The Leadership Skills Handbook 3rd Edition by Jo Owen
The Leadership Skills Handbook 3rd Edition by Jo Owen
The Leadership Skills Handbook 3rd Edition by Jo Owen
A book which in 7 parts aims to explain and categorise the skills required to be an effective
leader. It uses research from many different leaders from all kinds of organisations. It starts
with the question ‘ How can you learn to lead?’
‘We cannot be a leader by being someone else, we cannot succeed by being who we are- We
have to become the best of who we are’
This is divided into 10 key skills which are broken down and analysed giving useful examples
of situations where these skills are used well. It encourages reflection of the reader’s
situation by asking them to identify leaders they can identify who are strong in the skill or
lack that skill and how it has affected their workplace as a result.
1 Positive Leadership
there is no place for cynicism
look to the future not dwell on the past
action not too much analysis
possibilities not problems
take control don’t be controlled
create options don’t be happy with the status quo
2 Responsibility
You are responsible for your career, what happens to you, your own feelings
3 High Aspirations
complacency and satisfaction are the enemies of high aspirations
4 Have courage
take small steps
5 Be adaptable
Change your skills
Keep up to date
Try new things
6 Learn to be lucky
Try the 4-P luck program
Practice –practice converts luck into skill
Persistence-the difference between failure and success is giving up
Preparation- if you don’t know what you are looking for you won’t find it
Positive outlook look for solutions not problems
7 Managing stress
Work/life balance
8 Honesty
Honesty is not just about morals and ethics. It’s about survival
9 Self-awareness
It takes great self-confidence, self-awareness and humility to admit to not being
good at things
10 working to win
Play to your strengths
Visualise success
Think like a winner
Create a team that compensates for your weaknesses
This is a very easy to read book with lots of practical ideas and things to reflect on.