The Determination of Citric Acid
The Determination of Citric Acid
The Determination of Citric Acid
Citric acid is a naturally occurring acid which, as implied in the name, is found in all
citrus fruits. We will be investigating four such fruit juices
today: orange, grapefruit, lemon, and lime. Citric acid
contains three carboxylic acid functional groups and has a
molecular formula of H3C6H5O7. The carboxylic acid
C O H functional group is pictured to the left.
The device used to add the titrant (NaOH) to the juice sample is called a buret. It
allows us to measure the exact amount of solution added during the titration.
Knowledge of this, the concentration of NaOH solution in moles/liter, and the
known stoichiometry of the reaction allows us to calculate the citric acid
concentration in the juice sample.
Using a Buret
1. Rinse the buret barrel, stopcock and tip several times with 5-10 mL of
distilled water. Close the stopcock.
2. Rinse the buret with several 3-5 mL portions of titrant. Tilt and roll the
buret so that the titrant comes in contact with the entire inner surface of
the barrel. Drain each rinse through the buret tip and discard down the
drain. Do not reuse this solution.
3. Place the buret in the buret clamp which is fastened to a ringstand. Close
the stopcock and fill the buret with fresh titrant to just above the zero mark.
Open the stopcock briefly to remove any air bubbles in the tip and be sure
the meniscus is below the zero mark. Wait 30 seconds before reading
and recording the volume (+O.O1 mL).
6. To clean the buret, open the stopcock and rinse well with tap water and
soap. Rinse twice with distilled water and place the buret with the tip up
into the buret clamp to drain. Be sure the stopcock is open.
• The titrant used in this lab is 0.5 M NaOH. At this concentration, the basic
solution can cause skin irritation and damage the finish on the table tops. If
spilled, please neutralize with acetic or boric acid and wash your skin with lots
of water.
• All solutions may be disposed of down the drain with water.
• Do not put pH paper down the sink.
C. One pair should perform the titrations on the orange and grapefruit
juices while the other pair should perform the titrations on the
lemon and lime juices. Information should be shared amongst both
pairs so that everyone has the data concerning all four citric fruit
D. Measure 10.0 mL of the juice sample in a 10 mL graduated
cylinder. Record the exact volume of juice used if not 10.0 mL (for
example, 9.8 mL) and pour the juice into a clean Erlenmeyer flask.
E. Add approximately 30 mL of water and 3 drops of phenolphthalein
solution. Record the initial pH value of the juice using pH paper.
A. Titrate the unknown solution with the sodium hydroxide with constant
swirling until 1 drop of NaOH causes the permanent appearance of a
pink color in the solution.
The closer you get to the end point, the longer the pink color
will persist. The term “permanent” refers to the point at which
the pink color remains even with swirling and mixing.
B. Rinse the inside of the flask by squirting with water and swirl to make
sure pink color remains.
C. If pink color doesn’t remain, continue adding NaOH dropwise until the
pink color remain.
D. Record the final volume reading of the buret and the final pH value of
the juice. (Item #2).
E. Repeat this procedure two more times for a total of three trials for
each juice sample.
III. Calculations
For each juice, calculate the average % Citric Acid in sample. Share and
discuss your data with the two other students at your lab bench.