World Fertilizer Trends and Outlook To 2020

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SUPPLY.................................................................................................................. 2
FERTILIZER DEMAND ........................................................................................... 3
SUPPLY/DEMAND BALANCES ............................................................................. 4

1. World and regional nitrogen supply, demand and balance 2015-2020
(thousand tonnes N)........................................................................................... 7
2. World and regional phosphate supply, demand and balance 2015-2020
(thousand tonnes P2O5).................................................................................... 11
3. World and regional potash supply, demand and balance 2015-2020
(thousand tonnes K2O)..................................................................................... 16
4. World and regional nitrogen fertilizer demand forecasts (thousand tonnes N)
and compound annual growth rate (CAGR) 2015 to 2020................................ 20
5. World and regional phosphate fertilizer demand forecasts
(thousand tonnes P2O5) and compound annual growth rate (CAGR)
2015 to 2020................................................................................................... 21
6. World and regional potash fertilizer demand forecasts (thousand tonnes K2O)
and compound annual growth rate (CAGR) 2015 to 2020................................ 22
7. Regional classification of countries and territories............................................. 23

World fertilizer trends and outlook to 2020


Figure 1. Anticipated nutrient balances in 2020..................................................... 5


Table 1. Total world nutrient capacity of ammonia, phosphoric acid and

potash, 2015-2020 (thousand tonnes).................................................... 2
Table 2. World supply of ammonia, phosphoric acid and potash, 2015-2020
(thousand tonnes)................................................................................... 2
Table 3. World demand for non-fertilizer nutrient use, 2015-2020
(thousand tonnes)................................................................................... 3
Table 4. World demand for fertilizer nutrient use, 2015-2020
(thousand tonnes)................................................................................... 4
Table 5. Potential world balance of nitrogen, phosphate and potash,
2015-2020 (thousand tonnes)................................................................ 5

The world fe rtilize r outlook

FAO, in collaboration with other members of the Fertilizer Outlook Expert
Group dealing with fertilizer production, consumption and trade, annually
provides five-year forecasts of world and regional nitrogen, phosphate and
potassium fertilizer supply, demand and potential balance.

The Fertilizer Outlook Expert Group comprises:

»» Fertiliser Association of India – FAI
»» International Fertilizer Association – IFA
»» International Fertilizer Development Center – IFDC
»» K+S KALI GmbH – K+S
»» The Fertilizer Institute – TFI
»» Fertilizers Europe
»» Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – FAO

FAO and other members of the Fertilizer Outlook Expert Group met in June
2016 to review the medium-term supply and demand prospects for nitrogen,
phosphate and potassium fertilizer, and to prepare forecasts for the period
2016-2020, the results of which are presented in this report.
The contributions made by the members of the Fertilizer Outlook Expert
Group, and the preparation of the FAO baseline data by Simona Mosco, Javier
Montero-Serrano and Francesco Tubiello from the FAO Statistics Division,
are gratefully acknowledged. This final report was prepared by Debra Turner,
Plant Nutrition Officer FAO, under the supervision of Caterina Batello, Senior
Officer FAO, and overall direction of Hans Dryer, Director Plant Production
and Protection Division FAO.
The forecast data presented in this report are based on the expert views
of the different organizations participating in the June 2016 “FAO/Fertilizer
Outlook Expert Group” meeting. They are not necessarily consistent with the
FAOSTAT historical data series.

World fertilizer trends and outlook to 2020

Technical notes on supply, demand

and balances
All references relating to fertilizers are in terms of the three primary plant
nutrients as follows:
»» nitrogen (N)
»» phosphorus (P), expressed as phosphate (P2O5)
»» potassium (K), expressed as potash (K2O)

The fertilizer demand and supply data refer to calendar years.

Definitions of the terms used are provided below:

nameplate capacity.

effective capacity, representing the maximum achievable production. Supply is
computed from the “nameplate capacity” (theoretical capacity), multiplied by
the highest operating rate achieved in the previous 5 years. For new plants, a
ramp up of the operating rates was established for the first 3 years of operation,
ranging from 85 to 100 percent. Nameplate capacity operating rates and
demand for fertilizers vary from year to year. In the case of phosphate, the
supply data in this report are restricted to phosphoric acid (H3PO4).

Fertilizer demand is the purchase of fertilizer at a given point in time. The
forecast is based on the views of the Fertilizer Outlook Expert Group.

Non-fertilizer demand is consumption for non-fertilizer use and is referred

to as industrial and other demand. Net non-fertilizer demand excludes the use

The world fe rtilize r outlook

of nutrients (N, P2O5 or K2O) that are recovered as by-product from industrial
processes and then used as fertilizer.

Phosphate fertilizer consumption/demand includes H3PO4-based fertilizer

demand and non-H3PO4 fertilizer demand. The non-H3PO4 fertilizer demand
includes P2O5 through single super phosphate, rock phosphate, etc.

Total demand is fertilizer demand + non-fertilizer demand.

Compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is the is the mean annual growth
rate and calculated with the following formula:
number of years
End value
CAGR = -1
Start value

Potential balance:
is the difference between supply and total demand (fertilizer demand + non-
fertilizer demand). Regional balance is a medium-term indicator of potential
changes in fertilizer nutrient demand and supply in the region. Installed supply
capacity, operating rates and demand vary annually.

vi i
World fertilizer trends and outlook to 2020

World consumption of the three main fertilizer nutrients, nitrogen (N),
phosphorus expressed as phosphate (P2O5), and potassium expressed as potash
(K2O), is estimated to reach 186.67 million tonnes (N, P2O5 and K2O) in 2016,
up by 1.4 percent over 2015 consumption levels. The demand for N, P 2O5,
and K2O is forecast to grow annually on average by 1.5, 2.2, and 2.4 percent
respectively from 2015 to 2020. Over the next five years, the global capacity of
the production of fertilizers, intermediates and raw materials is also expected
to increase.

v iii

World fertilizer trends and outlook to 2020

The global total nutrient capacity (N, P2O5 and K2O) was 285.15 million
tonnes in 2015 (Table 1), out of which the total supply was 245.77 million
tonnes (Table 2). During 2016, the total capacity is expected to increase by
3.7 percent and supply to grow by 1.7 percent. Over the following four years
to 2020 global capacity and production of fertilizers are expected to increase
further. Table 2 shows estimated world supply of ammonia (NH3), phosphoric
acid (H3PO4) and potash from 2015 to 2020. Detailed regional and sub-
regional information is provided in Annexes 1, 2 and 3.

Table 1. Total world nutrient capacity of ammonia, phosphoric acid and potash,
2015-2020 (thousand tonnes)
Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Ammonia (NH3)
174 781 181 228 185 222 186 804 186 920 188 310
as N
Phosphoric acid
57 422 58 385 60 955 61 995 63 036 64 677
(H3PO4) as P2O5

Potash as K2O 52 942 55 974 58 111 61 576 62 136 64 486

Total (N+ P2O5+K2O) 285 145 295 587 304 287 310 374 312 092 317 474

Table 2. World supply of ammonia, phosphoric acid and potash, 2015-2020

(thousand tonnes)
Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Ammonia (NH3)
154 773 158 850 166 402 168 987 169 693 170 761
as N
Phosphoric acid
47 424 48 394 49 558 51 190 52 361 53 078
(H3PO4) as P2O5

Potash as K2O 43 571 42 772 44 868 47 249 48 898 49 545

Total (N+ P2O5+K2O) 245 768 250 016 260 828 267 426 270 952 273 384

The world fe rtilize r outlook

Demand for non-fertilizer nutrient use

The global demand for non-fertilizer use of nutrients (N, P2O5 and K2O) for
2015, and the forecast for global demand for non-fertilizer use of nutrients
for 2016 to 2020 are summarized in Table 3. Total non-fertilizer nutrient use
demand was estimated to be 44.93 million tonnes in 2015 and is forecast to
reach 50.21 million tonnes by 2020.
The regional and sub-regional demand forecasts for nitrogen, phosphate
and potash for non-fertilizer use for 2015 to 2020 are presented in Annexes 1,
2 and 3.

Table 3. World demand for non-fertilizer nutrient use, 2015-2020 (thousand tonnes)
Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Nitrogen (N) 33 616 34 506 35 308 36 207 36 786 37 521

Phosphate (P2O5)
5 684 6 038 6 209 6 528 6 692 6 803

Potash (K2O) 5 626 5 524 5 586 5 654 5 720 5 886

Total 44 926 46 067 47 103 48 388 49 197 50 210

Demand for fertilizer nutrients

The global demand for fertilizer nutrients (N, P2O5 and K2O) for 2015 and
the demand forecast estimates for 2016 to 2020 are summarized in Table 4.
Total fertilizer nutrient demand was estimated to be 184.02 million tonnes in
2015 and is forecast to reach 186.67 million tonnes in 2016. With an average
annual growth of 1.9 percent in the following years, it is expected to reach
201.66 million tonnes by the end of 2020. The demand for N, P2O5, and K2O
is forecast to grow annually by 1.5, 2.2, and 2.4 percent respectively for the
individual nutrients from 2015 to 2020.

World fertilizer trends and outlook to 2020

The world and regional demand forecasts for the three main plant nutrients
for 2015 to 2020 are presented in Annexes 1, 2 and 3, as well as in Annexes 4,
5 and 6 where compound annual growth rates (CAGR) are also provided.

Table 4. World demand for fertilizer nutrient use, 2015-2020 (thousand tonnes)
Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Nitrogen (N) 110 027 111 575 113 607 115 376 117 116 118 763

Phosphate (P2O5) 41 151 41 945 43 195 44 120 45 013 45 858

Potash (K2O) 32 838 33 149 34 048 34 894 35 978 37 042

Total (N+ P2O5+K2O) 184 017 186 668 190 850 194 390 198 107 201 663

The potential balance of nitrogen, phosphate (H3PO4-based) and potash is
derived from the maximum achievable production (supply) minus the forecasts
for total demand as follows:

Potential balance = supply – (non-fertilizer demand + fertilizer demand)

where supply of each nutrient is referred to as:
»» N through ammonia (NH3)
»» P2O5 through phosphoric acid (H3PO4)
»» K2O through potash (K2O)

Unforeseen factors, such as feedstock and/or raw material limitations,

logistical problems, unscheduled shut down due to technical reasons, natural
calamities (earthquake, mine flooding, etc.) are not considered in the balance.
Demand forecasts are based on agronomic considerations (e.g. cropped area
and application rate of fertilizer), market feedback, estimates by industry
associations, growth models, econometric models and expert advice.

The world fe rtilize r outlook

The potential world balance of nitrogen, phosphate and potash for the years
2015 to 2020 is presented in Table 5. Regional estimates are presented in
Annexes 1, 2 and 3. Figure 1 indicates the regional potential N, P2O5 and K2O
balance situation in 2020, the final year of the forecast period.

Table 5. Potential world balance of nitrogen, phosphate and potash, 2015-2020

(thousand tonnes)
Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Nitrogen (N) 11 130 12 769 17 487 17 404 15 792 14 477

Phosphate (P2O5)
4 105 3 984 3 769 4 193 4 349 4 142

Potash (K2O) 5 107 4 100 5 233 6 701 7 200 6 617

Total (N+ P2O5+K2O) 20 342 20 853 26 490 28 298 27 341 25 236

Figure 1. Anticipated nutrient balances in 2020

20 000

15 000

10 000
Thousand MT

5 000

-5 000

-10 000

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The world fe rtilize r outlook

Annex 1
World and regional nitrogen supply, demand and
balance 2015-2020 (thousand tonnes N)

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

NH3 capacity 174 781 181 228 185 222 186 804 186 920 188 310
NH3 supply capability 154 773 158 850 166 402 168 987 169 693 170 761
N other uses 33 616 34 506 35 308 36 207 36 786 37 521
N available for fertilizers 121 157 124 344 131 094 132 780 132 907 133 240
N fertilizer demand 110 027 111 575 113 607 115 376 117 116 118 763
Potential N balance 11 130 12 769 17 487 17 404 15 792 14 477

NH3 capacity 8 310 9 545 10 739 10 700 10 700 11 000
NH3 supply capability 6 201 7 724 8 741 9 000 9 100 9 200
N other uses 538 556 567 576 586 594
N available for fertilizers 5 663 7 168 8 174 8 424 8 514 8 606
N fertilizer demand 3 573 3 641 3 788 3 964 4 126 4 302
Potential N balance 2 089 3 526 4 386 4 460 4 388 4 304

NH3 capacity 24 301 27 618 28 688 29 304 29 320 29 346
NH3 supply capability 21 533 24 039 24 827 25 913 26 096 26 250
N other uses 6 516 6 653 6 775 6 893 7 009 7 122
N available for fertilizers 15 017 17 386 18 052 19 020 19 087 19 128
N fertilizer demand 22 506 23 030 23 379 23 768 24 169 24 564
Potential N balance -7 489 -5 644 -5 327 -4 748 -5 082 -5 435
North America
NH3 capacity 14 315 17 611 17 758 18 375 18 375 18 400
NH3 supply capability 13 565 16 054 16 511 17 318 17 394 17 500
N other uses 5 127 5 209 5 286 5 368 5 450 5 532
N available for fertilizers 8 438 10 845 11 225 11 950 11 944 11 968
N fertilizer demand 14 434 14 517 14 552 14 612 14 667 14 701
Potential N balance -5 996 -3 672 -3 326 -2 662 -2 723 -2 733
Table follows in the next page >>

World fertilizer trends and outlook to 2020

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Latin America & Caribbean
NH3 capacity 9 986 10 007 10 930 10 930 10 946 10 946
NH3 supply capability 7 968 7 985 8 316 8 595 8 701 8 750
N other uses 1 389 1 444 1 489 1 525 1 559 1 590
N available for fertilizers 6 579 6 541 6 827 7 070 7 142 7 160
N fertilizer demand 8 072 8 513 8 828 9 157 9 501 9 863
Potential N balance -1 493 -1 972 -2 001 -2 086 -2 359 -2 702

NH3 capacity 99 959 101 188 101 703 101 734 101 734 102 799
NH3 supply capability 90 625 90 072 94 704 95 030 95 210 95 815
N other uses 17 445 17 962 18 473 19 085 19 389 19 892
N available for fertilizers 73 180 72 110 76 231 75 945 75 821 75 923
N fertilizer demand 66 294 67 082 68 446 69 493 70 525 71 476
Potential N balance 6 886 5 028 7 785 6 452 5 297 4 447
West Asia
NH3 capacity 14 537 15 655 16 550 16 033 16 033 16 033
NH3 supply capability 13 529 11 153 15 117 14 776 14 809 14 809
N other uses 645 662 673 685 689 692
N available for fertilizers 12 884 10 491 14 444 14 091 14 120 14 117
N fertilizer demand 2 982 3 048 3 127 3 213 3 302 3 395
Potential N balance 9 902 7 443 11 317 10 878 10 818 10 722
South Asia
NH3 capacity 17 507 18 365 18 365 18 378 18 378 18 900
NH3 supply capability 14 792 15 363 15 772 15 813 15 813 16 300
N other uses 700 700 700 800 800 800
N available for fertilizers 14 092 14 663 15 072 15 013 15 013 15 500
N fertilizer demand 22 273 22 525 23 430 24 002 24 645 25 191
Potential N balance -8 181 -7 862 -8 358 -8 990 -9 632 -9 691
East Asia
NH3 capacity 67 915 67 169 66 789 67 324 67 324 67 866
NH3 supply capability 62 304 63 556 63 815 64 442 64 589 64 706
N other uses 16 100 16 600 17 100 17 600 17 900 18 400

Table follows in the next page >>

The world fe rtilize r outlook

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

N available for fertilizers 46 204 46 956 46 715 46 842 46 689 46 306
N fertilizer demand 41 039 41 509 41 888 42 278 42 578 42 890
Potential N balance 5 165 5 447 4 827 4 564 4 110 3 416

NH3 capacity 40 378 41 044 42 238 43 211 43 311 43 311
NH3 supply capability 34 824 35 425 36 522 37 436 37 679 37 888
N other uses 8 207 8 364 8 489 8 632 8 758 8 847
N available for fertilizers 26 617 27 061 28 033 28 804 28 921 29 041
N fertilizer demand 15 874 16 016 16 161 16 290 16 407 16 504
Potential N balance 10 743 11 046 11 872 12 514 12 514 12 537
Central Europe
NH3 capacity 6 686 6 762 6 817 6 902 6 902 6 902
NH3 supply capability 4 935 4 966 5 015 5 058 5 102 5 110
N other uses 852 867 875 882 885 885
N available for fertilizers 4 083 4 099 4 140 4 176 4 217 4 225
N fertilizer demand 2 945 3 044 3 121 3 200 3 282 3 343
Potential N balance 1 138 1 055 1 019 976 935 882
West Europe
NH3 capacity 9 642 9 642 9 660 9 710 9 710 9 710
NH3 supply capability 9 610 9 610 9 628 9 678 9 678 9 678
N other uses 5 132 5 239 5 323 5 414 5 493 5 537
N available for fertilizers 4 478 4 371 4 305 4 264 4 185 4 141
N fertilizer demand 8 448 8 370 8 315 8 236 8 139 8 038
Potential N balance -3 970 -3 999 -4 010 -3 972 -3 954 -3 897
East Europe and Central Asia
NH3 capacity 24 051 24 640 25 762 26 600 26 700 26 700
NH3 supply capability 20 279 20 850 21 879 22 700 22 900 23 100
N other uses 2 223 2 258 2 291 2 336 2 380 2 425
N available for fertilizers 18 056 18 592 19 588 20 364 20 520 20 675
N fertilizer demand 4 481 4 602 4 725 4 854 4 986 5 123
Potential N balance 13 575 13 991 14 863 15 510 15 534 15 552

Table follows in the next page >>

World fertilizer trends and outlook to 2020

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

NH3 capacity 1 833 1 833 1 854 1 854 1 854 1 854
NH3 supply capability 1 591 1 591 1 608 1 608 1 608 1 608
N other uses 910 971 1 004 1 021 1 044 1 066
N available for fertilizers 681 620 604 587 564 542
N fertilizer demand 1 779 1 806 1 833 1 861 1 888 1 917
Potential N balance -1 099 -1 186 -1 229 -1 274 -1 324 -1 375

The world fe rtilize r outlook

Annex 2
World and regional phosphate supply, demand and
balance 2015-2020 (thousand tonnes P2O5)

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

H3PO4 capacity 57 422 58 385 60 955 61 995 63 036 64 677
H3PO4 supply capability 47 424 48 394 49 558 51 190 52 361 53 078
H3PO4 industrial demand 5 684 6 038 6 209 6 528 6 692 6 803
H3PO4 available for
fertilizer 41 740 42 356 43 349 44 662 45 670 46 275
P fertilizer demand 41 151 41 945 43 195 44 120 45 013 45 858
H3PO4 fertilizer demand 37 635 38 372 39 579 40 469 41 320 42 133
Non-H3PO4 fertilizer
demand 3 517 3 572 3 615 3 651 3 693 3 725
Potential H3PO4 balance 4 105 3 984 3 769 4 193 4 349 4 142

H3PO4 capacity 9 138 10 038 10 488 10 548 11 394 12 939
H3PO4 supply capability 7 141 7 220 7 933 8 567 8 955 9 402
H3PO4 industrial demand 501 542 564 586 587 588
H3PO4 available for
fertilizer 6 640 6 678 7 369 7 981 8 368 8 814
P fertilizer demand 1 448 1 489 1 529 1 571 1 614 1 659
H3PO4 fertilizer demand 1 406 1 445 1 485 1 525 1 567 1 610
Non-H3PO4 fertilizer
demand 42 43 45 46 47 48
Potential H3PO4 balance 5 234 5 233 5 884 6 456 6 802 7 204

H3PO4 capacity 11 729 11 741 11 741 11 941 11 941 11 941
H3PO4 supply capability 9 884 9 893 9 893 9 975 9 975 10 045

Table follows in the next page >>

World fertilizer trends and outlook to 2020

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

H3PO4 industrial demand 1 484 1 526 1 548 1 571 1 573 1 575
H3PO4 available for
fertilizer 8 399 8 367 8 345 8 404 8 402 8 470
P fertilizer demand 11 454 11 690 12 060 12 380 12 700 13 009
H3PO4 fertilizer demand 10 970 11 190 11 533 11 832 12 130 12 418
Non-H3PO4 fertilizer
demand 485 500 527 548 569 591
Potential H3PO4 balance -2 570 -2 823 -3 189 -3 428 -3 728 -3 948
North America
H3PO4 capacity 8 884 8 884 8 884 8 884 8 884 8 884
H3PO4 supply capability 8 013 8 013 8 013 8 013 8 013 8 013
H3PO4 industrial demand 983 984 984 985 986 987
H3PO4 available for
fertilizer 7 029 7 029 7 028 7 028 7 027 7 026
P fertilizer demand 5 035 5 070 5 085 5 123 5 160 5 187
H3PO4 fertilizer demand 5 035 5 070 5 085 5 123 5 160 5 187
Non-H3PO4 fertilizer
demand - - - - - -
Potential H3PO4 balance 1 995 1 958 1 943 1 905 1 866 1 839
Latin America & Caribbean
H3PO4 capacity 2 845 2 857 2 857 3 057 3 057 3 057
H3PO4 supply capability 1 871 1 880 1 880 1 962 1 962 2 032
H3PO4 industrial demand 501 542 564 586 587 588
H3PO4 available for
fertilizer 1 370 1 338 1 316 1 376 1 375 1 444
P fertilizer demand 6 420 6 620 6 975 7 257 7 539 7 822
H3PO4 fertilizer demand 5 935 6 120 6 448 6 709 6 970 7 232
Non-H3PO4 fertilizer
demand 485 500 527 548 569 591
Potential H3PO4 balance -4 565 -4 782 -5 132 -5 333 -5 595 -5 787

H3PO4 capacity 29 895 29 946 32 066 32 846 33 041 33 137
H3PO4 supply capability 25 157 26 026 26 477 27 393 28 177 28 377

Table follows in the next page >>

The world fe rtilize r outlook

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

H3PO4 industrial demand 2 741 3 003 3 099 3 341 3 501 3 609
H3PO4 available for
fertilizer 22 415 23 023 23 379 24 052 24 676 24 769
P fertilizer demand 22 918 23 312 24 056 24 544 25 005 25 432
H3PO4 fertilizer demand 20 933 21 287 22 005 22 476 22 918 23 328
Non-H3PO4 fertilizer
demand 1 985 2 025 2 051 2 069 2 087 2 104
Potential H3PO4 balance 1 483 1 736 1 374 1 576 1 758 1 440
West Asia
H3PO4 capacity 4 096 3 927 5 427 5 427 5 427 5 427
H3PO4 supply capability 3 173 3 242 3 473 4 073 4 523 4 523
H3PO4 industrial demand 379 380 462 544 545 546
H3PO4 available for
fertilizer 2 794 2 862 3 011 3 529 3 978 3 977
P fertilizer demand 351 367 383 400 417 436
H3PO4 fertilizer demand 341 356 372 388 405 423
Non-H3PO4 fertilizer
demand 10 11 11 12 12 13
Potential H3PO4 balance 2 453 2 505 2 639 3 141 3 573 3 554
South Asia
H3PO4 capacity 2 579 2 579 2 579 2 579 2 624 2 624
H3PO4 supply capability 1 906 1 914 1 914 1 914 1 948 1 948
H3PO4 industrial demand 248 252 263 268 273 281
H3PO4 available for
fertilizer 1 658 1 662 1 651 1 646 1 675 1 667
P fertilizer demand 8 165 8 435 9 025 9 383 9 760 10 107
H3PO4 fertilizer demand 7 885 8 146 8 716 9 061 9 426 9 761
Non-H3PO4 fertilizer
demand 280 289 310 322 335 347
Potential H3PO4 balance -6 227 -6 484 -7 064 -7 415 -7 751 -8 094
East Asia
H3PO4 capacity 23 220 23 440 24 060 24 840 24 990 25 086
H3PO4 supply capability 20 078 20 870 21 090 21 406 21 706 21 906
H3PO4 industrial demand 2 114 2 371 2 374 2 529 2 683 2 782

Table follows in the next page >>

World fertilizer trends and outlook to 2020

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

H3PO4 available for
fertilizer 17 963 18 499 18 716 18 877 19 023 19 124
P fertilizer demand 14 401 14 510 14 648 14 761 14 827 14 889
H3PO4 fertilizer demand 12 706 12 785 12 918 13 026 13 087 13 145
Non-H3PO4 fertilizer
demand 1 695 1 725 1 731 1 735 1 740 1 745
Potential H3PO4 balance 5 257 5 714 5 799 5 851 5 936 5 980

H3PO4 capacity 6 060 6 060 6 060 6 060 6 060 6 060
H3PO4 supply capability 4 763 4 774 4 774 4 774 4 774 4 774
H3PO4 industrial demand 939 947 979 1 010 1 011 1 012
H3PO4 available for
fertilizer 3 824 3 827 3 796 3 764 3 763 3 762
P fertilizer demand 4 026 4 135 4 217 4 269 4 319 4 368
H3PO4 fertilizer demand 3 373 3 486 3 583 3 646 3 700 3 760
Non-H3PO4 fertilizer
demand 654 649 634 623 620 608
Potential H3PO4 balance 451 342 213 119 63 2
Central Europe
H3PO4 capacity 704 704 704 704 704 704
H3PO4 supply capability 350 350 350 350 350 350
H3PO4 industrial demand 102 102 103 103 104 104
H3PO4 available for
fertilizer 248 248 247 247 246 246
P fertilizer demand 756 780 807 835 864 889
H3PO4 fertilizer demand 643 663 686 710 735 756
Non-H3PO4 fertilizer
demand 113 117 121 125 129 133
Potential H3PO4 balance -395 -416 -439 -463 -488 -510
West Europe
H3PO4 capacity 565 565 565 565 565 565
H3PO4 supply capability 467 478 478 478 478 478
H3PO4 industrial demand 522 522 552 582 582 581

Table follows in the next page >>

The world fe rtilize r outlook

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

H3PO4 available for
fertilizer -55 -44 -74 -104 -104 -103
P fertilizer demand 1 855 1 863 1 878 1 861 1 839 1 818
H3PO4 fertilizer demand 1 709 1 717 1 731 1 715 1 695 1 675
Non-H3PO4 fertilizer
demand 146 146 147 146 144 143
Potential H3PO4 balance -1 764 -1 760 -1 805 -1 819 -1 798 -1 778
East Europe & Central Asia
H3PO4 capacity 4 791 4 791 4 791 4 791 4 791 4 791
H3PO4 supply capability 3 946 3 946 3 946 3 946 3 946 3 946
H3PO4 industrial demand 315 323 324 325 326 327
H3PO4 available for
fertilizer 3 631 3 623 3 622 3 621 3 620 3 619
P fertilizer demand 1 415 1 492 1 532 1 573 1 616 1 661
H3PO4 fertilizer demand 1 020 1 105 1 166 1 221 1 270 1 329
Non-H3PO4 fertilizer
demand 395 387 366 353 346 332
Potential H3PO4 balance 2 610 2 518 2 457 2 401 2 350 2 290

H3PO4 capacity 600 600 600 600 600 600
H3PO4 supply capability 480 480 480 480 480 480
H3PO4 industrial demand 19 19 19 20 20 20
H3PO4 available for
fertilizer 461 461 461 460 460 460
P fertilizer demand 1 305 1 319 1 332 1 356 1 376 1 390
H3PO4 fertilizer demand 954 964 974 991 1 006 1 016
Non-H3PO4 fertilizer
demand 351 355 358 365 370 374
Potential H3PO4 balance -493 -503 -513 -531 -546 -556

World fertilizer trends and outlook to 2020

Annex 3
World and regional potash supply, demand and
balance 2015-2020 (thousand tonnes K2O)

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

K2O capacity 52 942 55 974 58 111 61 576 62 136 64 486
K2O supply capability 43 571 42 772 44 868 47 249 48 898 49 545
Non-fertilizer K2O demand 5 626 5 524 5 586 5 654 5 720 5 886
K2O available for fertilizer 37 945 37 249 39 281 41 596 43 178 43 659
K2O fertilizer demand 32 838 33 149 34 048 34 894 35 978 37 042
Potential K2O balance 5 107 4 100 5 233 6 701 7 200 6 617

K2O capacity - - - - 300 300
K2O supply capability - - - - 15 -
Non-fertilizer K2O demand 100 100 100 100 100 100
K2O available for fertilizer -100 -100 -100 -100 - 85 -100
K2O fertilizer demand 647 662 708 765 838 897
Potential K2O balance -747 -762 -808 -865 -923 -997

K2O capacity 22 305 25 185 25 225 25 780 25 780 25 780
K2O supply capability 16 084 15 476 16 581 17 408 17 842 17 942
Non-fertilizer K2O demand 1 759 1 792 1 825 1 859 1 895 1 931
K2O available for fertilizer 14 325 13 684 14 756 15 548 15 948 16 011
K2O fertilizer demand 11 589 11 833 11 977 12 129 12 487 12 830
Potential K2O balance 2 736 1 851 2 779 3 419 3 461 3 181
North America
K2O capacity 20 180 23 060 23 100 23 655 23 655 23 655
K2O supply capability 14 381 13 720 14 826 15 565 16 000 16 100

Table follows in the next page >>

The world fe rtilize r outlook

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Non-fertilizer K2O demand 1 159 1 192 1 225 1 259 1 295 1 331
K2O available for fertilizer 13 222 12 528 13 600 14 306 14 705 14 769
K2O fertilizer demand 4 856 4 916 4 929 4 951 4 978 4 989
Potential K2O balance 8 366 7 612 8 671 9 354 9 728 9 780
Latin America & Caribbean
K2O capacity 2 125 2 125 2 125 2 125 2 125 2 125
K2O supply capability 1 704 1 756 1 756 1 842 1 842 1 842
Non-fertilizer K2O demand 600 600 600 600 600 600
K2O available for fertilizer 1 104 1 156 1 156 1 242 1 242 1 242
K2O fertilizer demand 6 733 6 917 7 048 7 178 7 510 7 841
Potential K2O balance - 5 630 - 5 761 - 5 892 - 5 935 - 6 267 - 6 599

K2O capacity 10 307 10 453 11 556 11 556 11 956 12 076
K2O supply capability 10 082 10 151 10 772 11 030 11 072 11 179
Non-fertilizer K2O demand 3 112 2 964 2 978 2 996 3 011 3 125
K2O available for fertilizer 6 970 7 187 7 794 8 034 8 061 8 054
K2O fertilizer demand 16 024 16 083 16 594 17 077 17 597 18 181
Potential K2O balance - 9 054 - 8 896 - 8 799 - 9 042 - 9 536 -10 127
West Asia
K2O capacity 3 995 3 995 4 030 4 030 4 050 4 080
K2O supply capability 3 656 3 671 3 704 3 704 3 723 3 831
Non-fertilizer K2O demand 97 100 103 106 110 113
K2O available for fertilizer 3 558 3 570 3 601 3 597 3 613 3 718
K2O fertilizer demand 260 276 291 308 326 347
Potential K2O balance 3 298 3 295 3 309 3 290 3 287 3 371
South Asia
K2O capacity 65 65 65 65 65 65
K2O supply capability 16 33 49 49 49 49
Non-fertilizer K2O demand 415 364 375 389 401 412
K2O available for fertilizer -399 -331 -326 -340 -353 -363
Table follows in the next page >>

World fertilizer trends and outlook to 2020

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

K2O fertilizer demand 2 958 2 991 3 226 3 407 3 612 3 812
Potential K2O balance - 3 357 - 3 322 - 3 552 - 3 748 - 3 964 - 4 175
East Asia
K2O capacity 6 247 6 393 7 461 7 461 7 841 7 931
K2O supply capability 6 410 6 448 7 020 7 278 7 300 7 300
Non-fertilizer K2O demand 2 600 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 600
K2O available for fertilizer 3 810 3 948 4 520 4 778 4 800 4 700
K2O fertilizer demand 12 805 12 817 13 076 13 362 13 659 14 023
Potential K2O balance - 8 995 - 8 869 - 8 556 - 8 584 - 8 859 - 9 323

K2O capacity 20 330 20 336 21 330 24 240 24 100 26 330
K2O supply capability 17 405 17 146 17 514 18 812 19 969 20 423
Non-fertilizer K2O demand 646 660 676 691 706 722
K2O available for fertilizer 16 758 16 485 16 838 18 121 19 263 19 701
K2O fertilizer demand 4 187 4 193 4 390 4 539 4 669 4 741
Potential K2O balance 12 571 12 293 12 448 13 582 14 594 14 960
Central Europe
K2O capacity - - - - - -
K2O supply capability - - - - - -
Non-fertilizer K2O demand 52 53 54 56 57 58
K2O available for fertilizer -52 -53 -54 -56 -57 -58
K2O fertilizer demand 650 650 700 750 780 800
Potential K2O balance -702 -703 -754 -806 -837 -858
West Europe
K2O capacity 5 630 4 946 4 940 4 840 4 840 4 640
K2O supply capability 4 088 3 593 3 589 3 538 3 569 3 423
Non-fertilizer K2O demand 495 507 522 535 549 563
K2O available for fertilizer 3 593 3 086 3 068 3 002 3 020 2 860
K2O fertilizer demand 2 150 2 100 2 200 2 250 2 300 2 300
Potential K2O balance 1 443 986 868 752 720 560

Table follows in the next page >>

The world fe rtilize r outlook

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

East Europe and Central Asia
K2O capacity 14 700 15 390 16 390 19 400 19 260 21 690
K2O supply capability 13 317 13 553 13 925 15 274 16 400 17 000
Non-fertilizer K2O demand 100 100 100 100 100 100
K2O available for fertilizer 13 217 13 453 13 825 15 174 16 300 16 900
K2O fertilizer demand 1 387 1 443 1 490 1 539 1 589 1 641
Potential K2O balance 11 830 12 010 12 335 13 635 14 711 15 259
K2O capacity - - - - - -
K2O supply capability - - - - - -
Non-fertilizer K2O demand 8 8 8 8 8 8
K2O available for fertilizer -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8
K2O fertilizer demand 392 378 379 385 388 393
Potential K2O balance -400 -386 -387 -393 -396 -401

World fertilizer trends and outlook to 2020

Annex 4
World and regional nitrogen fertilizer demand
forecasts (thousand tonnes N) and compound
annual growth rate (CAGR) 2015 to 2020

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 CAGR

WORLD 110 027 111 575 113 607 115 376 117 116 118 763 1.54

AFRICA 3 573 3 641 3 788 3 964 4 126 4 302 3.78

North Africa 1 835 1 870 1 929 1 984 2 042 2 102 2.75
Africa 1 738 1 772 1 860 1 980 2 084 2 201 4.83

AMERICAS 22 506 23 030 23 379 23 768 24 169 24 564 1.77

North America 14 434 14 517 14 552 14 612 14 667 14 701 0.37
Latin America &
Caribbean 8 072 8 513 8 828 9 157 9 501 9 863 4.09

ASIA 66 294 67 082 68 446 69 493 70 525 71 476 1.52

West Asia 2 982 3 048 3 127 3 213 3 302 3 395 2.63
South Asia 22 273 22 525 23 430 24 002 24 645 25 191 2.49
East Asia 41 039 41 509 41 888 42 278 42 578 42 890 0.89

EUROPE 15 874 16 016 16 161 16 290 16 407 16 504 0.78

Central Europe 2 945 3 044 3 121 3 200 3 282 3 343 2.57
West Europe 8 448 8 370 8 315 8 236 8 139 8 038 -0.99
East Europe &
Central Asia 4 481 4 602 4 725 4 854 4 986 5 123 2.71

OCEANIA 1 779 1 806 1 833 1 861 1 888 1 917 1.50

The world fe rtilize r outlook

Annex 5
World and regional phosphate fertilizer demand
forecasts (thousand tonnes P2O5) and compound
annual growth rate (CAGR) 2015 to 2020

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 CAGR

WORLD 41 151 41 945 43 195 44 120 45 013 45 858 2.19

AFRICA 1 448 1 489 1 529 1 571 1 614 1 659 2.8

North Africa 633 642 653 664 675 686 1.6
Africa 815 847 876 907 939 973 3.6

AMERICAS 11 454 11 690 12 060 12 380 12 700 13 009 2.6

North America 5 035 5 070 5 085 5 123 5 160 5 187 0.6
Latin America &
Caribbean 6 420 6 620 6 975 7 257 7 539 7 822 0.0

ASIA 22 918 23 312 24 056 24 544 25 005 25 432 2.1

West Asia 351 367 383 400 417 436 4.4
South Asia 8 165 8 435 9 025 9 383 9 760 10 107 4.4
East Asia 14 401 14 510 14 648 14 761 14 827 14 889 0.7

EUROPE 4 026 4 135 4 217 4 269 4 319 4 368 1.6

Central Europe 756 780 807 835 864 889 3.3
West Europe 1 855 1 863 1 878 1 861 1 839 1 818 -0.4
East Europe &
Central Asia 1 415 1 492 1 532 1 573 1 616 1 661 3.3

OCEANIA 1 305 1 319 1 332 1 356 1 376 1 390 1.3

World fertilizer trends and outlook to 2020

Annex 6
World and regional potash fertilizer demand
forecasts (thousand tonnes K2O) and compound
annual growth rate (CAGR) 2015 to 2020

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 CAGR

WORLD 32 838 33 149 34 048 34 894 35 978 37 042 2.44

AFRICA 647 662 708 765 838 897 6.76

North Africa 151 157 166 175 187 198 5.56
Africa 495 505 542 590 650 698 7.11

AMERICAS 11 589 11 833 11 977 12 129 12 487 12 830 2.05

North America 4 856 4 916 4 929 4 951 4 978 4 989 0.54
Latin America &
Caribbean 6 733 6 917 7 048 7 178 7 510 7 841 0.00

ASIA 16 024 16 083 16 594 17 077 17 597 18 181 2.56

West Asia 260 276 291 308 326 347 5.91
South Asia 2 958 2 991 3 226 3 407 3 612 3 812 5.20
East Asia 12 805 12 817 13 076 13 362 13 659 14 023 1.83

EUROPE 4 187 4 193 4 390 4 539 4 669 4 741 2.52

Central Europe 650 650 700 750 780 800 4.24
West Europe 2 150 2 100 2 200 2 250 2 300 2 300 1.36
East Europe &
Central Asia 1 387 1 443 1 490 1 539 1 589 1 641 3.42

OCEANIA 392 378 379 385 388 393 0.05

The world fe rtilize r outlook

Annex 7
Regional classification of countries and territories


North Africa Algeria


Sub-Saharan Africa Angola

Burkina Faso
Capo Verde
Central African Republic
Congo Dem. Rep.
Congo Rep. of
Côte d’Ivoire
Equatorial Guinea

Table follows in the next page >>

World fertilizer trends and outlook to 2020

Sierra Leone
South Africa
South Sudan
United Rep of Tanzania


Latin America & Caribbean Antigua and Barbuda

Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
El Salvador

Table follows in the next page >>

The world fe rtilize r outlook

Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Trinidad & Tobago

North America Canada

United States of America


East Asia Brunei Darussalam

China, Hong Kong SAR
China, Macao SAR
China, Taiwan Province of
Korea Rep
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Viet Nam

South Asia Bangladesh

Sri Lanka

West Asia Afghanistan


Table follows in the next page >>

World fertilizer trends and outlook to 2020

Iran Islamic Rep of

Saudi Arabia
Syria Arab Rep.
United Arab Emirates


Central Europe Albania

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Czech Republic

Eastern Europe and Armenia

Central Asia Azerbaijan
Russian Fed

Table follows in the next page >>

The world fe rtilize r outlook

Western Europe Andorra

San Marino
United Kingdom


Cook Islands
French Polynesia
Marshall Islands
Micronesia (Federated States of)
New Caledonia
New Zealand
Papua New Guinea



This report presents the world nitrogen, phosphate and potassium fertilizer
medium-term supply and demand projections for the period 2016-2020.
FAO, in collaboration with other members of the Fertilizer Outlook Expert
Group dealing with fertilizer production, consumption and trade, annually
provides five-year forecasts of world and regional fertilizer supply, demand
and potential balance.


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