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A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…

Chapter I


At present, education undergoes a fast phase of development. Together with this,

the country has updated its curriculum to adapt this fast phase of development which is

the K to 12. This innovation in the field of education provides 21st century learners an

avenue to acquire 21st century skills.

Since K to 12 curriculums aims learners who can acquire 21st century skills, the

Department of Education needs first to provide educators who are capable to teach

students necessary skills that the learners have to develop. In other words, the key to

produce a high quality learner is to have a high quality teacher. One of the skills that the

student needs to acquire in the present context of education is to be able to play even a

single instrument in the field of music education. There are so many instruments that the

student can choose. Some of these instruments are guitar, banduria, octavina, flute and

piano. Most of the students usually picked guitar as their instrument because of the idea

that it is affordable and easier to learn than any other musical instruments like piano.

Playing musical instrument is not as hard as most of the people think. Having no

background in the world of music is not a valid reason for a learner not to learn how to

play any musical instrument like guitar, violin, banduria and piano. Learning to play any

musical instruments is necessary. For the learners to do this, practice is needed.

Thinking that piano is one of the musical instruments that’s difficult to learn

makes the beginner to select other instrument that seems to be easier to play. Piano is a

musical instrument that belongs to the keyboard group of instrument. It is a large musical
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│2

instrument played by pressing the keys for the desired sound. Piano is the instrument that

mostly used when the song to be played is a smooth, relaxing and refreshing like love or

the mellow kind of music. It can be played as a solo instrument in one show. Likewise, it

can be played along with other musical instruments like guitar, bass guitar and Drum set

for a Band Group.

One of the misconceptions about piano playing is that this instrument is for the

elite person because of its high cost. This is one of the reasons why the researcher to

produced a module in learning piano for beginner. In this module, all the basic

information and skills in learning piano are provided.

This module in learning how to play a piano will benefit not only the students but

also the teachers; the student can have their advance reading and practice for their subject

while the teacher will be more organize in making his lesson plan for the day to day

activities. It can be used by those students who are not taking applied piano subject but

want to learn to play piano. It can be a great contribution in the field of music education

and a great help for those people who wanted to learn piano but didn’t have enough

budget to acquire to go the music school.

Background of the Study

Previously, playing piano was not given importance by the MAPEH teacher. The

teachers are just defining and classifying it and then proceeded to the other topic without

practical application. Some reasons of the teachers is that, they themselves do not have

the skills and there’s no instrument available.

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The researcher decided to conduct this research to eliminate these hindrances

which denied every learner in learning how to play the piano. Playing piano requires a

variety of skills, knowledge and training. Especially, when applied piano is to be

integrated in education which is now focused and more concerned on the skills to be

developed by the students. The teachers must have this skill and knowledge as one of the

requirements to handle the subject and to allow the students to see that playing the

instrument is easy and enjoyable. The best way to teach how to play piano is by showing

to the students the actual way of playing it rather than sitting in front and reading the

instruction from the book.

As a former student of Catanauan National High School and a present field study

observer in the different MAPEH subjects in Paaralang Secondarya ng Lucban, the

researcher observed that playing piano was just a topic to be discussed without a practical

application. As a MAPEH major student who has undergone in the subject of Solfeggio

and Applied Piano with no background on this instrument before, the researcher found

out that all of the activities and practices that they did during their class were effective.

From this premise, the researcher decided to use his past experience and all of the

songs, activities and knowledge that he acquired from this subject as bases in producing a

module in playing piano for beginners. Also, the researcher decided to observe one of the

classes while having the activities to assess the effectiveness of all of these activities

related to the basic knowledge in playing piano.

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Objectives of the study

This research aimed to produce a Beginner’s module in playing piano to be used

by the students in taking the subject Applied Piano and Solfeggio, this module will help

the students who want to learn how to play piano and the teacher who teach how to play


Specifically, the study sought to achieve the following objectives:

1. Determine the basic knowledge of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Identifying notes in G and F staves

1.2 Identifying the correct Time Value

1.3 Musical Symbol

1.4 Piano Playing

2. Assess the piano skills developed among the respondents in terms of:

2.1 Finger Numbering

2.2 Right and left hand exercise: From do to do

2.3 Playing Nursery songs using right hand

2.4 Playing the major and minor chords

2.5 Singing while clapping the beat of a song

3. Develop a beginner’s module for playing piano

Significance of the study

The result of this study will bear significance to the following:

Students. This study would be beneficial to the students primarily to the MAPEH major

students taking up Applied Piano subject. The end product of this study will serve as
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guide in learning how to play piano. They can have an advance reading or advance

practice of the different basic skills that they will encounter on the subject. So when the

time comes that the teacher would ask them to perform a particular skill, the student has

so much confident to go for it because of the advance knowledge about the lesson at

hand. This will serve as an outline for all the knowledge and skills that the students must

have at the end of the course.

Teachers. This research would be beneficial also to the teachers who are teaching

applied piano subject. Since this study would provide a module on learning piano, the

teachers would find it easier to organize and prepare his lesson every time that he will

handle a class. The teachers do not need to go outside and photocopy the songs and basic

music notes because the information would be included in the end product of this study.

Future researcher. This study could be a very good reference material for future

researchers in the field of music especially when it comes to piano playing. The future

researcher could use this as guide in making another module in music or apply it to other

musical instrument that will help the students and teachers for better teaching learning


Scope and Limitations

This research focused on producing a module in learning piano based on the

activities and lesson that the researcher and the respondents experienced in the subject,

Solfeggio and Applied Piano. The BSED MAPEH II students of Southern Luzon State

University were chosen to be the respondents of this research.

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The instrument used for collecting data was observation of every practical activity

of the respondents in their Applied Piano subject. The data gathered from the observation

were the basis of the module in learning piano for beginners.

The time frame of this study was from July 2015 to April 2016.

Definition of Terms

The terms appearing below are defined both conceptually and operationally to

facilitate understanding of the study:

Accidental refers the notes in music that are not in a key signature. It is a note marked

with a sharp, flat, or natural sign whose pitch has not correspond with the key


Basic Piano Skills refers to the primary skills that a person who wants to learn piano

need to develop first as his foundation in becoming a better pianist. In this study,

it is one of the variables that the researcher tried to compile as a module.

Chord accompaniment means playing a particular song together with its assigned chord

modulation (Amanda, 2015). In this study, it is one of the activities that plays an

important role in the subject, Applied Piano.

Correct Time Value refers to the equivalent count of every notes depending to its time

signature. In this study it is one of the aspects to be measured by the researcher.

Finger numbering literally means putting number in the right and left finger for easier

usage in learning piano.

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Major and minor chords refers to the combination of the notes in a scale produce

sound that will match a particular song. In this research, these two were included

in the skills to be assessed by the researcher from the respondents.

Notes on G and F staves pertain to the specific places where the notes for right

hand and left fingers were located (Morton, 2015). On the context of this study, it

is one of the basic information to be assessed by the researcher

Nursery songs pertain to songs for children traditionally taught by their parents. It has

easy tune and melody that is easier to remember for a child (Chua, 2009). In the

context of this study, it is used as an example of song use to practice the finger,

eyes and mind in learning particular skills in playing piano.

Piano Competencies refer to the ability of a person to play different skills in playing

piano (Knerr. 2015). Operationally, this is what the researcher going to assess

after all of the activities done by the respondents.

Singing notes using letter or so-fa syllable literally means singing the notes on a staff

using its sofa syllable (do re mi fa so la ti do) and letter ( C D E F G A B) name.

(Bradley, 2015).
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Chapter II


This chapter presents the different literature perused to gather insights and

information about the study, Basic Piano Skills of Second Year MAPEH Majors

Students: Proposed Module Packets for Beginner. This also includes the different

studies that strengthen the concept and make the information more reliable. Furthermore,

the chapter also provides the conceptual framework that leads the researcher to formulate

the paradigm of the study.

Basic Piano Skills

Basic piano skills are the basic skills that an individual needs to study first in

order to advance in the next stage or next level in learning piano. This will serve as a

foundation and background for them in advancing to the next level of piano playing

which are far more difficult than the previous level. But because of these Basic piano

skills, the student will not consider it as a problem compared from other who do not have

the different basic piano skills.

Basic piano skills may differ on different teachers teaching how to play piano. But

behind these differences, there are still some basic skills in playing piano that is present

on every teacher and musician who are teaching how to play the said musical instrument.

Learning and studying piano technique is a multi-faceted affair. Numerous

obstacles and problems have to be overcome before any real sense of achievement is felt.
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But, behind this numerous obstacles and problems in a good musical performance lies an

apparent simplicity and serenity (Tan, 2001). He also emphasized that there are no

popular names in the field of music especially in playing piano that does not begin with

the hard work and patience in learning basic skills of their chosen career.

It is not easy to communicate physical movements and coordination’s without

visual and tactile feedback. Ideally, the aspiring pianist not only needs to see someone

demonstrating what is described, but also to feel the sensations which go along with the

discussion (good teachers often demonstrate sensations by "playing" on the hand or arm

of the student), and also to hear the results. It is important to distinguish descriptions of

how piano playing feels to the pianist, from what a pianist is actually doing. (Belkins,

2009 p2).

Belkins (2009), also stated that piano playing requires muscle tone, and even

muscular effort. Any physically normal person can achieve a fairly high level of technical

proficiency, given good teaching and enough practice. This does not mean that anybody

can be a great pianist, but that the physical skills required to learn the skills and navigate

the keyboard are not so difficult as to exclude most people. He further stressed that in

piano playing; it should never cause physical pain, or do physical damage to the pianist.

If it does, the pianist is doing it wrong (pp.2-3)

One of the basic skills that a beginner in piano playing needs to learn is the

coordination of the hands eyes and brain. Learning this skill is not easy and requires a lot

of time before the result is become visible. In order for the learner to see the result of

hard work in practicing a particular skills, the learner need to feel also the sensation of

playing the piano rather than knowing only how to execute and how to play it.
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According to Knerr (2015), students develop basic coordination skills in using the

arm and moving the fingers. One of the basic skills that people who are starting to learn

how to play piano is the “Piano Hand Shape” and the “right and left hand” exercise. He

stated the different characteristics that will enable an individual to have a good “Piano

Hand Shape which is having a Good posture, in terms of height and distance from the

piano, correct sitting position, domed and strong hand knuckle bridge, gently curved

fingers, relaxed non playing fingers (especially thumb), Firm fingertips (finger nail joint

should not be collapsed).

He also added that keeping the hand up over the keys and level with the wrist and

arm can be a problem if the students are pulling back from the elbow, or if their sitting

position is too low at home. Students tend to naturally approach the keys from below

rather from above. Just because this is natural does not mean it is correct. Vigilance is

required to correct this habit (pp.2).

Chan Cheng (2009) elucidated that nowadays, “talent”, “prodigy”, or “genius” is

more created than born. The most important aspects in playing piano are the “practice

method” or “practice” itself. Thus, good practice methods will not only accelerate the

learning rate but also help to develop the musical brain, as well as raise the intelligence

level, especially for the young. A method is not acceptable unless the students understand

why it works so that they can adapt it to their specific needs. The most important aspect

of learning piano is brain development and higher intelligence. Memory is a component

of intelligence.

For a pianist, technique is the physical ability to convey one's musical ideas. It's

not good enough to be able to hear in one's head Art Tatum or Jimmy Smith type of runs
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and phrases if one's fingers cannot execute them on the keyboard. That's where “Finger

Exercises” come in - to gain strength and independence in all ten fingers (Richard 2003).

In learning piano, it is better to develop all the fundamentals as early as

childhood, but because of lack of materials needed and because of financial problem,

most individual who wanted to learn piano started during their high school and college

life wherein at this stage of their life, they must have all the fundamentals skills and learn

the next level of difficulty in playing piano.

Cyber (2014) as cited in Freeman (2011), stated that these fundamentals are

invaluable to comprehensive musicianship, which should be the ultimate goal of every

music teacher. Although comprehensive musicianship is not achieved in elementary or

middle school and in some cases high school, if students receive proper training at an

early age, eventually, assuming that this systematic approach to music continues he or

she will develop musically and comprehensive musicianship as expected.

Modern psychologists have proven that, in the education of the child, the period

from three to seven years is of greater importance than the succeeding years. Therefore,

the future development of the child is decided during this time (pp.3-4).

Another basic skill that a beginner in piano needs to learn is “sight reading” or

reading notes in a staff for right and left hand or In G and F staves. It is elaborately stated

in the article “Learning process” (2010) that The Learning Process, with respect to

learning the piano, is of course best facilitated by learning for pleasure, which

nevertheless, involves many obstacles on the way. Some of these obstacles interestingly

enough, are reading skills (musical literacy) and technical skills (playing the piano). Not

all students, however, respond in the same manner and at the same level to the teaching
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and learning process of music education. Some students will find it easy but for most of

the students, it means hard work, regular practice and developing reading and technical

skills, which many find quite challenging.

One easy way to pursue the teaching and learning of music is by rote learning.

Repetition of music in small doses alleviates the need to develop sight reading skills.

Some teachers, however, might still include rote learning various pieces outside the scope

of the reading ability of the student. Mixing a rote learning method or playing by ear with

a sight reading method can be done at the same time; however, can be fraught with many

conflicting issues (¶ 2).

It is mentioned in How to Improve Basic Piano Skills (2015) that every aspiring

pianist should strive to improve their piano skills every time they practice or attend

lessons. Furthermore, In the book of Ultimate Guide For Improving Your Basic Piano

Skills (2015), as a beginner who has undergo and already learn the different piano skills

and has encounter the difficulty in making a steady progress, there are certain steps that

they need to follow to overcome it.

The first step in the said book is to set up time for Practice: time slot for

practicing and learning piano must be set. Once you have dedicated a time slot, try not to

deter it. Dedication and commitment of time is crucial for learning and improving piano

playing skills. The practice sessions are a significant part of your learning (¶ 2).

Another one is to have a proper planning. In order to improve skills, you must

master a particular skill and then begin learning new ones. Measuring progress is

important for learning this tool. The last one is to continue practicing new song after
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learning a new one. This will serve as your maintenance to continue the progress in

developing skill in playing piano (¶ 3).

Basic piano skills are those skills that an individual need to focus. This will be the

student’s weapon in facing the different circumstances that they will encounter as they go

on in learning piano. Every teacher in piano has his own way and style in teaching his

student in playing piano. But even though he has his own style, these basic skills remain

the same. Learning piano is not as easy as the other said. Every learner will encounter

different hardships that they need to overcome to advance to the next level. Eyes, hand

and fingers are the main useful body parts in playing piano. These body parts need to

exercise frequently to have a greater muscle build up and to have a proper coordination in

playing piano. Obviously, an individual cannot achieve this without a proper training and

without enough effort to be exerted.

Another part of the body that needs attention and focus is the torso and the elbow.

The proper sitting position and proper playing procedures, the back and the elbow place

an important role to have the correct position before playing the piano. Skills in playing

piano or any musical instruments are not naturally inclined into ones individual. It is a

product of hard work and training. Another that the beginner in playing piano needs to

develop is the ability to read notes. It is one of the fundamental skills as a pianist. One of

the methods that the teacher usually used is the rote learning method. It is a method that

includes a song or a series of notes to be read by the students and sing afterwards. As a

beginner, the motivation and the eagerness to learn how to play piano need to be visible.

There are lots of ways to improve the basic piano skills; one of this is proper time

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Module in Learning Piano

As a beginner, it is very important to get off to the right start so that problems can

be avoided. Music Coach's piano and keyboard modules for beginner use teaching

methods and materials that have successfully taught thousands of people on how to play a

particular instrument. Good teaching is combined with state of the art interactive

practicing tools to provide the most effective and enjoyable way to start playing piano

and keyboard (beginner piano lesson, 2005).

The article Ten Practical Strategies for Improving Piano Skills (2003),

enumerated 10 strategies to improve piano skills. These are the following. First, develop

a practice schedule for a good amount of training. Time out from busy schedule to

practice piano by using a particular training program; an half an hour every week is not

enough in becoming a great or better pianist. The best way to achieve this level is

practice and practice and practice. The more you practice, the more your sound will be

more natural and musical.

The next one is to Train frequently as much as possible, Commit an hour or two

to training each day. This should be made a top priority if you want the results to be more

visible. You need to have this discipline to attain this step. Next is that Train and learn

the basic techniques from the beginning. You do not want to continue to practice the in

correct technique because if you do, it will take a lot of repetition to undo and unlearn the

bad skill that you developed. So concentrate on learning the “Piano Chords, Correct

Positioning of the Hand, basic notes for right and left hand, and the proper technique and

method during each practice session so the proper skills become second nature. (¶ 2).
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Another strategy is the need to assess the tempo, sounds and rhythm of the song

that you are playing, you need to teach yourself to recognize when something is not right

while fine tuning your ears to hear the mistakes. If you want to correct your mistakes and

bad habits out of yourself, you need to become the worst critic of yourself. It is also listed

in the strategies to practice your pieces in parts, this idea is quite helpful in case you want

to practice a very lengthy piece. Divide the piece into a number of small sections.

Practice each section until you have learned every one of them separately. Then combine

each section together to play the complete piece perfectly. Your objective will be practice

all the fine details of your piece, so it is impossible to eliminate mistakes that can ruin

your performance. (¶ 5).

Furthermore, it is also important to analyze the minor details. You will see many

notations applied in sheet music like finger numbers, accidentals, and the tempo and

dynamics markings. The optimal way to train would be to really familiarize with the

meanings of the different terms and symbols. You may also consider utilizing a music

dictionary that is helpful when you need to look for unknown.

As a beginner in playing piano, warm up with some technical exercises. Just like

sports athletes and singers, pianist need to spend time warming up and stretching before

rehearsing. Include scales, arpeggios and five finger exercises during the warm-up period.

Start slowly while warming up and spend enough to really loosen up (pp.3).

In doing an exercise, it is important to remeber that a great way to warm up and

master sophisticated piece of music is to practice with just one hand. Your mind requires

some time and energy to put both your hands together. You need to have patience in this

step as it may take time to make it right. Remember also to Count out loud while
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practicing. You might be tempted to change the tempo of the piece, but attempt to steer

clear of this. However, it is best to stay away from this practice because it will have an

effect on the way the piece would certainly sound to your audience. Your audience will

not be impressed, even though it sounds wonderful in your minds. Try to feel the tempo

and rhythm of the music and you’ll feel every beat. You could do that by using a

metronome or counting to yourself out loud. (¶ 2).

The last strategy and probably the most important strategy are to know the Music

theory even though it is a crucial part. Music theory, when it’s mastered, can certainly

make everything seem to be easier. For example, study sheet music and analyze why

certain notes are either flat or sharp. Teach yourself to spend time studying and

identifying notes. Chord structures and music theory, and will gain a further understand

how composer forms their music (¶ 3).

Even though studying ways to play the piano may possibly be monotonous, the

learners will appreciate it when the great result comes into him. Using the right mindset

and method, practicing could be rewarding and fulfilling experiences. Time, patience,

and effort are all you need in the process of learning how to play piano. Also, you need to

know your strength and weaknesses in order for you to monitor the progress of your skill.

Music is more than its lyrics and melodies or complex harmonies. It is much more

than what you hear or see. Such hidden aspects of music will only be unveiled through

proper training (Cyber, 2014). Especially when it comes in playing piano, music is the

most important element that cannot be eliminated.

Tan (2000 p.10), enumerated the different factors that a piano teacher needs to

consider. This is by considering the age and the child/’s cognitive development, the
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gender of the child or the students. Another one is the ability of the student when it comes

to the retaining of concentration, the students personalities and the present materials to be

used in teaching.

Age and cognitive development are important considerations. Some teachers

believe that the younger the pupil, the better. Most musicians don’t believe on this. A

twelve year old beginner will generally indicate progress than a seven year old; a twelve

year Old’s manual dexterity should be better, as should his/her cognitive abilities. It is

probably worth examining the development of the child's thought processes to find out


Identifying the age and the cognitive ability of a child will help the teacher in

selecting the activity that will suit the students. On the other hand, knowing the gender

and personalities of the students will also help the teacher to select a particular method

and songs to be played that will match in his student to maintain the attention and interest

of the students in learning how to play piano.

Palmer, Manus and Lethco (2015 p.3) claimed that sincere praise from the teacher

is one of the most motivating factors in teaching piano. Praise often accomplishes more

than admonition. Since students learn something new the teacher has the opportunity to

remind them that they are constantly making progress.

Furthermore, Palmer, et al. (2015 p.5-6) agreed that in making a module in

learning piano for beginners, it must have all of the fundamentals skills to serve as

foundation of every students and these are, posture at the keyboard; fluent response to

finger numbers; using a little weight when dropping into a key to make soft tones; using a

more weight when dropping into a key to make louder tones; importance of playing with
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a rounded hand; awareness of Right hand and Left hand; concept of stepping up and

stepping down the keyboard, Concept of low sounds and high sounds, Recognition of

groups of 2 black keys and 3 black keys, Bar lines Double bar at end of piece, “Sing

Along” (for left hand) “End of Song” (for right hand).

All music students need to accommodate playing their instrument during the

week. This may mean a lifestyle change with certain activities being replaced by

practicing the piano. It may mean re organizing the week so that time can be created for

piano study. Many young students are not capable of reorganizing their time after school

activities. Even a small amount of time set aside for practicing, perhaps 10 to 20 minutes,

can be an arduous task.

Parents, therefore, need to be responsible for this arrangement and if possible,

supervise the child during practice. The task is equivalent to a classroom situation.

Students do not organize what they do during class time. The day has already been

organized for them by their teacher. Most of them accept this and conform to the

situation. Not until high school will school children usually be motivated, flexible and

disciplined enough to organize their own schedule. Children generally need constant

supervision and reminding. It is all part of the growing up learning process. What they

essentially need is the desire to learn; then it is up to the parents to provide the help

needed to nurture a learning environment (pp.2-3).

Since the child needs to continue practicing in their home even after the formal

music schooling, and the parents are the one who will guide and supervise their child, the

learning module needs to have by the child to guide him as well on learning his lesson in

the music school or in learning the piano itself.

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Nevue (2015) claimed that in studying piano lesson, it is important to learn the

music theory. He also stressed that a learner must not only learn it but they need

understand the different theory in music and piano. Listening to different music and

figuring the particular notes played in piano can be a great help in familiarizing your ears

in the different pitch and quality of sound in music.

The article the most common piano practice mistakes and how to correct them

(2013) enumerated the different mistakes a beginner in piano usually commit that lead to

the slow progress in learning piano. These are: by having a few times spending on

practicing piano. Another one is by putting the piano in a location which is out of sight

(and therefore out of mind), practicing for long session, this one usually miss interpreted

by the learners, playing piano for a long hour can ruin the eagerness of an individual in

continuing to play. Every individual including the professional pianist is taking a little

break when they are playing piano and then comeback after a little period break. For most

piano students, a reasonable amount of practice is around 30 minutes per day and for

adults doing this in one sitting may work. For some students, especially kids, 1-2 sessions

of 10-15 minutes per day are usually much more effective. Whatever your circumstances,

the rough guide is to only practice (in any one sitting) for as long as you can before start

to become mentally tired.

There are pianists that improvise really well by playing by ear and those that read

sheet music and play by sight. It is very rare to find pianists that do both well. It is either

one way or the other. Whichever way to take it is very important to learn music theory.

Understanding the theory will help the learner to see the chord patterns on the keyboard

and convey that to your fingers. Finally, for pianists at all levels, playing the piano are
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not about hitting the right notes, it is all about expressing oneself through the keys and

fingers. The piano is a tool to express thought, emotion, and feelings. This is the way you

want to learn to play the piano (Piano playing advice, 2014).

In the article Benefit of playing piano (2013), it is stated that a pianist can reap

several benefits while in the early stages of learning. These benefits may continue to be

realized throughout a person’s lifetime. Several scientific research studies have proven

that playing the piano is good for a person’s health and overall wellbeing whether he or

she begins piano as a child or as an adult. Playing the piano can increase cognitive

development. Numerous scientific studies have shown that producing music stimulates

the brain in ways that almost every other activity cannot. Neurological pathways are

connected while playing the piano that can then be utilized in other disciplines, such as

mathematics, science and engineering.

Eye-hand coordination is developed while playing. Reading piano sheet

music trains the eyes and hands to work closely together. Sight reading drills will further

enhance this coordination. Fine motor skills are also developed. Nimble hands move

efficiently only because of consistent practice. Any size hands can learn to play the piano.

It is the training of the hands that produces the agility necessary for playing the most

demanding piano compositions. Playing the piano requires a certain amount of

dedication. For most people it will take a significant amount of work to become an

accomplished pianist. Regular practice sessions each day will instill discipline in an

individual that can then be applied to many other areas of life (Pp.2)

Music itself can reduce anxiety and stress. Sitting down to play a piano for even a

few moments on a busy day can help the mind refocus: relieving stress and even lowering
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a person’s blood pressure. Playing the piano can also affect the mental health of an

individual. Pianists may see a reduction in depression, its’ symptoms and other mental

health issues. Social pain, such as loneliness, can also be battled when playing a piano.

There are virtually no ill side effects from playing the piano, but the benefits are good for

the body and mind of any individual. Piano playing allows for both strict discipline and

unlimited creativity. All this is found in an activity that can be done by any individual

with a desire to learn, regardless of age or intellect (¶ 2).

Music differs from different people. Some says that music can change their

emotion and some says that music itself is their emotion. In order for an individual to say

that they have music in their body, they must have understood how music works in the

different angle of the life of an individual. As a beginner, an individual need to have a

reliable sources which (Whether it is a module or a person) that will serve their guide in

learning how to play piano. Every module in learning piano suggests different ways in in

developing different skills. But behind these differences, still they have common strategy

and method that are present in all of them. One of this is to identify the of the learner

schedule in playing piano, how long it will take and how appropriate it is in the present

level of him when it comes to piano. Another one is that the amount of training needs to

be consistent and as much as possible practice frequently as long as an individual doesn’t

mentally and physically tired. Another method is that by assessing the self-performance

identifying the strength and weakness of oneself that need to still develop, another one is

that by keeping your attention in a long range wherein even a small detail can easily

detect and identify of oneself. The next is just as basic as a simple one which is to have

warm-up exercises to make your fingers and other parts of the body ready in doing your
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│22

training. These steps and method seems to by simply as any other method but once an

individual witness the result of this simple method, the view of him at this method as

simple may change into something more important. On the part of the teacher who are

serve as a mentor of an individual that are striving become a good pianist. There is a lot

factor that needs to be considered. The first is the age and the readiness of the child.

Readiness in terms of: the motor ability and mental ability of the students in performing a

particular exercise or lesson in a piano. and readiness of the cognitive ability to

accommodate all of the information and knowledge that the teachers trying to teach.

Since teachers or mentors plays an important role in molding an individual to become a

great pianist, the teacher need to always give praise to his student every time that the

students are performing well. Furthermore there are some miss conception and miss

understanding that blocking some individual in learning how to play piano. this miss

conception include the idea of it is okey to have a little time in practicing how to play

piano. another is that in practicing a particular skills you need to spend a longer hour in

piano even when you are tired you need to continue it for faster development of your

skills. These two are both miss conception and do not have a scientific explanation. The

truth is that in playing and practicing particular skills in piano, it is right to have a

sufficient and enough time in practicing it.

According to the some specialist in music, there are two kinds of pianist, the one

who is using their ears and the one who is using their eyes. If a beginner in piano doesn’t

have these, there is no need to worry because these skills may be developed at the same

time in developing visible skills in piano. besides of being a musician when you already

know how to play piano, there are other benefit that an individual can get in playing
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│23

piano. Some of these benefits are stress and anxiety reliever, and can help lower blood


The concept presented in the study laid a ground for the development of the

learning module in piano beginner that will help the student as well as the teacher to have

a better teaching learning in in the subject Solfeggio and Applied Piano, according to

Nerr (2015), Cheng (2009) and Tan (2001). The different basic piano skills in playing

piano includes the proper coordination of the hand and eyes muscle, also included is the

correct posture, correct sitting position and correct playing position of our body in

playing piano. In learning different skills in piano, the student will meet obstacles that

can block them in pursuing to learn how to play piano. One of these obstacles is the

proper coordination of different muscles in the hand and eye. Because this is new

activity, it requires time and effort to develop (Belkins, 2009). In the field of piano,

learning and mastering these basic skills can allow you to go to the next level of difficulty

in playing piano. In learning basic skills in piano, the learners also need to develop his

own technique on how her body can perform faster the basic skills, (Richard 2003).

Reading music is also one of the components of fundamentals skills that a beginner has to

include in his program. Practice seems to be the popular one when it comes to the

proposed training program of every professional in music. In practicing, enough time and

being consistent are needed. Module in learning piano provides opportunity for an

individual to have an independent learning session as long as the module was reliable and

effective. The article beginner piano lesson (2005); Ten Practical Strategies for

Improving Piano Skills (2003), a lot of training program need to be considered in

selecting the right method of playing piano. There are lot of methods available in learning
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│24

piano but as an individual who wanted to learn how to play piano, it is important to select

what is common in all of the different methods in the different learning module in piano

to identify the best one that help the learner learn even more faster than the others who

are relying only in one particular guide. It is also important to identify the different

misconception about learning piano to avoid having skills that is not scientifically proven

as an effective one.

There are so many common errors that a beginner in piano usually does without

noticing. That’s why in learning the basic skills it is important to study also the different

music theory in the field music or in the field of piano itself. (Nevue, 2015). Besides the

pleasure and skills that you can get in playing piano, there are still other benefits that an

individual can get out of playing it. One of this, is that music itself can reduce anxiety

and stress, reduction of depression can also be seen and loneliness and social issues can

be minimized.

Conceptual Framework

This study was focused on measuring the effectiveness of all the activities that

MAPEH student taking the Applied Piano and Solfeggio. After measuring the

effectiveness, the next goal of the researcher was to produce a module in learning piano

for beginner’s based on all the proven effective activities of the said class. The researcher

decided to conduct this research to help the students to learn how to play piano in a better

way and as fast as possible; as well as, to help the teacher handling the said subject to

have a more systematic and less time consuming approach in teaching how to play piano.

This module in playing piano is about the basic skills and information that the beginner in
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│25

piano need to know and learn. It includes the proper positioning of the body; hand fingers

when playing piano; different exercises to strengthen the fingers as well as some

exercises for note reading; different major and minor chords and some songs that will

help them in their exercise.

Research Paradigm


Selection of the
All of the activity of activities of the
Development and Accepatable proposed
the class
All of that are
the activities respondents to be
validating the Module in learning
taking Solfeggio
of students takingand included in module. Beginner’s module
Module in learrning Piano for Beginner.
Solfeggiopiano will
and in playing piano.
be used as a basis in Piano for Beginner
-Development and
Applied piano.
producing a module face validation of
in learning Piano for Module in teaching
beginner. Piano for Beginner

Figure 1. A Modified Input-Process-Output (IPO) Model of a Proposed Module for

beginner based on the activity of the class taking solfeggio and applied piano.

Figure1 shows the research paradigm of the study which illustrates the proposed

learning module in piano for beginners. The module was based on all of the activities of

the undertaking Solfeggio and Applied Piano. The researcher also considered concepts

from the related literature.

The researcher identified the different activities in the class Solfeggio and

Applied Piano and its effectivity of it among the students. The result of this was used by

the researcher as a basis in producing a module in learning piano for beginner.

A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│26

A proposed module in learning piano for beginner was developed as an output of

the study. This will help the teacher and the students in the subject Solfeggio and Applied

Piano to make the teaching-learning process easy, less time consuming and more

A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│27

Chapter III


This chapter provides the research design and statistical treatment used in the

study. Likewise, this identifies the respondents and the techniques employed. Validation

techniques for the instrument and data gathering complete the procedures.

Research Locale

The study was conducted in Southern Luzon State University, Lucban Quezon,

Specifically at the College of Teacher Education where the MAPEH students were taking

Applied Piano and Solfeggio subject. The researcher believed that the location was the

immediate environment where the access of data was greatly possible.


The respondents of the study were 24 second year MAPEH students of the

College of Teacher Education, Southern Luzon State University who were taking Applied

piano and Solfeggio Subject.

The respondents were chosen purposively since the study was primarily focused

on developing a module in learning piano for beginner. They were the ones taking the

said subject thus can provide data and information about the effectivity of all the

activities conducted in the said subject.

A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│28

Research Design

The descriptive type of research was used by the researcher. Data and information

used in this study were gathered from a validated questionnaire and practical assessment

of the students skills. The questionnaire included the basic information that a beginner in

playing piano must learned, as well as the practical assessment wherein all of the basic

skills that a beginner in playing piano must have. The researcher evaluated the answer of

the respondents and the result of the practical assessment served as the basis in producing

a module in learning piano for beginners.


The researcher utilized survey type questionnaire and practical assessment as

tools in gathering information in producing a learning module in piano.

The questionnaire and the practical assessment were divided into two parts. The

questionnaire was divided into two main sections: a.) the profile and b.), the survey

proper. The profile contain the personal information about the respondents including the

name, section, gender and the date when the survey has been done, while the survey

proper contains the question about the basic knowledge in playing piano which are the

notes in G and F staves, the Time value, the different musical symbol and The Piano

Playing itself. On the other hand, the practical assessment, was also divided into two

parts, a.), the profile of the respondents and b.), the assessment of the basic skills which

are the finger numbering, hand exercise, playing the major and minor chords, playing a

simple songs and singing a song while clapping the beat of it.
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│29

The questionnaire and rubrics for the practical assessment made by the researcher

were submitted to his adviser for checking and revising for improvement. Then, the

researcher approached other personnel specializing in music and piano to improve the

questionnaire and rubrics.

Data Gathering Procedure

The letter, permit and other necessary paperwork’s were first secured by the

researcher. A letter for the approval of conducting the research was the first thing to

accomplish in the dean’s office of the college of teacher education.. The researcher

afterwards examined the answers of the students based on the given questionnaire and

analysed the result of the practical assessment based on the rubrics that the researcher had


Statistical treatment

The data collected were tallied, tabulated, analyse, and interpreted. The weighted

mean was used to determine the effectivity of all the activities that the respondents did in

their subject applied piano and solfeggio subject.

WM= 4f+3f+2f+1f

WM= weighted mean

f= frequency

N= number of respondents
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│30

The following summated scale points and adjectival interpretation were referred

for analysis of the data for both instrument (questionnaire and rubrics).

Scale Points Range ` Adjectival Interpretation

4 3.51-4.00 Strongly Agree (SA) / Expert

3 2.51-3.50 Agree (A) / Proficient

2 1.51-2.50 Disagree (D) / Skilled

1 1.00-1.50 Strongly Disagree (SD) / Novice

A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│31

Chapter IV


This chapter presents the results of the study through the descriptive analysis and

interpretation of the gathered data shown through the tabular presentations. It was

analysed statistically to make the study more valid and more reliable.

Table 1.1 Basic knowledge of the students in identifying G and F staves

Statements Mean Description

1. When it comes to music reading, I know the difference Agree
between G and F staves. 3.21
2. In playing piano, I know which of the two staves is used for Agree
left and right hand. 3.21
3. In music, I know the symbol of F Clef and how to write and Agree
read its notation 3.13
4. I know the symbol of G Clef and how to write and read its Strongly
notation. 3.58 Agree
5. When it comes to music reading, I am more familiar with the Strongly
G clef rather than the F clef. 3.63 Agree
6. I can identify the elements of a notation such as clef, Letter Agree
names, key signature etc. 3.29
7. I can read simple musical notation and play it in piano at the Strongly
same time. 3.67 Agree
8. I can follow the written notes in G staff when someone else Agree
sings it. 3.29
9. I can accompany simple songs using the basic chords. 3.13 Agree
10. I can sing the written notes in G staff. 3.38 Agree
Average Weighted Mean 3.35 Agree

Table 1.1 indicates the weighted mean distribution of the respondents in terms of

their basic knowledge in identifying G and F staves.

Based on the table, the 24 respondents agree that they know the difference

between the G and F staves and which of the two staves are used for right and left hand

with a weighted mean 3.21. They also agreed that they know the symbol of F clef and
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│32

even accompany a simple song using basic chords in piano, 3.13; that they can follow a

written notes in a G staff when someone else sings it and even could identify the elements

of its notation such as the letter names of the notes and the time and key signature of it

with a weighted mean of 2.29. The students agreed that they can sing a simple song

written in a G staff (3.38).

Statements 4, 5 and 7 got a descriptive rating of “SA” which means strongly

agree where statement 4 “I know the symbol of G Clef and how to write and read its

notation” attains a weighted mean of 3.58 and statements no. 5 “When it comes to music

reading, I am more familiar with the G clef rather than the F clef” attains a weighted of

3.63 and lastly statement 7 that got a highest weighted mean of 3.67 with a statement “I

can read simple musical notation and play it in piano at the same time.

As a whole, the basic knowledge of the students in terms of identifying G and F

staves has a descriptive rating of Agree evident in 3.35 weighted mean. This signifies that

all of their activities were effective enough to acquire all of the basic knowledge in piano

playing when it comes in identifying G and F staves.

Another basic skill that a beginner in piano needs to learn is “sight reading” or

reading notes in a staff for right and left hand or In G and F staves. It is elaborately stated

in the Learning process (2010) that The Learning Process, with respect to learning the

piano, is of course best facilitated by learning for pleasure, which nevertheless, involves

many obstacles on the way. Some of these obstacles interestingly enough, are reading

skills (musical literacy) and technical skills (playing the piano). Not all students,

however, respond in the same manner and at the same level to the teaching and learning

process of music education. Some students will find it easy but for most of the students, it
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│33

means hard work, regular practice, developing reading skills and technical skills, which is

quite challenging for them.

Table 1.2 Basic Knowledge of the respondents in terms of Time Value

Statements Mean Description
1. I understand the time value of notes and rest. 3.38 Agree
2. I know the different time value of a notes and its equivalent Agree
counting. 3.42
3. It is clear for me if the notes is to be played and sung longer Agree
or shorter 3.38
4. I can easily say that a given note receives 1, 2, 3, or 4 counts. 3.42 Agree
5. In reading music, I am familiar with the image of the Strongly
different time value of notes. 3.67 Agree
6. I know the location of the time signature in a musical piece. 3.50 Agree
7. I can identify the time signature of a music piece by simply Agree
looking at it. 3.42
2 3 4
8. I know the difference between 4, 4 and 4 time signature. 2.88 Agree
9. I can play/sing a musical piece following the correct tempo Agree
indication. 3.50
10. I can identify the time value of every note written in a Agree
simple musical piece. 3.08
Average Weighted Mean 3.40 Agree

Table 1.2 shows the weighted mean distribution of basic knowledge of the

respondents in terms of time value.

Based on the table, students agreed that they understand the time value of every

note and rest and it is clear for them if the note is to be played and sung longer or shorter

with a weighted mean of 3.38. Also, the students agreed in second and fourth statements

with a weighted mean of 3.42 as well as the seventh statement “I can identify the time

signature of a music piece by simply looking at it” with the same weighted mean of 3.42.

Furthermore, they also agreed that they know the location of the time value on musical

piece and they can play and sing a simple musical piece with a correct tempo indication

with a weighted mean of 3.50.

A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│34

Lastly, the tenth statement also got a description of agree with a statement “I can

identify the time value of every note written in a simple musical piece” and has a

weighted mean of 3.08.

In a nutshell, almost all statements under the time value have a descriptive rating

of agree except the fifth statement which is “In reading music, I am familiar with the

image of the different time value of notes” that accumulates the highest weighted mean of

3.67 and has a descriptive rating of strongly agree. However, the eighth statement got the
2 3 4
lowest weighted mean of 2.88 with a statement “I know the difference between 4, 4 and 4

time signature” but still got a descriptive rating of agree.

From the gathered result, the basic knowledge of the students in terms of time

value got a descriptive rating of agree with a weighted of 3.40 which means that in terms

of learning the basic knowledge of the time value as well as applying it in a simple

musical piece, , their activities was still effective enough to acquire all of this basic

knowledge that a beginner in piano playing must have just like in identifying G and F

A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│35

Table 1.3 Student’s Basic Knowledge in terms of Musical Symbol

Statements Mean Description
1. I am familiar with the basic musical symbol in a musical Strongly
piece such as the symbol of hold and sustain. 3.79 Agree
2. I know the symbol and effect of crescendo and decrescendo Agree
in a musical piece. 3.42
3. I can picture out in my mind the image of the G clef in a Agree
musical notation. 3.42
4. I can picture out in my mind the image of the F clef in a Agree
musical notation. 3.46
5. I can identify the whole, half quarter and eight notes in a Agree
musical notation. 3.08
6. I now the symbol of forte and piano and how to apply it in a Agree
simple musical piece 3.33
7. I can Identify the musical symbols that affect the pitch of a Agree
musical piece. 2.96
8. I can Identify the musical symbol that affects the tempo of a Agree
musical piece. 3.17
9. I know the symbol of repeat and how to apply it in a simple Strongly
musical piece. 3.75 Agree
10. I can sight read a simple music piece with correct Strongly
intonation and correct pitch. 3.54 Agree
Average Weighted Mean 3.34 Agree

Table 1.3 shows the weighted mean distribution of basic knowledge of the

respondents in terms of musical symbol on piano playing.

Based on the table, students agreed that they know the symbol and effects of

dynamics such as the crescendo and decrescendo in a musical piece and they could

picture out in their mind the image of the f clef with a weighted mean 3.42 as well as the

image of g clef with 3.46 as its weighted mean. They also agreed that besides identifying

the symbol of dynamics, they can also identify the symbols that affect the pitch (2.96)

and speed (3.17) of a musical piece. Furthermore, the students agreed that they can

identify the whole, half, quarter and eight notes in a musical notation with a weighted

mean of 3.08 and the symbol of forte and piano and how to apply it in a simple musical

piece with a weighted of 3.33.

A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│36

The first, ninth and tenth statements have a descriptive rating of strongly agree

with a statements “I can sight read a simple music piece with correct intonation and

correct pitch” with a weighted mean of 3.54. “I know the symbol of repeat and how to

apply it in a simple musical piece” with a weighted mean of 3.75 and lastly the statement

that got a highest weighted mean of 3.79 the statement “I am familiar with the basic

musical symbol in a musical piece such as the symbol of hold and sustain.”

As a whole, the respondents basic knowledge in terms of musical symbol has a

descriptive rating of agree with an average weighted mean of 3.41. This means that in

terms of musical symbol, all of the activities that the students did were enough to acquire

this basic knowledge of piano playing in terms of musical symbol.

Another strategy that was mentioned on the article Ten Practical Strategies For

Improving Piano Skills (2003), is that the learners need to assess the tempo, sounds and

rhythm of the song that you are playing, you need to teach yourself to recognize when

something is not right while fine tuning your ears to hear the mistakes. If you want to

correct your mistakes and bad habits out of yourself, you need to become the worst critic

of yourself.
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│37

Table 1.4 Student’s Basic Knowledge in terms of Piano Playing

Statements Mean Description

1. I can write the basic major chords/triads in a music staff and Agree
play it in piano. 3.21
2. I can write notes in a staff dictated by the teacher. 3.21 Agree
3. I can identify the chords written in musical notation. Strongly
3.54 Agree
4. I know the procedure of making minor out of major chords. Strongly
3.58 Agree
5. I know the procedure of getting major chords from the root Agree
note. 3.46
6. I can construct major chords out of the given minor chords in Agree
piano. 3.13
7. I can readily put a correct “finger position” of a given chords Agree
or in a given music piece. 3.13
8. I can play basic right and left hand exercise in playing piano. Strongly
3.54 Agree
9. I can read or play simple musical piece written in a staff. Strongly
3.67 Agree
10. I can demonstrate a correct hand position in playing piano. Strongly
3.63 Agree
Average Weighted Mean 3.41 Agree

Table 1.3 shows the weighted mean distribution of basic knowledge of the

respondents in terms of piano playing.

Based on the table above, the (24) students agreed that that they can write the

basic chords or triads in a staff and play it in piano; that they can also write a notes in a

staff dictated by the teacher with a weighted of 3.21; that they know the procedure of

getting major chords starting from its root notes (3.46). In connection with this, they also

agreed that they can construct major chords out of the given minor chords and readily put

the correct finger position on a given chords with a weighted mean of 3.13.

The third and eighth statements both have a rating description of strongly agree

with a statement “I can identify the chords written in musical notation” and “I can play

basic right and left hand exercise in playing piano.” also, the fourth statement “I Know
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│38

the procedure of making minor out of major chords” with a weighted mean of 3.58. The

tenth statement “I can demonstrate a correct hand position in playing piano” has also

rating description of strongly agreed with a weighted of 3.63 and lastly, the students

strongly agrees that they can read or play simple musical piece with a highest weighted

mean of 3.67.

Based on the findings, the respondents basic knowledge when it comes to piano

playing has a rating description of agree with an average total mean of 3.41.

Table 1.5 Students Basic Knowledge in terms of Identifying G and F Staves,

Identifying the Correct Time Value, Musical Symbol and Piano Playing.
Students Basic Knowledge in terms of: Wm Description
1. Identifying G and F staves 3.35 Agree
2. Identifying Correct Time Value 3.40 Agree
3. Musical Symbol 3.34 Agree
4. Piano Playing 3.41 Agree
Average Weighted mean 3.36 Agree

Findings show that the students acquired the basic knowledge that they are

supposed to acquire after taking their subject Applied Piano and Solfeggio. It shows that

all of the activities that they did in this subject were effective enough in learning all of

this basic knowledge of piano playing in terms of G and F staves, time value, musical

symbol and piano playing with an average weighted mean of 3.36 and has a rating

description of agree. Therefore, the researcher could use all the activities that the

respondents did as a basis for creating a module in piano playing for beginners.
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│39

Table 2 Piano Skills Developed by the Respondents in terms of:

Students Basic piano skills of: Wm Description
1. Finger Numbering 4.00 Expert
2. Right and Left Hand Exercise 3.67 Expert
3. Playing a Simple Nursery Song 3.54 Expert
4. Playing Major and Minor Chords 3.63 Expert
5. Singing Lyrics/Notes of a Simple Song and Clapping the 3.58 Expert
Beat of it.
Average Weighted mean 3.68 Expert

The table above shows that the (24) respondents displayed an expert skills in the

category of beginner in piano playing. All of the respondents got a perfect score of 4 with

a rating description of expert in terms of finger numbering. In terms of right and left hand

exercise, score shows that they are expert as a beginner in piano playing with 3.67 as its

mean. When it comes to playing a simple nursery song, doing it with no mistakes has a

mean of 3.54 and has a rating description of expert. Another skills that’s been assessed is

playing major and minor chords, under this skills, they also got a score with a mean of

3.63 that has a rating description of expert. Lastly, when it comes to singing a lyrics or

notes of simple songs, while clapping the beat of it, majority of them did it correctly that

result for a mean of 3.68 with a description of expert.

As a whole, the basic piano skills of BSEd MAPEH II students after taking their

subject Applied Piano and Solfeggio and after undergoing a lot of activities, they show

that they are expert enough under the category of beginner and they are now ready for a

more difficult skills and activities in learning piano.

In learning How to play a piano, it is better to develop all the fundamentals as

early as childhood or as early as a beginner, but because of lack of materials needed and

because of financial problem, most individual who wanted to learn play a piano started
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│40

during his school and college life wherein at this stage of their life, they must have all the

fundamentals skills and learn the next level of difficulty in playing piano (Richard 2003).

Also, Richard (2003) claimed that for a pianist, technique is the physical ability to

convey one's musical ideas. It's not good to be able to hear in one's head Art Tatum if

one's fingers cannot execute them on the keyboard. That's where “Finger Exercises”

come in - to gain strength and independence in all ten fingers.

According to Knerr (2015), students develop basic coordination skills in using the

arm and moving the fingers. One of the basic skills that people who are starting to learn

how to play piano is the “Piano Hand Shape” and the “right and left hand” exercise.

There are pianists who improvise really well by playing by ear and those who

read sheet music and play by sight. Whichever way to take, it is very important to learn

music theory. Understanding the theory will help the learner to see the chord patterns on

the keyboard and convey that to your fingers. Finally, for pianists at all levels, playing the

piano are not about hitting the right notes, it is all about expressing oneself through the

keys and fingers. The piano is a tool to express thought, emotion, and feelings. This is the

way you want to learn to play the piano (Piano playing advice, 2014)
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│41

Chapter V


This chapter presents the summary of the study conducted. This also presents the

findings derived from analysis and interpretation of the results. Moreover, this imparts

the conclusions framed and the recommendations thereafter.


This study aimed to measure the effectivity of all the activities that the

respondents did in the subject Solfeggio and Applied Piano in learning different basic

knowledge and basic skills in piano playing. Specifically, after proving that all of those

activities were effective, this study aimed to develop a bbeginner’s module in playing

piano to be used by the students taking the said subject.

There were 24 second year MAPEH major students from College of Teacher

Education, Southern Luzon State University Lucban, Quezon, were chosen purposively

for July-April of the school year 2015 - 2016. The study utilized a quantitative method of

research using survey type questionnaire and practical examination and quantitative

analysis of data. The questionnaires and practical examination were administered to 24

MAPEH major second year students of Southern Luzon State University Lucban,

Quezon. To Show that all of their activities were effective in learning different basic

knowledge and basic skills, the researcher decided to observe the class of the respondents

every Tuesday and Thursday starting from their first meeting with their adviser. After all
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│42

of this observation, the researcher utilized the survey type questionnaire and practical

examination to the respondents. The results were analysed using the average weighted

mean to show and prove the effectiveness of all of their activity in learning the basic

knowledge and basic skills of the students in piano playing.

Thus it was found out that the respondents revealed a rating description of agree

in terms of learning basic knowledge in terms of Identifying G and F staves; identifying

the correct time value; musical symbol; and piano playing. Furthermore, after analysing

the results of the practical exam of the respondents in basic skills in playing piano, it was

found out that they showed an expert characteristic in identifying the finger numbering;

right and left hand exercise; playing a simple nursery songs using right hand; playing the

major and minor chords and singing the lyrics/notes of a song while clapping the beat of

it. Furthermore, analysis of the findings revealed that respondents were expert in terms of

developing basic skills in playing piano.


It is concluded that all of the activities that the respondents did under the subject

Applied Piano and Solfeggio are effective enough to learn all of the basic knowledge like

identifying G and F staves, time value and musical symbol in piano playing as well as in

learning different skills like finger numbering; right and left hand exercise; playing a

simple nursery songs in piano; singing the lyrics/notes of a song while clapping the beat

of it; and more importantly, playing the major and minor chords in piano. After gathering

and proving all of this information, the researcher can use all of the activities that his

respondents did in their subject as a basis of producing a beginner’s module in learning

A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│43

piano for beginner as well as some of his experiences some of the related studies that he

used for this research


Based on the conclusions drawn, the following recommendations are offered:

1. The College of teacher education must have music room with different kinds of

musical instruments.

2. The CTE needs to provide at least 2 Grand Piano and 4 electric keyboards to be used

by the MAPEH Majors in their music Education.

3. Organize the subject of the MAPEH Majors. Music theory needs to be take first before

the applied piano and solfeggio

4. Test the Validity and Acceptability of the output of this research.

A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│44


Abraham, A. (2014), Development and Acceptability of a Teaching Plan Based on Suzuki

Method in teaching Rondalla. Lucban, Quezon: Southern Luzon State

Aquino G, (2003), Fundamentals of Research. Sta. Cruz Manila, ECZ Enterprise Roces
Bldg. National book store, Inc.

Babat R, (1975) Music for Secondary Schools Book 1. Quezon City, Manlapaz
Publishing Co.

Bradley R. (2012), Piano Lesson Book Level 1A. Retrieved on Oct 3 2015 from

Braganza, J.C (2014), 4A’s Lesson Plan of Pre-Service MAPEH teacher planning for
Instruction in K-12 Secondary Level: A basis of Lesson Plan Guidelines. Lucban,
Quezon: Southern Luzon State University.

Caagbay, D. (2014) Learner’s Philosophical Orientation As Correlate To Their 21st

Century Skills, Lucban, Quezon: Southern Luzon State University.

Chang C. (2009), Fundamentals of Piano Practice. Retrieved from http://www.piano

Chua C, (2009), Fundamentals of Piano Practice. Japan, Book Surge. Inc.

Finado, A.V (2003), Preparatory Popular Piano 1, Sta. Cruz Manila, Quiricada st.
Booklore Publishing Corporation.

Garcia C, (2003), Fundamentals of Research and Research Design.388 Quezon Avenue,

Quezon city 1113 KATHA Publishing co, Inc.

Guinto L, (2015), Functional English in a Global Society 1. Lucban Quezon,

Department of Languages, Literature and Humanities

Gutierrez, C.C (2014), Proposed Training Program Based On Kodaly Approach In Music
For Beginning Guitar Learner. Lucban, Quezon: Southern Luzon State

Knerr J. (2015), Piano Technique for Beginners. Retrieved from http://pianosafari2 138/miniessay5.pdf.

Manzano O. (2010), The Psychophysiology Of Flow During Piano Playing. Retrieved

From pdf
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│45

Monath N. (2000), How to Play 10 Popular Piano In 10 Easy Ways. Retrieved from /2007/06/ howtoplaypopularpianoin10easy

Williard A, Morton M, Amanda V.L (2015) Alfred’s Basic Piano Library Teacher’s
Guide to Prep Course Lesson Book. Retrieved on Oct 3 2015 from http://www
Alfred. com/img/pdf/ Piano/8889_TchGde PrepA. Pdf
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│46

A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│47

Appendix A

Republic of the Philippines

Southern Luzon State University
Lucban, Quezon
March 8, 2016


Dean, College of Teacher Education
Southern Luzon State University
Lucban, Quezon


Chairman, BSED

Dear Madam:

Good Day!
The undersigned is a third year student taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education Major
in MAPEH in the College of Teacher Education and presently working on his study
entitled, “Basic Piano Skills of Second Year MAPEH majors Students: Proposed
Module Packets for Beginner.”
With this regards, he would like to ask for your permission to conduct his study in one of
the class of the Bachelor of Secondary Education who are taking applied piano and
solfeggio subject and use them as the respondents of his study.

He is looking forward for your positive response. Thank you and God bless.

Sincerely yours,


Student Researcher

Noted by:
Research Adviser

Approved By:
Chairman, BSED


Dean, College of Teacher Education
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│48

Republic of the Philippines

Southern Luzon State University
College of Teacher Education
Lucban, Quezon

February 19, 2016


Teacher, Laboratory High school
Lucban, Quezon

Dear Ma’am:

The undersigned is a third year student taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education Major
in MAPEH in the College of Teacher Education and presently working on his study
entitled, “Basic Piano Skills of Second Year MAPEH majors Students: Proposed
Module Packets for Beginner.”

In this regard, he would like to request you to be one of the experts who will validate the
developed questionnaire for the completion of his work. Your comments and suggestions
will be highly appreciated for the improvement of the developed questionnaire. Rest
assured that your responses will be kept in confidentiality and will only serve for
educational purposes.

Thank you for sharing your extra time and your expertise.

Sincerely yours,



Noted by:


Research Adviser

Approved by:


Teacher, Laboratory High School
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│49

Republic of the Philippines

Southern Luzon State University
College of Teacher Education
Lucban, Quezon

February 19, 2016


Instructor, institute of human kenetics
Lucban, Quezon

Dear Sir:

The undersigned is a third year student taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education Major
in MAPEH in the College of Teacher Education and presently working on his study
entitled, “Basic Piano Skills of Second Year MAPEH majors Students: Proposed
Module Packets for Beginner.”

In this regard, he would like to request you to be one of the experts who will validate the
developed questionnaire for the completion of his work. Your comments and suggestions
will be highly appreciated for the improvement of the developed questionnaire. Rest
assured that your responses will be kept in confidentiality and will only serve for
educational purposes.

Thank you for sharing your extra time and your expertise.

Sincerely yours,



Noted by:


Research Adviser

Approved by:
Instructor, Institute Of Human Kenetics
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│50

Republic of the Philippines

Southern Luzon State University
College of Teacher Education
Lucban, Quezon

February 19, 2016


Director, Institute of Human Kinetics
Lucban, Quezon

Dear Madam:
The undersigned is a third year student taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education Major
in MAPEH in the College of Teacher Education and presently working on his study
entitled, “Basic Piano Skills of Second Year MAPEH majors Students: Proposed
Module Packets for Beginner.”
In this regard, He would like to request you to be one of the experts who will
validate the developed questionnaire and Rubrics for the completion of his work. Your
comments and suggestions will be highly appreciated for the improvement of the
developed Instruments. Rest assured that your responses will be kept in confidentiality
and will only serve for educational purposes.
Thank you for sharing your extra time and your expertise.
Sincerely yours,



Noted by:


Research Adviser

Approved by:
Director, Institute of Human Kinetics
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│51

Republic of the Philippines

Southern Luzon State University
College of Teacher Education
Lucban, Quezon

February 19, 2016


Instructor, College of Teacher Education
Lucban, Quezon
Dear Sir:
The undersigned is a third year student taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education Major
in MAPEH in the College of Teacher Education and presently working on his study
entitled, “Basic Piano Skills of Second Year MAPEH majors Students: Proposed
Module Packets for Beginner.”
In this regard, he would like to request you to be one of the experts who will
validate the developed questionnaire for the completion of his work. Your comments and
suggestions will be highly appreciated for the improvement of the developed
questionnaire. Rest assured that your responses will be kept in confidentiality and will
only serve for educational purposes.
Thank you for sharing your extra time and your expertise.
Sincerely yours,


Noted by:
Research Adviser

Approved by:
Instructor, College of Teacher Education
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│52

Republic of the Philippines

Southern Luzon State University
College of Teacher Education
Lucban, Quezon

February 19, 2016


Faculty, College of Teacher Education
Lucban, Quezon

Dear Sir:
The undersigned is a third year student taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education Major
in MAPEH in the College of Teacher Education and presently working on his study
entitled, “Basic Piano Skills of Second Year MAPEH majors Students: Proposed
Module Packets for Beginner.”
In this regard, he would like to request you to be one of the experts who will
validate the developed questionnaire for the completion of his work. Your comments and
suggestions will be highly appreciated for the improvement of the developed
questionnaire. Rest assured that your responses will be kept in confidentiality and will
only serve for educational purposes.
Thank you for sharing your extra time and your expertise.

Sincerely yours,



Noted by:
Research Adviser

Approved by:
Faculty, College of Teacher Education
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│53

Republic of the Philippines

Southern Luzon State University
College of Teacher Education
Lucban, Quezon

February 19, 2016


Chairman BSED, College of Teacher Education
Lucban, Quezon

Dear Ma’am:

The undersigned is a third year student taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education Major
in MAPEH in the College of Teacher Education and presently working on his study
entitled, “Basic Piano Skills of Second Year MAPEH majors Students: Proposed
Module Packets for Beginner.”
In this regard, he would like to request you to be one of the experts who will
validate the developed questionnaire for the completion of his work. Your comments and
suggestions will be highly appreciated for the improvement of the developed
questionnaire. Rest assured that your responses will be kept in confidentiality and will
only serve for educational purposes.
Thank you for sharing your extra time and your expertise.
Sincerely yours,



Noted by:
Research Adviser

Approved by:
Chairman, BSEd
College of Teacher Education
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│54

Republic of the Philippines

Southern Luzon State University
Lucban, Quezon

February 19, 2016


Instructor, SLSU CTE
Lucban, Quezon

Dear Madam,

Greetings of Peace!

The undersigned is a third year student taking up Bachelor in Secondary Education Major
in MAPEH in the College of Teacher Education and presently working on his study
entitled “Basic Piano Skills of Second Year MAPEH majors Students: Proposed
Module Packets for Beginner.”

In this regard, he would like to request you to be his Statistician. Your comments and
suggestions will be highly appreciated for the improvement of the study.

He is looking forward for your positive response. Thank you and God bless.

Sincerely yours,


Student Researcher

Noted by:


Research Adviser

Approved by:


Professor, SLSU CTE
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│55

Republic of the Philippines

Southern Luzon State University
College of Teacher Education
Lucban, Quezon

April 18, 2016


Instructor, institute of human kenetics
Lucban, Quezon

Dear Sir:

The undersigned is a third year student taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education Major
in MAPEH in the College of Teacher Education and presently working on his study
entitled, “Basic Piano Skills of Second Year MAPEH majors Students: Proposed
Module Packets for Beginner.”

In this regard, he would like to request you to be one of the experts who will do face
validation of his output for the completion of his work. Your comments and suggestions
will be highly appreciated for the improvement of the developed module. Rest assured
that your responses will be kept in confidentiality and will only serve for educational

Thank you for sharing your extra time and your expertise.

Sincerely yours,



Noted by:


Research Adviser

Approved by:
Instructor, Institute Of Human Kenetics
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│56

Republic of the Philippines

Southern Luzon State University
College of Teacher Education
Lucban, Quezon

April 18, 2016


Director, Institute of Human Kinetics
Lucban, Quezon

Dear Madam:
The undersigned is a third year student taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education Major
in MAPEH in the College of Teacher Education and presently working on his study
entitled, “Basic Piano Skills of Second Year MAPEH majors Students: Proposed
Module Packets for Beginner.”
In this regard, he would like to request you to be one of the experts who will do
face validation of his output for the completion of his work. Your comments and
suggestions will be highly appreciated for the improvement of the developed module.
Rest assured that your responses will be kept in confidentiality and will only serve for
educational purposes.

Thank you for sharing your extra time and your expertise.
Sincerely yours,



Noted by:


Research Adviser

Approved by:
Director, Institute of Human Kinetics
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│57

Republic of the Philippines

Southern Luzon State University
College of Teacher Education
Lucban, Quezon

April 18, 2016


Instructor, College of Teacher Education
Lucban, Quezon
Dear Sir:
The undersigned is a third year student taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education Major
in MAPEH in the College of Teacher Education and presently working on his study
entitled, “Basic Piano Skills of Second Year MAPEH majors Students: Proposed
Module Packets for Beginner.”
In this regard, he would like to request you to be one of the experts who will do
face validation of his output for the completion of his work. Your comments and
suggestions will be highly appreciated for the improvement of the developed module.
Rest assured that your responses will be kept in confidentiality and will only serve for
educational purposes.
Thank you for sharing your extra time and your expertise.
Sincerely yours,



Noted by:
Research Adviser

Approved by:
Instructor, College of Teacher Education
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│58

Appendix B
Questionnaire for the Students’ Basic Knowledge in
Playing Piano and Solfeggio
Name: ____________________ Date: ______________
Section: ___________________ Sex: _______________

Direction: The following questions ask about your Prior Knowledge about the musical
Instrument Piano. Put a check mark (/) on the column that correspond your answers. Use
the scale below to answer the questions. Remember that there is no right or wrong
answer; just answer as accurately and honestly as possible.
SA- Strongly Agree
A- Agree
D- Disagree
SD- Strongly Disagree
Statements SA A D SD
G and F Staves
1. When it comes to music reading, I know the difference
between G and F staves.
2. In playing piano, I know which of the two staves is used for
left and right hand.
3. In music, I know the symbol of F Clef and how to write and
read its notation
4. I know the symbol of G Clef and how to write and read its
5. When it comes to music reading, I am more familiar with the G
clef rather than the F clef.
6. I can identify the elements of a notation such as clef, Letter
names, key signature etc.
7. I can read simple musical notation and play it in piano at the
same time.
8. I can follow the written notes when someone else sing it.
9. I can accompany simple songs using the basic chords.
10. I can sing the written notes while clapping its beat.
Time Value
11. I understand the time value of notes and rest.
12. I know the different time value of a notes and their equivalent
13.It is clear for me if the notes is to be played and sung longer or
14. I can easily say that a given note receives 1, 2, 3, or 4 counts.
15. In reading music, I am familiar with the image of the different
time value of notes.
16. I can determine how many counts will be added in a dotted
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│59

17. I can identify the time signature of a music piece by simply

looking at it.
18. I know the difference between 24 , 43 and 44 time signature.
19. I can play/sing a musical piece following the correct tempo
20. I can identify the time value of every note written in a simple
musical piece.
Musical Symbol
21. I am familiar with the basic musical symbol in a musical piece
such as the symbol of hold and sustain.
22. I know the effect of crescendo and decrescendo in a musical
23. I can picture out in my mind the image of the G clef in a
musical notation.
24.I can picture out in my mind the image of the F clef in a
musical notation.
25. I can identify the whole, half quarter and eight notes in a
musical notation.
26. I now the symbol of forte and piano and how to apply it in a
simple musical piece
27. I can Identify the musical symbols that affect the pitch of a
musical piece.
28. I can Identify the musical symbol that affects the tempo of a
musical piece.
29. I know the symbol of repeat and how to apply it in a simple
musical piece.
30. I can sight read a simple music piece with correct intonation
and correct pitch.
Piano Playing
31. I can write the basic major chords/triads in a music staff and
play it piano.
32. I can write notes in a staff dictated by the teacher.
33. I can identify the chords written in musical notation.
34. I Know the procedure of making minor out of major chords
35. I Know the procedure of getting major chords from the root
36. I can construct major chords out of the given minor chords in
37. I can write the corresponding musical notation of a given
38. I can play basic right and left hand exercise in playing piano.
39. I can readily put a correct “finger position” of a given chords
or in a given music piece.
40. I can demonstrate a correct hand position in playing piano.
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│60

Evaluation Sheet in Playing Piano

Name: _______________________ Date: ______________

Section: ______________________ Sex: _______________

Evaluation Sheet In Playing Piano

Skills Expert Proficient Skilled Novice
4 3 2 1
All finger There are 1-3 There are 4 or The finger
numbering is mistakes in more mistakes numbering is
Finger identified identifying the in identifying not identified at
Numbering confidently. finger the number of a all.
numbering. particular
4 3 2 1
The exercise is There are 1-3 There are 4-5 There are 6 or
done mistakes in mistakes in more mistakes
Right and Left confidently performing the performing the in performing
Hand Exercise with no exercise for exercise for the exercise for
mistakes. right and left right and left right and left
hand. hand. hand.
4 3 2 1
The piece is The piece is The piece is The piece is
Playing played with no played with 1-3 played with 4-5 played with 6
nursery songs mistakes and mistakes. mistakes. or more
using right with correct mistakes.
hand fingering
4 3 2 1
The chords are There are 1-3 There are 4-5 There are 6 or
played correctly mistakes in mistakes in more mistakes
Playing major with correct playing a chord playing a chord in playing
and minor finger position. in piano. in piano. chord in piano.
chords in
piano. 4 3 2 1
The song is There are 1-3 There re four to There are 6 or
Singing the sung correctly mistakes in five mistakes in more mistakes
lyrics/notes with steady singing the singing the in singing the
and clapping clapping the lyrics of the lyrics/notation lyrics/notes of a
the beat of beat of it. song while of a song while song while
simple songs. clapping the clapping the clapping the
beat of it. beat of it. beat of it.
4 3 2 1
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│61

Appendix C Computation in Weighted Arithmetic Mean

Statements SA A D SD SA(4) A(3) D(2) SD(1) MEAN
1 10 9 5 0 40 27 10 0 3.21
2 8 13 3 0 32 39 6 0 3.21
3 10 10 2 1 40 30 4 1 3.13
4 15 8 1 0 60 24 2 0 3.58
5 15 9 0 0 60 27 0 0 3.63
6 9 14 0 1 36 42 0 1 3.29
7 17 6 1 0 68 18 2 0 3.67
8 9 13 2 0 36 39 4 0 3.29
9 7 13 4 0 28 39 8 0 3.13
10 12 9 3 0 48 27 6 0 3.38
11 10 14 0 0 40 42 0 0 3.42
12 12 9 3 0 48 27 6 0 3.38
13 11 12 1 0 44 36 2 0 3.42
14 13 12 0 0 52 36 0 0 3.67
15 14 8 2 0 56 24 4 0 3.50
16 11 12 1 0 44 36 2 0 3.42
17 7 9 7 0 28 27 14 0 2.88
18 14 8 2 0 56 24 4 0 3.50
19 8 10 6 0 32 30 12 0 3.08
20 9 11 11 0 36 33 22 0 3.79
21 11 12 1 0 44 36 2 0 3.42
22 12 10 2 0 48 30 4 0 3.42
23 13 9 2 0 52 27 4 0 3.46
24 7 12 5 0 28 36 10 0 3.08
25 11 10 3 0 44 30 6 0 3.33
26 5 13 6 0 20 39 12 0 2.96
27 8 12 4 0 32 36 8 0 3.17
28 9 14 6 0 36 42 12 0 3.75
29 13 11 0 0 52 33 0 0 3.54
30 6 18 0 0 24 54 0 0 3.25
31 9 11 4 0 36 33 8 0 3.21
32 6 17 1 0 24 51 2 0 3.21
33 13 11 0 0 52 33 0 0 3.54
34 14 10 0 0 56 30 0 0 3.58
35 13 9 2 0 52 27 4 0 3.46
36 7 13 4 0 28 39 8 0 3.13
37 8 11 5 0 32 33 10 0 3.13
38 13 11 0 0 52 33 0 0 3.54
39 16 8 0 0 64 24 0 0 3.67
40 15 9 0 0 60 27 0 0 3.63
A Beginner Module in Playing Piano…│62

Computed mean of students practical exam in basic skills on playing piano.

right playing playing Singing the

No. Finger and left nursery songs major and lyrics/notes and
total score
students Numbering hand using right minor clapping the beat
exercise hand chords of simple songs.
1 4 4 4 3 3 18
2 4 4 4 4 3 19
3 4 4 3 3 4 18
4 4 3 3 4 4 18
5 4 3 3 4 4 18
6 4 4 4 3 4 19
7 4 3 4 4 3 18
8 4 4 3 4 3 18
9 4 4 4 4 3 19
10 4 3 3 4 4 18
11 4 4 3 4 4 19
12 4 4 4 3 3 18
13 4 3 3 3 3 16
14 4 4 4 4 4 20
15 4 4 4 4 4 20
16 4 4 3 3 4 18
17 4 4 4 3 4 19
18 4 3 4 4 3 18
19 4 4 3 4 3 18
20 4 4 3 4 3 18
21 4 3 4 4 4 19
22 4 3 4 3 4 18
23 4 4 3 4 4 19
24 4 4 4 3 4 19
Total 4.00 3.67 3.54 3.63 3.58 3.68

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