Research Is Defined As:: Jose A. Fabricante JR., Ph.D. - Teacher

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Research is defined as:

• “ a systematic, controlled,empirical and critical investigation of hypothetical

propositions about the presumed relations among natural phenomena” (Kerlinger 1973)

• “ a systemic attempt to provide answers to questions.Its is a systematic attempt to obtain

adequate solutions to problems (Turkman 1992)

• “ a systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic or problem”

(Gaudencio Aquino 1996)

• the systematic investigative process used to increase or revise current knowledge by

discovering new facts (

• the systemic investigation to find a solution to a problem. (C.R. Kothari (2002), the
author of the book Research Methodology)

Importance of Research

 Research can lead to expansion of knowledge and new discoveries.

 It helps us find ways to allocate scarce resources accordingly.
 It may help in studying the effects of observed phenomena.
 It develops critical thinking and analysis.

Purposes of Research

 To review or synthesize existing knowledge

 To investigate existing situations or problems
 To provide solutions to problems
 To explore or analyze more general issues
 To construct or create new procedures or systems
 To serve as a basis for decision-making
 To be a tool for correction
 To prove or disprove a theory
 To explain a new phenomenon
 To generate new knowledge
 To discover causes or new facts about a noted phenomenon
 To provide findings that will serve as basis for decision making
 To make man’s life more comfortable
 To serve as an instrument for correction
 To help predict what will happen in the future
 To promote a healthy lifestyle
 To satisfy man’s curiosity

Characteristics of Research

1. Research is done to solve a problem.

2. Research is based on the observable facts or experiences which can be verified by
3. Research involves the collection of data from sources.
4. Research is characterized by carefully designed procedure.
5. Research is a systematic and accurate investigation.
6. Research is an original work.
7. Research is objective and logical.
8. Research is a critical and accurate undertaking which requires exact observation and the
most precise form of description.
9. Research is done by an expert.
10. Research requires courage and patience.

Jose A. Fabricante Jr., Ph.D. - Teacher Page 1

Research and Problem Solving


May not be a problem, but just answering a question Problem needs to be solved

More rigorous and broader in scope May be solved in less rigorous and less
broad methods

Intended to solve some kind of problem, but this is not Does not always involve research
the primary aim
Conducted primarily to make a contribution to general Conducted to solve a problem
Concerned with broad problems, recurrent phenomena Is concerned with a specific problem, and
and wide application through generalization ends once the problem is solved

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