End of Chapter 8 (p.606) Questions 1,2,4,8,14.: Short Answer
End of Chapter 8 (p.606) Questions 1,2,4,8,14.: Short Answer
End of Chapter 8 (p.606) Questions 1,2,4,8,14.: Short Answer
1. Identify the four main dimensions that e-commerce ethical, political, and social issues
fall into and provide an example of how each dimension might apply to an individual.
The four major dimensions are information rights, property rights, governance, and
public safety and welfare. For an individual, an information right issue might be,
“how is my clickstream behavior being monitored and shared without my
knowledge.” A property rights issue might be, “How are my creative submissions to a
social sharing sight being used by the site?” A governance issue might be, “What are
the legal mechanisms that protect me from online harassment?” A public safety and
welfare issue might be, “How does my child perform as well as other children in
school if other children have better access to Internet technologies and support?”
2. Define the ethical principle of accountability and describe two ways in which Internet
technologies have raised accountability issues.
A dilemma is a situation in which there are at least two diametrically opposed actions,
each of which supports a desirable outcome. You can use a 5-step approach in
reaching a greater understanding of the dilemma, which includes identifying and
clearly describing the facts; defining the dilemma and identifying the higher-order
values involved. Identifying the stakeholders; identifying the actions that can
reasonably be taken; and identifying the potential consequences of your options. You
can also use a variety of candidate ethical principles to analyze the dilemma, such as
the Golden Rule, the No Free Lunch Rule, the Slippery Slope rule, etc.
4. Q8. What are some of the ethical, social, or political issues raised by the information
density created by e-commerce technology?
The five steps are (1) identify and describe the facts; (2) define the conflict and
identify higher order values involved; (3) identify the stakeholders; (4) identify the
options that can be reasonably taken; and (5) identify the potential consequences of
your options.
2. What are the basic revenue models for online content and what is their major
There are three revenue models for delivering content on the Internet. The two “pay”
models are subscriptions (usually all you can eat) and a la carte (pay for what you
use). The third model uses advertising revenue to provide content for free, usually
with a “freemium” (higher price) option. The major challenge is that consumers still
expect much content to be available for free and are not necessarily willing to pay for
online content.
5. What are the three dimensions where the term “convergence” has been applied?
What does each of these areas of convergence entail?
The three dimensions where the term convergence has been applied are technology
platform, content design, and industry structure. Technology platform convergence
refers to the integration of previously separate platform functionalities into a singular
digital device. It refers to the development of hybrid devices that can combine the
functionality of many different existing media. Content convergence actually includes
three dimensions: design, production, and distribution. Content design convergence
has occurred when the design becomes measurably different due to the new skills that
have been learned for fully exploiting the new technological capabilities. Content
production convergence drives content design convergence as new tools are
developed for economically producing content for delivery to multiple platforms.
Content distribution convergence occurs when the distributors and consumers have
the new devices needed to receive, store, and experience the product. Industry
structure convergence is the merger of various enterprises into powerful synergistic
combinations that can cross-market content on many different platforms and create
works that use multiple platforms..
13. What are OTT entertainment services?
Over-the-top (OTT) entertainment services refers to the use of the Internet to deliver
online entertainment services to the home. “Over-the-top” refers to the fact that the
entertainment service rides “on top” of other network services like cable TV and
telephone service.
17. What are some of the different revenue models with which the magazine
industry is experimenting?
An online social network is as an area online where people who share common ties
can interact with one another.
2. How does a social network differ from a portal? How are the two similar?
Social networks involve (a) a group of people, (b) shared social interaction, (c)
common ties among members, and (d) people who share an area for some period of
3. What are some ways to measure the business potential and influence of a social
network site?
The number of unique visitors is one way to measure the influence of a site. Time on
site is another important metric. The more time people spend on a site, called
engagement, the more time to display ads and generate revenue. The amount of
advertising revenue generated by sites is perhaps the ultimate metric for measuring
the business potential of a site.
4. List and describe the five generic types of social networks and online communities.