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70 Joshi - Bedekar College, Thane / website : www.vpmthane.


Purusharthas-Aims of Life
Ms. Sneha Sharma
Post-Graduate student, Philosophy, Mumbai \University,
E-mail:[email protected]

The term ‘Purushartha’ consists of two words, viz., Purusha and Artha. ‘Purusha’ means person or self.
‘Artha’ means aim or goal of human life. The concept of Purushartha basically indicates different values
to be realized in human life through human efforts. There are four Purusharthas or aims of life as
propounded by Manu, viz., Dharma (virtue), Artha (wealth), Kama (pleasure), and Moksha (liberation).
One can find the reference of these Purusharthas in various texts of Indian Philosophy. These
Purusharthas are studied in-depth, with it’s origin to it’s first occurrence and also it’s different
interpretations by different thinkers. Today these Purusharthas have taken a new form and to an ordinary,
lay-man dharma is equated with duty, artha with money, kama with pleasure, and moksha with death. This
paper attempts to explore the relevance of these Purusharthas in the 21st century and the meaning that
it brings out in our lives. Being aims or goals of life, what is the right path to achieve them? And How,
when, followed in a correct manner, can still add sense to our lives?, is what we are going to deal in
this paper.

Keywords: Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha, Relevance, 21st century.

Introduction: Purushartha:
The idea of Purushartha has played a very vital Human life without purpose would be
role in the history of Indian thought. The term meaningless. One needs to have an end or purpose
‘Purushartha’ literally signifies “what is sought by men”, in life towards which our actions can be directed.
so that it may be taken as equivalent to a human end or Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksa are the aims or
purpose. We know that a man, like other living beings, goals of human life which man ought to strive for
act instinctively; but he can also do so deliberately. This attaining it throughout his life, and in all births. These
means he can consciously set before himself ends, and ‘arthas’ are meant for the ‘purusa’ meaning, meant
work for them. It is this conscious pursuit that transforms for the human beings. Till man lives or the species of
them into purusharthas. Thus even the ends which man human beings is alive, purusharthas are going to add
shares with other animal, like food and rest, may meaning to our life. It was there earlier; it is sought
become purushartha provided they are sought today, and is going to be there till man lives. The
knowingly. We may thus define a Purushartha as an order in which these purusharthas are given in
end which is consciously sought to be accomplished different texts of Indian Philosophy may vary. The
either for its own sake or for the sake of utilizing it as a manner in which I am going to present these
means to the accomplishment of further end or goal. purusharthas, in this paper will be, Artha, Kama,
Dharma, and Moksa. The reason why I have chosen
The word ‘purushartha’ consists of two words,
this order will be clear as we go through each of
viz, ‘purusa’ meaning person and ‘artha’ meaning
them one by one.
aim or end. Hence, as defined earlier, purushartha
means aim or goal of human life. The purusharthas Artha:
that have been recognized in India from very early
In one of the old Sanskrit lexicons, ‘artha’ is
times are four: Dharma (duty), Artha (wealth), Kama
said to mean-meaning, money, a thing, and
(pleasure), and Moksa (liberation).Of the four,
possessions. Artha also means the attainment of
dharma and moksa are the one that man ought to
riches and worldly prosperity, advantage, profit and
seek but ordinarily does not; while artha and kama
wealth. Artha, is a powerful urge in human nature.
are the one that man is naturally inclined to seek.
Acquisition of means for the material well-being,

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therefore, is a legitimate social and moral purpose. certain ends. This means that, ends like artha and
Today everyone is running after money. People need kama should be acquired through righteousness,
money to meet their basic necessities, for higher honesty and straightforwardness. One can posses
education, for luxuries of life, for name, fame, etc. artha through stealing and can become rich and
However, if the urge to seek money or possessions through it can get all pleasures of life. But is this the
is not restricted then it will lead to self-indulgence dharma of a person? In Mahabharata, dharma is
or greed and will bar the way to highest good i.e., stated as that which upholds the society. Dharma is
moksa. It is given in one of the pali text, that “one duty. It is the higher good to achieve the highest i.e.,
who enjoys his wealth and does meritorious deeds moksa. In all stages of a man’s life either as a student
with it, experiences pleasure and happiness”. It has or as a householder, as a forest dweller or an ascetic,
therefore to be coupled with charity, also to Kautilya dharma has to be accepted as paramount. An IAS
“wealth and wealth alone is important in as much as officer has got lots of riches, money and pleasures in
charity and desire depend on wealth for their his life, but these are to be acquired by doing his
realization.” Artha helps in the attainment of Kama; duty with sincerity and honesty, and not with bribery,
also Prof. Hiriyanna affirms that artha is ordinarily corruption or other mal-practices; only then it will
acquired for kama. add meaning to his life, otherwise artha and kama
without dharma would be meaningless. Dharma is the
most important urge and should be developed to
Kama is ordinarily termed as pleasure. The regulate both artha and kama.
definition of pleasure in Kamasutra is the following:
If dharma is the common regulator, moksa or
“Kama is the enjoyment of the appropriate objects
liberation, is the common aim, though difficult to
by the five senses of hearing, feeling, seeing, tasting
attain. Under the wise regulation of dharma, desire
and smelling, assisted by the mind together with the
has to be satisfied and wealth has to be produced
soul.” The urge to enjoy pleasures and satisfy
and well used. But all the three urges have to be so
desires, is the most powerful and as an incentive to
adjusted and regulated as to lead a man to self-
individual progress, most effective. It is said, “All
fulfillment in his search for the highest good. Dharma
that man does is inspired by kama.” As Manu
also refers to Varnashrama Dharma i.e., choice of
regarded kama as desire, one can say, it is a desire
duty on the basis of one’s aptitudes and stage in life.
for pleasure. It can be sensuous pleasure, mental
pleasure getting through satisfaction of the work, Moksa:
urge for sexual pleasure, etc. Everyone is seeking
Etymologically moksa means to get ‘rid off’ or
that, which gives them pleasure and luxuries of life.
‘release’. Also it is commonly understood as
Nobody wants to stay at the bottom level. People
liberation. In Bhagavad-Gita, moksa is mentioned as
feel money is the important factor in the attainment
the supreme tranquility and the highest bliss. It is
of the pleasures of life by fulfilling our desires. So
delight in the self, contentment with the self, self-
one may put artha as a means to kama as an end.
satisfaction and self-fulfillment. It is the highest end
But now, is that all? Is the purpose of human life
of life, attainable only by the individual himself, with
fulfilled? How is this artha acquired? How well it is
the help and guidance of dharma. Moksa as the last
utilized in our life? To answer these questions, what
end signifies that its attainment is impossible without
one need to do is, to follow his dharma. Let us see
first fulfilling the obligations of the other three. It is a
state of non-action. It is not that on death moksa is
Dharma: attained. Being the ultimate value of man’s social
existence, the purushartha of moksa is an end in itself.
The Indian expression of right activities is
Beyond that, man has nothing to attain. It is the stage
dharma. In Mahabharata it is mentioned as an ethical
where man’s cravings cease and along with that
concept, defined as that which is right and good. In
ceases the need for attainment and fulfillment. It is
Mimamsa, dharma is a means to the attainment of

National Seminar on Indian Philosophy: It’s Relevance in the 21st Century - 18 th & 19 th January, 2008
72 Joshi - Bedekar College, Thane / website : www.vpmthane.org

realization and living of the truth namely Aham universal corruption, as we see in modern times. If
Brahma Asmi and Tat Tvam Asi. In other words it is kama is pre-dominant aim of life, it will lead to a
waking up of human consciousness at the highest social system based on pleasure. Moral decay and
level of reality i.e., paramarthik satta. The liberated disintegration will follow. In either of the case moral
person neither acts nor causes others to act. He may vacuum will follow and people would have little
work for the good of humanity without moral chance to pursue the path of the highest good. The
obligation. But he has no duties to perform. It is conception of society where people are pursuing
total destruction of egoism. We can call moksa as a artha and kama within the confines of dharma and
sublime goal. It can be known through mystical thus preparing themselves for the final beatitude is
experience. Many saints like Tukaram, Kabir have at the basis of the doctrine of the purushartha.
talked about it and ultimately we all have to aim at it
The doctrine of purushartha, is the answer given
and only then we will be able to come out of the
to the most perennial question of human life namely,
cycle of birth and death.
‘what is the summum-bonum of human life?’ Man
Epilogue: can live a fulfilled life provided he follows the four
purusharthas meticulously.
The order of Artha, Kama, Dharma and Moksa
corresponds to the human nature, the order of In the 21st century youngsters are seen to run
importance of today’s 21st century man. Dharma is after negative, false ideals. They are observed to find
always held higher than Artha and Kama. Infact, solace in extreme materialism, drugs, unwarranted
dharma is that which helps man to fulfill the sex and body-mind concerning lifestyles. However
obligations of artha and kama directed to the ultimate with all these things also he is not seen to be happy
end of moksa. In the attainment of moksa only and contented. Whereby I feel if this ancient wisdom
dharma can help, provided it has been cultivated can be used and garbed in modern ways it can
through artha and kama. If artha is higher as social definitely help us to find PEACE OF MIND which
aim, social life will be dominated by violence and is the birth right of every human being.

National Seminar on Indian Philosophy: It’s Relevance in the 21st Century - 18 th & 19 th January, 2008

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