00 2.07444500E-03-7.93600586E-07 1.33476571E-10-8.21779331E-15 2
-7.43113852E+04-4.76500645E+00 2.23703738E+00 1.33495496E-02-1.81530614E-05 3
1.36093676E-08-4.24382397E-12-7.36283735E+04 1.10069410E+01-7,24035451E+04 4
BOF2 J12/66B 1.0 1.F 2. O.G 300.000 5000.000 64,80721 1 Chase (1985)
7.30772330E+00 2.99036200E-03-1.30696170E-06 2.63082420E-10-1.76873330E-14 2
-1.03345760E+05-1.11924169E+01 1.74459770E+00 1.86932770E-02-1.52461640E-05 3
2.65694700E-09 1.37986060E-12-1.01867580E+05 1.73531391E+01-1.00645369E+06 4
B02 J 6/68B 1.0 2. 0, O.G 300.000 6000.000 42.80980 1 Chase (1986)
5.81984340E+00 1.86266740E-03-8.13027970E-07 1.57358210E-10-1.09442380E-14 2
-3.62651170E+04-6.66090797E+00 3.12120480E+00 8.46808830E-03-4.59722780E-06 3
-1.64200210E-09 1.66582330E-12-3.54833070E+04 7.64789163E+00-3.42194143E+04 4
B02- J12/68B 1.0 2.E 1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 42.81035 1 Chase (1985)
4.88061690E+00 2.67436610E-03-1.09321940E-06 2.00808730E-10-1.37177690E-14 2
-8.52843240E+04-3.00927635E+00 2.49163370E+00 9.74706440E-03-8.76408640E-06 3
3.68025440E-09-4.06112210E-13-8.46412180E+04 9.22689575E+00-8.35356575E+04 4
BS J 6/72B 1.S 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 42.87700 1 Chase (1985)
3.70685420E+00 9.86828950E-04-4.74952660E-07 1.06546010E-10-8,05196430E-15 2
2.80128160E+04 4.42462090E+00 3.17420460E+00 9.85449720E-04 2.77113190E-06 3
-4.37518010E-09 1.76161790E-12 2.823062405+04 7.53386240E+00 2.92374816E+04 4
B2 J 3/79B 2. 0. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 21.62200 1 Chase (1985)
6.23869155E+00-6.23607507E-04 1.69704978E-07-2.06549042E-11 9.41435925E-16 2
9.79873828E+04-6.00742217E+00 3.79099744E+00-6.87536359E-03 3.00614162E-05 3
-3.91439173E-08 1.60419428E-11 9.87229998E+04 3.43463203E+00 9.97878648E+04 4
B2O J 6/66B 2.0 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 37.62140 1 Chase (1985)
4.73006380E+00 2.39414860E-03-1.00083240E-06 1.86975100E-10-1.29636720E-14 2
9.88533540E+03-6.35851289E-01 3.52947300E+00 3.19938260E-03 3.03292670E-06 3
-5.74912550E-09 2.284734905-12 1.03632010E+04 6.239631435+00 1.15742290E+04 4
B202 J12/64B 2.0 2. 0. O.G 300.000 6000.000 53.62080 1 Chase (1985)
6.99385740E+00 3.59403930E-03-1.47536110E-06 2.72251240E-10-1.86959960E-14 2
-5.72961780E+04-1.21677771E+01 3.68070780E+00 1.53611320E-02-1.860609705-05 3
1.21714510E-08-3.24110180E-12-5.64866470E+04 4.35612734E+00-5.48483506E+04 4
B203 J 6/71B 2.0 3. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 69.62020 1 Chase (1985)
8.39941060E+00 4.74363380E-03-1.95523040E-06 3.618774905-10-2.49072320E-14 2
-1.03571580E+06-1.58100009E+01 3.66088370E+00 2.02620760E-02-2,19473380E-05 3
1.22530e40E-08-2.70384020E-12-1.02366240E+05 8.10622068E+00-1.00544127E+05 4
B3O3CL3 J 3/65B 3.0 3.CL 3. O.G 300.000 5000.000 186.78930 1 Chase (1985)
1.928256405+01 6.31726810E-03-2.72429260E-06 6.20479100E-10-3.66777900E-14 2
-2.e3208830E+05-6.78851521E+01 4.04449830E+00 5.42605970E-02-5.57507610E-05 3
2.22231280E-08-1.41812950E-12-1.99416320E+05 9.056722555+00-1.962480465+05 4
B303F3 J 3/66B 3,0 3.F 3. O.G 300.000 5000.000 137.42641 1 Chase (1985)
1.68586160E+01 8.86857640E-03-3.788105805-06 7.18704010E-10-5.03769170E-14 2
-2.90931040E+05-5.98587523E+01 3.07988610E+00 4,563659205-02-3.30988260E-05 3
2.55388390E-09 4.43687610E-12-2.87122130E+05 1.14753917E+01-2.844607435+06 4
8303H3 J 3/65B 3.0 3.H 3. O.G 200.000 6000.000 83.46502 1 Chase (1985)
1.212012125+01 1.22811209E-02-4.60922487E-06 7.65824542E-10-4.67623793E-14 2
-1.51648629E+05-3.98918007E+01 2.76989078E+00 2.53426900E-02 1.22486701E-05 3
-3.73057611E-08 1.74556897E-11-1.48431026E+05 1.15218019E+01-1.46436050E+05 4
Ba J12/70BA 1. 0. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 137.32700 1 Chase (1986)
7.97305450E+00-1.11612150E-02 7.11721470E-06-1.53366730E-09 1.08767000E-13 2
1.88899660E+04-2.34876848E+01 2.50387770E+00-3,78039140E-06 1,29149660E-07 3
-1.84004090E-10 9.29348290E-14 2.07925440E+04 6.21674222E+00 2.15382161E+04 4


BaBr J12/74BA 1.BR 1. 0 0.0 300.000 5000.000 217.23100 1 Chase (1985)

4.36897740E+00 3.90758870E-04-2.99017490E-07 1.06413010E-10-9.84160490E-15 2
-1.46176850E+04 7.52526087E+00 4.17145530E+00 1.59608130E-03-2.88865420E-06 3
2.47671470E-09-7.98307000E-13-1.45944950E+04 8.38620677E+00-1.33008383E+04 4
BaBr2 J12/74BA 1.BR 2. 0 O.G 300.000 5000.000 297.13500 1 Chase (1985)
6.95023380E+00 5.80660230E-05-2.61954280E-08 5,19928280E-12-3.78527700E-16 2
-5.31668420E+04 1.49002755E+00 6.34052750E+00 3.05619520E-03-5.72858640E-06 3
4.88759680E-09-1.56880810E-12-5.306231605+01 4.31943715E+00-5.10777430E+04 4
BaCL J12/72BA 1.CL 1. 0 O,G 300.000 5000.000 172.77970 1 Chase (1985)
4.66752380E+00-2.21872510E-04 8.12706800E-08 3.02169620E-11-5.31833010E-15 2
-1.85421420E+04 4.46444204E+00 3.97811480E+00 2.18032180E-03-3.43425650E-06 3
2.51822120E-09-6.905802705-13-1.83669370E+04 7.92426104E+00-1.710964465+04 4
BaCL2 J12/72BA 1.CL 2 0 O.G 300.000 5000.000 208.23240 1 Chase (1985)
6.91386370E+00 9.82139630E-05-4.326834805-08 8.39690060E-12-5.98920850E-16 2
-6.20760510E+04-3.05863075E-01 6.05712380E+00 3.84261490E-03-6.26832050E-06 3
4.61966650E-09-1.27447680E-12-6.19145360E+04 3.76179166E+00-5.99846649E+04 4
BaF J12/72BA 1.F 1 0 O.G 300.000 5000.000 156.32540 1 Chase (1985)
4.35871250E+00 3.01107380E-04-2.28633150E-07 8.986555405-11-8.76575950E-15 2
-4.01013760E+04 4.60148543E+00 3.353750605+00 4.38195800E-03-6.64059290E-06 3
4.61432290E-09-1.19715180E-12-3.98929560E+04 9.45758923E+00-3.87483866E+04 4
BaF+ J12/72BA 1.F 1E -1 O.G 300,000 5000.000 156.32485 1 Chase (1985)
6.49455650E+00-4.11300560E-03 2.58828080E-06-5.04586980E-10 3.07195600E-14 2
1.59606510E+04-7.88498453E+00 3.16174640E+00 4.88760790E-03-7.12198820E-06 3
4.71449710E-09-1.14589830E-12 1.69604640E+04 9.54623287E+00 1.80662310E+04 4
BaF2 J12/72BA 1.F 2 0 O.G 300.000 5000.000 175.32381 1 Chase (1985)
6.79771590E+00 2.29321960E-04-1.00535210E-07 1.94285660E-11-1.38075070E-15 2
-9.87631140E+04-2.69528321E+00 5.09682390E+00 7.42262500E-03-1.16828330E-05 3
8.32962180E-09-2.22168560E-12-9.84315950E+04 5.43692089E÷00-9.66698696E+04 4
BaOH J12/75BA 1.0 1H 1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 154.33434 1 Chase (1985)
5.51784680E+00 1.47809030E-03-5.78233070E-07 1.404022205-10-1.20357650E-14 2
-2.895907405+04-1.49787288E+00 2.66818310E+00 1.68839760E-02-3.10317770E-05 3
2.64210480E-08-8.39535880E-12-2.85546680E+04 1.13434092E+01-2.72346238E+04 4
BaOH+ J 6/76BA 1.0 1H 1.E -1.G 300.000 5000 000 164.33379 1 Chase (1985)
5.51260190E+00 1.40138400E-03-4.23502160E-07 6.05783630E-ZZ-3.35196530E-15 2
3.08713490E+04-2.10767301E+00 2.70904900E+00 1.67265250E-02-3.07679270E-05 3
2.62104480E-08-8.33038390E-12 3.12550790E+04 1.04707909E+01 3.25822547E+04 4
BaO2H2 J12/75BA 1.0 2 H 2. O.G 300.000 5000 000 171.34168 1 Chase (1985)
9.08247350E+00 2.73683110E-03-8.17536780E-07 1.15348840E-10-6.28337560E-15 2
-7,81865860E+04-1.46886716E+01 3.79093560E+00 3.20754490E-02-5.93508060E-05 3
5.07763850E-08-1.618113105-11-7.74835580E+04 8.94869323E+00-7.53692938E+04 4
BaS J 9/77BA 1.S 1 0. O.G 300.000 5000 000 169.39300 1 Chase (1985)
4.44025870E+00 7.42693980E-04-1.17956810E-06 5.76186380E-10-6.75463240E-14 2
3,11598200E+03 4.28598436E+00 3.48161710E+00 4.56581350E-03-8.27264100E-06 3
6.93725940E-09-2.20002430E-12 3.363648805+03 9.044225065+00 4.54421146E+03 4
Be J 9/83BE 1 0 0. O.Q 200.000 6000 000 9.01218 1 Chase (1985)
2.29438566E+00 4.11669841E-04-2.64730832E-07 6.25681388E-11-3.89281007E-15 2
3.82958055E+04 3.26731909E+00 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3.82226460E+04 2.14617283E+00 3.89680210E+04 4
Be+ J 9/83BE 1E -1 0. O.G 298.150 6000 000 9.01163 1 Chase (1986)
2.50168976E+00-5.10373647E-06 5.27481090E-09-2.16155049E-12 3.00713026E-16 2
1.45893277E+05 2.83066790E+00 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 1.45893693E+05 2.83922870E+00 1.46639068E+05 4
BeB02 J 6/66BE 1B 1 0 2. O.G 300.000 5000 000 51.82198 1 Chase (1985)
6.91083760E+00 3.26686840E-03-1.36781200E-06 2.55762110E-10-1.77277410E-14 2
-6.05057150E+04-9.16165811E+00 2.00691200E+00 1.80448240E-02-1.69175810E-05 3
6.08653730E-09-1.72762850E-13-5.92341970E+04 1.58055570E+01-5.79713193E+04 4
BeBr J 6/75BE 1BR 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000 000 88.91618 1 Chase (1985)
4.19438870E+00 3.99390230E-04-1.48388730E-07 2.67622720E-11-1.56261270E-15 2
1.311546405+04 3.32294842E+00 2.65914570E+00 6.70272780E-03-1.040371105-05 3
7.76551940E-09-2.25309180E-12 1.34330960E+04 1.07356520E+01 1.44462019E+04 4
BeBr2 J 6/7555 1BR 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000 000 168.82018 1 Chase (1985)
6.83448720E+00 7.54292870E-04-3.33682060E-07 6.53023490E-11-4.704109605-15 2
-2.97571170E+04-6.471791895+00 4.64222830E+00 9.00844510E-03-1.26985560E-05 3
8.75589850E-09-2.392319405-12-2.926543505+04 4,30011931E+00-2.75769745E+04 4
BeCL J 9/66BE 1CL 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 44.46488 1 Chase (1985)
4.105287805+00 4.746170105-04-1.799652805-07 3.25639030E-11-2.06528400E-15 2
5.97530600E+03 2.46451734E+00 2.83219870E+00 4.456676405-03-4.44821610E-06 3
1.585258705-09 4.52068940E-15 6.29062480E+03 8.89156044E+00 7.29696540E+03 4
BeCL+ J 6/68BE 1CL 1.E -1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 44,46433 1 Chase (1985)
5.382750005+00-1.84711980E-03 1.11236830E-06-1.69529940E-10 6.10070910E-15 2
1.15997170E+05-5.06224147E+00 2.89659840E+00 5.12674920E-03-6.44279110E-06 3
3.563264005-09-6.59250880E-13 1.16714660E+05 7.83727033E+00 1.17755958E+05 4


BeCLF J 6/65BE 1.CL 1.F 1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 63.46329 1 Chase (1985)
6.44027910E+00 1.14636930E-03-4.85453600E-07 9.12878650E-11-6.34435490E-15 2
-7.10597710E+O4-7.72869958E+00 4.10243810E+00 8.50174900E-03-8.90939630E-06 3
4.00762320E-09-S.16275390E-13-7.04687360E+04 4.09916292E+00-6.89387657E+04 4
BeCL2 J 6/65BE 1.CL 2 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 79.91758 1 Chase (1985)
6.70431910E+00 8.71664680E-O4-3.72550530E-07 7.05670060E-11-4.93353600E-15 2
-4.64945580E+O4-8.42201233E+00 4.49271250E+00 8.05355450E-O3-8.83192390E-06 3
4.08970490E-09-5.34980920E-13-4.49528810E+04 2,69582137E+O0-4.33256234E+04 4
BeF J12/71BE 1.F 1 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 28.01069 1 Chase (1956)
3.70952950E+00 8.93836000E-O4-3.61130680E-07 6.76010920E-11-4.64208330E-15 2
-2.16600520E+04 3.16419267E+00 3.27618620E+00 2.52337590E-04 4.09399440E-06 3
-5.31281500E-09 1.99549000E-12-2.14459240E+04 5.86499677E+O0-2.04313003E+04 4
BeF2 J 6/70BE 1.F 2 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 47.00899 1 Chase (1985)
6.04576310E+00 1.56293740E-O3-6.61081970E-07 1.24475510E-10-8.67160630E-15 2
-9.77791270E+O4-7.91788256E+00 3.52342740E+00 9.38902840E-O3-9.56362080E-06 3
4.29209890E-Og-5.77511130E-13-9.71304610E+04 4.88397544E+OO-9.57389228E+04 4
BeH J 3/63BE 1.H 1 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 10.02012 1 Chase (1985)
3.05702180E+00 1,49772230E-O3-B.68729630E-07 1.02608170E-10-6.91569790E-15 2
3.76395130E+04 3.40027448E+00 3.73123050E+00-Z.91435480E-03 4,89103250E-06 3
-3.29258830E-09 6.66385620E-13 3.75655600E+04 3.88608224E-01 3.86299590E+04 4
BeH+ J 9/66BE 1.H 1E -1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 10.01957 1 Chase (1985)
2.90159920E+00 1.67517610E-O3-6.68055030E-07 1.25109_10E-10-8.17414660E-15 2
1.38168120E+05 3.55562865E+00 3.70957120E+00-1.58520310E-03 3.62287690E-06 3
-1.89332210E-09 1.71732640E-13 1.38028660E+OS-2.82896920E-01 1.39092559E+05 4
BeI J12/75BE 1.I 1 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 135.91665 1 Chase (1955)
4.26004930E+00 3.43208190E-O4-1.27594770E-07 2.41897090E-11-1.45701420E-15 2
1.91103520E+04 4.04766768E+00 2.78261220E+00 6.84103480E-O3-1.13898960E-06 3
8.99241280E-09-2.72776860E-12 1.93961830E+04 1,10789367E+01 2.04457353E+04 4
BeI2 J12/75BE 1.I 2 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 262.82112 1 Chase (1985)
7.00112620E+00 5.68788720E-04-2.52537550E-07 4.95410540E-11-3.57472040E-15 2
-9.90388590E+O3-5.21025524E+00 4.93737860E+00 8.74047370E-O3-1.31147240E-05 3
9.49284940E-O9-2.69263360E-12-9.46160050E+03 4.82951136E+O0-7.69941366E+03 4
BeN J 6/63BE 1.N 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 23.01892 1 Chase (1985)
3.78559370E+00 8.23865750E-04-3.27116020E-07 6.15518880E-11-4.28090410E-15 2
5.00661800E+04 3.10558513E+00 3.16842860E+00 1.02824830E-03 2.73760170E-06 3
-4.34810990E-09 1.75344530E-12 5.03104510E+04 6.66252483E+00 5.13172421E+04 4
BeO J12/74BE 1.0 1. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 25.01158 1 Chase (1955)
5.66778473E+O0-4.07847614E-03 3.41112608E-06-8.21052371E-10 6.13773279E-14 2
1.45899580E+O4-8.08580712E+00 3.78974248E+OO-3.24896226E-03 1.12988533E-05 3
-1.18056315E-08 4.20675761E-12 1.53410696E+04 2.73905294E+00 1,64050557E÷04 4
BeOH J12/75BE 1.0 1.H 1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 26.01952 1 Chase (1985)
4.61167200E+00 2.39720130E-03-8.B4891620E-07 1.43090620E-10-9.11123990E-15 2
-1.53618380E+04-1.98829219E+00 1.91391480E+00 1,35071590E-02-1.85316870E-05 3
1.29424710E-O8-3.54389610E-12-1.48196830E+04 1.09928304E+Ol-1.37885210E+04 4
BeOH+ J12/758E 1.0 1.H 1.E -Z.G 300.000 5000.000 26.01897 1 Chase (1985)
4.62235270E+00 2.39025710E-O3-8.55494730E-07 1.44416710E-10-9.35602940E-15 2
8.98294360E+04-2.72614681E+00 1.92809820E+00 1.35342400E-02-1.86540260E-05 3
1.30739210E-O8-3.59005760E-12 9.03683050E+04 1.02257268E+01 9.14040565E+04 4
BeO2H2 J12/75BE 1.0 2.H 2. O.G 300.000 5000,000 43.02686 1 Chase (1985)
7.85504780E+00 4.64775800E-03-1.65028340E-06 2.76706230E-10-1.78262980E-14 2
-8.41062590E+04-1.84294661E+01 2.41843930E-01 3.99135680E-02-6.45882810E-05 3
5.10234760E-O8-1.64792050E-11-8.27410450E+04 1.73136259E+01-8.13720155E+04 4
BeS J 9/77BE 1.S 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 41.07818 1 Chase (1985)
5.20407340E+O0-3.B7420220E-03 4,25788910E-06-1.25605990E-09 1.13434030E-13 2
3.02260840E+O4-3.57801203E+00 2.90225380E+00 3.18974130E-O3-1.36518250E-06 3
-1.50927100E-09 1.22759290E-12 3.07107600E+04 7.87585057E+00 3.17033766E+04 4
Be20 J 9/63BE 2.0 1. 0. O.O 300.000 5000.000 34.02376 1 Chase (1985)
5.45497340E+00 2.19703850E-O3-9,29195780E-07 1.74964100E-10-1.21899820E-14 2
-9.49589850E+03-5.67042283E+00 2.75278970E+00 8.96486990E-03-B.SB592470E-06 3
-3.47691880E-10 1.10154720E-12-B.71747090E+03 8.45191877E+00-7.54778448E+03 4
Be2OF2 J 6/66BE 2.0 1.F 2. O.G 300.000 5000.000 72.02057 1 Chase (1985)
1.03113430E+01 2.92581510E-O3-1.24819870E-06 2.36521690E-10-1.65591600E-14 2
-1.48446230E+05-2.44876830E+01 4.86000260E+00 1.94389820E-O2-1.88187600E-OB 3
7.10095030E-09-3.72252580E-13-1.47039590E+05 3.24173340E+OO-Z.44878984E+05 4
Be202 J 9/63BE 2.0 2. 0. O.G 300,000 5000.000 50.02316 1 Chase (1985)
7.17836520E+00 3.07969260E-O3-1.31622730E-06 2.49706140E-10-1.74963390E-14 2
-5.19848760E+O4-1.29255949E+01 1.71027390E+00 1.82449390E-02-1.43772530E-05 3
2.12688160E-09 1.46919930E-12-5.05123660E+04 1.52145101E+O1-4.93136425E+04 4
Be303 J 9/63BE 3,0 3. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 75.03475 1 Chase (1985)
9.19073220E+00 7.36237010E-03-3.12927290E-06 5.91625890E-10-4.13601940E-14 2
-1.30618490E+OS-2.33168799E+01 2.00026920E+00 2.00051720E-02 5.75178470E-07 3
-1.70928050E-08 8.48627850E-12-1.28268670E+05 1.56209531E+Ol-l,26807812E+05 4


Be404 J 9/63BE 4.0 4. 0. 0 G 300.000 5000.000 100.04633 1 Chase (1985)

1.45470300E+01B.19037300E-O3-3.B1627890E-06 6.69234570E-10-4.70069630E-14 2
-1.97048450E+05-5.14967669E+Ol-l.38184380E+00 5.23848280E-O2-4.08930180E-05 3
4.73797070E-09 4.99541640E-12-1.92783560E+05 3.04130661E+Ol-l.91216780E+06 4
Br J 6/82BR 1. 0. 0. 0 G 200 000 6000.000 79.90400 1 Chase (1986)
2.08851053E+00 7.12118611E-O4-2.70003073E-07 4.14986299E-11-2.31188294E-15 2
1.28568767E+04 9.07351144E+00 2.48571711E+00 1.50647525E-04-B.37267333E-07 3
7.20921065E-10-2.50205558E-13 1.27092168E+04 6.86030804E+00 1.34535890E+04 4
Br2 TPIS89BR 2. 0. 0. 0 G 200 000 6000.000 159.80800 1 Gurvlch (1989)
B.1B728187E+O0-1.386S1104E-03 9.34745153E-07-2.07065391E-10 1.41808517E-14 2
2.10705678E+03 7.76223394E-02 3.34331004E+00 6.35230769E-03-1.36418815E-05 3
1.31726300E-O8-4.68373476E-12 2.53516408E+03 9.07940353E+00 3.71759731E+03 4
C Lll/88C 1. 0. 0. 0 G 200 000 6000.000 12.01100 1 Moore, C.E. (1970)
2.60558298E+O0-1.95934335E-04 1.06737219E-07-1.64239390E-11 8.18705752E-16 2 Douglas (1955)
8.54129443E+04 4.19238681E+00 2.B5423955E+OO-3.21537724E-04 7.33792245E-07 3
-7.32234889E-10 2.66521446E-13 8.54438832E+04 4.53130848E+00 8.61963002E+04 4
C+ L 7/88C 1.E -1. 0. 0 G 298 160 6000.000 12.01045 1 Moore, C.E. (1970)
2.50853519E+OO-1.0BB99270E-06 5.37069210E-Og-1.18270596E-12 9.71267564E-17 2
2.16879493E+05 4.31739637E+00 2.61523966E+O0-5.53783873E-04 1.06348636E-06 3
-9.23756345E-10 3.00774568E-13 2.16862053E+05 3.82652926E+00 2.17624885E+05 4
C- TPIS91C 1.E 1. 0. 0 G 298 150 6000.000 12.01155 1 Gurvlch (1991)
2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
6.99315664E+04 3.96340421E+00 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 6.99315654E+04 3.96340421E+00 7.06769404E+04 4
CCL J12/69C 1.CL 1. 0. 0 G 300 000 5000.000 47.46370 1 Chase (1985)
4.09847270E+00 5.00778450E-04-2.00128330E-07 3.86809920E-11-2.B4411130E-15 2
5.90765990E+04 3.35017361E+00 3.19635570E+00 2.80763180E-O3-1.60438450E-06 3
-5.77440650E-10 6.14097320E-13 5.93250770E+04 8.03517321E+00 6.03875369E+04 4
CCLF3 L12/77C 1.CL 1,F 3 0 G 298 150 6000.000 104.45891 1 Chen (1976)
1.01650960E+01 2.84600420E-O3-1.09260240E-06 1.83143740E-10-l.l1940590E-14 2
-8.88487500E+O4-2.57041070E+01 2.90119360E÷00 2.05636580E-O2-8.BS086360E-06 3
-1.03956450E-08 7.57218250E-12-8.68295630E+04 1.21150710E+O1-8.51452700E+04 4
CCL2 J12/68C 1.CL 2. 0 0 G 300.000 5000.000 82.91640 1 Chase (1985)
3.71849990E+00 5.34497450E-03-2.34312840E-06 4.18061770E-10-2.67652950E-14 2
2.75547930E+04 9.64597954E+00 2.85885050E+00 1.39579380E-O2-2.00388980E-05 3
1.35007260E-0B-3.16697150E-12 2.73639260E+04 1.22433131E+01 2.86848211E+04 4
CCL2F2 L12/77C 1.CL 2.F 2 0 G 298.150 6000.000 120.91321 1 Chen (1976)
1.07082480E+01 2.32321860E-03-9.00732230E-07 1.52617020E-10-9.44349580E-15 2
-6.31026020E+O4-2.66228690E+01 3.81349660E+00 2.00368350E-O2-9.BgB66930E-06 3
-8.79953530E-09 7.1218B520E-12-6.12635610E+04 8.99097869E+O0-5.93299490E+04 4
CCL3 J 6/70C 1.CL 3. 0 • G 360.600 5000.000 118.36910 1 Chase (1985)
8.78154730E+00 1.35161300E-03-B.B2494530E-07 1.10986970E-10-7.79372640E-15 2
6.63441510E+03-1.53161324E+01 3.71533570E+00 1.94437960E-O2-2.46278410E-05 3
1.37864640E-OB-2.66389340E-12 7.78200200E+03 9.71604259E+00 9.56234693E+03 4
CCL3F L12/77C 1.CL 3.F 1 0 G 298.150 5000.000 137.36750 1 Chen (1976)
1.12465300E+01 1.78376980E-O3-6.92604430E-07 1.17407240E-10-7.26402920E-15 2
-3.81083090E+04-2.82759760E+01 4.82876870E+00 1.89817400E-O2-1.03606620E-05 3
-7.84721270E-09 6.84527520E-12-3.64461840E+04 4.63414709E+O0-3.42694620E+04 4
CCL4 L12/81C 1.CL 4. • O.G 298.150 5000.000 163.82180 1 Rodgers (1974)
1.17390960E+01 1.28375530E-O3-4.96502590E-07 8.35250200E-11-5.11072240E-15 2
-1.54190900E+04-3.07778070E+01 5.79662990E+00 1.79774390E-O2-1.09665460E-05 3
-6.66818070E-09 6.45548980E-12-1.39409650E+O4-5.56947933E-O1-l.15237980E+04 4
CF J 6/70C 1.F 1. 0 O.G 306.000 5000.006 31.00940 1 Chase (1985)
3.68696790E+00 9.11434910E-O4-3.64638550E-07 6.74828540E-11-4.52695960E-15 2
2.94761250E+04 4.17450994E+00 3.46551430E+OO-6.B7798050E-04 5.67847660E-06 3
-6.45829820E-09 2.29882480E-12 2.96555980E+04 5o88135474E+00 3.06967621E+04 4
CF+ J12/70C 1.F 1.E -1 O.G 298.150 6000.000 31.00885 1 Chase (1985)
3.67596084E+00 8.52823073E-O4-3.06765661E-07 4.97430057E-11-2.83969038E-15 2
1.37018878E+05 2.84608813E+00 3.58285095E+OO-1.86390930E-03 8.53435341E-06 3
-9.32378062E-09 3.33941713E-12 1.37198248E+05 4.07439000E+00 8.69748600E+03 4
CF2 J 6/70C 1.F 2. 0 O.G 306.000 5060.600 50.00781 1 Chase (1985)
5.22671420E+00 2.08376800E-03-9.90372780E-07 2.12648480E-10-1.58311140E-14 2
-2.37558470E+04-1.91090412E+00 2.76888210E+00 7.23729620E-O3-1.60281520E-06 3
-4.55123790E-09 2.66480110E-12-2.30157860E+04 1.11376959E+01-2.18904653E+04 4
CF2+ J12/70C 1.F 2.E -1 O.G 300.000 5060.600 50.00726 1 Chase (1985)
5.15542300E+00 2.05283100E-03-9.11739110E-07 1.82727610E-10-1.32136400E-14 2
1.11431220E+OB-7.78766776E-01 2,97835220E+00 6.03366020E-03 6.58587850E-10 3
-5.21294490E-09 2.66630210E-12 1.12126750E+05 1.09515564E+01 1.13273886E+05 4
CF3 J 6/69C 1.F 3. 0 O.G 300.000 5000.000 69.00621 1 Chase (1985)
7.20126220E+00 3.06639350E-O3-1.31441810E-06 2.49969250E-10-1.75609280E-14 2
-6.92386310E+04-1.09457100E+01 2.06601680E+00 1.64241580E-O2-1.08381460E-05 3
-8.53179970E-10 2.38780700E-12-6.78119760E+04 1.57046930E+01-5.65626016E+04 4


CF3+ J12/71C 1F 3.E -1. e.G 3g_._g 6_.e_e 69._g866 1 Chase (1985)
7._2264_6_E+00 3.2441271_E-_3-1.386487BgE-e6 [email protected]_E-14 2
4.8_22318_E+_4-1.12_66339E+_l 2.26_5576eE+_ 1.8422323_E-_2-9.8966674_E-_6 3
-7.8345e46BE-18 2.12118928E-12 4.9365338_E+_4 1.35784581E+81 5._6368231E+_4 4
CF4 L 6/83C 1F 4 _. _.G 2BB.B_ 6BBB.OBB 88._461 1 Rodgers (1974)
9,47215359E+00 3.69525216E-O3-1.4_378582E-B6 2.39188188E-1B-1.485589_6E-14 2
-1.16816337E+OS-2.49789891E+_l 1._5143992E+_ 2.78246468E-B2-2.4652526_E-_S 3
6.746483B4E-09 9.189_9316E-13-1.13574867E+B5 1.81988899E+Bl-l.122279BBE+BS 4
CH TPIS79C I H 1 @. _.G 2_e._ 68_._8_ 13._1894 1 Gurvich (1979)
2.62898627E+B_ 1.76537236E-B3-4.614757BBE-B7 S.92886472E-11-3.34731962E-16 2
7.11314363E+_4 7.4_532163E+_ 3.48981666E+_ 3.23835541E-_4-1.68899_65E-_6 3
3.16217327E-Og-l.4¢6_9967E-12 7._7972934E+_4 2._84BllBBE+_ 7.18428386E+_4 4
CH+ TPIS91C 1H I E -1. 8.G 298.15_ 6_._ 13._1839 1 Qurvich (1991)
4.63726693E+B_-2.951654B3E-_3 1.69587178E-B6-3.B1_97789E-19 2.22129197E-14 2
1.94661979E+_5-B._278224_E+_ 3.53796662E+_9-7.5926_194E-_B-6.BgB667_8E-B7 3
2._9819622E-99-1._BB_6821E-12 1.95_57229E+85 5.23237674E-_1 1.961_68_6E+_6 4
CHCL TPIS79C 1H 1CL 1. B.G 298.16_ 5_B._ 48.47164 1 Gurvich (1979)
6.1566_36_E+89 4.5888325_E-94 4.4749823BE-_7-1.3696787_E-l_ 1._2424458E-14 2
3.631_677_E+94-1.75115341E+_B 2.96136118E+B_ 6.11519169E-_3-4.52_318_E-_6 3
1.38933898E-99 7.1578_86_E-14 3.59599838E+84 9.74368389E+BB 3.7877398_E+84 4
CHCLF2 L12/77C 1H 1CL 1.F 2.G 298.16_ 6_._9 86.46845 1 Chen (1976)
7.9_298278E+@_ 4.62519BBBE-B3-1.6489867BE-B6 2.5919429_E-1B-1.48362129E-14 2
-6.1234266_E+_4-1.3734293_E+_l 2.468112_E+_ 1.5883945_E-_2-2.82_9_lS_E-_6 3
-1._478132_E-_8 6._7B4896_E-12-5.957_879_E+_4 1.5193428_E+_l-6.8172637_E+B4 4
CHCL2F L12/77C 1H 1CL 2.F 1.G 298.16_ 5_.9_ 1_2.92274 1 Chen (1976)
8.5883923_E+@0 4.B345713_E-_3-1.4268226BE-_6 2.22473_38E-l_-l.263_173_E-14 2
-3.7427918_E+O4-1.5411664_E+_l 3.11_71698E+B_ 1.6295891_E-_2-4.7331187_E-_6 3
-9.479816_E-69 6.1323758_E-12-3.58622118E+B4 1.29638588E+B1-3.4269462BE+B4 4
CHCL3 X 6/81C 1H 1CL 3. g.G 298.15g SBgB.B_ 119.37784 1 TRC (6/81) t, uvw-7189
8.993883_E+0_ 3.56521928E-_3-1.2537648BE-B6 1.9479131_E-l_-l.lB32821BE-14 2
-1.56_98_B_E+64-1.7631689_E+_l 3.68198_18E+BB 1.6611_21_E-B2-6.6188881BE-_6 3
-8.1291568_E-_9 5.9433135_E-12-1.4141844BE+B4 9.98351_39E+BB-1.2379277gE+g4 4
CHF3 L 6/81C 1H I F 3. _.G 298.168 5_._B_ 78.81416 1 Rodgers (1974)
7.3878249_E+80 5.1266924_E-B3-1.837177SBE-B6 2.9_46438E-lg-l.6692_89_E-14 2
-8.6367438_E+_4-1.361_262_E+_l 1.7857_94_E+_ 1.5961129_E-_2-1.B575_16_E-_6 3
-1.1366911BE-gB 6.127529B_E-12-8.4591125BE+B4 1.645759B_E+_l-B.3382936BE+B4 4
CH2 Lll/89C I H 2 _. _.G 2_._ 6_._ 14._2688 1 Bunker (1983)
2.77723166E+86 3.83663476E-B3-1.3486322BE-_6 2.11641255E-1B-1.23445662E-14 2 Jacox (1988)
4.5859_3_4E+84 6.67286429E+_B 3.74484879E+B_ 1.1796_823E-_3 1.945_2264E-_6 3 TRC (4/89) w-1928
-2.529328_6E-99 1.12447631E-12 4.55799523E+84 1.6285_126E+B_ 4.67616252E+_4 4
CH2CLF L12/77C 1H 2 CL 1.F 1.G 298.159 5_8.gBB 68.47798 1 Chen (1976)
5.9572783_E+_0 6._8797_E-_3-2._813759_E-_6 3.1346215_E-l_-l.7_84878_E-14 2
-3.428_781_E+_4-4.87988151E+_ 2._975533_E+_ 1.2551896_E-_2 2.7147_36_E-_7 3
-9.1319841_E-89 4.47135738E-12-3.2973617BE+B4 1.61681778E+B1-3.1893671BE+B4 4
CH2CL2 L12/81C 1H 2 CL 2. _.G 298.15_ 5_._ 84.93228 1 Rodgers (1974)
6.49912838E+_0 5.5672348_E-B3-1.8887449BE-B6 2.82333938E-1B-1.5266869BE-14 2
-1.4_48813_E+_4-7._1155241E+_ 2.3626127_E+_ 1.3885532_E-_2-2._872167_E-_6 3
-8.66561688E-_9 4.9494315gE-12-1.276123_E+_4 1.SB849158E+_l-l.1473476BE+_4 4
CH2F2 L 6/81C 1H 2 F 2. g.G 298.15g 5B_8.B_B 52._2369 1 Rodgers (1974)
6.29831128E+_e 6.7568_128E-g3-2.34_16538E-_6 3.57223818E-lg-l.9789986_E-14 2
-5.6799215_E+O4-3.52851351E+_ 1.9264_78_E+_ 1._B29_97_E-_2 3.4659915_E-_6 3
-9.6855999_E-_9 3.8165322_E-12-5.55_5395_E+_4 1.5476937_E+_l-5.4448689_E+_4 4
CH3 Lll/89C 1H 3 B. _.G 2_._ 6_._ 15._3482 1 Jacox (1988)
2.96866_33E+90 5.8_717546E-B3-1.97778534E-96 3.97278752E-19-1.78853897E-14 2 TRC(4/B9)w-1928
1.65388869E+_4 4.779445_3E+_ 3.67359_4_E+_ 2._1_95175E-_3 5.73_21856E-_6 3
-6.87117425E-¢9 2.54385734E-12 1.64449988E+B4 1.6B456433E+B_ 1.76679B83E+B4 4
CH3CL L12/81C 1H 3 CL 1. _.G 298.16g 6g_g._g_ 5_.48752 1 Rodgers (1974)
4.2952986_E+_ 7.2846822_E-_3-2.4161191_E-_6 3.S2_6838_E-l_-l.84_6185_E-14 2
-1.1793465_E+_4 8.593_1877E-_1 2._672446_E+_ 9.2_91523_E-83 3._426_54_E-_6 3
-8._342_62_E-_9 3.2127443BE-12-1._896883BE+B4 1.3583957_E+B1-9.8681315BE+B3 4
CH3F L 6/81C 1H 3 F 1. g.G 298.15@ 5_BB._B_ 34.e3322 1 Rodgers (1974)
3.6256523BE+_ 7.9683699BE-_3-2.6845319BE-_6 3.98411_8BE-1B-2.1348639_E-14 2
-3._37248_E+_4 3._6989799E+_ 2.2651_24_E+_ 6._733855_E-_3 6.982541_E-_6 3
-8.138B911_E-_9 2.1_36341BE-12-2.9577664BE+B4 1.1843954BE+B1-2.85841BS_E+_4 4
CH20H L12/92C 1H 3 0 1. _.O 2_._ 6_._ 31._3422 1 Burca% (1979)
4.67625639E+_0 6.564_6_14E-_3-2.26S25471E-_6 3.55682481E-l_-2.B862619_E-14 2 Jacox (1988)
-2.89248574E+_3 4,87737_5E-_1 3.86388918E+_ 5.596723_4E-_3 5.93271791E-_6 3 See%ula (1992)
-1.84532_12E-_8 4.36967278E-12-2.5_B_1367E+g3 5.473_2243E+B_-1.B7841786E+B3 4
CH30 L1_/92C 1H 3 0 1. _.G 2_._ 6_._ 31._3422 1 Jacox (7988)
4.26676538E+_ 7.8538811BE-_3-2.83739943E-B6 4.69B39669E-lB-2.74426_84E-14 2 Gurvich (1991)
-3.4_73227E+_2 3.85637447E-_1 3.26624894E+_ 3,3_3_117E-_3 1.7_493964E-_6 3
-2.27184476E-_8 8.8_75652_E-12 3.33281488E+_2 7.42568_4gE+gB 1.66353171E+83 4


CH4 L 8/88C 1.H 4. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 16.04276 1 Gurvich (1991)

1.63552643E+00 1.00842795E-O2-3.369162B4E-06 5.34958667E-10-3.15518833E-14 2
-1.00056455E+04 9.99313326E+00 5.14987613E+OO-1.36709788E-02 4.91800599E-05 3
-4.84743026E-08 Z.66693956E-11-1.02466476E+04-4.64130376E+00-B.97226656E+03 4
CH30H L 8/88C 1.H 4.0 1. O.G 200.000 6000.000 32.04216 1 Chen, S. S. (1977_
3.60134486E+00 1.02430954E-O2-3.59985517E-06 5.72505986E-10-3.39117640E-14 2 TRC (6/87) w-5030
-2.59971910E+04 4.70512253E+00 5.71539582E+OO-1.52309129E-02 6.52441155E-05 3
-7.10806889E-08 2.61352698E-11-2.56427656E+O4-1.50409823E+O0-2.41673893E+04 4
CN TPIS91C 1.N 1. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 26.01774 1 Gurvich (1991)
3.74818333E+00 3.91753271E-05 2.99702996E-O7-6.92704532E-11 4.46137691E-15 2
5.17278419E+04 2.77469044E+00 3.61293502E+O0-9.55513275E-04 2.14429765E-06 3
-3.15163270E-10-4.64303546E-13 5.19007958E+04 3.98049947E+00 5.29536254E+04 4
CN+ TPIS91C 1.N 1.E -1. O.G 298.150 6000.000 26.01719 1 Gurvich (1991)
7.29006713E+OO-2.46331139E-03 9.03599308E-O7-1.35970586E-10 7.33709859E-15 2
2.13579081E+O5-1.91340387E+01 6.92808505E+OO-2.81492178E-02 7.58511376E-05 3
-7.24174336E-08 2.33891503E-11 2.15195507E+O5-1.01730501E+01 2.16548044E+05 4
CN- L10/92C 1.N 1.E 1. O.G 298.150 6000.000 26.01829 1 Ourvlch (1991)
3.09051928E+00 1.33181759E-O3-4.84902266E-07 7.96865228E-11-4.82770916E-15 2
6.88195665E+03 5.63128351E+00 3.81962846E+OO-2.48247316E-03 6.04567838E-06 3
-4.52733194E-09 1.15679167E-12 6.80256336E+03 2.38904411E+00 7.87605980E+03 4
CNN L12/89C 1.N 2. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 40.02448 1 Bondybey (1977)
4.86658084E+00 2.38499612E-03-8.52577832E-07 1.39423853E-10-8.18423116E-15 2 Jacox (1988)
7.45586920E+O4-6.7_587146E-01 2.78240849E+00 1.25533110E-O2-2.13082026E-05 3 Gurvich (1991)
1.90941637E-O8-6.59244187E-12 7.49551651E+04 9.10634736E+00 7.61890601E+04 4
CO TPIS79C 1.0 1. 0. O.O 200.000 6000.000 28.01040 1 Gurvich (1979)
3.04848583E+00 1.35172818E-O3-A.B5794075E-07 7.B8536486E-11-4.69807489E-15 2 TRC(4/S4) tuv-1000
-1.42661171E+04 6.01709790E+00 3.57953347E+OO-6.10353680E-04 1.01681433E-06 3
9.07005884E-10-9.04424499E-13-1.43440860E+04 3.50840928E+OO-1.32936276E+04 4
CO+ TPIS91C 1.0 1.E -1. O.G 298.150 6000.000 28.00985 1 Gurvich (1991)
2.93059407E+00 1.56031391E-O3-6.16238969E-07 1.09956019E-10-6.66111307E-15 2
1.49144692E+05 7.33837920E+00 3.77057107E+00-2.01770820E-03 4.61076194E-06 3
-2.99171866E-09 6.06057760E-13 1.49004267E+05 3.38125716E+00 1.50073892E+05 4
COCL J12/65C 1.0 1.CL 1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 63.46310 1 Chase (1985)
5.42912360E+00 1.61215350E-03-6.60062800E-07 1.21271140E-10-B.28586010E-15 2
-9.33050070E+03 3.82874056E-01 4.28637920E+00 5.08689800E-O3-5.07294110E-06 3
2.96479830E-O9-7.70934530E-13-9.01252120E+03 6.25118670E+OO-7.54776465E+03 4
COCLF J 6/61C 1.0 1.CL 1.F 1.G 300.000 5000.000 82.46150 1 Chase (1985)
7.08810810E+00 3.18164790E-03-1.37633160E-06 2.65440050E-10-1.89289690E-14 2
-5.38837810E+O4-B.68499361E+00 1.70666610E+00 2.27225650E-O2-3.01156390E-05 3
2.04835660E-08-5.65722280E-12-5.26199020E+04 1.79876256E+O1-5.13293738E+04 4
COCL2 TPIS91C 1.0 1.CL 2 O.G 200.000 6000.000 98.91580 1 Gurvich (1991)
7.86018378E+00 2.13271500E-O3-B.22077158E-07 1.38951133E-10-B.58406653E-15 2
-2.91056423E+04-1.19011907E+01 1.70787910E+00 2.89369464E-O2-4.93289116E-05 3
4.16910139E-08-1.37057391E-11-2.78350932E+04 1.76202114E+01-2.63996315E+04 4
COF J12/65C 1.0 1.F 1 O.G 300.000 5000.000 47.00880 1 Chase (1985)
4.89082140E+00 2.21797030E-O3-9.25507250E-07 1.72701200E-10-l.19553430E-14 2
-2.23579840E+04 9.92783959E-01 3.20197270E+00 5.58377700E-O3-1.49054810E-06 3
-2.31260690E-09 1.36143530E-12-2.18170430E+04 1.00607391E+O1-2.06312897E+04 4
COF2 TPIS91C 1.0 1.F 2 O.G 200.000 6000.000 66.00721 1 Gurvich (1991)
6.81631730E+00 3.16473282E-O3-1.21776269E-06 2.05582261E-10-1.26893125E-14 2
-7.95482716E+O4-9.52864566E+00 2.12979489E+00 1.41019723E-02-5.94381359E-06 3
-5.30544790E-09 3.97367469E-12-7.81745339E+04 1.51109093E+O1-7.69738686E+04 4
COS J 3/61C 1.0 1.S 1 O.G 300.000 5000.000 60.07640 1 Chase (1985)
5.23920000E+00 2.41005840E-O3-9.60645220E-07 1.77783470E-10-1.22357040E-14 2
-1.84804550E+O4-3.07773889E+00 2.46253210E+00 1.19479920E-O2-1.37943700E-05 3
8.07077360E-O9-1.83276530E-12-1.78039870E+04 1.08058688E+O1-1.66455205E+04 4
C02 L 7/88C 1.0 2. 0 O.G 200.000 6000.000 44.00980 1 Ourvich (1991)
4.63659493E+00 2.74131991E-O3-9.95828531E-07 1.60373011E-10-9.16103468E-15 2
-4.90249341E+O4-1.93534855E+00 2.35677352E+00 8.98459677E-O3-7.12356269E-06 3
2.45919022E-09-1.43699548E-13-4.83719697E+04 9.90105222E+OO-4.73281047E+04 4
C02+ L10/92C 1.0 2.E -1 O.G 298.150 6000.000 44.00925 1 Gurvich (1991)
5.61292513E+00 1.89829994E-O3-7.34596383E-07 1.23975665E-10-7.57692288E-15 2
1.11621136E+05-5.65135703E+00 3.39305653E+00 5.82300415E-03 4.38012075E-08 3
-4.68236271E-09 2.31552825E-12 1.12356151E+05 6.39038548E+00 1.13618832E+05 4
COOH TPIS91C 1.0 2.H 1. O.G 200.000 6000.000 45.01774 1 Gurvich (1991)
5.39206247E+00 4.11221305E-03-1.48194817E-06 2.39875278E-10-1.43902965E-14 2
-2.76708786E+O4-2.23528631E+00 2.92207915E+00 7.62453820E-03 3.29884683E-06 3
-1.07135249E-08 5.11587309E-12-2.68383588E+04 1.12925989E+O1-2.56178656E+04 4
CP L 9/93C 1.P 1. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 42.98476 1 Ourvich (1991)
4.16986061E+OO-3.33893154E-04 6.30510095E-07-1.55248916E-10 1.25248542E-14 2
6.12121016E+04 2.05762288E+00 3.70291400E+00-2.94026330E-03 1.25263783E-05 3
-1.45948287E-08 5.61955320E-12 6.15029332E+04 5.34971467E+00 8.71534000E+03 4


CS J12/76C 1.S 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 44.07700 1 Chase (1988)

3.68260120E+00 9.04732030E-04-3.64363740E-07 6.38542940E-11-3.69339820E-15 2
3.24974900E+04 3.89841679E+00 3.40393440E+OO-6.B7733080E-04 6.17121570E-06 3
-7.36896040E-09 2.73467380E-12 3.26893930E+04 5.91106729E+00 3.37162928E+04 4
CS2 J12/76C 1.S 2. 0, O.G 300.000 5000.000 76.14300 1 Chase (1985)
5.92526100E+00 1.82529960E-03-7.SSSB3800E-07 1.46050730E-10-1.04385950E-14 2
1.20480710E+04-6.05893229E+00 2.83260130E+00 1.32907910E-02-1.81446940E-05 3
1.28316810E-08-3.68006090E-12 1.27667820E+04 9.22219411E+00 1.40653694E+04 4
C2 TPIS91C 2. 0. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 24.02200 1 Gurvich (1991)
4.12487314E+00 1.08346618E-04 1.57250890E-O7-4.24042102E-11 3.25056714E-15 2
9.89228066E+04 7.97421015E-01-l.96258641E+00 5.76815310E-O2-1.B8037735E-04 3
1.72460636E-O7-6.57906286E-11 9.89883317E+04 2.33198418E+01 1.01690000E+04 4
C2+ TPIS91C 2.E -1. 0. O.G 298.150 6000.000 24.02145 1 Ourvich (1991)
1.47436235E+00 3.90858415E-03-1.15362712E-06 1.28522790E-10-4.37160939E-15 2
2.40801585E+05 1.66870955E+01 3.74438466E+00-2.75060804E-03 9.41697986E-06 3
-9.54472049E-09 3.48743458E-12 2.40057573E+05 3.70168855E+00 2.41117688E+05 4
C2- TPIS91C 2.E 1. 0. O.G 298.160 6000.000 24.02258 1 Gurvich (1991)
1.94147766E+00 3.34554328E-O3-1.21401317E-06 1.86836326E-10-1.03447699E-14 2
5.72696669E+04 1.20032531E+01 3.82038230E+00-2.88162408E-03 8.21923044E-06 3
-7.32254863E-09 2.41405929E-12 5.67523968E+04 2.43181247E+00 5.78226498E+04 4
C2CL2 J12/68C 2.CL 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 94.92740 1 Chase (1985)
8.17285470E+00 2.36598920E-03-9.65525050E-07 1.77361480E-10-1.21362030E-14 2
2.25101900E+04-1.49035906E+01 5.02294820E+00 1.40826670E-O2-1.80956690E-05 3
1.16103480E-OS-2.88174780E-12 2.32274820E+04 6.09996206E-01 2.52127141E+04 4
C2CL4 L10/87C 2.CL 4. 0. O.G 298.160 5000.000 166.82800 1 Gurvich (1978)
1.29359370E+01 3.43092000E-03-1.B0671940E-06 2.93469930E-10-2.10708960E-14 2
-5.89323370E+O3-3.46806920E+01 4.14347920E+00 3.74223720E-02-S.43697930E-06 3
3.91128630E-O8-1.11763840E-11-3.94926290E+03 8.34457019E+00-1.45891290E+03 4
C2CL6 L10/87C 2.CL 6. 0. O.G 298.160 6000.000 236.73820 1 Chao (1974)
1.90342860E+01 3.39568210E-03-1.51152890E-06 2.97003150E-10-2.14638270E-14 2
-2.31038030E+O4-6.28529170E+01 4.63835310E+00 6.33658610E-O2-1.00800300E-04 3
7.66369220E-08-2.26465500E-11-2.01565130E+04 6.47480699E+00-1.67069940E+04 4
C2F2 J12/67C 2.F 2. 0. O.G 300.000 6000,000 62.01881 1 Chase (1985)
7.51645810E+00 3.16864620E-03-1.33113850E-06 2.49600490E-10-1.73420720E-14 2
-1.61076550E+O2-1.SO680621E+01 3.53458370E+00 1.44468450E-O2-1.21896920E-06 3
3.60429860E-09 1.91189510E-13 9.21335620E+02 6.41946520E+00 2.51676233E+03 4
C2F4 J 6/69C 2.F 4. 0. O.G 300.000 6000.000 100.01661 1 Chase (1985)
1.10864680E+01 5.27884290E-O3-2.23544000E-06 4.21668460E-10-2.94339140E-14 2
-8.32928840E+O4-2.98668810E+01 3.61661830E+00 2.64886180E-O2-2.24332660E-05 3
6.22864450E-09 6.21492440E-13-8.12772420E+04 8.52376403E+OO-7.92072049E+04 4
C2H L 1/91C 2.H 1. 0. O.G 200.000 6e00.000 26.02994 1 Peric (1991)
3.36118395E+00 4.38989724E-O3-1.62772218E-06 2.60556663E-10-l.52939308E-14 2 Ervin (1990)
6.70492214E+04 5.57127542E+00 2.88965733E+00 1.34099611E-O2-2.84769501E-05 3 Kanamori (1987)
2.94791045E-OS-1.09331511E-11 6.68393932E+04 6.22296438E+00 6.80984778E+04 4 Kanamori (1988)
C2HCL TPIS91C 2.H 1.CL 1. O.G 298.150 6000.000 60.48264 1 Gurvich (1991)
6.32104570E+00 3.84597370E-O3-1.48646060E-06 2.65613790E-10-1.79624660E-14 2
2.34404780E+04-8.28464441E+00 1.80471580E+00 2.58378710E-O2-4.31499540E-05 3
3.58835790E-OS-l.14479920E-11 2.42302070E+04 1.27377610E+01 2.66009760E+04 4
C2HF J12/67C 2.H 1.F 1. O.G 309.000 6000.000 44.B2834 1 Chase (1985)
6.09495010E+00 3.94324280E-O3-1,47114380E-06 2.52946410E-10-1.64466630E-14 2
1.29769070E+O4-8.31534304E+00 2.69017700E+00 1.76808630E-O2-2.2749855gE-g8 3
1.49205680E-OS-3.73819250E-12 1.36832230E+04 8.14697176E+00 1.6g978852E+04 4
CHCO,ketyl L 6/89C 2.H 1.0 1. O.G 200,000 6g00.000 41.02934 1 Burcat (1982)
4.26038110E+00 4.82740500E-O3-1.66618844E-06 2.61405204E-10-l.S3257963E-14 2 Wagman (1982)
1.78804760E+04 3.97874320E+00 2.76593971E+00 1.41741202E-O2-2.32600986E-06 3
2.15728089E-08-7.58509308E-12 1.80866324E+04 1.05408591E+01 1.93738416E+04 4
C2H2,acetylene L 1/91C 2.H 2. 0. O.G 200,000 600g.000 26.03788 1 Gurvich (1979)
4.65878604E+00 4.88396847E-O3-1.6082877SE-06 2.46974226E-10-1.38605680E-14 2 TRC(10/88)w-3040
2.57594044E+O4-3.99834772E+00 8.08681094E-01 2.33615629E-O2-3.55171815E-05 3
2.80162437E-OS-8.SBO72974E-12 2.64289807E+04 1.39397051E+01 2.74459960E+04 4
C2H2,vinylidene L12/89C 2.H 2. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 26.03788 1 Chen, Y. (1989)
4.27807139E+00 4.75622883E-O3-1.63007513E-06 2.54622981E-10-1.48860326E-14 2 Osamura (1981)
4.83166722E+04 6.49022600E-01 3.28164933E+09 6.97642740E-O3-2.38528283E-06 3
-1.21077045E-09 9.82038579E-13 4.86217943E+04 5.92039169E+00 4.98872655E+04 4
CH2CO,ketene L 5/90C 2.H 2.0 1. O.G 200.000 6000.000 42.03728 1 Moore, C.B. (1963)
5.75793307E+00 6.34911413E-O3-2.25814836E-06 3.62026733E-10-2.15661204E-14 2 Wagman (1982)
-7.97878384E+03-6.10772180E+00 2.13583630E+00 1.81188721E-O2-1.73947474E-05 3
9.34397868E-09-2.01467615E-12-7.04291804E+03 1.22166480E+01-5.73695864E+03 4
C2H3,vinyl L 2/92C 2.H 3. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 27.04682 1 Ervin (1990)
4.35105055E+00 7.49330091E-O3-2.64314586E-06 4.21285906E-10-2.49896119E-14 2 Taylor,P.R.: NASA
3.41546181E+04 5.71676629E-01 3.21246646E+00 1.51479162E-03 2.E9209412E-05 3 Ames, private
-3.57657847E-08 1.47159873E-11 3.48598468E+04 8.51054025E+00 3.60602484E+04 4 communication


CH3CN L12/92C 2.H 3.N 1 O.G 200.000 6000.000 41.05256 1 Spangenberg (1974)
5.08576974E+00 9.70797040E-03-3.48484946E-06 5.62106760E-10-3.36234670E-14 2 TRC(12/86)w-9270
6.45863074E+03-3.26553903E+00 3.82484221E+00 4.10100369E-03 2.14645679E-06 3
-2.87234543E-08 1.11804146E-11 6.28838622E+03 5.54024211E+00 7.74910368E+03 4
CH3CO,acetyl BUR 84C 2.H 3.0 1 O.G 300.000 5000.000 43.04522 1 Burcat (1984)
5.61227890E+00 8.44988600E-03-2.85414720E-06 4.23837630E-10-2.26840370E-14 2
-5.18786330E+03-3.26178193E+00 3.12527850E+00 9.77822020E-03 4.52144830E-06 3
-9.00946160E-09 3.19371790E-12-4.10850780E+03 1.12420212E+01-2.71844485E+03 4
C2H4 L 1/91C 2.H 4. 0 O.G 200.000 6000.000 28.06376 1 Chao (1975)
3.99182761E+00 1.048339106-02-3.71721385E-06 5.94628514E-10-3.53630526E-14 2 Knippers (1985)
4.26865819E+03-2.69062151E-01 3.959201486+00-7.57052247E-03 5.70990292E-06 3 TRC (4/87) w-2500
-6.91588753E-08 2.69884373E-11 5.08977693E+03 4.09733096E+00 6.31426266E+03 4
C2H40,ethylen o L 8/88C 2.H 4.0 1 O.G 200.000 6000.000 44.05316 1 Chase (1986)
5.48888429E+00 1.20460231E-02-4.33361545E-06 7.00269000E-10-4.19481870E-14 2 Shimanouchi (1972)
-9.18047576E+03-7.08063868E+00 3.75904931E+00-9.441192926-03 8.03096770E-05 3
-1.00807756E-07 4.00398357E-11-7.56081402E+03 7.84977030E+00-6.33046566E+03 4
CH3CHO,e_hanal L 8/88C 2.H 4.0 1 O.G 200.000 6000.000 44.06316 1 Chao (1986)
6.404178996+00 1.17229676E-02-4.22626830E-06 6,83716733E-10-4.09842676E-14 2 TRC(S/78)w-5300
-2.25931508E+04-3.48117593E+00 4.72947627E+00-3.19343161E-03 4.75353505E-05 3
-5.74590474E-08 2.19312619E-11-2.15728799E+04 4.10295455E+00-1.99879488E+04 4
CH3COOH L 8/88C 2.H 4.0 2 O.G 200.000 6000.000 60.06266 1 Chao (1978)
7.67083678E+00 1.35152695E-02-5.258746886-06 8.93186062E-10-5.63180891E-14 2
-5.67660971E÷04-1.54676690E+01 2.78936844E+00 1,00001016E-02 3.42667978E-06 3
-6.090179196-08 2.06217504E-11-6.34752292E*04 1.41069604E+01-6.19873137E+04 4
(HCOOH)2 BUR 92C 2.H 4 0 4 O.G 300.000 5000.000 92.05136 1 Burcat (1992)
1.22073710E+01 1.36888510E-02-4.68403690E-06 7.05116630E-10-3.83692850E-14 2
-1.03959380E+05-3.57098080E+01 3.76923860E+00 2.72247160E-02 1.72380530E-06 3
-2.07767240E-08 9.93799490E-12-1.01049880E+05 1.05054940E+01-9.87373140E+04 4
C2H6 L12/92C 2.H 5 0 O.G 200.000 6000.000 29.06170 1 Chen, Y. (1990)
4.28800535E+00 1.24337374E-02-4.41383829E-06 7.06626943E-10-4.203418566-14 2
1.20564200E+04 8.46299623E-01 4.30646568E+00-4.18668892E-03 4.97142807E-06 3
-5.99126606E-08 2.30609004E-11 1.28416265E+04 4.70720924E+00 1.42712246E+04 4
C2H6 L 8/88C 2.H 6 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 30.06964 1 Pamidlmukala (1952)
4.04666674E+00 1.53638766E-02-6.47039321E-06 8.778262286-10-6.23167306E-14 2
-1.24473512E+04-9.68683607E-01 4.29142492E+00-6.50164270E-03 E.99438288E-06 3
-7.08466286E-08 2.68686771E-11-1.15222066E+04 2.66682316E+00-1.00849662E+04 4
CH3N2CH3 L 8/88C 2.H 6 N 2. O.G 200.000 6000.000 68.08312 1 Pamidimukala (1982)
7.44954851E+00 1.74406153E-02-6.273824536-06 1.01351178E-09-6.06937494E-14 2
1.41979978E+04-1.41567638E+01 6.29613632E+00-2.25816427E-03 6.21232803E-06 3
-7.46292997E-08 2.80371947E-11 1.569288606+04-2.49925915E+00 1.78843203E+04 4
CH3OCH3 L12/92C 2 H 6 0 1. O.G 200.000 6000.000 46.06904 1 Chao (1986)
6.64844183E+00 1.63381899E-02-S.86802367E-06 9.46836869E-10-6.666047386-14 2 TRC(6/91)w-6040
-2.51074690E+04-5.96264939E+00 5.30562279E+00-2.14254272E-03 5.30873244E-05 3
-6.23147136E-08 2.30731036E-11-2.39866295E+04 7.13264209E-01-2.21432171E+04 4
C2HSOH L 8/88C 2 H 6 0 1. O.G 200.000 6000.000 46.06904 1 Chao (1986)
6.56289770E+00 1.82034264E-02-5.38922247E-06 8.62150224E-10-6.128246836-14 2 TRC(6/B7)w-5030
-3.16267984E+04-9.47567644E+00 4.86868178E+00-3.74006740E-03 6.95650267E-06 3
-8.86641147E-08 3.51684430E-11-2.99961309E+04 4.801922946+00-2.82678288E+04 4
CCN L12/92C 2 N 1 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 38.02874 1 Gurvich (1991)
6.63694940E+00 1.93336181E-03-7.43007993E-07 1.256541676-10-7.70420035E-15 2 Jacox (1988)
9.490280656+04-3.70380637E+00 3.67600724E+00 7.88842348E-03-9.55326639E-06 3
7.31344088E-09-2.48035202E-12 9.54195636E+04 5.81661960E+00 9.67960600E+04 4
CNC TPIS91C 2 N 1. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 38.02874 1 Ourvich (1991)
5.93259696E+00 1.579147646-03-6.12333632E-07 1.03869610E-10-6.43161897E-16 2
8.03326833E+04-6.60207167E+00 3.98958871E+00 5.21977832E-03-5.81083706E-07 3
-3.39416520E-09 1.76273084E-12 8.096563676+04 3.88721926E+00 8.23761254E+04 4
C2N2 TPIS79C 2 N 2. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 52.03548 1 Gurvich (1979)
6.70644769E+00 3.64260339E-03-1.30934260E-06 2.16411061E-10-1.31187410E-14 2
3.486080066+04-1.04803696E+01 2.32926325E+00 2.61637847E-02-4.90003994E-06 3
4.61917478E-08-1.64323856E-11 3.56684424E+04 9.86336227E+00 3.71759731E+04 4
C20 L12/89C 2 0 1. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 40.02140 1 Jacox (1988)
5.516764446+00 1.87745704E-03-7.01159757E-07 1.21505291E-10-7.76778855E-15 2 Gurvich (1979)
3.30970458E+04-4.27636138E+00 2.86345422E+00 1.19732969E-02-1.81232501E-05 3
1.53813634E-08-5.289065246-12 3.37500945E+04 8.89405881E+00 3.50037906E+04 4
C3 TPIS79C 3 0. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 36.03300 1 Gurvich (1979)
4.803577686+00 2.14511233E-03-1.072920746-06 2.607352596-10-2.01631960E-14 2
9.93965416E+04 3.89369308E-01 5.43283963E+00-4.46754383E-03 1.49321482E-05 3
-1.47953138E-08 5.01421112E-12 9.94957222E+04-1.58720715E+00 1.01022009E+05 4
C3H3,propargyl BUR 92C 3 H 3. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 39.06682 1 Burcat (1992)
6.64176821E+00 8.08687428E-03-2.84787887E-06 4.535269776-10-2.68879816E-14 2
3.89793699E+04-1.04004266E+01 1.82840766E+00 2.37839036E-02-2.19228176E-06 3
1.00067444E-08-1.38984644E-12 4.01863068E+04 1.38447967E+01 4.16139977E+04 4


C3H4,allene L12/92C 3.H 4 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 40.06476 1 Butcher (1973b)

6.31694869E+00 1.11336262E-02-3.96289018E-06 6.35633775E-10-3.78749885E-14 2 Shimanouchi (1972)
2.01174617E+04-1.09718862E+01 2.61307487E+00 1.21223371E-02 1.85405400E-05 3 TRC(4/84)w-2750
-3.45258475E-08 1.53363389E-11 2.15415642E+04 1.02503319E+01 2.29622672E+04 4
C3H4,propyne L12/92C 3.H 4 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 40.06476 1 Shimanouchi (1972)
6.02531092E+00 1.13364427E-02-4.02229048E-06 6.43751365E-10-3.82990082E-14 2 Trambarulo (1950)
1.95101792E+04-8.58912592E+00 2.68040760E+00 1.57994429E-02 2.50775737E-06 3 TRC (10/86) w-3000
-1.36584584E-08 6.61576607E-12 2.06916392E+04 9.89251047E+00 2.2191325BE+04 4
C3H4,cyclo- L 5/90C 3.H 4 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 40.06476 1 Dorofeeva (1986)
6.28078730E+00 1.12393819E-02-4.01957526E-06 6.46920648E-10-3.86433248E-14 2
3.03415086E+04-1.11419945E+01 2.24666653E+00 6.76238084E-03 4.42080305E-05 3
-6.62906786E-08 2.818247306-11 3.21284389E+04 1.33461837E+01 3.332727976+04 4
C3HS,allyl BUR 92C 3.H 5 0. O.q 200.000 6000 000 41.07270 1 Burcat (1992)
6.64761132E+00 1.33152246E-02-4.78333100E-06 7.71949814E-10-4.61930808E-14 2 Tsang (1991)
1.72714707E+04-9.27486841E+00 3.78794693E+00 9.48414335E-03 2.42343368E-06 3
-3.65604010E-0B 1.48692366E-11 1.86261218E+04 7.82822499E+00 2.03259122E+04 4
C3H6,propylene L 7/90C 3.H 6 0. O.G 200.000 6000 000 42.08064 1 Chao (1976)
6.03870499E+00 1,62963895E-02-6.82130624E-06 9.35936483E-10-5.68602903E-14 2 TRC(4/B7)w-2500
-7.76695092E+02-8.43824322E+00 3.83464624E+00 3.29078405E-03 6.06228184E-06 3
-6.6626141BE-08 2.63707686E-11 7.63838296E+02 7.63410996E+00 2.370BB461E+03 4
CSH6,cyclo- L 1/93C 3.H 6 0. e.G 200.eee 6000 000 42.08064 1 Butcher (1973a)
6.21663293E+00 1.65393614E-02-6.90076961E-06 9.48096473E-10-5.65661737E-14 2 Dorofeeva (1985)
2.95937566E+03-1.36040607E+01 2.83278566E+00-5.21027462E-03 9.29682837E-06 3
-1.22753146E-07 4.99191154E-11 5.19520057E+03 1.08306700E+01 6.41047999E+03 4
C3H60 L 6/90C 3.H 6 0 1. O.G 200.000 6000 000 68.08004 1 Oetting (1964)
7.94555710E+00 1.74061678E-02-6.25436463E-06 1.00976457E-09-6.04488963E-14 2 Swalen (1957)
-1,62867683E+04-1.84184133E+01 3.56851061E+00 5,02717292E-03 6.42315607E-05 3 TRC(6/84)w-6150
-8.90229648E-08 3.62423766E-11-1.29679206E+04 9.88838229E+00-1.12718609E+04 4 Villarreal (1975)
C3H7,n-propyl L 6/90C 3.H 7 0. O.G 200.000 6000 000 43.08858 1
6.96468462E+00 1.75451946E-02-6.23370065E-06 9.98629736E-10-5.94394793E-14 2 Tsang (1986)
8.64244368E+03-1.14831478E+01 4.03239996E+00 3.42728312E-03 6.14344420E-05 3
-8.37646338E-0B 3.40857776E-11 1.03393839E+04 B.77428079E+00 1.20873028E+04 4
C3H7, i-propyl L 9/85C 3.H 7 0. O.G 200.000 6090 000 43.08858 1
6.76125882E+00 1.87606762E-02-6.70191976E-06 1.07751871E-09-6.43090885E-14 2 Tsang (1985)
7.97977293E+03-4.91359366E+00 B.40872872E+00-8.56221825E-03 8.42178491E-06 3
-1.00942683E-07 3.86914479E-11 9.42600956E+03 3.623225046+00 1.12213468E+04 4
C3H8 L 6/90C 3.H 8 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 44.09662 1 Chao (1973)
6.66789363E+00 2.06120214E-02-7.36553027E-06 1.18440761E-09-7.06963210E-14 2 TRC (10/85) w-1350
-1.62748521E+04-1.31859503E+01 4.21102620E+00 1.71599803E-03 7.06183472E-05 3
-9.19694116E-08 3.64421372E-11-1.43812106E+04 6.60930491E+00-1.26900384E+04 4
C3H80,lpropanol L 9/88C 3.H 8 0 1. O.G 200.000 6000.000 60.09592 1 Chao (1986)
8.71010929E+00 2.08051473E-02-7.38480898E-06 1.18188977E-09-7.03B977836-14 2 TRC(6/87)tuvw-5000
-3.61244024E+04-1.88966453E+01 5.27799420E+00 8.08660546E-04 8.21548179E-05 3
-1.08488185E-07 4.34886897E-11-3.28348774E+04 6.7052683BE+00-3.069333016+04 4
C3HBO,2propanol L 9/88C 3.H 8 0 1. O.G 200.000 6000.000 60.09592 1 Chao (1986)
9.642711136+00 2.00224413E-02-7.11948364E-06 1.1413636BE-09-6.79921667E-14 2 TRC(6/B7)w-B030
-3.74840096E+04-2.56346074E+01 4.30803027E+00 1.02498010E-02 6.19857805E-06 3
-9.0331108BE-OB 3.74065372E-11-3.49248843E+04 7.55826264E+00-3.27980843E+04 4
C302 L 7/88C 3.0 2 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 68 03180 1 Chase (1985)
8.46175920E+00 4.81552825E-03-1.80930759E-06 3.00787080E-10-1.83722162E-14 2 Shimanouchi (1977)
-1.43271664E+04-1.7060B688E+01 2.19668211E+00 3.14B63138E-02-6.07468623E-06 3
4.35794398E-08-1.47361787E-11-1.29460980E+04 1.32985264E+01-1.12622391E+04 4 TRC (4/84) w-1000
C4 L 7/8BC 4. • 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 48 04400 1 Gurvich (1979)
6.63091494E+00 4.83116397E-03-1.60405642E-06 2.02872367E-10-1.00345687E-14 2
1.22500879E+06-2.98954731E+00 3.32273482E+00 2.02596453E-02-3.73466071E-06 3
3.56878265E-08-1.27727382E-11 1.22723638E+06 6.80994829E+00 1.24349329E+05 4
C4H2 L 2/93C 4.H 2 0. O.G 200.000 6000.080 50.06988 1 Dorofeeva (1991)
B.66704895E+00 6.71505191E-03-2.35355060E-06 3.73635366E-10-2.210540436-14 2
5.10016978E+04-2.18002050E+01-4.07132393E-01 5.20776143E-02-9.21138340E-05 3
8.08657403E-08-2.70422080E-11 5.25957367E+04 2.03240223E+01 5.412225136+04 4
C4H4,1,3-cyclo- L 5/90C 4.H 4 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 52 07576 1 Dorofeeva (1985)
8.04207751E+00 1.25202174E-02-4,52337047E-06 7.33120443E-10-4.40110864E-14 2
4.25108494E+04-2.11284483E+01 1.278963186+00 1.34203350E-02 4.11992063E-05 3
-6.98956727E-08 3.07252120E-11 4.50864097E+04 1.76787788E+01 4.63045928E+04 4
C4H6,butadlene X10/92C 4.H 6 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 54 09164 1 TRC (10/92) t, uvw-2820
1.60010139E+01 3.91826115E-03 1.143557336-06-2.07925748E-10 7.57713551E-15 2
6.61708221E+03-6.28204145E+01 1.68530424E+00 1.96120012E-02 4.46523571E-05 3
-8.31523114E-08 3.80651226E-11 1.16075709E+04 1.67546967E+01 1.32298837E+04 4
C4H6,2-butyne X10/88C 4.H 6 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 54 09164 1 TRC (10/88) w-3040
6.93232090E+00 1.86425873E-02-6.82359104E-06 1.11910485E-09-6.76783113E-14 2
1.4030956BE+04-1.22084283E+01 5.42481699E+00 2.66380004E-03 5.30443281E-06 3
-6.71392095E-08 2.58190081E-11 1.54641216E+04 5.40967409E-01 1.75476366E+04 4


C4H6,cyclo- L 5/90C 4 H 6. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 64.09164 1 Dorofeeva (1986)

7.84858253E+00 1.80812892E-02-6.53186644E-06 1.058421235-09-6.35263939E-14 2
1.46153461E+04-2.08980257E+01 2.91633433E+00-3.20584810E-03 1.00263671E-04 3
-1.34248167E-07 5.46670100E-11 1.747322365+04 1.24817183E+01 1.88465706E+04 4
C4H8,1-butene X 4/88C 4 H 8. 0. 0.0 200.000 6000.000 66.10752 1 TRC (4/88) t, uvw-2690
8.02147991E+00 2.26010707E-02-8.31284033E-06 1.37803072E-09-8.42175469E-14 2
-4.30852153E+03-1.711706975+01 4.42674073E+00 6.63946249E-03 6.80652815E-05 3
-9.28753562E-08 3.73473949E-11-2.11532796E+03 7.54694860E+00-6.49467016E+01 4
C4HB,cis2-buten X 4/88C 4 H 8. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 66.10752 1 TRC (4/88) tuvw-2600
7.08335025E+00 2.34982430E-02-8.64483079E-06 1.43160107E-09-8.73762642E-14 2
-4.92320266E+03-1.28709317E+01 5.44417817E+00-5.20451694E-03 9.62906577E-05 3
-1.20068814E-07 4.681948255-11-2.917414725+03 3.46050733E+00-8.90010355E+02 4
C4H8,tr2-butene X 4/88C 4 H 8. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 56.10762 1 TRC (4/88) f, uvw-2600
7.62514670E+00 2.30451042E-02-8.49424864E-06 1.41152554E-09-8.64751767E-14 2
-5.40102815E+03-1.61987080E+01 6.57278967E+00 3.76541017E-03 6.62226708E-06 3
-8.30909522E-08 3.20311342E-11-3.57903301E+03 5.37796708E-01-1.32298837E+03 4
C4HB,isobutene X 4/88C 4 H 8. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 66.10762 1 TRC (4/88) f,u vw-2600
7.83555330E+00 2.27469679E-02-8.36517549E-06 1.39076260E-09-8.53329969E-14 2
-6.16356322E+03-1.76540719E+01 3.68049727E+00 1.69414445E-02 3.51963565E-05 3
-5.43166856E-08 2.20201636E-11-4.12099308E+03 8.11457149E+00-2.05664555E+03 4
C4H8,cyclo- L 5/90C 4 H 8. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 56.10752 1 Dorofeeva (1986)
7.76331054E+00 2.30653350E-02-8.26983758E-06 1.33412389E-09-7.99363302E-14 2
-1.17672008E+03-2.19148211E+01 3.81144720E+00-9.68049998E-03 1.27917694E-04 3
-1.63057125E-07 6.48314790E-11 1.87107930E+03 8.60998196E+00 3.41671542E+03 4
(CH3COOH)2 L 6/90C 4.H 8.0 4. O.G 200.000 6000.000 120.10512 1 Chao (1978)
1.58245208E+01 2.61835117E-02-9.46098358E-06 1.53337616E-09-9.20476545E-14 2
-1.19039141E+05-5.11097617E+01 7.75481743E+00 1.38918897E-02 8.32955609E-05 3
-1.20021855E-07 4.90679646E-11-1.15185669E+05-1.22446814E+00-1.11734228E+05 4
C4H9,n-bu_¥1 X10/84C 4.H 9. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 57.11546 1 TRC (10/84) t, uvw-1940
9.18975615E+00 2.36322267E-02-8.64270985E-06 1.42770515E-09-8.70203716E-14 2
3.37702909E+03-2.156005605+01 5.82430540E+00 6.50309080E-03 7.49300330E-05 3
-1.02085943E-07 4.13484714E-11 5.54078049E+03 2.176095095+00 8.00167418E+03 4
C4H9, i-butyl X10/84C 4.H 9. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 57.11546 1 TRC (10/84) t, uvw-1940
9.43040607E+00 2.34271349E-02-8.53599182E-06 1.39748355E-09-8.44067456E-14 2
2.14214862E+03-2.42207994E+01 3.54885235E+00 1.78747638E-02 5.00782825E-05 3
-7.94475071E-08 3.35802354E-11 4.74011588E+03 1.11849382E+01 6.89397210E+03 4
C4Hgps-bubyl L 1/93C 4.H 9. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 57.11546 1 Tsang (1985)
8.42611939E+00 2.39379265E-02-8.56035783E-06 1.37735160E-09-8.22496005E-14 2
3.96484253E+03-1.69876875E+01 5.03930607E+00 4.09387100E-04 9.15574112E-06 3
-1.19411713E-07 4.75043987E-11 6.42327236E+03 8.24360444E+00 8.53928854E+03 4
C4H9,t-butyl L 1/93C 4.H 9. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 57.11546 1 Tsang (1985)
6.63074656E+00 2.593537455-02-9.37163111E-06 1.51845890E-09-9.11190863E-14 2
2.00861323E+03-9.20581440E+00 6.87327133E+00-1.85146306E-02 1.30560116E-04 3
-1.50832755E-07 5.65358282E-11 4.10968938E+03 2.30016604E-01 6.21804532E+03 4
C4H10,isobutane L 6/90C 4.H 10. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 68.12340 1 Chen, S. S. (1975)
9.76991245E+00 2.54997210E-02-9.14142932E-06 1.47328271E-09-8.80800188E-14 2 TRC (19/85) w-Z35B
-2.14052647E+04-3.00329101E+01 4.45479276E+00 8.26057985E-03 8.29886664E-05 3
-1.146476425-07 4.64570101E-11-1.845939315+04 4.92743175E+00-1.62354727E+04 4
C4H10,n-bu_ane L 6/90C 4.H 10. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 58.12340 1 Chen, S. S. (1975)
9.44535834E+00 2.57858073E-02-9.23619122E-06 1.48632755E-09-8.87897158E-14 2 TRC (10/85) w-1350
-2.013821655+04-2.63470076E+01 6.14746806E+00 1.55947389E-04 9.67913517E-05 3
-1.25483910E-07 4.97816555E-11-1.75994402E+04-1.09409879E+00-1.51289733E+04 4
C4N2 J 3/61C 4.N 2. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 76.05748 1 Chase (1985)
1.04854800E+01 5.69544889E-03-2.12745547E-06 3.523231965-10-2.14631729E-14 2
6.04620630E+04-2.72266502E+01 2.28116845E+00 4.61273513E-02-8.53293243E-05 3
7.93407779E-08-2.80356399E-11 6.20401013E+04 1.128981745+01 6.41601249E+04 4
C5 L 7/88C 5. 0. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 60.05500 1 Gurvich (1979)
9.57456888E+00 3.86016798E-03-1.47558014E-06 2.48048833E-10-1.52660253E-14 2
1.23053517E+05-2.37137980E+01 3.35873023E+00 3.24350875E-02-5.93058470E-05 3
5.60114864E-08-2.03075176E-11 1.24376242E+05 6.94915848E+00 1.26396424E+05 4
CSH6_lt3cyclo- L 5/90C 5.H 6. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 66.10264 1 Dorofeeva (1986)
9.97582745E+00 1.89055233E-02-6.84110300E-06 1.10992117E-09-6.66791427E-14 2 Pedley (1986)
1.10816727E+04-3.22096892E+01 8.61044032E-01 1.48045870E-02 7.21072084E-05 3
-1.13378398E-07 4.86890482E-11 1.48017548E+04 2.13536269E+01 1.61524852E+04 4
CSHB,cyclo- L 1/93C 5.H 8. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 68.11852 1 Dorofeeva (1986)
9.64282423E+00 2.42562834E-02-8.72089503E-06 1.41190868E-09-8.47267848E-14 2 TRC (10/84) w-2840
-1.29255032E+03-3.01225606E+01 2.68980514E+00 2.09635533E-03 1.130344595-04 3
-1.54077581E-07 6.27623564E-11 2.45827067E+03 1.53075040E+01 4.07720960E+03 4
CSHZO,1-pentene X 4/87C 5.H 10. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 70.13440 1 TRC (4/87) .-2500
1.17397055E+01 2.57467071E-02-9.25988701E-06 1.51497885E-09-9.17883939E-14 2
-8.46274839E+03-3.54375619E+01 5.88356456E+00 5.10401267E-03 9.78282156E-05 3
-1.32389227E-07 5.32231507E-11-5.16823068E+03 3.41987031E+00-2.55938113E+03 4


CSH18,cyclo- L 6/90C 5.H 18. 0. 0 G 288.888 6888.888 78.13448 1 Dorofeeva (1986)

9.13295790E+00 3.01130430E-O2-1.09169137E-O5 1 .77298767E-09-l.06575248E-13 2
-1,51597372E+O4-2.92618828E+01 3.70327955E+00-1 .15565354E-02 1.64111439E-04 3
-2.09368134E-07 8.31054507E-11-1.10951786E+04 1 .19777761E+01-9.42929890E+03 4
CSH11,pentyl X10/84C B.H 11. 0. 0 G 288.888 6888.888 71.14234 1 TRC (18/84) _,uvw-1941
1.12986135E+01 2.97314215E-O2-1.09772714E-05 1 .82708895E-09-1.11996026E-13 2
-2.39764167E+O2-3.10395910E+01 7.17401432E+00 3 .80921688E-03 1.04379065E-04 3
-1.396340S0E-07 6 .60395117E-11 2.52870902E+03-1 .18868630E+00 5.50964619E+03 4
CSHll,t-pentyl L 1/93C 5.H 11. 0. 0 G 288.888 6888.888 71.14234 1 Tsang (1985)
9.23121001E+00 3 .11688383E-02-1.12478586E-05 1 .82090658E-O9-1.09205395E-13 2
-1.60069498E+03-2 .06141974E+01 6.44622533E+00-9 .54177763E-03 1.37891362E-04 3
-1.69241631E-07 6 .53097127E-11 1.50837506E+03 5 .43091742E+00 3.92085643E+03 4
CBH12tn-penbane X10/85C 6.H 12. 0. 0 g 298.158 5888.888 72.15828 1 TRC(10/BS)&uvw-1350
1.35469980E+01 2 .84217860E-02-9.41746480E-06 1 .38935890E-09-7.42126090E-14 2
-2.45776800E+04-4 .70211850E+01 1.89836790E+00 4 .12030370E-02 1.23121750E-05 3
-3.65895010E-08 1 .50425090E-11-2.00915000E+04 1 .86790720E+Ol-l.76512800E+04 4
CSH12, i-pentane X10/85C 6.H 12. 0. 0 G 298.159 5000.000 72.15028 1 TRC (18/85) tuvw-1350
1.23277870E+01 3 .06130870E-02-9.84157850E-06 1 .39197760E-09-7.@3_73450E-14 2
-2.50374920E+04-4 .11335040E+01 1.08328820E+00 4 .45710760E-02 8.23899340E-06 3
-3.52580470E-08 1 .57857620E-11-2.08075350E+04 2 .17951450E+01-l.84859760E+04 4
CH3C (CH3) 2CH3 X10/85C 5.H 12. 0. 0 G 298.158 5888.888 72.15828 1 TRC (11_/85) buvw-1350
1.01104160E+01 3 .53495660E-02-1.18399670E-05 1 .47777210E-09-6.84670420E-14 2
-2.58067110E+04-3 .3Z669940E+01 7.26389940E-01 4 .81254760E-02 1.69174580E-06 3
-2.66924580E-08 1 .20782820E-11-2.24079800E+04 1 .83272040E+O1-2.01962590E+04 4
C6H2 L 2/93C 6.H 2. 0. 0 O 288.888 6888.888 74.88188 1 Bjarnov (1974)
1.25238060E+01 8 .78596282E-03-3.13663173E-06 6 .84345908E-10-3.01109700E-14 2 Dorofeeva (1991)
7.60771037E+04-3 .88501245E+O1-5.94405026E-01 7 .46613329E-O2-1.S5847980E-04 3
1.22198100E-07-4 .17696751E-11 7.84192204E+04 2 .21178780E+01 8.05820187E+04 4
C6HS,phenyl L 1/91C 6.H 6. 0. • G 200.000 6000.000 77.19578 1 Burcat (1985)
1.07702200E+01 1 .83848897E-02-6.69985951E-06 1 .09225620E-09-6.58414439E-14 2 TRC(10/89)w-4270
3.52040328E+04-3 .50146837E+01 7.09725032E-01 1 .93299484E-02 5.94079007E-05 3
-9.85084147E-08 4 .25424765E-11 3.91345677E+04 2 • 30299294E+01 4.05666070E+04 4
C6D5 L12/84C 6.D 5. 0 O.G 388.888 5888.888 82.13651 1 Burca% (1985)
1.47294920E+01 1 .52105350E-02-5.52416350E-06 8.79845750E-10-5.09792170E-14 2
3.02826290E+04-5 .57549640E+01-l.25497820E+00 4.73287660E-02-8.07598830E-06 3
-2.99019720E-08 1 .71490600E-11 3.53140630E+04 2.97801460E+01 3.69171280E+04 4
C6HSO,phenoxy L 6/90C 6.H 5.0 1 O.G 280.000 6808.000 93.10518 1 Burca% (1985)
1.31515134E+01 1 .90165507E-O2-6.94695592E-06 1.13442172E-O9-6.84634203E-14 2
-4.72968266E+02-4 .67107225E+01 7.76296446E-02 3.38574915E-02 3.60356256E-05 3
-7.93165426E-08 3 .64328623E-11 4.06539383E+03 2.57598920E+01 5.73666999E+03 4
C6H6 L 1/91C 6.H 6. 0 O.G 200.000 6000.000 78.11364 1 Burca_ (1985)
1.10771708E+01 2 .07067895E-O2-7.51625100E-06 1.22209416E-O9-7.35312513E-14 2 TRC(10/86)w-3200
4.30988395E+03-4 .00116950E+01 6.03469664E-01 1.86142363E-02 7.37864409E-05 3
-1.18106127E-07 5 .07182827E-11 8.55266293E+03 2.16481796E+01 9.96811598E+03 4
C6D6 L12/84C 6.D 6. 0 O.G 300.080 5000.000 84.15061 1 Burca_ (1986)
1.86198640E+01 1 .71239340E-02-6.20127590E-06 9.84930580E-10-6.68915670E-14 2
-1.44330520E+02-6 .38881890E+01-2.07012180E+00 5.29381978E-02-9.60748288E-06 3
-3.28023720E-08 1 .90125280E-11 5.40689840E+03 3.86938730E+01 6.99716330E+03 4
C6HBOH,phenol L 6/90C 6.H 6.0 1 O.G 288.888 6888.888 94.11384 1 Burca% (1985)
1.41553674E+01 1 .99349498E-O2-7.18217132E-06 1.16228680E-09-6.97145840E-14 2
-1.81287342E+04-5 .17991412E+O1-2.91049229E-01 4.08567842E-02 2.42823545E-05 3
-7.14476757E-08 3 .46003044E-11-1.34129231E+04 2.68748886E+Ol-l.15940687E+04 4
C6H10,cyclo- L 1/93C 6.H 19. • O.G 200.000 6000.000 82.14548 1 Dorofeeva (1986)
1.17733889E+01 3 .09482743E-02-1.12347262E-05 1.82632845E-09-1.09856683E-13 2
-7.20263233E+03-4 .26657933E+01 2.36627804E+00 1.06814158E-02 1.18222243E-04 3
-1.65679913E-07 6 .76133786E-11-2.48250358E+03 1.67692033E+01-5.53249680E+02 4
C6H12,1-hexene X 4/87C 6.H 12. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 84.16128 1 TRC (4/87) tuvw-2500
1.51268820E+01 2 .94975192E-02-1.05411189E-06 1.72131394E-Og-l.04218863E-13 2
-1.24861590E+O4-5.19351768E+01 7.31539830E+00 3.70903758E-03 1.27255723E-04 3
-1.71562233E-07 6.89824521E-11-8.20916239E+O3-S.95782436E-O1-5.04539654E+03 4
C6H12,cyclo- L 6/90C 6.H 12. 0. O.G 288.888 6000.000 84.16128 1 Dorofeeva (1986)
1.32147562E+01 3.58242410E-O2-1.32110595E-05 2.17202254E-O9-1.31730540E-13 2
-2.28091954E+O4-5.53626464E+01 4.04348764E+OO-6.19527424E-03 1.76621086E-04 3
-2.22967809E-07 8.63667390E-11-1.69202872E+04 8.52566766E+09-l.48294969E+04 4
C6H13,n-hexyl X10/83C 6.H 13. 0. 8.O 200.000 6000.000 85.16922 1 TRC (18/83) tuvw-1938
1.40301977E+01 3.47114029E-O2-1.26836103E-05 2.09365902E-09-l.27627985E-13 2
-4.06907890E+O3-4.39643824E+01 8.76344954E+00 2.16243850E-03 1.31674084E-04 3
-1.73827462E-07 6.92515089E-11-5.42628115E+82-5.91726978E+08 2.89830800E+84 4
C7H7,benzyl L 1/93C 7.H 7. 0. 0.0 288.888 6000.000 91.13258 1 Brouwer (1988)
1.40435627E+01 2.34946209E-02-8.53786999E-06 1.38914523E-09-8.36183669E-14 2 Hippler (1990)
1.85643697E+O4-5.16632394E+01 4.81145711E-01 3.85126943E-02 3.28618341E-05 3
-7.69728603E-08 3.54230267E-11 2.33070210E+04 2.35487000E+01 2.53171865E+04 4


C7H8 L 1/93C 7.H 8 0. O.G 200.000 6000 000 92.14052 1 Hitchcock (1975)
1.29394750E+01 2.66921BS8E-O2-9.68420108E-06 1.57392140E-O9-g.46670482E-14 2 Rudolph (1967)
-6.77035769E+O2-4.67255302E+01 1.61191400E+00 2.11188902E-02 8.53221453E-05 3 TRC(10/85)w-3000
-1.32566876E-07 5.59406109E-11 4.09651976E+03 2.02973614E+01 6.03402967E+03 4
C7H80,cresol mx L 1/93C 7.H 8 0 1. O.G 200.000 6000 000 108.13992 1 Kudchadker (1978)
1.65179499E+01 2.54721604E-O2-9.18781249E-06 1.48772875E-O9-8.g2617180E-14 2
-2.36116775E+O4-6.19386224E+O1 7.98026029E-01 4.67284934E-02 2.73617362E-05 3
-7.75823278E-08 3.68948350E-11-1.83324087E+04 2.42303179E+Ol-l.59117014E+04 4
C7H14,1-heptene X 4/87C 7.H 14 0 O.G 200.000 6000 000 98.18816 1 TRC (4/87) tuvw-2500
1.84972484E+01 3.32575990E-O2-1.18150330E-05 1.92513278E-O9-1.16441886E-13 2
-1.65142044E+O4-6.83095138E+01 8.70575623E+00 2.79788048E-03 1.55212260E-04 3
-2.09020114E-07 B.40527224E-11-1.12661385E+O4-4.45341873E+OO-7.S4824999E+03 4
C7H15,n-hep%yl X10/83C 7.H 15 0 O.G 200.000 6000 000 99.19610 1 TRC(10/83)buvw-1930
1.64117107E+01 4.03602901E-O2-1.47823188E-05 2.44414560E-O9-1.49160374E-13 2
-7.76310920E+O3-5.49531828E+01 1.02804136E+01 7.01553566E-04 1.59551347E-04 3
-2.09593179E-07 8.33445318E-11-3.60307311E+O3-1.03020940E+01 3.35430000E+04 4
C7H16,n-heptane X10/85C 7.H 16 0 O.G 200.000 6000 000 100.20404 1 TRC (10/85) tuvw-1460
1.85354704E+01 3.91420468E-O2-1.38030268E-05 2.22403874E-09-1.33452580E-13 2
-3.19500783E+O4-7.01902840E+01 1.11532484E+01-9.49416433E-03 1.95571181E-04 3
-2.49752520E-07 9.84873213E-11-2.67711735E+04-1.59096110E+01 3.32210000E+04 4
C8H8,sbyrene X 4/89C 8.H 8 0 O.G 200.000 8000 000 104.15152 1 TRC (4/89) tuvw-4490
1.58813334E+01 2.88374055E-O2-9.90244561E-06 1.83759141E-09-9.98448972E-14 2
1.00847804E+O4-6.09419319E+01 1.18175769E+00 3.34876025E-02 6.92366253E-05 3
-1.24490419E-07 5.49384735E-11 1.56039062E+04 2.26824980E+01 1.78362886E+04 4
C8H10,e%hylbenz X10/86C 8.H 10. 0 O.G 200.000 8000 000 106.16740 1 TRC(10/86) buvw-3200
1.55760759E+01 3.23064579E-O2-1.19002723E-05 1.96792542E-O9-1.19911164E-13 2
-4.41157516E+O3-5.91043877E+01 3.51534963E+00 1.78145681E-02 1.18934012E-04 3
-1.75639764E-07 7.32061099E-11 1.02038595E÷03 1.41539629E+01 3.59852836E+03 4
CBH16_1-oc%ene X 4/87C 8.H 16. 0 O.G 200.000 8000.000 112.21504 1 TRC (4/87) tuvw-2500
2.20134088E+01 3.67972174E-O2-1.29830482E-05 2.10854637E-O9-1.27294158E-13 2
-2.06109835E+O4-8.55337170E+01 1.01487860E÷01 1.25107538E-03 1.85252738E-04 3
-2.49094162E-07 1.00250395E-10-1.43267453E+O4-8.50774418E+OO-1.00535089E+04 4
CBH17,n-octyl X10/83C 8.H 17. 0 O.G 200.000 8000.000 113.22298 1 TRC (10/83) %uvw-1930
1.87968043E+01 4.60048523E-O2-1.68790126E-05 2.T9422477E-O9-1.70663886E-13 2
-1.14592578E+O4-8.59822206E+01 1.18082518E+O1-8.50348136E-04 1.87697700E-04 3
-2.45890702E-07 9.75813027E-11-B.66450442E+O3-1.47298487E+01 3.81030000E+04 4
CBH18, isooctane X 4/85C 8.H 18. 0 O.G 200.000 6000.000 114.23092 1 TRC (4/85) %uvw-1490
1.59899273E+01 5.53184790E-O2-1.95267072E-06 3.11779172E-O-1.85312577E-13 2
-3.58757973E+O4-6.01161414E+01 8.15737338E-01 7.32643959E-02 1.78300688E-05 3
-6.93589620E-08 3.21629382E-11-3.04772862E+04 2.41509994E+O1-2.69420567E+04 4
CBH18,n-octane X 4/85C 8.H 18. 0 O.G 200.000 6000.000 114.23092 1 TRC (4/85) tuvw-1490
2.21755407E+01 4.24428161E-O2-1.49161103E-05 2.40376673E-O9-1.44359037E-13 2
-3.61030944E+O4-B.BOB54457E+01 1.25244908E+OZ-l.01018365E-02 2.21991595E-04 3
-2.84882420E-07 1.12409624E-10-2.98433034E+O4-1.97108584E+01 3.77800000E+04 4
C9H19,n-nonyl X10/83C 9.H 19. 0 O.G 298.150 5000.000 127.24986 1 TRC (10/83) %uvw-1930
1.91952670E+01 5.54392490E-02-2.14368010E-05 3.T8851440E-09-2.BOO29870E-13 2
-1.43737110E+O4-8.60562950E+01 2.87584850E+00 7.57927890E-02 1.34624310E-05 3
-8.40883970E-08 2.86941720E-11-B.68345310E+03 2.42822320E+O1-4.45371290E+03 4
C10H8,naphthale L 8/93C 10.H 8. 0 O.G 200.000 6000.000 128.17382 1 Chen (1979)
1.86129899E+01 3.04494141E-02-1.11224799E-05 1.81615406E-09-1.09601224E-13 2
8.91552944E+O3-8.00230479E+O1-l.04919326E+00 4.62970611E-02 7.07592203E-05 3
-1.38408186E-07 6.20475748E-11 1.59848388E+04 3.02121571E+01 2.07130780E+04 4
C10H21,n-decyl X10/83C 10.H 21. 0. O.G 298.150 5000.000 141.27674 1 TRC (10/83) tuvw-1930
2.13221280E+01 6.15735240E-O2-2.38494830E-05 4.22091160E-O9-2.78893070E-13 2
-1.79678090E+O4-7.56437890E+01 3.08970070E+00 8.41179490E-02 1.59018380E-05 3
-7.23879340E-08 3.22669250E-11-1.16149410E+04 2.52811840E+O1-6.94456890E+03 4
C12H9,o-bipheny L12/84C 12.H 9. 0. O.G 200.000 8000.000 153.20346 1 Burca% (1985)
2.25693421E+01 3.45619386E-O2-1.27020788E-05 2.08111827E-O-l.25849480E-13 2
4.05905091E+O4-9.57792390E+01 4.07649156E-01 5.42797841E-02 7.12514701E-05 3
-1.44404490E-07 6.48500575E-11 4.85349837E+04 2.81982515E+01 2.65893350E+04 4
0-C12D9 L12/84C 12.D 9. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 182.25892 1 Burcat (1985)
3.01231990E+01 2.83282550E-O2-1.03885400E-05 1.55933380E-O9-9.65271160E-14 2
3.32077890E+O4-1.35191307E+O2-7.32993960E-01 8.98368950E-O2-1.37312750E-05 3
-5.94270200E-08 3.37024300E-11 4.29430940E+04 3.00419580E+01 4.64884100E+04 4
C12H10,biphenyl L12/84C 12.H 10. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 154.21140 1 Burca% (1985)
2.28964892E+01 3.68452570E-O2-1.35016270E-05 2.20802808E-O9-1.33358223E-13 2
1.07394499E+O4-1.00510148E+02 1.94568186E-01 5.35264368E-02 8.54996701E-05 3
-1.83903608E-07 7.29977217E-11 1.90020431E+04 2.72151271E+01 2.87835110E+04 4


C12D10 L12/84C 12.D 10. 0. O.G 300.000 6000.000 164.27302 1 Burcat (1985)
3.09050600E+01 3.03499880E-02-1.10950480E-O5 1.77558100E-09-1.03323270E-13 2
2.88344530E+03-1.42438937E+02-1.57934860E+00 9.50595740E-O2-1.45320710E-05 3
-6.26455970E-08 3.55300790E-11 1.31374220E+04 3.15299410E+01 1.66475020E+04 4
Jet-A(9) L 6/88C 12 H 23. 0. O.G 273.150 5000.000 167.31462 1 Gracia-Salcedo (1988)
2.48802010E+01 7.82500480E-O2-3.15509730E-05 5.78789000E-O9-3.98279680E-13 2
-4.31106840E+04-9.36552550E+01 2.08692170E+00 1.33149650E-O1-8.11574520E-05 3
2.94092860E-08-6.S1952130E-12-3.59128140E+04 2.73552890E+01-3.00344960E+04 4
Ca L 3/93CA I 0. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 40.07800 1 Chase (1985)
1.92707623E+00 1.34909167E-03-1.07515862E-06 3.25467865E-10-2.64671538E-14 2 Sugar (1979)
2.08196210E+04 7.42878398E+00 2,50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2.06389279E+04 4.38454833E+00 2.13843029E+04 4
Ca+ J 9/83CA I E -1. 0. O.G 298.150 6000.000 40.07745 1 Chase (1985)
2.64221438E+00-1.60517359E-04-2.70843966E-08 5.13522496E-11-5.96487048E-15 2
9.22596379E+04 4.25372623E+00 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 9.23242106E+04 6.07767498E+00 9.30696856E+04 4
CaBr J12/74CA i BR 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 119.98200 1 Chase (1985)
4.32173630E+00 4.09036740E-O4-2.45415310E-07 6.90268740E-11-5.36841960E-15 2
-7.24627320E+03 5.67668069E+00 3.85118770E+00 3.02714810E-03-5.50978070E-06 3
4.67645710E-O9-1.49599600E-12-7.18372390E+03 7.77803289E+00-5.94108833E+03 4
CaBr2 J 6/74CA 1BR 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 199.88600 1 Chase (1985)
7.41516390E+00 9.65490130E-O5-4.24638160E-08 8.22868650E-12-5.86170570E-16 2
-4.85368240E+O4-4.48080162E+00 6.60571570E+00 3.60588920E-03-5.83146500E-06 3
4.26348010E-09-1.16672780E-12-4.83829630E+O4-6.31052281E-O1-4.62968444E+04 4
CaCL J 6/70CA 1CL 1. 0. 0.0 300.000 5000.000 75.53070 1 Chase (1985)
4.30671160E+00 4.00849630E-04-2.33136610E-07 6.39217970E-11-4.86623830E-15 2
-1.38926560E+04 4.37337421E+00 3.67305150E+00 3.31441640E-O3-S.16824350E-06 3
3.71112670E-O9-9.96870310E-13-1.37841440E+04 7.33679641E+00-1.26805061E+04 4
CaCL2 J 6/70CA 1CL 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 110.98340 1 Chase (1985)
7.36500140E+00 1.53271080E-04-6.72752850E-08 1.30141310E-11-9.25679680E-16 2
-5.89547310E+04-7.18852086E+00 6.16133630E+00 5.30604290E-03-B.46494630E-06 3
6.11288970E-O9-1.65223620E-12-5.87229350E+O4-1.44829735E+O0-5.67135827E+04 4
CaF J12/68CA 1.F 1. 0. O.Q 300.000 6000.000 59.07640 1 Chase (1986)
4.19886210E+00 4.92440930E-04-2.61021230E-07 6.47916350E-11-4.73039510E-15 2
-3.40211290E+04 3.46314749E+00 3.05089900E+00 5.15494390E-03-7.35082960E-06 3
4.78764580E-09-1.15231550E-12-3.37923450E+04 8.98800879E+00-3.27096252E+04 4
CaF2 J12/68CA 1.F 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 78.07481 1 Chase (1985)
6.65434310E+00 3.90526920E-O4-1.70810700E-07 3.29528400E-11-2.33877410E-15 2
-9.64452790E+04-S.31072110E+00 4.23081520E+00 1.02558050E-02-1.64443450E-O6 3
1.05467910E-OS-2.68439160E-12-9.59552610E+04 6.36780660E+00-9.43548797E+04 4
CaI J 6/74CA 1.I 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 166.98247 1 Chase (1985)
4.31984710E+00 4.34666910E-O4-2.74419200E-07 8.00804410E-11-6.54516080E-15 2
-1.90648040E+03 6.71480235E+00 4.02391010E+00 2.26599780E-03-4.09398330E-06 3
3.48400510E-OB-l.l1629960E-12-1.87705110E+03 7.99031065E+00-6.06862329E+02 4
CaI2 J 6/74CA 1.I 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 293.88694 1 Chase (1986)
7.42386650E+00 8.85553580E-OS-3.98468930E-08 7.89183570E-12-5.73526580E-16 2
-3.32877520E+O4-2.97844542E+00 6.56417270E+00 4.26846500E-O3-7.92475830E-06 3
6.72056000E-OB-2.14854610E-12-3.31382820E+04 1.02209228E+O0-3.10492020E+04 4
CaO J12/74CA 1.0 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 56.07740 1 Chase (1985)
9.17458650E+OO-1.06432340E-02 7.69689680E-O6-1.90704430E-09 1.55092310E-13 2
2.32480410E+O3-2.44276825E+01 2.67186020E+00 6.43240280E-O3-9.57270300E-06 3
6.76204240E-O9-1.81730490E-12 4.27345310E+03 9.65422679E+00 5.28389925E+03 4
CaOH J12/75CA 1.0 1.H 1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 57.08534 1 Chase (1985)
5.27547590E+00 1.80256200E-O3-6.84356480E-07 1.30601960E-10-B.91315800E-15 2
-2.49846810E+O4-2.31108541E+00 2.10048520E+00 1.86951590E-O2-3.35066440E-06 3
2.80256380E-OB-8.79926890E-12-2.45309150E+04 1.20387635E+O1-2.33185135E+04 4
CaOH+ J12/75CA 1.0 1.H 1.E -1.G 300.000 5000.000 57.08479 1 Chase (1985)
5.40510870E+00 1.52450030E-03-4.78308080E-07 7.13472160E-11-4.12983490E-15 2
4.26859330E+04-3.66981133E+00 2.16664600E+00 1.86186760E-O2-3.32682220E-05 3
2.78722200E-08-8.76080100E-12 4.31683950E+04 1.10927661E+01 4.43915181E+04 4
CaO2H2 J12/75CA 1.0 2.H 2. O.G 300.000 5000.000 74.09268 1 Chase (1985)
8.85820360E+00 2.99419090E-O3-9.32192990E-07 1.37883860E-10-7.91119850E-15 2
-7.62794960E+04-1.71393039E+01 2.32221660E+00 3,75156820E-02-6.79965130E-05 3
5.72902630E-08-1.80814750E-11-7.53228630E+04 1.24879611E+01-7.34591048E+04 4
CaS J 9/77CA 1.S 1. 0. O.G 298.150 5000.000 72.14400 1 Chase (1985)
5.35707752E+00-4.18392513E-03 4.68291375E-O6-1.40725075E-09 1.28892668E-13 2
1.34741825E+O4-1.43173210E+00 3.22586008E+00 5.30640418E-O3-8.76527639E-06 3
6.42601054E-09-1.61529035E-12 1.37334866E+04 8.34892050E+00 9.35841600E+03 4
Ca2 J 9/83CA 2. 0. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 80.15600 1 Chase (1985)
3.16700199E+OO-6.16814444E-04 2.03540960E-O7-2.77128180E-11 1.65003046E-15 2
4.04382380E+04 1.37113509E+01 4.94590110E+00 4.30621337E-O3-3.23384227E-05 3
4.51640811E-O8-1.93501071E-11 3.96175492E+04 2.54511315E+00 4.10779763E+04 4


CL J 6/82CL 1. 0 0. 0.G 200.000 6000 000 35.45270 1 Chase (1985)

2.94658358E+O0-3.BBgBB408E-04 1.36139388E-07-2.17032923E-11 1.28751028E-15 2
1.36970327E+04 3.11330136E+00 2.26062480E+00 1.54154399E-03-6.80283622E-07 3
-1.59972975E-09 1.15416636E-12 1.38552986E+04 6.57020799E+00 1.45891941E+04 4
EL+ J 6/82CL 1.E -1 0. 0,G 298.150 6000 000 35.45215 1 Chase (1985)
3.12286072E+OO-6.36624037E-04 2.48337920E-O7-3.72507849E-11 1.98433686E-15 2
1.64912234E+05 2.49731343E+00 1.71435396E+00 6.62489248E-O3-1.35523086E-05 3
1.14999760E-O8-3.58760566E-12 1.65123809E+05 8.91739546E+00 1.65830698E+05 4
EL- J 6/82CL 1.E 1 0. 0.G 298.150 6000 000 35.45325 1 Chase (1985)
2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-2.88834132E+04 4.20062933E+00 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+O0-2.88834132E+04 4.20062933E+00-2.81380382E+04 4
CLCN J 6/66CL 1.C 1N 1. 0.0 300.000 5000 000 61.47044 1 Chase (1985)
5.49200210E+00 2.09872480E-03-7.74159140E-07 1.38238820E-10-9.23348640E-15 2
1.47491610E+04-3.73046245E+00 3.33908540E+00 1.03974680E-02-1.37046500E-05 3
9.50619620E-09-2.59252600E-12 1.52375390E+04 6.83103255E+00 1.65917045E+04 4
CLF J 6/77CL 1.F 1 0. 0.G 300.000 5000 000 54.45110 1 Chase (1985)
2.84862330E+00 3.17332790E-O3-2.05233870E-06 5.21627330E-10-3.74722620E-14 2
-6.92788240E+03 9.31699651E+00 2.64455690E+00 6.24812560E-O3-9.03543510E-06 3
6.34005750E-09-l.74353720E-12-7.04691060E÷03 9.63042791E+OO-6.04884780E+03 4
CLF3 J 9/65CL 1.F 3 0. 0.G 300.000 5000 000 92.44791 1 Chase (1985)
8.95359670E+00 1.17221630E-O3-5.08961880E-07 9.75634890E-11-6.SBSB7310E-15 2
-2.20759680E+O4-1.80815549E+01 2.89491190E+00 2.47185500E-O2-3.51393230E-05 3
2.25595910E-O8-5.32619780E-12-2.07986400E+04 1.13816921E+01-l.glO52460E+04 4
CLO J 6/61CL 1.0 1 0. 0.G 300.000 5000 000 51.45210 1 Chase (1985)
4.09126190E+00 5.00031260E-O4-1.87782060E-07 3.50976710E-11-2.42050380E-15 2
1.08532230E+04 3.61889244E+00 2.81793640E+00 4.45313330E-O3-4.41248930E-06 3
1.59209420E-O-l.44862420E-14 1.11713970E+04 1.00579823E+01 1.21736480E+04 4
CL02 L 7/93CL 1.0 2 0. 0.G 200.000 6000.000 67.45150 1 Gurvlch (1989)
5.76647681E+00 1.41132506E-O3-5.43714031E-07 1.00734295E-10-6.43543762E-15 2
1.06324182E+04-2.86560082E+00 3.29338614E+00 6.19311337E-03 1.05685372E-06 3
-8.16191254E-09 4.34694600E-12 1.13760776E+04 1.03017024E+01 1.26285253E+04 4
CL2 TPIS89CL 2. 0 0. 0.G 200.000 6000 000 70.90540 1 McBride (1993a)
4.74727508E+O0-4.B8581710E-04 2.68444871E-07-2.43476083E-11-1.03683148E-15 2
-1.51101862E+O3-3.44551305E-01 2.73638114E+00 7.83525700E-O3-1.45104963E-05 3
1.25730834E-08-4.13247145E-12-1.05880114E+03 9.44555879E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
CL20 J12/65CL 2.0 1 0. 0.G 300.000 5000 000 86.90480 1 Chase (1985)
6.43400620E+00 6.27288090E-O4-2.69332520E-07 5.10763940E-11-3.56915450E-15 2
8.48605300E+O3-4.93672407E+00 3.25452380E+00 1.27994490E-O2-1.78824600E-05 3
1.12643830E-OB-2.59642520E-12 9.16574230E+03 1.05712106E÷01 1.05680184E+04 4
Cr J 6/79CR 1. • 0. 0.G 200.000 6000 000 51.99610 1 Chase (1986)
3.08497752E+00-1.44703683E-03 1.08492194E-06-2.35643635E-10 1.86355816E-14 2
4.68928202E+04 3.65913914E+00 2.50259371E+00-2.76560170E-05 1.03974095E-07 3
-1.61996406E-10 8.89391985E-14 4.70600237E+04 6.71107210E+00 4.78055833E+04 4
CrN J12/73CR 1.N 1 0 0.G 300.000 5000 000 66.00284 1 Chase (1985)
3.86496020E+00 8.51604560E-04-4.40707580E-07 1.06676010E-10-8.37314220E-15 2
5.94774370E+04 5.29506757E+00 2.93046360E+00 3.03770420E-O3-1.27139640E-06 3
-1.17812490E-09 8.55513490E-13 5.97442030E+04 1.01918812E+01 6.07397802E+04 4
CrO J12/73CR 1.0 1 0 0.G 300.000 5000 000 67.99550 1 Chase (1985)
4.01398180E+00 6.27002450E-04-2.79567940E-07 6.00031000E-11-4.40579160E-15 2
2.13466930E+04 5.55171510E+00 2.84149960E+00 4.09533580E-O3-3.57764630E-06 3
8.17104390E-10 2.40720090E-13 2.16460670E+04 1.15179922E+01 2.26454051E+04 4
Cr02 J12/73CR 1.0 2 0 0.0 300.000 5000 000 83.99490 1 Chase (1985)
5.84999980E+00 1.27251010E-03-5.49205480E-07 1.04974910E-10-7.39954860E-15 2
-1.10421830E+O4-1.74497632E+00 3.30126450E+00 8.16258570E-O3-5.89076800E-06 3
1.61708560E-11 1.08162670E-12-1.03535690E+04 1.13991138E+O1-9.05799743E+03 4
Cr03 J12/73CR 1.0 4. 0 0.G 300.000 5000 000 99.99430 1 Chase (1985)
8.16289460E+00 2.04508390E-O3-8.85941310E-07 1.69762820E-10-l.19877650E-14 2
-3.80925570E+04-1.58958945E+01 1.90728580E+00 2.30496080E-O2-2.65012940E-05 3
1.28624130E-OB-1.83819910E-12-3.66086800E+04 1.53451415E+O1-3.52251261E+04 4
Cs L 3/93CS 1. 0. 0 0.G 200.000 6000 000 132.90543 1 Chase (1985)
2.82023315E+OO-3.34840327E-O4-9.82915709E-08 1.27564369E-10-1.46119271E-14 2 Moore, C.E. (1971)
8.30639354E+03 5.00894042E+00 2.50004554E+OO-4.66833356E-07 1.68005061E-09 3
-2.48218029E-12 1.27712190E-15 8.45540436E+03 6.87573539E+00 9.20078273E+03 4
Cs+ J12/83CS 1.E -1. 0 0.G 298.150 6000 000 132.90488 1 Chase (1985)
2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2 Moore, C.E. (1971)
5.43873989E+04 6.18275754E+00 2.50000000E+00 0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 5.43873989E+04 6.18275754E+00 5.51327739E+04 4
CsCL J 6/68CS 1.CL 1. 0 0.G 300.000 5000.000 168.35813 1 Chase (1985)
4.47984580E+00 1.09491640E-04-3,99899140E-09 2.06419950E-13 2.21846400E-17 2
-3,02358090E+04 5.21731708E+00 4.18230300E+00 1.37595530E-O3-2.05869330E-06 3
1.48364740E-09-3.97645460E-13-3.01779270E+04 6.63848788E+O0-2.88852607E+04 4


CsF J 6/68CS 1.F 1. • O.G 300.000 5000.000 151.90383 1 Chase (1985)

4.43733090E+00 1 .27160000E-04-2.06476500E-08 2.98133570E-12-1.47742460E-16 2
-4.42279980E+04 3 .87355582E+00 3.74498790E+00 3.01005160E-03-4.58838160E-06 3
3.21796940E-09-8 .37860170E-13-4.40906960E+04 7.19487312E+00-4.28749148E+04 4
CsO J12/68CS 1.0 1. 0 O.G 300.000 5000.000 148.90483 1 Chase (1985)
4.46602820E+00 1 .15632320E-04-5.99891870E-09 1.31766990E-13 5.76397450E-17 2
6.19503090E+03 5 .21464869E+00 3,98574190E+00 2.12792510E-O3-3.21702550E-06 3
2.27642960E-09-6 .97219760E-13 6.28989400E+03 7.51602259E+00 7,54861703E+03 4
CsOH J 6/71CS 1.0 1.H 1 O.G 300.000 5000.000 149.91277 1 Chase (1985)
5.70056490E+00 1 .18203840E-03-3.19390940E-07 3.86429170E-11-1.66356360E-15 2
-3.29192050E+04-2 .11870021E+00 4.54860030E+00 7.96123330E-03-1.33264970E-05 3
1.03142340E-08-2 .897377708-12-3.28108900E+04 2.86187969E+OO-3.11995968E+04 4
CsOH+ J12/71CS 1.0 1.H 1E -1.G 300.000 5000.000 149,91222 1 Chase (1985)
5.72925630E+00 1 .15713240E-03-3.10444310E-07 3.70962910E-11-1.55094630E-15 2
5.16264830E+04-5 .76482232E-01 4.84871580E+00 6.89083460E-03-1.18393280E-05 3
9.43353720E-09-2 .72226850E-12 6.16781670E+04 3.08484850E+00 5.33428450E+04 4
Cs2 J12/83CS 2. 0. • O.G 200.000 6000.000 265.81086 1 Chase (1985)
6.86645178E+00-3 .99014326E-03 1.31948084E-06-1.63413186E-10 6.88125908E-15 2
1.08054293E+04-4 .29749465E+00 4.74588225E+00-2.63862819E-03 1.14139305E-05 3
-1.60430500E-08 6 .56112294E-12 1.15444856E+04 7.60679272E+00 1.29144271E+04 4
Cs2CL2 J 6/68CS 2.CL 2. 0 O.G 300.000 5000.000 336.71626 1 Chase (1985)
9.94243750E+00 6 ,26593030E-05-2.63310970E-08 4.89121420E-12-3.35541520E-16 2
-8,23458550E+04-1 .05980604E+01 9.295264208+00 2.85056000E-03-4.58760190E-06 3
3.25577310E-09-8 .60673620E-13-8.22228620E+04-7.51835332E+00-7.93590189E+04 4
Cs2F2 J 6/68CS 2.F 2. 0 O.G 300.000 5000.000 303.80767 1 Chase (1985)
9.879372508+00 1.26748290E-04-5.09052530E-08 8.97117620E-12-5.80909600E-16 2
-1.10050570E+05-1.40548217E+01 8.44255610E+00 6.49210010E-03-1.08327570E-05 3
8.17910540E-09-2.31739780E-12-1.09781650E+05-7,24824483E+00-1.07056586E+05 4
Cs20 J12/68CS 2.0 1. • O.G 300.000 5000.000 281.81026 1 Chase (1985)
6.89794670E+00 1.01650980E-04-3.80620620E-08 6.14663930E-12-3.57582160E-16 2
-1,31699890E+04-1.16591689E+00 6.76536390E+00 4,91160730E-03-7.70725180E-06 3
5.41569570E-09-1.40808980E-12-1.29468290E+04 4.30015461E+00-1.10706171E+04 4
C8202H2 J 6/71CS 2.0 2.H 2 O.G 300.000 5000.000 299.82554 1 Chase (1985)
9.58093620E+00 5.32605090E-03-1.87805450E-06 3.09259250E-10-1.94295330E-14 2
-8.60258390E+04-1.32145943E+01 7.52281910E+00 7.90783720E-03 3,54302990E-06 3
-1.04563280E-08 4.801403208-12-8.53384120E+04-1.90663311E+00-8.27310993E+04 4
Cs2504 J 6/79CS 2.S 1.0 4 O.G 300.000 5000.000 361.87446 1 Chase (1985)
1.54190450E+01 4.05276500E-03-1.79103410E-06 3.50246530E-10-2.52157360E-14 2
-1.40367750E+05-4.14921849E+01 4.29653850E+00 4.48543000E-02-6.09879230E-05 3
4.05163880E-08-1.06734950E-11-1.37825590E+05 1.34096371E+01-1.35014739E+05 4
CM J 9/84CU 1. 0. 0 O.G 200.000 6000.000 63.54600 1 Chase (1985)
3.13522595E+00-1 .13337547E-03 5.72023041E-07-7.66326177E-11 2.83881466E-15 2
3.96177240E+04 2 .25331944E+00 2.50006597E+00-6.77306412E-07 2.44116818E-09 3
-3.61314758E-12 1 .86303224E-15 3.98583358E+04 5.76884604E+00 4.06037157E+04 4
Cu+ J 9/84CU 1.E -1. 0 O.G 298.150 6000.000 63.54545 1 Chase (1985)
2.49981754E+00 3 .57922146E-07-2.21769848E-10 4.86937918E-14-2.39019610E-18 2
1.30263854E+05 1 .24951186E+01 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00 1.30263788E+05 1.24941209E+01 1.31009163E+05 4
CuCL J 3/66CU 1.CL 1. • O.G 300.000 5000.000 98.99870 1 Chase (1985)
4.390298808+00 1 .83494840E-04-5.71107030E-08 1.12933210E-11-8.19755200E-16 2
9.60972660E+03 3 .39216514E+00 3.34916000E+00 5.10283020E-O3-9.12780020E-06 3
7.601415508-09-2 .39844890E-12 9.79675620E+03 8.26947304E+00 1.09553590E+04 4
CuF J12/77CU 1.F 1. • O.G 300.000 5000.000 82.54440 1 Chase (1985)
4.122739908+00 6.31634630E-04-3.34728200E-07 8.08373670E-11-5.78348170E-15 2
-2.80059530E+03 3.48564565E+00 2.76545050E+00 6.86118050E-O3-1.13388190E-05 3
8.90965780E-09-2.69276920E-12-2.55485650E+03 9.87277405E+O0-1.50966578E+03 4
CuF2 J12/77CU 1.F 2. 0 O.G 300.000 5000.000 , 101.54281 1 Chase (1985)
6.81842360E+00-1.64979080E-04 2.02917740E-07-2.54531130E-11 1.20657320E-16 2
-3.432274408+04-7.12862916E+00 3.11076960E+00 1.43258070E-02-2.28117430E-05 3
1.72788930E-O8-B.O7269770E-12-3.35004530E+04 1.09995699E+01-3.21060286E+04 4
CuO J12/77CU 1.0 1. • O.G 300.000 5000.000 79.54540 1 Chase (1985)
4.27236250E+00 4 .47132760E-04-2.39569790E-07 6.04053160E-11-4.24560160E-15 2
3.55353490E+04 3 .72701889E+00 3.70935200E+00 3.19650590E-03-5.29701090E-06 3
4,21642380E-09-1 .28918550E-12 3.56274700E+04 6.331400798+00 3.68364130E+04 4
Cu2 J 9/66CU 2. 0. O O.G 300.000 5000.000 127.09200 1 Chase (1985)
4.42397340E+00 2 .02489520E-04-6.44897930E-08 1.40654120E-11-7.60204940E-16 2
5.70381310E+04 3 .78535579E+00 3.92443580E+00 2.72749490E-03-4.91949560E-06 3
4.18219650E-09-1 .33935330E-12 5.71191870E+04 6.08380829E+00 5.83746552E+04 4
Cu3CL3 J 3/66CU 3.CL 3. 0 O.e 300.000 5000.000 296.99610 1 Chase (1985)
1.56261270E+01 4 .33738330E-04-1.94670060E-07 3.84669380E-11-2.78997000E-15 2
-3.58818530E+04-3 .77523345E+01 1.14429000E+01 2.06908060E-02-3.82640030E-05 3
3.23410530E-08-1 .03098840E-11-3.51516100E+04-1.82687865E+01-3.10992833E+04 4


D J 3/82D 1. 0. 0. 0 G 200.000 6000.000 2.01410 1 Chase (1985)

2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
2.59212596E+04 5.91714338E-01 2.50000000E+00 0 .000000005+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2.B9212696E+04 6 .91714338E-01 2.66666346E+04 4
D+ J 3/82D 1.E -1. 0. 0 G 298.150 6000.000 2.01355 1 Chase (1985)
2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0,00000000E+00 0 .000000005+00 0.00000000E+00 2
1.84511964E+05-1.01841452E-01 2.50000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 1.84511964E+05-1 .01841452E-01 1.85267339E+06 4
D- J 3/82D 1.E 1, 0. 0 G 298.150 6000.000 2.01465 1 Chase (1985)
2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E÷00 0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
1.64237667E+04-1.01024344E-01 2.50000000E+00 0 .000000005+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 1.64237667E+04-1 .01024344E-01 1.71691417E+04 4
DCL J 6/77D 1.EL 1. 0. 0 G 300.000 6000.000 37.46680 1 Chase (1985)
2.95720340E+00 1.59181600E-03-6.33202720E-07 1 .17656680E-10-8.16999110E-15 2
-1.21735150E+04 6.89879666E+00 3.82692130E+00-2 .501332605-03 6.04661240E-06 3
-4.48376190E-09 1.13676410E-12-1.23019210E+04 1 .89177776E+00-1.12270035E+04 4
DF J 6/77D I.F 1. 0. 0 G 300.000 5000.000 21.01251 1 Chase (1985)
2.726462005+00 1.50912930E-03-6.17049380E-07 8 .54863710E-11-5.41960240E-15 2
-3.39369400E+04 5.82982015E+00 3.49813860E+00 2 .21767930E-04-1.33202400E-06 3
2.56194930E-09-1.15122410E-12-3.41832320E+04 1 .65507895E+00-3.31376542E+04 4
DOCL J 3/79D 1.0 1.CL 1. 0 O 300.000 5000.000 63.46620 1 Chase (1985)
4.43507610E+00 2.53223870E-03-1.03123310E-06 1 .90054540E-10-1.26823840E-14 2
-1.09194020E÷04 2.72715963E+00 2.47904180E+00 1 .08458960E-02-1.52283050E-05 3
1.14373140E-08-3.42049250E-12-1.05180920E+04 1 .21267106E+01-9.41046332E+03 4
D2 TPIS89D 2. 0. 0. 0 G 200.000 6000.000 4.02820 1 McBride (1993)
2.73068929E+00 1.48004781E-03-4.793148485-07 7.89496274E-11-4.88380823E-15 2
-7.95267504E+02 1.64266094E+00 3.49546974E+00 2.58348159E-04-1.31762602E-06 3
2.42912018E-09-1.05982498E-12-1.04631580E+03-2 .51905534E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
D2+ J 9/77D 2.E -1. 0, 0 G 300.000 6000.000 4.02766 1 Chase (1986)
3.58918000E+00 8.92146610E-04-2.42644840E-07 6 .75844090E-11-6.73806600E-15 2
1.79037520E+05-2.05817714E+00 3.80761400E+00-3 .11062600E-03 1.01629820E-05 3
-9.83632710E-09 3.26698530E-12 1.79170960E+05-2 .28662654E+00 1.80239806E+05 4
D2- J 9/77D 2.E 1. 0. 0 G 300.000 5000.000 4.02875 1 Chase (1985)
3.753104205+00 9.80189910E-04-3.63879600E-07 7 .07004820E-11-5.06742720E-15 2
2.70647080E+04-2.81955268E+00 3.21448000E+00 7 .83681650E-04 3.68926860E-06 3
-5.23941900E-09 2.08713650E-12 2.72930090E+04 3 .68164876E-01 2.83088763E+04 4
D20 J 6/77D 2.0 1. 0. 0 G 300.000 6000.000 20.02760 1 Chase (1985)
2.72645950E+00 3.98451730E-03-1.49326260E-06 2 .63497720E-10-1.76496670E-14 2
-3.09026380E+04 7.31820104E+00 3.85411310E+00 1 .47122880E-04 3.00690060E-06 3
-1.77476280E-09 2.30188620E-13-3.11516510E+04 1 .73341964E+00-2.99728411E+04 4
D2S J 6/77D 2.S 1. 0. 0 G 300.000 6000.000 36.09420 1 Chase (1985)
3.66629010E+00 3.49922640E-03-1.42072840E-06 2 .66866390E-10-1.86847390E-14 2
-4.21473080E+03 3.79969952E+00 3.80708240E+00 3 .76963110E-04 6.76307990E-06 3
-5.34857400E-09 1.40540830E-12-4.06612190E+03 3 .87928732E+00-2.87340817E+03 4
F J 6/82F 1. 0. 0. 0 G 200.000 6000.000 18.99840 1 Chase (1985)
2.66749541E+00-1.66693548E-04 6.42448457E-08-1 .08588758E-11 6.70846755E-16 2
8.78895350E+03 4.00729173E+00 2.41951429E+00 2 .94132793E-03-8.92799246E-06 3
9.92060935E-09-3.798600445-12 8.75732361E+03 4 .74771017E+00 9.54836786E+03 4
F+ J 6/82F 1.E -1. 0. 0 G 298.150 6000.000 18.99785 1 Chase (1985)
2.68834861E+00-1.76182961E-04 6.06940639E-08-8 .91630067E-12 5,47662167E-16 2
2.11744095E+05 4.27480802E+00 3.08421084E+00-9 .00062139E-04-1.64599174E-07 3
1.10121336E-09-5.66270920E-13 2.11619101E+05 2 ,14597617E+00 2.12499113E+05 4
F- J 6/82F 1.E 1, 0. 0 0 298.150 6000.000 18.99895 1 Chase (1985)
2.50000000E+00 0.000000005+00 0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-3.14241522E+04 3.26488271E+00 2.50000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-3.14241622E+04 3.26486271E+00-3.06787772E+04 4
FCN J 6/69F 1.C 1.N 1. 0 G 300.000 5000.000 46.01614 1 Chase (1985)
5.089855705+00 2.41706840E-03-9,76827660E-07 1.78134420E-10-1.21185670E-14 2
2.57807810E+03-2.87278107E+00 3.26169410E+00 8.30731440E-03-8.36663580E-06 3
4.41256440E-09-9.08824230E-13 3.05511980E+03 6.44214763E+00 4.32821878E+03 4
FO J12/66F 1.0 1. 0. 0 G 300.000 5000,000 34.99780 1 Chase (1985)
3.91927740E+00 7.04423450E-04-2.66482040E-07 4.96175990E-11-3.36885710E-15 2
1.17981930E+04 3.32876823E+00 2.968002405+00 2.64833930E-03-3.73680050E-07 3
-1.90062250E-09 1.061428305-12 1.208784405+04 8.39349733E+00 1.30839080E+04 4
F02 J 9/66F 1.0 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 50.99720 1 Chase (1985)
5.70409360E+00 1.38628890E-03-6.83653740E-07 1.09372140E-10-7.58691810E-15 2
-3.96786780E+02-2.067917425+00 3.78050730E+00 6.81745950E-03-5.81336050E-06 3
1.75625040E-09 6.77674300E-14 1.27694680E+02 7.83568288E+00 1,51000973E+03 4
F2 TPIS89F 2. 0. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 37.99681 1 McBride (1993)
3.86166219E+00 7.88367679E-04-1.81982940E-07-9.17436560E-12 2.65193472E-15 2
-1.23238656E+03 2.041198695+00 3.20832415E+00 1.26919179E-03 3.89747979E-06 3
-7.22184984E-09 3.31837862E-12-1,03425794E+03 6.61903603E+00 0.00000000E+00 4

F20 J12/69F 2.0 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 53.99621 1 Chase (1986)

6.00518710E+00 1.10284020E-O3-4.75479370E-07 9.06831450E-11-6.37570980E-15 2
9.19060650E+O2-S.22210671E+00 2.61092190E+00 1.22312800E-02-1.34414150E-05 3
5.89094120E-O9-5.74871750E-13 1.73471960E+03 1.17878819E+01 2.94942436E+03 4
FS2F,fluorodisu J 6/76F 2.S 2. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 102.12881 1 Chase (1985)
9.11491404E+00 9.25549788E-04-3.66972859E-07 6.31489899E-11-3.94877764E-15 2
-4.34448561E+O4-1.73685774E+01 2.22664682E+00 3.28125204E-02-5.92797021E-05 3
S.02331280E-O8-1.62599019E-11-4.21538019E+04 1.51239428E+O1-4.04636521E+04 4
Fe J 3/78FE 1. 0. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 55.84700 1 Chase (1985)
3.26197970E+OO-1.05582533E-03 5.92906998E-O7-1.07189455E-10 7.48064402E-15 2
4.90969873E+04 3.52443894E+00 1.70744428E+00 1.06339224E-O2-2.76118171E-05 3
2.80917854E-OS-1.01219824E-11 4.91843725E+04 9.80811099E+00 4.99728787E+04 4
Fe+ J 6/84FE 1.E -1. 0. O.G 298.150 6000.000 55.84645 1 Chase (1985)
3.33602399E+00-2.72549262E-04 8.05440344E-09 1.51229089E-11-1.43376595E-15 2
1.41036465E+05 2.86476964E+00 2.76418106E+00 2.86948238E-03-7.6_235651E-06 3
8.18183334E-O9-3.11792199E-12 1.41159039E+05 5.53997977E+00 1.42058161E+05 4
Fe- J 6/84FE 1.E 1. 0. O.G 298.150 6000.000 55.84755 1 Chase (1985)
3.36310586E+O0-8.29375042E-04 3.12426241E-07-5.20068355E-11 3.17875241E-15 2
4.63564307E+04 2.76802425E+00 1.52174510E+00 9.79673193E-O3-2.11078670E-05 3
1.84820903E-O8-5.89537134E-12 4.65710215E+04 1.08683385E+01 4.73074180E+04 4
FeCB05 J 3/78FE 1.C 5.0 5. O.G 300.000 5000.000 195.89900 1 Chase (1985)
2.11640210E+01 Z.03331030E-O2-4.33109360E-06 8.20474970E-10-5.77738740E-14 2
-9.48889340E+O4-7.20736520E+01 6.60654600E+00 7.50421290E-O2-1.22012750E-04 3
1.00553780E-07-3.22609730E-11-9.19514380E+O4-2.57600621E+OO-8.75408014E+04 4
FeEL J 6/65FE 1.EL 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 91.29970 1 Chase (1985)
4.69406690E+00 1.16040780E-O4-2.08401750E-08-1.76265560E-12 5.23138140E-16 2
2.87903440E+04 4.19355506E+00 3.78858260E+00 4.36780110E-03-6.69223280E-06 3
4.17074540E-09-8.46867730E-13 2.89200970E+04 8.35336756E+00 3.01925149E+04 4
FeCL2 J12/70FE 1.CL 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 126.75240 1 Chase (1985)
6.94926010E+00 5.33716410E-04 7.02212070E-08-6.14754900E-11 6.79331430E-15 2
-1.90458320E+O4-3.75951441E+00 5.45575050E+00 7.96329270E-O3-1.25939640E-05 3
8.99767340E-O9-2.32423630E-12-1.88442970E+04 3.02284219E+OO-1.69583047E+04 4
FeCL3 J 6/65FE 1.EL 3. 0. O.G 380.000 5008.800 162.28510 1 Chase (1985)
9.77711060E+00 2.44213620E-O4-1.03139940E-07 1.92074260E-11-1.31792990E-15 2
-3.34395700E+O4-1.45491463E+01 7.56148730E+00 9.73382490E-O3-1.55433050E-05 3
1.11863680E-O8-3.00229980E-12-3.30136240E+O4-3.98583203E+OO-3.04431637E+04 4
FeO J 9/66FE 1.0 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 71.84640 1 Chase (1985)
4.20498170E+00 2.68384520E-O4-8.94267360E-08 3.18559110E-11-3.39225430E-15 2
2.88291700E+04 4.83043159E+00 2.82452560E+00 4.30492070E-03-4.10847810E-06 3
1.32011890E-09 7o13162170E-14 2.91940350E+04 1.18911760E+01 3.01938519E+04 4
Fe(OH) 2 J12/66FE 1.0 2.H 2. O.G 200.000 6000.000 89.86168 1 Chase (1985)
8.96262012E+00 4.20137342E-03-1.61017443E-06 2.68347076E-10-1.63497305E-14 2
-4.27994358E+O4-1.86912367E+Ol-l.67667734E+00 6.16931464E-O2-1.20738995E-04 3
1.09814026E-07-3.72856831E-11-4.11289708E+04 2.96771710E+01-3.97541166E+04 4
Fe2CL4 J12/70FE 2.EL 4. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 253.50480 1 Chase (1985)
1.53575000E+01 6.42078610E-04 2.08177300E-OS-5.15805590E-11 6.06734950E-15 2
-5.65100370E+04-3.18965871E+01 1.27382420E+01 1.32355580E-02-2.16418730E-05 3
1.59936670E-08-4.35070970E-12-5.61065790E+04-1.98247491E+01-5.18820452E+04 4
Fe2CL6 J 6/65FE 2.EL 6. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 324.41020 1 Chase (1985)
2.15645031E+01 4.62349015E-04-1.84952078E-07 3.20143043E-11-2.01002737E-15 2
-8.52432375E+O4-5.86538185E+01 1.42211808E+01 4.35485968E-O2-9.60390188E-05 3
9.37463081E-O8-3.36051626E-11-8.41996265E+O4-2.S9244694E+01-7.87030865E+04 4
H L 5/93H 1. 0. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 1.00794 1 Moore, C.E. (1972)
2.50000286E+00-5.65334214E-09 3.63251723E-12-9.19949720E-16 7.95260746E-20 2 Herzberg (1970)
2.54736589E+O4-4.46698494E-01 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2.54736599E+O4-4.46682853E-01 2.62190349E+04 4
H+ L 7/88H 1.E -1. 0. O.G 298.150 6000.000 1.00739 1 Moore, C.E. (1972)
2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
1.84021428E+OS-1.14064664E+00 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 1.84021428E+OB-l.14064664E+00 1.84766803E+05 4
H- L/7/88H 1.E 1. 0. O.G 298.150 6000.000 1.00849 1 Chase (1985)
2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
1.59761670E+O4-1.13901387E+00 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 1.B9761670E+O4-1.13901387E+00 1.67215420E+04 4
HALO J 3/64H 1.AL 1.0 1. O.G 200.000 6000.000 43.98888 1 Chase (1985)
5.09075339E+00 2.42514117E-03-9.39932946E-07 Z.59391004E-10-9.86747317E-15 2
2.05009459E+O3-4.61450791E+00 3.29221159E+OO-2.68200399E-03 2.86841292E-05 3
-3.79708866E-08 1.54020350E-11 2.97771050E+03 6.96160970E+00 4.02573333E+03 4


HBO J12/78H 1.B 1.0 1 O.G 300.00g 50gO.g00 27 81834 1 Chase (1985)
3.74851810E+00 3.66108590E-03-1.46354090E-06 2.65199030E-10-1,7834275gE-14 2
-2.52257980E+04 1.74647757E+00 2.21431060E+00 9.37185130E-03-1.07110740E-05 3
7.67697740E-O9-2.35863710E-12-2.48492460E+04 9.37201677E+OO-2.38530740E+g4 4
HBO+ J12/75H 1.B 1.0 1E -1.G 300.00g 5000.g00 27 81779 1 Chase (1985)
3.94750800E+00 3.43154360E-03-1.27870840E-06 2.21806040E-10-1,47571920E-14 2
1.41359980E+05 1.99889589E+00 2.25442830E+00 8.03018720E-03-S.97490720E-06 3
2.42819500E-O9-4.30511240E-13 1.41850690E+06 1.08122075E+01 1.42831572E+05 4
HBO- J12/75H 1.B 1.0 1E 1.G 300.000 5000.000 27 81889 1 Chase (1985)
4.08692650E+00 2.97847860E-03-1,23871070E-06 2.46933350E-10-1.84580480E-14 2
-3.09300260E+04 2.78014255E+00 3.97079550E+OO-2.21001070E-03 1.45354130E-05 3
-1.56389250E-08 5.39789660E-12-3.05894990E+04 4.82496975E+00-2.94037719E+04 4
HB02 J12/64H 1.B 1.0 2 O.G 300.000 5000.000 43 81774 1 Chase (1985)
4.73895190E+00 4.77187710E-O3-1.80634940E-06 3.14928890E-1B-2.0738312BE-14 2
-6.92488380E+04 9.86391767E-03 2.87078660E+00 7.88626440E-O3-4.07368420E-07 3
-4.70590220E-09 2.35488930E-12-6.86241110E+04 1.01805186E+O1-6.74294533E+04 4
HBS J12/75H 1.B 1.S 1 O.G 300.009 5000.000 43 88494 1 Chase (1985)
4.44122650E+00 2 .99798250E-03-1.19382300E-06 2.11958320E-10-1.34660970E-14 2
4.44029750E+03-6 .46783174E-01 1.55959030E+00 1.39668380E-02-1.79885950E-06 3
1.23151419E-08-3 .40909570E-12 8.08909360E+03 1.35018986E+01 6.03866710E+03 4
HBS+ J12/75H 1.B 1.S 1E -1.G 300.00g 5000.000 43 88439 1 Chase (1985)
4.70975420E+00 2 .81870360E-O3-1.16330880E-06 2.17688390E-10-1.51086860E-14 2
1.34191390E+05-8 .37472195E-01 2.25115610E+00 1.20771680E-02-1.83221560E-05 3
1.04940900E-08-2 .93262920E-12 1.34754760E+05 1.12707699E+01 1.35846718E+05 4
HBr J 9/66H 1.BR 1. 0 g.G 300.000 5000.000 80 91194 1 Chase (1985)
2.79358040E+00 1 .56559250E-03-5.61710640E-07 9.578314205-11-6.18139900E-15 2
-5.23383840E+03 7 .65553403E+00 3.60566900E+00-5.95294310E-04 6.50295680E-07 3
9.37812190E-10-7 .11418529E-13-6.43894550E+03 3.49634113E+00-4.38311167E+03 4
HCN L 7/88H 1.C 1.N 1 O.G 200.000 6000.000 27.02568 1 Gurvich (1979)
3.80231733E+00 3 .14630009E-03-1.06315698E-06 1.66185395E-10-9.79891789E-15 2
1.49104829E+04 1 .57503584E+00 2.25901123E+00 1.00510591E-02-1.33514911E-05 3
1.00920882E-08-3 .00882048E-12 1.52168495E+04 8.91634590E+00 1.62366754E+04 4
HCO L12/89H 1.C 1.0 1 O.G 200.000 6000.000 29.01834 1 Jacox (1988)
3.64896209E+00 3 .08090819E-03-1.12429876E-06 1.86398085E-10-1.13951828E-14 2 Qurvich (1979)
3.71209048E+03 5 .06147406E+00 4.22118584E+00-3.24392532E-03 1.37799446E-05 3
-1.33144093E-08 4 ,33768865E-12 3.83956496E+03 3.39437243E+00 5.05141013E+03 4
HCO+ J12/70H 1.C 1.0 1E -1.G 300.000 5000.000 29.01779 1 Chase (1985)
3.74118800E+00 3 .3441517gE-03-1.23971210E-06 2.11893880E-lg-l.37041500E-14 2
9.88840780E+04 2 .07861350E+00 2.47397360E+00 8.67155900E-03-1.00316000E-05 3
6.71705270E-09-1 .78726740E-12 9.91466080E+04 8.17571180E+00 1.00193449E+06 4
HCCN TPIS91H 1.C 2.N 1 O.G 200.000 6000.000 39.03668 1 Gurvich (1991)
6.56314169E+00 3.48040967E-03-1.24603080E-06 2.00764486E-10-1.20044647E-14 2
7.11347086E+O4-9.86556141E+00 1.87184307E+00 2.60611314E-O2-4.62723965E-05 3
4.18609731E-O8-1.45352705E-11 7.20340360E+04 1.22173228E+01 7.34175107E+04 4
HCL J 9/64H 1.CL 1. 0 g G 300.000 5000.000 36 46064 1 Chase (1986)
2.76658840E+00 1.43818830E-O3-4.69930000E-07 7.34994080E-11-4.37311060E-15 2
-1.19174680E+04 6.47160629E+00 3.52481710E+00 2.99848620E-05-8.62218910E-07 3
2.09797210E-O9-9.86581910E-13-1.21505090E+04 2.40892359E+00-1.11021897E+04 4
HD J 6/77H 1.D 1. 0 0 G 300.000 5090.009 3 02204 1 Chase (1985)
2.84645440E+00 1.06319610E-03-2.44338050E-07 2 .90508340E-11-1.16215310E-16 2
-7.61824650E+02 9.80143004E-01 3.43254770E+00 6 .51070280E-04-1.93326660E-06 3
2.41017360E-09-8.67323970E-13-1.g0092720E+03-2 .38902346E+00 3.86979786E+01 4
HD+ J 9/77H 1.D 1.E -1 0 G 300.000 6090.000 3 02149 1 Chase (1985)
3.29097640E+00 1.15515290E-03-3.44494630E-07 7 .67226820E-11-8.B9481330E-15 2
1.78942790E+05-4,78608910E-01 3.88271360E+00-3 .07793810E-03 8.19144730E-06 3
-6.81194990E-09 1.98598980E-12 1.78945630E+05-2 .80336148E+OB 1.80026303E+05 4
HD- J 9/77H 1.D 1.E 1 0 G 300.000 5000.000 3 02259 1 Chase (1985)
3.49399490E+00 1.24486670E-03-4.72887140E-07 9 .10596370E-11-6.48629260E-15 2
2.71577340E+O4-2.23110490E+00 3.64288770E+00-2 .12912890E-03 8.92841230E-06 3
-9.34812040E-09 3.25649710E-12 2.72692710E+04-2 .25562690E+00 2.83227106E+04 4
HDO J 6/77H 1.D 1.0 1 0 G 300.000 5000.000 19 02144 1 Chase (1985)
2.66726880E+00 3.55752090E-03-1.20260030E-06 1 .96072090E-10-1.23526200E-14 2
-3.03728690E+04 7.98359910E+00 4.07844220E+00-1 .38202850E-03 8,70255340E-06 3
-4.41636460E-09 1.22630620E-12-3.07076080E+04 9 .71067969E-01-2.95117089E+04 4
HF J 6/77H 1.F 1. 0 0 G 300.000 5000.000 20 00634 1 Chase (1985)
2.99191100E+00 7.14894750E-O4-6.86309730E-08-1 .16171300E-11 1.94123750E-15 2
-3.36213640E+04 3.82549503E+00 3.43799860E+00 5.35715980E-04-1.52296550E-06 3
1.75644910E-Og-5.78699400E-13-3.38189720E+04 1.20618153E+O0-3.27803794E+04 4


HI J 9/61H 1.I 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 127.91241 1 Chase (1985)

2.91040080E+00 1.56881880E-O3-5.92276320E-07 1.05370940E-10-7.03761160E-15 2
2.25086590E+03 7.86447081E+00 3.69637220E+OO-1.42247550E-03 3.01311880E-06 3
-1.26664030E-09-3.SO987650E-14 2.10735810E+03 4.08812111E+00 3.17030779E+03 4
HNC L11/92H 1.N 1.C 1. O.G 200.000 6000.000 27.02568 1 Jacox (1988)
4.22248103E+00 2.59458278E-03-8.58480969E-07 1.30745002E-10-7.50339765E-18 2 Gurvich (1991)
2.20127593E+O4-7.79447358E-02 2.30186735E+00 1.54157529E-02-3.13262156E-05 3
3.08816581E-08-1.11912353E-11 2.22277183E+04 8.14781135E+00 2.33781812E+04 4
HNCO J12/70H 1.N 1.C 1.0 1.G 200.000 6000.000 43.02508 1 Chase (1985)
5.29404664E+00 4.03039650E-03-1.41290348E-06 2.24428234E-10-1.32859380E-14 2
-1.41653759E+04-3.08763130E+00 2.24322454E+00 1.44986380E-O2-1.52609054E-05 3
8.36364453E-O9-1.72191967E-12-1.34257512E+04 1.2156S469E+01-l.22316288E+04 4
HNO L12/89H 1.N 1.0 1. O.G 200.000 6000.000 31.01408 1 Jacox (1988)
3.16554762E+00 3.00005132E-03-3.94350282E-O7-3.SB787491E-11 7.08091931E-15 2 Gurvich (1989)
1.11944169E+04 7.64764695E+00 4.53525882E+00-B.68546910E-03 1.85199976E-05 3
-1.71883674E-08 5.55833090E-12 1.10398805E+04 1.74314734E+00 1.22716461E+04 4
HN02 TPIS89H 1.N 1.0 2. O.G 200.000 6000.000 47.01348 1 Gurvich (1989)
5.79182658E+00 3.65162663E-03-1.29293461E-06 2.06892932E-10-1.23164855E-14 2
-1.15655526E+04-4.05538525E+00 3.21415925E+00 8.12777920E-03 1.65999516E-06 3
-9.52815563E-09 4.87131816E-12-1.07532360E+04 9.82200021E+OO-9.43554377E+03 4
HN03 L 4/90H 1 N 1.0 3. O.G 200.000 6000.000 63.01288 1 Gurvlch (1989)
8.00379234E+00 4.49837533E-03-1.73648758E-06 2.93685555E-10-1.81478673E-14 2
-1.92563022E+04-1.60985546E+01 1.74492946E+00 1.88040888E-O2-8.15963597E-06 3
-5.78584532E-09 4.43768083E-12-1.73805296E+04 1.69545524E+Ol-l.61059245E+04 4
HOCL J 3/79H 1 0 1.CL 1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 52.46004 1 Chase (1985)
4.22501050E+00 2.31826750E-03-8.38423800E-07 1.41763980E-10-8.74699940E-15 2
-1.03686570E+04 3.59007556E+00 2.93205370E+00 6.93777440E-03-6.71918450E-06 3
3.15688660E-Og-4.69658800E-13-1.00867990E+04 9.95266576E+00-8.95759158E+03 4
HOF J12/72H 1 0 1F 1. O.G 300.000 6000.000 36.00574 1 Chase (1985)
4.04643360E+00 2.44862830E-03-8.62835530E-07 1.42099040E-10-8.93569150E-15 2
-1.32090670E+04 3.34993279E+00 3.23109290E+00 3.73898670E-03 6.30097620E-07 3
-3.62150020E-09 1.78671330E-12-1.29547790E+04 7.75090349E+OO-l.18259888E+04 4
H02 L 5/89H 1 0 2 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 33.00674 1 Jacox (1988)
4.17228728E+00 1.88117647E-03-3.46277408E-07 1.94657853E-11 1.76254294E-16 2 Hills (1984)
6.18102964E+01 2.95767746E+00 4.30179801E+OO-4.74912051E-03 2.11582891E-05 3
-2.42763894E-08 9.29225124E-12 2.94808040E+02 3.71666245E+00 1.50965000E+03 4
HSO3F J 6/72H 1S 1 0 3.F 1.G 300.000 5000.000 100.07054 1 Chase (1985)
1.03641900E+01 5.38611640E-O3-2.12315720E-06 3.82083430E-10-2.58070900E-14 2
-9.43983340E+04-2.60055034E+01 2.11924450E+00 3.18457100E-O2-3.13178880E-05 3
1.24615070E-08-8.25146300E-13-9.23615960E+04 1.55596956E+O1-9.05800898E+04 4
H2 TPIS78H 2 0 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 2.01588 1 McBride (1993)
2.93286579E+00 8.26607967E-04-1.46402335E-07 1.54100359E-11-6.BB804432E-16 2
-8.13065597E+O2-1.02432887E+00 2.34433112E+00 7.98052075E-O3-1.94781510E-05 3
2.01572094E-O8-7.37611761E-12-9.17935173E+02 6.83010238E-01 0.00000000E+00 4
H2+ TPIS78H 2.E -1 0. O.G 298.150 6000.000 2.01633 1 Ourvich (1978)
3.44204765E+00 5.99083239E-04 6.69133685E-08-3.43574373E-11 1.97626599E-15 2
1.78649686E+OS-2.79499055E+00 3.77256072E+OO-1.gB746589E-03 4.54812047E-06 3
-2.82152141E-09 5.33969209E-13 1.78694104E+OS-3.96609192E+00 1.79766749E+05 4
H2- J 9/77H 2.E 1 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 2.01643 1 Chase (1985)
3.29210760E+00 1.43586260E-O3-5.47055930E-07 1.04338830E-10-7.38279980E-15 2
2.72161810E+04-1.98277664E+00 3.83801420E+OO-3.17947680E-03 1.00430110E-05 3
-9.55181160E-09 3.12813300E-12 2.72348560E+O4-3.g9862254E+00 2.83091721E+04 4
HCHO,formaldehy L 8/88H 2.C 1.0 1. O.G 200.000 6000.000 30.02628 1 Gurvich (1978)
3.16952654E+00 6.19320583E-O3-2.25056377E-06 3.65975680E-10-2.20149470E-14 2 TRC(6/B7)w-5030
-1.44784444E+04 6.04209449E+00 4.79372315E+OO-9.90833369E-03 3.73220008E-05 3
-3.79285261E-08 1.31772652E-11-1.43089567E+04 6.02812900E-Ol-l.30590979E+04 4
HCOOH L 8/88H 2.C 1.0 2. O.G 200.000 6000.000 46.02568 1 Chao (1978)
5.69579404E+00 7.72237361E-03-3.18037808E-06 5.57949466E-10-3.52618226E-14 2
-4.81599723E+O4-6.01680080E+00 3.23262453E+00 2.81129582E-03 2.44034975E-05 3
-3.17501066E-08 1.20631660E-11-4.67785606E+04 9.86205647E+OO-4.55312460E+04 4
H2F2 J 6/77H 2.F 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 40.01269 1 Chase (1985)
4.91603890E+00 3.98576540E-O3-1.35587070E-06 2.19309210E-10-1.37160050E-14 2
-7.05947770E+O4-6.29605759E-01 2.67633120E+00 1.22979910E-O2-1.24559650E-05 3
6.36025230E-Og-l.12708230E-12-7.01237150E+04 1.03109299E+O1-6.88771705E+04 4
H20 L 8/89H 2.0 1. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 18.01528 1 Cox (1989)
2.67703787E+00 2.97318329E-03-7.73769690E-07 9.44336689E-11-4.2690095gE-15 2 Haar (1984)
-2.98858938E+04 6.88255571E+00 4.19864056E+00-2.03643410E-03 6.52040211E-06 3 TRC(10/88)tuv-25
-5.48797062E-09 1.77197817E-12-3.02937267E+04-8.49032208E-01-2.90848168E+04 4 Woolley (1987)
H20+ TPIS89H 2.0 Z.E -1. O.G 298.150 6000.000 18.01473 1 Gurvich (1989)
3.31570460E+00 2.10648728E-03-3.76341449E-07 3.47525900E-11-1.70335651E-15 2
1.16991617E+05 4.03220429E+00 4.02465853E+00-1.08850969E-03 5.13575400E-06 3
-4.40026592E-09 1.40726274E-12 1.16869757E+05 6.99971245E-01 1.18058671E+05 4


H202 L 2/93H 2.0 2 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 34.01468 1 Gurvich (1978)

4.57333537E+00 4.04984070E-03-1.29479479E-06 1.97281710E-10-1.13402846E-14 2 TRC (6/88) w-31
-1.80548121E+04 7.04278488E-01 4.27611269E+00-S.42822417E-04 1.67335701E-05 3
-2.15770813E-08 8.62454363E-12-1.77542989E+04 3.43505074E+00-1.63942313E+04 4
H2S J 6/77H 2.S 1 0. O.G 300.000 5000 000 34.08188 1 Chase (1985)
2.74521990E+00 4.04346070E-O3-1.63845100E-06 2.75202490E-10-1.85920950E-14 2
-3.41994440E+03 8.05467450E+00 3.93234760E+00-5.02609050E-04 4.59284730E-06 3
-3.18072140E-09 6.64975610E-13-3.65053590E+03 2.31579050E+OO-2.46584037E+03 4
H2S04 J 9/77H 2.S 1 0 4. O.G 300.000 6000 000 98.07948 1 Chase (1985)
1.08895320E+01 7.50041780E-03-2.92104780E-06 5.25958130E-10-3.57894180E-14 2
-9.24713640E+04-2.94047820E+01 1.07256800E+00 4.37692260E-02-B.53332430E-05 3
3.55182530E-08-9.06773580E-12-9.02597580E+04 1.89395820E+O1-8.84175226E+04 4
H38306 J12/64H 3.B 3 0 6. O.G 300.000 5000 000 131.45322 1 Chase (1985)
2.01535790E+01 1.30162860E-O2-S.06696190E-06 9.03082530E-10-6.05324100E-14 2
-2.81040920E+05-7.96763324E+O1-2.27051160E+00 8.70248940E-02-9.15877140E-05 3
3.94453920E-08-3.66660350E-12-2.75695230E+05 3.25296526E+O1-2.73237150E+05 4
H3F3 J 6/77H 3.F 3 0. O.G 300.000 5000 000 60.01903 1 Chase (1985)
8.53073730E+00 6.71659390E-O3-2.54567000E-06 4.47809290E-10-2.98942750E-14 2
-1.08717940E+O5-1.62112010E+01 2.07178640E+00 3.72793820E-O2-5.81502920E-05 3
4.59061980E-08-1.39874980E-11-1.07578590E+OS 1.39817790E+01-1.05733574E+08 4
H30+ TPIS89H 3.0 1E -1. O.G 298.150 6000 000 19.02267 1 Gurvich (1989)
2.49647716E+00 5.72844920E-O3-1.83953281E-06 2.73577439E-10-1.54093985E-14 2
7.09729113E+04 7.45850768E+00 3.79295270E+O0-9.10884000E-04 1.16363549E-05 3
-1.21364887E-08 4.26159663E-12 7.07512401E+04 1.47156845E+00 7.19224584E+04 4
(HCOOH) 2 L 8/88H 4.C 2 0 4. O.G 200.000 6000 000 92.05136 1 Chao (1978)
1.16290939E+01 1.48350345E-O2-8.39529341E-06 8.78326929E-10-5.28913475E-14 2
-1.03769144E+05-3.25539738E+01 5.12766711E+00 1.68445826E-02 2.91126977E-05 3
-5.07453596E-08 2.16546828E-11-1.01180748E+05 4.89874978E+00-9.87361420E+04 4
H4F4 J 6/77H 4.F 4 0. 0.C 200.000 6000 000 80.02537 1 Chase (1985)
1.25199698E+01 8.00005980E-O3-2.76976303E-06 4.35659635E-10-2.55951507E-14 2
-1.46732646E+05-3.23317811E+01 3.79006866E+00 4.68050125E-O2-6.97456832E-08 3
5.26BS5513E-08-1.53446182E-11-1.45071082E+05 9.07837207E+00-1.42380123E+05 4
HSF5 J 6/77H 5.F 5 0. O.G 300.000 5000 000 100.03172 1 Chase (1985)
1.55441350E+01 1.12023770E-O2-4o24631630E-06 7.47031830E-10-4.98723600E-14 2
-1.84546860E+O5-4.32813901E+01 4.68417500E+00 6.26053080E-O2-9.77989890E-05 3
7.72673220E-OS-2.35504610E-11-1o82631590E+05 7.48167503E+00-1.79174885E+05 4
H6F6 J 6/77H 6.F 6 0. O.G 300.000 5000 000 120.03806 1 Chase (1985)
1.90509240E+01 1.34450930E-O2-5.09652930E-06 8,96615810E-10-5.98590720E-14 2
-2.23981100E+O5-5.70591470E+01 5.99633170E+00 7.82257730E-O2-1.17817160E-04 3
9.28217600E-OS-2.82904570E-11-2.21678470E+05 3.96435298E+00-2.17415294E+05 4
H7F7 J 6/77H 7.F 7 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 140.04440 1 Chase (1985)
2.25575360E+01 1.56881520E-02-5.94695760E-06 1.04625320E-O9-6.98503510E-14 2
-2.60642480E+05-7.09521060E+01 7.30097910E+00 8.78997660E-02-1.37369080E-04 3
1.08526180E-O7-3.30827150E-11-2.57951770E+05 3.62476052E-O1-2.52882912E+05 4
He L10/90HE 1. 0 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 4.00260 1 McBride (1993)
2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-7.45375000E+02 9.28723974E-01 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-7.45375000E+02 9.28723974E-01 0.00000000E+00 4
He+ L10/92HE 1.E -1 0 O.G 298.150 6000.000 4.00205 1 Moore, C.E. (1971)
2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E÷00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
2.85315086E+05 1.62166556E÷00 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2.85315086E+05 1.62166556E+00 2.86060462E+05 4
H9 J 9/84HG 1. 0. 0 O.G 200.000 6000.000 200.59000 1 Chase (1985)
2.50953611E+00-1.98827279E-05 1.38910849E-08-3.93542920E-12 3.90969219E-16 2
6.63358064E+03 6.74847966E+00 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 6.63690008E+03 6.80020154E+00 7.38227508E+03 4
HgBr2 J 3/62HG 1.BR 2. 0 O.G 300.000 5000.000 360.39500 1 Chase (1955)
7.42269900E+00 7.86876630E-OB-2.99103070E-08 4.84982280E-12-2.79309330E-16 2
-1.25220200E+O4-3.86733971E÷00 6.71889210E+00 2.57827430E-O3-2.91802370E-06 3
9.68184420E-10 1.38723070E-13-1.23714340E+O4-4.13670823E-O1-l.02774216E+04 4
I J 6/82I 1. 0. 0 O.G 200.000 6000.000 126.90447 1 Chase (1985)
2.61667712E+OO-2.66010320E-04 1.86060150E-O7-3.81927472E-11 2.52036053E-15 2
1.20582790E+04 6.87896653E+00 2.50041683E+O0-4.48046831E-06 1.69962536E-08 3
-2.67708030E-11 1.48927452E-14 1.20947990E+04 7.49816581E+00 1.28402035E+04 4
I2 TPIS89I 2. 0. 0 O.G 200.000 6000.000 253.80894 1 Gurvich (1985)
4.56588102E+00-3.42229361E-04 4.84410977E-O7-1.42632157E-10 1.14951099E-14 2
6.16085432E+03 5.41958286E+00 3.87234634E+00 3.64265414E-O3-7.95349191E-06 3
7.82149773E-09-2.80608071E-12 6.24706424E+03 8.49410267E+00 7.50737217E+03 4
K L 4/93K 1. 0. • O.G 200.000 6000.000 39.09830 1 Chase (1985)
2.26026721E+00 8.62341179E-O4-4.48561838E-07 1.36243498E-10-1.02926268E-14 2 Corliss (1979)
1.00348812E+04 6.31568201E+00 2.50000712E+00-7.25113166E-08 2.59068481E-10 3
-3.79460911E-13 1.93210641E-16 9.95880307E+03 5.04054517E+00 1.07041786E+04 4


K+ J12/83K 1.E -1. 9. _.G 298.15_ 6_09.e_ 39._9775 1 Chase (1985)

2.890_9_eE+99 e.99_9898_E+_ 9.08888898E+88 8.889999898+89 8.e_989888E+88 2
6.18751951E+94 4.34748444E+98 2.59999999E+89 8.99999999E+99 9.99989999E+99 3
9.99999999E+98 9.99999999E+99 6.19751851E+94 4.34748444E+89 6.18284881E+94 4
KB02 J 6/71K 1.B 1.0 2. 9.G 399.999 5998.9_9 81.99818 1 Chase (1985)
7.58925989E+98 2.5661823_E-93-1.96715668E-96 1.98518859E-19-1.37941689E-14 2
-8.36538349E+94-8.49278_8_E+98 4.39678919E+9_ 1.21692929E-92-1.18942189E-_5 3
5.13165519E-99-6.59327299E-13-8.28279129E+94 7.57324319E+99-8.19696887E+94 4
KCN J 3/66K 1.C 1.N 1. 9.O 399.999 5999.999 65.11694 1 Chase (1985)
5.89971299E+99 1.72997869E-93-7.8791_749E-97 1.31992479E-19-9.19983239E-15 2
7.72726289E+93-3.15883419E+98 5.98197118E+89 5.52659569E-93-9.11571218E-96 3
8.44888179E-89-3.89515489E-12 7.86621619E+83 1.86346868E-91 9.56151829E+93 4
KCL J 3/66K 1.CL 1. _. 8.G 388.988 5988.8_8 74.5818_ 1 Chase (1985)
4.46367339E+89 1.22292879E-84-9.17192189E-99 9.26482429E-13-1.94979179E-17 2
-2.71731338E+84 3.24898995E+88 3.99886699E+99 2,19891699E-93-3.18365399E-96 3
2.25253889E-89-8.99941799E-13-2.78881849E+94 5.51289445E+98-2.58295392E+84 4
KF J 6/69K 1.F 1. 9. 9.G 399.999 5999._99 58.99679 1 Chase (1985)
4.48497999E+89 1.78337259E-84-3.68937978E-88 S.88395879E-12-3.46948468E-16 2
-4.96558899E+94 2.93199577E+99 3.51569669E+99 3.78684229E-93-5.68649959E-86 3
3.77514388E-89-9.39242189E-13-4.94768798E+94 6.31338537E+99-3.93819278E+84 4
KF2- J12/68K 1.F 2.E 1. 8.G 398.898 5988.999 77.99565 1 Chase (1955)
7.25816389E+99 2.67935579E-94-1.13846399E-97 2.14876859E-11-1,482787998-15 2
-8.578083988+94-1.91832784E+81 5.25875739E+98 8.63837188E-83-1.34836738E-85 3
9.41498328E-89-2.468268288-12-8.83839719E+94-4.77224818E-81-8.35354919E+94 4
KH J 3/63K 1.H 1, _. 8.G 388.888 5889.899 49.18624 1 Chase (1955)
3.96933868E+88 7.21993238E-84-2.691871598-87 5.261738_E-11-3.78726838E-15 2
1.35918379E+94 8.55345983E-81 2.81577569E+99 3.98719699E-93-3.34185489E-96 3
8.86829428E-18 1.14928479E-13 1.38958389E+84 6.72517899E+99 1o479486278+84 4
KO J12/67K 1.0 1. 9. 9.O 398.989 5899.999 85.99778 1 Chase (1985)
4.42447789E+99 1.99361559E-94-3.71288379E-98 7.13983999E-12-5.93696879E-16 2
7.28623319E+83 3.3_766849E+88 3.74187789E+99 3.12428178E-83-4.88288398E-96 3
3.46696959E-99-9.35997918E-13 7.33687149E+93 6.56692389E+89 8.55511781E+93 4
KO- J12/67K I 0 1.E 1. 9.G 389.98_ 5898.988 65.99825 1 Chase (1935)
4.42919848E+88 2.91242668E-94-3.933_996_E-98 7.55985118E-12-5.34422758E-16 2
-1.79561999E+94 1.92999412E+99 3.79836699E+89 3.23764899E-83-4.96995989E-96 3
3.57288469E-99-9.68882689E-13-1.78186878E+84 5.31662592E+8_-1.66963485E+94 4
KOH J12/78K I 0 1.H 1. e.G 388.998 6888.988 66.19864 1 Chase (1985)
5.649994998+89 1.25192269E-93-3.498454798-97 4.45669938E-11-2.987927998-15 2
-2.96987329E+84-4.84365464E+89 4.97334418E+8_ 9.72179458E-83-1.59888949E-95 3
1.21483539E-98-3.37993429E-12-2.95865588E+94 2.93548136E+89-2.797883138+94 4
KOH+ J12/71K 1 0 1.H 1.E -1.G 3_9._99 5999.999 56.195_9 1 Chase (1985)
5.68961489E+88 1.2128951_E-93-3.34471178E-87 4.17279329E-11-1.87939139E-15 2
5.81676_2_E+94-2.55415141E+9_ 4.43251679E+99 8.46316259E-93-1,42478559E-_5 3
1.1196625_E-98-3.156361298-12 5.829263298+_4 2.87334569E+98 5.98849275E+94 4
K2 J12/83K 2 8. 8. 9.G 29_.998 68_9.988 75.19668 1 Chase (1985)
6.94866371E+98-3.68468319E-83 1.175531938-_6-1.742293678-19 9.78392874E-15 2
1.26_44349E+94-9.31939951E+99 4.58665127E+99-4.35676221E-94 3.26618741E-96 3
-4.17835192E-89 1.196183678-12 1.352879538+94 4.37318917E+99 1.48742534E+94 4
K2C2N2 J 3/66K 2 C 2.N 2. 8.G 38_.8_ 58_._BB 138.23295 1 Chase (1985)
1.26257548E+81 3.41239969E-83-1.48348889E-86 2.61563968E-19-1.82868658E-14 2
-4.97836148E+83-2.81538911E+81 1.11339588E+81 1.15163628E-82-1,94765389E-_8 3
1.816985988-88-6.46472529E-12-4.69886938E*83-2.12679591E+81-1.88619998E+93 4
K2CL2 J 3/66K 2 CL 2. 8. 8.G 39_.8_8 5898.998 149.19299 1 Chase (1935)
9.9_419699E+89 1.11797979E-94-5.93911979E-98 9.99346149E-12-7.27939999E-16 2
-7.72723398E+84-1.4_982828E+81 8,79679748E+99 6.915484788-83-1.13839398E-85 3
9.66298149E-99-3.1_5568798-12-7.79676969E+94-8.53754725E+99-7.428664918+94 4
K2F2 J 6/69K 2 F 2. 8. 9.G 389.989 5999.888 116.19341 1 Chase (1985)
9.81488968E+99 2.945398198-94-8.797166598-98 1.63372278E-11-1.12872569E-15 2
-1.96759879E+_5-1.7641893_E+91 7.83295949E+9_ 8.924_8319E-93-1.47198529E-95 3
1.8982469_E-98-3.87217298E-12-1.86387529E+95-8.24238276E+88-1._3765274E+85 4
K202H2 J12/79K 2 0 2.H 2. _.G 3_8.988 5888.88_ 112.21128 1 Chase (1985)
9.58977228E+99 5.41678668E-83-1.92235329E-96 3.18669669E-18-2._152588_E-14 2
-8.28483528E+94-1.68125_59E+81 6.919_5969E+_8 1._38_7838E-82-2.51732968E-87 3
-7.74599149E-99 4.g7969419E-12-8.12685488E+94-2.97285644E+98-7.87554888E+84 4
K2S04 J 6/78K 2 S 1.0 4. 9.G 3_9.9_ 599_.999 174.26_2_ 1 Chase (1985)
1.5374188_E+_1 4.18561398E-83-1.8148935_E-_6 3.54972439E-18-2.5558754_E-14 2
-1.3695329_E+85-4.61438154E+_1 3.47585299E+99 4.87732379E-82-6.842_9899E-_5 3
4.6886316_E-88-1.2721_828E-11-1.34288858E+85 1.23448286E+_1-1.31594543E+85 4
Kr L19/9gKR 1 8. _. 9.G 29_.98_ 6898.998 83.88998 1 McBride (1993)

-7.45375_E+82 5.49896651E+89 2.58889889E+88 9.8_8_9_99E+e_ _.9_9_9898E+_9 3

8.8999_99E+_9 9._9_9999E+89-7.453759_E+_2 5.49995651E+99 9.9_999999E+_B 4


Kr+ L10/92KR 1.E -1. 0. 0 G 298.150 6000.000 83 79945 1 Moore, C.E. (1971)
2.18968725E+00 4.63775689E-O4-1.29507482E-07 1.31158688E-11-3.84977987E-16 2
1.62583110E+05 8.62427685E+00 2.48153546E+00 1.49864676E-O4-4.15576590E-07 3
4.40237547E-10-l.19374746E-13 1.62460592E+05 6.95257995E+00 1.63204264E+05 4
Li J12/B3LI 1. 0. 0. 0 G 200.000 6000.000 6 94100 1 Chase (1985)
2.50413107E+00 3.45604704E-05-6.44790018E-08 2.75752966E-11-1.78783935E-15 2
1.84074474E+04 2.40802074E+00 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
O,O0000000E+O00.O0000000E+O0 1.84139020E+04 2.44762297E+00 1.91592770E+04 4
Li+ J12/B3LI 1.E -1. 0. 0 G 298.150 6000.000 6 94045 1 Chase (1985)
2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
8.17271940E+04 1.75435723E+00 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 O.O0000000E+O0 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 8.17271940E+04 1.75435723E+00 8.24725690E+04 4
LIALF4 J12/79LI I.AL I.F 4. 0 G 300 000 5000.000 109 91615 1 Chase (1985)
1.40377420E+01 2.24826420E-O3-1.00100020E-06 1.96702490E-10-l.42088860E-14 2
-2.27627570E+O5-4.23601480E+01 2.54034210E+00 5.19858810E-O2-8.61880310E-05 3
6.74968160E-O8-2.03675090E-11-2.25357670E+05 1.25719320E+O1-2.22927352E+05 4
LIB02 J 6/71LI 1B 1.0 2. 0 G 300 000 5000.000 49 75080 1 Chase (1985)
7.42660960E+00 2.70437570E-O3-1.12847410E-06 2.10623980E-10-1.45849090E-14 2
-8.03702850E+O4-1.06007918E+01 3.74354740E+00 1.44752570E-O2-1.52096880E-05 3
7.41365410E-09-1.22421910E-12-7.94377560E+04 8.01202564E+O0-7.77985412E+04 4
LiCL J 6/62LI 1CL 1. 0. 0 G 300 000 5000.000 42 39370 1 Chase (1985)
4.27121430E+00 3.14002910E-O4-1.01231300E-07 1.84518530E-11-1.23987310E-15 2
-2.48844420E+04 1.04172158E+00 2.99069060E+00 S.03386420E-O3-6.56719790E-06 3
3,80501600E-O9-7.61174550E-13-2,46031820E+04 7.32818448E+O0-2.35386288E+04 4
LIF J12/68LI 1F 1. O. 0 G 300 000 5000.000 25 93940 1 Chase (1985)
4.04302480E+00 5.70410540E-O4-2.14541440E-07 4.06090130E-11-2.83579200E-15 2
-4.22993180E+04 6.97695282E-01 2.85288690E+00 3.95327810E-O3-3.17249850E-06 3
4.32443970E-10 3.70556670E-13-4.19872650E+04 6.79102868E+O0-4.09879652E+04 4
LiFO J 9/65LI 1F 1.0 1. 0 G 300 000 5000.000 41 93880 1 Chase (1985)
5.99261090E+00 1.11392000E-03-4.78884930E-07 9.10683320E-11-5.38491230E-15 2
-1.31009890E+O4-B.33660340E+O0 2.50017900E+00 1.26617170E-O2-1.41575890E-05 3
6.45063740E-O9-7.42614310E-13-1.22655340E+04 1.21440181E+Ol-l.10700161E+04 4
LiF2- J12/68LI 1F 2.E 1. O.G 300 000 5000.000 44 93835 i Chase (1985)
6.34485900E+00 1.25712720E-03-5.35228300E-07 1.01130250E-10-7.05817440E-15 2
-8.76678900E+O4-9.29840302E+00 3.47181360E+00 1.06367130E-O2-1.17776460E-05 3
5.67654870E-O9-8.46598400E-13-8.69631110E+04 5.14092778E+OO-8.55484576E+04 4
LIH J 9/67LI 1H 1. 0. O.G 300 000 5000.000 7 94894 1 Chase (1985)
3.58842970E+00 1.07276910E-03-4.01945880E-07 7.38285570E-11-4.92696440E-15 2
1.57176250E+O4-3.75038965E-01 3.42094860E+OO-6.80673660E-04 5.65273810E-06 3
-6.21803480E-09 2.15317550E-12 1.58849450E+04 1.06574194E+00 1.69133172E+04 4
LiN J12/66LI 1.N 1. 0. O.G 300 000 5000.000 20 94774 I Chase (1985)
4.22580770E+00 3.96671870E-O4-1.24939930E-07 2.31747590E-11-1.58519170E-15 2
3.89169520E+04 7.00851481E-01 2.88943000E+00 5.22125340E-03-6.59690210E-06 3
3.72889970E-Og-7.23551430E-13 3.92163230E+04 7.28887145E+00 4.02586191E+04 4
LiO J 3/64LI 1 0 1. 0. O.G 300 000 5000.000 22 94040 1 Chase (1985)
4.18762050E+00 4.11865740E-04-1.45202960E-07 2.72530700E-11-1.88647750E-15 2
8.77952590E+03 1.23142599E+00 2.83890070E+00 5.15386260E-03-6.30823820E-06 3
3.41143850E-09-6.16313430E-13 9.08843140E+03 7.91311789E+00 1.01146406E+04 4
LiO- J12/67LI I 0 1.E 1. O.G 300 000 6000.000 22 94095 1 Chase (1985)
4.18102170E+00 4.17850000E-O4-1.50248450E-07 2.83977320E-11-1.97891810E-15 2
-9.38497020E+O3-1.42392244E-01 2.85158660E+00 5.01698800E-03-5.95474750E-06 3
3.03994510E-Og-4.78729690E-13-9.07780760E+03 6.45947076E+00-8.05144594E+03 4
LIOH J 6/71LI 1 0 1.H 1. O.O 300 000 5000.000 23 94834 1 Chase (1985)
5.50969570E+00 1.36854640E-03-3.94414690E-07 5.23321950E-11-2.59586760E-15 2
-2.98992310E+O4-6.50701600E+00 3.34623000E+00 1.17872530E-02-1.82526570E-05 3
1.30856140E-O8-3.43287420E-12-2.95646360E+04 3.46123330E+00-2.81800732E+04 4

LIOH+ J12/71LI 1 0 1.H 1.E -1.G 300.000 5000.000 23 94779 1 Chase (1985)
5.53292690E+00 1.37779310E-03-4.06593090E-07 5.55909100E-11-2.86046240E-15 2
9.18885790E+O4-4.99359277E+00 3.63797390E+00 1.08971540E-02-1.72296700E-05 3
1.26679270E-08-3.41652590E-12 9.21611930E+04 3.63776083E+00 9.36013974E+04 4

LiON J 9/66LI 1 0 1.N 1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 35 94714 1 Chase (1985)

5.81234960E+00 1.28706260E-O3-5.46677100E-07 .03149870E-10-7.19304470E-15 2
1.96923020E+O4-4.34470559E+00 3.67011640E+00 .25681770E-O3-5.86811460E-06 3
1.16283120E-09 4.27041220E-13 2.02717030E+04 .68249511E+00 2.16391463E+04 4
Li2 J12/83LI 2 0. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 13 88200 1 Chase (1985)
5.58393935E+O0-7.87699402E-O4-3.B4878120E-07 .91133039E-10-3.39438475E-14 2
2.40394686E+O4-B.50679127E+00 3.21590490E+00 .09389748E-O3-1.50723370E-05 3
1.48684882E-OB-5.43740256E-12 2.47988772E+04 .80489004E+00 2.59666535E+04 4
LI2CL2 J 6/62LI 2 CL 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 84.78740 1 Chase (1985)
9.52456140E+00 5.24588340E-04-2.23379490E-07 .19511140E-11-2,90213060E-15 2
-7.49902630E+04-2.00316716E+01 5.28013510E+00 .83841000E-02-2.87694480E-05 3

2.03133590E-08-5.34332470E-12-7.41600030E+04 .79279422E-O1-7.19851709E+04 4


LI2F2 J12/68LI 2.F 2. 0 O.O 300.000 5000.000 51.87881 1 Chase (1985)

8.95666360E+00 1.17192690E-03-5.09905040E-07 9.79178340E-11-6.92156020E-15 2
-1.16372280E+05-2.08863311E+01 2.40075080E+00 2.70662370E-02-3.92561800E-05 3
2.57226990E-08-6.22372250E-12-1.15010910E+05 1.08917789E+01-1.13391048E+05 4
Li2O J 3/64LI 2.0 1. 0 O.G 300.000 5000.000 29.88140 1 Chase (1985)
6.61987480E+00 9,68794480E-04-4.14905060E-07 7.86373370E-11-5.49692920E-15 2
-2.22553260E+04-1.082155905+01 3.972170805+00 9.24609210E-03-9.35961490E-06 3
3.46391600E-09-7.565888005-14-2.15969880E+04 2.55230409E+00-2.00776073E+04 4
LI202 J 3/64LI 2.0 2. 0 O.G 300.000 5000.000 45.88080 1 Chase (1985)
9.52752600E+00 5.302101305-04-2.30058620E-07 4.40308310E-11-3.10187020E-15 2
-3.21824840E+04-2.18591120E+01 5.53752320E+00 1.73442230E-02-2.71979710E-05 3
1.93056290E-08-5.12079570E-12-3.14020440E+04-2.76831291E+00-2.91846934E+04 4
Li202H2 J 6/71LI 2.0 2.H 2 O.G 300.000 5000.000 47.89668 1 Chase (1985)
8.99361290E+00 6.00396330E-03-2.18101810E-06 3.68887260E-10-2.373801405-14 2
-8.88441500E+04-2.13586495E+01 2.86466370E+00 2.52373090E-02-2.26327910E-05 3
7.46327130E-09 2,29254980E-13-8.73388110E+04 9.54312960E+00-8.55480943E+04 4
LI2S04 J12/78LI 2.S 1.0 4 O.G 300.000 5000.000 109.94560 1 Chase (1985)
1.49295950E+01 4.60974740E-03-2.03795560E-06 3.98625790E-10-2.87030300E-14 2
-1.30635280E+05-4.91664911E+01 7.11457250E-01 5.94511790E-02-8.636349005-05 3
6.11710870E-08-1.70989230E-11-1,27508420E+05 2.03803279E+01-1.25304083E+05 4
Li3CL3 J 6/62LI 3.CL 3. 0 O.G 300.000 5000.000 127.18110 I Chase (1985)
1.43194400E+01 1.88540070E-03-8.19783300E-07 1.57354940E-10-1.11194720E-14 2
-1.25588510E+05-4.27110226E+01 4.57459590E+00 3.97492390E-02-5.65082130E-05 3
3.62941450E-08-8.57847000E-12-1.23533510E+05 4.68059658E+00-1.20834437E+05 4
LI3F3 J12/68LI 3.F 3. 0 O.G 300.000 5000.000 77.81821 1 Chase (1985)
1.43644220E+01 1.82854980E-03-7.92211590E-07 1.51545290E-10-1.06756730E-14 2
-1.87237360E+05-4.50609130E+01 4.64139750E+00 3.98786960E-02-5.72489910E-05 3
3.71935440E-08-8.92301250E-12-1.85198520E+05 2.16235968E+00-1.82478706E+05 4
Mg J 9/83MG 1. 0. 0 O.G 200.000 6000.000 24.30500 1 Chase (1955)
2.316644845+00 3.65866339E-04-2.33227803E-07 5.37117570E-11-2.995130655-15 2
1.70119233E+04 4.63449616E+00 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 1.69465876E+04 3.634330145+00 1.76919626E+04 4
Mg+ J 9/83MG 1.E -1. 0 O.G 298.150 5000.000 24.30445 1 Chase (1985)
2.50416574E+00-9.19340966E-06 6.96171478E-09-2.17494938E-12 2.40903346E-16 2
1.06420941E+05 4.30504485E+00 2,50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 1.06422335E+05 4.32744346E+00 1.07167710E+05 4
MgBr J 6/75MG 1.BR 1. 0 O.G 300.000 5000.000 104.20900 1 Chase (1985)
4.40998540E+00 1.60217360E-04-4.150122305-08 5.93703420E-12-4.82315730E-17 2
-5.59619090E+03 4.22960309E+00 3.51072850E+00 4.45285100E-03-8.01240750E-06 3
6.70669000E-09-2.12327180E-12-5.43682570E+03 8.43148999E+00-4.250724585+03 4
MgBr2 J 6/74MG 1.BR 2. 0 O.G 300.000 5000.000 184.11300 1 Chase (1985)
7.32151000E+00 2.06437250E-04-9.24892080E-08 1.82558380E-11-1.32311700E-15 2
-3.86713040E+04-5.67846591E+00 5.713910205+00 7.73216170E-03-1.386579305-05 3
1.14779000E-08-3.60578840E-12-3.83794830E+04 1.86860229E+00-3.64337335E+04 4
MgCL J 3/66MG 1.CL 1. 0 0 G 300.000 5000.000 59.75770 1 Chase (1985)
4.37758330E+00 1.88341780E-04-5.44885!_20E-08 9.94810310E-12-6,69496110E-16 2
-6.58308260E+03 2.98938866E+00 3.38005340E+00 4.281338905-03-6.44573330E-06 3
4.44722910E-09-1.14217270E-12-6.38265600E+03 7.78898816E+00-5.23329928E+03 4
MgCL+ J 6/68MG 1.CL 1.E -1. 0 G 300.000 5000.000 59.75715 1 Chase (1985)
6.35123440E+00-3.79671900E-03 2.471294505-06-5.08236530E-10 3.36726250E-14 2
7.64808790E+04-8.29036231E+00 3.60122300E+00 3.47918590E-03-5.13531430E-06 3
3.44463370E-09-8.38482060E-13 7.73146880E+04 6.13385929E÷00 7.85040728E+04 4
MgCLF J 3/66MG I.CL 1.F 1. 0 G 200.000 6000.000 78.75610 1 Chase (1985)
6.570822525+00 4.48876208E-04-1.77994819E-07 3.06318205E-11-1.91554544E-15 2
-7.05235977E+04-5.83555414E+00 3.15704293E+00 1.64534790E-02-3.01126869E-05 3
2.57974606E-08-8.42487547E-12-6.98910040E+04 1.022554025+01-6.843746655+04 4
MgCL2 J12/69MG 1.CL 2. 0. 0 G 300.000 5000.000 95.21040 1 Chase (1985)
7.24019130E+00 2.88562390E-04-1.24011870E-07 2.35271010E-11-1.64432050E-16 2
-4.94423260E+04-8.18090146E+00 5.40955290E+00 7.72062810E-03-1.16200940E-06 3
7.94178890E-09-2.025260205-12-4.90705370E+04 6.47158084E-01-4.72024455E+04 4
MgF J 6/76MG 1.F 1. 0. 0 G 300.000 5000.000 43.30340 1 Chase (1985)
4.19221190E+00 4.03626440E-04-1.509763105-07 2.81692210E-11-1.82758920E-15 2
-2.98137100E+04 2.43696200E+00 2.65707520E+00 6.682613605-03-1.03311560E-05 3
7.68717660E-09-2.22450570E-12-2.949489005+04 9.85508030E+00-2.84827958E+04 4
MgF+ J12/75MG 1.F 1.E -1. 0 O 300.000 5000.000 43.30285 1 Chase (1985)
4.36810570E+00 4.11759660E-03-2.939479705-06 7.27118430E-10-5.98448020E-14 2
5.96360000E+04-1.34577810E+00 3.43876540E+00 2.22526540E-03-5.46212020E-06 3
1.40842760E-08-8.07269060E-12 6.05156660E+04 5.77835440E+00 6.16156042E+04 4
MgF2 J 6/75MG 1.F 2. 0. 0 G 300.000 5000.000 62.30181 1 Chase (1985)
6.36420730E+00 7.26278270E-04-3.22800460E-07 6.33636660E-11-4.57384370E-15 2
-8.94644290E+04-5.91513070E+00 3.34790580E+00 1.31152970E-02-2.05416070E-05 3
1.53957840E-08-4.49090410E-12-8.883887405+04 8.65190220E+00-8.74109410E+04 4


MgF2+ J12/75MG 1.F 2.E -1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 62.30126 1 Chase (1985)
6.89106730E+00 7.17812830E-04-3.29411720E-07 6.58811280E-11-4.58732280E-lS 2
6.89931450E+O4-8.71301390E+00 3.52128840E+00 1.52695560E-02-2.S1800890E-O5 3
1.96354990E-O8-5.90549190E-12 6.96583880E+04 7.39020950E+00 7.12004950E+04 4
MgH J12/66MG 1.H 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 25.31294 1 Chase (1985)
3.46385910E+00 1.24040550E-03-5.02782100E-07 9.81188340E-11-6.61830680E-15 2
1.91763100E+04 2.99775186E+00 3.51023970E+O0-1.23683520E-03 6.42469980E-06 3
-6.60548460E-09 2.20036250E-12 1.92938930E+04 3.37365416E+00 2.03302445E+04 4
MgI J12/74MG 1.I 1. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 151.20947 1 Chase (1985)
4.41245599E+00 1.78910914E-O4-B.22986679E-08 9.68713486E-12-4.67113786E-16 2
1.62581907E+03 5.16451018E+00 3.39596606E+00 6.11494866E-O3-1.31544146E-05 3
1.27259311E-O8-4.53414297E-12 1.76933628E+03 9.69586508E+00 2.96042364E+03 4
M912 J12/74MG 1.I 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 278.11394 1 Chase (1985)
7.37111620E+00 1.49419540E-04-6.70677380E-08 1.32575590E-11-9.62005020E-16 2
-2.15119230E+O4-3.93845663E+00 6.10814260E+00 6.14621180E-O3-1.11665270E-OB 3
9.32665250E-09-2.94871660E-12-2.12863230E+04 1.97126687E+00-1.92736169E+04 4
MgN J 3/64MG 1.N 1. 0. O.G 300.000 8000.000 38.31174 1 Chase (1985)
4.22144170E+00 3.64892400E-O4-1.29957300E-07 2.44189400E-11-1.69177590E-15 2
3.33829310E+04 2.73205196E+00 2.88945490E+00 5.17571750E-03-6.58490160E-06 3
MgO J12/74MG 1.0 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 40.30440 1 Chase (1985)
7.94944280E+00-1.26407550E-O3-2.40097300E-07 1.62732770E-10-1.76119090E-14 2
3.49443840E+03-2.18011730E+01 5.33534970E+OO-1.33391340E-02 3.5667S260E-05 3
-2.60574710E-08 4.98411960E-12 5.73155730E+O3-2.13277681E+00 6.99638853E+03 4
MgOH J12/75MG 1.0 1.H 1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 41.31234 1 Chase (1985)
5.26714240E+00 1.67827200E-03-5.43091730E-07 8.25633490E-11-4.71335130E-15 2
-2.15093360E+O4-3.39516556E+00 1.76243570E+00 1.91670050E-O2-3.32193180E-05 3
2.71589780E-08-8.38892750E-12-2.0549i820E+04 1.27344525E+01-l.98155784E+04 4
M9OH+ J12/75MG 1.0 1.H 1.E -1.G 300.000 5000.000 41.31179 1 Chase (1985)
5.28244790E+00 1.66404370E-O3-5.40166510E-07 8.34678240E-11-5.00361680E-15 2
6.85958160E+O4-4.15038868E+00 1.78314210E+00 1.92285270E-02-3.35031430E-05 3
2.74913640E-OS-8.51510070E-12 6.91505840E+04 1.19305235E+01 7.02911854E+04 4
MgO2H2 J12/75MG 1.0 2.H 2. O.G 300.000 5000.000 58.31968 1 Chase (1986)
8.51783840E+00 3.37913800E-03-1.10220330E-06 1.71111790E-10-1.03022860E-14 2
-7.16267310E+O4-1.76294649E+01 1.54947500E+00 3.82704800E-O2-6.65093280E-05 3
5.45362940E-OS-1.68913380E-11-7.05167540E+04 1.44170361E+O1-6.88415815E+04 4
MgS J 9/77MG 1.S 1. 0. O.G 300.000 6000.000 66.37100 1 Chase (1985)
1.03585650E+01-5.53070850E-03 2.09511990E-06-3.52248380E-10 2.22827360E-14 2
1.33293460E+O4-3.31905223E+01 7.80892150E+O0-3.24935950E-02 9.25172570E-05 3
-9.09652030E-08 2.97256310E-11 1.69322900E+O4-1.10479063E+01 1.74679366E+04 4
M92 J 9/83MG 2. 0. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 48.61000 1 Chase (1985)
1.56499308E+00 3.13771932E-O3-3.15497401E-06 1.11815199E-09-1.08539001E-13 2
3.41094885E+04 1.94547704E+01 5.66648917E+O0-1.81207983E-02 4.06706233E-05 3
-4.00720091E-08 1.45040463E-11 3.34280753E+04 5.33095711E-01 3.45979248E+04 4
Mg2F4 J12/75MG 2.F 4. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 124.60361 1 Chase (1985)
1.46720160E+01 1.52993180E-03-6.83471170E-07 1.34604690E-10-9.73833980E-15 2
-2.11437660E+OB-4.42782440E+01 4.22990530E+00 4.92908490E-O2-8.64496720E-05 3
7.04593710E-O8-2.18871100E-11-2.09492990E+05 5.00323612E+00-2.06675889E+05 4
MoO3 TPIS82MO 1.0 3. 0. 0.0 298.160 5000.000 143.93820 1 Gurvich (1982)
8.55990790E+00 1.51369070E-03-6.13732600E-07 1.07588900E-10-6.22775550E-15 2
-4.67662700E+O4-1.67028250E+01 3.65431210E+00 1.44909920E-O2-7.66813900E-06 3
-6.09846400E-09 5.18258090E-12-4.B4830940E+04 8.50521889E+00-4.38287210E+04 4
Mo206 TPIS82MO 2.0 6. 0. O.G 298.150 5000.000 287.87640 1 Gurvich (1982)
1.39233320E+01 1.29087490E-O2-7.39293860E-06 1.74541090E-09-l.44106680E-13 2
-1.42928310E+OB-3.64486140E+01 7.75467210E+00 3.26250640E-O2-1.66699060E-06 3
-1.50396000E-08 1.23603580E-11-1.41833380E+OB-6.45092731E+O0-1.38247070E+06 4
Mo309 TPISB2MO 3.0 9. 0. O.G 298.150 5000.000 431.81460 1 Gurvich (1982)
2.22622990E+01 1.85849670E-O2-1.05893570E-05 2.49267520E-09-2.05426360E-13 2
-2.36200380E+OB-7.10881860E+01 1.35774240E+01 4.53893100E-02-2.13059540E-05 3
-2.28677660E-08 1.77523270E-11-2.34596880E+OB-2.BB771390E+O1-2.28762670E+06 4
Mo4012 TPIS82MO 4.0 12. 0. O.G 298.150 6000.000 575.75280 1 Gurvich (1982)
3.04317470E+01 2.47326460E-O2-1.41185490E-05 3.32712920E-O9-2.74390160E-13 2
-3.25903630E+OB-1.07280337E+02 1.87274780E+01 6.11594990E-O2-2.91419130E-05 3
-3.06580500E-08 2.40118200E-11-3.23765940E+05-5.00883840E+01-3.15779310E+05 4
Mo5015 TPIS82MO 5.0 15. 0. O.G 298.150 5000.000 719.69100 1 Ourvich (1982)
3.86225430E+01 3.07427420E-O2-1.75360470E-05 4.13062300E-O9-3.40557710E-13 2
-4.13241560E+OB-1.43736757E+02 2.38870540E+01 7.61410000E-02-3.B1747290E-05 3
-3.98648650E-08 3.06311230E-11-4.10521060E+05-7.16041770E+O1-4.00401060E+05 4
N L 6/88N 1. 0. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 14.00674 1 Moore, C.E. (1975)
2.41594293E+00 1.74890600E-O4-1.19023667E-07 3.02262387E-11-2.03609790E-15 2 Cox (1989)
5.61337748E+04 4.64960986E+00 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 5.61046378E+04 4.19390932E+00 5.68500128E+04 4


N+ L 7/88N 1.E -1. 0. O.G 298.150 6000.000 14.00619 1 Moore, C.E. (1976)
2.51112967E+00 3.46441751E-O6-1.B9426938E-08 7.24865663E-12-6.44501426E-16 2
2.25624340E+06 4.92767646E+00 2.80269446E+00-1.44768911E-03 2.77118380E-06 3
-2.40187362E-09 7.80839931E-13 2.26676244E+06 3.57877820E+00 2.26366632E+06 4
N- L 7/88N 1.E 1. 0. O.G 298.150 6000.000 14.00729 1 Chase (1986)
2.50897099E+00-9.68412761E-06 3.8S210062E-09-6.68936998E-13 4.20991172E-17 2
6.62083017E+04 4.94963217E+00 2.62723403E+00-5.93445018E-04 1.12028916E-06 3
-9.62585603E-10 3.11119567E-13 6.61880871E+04 4.40111191E+00 5.69631625E+04 4
NCO L12/89N 1.C 1.0 1. O.G 200.000 6000.000 42.01714 1 Jacox (1988)
5.16266717E+00 2.30946694E-O3-8.83699619E-07 1.48625346E-10-9.08867905E-16 2 Gurvlch (1979)
1.94963760E+04-2.66406360E+00 2.76462392E+00 9.23008037E-03-9.28006629E-06 3
5.62621381E-09-1.61200144E-12 2.01842954E+04 9.86368773E+00 2.13441716E+04 4
ND J 6/77N 1.D 1. 0. O.G 298.150 5000.000 16.02084 1 Chase (1986)
2.82970340E+00 1.66841750E-03-6.32873330E-07 1.14776860E-10-7.83186840E-16 2
4.42659610E+04 6.00662489E+00 3.72064880E+OO-l.63418480E-03 3.18774260E-06 3
-1.60914010E-09 9.71261140E-14 4.40727560E+04 1.64956279E+00 4.51390710E+04 4
ND2 J 6/77N 1.D 2. 0. O.G 298.150 6000.000 18.03494 1 Chase (1986)
3.35153910E+00 3.37631620E-O3-1.32134570E-06 2.68006790E-10-2.0elO1740E-14 2
2.10777490E+04 4.37387609E+00 4.02697800E+00-1.40861280E-03 7.77658160E-06 3
-6.49676760E-09 1.75641700E-12 2.10980280E+04 1.76483929E+00 2.22927630E+04 4
ND3 J 6/77N 1.D 3. 0. O.G 298.150 6000.000 20.04905 1 Chase (1986)
3.19616660E+00 6.73117680E-O3-2.64234000E-06 4.76308680E-10-3.28048280E-14 2
-8.39666270E+03 4.16290449E+00 2.94278390E+00 5.10352910E-03 2.73928210E-06 3
-4.68476620E-09 1.62766740E-12-8.16515630E+03 6.15621769E+O0-7.04511980E+03 4
NF TPIS89N 1.F 1. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 33.00514 1 Gurvlch (1989)
4.06042292E+00 3.60664860E-04-6.96721816E-08 1.46926454E-11-1.66372401E-15 2
2.66711982E+04 2.08774790E+00 3.59927999E+O0-2.18190788E-03 1.14106863E-05 3
-1.40068494E-08 5.63332638E-12 2.69702626E+04 5.36573588E+00 2.80221438E+04 4
NF2 TPIS78N 1.F 2. 0. O.G 298 150 5000.000 62.00355 1 Ourvich (1978)
6.67109980E+00 1.62490640E-03-6.64320600E-07 1.29882090E-10-9.34891620E-15 2
2.17289180E+O3-3.21733831E+00 2.18233810E+00 1.30700080E-O2-1.51478870E-05 3
8.23364600E-Og-l.68688640E-12 3.02632470E+03 1.42967350E+01 4.13964480E+03 4
NF3 L12/86N 1.F 3. 0. 0 G 298 150 5000.000 71.00195 1 Gurvich (1978)
7.84199640E+00 2.69275920E-03-1.08013060E-06 2.12212560E-10-l.62881240E-14 2
-1.86684320E+04-1.49708930E+01 3.47412870E-01 3.07604790E-02-4.26860860E-06 3
2.88432090E-OS-7.70346560E-12-1.69875040E+04 2.18734930E+Ol-1.68399670E+04 4
NH Lll/89N 1.H 1. 0. • G 200 000 6000.000 16.01468 1 Anderson (1989)
2.78372645E+00 1.32985886E-03-4.24785565E-07 7.83494425E-11-B.60461298E-16 2 Gurvich (1978)
4.21345163E+04 5.74084867E+00 3.49295037E+00 3.11795722E-O4-1.48906628E-06 3
2.48167403E-O9-1.O3570916E-12 4.18942940E+04 1.84834974E+00 4.29408348E+04 4
NH+ L 2/89N 1.H 1.E -1. 0 G 298 160 6000.000 15.01413 1 Anderson (1989)
2.95918980E+00 1.34991719E-03-4.61487782E-07 8.26977666E-11-5.55758913E-15 2 Gurvich (1989)
1.99524505E+06 6.59978007E+00 4.61611136E+OO-3.13435677E-03 2.91705130E-06 3 Gibson (1985)
2.57384848E-10-7.31431347E-13 1.99085043E+06-2.92768474E+00 2.00347960E+06 4
NHF TPIS78N 1.H 1.F 1. 0 G 298 150 5000.000 34.01308 1 Gurvich (1978)
3.70661660E+00 3.05928380E-O3-1.19481890E-06 2o16320410E-10-1.44712850E-14 2
1.21713170E+04 6.63012479E+00 3.60790490E+00 1.46885700E-03 6.13893190E-06 3
-7.07642930E-09 2.73156620E-12 1.23266210E+04 7.16279689E+00 1.34706930E+04 4
NHF2 TPIS7BN 1.H 1.F 2. 0 G 298 150 6000.000 53.01149 1 Gurvich (1978)
5.28766160E+00 4.63323300E-O3-1.87737490E-06 3.46993030E-10-2.40367500E-14 2
-1.44236330E+04-1.64463031E+00 2.20674810E+00 1.18774010E-O2-B.SO126930E-06 3
-2.19112190E-09 1.97461810E-12-1.35221410E+04 1.45610290E+Ol-l.23881340E+04 4
NH2 L12/89N 1.H 2. 0. 0 G 200.000 6000.000 16.02262 1 Gurvich (1978)
2.84768992E+00 3.14280036E-03-8.98641458E-07 1.30318284E-10-7.48812926E-16 2 Jacox (1988)
2.18239049E+04 6.47165433E+00 4.20656857E+OO-2.13661363E-03 7.26861301E-06 3
-6.93069876E-09 1.80690978E-12 2.15352231E+O4-1.46662770E-01 2.27476416E+04 4
NH2F TPIS78N 1.H 2.F 1. O.G 298.160 5000.000 35.02102 1 Gurvich (1978)
3.03168860E+00 6.42239370E-03-2.48327640E-06 4.43703310E-10-2.99811000E-14 2
-1.03021670E+04 8.27719469E+00 3.64634270E+00-1.12299140E-03 1.71560860E-06 3
-1.90333680E-08 6.73846960E-12-1.01760020E+04 6.56726679E+O0-9.02048620E+03 4
NH3 TPIS89N 1.H 3. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 17.03056 1 Gurvich (1989)
2.71709692E+00 6.66866338E-03-1.76886396E-06 2.67417260E-10-l.52731419E-14 2 Haar (1968)
-6.68451989E+03 6.09289837E+00 4.30177808E+00-4.77127330E-03 2.19341619E-05 3
-2.29866489E-08 8.28992268E-12-6.74806394E+03-6.90644393E-01-5.B2628060E+03 4
NH20H TPIS89N 1.H 3.0 1. O.G 200.000 6000.000 33.02996 1 Gurvich (1989)
3.88112362E+00 8.16708719E-03-2.82615742E-06 4.37931330E-10-2.B2724921E-14 2
-7.58782727E+03 3.79166901E+00 3.21016076E+00 6.19671780E-03 1.10594913E-06 3
-1.96668207E-08 8.82516311E-12-7.30912839E+03 7.93293640E+00-6o01358348E+03 4
NH4+ TPIS89N 1.H 4.E -1. O.G 298.160 6000.000 18.03795 1 Gurvich (1989)
1.31670311E+00 9.64926663E-O3-3.2904959BE-06 5.12045396E-10-2.98499060E-14 2
7.67277044E+04 1.20930980E+01 5.02209278E+00-l.17098960E-02 3.97600112E-05 3
-3.69419871E-08 1.20264483E-11 7.63029764E+O4-4.20622298E+00 7.75637944E+04 4


NO TPISB9N 1 0 1. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 30.00614 1 Gurvich (1989)

3.26071234E+00 1.19101135E-O3-4.29122646E-07 6.94481463E-11-4.03295681E-15 2
9.92143132E+03 6.36900518E+00 4.21859896E+OO-4.63988124E-03 1.10443049E-05 3
-9.34055507E-09 2.80554874E-12 9.84509964E+03 2.28061001E+00 1.09770882E+04 4
NO+ TPIS89N 1 0 1.E -1. O.G 298.150 6000.000 30.00559 1 Gurvich (1989)
2.94587702E+00 1.40325260E-03-4.95503196E-07 7.95948973E-11-4.72076668E-15 2
1.18244340E+05 6.70644634E+00 3.69301231E+O0-1.34229158E-03 2,67343395E-06 3
-1.02609308E-O9-6.95610492E-14 1.18103055E+05 3.09126691E+00 1.19166025E+05 4
NOCL L12/86N 1 0 1.CL 1. O.G 298.150 5000.000 65.45884 1 Gurvich (1978)
5.86956760E+00 9.32184760E-04-2.52355420E-07 8.09444930E-11-9,02037270E-15 2
4.37178100E+O3-2.64405161E+00 3.84293630E+00 7.30757200E-03-9.14007260E-06 3
6,66117580E-09-2.05029050E-12 4.93648720E+03 7.74079999E+00 6.33842060E+03 4
NOF TPIS78N 1 0 1.F 1. O.G 298.150 5000.000 49.00454 1 Gurvich (1978)
4.98781620E+00 2.43822500E-O3-1.11040450E-06 2.45413670E-10-1.88888130E-14 2
-9.53283150E+03 4.59172027E-01 3.01678900E+00 9.40745900E-O3-1.14103680E-05 3
7.75157000E-09-2,22328880E-12-9.04875930E+03 1.03043410E+01-7.B1775470E+03 4
NOF3 TPIS78N 1 0 1.F 3. O.G 298.150 5000.000 87.00135 1 Gurvich (1978)
9,81602980E+00 3.54622150E-O3-1.55212690E-06 3.01635030E-10-2.16229090E-14 2
-2.60181200E+04-2.45950120E+01 1.57858830E-01 4.1BB48250E-02-6.27310050E-05 3
4.61904830E-08-1.34120260E-11-2.39304230E+04 2.24234230E+01-2.24910790E+04 4
NO2 L 7/88N 1 0 2. 0, O.G 200.000 6000.000 46.00554 1 Gurvich (1989)
4,BB474429E+00 2.17241639E-03-8.28079020E-07 1.57477293E-10-1.05110549E-14 2
2.31648462E+03-1.1_357075E-01 3.94403907E+O0-1.58547444E-03 1.66578984E-05 3
-2.04754478E-0B 7.83503265E-12 2.89659865E+03 6.31196225E+00 4.11245173E+03 4
NO2- TPIS89N 1 0 2.E 1. O.G 298.150 6000.000 46.00609 1 Gurvich (1989)
5.05329280E+00 2.07555672E-O3-8.70003077E-07 1.61074250E-10-1.03448062E-14 2
-2.59043616E+04-1,54065058E+00 3,09783648E+00 3.70486312E-03 5.92938975E-06 3
-1.09497307E-08 4.62721721E-12-2.S1798339E+04 9,48237148E+00-2,40586126E+04 4
NO2CL L12/B6N 1 0 2.CL 1. O.G 298.150 5000.000 81.45824 1 Gurvich (1978)
7.12026010E+00 3.18695570E-O3-1,37798970E-06 2.66631630E-10-1.90437960E-14 2
-1.06153470E+03-9.45476081E+00 2.55980390E+00 1.79693190E-02-2.02652550E-05 3
1.16991830E-08-2.78633720E-12 9.87906800E+01 1.35899630E+01 1.50341440E+03 4
NO2F L12/86N 1 0 2.F 1. O.G 298.150 5000.000 65,00394 1 Gurvich (1978)
6.71038200E+00 3.62401660E-03-1.56660230E-06 3,02666410E-10-2.16088660E-14 2
-1.56110410E+04-8.88169701E+00 1.44668080E+00 2.08840580E-02-2.38865280E-05 3
1.39438940E-OB-3.34025010E-12-1.42842970E+04 1.76606690E+01-l.31097730E+04 4
NO3 J12/64N 1.0 3. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 62.00494 1 Chase (1986)
7.48347734E+00 2.57772041E-O3-1.00945831E-06 1.72314072E-10-1.07154015E-14 2
5,70919428E+03-1.41618155E+01 2.17359310E+00 1.04902697E-02 1.10472650E-05 3
-2.81661854E-08 1.36583958E-11 7.39219877E+03 1.4602209BE+01 8.55492386E+03 4
NO3- TPIS89N 1 0 3.E 1. O.G 298.150 6000.000 62.00649 1 Gurvich (1989)
6.88404739E+00 3.16062982E-O3-1.23048782E-06 2.09257989E-10-1.29795471E-14 2
-4.00548152E+04-1.17087097E+01 1,21258521E+00 1.71545193E-02-1.05270457E-05 3
-1.16074097E-09 2.33114998E-12-3.84077713E+04 1.79933865E+01-3.73779731E+04 4
NO3F L12/86N 1 0 3.F 1. O.G 298.150 5000.000 81.00334 1 Gurvich (1978)
9.28947900E+00 4,60181370E-O3-2,21870670E-06 4.51297580E-10-3.32406540E-14 2
-1.64685160E+03-2.00889250E+01 2.03635710E+00 2.87840980E-O2-3.48403410E-05 3
2.17601730E-O8-5.64964360E-12 1.85068170E+02 1.64435420E+01 1.80409650E+03 4
N2 TPIS78N 2 0. 0. O.G 280.000 6000.000 28.01348 1 McBride (1993)
2.95257626E+00 1.39690057E-O3-4.92631691E-07 7.86010367E-11-4.60755321E-16 2
-9.23948645E+02 5.87189252E+00 3.53100528E+O0-1.23660987E-O4-5.02999437E-07 3
2.43530612E-09-1.40881235E-12-1.04697628E+03 2.96747468E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
N2+ TPISB9N 2 E -1. 0. O.G 298.150 6000.000 28.01293 1 Gurvich (1989)
3.58661363E+00 2.53071949E-04 1.84778214E-O7-4.55257223E-11 3.26818029E-15 2
1.80390994E+05 3.09584142E+00 3.77540711E+00-2.06459157E-03 4.76752301E-06 3
-3.15664228E-09 6.70509973E-13 1.80481115E+05 2.69322178E+00 1.81651099E+05 4
N2- J 9/77N 2 E 1. 0. O.G 298.150 5000.000 28.01403 1 Chase (1981;)
3.11567530E+00 Z.45886880E-O3-6,01731480E-07 1.13484230E-10-7.96585180E-15 2
1.68590580E+04 6.38985179E+00 3.88268480E+00-3.19244460E-03 8.52278380E-06 3
-7.34037460E-09 2.20568150E-12 1.67969350E+04 3,11180099E+00 1.78744690E+04 4
NCN L12/89N 2 C 1. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 40.02448 1 Jacox (1988)
5.73815514E+00 1.77244606E-O3-6.BS751131E-07 1.15711980E-10-7.07567907E-15 2 Gurvich (1991)
5.82214890E+O4-6.30533665E+00 3.24134033E+00 8.50091346E-03-7.61608140E-06 3
3.64986585E-OB-8.42551872E-13 5.89477370E+04 6.70956450E+00 6.02315091E+04 4
cls-N2D2 J 6/77N 2 D 2. 0. O.G 200.000 6000,000 32.04168 1 Chase (1985)
4.51455308E+00 5.1BgO1318E-O3-1.9368428BE-06 3.20575967E-10-1.95208624E-14 2
2.30230396E+O4-9.52662441E-O1 3.87335899E+00-2.62328791E-03 2.63075819E-05 3
-3.13008744E-0B 1.18109999E-11 2.36948344E+04 4.74949141E+00 2.49092250E+04 4
N2F2 L12/86N 2 F 2. 0. O.G 298.150 5000.000 66.01029 1 Gurvich (1978)
7.66719230E+00 2.59466270E-03-1.13460230E-06 2.20352680E-10-1.57886580E-14 2
4.81399990E+O3-1,28292930E+01 2.80689260E+00 1.92519670E-O2-2.36977440E-05 3
1.46168610E-O8-3.64516030E-12 5.99444190E+03 1.14841490E+01 7.50450950E+03 4


N2F4 L12/86N 2.F 4. 0. O.G 298.150 5000.000 104.00709 1 Gurvich (1978)

1.29150660E+01 3.50813620E-O3-1.S5468900E-06 3.04562180E-10-2.19523540E-14 2
-7.20081890E+03-3.77109010E+01 9.87812940E-01 5.00295240E-O2-7.36767080E-05 3
5.25234550E-08-1,47129610E-11-4.61010860E+03 2.04857180E+O1-2.64600820E+03 4
N2H2 L 5/90N 2.H 2. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 30.02936 1 Gurvlch (1989)
1.31115086E+00 9.00187272E-O3-3.14911866E-06 4.81449690E-10-2.71897983E-14 2
2.47864167E+04 1.64091085E+01 4.91066016E+O0-1.07791866E-02 3.86516441E-05 3
-3.86501628E-08 1.34852100E-11 2.42242727E+04 9,10279703E-02 2.54807559E+04 4
NH2N02 TPIS89N 2.H 2.0 2. O.G 200.000 6000.000 62.02816 1 Gurvich (1989)
7.38890998E+00 7.65188026E-03-2.75087039E-06 4,44622886E-10-2.66488122E-14 2
-6.21767034E+03-1.32737000E+01 2.17310105E+00 1.43162299E-02 1,09031619E-05 3
-2.76714677E-08 1.29868687E-11-4.45906121E+03 1.53831166E+01-3.12706341E+03 4
N2H4 L 5/90N 2.H 4 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 32.04524 1 Gurvich (1989)
4.93957357E+00 8.75017187E-03-2.99399058E-06 4.67278418E-10-2.73068599E-14 2
9.28265548E+O3-2.69439772E+00 3.83472149E+OO-6.49129555E-04 3.76848463E-05 3
-5.00709182E-08 2,03362064E-11 1,00893926E+04 5.75272030E+00 1.14474575E+04 4
N20 L 7/88N 2.0 1 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 44.01288 1 Gurvlch (1989)
4.82318873E+00 2.62685279E-O3-9.58426058E-07 1.59991296E-10-9.77416939E-15 2
8.07335662E+O3-2.20236600E+00 2.25716860E+00 1.13046338E-O2-1.36710350E-05 3
9.68162098E-O9-2.93055583E-12 8.74177146E+03 1,07579154E+01 9.81416824E+03 4
N20+ J12/70N 2.0 1E -1. O.G 298.150 6000.000 44.01233 1 Chase (1985)
5.52859730E+00 1.95956970E-O3-7.53758228E-07 1.27045911E-10-7.80207625E-15 2
1.S8375902E+05-4.41896705E+00 3.28688978E+00 7.40234563E-O3-4.86688552E-06 3
7.33141038E-10 2.98161683E-13 1.59054547E+05 7.40146499E+00 1.60322136E+06 4
N203 L 4/90N 2.0 3 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 76.01168 1 Gurvich (1989)
9.08583845E+00 3.37756330E-03-1.31583890E-06 2.30762329E-10-1.471S1267E-14 2
7.27160146E+O3-1.55361904E+01 5.81083964E+00 1.43330962E-02-1.96208597E-05 3
1.73060735E-08-6.46553954E-12 8.19184453E+03 1.20461321E+00 1.04192062E+04 4
N204 TPIS89N 2.0 4 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 92.01108 1 Gurvich (1989)
1.15752899E+01 4.01616086E-O3-1.B7178323E-06 2.68274309E-10-1.66922019E-14 2
-2.92191226E+03-3.19488439E+01 3.02002308E+00 2.95904321E-O2-3.01342458E-05 3
1.42360407E-08-2.44100049E-12-6.40040162E+02 1.18059606E+01 1.33632866E+03 4
N205 L 4/90N 2.0 5 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 108.01048 1 Gurvich (1989)
1.31108082E+01 4.87435791E-O3-1.87548389E-06 3.16374121E-10-1.95926845E-14 2
-3.11634700E+O3-3.46877692E+01 3.68767444E+00 3.92120798E-O2-5.53770029E-05 3
4.20097833E-OS-1.31260710E-11-8.30291184E+02 1.21967866E+01 1.59961321E+03 4
N3 TPIS89N 3. 0. 0. 0 G 200.000 6000.000 42.02022 1 Gurvich (1989)
4.64110696E+00 2.76960700E-03-1.04917582E-06 1.75340720E-10-1.07482704E-14 2
5.06984238E+O4-9.40135456E-01 2.86063038E+00 4.24883549E-03 5,14572136E-06 3
-1.01478406E-08 4.41878398E-12 5.13692093E+04 9.11596131E+00 5.24384480E+04 4
N3H L 7/88N 3.H 1, 0. 0 G 200.000 6000.000 43.02816 1 Gurvich (1989)
5.14700291E+00 4.30561265E-03-1.52704575E-06 2.46295774E-10-1.47144164E-14 2
3.34283986E+O4-2.25529103E+00 2.88510881E+00 9.44343451E-O3-3.B7919336E-06 3
-1.89404011E-09 1.60184132E-12 3.41172038E+04 9.71687818E+00 3.53598709E+04 4
Ha L 4/93NA 1. 0. 0. 0 G 200.000 6000.000 22.98977 1 Chase (1985)
2.39858879E+00 2.15466997E-O4-1.49077568E-07 3,66821795E-11-1.66036037E-15 2 Martin (1981)
1.21943069E+04 4.79181133E+00 2.50000005E+OO-4.98492323E-10 1.76034086E-12 3
-2.54461602E-15 1.27603872E-18 1.21597752E+04 4.24402786E+00 1.29051502E+04 4
Na+ J12/83NA 1.E -1. 0. 0 G 298.150 6000.000 22.98922 1 Chase (1985)
2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
7.25413250E+04 3.55084508E+00 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 7.25413250E+04 3.55084508E+00 7.32867000E+04 4
NaALF4 J12/79NA 1.AL 1.F 4. 0 G 300.000 5000.000 125.96492 1 Chase (1985)
1.42715530E+01 1.98001910E-03-8.B1514840E-07 1.73221480E-10-1.25129150E-14 2
-2.26123470E+05-4.12755180E+01 4.30521450E+00 4.49680340E-02-7.43237870E-05 3
5.80808610E-O8-1.74995560E-11-2.24149880E+05 6.37184599E+OO-2,21417721E+05 4
NAB02 J 6/71NA 1.B 1.0 2. 0 G 300.000 5000.000 65.79957 1 Chase (1985)
7.49652500E+00 2.63098620E-03-1.09791360E-06 2.04939980E-10-1.41931460E-14 2
-8.05785910E+O4-9.44630176E+00 4.06547490E+00 1.34549260E-O2-1.38666930E-05 3
6.63950420E-Og-l.07286710E-12-7.97001570E+04 7.93481634E+OO-7.79999032E+04 4
NaBr J 9/64NA 1.BR 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 102.89377 1 Chase (1985)
4.44331350E+00 1.57836570E-O4-2.79896190E-08 5.38490380E-12-3.80940540E-16 2
-1.86594890E+04 3.60858216E+00 3.90108900E+00 2.50254010E-O3-3.B8510880E-06 3
2.83184970E-O9-7.72205280E-13-1.85561610E+04 6.18879326E+OO-1.73109142E+04 4
NaCN J3/66 NA 1.C 1.N 1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 49.00751 1 Chase (1985)
5.79897750E+00 1.68279460E-O3-6.74379240E-07 1.22345020E-10-B.29660910E-15 2
9.49334440E+O3-4.34426035E+00 4.97725580E+00 5.32259370E-O3-7.S5524410E-06 3
6.18397940E-09-2.00714270E-12 9.67314900E+O3-3.88207220E-01 1.13382134E+04 4
NaCL J12/64NA 1.EL 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 58.44247 1 Chase (1985)
4.42829310E+00 1.56272410E-O4-2.81083830E-08 4.71635710E-12-2,88325570E-16 2
-2.31709000E+04 2.30097464E+00 3.70322860E+00 3.19976080E-O3-4.89245020E-06 3
3.46392180E-O9-9.13575210E-13-2.30282760E+04 5.77347954E+O0-2.18187495E+04 4


NaF JI2/68NA 1.F 1. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 41.98817 1 Chase (1985)

4.33376796E+00 2.56807777E-O4-B.g4232621E-08 1.19679617E-11-7.49308393E-16 2
-3.62797872E+04 1.30046354E+00 2.74871833E+00 8.03243289E-O3-1.S1563523E-05 3
1.33592246E-O8-4.45165244E-12-3,60002074E+04 8.68107812E+OO-3.49332673E+04 4
Chase (1985)
NaF2- J12/68NA 1.F 2.E 1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 60.98712 1
7.12231930E+00 4.18840550E-O4-1.79722990E-07 3.40412290E-11-2.37519350E-15 2
-8.27557300E+O4-1.07866746E+01 4.58268890E+00 1.06052110E-O2-1.57205010E-05 3
1.05672970E-O8-2.64159200E-12-8.22344970E+04 1,48920754E+00-B.O5160536E+04 4
Chase (1985)
NaH J 3/63NA 1.H 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 23.99771 1
3.81305790E+00 8.56438000E-04-3.12268160E-07 5.85024710E-11-4.05139240E-15 2
1.36830620E+04 4.84168212E-01 3.12039500E+00 1.39962170E-03 2.21412340E-06 3
-3.99507950E-09 1.67261780E-12 1.39400650E+04 4.39456127E+00 1,49450759E+04 4
NaI L 6/72NA 1.I 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 149.89424 1 Rice (1957)
4.45845700E+00 1.42412780E-O4-1.69262750E-08 3.89600870E-12-2.79663110E-16 2 Honig (1954)
-1.20668430E+04 4.47595877E+00 4.04062750E+00 1.96871110E-O3-3.05454240E-06 3 Lewis (1961)
2.25563230E-Og-6.22868320E-13-1.19880410E+04 6.45980107E+OO-1.07186481E+04 4
NaO J12/67NA 1.0 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 38.98917 1 Chase (1985)
4.39241580E+00 2.13205740E-O4-4.52205980E-08 7.97518210E-12-5.17359890E-16 2
8.71189950E+03 2.38808971E+00 3.44210070E+00 4.16172410E-03-6.31183680E-06 3
4.44791990E-O9-1,17204860E-12 8.90114770E+03 6.95032541E+00 1.00648575E+04 4
NaO- J12/67NA 1.0 1.E 1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 38.98972 1 Chase (1985)
4.38680080E+00 2.23446720E-04-4.B2124720E-08 8,57208620E-12-5.60943340E-16 2
-1.59462680E+04 1.01363492E+00 3.41868550E+00 4.21173820E-O3-6.31046460E-06 3
4.38735150E-O9-1.13726390E-12-1.57522340E+04 5.66855652E+OO-1.45933736E+04 4
NaOH J12/70NA 1,0 1.H 1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 39.99711 1 Chase (1985)
5,64693770E+00 1.22273850E-03-3.32710360E-07 4.06662980E-11-1.77906880E-15 2
-2.S5082220E+O4-S.O3687458E+00 4.00503880E+00 9.99220430E-03-1.64342130E-05 3
1.24765850E-O8-3.46376100E-12-2.S3004710E+04 2.30643612E+OO-2.37844210E+04 4
NaOH+ J12/71NA 1.0 1.H 1.E -1.G 300.000 5000.000 39.99656 1 Chase (1985)
5.66885470E+00 1.22539300E-O3-3.40295630E-07 4.28532680E-11-1.95937600E-15 2
7.98065140E+O4-3.42468266E+00 4.35052040E+00 8.74650150E-O3-1.46426730E-05 3
1.13515010E-08-3.21100260E-12 7.99463990E+04 2.34484074E+00 8,15238108E+04 4
Na2 J12/B3NA 2. 0. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 45.97984 1 Chase (1985)
5.96201900E+OO-1.06049506E-O3-4.39279769E-07 3.05174810E-10-3.39488816E-14 2
1.49990927E+O4-6.69613634E+00 4.11568261E+00 2.52904040E-O3-5.62168645E-06 3
6.46171665E-09-2.75128310E-12 1.57824616E+04 3,68672446E+00 1.70837638E+04 4
Na2C2N2 J3/66 NA 2.C 2.N 2. O.G 300.000 5000.000 98.01502 1 Chase (1985)
1.25727860E+01 3.39473180E-O3-1.36169340E-06 2.47209590E-10-1.67732540E-14 2
-5.04910210E+O3-3.10741978E+01 1.03680290E+01 1.33485470E-02-1.99103340E-05 3
1.61564750E-08-5.12645500E-12-4.59375270E+O3-2.05494428E+01-l.05562247E+03 4
Na2CL2 J12/64NA 2.CL 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 116.88494 1 Chase (1985)
9.82620010E+00 1.91847630E-O4-8.16087430E-08 1.52981810E-11-1.05589940E-15 2
-7.10771490E+O4-1.70361008E+01 7.95839530E+00 8.39623600E-O3-1.38171160E-05 3
1.02776660E-OS-2.B6449940E-12-7.07259390E+04-8.17532466E+OO-6.80830721E+04 4
Na2F2 J12/68NA 2.F 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 83.97634 1 Chase (1985)
9,43355300E+00 6.36115880E-O4-2.76247200E-07 5.29171900E-11-3.73103530E-15 2
-1.04801140E+OS-1.97529921E+01 4.82121910E+00 1.8363960E-O2-3.06176140E-05 3
2.13370400E-OB-5.53443140E-12-1.03890050E+05 2.36626455E+O0-1.01801889E+05 4
Na20 L10/74NA 2.0 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 61.97894 1 Hi Idenbrand (1970)
7.14705820E+00 3.98330990E-O4-1.74089110E-07 3.35651620E-11-2.38108010E-15 2
-7.21912610E+03-9.63481051E+00 4.77871770E+00 9.94877160E-03-1.48144560E-05 3
1.00032390E-OB-2.51378740E-12-6.73602060E+03 1.79947629E+O0-4.98135741E+03 4
Na202H2 J12/70NA 2.0 2.H 2. O.G 300.000 5000.000 79.99422 1 Chase (1985)
9.41607430E+00 5.51965220E-03-1,96596110E-06 3.26803440E-10-2.07124850E-14 2
-7.63663690E+04-1.88543496E+01 5.97129300E+00 1.40492750E-02-6.24451420E-06 3
-3.39357460E-09 2.89337690E-12-7,54129380E+O4-9,37386378E-O1-7.30686609E+04 4
Na2S04 J 6/78NA 2.S 1.0 4. O.G 300.000 5000.000 142.04314 1 Chase (1985)
1.52061280E+01 4.29842640E-03-1.90084090E-06 3.71875300E-10-2.67804570E-14 2
-1.29673570E+OS-4.76569217E+01 2.07274980E+00 5.45820470E-02-7.85435330E-05 3
5.51042210E-OS-1.52666760E-11-1.26769550E+05 1,66688263E+Ol-l.24317797E+O5 4
Nb J12/73NB 1. 0. 0, O,G 300.000 5000.000 92.90638 1 Chase (1985)
4.22059050E+OO-1.81874390E-03 8,23739430E-O7-1.18328990E-10 5.36370530E-15 2
8.69607130E+04-1.18468643E+00 3.47550740E+00 2.05385640E-03-6.96702630E-06 3
6.80205590E-O-2.25177180E-12 8.70877490E+04 2.24243697E+00 8.81660848E+04 4
Chase (1985)
NbO J12/73NB 1.0 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 108.90578 1
3.88117290E+00 8,19781220E-O4-4.25353900E-07 1.02649360E-10-8.04198010E-15 2
2.26371320E+04 6.22364151E+00 2.92144850E+00 3.13240820E-O3-1.49003690E-06 3
-9.93452600E-10 7.99840200E-13 2.29078860E+04 1.12362937E+01 2.39033917E+04 4
Chase (1985)
Nb02 J12/73NB 1.0 2. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 124.90518 1
6.05147948E+00 9.75153707E-O4-3.82697108E-07 6.54150420E-11-4.07159079E-15 2
-2.61008645E+O4-2.40015663E+00 3.57672681E+00 6.3B895628E-O3-5.96442209E-07 3
-6.34228956E-09 3.70832821E-12-2.53873185E+04 1.06287008E+O1-2.40543339E+04 4


Ne L10/gONE 1. 0. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 20.17970 McBride (1993)

2.5000000gE+00 0.0000000gE+00 0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.0000000gE+00
-7.45375000E+02 3.35632272E+00 2.50000000E+00 • .00000800E+Sg 0.00000000E+00
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-7.48378000E+02 3 .35832272E+g0 o.gooo0000E+00
Ne+ L10/92NE 1.E -1. 0. O.G 298.150 6080.088 28.17915 Moore, C.E. (1971)
2.90399557E+00-3.63794635E-04 1.31873369E-07-2 .14209210E-11 1.28778499E-16
2.50143726E+06 2.56310321E+B0 1.94106917E+0g 4 .40016852E-03-8.87047417E-06
6.99691689E-B9-2.11573625E-12 2.50294275E+05 6 ,99178683E+B0 2.51005687E+85
Ni J12/76NI 1. 0. 0. O.G 308.g00 5900.00g 88.69340 Chase (1985)
3.20614900E+00-2.09699230E-04-2.28364480E-08 1 .50852110E-11-1.00044450E-15
5.07081260E+04 3 .53171623E+00 2.77666540E+00-7.52206380E-04 4.32861130E-06
-5.473128708-09 2 .11078650E-12 5.09090830E+04 6.16823253E+00 8.17319098E+04
NiCL J 9/77N1 1.CL 1. 0. • Q 380.808 5800.880 94.14610 Chase (1985)
5.68365140E+00-1 .43295780E-03 8.82877230E-87-1 .48863930E-10 8.18516240E-15
2.00568050E+04-1 .63732144E+00 3.48977870E+08 3 .18379300E-03-1.91489120E-06
-3.87363170E-10 4 .60747680E-13 2.07289350E+04 9 .54974436E+00 2.18908147E+04
NiCL2 J 9/77N1 1.CL 2. 0. • G 300.000 8000.00g 129.69880 Chase (1985)
7.38748300E+00 8 .4637595BE-04-4.31498420E-07 9 .35908460E-11-7.191513908-15
-1.12358870E+04-7 .18895104E+00 4.86061770E+00 1 .36137130E-02-2.36601330E-88
1.96162640E-08-6 .24172910E-12-1.06835710E+04 6 .23619416E+00-8.89195306E+03
N|O L 2/84N1 1.0 1. 0. • G 390.000 8900.g00 74.69280 Pedle¥ (1983)
4.10461140E+00 4 .86891600E-04-1.87867840E-07 3 .65318880E-11-2.47181660E-15 Wagman (1982)
3.64456480E+04 4 .07692910E+00 2.99196820E+00 3 .33092080E-03-1.53824710E-06
-1.56408330E-09 1 .21288010E-12 3.67420940E+84 9 .82183990E+00 3.77687640E+04
NiS J12/76NI 1.S 1. 0. • G 3gO.g00 8900.g00 90.75940 Chase (1985)
4.91604720E+00 3.13774510E-04-2.97018130E-07 8 ,01797240E-11-6.72874180E-18
4.13219320E+04 1.81898797E+00 3.116819708+00 4 .0173628BE-03-1.58839110E-06
-1.59636360E-09 9.36838810E-13 4.18968670E+04 1 .14677381E+01 4.29883902E*04
0 L 1/900 1. 0. 0. • G 200.g00 6000.000 15.99940 Moore, C.E. (1976)
2.84363697E+00-2.73162486E-06-4.1902982gE-g9 4 .98481848E-12-4.79863694E-16 Brix (1954)
2.92260120E+04 4.92229467E+00 3.16826710E+00-3 .27931884E-03 6.64306396E-06
-6.12806624E-09 2.11268971E-12 2.91222892E+04 2 .08193346E+90 2.99687099E+04
O+ L 1/900 1.E -1. 0. • G 298.150 6000.000 15.99885 Moore, C.E. (1971)
2.48773317E+00 2.17660016E-05-1.88988806E-08 1 .28909212E-12 1.37316720E-16 Moore, C.E. (1976)
1.87939968E+06 4.46134078E+00 2.8000090gE+gg • .0000000gE+00 g.OgOOgOOOE+00
8.09000090E+Og 0.00000000E+00 1.87935291E+06 4 .39337676E+g0 1.88680666E+05
O- TPIS890 1.E 1. 0. O.G 298.150 6000.000 15.99995 Gurvich (1989)
2.54474868E+00-4 .66695419E-05 1.84912310E-08-3.18189131E-12 1.98962894E-16
1.14822713E+04 4 .52131018E+80 2.90885921E+00-1.69804907E-03 2,98869956E-06
-2.438381278-09 7 .61229313E-13 1.14138341E+04 2.80339097E+00 1.22272740E+04
OD J 6/770 1.D 1. 0 O,G 380.000 8090.000 18.01350 Chase (1985)
2.78291078E+00 1 .57395670E-03-5.70207870E-07 9.88644090E-11-6.50620140E-15
3.67898130E+03 6 .67867116E+00 4.03467810E+00-2.48613130E-03 3.96102010E-06
-1.8534996BE-09 1 .92953410E-13 3.27705070E+03 3.94188974E-01 4.40224816E+03
OH TPIS780 1.H 1. • O.G 200.000 6000.000 17.00734 Gurvich (1978)
2.83864607E+B0 1 .10725886E-03-2.93914978E-07 4 .20824247E-11-2.42169092E-18
3.94398852E+03 5 .84452662E+00 3.99201543E+00-2 .40131752E-03 4.61793841E-06
-3.88113333E-09 1 .36411470E-12 3.61508056E+03-1 .03926468E-01 4.73234213E+03
OH+ TPIS780 1.H 1.E -1 O.G 298.150 6900.000 17.00679 Gurvich (1978)
2.68358997E+00 1 .87006432E-03-5.39972808E-07 9 .37643859E-11-5.70068066E-18
1.84398744E+08 6 .44378888E+08 3.88502872E+08 2 .41313749E-04-1.42200949E-86
2.64780232E-09-1 .17038711E-12 1.84127124E+05 1 .97907627E+00 1.55174989E+05
OH- L 3/930 1.H 1.E 1 g.O 298.150 6000.000 17.00789 Gurvich (1989)
2.83498781E+00 1 .07068023E-B3-2.62489398E-07 3.08376438E-11-1.31383862E-16
-1.80186974E+04 4 .49464762E+00 3.43279966E+0g 6.19686310E-04-1,89930992E-06
2.37366946E-09-8 .55193756E-13-1.82613986E+04 1.06083670E+09-1.72227709E+04
O2 TPIS890 2. 0. • O.G 200.000 6000.000 31.99880 McBride (1993)
3.66096083E+00 6 .56368523E-04-1.41149488E-07 2.06797688E-11-1.29913248E-18
-1.21697725E+83 3 .41636184E+00 3.78246636E+09-2.99673416E-03 9.84730200E-06
-9.68129608E-09 3 .24372836E-12-1.06394356E+03 3.68767873E+00 0.00000009E+00
02+ TPIS890 2.E -1. 0 O.G 298.150 6000.000 31,99825 Gurvich (1989)
3.31678922E+00 1.11622244E-83-3.834925568-07 5 .727846878-11-2.77648381E-18
1,39876823E+05 5.44726469E+00 4.610171678+00-6 .35951952E-03 1.42425624E-05
-1.20997923E-08 3.78986878E-12 1.39742229E+05-2 .01326941E-01 1.40937762E+05
02- L 4/890 2.E 1. 0 O.G 298.150 6088.000 31.99935 Gurvich (1989)
3.98666294E+00 5.98141823E-04-2.121339058-07 3 .63267581E-11-2.24989228E-15
-7.06287229E+03 2.27871017E+88 3.66442522E+00-9 .28741138E-04 6.454770828-06
-7.747033808-09 2.93332662E-12-6.87876983E+03 4 .35140681E+00-5.77639825E+03
03 L 5/900 3. 0. 8 O.Q 200.008 6000.000 47.99828 Gurvlch (1989)
1.23302914E+01-1.19324783E-02 7.98741278E-06-1.77194552E-09 1.26075824E-13
1.26786831E+04-4.08823374E+01 3.40738221E+00 2.063790638-03 1.38486052E-08
-2.23311642E-08 9.76073226E-12 1,58644979E+04 8.28247680E+00 1.70845228E+04


P J12/82P 1. 0 0. O.G 200.000 6000 000 30.97376 1 Chase (1985)

2.80721555E+OO-5.30841988E-04 2.44543046E-O7-2.05708252E-11-2.94546619E-16 2
3.71892748E+04 3.67764723E+00 2.50004278E+O0-4.38968637E-07 1.58131741E-09 3
-2.33900457E-12 1.20510940E-15 3.73073754E+04 5.38414719E+00 3.80527536E+04 4
P+ L12/66P 1.E -1 0. O.G 300.000 5000 000 30.97321 1 Moores C.E. (1971)
2.90215470E+O0-5.B8788990E-04 3.12981190E-O7-5.97275390E-11 3.93049250E-15 2
1.59944127E+05 3.83370632E+00 4.37904170E+O0-6.46667230E-03 8.93409620E-06 3
-5,48580210E-09 1.20988670E-12 1.59647807E+O6-3.29374038E+00 1.60734667E+05 4
PCL3 J 6/70P 1.CL 3 0. O.G 300.000 5000 000 137.33186 1 Chase (1985)
9.45661160E+00 6.02784010E-O4-2.B8468780E-07 4.89042800E-11-3.40832850E-15 2
-3.77045574E+O4-1.69296498E+01 5.25905370E+00 1.78805660E-02-2.73175850E-05 3
1.88982400E-OB-4.87384960E-12-3.68644304E+04 3.25232968E+OO-3.47080119E+04 4
PF J 6/77P 1.F 1 9, O.G 300.000 5000 000 49.97217 1 Chase (1985)
4.28444030E+00 4.65131920E-06 1.29231550E-O7-3.54596860E-11 2.93086420E-15 2
-7.67566495E+03 2.40196395E+00 2.67608630E+00 5.57221620E-O3-7.28377960E-06 3
4,58194390E-09-l.lZ881060E-12-7.28916135E+03 1.04341832E+01-6.29944377E+03 4
PF+ J 6/77P 1.F 1E -1. O.G 300.000 5000 009 49.97162 1 Chase (1985)
4.08161840E+00 4.95069100E-O4-2.0319808BE-07 3.92349470E-11-2.78303370E-15 2
1.07146847E+05 3.44441678E+00 3.94021220E+OO-5.37845820E-04 3.93561060E-06 3
-4.67261940E-09 1.74468380E-12 1.07252697E+05 4.51850338E+00 1.08429826E+06 4
PF- J 6/77P I F I E 1. O.G 300.000 6000 000 49.97271 1 Chase (1985)
4.30376910E+00 2.63926300E-O4-9.87743030E-08 1.87118210E-11-1.21102520E-16 2
-2.10581444E+04 2.4_229141E+00 3.59513760E+00 3.03129090E-O3-4.40629140E-06 3
3.15834760E-09-8.92062670E-13-2.09040944E+04 5.86990641E+00-1.97305817E+04 4
PF2 J 6/77P 1F 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000 000 68.97057 1 Chase (1985)
6.09265880E+00 1.03133240E-03-4.S3710200E-07 8.70455830E-11-5.97140520E-16 2
-6.07653254E+O4-3.78613004E+00 2.44285260E+00 1.51863310E-02-2,21969240E-05 3
1.56489320E-O8-4.32983720E-12-B.99609804E+04 1.40371170E+O1-5.87248863E+04 4
PF2+ J 6/77P 1F 2.E -1. O.G 300.000 5000 000 68.97002 1 Chase (1985)
6.07261540E+00 1.05882490E-O3-4.67581660E-07 8.96122980E-11-6.04542170E-15 2
6.47769396E+O4-4.36167168E+00 2.47021360E+00 1.49226760E-O2-2.15731390E-05 3
Z.50543860E-OS-4.12671090E-12 5.55655406E+04 1.32636740E+01 6.68025058E+04 4
PF3 J12/69P 1F 3. 0. O.G 300.000 6000 000 87.96897 1 Chase (1985)
8.43477330E+00 1.73939200E-O3-7.51198080E-07 1.43442470E-10-1.00939790E-14 2
-1.18189783E+OS-1.64636020E+01 2.36218780E+00 2.28200450E-O2-2.76566420E-05 3
1.44909620E-08-2.46023600E-12-1.16776903E+05 1.36864320E+Ol-l.lS276206E+05 4
PF5 J12/69P 1F 5. 0. O.G 300.000 5000 000 125.96578 1 Chase (1985)
1.28461840E+01 3.51044850E-03-1.51986040E-06 2.91019040E-10-2.05347080E-14 2
-1.96362263E+O6-3.94756420E+01 1.05232490E+00 4.44540040E-O2-5.39014290E-05 3
2.84166860E-OS-4.91432680E-12-1.93632313E+05 1.90890100E+Ol-l.91765100E+05 4
PH J 6/67P 1H 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000 000 31.98170 1 Chase (1985)
3.07454420E+00 1.16989470E-O3-3.03816640E-07 4.44363140E-11-2.70009750E-15 2
2.74268316E+04 5.76804846E+00 3.68034330E+00-1.27560180E-03 2.59324420E-06 3
-8.43541070E-10-1.72086090E-13 2.73339666E+04 2.91864116E+00 2.83957262E+04 4
PH3 J 6/62P 1H 3. 0. O.G 300.000 5000 000 33.99758 1 Chase (1985)
3.34487940E+00 6.57709410E-03-2.63367550E-06 4.77446600E-10-3.23543900E-14 2
-8.16176762E+02 3.95479617E+00 3.15819350E+00 2.49414920E-03 9.02652530E-06 3
-1.02279040E-08 3.28342500E-12-4.61237252E+02 6.23722477E+00 6.52312908E+02 4
PO J 6/71P 1 0 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000 000 46.97316 1 Chase (1986)
3.84279220E+00 7.23644560E-O4-2.8934199BE-07 5.39135540E-11-3.54953730E-15 2
-4.79945495E+03 4.56237735E+00 3.96130800E+O0-2.12353990E-03 7.52012190E-06 3
-7.59509120E-09 2.56376910E-12-4.69896895E+03 4.58369215E+00-3.55964877E+03 4
P02 J 9/62P I 0 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000 000 62.97256 1 Chase (1985)
5.69132780E+00 1.48068660E-O3-6.54256920E-07 1.27932310E-10-9.20992770E-15 2
-3.97947254E+O4-2.81972206E+00 2.33452730E+00 1.25021000E-O2-1.43361950E-O5 3
7.67621660E-O9-1.54016940E-12-3.89688654E+04 1.40644350E+O1-3.78293636E+04 4
P2 J 6/61P 2 0. 0. O.G 300.000 5000 000 61.94752 1 Chase (1985)
4.16117330E+00 3.96208000E-O4-1.BB803390E-07 2.90934740E-11-2.00424580E-16 2
1.69468693E+04 2.24109239E+00 2.83911070E+00 4.82661930E-O3-B.49474880E-06 3
2.S8005070E-O9-3.22364530E-13 1.62597073E+04 8.84241009E+00 1.72771170E+04 4
P4 J 6/61P 4 0. 0. g.G 300.000 5000 090 123.89505 1 Chase (1985)
9.22627890E+00 8.68941280E-O4-3.77583380E-07 7.23796660E-11-5.10661090E-15 2
4.09054959E+O3-1.96417049E+01 3.53533000E+00 2,41252920E-O2-3.64627590E-05 3
2.49169060E-OS-6.32985630E-12 5.23553359E+03 7,75589569E+00 7.08599199E+03 4
P4010 J12/65P 4 0 10. 0. O.G 300.000 5000 000 283.88905 1 Chase (1985)
2.89396590E+01 1.24520960E-O2-5.48543200E-06 1.07047430E-O9-7.69568570E-14 2
-3.60148633E+OS-1.23869447E+O2-4.41428830E+00 1.37590810E-Ol-1.92685980E-04 3
1.32720680E-07-3.63113780E-11-3.62629523E+O6 4.01782260E+O1-3.49287392E+06 4
Pb J 3/83PB 1 0. 0. O.G 200.000 6000 000 207.20000 1 Chase (1985)
4.16342379E+00-3.49637723E-03 2.28263170E-O6-4.76749242E-10 3.22223800E-14 2
2.21687499E+04-2.13525305E+00 2.60229005E+O0-2.44063643E-05 9.17082578E-08 3
-1.42817771E-10 7.83762196E-14 2.27314919E+04 6.84009322E+00 2.34770299E+04 4


PbBP J12/73PB 1.BR 1. 0. 9.G 300.000 6000.000 287.10400 1 Chase (1985)

4.72687660E+OO-4.39183900E-04 3.32155820E-O7-6.53072400E-11 4.27261120E-15 2
7.09889590E+03 5.86735159E+00 4,19068400E+90 1.34111780E-e3-2.09789940E-06 3
1.55109080E-09-4.26179120E-13 7.23694690E+03 8.57477819E+00 8.$3033705E+03 4
PbBr2 J12/73PB 1.BR 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 367.00800 1 Chase (1985)
6.94729060E+00 6.01990010E-05-2.65566850E-08 5.15960120E-12-3.68370500E-16 2
-1.46454410E+04 1.18015799E+00 6.39020910E+00 2,52890500E-03-4.19037430E-06 3
3.13675230E-O9-8.79767450E-13-1.45417920E+04 3.81752929E+OO-1.25553875E+04 4
PbBv4 J12/73PB 1.BR 4. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 526.81600 1 Chase (1985)
1.28569730E+01 1.63239400E-O4-7.19703900E-08 1.39757490E-11-9.g7361870E-16 2
-5.87720950E+O4-2.21457500E+01 1.13793660E+01 6.66258720E-03-1.09406480E-05 3
8.10947390E-O9-2.24955750E-12-S.84954310E+04-1.51401680E+Ol-5.48882380E+04 4
PbCL J 6/73PB 1.CL 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 242.65270 1 Chase (1985)
4.70165350E+OO-4.22551710E-04 3.26847790E-07-6.51621470E-11 4.29786020E-15 2
3.77979910E+02 4.43744174E+00 3.89729120E+00 2.48674640E-03-3.91571440E-06 3
2.84942830E-09-7.72665800E-13 5.68625790E+02 8.42847364E+00 1.81180238E+03 4
PbCL+ J 6/73PB 1.CL 1.E -1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 242.65215 1 Chase (1985)
4.45916970E+00 9 .74073070E-O5-4.88211340E-09-2.54722460E-12 6.24708770E-16 2
8.83258470E+04 5 .21310064E+00 3.96048080E+00 2.2511384BE-O3-3.SSS9302BE-06 3
2.61309650E-09-7 .19012840E-13 8.84213700E+04 7.58774284E+00 8.96756515E+04 4
PbCL2 J 6/73PB 1.CL 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 278.10540 1 Chase (1985)
6.84016780E+00 2 .06013080E-04-1.00234340E-07 1.92627720E-11-8.79414190E-16 2
-2.30163620E+04-9 .63755109E-01 5.63994070E+00 5.46221340E-O3-8.80568720E-06 3
6.41972300E-09-1 .75185910E-12-2.27923360E+04 4.72790485E+00-2.09339476E+04 4
PbCL2+ J 6/73PB 1.CL 2.E -1. 0 G 300.000 5000.000 278.10485 1 Chase (1985)
6.84188370E+00 1 .97924730E-04-9.65628220E-08 2.01064400E-11-1.32465790E-15 2
9.60940180E+04-8 .16043488E-01 5.56538760E+00 5.74684170E-O3-9.24450410E-06 3
6.72568880E-09-1 .83138580E-12 9.63349850E+04 5.24905399E+00 9.81804864E+04 4
PbCL4 J12/73PB 1.CL 4. 0. 0 G 300.000 5000.000 349.01080 1 Chase (1985)
1.26696730E+01 3.75122560E-O4-1.64653700E-07 3.18488550E-11-2.26509470E-15 2
-7.03291510E+O4-2.66238322E+01 9.62829790E+00 1.34564380E-02-2.15717310E-05 3
1.56382150E-OS-4.24149220E-12-6.97464870E+04-1 .21348482E+O1-6.64393967E+04 4
PbF J12/73PB 1.F 1. 0. • G 300.000 5000.000 226.19840 1 Chase (1985)
4.60521960E+OO-3.26222170E-04 2.82982530E-07-5 .71205940E-11 3.73978130E-15 2
-1.10869170E+04 3.74059421E+00 3.24544820E+00 4 .69361660E-03-6.97800280E-06 3
4.74593040E-O9-1.19839280E-12-1.07770730E+04 1 .04437320E+01-9.65366318E+03 4
PbF2 J12/73PB 1.F 2. 0. • G 300.000 5000.000 245.19681 1 Chase (1985)
6.63545930E+00 4.11731090E-O4-1,80046090E-07 3 .47289840E-11-2.46452690E-15 2
-5.44250590E+O4-2.94686193E+00 4.12956940E+00 1 .05616260E-02-1.58081440E-05 3
1.07257480E-O8-2.70938900E-12-5.39161210E+04 9 .14042487E+OO-5.23352056E÷04 4
PbF4 J12/73PB 1.F 4. 0. • G 300 000 5000.000 283.19361 1 Chase (1985)
1.21277740E+01 9 .84210460E-O4-4.30061590E-07 8 .29024210E-11-5,88002020E-15 2
-1.40203450E+05-2 .97909440E+01 6.27453870E+00 2 .45762820E-O2-3.65675370E-05 3
2.46632660E-08-6 ,18760080E-12-1.39009170E+05-1 .52958550E+Oe-l.36323331E+05 4
Phi J12/73PB 1.1 1. 0. 0 G 300 000 5000.000 334.10447 1 Chase (1985)
4.71861120E+00-4 .18822360E-04 3.09708470E-07-5 .92033630E-11 3.87739700E-15 2
1.15341100E+04 6 .83919406E+00 4.30733950E+00 8 .56682320E-04-1.31645540E-06 3
9.71872390E-10-2 .65267440E-13 1.16457440E+04 8 .94132936E+00 1.29582187E+04 4
PbZ2 J12/73PB 1.I 2. 0. 0 G 300 000 5000.000 461.00894 1 Chase (1985)
6.97611080E+00 2 .74745710E-O5-1.22042160E-08 2 .38624890E-12-1.71337680E-16 2
-2.47078980E+03 3 .47173649E+00 6.71692250E+00 1 .18498790E-03-1.97915550E-06 3
1.49273780E-09-4 .21896460E-13-2.42296050E+03 4 .69675599E+00-3.82366018E+02 4
Phi4 J12/73PB 1.I 4. 0. • G 300 000 5000.000 714.81788 1 Chase (1985)
1.29276610E+01 8 .29982860E-05-3.67816670E-08 7 .17642940E-12-5.14309570E-16 2
-3.08776290E+04-1 .76557593E+01 1.21502660E+01 3 .53870810E-03-5.87824340E-06 3
4.40721590E-09-1 .23740500E-12-3.07335650E+04-1 .39781323E+01-2.69974873E+04 4
PbO J12/71PB 1.0 1. 0. 0 G 300 000 5000.000 223.19940 1 Chase (1985)
4.11362420E+00 5 .37788570E-04-2.37633940E-07 4.24256880E-11-1.22940440E-15 2
7.15192600E+03 5 .15041319E+00 2.65398670E+00 6.66441150E-03-1.03123630E-O5 3
7.66632590E-09-2 .2i738640E-12 7.44375130E+03 1.21567130E+01 8.45424386E+03 4
PbS J 6/73PB 1.S 1. 0. 0 G 300 000 5000.000 239.26600 1 Chase (1985)
4.09115220E+00 8.38853590E-04-5.71572070E-07 1.61604760E-10-1.25118970E-14 2
1.46016950E+04 6.70074801E+00 3.47745320E+00 3.97002950E-03-6.10966890E-06 3
4.30086820E-O9-1.13115490E-12 1.46847510E+04 9.47780941E+00 1.58519958E+04 4
Pb2 J 9/63PB 2. 0. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 414.40000 1 Chase (1985)
4.45983400E+00 2.40063810E-O4-1.92598630E-08 3.64569370E-12-2.53809340E-16 2
3.86540490E+04 8.32496049E+00 4.05012220E+00 2.02300010E-O3-2.97013460E-06 3
2.17859570E-O9-5.97553270E-13 3.87316400E+04 1.02719920E+01 4.00068822E+04 4
S J 9/82S 1. 0. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 32.06600 1 Chase (1985)
2.87936498E+OO-5.11050388E-04 2.53806719E-O7-4.45455458E-11 2.66717362E-15 2
3.25013791E+04 3.98140647E+00 2.31725616E+00 4.78018342E-03-1.42082674E-05 3
1.56569538E-O8-5.96588299E-12 3.25068976E+04 6.06242434E+00 3.33128471E+04 4


S+ J 9/825 1.E -1 0. O.G 298.160 6000,000 32.06545 1 Chase (1985)

2.46524359E+00 1.14257212E-04-1.19572699E-07 4.38771359E-11-3.80523639E-15 2
1.53485422E+05 5.60821364E+00 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.000000005+00 0.000000005+00 1.53478145E+05 5.43627012E+00 1.54223520E+05 4
S- J 9/825 1.E 1 0. O.G 298.150 6000,000 32.06665 1 Chase (1985)
2.72948060E+00-2.24894928E-04 8.586488545-08-1.44256169E-11 8.87491196E-16 2
7.65980069E+03 4.39902733E+00 2.51353070E+00 1.93516857E-03-5.38438357E-06 3
5.40313356E-09-1.890S3684E-12 7.64303006E+03 5.13282009E+00 8.44066578E+03 4
SCL J 6/785 1.CL 1 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 67.51870 1 Chase (1985)
4.59472600E+00-5.97717860E-08 4,52264950E-08-9.37184350E-12 8.07357270E-16 2
1.74524260E+04 2.37985153E+00 3.70558800E+00 5.27186230E-03-1.13718200E-05 3
1.04978270E-08-3.53184080E-12 1.75611590E+04 6.27945123E+00 1.88189067E+04 4
SCL2 J 6/785 1.CL 2 0. O.G 300.000 5000,000 102.97140 1 Chase (1985)
6.62714620E+00 4.27470190E-04-1.88168810E-07 3.57611580E-11-2.38494000E-15 2
-4.20002190E+03-4.23237025E+00 3.59663710E+00 1.43271930E-02-2.51991970E-05 3
2.05728820E-08-6.39769080E-12-3.63758370E+03 1.00605657E+01-2.11344531E+03 4
SCL2+ J 6/785 1.CL 2 E -1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 102.97085 1 Chase (1985)
6.58025700E+00 5.21764000E-04-2.50769790E-07 5.09881240E-11-3.27302920E-15 2
1.06354860E+05-3.29493834E+00 3.59687270E+00 1.42916650E-02-2.50849980E-0S 3
2.04468930E-08-6.35046690E-12 1.06902830E+05 1.07558337E+01 1.08425944E+05 4
SD J 6/775 1.D 1 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 34.08010 1 Chase (1985)
3.34719880E+00 1.21296460E-03-4.77301380E-07 8.83236690E-11-6.07405910E-15 2
1.56271470E+04 4.87764189E÷00 4.72855970E+00-5.09398810E-03 9.91346050E-06 3
-7.32908130E-09 1.946i6080E-12 1.53995790E+04-1.56847961E+00 1.66570071E+04 4
SF J 6/765 Z.F 1 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 51.06440 1 Chase (1985)
4.36908850E+00 1.92044240E-04-6.66303650E-08 1.24485900E-11-7.65374940E-16 2
2.20185260E+02 2.07596854E+00 3.42081750E+00 4.55111980E-03-7.93725640E-06 3
6.50047110E-09-2.02896650E-12 3.96095030E+02 6.54700574E+00 1.560087895+03 4
SF+ J 6/765 1.F 1.E -1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 51.06385 1 Chase (1985)
4.28072480E+00 1.03674330E-04 5.644166505-08-1.14332950E-11 5.58469060E-16 2
1.179219205+05 2.45939453E+00 2.666664805+00 5.69754910E-03-7.60574220E-06 3
4.91194550E-09-1.24145140E-12 1.18310330E+05 1.08150192E+01 1.19300689E+05 4
SF- J12/765 1.F 1.E 1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 51.06495 1 Chase (1985)
4.127067205+00 6.25693400E-04-3.12469860E-07 7.17224760E-11-4.70614040E-15 2
-2.37348810E+04 2.55369406E+00 2.76979360E+00 6.86582200E-03-1.13145190E-06 3
8.87463700E-09-2.67842700E-12-2.34863060E+04 8.99350676E+00-2.24419989E+04 4
SF2 J 6/765 1.F 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 70.06281 1 Chase (1985)
6.11941960E+00 1.00514240E-03-4.46533130E-07 8.76240100E-11-6.3236S120E-15 2
-3.77142410E+04-4.55717403E+00 2.41030560E+00 1.55901210E-02-2.31780180E-05 3
1.658349705-08-4.64657610E-12-3.69163730E+04 1.35066804E+01-3.56790061E+04 4
SF2+ J12/765 1.F 2.E -1. e.G 300.000 5000.000 70.06226 1 Chase (1986)
6.12090000E+00 9.99848170E-04-4.39929320E-07 8.43681370E-11-5.77953780E-15 2
8.24445850E+04-3.86307537E+00 2.42714900E+00 1.55175460E-02-2.30602590E-05 3
1.64996120E-08-4.62464180E-12 8.32395570E+04 1.41278866E+01 8.44796050E+04 4
Chase (1985)
SF2- J12/765 1.F 2.E 1. O,G 300.000 5000.000 70.06335 1
6.58471230E+00 4.78860900E-04-2.14054400E-07 4.21757030E-11-3.05239100E-15 2
-5.00057050E+04-5.73334798E+00 3.29005030E+00 1,55386120E-02-2,72366040E-05 3
2.218279905-08-6.88621560E-12-4.93919250E+04 9.81747752E+00-4.79204012E+04 4
Chase (1985)
SF3 J 6/775 1.F 3. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 89.06121 1
8.80768970E+00 1.36716760E-03-6,08083330E-07 1.18830220E-10-8.44709150E-15 2
-6.34404940E+04-1.67648869E+01 1.87777280E+00 3.12340350E-02-5.15713790E-0S 3
4.02473220E-08-1.21105940E-11-6.20679390E+04 1.636943615+01-6.08016370E+04 4
Chase (1985)
SF3+ J12/765 1.F 3.E -1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 89.06066 1
8.13850160E+00 2.12889140E-03-9.483682205-07 1.86074360E-10-1.32717290E-14 2
4.44867300E+04-1.54212422E+01 1.00185080E+00 2.97551550E-02-4.33567940E-05 3
3.05549640E-08-8.46334790E-12 4.60441840E+04 1.94445008E+01 4.73387417E+04 4
Chase (1985)
SF3- J12/765 1.F 3.E 1. O.O 300.000 5000.000 89.06176 1
8.80958260E+00 1.36436780E-03-6.07573210E-07 1.19405320E-10-8.62593320E-15 2
-9.63202650E+04-1.74943707E+01 1.87887610E+00 3.12261740E-02-6.155174905-05 3
4.02267880E-08-1.21029320E-11-9.49470550E+04 1.56459843E+01-9.33806370E+04 4
Chase (1985)
SF4 J 6/765 1.F 4. 0. O.O 300.000 5000.000 108.05961 1
1.112438305+01 2.14579940E-03-9.545244405-07 1.87461110E-10-1.35359530E-14 2
-9.55816690E+04-2.88756477E+01 1.28196450E+00 4.35698990E-02-7.01251680E-05 3
5.36772440E-08-1.591435605-11-9.35867010E+04 1.84198703E+01-9.17889260E+04 4
Chase (1985)
SF4+ J12/765 1.F 4.E -1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 108.05906 1
1.13519410E+01 1.88756620E-03-8.39040620E-07 1.641493805-10-1.17351950E-14 2
4.62247670E+04-2.85715083E+01 1.961581305+00 4.21320940E-02-6.91555650E-05 3
5.37206660E-08-1.61058950E-11 4.80947400E+04 1.63799007E+01 5.00397986E+04 4
Chase (1985)
SF4- J12/765 1.F 4.E 1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 108.06016 1
1.20033260E+01 1.20077130E-03-5.73982740E-07 1.22993850E-10-9.29527340E-15 2
-1.10603080E+05-3.16592651E+81 4.07937620E+00 3.78395030E-02-6.69046570E-05 3
5.48224340E-08-1.70928440E-11-1.09146420E+05 5.64178773E+00-1.06739135E+05 4


SF6 J12/776 1.F 6. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 127.06802 1 Chase (1935)

1.36106630E+01 2.66231300E-e3-1.16914630E-06 2.42451320E-10-1.83147180E-14 2
-1.14002930E+08-4.30161012E+O1-l.71476620E+00 6.87160080E-02-1.14079330E-04 3
8.93363790E-O8-2.69404290E-11-1.10961780E+05 3.02724678E+01-1.09262883E+05 4
SFS+ J12/776 1.F 6.E -1. O.G 300.000 6000.000 127.06747 1 Chase (1986)
1.36842160E+01 2.61770230E-O3-1.08643930E-06 2.25337460E-10-1.72239170E-14 2
1.60049080E+O4-4.41997237E+el-1.71648610E+00 6.89400460E-02-1.14710510E-04 3
8.99778680E-OS-2.71663260E-11 1_90611490E+04 2.94446133E+01 2.07660756E+04 4
SF6- J12/776 1.F 6.E 1. O.G 300.000 6000.000 127.06866 1 Chase (1935)
1.43219100E+01 1.93130330E-03-3.62199360E-07 1.69723950E-10-1.22748600E-14 2
-1.67343160E+OS-4.61692637E+01 1.84776490E+00 5.83763690E-O2-1.01313140E-04 3
8.19669770E-08-2 .53196060E-11-1.64993260E+06 1.38538843E+Ol-l.62592788E+05 4
SF6 J 6/766 1.F 6. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 145.05542 1 Chase (1985)
1.61629600E+01 4 .38423180E-03-1.94863370E-06 3.82471960E-10-2.76060500E-14 2
-1.62268010E+06-6 .44167194E+01-3.83880880E+00 8.32217210E-O2-1.31816890E-04 3
9.96361640E-08-2 .92487670E-11-1.48364770E+05 3.71611426E+O1-l.46791868E+05 4
SF6- J 6/776 1.F 6.E 1. O.G 300.000 6000.000 146.06697 1 Chase (1986)
1.64286460E+01 4 .08463170E-O3-1.31649030E-06 3.66673280E-10-2.67600000E-14 2
-1o66898840E+06-6 .43961218E+O1-3.26092720E+00 8.269B3690E-02-1.32998120E-04 3
1.01737680E-07-3 .01463830E-11-1.63108600E+05 3.54233442E+01-l.61393606E+05 4
SH J 6/776 1.H 1. 0. O.G 300.000 6000.000 33.07394 1 Chase (1935)
3.00146370E+00 1.33949670E-03-4.67896630E-07 7.88040160E-11-6.02804630E-16 2
1.69063200E+04 6.28462716E+00 4.44203220E+00-2.43591970E-03 1.90646760E-06 3
9.91666300E-10-9.6_407620E-13 1.66232680E+O4-1.14449036E+00 1.67877318E+04 4
SN J 6/616 1.N 1. 0. 0.0 300.000 6000.000 46.07274 1 Chase (1986)
3.84939760E+00 7.27567880E-O4-2.93702030E-07 5.60136280E-11-3.81235510E-15 2
3.04599620E+04 4.43127366E+00 3.94229710E+OO-2.00355160E-03 7.36346440E-06 3
-7.61685600E-09 2.66910980E-12 3.06639490E+04 4.58030806E+00 3.17016142E+04 4
SO J 6/776 1.0 1. 0. O.O 300.000 5000.000 48.06640 1 Chase (1985)
4.01428730E+00 2.70228170E-04 8.28966670E-08-3.43237410E-11 3.11214440E-16 2
-7.10619660E+02 3.49973506E+00 3.14902330E+00 1.18393470E-03 2.67406860E-06 3
-4.44434190E-09 1.87361590E-12-4.04075710E+02 8.31987916E+00 6.02271219E+02 4
SOF2 J 6/726 1.0 1.F 2. O.G 300.000 6000.000 86.06221 1 Chase (1985)
8o08742120E+00 2.10967160E-O3-9.08669120E-07 1.73448340E-10-1,22141580E-14 2
-6.82381590E+04-1.38655916E+01 2.47490660E+00 2,09624260E-02-2.41642770E-O6 3
1.21203770E-O8-1.93387310E-12-6.68976020E+04 1,41973406E+O1-6.64188894E+04 4
S02 J 6/616 1.0 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 54.06480 1 Chase (1985)
6.24613640E+00 1.97042040E-O3-8.03757690E-07 1.51499690E-10-1.06680040E-14 2
-3.75582270E+04-1.07404892E+00 3.26663380E+00 5.32379020E-03 6.84375520E-07 3
-6.28100470E-09 2.6B904540E-12-3.69081480E+04 9.66466108E+O0-3.57007867E+04 4
S02CLF J 6/716 1.0 2.CL 1.F 1.G 300.000 6000.000 118.61690 1 Chase (1936)
1,01152860E+01 3.14889940E-O3-1.34715140E-96 2.55803100E-10-1.79382560E-14 2
-7.06092910E+04-2.31278608E+01 2.98175280E+00 2.64491670E-O2-2.92001820E-06 3
1.39676110E-08-2.03044870E-12-6.87614970E+04 1.27316812E+O1-6.69282620E+04 4
S02CL2 J 6/716 1.0 2.CL 2. O.G 300.000 5000,000 134.97020 1 Chase (1985)
1.05609370E+01 2.67343010E-O3-1,14282300E-06 2.16862000E-10-1.51991610E-14 2
-4.62950560E+O4-2.43078570E+01 4.38516770E+00 2.32121570E-02-2.65321120E-06 3
1.34999230E-O8-2.28192810E-12-4.48029740E+04 6.67867880E+O0-4.26726368E+04 4
S02F2 J 6/716 1.0 2.F 2. O,G 300.000 6000.000 102.06161 1 Chase (1936)
9.60788860E+00 3.71110260E-O3-1.58991140E-06 3.02324640E-10-2.12285770E-14 2
-9.47547680E+O4-2.28489419E+01 1.73246800E+00 2.85017600E-O2-2.94537980E-05 3
1.24013000E-OS-1.17155330E-12-9.27813930E+04 1.69484101E+O1-9.12343116E+04 4
S03 J 9/656 1.0 3. 0. O.G 300.000 6000.000 80.06420 1 Chase (1985)
7.07673760E+00 3.17633870E-03-1.36367600E-06 2.56309120E-10-1.79360440E-14 2
-5.02113760E+O4-1.11876176E+01 2.57803860E+00 1.45663350E-O2-9.17641730E-06 3
-7.92030220E-10 1.97094730E-12-4.89317530E+04 1.22651384E+01-4.76978348E+04 4
$2 J 9/776 2. 0. 0. O.G 300.000 6000.000 64.13200 1 Chase (1985)
3.98860690E+00 5 .67750510E-04-5.01892780E-08-1.54703190E-11 2.66617710E-16 2
1.41980150E+04 4 .49119159E+00 2.85857540E+00 5.17683660E-O3-6.64934340E-06 3
3.39986430E-09-4 .01567660E-13 1.44124020E+04 9,89127849E+00 1.54434020E+04 4
S2CL J 6/786 2.CL 1. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 99.58470 1 Chase (1985)
6.62320418E+00 4 .18284634E-O4-1.75659120E-07 3.09718384E-11-1.75155922E-15 2
7.37495900E+03-2 .98511892E+00 2.97426932E+00 1.90782904E-O2-3.76265413E-05 3
3,40374979E-08-1 .16684664E-11 7.98922980E+03 1.38424354E+01 9.45335323E+03 4
$2CL2 L 4/936 2.CL 2. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 135.03740 1 Chase (1985)
9.46841020E+00 1.12186352E-03-6.92784280E-07 1,38654463E-10-9.29397839E-15 2
-5.06019524E+O3-1.B2950441E+01 3.47905708E+00 3.26370028E-O2-6.63904620E-05 3
6.21124845E-0B-2.17112325E-11-4.02226567E+03 1.22791824E+O1-2.01286666E+03 4
S2F2,thiothony J 6/766 2.F 2. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 102.12881 1 Chase (1985)
8.94018671E+00 1.10450187E-03-4.36227657E-07 7.46298478E-11-4.62043961E-16 2
-5.12674746E+04-1.66739136E+01 1.49372393E+00 3.42575635E-02-5.94656831E-05 3
4.87690344E-08-1.63761684E-11-4.98103490E+04 1.87376139E+O1-4.82786117E+04 4


$20 J 9/65S 2.0 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 80.13140 1 Chase (1985)

5.90375240E+00 1.23699750E-03-5.45707900E-07 1.06598420E-10-7.66882430E-15 2
-8.77520900E+O3-2.26999836E+00 2.84142570E+00 1.21884100E-O2-1.60002410E-05 3
1.03092890E-O8-2.64491200E-12-8.06030150E+03 1.29180736E+O1-6.79363039E+03 4
$8 J 9/775 8. 0. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 256.$2800 1 Chase (1985)
2.07249521E+01 1.34686111E-03-5.37225946E-07 9.28122853E-11-5.81951340E-15 2
5.53344324E+O3-6.74805287E+01 4.19700496E+00 9.15503597E-O2-1.91263611E-04 3
1.80177196E-07-6.30393695E-11 8.12071691E+03 7.58043917E+00 1.20776811E+04 4
S; J 3/835I 1. 0. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 28.08550 1 Chase (1985)
2.58061157E+OO-2.06044654E-04 1.93051677E-O7-4.B6485107E-11 3.36411716E-15 2
5.33829933E+04 5.60657423E+00 3.76476150E+00-7.12070985E-03 1.57318301E-05 3
-1.53824969E-08 5.53194933E-12 5.32050782E+04 3.02168772E-01 5.41222513E+04 4
Si+ J 3/835I 1.E -1. 0. O.G 298.150 6000.000 28.08495 1 Chase (1985)
2.64794579E+00-1.60109008E-04 6.54024155E-08-l.16224655E-11 7.55961272E-16 2
1.48703413E+05 4.73171848E+00 4.24419073E+OO-7.51160863E-03 1.33368333E-05 3
-1.09406149E-08 3.41357223E-12 1.48408792E+OS-2.78917334E+00 1.49438151E+05 4
SiBr J12/76SI 1.BR 1. 0. O.G 308.000 5000.000 107.98950 1 Chase (1985)
4.66816920E+OO-1.01694130E-04 7.08389920E-08-1.43348560E-11 1.40767390E-15 2
2.69334590E+04 3.22497259E+00 3.97197880E+00 4.77452790E-O3-1.11306840E-05 3
1.06812020E-OS-3.67263830E-12 2.69863040E+04 6.11195719E+00 2.83037975E+04 4
SIBr2 J12/77SI 1.BR 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 187.89350 1 Chase (1985)
6.72247700E+00 3.80579290E-04-2.01385890E-07 4.43511720E-11-2.92396510E-15 2
-8.35929800E+O3-1.8!955711E+00 4.67197290E+00 1.02928970E-02-1.87140190E-05 3
1.56379000E-O8-4.94565210E-12-8.00391630E+03 7.72665519E+OO-6.29024918E+03 4
SiBr3 J12/775I 1.BR 3. 0 O.G 390.000 5900.000 267.79750 1 Chase (1985)
9.58549680E+00 4.79238460E-O4-2.14605950E-07 4.23382690E-11-3.06707940E-15 2
-2.72445060E+O4-1.27013080E+01 5.77296020E+00 1.83717870E-O2-3.30193320E-05 3
2.73678640E-O8-8.60387870E-12-2.65545540E+04 5.18627029E+00-2.42584791E+04 4
SiBr4 J12/76SI 1.BR 4. 0 O.G 300.000 5000.000 347.70150 1 Chase (1985)
1.24560870E+01 6.28443840E-O4-2.81289510E-07 5.54744140E-11-4.01759590E-15 2
-5.38505210E+04-2.58609090E+01 7.61089370E+00 2.32393840E-O2-4.15457460E-05 3
3.43052410E-08-1.07550760E-11-5.29682090E+O4-3.09903931E+00-4.99704412E+04 4
SIC J 3/675I 1.C 1 0 O.G 300.000 5000.000 40.09650 1 Chase (1985)
5.57990330E+O0-1.34093440E-03 7.54830470E-O7-1.65437780E-10 1.26633450E-14 2
8.50461200E+O4-5.65019631E+OO-2.19246960E+00 4.13427000E-O2-7.82741130E-05 3
6.06941200E-08-1.67292070E-11 8.59531430E+04 2.87692430E+01 8.65676097E+04 4
SiC2 J 3/675I 1.C 2 • O.G 300.000 5000.000 52.10750 1 Chase (1985)
5.70115230E+00 2.12206900E-O3-1.14577690E-06 3.10387680E-10-2.77638970E-14 2
7.20233910E+04-4.97373211E+00 3.88063330E+00 6.79477670E-O3-B.02779620E-06 3
1.05732320E-09 2.55131420E-13 7.25582490E+04 4.55056719E+00 7.39750561E+04 4
SiC4H12 J12/605I 1.C 4 H 12 O.G 298.150 5000 000 88.22478 1 Chase (1985)
1.15637018E+01 3.28112064E-O2-1.26370891E-05 2.26868511E-O9-1,54269477E-13 2
-4.01381366E+O4-3.36341195E+01 4.94618626E+00 4.11429743E-02-2.93233742E-07 3
-2.29003694E-08 1.09566773E-11-3.77310492E+04 3.18631099E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
SiCL J12/765I 1.CL 1 0 O.G 300.000 5080 000 63.53820 1 Chase (1985)
4.39828940E+00 1.67407870E-04-5.36062470E-08 9.57315490E-12-4.45308920E-16 2
2.25131450E+04 3.44495821E+00 3.73965330E+00 3.11647160E-O3-5.24743830E-06 3
4.20125430E-O9-1.28872220E-12 2.26382610E+04 6.56734951E+00 2.38530893E+04 4
SiCL2 J12/775I 1.CL 2 0 O.G 300.000 5000 000 98.99090 1 Chase (1985)
6.63078890E+00 4.38532790E-O4-1.98113510E-07 3.70058730E-11-2.07143940E-15 2
-2.23607190E+O4-4.27487020E+00 3.71099610E+00 1.39663520E-O2-2.47110540E-05 3
2.02592190E-O8-6.31937030E-12-2.18259490E+04 9.46158180E+00-2.02800229E+04 4
SICL3 J12/775I 1.CL 3 0 O.G 300.000 5000 000 134.44360 1 Chase (1985)
9.35946310E+00 7.38348380E-04-3.29940490E-07 6.49899730E-11-4.70232410E-15 2
-4.99300680E+O4-1.56480110E+01 4.26270270E+00 2.40508690E-O2-4.21848820E-05 3
3,43739300E-08-1.06744620E-11-4.89812050E+04 8.40523855E+00-4.69511053E+04 4
SICL4 J12/705I 1.CL 4 0. O.Q 300.000 5000 000 169.89630 1 Chase (1985)
1.20896550E+01 1.01907350E-03-4.41678650E-07 8.44815730E-11-5.94915800E-15 2
-8.35902500E+O4-2.99269336E+01 6.10400100E+00 2.49331140E-02-3.67032630E-05 3
2.44487480E-O8-6.O3701550E-12-8.23592730E+O4-9.76400498E-O1-7.97099719E+04 4
SiF J12/76SI 1.F 1 0. O.G 300.000 5000 000 47.08390 1 Chase (1985)
4.12278350E+00 4.68048910E-O4-1.86776750E-07 3.52420930E-11-2.30150460E-15 2
-3.72586190E+03 3.38858659E+00 3.24535350E+00 2.97023310E-O3-2.48579900E-06 3
5.63048360E-10 1.44160340E-13-3.49442720E+03 7.88443459E+O0-2.41558858E+03 4
SIF2 J12/775I 1.F 2 0. 0.0 300.000 5000 000 66.08231 1 Chase (1985)
6.05621040E+00 1.07219520E-03-4.71297580E-07 9.01747640E-11-6.13709050E-15 2
-7.27270830E+O4-4.35994749E+00 2.51482400E+00 1.45041570E-O2-2.05947790E-05 3
1.41301760E-OS-3.81323260E-12-7.19424330E+04 1.30046349E+O1-7.07038037E+04 4
SIF3 J12/775I 1.F 3 0. O.G 300.000 5000 000 85.08071 1 Chase (1985)
8.34881910E+00 1.87723690E-O3-8.31771250E-07 1.62907180E-10-l.17385330E-14 2
-1.33399870E+OS-1.48343890E+01 2.34802200E+00 2.46650330E-O2-3.51093500E-05 3
2.42326900E-08-6.59094160E-12-1.32068720E+05 1.45901830E+01-1.30537786E+05 4


SiF4 J 6/76SI 1.F 4. 0. 0 G 300.000 5000.000 104.07911 1 Chase (1985)

1.04784730E+01 2 .85867560E-03-1.26463140E-06 2 .47468630E-10-1.78242960E-14 2
-1.97905500E+05-2 .75074780E+01 2.189306808+00 3 .37020070E-02-4.67231790E-05 3
3.18846380E-08-8 .48061140E-12-1.96032890E+05 1 .33004710E+01-1.94236568E+05 4
SiH J12/768I 1.H 1. 0. • G 300.000 5000.000 29.09344 1 Chase (1985)
3.04531940E+00 1 .55875260E-03-6.20726770E-07 1 .15182700E-10-7.62897730E-15 2
4.43311260E+04 6 .04465545E+00 4.33629540E+00-5 .05124220E-03 1.14230960E-05 3
-9.38906820E-09 2 .77181490E-12 4.41807149E+04 1 .88214679E-01 4.53027449E+04 4
SiH+ J12/718I 1.H 1.E -1. 0 G 300.000 5000.000 29.09289 1 Chase (1985)
2.982859508+00 1 .54552220E-03-5.90385550E-07 1 ,05174000E-10-6.82202340E-15 2
1.37079540E+08 5 .04038007E+00 3.72925880E+00-1 .78816110E-03 4.24692570E-06 3
-2.55801300E-09 4 .06337400E-13 1.36970710E+05 1 .58387307E+00 1.38035768E+05 4
SIHBr3 J12/768I 1.H 1.BR 3. 0 G 300.000 5000.000 268.80544 1 Chase (1985)
1.02748310E+01 2 .86661040E-03-1.21125810E-06 2 .30049160E-10-1.62335040E-14 2
-3.98465760E+04-1 .80340658E+01 4.33701100E+00 2 .88729900E-02-4.69541200E-05 3
3.752303808-08-1 .16349190E-11-3.86638340E+04 1 .03216712E+01-3.64336173E+04 4
SIHCL3 J12/768I 1.H 1.CL 3. • O 300.000 5000.000 135.45154 1 Chase (1985)
9.93356380E+00 3 .24812200E-03-1.37871710E-06 2 .62660730E-10-1.85748860E-14 2
-6.30708490E+04-2 .04720585E+01 2.67420420E+00 3 .43803850E-02-5.49538560E-05 3
4.31033320E-08-1 .31570120E-11-6.16017230E+04 1 .43335095E+01-5.96828537E+04 4
SiHF3 J 6/768I 1.H 1.F 3. • G 300.000 5000.000 86.08865 1 Chase (1985)
8.78488280E+00 4 .55277560E-03-1.94775310E-06 3 ,73007940E-10-2.64739730E-14 2
-1.47656880E+08-1 .88269773E+01 9.06548160E-01 3 .32652670E-02-4.39288250E-05 3
2.93283670E-08-7 .86491880E-12-1.45841960E+05 1 .99732657E+01-1.44426999E+05 4
SiHI3 J12/7681 1.H 1.I 3. • G 300.000 5000.000 409.80685 1 Chase (1985)
1.05336040E+01 2 .58880000E-03-1.09219030E-e6 2 .07206870E-10-1.46098540E-14 2
-1.23978450E+04-1 .60950342E+01 5.52112250E+00 2 .48410540E-02-4.08339840E-05 3
3.30683930E-08-1 .03737740E-11-1.14071890E+04 7 .78466951E+00-8.95727317E+03 4
SiH2 TPIS79SI 1.H 2. 0. 0 G 298.150 5000.000 30.10138 1 Gurvich (1979)
5.85938550E+00 1 .63825650E-03-8.43962520E-07 1 .83233300E-10-1.41143650E-14 2
2.71656990E+04-1 .00646350E+01 5.31078530E+00-1 .44699450E-02 5.14271460E-05 3
-5.47334740E-08 1 .92882860E-11 2.82133940E+04-2 .82242261E+00 2.95089590E+04 4
SiH2Br2 J12/768I 1.H 2.BR 2 0 G 300.000 5000.000 189.90938 1 Chase (1985)
8,16926010E+00 5 .02856010E-03-2.10975640E-06 3.98721550E-10-2.80358380E-14 2
-2.68424750E+04-1 .13711914E+01 2.00074270E+00 3.02826310E-02-4.46873360E-05 3
3.44114310E-08-1 .05487200E-11-2.45075070E+04 1.85667366E+01-2.28968040E+04 4
SiH2CL2 J12/768I 1.H 2.CL 2 O.G 300.000 5000.000 101.00678 1 Chase (1985)
7.91214040E+00 5 .31278910E-03-2.233672908-06 4.22748120E-10-2.97556840E-14 2
-4.14685030E+04-1.28867627E+01 1.02649380E+00 3.30135890E-02-4.79610620E-05 3
3.62256760E-08-1.09204470E-11-3.99633870E+04 2.06288573E+01-3.85472871E+04 4
SiH2F2 J 6/768I 1.H 2.F 2 O.G 300.000 5000.000 68.09819 1 Chase (1985)
7.09818570E+00 6 .21464900E-03-2.62723520E-06 4.99090850E-10-3.52216410E-14 2
-9.79187450E+04-1 .16725693E+01 1.93759980E-01 3.00798800E-02-3.58741360E-05 3
2.26685580E-08-6 .918592608-12-9.62303270E+e4 2.28607537E+01-9.51105435E+04 4
SiH212 JI2/768I 1.H 2.I 2 O.G 300.000 5000.000 283.91032 1 Chase (1955)
8.35730990E+00 4 .81636860E-03-2.016144508-06 3.80436990E-10-2.67205840E-14 2
-7.54176670E+03-1 .92973549E+01 2.65628130E+00 2.86261760E-02-4.30037000E-05 3
3.37080310E-08-1 .04755470E-11-6.32526120E+03 1.72709251E+01-4.57921431E+03 4
SiH3 TPIS79SI 1.H 3. 0 e.G 298.150 5000.000 31.10932 1 Gurvich (1979)
4.12703760E+00 6 .18388660E-03-2.61220960E-06 4.95796950E-10-3.49605200E-14 2
2.34068010E+04 1 .51802637E-01 3.05068070E+00 3.31032830E-03 1.10939970E-05 3
-1.44834900E-08 8 .188035408-12 2.40514240E+04 7.29481489E+00 2.51799610E+04 4
SiH3Br J12/768I 1.H 3.BR 1 O.G 300.000 5000.000 111.01332 1 Chase (1985)
6.13503630E+00 7 .11129140E-03-2.97350750E-06 5.60618570E-10-3.93508470E-14 2
-1.18799000E+04-6 .17826569E+00 1.00603350E+00 2.53078760E-02-3.03964330E-05 3
2.10821500E-08-6 .20553980E-12-1.06053600E+04 1.94675446E+01-9.41037333E+03 4
SiHSCL J12/768I 1.H 3.CL 1 O.G 300.000 5000.000 66.66202 1 Chase (1985)
5.99197180E+00 7 .27189380E-03-3.04415900E-06 5.74396200E-10-4.03409290E-14 2
-1.95149300E+04-6 .86764367E+00 5.83079850E-01 2.61617280E-02-3.08540730E-05 3
2.08783950E-08-6 .01536780E-12-1.81619790E+04 2.02365379E+01-1.70595010E+04 4
SiH3F J 6/768I 1.H 3.F 1 O.G 300.000 5000.000 50.10772 1 Chase (1985)
5.57361190E+00 7.74100750E-03-3.25027580E-06 6.14547920E-10-4.322377408-14 2
-4.76884860E+04-6.21002302E+00 3.73697260E-01 2.33710360E-02-2.19259730E-05 3
1.14386680E-08-2.62175980E-12-4.62686760E+04 2.04541297E+01-4.52908362E+04 4
SiH31 J12/7681 1.H 3.I 1 O.G 300.000 5000.000 158.01379 1 Chase (1985)
6.26866630E+00 6.96523050E-03-2.91027400E-06 5.48414670E-10-3.84800880E-14 2
-2.73735270E+03-5.82845156E+00 1.36593200E+00 2,45925750E-02-2,99917950E-05 3
2.12151430E-08-6.34829710E-12-1.52583550E+03 1.86403979E+01-2.51567625E+02 4
SiH4 J 6/768I 1.H 4. • O,G 300.000 5000.000 32.11726 1 Chase (1985)
4.20920380E+00 9.08226280E-e3-3.79053960E-06 7.13698880E-10-5.00462860E-14 2
2.13446270E+03-2.72768704E+00 1.59226390E+00 1.28410930E-02-1.94562780E-06 3
-4.31063720E-09 1.98748800E-12 3.10559420E+03 1.18336025E+01 4,12630413E+03 4


SiI J12/765I 1.I 1 0 O.G 300.000 5000.000 164.98997 1 Chase (1985)

4.97495320E+00-4 .08019210E-04 1.91996740E-07-3.888655306-11 3.855242206-15 2
3.62617270E+04 2 .30166920E+00 2.80447120E+00 1.220530606-02-2.88769970E-06 3
2.31709660E-08-7 .57984720E-12 3.65294880E+04 1.18763077E+01 3.77217187E+04 4
SiI2 J12/775I 1.I 2 0 O.G 200.000 6000.000 281.89444 1 Chase (1985)
6.74311856E+00 3 .619831566-04-1.952786446-07 4.35823201E-11-2.89986792E-15 2
9.069753646+03 1 .29097213E-02 4.32155105E+00 1.44273380E-02-3.10517647E-05 3
2.98319286E-08-1 .05785473E-11 9.41218202E+03 1.08178567E+01 1.11215213E+04 4
SiN 1 Chase (1985)
J 3/675I 1.N 1 0 O.G 300.000 5000.000 42.09224
3.98586210E+00-8 .79270560E-06 6.42695390E-07-1.79510170E-10 1.63370690E-14 2
4.35248090E+04 3 .17468002E+00 3.10519550E+00 1.48524490E-03 1.85610600E-06 3
-3.77348830E-09 1 .683533106-12 4.37857090E+04 7.88866052E+00 4.47872738E+04 4
SiO J 9/675I 1.0 1 • O.G 300.000 S000.000 44.08490 1 Chase (1985)
3.747883506+00 8 .19919430E-04-3.252539606-07 5.73249620E-11-3.51089440E-15 2
-1.33174300E+04 3 .66100339E+00 3.25282760E+00 4.18231260E-04 3.78062020E-06 3
-6.10244830E-09 1 .94713170E-12-1.30903400E+04 6.66174329E+00-1.20776829E+04 4
Si02 J 9/675I 1.0 2 0 O.G 300.000 5000.000 60.08430 1 Chase (1985)
5.86203950E+00 1.77197840E-03-7.51941940E-07 1.41805840E-10-9.88664170E-15 2
-3.87678160E+04-6.84718711E+00 3.26280580E+00 8.50165840E-03-5.73881440E-06 3
1.28966730E-11 9.75449760E-13-3.803597106+04 6.66807529E+00-3.67365093E+04 4
SIS J12/715I 1.S 1 0 O.G 300.000 5000.000 60 15150 1 Chase (1985)
4.17357720E+00 3.92825950E-04-1.50051720E-07 2.32425570E-11-6.05688670E-16 2
1.14177530E+04 2.86888232E+00 2.84306930E+00 5.11602810E-03-6.33160730E-06 3
3.43873260E-09-6.26233850E-13 1.17189310E+04 9.44619192E+00 1.27444997E+04 4
SI2 J 3/675I 2. 0. 0 O.G 300.000 5000.000 56 17100 1 Chase (1985)
5.04741390E+00 5 .39900340E-04-4.30783760E-07 1. 13552060E-10-9.62628710E-16 2
6.91331850E+04-1 .91029481E+00 3.81553930E+00-1. 90965420E-04 5.92334160E-06 3
-5.76496030E-09 1 .47750040E-12 6.97846550E+04 5. 74071859E+00 7.09664076E+04 4
Si2C J 3/675I 2.C 1. 0 O.O 300.000 5000.000 68 18200 1 Chase (1986)
6.26109880E+00 1 .32241760E-03-7.28052140E-07 2.32694240E-10-2.32851480E-14 2
6.23009990E+04-7 .28347851E+00 4.04389380E+00 7.34569570E-03-6.64125490E-06 3
2.48850470E-09-1 .81965550E-13 6.29354170E+04 4 .18441209E+00 6.44137539E+04 4
SI2N 300.000 5000.000 70 17774 1 Chase (1985)
J 3/675I 2.N 1. 0 O.G
6.67099120E+00 9 .19178820E-04-3.95171300E-07 7 .43971460E-11-5.02846910E-15 2
4.56201540E+04-7 .79827766E+00 3.66867350E+00 1 .13018400E-02-1.36371190E-06 3
7.16880500E-09-1 .23783100E-12 4.63180830E+04 7 .12270964E+00 4.78073289E+04 4
Si3 J 3/675I 3. 0. 0 • O 300.000 5000.000 84 25650 1 Chase (1985)
7.42133600E+00-1 .17099480E-04 8.98207750E-08 7 .19359640E-12-2.56708370E-15 2
7.41466990E+04-1 .03521110E+01 4.59791290E+00 1 .07152740E-02-1.61004220E-05 3
1.096920706-08-2 .78328750E-12 7.47663240E+04 3 .45533009E+00 7.64915691E+04 4
Sr 200.000 6000.000 87 62000 1 Chase (1985)
L 4/935R 1. 0. 0 0 G
2.05239982E+00 i .19516449E-03-1.07453395E-06 3 .57630976E-10-3.05613280E-14 2 Moore, C.E. (1971)
1.91041043E+04 7.88029928E+00 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 1.89791788E+04 5.55782092E+00 1.97245538E+04 4
SrBr J12/745R 1.BR 1. 0 0 G 300.000 5000.000 167.52400 1 Chase (1988)
4.343615806+00 3.98959430E-04-2.597612606-07 7.93207470E-11-6.60838300E-15 2
-1.20250730E+04 6.87371079E+00 4.09700710E+00 1.93210600E-O3-3.50688920E-06 3
2.99661940E-09-9.63316960E-13-1.200064406+04 7.93438499E+O0-1.07187613E+04 4
SrCL J12/72SR 1.CL 1. 0. 0 O 300.000 5000.000 123.07270 1 Chase (1986)
4.334441806+00 3.895211206-04-2.44613120E-07 7.32843650E-11-5.97333250E-15 2
-1.62087810E+04 5.52525593E+00 3.90361850E+00 2.46344280E-O3-3.B7769650E-06 3
2.830337506-09-7.73041200E-13-1.61397400E+04 7.51664683E+O0-1.48954147E+04 4
SrCL2 J12/72SR 1.CL 2. 0. • G 300.000 5000.000 158.52540 1 Chase (1985)
6.89643620E+00 1.17887180E-04-5.18540800E-08 1.00488310E-11-7.15843480E-16 2
-5.90069040E+04-1.35434839E+00 5.89071410E+00 4.49427890E-O3-7.29894040E-06 3
5.36881350E-09-1.47306310E-12-5.88164040E+04 3.42525071E+00-5.69149221E+04 4
SrF J12/72SR 1.F 1. 0. 0 O 300.000 5000.000 106.61840 1 Chase (1985)
4.24571640E+00 4.663358706-04-2.69258960E-07 7.35600800E-11-5.72137600E-15 2
-3.67402990E+04 4.46607864E+00 3.27139470E+00 4.62133540E-03-6.90077500E-06 3
4.72335820E-09-1.20468070E-12-3.65556300E+04 9.10702064E+00-3.54270622E+04 4
SrF+ J12/72SR 1.F 1.E -1. O.G 300.000 5000.000 106.61785 1 Chase (1985)
5.61355180E+00-2.18109170E-03 1.22152480E-06-1.63329710E-10 3.25845090E-15 2
2.188214006+04-3.90142038E+00 3.10937910E+00 5.02700350E-03-7.26893380E-06 3
4.794850106-09-1.16838470E-12 2.26072020E+04 9.07411032E+00 2.37024013E+04 4
1 Chase (1985)
SrF2 J12/72SR 1.F 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 125.61681
6.75478910E+00 2.77619640E-04-1.21588780E-07 2.34787800E-11-1.667519206-15 2
-9.42336320E+04-3.64195385E+00 4.813551606+00 8.38216020E-03-1.29995310E-05 3
9.13543920E-09-2.39898770E-12-9.38505430E+04 5.664080256+00-9.214075ilE+04 4
SrI2 J 6/745R 1.I 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 341.42894 1 Chase (1985)
7.46036780E+00 4.540347506-05-2.00932740E-08 3.91555060E-12-2.80309800E-16 2
-3.53003330E+04-1.70876927E+00 7.04504070E+00 1.884169906-03-3.11751490E-06 3
2.329939106-09-6.523213306-13-3.52230130E+04 2.578217836-01-3.306203536+04 4


SrO J 6/748R 1.0 1. 0. O.G 300.000 8000.000 103.61940 1 Chase (1985)

9.64030240E+00-1.12851500E-02 7.88423220E-06-1.90358770E-09 1.51465470E-13 2
-4.74994870E+03-2.67981700E+01 2.73299970E+00 6.73994180E-03-1.08004850E-05 3
8.17679370E-09-2.36198710E-12-2.64435740E+03 1.05012900E+01-1.61032207E+03 4
SrOH J12/768R 1.0 1.H 1, O.G 300.000 5000.000 104.62734 1 Chase (1985)
5.35708400E+00 1.73507360E-03-6.83396470E-07 1.41070680E-10-1.04150390E-14 2
-2.63891730E+04-1.38738754E+00 2.52764940E+00 1.73648540E-02-3.17357230E-05 3
2.69096460E-08-8.52700990E-12-2.60126780E+04 1.12603266E+01-2.47184763E+04 4
SrOH+ J 6/768R 1.0 1.H 1.E -1.G 300.000 5000.000 104.62679 1 Chase (1985)
5.49519810E+00 1.42140660E-03-4.32450190E-07 6.23424290E-11-3.47974840E-15 2
3.68741070E+04-2.770683606+00 2.61018070E+00 1.70676770E-02-3.12755560E-B5 3
2.65708540E-08-8.43013950E-12 3.72752290E+04 1.02049867E+01 3.85842795E+04 4
SrO2H2 J12/758R 1.0 2.H 2. O.O 300.000 5000.000 121.63468 1 Chase (1985)
9.02326740E+00 2.80491020E-03-8.47910070E-g7 1.2132493eE-10-6.715418306-15 2
-7.4485035gE+04-1.56026680E+01 3.36588500E+00 3.37099400E-02-6.20281710E-05 3
5.28432690E-08-1.67960460E-11-7.37093680E+04 9.78559688E+00-7.16590447E+04 4
SrS J 9/778R 1.S 1. 0. O.Q 308.000 5000.000 119.68600 1 Chase (1985)
8.983470006+00-1.09956910E-02 8.65884170E-06-2.29554820E-09 1.96596830E-13 2
1.03014190E+04-2.00762668E+01 3.48633180E+00 4.38413110E-03-7.50675530E-06 3
5.81928180E-99-1.63532040E-12 1.18348540E+04 8.35263069E+00 1.30135709E+04 4
Ta J12/72TA 1. 0. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 180.94790 1 Chase (1985)
1.51090940E+00 2.70295010E-03-1.07055940E-06 2.02388530E-10-1.39701730E-14 2
9.35177628E+84 1.29827060E+01 2.83816310E+00-2.78785638E-03 6.99733340E-06 3
-4.55717510E-09 9.41252680E-13 9.32787930E+04 6.66893679E+00 9.40534557E+04 4
TaO J12/73TA 1.0 1. 0. O.G 300.088 5000.080 196.94730 1 Chase (1985)
3.49966030E+09 1 .51125358E-03-6.53845780E-07 1.77843148E-18-1.69194050E-14 2
2.19941510E+04 8 .52695899E+00 2.93401080E+00 3.05920380E-03-1.93963640E-06 3
1.62888300E-10 3 .01525350E-13 2.21544720E+04 1.14546460E+01 2.31485470E+04 4
Ta02 J12/73TA 1.0 2. 0. O.G 300.880 5000.000 212.94670 1 Chase (1985)
5.97016690E+00 1 • 17921280E-03-5.65174130E-07 1.31137870E-10-1.05644370E-14 2
-2.61694810E+04-1 .07399801E+00 3.18038268E+80 9.470280506-03-8.73468688E-06 3
2.45226890E-09 3 • 36534210E-13-2.54517628E+04 1.31303530E+81-2.41547719E+04 4
Ti J 6/79TI 1. 0. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 47.88000 1 Chase (1985)
3.03774314E+00-1 .11117144E-03 7.58571090E-97-1.27073773E-10 6.90819279E-15 2
5.61236728E+04 4 .73001888E+00 4,14448119E+00-6.80469009E-03 1.18867765E-05 3
-9.75223462E-09 3 .09064423E-12 5.59438352E+04-3.48187822E-01 5.69642799E+B4 4
Ti+ J 3/84TZ 1.E -1. 0. O.G 298.150 6000.000 47.87945 1 Chase (1985)
3.673716396+00-1 .48559525E-03 7.82266735E-07-1.43853227E-10 8.95284394E-15 2
1.35855735E+05 1.53150176E+00 2.79511128E+0B 2.52231176E-03-5.63121401E-06 3
4.16371169E-09-1.01443322E-12 1.359959996+05 5.61961576E+00 1.36899469E+05 4
Ti- J 3/84TZ 1.E 1. 0. O.G 298.150 6000.000 47,88056 1 Chase (1985)
2.58526086E+00-9.08419479E-05 3.64323275E-08-6.31640098E-12 3.97035041E-16 2
5.45643467E+04 7.45711070E+00 3.68958633E+00-4.91444420E-03 9.06483220E-06 3
-7.66228403E-09 2.44724157E-12 5.43869787E+04 2.76915652E+00 5.53048827E+04 4
TiCL J12/68TI 1.CL 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 83.33270 1 Chase (1985)
5.29697600E+00-1.64016920E-04 1.57197610E-07-3.85670890E-11 3.07396630E-15 2
1.68576740E+04-4.94472671E-01 2.85430890E+00 7.95933450E-03-9.821116206-06 3
5.24199810E-09-9.79861770E-13 1.74412160E+04 1.17302246E+01 1.85691235E+04 4
TiCL2 J12/68TZ 1.CL 2. 0. O.O 300.008 5090.090 118.78540 1 Chase (1985)
7.76248520E+00-9.38724250E-04 8.01215180E-07-1.90480300E-10 1.49615450E-14 2
-3.09158050E+04-1.07526011E+01 4.97234750E+00 1.12773350E-92-2.05819160E-05 3
1.71866500E-08-5.40495909E-12-3.03662850E+04 2.55909638E+90-2.85329650E+04 4
TiCL3 J12/68TI Z.CL 3. 0. O.G 308.880 5080.008 154.23810 1 Chase (1985)
1.000810306+01 4.19363740E-04-2.15048730E-07 4.53370180E-11-3.45468380E-15 2
-6.80612500E+04-1.95106532E+01 2.88015570E+00 3.35589330E-82-5.99574600E-85 3
4.88636640E-88-1.50909920E-11-6.67760230E+04 1.39582088E+81-6.48659962E+04 4
TICL4 J12/67TI 1.CL 4. 0. O.G 300.000 5080,000 189.69080 1 Chase (1985)
1.238603006+01 7.09313160E-04-3.17460780E-07 6.26039580E-11-4.53370380E-15 2
-9.56690780E+04-2.84715956E+01 6.94967570E+00 2.60496590E-02-4.65203020E-05 3
3.83848340E-08-1.20279158E-11-9.467783106+04-2.92575094E+08_9.17887862E+04 4
TiO J12/73TI 1.0 1. 0. 0,0 300.000 5000.000 63.87940 1 Chase (1985)
4.13601760E+00 7.39264580E-04-4.5444464BE-07 1.30436580E-10-1.15225570E-14 2
5.19834830E+03 4.12237043E+00 3.11988810E+00 3.12024870E-03-1.329707306-06 3
-1.33383620E-09 9.63158280E-13 5.48687190E+03 9.44261203E+00 6.54182283E+03 4
TiOCL J 9/63TI 1.0 1.CL 1. O.G 300.080 5000.000 99.33210 1 Chase (1985)
6.83199240E+00 7.63593870E-04-3.39530890E-07 6.66670690E-11-4.81329460E-15 2
-3.15823110E+04-7.75381613E+00 3.40938560E+00 1.51705648E-82-2.44284830E-06 3
1.8734521BE-08-5.56806840E-12-3.08878460E+04 8.69442617E+00-2.93784839E+04 4
TiOCL2 J 9/63TZ 1.0 1.CL 2. O.G 300.000 6000.000 134.78480 1 Chase (1985)
9.33686550E+00 7.59699870E-04-3.38273780E-07 6.648386306-11-4.80337930E-15 2
-6.85726450E+04-1.51441772E+01 5.44081400E+00 1.77050490E-02-2.95252410E-05 3
2.32473280E-08-7.04797770E-12-6.78068540E+04 3.45077325E+0B-6.56159812E+04 4


Ti02 J12/73TI 1.0 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 79.87880 1 Chase (1985)

5.84550610E+00 1.39382130E-03-6.64030620E-07 1.38873800E-10-9.88421840E-15 2
-3.87005930E+O4-2.79599903E+00 3.01427170E+00 1.09421010E-O2-1.28786880E-05 3
7.11895290E-O9-1.49275100E-12-3.80205010E+04 1.13643975E+O1-3.67358715E+04 4
V J 6/73V 1. 0. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 50.94150 1 Chase (1985)
2.91778520E+00 4.62368900E-04-4.97320300E-07 1.67752330E-10-1.52025520E-14 2
6.10642730E+04 5.10621469E+00 4.51736930E+OO-7.92906600E-03 1.33808390E-05 3
-8.82829010E-09 1.89453070E-12 6.09014170E+04-1.96971791E+00 6.19975154E+04 4
VCL4 L 2/76V 1.CL 4. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 192.75230 1 Nagarajan (1963)
1.27186470E+01 1.66001760E-05 Z.41614980E-O7-3.47618330E-11 2.28897630E-15 2 Blankenship (1962)
-6.71879920E+O4-2.B8480103E+01 7.11664620E+00 2.54232170E-O2-4.54990170E-05 3 Creighton (1966)
3.75838860E-OB-1.17803440E-11-6.61238930E+O4-2.33095475E+OO-6.32053523E+04 4
VN J12/73V 1.N 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 64.94824 1 Chase (1985)
4.18522800E+00 6.15147200E-O4-3.57763350E-07 1.07488620E-10-9.72755050E-15 2
6.15115400E+04 3.77618661E+00 2.72335900E+00 4.16429890E-03-2.19128120E-06 3
-1.23518720E-09 1.07918330E-12 6.19278930E+04 1.14173579E+01 6.29036613E+04 4
VO J12/73V 1.0 1. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 66.94090 1 Chase (1985)
3.91147020E+00 7.75477920E-O4-4.22637860E-07 1.16088380E-10-1.00707240E-14 2
1.40652040E+04 5.07185409E+00 2.94384410E+00 2.90692340E-O3-9.95165750E-07 3
-1.40865920E-09 9.24385080E-13 1.43527460E+04 1.01864310E+01 1.53484728E+04 4
V02 J12/73V 1.0 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 82.94030 1 Chase (1985)
5.94701470E+00 1.16867790E-03-S.OS363790E-07 9.67236110E-11-6.B2458830E-15 2
-2.99838020E+O4-2.73802511E+00 3.19378590E+00 9.29794570E-O3-8.34224690E-06 3
2.10491700E-09 4.45826450E-13-2.92754910E+04 1.12872190E+O1-2.79793321E+04 4
Xe L12/91XE 1. 0. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 131.29000 1 McBride (1993)
2.50005322E+OO-1.05136544E-07 6.75326897E-11-1.70944909E-14 1.47681049E-18 2
-7.45394186E+02 6.16412898E+00 2.50000000E+OO-B.99141330E-14 2.52196860E-16 3
-2.92186662E-19 1.18949218E-22-7.45375000E+02 6.16441993E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
Xe+ L10/92XE 1.E -1. 0. O.G 298.150 6000.000 131.28945 1 Moore, C.E. (1971)
2.58350579E+00-1.53488750E-04 8.09594639E-08-1.14289234E-11 4.82081406E-16 2
1.40730117E+05 7.09057067E+00 2.50007477E+OO-6.25614186E-07 1.86430963E-09 3
-2.35599457E-12 1.07219368E-15 1.40761095E+05 7.55040436E+00 1.41506477E+05 4
Zn L 7/93ZN 1. 0. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 65.39000 1 Moore (1971)
2.51233674E+O0-2.92859430E-05 2.43130241E-08-8.39058754E-12 1.02676892E-15 2 Cox (1989)
1.49341449E+04 5.05331145E+00 2.50000000E+O0-4.89383187E-12 1.38012101E-14 3
-1.58679678E-17 6.38498776E-21 1.49380507E+04 5.11886101E+00 6.19742800E+03 4
Zn+ L 7/93ZN 1. 0. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 65.39000 1 Moore (1971)
2.48069577E+00 3.36021020E-05-1.60287169E-08 1.43795031E-12 2.92898690E-16 2
1.23956404E+05 5.91921683E+00 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 1.23948976E+05 5.81200819E+00 6.19742800E+03 4
Zn- J12/78ZN 1.E 1. 0. O.G 298.150 6000.000 65.39055 1 Chase (1985)
2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
1.24688733E+04 5.81202078E+00 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 1.24688733E+04 5.81202078E+00 6.19742800E+03 4
Zr L 7/93ZR 1. 0. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 91.22400 1 Chase (1985)
2.54294206E+00 6.22889707E-O4-1.07432636E-07 2.38744516E-11-2.17632296E-15 2 Moore (1971)
7.27918166E+04 7.57951451E+00 1.23655929E+00 1.28280820E-O2-2.72138432E-05 3
2.33237341E-08-7.09443491E-12 7.26245603E+04 1.19581447E+01 6.81561100E+03 4
ZrN J 6/63ZR 1.N 1. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 105.23074 1 Chase (1985)
4.14378922E+00 4.04307213E-04-1.44633107E-07 2.47606374E-11-1.54280202E-15 2
8.44614200E+04 4.15937906E+00 3.07188717E+00 2.64300474E-03 3.18499428E-07 3
-3.63350581E-09 2.02679564E-12 8.47684947E+04 9.80588987E+00 8.86287000E+03 4
ZrO L 7/93ZR 1.0 1. 0. O.G 200.000 6000.000 107.22340 1 Gurvich (1982)
7.30529618E+O0-2.91043337E-03 1.15742561E-O6-1.76849844E-10 9.78260272E-15 2
7.67802110E+03-1.42675735E+01 4.12291715E+OO-1.31886296E-02 6.92922931E-05 3
-9.58720065E-08 4.10306470E-11 9.00749202E+03 5.56945394E+00 8.96949600E+03 4
Zr02 J12/65ZR 1.0 2. 0. O.G 300.000 5000.000 123.22280 1 Chase (1985)
6.14185450E+00 9.77036950E-O4-4.33371820E-07 8.49545890E-11-6.12666480E-15 2
-3.64461780E+O4-2.70978912E+00 3.21037790E+00 1.16289760E-O2-1.55753600E-05 3
1.00442430E-OB-2.54388900E-12-3.57756120E+04 1.17738677E+01-3.44205252E+04 4
AL(cr) CODAB9AL 1. 0. 0. 0.C 200.000 933.610 26.98154 1 McBride (1993)
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 1.01040191E+00 1.20769743E-02-2.62083556E-05 3
2.64282413E-O8-9.01916513E-12-6.54454196E+O2-5.00471254E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
AL(L) CODA89AL 1. 0. 0. 0.C 933.610 6000.000 26.98154 1 McBride (1993)
3.81862551E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-9.49651808E+01-1.75229704E+01 3.81862551E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-9.49651808E+Ol-l.75229704E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
ALBr3(s) J 9/79AL 1.BR 3. 0. 0.C 300.000 370.600 266.69354 1 Chase (1985)
5.84479560E+00 2.09263340E-02 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-6.41705100E+O4-1.78769010E+01 5.84479560E+00 2.09263340E-02 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E÷00 0.00000000E+O0-6.41705100E+04-1.78769010E+O1-6.14977775E+04 4


ALBr3(L) J 9/79AL 1.BR 3. _. e.C 37_.6_ 5_._ 266.69354 1 Chase (1956)

1.6_2975_E+_1 e.__E+_ _._e_OE+_e e._e_ee_OE+e_ _.__E+_e 2
-6.4783729_E+_4-6._7991_19E+91 1.592975_E+_1 9._9_eE+9_ 9._9_E+9_ 3
ALCL3(s) J 9/79AL 1.CL 3. _. _.C 3_.9_ 466.7_ 133.33964 1 Chase (1956)
7.5893375_E+_ 1.55799859E-_2-3.28592489E-_9 8.58_599_9E+_g B.gBgSB8gBE+gg 2
-8.7666783_E+_4-3.45_1722_E+91 7.8593375_E+99 1.5578985_E-52-3.2559248_E-59 3
• .B_g_gg_gE+_ _.g_B99_E+_g-8.76667838E+94-3.45817229E+_1-8.48686128E+_4 4
ALCL3(L) J 9/79AL 1.CL 3. 9. 8.C 466.79_ 5_89._85 133.33964 1 Chase (1986)
1.55966799E+_1 g.9_595958E+B_ _.B_gBBE+B8 B.SB88B8SBE+B9 8._59_8985E+59 2
-8.56625795E+_4-6.52184195E+_1 1.5_966795E+51 _._58_58_BE+8_ B.gB_Bg_BE+B8 3
g._B_89_E+BB B.B_9_E+89-8.56625795E+54-6.5218419_E+_1 _._959_B_8E+8_ 4
ALF3(a) J 9/79AL 1.F 3. B. 8.C 3BB.BBB 728.BB_ 83,97675 1 Chase (1955)
-3.5835272_E+BB 7.5355317_E-_2-1.22494_58E-54 7.6241362_E-58 1.6843687_E-12 2
-1.5294532_E+56 9.357_6838E+BB-3._8352728E+85 7.535_317_E-82-1.22494868E-_4 3
7.62413625E-58 1.58436875E-12-1.8294532_E+55 9.367_653_E+_B-1.81663648E+_8 4
ALF3(b) J 9/79AL 1.F 3. _. 9.C 728._9 2523._ 83.97675 1 Chase (1985)
1.5419479_E+51 2.33765_15E-_3-8.8_83_77_E-_7 2.8557883_E-18-3.46_7263_E-14 2
-1.84922_5_E+_6-5.23714_2_E+_1 9.5_345_59E+_ 5.13_25_9_E-_3-3.7116764_E-_6 3
1.2952357_E-_9 _.__E+_-1.8469555_E+_8-4.7736147_E+_1 _.__E+_ 4
ALF3(L) J 9/79AL 1.F 3. g. B.C 2623._ 59_8.BB_ 83.97675 1 Chase (1985)
1.5_966799E+_1B.g8g8_gg_E+gg 9,_8_g_gE+_ _._8_BE+88 _._989E+_ 2
-1.7998686_E+55-8.B_49153_E+_1 1.5_966795E+51B.BgBBB_BgE+9_ 9._9_598_9E+B_ 3
ALI3(s) J 9/79AL 1.I 3. _. _.C 3_._ 464.14_ 4_7.69496 1 Chase (1985)
8.52416_B_E+_8 1.12577995E-_2 1.6443_96_E-_7 _.B_B_B_E+_B _._Bg_E+_g 2
-3.9476666_E+54-2.83445965E+51 8.52416555E+BB 1.12677995E-_2 1.6443555_E-57 3
• ._B_B_9E+8_ _._gBE+_-3.9476666_E+54-2.8344696_E+51-3.64333629E+54 4
ALI3(L) J 9/79AL 1.I 3. _. _.C 464.14_ 6_9_._ 4_7.69495 1 Chase (1985)
1.4893466_E+91 _._BBg_E+_ _.__E+B_ _.B_9_B_E+B9 _._99_E+_ 2
-3.9163332_E+_4-5.6248322_E+51 1.45934565E+81B._59_89_8E+89 B._8_8988E+59 3
_.B_B_B_SBE+_ _.B_B_E+B_-3.91633325E+84-6.624832285+B1 8._89_8E+59 4
ALN(s) J12/79AL 1.N 1. B. 8.C 385.B58 3858.599 45.98828 1 Chase (1955)
4._8412125E+eB 3.18814969E-_3-1.9_29765_E-96 6.2623411BE-le-5.6133_66_E-14 2
-3.9751843BE+54-2.21951455E+91-1.5455931_E+85 2.7632249_E-52-4.35394649E-85 3
3.3_926665E-98-9.851g524_E-12-3.868861455+54 4.6492822_E+_B-3.82449879E+B4 4
AL203(a) J12/79AL 2.0 3. _. _.C 3_e._Be 2327._eg lgl.96128 1 Chase (1985)
1.18336669E+_1 3.77988785E-_3-1.7863191_E-57-5.65588575E-15 1.45768265E-13 2
-2.9571131_E+55-6.35998359E+_1-4,91383g9BE+BB 7,9398443BE-92-1.32379185E-54 3
1._4467598E-87-3.16663399E-11-2._2626228E+85 1.64789738E+_1-2.91548284E+_6 4
AL203(L) J12/79AL 2.0 3. 9. 8.C 2327._98 6998.85_ 1_1.96128 1 Chase (1985)
2.3148241_E+_1 e.eeeeeeeeE+ee 9._g_gE+_g _._9889_BE+e_ e.eeeeee_eE+ee 2
-2.114_6289E+_5-1.38682B5_E+92 2.31482419E+81 9.8_989g99E+eB e.eeeeeeeeE+ee 3
9.99995_89E+99 8.SeeBeggBE+Bg-2.114e5299E+95-1.386B285eE+B2 e.BegBe_egE+e_ 4
AL2SiOS(an) J 9/67AL 2.SI 1.0 5. B.C 395.898 3589.989 162.94558 1 Chase (1955)
1.73517425E+_1 5.7438135_E-53-3.7_847188E-86 1.86882838E-_9-1.176395_E-13 2
-3.1794151_E+55-9.1738744_E+_1-9.28663428E+89 1.347672_9E-_1-2.323759_E-54 3
1.87699195E-57-6.7381483_E-11-3.13276649E+_5 3.2715859_E+_1-3.11764784E+_6 4
AL6Si2013(s) J 9/67AL 6.SI 2.0 13. B.C 3_._ 39_9._9_ 426._5243 1 Chase (1985)
4.62383648E+51 2.76614249E-_2-1.46755125E-55 3.8886848_E-89-3.66654828E-13 2
-8.36864175E+_5-2.37396659E+92-1.1_346718E+81 2.6676643_E-51-4.1624768_E-_4 3
3.1376972_E-57-9.2497597_E-11-8.256687_E+_5 3.22547915E+_1-8.2_184486E+_5 4
B(b) J6/83 B 1. _. _. 9.C 1 McBride (1993)
1.83494894E+89 1.791987_2E-_3-7.97879498E-_7 2.e2764512E-18-1,92828345E-14 2
-7.83252899E+_2-1._6433298E+_1-1.15931693E+9_ 1.13777148E-g2-1.e6985988E-_5 3
2.76196443E-_9 7.317469965-13-7.133392155+51 4.36439896E+9g e.BgBBBg_gE+_g 4
B(L) J6/83 B 1. _. 9. 8.C 2369._98 6_99._9 18.811_g 1 McBride (1993)
3.81862651E+9_ _._99_99_E+_ _._8_9_E+9_ e.eeeeeeeeE+ee e.eeeegeeeE+ge 2
3.36_99275E+93-2.87326473E+51 _.g_gg_ggBE+9_ e.eesee_geE+e9 e.eeegeeeeE+_e 3
• ._egBggBgE+ge g.8gB_egBE+B9 _._ge_E+8_ e.eeeeeeeeE+ee e.eeeeeeeeE+ee 4
BN(s) J 6/66B 1.N 1. e. e.C 2eB.BBe 6_BB.BBe 24.81774 1 Chase (1986)
2.6873993_E+_B 4.24674311E-_3-1.925177_5E-56 3.6517B748E-1_-2.367_6_55E-14 2
-3.1463_126E+54-1.54157735E+_1-6.928277_BE-_1 1.17984451E-B2-3.39339835E-_6 3
-7.14136993E-_9 4.77162137E-12-3._4539_2E+84 2.41361166E+_B 2.627552_E+_3 4
B203(L) J 6/715 2.0 3. _. g.C 3B_._9 59_._99 69.62_2_ 1 Chase (1955)
1.56_114_E+_1 _.B_eB_E+_ B._B_e_BE+@_ B.@_E+_ B._B_E+_ 2
-1.56844555E+_6-5.3126444_E+_1 3.1433274_E+_1-2.1575_39_E-51 6.4557986_E-_4 3
-7.55724255E-_7 2.65_9155_E-1_-1.549_139_E+_5-1.2853885_E+_2-1.5_73_324E+_5 4
B303H3(cr) J 3/65B 3.H 3.0 3. _.C 298.15_ 2_._ 83.455_2 1 Chase (1986)
-1.2847_517E+_1 9.19581322E-_2-8.1_6_9436E-_5 3.27322849E-_8-6.51611948E-12 2
-1.511_9722E+95 7.9183615_E+81 8.15951373E+_-7.56683359E-_3 9.24924694E-85 3
-1._28339_5E-_7 3.6815_571E-11-1.5456963_E+95-2.75254_355+_1 _.59889859E+_ 4


Ba(cr) SRD 93BA 1. 0. 0. 0.C 298.150 1000.000 137.32700 1 Alcock (1993)

0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2 McBride (1993)
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2.77334443E+00 2.03752236E-03 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+O0-9.17433810E+02-8.90970626E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
Ba(L) SRD 93BA 1. 0. 0. 0.C 1000.000 6000.000 137.32700 1 Alcock (1993)
4.81086679E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2 McBride (1993)
-9.92062381E+02-2.00027571E+01 0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
BaBr2(s) J12/74BA 1.BR 2. 0. 0 C 300.000 1130.000 297.13500 1 Chase (1985)
8.21359240E+00 3.11437150E-03-2.40116290E-07 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-9.36849820E+O4-2.97718080E+01 8.49822320E+00 2 .51392240E-03 2.43906580E-07 3
-2.96954400E-10 1.28749890E-13-9.37822410E+04-3.13127320E+O1-9.11361313E+04 4
BaBr2(L) J12/74BA 1.BR 2. 0. 0 C 1130.000 6000.000 297.13600 1 Chase (1985)
1.26109310E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-9.29364180E+O4-5.39166730E+01 1.26109310E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-9.29364180E+O4-5.39166730E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
BaCL2(a) J12/72BA 1.CL 2. 0. 0 C 300.000 1198.000 208.23240 1 Chase (1985)
1.10964040E+Ol-l.l1350020E-03-8.18019370E-07-2.36513760E-10 1.83268400E-12 2
-1.06937770E+OS-4.89267460E+01 7.72024720E+00 6.92241780E-03-1.09609270E-05 3
9.69916210E-O9-2.61984430E-12-1.05792020E+OS-3.07683050E+Ol-l.03261458E+05 4
BaCL2(b) J12/72BA 1CL 2. 0. • C 1198 000 1236.000 208.23240 1 Chase (1985)
1.48955920E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.09941350E+OS-7.52727020E+01 1.48955920E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-1.09941350E+05-7.52727020E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
BaCL2(L) J12/72BA 1CL 2. 0. • C 1236 000 6000.000 208 23240 1 Chase (1986)
1.30839670E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.05780590E+05-6.08186470E+01 1.30839670E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-1.05780590E+05-6.08186470E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
BaF2(a) J12/72BA 1F 2. 0. 0 C 300 000 1480.000 175 32381 1 Chase (1985)
-2.84392880E+OO-2.19972130E-02 4.42010610E-05 5.58246900E-O9-1.39069120E-11 2
-1.37899190E+05 4.44729320E+01 4.32032900E+00 2.76261470E-O2-5.94303480E-05 3
6.06301470E-OB-2.21107930E-11-1.47452460E+05-1.91219160E+01-l.45352145E+05 4
BaF2(b,c) J12/72BA 1F 2. 0. 0 C 1480 000 1641.000 175 32381 1 Chase (1985)
1.29480940E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.50331750E+05-6.53836630E+01 1.29480940E+01 0.00000000E÷00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+O0-1.50331750E+05-6.53836630E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
BaF2(L) J12/72BA 1F 2. 0. 0.C 1641 000 6000.000 175 32381 1 Chase (1985)
1.20065520E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.45977150E+OS-5.67012820E+01 1.20065520E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+O0-1.45977150E+05-5.67012820E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
BaO(s) J 6/74BA 1 0 1. 0. 0.C 300 000 2286.000 183 32640 1 Chase (1985)
5.59705660E+00 1.72428640E-O3-6.02495130E-07 1.74000170E-10-1.85947910E-14 2
-6.77196870E+O4-2.38485210E+01 3.92000670E+00 8.91156480E-O3-1.25312820E-05 3
9.18687030E-Og-2.61290690E-12-6.73943690E+04-1.58424680E+O1-6.59233196E+04 4
1 Chase (1985)
BaO(L) J 6/74BA 1 0 1. 0. 0.C 2286 000 6000.000 153 32640
8.05167150E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-6.32237370E+O4-3.68186010E+01 8.05167150E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 O.00000000E+00-6.32237370E+O4-3.68186010E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
1 Chase (1986)
BaO2H2(s) J12/75BA 1 0 2 H 2. 0.C 300.000 681.150 171.34168
-1.54291680E-01 7.51087380E-02-1.49150720E-04 1.34625140E-O7-4.27154090E-11 2
-1.16036520E+OS-3.10750780E+OO-1.54291680E-01 7.51087380E-O2-1.491SO720E-04 3
1.34625140E-O7-4.27154090E-11-1.16035520E+05-3.10750780E+O0-1.13815035E+05 4
J12/75BA 1 0 2 H 2. 0.C 681.160 5000.000 171.34168 1 Chase (1985)
BaO2H2 (L)
1.69588330E+01 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.17974980E+05-8 .33516110E+01 1.69588330E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+OO-l.17974980E+05-8.33516110E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
J 9/77BA 1.S 1 0. 0.C 300.000 3000.000 169.39300 1 Chase (1985)
BaS (s)
5.90966310E+00 1 .15935610E-03-1.92798100E-07 6.66090070E-11-8.32804110E-15 2
-5.76245380E+04-2 .47107370E+01 5.36586760E+00 1.24182840E-03 3.98045900E-06 3
-6.62154280E-09 2 .96788980E-12-5.74362700E+O4-2.16381020E+01-8.57577584E+04 4
SRD 93BE 1. 0 0. 0.C 298.150 1643.000 9.01218 1 Alcock (1993)
8.06036468E-01 5.37325946E-O3-4.B6241757E-06 2.39834017E-09-4.37186552E-13 2 McBride (1993)
-4.10525129E+O2-4.79961716E+OO-1.34774902E+00 1.92340834E-02-3.S4163423E-05 3
3.08895143E-O8-1.00814744E-11-1.96446005E+02 4.40835822E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
Be(b) SRD 93BE 1. 0 0. 0.C 1643.000 1563.000 9.01218 1 Alcock (1993)
3.60815009E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2 McBride (1993)
-8.52229192E+02-2.00291024E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
1563.000 6000.000 9.01218 1 Alcock (1993)
Be(L) SRD 93BE 1. 0 0. 0.C
3.84560882E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2 McBride (1993)
2.07475580E+O2-1.89534126E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 4


BeAL204(s) J12/79BE 1.AL 2.0 4. 0.C 300.000 2146.000 126.97286 1 Chase (1985)
2.02655590E+01-1 .04666490E-02 2.30439540E-OB-1,B4936830E-08 3.60249400E-12 2
-2.83363010E+05-1 ,07472220E+02-B.05473800E+00 1.13572400E-O1-l.87827280E-04 3
1.48068570E-07-4 .48072780E-11-2.77980440E+OB 2.71357190E+O1-2.76722007E+05 4
BeAL204(L) J12/79BE 1.AL 2.0 4. 0.C 2146.000 5000.000 126.97286 1 Chase (1985)
2.96362910E+01 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-2.80569820E+05-1 .71169540E+02 2.96362910E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00-2.80569820E+05-1.71169540E+02 0.00000000E+00 4
BeBr2 (s) J 6/75BE 1.BR 2. 0. 0.C 300.000 1600.000 168.82018 1 Chase (1985)
-2.27183290E+00 3 .71850840E-02-4.33216390E-05 2 .30580060E-08-4.B7496410E-12 2
-4.29712510E+04 1 .67088690E+01 5.85510580E+00 7 .29917640E-03 1.26780450E-06 3
-9.17810970E-09 4 .83067700E-12-4.48404830E+04-2 .34448860E+01-4.27750136E+04 4
BeCL2(s) J 6/65BE 1.CL 2. 0. 0 C 300.000 688.000 79.91758 1 Chase (1985)
3.00657450E+00 1 .95395590E-O2-4.89136050E-06-2 .96041580E-08 2.35348610E-11 2
-6.07221000E+04-1 .25797720E+01 3.00657450E+00 1 .95395590E-02-4.89136050E-06 3
-2.96041580E-08 2 .35348610E-11-6.07221000E+04-1 .25797720E+01-5.90478272E+04 4
BeCL2 (L) J 6/65BE 1.CL 2. 0. 0 C 688.000 5000.000 79.91758 1 Chase (1985)
1.46037190E+01 • .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-6,44984170E+04-7 .64487840E+01 1.46037190E+01 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 • .00000000E+O0-6.44984170E+04-7 .64487840E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
BeF2(Lqz) J 6/70BE 1.F 2. 0. • C 300 000 500.000 47.00899 1 Chase (1985)
2.05937700E+O1-6.63969300E-O2-1.20323980E-04 8.98005550E-07-9.66692640E-10 2
-1.26937080E+OB-9.17851130E+01 2.05937700E+01-6.63969300E-02-1.20323980E-04 3
8.98006550E-O7-9.66692640E-10-1.26937080E+OB-9.17851130E+Ol-l.23492663E+05 4
BeF2 (hqz) J 6/70BE 1.F 2. 0. 0 C 500 000 825.000 47.00899 1 Chase (1985)
5,69655760E+00 4 .02583580E-03 0,00000000E+00 • .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.25288840E+05-2 .70913890E+01 5.69656760E+00 4 .02583580E-03 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00-1.25288840E+O5-2 .70913890E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
BeF2 (L) J 6/70BE 1.F 2. 0. • C 825 000 2000.000 47.00899 1 Chase (1985)
6.04896390E+00 4 .33284980E-03 1.87544030E-07-3 .60194820E-10 9.13388220E-14 2
-1.25113610E+05-2 .90262480E+01 7.74233610E+00-6 .96800650E-04 2.67434060E-06 3
3.12625420E-09-2 .54562790E-12-1.25465300E+05-3 .74403040E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
BeI2 (s) J12/75BE 1.I 2. 0. 0 C 300 000 753.000 262.82112 1 Chase (1985)
2.67722950E+00 2 .69230920E-02-2.88952040E-O5 4 .00766040E-09 6.40517020E-12 2
-2.44469680E+04-7 .55309190E+00 2.67722960E+00 2.69230920E-O2-2.88952040E-05 3
4.00766040E-09 6 .40517020E-12-2.44469680E+O4-7.55309190E+OO-2.26964492E+04 4
BeI2(L) J12/75BE 1.I 2. 0. 0 C 753 000 5000.000 262.82112 1 Chase (1985)
1.36871960E+01 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-2.69933120E+04-6.33135730E+01 1.35871960E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-2.59933120E+O4-6.33135730E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
BeO(a) J12/74BE 1.0 1. 0. 0 C 200 000 2373.001 25.01158 1 Chase (1985)
3.22375488E+00 4.89276244E-03-3.05832591E-06 9.91401433E-10-1.23442671E-13 2
-7.45140761E+04-1.85239582E+01-3.06995225E+00 3.22099414E-O2-4.85141436E-05 3
3.51263133E-08-9.B260085BE-12-7.33202340E+04 1.14094979E+01 2.83603400E+03 4
BeO(b) J12/74BE 1.0 1. 0. 0 C 2373 001 2821.220 25.01158 1 Chase (1985)
1.23933471E+Ol-1.03223075E-02 6.52733591E-O6-1.73093889E-09 1.70986494E-13 2
-7.81759610E+O4-7.06417631E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0,00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2.83603400E+03 4
BeO(L) J12/74BE 1.0 1. 0. 0 C 2821 220 6000.000 26.01158 1 Chase (1985)
9.56123164E+00 0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-7.42016413E+04-B.80635442E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2.83503400E+03 4
BeO2H2(b) J12/75BE 1.0 2.H 2. 0 C 300 000 1000,000 43.02686 1 Chase (1985)
-7.01683260E+00 8.30056540E-O2-1.41520290E-04 .14216650E-07-3.51055350E-11 2
-1.09507110E+05 2.66160610E+O1-7.01683250E+00 .30056540E-O2-1.41520290E-04 3
1.14216650E-O7-3.61055350E-11-1.09507110E+05 .66160610E+O1-1.08951020E+05 4
BeS(s) J 9/77BE 1.S 1. 0. 0.C 300 000 3000.000 41.07818 1 Chase (1985)
3.47870360E+00 6.51062330E-03-4.13140450E-06 .24499300E-O9-1.38219470E-13 2
-2.96665300E+O4-1.73913260E+01-2.87300060E+00 .80787040E-O2-6.25067050E-05 3
4.89042780E-O8-1.4638B810E-11-2.86551820E+04 .18429220E+01-2.81817977E+04 4
Be2C(s) BAR 735E 2.C 1, 0. 0.C 300 000 2400.000 30.03536 1 Barin (1973)
4.43741700E+00 2.56945380E-03 0.00000000E+00 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.55073240E+O4-2.40861210E+01 4.43741700E+00 2.56945380E-03 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-1.SB073240E+O4-2.40861210E+01-l.40701050E+04 4
Be2C(L) BAR 73BE 2.C 1. 0. 0.C 2400 000 5000.000 30.03536 1 earin (1973)
1.10708970E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.49696410E+04-6.B7751160E+01 1.10708970E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-1.49696410E+O4-6.57751160E+01-1.40701050E+04 4
Br2(cr) L 1/93BR 2. 0. 0. 0.C 200 000 265.900 159.80800 1 McBride (1993)
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 9.12545994E+OO-8.26160881E-02 6.99861517E-04 3
-2.40843064E-06 3.21106016E-09-3.30408820E+O3-3.01727996E+01 0.00000000E+00 4


Br2(L) L 1/93BR 2. 0. • 0.C 266.900 332.603 159.80800 1 McBride (1993)

0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.0000000eE+00 2
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 1.04252937E+01 1.11181227E-01-l.06856988E-03 3
3.25976672E-O6-3.27490398E-O9-3.BO620403E+03-4.90767083E÷01 0.00000000E+00 4
Br2(L) L 1/93BR 2. 0. 0 0.C 332.603 6000.000 169.80800 1 McBride (1993)
9.05669727E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-2.69988017E+03-3.329362815+01 9.05669727E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-2.69988017E+03-3.329362815+01 0.00000000E+00 4
C(gr) X 4/83C 1. 0. 0 0.C 200.000 8000.000 12.01100 1 McBride (1993)
1.45571829E+00 1.71702216E-03-6.97662786E-07 1.35277032E-10-9.67690662E-15 2 TRC(4/S3)tc-,uc-,
-6.95138814E+02-8.52583033E+00-3.10872072E-01 4.40353686E-03 1.90394118E-06 3 vc-1000to1002
-6.38546966E-09 2.98964248E-12-1.08680794E+02 1.11382963E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
C6H6(L) X10/86C 6.H 6 0 0.C 278.680 500.000 78.11364 1 TRC (10/86) tc-,
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2 uc-, vc-3201
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 6.36690229E+01-6.00534398E-01 2.66792810E-03 3 TRC (4/83) p-3200
-5.06308828E-06 3.63955662E-09-1.67086472E+03-2.43891797E+02 6.90293356E+03 4
C7HB(L) X10/86C 7.H 8 0 0.C 178.150 500.000 92.14052 1 TRC (10/86) tc-,
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00eOOe00E+00 2 uc-, vc-3201
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2.93676022E+01-1.94722686E-01 9.74773096E-04 3 TRC (4/83) p-3200
-1.91472689E-06 1.48097019E-09-4.16318442E+03-1.12019966E+02 1.46490894E+03 4
CBH18(L),n-octa X10/76C 8.H 18 0 0.C 220.000 300 000 114.23092 1 TRC (10/76) _;c-,
7.14133930E+01-5 .02079500E-01 1.83419900E-03-2.04501650E-06 0.00000000E+00 2 uc-, vc-1492
-4.12437260E+04-2 .77222400E+02 7.14133930E+Ol-B.02079500E-01 1.83419900E-03 3 TRC (10/82) p-1490
-2.04501650E-06 0 .00000000E+00-4.12437250E+04-2.77222400E+02-3o01032790E+04 4
Jet-A (L) L 6/88C 12.H 23 0 0.C 220.000 550 000 167.31462 1 Gracia-Salcedo (1988)
0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00 1.90496130E+01-1.69186320E-02 6.30220360E-04 3
-1.33365770E-06 9 .43356380E-10-4.48039640E+04-6.76902000E+01-3.64987440E+04 4
Ca(a) SRD 93CA 1. 0 0. 0.C 298.150 716 000 40.07800 1 Alcock (1993)
0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2 McBride (1993)
0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00 3.03326649E+00-1.41800064E-03 7.24487574E-06 3
-6.68790594E-09 2 .49903889E-12-8.93310508E+02-1.20114288E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Ca(b) SRD 93CA 1. 0 0. 0.C 716.000 1116 000 40.07800 1 Alcock (1993)
5.70111768E+00-5 .81056490E-03 4.02212518E-06 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2 McBride (1993)
-1.51676361E+03-2 .60758134E+01 5.70111768E+00-6.81056490E-03 4.02212518E-06 3
0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00-1.61676361E+03-2.60758134E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Ca (L) SRD 93CA 1. 0 0. 0.C 1116.000 6000 000 40.07800 1 Alcock (1993)
4.87032345E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2 McBride (1993)
-9.82243308E+02-2 .11988643E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
CaBr2(s) J 6/74CA 1.BR 2 0. 0.C 300.000 1015 000 199.88600 1 Chase (1985)
6.629970705+00 4 .02839100E-03 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-8.39396740E+04-2 .25238430E+01 5.26933940E+00 2.36978050E-02-4.97999090E-05 3
4.67072240E-08-1 .52160970E-11-8.44473670E+04-1.96594450E+01-8.21778817E+04 4
CaBr2(L) J 6/74CA 1.BR 2 0. 0.C 1015.000 5000.000 199.88600 1 Chase (1985)
1.36871960E+01 • .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-8.54287380E+04-6 .31516690E+01 1.36871960E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+O0-8.54287380E+O4-6.31616690E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
CaCO3(cal) BAR 89CA 1.C 1 0 3. 0.C 298.160 1200.000 100.08720 1 Barin (1989)
1.44388162E+01-1 .39777807E-03 2.04333103E-06 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.50400710E+05-7 .28446489E+01-1.76968963E+00 6.1888468_E-02-8.82380139E-0S 3
4.61909015E-08-2 .98729740E-12-1.46691812E+06 6.32412532E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
CaCL2(s) J 6/70CA 1.CL 2 0. 0.C 300.000 1045.000 110.98340 1 Chase (1985)
8.73324080E+00 2 .39551410E-04 9.446737705-07 4.586186305-10-5.97495290E-14 2
-9.83080800E+04-3 .72366670E+01 6.35646750E+00 1.37843100E-02-2.44214030E-05 3
1.95512800E-08-4 .95341690E-12-9.80417830E+04-2.68141460E+01-9.57136949E+04 4
CaCL2(L) J 6/70CA 1.CL 2 0. 0.C 1046.000 5000.000 110.98340 1 Chase (1985)
1.23321410E+01 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-9.80239520E+04-5 .80474680E+01 1.23321410E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00-9.80239520E+04-5.80474680E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
CaF2(a) J12/68CA 1.F 2 0. 0.C 200.000 1424.000 78.07481 1 Chase (1985)
1.03439908E+00 2 .18402489E-02-2.04796113E-05 1.03381996E-08-1.91843768E-12 2
-1.48010445E+05-2 .08048925E+00-3.91537176E-01 5.74664742E-02-1.30834259E-04 3
1.32738284E-07-4 .81641634E-11-1.48963614E+05-1.91796873E+00 1.16566240E+04 4
CaF2(b) J12/68CA 1.F 2 0. 0.C 1424.000 1691.900 78.07481 1 Chase (1985)
1.42866105E+01-1 .102494375-03 1.41775401E-06-2.81232082E-10 0.000000005+00 2
-1.56453320E+05-7 .91866360E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.000000005+00 0.00000000E+00 1.16666240E+04 4
CaF2(L) J12/68CA 1.F 2 0. 0.C 1691.000 6000.000 78.07481 1 Chase (1985)
1.20168140E+01 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.47908292E+06-6 .04927984E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 1.16666240E+04 4


CaO(s) J 6/73CA 1.0 1. 0. 0.C 300.000 3200.000 66.07740 1 Chase (1985)

5.65575170E+00 1.01654390E-O3-2.BS768990E-07 5.45143950E-11-4.26799800E-15 2
-7.82383810E+04-2.82233720E+01 1.69376880E+00 1.81496630E-O2-2.83726090E-05 3
2.05135390E-08-5.51757680E-12-7.74827690E+04-9.37100810E+O0-7.63838127E+04 4
1 Chase (1985)
CaO(L) J 6/73CA 1.0 1. 0. 0.C 3200.000 5000.000 56.07740
7.54844210E+00 0.00000000E+00 0,00000000E+00 0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-7.11792920E+O4-3.80839480E+01 7.64844210E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+O0-7,11792920E+O4-3.BO839480E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
1 Chase (1985)
CaO2H2(s) J12/75CA 1.0 2.H 2. 0.C 300.000 1000.000 74.09268
-7.40227670E-01 6.75664680E-02-1.31912810E-04 1.19890680E-O7-4.06130450E-11 2
-1.20435430E+0B-1.00970750E+00-7.40227670E-01 6.75664680E-02-1.31912810E-04 3
1.19890680E-07-4.06130450E-11-1.20435430E+O5-1.00970750E+OO-l.18600700E+05 4
1 Chase (1985)
CaS(s) J 9/77CA 1.S 1. 0. 0.C 300.000 3000.000 72.14400
5.65305190E+00 1.36258740E-03-7.27811760E-07 2.49897630E-10-3.09681260E-14 2
-5.87103410E+04-2.59063950E+01 4.64755580E+00 4.93155160E-O3-5.53089030E-06 3
3.06639590E-09-6.07856100E-13-5.84770470E+O4-2.09227100E+O1-5.69152785E+04 4
1 Barin (1973)
CaS04(s) BAR 73CA 1.S 1.0 4. 0.C 300.000 5000.000 136.14160
8.44419050E+00 1.18762150E-02 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.75532420E+05-3.88201340E+01 8.44419050E+00 1.18762150E-02 0.00000000E+00 3
0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+O0-1,75532420E+05-3.88201340E+01-1.72486926E+05 4
1 McBride (1993)
Cr(cr) J 6/73CR 1. 0. 0. 0.C 200.000 311.500 51.99610
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 7.84826024E+00-1.16276020E-01 8.12369251E-04 3
-2.30807086E-06 2,35328142E-09-8.98013946E+O2-2.75733139E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
1 McBride (1993)
Cr(cr) J 6/73CR 1. 0. 0. 0.C 311.500 2130.000 51.99610
4.59782637E+00-4.81791132E-03 5.84129754E-O6-2.07036847E-09 2.82102268E-13 2
-1.31489668E+O3-2.24454748E+01 1.82863471E+00 4.19562267E-O3-2,82735082E-06 3
-9.16990578E-10 1.65203040E-12-7.BS502663E+O2-8.69806103E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
1 McBride (1993)
Cr(L) J 6/73CR 1. 0. 0. 0.C 2130.000 6000.000 51.99610
4.73028477E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
5.75359221E+O2-2.45318309E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
1 Chase (1985)
CrN(s) J12/73CR 1.N 1. 0. 0.C 300.000 2500.000 66.00284
5.69445390E+00 5,30116900E-04 2.27058290E-O7-8.14832540E-11 1.08037960E-14 2
-1.58360020E+O4-2,81317040E+01 9. r1529040E+OO-2.37753720E-02 5.25610150E-05 3
-4.83907470E-08 1.62707570E-11-1.63234220E+O4-4,57300500E+Ol-l.41071233E+04 4
1 Chase (1985)
Cr2N(s) J12/73CR 2.N 1. 0. 0.C 300.000 2500.000 117.99894
8.09841850E+00 1.85336110E-03 1.42273060E-O6-5.B8963900E-10 6.93071100E-14 2
-1.76848010E+04-3.91474720E+01 2.03033880E+00 3.40064410E-O2-6.15249460E-05 3
5.31425480E-OS-1.67695210E-11-1.67683130E+04-1.16006980E+Ol-1-50979548E+04 4
Cr203(s) J12/73CR 2.0 3. 0. 0.C 300.000 2603.000 151.99040 1 Chase (1985)
1.40122350E+01 1.38239780E-O3-2.37792260E-07 1.69950850E-10-3.77058570E-14 2
-1.40982170E+OB-7.11015690E+01 2.93327730E+Ol-1.02073850E-01 2.36011030E-04 3
-2.25780190E-07 7.77992890E-11-1.42404060E+05-1.35742810E+02-1.36519668E+05 4
1 Chase (1985)
Cr203(L) J12/73CR 2.0 3 0. 0.C 2603.000 5000.000 151.99040
1.88711050E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.33694980E+05-9.99614700E+01 1.88711050E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-1.33694980E+05-9.99614700E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Cs(cr) CODA89CS 1. • 0. 0.C 100.000 301.590 132.90543 1 McBride (1993)
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3,31157194E+OO-9.67974793E-03 1.19926576E-04 3
-5.20608084E-07 8.33415927E-10-9.80844435E+02-8.10866871E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
1 McBride (1993)
Cs(L) CODASgCS 1. • 0. 0.C 301,690 2000.000 132.90543
5.11512955E+O0-3.83970291E-03 2.01555257E-06 3.64202599E-10-5.43974501E-14 2
-1.13841767E+03-1.70567624E+01 3.20358130E+00 6.53560206E-O3-1.88609302E-05 3
1.88262490E-08-6.10371782E-12-B.61341855E+O2-8.43100388E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
1 Chase (1985)
CsCL(a) J 6/68CS 1,CL 1 0. 0.C 300.000 743.000 168.36813
5.54534000E+00 2.38058340E-03 8.35703300E-07-9.95716400E-10 3.80548030E-13 2
-B.50265350E+04-2.01642600E+01 5.54534000E+00 2.38068340E-03 8.35703300E-07 3
-9.95716400E-10 3,80548030E-13-B.50265350E+04-2.01642600E+01-5.32617875E+04 4
CsCL(b) J 6/68CS 1.CL 1 0. 0.C 743.000 918.000 168.35813 1 Chase (1985)
8.16107370E+O0-1.76235680E-O3-2.25085160E-07 3.93073170E-09-2.34523410E-12 2
-5.54804310E+O4-3.39413960E+01 8.16107370E+OO-1.76235680E-03-2.25085160E-07 3
3.93073170E-O9-2.34523410E-12-5.54804310E+04-3.39413960E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
1 Chase (1985)
CeCL(L) J 6/68CS 1.CL 1 0. 0.C 918.000 5000.000 168.35813
9.30974520E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-5.50311610E+O4-4.08101330E+01 9.30974520E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-5.50311610E+04-4.08101330E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
CsF(s) J 6/68CS 1.F 1. 0. 0.C 300.000 976.000 151.90383 1 Chase (1985)
5.64899930E+00 1.87113980E-03 6.62423820E-O7-6.30848710E-10 1.86923390E-13 2
-6.84851020E+04-2.21499590E+01 5.64899930E+00 1.87113980E-03 6.62423820E-07 3
-6.30848710E-10 1.86923390E-13-6.84851020E+O4-2,21499590E+O1-6.67129928E+04 4


CsF(L) J 6/68CS 1F 1. 0. 0.C 976.000 5000.000 151.90383 1 Chase (1985)

8.90716170E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-6.80668170E+O4-3.99127740E+01 8.90716170E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-6.80668170E+04-3.99127740E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
CsOH(a) J 6/71CS 1 0 I.H 1. 0.C 298.150 410.000 149.91277 1 Chase (1985)
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 5.88946051E+00 6.13189982E-03 8.60763952E-06 3
-1.20614689E-08 0.00000000E+OO-5.22010341E+O4-2.37840127E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
CsOH(b) J 6/71CS 1 0 1.H 1. 0.C 410.000 493.000 149.91277 1 Chase (1985)
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 4.92104624E+00 1.00655116E-02 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-5.18660681E+O4-1.87438113E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
CsOH(c) J 6/71CS 1 0 1.H 1. 0.C 493.000 588.000 149.91277 1 Chase (1985)
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 1.00644544E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-5.24488650E+O4-4.41931478E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
CsOH(L) J 6/71CS 1 0 1.H 1. 0.C 588,000 6000.000 149.91277 1 Chase (1985)
9.81284300E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-5.17524722E+O4-4.16559605E+01 9.81284300E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-5.17524722E+O4-4.1655960BE+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Cs2S04(II) J 6/79CS 2 S 1.0 4. 0.C 300.000 940.000 361.87446 1 Chase (1985)
-2.97893070E+00 1.26508840E-O1-2.gsB32060E-04 3.32073080E-O7-1.31049910E-10 2
-1.76233520E+05 1.51857470E+O1-2.97893070E+00 1.26508840E-01-2.95532060E-04 3
3.32073080E-O7-1.31049910E-10-1,76233520E+05 1.51857470E+Ol-l.73515408E+05 4
Cs2504(I) J 6/79CS 2 S 1 0 4. 0.C 940.000 1278.000 361.87446 1 Chase (1985)
-2.72327220E-02 3.13540360E-O2-1.13005310E-O6 3.32831080E-09 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.70211630E+05 2.48399880E+01 4.73498360E+00 1.86196000E-02 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-1.71541390E+05 1.37370460E-01 0.00000000E+00 4
Cs2SO4(L) J 6/79CS 2 S 1 0 4. 0.C 1278.000 5000.000 361.87446 1 Chase (1985)
2.48591980E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.77761980E+05-1.16657440E+02 2.48591980E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-1.77761980E+OB-l.16657440E+02 0.00000000E+00 4
Cu(cr) CODA89CU 1 0 0. 0.C 200.000 1358.000 63.54600 1 McBrlde (1993)
3.42008910E+OO-l.61201394E-03 3.05145917E-O6-2.11162788E-09 6.99858397E-13 2
-9.90295636E+O2-1.51932294E+01 1.76672074E+00 7.34699432E-O3-1.54712960E-05 3
1.50539591E-OB-5.24861335E-12-7.43882087E+O2-7.70464044E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
Cu(L) CODA89CU 1 0 0. 0.C 1358.000 6000.000 63.54600 1 McBride (1993)
3.94491076E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-2.10634669E+O2-1.83585676E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
CuF(s) J12/77CU 1.F 1 0. 0.C 300.000 2000.000 82.54440 1 Chase (1985)
5.32155060E+00 4.85498320E-O3-3.54400480E-06 1.11090230E-Og-1.24537160E-13 2
-3.55217150E+O4-2.39026430E+01 4.44212880E+00 7.96690760E-O3-7.28073110E-06 3
2.76377730E-O9-2.73188420E-13-3.53361680E+O4-1.95851700E+01-3.37166351E+04 4
CuF2(s) J12/77CU 1.F 2 0. 0.C 300,000 1109.000 101.54281 1 Chase (1985)
2.35576760E+00 1.49135080E-O2-6.39951930E-06 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-6.56106220E+O4-7.16267570E+00 4.38736760E+00 1.43971090E-02-8.62134970E-06 3
-1.98304460E-09 2.68967400E-12-6.66855850E+04-1.95805610E+O1-6.48164029E+04 4
CuF2(L) J12/77CU 1.F 2 0. 0.C 1109.000 5000.000 101.54281 1 Chase (1985)
1.20775070E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E÷00 2
-6.34879980E+O4-5.67303700E+01 1.20775070E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO16.34879980E+O4-5.67303700E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
CuO(s) J12/77CU 1.0 1 0. 0.C 300.000 2000.000 79.54540 1 Chase (1985)
5.02581240E+00 2.54240770E-O3-1.37682940E-06 5.34928310E-10-7.96642810E-14 2
-2.04332810E+O4-2.43766950E+01 8.84038660E-01 2.41588520E-O2-4.38941420E-05 3
3.75861810E-O8-1.20882750E-11-1.97883820E+O4-5,47238800E+OO-1.87702523E+04 4
CuO2H2(s) J 6/66CU 1.0 2.H 2. 0.C 300.000 1500.000 97.56068 1 Chase (1985)
8.67307870E+00 1.03857620E-O2-4.69948410E-O6-5.02925130E-10 5.35931600E-13 2
-5.72303820E+O4-3.93661610E+01 1.04511850E+01 1.34582050E-03 8.66023390E-06 3
-6.80923490E-09 7,44358590E-13-5.74068650E+O4-4.72388030E+O1-5.41676188E+04 4
CuSO4(s) J B/66CU 1.S 1.0 4. 0.C 300.000 2000.000 159.60960 1 Chase (1985)
1.13145360E+01 1.40503520E-O2-1.00635680E-05 3.72042210E-Og-5.28069140E-13 2
-9.69982080E+O4-5.62546900E+01 3.30191660E+00 3.70123210E-O2-2.89908040E-05 3
4.53140450E-09 2.63884450E-12-9.49936210E+O4-1.54658780E+O1-9.26100033E+04 4
Cu20(s) J12/77CU 2.0 1. 0. 0.C 300,000 1516.720 143.09140 1 Chase (1985)
1.47556410E+O1-l.58766570E-02 1.49711930E-OS-4.48402640E-09 4.05560050E-13 2
-2.50650680E+O4-7.05418770E+01 3.38324660E+00 2.29541760E-O2-3.95423040E-06 3
3.40204010E-08-1.10438090E-11-2.22731570E+O4-1.35307130E+O1-2.05315380E+04 4
Cu20(L) J12/77CU 2.0 1. 0. 0.C 1516.720 5000.000 143.09140 1 Chase (1985)
1.20171200E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.92523870E+O4-5.68868660E+01 1.20171200E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-1.92623870E+04-5.68868660E+01 0.00000000E+00 4

Cu205S(s) J 6/66CU 2.0 5.S 1. 0.C 300.000 1600.000 239.15500 1 Chase (1985)
1.60116340E+01 1.94246680E-02-1.84482510E-05 1.11872040E-08-2.61119830E-12 2
-1.176162006+05-7.87274890E+01 2.52571780E+00 7.22069680E-02-9.78666660E-05 3
6.64324990E-08-1.67444530E-11-1.147864606+05-1.31961120E+01-1.11667236E+05 4
Fe(a) J 3/78FE 1. 0. 0. 0.C 200.000 1042.000 56.84700 1 McBride (1993)
4.69080173E+03-9.90659991E+00 2.69427446E-03 6.54445321E-06-3.01669823E-09 2
-1.41547686E+06-2.49294387E+04 2.41337476E+00-1.67780744E-03 2.14701339E-05 3
-3.80171438E-08 2.20426984E-11-7.74380998E+02-1.06560296E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Fe(a) J 3/78FE 1. 0. 0. 0.C 1042.000 1184.000 66.84700 1 McBride (1993)
6.69678809E+02-1.14068217E+00 4.96306997E-04 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-2.62106802E+06-3.66666236E+03 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
Fe(c) J 3/78FE 1. 0. 0. 0.C 1184.000 1666.000 56.84700 1 McBride (1993)
6.10109990E+01-1.60946061E-01 1.68369493E-04-7.74863702E-08 1.33091290E-11 2
-1.66335464E+04-3.13710668E+02 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.0000000QE+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
Fe(d) J 3/78FE 1. 0. 0. 0,C 1666.000 1809.000 65.84700 1 McBride (1993)
-4.35904698E+02 7.68489448E-01-4.46898892E-04 B.67070913E-OB 0.00000000E+00 2
1.87925634E+05 2.45057619E+03 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.0e000000E+00 3
0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.000000006+00 0.00000000E+00 4
Fe(L) J 3/7BFE 1. 0. 0. 0.C 1809.000 6000.000 66.84700 1 McBride (1993)
6.63538332E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00080800E+00 2
-1.27428941E+03-2.94772271E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.000000e0E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.0e000000E+00 4
FeCSOT(L) J 3/78FE 1.C 5.0 5. 0.C 3ee.eee 5eeo.eee 195.89900 1 Chase (1985)
2.81184500E+01 e.eeeeeOeOE+ee e.eoeeeeeeE+ee • .eeeeeeeeE+ee e.eeeeeeeeE+ee 2
-1.eOS24830E+OS-l.19666410E+e2 2.811846e0E+01 • ,eeeeeeeeE+ee e.eeeeeeeeE+ee 3
e.eeeeeeeeE+ee e.eeeeeOeeE+O0-l.0e52483eE+eS-1 .19666410E+02-9.21413141E+04 4
FeCL2(s) J12/70FE 1.CL 2. 0. 0.C 3ee.eee 95e.eee 126.75240 1 Chase (1985)
7.11222710E+00 1.10869530E-02-1.70727420E-06 1 .35158170E-08-4.13650360E-12 2
-4.36009850E+04-2.89940550E+01 7.112227106+00 1 .10869630E-02-1.70727420E-05 3
1.35158170E-eS-4.1365e360E-12-4.360e9850E+e4-2 .B9940650E+01-4.11137739E+04 4
FeCL2(L) J12/70FE 1.CL 2. 0. 0.C 960.000 6000.000 126.75240 1 Chase (1985)
1.22888630E+01 0.00000000E+00 e.eeeeeeeeE+ee • .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-4.11098210E+e4-S.3193e670E+el 1.22888630E+01 • .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.000000006+00-4.11098210E+04-5 .31930670E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
FeCL3(s) J 6/68FE 1.CL 3. 0. 0.C 200,000 677.000 162.20610 1 Chase (1986)
0.0000eOeeE+00 0.00e00000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-7.39666856E+00 2.02608434E-01-8.44606923E-04 3
1.592866026-06-1.07989321E-09-5.00144664E+04 2.44460935E+01 1.97062370E+04 4
FeCL3(L) J 6/66FE 1.CL 3 0. 0.C 677.000 6000.000 162.20610 1 Chase (1985)
1.61031270E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-4.84135278E+04-6.75758990E+01 1.61031270E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.000000006+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-4.84135278E+04-6.76768990E+01 1.97062370E+04 4
FeO(s) J 6/66FE 1.0 1 0. 0.C 300.000 1660.000 71.84640 1 Chase (1986)
5.83164890E+00 1.42751660E-03-9.32081430E-08-6.59977630E-12-2.25121430E-14 2
-3.46669020E+04-2.64469900E+01 6.31964750E+00 2.20966910E-03 1.07217760E-06 3
-2.79297290E-09 1.33207330E-12-3.44071650E+04-2.36860340E+01-3.27183476E+04 4
FeO(L) J 6/65FE 1.0 1 0. 0.C 1650.000 5000.000 71.84640 1 Chase (1985)
8.20224820E+00 0.00000000E+00 0,00000000E÷00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-3.38486160E+04-4.00791290E+01 8.20224820E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-3.38486160E+04-4.00791290E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Fe(OH)2(s) J 6/66FE 1.0 2 H 2. 0.C 300.000 1600.000 89.86168 1 Chase (1985)
7.40318080E+00 1.19817420E-02-1.49576110E-06-6,06263690E-09 2.00371110E-12 2
-7,16922660E+04-3.46732670E+01 1.00912180E+01 4.45231410E-03 4.06668650E-06 3
-4.00946260E-09 2.39471640E-13-7.22776880E+04-4.84000340E+01-6.90429813E+04 4
Fe(OH)3(s) J 6/66FE 1.0 3 H 3. 0.C 300.000 1500.000 106.86902 1 Chase (1985)
8.022392606+00 1.64201360E-02-1.23693780E-07-6.81928380E-09 2.32769070E-12 2
-1.03213360E+05-3.79340200E+01 4.41168360E+00 3.26824620E-02-2.23938160E-05 3
2.86467920E-09 2.26223210E-12-1.02718340E+05-2.13310140E+01-1.00141482E+06 4
FeB(a) J 9/77FE 1.S 1 0. 0.C 300.000 411.000 87.91300 1 Chase (1985)
1.89776270E+01-1.09642820E-01 2.21860160E-04 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.49952420E+04-7.81254350E+01 1.89776270E+01-1.09642820E-01 2.21860160E-04 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-1.49952420E+04-7.81254350E+01-1.22468515E+04 4
FeS(b) J 9/77FE 1.S 1 0. 0.C 411.000 698.000 87.91300 1 Chase (1985)
8.70286050E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.46897380E+04-4.20821020E+01 8.70285050E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.000000006+00 0.00000000E+00-1.46897380E+04-4.20821020E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
FeS(c) J 9/77FE 1.S 1 0. 0.C 598.000 1463.000 87.91300 1 Chase (1986)
-2.68304830E+00 3.67661040E-02-6.21822740E-05 3.16071700E-08-6.41260410E-12 2
-1.14986840E+04 1.62391240E+01 9.372417606+00 9.41620890E-04-1.58298640E-08 3
1.83808810E-08-6.77070670E-12-1.45816860E+04-4.61415160E+01 0.00000000E+00 4


FeS(L) J 9/77FE 1.S 1. 0. 0.C 1463.000 5000.000 87.91300 1 Chase (1986)

7,52328060E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.01642370E+O4-3.19709300E+01 7.52328060E+00 • .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+O0-1.01642370E+04-3 .19709300E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
FeSO4(s) J 6/66FE 1.S 1.0 4. 0.C 300.000 2000.000 161.91060 1 Chase (1986)
1.16089290E+01 1.38046970E-O2-9.81263800E-06 3 .60878110E-O9-5.09762790E-13 2
-1.16191860E+05-5.64778170E+01 3.50576840E+00 3 .70297010E-O2-2.90336310E-05 3
4.$7785890E-09 2.62020870E-12-1.14162600E+05-1 .52232410E+Ol-l.l1717626E+05 4
FeS2(s) J 9/77FE 1.S 2 0. 0.C 300.000 1400.000 119.97900 1 Chase (1986)
-8.85153200E+01 3.27489310E-O1-4.10574390E-04 2.29281460E-O7-4.77644150E-11 2
-4,65124760E+02 4.41730450E+02 4,03456630E-01 4.26746840E-02-8.40306260E-05 3
7.63014410E-OS-2.54323160E-11-2.20469270E+04-6.54563930E+00-2.06325071E+04 4
Fe203(s) J 6/65FE 2.0 3 0. 0.C 300.000 2600,000 169.69220 1 Chase (1986)
4.04975300E+O1-4.61316960E-02 3.18264060E-05-8.92263310E-09 8.46554170E-13 2
-1.13176270E+05-2.16350880E+02-7.70378430E+00 1.36474710E-01-3.29066660E-04 3
3.81604780E-07-1.63102850E-10-1.00800760E+06 2.52920850E+01-9.92620367E+04 4
Fe263012(s) J 6/66FE 2.S 3 0 12. 0.C 300.000 2000.000 399.88480 1 Chase (1986)
3.91144380E+01 1.17963270E-O2-3.38710140E-O8-2.29703990E-09 6.41019860E-13 2
-3.24782620E+OB-1.94004290E+02 1.11169650E+01 8.37067780E-O2-4.13650750E-05 3
-2.52792220E-08 2.10414350E-11-3.17297820E+OB-4.92887500E+O1-3.10668274E+06 4
Fe304(s) J 6/65FE 3.0 4 0. 0.C 300.000 6000.000 231.63860 1 Chase (1986)
2.41337200E+01 4.15922260E-OB-2.63314920E-08 6.60350940E-12-B.69246800E-16 2
-1.41210520E+05-1,20064120E+02 3.61981480E+Ol-l,74379760E-01 5.24756730E-04 3
-5.42382190E-07 1.79962020E-10-1.41387300E+OB-l.55566830E+O2-1,34696136E+05 4
H20(s) L 8/89H 2.0 1 0. 0.C 200.000 273,160 18.01628 1 Gordon (1982)
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 5.29677970E+O0-6.76749247E-02 5.16942109E-04 3
-1.43853360E-06 1.52664794E-09-3.62266557E+O4-1.79220428E+O1-3.59742186E+04 4
H20(L) L 8/89H 2.0 1 0. 0.C 273.160 600.000 18.01628 1 Cox (1989)
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2 Keenan (1969)
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 7.25575005E+01-6.62445402E-01 2,66198746E-03 3 Stimson (1969)
-4.36591923E-06 2.78178981E-09-4.18866499E+O4-2,88280137E+02-3.43772513E+04 4
H2SO4(L) J 9/77H 2.S 1.0 4. 0.C 300.000 1000.000 98.07948 1 Chase (1986)
9.94215260E+00 2.17863690E-02 3.49744680E-O6-3.35488670E-09 1.16996860E-12 2
-1.01859790E+OB-4.43986950E+01 9.94216250E+00 2.17863690E-02 3.49744680E-06 3
-3.35488570E-09 1.16996860E-12-1,01869790E+OB-4.43986950E+01-9.79023828E+04 4
Hg(cr) J12/61HG 1. 0. 0. 0.C 200.000 234.290 200.59000 1 McBride (1993)
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2.43103385E+00 4.24646668E-03 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+O0-l.17886806E+03-7 .11248114E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
Hg(L) J12/61HG 1. 0. 0. 0.C 234.290 2000.000 200.69000 1 McBride (1993)
3.03653487E+00 3.16006666E-04 6.43901172E-08-2 .92306991E-11 4.86860918E-15 2
-8.88170602E+O2-8.17243018E+00 3.79685248E+00-2 .09026109E-03 2.22267107E-06 3
-1,08605655E-10-4.28087248E-13-1.05834631E+03-1 .19626936E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
HgBr2(s) J 3/62HG 1.BR 2. 0. 0.C 300.000 614.000 360.39800 1 Chase (1986)
8.28297140E+00 1.63023640E-03 3.42298790E-06 7 .09619920E-10-4.33638620E-12 2
-2,29524380E+04-2.73452760E+01 8.28297140E+00 1 .63023640E-03 3.42298790E-06 3
7.09619920E-10-4.33538620E-12-2.29524380E+04-2 .73452760E+01-2.03808119E+04 4
HgBr2(L ) J 3/62HG 1.BR 2. 0 0.C 614.000 6000.000 360.39800 1 Chase (1985)
1.22787990E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-2.25008980E+O4-4.68512120E+01 1.22787990E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-2.25008980E+O4-4.68512120E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
HgO(s) J 6/62HG 1.0 1. 0 0.C 300.000 1000.000 216.68940 1 Chase (1986)
3,41708660E+00 7.11605700E-03-1.48969960E-O6-4.49135480E-09 2.59379240E-12 2
-1.22332700E+04-1.30371850E+01 3.41708660E+00 7.11605700E-03-1.48969960E-06 3
-4.49135480E-09 2.59379240E-12-1.22332700E+O4-1,30371850E+Ol-1.09189916E+04 4
I2(cr) TPIS89I 2. 0. 0 0.C 200.000 386.750 253.80894 1 McBride (1993)
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+O0-1.05757713E+01 2.26905653E-O1-1.12461645E-03 3
2.41678452E-O6-1.84901377E-O9-8,99721615E+02 3.88598964E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
I2(L) TPIS89I 2. 0. 0 0,C 386.760 6000.000 253.80894 1 McBride (1993)
9.56821268E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0,00000000E+00 2
-1.20451948E+03-3.63733927E+01 9,56821268E+00 0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-1.20451948E+03-3.63733927E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
K(cr) CODA89K 1. 0. 0 0.C 200.000 336.860 39.09830 1 McBride (1993)
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-2.08951123E+00 6.16320193E-02-2.40731903E-04 3
3.27255823E-07 0.00000000E+OO-6.36098059E+02 9.11736910E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
KCL) CODASgK 1. 0. 0 0.C 336.860 2200.000 39.09830 1 McBride (1993)
4.64964931E+OO-2.79174106E-03 1.80836337E-06 3.41244868E-11-4.48782184E-15 2
-1.01467797E+O3-1.71767347E+01 4.22910563E+OO-7.06885543E-04-2.12965848E-06 3
3.36227270E-Og-l.05902602E-12-9.45117514E+02-1.B2340054E+01 0.00000000E+00 4


KCN(s) J 3/66K 1.C 1.N 1. 0.C 300.000 895.000 65.11604 1 Chase (1985)
8.17997280E+O0-1.40107820E-03 3.42377250E-06-3.49617380E-09 1.30527800E-12 2
-1.60482010E+O4-3.09445250E+01 8.17997280E+00-1.40107820E-03 3.42377250E-06 3
-3.49617380E-09 1.30527800E-12-1.60482010E+04-3.09445250E+Ol-l.36476597E+04 4
KCN(L) J 3/66K 1.C 1.N 1. 0.C 895.000 5000.000 65.11604 1 Chase (1985)
9.05813050E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.52267170E+O4-3.54540830E+01 9.05813050E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 O.00000000E+O0-l.62267170E+O4-3.54540830E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
KCL(s) J 3/66K 1.CL 1. 0. 0.C 300,000 1044.000 74.55100 1 Chase (1985)
3.91571690E+00-2.09272710E-03 4.73101820E-06 7.01525370E-O9-5.51460980E-12 2
-5.27470660E+04-1.01448000E+01 5.39343110E+00 2.65352420E-03 9.60756550E-07 3
-5.02518430E-09 4.0721228E_E-12-5.42483890E+O4-2.16968140E+Ol-B.25219178E+04 4
KCL(L) J 3/66K 1.CL 1. 0. 0.C 1044.000 5000.000 74.56100 1 Chase (1985)
8.85180640E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-5.33694780E+O4-4.00100590E+01 8.85180640E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 O,00000000E+OO-5.33694780E+04-4.00100590E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
KF(s) J 6/69K 1.F 1. 0. 0.C 300.000 1131.000 58.0967e 1 Chase (1985)
9.46277820E+O0-6.40575120E-03 6.39132620E-08 7,59495890E-09-3.35981040E-12 2
-7.12491070E+O4-4.48318040E+01 4.98439720E+00 3.59431900E-O3-1.76964010E-06 3
-4,81061410E-10 Z.02807300E-12-7,00181490E+04-2.13845040E+O1-6.83883952E+04 4
KF(L) J 6/69K 1.F 1. 0. 0.C 1131.000 5000.000 58.09670 1 Chase (1985)
8.65554690E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-6.92680250E+04-4.11799320E+01 8.65564690E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-6.92680250E+04-4,11799320E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
KHF2(a) J 6/71K 1.H 1.F 2. 0.C 300.000 469.850 78.10305 1 Chase (1985)
-9.12984980E+00 8.66188890E-02 4.39044120E-OS-6.68675990E-07 8.04541630E-10 2
-1.12582590E+05 4.10828000E+O1-9.12984980E+00 8.66188890E-02 4.39044120E-05 3
-6.68675990E-07 8.04541630E-10-l.12582590E+05 4.10828000E+Ol-l.12008733E+05 4
KHF2(b) J 6/71K 1.H 1.F 2. 0.C 469.850 511.950 78.10305 1 Chase (1985)
1.20573780E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.14571260E+OS-B.41701400E+01 1.20573780E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-1.14571260E+05-5.41701400E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
KHF2(L) J 6/71K 1.H 1.F 2. 0.C 611.960 6000,000 78.10305 1 Chase (1985)
1.25807370E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.14043090E+05-5.58799150E+01 1.26807370E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 O,00000000E+OO-l.14043090E+05-B.58799150E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
KOH(a) JZ2/70K 1.0 1.H 1. 0,C 300.000 616.080 56.10564 1 Chase (1985)
6.44009770E+00 1.13101680E-03 1.50732720E-OS-1.49061190E-08 1.05563250E-11 2
-5.31618980E+O4-2.80988530E+01 6.44009770E+00 1.13101680E-03 1.50732720E-05 3
-1.49061190E-08 1.06663250E-11-5.31618980E+04-2.80988530E+O1-5.1082820BE+04 4
KOH(b) J12/70K 1.0 1.H 1. 0.C 516.000 679.000 56.10664 1 Chase (1985)
9.46071400E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-5.32916480E+04-4.33693260E+01 9.46071400E+00 0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-5.32916480E+O4-4.33693260E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
KOH(L) J12/70K 1.0 1.H 1. 0.C 679.000 5000.000 56.10664 1 Chase (1985)
9,99564690E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-5.26207310E+04-4.53343920E+01 9.99584690E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E÷00 3
0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+O0-5.26207310E+O4-4.S3343920E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
K02(s) J 6/71K 1.0 2. 0. 0.C 300.000 1500.000 71.09710 1 Chase (1986)
-1.04945450E+01 6.88589880E-O2-8.14023070E-05 4.29476920E-0B-8.49658320E-12 2
-3.24899890E+04 5.96869130E+01 3.87754870E+00 3.01570310E-O2-5.11822510E-06 3
4.16338720E-08-1.30729560E-11-3.63407270E+O4-1.44190320E+01-3.42203377E+04 4
K2C03(s) J 3/66K 2.C 1.0 3. 0.C 300.000 1174.000 138.20580 1 Chase (1985)
2.28243410E+Ol-l.35809930E-02 8.74098900E-06 1.14944260E-O8-6.75881490E-12 2
-1.45778440E+OS-l.10486650E+02 8.43986320E+00 1.88362560E-O2-4.68274830E-07 3
-1.05196100E-08 6.43184120E-12-1.41667440E+O6-3.48944240E+O1-l.38335773E+05 4
K2CO3(L) J 3/66K 2.C 1.0 3. 0.C 1174.000 6000.000 138.20580 1 Chase (1986)
2.51614690E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0,00000000E+00 2
-1.47401380E+OB-1.31107300E+02 2.61614690E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+O0-1.47401380E+OS-1.31107300E+02 0.00000000E+00 4
K20(s) J 6/63K 2.0 1. 0. 0.C 298.150 2000.000 94.19600 1 Chase (1985)
7.18702640E+00 9.11492365E-O3-4.18066880E-06 1.79898267E-09-2.83941251E-13 2
-4.60009426E+O4-3.17449802E+01 4.43039872E-01 6,20637705E-02-1.36231073E-04 3
1.36376972E-07-4.90163860E-11-4.56125862E+O4-4.75903470E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
K202(s) J 9/63K 2.0 2. 0. 0.C 298.160 2000.000 110.19540 1 Chase (1985)
1.04816299E+01 6.90861807E-03 4.86567038E-07-2.54902723E-10 4.08386186E-14 2
-6.31814318E+O4-4.84772902E+01 8.82674208E+00 1.32621264E-O2-1.11439578E-05 3
1.09588563E-O8-4.24101605E-12-6.27735254E+04-4.02614321E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
K26(1) J 3/78K 2.S 1. 0. 0.C 300.000 1050.000 110.26260 1 Chase (1986)
-7.48493370E+01 9.36197960E-02 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-9.72179390E+03 4.49673930E+02 3.13644310E+01-l.88106630E-01 6.60057270E-04 3
-6.97035650E-07 3.12490940E-10-4.99974060E+O4-1.28104560E+O2-4.52887377E+04 4


1 Chase (1985)
K2S(2) J 3/78K 2.S 1. 0. 0.C 1050.000 1100.000 110.26260
1.56428160E+02-1.26644440E-01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1,31144190E+05-9.27942760E+02 1,66428160E+02-1.26644440E-01 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0,00000000E+00-1.31144190E+05-9.27942750E+02 0.00000000E+00 4
1 Chase (1986)
K2S(3) J 3/78K 2.S 1. 0. 0.C 1100.000 1221.000 110.26260
1,71198670E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-5.45249530E+04-9.16665110E+01 1.711986705+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-5.45249530E+04-9.16665110E+01 0,00000000E+00 4
K2S(L) J 3/78K 2 S 1. 0. 0.C 1221.000 5000.000 110.26260 1 Chase (1985)
1.21429270E+01 0.000000005+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-4.65203490E+04-5.47160430E+01 1.21429270E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-4.65203490E+04-5.47160430E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
1 Chase (1985)
K2SO4(a) J 6/78K 2 S 1.0 4. 0.C 300.000 857.000 174.26020
1.70265260E+00 8.47097140E-02-1.76325730E-04 1.928280305-07-7.64708900E-11 2
-1.75980870E+05-7.56319510E+00 1.70265260E+00 8,470971405-02-1.76328730E-04 3
1.928280305-07-7.64708900E-11-1.75980870E+05-7.56319510E+00-1.72921009E+05 4
1 Chase (1985)
K2SO4(b) J 6/78K 2 S 1.0 4. 0.C 857.000 1342.000 174.26020
-2.90198660E+02 1.05696310E+00-1.34752990E-03 7.67665760E-07-1.63374400E-10 2
-1.05542140E+05 1.45300940E+03 1.38071770E+01 9.67305900E-03 4.66685510E-08 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-1.75853260E+05-5.84412960E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
K2SO4(L) J 6/78K 2 S I 0 4. 0.C 1342.000 5000.000 174.26020 1 Chase (1985)
2.42304990E+01 0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.76955190E+05-1,17402220E+02 2.42304990E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-1.76955190E+06-1.174022205+02 0.e0000000E+00 4
1 McBride (1993)
Li(cr) TPIS82LI 1 • g. 0.C 200.000 463.690 6.94100
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 6.10909942E-01 1.41041217E-02-1.74958170E-05 3
-3.33741023E-08 7.76629665E-11-6.25121208E+02-3.26449947E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
1 McBride (1993)
Li(L) TPIS82LI 1 • 0. 0.C 453.690 3000,000 6.94100
3.89314223E+00-8.42787696E-04 4.45546328E-07-3.66337454E-11 3.892792205-15 2
-8.22019556E+02-1.78183077E+01 4.62266638E+00-4.06164205E-03 6.91666170E-06 3
-4.24960086E-09 1.23517473E-12-9.68811267E+02-2.12778501E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
LiALO2(s) J12/79LI 1.AL I 0 2. 0.C 300.000 1973.000 65,92134 1 Chase (1985)
8.54408940E+00 6.48867910E-03-4.08639690E-06 1.54714660E-09-2.24960380E-13 2
-1.45981500E+05-4.45906180E+01-5,28411560E+00 7.84525870E-02-1.45415780E-04 3
1.246295805-07-4.01137050E-11-1.43818310E+05 1.85767330E+01-1.42964183E+05 4
LiALO2(L) J12/79LI 1.AL 1 0 2. 0.C 1973.000 6000.000 65.92134 1 Chase (1985)
1.50966790E+01 0,00000000E+00 0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.41658390E+05-8.09937670E+01 1.50966790E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-1.41668390E+05-8.09937670E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
1 Chase (1985
LICL(s) J 6/62LI 1.CL 1 0. 0.C 300.000 883.000 42.39370
4.10952450E+00 8.19810030E-03-1.15418740E-05 1.05853860E-08-3.64670220E-12 2
-5.060826605+04-1.82988940E+01 4,10952450E+00 8.198100305-03-1,15418740E-05 3
1.05853860E-08-3.64570220E-12-6.06082660E+04-1.82988940E+01-4.91014060E+04 4
1 Chase (1955)
LiCL(L) J 6/62LI 1.CL I 0. 0.C 883.000 2000.000 42.39370
8.21494770E+00 5.63913610E-04-1.73503310E-06 7.65960080E-10-1.23784770E-13 2
-5.00073220E+04-3.88089610E+01 1.03830280E+01-4.71796990E-03-1.61383170E-06 3
8.08071740E-09-4.44594930E-12-5.05391200E+04-4.99219600E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
1 Chase (1985)
LiF(s) J12/68LI 1.F 1 0. 0.C 300.000 1121.300 25.93940
6.54057380E+00-1.34210800E-04 1.78266060E-06 8.89964440E-10-9.12966640E-13 2
-7.59003650E+04-2.74472760E+01 1.76943260E+00 1.75052240E-02-2.80387510E-06 3
2.28933850E-08-6.96336580E-12-7.52992780E+04-9.94780570E+00-7.41994361E+04 4
LIF(L) J12/68LI 1.F 1. 0. 0.C 1121.300 6000.000 26.93940 1 Chase (1985)
7.71954010E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.000000005+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-7.43043470E+04-3.88154870E+01 7.71954010E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0°00000000E+00-7.43043470E+04-3.88164870E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
1 Chase (1985)
LiH(s) J 9/67LI 1.H 1. 0, 0.C 300.000 961.800 7.94894
3.86118120E-01 1.21279570E-02-8.69003360E-06 5.63115650E-09-1.26934830E-12 2
-1.14869910E+04-3.06545750E+00 3.86118120E-01 1.21279670E-02-8.69003360E-06 3
5.63115550E-09-1.26934830E-12-1.14869910E+04-3.06545750E+00-1.08990681E+04 4
1 Chase (198S)
LiH(L) J 9/67LI 1.H 1. 0. 0.C 961.800 5000.000 7,94894
7,49811910E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.15818260E+04-4.00472780E+01 7.49811910E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.000000005+00-1.15818260E+04-4.00472780E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
1 Chase (1985)
LiOH(s) J 6/71LI 1.0 1.H 1. 0.C 300.000 744.300 23.94834
6.32277970E-01 2.53405380E-02-2.78979500E-05 8.692589305-09 4.14998940E-12 2
-5.94126800E+04-4.83826970E+00 6.32277970E-01 2.53405380E-02-2.78979500E-05 3
8.69258930E-09 4,14998940E-12-5.94126800E+04-4.83826970E+00-5.83252001E+04 4
1 Chase (1985)
LiOH(L) J 6/71L1 1.0 1.H 1. 0.C 744.300 6000.000 23.94834
1.04742180E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.000000005+00 2
-6.01866710E+04-5.38971400E+01 1.04742180E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-6.01856710E+04-5.38971400E+01 0.00000000E+00 4


Li2O(s) J 3/64LI 2.0 1. 0. 0,C 300.000 1843.000 29.88140 1 Chase (1985)

4,27747760E+00 7.85216720E-O3-5.22250900E-07-1.78644260E-09 5.39610350E-13 2
-7.33962780E+04-2.17654970E+O1-3.17272390E-01 3.61493560E-02-5.54559210E-05 3
4.17964370E-08-1.18040480E-11-7.31061960E+04-2.28883300E+O0-7.20069902E+04 4
Li20(L) J 3/64LI 2.0 1. 0 0.C 1843.000 5000.000 29.88140 1 Chase (1985)
1.20769310E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-7.13379210E+O4-6.S1749740E+01 1.20769310E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0,00000000E+OO-7.13379210E+O4-6.61749740E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Li2SO4(a) J12/78LI 2.S 1.0 4 0.C 200.000 848.000 109.94360 1 Chase (1985)
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-4.13373697E+00 1.06940668E-O1-2.09346062E-04 3
2.12892822E-O7-8.01626106E-11-1.74806776E+06 1.29836773E+01 1.86362240E+04 4
Li2SO4(b) J12/78LI 2.S 1.0 4 0.C 848.000 1132.000 109.94360 1 Chase (1985)
2.61026513E+O1-8.29304728E-04 3.90810735E-07 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.80422445E+O6-1,38008099E+02 2.37954812E+O1-2.84626052E-04 1.63301129E-07 3
0.00000000E+00 O.00000000E+OO-1.80308446E+OS-1.36312168E+02 1,86362240E+04 4
LI2SO4(L) J12/78LI 2.S 1.0 4 0,C 1132.000 6000.000 109.94660 1 Chase (1985)
2.46679132E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.73097798E+06-1.27626168E+02 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 1.86362240E+04 4
Li3N(s) J 3/78LI 3.N 1. • 0.C 300.000 1380.000 34.82974 1 Chase (1985)
5.44225030E+00 1.34777370E-O2-1.94223220E-O6-2.49601090E-11 0.00000000E+00 2
-2.20167760E+O4-2.74672760E+01 2.92266680E+00 2.86987020E-O2-3.63369470E-06 3
3.18619850E-O8-1.10936010E-11-2.16780290E+O4-1.63310670E+Ol-l.97900194E+04 4
Mg(cr) SRD 93MG 1. 0. • 0.C 298.150 923.000 24.30500 1 Alcock (1993)
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2 McBride (1993)
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 1.47884944E+00 9.27430526E-03-1.96060788E-06 3
1.98215527E-OS-7.04927374E-12-7.16649299E+02-6.57222695E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
Mg(L) SRD 93M0 1. 0. 0. 0.C 923.000 6000.000 24.30600 1 Alcock (1993)
4.12631827E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2 McBride (1993)
-6.68934341E+02-1.93786894E+01 4.12631827E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-6.68934341E+O2-1.93786894E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
MgAL204(s) J12/79MG 1,AL 2.0 4. 0.C 300.000 2408.000 142.26668 1 Chase (1985)
1.46976790E+01 9.33047970E-O3-3,66226980E-06 1.16606300E-O9-1.43346310E-13 2
-2.81664110E+06-7.66686860E+O1-6.39126260E+00 1.17188600E-01-2.13261780E-04 3
1.82774060E-O7-6.38319910E-11-2.78271410E+06 2.01327010E+01-2.76618946E+06 4
MgAL204(L) J12/79MG 1.AL 2.0 4. 0.C 2408.000 5000.000 142.26568 1 Chase (1985)
2.64191880E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-2.68835360E+05-1.41986810E+02 2.64191880E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-2.68835360E+OS-1.41985310E+02 0.00000000E+00 4
MgBr2(s ) J 6/74MG 1.BR 2. 0. 0.C 300.000 984.000 184.11300 1 Chase (1985)
6.19664220E+00 2.06702630E-O2-3.72639390E-06 3.19376640E-OS-9.96070160E-12 2
-6.52526160E+O4-2.02889100E+01 6.19664220E+00 2.06702630E-O2-3,72639390E-05 3
3.19376640E-O8-9.96070160E-12-6.62626160E+04-2.02889100E+O1-6.30662290E+04 4
MgBr2(L) J 6/74MG 1.BR 2. 0. 0.C 984.000 6000.000 184.11300 1 Chase (1935)
1.25807370E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-6.39629820E+O4-6.62664600E+01 1.25807370E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-6.39629820E+04-6.62564600E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
MgC03(s) J12/66MG 1,C 1.0 3. 0.C 300.000 1000.000 84.31420 1 Chase (1985)
1.34919240E+00 3.69341120E-02-4.44929620E-06 3.18169060E-O8-9.76463000E-12 2
-1.35416860E+06-9.06187320E+00 1.34919240E+00 3,69341120E-02-4.44929620E-05 3
3.18159060E-08-9.75453000E-12-1.35416850E+05-9.06187320E+00-1.33707806E+05 4
MgCL2(s) J12/66MG Z.CL 2. 0. 0.C 300.000 987.000 95.21040 1 Chase (1985)
5.44912960E+00 1.67452240E-02-2.S9669070E-05 1.91115730E-08-6.10690140E-12 2
-7.93438940E+04-2.42610840E+01 6.44912960E+00 1.67462240E-02-2.S9669070E-06 3
1.91116730E-08-6.10690140E-12-7.93433940E+04-2.42610840E+01-7.71689336E+04 4
MgCL2(L) J12/66MG 1.CL 2. 0. 0.C 987.000 6000.000 96.21040 1 Chase (1985)
1.10710480E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-7.62946180E+04-4.89726880E+01 1.10710480E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+O0-7.62946180E+04-4.89726880E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
MgF2(s) J 6/76MG 1,F 2. 0. 0.C 300.000 1536.000 62.30181 1 Chase (1985)
-2.10224270E+00 3.50242280E-02-3.97498930E-05 2.04618590E-OS-3.95344100E-12 2
-1.35393080E+05 1.10445550E+01 1.60361100E+00 3.17944860E-O2-5.26857980E-05 3
4.15877060E-O8-1.26194950E-11-1.36720340E+OS-9.73231710E+O0-1,35213306E+05 4
MgF2(L) J 6/75MG 1.F 2. 0. 0.C 1536.000 5000.000 62.30181 1 Chase (1986)
1.14167670E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.34084100E+O5-5.74250690E+01 1.14167670E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-1.34084100E+O6-6.74260690E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
MgI2(s) J12/74MG 1.I 2. 0. 0.C 300.000 907.000 278.11394 1 Chase (1985)
6.70171590E+00 1,16970220E-02-1.68363080E-06 1.31438090E-08-4.00999670E-12 2
-4.66277610E+04-2.64320430E+01 6.70171690E+00 1.16970220E-02-1.68363080E-06 3
1.31438090E-08-4.00999670E-12-4.65277610E+O4-2.54320430E+O1-4.41344148E+04 4


MgI2(L) J12/74MG 1.I 2 0. 0.C 9_7.000 5000.000 278.11394 1 Chase (1986)

1.20775070E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-4.55256600E+O4-5.18835260E+01 1.20775070E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 O,00000000E+O0-4,65266600E+04-6.18836260E+01 0,00000000E+00 4
MgO(s) J12/74MG 1,0 1 0. 0.C 300.000 3105.000 40.30440 1 Chase (1985)
5.04486810E+00 1.68982010E-03-7.56176950E-07 2.02868930E-10-2.05912710E-14 2
-7.40292850E+O4-2.63288920E+01-4,54039530E-O1 2.78732690E-02-4,90622470E-05 3
4.04741510E-O8-1.26703440E-11-7.30579480E+04-6.35520200E-O1-7.23138996E+04 4
MgO(L) J12/74MG 1.0 1 0. 0.C 3105.000 5000.000 40.30440 1 Chase (1985)
8.05167150E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-6.98794510E+O4-4.43438250E+01 8,05167150E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-6.98794510E+O4-4.43438250E+O1 0.00000000E+00 4
MgO2H2(s ) J12/75MG 1.0 2 H 2. 0.C 300.000 1000.000 58.31968 1 Chase (1986)
-4.16642480E+00 7.68449870E-02-1.37207670E-04 1.14268590E-O7-3.59258370E-11 2
-1.12384340E+05 1.35926370E+O1-4.16642480E+00 7.68449870E-O2-1.37207670E-04 3
1.14268590E-O7-3.69258370E-11-1.12384340E+05 1.36926370E+Ol-l.l1214407E+05 4
MgS(s) J 9/77MG 1.S 1 0. 0.C 300.000 3000.000 56.37100 1 Chase (1986)
5.35012290E+00 1.34336550E-03-6.29050000E-07 1.98198580E-10-2.26916480E-14 2
-4.32385480E+O4-2.48378310E+01 4.09728770E+00 6.92978580E-O3-9.20292860E-06 3
5.63293350E-O9-1.21703300E-12-4.30407590E+O4-1.89960010E+O1-4.15818955E+04 4
MgS04(s) L 7/76MG 1.S I 0 4. 0.C 300.000 1400.000 120.36860 1 Parker (1971)
-6.44769200E+01 2,63753170E-O1-3.24918840E-04 1.82572340E-O7-3.86907670E-11 2 Chase (1985)
-1.40661070E+05 3.21883890E+02 2.15340590E+00 4.87566320E-O2-7.36650300E-05 3
5.94277870E-OS-1.84337080E-11-1.66809620E+O5-1.30284440E+01-l.54542596E+05 4
MgSO4(L) L 7/76MG 1.S 10 4. 0.C 1400.000 5000.000 120.36860 1 Chase (1986)
1.91227200E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.60928760E+O5-1.01804650E+02 1.91227200E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+O0-1.60928760E+OE-1.01804650E+02 0.00000000E+00 4
MgSI03(I ) J12/67MG 1.SI 1 0 3. 0.C 300.000 903.000 100.38870 1 Chase (1986)
1.33777790E+00 4.44532220E-O2-6,59737530E-05 4.74142570E-O8-1.23310980E-11 2
-1.88172260E+OE-1.01789360E+01 1.33777790E+00 4.44532220E-O2-6.59737530E-05 3
4.74142570E-O8-1.23310980E-11-1.88172260E+OE-1.01789360E+Ol-l.86292692E+06 4
MgSi03(II) J12/67MG Z.SI 1 0 3. 0.C 903.000 1258.000 100.38870 1 Chase (1986)
1.44738860E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.91621720E+OS-7.66594640E+01 1.44738860E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0,00000000E+00-1.91621720E+05-7,66594640E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
MgSI03(III) J12/67MG 1.SI 1 0 3. 0.C 1268.000 1860.000 100.38870 1 Chase (1986)
1.47255010E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.91741990E+05-7.B2992980E+01 1.47255010E+01 0.00000000E+00 0,00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-1.91741990E+OE-7.B2992980E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
MgSiO3(L) J12/67MG 1.SI 1 0 3. 0.C 1860.000 6000.000 100.38870 1 Chase (1986)
1.76130310E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.SB026790E+05-9.51257310E+01 1.76130310E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0,00000000E+O0-1.88026790E+OE-9.51267310E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
MgTi03(s) J 6/67MG 1.TI 1 0 3. 0.C 300.000 1963.000 120.18320 1 Chase (1985)
1.02882240E+01 1.03437300E-O2-7.40121790E-06 2.79288240E-Og-3.96324480E-13 2
-1.92811680E+06-S.29580880E+Ol-l.57777430E-01 6.20183970E-O2-1.04806960E-04 3
8.49409250E-O8-2.63672950E-11-1.91077380E+OE-4.66165350E+OO-1.89138441E+05 4
MgTIO3(L) J 6/67MG 1.TI I 0 3. 0.C 1963.000 5000.000 120.18320 1 Chase (1985)
1.96269490E+01 0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.90918120E+OE-1.06562040E+02 1.96259490E+01 0.00000000E+00 0,00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+O0-1.90918120E+05-1.06562040E+02 0.00000000E+00 4
MgTi205(s) J 6/67MG 1.TI 2 0 5. 0.C 300.000 1963.000 200.06200 1 Chase (1986)
1.67766080E+01 1.22377910E-O2-6.30131600E-06 2.40194880E-O9-3,54129300E-13 2
-3.07546550E+05-8.32933900E+01 1.27163110E+00 9.26637940E-O2-1.63695020E-04 3
1.39033730E-O7-4.45132320E-11-3.05116130E+OS-1.24221020E+01-3.01810872E+05 4
MgTi2OE(L) J 6/67MG i.TI 2 0 6. 0.C 1963.000 5000.000 200.06200 1 Chase (1985)
3.14015190E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-3,04100010E+O5-1.68586490E+02 3.14015190E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-3.04100010E+OE-1.68586490E+02 0.00000000E+00 4
Mg2Si04(s) J12/67MG 2.SI 1 0 4. 0.C 300.000 2171.000 140.69310 1 Chase (1985)
1.57526790E+01 6.80046500E-O3-1.62039510E-06 7.73681120E-12 6.33375730E-14 2
-2.67299550E+05-8.14579920E+01 1.34289820E+00 6.68665880E-02-9.64456250E-05 3
6.64239600E-O8-1.71839900E-11-2,64469010E+OE-1.23991620E+O1-2.61825552E+05 4
Mg2SIO4(L) J12/67MG 2.SI I 0 4. 0.C 2171.000 5000.000 140.69310 1 Chase (1985)
2.46582440E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-2.66925490E+OE-1.34615100E+02 2.46582440E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-2.66925490E+OE-1.34615100E+02 0.00000000E+00 4
Mg2Ti04(s) J 6/67MG 2.TI 1 0 4. 0.C 300.000 2013.000 160.48760 1 Chase (1985)
1.47725770E+01 1,08241470E-02-4.99075600E-06 1.74079440E-O9-2.53981950E-13 2
-2.65390780E+05-7.39337100E+01-5.04411560E-02 8.80864240E-O2-1.56837890E-04 3
1.34018470E-O7-4.31237870E-11-2.63078650E+OB-6,25375070E+OO-2.60319690E+05 4


Mg2TiO4(L) J 6/67MG 2.TI 1.0 4. 8.C 2813.888 5888.888 168.48768 1 Chase (1985)
2.74763298E+81 8.88888888E+88 O.8888_BeBE+88 _.8_e_g_E+_ _._BeE+8_ 2
-2.6153559eE+_5-1.4746837eE+_2 2.7476329_E+_1 _._e_OE+_ O._8_e_E+_ 3
_._8_8E+0_ 8.eBeOeOBeE+_8-2.61635590E+eS-l.4745837_E+82 _._8_E+e8 4
Mo(cr) J 3/78M0 1. _. _. B.C 2_8._ 2896._ 95.94_8_ 1 McBride (1993)
6.38432823E+B_-6.B1622188E-B3 6._1482526E-B6-2.32962338E-B9 3.82_788BE-13 2
-1.6265722_E+_3-2.62488891E+_l 1.32884141E+_8 9.82653689E-_3-2.1_929825E-_5 3
2.B98_9528E-_8-7.68783244E-12-6.84364789E+82-6.29286838E+88 B.g_8888_E+88 4
Mo(L) J 3/78M0 1. 8. _. _.C 2896._ 68_.8_ 9E.948_ 1 McBride (1993)
4.52894999E+_8 8.B_888_BE+BB _.BgB_B88BE+BB B.BBe_BBBBE+88 B.B888BBBBE+B8 2
2.82148667E+_3-2.28_74762E+_l _.8_8_E+8_ _.8_8_8_E+8_ _._8_8_E+_8 3
NH4CL(a) BAR 73N 1.H 4.CL 1. B.C 298.158 458.B8_ 53.49128 1 Barin (1973)
4.67493838E+_8 1.92734258E-_2 8.8B88gB_BE+BB g.B_B88B88E+_B 8.BeB8_BB_E+g_ 2
-4._8827518E+_4-2._9591338E+81 4.6749383_E+_ 1.9273425_E-_2 _.8_8_8E+_ 3
_._888BB_BE+Bg B.88B_BBBBE+8_-4.BBB2751eE+_4-2.8959133_E+_1-3.783227BBE+84 4
NH4CL(b) BAR 73N 1.H 4.CL 1. _.C 458.88_ 793.2_ 53.4912_ 1 Barln (1973)
4.1666858_E+_8 1.3436849_E-82 _._88B_BB_E+B8 8.BBBB88BBE+88 _.B_B8888_E+8B 2
-3.8762693_E+84-1.4134482BE+_l 4.166686_E+_ 1.3436_49_E-82 8.__E+_ 3
_.8_B88_BE+88 8.BgB88B8BE+B_-3.87626938E+84-1.41344928E+B1-3.78322788E+84 4
Na(cr) CODABgNA 1. _. 8. _.C 2_.8_ 371._18 22.98977 1 McBride (1993)
_._8_E+_ _._88_E+_8 1.23984242E+_ 2.8_562189E-_2-7.36418252E-85 3
1.82712149E-87 8._e88BBBE+88-8.1332B916E+B2-4.5_681391E+B8 _._Bg_B_E+Bg 4
Na(L) CODA89NA 1. 8. _. 8.C 371._1_ 23_B.88_ 22.98977 1 McBride (1993)
4.59858543E+B8-2.42469486E-e3 1.32453794E-86-4.12375317E-11 6.4_167_81E-15 2
-9.98535834E+82-1.B6257127E+B1 4.32382419E+8e-l.41145451E-B3-1.31868846E-B7 3
9.17457679E-18-2.35865B7eE-13-9.36822263E+e2-1.72722638E+Bl 8.e_Be8eeBE+_8 4
NaALO2(a) J 3/63NA 1.AL 1.0 2. e.C 3_._8 74B._e 81.97811 1 Chase (1985)
-8._5_478_BE-el 5.8434968_E-82-1.1884415BE-e4 1.197B_42eE-_7-4.6224793BE-11 2
-1.3781665_E+_5-5.3335282_E-_2-B.eS_47888E-_l 5.8434968_E-_2-1.1884415_E-_4 3
1.1978_428E-_7-4.6224793_E-11-1,3781665_E+_5-5.3335282_E-_2-1.36294676E+_5 4
NaALO2(b) J 3/63NA 1.AL 1.0 2. 8.C 74_._ 3_88._8 81.97811 1 Chase (1985)
1.19662188E+B1-2.2817277eE-83 3.77137418E-B6-1.293267e_E-e9 1.4136_22_E-13 2
-1.4_84818_E+_S-6._8_6455_E+_l 1._542343_E+_1 8,84839_7_E-84 1.39_6763_E-_6 3
-5.1391393_E-1_ 9.B9B9B9gBE+B8-1.395886BgE+B8-5.2371362BE+Bl 9.B99_988_E+_B 4
NaBr(s) J 9/64NA 1.BR 1. 8. _.C 3_._e_ 1_2_._ 1_2.89377 1 Chase (1985)
6.6246448_E+_B 1.2382983BE-_4 4._99B276_E-87 2.B6836518E-l_-l.88764858E-14 2
-4.556_372_E+_4-2.76_58_E+_l 4.87664618E+8_ 6.8318928_E-_3-1._641163_E-_5 3
9.1613928_E-B9-2.8816297BE-12-4.S1486448E+e4-1.8982545_E+_l-4.34682858E+84 4
NaBr(L) J 9/64NA 1.BR 1. 8. _.C 1_28._ 58_._ 1_2.89377 1 Chase (1955)
7.4981191BE+_8 B.B9B89B_E+B8 9.998898BBE+B9 9._98B999BE+BB B.gBBBB88BE+88 2
-4.384977_E+_413._17_4518E+_l 7.4981191_E+_ _.__E+8_ _.__E+_8 3
• .8_8_8E+_ _._8_E+8_-4.3_4977_E+_4-3._17_461_E+_l _._8_E+_8 4
NaCN(s) J 3/66NA 1.C 1.N 1. 8.C 3_._8_ 835.8_ 49._751 1 Chase (1985)
7.9967732_E+99 1.915485BBE-93-5.34215918E-B6 6.8991642BE-99-3.1414911BE-12 2
-1.334_294_E+_4-3.17_39338E+_l 7.9967732_E+_ 1.9154558_E-_3-5.3421S91_E-_6 3
6.8891642BE-B9-3.14149118E-12-1.334_294BE+B4-3.17B3933_E+Bl-l._9B61445E+B4 4
NaCN(L) J 3/66NA 1.C 1.N 1. 8.C 835._ 5_._e_ 49._751 1 Chase (1985)
9.56136BBgE+B_ B._BBB_B_E+8B _._8_8_B_E+BB 8._8_BB_E+8_ _.B_88_BE+8B 2
-1.33864_7_E+e4-4._2873_9_E+_1 9.561368_E+_ 8._88_E+_ _.__E+_ 3
8.989_899_E+9_ 9.9_89_8_BE+8_-l.33864_7_E+84-4._2873999E+91 9._8_9E+8_ 4
NaCL(s) J 9/64NA 1.CL 1. 8. 8.C 3_._ 1_73.8_ 58.44247 1 Chase (1985)
2.21349278E+BB 1.5859982BE-B3 5.B486383BE-B6 2.682_549_E-_9-3.6487_968E-12 2
-4.92632_38E+_4-2.692566_E+_8 5.B24B7788E+_ 5.19498668E-_3-7.283373BBE-_6 3
6.g671979_E-89-1.2_13424BE-12-S.l123338_E+_4-2.12272_1_E+_l-4.94474351E+_4 4
NaCL(L) J 9/64NA 1.CL 1. _. _.C 1873.8_ 5_._ 58.44247 1 Chase (1955)
1.23584888E+81-6.39712eleE-83 3.2_47238E-86-6.7717362_E-l_ 5.1_15612_E-14 2
-5.1423265_E+84-6.8585538BE+_l 1.2358488_E+_l-6.3_712_l_E-_3 3.2_4723_E-B6 3
-6.7717362eE-1_ 5.1_15612eE-14-5.1423265_E+e4-6.e58553_eE+_l _.8_e_e_E+e_ 4
NaF(s) J12/68NA 1.F 1. _. _.C 3_e._88 1269._8B 41.98817 1 Chase (1955)
7.8342B26_E+_-9.483918_E-e4-S.4843986_E-_6 8.6843_22_E-89-2.928586_E-12 2
-7.18184_5_E+_4-3.8815718_E+_l 3.6977552_E+_ 1.852_572_E-e2-1.7235656_E-_5 3
1.4125911_E-_8-3.9514529_E-12-7._647183_E+_4-1.7393633_E+_l-6.92_33173E+_4 4
NaF(L) J12/68NA 1.F 1. _. 8.C 1269._ 35_e._88 41.98817 1 Chase (1955)
1._963261_E+_l-3.2_68459_E-_3 1.1611662_E-_6-1.6299297_E-l_ 5.2456141gE-15 2
-7._673943_E+_4-5.63756958E+81 1._963261_E+_1-3.2_68459_E-83 1.16116628E-_6 3
-1.62992978E-18 8.24561418E-15-7._6739438E+84-5.6375695eE+81 _.8_8_8888E+88 4
NaI(s) J 9/63NA 1.1 1. _. e.C 38_._ 933._ 149.89424 1 Chase (1955)
5.4995984_E+_ 3.5668_53_E-_3-3.996563_E-86 3.1841873BE-89-9.53_87228E-13 2
-3.639_356_E+_4-2._399251_E+_l 5.4995984_E+_ 3.5668_53_E-_3-3.996563_E-_6 3
3.18418739E-99-9.53_8722BE-13-3.63983568E+84-2.93992619E+91-3.46215846E+94 4


NaI(L) J 9/63NA 1.I 1. 0. 0.C 933.000 6000,000 149.89424 1 Chase (1985)

7.80005680E+00 0.00000000E+00 0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-3.47595680E+O4-3.08188810E+01 7.80005680E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-3,47595680E+O4-3.08188810E+01 0.00000000E+00 4

NaOH(a) J12/70NA 1.0 1.H 1. 0.C 300.000 696.000 39.99711 1 Chase (1985)
8.58794940E+OO-3.54060130E-O3-4.SB333940E-05 1.84184830E-O7-1.50189730E-10 2
-6.36118510E+O4-3.94075850E+01 8.58794940E+OO-3.S4060130E-O3-4,55333940E-05 3
1.84184830E-O7-1.50189730E-10-6.35118510E+O4-3.94076850E+O1-5.12178981E+04 4

NaOH(L) J12/70NA 1.0 1.H 1. 0.C 696.000 2500.000 39.99711 1 Chase (1985)
9.49723210E+00 2.27179720E-O3-2.39779340E-06 7.83984770E-10-B.19764720E-14 2
-5,29068240E+O4-4.62999000E+01 9.05567760E+00 4.30250410E-O3-2.42591320E-06 3
-3.54796640E-09 2.68894200E-12-5.29424460E+O4-4.35151400E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
NaO2(s) J 6/63NA 1 0 2. 0. 0.C 300.000 2000.000 54.98857 1 Chase (1986)
6.67531770E+00 6.42345130E-O3-1.54377730E-06 6.83577740E-10-l.10739220E-13 2
-3.35725460E+O4-2.SB486080E+01 7.27988820E+00 4.41607210E-03 1.24139210E-06 3
-1,29211710E-09 4.82594790E-13-3.37265610E+O4-2.B8998070E+O1-3.13511405E+04 4
Na2C03(1) J 3/66NA 2 C 1.0 3. 0.C 300.000 723.160 106.98874 1 Chase (1985)
6.78356590E+00 3.88297010E-O2-9.82624550E-05 1.65430840E-O7-8,32945150E-11 2
-1.39170100E+O5-3.04632930E+01 6.78356590E+00 3.88297010E-O2-9.82624550E-05 3
1.65430840E-O7-8.32946150E-11-1.39170100E+OS-3.04632930E+O1-l.36002267E+06 4
Na2C03(2) J 3/66NA 2 C 1.0 3. 0.C 723.160 1123.150 105.98874 1 Chase (1985)
8.28177650E+00 1.12753890E-02 1.99632940E-06 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.37612660E+O6-3.13726800E+01 1.18483410E+O1-3.51389860E-03 2.06166690E-06
-7.39651750E-09 0.00000000E+OO-1.38141870E+OS-4.80643680E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Na2CO3(L) J 3/66NA 2 C 1.0 3, 0.C 1123.160 5000.000 105.98874 1 Chase (1985)
2.27962950E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.42292180E+OS-l.16221210E+02 2.27962950E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-1.42292180E+OS-1.16221210E+02 0.00000000E+00 4
Na20(c) J 6/68NA 2 0 1. 0. 0.C 300.000 1243.200 61.97894 1 Chase (1985)
2.41689560E+O1-2.52797440E-O2-4.73906580E-06 3.18363870E-O8-1.45702650E-11 2
-5.80482360E+O4-1.26180650E+02 5.26545830E+00 1.11168720E-O2-6.38763820E-07 3
-9.69932070E-09 5.37200710E-12-5.23143450E+O4-2.41870240E+O1-5.02726131E+04 4
Na20(a) J 6/68NA 2 0 1. 0. 0.C 1243.200 1406.200 61.97894 1 Chase (1985)
-1.49065900E+02 2.27990380E-01 3.83912680E-OB-1.70999190E-07 6.13959260E-11 2
1.16147950E+04 8.46892680E+O2-1.49065900E+02 2.27990380E-01 3.83912680E-05 3
-1.70999190E-07 6.13959260E-11 1.16147960E+04 8.46892680E+02 0,00000000E+00 4
Na20(L) J 6/68NA 2 0 1 0. 0.C 1406.200 6000.000 61.97894 1 Chase (1985)
1.25807370E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-4.85948570E+O4-6.06615490E+01 1.25807370E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-4.86948570E+O4-6.06615490E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Na202(a) J 6/68NA 2.0 2 0. 0.C 300.000 785.000 77.97834 1 Chase (1985)
4.58152780E+00 3.24559100E-O2-6,11542010E-05 4.26639790E-O8-1.39916370E-11 2
-6.41610530E+O4-2.24554530E+01 4.58152780E+00 3.24559100E-O2-5.11542010E-05 3
4.26639790E-O8-1.39916370E-11-6.41610530E+O4-2.24554630E+O1-6.17267448E+04 4
Na202(b) J 6/68NA 2.0 2 0. 0.C 785.000 6000.000 77.97834 1 Chase (1986)
1.36626800E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-6.56325710E+O4-6.68415510E+01 1.36626800E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-6.56326710E+O4-6.68416610E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Na2S(1) J 3/78NA 2.S 1 0 0.C 300.000 1276.000 78.04664 1 Chase (1985)
4.46755600E+O2-1.05851110E+00 8.11700930E-O4-1.88778780E-07 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.77483940E+OS-2.34626590E+03 9.70755990E+OO-3.11261830E-04 5.51211610E-06 3
-6.04350720E-09 2.30175490E-12-4.69503790E+O4-4.38376130E+O1-4.40320621E+04 4

Na2S(2) J 3/78NA 2.S 1 0 0.C 1276.000 1445.000 78.04554 1 Chase (1985)

-5.67935490E+05 1.68041210E+O3-1.86226790E+00 9,16205880E-O4-1.68848790E-07 2
1.53328050E+08 2.91086870E+O6-B.67936490E+05 1.68041210E+O3-1.B6226790E+00 3
9.16205880E-O4-1.68848790E-07 1.53328050E+08 2.91086870E+06 0.00000000E+00 4

Na2S(L) J 3/78NA 2.S 1 0 0.C 1445.000 6000.000 78.04664 1 Chase (1985)

1.10710480E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-4.27909300E+O4-4.86158890E+01 1.10710480E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-4.27909300E+O4-4.B6158890E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Na2SO4(V) J 6/78NA 2.S 1.0 4 0.C 200.000 458.000 142.04314 1 Chase (1985)
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 5.83393186E+00 3.08201992E-02 5.97986360E-05 3
-2.59779078E-07 2.47853998E-10-1.70156075E+05-2.52886427E+01 2.32172790E+04 4

NaSO4(IV) J 6/78NA 2.S 1.0 4 0.C 468.000 514.000 142.04314 1 Chase (1985)
0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 9.71967784E+00 2,18820420E-O2-6.19770747E-06 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-1.70712819E+OS-4.36063369E+01 2.32172790E+04 4
NaS04(I) J 6/78NA 2.S 1.0 4 0.C 514.000 1157.000 142.04314 1 Chase (1986)
1.61167389E+01 8.20926891E-O3-2.33306547E-07 0.00000000E+00 0.00_00000E+00 2
-1.71129101E+OS-7.46990748E+01 1.54854389E+01 1.92613777E-O2-3.32267332E-05 3
3.56283302E-O8-1.30577214E-11-1.71322923E+OS-7.35127015E+01 2.32172790E+04 4
NaSO4(L) J 6/78NA 2.S 1.0 4 0.C 1157.000 6000.000 142.04314 1 Chase (1985)
2.36977729E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.71658912E+OS-l.16358482E+02 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2.32172790E+04 4 65

Na3ALF6(a) J12/79NA 3.AL 1.F 6. 0.C 300.000 836.000 209.94126 1 Chase (1985)
2.25929580E+00 1.55696660E-01-3.61618440E-04 4.04790800E-07-1.65055520E-10 2
-4.040599305+05-1.77985450E+01 2.25929580E+00 1.55696660E-01-3.61618440E-04 3
4.047908005-07-1.65065520E-10-4.04069930E+05-1.77985450E+01-3.98938949E+05 4
Na3ALF6(b) J12/79NA 3.AL 1.F 6. 0.C 836.000 1285.000 209.94126 1 Chase (1985)
9.55439570E+00 3.52015420E-02-1.46209940E-05 4.40206690E-09 0.00000000E+00 2
-3.99075520E+05-2.82161770E+01 1.65936570E+01 1.69116940E-02 1.03166000E-06 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-4.01086890E+05-6.49107920E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Na3ALF6(L) J12/79NA 3.AL 1.F 6. 0.C 1285.000 6000.000 209.94126 1 Chase (1956)
4.75676230E+01 0.000000005+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-4.12965380E+05-2.53758800E+02 4.75676230E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-4.12966380E+05-2.53758800E+02 0.00000000E+00 4
NaSAL3F14(s) J12/79NA 5.AL 3.F 14. 0.C 300.000 1010.000 461.87110 1 Chase (1955)
6,08053760E+01 1.01490150E-02 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-9.31943650E+05-2.94919480E+02 1.37281710E+01 2.32983000E-01-4.16721720E-04 3
3.537326805-07-1.12767740E-10-9.232558205+05-7.39137540E+01-9.118433105+05 4
NaSAL3F14(L) J12/79NA 6.AL 3 F 14. 0.C 1010.000 6000.000 461.87110 1 Chase (1985)
1.17130100E+02 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-9.56128840E+05-6.47053090E+02 1.17130100E+02 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-9.66128840E+05-6.47083090E+02 0.90000000E+00 4
Nb(cr) J12/73NB 1. 0 0. 0.C 200.000 2760.000 92.90638 1 McBride (1993)
4.214999865+00-2.90686491E-03 3.12396990E-06-1.27909749E-09 2.09229406E-13 2
-1.28682102E+03-1.91976179E+01 1.91200557E+00 6.92396276E-03-1.56081201E-06 3
1.61804090E-08-6.04602043E-12-7.69037196E+02-8.00990261E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
Nb(L) J12/73NB 1. • • 0,C 2760.000 6000.000 92.90638 1 McBride (1993)
4.025733335+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
1.42704047E+03-1.85790562E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
Nb0 (s) J12/73NB 1.0 1 g g.C 3gO.ggg 2210.900 198.90578 1 Chase (1985)
5.12385530E+00 8 .93758600E-04 3.09308450E-07-1.64337020E-10 2.86698360E-14 2
-5.21109100E+04-2 .40995200E+01 2.98212600E+00 1.02175450E-02-1.51788960E-06 3
1.13084670E-08-3 .13828580E-12-5.17033690E+04-1.391859705+01-5.04733489E+04 4
NbO (L) J12/73NB 1.0 1 • 0.C 2210.000 6000.000 108.90578 1 Chase (1985)
7.54844210E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00080000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-4.45871380E+04-3 .58173400E+01 7,64844210E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00-4,45871380E+04-3.58173400E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Nb02 (I) J12/73NB 1.0 2 0 0.C 200.000 1090.000 124.90618 1 Chase (1985)
5.28902716E+00 5 .20386062E-03 0.00000000E+09 0.00000000E+00 0.00000900E+00 2
-9.72972461E+04-2 .48908597E+01-1.64841792E+00 5.45836428E-02-1.20674626E-04 3
1.23777770E-07-4 .66154808E-11-9.67311630E+04 3.47268215E+00 9.27174400E+03 4
Nb02 (II) J12/73NB 1.0 2 0 0.C 109B.000 1200.000 124.90515 1 Chase (1985)
1.11714100E+01 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.00205998E+05-5 .99819441E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E÷00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 9.27174400E+03 4
Nb02(III) J12/73NB 1.0 2 0 0.C 1200.000 2176.000 124.90618 1 Chase (1985)
9.98885082E+00 • .90000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.e0000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-9.87869274E+04-5 .15975088E+01 0.00000000E+00 e.ooeeoOOeE+Oe e.eooeeeOOE+Oe 3
0.00000000E+00 • .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.08000000E+00 9.27174400E+03 4
NbO2(L) J12/73NB 1.0 2 0 0.C 2175.000 6000.000 124.90618 1 Chase (1985)
1.13223760E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.0eOeOOOOE+00 o.eoooeoeoE+eO 2
-9.06165758E+04-5.67653462E+01 0.00000000E+00 e.eeeeoeeoE+eO o.00eeoeeoE+oo 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0. 00000000E+00 e.eeeeeeeeE+ee 9.271744eeE+e3 4
Nb205(s) J12/72NB 2.0 6. • 0.C 3_1.000 1785.000 265.80976 1 Chase (1985)
1.70548920E+01 4.91406680E-03 4.72946440E-07-1.83760710E-09 6.06219220E-13 2
-2.34230270E+06-8.32247990E+01 8.6053488eE+00 3.44012140E-02-3.769874805-06 3
1.98637200E-08-3.961026705-12-2.32232290E+05-4.06849200E÷01-2.28463075E+05 4
Nb2OS(L) J12/72NB 2.0 5. • 0.C 1785.000 5000.000 265.80976 1 Chase (1985)
2.91369870E+01 0.000000005+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-2,37360250E+06-1.59333960E+02 2.91369870E÷01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-2.37360260E+05-1.59333960E+02 0.00000000E+00 4
Ni(cr) J12/76NI 1. 0. • 0.C 200.000 631.000 58.69340 1 McBride (1993)
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3.92097614E+00-2.34184719E-02 1.34230145E-04 3
-2.76971639E-07 1.98530861E-10-8.62387206E+02-1.56856186E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Ni(cr) J12/76NI 1. 0. • 0.C 631.000 1728.000 58.69340 1 McBride (1993)
9.58208572E+00-1.78945122E-02 1.97185112E-05-9.11967952E-09 1.68728609E-12 2
-2.61782186E+03-4.74612393E+01 4.864848775+02-2.303953805+00 4.10622634E-03 3
-3.23350101E-06 9.49617381E-10-8.11709086E+04-2.26428960E+03 0.00000000E+00 4


Ni(L) J12/76NI 1. 0. 0. 0.C 1728.009 6000.000 58.69340 1 McBride (1993)

4.67989094E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-3,22238346E+02-2.33517797E+O1Q.OOOOOOOOE+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
1 Chase (1985)
NiS(b) J12/76NI 1.S 1. 0. 0.C 300.000 652.000 90.75940
2.51505130E+00 1.98108790E-O2-4.47517130E-O5 S,35527369E-O8-2.47391510E-11 2
-1.18972750E+O4-1.22988050E+01 2.51505130E+00 1.98108790E-02-4.47517130E-05 3
5.35527360E-O8-2.47391510E-11-1.18972750E+04-1.22988050E+01-l.05681072E+04 4
1 Chase (1985)
NIS(a) J12/76NI 1,S 1. 0. 0.C 662.000 1249.000 90.75940
-2.16882770E+00 2.04672610E-02-1.52390680E-05 4.52420390E-09 0.00000000E+00 2
-9.25397310E+03 1.60189760E+01 1.59778550E+00 1.62791590E-O2-2.39592640E-05 3
1.96652470E-O8-5.99935920E-12-1.06051920E+Od-4.99884140E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
NIS(L) J12/76NI 1.S 1. 0. 0.C 1249.000 5000.000 90.7S940 1 Chase (1985)
9.23426080E+00 0.00000000E+OQ 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.10536520E+04-4.57697360E+01 9.23426080E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E÷00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-l.10536520E+O4-4.57697360E+O1 0.00000000E+00 4
NiS2(s) J 3/77NI 1.S 2. 0. 0.C 300.000 1280.000 122.82540 1 Chase (1985)
5.27426400E+00 9.08709310E-O3-5.82010990E-06 1.70500810E-09 0.00000000E+00 2
-1,752872BOE+04-2.33922190E+01 7.74493490E+00 2.53517140E-03-9.9767B870E-08 3
1.07829500E-10-4.19129410E-14-1.82225390E+O4-3.62243880E+Ol-1.68013948E÷04 4
1 Chase (1985)
NIS2(L) J 3/77NI 1S 2. 0. 0.C 1280.000 8000.000 122.82840
1.09452410E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.23449250E+O4-4.97206240E+01 1.09452410E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-1.23449250E+O4-4.97206240E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Ni3S2(1) J12/76NI 3 S 2. Q. 0.C 300.000 829.000 240.21220 1 Chase (1985)
6.92383000E+00 4.04466800E-02-7.30739570E-OB 7.10070760E-O8-2.62218B90E-11 2
-2.93621960E+Od-3.27350520E+O1 6.92383000E+00 4.04466800E-02-7.30739570E-OB 3
7.10070760E-OS-2.62218590E-11-2.93621960E+04-3.27350520E+O1-2.60177884E+04 4
Ni3S2(2) J12/76NI 3 S 2. 0. 0.C 829.000 1062.000 240.21220 1 Chase (1985
2.26855850E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-2.93134790E+04-1.11689780E+02 2.26855850E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-2.93134790E+O4-1.11689780E+02 0.00000000E+00 4
NI3S2(L) J12/76NI 3 S 2 0. 0.C 1062.000 5000.000 240.21220 1 Chase (1985)
2.30680390E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-2.73444020E+O4-l.12118110E+02 2.30680390E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-2.73444020E+04-l.12118110E+02 0.00000000E+00 4
Ni3S4(s) J 3/77NI 3 S 4 0. 0.C 300.000 1100.000 304.34420 1 Chase (1985)
1.46738180E+01 1.72757180E-02 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-4.13600010E+O4-6.63291620E+01 1.46711930E+01 1.72771640E-O2-2.75692840E-09 3
1.02338580E-11-6,29839560E-15-4.13584790E+O4-6.63129390E+O1-3.62163568E+04 4
P(cr) TPIS89P 1 0 0. 0.C 195.400 317.300 30.97376 1 McBride (1993)
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 8.02469681E-01 1.85779347E-O2-8.34080748E-05 3
2.11104876E-O7-2.09658894E-10-6.46362570E+02-2.91281027E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
TPIS89P 1 0 0. 0.C 317.300 6000.000 30.97376 1 McBride (1993)
3.14149601E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0,00000000E+00 2
-8.62148564E+02-1 .27227472E+01 3.14149601E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00-B.62148564E+O2-1.27227472E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
1 Chase (1985)
P4010 (s) J12/65P 4.0 10 0. 0.C 300.000 1500.000 283.88905
-4.33006250E+01 2 .15673760E-Ol-l.76863440E-04 6.76428520E-OS-9,91087100E-12 2
-3.53461393E+05 2 .26054720E+02 3,95560990E-01 1.13338170E-Ol-l.24099820E-04 3
9.77156010E-08-3 .41078390E-11-3,66256443E+OS-3.80906970E÷OO-3.62020394E+05 4
Pb (cr) TPIS91PB 1. 0 0. 0.C 200.000 600.650 207.20000 1 McBride (1993)
0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00 3.36014248E+00-4.31525514E-03 2.10404411E-05 3
-3.35897357E-08 1 .91850988E-11-9.38593007E+02-1.07408687E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Pb(L) TPISIPB 1. 0 0. 0,C 600.650 3600.000 207.20000 1 McBride (1993)
4.18191355E+00-9 .84150979E-04 3.55339809E-O7-1.75808349E-11-8.23884419E-15 2
-7.56065769E+02-1 .51099545E+01 3.40679935E÷00 2.03221927E-O3-4.17417470E-06 3
3.08397022E-09-8 .16531438E-13-s.g2027769E+O2-1.133779BSE+01 0.00000000E+00 4
PbBr2(s) J12/73PB 1.BR 2 0. 0.C 300.000 644.000 367.00800 1 Chase (1985)
1.05575540E+01-7 .06173930E-03 1.01876020E-05 1 .30528760E-OS-1.63730940E-11 2
-3.63048010E+04-3 ,91990320E+01 1.05575540E+01-7 .06173930E-03 1.01876020E-05 3
1.30528760E-08-1 .63730940E-11-3.63048010E+04-3 .91990320E+O1-3.33628636E+04 4
PbBr2 (L) J12/73PB 1.BR 2. 0. 0.C 644.000 5000.000 367.00800 1 Chase (1985)
1.34865490E+01 0 .00000000E+00 9._0_00000E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-3.65722010E+04-5 .70490870E+01 1.34865490E+01 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+OO-3.65722010E+04-5 .70490870E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
J 6/73PB 1.CL 2. 0. 0.C 300.000 774.000 278.10540 1 Chase (1985)
PbCL2 (s)
8.28026900E+00 3 .04143430E-03 1.56025800E-O6-2.22846100E-09 1.11154400E-12 2
-4.58412180E+04-3 .17812420E+01 8.28026900E+00 3.04143430E-03 1.56025800E-06 3
-2.22846100E-09 1 .11154400E-12-4.58412180E+Od-3.17812420E+01-4.32273685E+04 4


PbCL2(L) J 6/73PB 1.CL 2. 0. 0.C 774.000 5000.000 278.10640 1 Chase (1985)

1.34110660E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-4.61670770E+04-6.99326640E+01 1.34110660E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+O0-4.61670770E+O4-6.99326640E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
PbF2(a) J12/73PB 1.F 2. 0. 0.C 298.150 683.000 245.19681 1 Chase (1985)
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2.46966471E+O1-1.69668886E-01 6.67676318E-04 3
-8.61030524E-07 4,66841985E-10-8.52413317E+O4-9.81573714E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
PbF2(b) J12/73PB 1.F 2. 0. 0.C 583.000 1103.000 246.19681 1 Chase (1985)
9.93284674E+02-1.87266943E+00 8.90699273E-04 0.00000000E+00 0.00000eOOE+00 2
-4.26962008E+O6-S,40678897E+O3-9.63624967E+02 4.60587453E+O0-7.58224107E-03 3
6.62316624E-06-1.47183923E-09 7.86231266E+04 4.49631736E+03 0.00000000E+00 4
PbF2(L) J12/73PB 1.F 2. 0. 0.C 1103.000 6000.000 248.19681 1 Chase (1985)
1.31340648E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-8.47562162E+O4-6.20713278E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
PbI2(s) J12/73PB 1.I 2. 0. 0.C 300.000 683.000 461.00894 1 Chase (1985)
8.44244310E+00 6.91967720E-O3-1.38886860E-06 1.32213930E-08 1.61640680E-12 2
-2.37790490E+04-2.83379000E+01 8.44244310E+00 5.91957720E-O3-1.38886860E-06 3
1.32213930E-08 1.61640680E-12-2.37790490E+O4-2.83379000E+O1-2.10946481E+04 4
PbI2(L) J12/73PB 1.I 2. 0. 0.C 683.000 6000.000 461.00894 1 Chase (1985)
1.30888050E+01 0.0_000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-2.34409320E+O4-S.20448070E+01 1.30588080E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-2.34409320E+04-5.20448070E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
PbO(rd) J12/71PB 1.0 1. 0. 0.C 300.000 762.000 223.19940 1 Chase (1985)
2.86460100E+00 1.07723720E-02-3.66130960E-O6-1.22810870E-08 1.00664360E-11 2
-2.76701740E+O4-1.13046130E+01 2.86460100E+00 1.07723720E-O2-3.66130960E-06 3
-1.22810870E-08 1.00664350E-11-2.76701740E+O4-1.13046130E+O1-2.63891608E+04 4
PbO(yw) J12/71PB 1.0 1. 0. 0.C 762.000 1169.000 223,19940 1 Chase (1985)
6.11246260E+00 2.03944890E-O3-2.04282280E-07 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-2.78546610E+O4-2.15059440E+01 4.20732630E+00 5.21764810E-03-3.86136870E-06 3
1.38401460E-09 0.00000000E+OO-2.76666010E+O4-1.70644760E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
PbO(L) J12/71PB 1.0 1. 0. 0.C 1169.000 6000.000 223.19940 1 Chase (1986)
7.81766980E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-2.66566330E+O4-3.67169340E+01 7.81766980E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-2.66666330E+04-3.67169340E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
PbO2(s) J12/71PB 1.0 2. 0. 0.C 300.000 1200.000 239.19880 1 Chase (1986)
6.86954900E+00 4.68879400E-O3-2.02063490E-06 0.00000000E+00 0,00000000E+00 2
-3.63187600E+04-3.20013720E+01 2.34297860E+00 2.66129100E-O2-4.12126330E-06 3
3.07232400E-08-8.92878760E-12-3.45852910E+O4-1.10699310E+O1-3.30114828E+04 4
PbS(s) J 6/73PB 1.5 1. 0. 0.C 300.000 1386.600 239.26600 1 Chase (1985)
4.86964080E+00 2.66098480E-O3-3.80428790E-O7-6.48146380E-10 2.66738190E-13 2
-1.32984620E+04-1.72996060E+01 5.61609700E+00 1.71966880E-O3-1.26686040E-06 3
1.25066860E-O9-4.62786080E-13-1.35381800E+O4-2.09092670E+Ol-l.18260629E+04 4
PbS(L) J 6/73PB 1.S 1. 0. 0.C 1386.600 6000.000 239.26600 1 Chase (1985)
8.05167150E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.35660600E+O4-3.57577960E+01 8.06167160E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-1.35660600E+O4-3.S7677960E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Pb304(s) J12/71PB 3.0 4. 0. 0.C 300.000 5000.000 686.59760 1 Chase (1985)
1.99272030E+01 5.03362330E-O3-8.34392170E-10 2.07608990E-13-1.77708800E-17 2
-9.28767870E+04-9.02884070E+01 2.47093670E+00 8.98670090E-02-1.62313110E-04 3
1.19886000E-O7-3.49496520E-11-9.00477260E+O4-9.60622350E+OO-8.64419716E+04 4
5(crl) TPIS898 1. 0. 0. 0.C 200.000 368.300 32.06600 1 McBride (1993)
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3.71369612E-01 1.53373601E-O2-3.36441107E-06 3
2.89249600E-08 0.00000000E+OO-6.63213860E+O2-1.69624498E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
S(cr2) TPIS898 1. 0. 0. 0.C 368.300 388.360 32.06600 1 McBride (1993)
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
0.00000000E+00 0,00000000E+00 2.08033146E+00 2.44137654E-03 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-6.85306695E+02-8.60715487E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
5(L) TPIS89S 1. 0. 0. 0.C 388.360 6000.000 32.06600 1 McBride (1993)
3.60078410E+00 3.81662100E-O4-1.66669962E-07 2.72783689E-11-1.72812654E-16 2
-6,90873035E+02-1.S2167270E+O1-7.27406684E+01 4.81222634E-O1-1.07842233E-03 3
1.03267728E-06-3.58884490E-10 8.29134856E+03 3.16269743E+02 0.00000000E+00 4
5CL2(L) J 6/785 1.CL 2. 0. 0.C 300.000 6000.000 102.97140 1 Chase (1986)
1.09462410E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-9.26176430E+03-4.02697950E+01 1.09452410E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-9.26176430E+O3-4.02697960E+Ol-6.98843070E+03 4
S2CL2(L) J 6/788 2.CL 2. 0. 0.C 300.000 6000.000 136.03740 1 Chase (1986)
1.49489360E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.14619160E+O4-6.82602260E+01 1.49489360E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
o.eeeeeeOeE+eO 0.00000000E+00-1.14519160E+O4-5.82602250E+01-6.99489003E+03 4


S l(cr) TPIS91SI 1. 0 0. 0.C 200.000 1690.000 28.08550 1 McBride (1993)

1.75647382E+00 3 .17285497E-03-2.78236402E-06 1.26458065E-O9-2.17128464E-13 2
-6.28657363E+02-8 .55341177E+00-1.29176912E-01 1.47203139E-O2-2.76810160E-O8 3
2,41878251E-08-7 .93462912E-12-4.15516417E+O2-3.59570008E-01 0.00000000E+00 4
s i (L) TPIS91SI 1. 0 0. 0.C 1690.000 6000.000 28.08650 1 McBride (1993)
3,27138941E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
4.88286795E+03-1 ,32666477E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E÷00 3
0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E÷00 4
SiC(b) J 3/67S_ 1.C 1 0. 0.C 300.000 4000.000 40.09650 1 Chase (1985)
3.79748090E+00 3 .18728860E-O3-1.48023340E-06 3.15497440E-10-2.61589910E-14 2
-1.02919370E+04-2 .10677910E+O1-2.47169070E+00 3.06937830E-02-4.92630850E-05 3
3.86263890E-08-1 .17616210E-11-g.o6912600E+03 8.80092140E+OO-8.80624423E+03 4
Si02(Lqz) J 6/678I 1.0 2 0. 0.C 200.000 647.000 60.08430 1 Chase (1985)
0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
0,00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+OO-7.58511380E-01 3.06773989E-02-4.00861856E-05 3
2.16194849E-08-6 .17249042E-13-1.10371483E+05 1.78384529E+00 6.91608300E+03 4
Si02(hqz) J 6/678I 1.0 2 0. 0.C 847.000 1696.000 60.08430 1 Chase (1985)
7.23537106E+00 7.61842227E-04 4.89502294E-O7-2.35754591E-10 4.20839131E-14 2
-1.11823834E+OS-3.69642796E+01 7.11787621E+00 1.13819627E-03 3.69734234E-08 3
0,00008000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-1.11794194E+OS-3.63708064E+01 6.91608300E+03 4
S i 02 (L) J 6/678I 1.0 2 0. 0.C 1696.000 6000.000 60.08430 1 Chase (1986)
1.03160657E+01 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.14600563E+05-5 .76266603E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0,00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 6.91608300E+03 4
S;2N20 (s) L 1/848I 2.N 2 0 1. 0.C 298.150 2800.000 100.18380 1 Fegley (1981)
1.18490230E+01 2 .42446810E-03 3.66292360E-07-4.25788290E-10 8.62769300E-14 2
-1,18214940E+05-6 .42500920E+O1-4.12268540E+00 5.41728140E-02-4.23929300E-O5 3
-1.07246950E-08 1 .73668680E-11-1.14746000E+06 1.48221580E+01-l.13982840E+05 4
Si3N4(a) J 3/678I 3.N 4 0. 0.C 300.000 3000.000 140.28346 1 Chase (1985)
2.79817450E+00 2 .79750180E-02-1.60205780E-05 3.68722880E-09-3.17769690E-13 2
-9,10172410E+04-8 .92688190E+00 7.16356800E+00 1.90071110E-O2-1.14693330E-05 3
7.06659150E-09-2 .74686400E-12~9.24666610E+O4-3.24424310E+01-8.95746895E+04 4
Sr(a) SRD 938R 1. 0 0. 0.C 298.150 820.000 87.62000 1 Alcock (1993)
0,00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2 McBride (1993)
0,00000000E+00 • .00000000E+00 2.61121855E+00 3.06923896E-03-4.43980864E-06 3
4.03524789E-09-1 .48087835E-12-8.8300267SE+02-9.01331093E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
St(b) SRD 938R 1. 0 0. 0.C 820.000 1041.000 87.62000 1 Alcock (1993)
3.19032631E+00 4 .83732655E-04 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2 McBride (1993)
-8,56080629E+02-1 .15723466E+01 3.19032631E+00 4.83732656E-04 0.00000000E+00 3
0,00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00-8.E6080629E+02-1,15723466E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Sr (L) SRD 938R 1. • 0. 0.C 1041.000 6000.000 87.62000 1 Alcock _1993)
4.45005178E+00 0 .00000000E+99 0.90000000E+00 9.00000000E+00 0.00000000E÷00 2 McBride (1993)
-9.43176540E+02-1 .88969962E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0,00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
SrCL2(Z) J12/72SR 1.CL 2 0. 0.C 300.000 1000.000 158.52540 1 Chase (1985)
6.93696350E+00 1 .07876000E-02-1.39079400E-O8 5.89822760E-09 3.01333260E-12 2
-1.02127190E+05-2 .83708820E+01 6.93696350E+00 1.07876000E-O2-1.39079400E-05 3
5.89822760E-09 3 .01333260E-12-1.02127190E+OS-2.83708820E+O1-9.96892591E+04 4
SrCL2 (2) J12/72SR 1.CL 2 0. 0.C 1000.000 1147.000 158.52540 1 Chase (1985)
1.47949470E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1,06427500E+OS-7.63762280E+01 1.47949470E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+O0~l.06427500E+OB-7.53762280E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
SrCL2 (L) J12/72SR 1.CL 2 0. 0.C 1147.000 5000.000 158.52540 1 Chase (1986)
1.25807370E+01 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1,01936770E+05-5 .80763530E+01 1.25807370E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+OO-1.01936770E+OS-5.80763530E+01 0.000000_E+00 4
SrF2 (s) J12/72SR 1.F 2 0. 0.C 300.000 1780.000 125.61681 1 Chase (1985)
8.87471680E+01-1 .63765080E-01 6.51968990E-05 4.35483950E-08-2.36734740E-11 2
-1.74561220E+05-4 .69348230E+02 5.29162130E+00 1.55376650E-02-1.92119080E-05 3
7.49662320E-09 9 ,40005730E-13-1,48530500E+O_-2.40891530E+Ol-l.46416681E+05 4
SrF2 (L) J12/72SR 1.F 2 0. 0.C 1750.000 5000.000 125.61681 1 Chase (1985)
1.19129510E+01 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.46428080E+06-5 .80228420E+01 1.19129510E+01 0.00000000E+00 0,00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+00-1.46428080E+05-5.80228420E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
SrO (s) J12/72SR 1.0 1 0. 0.C 300.000 2938.000 103.61940 1 Chase (1985)
5.64779350E+00 1 .31539990E-O3-2.76404120E-07 6.73083310E-11-6.56263530E-15 2
-7.30373440E+04-2 .60983600E+01 3.66313720E+00 9.27178460E-O3-1.1646S790E-05 3
7.08518320E-09-1 .62599060E-12-7.25914040E+O4-1.59287960E+O1-7.12065685E+04 4
SrO (L) J12/728R 1.0 1 0. 0.C 2938.000 5000.000 103.61940 1 Chase (1985)
8.05167150E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0;00000000E+00 2
-6.67347690E+04-3 .90929440E+01 8.05167150E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0,00000000E+00 0 .00000000E+O0-6.67347690E+O4-3.90929440E+01 0.00000000E+00 4


SrO2H2(s) J12/75SR 1.0 2.H 2. 0.C 300.000 783.160 121.63468 1 Chase (1986)
4.17069560E+00 1.65037010E-02-1.30297450E-06 1.39718190E-09-5.39489420E-13 2
-1.18500560E+05-1.69628130E+01 4.17069560E+00 1.650370105-02-1.30297450E-06 3
1,39718190E-09-5.39489420E-13-1.185005605+05-1.69628130E+01-1.16532637E+06 4
SrO2H2(L) J12/75SR 1.0 2.H 2. 0.C 783.180 5000.000 121.63468 1 Chase (1985)
1.89717510E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.000000005+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.22611740E+05-9.96605010E+01 1.897175105+01 0.000000005+000.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-1.22611740E+05-9.966050105+01 0.00000000E+00 4
SrS(s) J 9/775R 1.S 1. 0. 0.C 300.000 3000.000 119.68600 1 Chase (1986)
5.94054630E+00 1.04473280E-03-3,079439205-07 9.71985450E-11-1.11296850E-14 2
-5.82547290E+04-2.60999610E+01 5.74442320E+00-2.03636100E-03 1,19833400E-05 3
-1.48896430E-08 5.96164430E-12-5.80629980E+04-2.43073180E+01-5.63615462E+04 4
Ta(cr) J12/72TA 1. • 0. 0.C 200.000 3268.000 180.94790 1 McBride (1993)
2.89594963E+00 5.33759133E-04-3.591447215-08-7.207614615-11 3.13302008E-14 2
-8.71255826E+02-1.16440280E+01 2.32998499E+00 4.45028402E-03-9.52242819E-06 3
9.87829159E-09-3.783084065-12-8.26091467E+02-9.27093646E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
Ta(L) J12/72TA 1. • 0. 0.C 3268.000 6000.000 180.94790 1 McBride (1993)
5.03216666E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.000000005+00 0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-7.44223758E+02-2.59736577E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
TaC(s) J12/73TA 1.C 1 0. 0.C 300.000 4273.000 192.95890 1 Chase (1986)
5.00270560E+00 1.28490410E-03-1.74959390E-07 3.52465810E-11-2.64292600E-15 2
-1.90205530E+04-2.41296910E+01 1.02497170E+00 1.76286200E-02-2.65158590E-05 3
1.73133080E-08-4.30578580E-12-1.82265970E+04-6.00931270E+00-1,73307143E+04 4
TaC(L) J12/73TA 1.C 1 0. 0.C 4273.000 5000.000 192.96890 1 Chase (1985)
8.05167150E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.01033380E+04-4.20855450E+01 8.05167150E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-1.01033380E+04-4.208654505+01 0.01i_00000E+00 4
Ta205(s) J12/72TA 2.0 5 0. 0.C 300.000 2058.000 441.89280 1 Chase (1986)
1.84736840E+01 3.49024330E-03 9.11565840E-07-1.15082870E-09 2.47020600E-13 2
-2.524591105+05-9.07334910E+01 1.011994205+01 2,553755905-02-1.68473510E-05 3
3.47340780E-11 3.12680110E-12-2.50081740E+05-4.73108770E+01-2.460767155+05 4
Ta2OS(L) J12/72TA 2.0 5 0. 0.C 2058.000 5000.000 441.89280 1 Chase (1985)
2.91873090E+01 0.00000000E+00 0,00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-2.5336245_E+OS-1.58577740E+02 2.91873090E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-2.53362450E+OS-l.58677740E+02 0.00000000E+00 4
Ti(a) CODA89TI 1. 0 0. 0,C 200,000 1156.000 47.88000 1 McBride (1993)
2.97987171E+01-5.67369024E-02 3.084873505-05 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-9.27557025E+03-1.56730793E+02 1.328296405+00 1.04776117E-02-2.19816539E-05 3
2.17469998E-08-7.66060428E-12-7.06881044E+02-6.197229125+00 0.00000000E+00 4
Ti(b) CODA89TI 1 0 0. 0.C 1166.000 1944.000 47.88000 1 McBride (1993)
4.5505_938E+00-5.78446834E-03 6.58428776E-06-2.605234845-09 4.06930218E-13 2
-1,86698724E+02-1.97953040E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.0000¢000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
TI(L) CODA89TI 1 • 0. 0.C 1944.000 6000.000 47.88000 1 McBride (1993)
5.6287_414E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-2.37505598E+03-3.07872691E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00005000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
TIC(s) J 6/68TI 1C 1 0. 0,C 300.000 3290.000 69.89100 1 Chase (1985)
5.94139;60E+00-3.72799670E-04 7,12099530E-07-1.351709005-10 9.98036600E-15 2
-2.41734_50E+04-3.15302220E+01-1.363394205+00 2.82522370E-02-4.11752110E-05 3
2.67888_80E-08-6.34698680E-12-2.267835205+04 3.862648305+00-2.21429614E+04 4
TIC(L) J 6/68TI 1C 1 0. 0.C 3290.000 6000.000 69.89100 1 Chase (1986)
7.54844_10E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.76602_40E+04-4.062966105+01 7.54844210E+00 0,000000005+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000fPJOE+00 0.00000000E+00-1.76602040E+04-4.06296610E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
TiCL2(s) J12/68TI 1CL 2 0. 0.C 300.000 2000.000 118.78640 1 Chase (1985)
7,968414r05+00 2.54479250E-03-2,864811905-07 1.31878060E-10-2.22708260E-14 2
-6.450844_05+04-3.57130890E+01 5.75675180E+00 1.36310330E-02-2.04162290E-05 3
1.59098830E-08-4.545110405-12-6.41699180E+04-2.55864560E+01-6.19987670E+04 4
TiCL3(s) J 6/68TI 1CL 3. 0. 0.C 300.000 5000.000 154.23810 1 Chase (1985)
1.14626_0E+01 1.40178060E-03-3.06897240E-08 1.233900705-13-1.05612980E-17 2
-9.031696_0E+04-4.89930780E+01 1.09379360E+01 2.662273605-03-1.47859230E-07 3
-1.54067_05-09 9.221877405-13-9.018266805+04-4.62872870E+01-8.68071084E+04 4
TiCL4(L) J12/67TI 1 CL 4. 0. 0.C 300.000 5000.000 189.69080 1 Chase (1985)
1.71426_0E+01 1.09370870E-03-1.06903110E-09 2.661675705-13-2.27944800E-17 2
-1.01880_0E+05-6.76401420E+01 1.70660420E+01 1.57771680E-03-1.08703760E-06 3
1.03903_0E-09-3.60225300E-13-1.01871340E+05-6.730822805+01-9.67206958E+04 4
TiN(s) J 6/68TI 1.N 1. 0. 0.C 300.000 3220.000 61.88674 1 Chase (1985)
5.60100_05+00 3.56459390E-04 3.95218030E-07-8.871800205-11 7.78445130E-15 2
-4.24434_05÷04-2.87732930E+01-2.53201190E+00 4.11748560E-02-7.70557760E-05 3
6.528986_0E-08-2.06051870E-11-4.112466605+04 8.675079605+00-4.06109779E+04 4


TIN(L) J 6/68TI 1.N 1. 0. 0.C 8220,000 5000.000 61.88674 1 Chase (1985)

7.54844210E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-3.62617090E+O4-3.95839060E+01 7.54844210E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-3,62617090E+O4-3.96839060E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
TiO(a) J12/73TI 1.0 1. 0. 0.C 300.000 1266.000 63.87940 1 Chase (1985)
2.65167850E+00 7.99632030E-O3-4.98528280E-06 1.41288420E-09 0.00000000E+00 2
-6.62883610E+O4-1.29187030E+01 8.98095640E-01 2.13543830E-02-3.B8428730E-05 3
3.04081570E-08-9.71216350E-12-6.62243320E+O4-5.95670040E+00-6.52685922E+04 4
TiO(b) J12/73TI 1.0 1. 0. 0.C 1265,000 2023.000 63.87940 1 Chase (1985)
1.79714190E+00 1.01288630E-02-7.48855710E-06 3.08358150E-O9-4.75617470E-13 2
-6.84827730E+O4-7.93491750E+00 1.79714190E+00 1.01288630E-O2-7.45855710E-06 3
3.08388150E-09-4.78617470E-13-6.54827730E+O4-7.93491780E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
Chase (1988)
TIO(L) J12/73TI 1.0 1. 0. 0.C 2023.000 5000.000 63.87940 1
8.05167150E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-6.32721380E+O4-4.13121090E+01 8.08167150E+00 0.00000000E+00 0,00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-6.32721380E+O4-4.13121090E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Chase (1985)
TiO2(ru) J12/73TI 1.0 2. 0. 0.C 300.000 2130.000 79.87880 1
6.84891510E+00 4.24634610E-03-3.00889840E-06 1.06025190E-O9-1.43795970E-13 2
-1.18992460E+OS-3.48141060E+01-1.61178170E-01 3.79666600E-02-6.B1847800E-08 3
5.25821360E-OS-1.62000510E-11-1.14788970E+OS-1.88740350E+O0-l.13628959E+05 4
Chase (1985)
TiO2(L) J12/73TI 1.0 2. 0. 0,C 2130.000 5000,000 79.87880 1
1.20775070E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.14942300E+08-6.89107890E+01 1.20778070E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-l.14942300E+05-6.B9107590E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Chase (1985)
Ti203(1) J 6/73TI 2.0 3. 0. 0.C 300.000 470.000 143.75820 1
1.46235420E+01-3.71617170E-02 9.00264700E-08 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.86416930E+OB-6.69148990E+01 1.46235420E+O1-3.71617170E-02 9.00264700E-05 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-1.86416930E+OS-6.69148990E+Ol-l.82913296E+08 4
Chase (1985)
T1203(2) J 6/73TI 2.0 3. 0. 0.C 470.000 2115.000 143.75820 1
1.48742220E+01 4.54656950E-03-2.36463630Er06 5.99603920E-10-5.34142600E-14 2
-1.87973420E+08-7.78631650E+01 1.69774850E+00 5.71374340E-O2-8.33206810E-05 3
5.72998280E-O8-1.52116860E-11-1.85250360E+OB-1.40665590E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Chase (1985)
TI203(L) J 6/73TZ 2,0 3, 0. 0.C 2115.000 5000.000 143.75820 1
1,88711050E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.78586980E+OS-9.68672570E+01 1.88711050E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-1.78586980E+OB-9.65672570E+O1 0.00000000E+00 4
Ti3OS(a) J12/73TI 3.0 5. 0. 0.C 30e.Oe0 480.000 223.6370e 1 Chase (1985)
-3.73374340E+00 1.06193190E-Ol-l.04723810E-04 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-2.98486170E+08 9.82410160E+OO-3.73374340E+00 l.g6193190E-gl-l.g4723810E-04 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+O0-2.98456170E+05 9.82410160E+OO-2.95774633E+05 4
Ti3OS(b) J12/73TI 3.0 5. 0. 0.C 450.000 2060.000 223.63700 1 Chase (1985)
1.84181590E+01 8.00131020E-O3-1.99070660E-06 8.78123970E-10-1.42482750E-13 2
-2.99986840E+OS-B.81364790E+01 1.86928170E+01 8.60810620E-O3-B.12462080E-06 3
4.61198750E-09-l.52385570E-12-3.00128950E+O5-8.98895860E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
Chase (1985)
TI3OS(L) J12/73TI 3.0 5. 0. 0.C 2050.000 5008.000 223.63700 1
3.22066860E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-2.93685410E+05-1.69127030E+02 3.22066860E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+OO-2.93685410E+OS-1.69127030E+02 0.00000000E+00 4
Chase (1985)
Ti407(s) J12/73TI 4.0 7. 0. 0.C 300.000 1980.000 303.81580 1
2,41129150E+01 2.29277140E-02-1.71191630E-05 6.48492060E-O9-9.48838110E-13 2
-4.18107160E+05-1.21046500E+O2-8.63335600E-01 1.41604620E-O1-2.32423050E-04 3
1.81940730E-07-B.48014130E-11-4.13794840E+OB-4.B6375800E+OO-4.09478128E+05 4
Chase (1985)
Ti407(L) J12/73TI 4.0 7. 0. 0.C 1950.000 5000.000 303.51580 1
4.42841940E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-4.10896730E+OS-2.35160430E+02 4.42841940E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+O0-4.10896730E+OS-2.36160430E+02 0.00000000E+00 4
McBride (1993)
V(cr) J 6/73V 1. 0. 0. 0.C 200.000 2190.000 50.94150 1
4.48218589E+00-4.25728053E-03 S.38325211E-O6-2.42044016E-09 4.23981192E-13 2
-1.28420195E+03-2.12401625E+01 8.64273023E-01 1.40301270E-O2-3.15228495E-05 3
3.16728638E-08-1.14327459E-11-6.59969886E+02-4-48332268E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
McBride (1993)
V(L) J 6/73V 1. 0. 0. 0.C 2190.000 6000.000 50.94150 1
5.88703222E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.sg958163E+03-3.07034308E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.000_0000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
Wagman (1971)
VCL2(s) L 2/76V 1.CL 2. 0. 0.C 300.000 1300.000 121.84690 1
6.27112160E+00 7.48900460E-03-5.25310000E-06 1.50673690E-09 0.00000000E+00 2 Wicks (1963)
-5.63580860E+04-2.57265380E+01 6.73955990E+00 1.04872230E-02-1.72267800E-05 3
1.47688310E-08-4.75507060E-12-5.66988860E+04-2.92057040E+01-5"43486187E+04 4
Wagman (1971)
VCL3(s) L 2/76V 1.CL 3. 0. 0.C 300.000 1000.000 _57.29960 1
6.97704130E+00 2.35420110E-O2-4.07452720E-O5 3.49284830E-O8-1.12449000E-11 2 Wicks (1963)
-7.26781690E+O4-2.94937120E+01 6.97704130E+00 2.35420110E-O2-4.07452720E-05 3
3.49284830E-O8-1.12449000E-11-7.26781690E+O4-2.94937120E+O1-6"98478613E+04 4


VCL4(L) L 2/76V 1.CL 4. _. _.C 3BB._O_ 2_BB.B_ 192.7523_ 1 Wagman (1971)

1.7462_63_E+_1 _._e_E+_ _._8_E+_ _._0_E+_ _._0_E+_ 2 Wicks (1963)
-7.3695845eE+_4-6.8794792_E+_1 1,7462_63_E+el e._eg_g_E+_g _._gg_gE+g_ 3
_.__E+_ _.__E+_-7.3695845_E+_4-6.8794792_E+_1-6.848953_9E+_4 4
VN(s) J12/73V 1.N 1. _. _.C 3_._ 35_._ 54.94824 1 Chase (1985)
4.836874_BE+_ 1.89B_147BE-B3-3.161B463BE-B7 4.6_5B66B_E-11-1.91B2B37_E-15 2
-2.7738152_E+_4-2.3873353_E+_1 8.1271357_E-_1 2._1_1_43_E-_2-3,1178_4_E-_5 3
2,31B3689BE-B8-6.3845144BE-12-2.7_2_94BE+g4-4.9457436_E+_-2.61171678E+B4 4
VO(s) J12/73V 1.0 1. _. _.C 3_._ 2_63._ 66.94_9_ 1 Chase (1985)
5.33987159E+_ 1.75917_39E-93 3.8477617_E-_7-2.6182471_E-19 5.19_9395_E-14 2
-5.3651379_E+_4-2.6382364_E+_1 2.53B_4_1_E+_ 1.6447_7B_E-_2-2.855981_E-_5 3
2.4836392_E-_8-7.9886948_E-12-5.3211919_E+_4-1.3599758_E+_1-5.19311959E+_4 4
VO(L) J12/73V 1.0 1. _. 9.C 2_63._ 5_9._ 66.94999 1 Chase (1985)
7.54844219E+99 9._999_9E+99 9._g_9_E+_ 9._999_9_E+_ _._999_99_E+99 2
-4.76_474_E+_4-3.6154213_E+_1 7.5484421_E+_ _.__E+_ _._lf_E+_ 3
_._B_E+_B _._B8_E+_-4.76_474_E+_4-3.6154213_E+_1 _._B_B_gE+B_ 4
V203(s) J12/73V 2.0 3. _. _.C 3gB.gBB 234_.B_ 149.8812_ 1 Chase (1985)
1.3964211_E+_1 1.6871298BE-B3 1.13712B6gE-_6-2.BS_6BB7BE-l_ 1.Bg28325_E-14 2
-1.51_575_E+_5-6.8782894_E÷_1 2.2877_33_E+_ 5.7632763_E-_2-9.6738556_E-_5 3
7.4_66916BE-_8-2.B658389BE-11-1.4911189_E+B5-1.4723446BE+Bl-l.46586278E+g5 4
V203(L) J12/73V 2.0 3. _. 8.C 234B._B 5BBg.gB_ 149.8812B 1 Chase (1985)
1.88711_5BE+_1 _.BB_B_SE+B8 _.gB_B_88SE+B_ _.8_g8BgS_E+B8 B._888gBSE+_8 2
-1.4_34_63_E+_5-9.458_92_E+_1 1.88711_5_E+_1 _.__E+_ _.e_E+_ 3
_.__E+_ _.__E+_-1.4_34_63_E+_5-9.458_92_E+_1 _.__E+_ 4
V204(1) J 6/73V 2.0 4. B. B.C 3_.BBB 34B._BB 165.88B6_ 1 Chase (1985)
6.8914542_E+_ 9.9142_22_E-_3 5.7837181BE-_5 4.3B53919BE-_8-2.8482694_E-l_ 2
-1.746_864_E+_5-3.2157358_E+_1 6.8914542_E+_ 9.9142_22_E-_3 5.78371_1_E-_5 3
4-3_53919_E-_8-2.8482694BE-1B-1.746B8648E+85-3.2157358BE+81-1.71651493E+_5 4
V204(2) J 6/73V 2.0 4. _. B.C 34B.BBB 1818.gg_ 165.88B6B 1 Chase (1985)
1.661_256_E+_1 2.3329419_E-B3 9.89B4786BE-B7-7.5832496BE-1B 1.6135461BE-13 2
-1.76_7389_E+_5-8._831997_E+_1 4.9_3624_E+_ 5._26952_E-_2-7.1316332_E-_5 3
4.6515567BE-_8-1.8783268gE-11-1.7373676BE+BS-2.45B3375gE+Bl g.ggBBgBB8E+_B 4
V204(L) J 6/73V 2.0 4. _. _.C 1818._ 5_._ 165.88_6_ 1 Chase (1985)
2.56647_3_E+_1 _.8_B_E+B_ _._gg_E+_g _.B_gB_g_E+_g _.B_8_8E+_g 2
-1.7463_9_E+_5-1.365594_E+_2 2.56647_3_E+_1 _.__E+_ _.__E+_ 3
_.__E+_ _.__E+_-l.7463_9_E+_B-1.365594_E+_2 _.__E+_ 4
V205(s) J 6/73V 2.0 5. _. _.C 3_._ 943._ 181.88_ 1 Chase (1985)
-1.164e368eE+e_ 9.3535884_E-82-1.5675e97_E-_4 1.2223524_E-_7-3.5738845eE-11 2
-1.89145 ,_E+e5 4._722753_E-_1-l.164_36_E+_ 9.3535884_E-_2-1.5675_97_E-_4 3
1.2223524_E-_7-3.5738845_E-11-1.8914531_E+_5 4._722753_E-_l-l.86495188E+_5 4
V2OS(L) J 6/73V 2.0 5. 9. g.C 943.B9_ 5_._8 181.88_BB 1 Chase (1985)
2.2947264_E+_1B._9_E+gB 9.9BBgBBg8E+_B B._BB_B_gE+_ _.BB_8B_E+BB 2
-1.87514479E+95-1.19892779E+_2 2.29472649E+_1 9.8_BB98_E+B_ _._9_E+_9 3
_._9E+9_ B.9BB9_B_E+9_-1.8751447gE+g5-1.1BB92779E+_2 _.9B_BE+gB 4
Zn(cr) CODA89ZN 1. _. _. _.C 28_._ 692.73_ 65.39_ 1 McBride (1993)
_,__E+_ _._9E+_ _._8_8_E+_ _,__E+_ _.__E+_ 2
_.__E+_ _.__E+_ 1.85_68929E+_ 9.1779141_E-_3-2.61_47_9E-_5 3
3.38568767E-98-1.39438799E-11-7.894_3133E+92-7.38526333E+Bg B.B8SB89B9E+89 4
Zn(L) CODA89ZN 1. _. _. _.C 692.73_ 6_8._ 65.39_ 1 McBride (1993)
3.77653_43E+_ _.__E+_ _,8_8_E+_ _._8_E+_ _._B_E+_ 2
-4.31695298E+_2-1.567_B437E+_l 3.77653_43E+_ _.__E+_ _.8_8_8_E+_ 3
B.gB_BBB_E+_ _.BgB_SE+B_-4.31695298E+82-1.56798437E+81B._BBgBB_BE+Bg 4
ZnSO4(a) J 3/79ZN 1.S 1.0 4. _.C 3_._ 84B._ 161.4536_ 1 Chase (1985)
5.1687364BE+B_ 2.39773948E-B2-3.B7BB744BE-_6-4.845B164BE-89 8.8SB_8BBBE+BB 2
-1.2B45359_E+_5-2.31B5369BE+B1 5.1657364_E+_B 2.3977394BE-_2-3._7_744_E-_6 3
-4.8459164BE-B9 B._BB_B_BE+gB-1.2B453598E+BS-2.31B5369gE+gl-l.178844g3E+g5 4
ZnSO4(a) J 3/79ZN 1.S 1.0 4. _.C 54_._B 1_13.BB_ 161.4536B 1 Chase (1985)
1.5895259BE+_1 1.184_942_E-B3 8._BB_B_SE+BB B._g_B_BB_E+8_ g.BBBBBBBBE+gB 2
-1.226_4338E+_S-7.7915322_E+_l 1.5553495_E+_1 2.7737319_E-_3-3.8_34721_E-_6 3
4._845543BE-B9-1.5289562_E-12-1.225B49B_E+B5-7.6221684_E+Bl B.Bg_B_B8_E+BB 4
ZnSO4(b) J 3/79ZN 1.S 1.0 4. _.C 1_13._ S_._ 161.4536_ 1 Chase (1985)
1.7461825_E+_1B.99_899B_E+B_ _.99_9_E+_ 9._8B99_9_E+9_ 9.9_E+9_ 2
-1.21138_6_E+_5-8.5143253_E+_1 1.7461825_E+_1 _.__E+_ _.__E+_ 3
_.__E+_ _.__E+_-1.21138_6_E+_5-8.5143253_E+_1 _.__E+_ 4
Zr(a) J 6/79ZR 1. _. _. B.C 29g.9_ 1135._B 91.2249_ 1 McBride (1993)
2.28119546E+_9 1.46971684E-_3-1._4657616E-_8 9._99_9_E+_ _.BB_9_9E+_9 2
-6.61893147E+_2-8.57377198E+99 2.1828884_E+99 5.42886393E-_3-1.21463952E-_5 3
1.31132729E-98-4.83818355E-12-8.98441355E+B2-8.94741836E+B9 _.9_9E+_ 4
Zr(b) J 6/79ZR 1. 9. 8. 9.C 1135._9 2125._ 91.224_9 1 McBride (1993)
4._6876245E+B_-1.58489721E-_3 1.82995129E-_6-1.58767557E-1_ 2.3_284611E-14 2
-6.91172261E+_2-1.785934_3E+_1 _.__E+_ _.__E+_ _.__E+_ 3
_.8gBB_B_BE+B_ B._B_BE+_B _._SBB_B_E+g_ B.B8_B_gE+gB B.B_E+BB 4


Zr (L) J 6/79ZR 1. 0 0. 0.C 2125.000 6000.000 91.22400 1 McBride (1993)

5.83216666E+00 0 .08000000E+80 8.00000800E+00 8.80008000E+00 0.00000000E+08 2
-1.10084626E+03-2 .54797687E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000080E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0 o00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 4
ZrN(s) J 6/61ZR 1.N 1 0. 0.C 300.000 3225.000 105.23074 1 Chase (1985)
5.54078200E+00 6 .18393530E-04 2.95421180E-O7-1.17843110E-10 1.52414300E-14 2
-4.57513240E+04-2 .74206540E+01 2.B5562900E+00 B.61669700E-03-5.34866380E-06 3
-2.88042190E-09 3 .10878490E-12-4.51120200E+04-1.39010690E+O1-4.39291087E+04 4
Z rN (L) J 6/61ZR 1.N 1 0. 0.C 3225.000 5800.000 105,23074 1 Chase (1985)
7.04511640E+00 0 .00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-3.81055270E+04-3 .44362640E+01 7.04511640E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0,90000000E+09 0 .00000000E+O0-3.81055270E+O4-3.44362640E+01 0,00000000E÷00 4
Zr02 (a) J12/65ZR 1.0 2 0. 0.C 300.000 1478.000 123.22280 1 Chase (1985)
-2.21443950E+01 9.96397630E-O2-1.20066880E-04 6.46867360E-OB-1.30048810E-11 2
-1.27327970E+05 1.11008910E+O2-7.95371060E-01 4.39334580E-O2-8.12144440E-05 3
6.95676480E-08-2.23809470E-11-1.33119670E+05 5.32210090E-O1-l.31994717E+05 4
ZrO2(b) J12/65ZR 1.0 2 0. 0.C 1478.000 2950.000 123.22280 1 Chase (1985)
8.95736290E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0,00_0000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.34143540E+OS-4.52740170E+01 8.95736290E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+O0-1.34143540E+OS-4.52740170E+01 0.00000000E+00 4
ZrO2(L) J12/65ZR 1.0 2 0. 0.C 2950.000 5000.000 123.22280 1 Chase (1985)
1.05676750E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-1.28427450E+OS-5.45922640E+01 1.05676750E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-Z.28427450E+OS-5.45922640E+01 0.00000000E+00 4


Record Contents Format Columns

a1 Species name A15 1-15

Second species name if binary interaction A15 17-31
(blank for pure species)
V if there are viscosity coefficients A1 35
Temperature intervals for viscosity (0, 1, 2, or 3) I1 36
C if there are thermal conductivity coefficients A1 37
Temperature intervals for thermal conductivity I1 38
(0, 1, 2, or 3)
Comments (references, date, etc.) A40 41-80
bAny num- V if coefficients are for viscosity A1 2
ber from C if coefficients are for thermal conductivity A1 2
1 to6 First and last temperature of temperature interval 2F9.2 3-20
Four coefficients in equations below c 4E15.8 21-80

aHeader record for each pure species or binary interaction.

bThe number of records for each pure species or binary interaction equals the sum of the number of temperature intervals
for both viscosity and thermal conductivity (sum of the numbers in columns 36 and 38 of the header record). Temperature
intervals must be in increasing order. Viscosity or thermal conductivity order is immaterial. Any number of species is
permitted between the first record (TRAN) and the last record (LAST).
CEmpirical equations

Viscosity: conductivity:
Thermal In _ l =AInT+B+
In C_+D
Interaction parameter : In rlii] T T"


AL V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM 86885, OCT 1984

Y 300.000 I000.000 0.I0752557E Ol 0.19889058E 03-0.12117144E 05-0.21520631E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.71350606E 00-0.11856849E 04 0.54275069E 06 0.11828645E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.10752525E 01 0.19888814E 03-0.12116940E 05-0.20074452E Ol
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.71350537E 00-0.11856885E 04 0.54275195E 06 0.13274647E 01
V 300.000 1000.000 0.10793661E 01 0.29479492E 02 0.34836606E 04-0.16604981E 01
V i000.000 5000.000 0.56571504E 00-0.61915065E 03 0.84747061E 05 0.24526497E Ol
C 300.000 1000.000 0.98944147E 00-0.77767293E 02 0.95232979E 04-0.10951633E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.92919002E O0 0.55439951E 03-0.38427598E 06-0.92595436E O0
V 300.000 1000.000 0.61229102E 00-0.28594038E 03 0.23454551E 05 0.18075870E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.60709246E 00-0.18319762E 03-0.26432110E 05 0.17893156E Ol
C 300.000 1000.000 0.53927315E 00-0.37682451E 03 0.24912742E 05 0.22191800E Ol
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.62289726E 00-0.17219458E 03-0.37837236E 05 0.14991020E O]
V 300.000 1000-.000 0.70972961E 00-0.23988833E 03 0.21750838E 05 0.14759560E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.59844567E 00-0.25576271E 03-0.15698332E 05 0.22953071E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.03982862E 00-0.36200317E 03 0.28935026E 05 0.22035161E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.82926601E O0 0.45857946E 03-0.31619957E 06 0.41287174E O0
V 300.000 1000.000 0.11831354E 01 0.21280115E 03-0.12068067E 05-0.30756164E Ol
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.54224957E 00-0.14154382E 04 0.50196098E 06 0.24678661E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.10540002E 01-0.44281890E 02 0.42266524E 04-0.16746411E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.58015647E 00-0.12078108E 04 0.36246719E 06 0.24043768E 01
V 300.000 1000.000 0.10849637E 01 0.20278915E 03-0.12402095E 05-0.24794937E Ol
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.69622507E 00-0.12321802E 04 0.55392960E 06 0.10806617E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.10626080E 01 0.97231206E 02-0.53995714E 04-0.19781162E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.89077352E 00-0.61169788E 03 0.27138370E 06-0.35678171E O0
V 300.000 1000.000 0.69358489E 00-0.24813626E 03 0.22090563E 05 0.15357661E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.59975079E 00-0.24369049E 03-0.17675810E 05 0.22167865E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.75594793E 00-0.29882464E 03 0.25091437E 05 0.13546324E 01
C 1000.000 5000.O00-0.47126491E-O1-O.28647802E 04 0.89987333E 06 0.85957812E 01
V 300.000 1000.000 0.12012329E 01 0.19184294E 03-0.98258862E 04-0.30235495E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.52866648E 00-0.12292746E 04 0.37191904E 06 0.26616528E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.11325357E 01 0.70872529E 02-0.22176598E 04-0.25403064E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.61366770E 00-0.10019288E 04 0.27882881E 06 0.18352128E Ol
AL2 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885 OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.10752585E 01 0.19889302E 03-0.12117352E 05-0.20094402E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.71350386E 00-0.11856946E 04 0.54275505E 06 0.13255298E Ol
C 300.000 1000.000 0.70514534E 00-0.I0865958E 03 0.51395343E 04 0.91199110E O0
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.I0656803E 01-0.22547576E 03 0.25027281E 06-0.16990424E 01
Ar V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885 OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.57067551E 00-0.95117331E 02 0.20896403E 04 0.24718808E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.65601183E O0 0.51780497E 02-0.33046713E 05 0.17711406E O]
C 300.000 1000.000 0.56758528E 00-0.10015251E 03 0.25736598E 04 0.22537407E O]
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.64275516E O0 0.14112909E 02-0.20639082E 05 0.16440096E 01
B V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885 OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.10153085E 01 0.18260457E 03-0.11403408E 05-0.19379621E Ol
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.86554514E 00-0.70329297E 03 0.39418000E 06-0.41699586E O0
C 300.000 1000.000 0.10153123E 01 0.18260767E 03-0.11403675E 05-0.87871718E O0
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.8655446AE 00-0.70329657E 03 0.39418227E 06 0.64228265E O0

BCL V202 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984

V 300. 000 I000.000 0.I1283769E Ol 0.76450365E 02-0 .17748945E 03-0.20908397E 01
V I000. 000 5000. 000 0.55841030E 00-0.71462960E 03 0 .11967028E 06 0.25150686B 01
C 300.000 i000.000 0.10113718E 01-0.10847549E 03 0 .13713948E 05-0.98482715E O0
C I000. 000 5000. 000 0.62710414E 00-0.57941570E 03 0 .62190303E 05 0.20887250E 01
BCL2 V202 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300. 000 1000. 000 0.87089983E 00-0.13565485E 03 0 .15230166E 05-0.11573987E O0
V I000. 000 5000. 000 0.58601275E 00-0.37609219E 03 O. 11838942E 05 0.20922105E 01
C 300. 000 I000. 000 0.67455285E 00-0.36896292E 03 O. 29473134E 05 0.14166908E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.76222128E O0 0.47341934E 02-0. 13582232E 06 0.55755257E O0
BCL3 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300. 000 I000. 000 0.53015087E 00-0.26981248E 03 O. 17868859E 05 0.23991533E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.63300765E 00-0.35473626E 02-0. 54027717E 05 0.15256305E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.40446349E 00-0.49037555E 03 O. 31588434E 05 0.33981223E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.62298372E 00-0.12917747E 03-0.47559225E 05 0.16059997E 01
BF V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
¥ 300.000 1000.000 0.77979868E 00-0.19815853E 03 0.19395356E 05 0.87157543E 0(}
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.59314912E 00-0.30647190E 03-0.57059710E 04 0.22908893E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.86312103E 00-0.26058933E 03 0.27303459E 05 0.87690595E O0
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.64385946E 00-0.24050628E 03-0.71374225E 05 0.24629533E 01
BF2 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300. 000 1000.000 0.55593630E 00-0.29101131E 03 0.21583886E 05 0.24931700E 01
V 1000. 000 5000. 000 0.61886303E 00-0.10901231E 03-0.39210436E 05 0.19364888E 01
C 300. 000 i000. 000 0.48805271E 00-0.51770789E 03 0.38891125E 05 0.36081784.E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.75004594E O0 0.26148665E 03-0.23265358E 06 0.12857610E 01
BF3 V202 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 I000. 000 0.56564222E 00-0.12499270E 03 0.34882520E 04 0.22864247E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.65392366E O0 0.43786564E 02-0.38984840E 05 0.15506732E 01
C 300.000 i000.000 0.87131899E O0 0.17223247E 03-0.30597035E 05 0.45588089E-01
C 1000.000 5000. 000 0.87131899E O0 0.17223247E 03-0.30597035E 05 0.45588089E-01
BO V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300. 000 1000. 000 0.75873244E 00-0.21164516E 03 0.20242897E 05 0.94865379E O0
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.59469665E 00-0.29150656E 03-0.89452363E 04 0.21875876E 01
C 300.000 1000. 000 0.10254991E 01-0.11637386E 03 0.18280741E 05-0.39149427E O0
C 1000.000 5000. 000 0.72161172E O0 0.37402510E 02-0.20826150E 06 0.17684961E 01
B2 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885_ OCT 1984
¥ 300.000 I000.000 0.I0153036E Ol 0.18259970E 03-0.11402951E 05-0.17237353E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.86554075E 00-0.70331451E 03 0.39419142E 06-0.20276677E O0
C 300.000 1000.000 0.64386787E 00-0.27034707E 03 0.24539000E 05 0.22169204E 01
C I000. 000 5000.000 0.10444757E 01-0.63405901E 02 0.14581458E 06-0.87637083E O0
B2D3 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 900. 000 1000.000 0.11524128E 01 0.21138490E 03-0.12280476E 05-0.29978787E 01
V I000.000 5000.000 0.57258110E 00-0.14520945E 04 0.55888628E 06 0.21035665E 01
C 300.000 I000.000 0.12164024E Ol 0.11057804E 02 0.26511337E 04-0.26257982E 01
C I000.000 5000.000 0.57952095E 00-0.13857006E 04 0.40348741E 06 0.27690891E 01
Be V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.99075722E O0 0.17478908E 03-0.10979581E 05-0.21702237E O]
V I000.000 5000.000 0.92818726E 00-0.47846807E 03 0.31682660E 06-0.14069833E 01
C 300.000 I000.000 0.99075881E O0 0.17479061E 03-0.10979729E 05-0.92906799E O0
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.92818917E 00-0.47845983E 03 0.31682272E 06-0.16583283E O0
BeBr2 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 3OO.OOO 1000.000 0.10815738E 01 0.31488250E 02 0.33342410E 04-0.15195904E Ol
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.56544582E 00-0.62294767E 03 0.86024179E 05 0.26150470E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.94702722E 00-0.15100815E 03 0.15732058E 05-0.11155243E 01
C 1000. 000 5000.000 0.57495517E 00-0.61043946E 03 0.69935770E 05 0.18565556E 01


BeCL V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984

Y 300.000 1000.000 0.11433037E O1 0.92214926E 02-0.13964883E 04-0.23862858E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.55460242E 00-0.76038750E 03 0.13823757E 06 0.23908447E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.10287535E 01-0.91837616E 02 0.12470591E 05-0.12586174E O1
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.66547171E 00-0.46614122E 03 0.13999294E 05 0.16193002E O]
BeCL2 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.10815721E 01 0.31486702E 02 0.33343869E 04-0.18620786E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.56544694E 00-0.62294279E 03 0.86021580E 05 0.22725350E O]
C 300.000 1000.000 0.93114692E 00-0.18207640E 03 0.18669890E 05-0.57868449E O0
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.57052913E 00-0.63004493E 03 0.72778110E 05 0.23029490E 01
BeF V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.81333746E 00-0.17569939E 03 0.17918421E 05 0.41468512E O0
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.59065127E 00-0.33067146E 03-0.10867531E 02 0.21222036E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.83317386E 00-0.28303483E 03 0.28482478E 05 0.97318830E O0
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.66542344E 00-0.17486307E 03-0.94979537E 05 0.21402360E Ol
BeF2 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.11930485E 01 0.15435989E 03-0.64969004E 04-0.27919358E Ol
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.53625212E 00-0.99126199E 03 0.24371524E 06 0.26390016E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.10992600E 01-0.78243423E 02 0.11248031E 05-0.13752526E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.54043845E 00-0.99264666E 03 0.20319019E 06 0.32042915E 01
BeI2 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.11253994E 01 0.73434325E 02 0.56310693E 02-0.19974264E Ol
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.55902352E 00-0.70706379E 03 0.11670325E 06 0.25762970E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.99072683E 00-0.98254204E 02 0.11664040E 05-0.20375965E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.56811948E 00-0.69344488E 03 0.10786410E 06 0.13777955E 01
Br V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.54702688E 00-0.17637941E 03 0.77307478E 04 0.27597117E Ol
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.65298898E O0 0.49470753E 02-0.58185528E 05 0.18678659E O]
C 300.000 1000.000 0.54702794E 00-0.17637848E 03 0.77306607E 04 0.18186229E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.65298973E O0 0.49472426E 02-0.58185715E 05 0.92677855E O0
Br2 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.62157718E 00-0.28211824E 03 0.23352028E 05 0.21557562E O]
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.60608156E 00-0.19067023E 03-0.25347251E 05 0.22185948E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.60932991E 00-0.30191532E 03 0.23211009E 05 0.11628217E O]
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.68777571E 00-0.32848855E 02-0.74477067E 05 0.44844691E O0
C V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.75778612E O0 0.10029848E 02-0.34350072E 03 0.48138451E O0
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.78673253E O0 0.11075074E 03-0.42007548E 05 0.22250861E O0
C 300.000 1000.000 0.75958919E O0 0.11690326E 02-0.52227847E 03 0.14214785E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.78674028E O0 0.11079284E 03-0.42032506E 05 0.11763579E 01
Y 300.000 1000.000 0.57655234E 00-0.96628216E 02 0.17409200E 04 0.20958373E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.65188500E O0 0.28700760E 02-0.23880346E 05 0.14760977E Ot
C 300.000 1000.000 0.54729233E 00-0.20448099E 03 0.10622264E 05 0.24972163E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.83466538E O0 0.55431206E 03-0.24998561E 06 0.I0838079E-01
CCL2 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.55724714E 00-0.14977389E 03 0.53618988E 04 0.22148823E Ol
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.65428700E O0 0.50778805E 02-0.50483365E 05 0.14000778E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.65384740E 00-0.19801619E 03 0.59831307E 04 0.15755369E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.42859933E 00-0.33369305E 03-0.15971455E 06 0.34294957E 01
CCL2F2 V202 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.53953452E 00-0.19563618E 03 0.95641709E 04 0.23064644E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.65111259E O0 0.43620390E 02-0.61378726E 05 0.13673282E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.39138383E 00-0.47842100E 03 0.24982204E 05 0.37291240E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.63765919E 00-0.52612804E 02-0.77721526E 05 0.17034524E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.38511892E 00-0.44496089E 03 0.26000413E 05 0.34754153E 01

CCL3 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984

V 300.000 1000.000 0 .53353195E 00-0.21260474E 03 0.11243839E 05 0.2313117AE 01
V i000.000 5000.000 0 .64876429E O0 0.34886169E 02-0.62725110E 05 0.13434325E 01
C i000.000 5000.000 0 .63447302E 00-0.64381891E 02-0.54003615E 05 0.14524436E 01
V 300.000 1000.000 0 .52919683E 00-0.26784349E 03 0.17589765E 05 0.23679496E 01
V I000.000 5000.000 0 .63392510E 00-0.31038323E 02-0.54872898E 05 0.14796189E 01
C 300.000 I000.000 0 .40674422E 00-0.48444324E 03 0.27214677E 05 0.34373121E 01
C i000.000 5000.000 0 .62699522E 00-0.11469915E 03-0.56090320E 05 0.16285785E 01
CCL4 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
¥ 300.000 1000.000 0 .52702958E 00-0.26107773E 03 0.16677986E 05 0.22643095E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0 .63673227E 00-0.17_06067E 02-0.57319847E 05 0.13366395E 01
C 300.000 i000.000 0 .37319835E 00-0.48094791E 03 0.28654318E 05 0.34495056E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0 .62613733E 00-0.11484151E 03-0.40941433E 05 0.14063361E Ol
OF V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
Y 300.000 i000.000 0 .60838138E 00-0.35675635E 02-0.11133136E 04 0.19108330E Ol
V 1000.000 5000.000 0 .64822928E O0 0.50801210E 01-0.39194754E 04 0.15979323E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0 .69032820E 00-0.10472560E 03 0.77951218E 04 0.19069266E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0 .74287117E O0 0.22828479E 03-0.13320698E 06 0.13472818E 01
CF2 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 I000.000 0.60112940E 00-0 .47520431E 02-0.77996950E 03 0.20107893E 01
V I000.000 5000.000 0.64856892E O0 0 .75188715E 01-0.61062289E 04 0.16335919E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.51387097E 00-0 .32792087E 03 0.21855506E 05 0.32864938E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.10264808E 01 0 .11962118E 04-0.52804095E 06-0.12363563E 01
CF3 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
¥ 300.000 1000.000 0 .59522997E 00-0.58952176E 02-0.35007012E 03 0.20404508E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0 .64915060E O0 0.11271276E 02-0.92389547E 04 0.16068193E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0 .44393088E 00-0.43173764E 03 0.26544418E 05 0.38522839E 01
C I000.000 5000.000 0 .63989098E 00-0.54064277E 02-0.66106112E 05 0.22110418E 01
CF4 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 i000.000 0 .58875126E 00-0.71741283E 02 0.29157581E 03 0.20502421E 01
V i000.000 5000.000 0 .64998118E O0 0.16492141E 02-0.13517918E 05 0.15530599E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0 .39324764E 00-0.49266851E 03 0.27846245E 05 0.42192831E 01
C I000.000 5000.000 0 .63984578E 00-0.53205056E 02-0.75511259E 05 0.21777695E 01
CH V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 I000.000 0 .63306702E 00-0.75491296E 01-0.21396736E 04 0.14781500E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0 .64807346E O0 0.31141665E 01-0.18292566E 04 0.13638041E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0 .10884807E 01 0.27220319E 03-0.22480091E 05-0.64679028E O0
C 1000. 000 5000.000 0 .44721563E 00-0.10513211E 04 0.28092259E 06 0.48038688E 01
V 300. 000 1000. 000 0 .53405720E 00-0.27557997E 03 0.18732367E 05 0.23540681E Ol
V i000.000 5000.000 0 .62996532E 00-0.50440636E 02-0.51067301E 05 0.15355845E 01
C 300.000 i000.000 0 .79071697E 00-0.50214675E 03 0.39887527E 05 0.15433822E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0 .54235542E 00-0.66642579E 03-0.18356783E 04 0.34590507E 01
CH30H V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984. CH30H
V 300.000 I000.000 0.62326827E 00-0.28139531E 03 0.23329867E 05 0.17003401E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.60590993E 00-0.19198488E 03-0.25158890E 05 0.17778509E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.10211686E 01-0.44472491E 03 0.41226384E 05 0.43413536E O0
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.45440985E 00-0.11298018E 04 0.14206088E 06 0.49230571E 01
CH4 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.57388074E 00-0.98544160E 02 0.20012204E 04 0.17536015E O1
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.65074534E O0 0.23936771E 02-0.22020183E 05 0.11244058E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.11770360E 01-0.17422121E 03 0.22865563E 05-0.55146852E O0
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.49214767E 00-0.91598343E 03 0.87265127E 05 0.48489412E 01


CN V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984

V 300.000 1000.000 0.62544382E 00-0.15318186E 02-0.18288251E 04 0.16016921E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.64808436E O0 0.34533673E 01-0.22117730E 04 0.14272475E O1
C 300.000 i000.000 0.94972662E O0 0.12435517E 03-0.88374423E 04-0.15377147E O0
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.68082840E 00-0.90526823E 03 0.48574325E 06 0.22457778E 01
CO V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.60443938E 00-0.43632704E 02-0.88441949E 03 0.18972150E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.65060585E O0 0.28517449E 02-0.16690236E 05 0.15223271E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.83001480E O0 0.59139032E 02-0.98639405E 04 0.70962875E O0
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.65030086E 00-0.15100725E 03-0.16723855E 05 0.21699139E O1
V 300.000 I000.000 0.52969284E 00-0.26892616E 03 0.17742103E 05 0.25013200E Ol
V i000.000 5000.000 0.63342607E 00-0.33447711E 02-0.54409462E 05 0.16208681E Ol
C 300.000 I000.000 0.57101414E 00-0.41050507E 03 0.26688182E 05 0.26183777E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.67257356E 00-0.89956888E 02-0.91877099E 05 0.17124897E Ol
C02 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.54330318E 00-0.18823898E 03 0.88726567E 04 0.24499362E 01
V I000.000 5000.000 0.65318879E O0 0.51738759E 02-0.62834882E 05 0.15227045E Ol
C 300.000 I000.000 0.53726173E 00-0.49928331E 03 0.37397504E 05 0.32903619E 01
C I000.000 5000.000 0.66068182E 00-0.12741845E 03-0.81580328E 05 0.21817907E Ol
CP V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.55142210E 00-0.16522371E 03 0.67076536E 04 0.20562199E Ol
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.65372263E O0 0.51025907E 02-0.55485385E 05 0.11956174E Ol
C 300.000 1000.000 0.59035579E 00-0.26133699E 03 0.16965587E 05 0.20433882E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.67681979E O0 0.43561992E 02-0.90694254.E 05 0.12456589E Ol
CS V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.56203230E 00-0.13600215E 03 0.42677153E 04 0.20800917E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.65429610E O0 0.47958932E 02-0.44621677E 05 0.13080095E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.61122836E 00-0.22957023E 03 0.15067012E 05 0.19653352E Ol
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.86597093E O0 0.73832733E 03-0.37667638E 06-0.37818229E O0
CS2 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.60692003E 00-0.28798698E 03 0.23491408E 05 0.18384461E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.60771682E 00-0.17867431E 03-0.27087634E 05 0.17729523E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.60405741E 00-0.42146703E 03 0.30555828E 05 0.20552995E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.68099098E 00-0.77363827E 02-0.10329799E 06 0.13105042E 01
C2 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.62126764E 00-0.19814414E 02-0.16506365E 04 0.15582169E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.64809340E O0 0.36749201E 01-0.24685282B 04 0.13505925E Ol
C 300.000 1000.000 0.11782197E 01 0.51596967E 03-0.42793543E 05-0.20201745E Ol
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.84536557E O0 0.16283010E 03-0.21960714E 05 0.60979956E O0
C2H2,acetylene V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984. C2H2
V 300.000 1000.000 0.54922881E 00-0.17078109E 03 0.72130467E 04 0.19955795E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.65338952E O0 0.50419792E 02-0.56910493E 05 0.11190694E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.72408606E 00-0.27145126E 03 0.11112107E 05 0.21630756E Ol
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.65646287E 00-0.43191905E 03 0.24326887E 05 0.27779508E 01
C2H4 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984. C2H4
V 300.000 1000.000 0.55243600E 00-0.16260917E 03 0.64734038E 04 0.19463233E Ol
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.65385054E O0 0.51157317E 02-0.54731184E 05 0.10933538E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.77957663E 00-0.47857623E 03 0.32147858E 05 0.21827872E O]
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.48277394E 00-0.91773465E 03 0.11528060E 06 0.45824405E Ol
C2H6 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984. C2H6
V 300.000 1000.000 0.55619461E 00-0.15265690E 03 0.56050805E 04 0.18241467E Ol
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.65422199E O0 0.51041684E 02-0.51534435E 05 0.10006480E Ol
C 300.000 1000.000 0.87089937E 00-0.45633731E 03 0.31766620E 05 0.16351124E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.47062424E 00-0.96911156E 03 0.10907459E 06 0.48272647E O]


V 300.000 1000.000 0.53896094E 00-0.28047594E 03 0.19533016E 05 0.21089755E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.62692259E 00-0.65829493E 02-0.47946575E 05 O. 13535012E O]
C 300.000 1000.000 0.71918262E 00-0.61788717E 03 0.45758562E 05 0.25917619E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.55479945E 01-0.26707561E 04 0.47694513E 07-0.33305380E 02
C2N2 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984. C2N2
V 300.000 1000.000 0.53356050E 00-0.27497951E 03 0.18638758E 05 0.22893437E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.63030975E 00-0.48720171E 02-0.51418095E 05 0.14641935E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.68867870E 00-0.32090493E 03 0.20848386E 05 0.19542675E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.58675888E 00-0.34787226E 03-0.19158252E 05 0.27229253E 01
C3H6,cyclo- V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984. C3H6
V 300.000 1000.000 0.52642893E 00-0.24304494E 03 O. 14490001E 05 0.21036650E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.64243372E O0 0.83055174E 01-0.61290810E 05 0.11264132E O]
C 300.000 1000.000 0.75434495E 00-0.56817108E 03 0.39706666E 05 0.23579094E O]
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.46796950E 00-0.98032164E 03 0.12025017E 06 0.46607118E 01
C3H8 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984. C3H8
V 300.000 1000.000 0.54679651E 00-0.17696657E 03 0.77856045E 04 0.18001056E O]
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.65294463E O0 0.49357706E 02-0.58312245E 05 0.90667797E O0
C 300.000 1000.000 0.74388890E 00-0.55911365E 03 0.36290570E 05 0.24613167E O]
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.47421324E 00-0.94559650E 03 0.10647490E 06 0.46336342E 01
C3H80,lpropanol V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984. C3H70H
V 300.000 1000.000 0.73440698E 00-0.22629180E 03 0.21086249E 05 0.67643591E O0
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.59652900E 00-0.27394426E 03-0.12451645E 05 0.17070661E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.87763046E 00-0.60698875E 03 0.50287900E 05 0.14897201E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.57171849E 01-0.21255482E 04 0.45327874E 07-0.34773207E 02
C4HlO,isobutane V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984. I-C4HIO
V 300.000 1000.000 0.52832039E 00-0.26563679E 03 0.17285072E 05 0.20055687E O]
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.63489923E 00-0.26370421E 02-0.55754234E 05 0.11025916E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.67475778E 00-0.66361596E 03 0.44196906E 05 0.30206687E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.46635940E 00-0.98961826E 03 0.11790333E 06 0.47061309E 01
C4HlO,n-butane V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984. N-C4HIO
V 300.000 1000.000 0.68141614E 00-0.25412492E 03 0.22317723E 05 0.10228466E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.60074817E 00-0.23466020E 03-0.1906101AE 05 0.15996809E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.83404393E 00-0.64023382E 03 0.49149211E 05 0.19789190E O]
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.45229275E 00-0.11085240E 04 0.11643121E 06 0.50090208E 01
C6H6 V2C2 SVEHLA; NASA TR R-132, 1962 C6H6
V 300.00 1000.00 0.56309582E 00-0.29359980E 03 0.22248917E 05 0.18470699E 01
V 1000.00 5000.00 0.61627702E 00-0. 12384842E 03-0.36361541E 05 0.13677380E 01
C 300.00 1000.00 0.48438372E 00-0.83571820E 03 0.4851511AE 05 0.41854633E O]
C 1000.00 5000.00 0.48653010E 00-0.89465684E 03 0.86496530E 05 0.41869639E O]
CD V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.11885348E 01 0.14622882E 03-0.58133069E 04-0.17382773E O]
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.53920305E 00-0.94803288E 03 0.22274390E 06 0.36110995E O]
C 300.000 1000.000 0.11885357E 01 0.14622946E 03-0.58133583E 04-0.30206915E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.53920312E 00-0.94803288E 03 0.22274407E 06 0.23286912E O]
CL V2C2 GORDON_ NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.59042211E 00-0.68463350E 02 0.11486756E 03 0.20947363E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.64975744E O0 0.15081620E 02-0.12359163E 05 0.16139819E O]
C 300.000 1000.000 0.59042380E 00-0.68461622E 02 0.11470140E 03 0.19662606E O]
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.64975781E O0 0.15083117E 02-0.12360002E 05 0.14855162E 01
V 300.000 1000.000 0.53044034E 00-0.27031325E 03 0.17941511E 05 0.25473656E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.63275432E 00-0.36705413E 02-0.53780760E 05 0.16781431E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.63550134E 00-0.32017641E 03 0.20231531E 05 0.21282233E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.71166697E 00-0.39566346E 02-0.91690728E 05 0.14316566E 01


V 300.000 I000.000 0.56070752E 00-0.13992607E 03 0.45668081E 04 0.24732312E Ol
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.65434798E O0 0.49042184E 02-0.46439063E 05 0.16887227E 01
C 300.000 i000.000 0.50866868E 00-0.25631123E 03 0.12208834E 05 0.29062389E Ol
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.41413675E 01 0.11621040E 05-0.45999311E 07-0.29499043E 02
V 300.000 1000.000 0.52962852E 00-0.26875506E 03 0.17718417E 05 0.26423307E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.63350474E 00-0.33065466E 02-0.54490816E 05 0.17607381E 01
C 300.000 I000.000 0.35753660E 00-0.49903816E 03 0.29633530E 05 0.42197696E Ol
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.62598051E 00-0.11436080E 03-0.43406305E 05 0.20547418E Ol
V 300.000 I000.000 0.56676952E 00-0.12161047E 03 0.32653369E 04 0.23124565E Ol
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.65374100E O0 0.42188490E 02-0.37132937E 05 0.15886710E Ol
C 300.000 I000.000 0.51162100E 00-0.25600994E 03 0.13415594E 05 0.28360325E Ol
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.72663272E O0 0.17120774E 03-0.I0303851E 06 0.10393509E 01
CL2 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885 OCT 1984
V 300.000 I000.000 0.52629434E 00-0.25652928E 03 0.16097518E 05 0.25710501E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.63837763E 00-0.10033969E 02-0.58625311E 05 0.16245853E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.47840317E 00-0.33823485E 03 0.20875963E 05 0.26885462E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.78175250E O0 0.22694893E 03-0.11427704E 06 0.16441939E O0
F V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885 OCT 1984
V 300.000 I000.000 0.59906011E 00-0.51437723E 02-0.65028471E 03 0.21238160E Ol
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.64874088E O0 0.86603487E 01-0.70792924E 04 0.17271575E 01
C 300.000 i000.000 0.59906234E 00-0.51435839E 02-0.65044231E 03 0.26191892E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.64874106E O0 0.86606545E 01-0.70793785E 04 0.22225465E 01
V 300.000 1000.000 0.57223550E 00-0.10670086E 03 0.23425058E 04 0.23528480E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.65269707E O0 0.34249373E 02-0.28971825E 05 0.16877932E 01
C 300.000 i000.000 0.66385760E 00-0.20552503E 03 0.I0302488E 05 0.23513200E Ol
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.62110746E 00-0.16681687E 03-0.34951313E 05 0.26513070E 01
FO V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.60040365E 00-0.48873309E 02-0.73709186E 03 0.21428657E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.64862605E O0 0.78985320E 01-0.64302665E 04 0.17588863E O]
C 300.000 1000.000 0.59294732E 00-0.17328829E 03 0.1014008AE 05 0.27094093E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.76539077E O0 0.25741139E 03-0.1260978AE 06 0.12211694E 01
F2 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885 OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.59905281E 00-0.51442916E 02-0.64988587E 03 0.22241253E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.64874823E O0 0.86919179E 01-0.7094487AE 04 0.1827344AE 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.56966196E 00-0.17423423E 03 0.85461006E 04 0.28676709E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.75540432E O0 0.2236113AE 03-0.10529872E 06 0.12991675E 01
F20 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885 OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.57511461E 00-0.99851239E 02 0.19330999E 04 0.22639580E O1
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.65214551E O0 0.30451540E 02-0.25452577E 05 0.16292941E Ol
C 300.000 1000.000 0.42544147E 00-0.35613685E 03 0.19443891E 05 0.3897584AE Ol
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.64844804E 00-0.30201572E 01-0.56012679E 05 0.20794278E O]
H V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885 OCT 1984
V 300.00 1000.00 0.58190587E O0 0.46941424E 02-0.68759582E 04 0.91591909E O0
V 1000.00 5000.00 0.51631898E 00-0.14613202E 04 0.71446141E 06 0.21559015E 01
C 300.00 1000.00 0.58190587E O0 0.4694142AE 02-0.68759582E 04 0.43477961E OJ
C 1000.00 5000.00 0.51631898E 00-0.14613202E 04 0.71446141E 06 0.55877786E 01
HBr V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885 OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.58933864E 00-0.29335433E 03 0.23424808E 05 0.25894275E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.61018630E 00-0.16167656E 03-0.29734382E 05 0.23658526E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.96304562E 00-0.68855077E 02 0.73361773E 04-0.75845739E O0
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.62746202E 00-0.38180804E 03-0.61467487E 04 0.18834342E 01

IICN V202 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984

V 300.000 1000. 000 0.72518078E 00-0.23153256E 03 0.21358586E 050.80192307E O0
V i000.000 5000. 000 0.59723751E 00-0.26719537E 03-0.13701350E 050.17535640E 01
C 300.000 1000. 000 0.92501663E 00-0.26471427E 03 0.22685411E 050.40109942E 00
C i000.000 5000. 000 0.54537647E 00-0.78102180E 03 0.91785663E 050.34682243E OJ
HCL V202 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300. 000 1000. 000 0.53225757E 00-0.27322163E 03 0.18370730E 05 0.26560841E Ol
Y 1000. 000 5000. 000 0.63127019E 00-0.43971936E 02-0.52359830E 05 0.18130021E 01
C 300. 000 1000. 000 0.88016829E 00-0.51733060E 02 0.19343635E 04 0.26613366E O0
C i000. 000 5000.000 0.61958001E 00-0.42848675E 03 0.44628818E 05 0.23998301E 01
HF V202 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300. 000 1000.000 0.52829217E 00-0.26558442E 03 0.17277654E 05 0.25060989E 01
V i000. 000 5000. 000 0.63491956E 00-0.26269491E 02-0.55768516E 05 0.16027459E 01
C 300. 000 1000. 000 0.71973296E 00-0.12963167E 03 0.62985645E 04 0.18331238E O]
C 1000.000 5000. 000 0.60081345E 00-0.70664493E 03 0.21916284E 06 0.30222222E 01
HI V2¢2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000. 000 0.5278444AE 00-0.23380328E 03 0.13460328E 05 0.2860284AE 01
Y 1000.000 5000.000 0.64469869E O0 0.18163803E 02-0.62312536E 05 0.18765994E 01
C 300. 000 1000.000 0.89496799E 00-0.43876558E 02 0.18359113E 04-0.84524179E O_
C I000.000 5000.000 0.6fi970197E 00-0.13253951E 03-0.68569796E 05 0.86614196E 0(,
H2 V2¢2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300. 000 1000.000 0.6888764AE O0 0.48727168E 01-0.59565053E 03 0.55569577E O0
V 1000. 000 5000.000 0.70504381E O0 0.36287686E 02-0.72255550E 04 0.41921607E O0
C 300. 000 1000.000 0.93724945E O0 0.19013311E 03-0.19701961E 05 0.17545108E O]
C I000. 000 5000.000 0.74368397E 00-0.54941898E 03 0.25676376E 06 0.35553997E OJ
H20 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300. 000 1000.000 0.78387780E 00-0.38260408E 03 0.49040158E 05 0.85222785E O0
V I000. 000 5000.000 0.50714993E 00-0.68966913E 03 0.87454750E 05 0.30285155E 01
C 300. 000 I000. 000 0.15541443E 01 0.66106305E 02 0.55969886E 04-0.39259598E 01
C i000. 000 5000.000 0.79349503E 00-0.13340063E 04 0.37884327E 06 0.23591474E 01
H202 V202 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000. 000 0.99686871E 00-0.41461068E 02 0.87172900E 04-0.15770256E 01
Y 1000.000 5000.000 0.57419481E 00-0.50408983E 03 0.48898234E 05 0.17621537E Ol
C 300. 000 1000. 000 0.11075595E 01-0.20746382E 03 0.23930396E 05-0.12685243E Ol
C i000.000 5000. 000 0.46981213E 00-0.11937657E 04 0.22076993E 06 0.39203830E Ol
H2S V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300. 000 1000.000 0.52624074E 00-0.24493210E 03 0.14706252E 05 0.25104802E 01
V lO00. 000 5000.000 0.64192799E O0 0.60684364E 01-0.61015379E 05 0.15356997B 01
C 300. 000 I000.000 0.10513345E 01-0.43140454E 02 0.39906490E 04-0.67586328E O0
C I000. 000 5000.000 0.63433801E 00-0.38738396E 03-0.37840585E 05 0.25861506E O_
Ile V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300. 000 1000.000 0.64802751E O0 0.43051414E 00-0.37873123E 02 0.16131962E 01
V I000. 000 5000.000 0.64764043E 00-0.44612757E O0 0.23006610E 03 0.16164797E O_
C 300.000 1000. 000 0.64802850E O0 0.43145992E 00-0.37964201E 02 0.36659896E Ol
C i000. 000 5000. 000 0.64764079E 00-0.44641921E O0 0.23088408E 03 0.36692778E OJ
IIg V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000. 000 0.94367314E 00-0.82917932E 02 0.I1637023E 05 0.44357040E O0
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.57925263E 00-0.44580916E 03 0.31691900E 05 0.33002507E O:i
C 300.000 1000.000 0.94367375E 00-0.82917583E 02 0.11637001E 05--0.14179521E 01
C I000.000 5000.000 0.57925278E 00-0.44580773E 03 0.31691108E 05 0.14387311E 01
HgBr2 V202 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300. 000 1000.000 0.94367468E 00-0.82916893E 02 0.I1636948E 05-0.33764020E 00
V I000. 000 5000. 000 0.57925294E 00-0.44580484E 03 0.31688745E 05 0.25190480E Ol
q 300. 000 1000.000 0.83359360E 00-0.17616187E 03 0.17189236E 05-0.9277759AE O0
C I000.000 5000.000 0.59766218E 00-0.40168705E 03 0.19056094E 05 0.92331802E O0

I V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885 OCT 1984

V 300.000 1000.000 0.55813203E00-0.14734417E 03 0.51602827E 04 0.25867214E Ol
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.65432576EO0 0.50478828E 02-0.49558226E 05 0.17793810E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.55813321E00-0.14734315E 03 0.51601885E 04 0.11830226E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0 .65432558E O0 0.50478927E 02-0.49558521E 05 0.37569275E O0
I2 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885 OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0 .61471143E 00-0.28497347E 03 0.23431772E 05 0.20973875E Ol
V 1000.000 5000.000 0 .60681821E 00-0.18519473E 03-0.26138435E 05 0.21003450E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0 .63064253E 00-0.27550593E 03 0.21405999E 05 0.42524340E O0
C 1000.000 5000.000 0 .71129313E O0 0.25273438E 02-0.91445236E 05-0.32116092E O0
Li V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885 OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0 .11752934E 01 0.21157274E 03-0.12015201E 05-0.35064726E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0 .54766371E 00-0.14297740E 04 0.51685974.E 06 0.19440930E Ol
C 300 .000 1000.000 0 .11752927E 01 0.21157214E 03-0.12015152E 05-0.20041680E Ol
C 1000 .000 5000.000 0 .54766479E 00-0.14297696E 04 0.51685796E 06 0.34463823E 01
LiCL V2C2 NASA TM86885
V 300 .000 1000.000 0 .11723081E 01 0.21106360E 03-0.11990988E 05-0.31121607E Ol
V 1000 .000 5000.000 0 .54988650E 00-0.14341736E 04 0.52206379E 06 0.23012792E 01
C 300 .000 1000.000 0 .11152834E 01 0.86278294E 02-0.30441406E 04-0.23747100E Ol
C 1000 .000 5000.000 0 .66364820E 00-0.11212899E 04 0.38567849E 06 0.15658741E Ol
LiF V2C2 NASA TM86885
V 300 .000 1000.000 0 .11291533E 01 0.21068947E 03-0.12539950E 05-0.28995579E 01
V 1000 .000 5000.000 0 .60903786E 00-0.14233356E 04 0.58185627E 06 0.17379115E Ol
C 300 .000 1000.000 0 .11058083E 01 0.76731452E 02-0.16090045E 04-0.19121012E O1
C 1000 .000 5000.000 0 .71312432E 00-0.11330693E 04 0.43119396E 06 0.15799391E Ol
LiO V2C2 NASA TM86885
V 300 .000 1000.000 0 .59024601E 00-0.29313587E 03 0.23436429E 05 0.19633498E 01
V 1000 .000 5000.000 0 .61004264E 00-0.16263674E 03-0.29581936E 05 0.17480629E 01
C 300 .000 1000.000 0 .53291070E 00-0.40303638E 03 0.30090655E 05 0.32950033E 01
C lO00 .000 5000.000 0 .71128127E 00 0.27334001E 02-0.I0271842E 06 0.17640287E 01
Li2 V2C2 NASA TM86885
V 300.000 1000.000 0 .11752942E 01 0.21157326E 03-0.12015231E 05-0.33915691E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0 .54766486E 00-0.14297727E 04 0.51686050E 06 0.20589929E 01
C 300.000 I000.000 0.11864429E 01 0.16477281E 03-0.86676933E 04-0.20521179E O]
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.77445801E 00-0.88331404E 03 0.31514451E 06 0.15195400E 01
Li20 V2C2 NASA TM86885
V 300.000 1000.000 0.I1852391E Ol 0.21253421E 03-0.12014231E 05-0.32722272E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.54051860E 00-0.14091648E 04 0.4Y613971E 06 0.22969412E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.10844145E 01-0.60833980E Ol 0.46422023E 04-0.13442709E Ol
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.56950679E 00-0.12475771E 04 0.38458480E 06 0.30746519E Ol
Mg V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.11999414E 01 0.20126672E 03-0.10756481E 05-0.29969415E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.52943536E 00-0.12953759E 04 0.41295444E 06 0.27081121E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.11999384E 01 0.2012fi452E 03-0.I0756302E 05-0.27478556E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.52943478E 00-0.12953787E 04 0.41295539E 06 0.29571809E O]
MgCL V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.90734101E 00-0.10957625E 03 0.13455239E 05-0.33583701E O0
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.58274560E 00-0.40902478E 03 0.21055824_E 05 0.21945136E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.81687290E 00-0.21031421E 03 0.19272508E 05 0.26796453E O_
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.67370002E 00-0.21524204E 03-0.45824091E 05 0.13239636E 01
MgCL2 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.11643480E 01 0.21154461E 03-0.12157671E 05-0.29851196E Ol
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.55826967E 00-0.14453042E 04 0.53835586E 06 0.23110024E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.11079049E 01 0.98601320E 02-0.43172118E 04-0.25982670E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.59190755E 00-0.12500553E 04 0.42853003E 06 0.18844669E 01

MgF V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984

V 300.000 I000.000 0.57153724E 00-0.29502488E 03 0.22829882E 05 0.24330715E O]
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.61382741E 00-0.13849662E 03-0.33680482E 05 0.20400420E O]
C 300.000 1000.000 0.52769344E 00-0.38550300E 03 0.27187035E 05 0.30176213E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.74461056E O0 0.18905510E 03-0.16740309E 06 0.11368690E 01
MgF2 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.10536783E O1 0.19463118E 03-0.12040073E 05-0.22328636E O_
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.77039040E 00-0.10172891E 04 0.49502968E 06 0.43533118E 0¢)
C 300.000 i000.000 0.i0102266E Ol 0.53808657E 02-0.33371180E 04-0.15775513E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.74741881E 00-0.10287026E 04 0.43422069E 06 0.88732021E O0
Mg2 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.11999338E 01 9.20126085E 03-0.10755969E 05-0.29052069E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.52943951E 00-0.12953560E 04 0.41294399E 06 0.27997510E 01
C 300.000 I000.000 0.12619936E 01 0.27244603E 03-0.14272719E 05-0.35314094E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.58940412E 00-0.10635945E 04 0.32638934E 06 0.21090193E Of
N V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
¥ 300.000 1000.000 0.78466590E O0 0.15060468E 02-0.25374756E 04 0.67458825E OO
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.80487742E O0 0.95211647E 02-0.36759153E 05 0.48842200E OR
C 300.000 I000.000 0.78466590E O0 0.15060468E 02-0.25374756E 04 0.14747985E Oi
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.80487742E O0 0.95211647E 02-0.36759153E 05 0.12886322E OL
NF3 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 i000.000 0.56967038E 00-0.11332714E 03 0.2744338AE 04 0.22987466E O_
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.65320219E O0 0.37910855E 02-0.32557395E 05 0.16061944E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.38158835E 00-0.44211254E 03 0.19950177E 05 0.43208327E Of
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.65091667E O0 0.73881686E 01-0.84389117E 05 0.21144498E 01
NH V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
Y 300.000 1000.000 0.63709858E 00-0.36353873E 01-0.22869699E 04 0.15599278E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.64806518E O0 0.29290818E 01-0.16401980E 04 0.14772122E 01
C 300.000 I000.000 0.94940463E O0 0.19417023E 03-0.17195992E 05 0.32016455E O0
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.86518748E O0 0.25156774E 03-0.12770184E 06 0.95443399E O0
NH3 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885 OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.81181026E 00-0.16192541E 03 0.13635348E 05 0.38586405E O0
Y 1000.000 5000.000 0.58385051E 00-0.42758871E 03 0.37959204E 05 0.22004252E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.12268934E 01-0.25575098E 03 0.32926505E 05-0.I0143928E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.32131924B 00-0.18686802E 04 0.45173941E 06 0.64352314E 01
NO ¥2_2 GORDON; NASA TM86885 OCT 1984
Y 300.000 I000.000 0.59536071E 00-0.57867416E 02-0.38658607E 03 0.20594392E O]
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.65096667E O0 9.19493763E 02-0.13229282E 05 0.16106960E Ol
C 300.000 I000.000 0.95581984E O0 0.12705354E 03-0.14468456E 05-0.15581681E O0
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.65454142E 00-0.10184116E 03-0.30492856E 05 0.21672442E 01
V 300.000 1000.000 0.55407775E 00-0.29013153E 03 0.21387042E 05 0.23569867E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.61962388E 00-0.10475832E 03-0.40052964E 05 0.17794912E Ol
C 300.000 1000.000 0.65936900E 00-0.32842689E 03 0.24228608E 05 0.18140106E O]
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.79155874E O0 0.23355702E 03-0.20076887E 06 0.55981448E O0
NO2 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885 OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.55638659E 00-0.15082685E 03 0.54896589E 04 0.23748776E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.65567489E O0 0.57106126E 02-0.53285015E 05 0.15402063E O[
C 300.000 1000.000 0.63306921E 00-0.33284539E 03 0.24120737E 05 0.24663012E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.62299841E 00-0.12701358E 03-0.69901508E 05 0.24212675E 01
N2 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.60443938E 00-0.43632704E 02-0.88441949E 03 0.18972150E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.65060585E O0 0.28517449E 02-0.16690236E 05 0.15223271E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.94306384E O0 0.12279898E 03-0.11839435E 05-0.10668773E O0
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.65147781E 00-0.15059801E 03-0.13746760E 05 0.21801632E 01

N20 V202 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984

V 300.000 1000.000 0.54648279E 00-0.17538256E 03 0.76356925E 04 0.23887157E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.65511342E O0 0.56849480E 02-0.60316082E 05 0.14742903E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.47050344E 00-0.46505674E 03 0.27421960E 05 0.37269968E Ol
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.60986936E 00-0.20883718E 03-0.47931337E 05 0.25858920E 01
N204 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.53228523E 00-0.27822164E 03 0.19037688E 05 0.24757071E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.62866433E 00-0.56425245E 02-0.47939866E 05 0.18552361E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.50253745E 00-0.5534309AE 03 0.38361339E 05 0.34935842E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.59679657E 00-0.2702465AE 03-0.46223556E 05 0.26422917E 01
Na V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
¥ 300.000 I000.000 0.11991657E 01 0.17272436E 03-0.81074814E 04-0.33187241E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.53084448E 00-0.11004044E 04 0.29936796E 06 0.22628268E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.11991657E 01 0.17272429E 03-0.81074712E 04-0.30140274.E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.53084498E 00-0.11004040E 04 0.29936869E 06 0.25675191E 01
NaBr V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.11669297E 01 0.21109685E 03-0.12066967E 05-0.29043573E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.55512537E 00-0.14419020E 04 0.53270536E 06 0.24330610E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.11717902E 01 0.17091273E 03-0.91899870E 04-0.35438249E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.70441563E 00-0.10435636E 04 0.37598970E 06 0.5160118AE O0
NaCN V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.11528091E 01 0.21135235E 03-0.12272262E 05-0.32860731E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.57199458E 00-0.14520507E 04 0.55818630E 06 0.18227691E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.12979173E 01 0.21066488E 03-0.11550963E 05-0.38003025E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.5784314AE 00-0.14055772E 04 0.45884228E 06 0.23167812E 01
NaCL V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.11642456E 01 0.21156120E 03-0.12161063E 05-0.31564370E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.55839956E 00-0.14454200E 04 0.53857416E 06 0.21379969E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.11549572E 01 0.15565790E 03-0.82703173E 04-0.31216782E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.69251630E 00-0.10821250E 04 0.39203169E 06 0.91254999E O0
N_LF V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.11246143E 01 0.20926938E 03-0.12461016E 05-0.29038556E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.61469605E 00-0.14144876E 04 0.58243849E 06 0.16525732E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.10993781E 01 0.12223965E 03-0.65939282E 04-0.24078338E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.73852321E 00-0.10758653E 04 0.43139600E 06 0.84893555E O0
NaI V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.11818393E 01 0.21275505E 03-0.12077525E 05-0.29875936E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.54320984E 00-0.14184781E 04 0.50491315E 06 0.25404083B 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.11906702E 01 0.17872335E 03-0.95080820E 04-0.40338377E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.73766296E 00-0.90161429E 03 0.3102303AE 06-0.14298770E O0
NaO V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.54811203E 00-0.28689735E 03 0.20714307E 05 0.22972790E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.62224381E 00-0.90410313E 02-0.42923207E 05 0.16515893E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.53629415E 00-0.32567270E 03 0.22011663E 05 0.27363629E O]
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.75852874E O0 0.16366141E 03-0.12338203E 06 0.85664245E O0
NaOH V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.11670325E 01 0.21107864E 03-0.12063366E 05-0.31668433E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.55500116E 00-0.14417592E 04 0.53247894E 06 0.21722072E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.11973081E 01 0.15190412E 03-0.94845125E 04-0.26780278E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.53145211E 00-0.16768143E 04 0.57724947E 06 0.31684396E Ol
N_2 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.11991686E 01 0.17272712E 03-0.81077315E 04-0.32730108E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.53083913E 00-0.11004312E 04 0.29938121E 06 0.23086136E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.12178308E 01 0.14749940E 03-0.59214668E 04-0.31914235E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.78291422E 00-0.55598388E 03 0.12553759E 06 0.38327194E 00 85

Na20 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984

V 300.000 1000.000 0.I1852443E 01 0.21253834E 03-0 .12014565E 05-0.33114310E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.54051892E 00-0.14091678E 04 0 .49614217E 06 0.22577755E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.10901142E Ol 0.58450168E 02-0 .15252071E 04-0.21912644E 01
C I000.000 5000. 000 0.57538268E 00-0.12218109E 04 0 .39358975E 06 0.22514879E 01
Ne V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 i000. 000 0.65216539E O0 0.62836411E 01-0 .I0731022E 04 0.20161733E 01
V I000.000 5000.000 0.64793219E O0 0.10343893E 01-0. 24458823E 03 0.20497925E 01
C 300. 000 1000.000 0.65216494E O0 0.62830217E 01-0. I0730420E 04 0.24512805E 01
C 1000. 000 5000.000 0.64793218E O0 0.10339824E 01-0. 24427562E 03 0.24848962E 01
0 V202 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300. 000 i000. 000 0.73101989E O0 0.60468346E 01 O. 35630372E 04 0.10955772E 01
V I000.000 5000.000 0.79832550E O0 0.18039626E 03-0. 53243244E 05 0.51131026E O0
C 300.000 1000.000 0.73824503E O0 0.11221345E 02 0.31668244E 04 0.17085307E Ol
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.79819261E O0 0.17970493E 03-0.52900889E 05 0.I1797640E Ol
OH V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300. 000 i000. 000 0.78530133E 00-0.16524903E 03 0.12621544E 05 0.69788972E O0
V I000.000 5000.000 0.58936635E 00-0.36223418E 03 0.23355306E 05 0.22363455E 01
C 300. 000 I000.000 0.10657500E 01 0.45300526E 02-0.37257802E 04-0.49894757E O0
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.58415552E 00-0.87533541E 03 0.20830503E 06 0.35371017E 01
02 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.61936357E 00-0.44608607E 02-0.13460714E 04 0.19597562E Ol
V I000.000 5000. 000 0.63839563E 00-0.12344438E 01-0.22885810E 05 0.18056937E Ol
C 300.000 1000.000 0.81595343E 00-0.34366856E 02 0.22785080E 04 0.I0050999E 01
C 1000. 000 5000. 000 0.80805788E O0 0.11982181E 03-0.47335931E 05 0.95189193E O0
P V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 I000.000 0.60172588E 00-0.46427776E 02-0.81317670E 03 0.16997237E Ol
V I000.000 5000.000 0.64852762E O0 0.72352703E 01-0.58578232E 04 0.13280342E Ol
C 300.000 1000.000 0.60172595E 00-0.46427473E 02-0.81321475E 03 0.17063279E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.64852696E O0 0.72315702E 01-0.58557552E 04 0.13346455E Ol
PCL3 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300. 000 I000. 000 0.56705910E00-0.29448453E 03 0.22549684E 05 0.21386508E 01
V i000.000 5000.000 0.61504988E00-0.13110380E 03-0.35012832E 05 0.17004736E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.46759856E00-0.41412012E 03 0.27219078E 05 0.27289212E Ol
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.62191640E00-0.15804841E 03-0.30115458E 05 0.14648170E Ol
PF V202 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.53250121E 00-0.21585581E 03 0.11573865E 05 0.23996959E Ol
V I000.000 5000.000 0.64822622E O0 0.32763872E 02-0.62813079E 05 0.14258782E 01
C 300.000 1000. 000 0.48759354.E 00-0.33214183E 03 0.19491414E 05 0.28625744E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.74083389E 00-0.70783873E 02 0.24323383E 05 0.84812178E O0
PF3 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 I000.000 0.56074201E 00-0.13982780E 03 0.45592921E 04 0.23671865E 01
V I000.000 5000.000 0.65434702E O0 0.49018779E 02-0.46395135E 05 0.15829936E 01
C 300. 000 I000.000 0.35685408E 00-0.45395937E 03 0.24494685E 05 0.42777573E Ol
C 1000.000 5000. 000 0.64448599E 00-0.17581982E 02-0.67596124E 05 0.19469495E 01
PH3 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 I000. 000 0.54019301E 00-0.19389179E 03 0.93950337E 04 0.22206500E 01
V I000.000 5000.000 0.65131973E O0 0.44335896E 02-0.61168787E 05 0.12852911E Oi
C 300. 000 I000. 000 0.91611132E 00-0.28581024E 03 0.23587890E 05 0.66131005E 0(_
C 1000. 000 5000. 000 0.57031841E 00-0.43404881E 03-0.59921420E 05 0.32733369E 01
PN V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
¥ 300. 000 I000. 000 0.55608253E 00-0.15297277E 03 0.56317889E 04 0.20722783E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.65421428E O0 0.51068828E 02-0.51651821E 05 0.12478568E O]
C 300.000 1000.000 0.63283895E 00-0.22459221E 03 0.14686096E 05 0.17226824E 01
C I000.000 5000.000 0.67234004E O0 0.31696890E 02-0.89082667E 05 0.12936103E 01

PO V202 GORDON; NASA TM86885 OCT 1984

V 300.000 i000.000 0.53499761E 00-0.20819304E 03 0 .10800626E 05 0.23240954E O]
V i000.000 5000.000 0.64944290E O0 0.37502999E 02-0 .62501896E 05 0.13610015E 01
C 300.000 i000.000 0.62888900E 00-0.23560675E 03 0 .16600563E 05 0.17844784.E 01
C I000.000 5000.000 0.68948887E O0 0.88744522E 02-0 .11442197E 06 0.11682889E O]
V 300.000 I000.000 0.93790241E 00-0.87211038E 02 0 .11929757E 05-0.10076496E 01
V I000.000 5000.000 0.57981876E 00-0.43970997E 03 0 .29904427E 05 0.17968971E 01
C 300.000 I000.000 0.86384389E 00-0.17171526E 03 0 .17342587E 05-0.59094819E O0
C I000.000 5000.000 0.77799708E O0 0.17456414E 03-0 .21313233E 06-0.11971285E O0
P2 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885 OCT 1984
V 300.000 I000.000 0.83447892E 00-0.16116318E 03 0 .16947283E 05-0.25314649E O0
V I000.000 5000.000 0.58901033E 00-0.34661904E 03 0 .40066685E 04 0.16371453E O]
C 300.000 1000.000 0.7220554AE 00-0.31814871E 03 0 .27523268E 05 0.49864673E O0
C i000.000 5000.000 0.63663671E 00-0.25348443E 03-0 .41841022E 05 0.10899479E 01
P4 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885 OCT 1984
V 300.000 I000.000 0.90411767E 00-0.11190439E 03 0 .13613879E 05-0.68973758E 00
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.58304168E 00-0.40596142E 03 0 .20188552E 05 0.18119219E 01
C 300.000 i000.000 0.64479485E 00-0.38428864E 03 0 .28229348E 05 0.12449679E 01
C i000.000 5000.000 0.60247381E 00-0.36355102E 03-0 .94694443E 04 0.15531529E 01
S V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885 OCT 1984
V 300.000 I000.000 0.10275633E 01-0.15730982E 02 0 .67814046E 04-0.16868317E 01
V i000.000 5000.000 0.57141532E 00-0.53985986E 03 0 .59619329E 05 0.19326899E 01
C 300.000 I000.000 0.10275638E 01-0.15730602E 02 0 .67813658E 04-0.17146989E O]
C i000.000 5000.000 0.57141299E 00-0.53987155E 03 0 .59625328E 05 0.19048482E O]
SF6 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885 OCT 1984
V 300.000 I000.000 0.55356148E 00-0.15968072E 03 0 .62136748E 04 0.23462379E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.65398528E O0 0.51259194E 02-0 .53866067E 05 0.15018342E O]
C 300.000 I000.000 0.32698365E 00-0.49765320E 03 0 .16383569E 05 0.45533559E 01
C lO00.O00 5000.000 0.64458376E 00-0.20128103E 02-0 .85429899E 05 0.19836988E 01
V 300.000 I000.000 0.61408230E 00-0.28143128E 02-0 .13467850E 04 0.18884765E 01
Y I000.000 5000.000 0.64813948E O0 0.42553989E 01-0 .30920912E 04 0.16229133E O]
C 300.000 i000.000 0.10118698E 01 0.26386658E 03-0 .22711870E 05-0.77379683E O0
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.68044235E 00-0.15805050E 03 0 .75469456E 04 0.19066699E 01
V 300.000 i000.000 0.52625143E 00-0.24484659E 03 0 .14696572E 05 0.24878570E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.64195121E O0 0.61710442E 01-0 .61027285E 05 0.15129757E 01
C 300.000 I000.000 0.54421574.E 00-0.34870235E 03 0.24686677E 05 0.25225817E 01
C I000.000 5000.000 0.60326368E 00-0.59356628E 03 0.21055577E 06 0.21750850E 01
S02 V202 GORDON; NASA TM86885 OCT 1984
V 300.000 i000.000 0.52954513E 00-0.26860106E 03 0.17696352E 05 0.25434068E 0!
V I000.000 5000.000 0.63357876E 00-0.32706650E 02-0.54558956E 05 0.16605700E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.53161859E 00-0.4642833AE 03 0.34368389E 05 0.28729848E 0i
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.68373370E 00-0.17546035E 02-0.11091192E 06 0.15164401E O]
$2 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885 OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.10275639E 01-0.15730803E 02 0.67814093E 04-0.16664187E 05
V I000.000 5000.000 0.57141835E 00-0.53984612E 03 0.59611578E 05 0.19530790E O!
C 300.000 I000.000 0.98092737E 00-0.12110140E 03 0.13039909E 05-0.14396672E Oi
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.64033875E 00-0.59597252E 03 0.72484889E 05 0.13270533E O]
$2F2 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885 OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.55994786E 00-0.14213224E 03 0.47398132E 04 0.22961206E O]
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.65435710E O0 0.49551587E 02-0.47408338E 05 0.15047134E Ol
C 300.000 I000.000 0.41057319E 00-0.36233030E 03 0.15064933E 05 0.36096006E O]
C I000.000 5000.000 0.65312444E O0 0.18099392E 02-0.71163472E 05 0.16401929E O]

Si V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984

V 300. 000 I000.000 0.I0449719E O1 0.19143103E 03-0.I1829247E 05-0.21394108E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.78988567E 00-0.95537214.E 03 0.47572682E 06 0.28832678E O0
C 300. 000 I000. 000 0.I0449713E Ol 0.19143050E 03-0.11829201E 05-0.20349144.B 01
C I000.000 5000. 000 0.78988608E 00-0.95537169E 03 0.47572729E 06 0.39281511E O0
SiCL V202 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300. 000 i000. 000 0.11060893E O1 0.54472185E 02 0.15508572E 04-0.19779345E 01
V 1000.000 5000. 000 0.56223642E 00-0.66627167E 03 0.I0127956E 06 0.23974239E 01
C 300. 000 1000. 000 0.10399161E 01-0.25627339E 02 0.66452541E 04-0.16186619E 01
C I000. 000 5000.000 0.72298227E 00-0.20077852E 03-0.74276182E 05 0.82207367E O0
SiCL4 V202 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300. 000 i000. 000 0.55156535E 00-0.28884804E 03 0.21111522E 05 0.21060079E 01
V i000.000 5000. 000 0.62068684E 00-0.98874758E 02-0.41219319E 05 0.15001162E 01
C 300.000 i000. 000 0.43894980E 00-0.43471622E 03 0.27690887E 05 0.28487965E 01
C I000.000 5000.000 0.62357602E 00-0.14610669E 03-0.32112677E 05 0.13452883E 01
SiF V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 i 000. 000 0.74469669E 00-0.22023807E 03 0.20750850E 05 0.11032763E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.59574337E 00-0.28144567E 03-0.10987859E 05 0.22220602E 01
C 300.000 1000. 000 0.69844981E 00-0.32202998E 03 0.27986749E 05 0.16227540E 01
C 1000. 000 5000.000 0.73548029E O0 0.11273623E 03-0.17893865E 06 0.11337502E 01
S£F4 V202 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
Y 300. 000 1000.000 0.57077021E 00-0.11041847E 03 0.25670575E 04 0.21607302B 01
V i000.000 5000.000 0.65298266E O0 0.36297519E 02-0.30956385E 05 0.14800331E 01
C 300.000 1000. 000 0.42518081E 00-0.39420381E 03 0.19135444E 05 0.37213358E 01
C I000.000 5000.000 0.65150413E O0 0.64377124E 01-0.79487595E 05 0.18549219E 01
S£H4 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000. 000 0.55924396E 00-0.14415953E 03 0.49013752E 04 0.20043942E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.65435256E O0 0.49950878E 02-0.48263745E 05 0.12067324E 01
C 300. 000 1000.000 0.76108905E 00-0.41994290E 03 0.28112649E 05 0.21424344.E 01
C 1000. 000 5000.000 0.60035284E 00-0.28430063E 03-0.11637412E 06 0.32542195E 01
S£0 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000. 000 0.72506064E 00-0.23159941E 03 0.21361941E 05 0.11938159E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.59723532E 00-0.26715791E 03-0.13693384E 05 0.21445353E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.74584054E 00-0.33365366E 03 0.31257625E 05 0.12854454E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.72347442E O0 0.10673017E 03-0.20274219E 06 0.12256205E 01
Si02 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300. 000 1000.000 0.10548774E 01 0.19502577E 03-0.12060648E 05-0.23035749E 01
V 1000.000 5000. 000 0.76767529E 00-0.10257777E 04 0.49762839E 06 0.39792053E O0
C 300. 000 1000.000 0.10514211E 01-0.68683144E 01 0.44778115E 04-0.18080684.E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.73063010E 00-0.11009925E 04 0.42616688E 06 0.10825751E 01
SiS V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.12010728E 01 0.18110947E 03-0.88652451E 04-0.30589063E 01
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.52945943E 00-0.11514295E 04 0.32706083E 06 0.25765863E 01
C 300.000 1000. 000 0.11018478E 01 0.17738569E 02 0.30781405E 04-0.23546834E 01
C 1000.000 5000. 000 0.88673914E O0 0.82340153E 02-0.18949212E 06-0.74829186E O0
S£2 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300. 000 1000. 000 0.10449790E 01 0.19143586E 03-0.11829602E 05-0.20322708E Ol
V 1000. 000 5000. 000 0.78988110E 00-0.95539350E 03 0.47573737E 06 0.39556243E O0
C 300. 000 i000.000 0.11761733E 01 0.93952349E 02 0.I0348143E 04-0.27660853E Ol
C i000. 000 5000.000 0.98246822E 00-0.76637847E 02 0.71989828E 05-0.13330007E 01
SnCL4 V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984
V 300.000 1000.000 0.56767328E 00-0.29459106E 03 0.22592397E 05 0.21167412E 01
V I000.000 5000.000 0.61486966E 00-0.13217830E 03-0.34814305E 05 0.16848596E 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.54879279E 00-0.31796597E 03 0.19347146E 05 0.16823364E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.34656610E 00-0.12573241E 04 0.45215867E 06 0.35944770E 01

Zn V2C2 GORDON; NASA TM86885, OCT 1984

V 300.000 i000.000 0.12002271E Ol 0.17586903B 03-0.83995383E 04-0.19217073E Ol
V 1000.000 5000.000 0.53031143B 00-0.11169229E 04 0.30819706B 06 0.36814803B 01
C 300.000 1000.000 0.12002288E 01 0.17587033E 03-0.83996394E 04-0.26621911E 01
C 1000.000 5000.000 0.53031130E 00-0.11169233E 04 0.30819716E 06 0.29410104E 01
V 300.000 5000.000 0.47903400E 00-0.24133330E 03 0.34125770E 05 0.27830000E Ol
V 300.000 5000.000 0.53955200E 00-0.14537710E 03 0.77105300E 04 0.27820000E Ol
V 300.000 5000.000 0.13074500E 00-0.55907700E 03 0.55942230E 05 0.52550000E Ol

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October 1993 Technical Memorandum

Coefficients for Calculating Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of

Individual Species

Bonnie J. McBride, Sanford Gordon, and Martin A. Rend



National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Lewis Research Center E-7981
Cleveland, Ohio 44135-3191



National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NASA TM-4513
Washington, D.C. 20546-0001


Bonnie J. McBride, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio; Sanford Gordon, Sanford Gordon and Associates,
4078 Stonehaven Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44121; and Martin A. Rend, Heidelberg College, Tiffin, Ohio 44883.
Responsible person, Bonnie J. McBride, (216) 433-5870.

Unclassified - Unlimited
Subject Category 77

13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)

Libraries of thermodynamic data and transport properties are given for individual species in the form of least-squares
coefficients. Values of C_,(T), H°(T), and S°(T) are available for 1130 solid, liquid, and gaseous species. Viscosity
and thermal conductivity data are given for 155 gases. The original C_(T) values were fit to a fourth-order polynomial
with integration constants for H°(T) and S°(T). For each species the integration constant for H°(T) includes the heat
of formation. Transport properties have a different functional form. The temperature range for most of the data is 300 to
5000 K, although some of the newer thermodynamic data have a range of 200 to 6000 K. Because the species are
mainly possible products of reaction, the data are useful for chemical equilibrium and kinetics computer codes. Much
of the data has been distributed for several years with the NASA Lewis equilibrium program CET89. The thermody-
namic properties of the reference elements have been updated along with about 175 species that involve the elements
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. These sets of data will be distributed with the NASA Lewis personal computer
program for calculating chemical equilibria, CETPC.


Thermodynamic data; Transport properties; Chemical equilibrium programs 16. PRICE CODE
Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified

Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89)

NSN 7540-01-280-5500
Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39-18

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