Role of Leadership in Knowledge Management A Study
Role of Leadership in Knowledge Management A Study
Role of Leadership in Knowledge Management A Study
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1 author:
Sanjay Singh
Abu Dhabi University
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship as well as the impact of leadership
styles on knowledge management practices in a software firm in India.
Design/methodology/approach – The research involved collection of quantitative data on leadership
styles and knowledge management practices by using two psychometric instruments, namely
organizational leadership questionnaire and knowledge management assessment tool. The survey
consisted of 331 knowledge workers working for a software firm in India who had a minimum of one year
Sanjay Kumar Singh is of working experience in the organization. The data which were collected underwent statistical treatment
based at the Institute of to obtain the results for the stated objectives of the study.
Management Technology, Findings – The research findings indicate directive as well as supportive styles of leadership to be
Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad, significantly and negatively associated with the art of knowledge management practices. It also depicts
India. that consulting and delegating styles of leadership are positively and significantly related with managing
knowledge in a software organization. Finally, only the delegating mode of leadership behaviors was
found to be significantl in predicting creation as well as management of knowledge for competitive
advantage in software firms in India.
Research limitations/implications – There are a few limitations which may affect the scope of the
study. First, the study was conducted in only one software firm situated in the national capital territory of
India. Hence, blanket generalization of the findings of the study to each and every software firm in India
should be done with caution. Second, it was leadership styles alone more than any other variable which
was taken to study its impact on knowledge management processes and practices. Therefore, it is
suggested that future research, if any, in the area of knowledge management should take note of these
two important limitations for the benefits of the industry as a whole.
Practical implications – The research investigation offers several recommendations/suggestions for
helping knowledge workers as well as top management to design and implement knowledge
management architecture for organizational excellence.
Originality/value – The paper offers unique empirical directions to manage knowledge in a software
company in India. As there is a dearth of empirical research in the area of knowledge management in
India, the empirical evidence obtained in this paper will be of use to organizations wanting to become
knowledge management companies.
Keywords Leadership, Knowledge management, India
Paper type Research paper
In the present day liberalized world economy that India is an integral part of, the competitor
of an organization is not local but global in character. In other words, if any significant
change takes place in the socio-politico-economic arenas of the western world, its impact is
likely to be felt in terms of organizational health of the firms in the eastern part of the world.
Therefore, it is unlikely for an organization to perfectly anticipate the rate as well as kind of
changes taking place in its external environment which extends up to A million miles. But
every organization has a firm aspiration to grow and that by strategically giving tough
competition to its competitors, whether local, national, or may be global. Such a goal of an
DOI 10.1108/13673270810884219 VOL. 12 NO. 4 2008, pp. 3-15, Q Emerald Group Publishing Limited, ISSN 1367-3270 j JOURNAL OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT j PAGE 3
‘‘ The productivity of an organization depends to a larger extent
upon management of valid knowledge through suitable styles
of management. ’’
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Knowledge management is a process that facilitates knowledge sharing and establishes
learning as continuous process within an organization. Therefore, knowledge management and
learning go hand in hand in organizations (Lopez et al., 2004). Davenport et al. (1998) defines
knowledge management as a process of collection, distribution, and efficient use of the
knowledge resource throughout an organization. O’Dell and Grayson (1998) believe knowledge
management is a strategy to be developed in a firm to ensure that knowledge reaches the right
people at the right time, and that these people should share and use information to improve
upon the organization’s functioning. In the same way, Bounfour (2003) defines knowledge
management as a set of procedures, infrastructures, technical and managerial tools, designed
toward creating, sharing and leveraging information and knowledge within and around
organizations. It is in this context that the author believes that the management of knowledge is
nothing but budgeting learning at an organizational level which could be used by an
organization and its members for self-renewal. In other words, for knowledge creation and
management to take place, organizational learning has to come first.
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At Xerox Corporation, knowledge management is 90 percent social process and 10 percent
infrastructural, for instance; whereas Mckinsey & Company and Bain & Company use
personalization to manage tacit knowledge (Smith, 2001). Similarly, it is also believed that 90
percent of the knowledge in any organization is embedded in and synthesized in people’s
heads only (Wah, 1999; Bonner, 2000; Lee, 2000).
To sum up the discussion on explicit v. tacit knowledge and their management at the
workplace, it may be contended that both of them are important in their own ways and also
interdependent. If an organization is to excel then the top management has to give equal
importance to the management of explicit as well as tacit forms of knowledge being created
by its workforces while working on different tasks or assignments. In other words, it is
through the combination of both explicit and tacit approaches to knowledge management
that an organization can effectively compete against all others.
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and Martin, 1999). Similarly, Kotter (1998) believes that leaders motivate people by ensuring
that the audience can relate to the corporate visions and also by involving them in the
developmental processes. It is also believed that knowledge leaders should encourage
others to take leadership roles, so that important messages are transmitted from multiple
sources (Debowski, 2006). Finally, knowledge leadership, like other forms of leadership,
relies on communication (Kotter, 1998) and they fulfill the important roles of both collaborator
and catalyst for those working with new concepts and strategies (Kouzes and Posner, 2002).
j j
‘‘ Delegating more than any other mode of leadership behaviors
is more suited for creation, storage, organization, application
and use of both tacit and explicit knowledge in a software
company. ’’
findings suggest that the pious goal of any organization to become a knowledge creating
and managing company depends a great deal on the kind of leader and leadership styles
that the organization has had.
On the basis of the findings of the researches conducted in the area of knowledge
management practices of organizations in different parts of the globe other than in India and
reviewed in this study, the author formulates the following hypotheses:
H1. The gender will significantly differ in their leadership styles and also in the art of
practicing knowledge management at workplace.
H2. The leadership styles of the people will be significantly related with organization’s
knowledge management practices.
H3. The leadership styles of people will significantly predict the art of knowledge
management practices in the organization.
In a nut shell, it may be stated that there is a general consensus among both practitioners as
well as academicians that the leadership plays important role in the creation as well as
management of knowledge in the organization. In other words, the organizational goal of
creating and managing knowledge for competitive advantage is hugely facilitated by the
kind of leadership practices that it has in place. But such a sweeping statement has to be
made with caution for organizations in India, as the author could not come across any
scientific study conducted so far in organizations in India or in the Indian subcontinent. In
other words, there is a real dearth of scientific enquiry on knowledge management practices
in organizations in India. Therefore, it is against this background that the present study has
been designed to investigate the relationships of leadership styles with knowledge
management practices and also to know the impact of leadership styles on knowledge
management practices in the Indian software organization.
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opinion/perception of the items/statements in the questionnaire which was administered to
them. In terms of the biographical information, the average age of the sample was 34.64
years and approximately 50 percent of them had post-graduation level of education. Further,
these respondents had approximately 6.38 years of work experience in the profession, and
to date they had two to three promotions in their professional lives.
Table I Mean, SD, t-value, and Cronbach alpha coefficient for male, female, and employee as a whole on dimensions of
knowledge management processes and leadership styles
Total sample Male sample sample
Cronbach alpha coefficient n ¼ 331 n ¼182 n ¼ 149
n ¼ 331 Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD t-value
Knowledge identification and creation 0.702 25.52 1.92 25.62 2.12 25.47 1.79 20.424
Knowledge collection and capture 0.904 22.71 2.58 22.95 3.09 22.59 2.03 20.743
Knowledge storage and organization 0.749 28.99 1.17 29.15 1.32 28.90 0.98 21.141
Knowledge sharing and dissemination 0.845 19.82 2.61 19.93 3.04 19.76 2.15 20.332
Knowledge application and use 0.772 26.40 2.31 26.61 2.75 26.33 1.83 20.634
Explicit knowledge management practices 0.930 3.98 0.42 3.98 0.46 3.97 0.35 20.238
Tacit knowledge management practices 0.901 4.24 0.26 4.27 0.31 4.21 0.22 21.238
Leadership styles
Directive style of leadership 0.764 4.79 0.60 4.76 0.68 4.82 0.48 0.621
Supportive style of leadership 0.744 2.89 0.37 2.83 0.47 2.90 0.30 0.993
Consulting style of leadership 0.801 3.20 0.62 3.33 0.85 3.16 0.37 21.373
Delegating style of leadership 0.793 1.11 0.40 1.09 0.39 1.12 0.38 0.466
j j
values range in-between 0.702 to 0.930. Therefore, it may be said that the internal
consistency reliability coefficients of the scale (i.e. the KMAT) is quite high.
Statistics used
The following statistical instruments were performed on the data collected in the study:
B Arithmetic mean and SD.
B Student’s ‘‘t’’ test.
B Pearson’s product moment correlation.
B Multiple regression analysis – stepwise.
B Chronbach alpha coefficient.
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excellence at workplace in software organization in India. This may sound contrary to the
established leadership behaviors in knowledge producing companies of the western world
where knowledge workers are given a free hand to act and think on their assigned tasks. The
author attributes this significant difference to the cultural factors as people in the Indian
sub-continent generally possess a laid-back attitude. Though significant change has taken
place in terms of people’s work behaviors in the Indian sub-continent, still people get
overwhelmed by work-avoiding attitudes. Table I also shows that there is no significant
difference in perception between male and female software professionals with regard to
leadership behaviors at the work place. It may be interpreted that both the genders have more
or less similar perceptions towards practicing the art of leadership at the work place.
To sum up, the results in Table I state that the art of knowledge management in software firm
is perceived to exist at above average level by employees as whole as well as male and
female software professionals. The organization under investigation is a subsidiary of India’s
best IT company and the knowledge management architecture that they have is in well
shape and what they require is simply sustained support from top management. At the same
time, it is also to be asserted that to achieve the goal of becoming a knowledge creating
company, the organization under investigation uses directive combined with consulting
mode of leadership behaviors in majority of situations in organizational lives. Last but not the
least is that the findings of the study reject H1, as the gender do not differ significantly in
terms of managing knowledge and in practicing the art of leadership at the work place.
The results in Table II depict relationships of leadership styles with knowledge management
practices for the male, the female, and the software professionals as a whole. The overall
findings of the study are such that both directive and supportive styles of leadership have
been found to have significantly negative relationships with knowledge management
processes and practices at the work place. It may mean that as the knowledge workers of the
company are provided with close supervision, there is corresponding decrement in
identification, creation, collection, capture, storage, organization, sharing, dissemination,
application and use of knowledge for the overall growth of the organization. In other words, if
the knowledge workers’ job behaviors are controlled and regulated by their superiors, these
knowledge workers would not feel at home to contribute significantly to the organizational goal
of creating and managing knowledge for competitive advantages. On the other hand,
Notes: *p , 0.05; **p , 0.01; where KIC ¼ Knowledge Identification and Creation;
KCC ¼ Knowledge Collection and Capture; KSO ¼ Knowledge Storage and Organization;
KSD ¼ Knowledge Sharing and Dissemination; KAU ¼ Knowledge Application and Use;
EKMP ¼ Explicit Knowledge Management Practices; TKPM ¼ Tacit Knowledge Management
Practices; L1 ¼ Directive Style of Leadership; L2 ¼ Supportive Style of Leadership;
L3 ¼ Consulting Style of Leadership; L4 ¼ Delegating Style of Leadership
j j
consulting and delegating modes of leadership behaviors have been found to be significantly
as well as positively associated with creation, management, application, and use of
knowledge throughout the length and breadth of organization for achieving excellence. In
other words, the implication is that the top management of the firm should preach and reward
both consulting and delegating modes of job behaviors on the part of knowledge leaders.
Therefore, the learning is that to master the art of knowledge management practices in a
software organization, its people should be provided with a kind of leadership style whereby
every individual employee is given sufficient power, authority as well as responsibility to
manage his/her own life at workplace. In other words, management of knowledge in
organization can only be achieved if employees feel free to experiment and innovate with
facts and figures on their own rather than being constantly directed and supervised by the
boss. To elaborate it further, it may be said that directive as well as supportive styles of
leadership in a software organization are okay to a limited extent but sole reliance upon them
may result in a fiasco, especially when the goal is knowledge management. Finally, on the
basis of the results of the study, H2 is accepted.
The purpose of the study was also to know the overall impact of organization’s leadership
practices on to its tacit as well as explicit form of knowledge management. To this particular
objective of the study, the obtained results have been depicted in Table III. It says that the
delegating style of leadership has only been found to create variance in the total variance of
managing tacit as well as explicit knowledge for both the gender as well as for software
professionals as a whole. It may mean that delegating rather than any other mode of
leadership behaviors is more suited for creation, storage, organization, application and use
of both tacit and explicit form of knowledge in a software company.
To be specific, the results in Table III say that the delegating style of leadership creates 57.1
percent and 47.6 percent of variance in total variance of explicit and tacit knowledge
management practices respectively for software professionals as a whole. It may mean that
42.9 percent and 52.4 percent of the variance respectively in explicit and tacit knowledge
management practices for the software professionals as a whole are still to be explained. In
other words, there may be variables other than leadership styles which may be creating
unexplained variance in knowledge management practices of the software professionals as
a whole. On the other hand, the delegating style of leadership has been found to explain 57.1
percent and 70.1 percent of the variance in the total variance of explicit and tacit knowledge
management practices respectively for the male software professionals. Therefore, 42.9
percent and 29.9 percent of the variance in the total variance respectively in explicit and tacit
knowledge management practices of the male software professionals remains unexplained.
Finally, for the female software professionals, the delegating style of leadership has been
found to explain 46.5 percent and 16.2 percent of variance in the total variance of explicit
and tacit knowledge management practices, respectively. Here again, the remaining 53.6
Table III Impact of leadership styles on explicit and tacit knowledge practices
Independent variable/s Dependent variable R R2 DR b P
j j
percent and 83.8 percent of variance in total variance of explicit and tacit knowledge
management practices, respectively, are still to be explained.
Therefore, it may be said in the case of both genders as well as software professionals as a
whole that there may be variables other than leadership styles which may be creating
unexplained variance in the art of practicing tacit and explicit mode of knowledge
management. Finally, on the basis of the obtained results, H3 is accepted as leadership
styles have been found to significantly predict knowledge management practices in a
software company.
To sum up, it may be said that though leadership styles explains significant percentage of
variance in the explicit as well as tacit form of knowledge management practices, the left out
percentage of variance in knowledge management practices needs to be explained.
Therefore, it may be said that it is not only the organizational leadership alone but also other
factors/variables which may play significant role in helping organization to have a well
developed knowledge management practices in place. In other words, the role of these
unknown variables/factors which affect significantly to the art of knowledge management in
organization has to be found out through scientific researches. Hence, the findings of the
present study have left some important questions to be researched scientifically by the
thinkers as well as practitioners in the field of knowledge management.
To conclude, it may be said that there are four main observations in the findings of the study.
First, there is above average level of efforts on the part of employees in the organization to
create, capture, organize, share, disseminate, and use knowledge for organizational
excellence. Second, the dominant mode of leadership style in software organization has
been found to be directive in nature where the utmost concern is to closely regulate job
behaviors of fellow knowledge workers. Third, all the dimensions of knowledge management
practices have been found to be negatively and significantly related with directive style of
leadership but positively and significantly associated with delegating style of leadership.
Finally, the fourth observation is that it is only delegating rather than any other form of
leadership style which has been found to predict variance in both explicit as well as tacit
form of knowledge management practices.
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