5 Citric Acid in Citrus Fruits
5 Citric Acid in Citrus Fruits
5 Citric Acid in Citrus Fruits
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3. Department of Environmental Sciences, Sardar Bahadur Khan Women’s University Quetta, Pakistan.
Abstract-- The reported study was performed to address the apricot, peach, Grapes, Raisins, apple, pear) and Sweet Fruit
nutritional analysis viz., Juice contents, Total Sugar and citric (Banana, papaya). Citrus is a weak organic acid which occurs
acid contents of various fruit juices. The fruit juices that were naturally. It can be easily manufactured and easily soluble. It
tested included orange, Sweet lime, Lemon and grape. The fruit is used as flavoring agent and increase the stability of the fruit.
samples were brought at various intervals to laboratory of SBK (ECAMA 2012). Carbohydrates are one of most abundant
Women’s University, Quetta. The samples were washed with
compounds found in nature. There are many different
distilled water and were kept at room temperature. The selected
physiochemical characteristics of the fruits were then evaluated analytical techniques for the evaluation of carbohydrates
on the same day. The results for all the selected physiochemical (Blanco et al., 1998).
parameters were found significant at different intervals. Being an
acidic fruit lemon contained highest concentration of citric acid Citrus sinus is the botanical name of orange and is ever green
as compared to other fruits but in contrast grapes and orange fruit (Pereira, 1857). Oranges are one of the most widely used
were found to be highly rich in contents of total soluble solids fruits in the world. They are available in most of the countries
respectively. It is concluded from the study that all the fruits of the world. It is known as one of the best citrus fruits which
were highly juicy but lemon were found as a rich source of citric is rich in vitamin C. Oranges are sweet as well bitter in taste
acid and grapes and orange can be used as a rich source of sugar. (Nagy et al., 1997). Oranges contain different type of
carbohydrates, fats and proteins and have a quite high
Index Term-- Sugar, Citric acid, juice content, brix value,
nutritional value than other fruits (Rampersaud, 2007).
titrable acidity.
Vitamin C is present in a high amount about 45mg or 75%per
INTRODUCTION 100g of oranges. Orange is a fruit of warm climate. It has a
The flowering plants which possess seeds produce fruits variation of taste (Elizbietaet al., 2000).There are different
which are beneficial for health. Fruits are ready and rich uses of oranges such as the waste of orange can be used as
source of fibers, vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants water animal feed. It is also used as a flavoring agent. It is used as a
and vitamin C at a high content (Usha, 2010). Many people skin bleaching agent. Except these uses there is some medical
consume juice of fruits daily considering it beneficial for importance as well. Orange and its juice are use as energetic
health (France, 2000). They are considered as good food drinks. It gives relief when someone is exposed to heat (Braun
supplement because they contain high amount of and Cohen, 2007). It is an excellent anti-oxidant. The juice of
carbohydrates, sugars, water different vitamins which include ripened orange is good for all types of fever. It contains
A, C, D, B1 and B2 as well as minerals Potassium, Sodium, potassium in high amount which reduces blood pressure.
Calcium, Megnesium and iron. Fruit play an important role in Orange juice is good for arthritis. It is good medicine for
cellular health and disease prevention. Intake of fruits can gastric problems (Minhas and Sandhu, 2006).
reduce the risk of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, cataracts
and some functional diseases (Usha, 2010). Citrus fruits are Citrus limetta is a species of citrus. Their description is
those fruits which contain sufficient amount of citric acid and similar to lemons. They are also found in green color and are
are classified as acid fruits which include (Orange, grapefruit, cultivated in California and Italy. Chemical composition of
strawberry, pineapple, lemon, lime) Sub-acid Fruits (Mango, sweet limes depends on the area where it grows. Sweet limes
are used for many purposes for example it is suitable for The juice contents were weighed and recorded in grams
eating and contains amount of oil includes peel oil as well as (Lacey et al., 2009; Grewal et al., 2000). The percent juice
juice oil and they are volatile in nature. It contains high contents were calculated by using the following formula;
amount of ascorbic acid (Sandhu&Minhas, 2006).
% juice contents = juice weight ÷ fruit weight x 100
Vitisvinifera is specie of vitis and is native to
Mediterranean region, central Europe, and Determination of acidity: Acidity of the juices was
southwestern Asia and has 5000 to 10,000 varieties (Wine determined (in triplicate) by acid base titration (Lacey et al.,
& Spirits Education Trust ). Fructose and glucose are 2009).
present in large amount in grapes. Sweetness of grapes
depend on it ripening time as grapes ripen fructose level Percentage acid = Titer x acid factor x 10/10 (ml juice)
will increase (Thoukis & Amerine, 1958). Grapes is
categorized into four classes they include table grapes, Factor for citric acid is 0.0064 (citrus fruit)
juice grapes, wine grapes, raisin grapes (Patilet al., 1995).
Determination of total soluble solids
Grapes always occur in cluster of 15 to 300. They can be
black, blue, yellow, green, orange or pink. Food and Total soluble solids of the fruit juice were determined (in
Agriculture Organization have found that 75,866sqkm of triplicate) as °Brix by using Abbe’s refractometer (NAR- IT,
world comprises of grapes. In which 71% of grapes for Japan) under the protocol previously adopted by (Lacey et al.,
making of wine and 27% is sold as fresh fruits and 2% as 2009).
dried fruits. Grapes are seedless as well as grapes bearing
seeds (Soyer et al., 2003).Grapes are also used for making Estimation of the TSS to Acid Ratio
juice by crushing and blending. Juice of grapes is also sold Total soluble solid to acidity ratio (TSS: acidity) was
in stores or it may be fermented to convert it into wine or calculated by dividing the total soluble solids by percent acid
vinegar (Gomez & Lopez, 1996). (Lacey et al., 2009; Grewal et al., 2000).
TSS: Acid = °Brix value / Percentage acid
Citrus lemon is the botanical name of lemon. It is essential
specie of citrus family. In last few years it is produced on Determination of sugars: The sugars were estimated (in
large scale in all over the world. In lemon juice processing the triplicate) by using chemical estimation method (Sethi, 2003).
by-product obtained is the peel of lemons. The peel contains
high dietary fiber content. Other beneficial components Strength of unknown glucose solution= 4xWxV1/V gm. / litter
beneficial for health present in lemon. It is a essential source
of protein, fats and macro minerals (Janati, et al 2012). Where
Lemons used for juice extraction and also in different spray
and dish washers (Sandhu&Minhas, 2006). W= Weight of glucose in 250 ml standard solution
Present study aims to determine the percentage of juice V1= Volume of standard glucose solution used for 25 ml
present in the citrus Fruit, soluble solids (Brix value or Fehling’s solution
percentage sugar) and total citric acid content or acidity.
V= Volume of unknown glucose solution used for 25 ml
MATERIALS AND METHODS Fehling’s solution
Determination of juice contents
It was observed that the juice content of oranges was greater
in percentage while it was lower in case of grapes
comparatively (Table I).
Table I
Citric acid values of all samples:
Samples Citric acid content(g/ml) Juice content (%) TSS Values