Sharing Economy

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Sharing economy

A sharing economy can take a variety of forms, including using information technology to provide individuals,
corporations, non-prots and governments with information that enables the optimization of resources[1] through
the redistribution, sharing and reuse of excess capacity
in goods and services.[1][2][3] A common premise is that
when information about goods is shared (typically via an
online marketplace), the value of those goods may increase for the business, for individuals, for the community and for society in general.[4]

Awake! mmm...
where am I?

Go where
you want car
sharing ...

Ah! I remember, I'm staying with a

friend I met using Couchsurng
Or in a room for a good price I've found
at Knok or AirBnB

from one city to

another with
BlaBlaCar or Amovens
or in the city with

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radio on the way

Explore a subject through Wikipedia

such as Radio Ela or Radio Almenara

...and resolve your

doubts about

Collaborative consumption as a phenomenon is a class of

economic arrangements in which participants share access to products or services, rather than having individual

In StackExchange Photography anyone

can ask and answer questions about
photography and rate the best
answers worldwide

One day living through

Collaborative Communities
Make your lunch
with organic food...

The collaborative consumption model is used in online

marketplaces such as eBay as well as emerging sectors such as social lending, peer-to-peer accommodation,
peer-to-peer travel experiences, peer-to-peer task assignments or travel advising, car sharing or commute-bus

cultivated by agro-ecological
communities like YoComproSano or

Find a shared WiFi...

FON and Gui are wireless networks of
users who share their connection

Share the last book

you read...
Use BookMooch to give them and
receive points to get other books or
share it and collect another anywhere
in the world with Bookcrossing

... and decide what to

read following the
recommendations of
Use GoodReads to give your opinion
and discover what others think

Donate things you ...or order a pizza

are not going to use and pay it with
and somebody
using or Freecycle

...or sell them

putting an ad on Ebay

Developed for the P2Pvalue Project

The P2Pvalue project has received funding from the European Unions
Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological
development no 610961

Design & Artwork by Laura Recio

Examples of Commons-based peer production (CBPP) communities a.k.a. P2P communities


The sharing economy encompasses a wide range of

structures including for-prot, non-prot, barter and cooperative structures.[7] The sharing economy provides expanded access to products, services and talent beyond one
to one or singular ownership, sometimes referred to as
disownership.[8] Corporations, governments and individuals all actively participate as buyers, sellers, lenders 2.2
or borrowers in these varied and evolving organizational

Redistribution markets

A system of collaborative consumption is based on used

or pre-owned goods being passed on from someone who
does not want them to someone who does want them.
2 Types of collaborative consump- This is another alternative to the more common 'reduce, reuse, recycle, repair' methods of dealing with
waste. In some markets, the goods may be free, as
on Freecycle and Kashless. In others, the goods are
swapped (as on or sold for cash (as on eBay,
2.1 Product-service systems
craigslist, and uSell). There are a growing number of specialist marketplaces for preowned fashion items, includMain article: Product-service system
ing Copious, Vestiaire Collective, BuyMyWardrobe and
Grand Circle. Additional forms of redistribution marGoods that are privately owned can be shared or rented kets include ReHome (a free pet redistribution service by
out via peer-to-peer marketplaces.[10][10]


Collaborative lifestyles


civic programs and projects.[19]

This system is based on people with similar needs or

interests banding together to share and exchange lesstangible assets such as time, space, skills, and money. The 3.2 Transparent and open data
growth of mobile technology provides a platform to enable location-based GPS technology and to also provide Many state, local and federal governments[20] are enreal-time sharing.[11]
gaged in Open Data initiatives and projects such as[21] and the London Data Store.[22] The theory
of open or 'transparent' access to information enables
greater innovation,[23] and makes for more ecient use
3 History
of products and services, and thus supporting resilient
The term sharing economy began to appear in the mid2000s, as new business structures emerged inspired by
enabling social technologies and an increasing sense of
urgency around global population growth and resource
3.3 Trust
depletion. One inspiration was the tragedy of the commons, which refers to the idea that when we all act solely
in our self-interest, we deplete the shared resources we The Sharing Economy relies on the will of the users to
need for our own quality of life. The Harvard law pro- share, but in order to make an exchange, users have to be
fessor, Yochai Benkler, one of the earliest proponents trustworthy. Sharing economy organizations say they are
of open source software, posited that network technol- committed to building and validating trusted relationships
producogy could mitigate this issue through what he called between members of their community, including
'commons-based peer production', a concept rst artic- ers, suppliers, customers or participants.
ulated in 2002.[12] Benkler then extended that analysis to
shareable goods in Sharing Nicely: On Shareable goods
and the emergence of sharing as a modality of economic
The term collaborative consumption was coined by
Marcus Felson and Joe L. Spaeth in their paper Community Structure and Collaborative Consumption: A routine activity approach published in 1978 in the American
Behavioral Scientist.[14] The term was used in more contemporary times by Ray Algar, a UK-based management
consultant in an article entitled Collaborative Consumption in the Leisure Report Journal in 2007.[15]
In 2011, collaborative consumption was named one of
TIME Magazines 10 ideas that will change the world.[16]
The UK Government in its 2015 Budget set out objectives
improve economic growth including to make Britain the
" place in the world to start, invest in, and grow a
business, including through a package of measures to help
unlock the potential of the sharing economy...[17]:4

Unused value is wasted value

Unused value refers to the time that products, services

and talents lay idle. This idle time is wasted value that
mesh models businesses and organizations utilize. The
classic example is that the average car is unused 92% of
the time.[26] This wasted value has created a signicant
opportunity for share economy car solutions. There is
also signicant unused value in wasted time as articulated by Clay Shirky in his analysis of power of crowds
connected by information technology. Many of us have
unused capacity in the course of our day. With social
media and information technology, we can easily donate small slivers of time to take care of simple tasks
others need doing. Examples of these crowd sourced
solutions[27] include the for-prot Amazon Mechanical
Turk and the non-prot Ushahidi.

In 2015, The Business of Sharing by Alex Stephany, CEO

of JustPark, was published by Palgrave Macmillan.[18]
The book features interviews with the high-prole en- 3.5 Waste as food
trepreneurs such as Martin Varsavsky and venture capitalists such as Fred Wilson.
Waste is commonly considered as something that is no
longer wanted and needs to be discarded. The challenge
with this point of view is that much of what we dene
3.1 Crowdfunding platforms
as waste still has value that, with proper design and distribution, can safely serve as nutrients for follow-on
Main article: Crowdfunding
processes, unlocking new levels of value in increasingly
scarce and expensive resources. One example is heirThese models also use a two-sided marketplace to enable loom design[28] as articulated by physicist and inventor
individuals to contribute funds to entrepreneurs, artists, Saul Grith.[29]

Driving forces

The driving forces behind the rise of sharing economy

organizations and businesses include:
1. Information Technology and Social Media: A host
of enabling technologies has reached the mainstream, making it easy for networks of people and
organizations to transact directly. These include
open data,[30] the ubiquity and low-cost of mobile
phones,[31] and social media.[32] These technologies
dramatically reduce the friction of share-based business and organizational models.
2. Increasing Volatility in Cost of Natural Resources:
Rising prosperity across the developing world coupled with population growth is putting greater strain
on natural resources and has caused a spike in costs
and market volatility. This has been increasing pressure on traditional manufactures to seek design, production and distribution alternatives that will stabilize costs and smooth projected expenditures. In
this context, the circular economy approach has
been gaining interest among many global corporate
actors. While a handful of pioneering companies are
leading the way, wider adoption will rely on mesh
economy skills such as the collection and sharing
of data, the spread of best practices and increased

Researcher Christopher Koopman, an author of a study

by George Mason University economists, said the sharing
economy allows people to take idle capital and turn them
into revenue sources. He has stated, People are taking
spare bedroom[s], cars, tools they are not using and becoming their own entrepreneurs.[41] Arun Sundararajan,
a New York University economist who studies the sharing
economy, told a January congressional hearing that this
transition will have a positive impact on economic growth
and welfare, by stimulating new consumption, by raising
productivity, and by catalyzing individual innovation and

6 Transport
Using a personal car to transport passengers or deliveries requires payment, or suerance, of costs for fees deducted by the dispatching company, fuel, wear and tear,
depreciation, interest, taxes, and adequate insurance. The
driver is typically not paid for driving to an area where
fares might be found in the volume necessary for high
earnings, or driving to the location of a pickup or returning from a drop-o point.[43] Mobile apps have been written that help a driver be aware of and manage such costs
has been introduced.[44]

7 Criticism and controversies

3. Forbes estimates the revenue owing through the

share economy will surpass $3.5 billion in 2013 with
The Harvard Business Review argues that sharing econgrowth exceeding 25%.[34]
omy is a misnomer, and that the correct word for this
activity is "Access economy. The authors say, When
sharing is market-mediated when a company is an
5 Benets of a sharing economy
intermediary between consumers who dont know each
other it is no longer sharing at all. Rather, consumers
By sharing transportation and assets the benets of a shar- are paying to access someone elses goods or services.[45]
ing economy are said to include the following:
The article goes on to show that companies (such as Uber)
who understand this, and whose marketing highlights the
Reducing negative environmental impact (such as nancial benets to participants, are successful, while
reducing the carbon footprint and consumption of companies (such as Lyft) whose marketing highlights the
social benets of the service are less successful.
Stronger communities[36]

Salon writes that the sharing economy ... [is] not the
Internet 'gift economy' as originally conceived, a utopia
Saving costs by borrowing and recycling items[36]
in which we all benet from our voluntary contributions.
Its something quite dierent the relentless co-optation
Providing people with access to goods who can't afof the gift economy by market capitalism. The sharing
ford buying them or have no interest in long-term
economy, as practiced by Silicon Valley, is a betrayal of
the gift economy. The potlatch has been paved over, and
Increased independence, exibility and self-reliance replaced with a digital shopping mall.[46][47][48][49]
by decentralization, the abolition of certain entry- Andrew Leonard,[50][51][52] Evgeny Morozov,[53] Bernard
barriers and self-organization[39]
Marszalek,[54] Dean Baker,[55][56] and Andrew Keen[57]
criticized the for-prot sector of the sharing economy,
writing that sharing economy businesses extract prots
Accelerating sustainable consumption and produc- from their given sector by successfully [making] an end
tion patterns in cities around the globe [40]
run around the existing costs of doing business - taxes,
Increased participatory democracy[37]


regulations, and insurance.

Susie Cagle wrote that the benets big sharing economy
players might be making for themselves are not exactly
trickling down, and that the sharing economy doesnt
build trust because where it builds new connections,
it often replicates old patterns of privileged access for
some, and denial for others.[58] William Alden wrote
that The so-called sharing economy is supposed to offer a new kind of capitalism, one where regular folks, enabled by ecient online platforms, can turn their fallow
assets into cash machines ... But the reality is that these
markets also tend to attract a class of well-heeled professional operators, who outperform the amateurs just
like the rest of the economy.[59]

AirBnB or Uber. Because of this, the sharing economy

may not be about sharing but rather about access. Giana
Eckhardt and Fleura Bardhi say the sharing economy
has taught people to prioritize cheap and easy access over
interpersonal communication, and the value of going the
extra mile for those interactions has diminished.[65]
The local economic benet of the sharing economy is oset by its current form, which is that huge tech companies
reap a great deal of the prot in many cases. For example, Uber, which is estimated to be worth $50B as of mid2015,[66] takes up to 30% commission from the gross revenue of its drivers,[67] leaving many drivers making less
than minimum wage.[68]

New York Magazine wrote that the sharing economy has

succeeded in large part because the real economy has
been struggling. Specically, in the magazines view, the
8 Organizations advocating and
sharing economy succeeds because of a depressed labor
networking sharing economy
market, in which lots of people are trying to ll holes in
their income by monetizing their stu and their labor in
creative ways, and that in many cases, people join the
See also: Online platforms for collaborative consumption
sharing economy because they've recently lost a full-time
job, including a few cases where the pricing structure
of the sharing economy may have made their old jobs
less protable (e.g. full-time taxi drivers who may have
OuiShare:[69] A French-based non-for-prot aimswitched to Lyft or Uber). The magazine writes that In
ing to connect eorts within the Sharing or Collabalmost every case, what compels people to open up their
orative Economy to create a global network of colhomes and cars to complete strangers is money, not trust.
laborators. Having started in France in 2012, they
... Tools that help people trust in the kindness of strangers
have spread to Europe, Latin America and the Midmight be pushing hesitant sharing-economy participants
dle East.
over the threshold to adoption. But whats getting them to
the threshold in the rst place is a damaged economy, and
harmful public policy that has forced millions of people
Shareable:[70] Shareable is a nonprot news,
to look to odd jobs for sustenance.[60][61][62]
action and connection hub for the sharing
Business Insider wrote that companies such as Airbnb and
transformation,[71] and the primary global onUber do not share their reputation data with the very
line magazine on the Sharing Economy.
users who it belongs to. This is an issue since no matter how well you behave on any one platform, your reputation doesnt travel with you. This fragmentation has
Echo (Economy of Hours):[72] A UK based nonsome negative consequences, such as the Airbnb squatprot providing infrastructure to, and lobbying at
ters who had previously deceived Kickstarter users to the
national level on behalf of, local time banking
tune of $40,000.[63] Sharing data between these platforms
projects. Echo develops systems for local projects
could have prevented the repeat incident. Business Into become part of national networks, aggregating ofsiders view is that since the Sharing Economy is in its
fers and requests, and a commercial B2B model to
infancy, this has been accepted. However, as the indusprovide long term sustainability to time banks.[73]
try matures, this will need to change.[64]
Echo has introduced non-prots, businesses and corporates to time banking as a legitimate way of doing
Giana Eckhardt and Fleura Bardhi say that the sharing
business, with the aim of dissolving the distinction
economy promotes and prioritizes cheap fares and low
between the personal and the professional, resulting
costs rather than personal relationships, which is tied to
in a comprehensive marketplace without money.[74]
similar issues in crowdsourcing. For example, Zipcar is
advertised as a ride-sharing service, but its been brought
into consideration that the consumers reap similar ben European Sharing Economy Coalition:[75] The
ets from Zipcar as they would from, say, a hotel. In
Coalition is the rst multi-stakeholder European
this example, there is minimal social interaction going on
network created to mature policies, markets and secand the primary concern is the low cost. Other examples
tors in Europe for the Sharing Economy to become
many include myriad other sharing economies such as

Types of sharing


See also

Access economy
Collaborative nance
Collaborative innovation network
Commons-based peer production
Creative Commons
Digital Collaboration
Internet of Things
Internet of Services
Open Knowledge Foundation
Open Source
P2P Foundation
Peer-to-peer (meme)
Reputation capital
Reputation systems
Secondhand good
Social collaboration
Social commerce
Social dining
Social Peer-to-Peer Processes
Two-sided market

[4] Geron, Tomio (November 9, 2012). Airbnb Had $56

Million Impact On San Francisco: Study. Forbes. Retrieved 13 June 2013.
[5] Harvard Business School Club of New York - Whats
Mine Is Yours: The Rise of Collaborative Consumption. 2011-06-16. Retrieved 2015-03-13.
[6] Friedman, Thomas (20 July 2013). Welcome to the
Sharing Economy. The New York Times. Retrieved 25
July 2013.
[7] Rosenberg, Tina (5 June 2013). Its Not Just Nice to
Share, Its the Future. The New York Times.
[8] Wang, Ray. Mondays Musings: Four Elements for
A #SharingEconomy Biz Model In #MatrixCommerce.
May 26, 2013. Software Insider. Retrieved 13 June 2013.
[9] The Collaborative Economy. June 4, 2013. Altimeter
Group. Retrieved 13 June 2013.
[10] Rachel BotsmanRoo Rogers (1922-01-01). Beyond Zipcar: Collaborative Consumption. Retrieved
[11] Owyang, Jeremiah (24 February 2015). The mobile
technology stack for the Collaborative Economy. VentureBeat. Retrieved 24 February 2015.
[12] Benkler, Yochai (2002). Coases Penguin, or, Linux and
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112. Retrieved 13 June 2013.
[13] Benkler, Yochai (2004). Sharing Nicely: On Shareable
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9 July 2014.
[14] Felson, Marcus and Joe L. Spaeth (1978), Community Structure and Collaborative Consumption: A routine activity approach, American Behavioral Scientist, 21
(MarchApril), 61424.
[15] Collaborative Consumption by Ray Algar Oxygen
Consulting. Retrieved 201503-13.
[16] 10 Ideas That Will Change The World. Time. March
17, 2011.


Notes and references

[1] Cohen, Boyd; Kietzmann, Jan (2014). Ride On!

Mobility Business Models for the Sharing Economy. Organization & Environment 27 (3),279-296.
[2] Hamari, Juho; Sjklint, Mimmi; Ukkonen, Antti
(2015). The Sharing Economy: Why People Participate in Collaborative Consumption. Journal of
the Association for Information Science and Technology.

[17] Support for the sharing economy (PDF). H. M. Treasury, Budget 2015, section 1.193.
[18] Review: The Business Of Sharing. May 5, 2015.
[19] Karim R. Lakhani (1922-01-01). Using the Crowd as an
Innovation Partner. Retrieved 2015-03-13.
[20] Mazmanian, Adam (May 22, 2013). Can open data
change the culture of government?". Federal Computer
[21] Retrieved 2015-03-13.

[3] Sundararajan, Arun. From Zipcar to the Sharing Economy. January 3, 2013. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved 13 June 2013.

[22] London Datastore.





[23] Hammell, Richard. Open Data: Driving Growth, Ingenuity and Innovation (PDF). Deloitte Consulting. Retrieved 13 June 2013.

[41] Afp (2015-02-03). "'Sharing economy' reshapes markets,

as complaints rise | Daily Mail Online. London: Retrieved 2015-03-13.

[24] Brindley, William. How Open Data can Save Lives.

World Economic Forum. Retrieved 13 June 2013.

[42] Uber Said to Seek $1.5 Billion in Funds at $50 Billion

Valuation. Bloomberb Business. 2015-05-19. Retrieved

[25] Charles, Green (May 2, 2012). Trusted and Being

Trusted in the Sharing Economy. Forbes. Retrieved 13
June 2013.
[26] Car Sharing and Pooling: Reducing Car Over-Population
and Collaborative Consumption | Energy Seminar. 2012-04-09. Retrieved 201503-13.
[27] Boudreau, Kevin; Karim R. Lakhani. Using the Crowd
as an Innovation Partner. April 2013. Harvard Business
[28] Bloyd-Peshkin, Sharon (October 21, 2009). Built to
Trash. In These Times. Retrieved 13 June 2013.
[29] Grith, Saul. Everyday Inventions. TED. Retrieved 13
June 2013.

[43] Emily Guendelsberger (May 7, 2015). I was an undercover Uber driver. Philadelphia Citypaper. Retrieved
May 10, 2015.
[44] Natasha Singer and Mike Isaac (May 9, 2015). An App
That Helps Drivers Earn the Most From Their Trips. The
New York Times. Retrieved May 10, 2015. At rst I
thought I was earning money
[45] The Sharing Economy Isnt About Sharing at All. Harvard Business Review. 2015-01-28. Retrieved 2015-0711.
[46] Andrew Leonard, Sharing economy shams: Deception
at the core of the Internets hottest businesses,,

[30] Open Data Handbook. 2011, 2012. Open Knowledge

Foundation. Retrieved 13 June 2013.

[47] Andrew Leonard, Youre not fooling us, Uber! 8 reasons

why the sharing economy is all about corporate greed,, 2014.02.17

[31] ICT Facts and Figures, 2013 (PDF). 2013. International

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[48] Tom Slee, The secret libertarianism of Uber & Airbnb,, 2014.01.28

[32] Parr, Ben (August 3, 2009). What the F**k is Social

Media?". Mashable. Retrieved 13 June 2013.

[49] Anya Kamenetz, AirBnb wins New York court victory,

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[33] Preston, Felix. A Global Redesign? Shaping the Circular Economy (PDF). March, 2012. Chatham House.
Retrieved 13 June 2013.
[34] Geron, Tobio (January 23, 2013). Airbnb and the Unstoppable Rise of the Share Economy. Forbes. Retrieved
13 June 2013.
[35] Brady, Diane (24 September 2014). The Environmental
Case for the Sharing Economy. Bloomberg. Retrieved
10 July 2015.
[36] Rudenko, Anna (16 August 2013). The collaborative
consumption on the rise: why shared economy is winning
over the capitalism of me"". Retrieved 10 July 2015.
[37] Parsons, Adam (5 March 2014). The sharing economy:
a short introduction to its political evolution. Retrieved 10 July 2015.
[38] Bradshaw, Della (22 April 2015). Sharing economy benets lower income groups. Retrieved 10 July
[39] Williams-Grut, Oscar (20 March 2015). Silicon Roundup: Blockchain banking to be on the slate for new regulator?". London Evening Standard. Retrieved 10 July
[40] Cohen, Boyd; Muoz, Pablo (2015). Sharing cities and
sustainable consumption and production: towards an integrated framework. Journal of Cleaner Production.

[50] Millennials will not be regulated, Andrew Leonard,, 2013.09.20
[51] The sharing economy muscles up, Andrew Leonard,, 2013.09.17
[52] Libertarians anti-government crusade: Now theres an
app for that (2014-06-27), Andrew Leonard, Salon
[53] Evgeny Morozov. Don't believe the hype, the 'sharing
economy' masks a failing economy (September 2014),
The Guardian (UK)
[54] The New Boss You Just Like the Old Boss:
The Sharing Economy = Brand Yourself (2014.05.26),
[55] How AirBnB and Uber Cab are Facilitating Rip-Os: The
Downside of the Sharing Economy (2014.05.28), Dean
Baker, CounterPunch
[56] How Uber Distrupts the Taxi Market (2015.02.12), Dean
Baker, CounterPunch
[57] The Internet is not the Answer, an interview with Andrew
Keen at the Digital Life Design (DLD) 2015 Annual Conference. Posted on the ocial You Tube Channel of DLD
[58] The Case Against Sharing: On access, scarcity, and trust
(2014-05-28), Susie Cagle,
[59] The Business Tycoons of Airbnb, The New York Times

[60] Kevin Roose, The Sharing Economy Isnt About Trust, Its
About Desperation (2014-04-24), New York Magazine

Leonard, Andrew (January 2012). The Economy

of Sharing. Sunset Magazine.

[61] Kevin Roose, Does Silicon Valley Have a ContractWorker Problem? (2014-09-18), New York Magazine

Nanos, Janelle (May 2013). The End of Ownership. Boston Magazine.

[62] A Secret of Ubers Success: Struggling Workers (201410-02),

The Sharing Economy: Embracing Change with

Caution, Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum, June

[63] Kevin Montgomery, Airbnb Squatters Also Swindled

$40,000 From Kickstarter, 2014-07-28
[64] Patrick J. Stewart, Reputation And The Sharing Economy
(2014-10-23), "Business Insider
[65] Giana Eckhardt and Fleura Bardhi, The Sharing Economy
isn't About Sharing at All (2015-02-09), Harvard Business
[66] Afp (2015-02-03). "'Sharing economy' reshapes markets,
as complaints rise | Daily Mail Online.
Retrieved 2015-03-13.
[67] Huet, Ellen (2015-05-18). Uber Tests Taking Even
More From Its Drivers With 30% Commission. Forbes.
Retrieved 2015-07-09.
[68] A Philadelphia journalist went undercover as an Uber
driver heres how much she made. MSN. 2015-0509. Retrieved 2015-07-09.
[69] Connecting the Collaborative Economy.
2013-11-21. Retrieved 2015-03-13.
[70] Shareable. Retrieved 2015-03-13.
[71] About. Retrieved 2015-03-13.
[72] Banking Time. 2014-06-20.
Retrieved 2015-03-13.
[73] Our Vision. 2014-06-20. Retrieved 2015-03-13.
[74] About us. 2014-06-20. Retrieved 2015-03-13.


Further reading

A Policy Agenda for the Sharing Economy, The Urbanist, October 2012
Kostakis, V., and Bauwens, M. (2014) Network Society and Future Scenarios for a Collaborative Economy. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
All Eyes on the Sharing Economy, The Economist,
March 9, 2013
The Twilight of the Sharing Economyor the
Dawn?, The Atlantic, May 7, 2013
The End of Ownership, Boston Magazine, May

Adapting to the Sharing Economy, MIT Sloan Management Review, 56(2), 2015, S. 71-77.




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