UWI Graduate Scholarship Regulations
UWI Graduate Scholarship Regulations
UWI Graduate Scholarship Regulations
The UWI Postgraduate, Elsa Goveia and Eric Williams scholarships are offered only to FULL-TIME persons
pursuing Higher Degrees by Research (M.Phil./Ph.D.) at the St. Augustine Campus.
However, with regard to the application process, the following categories of students can apply for the scholarship:
(i) Students completing their final year of their undergraduate degree and will be commencing their research
degree in September 2019 can apply for the scholarship
(ii) Students who:
a. submitted a degree application for part-time study (to commence their research degree in September
2019) can apply for the scholarship.
b. are registered part-time students currently pursuing their research degrees, can apply for the
(iii) In #(ii) (a&b) above - Only if the scholarship has been awarded will the student be required to change their
status to full-time and if applicable, request no pay leave from their job.
(iv) Scholarships are not offered for Self-Financing programmes:
1) Completion of the online graduate scholarship
application form: (see link below)
2) Official Transcripts are required from applicants who are not X
graduates of this university. (This is separate and apart
from what was submitted for the M.Phil./Ph.D. degree
3) Two (2) Graduate Scholarship Referee Report Forms. Please
note these forms are separate from what was submitted
for your M.Phil./Ph.D. degree application. (NB: Your
Referee can email forms to [email protected] )
4) Research proposal should be approximately 5 pages in
length (see link below)
5) Submit an updated Curriculum Vitae
Regulations after the award of a scholarship
1. The award of a scholarship is not guaranteed upon submission of a graduate scholarship application form.
2. Scholarships are only awarded for applicants accepted and registered for full-time M.Phil./Ph.D. study. The
award of a scholarship is conditional on the awardee not being in employment during this period. Failing
this, any scholarship award will be immediately withdrawn and the awardee will be required to repay any
monies paid to them.
3. The tenure of a scholarship award is for ONE (1) year in the first instance and can be renewable and/or be
extended upon formal application for ONE (1) more year (i.e. a second year) subject to achieving the
expected level of academic progress and performance. The application (comprises the completed progress
and emolument forms) for the renewal and /or extension should be made to the Chair, Campus Committee
for Graduate Studies and Research for possible consideration and approval with full evidence of academic
progress and performance two (2) months before the termination date of the scholarship. The forms should
be endorsed by the awardee’s supervisor(s), Head of Department and respective Deputy Dean (Graduate
Studies) of the Faculty in which the awardee is registered. Once the forms are received and approved by the
Chair, an official letter would be issued indicating same. (see further guidelines for renewal and extension
of the scholarship below).
4. Should a scholarship awardee have a commitment to Government or another employer, it is his/her
responsibility to arrange for the necessary release to allow him/her to take up the scholarship for the specified
period of the scholarship and to have a copy of this release forwarded to the Senior Assistant Registrar,
School for Graduate Studies and Research.
5. Graduate students receiving a scholarship could be employed for no more than twelve (12) hours a week on
campus. Please refer to the Postgraduate Regulation for Higher Degrees and Diplomas, Page 17 of the
Regulations #51 and #52 as follows:
i. 51. Full-time students may take employment for not more than twelve (12) hours per
week without losing their full-time status. Teaching and Research Assistants shall be
registered as fulltime students.
ii. 52. A candidate who is employed for more than twelve (12) hours per week shall be
registered as a part-time student.
6. The University allows a student to commence a scholarship in either the start of the academic year e.g.
Semester I 2019-20 (September 2019) or in Semester II of the 2019-20 (January 2020) academic year. Please
note therefore, that if an awardee is currently employed, no emolument payments will be made until there is
evidence of his/her approved leave for the period by their employer. Deferral of scholarships for one (1)
Semester is advised while the awardee make arrangements for release from his/her employment.
7. A scholarship recipient is required to submit a letter requesting deferral of the scholarship for any type of
absence from the scholarship or programme and could defer their scholarship for up to a maximum of one
(1) year only. No further requests for deferral will be considered. Deferral of the scholarship is required e.g.
(a) in the event you have received a contract for the position of an Instructor, a Research Assistant,
Teaching Assistant, Full-time Demonstrator, Full-time Assistant Lecturer, Full-time Lecturer etc. or have
received another scholarship/award.
(b) in the event you have requested leave of absence (eligible only after one full semester of registration in
the research degree programme). Only after re-registering and submission of the relevant forms, will the
emoluments resume. Please be advised that:
(i) should you fail to resume the scholarship by the specified date in the approved deferral letter to
you, the scholarship will be automatically terminated and you would be required to re-apply for the
scholarship once deemed eligible for consideration in the next round of scholarship meetings.
(ii) in the event that you have not requested a deferral of the scholarship and did not request any/all the
scholarship payments within the stated period of the award i.e./e.g. September 1, 2016 to August 31,
2017, the scholarship will be automatically terminated and you would not be eligible to apply for
the remaining emolument payments. You would therefore be required to re-apply for the scholarship
once deemed eligible for consideration in the next round of scholarship meetings.
8. The award presently carries an emolument of TT$60,000.00 per annum and should be requested at the start
of each quarter i.e. September 1st, December 1st, March 1st and June 1st. Please note the following regarding
payment of the emolument:
9. Registration: Students in receipt of awards are required to register each semester and attach a copy of the
scholarship award letter/renewal letter/extension letter to their student registration online printout and
submit to the Bursary for verification. In the event, the awards of scholarships are not made by the
Committee in time for the student’s registration in September, the student has the option to register and pay
the required tuition fees and compulsory fees so that the late registration fees are not incurred. Should a
student receive the award of a scholarship, the tuition fees would be reimbursed.
10. Applicable to Trinidad & Tobago Nationals only: Scholarship awardees will not be required to pay
tuition and examination fees but other compulsory fees will be deducted from the award before quarterly
installments are calculated.
11. Applicable to Regional and International Students: Scholarship awardees will be required to pay
tuition, examination fees and other compulsory fees. Kindly contact the Scholarship Representative at the
Bursary who will advise on the deductions.
12. Please see the following link at it relates to the University’s tuition and examination fees
http://sta.uwi.edu/resources/documents/PostGraduateFeeBklt.pdf for information and guidance. Graduate
students receiving the scholarship are asked to note that fees are subject to change each academic
13. All student payments will be made after registration each semester. However continued payment of an
awardee’s stipend will depend upon satisfactory progress as assessed by regular reports from their
supervisor(s). Unsatisfactory performance at any time during the year may result in the termination of this
14. A graduate student receiving a scholarship cannot transfer his/her registration to another degree programmes
unless he/she has received the approval of the Campus Committee for Graduate Studies and Research. The
student therefore is required to submit a letter addressed to the Director, Graduate Studies and Research,
UWI St. Augustine requesting the necessary transfer. Once received and approved by the Director, an official
letter would be issued indicating same.
15. A graduate scholarship student who has accepted employment as an Instructor, a Research Assistant,
Teaching Assistant, Full-time Demonstrator, Full-time Assistant Lecturer, Full-time Lecturer etc. or have
received another scholarship/award cannot also be the holder of a Postgraduate Scholarship. Should
this occur, please be advised that the scholarship will be immediately withdrawn and the student will be
required to repay any monies that were paid to the student.
16. Once the graduate scholarship student’s thesis is submitted during the year of the award of the scholarship,
the scholarship is automatically terminated.
Regulations for: (1) payment of the stipend, (2) renewal of the scholarship, (3) extension of the scholarship
and (4) extension of the scholarships for upgraded students
(b) For the subsequent quarters i.e. December 1st, March 1st and June 1st, the awardee is required to submit
completed progress and emolument forms
simultaneously each quarter which should also be signed by the Supervisor/s and Head of Department. In
addition, it should also include the number of meetings with the Advisory Committee. (Please refer to the degree
programme offer letter). Kindly contact the relevant Department should these persons not be named and approved by
the end of the first quarter of the scholarship.
(c) Should the awardee register and defer the scholarship for one (1) or two (2) semesters, the first quarter payment
will then be treated as in (b)
(d) Should the awardee defer both the registration and the scholarship for one (1) or two (2) semesters, the first
quarter payment will be treated as in (a) above and subsequently (b) would apply.
(e) Please note that the payments will not be processed until the forms are thoroughly completed by the respective
persons i.e. awardee, supervisor(s) and Head of Department.
(2) Renewal of the UWI Postgraduate Scholarships - Students should request the renewal of their awards at
least two (2) months in advance of the termination date of the award
Students can apply for the renewal of their scholarship (refer to Graduate Scholarship Award Letter). The student is
required to complete both the progress and emolument forms and must specify the period of the renewal (located at
the top of the progress report form). The M.Phil. and Ph.D. eligibility for student renewals are as follows:
one (1) year for M.Phil. (students are eligible for a total of two (2) years of the scholarship at the M.Phil. level) and
one (1) year at a time for the Ph.D. (students are eligible to a total of three (3) years of the scholarship at the
Ph.D. level)
For a renewal of a scholarship the progress report form must include the following:
(i) a detailed report on the progress of the student. (Please attach any additional information in support of
the application)
(ii) whether or not the award should be continued.
(iii) flag any constraints that may exist and
The student, supervisor(s), Head of Department and Deputy Dean (Graduate Studies) of your respective Faculty are
required to sign the progress and emolument forms. These forms must then be submitted to the Office for Graduate
Studies and Research for approval by the Director, Graduate Studies & Research for continuation of the award. The
student will be informed officially in writing of the outcome of the application. Please note that the renewal
of the scholarship is dependent on the availability of funding from the Bursary.
Kindly note that should the awardee not request any/all the scholarship emolument payments within the year of the
award of the scholarship, the scholarship would be administratively terminated. He/she would not be eligible to apply
for the remaining emolument payments. The awardee would therefore be required to re-apply for the scholarship
once deemed eligible for consideration in the next round of scholarship meetings.
(3) Extension of Scholarship – Students should request the extension of their awards at least two (2) months
in advance of the termination date of the award
Students can apply for an extension of their scholarship. However, it must be noted that priority would be given to
new scholarship applications over extensions. The student is required to complete both the progress and emolument
forms and must specify the period of the extension (located at the top of the progress report form). The M.Phil. and
Ph.D. eligibility for student extensions are as follows:
M.Phil. students
o One (1) semester only in the case of an M.Phil student who has received a scholarship for two (2) years
Ph.D. students
o One (1) year in the case of a Ph.D. who has received a scholarship for two (2) years
The student, supervisor(s), Head of Department and Deputy Dean (Graduate Studies) of the respective Faculty are
required to sign the progress and emolument form. These forms must then be submitted to the Office for Graduate
Studies and Research for approval by the Director, Graduate Studies & Research for extension of the award. The
student will be informed officially in writing of the outcome of the application. Kindly submit all forms together and
note that Referee Reports are not required with this application. Please note that the extension of the scholarship
is dependent on the availability of funding from the Bursary.
Kindly note that should the awardee not request any/all the scholarship emolument payments within the year of the
award of the scholarship, the scholarship would be administratively terminated. He/she would not be eligible to apply
for the remaining emolument payments. The awardee would therefore be required to re-apply for the scholarship
once deemed eligible for consideration in the next round of scholarship meetings.
Extract of Regulations 53, 55, 56 and 58 from the Regulations for Graduate Diplomas and Degrees
53. “A candidate who has been registered as a full-time student for 2 years in the case of the M.Phil or 3 years
in the case of the Ph.D. shall not benefit from any extension of time for completion of the requirements of the
degree by virtue of any change to part-time registration thereafter.
55. Candidates for the M.Phil. are required to submit their theses for examination within 3 years of their initial
registration of full-time study or subject to Regulation 53, within 5 years of their initial registration for part-time
studies, unless the Campus Committee in any particular case otherwise decides.
56. Candidates for the MD and Ph.D. are required to submit their theses for examination within 5 years of
their initial registration of full-time study or subject to Regulation 53, within 7 years of their initial registration
for part-time studies, unless the Campus Committee in any particular case otherwise decides.
58. A candidate whose period of registration is about to end (see Regulation 55-56) may apply for an
extension of time. Such an application must be accompanied by a statement explaining why the thesis, research
paper or project report has not been completed and indicating how much work remains to be done. Campus
Committee approved extensions of time limits of up to 1 year for submission of Project Reports and Research
Papers and up to 2 years for M.Phil. and Ph.D. theses”.
A student who has received a scholarship at the M.Phil. level and successfully upgraded to a Ph.D. can apply for an
extension of their scholarship. However, it must be noted that priority would be given to new scholarship applications
over extensions. Kindly note that:
(a) an M.Phil. student who has received two (2) years and one (1) semester of the scholarship, is only eligible for
a balance of eight (8) months only of the scholarship after the upgrade to Ph.D.
(b) an M.Phil. student who has received only two (2) years of the scholarship, is eligible to request one (1) year
only of the scholarship after the upgrade to Ph.D..
Kindly note that should the awardee not request any/all the scholarship emolument payments within the year of the
award of the scholarship, the scholarship would be administratively terminated. He/she would not be eligible to apply
for the remaining emolument payments. The awardee would therefore be required to re-apply for the scholarship
once deemed eligible for consideration in the next round of scholarship meetings.
The Registry,
St. Augustine