Critical Relative Humidity of Fertilizers

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Humidity Factors Affecting

Storage and Handling

of Fertilizers

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International Fertilizer Development Center, Muscle Shoals, AL 35662 U.S.A.

Humidity Factors Affecting

Storage and Handling

of Fertilizers

W. E. Clayton

International Fertilizer Development Center, Muscle Shoals, AL 35662 U.S.A



The significance of the critical relative humidity (CRHI of fertilizer as ro=ated to

handling and storage factors of the fertilizer is considered.
Values of CRH have been determined for a number of commercial nitrogen,
phosphate, and potash fertilizers and their mixtures. These values are given and
compared with values for pure fertilizer salts. The significance of CRH is considered
in relation to moisture tolerance, compatibility of fertilizers, and the quality of
packaging required for bagged products.
Methods of controlling moisture levels in buildings for storage of fertilizer in bulk
are considered. The effect of heaing upon relative humidity of the air is discussed;
methods of calculation are outlined and a simplified graphical methed shown.
Consideration is given to the design of fertilizer warehouses for bagged products,
especially in the humid tropics. Particular attention is given to the need, if any, for
ventilation. Although warehouses for bagged fertilizers must be capable of being
ventilated, contrary to common practice such buildings should not be permanently
ventilated. Humidity factors relating to these recommendations are discussed.


Table of Contents
Introduction .............................................. 1

Critical Relative Humidity of Fertilizers ...................... 1

Effect of Temperature on CRH .............................. 3

Moisture Tolerance of Fertilizers ............................ 3

Incompatibility of Fertilizers ....... ................... 3

Bagged Fertilizer Moisture Protection ....................... 3

Bulk Fertilizer Storage ..................................... 3

Bagged Fertilizer Storage ...... ...................... 6

References ............................................... 8

Ubrary of Congress Cataloging In Publication Data

Clayton, W. E., 1927-

Humidity factors affecting storage and handling of fertilizers.

Bibliography: p.
1. Fertilizers-Storage. 2. Humidity. I. Title.
TP963.C58 1984 668'.62 84-12791

ISBN 0-88090-050-4

International Fertilizer Development Center

P.O. Box 2040

Muscle Shoals, Alabama 3662

Phone No. 205-381-6600

TWX-810-731-3970 IFDEC MCHL

Edited by E. D. Frederick and E. N. Roth

IFDC publicatiorn are listed in Publications of the International Fertilizer Develop­

ment Center, General Publication IFDC-G-1, which is available free of charge.
( p

Most fertilizers contain water-soluble salts, which have has considerable significance when assessing the effect of
been proven to be effective in supplying mineral nutrients to moisture on fertilizer quality during handling and storage of
crops. All fertilizer materials are directly affected by water fertilizers.
and can interact with moisture in the atmosphere, usually Values of CRH for pure fertilizer salts and their mixtures
with such undesiraLle results as caking or physical break- are available from the literature. Values for a range of
down. The property used as an indicator of the degree of commercial fertilizers and their mixtures have been deter­
likely interaction with atmospheric moisture is the critical mined experimentally and are discussed in the context of
relative humidity (CRH) of the fertilizer. This physical property handling and storage properties.

Critical Relative Humidity of Fertilizers

CRH is the value of the relative humidity (RH) of the sur- published vapor pressure data for saturated solutions. Such
rounding air, above which a fertilizer will absorb moisture values for some pure fertilizer salts are shown in Figure 1.
and below which it does not absorb moisture. A high CRH is Commercial fertilizers are not pure substances; they con­
thus a desirable quality since fertilizers with high CRH tain widely varying quantities of impurities that lower the
values can be handled under more humid conditions with- CRH value. The extent of the effect depends upon the source
out the undesirable consequences of moisture pickup. of the products or the raw materials used in their manu­
For pure substances the CRH is marked by a distinct facture, as is particularly evidentwith potash and phosphate
increase in moisture absorption at a particular point as the materials. The wide range of impurities present in samples
humidity level is increased. CRH values are thus well of DAP prepared from wet-process phosphoric acid is shown
defined and reproducible and may also be calculated from in a recent TVA publication (1). Samples of the same

23. 5 . 5 58 ,20+989.
3.46172.4 '"',oI ~.
145. 72.5 LITEATUR
51.4 151.9E AR

564 713 792,/4

e1 a e ai e Hu i iifo P r
Fi u rti
at n M e xt 0 C(8z)
o" ­
fertilizer from different sources will therefore exhibit differ- products such as urea or ammonium nitrate, which are
ent CRH values. The values obtained for pure substances relatively pure chemicals, show much smaller differences:
can only be used as a general guide for commercial
materia!, , and the CRH must then be determined for each
particular product. Compe of CRH Value
for Pure and

CRH values for some commercial fertilizer materials and Commercial Fertilizer Materials

mixtures are shown in Figure 2. These were determined by Urea AN MAP DAP KCI K2 O4
TVA using the "direct" test method (2).
Comparison of Figures 1 and 2 shows very significant Pure salt 72.5 59.4 91.6 82.5 84.0 96.3
differences in CRH values between pure and commercial Commercial fertilizer 70 55 70 70 70 75
forms of phosphate and potash materials. Values for fertilizer

46-0-0 70
Ammonium Nitrate 55 45
AN 34-0-0
Amm. Nitrate Limestone 55 55
CAN 26-0-0
Armonum Sulfate 75 5 50 50 % Relative Humidity
AS 21-0-0

Ammonium Chloride* 75 70 55 55 5
Triple Superphosphate 8 65 70 55 55 46
TSP 0-46-0
Olammonlum Phosphate 70 89 65 70 - 60 <45
DAP 18-46-0 7
Monoammonlum Phosphate
MAP 12-50-0
Potassium Chloride
MOP 0-0-60

Potassium Sulfate 67 55 55 60 70 50 <4

SOP 0-0-50
Sodium Nitiate 72 55 60 55 65 60 50
Nitric Phosphate - 5 70 50 50
Nitrate NPK 55 55 ­ 45 45
20- 0 50-

Nitrate NPK - <45 -

17 -17-17

Sulfate NPK
13-1i 1

Urea Ammonium Phosphate 50 ­

hAP 28-28-0
Ured Ammonium Phosphate 55
UAP 35-17-0

*Reagent Grade Salt.

Note: Determinations were made on commercial materials by TVA. CRH Values are approximate and may vary several points depending on
production method and source of material.

Figure 2. Critical Relative Humidities of Commercial Fertilizers and of Mixtures at 300C.

Effect of Temperature on CRH

CRH values are usually measured or calculated at 30 0 C. and 73% at 30'C. For commercial urea, a relatively pure
Values tend to decrease slightly with increase of tempera- material, values are in the 70%-75% range at the tempera­
ture. For example, the CRH value of pure urea is 81% at 15°C tures encountered in tropical regions.

Moisture Tolerance of Fertilizers

CRH values are useful in indicating only the RH level at The rate and extent of penetration of moisture into a bulk
which moisture pickup will commence. Different fertilizer pile are of considerable importance. Comparative tests un­
materials vary considerably both in the rate of moisture der standardized conditions give relative penetrations of 1.2 cm
pickup and in their ability to tolerate the absorbed moisture. for DAP, 13.0 cm for urea prills, and 46.0 cm for ammonium
Further tests are necessaryto evaluate the resulting changes nitrate prills (2). Some materials, such as urea, form acrust
in physical properties and effects upon properties. A range of 10-15 cm thick in bulk piles after several days of exposure to
tests is described in The Fertilizer Manual (2), including the conditions of high humidity. This appears to give protection
determination of caking properties, granule strength, flow- to the material underneath the crust. Itis interesting to note
ability, and the rate of penetration of moisture into a pile of that neither the rate of moisture ab, rption nor the depth of
bulk material. moisture penetration correlates with CRH (2).

Incompatibility of Fertilizers

Mixturesoffertilizersgenerally have lower CRH values than principal constituent of superphosphates (SSP & TSP).
do the individual components, which means that more care The reaction releases chemically bound water; this causes
must be taken during handling to protect such mixtures from caking or wetting of the mixture. As demonstrated in work
moisture pickup. This effect is so marked in the case of urea carried out by TVA, however, the reactivity of TSP with urea
and ammonium nitrate that the materials should be con- does vary considerably, depending on the manufacturing
sidered totally incompatible and should not be handled in the source of the TSP (3). Mixtures of urea with TSP from certain
same equipment and, if possible, not stored in the same sources can be used in bulk blends when the blend is applied
building.This also applies totheir compounds and mixtures. relatively soon after mixing. It is not advisable to blend urea
A specific incompatibilityarises from the chemical reaction and any TSP or SSP when the mixture is to be stored for any
between urea and monocalcium phosphate, which is the length of time, whether in bags or in bulk.

Bagged Fertilizer Moisture Protection

Fertilizer bags generally have a strong outer bag to contain fertilizer so that products of low CRH are more likely to give
the product during handling and an inner liner of fairly problems in prolonged storage unless packaged in more
light-gauge polyethylene (3 or 4 mil) to act as avapor barrier resistant (and higher cost) materials. Fertilizers of low CRH,
and to prevent sifting or loss of product. The polyethylene such as ammonium nitrate, require a heavier gauge liner,
layer is not completely waterproof, as is often assumed; it and particular attention must be paid to proper sealing or
has some permeability to water vapor. The driving force for closure of the liner. Fertilizers of high CRH, such as TSP, are
the passage of water vapor is proportional to the difference sometimes packed in bags without a polyethylene liner or
between the atmospheric humidity and the CRH of the other vapor barrier.

Bulk Fertilizer Storage

For fertilizers stored in bulk, acompletely closed building is the air in the building at or below the CRH of the fertilizer is
required for protection against atmospheric humidity. This then necessary, and this is usually achieved by one or more
is generally impractical. Control of the relative humidity of of the following three.methods.

Examples of well-constructed warehousing with built-in permanent ventilation-not recommended

for long-term storage of fertilizers in the tropics.

Investigation of
deterioration in storage,

including consideration of product

characteristics, package specifications,

and warehousing conditions.

Demonstrating the need for protection from atmospheric humidity.­

1. Refrigeration or Air Conditioning wish to lower the RH of the air for storage of urea (CRH 70%)
This method condenses some of the moisture from the to 65% by heating. The method of calculation is as follows.
air, but thecooling effect raisestherelative humidity(RH) Water content of saturated air at 251C 22.80 g/m3
of the air in the building. If heat input from solar gain and Water content at 95% RH 21.66 g/m3
product heat is not sufficient to restore the temperature This represents 65% (required RH) of 33.32 g/m3
to a point where the RH of the air is belowthe CRH of the 33.32 g/m3 is saturation value for air at 31.9°C
fertilizer, the product will still absorb moisture. Reheating In order to lower the RH of the air from 95% to 65%, it is
of the refrigerated air may then be necessary. therefore necessary to heat it by 6.9°C, from 250 to 31.90.
2. Dehumidification To facilitate such calculations, a simplified relationship
The air may be dried with chemical dehumidification has been developed, and this is shown graphically in Figure
agents, liquid or solid, in absorption towers. The drying 3. Using the example given above, we wish to lower the RH
agents are then regenerated in a separate cycle, usually from 95% to 65%, which is 30 in 95, a factor of 0.32. This
by heating. corresponds on the graph to a temperature rise of 71C,
3. Heating which agrees closely with the calculated value of 6.9 C.The
rliHeating level of accuracy obtained by using the graph is considered
Heating of the air in the building lowers itset, quite adequate for calculations involving these systems.
humidity without affecting the absolute water content, Heating of the air in a buildirg for RH control purposes
i.e., without removing any of the moisture in the air. It is, may increase the temperature to levels thnt are unacceptable
however, the relative humidity of the air in relation to the for operators working in the building, although the resulting
critical humidity of the fertilizer thatdetermines moisture lower RH may improve the comfort factor. One fairly
absorption by the fertilizer. Thus, the method is effective, common way of overcoming this problem is to use a system
even under tropical conditions. combining refrigeration (hence moisture removal) with
In order to calculate the level of heating required, psychro- some reheating oi the air.
metric tables may be used, although these are rather difficult Where moisture-related problems are encountered in
to understand and to interpret without error. Calculations storage and handling of fertilizers, it i.s necessary to deter­
can also be made by using basic data for the mass of water mine the physical properties of the particular materials
vapor contained in saturated air at various temperatures. being handled and then to undertake a series of dewrn.ina-
Values are given in Table 1.As an example, assume that the tions of the humidities encountered under actual operating
ambient air is at 25 0 C and 95% relative humidity, and we and storage conditions.

Table 1.
Mass of Water Vapor in Saturated Air. (Mass in grams per cubic meter.)


C. 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0

-20 0.892 0.810 0,737 0.673 0.613 0.557 0.505 0.457 0.413 0.373
-10 2.154 1.978 1.811 1.658 1.519 1.395 1.282 1.177 1.079 0.982
- 0 4.835 4.468 4.130 3.813 3.518 3.244 2.988 2,752 2.537 2.340

+0 4.835 5.176 5.538 5.922 6.330 6.761 7.219 7.703 8.215 8.757
10 9.330 9.935 10.574 11.249 11.961 12.712 13.505 14.339 15.218 16.144
20 17.118 18.143 19.222 20.355 21.546 22.796 24.109 25.487 26.933 28.450
30 30.039 31.704 33.449 35.275 37.187 39,187 41.279 43.465 45.751 48.138

Source: Smithsonian tables.

Bagged Fertilizer Storage

There is a widespread and often unquestioned belief that effects discussed above, it is evident that the opposite
warehouses for storcge of bagged fertilizcrs should be freely approach is more likelyto be required. On technical grounds
ventilated. From consideration of the CRH and humidity there is no reason why a store for bagged fertilizer should be

10 _



0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

Fraction by Which R.H. is Reduced

(Good Approximation in 15°-35°0C Ratige)

Figure 3. Reduction of Relative Humidity of Air by Heating.

treated any differently from a store for bull,, fertilizer; minimized. During periodsof low humidity, essentiallywhen
unfortunately, such a distinction is often made. the weather is sunny and dry, ventilation should be
Inthe tropics, humidities that are moderate to high in the maximized. This rneans that doors, windows, and ventilators
daytime increase to very high levels during the night when should be opened and, if available, extracion fans or
temperatures are lower. Some data from Bangladesh show mechanical ventilation can be used. With the setting of the
that ambient humidity levels are above the CRH level of urea sun, the warehouse should be closed up and kept as airtight
during the night throughout the entire year and during the as possible.
day for 6 months of the year. Although the fertilizer is given The foregoing reasoning may not apply to older buildings
substantial protection by the package, itis clearly inadvisable that may not have a damp-proof course in the floor or walls;
to ventilate the store freely at all times, especially during the without this barrier ground water can rise and create very
night when the air is highly humid. high relative humidity levels of the air in the building,
It can then be recommended that properly designed possibly approaching saturation value for much of the time.
warehouses for bagged fertilizer not be permanently In such cases, the criterion to be applied is that the building
ventilated, particularly where long-term storage is involved. should be ventilated whenever the internal RH is greater
When humidity levels are high, the warehouses should be than the RH of the exterior ambient air. The RH of the
kept as tightly closed as possible, like those for bulk storage, ambient air may still be above the CRH of the fertilizer, but
and this applies particularly during the night. Because of the ventilation to remove the saturated air in the building is the
need for operating access to the warehouse during daytime lesser of two evils. The right approach in such a situation is
hours, entry of ambient air is inevitable. During periods of to correct the structural deficiency and prevent entry of
high humidity, entry of such humid air should, however, be moisture by waterproofing of the floor and walls.

1. Tennessee Valley Authority. 1981. Precipitated Impurities in 16-46-0 Fertilizer Prepared From
Wet-Process Phosphoric Acid, Bulletin Y-162, National Fertilizer Development Center,
Tennessef Valley Authority, Muscle Shoals, Alabama 35662, U.S.A.

2. International Fertilizer Development Center. 1979, Fertilizi Manual, Chapter XXII: "Physical
and Chemical Properties ot Fertilizers and Methods for Their Determination." IFDC-R-1,
Muscle Shoals, Alabama 35662, U.S.A. (Also available from the United Nations Industrial
Development Organization, Vienna, Austria.)
This chapter is also available as asep3rate publication: Tennessee Valley Authority. 1979.
Hoffmeister, G."Physical Properties of Fertilizer and Methods for Measuring Them," Bulletin
Y-147, NFDC, TVA,Muscle Shoals, Alabama 35662, U.S.A.

3. Hoffmeister, G., and G. H.Megar. 1975. "Use of Urea in Bulk Blends," Proc. The Fertilizer
Institute Round Table, November 4-6, 212-226 (1976).

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