Research Is Defined As:: Jose A. Fabricante JR., Ph.D. - Teacher
Research Is Defined As:: Jose A. Fabricante JR., Ph.D. - Teacher
Research Is Defined As:: Jose A. Fabricante JR., Ph.D. - Teacher
• the systemic investigation to find a solution to a problem. (C.R. Kothari (2002), the
author of the book Research Methodology)
Importance of Research
Purposes of Research
Characteristics of Research
May not be a problem, but just answering a question Problem needs to be solved
More rigorous and broader in scope May be solved in less rigorous and less
broad methods
Intended to solve some kind of problem, but this is not Does not always involve research
the primary aim
Conducted primarily to make a contribution to general Conducted to solve a problem
Concerned with broad problems, recurrent phenomena Is concerned with a specific problem, and
and wide application through generalization ends once the problem is solved