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The Resume TEYL Media


Universitas Negri Yogyakarta

Dian Herdita Setia Rini

English Teaching Departament
Faculty of Education and Teacher Training
Universitas PGRI Madiun
A. Background of the Study
The Problem :
1. Students are not ready study
2. Students did not pay attention in the teacher explanation
3. Students have no motivation to study
4. Students had low vocabulary in the speaking skill
5. Students are lazy to answer the teacher’s question
6. Students had difficulties in the pronounciation
7. The materials and tasks are from LKS
8. Teacher technique in the teaching very boredom
9. The teacher do not use media and technology in teaching learning activity
10. Teacher giving materials too much
11. The teacher did not apply games or something new in the teaching learning process
The Causes :
1. since the teacher who is not really good at motivating them, the teacher also fierce, boring,
and surely the students themselves have less interest in English.
2. its location which is quite far from the town, , then how it is possible for them to master
this subject well to the highest level.
The Solution :
1. The researcher and the English teacher decided through songs to be the media to solve
those problems. The method of use of songs is considered to bring positive change to
students in English.
1. Definition of Song
According to Mol (2009), Songs are part of daily life for most people. Language teachers can
use songs to open or close their lessons, to illustrate themes and topics, to add variety or a
change of pace, present new vocabulary or recycle known language.
2. Nature of Songs
There is one very interesting and remarkable idea relating to songs. It is believed that a
language is easier to express in songs than in speech. T. Murphey’s utterance ia also very similar:
“ it seems easier to sing language than to speak it” (p.6).
3. The Songs Development in the Classroom Activities
Saricoban and Metin (2000) find out that songs can develop the four skill areas of
reading,writing, listening, and speaking. Eken (1996:46) states that songs can be used:
- To present a topic, a language point, lexis, etc.
- To practice a language point, lexis, etc.
- To focus on common learner errors a more direct way.
- To encourage extensive and intensive listening.
- To stimulate disccusion of attitudes and feelings.
- To encourage creativity and use of imagination.
- To provide a relaxed classroom atmosphere.
- To bring variety and fun to learning.
It means, songs can develop mostly English skill for students’ and they can get many
benefits in the English learning process.
g. Songs as Practice Material
According of Murphey, songs will be convincing enough in English lesson, what can teachers
do with a song in lesson :
- Listen
- Sings, whistle, tap, and snap fingers, while we listen
- Talk about the music
- Talk about the lyrics
- Talk about the singer/ group
- Use songs and music to set or change an atmosphere or mood, ‘as background finishing’.
- Use songs and music to make a social environment, form a feeling of
community, dance, make friends.
h. Songs Focused on Words
 Firstly, each english word has its own stress pattern, with very complex ‘rules’ to guide
 Secondly, even when the some words exist in both language, the number of syllables is
not always identical.
 And lastly, weak syllable are central to English. Songs contain endless example of weak
syllables, helping to convince learners of the way English is pronounced.

1. Result
As the final reflection, the researcher and the English teacher as the collaborator discussed
the result of this research. They drew a conclusion that songs can be the effective tools to
help students in speaking teaching learning process. In other words, songs can improve
students’ speaking skills.
The songs can improve students’ speaking skills. Therefore,after the result of the last cycle
had shown a good improvement in students’ speaking skills, the researcher and the
collaborator decided to stop the cycle.
2. Implementation of Action Research
A. Report of Cycle 1
The teaching and learning process in Cycle 1 was conducted in two meetings. In this cycle,
the researcher and the English teacher tried to overcome the speaking problem focused on
motivation and ideas generation in students’ speaking skills by applying songs. Teaching
process were divided into two meetings and songs became a media of learning. There are
some planning at every meeting.

a.) First Meeting

In the first meeting, the researcher and the English teacher would:
1. give an example about procedure text (cooking instruction of instant noodle)
2. and ask to the students to carry packs of instant noodle for the next meeting.
3. teach imperatives sentences and simple present,apply games by using songs to divide
students’ into several groups in order to learn procedure text,
b.) Second Meeting
In second meeting, the researcher and the English teacher would:
1. Apply songs to attract students, before they learn procedure text,
2. teach a procedure text about cooking instruction of instant noodle by using pictures,
3. apply a group work to arrange a random sentence into a good paragraph,
4. give a procedure performance task in pairs and they speaks in front of class.
B. Report of Cycle 2
The teaching and learning process in Cycle 2 was conducted in two meetings. In this cycle,
the researcher and the English teacher tried to overcome the speaking problem focused on
improving students’ motivation in speaking skills class by applying songs. Teaching process
were divided into two meetings and songs became a media of learning. There is some
planning at every meeting.

a) Third Meeting
In third meeting, the researcher and the English teacher would:
1. teach a procedure text about how to make oriental fried rice,
2. apply a games through songs to divided students into groups
3. apply a group work ,
4. give a procedure text performance task from which the students were asked
5. how to make oriental fried rice in front of class.

b) Fourth Meeting
In fourth meeting, the researcher and the English teacher would:
Apply a games through songs to divided students into groups,
teach a procedure text by using a picture of nutrijell,
apply a group in pairs and practice to speaks in front of class.

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