Reflection Questions-Creative

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Reflection Questions


What process did you go through to produce this piece?

What I had to do was think deeply about the days leading up to getting my dog and
during the days I had her. I had to think about my feelings the first few days I had her
and what I was thinking. I had to think back to all the conversations I had about my dog I
had with my mom. I had to put myself in the position that I was in when I got her to
correctly right my dialogue, setting, details, etc.

What part of your narrative are you most proud of? Why?

I am most proud of my dialogue because it builded up characterization with me not

being ready for my dog and sort of being in denial that I couldn’t actually handle having
a dog. Dialogue also makes the narrative more interesting than me explaining what my
mom or sister said.


What did you learn about yourself as you worked on this piece? How?

What I learned about myself was that I might not always be ready for something when I
say I am ready for it. I said I was ready for a dog to my mom and showed her by doing
all my chores and keeping my room all the time but it’s easier said than done because I
wasn’t ready at all for looking after something alive other than me.


What is the one thing you want people to notice when they look at your work? Why?

What I want people to notice about my narrative is that getting a dog for the first time
was sort of an obstacle for me because having her made me overwhelmed and really
tired and that I got over it.

Looking back at the writing process, what was the most challenging step? Why?

The most challenging process was thinking about my feelings because I had so many
when I first got her.

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