June 2019 Newsletter Giardina

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Science with Mrs.

June 2019

Third Grade: Students focus on a monkey that learns a call to warn members of its
group that a predator is nearby—and learn that living in groups can help organisms
survive. Students use what they have learned so far about the influence of the
environment on traits to write scientific explanations about where Wolf 44’s trait
for hunting style came from. Students gather evidence for this idea by conducting a
hands-on investigation of an inherited trait (the green color of celery) that can be
affected by the environment (food coloring and water). Students look for additional
evidence to support this idea by reading about different organisms in the reference
book, Handbook of Traits. Students use another digital modeling tool to show their
ideas about where an organism can get its traits.

Fourth Grade: SCIENCE TEST IS OVER!!! Hooray! Back to our Vision and Light unit for
June.Through testing their own senses, using the digital simulation, and reading
about how a real scientist investigated whether crows recognize humans, students
investigate the structures that make up an animal’s eye and how those structures
function. They also investigate how those structures enable an animal to recognize
objects in its environment.

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