Luyia Proverbs

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Luyia Proverbs


Kisa, Marama, Tsotso and Wanga


Tim Wambunya

Luyia Publishing Company
Luyia Proverbs

Luyia Publishing Company

145, Hornsey Road, London N7 6DU
United Kingdom

Luyia Proverbs from Kisa Marama Tsotso and Wanga

Copyright Tim Wambunya 2005

ISBN 996605009-4

Tim Wambunya has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents
Act 1988, to be identified as the Author of this Work.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in

retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of
the publisher or the copyright licensing agency.

Cover Designed by Deby Buchanan

All Portraits by Tobby Ngeru

Printed in the UK by City Printing London

Kisa Marama Tsotso and Wanga

This is not an academic study of Luyia proverbs. It is my intention to publish a
more comprehensive work after completing research on contemporary Luyia
worldviews. The primary motivation for this book is to avail Luyia proverbs to
anyone who might be interested in exploring this great treasure of wisdom from
the Luyia people of western Kenya.

While researching contemporary Luyia worldviews as expressed in their

proverbs, I have been pleasantly surprised by the number of proverbs currently
in circulation. We have managed to collect over 1000 proverbs from four Luyia
sub tribes. i.e. Kisa, Marama, Tstosto and Wanga. If the collection had been
extended to all the sixteen sub tribes, it is likely that the number of proverbs
would have exceeded 2000. After removing repetitions and close similarities we
have just over 600 proverbs in this collection.

This proverb collection is not exhaustive as there are without doubt many more
Luyia proverbs out there among the Kisa, Marama, Tsotso and Wanga that have
not been included. I hope to be able to gather and include them in future

This collection is arranged in alphabetical order; starting with Luyia proverbs as

they are known and used by the Luyia people. I have done my best to ensure the
proverbs are retained in their original form in order not to loose their meanings.
The second stage is a more or less literal translation of the proverbs from Luyia
to English. These translations are a ‘hybrid’ version arising from three
translators who have assisted me in the word for word translation from Luyia to

However, even with the help of translation assistants, we still could not find
suitable English translations for some of the Luyia proverbs in order to convey
the exact meaning of the proverbs. This struggle is manifested by the number of
proverbs in this collection which strictly speaking may be grammatically

Luyia Proverbs

Some translations appear in brackets and others have a sign at the end of the
translation1. This indicates that although the translation has been deemed to be
suitable, the literal meaning of the proverb may have been lost in the translation.

After every proverb is a code which reveals the source of the proverb; i.e. the
man or woman from whom I collected the proverb or where a similar proverb
has been found or published2.
Here is a full list of the codes in alphabetical order.

(AMI): Abraham Mirimo

(BKE): Benjamin Keya
(DNA): Dinah Nandwa
(DWA): Daniel Wako
(FSU): Francis Makhotsa Sunguti
(HWA): Herbert Wanyangu
(JNA): Jane Awinja Nandwa
(JWA): Joseph Wamukoya
(PMU): Peter Muniafu
(SOW): Shadrack Owuor
(TWA): Tim Wambunya
(WOY): Wilson Oyamo

I have derived great pleasure from reading and hearing Luyia proverbs used in
everyday life. I hope every reader will find as much enjoyment from this
collection as I have.

Tim Wambunya
May 2005

1 For example [Years change.* ] cf. 466

2 The number after the code indicates the order within that publication or collection

Kisa Marama Tsotso and Wanga

I dedicate this work to all those men and women, who helped me collect,
translate and understand Luyia proverbs.
Benjamin Keya
Dinah Nandwa
Elkana Atemba
Francis Atwoli
Francis Oyale
Francis Sunguti
Herbert Wanyangu
Horace Etemesi
Peter Muniafu
Risper Omukoko
Rose Okeno
Shadrack Owuor
Wilson Inganga
Wilson Oyamo

I would also like to thank my wife and children for being patient with me and
enduring several separations while I travelled away from home to collect these
Luyia proverbs.
Gertrude Wambunya
Tim Lindsay
Okari Stephen
David Weche

Luyia Proverbs

Introduction to the Luyia

The Luyia comprise around 3.5 million people living mainly in the north of Lake
Victoria, western and the north end of rift valley provinces of Kenya. Some
Luyia speaking people exist in the eastern part of neighbouring Uganda. The
Luyia3 are the dominant tribe in western province of Kenya and the third largest
in the country.

The Luyia are not a single entity, and do not constitute a homogeneous group of
people.4 They have been bestowed the status of a separate entity because they
are distinct from their neighbours in the western Kenya province, who are the
Luo5 speakers to the south, the highland Nilotic speakers to the east and north,
and the Teso to the west. ‘The Luyia are believed to have come from Uganda
around 1570 - 1600 and established themselves in the present areas by early
1840s even though the British colonial government did not formalise their
location until 1912.

Variations in Dialect
The Luyia people speak a cluster of dialects6 numbering around eighteen. Early
researchers estimated the number to be anywhere between fifteen and twenty-
six.7 There are variations in these Luyia dialects, their ritual, emphasis on
economic pursuits and other cultural traits from group to group but all share a
common language and some of the elements of culture such as circumcision,
marriage, burial ceremonies and other rites of passage. Kanyoro (1983) writes
that ‘... there appears to be an established set of attitudes which allow members
of the dialect groups to perceive themselves as belonging to a single linguistic
group i.e. the Luyia but at the same time as being distinct within the terms of
dialect and to a much lesser extent culture...’

3Also referred to as Abaluyia, Baluyia, Luhya, Luluyha, Luhia, Kiluyia or Wakavirondo by early missionaries and
4Luyia is a cover term for some 17-language groups.
5 Also known as Dholuo or Joluo
6A consensus exists on sixteen: Isukha, Idakho, Bukusu, Kabras, Wanga, Banyala, Banyole, Maragoli (Logoli) Samia,

Kisa (Shisa), Batirichi (Tiriki), Marama, Marachi, Bastosto, Bakhekhe and Batachoni. Kanyoro (1983) suggests they
are seventeen including the unclassified Nyangori and that it is common practice to refer to the ‘Luyia’ by any of the
above dialects. However, the Uganda Luyia are known by their specific individual dialect names i.e. Saamia, Gwe,
Nyuli, Gishu (Masaba).
7 For example Lee Appleby

Kisa Marama Tsotso and Wanga

1. Abachesi babili basianishila isi (JWA54)

Two geniuses will successfully roast a fly

2. Abafwa babula olutseshe luleera (BKE6)

The dead have no clear drinking straw

3. Abalamu bebilila abafu (AMI1)

The living forget the dead

4. Abalaraka nibo abakalia (AMI2)

Those who did not sow are the ones that ate

5. Abamani batsia mwihe (TWA10)

The strong go to war*

6. Abanji nabalulu (AMI3)

There is false courage in numbers
[A crowd is courageous *]

7. Abasebe banyekana tsimbati (WOY123)

One with unshapely legs ridicules the unshapely legs of his friend.

8. Abasila mbeere baliyo (AMI4)

Those without breasts surely exist.

9. Abasusumi bafunana okhukhuura omwikho (TWA64)

[Idlers struggle to clear food remains from a cooking stick.*]

10. Abebulane namalasire akolulimi,

ofutsa akandi nakandi omila (WOY89)
[Amatsayi aka olulimi ofutsa ne akandi omira (SOW22)]
[Amatsayi kolulimi shikafutsungwa koosi ta (PMU25)]
[Omwikho ni mabanga ka lulimi (JWA26)]
[Kinship is like blood from a cut on the tongue; it is never done away with*].

11. Abefi beba nende owabalia (AMI6)

Thieves will steal even from where they eat.

Luyia Proverbs

12. Adeya nowemiero ne Adeya arangwa (AMI7)

Adeya the reputed aggressor is actually the victim.

13. Aha imbwa yalia eshikumba shiyirulangaho ta (DWA40)

[Ahe yimbwa elya eshikumba sherulaho ta (HWA42)]
A dog does not leave a place where it picked a bone.

14. Aha ofwira niho aha ohonera (AMI22)

Where you might die is where you might very well survive.

15. Aha olamenya sholiraho obucheni (AMI23)

Where you are a guest breakfast is not a right.

16. Aho omuhele yeha obwoba shaburanga nalahenga (HWA43)

[Aha omwana yeha olwoba shiarulangaho tawe (DWA41)]
A child frequents the spot where he uprooted a mushroom.

17. Aha omwosi kuli omuliro shikubulaho

[Aha omwosi kuli omuliro shikukosa (AMI25)]
Where there is smoke there is fire.

18. Aha yisemere shiniho ahelumiranga (DWA144)

[Aha yisemere shali aha yilumiranga ta (131)]
A dog does not bark and bite at the same time/place.

19. Ahawiisinjire shali niho ahawumira ta (TWA49)

You do not dry yourself where you took a bath.

20. Ahe tsingokho tsibotsa olamitsa obule (AMI26)

Where hens gather to feed you do not throw millet.

21. Akabiiya kakasiribungwa mumasika (SOW16)

A funeral avails the opportunity for reconciliation.*

22. Akakhura keetsa inyungu ebuleka (WOY21)

Beer which will spoil ferments unequally.*
23. Akhalanyala niye oulimwo obushino bweitsuli (AMI133)
A person who is unable may be the early one to boast.

Kisa Marama Tsotso and Wanga

24. Akhalayi khowashio shikhakhumala likhwe khumukongo (AMI12)

Another mans wife however pretty she might be cannot wash all
the dirt from your back.

25. Akhasimba khatseshelela omunyu kukhalunga (HWA10)

The mongoose laughs even when faced with destruction
[Akhasimba khatseshera omunyu kwakhalunga (TWA163)]
The mongoose laughed at its destroyer.

26. Akhayundi shikhacherera lisoko (JWA59)

A small bird cannot advice a bigger one.

27. Akhweboola yalima khunjira (HWA25)

He who praises himself cultivates on the road.

28. Akhwesimirisia inzala yeera (TWA82)

He who suppresses his hunger dies.

29. Akwera yabiila libunzu (WOY44)

Akwera warned the wild cat.*

30. Akwimanya yalia omulachi kwa abene (WOY24)

[The suspicious acting one was the criminal who ate
someone’s quail-birds.*]

31. Akwiyendela yakwibwanira (DWA83)

He who cares too much for self causes problems for himself.

32. Amabeyelesanio komusimba (AMI8)

Deception abounds in young men’s hearts.

33. Amabubi karondokhane niko akaafaninjia (SOW1)

[Dry burning leaves light other dry leaves.*]

34. Amache kabeyeresia tsiswa (DWA78)

[Amache kakatia tsiswa (TWA146)]
Crawling ants deceived white-ants that all is well outside.

Luyia Proverbs

35. Amachesi amanji kachira eliaka lia Ogema liaumaho(AMI14)

Too much advice led to the escape of the ant-bear from Ogema’s snare.

36. Amachungu amanji shikayaba obwina (PMU14)

[Mbeba nyinji shitsiyaba obuko bwatsia (DWA85)]
Too many rats cannot dig a hole (to any great depth).

37. Amafwi amomu kabeyeresia amabisi (AMI9)

Dry faeces tricked the wet ones.

38. Amahwa kabili shikatsomananga (JWA53)

Two thorns don’t usually prick one another.

39. Amakata amomu kafunira khuluchendo (AMI13)

Dry water-reeds are heavy on a long journey.

40. Amakhanga shikapulushira khulala,

kakhupana tsimbaha (AMI15)
Guinea-fowls never fly off at the same time lest their wings collide.

41. Amakhuwa amaanji neshipwoni (DWA121)

Too many words are like a potato plantation.

42. Amakumba kabili kakanakania imbwa (AMI17)

Two bones confused a dog.

43. Amalasile karulanga khusalache (HWA2)

Blood flows from a cut. [You cannot have blood without a cut.]

44. Amalasile namasilo okhushila amatsi (JWA 24)

Blood is thicker than water.

45. Amani kokhulia kali hekosi (AMI151)

The power to eat lies in the throat.

46. Amani okalila (AMI18)

Your strength is your source of food.

Kisa Marama Tsotso and Wanga

47. Amanyonyi kafwanana kapurushira khulala (AMI21)

Birds that are similar fly at the same pace/together.

48. Amashino amabi shikeera obukhwe (DWA154)

Poor dancing cannot ruin a marriage.
[Amashino amabi shikeera iseresi (AMI16)]
Do not be put off a suitor poor dancing.

49. Amasika shikenenera shiamwene (TWA147)

Do not shed tears for what belongs to someone else.*

50. Amasira nobwayi (TWA119)

Oluumbe shinolwa mulala (TWA118)
Misfortune comes to everyone.
Misfortune does not belong to one person.

51. Amatere kabili kera indaa (HWA3)

Two finger nails crush a louse.
[Litere elala shilira inda (JWA7)]
One finger nail cannot kill a louse.

52. Amatsi kabula omwoyo mubi (DWA143)

Amatsi shikali nomwoyo omubi ta (TWA93)
Water does not discriminate.

53. Amatsi kakhayanga omutsi (WOY1)

The person who fetched water is most troubled when it is wasted.

54. Amatsi kera omwelema (JWA12)

[Amatsi keranga omwelema (HWA7)]
Even an expert swimmer can drown.

55. Ameno namasiru katsekha mao nafwire (DWA152)

[Ameno namasiru katsekhanga kata mawo nafwire (TWA127)]
Laughter is foolish; he laughed at his mother when she was dead.
Laughter is foolish; one can laugh even when the mother is dead.

Luyia Proverbs

56. Ametsulila keeranga olwikho (WOY11)

[By-gones revisited may kill relationships*]
57. Anangali shayingwa (PMU6)
Do not compete with your superior.*

58. Anayika yekhomela ifisi (WOY37)

Anayika invited the hyena.*

59. Aniere omuliro (JNA63)

He has deficated fire.

60. Asenere inzokha khumushira (JNA67)

He has stepped on the snake’s tail.

61. Asenere mwisasa (JNA61)

He has stepped in the path of safari ants.

62. Asumwa yekhalachila yarunga ing’ombe imosi (AMI5)

Asumwa took the law in his hands and was fined a heifer.

63. Bachesi bashisamule (WOY52)

[Geniuses are still away*]

64. Bakhubisiakhwo okhulima balakhubisiakhwo eshimwero (AMI28)

Better be by-passed during ploughing than at harvest.

65. Batsekhanga kata mumasika (BKE12)

They laugh even at a funeral.

66. Binji bibisi; bihwera oufwire (DWA181)

Many unripe things get finished for the dead.

67. Biumire shinga lisero lie imbongo (AMI30)

It is as hard as a hippopotamus’ skin.

68. Biyelana shinga okhutsia nende okhuchelela (AMI29)]

The journey to, is not longer than the journey from.

Kisa Marama Tsotso and Wanga

69. Botsa okaale (AMI31)

Feed and be complacent.
70. Bukona eliaka bulakona liraka (AMI37)
Better it stays unweeded than unplanted.

71. Buli akhashere nobufila bwakho (AMI130)

[Buli khashere nobusiba (obufira) bwakho (DWA153)]
[Buli lishere nobufira bwalio (AMI35)]
Every frog has its peculiar poison.

72. Bulia ing’ombe bulalia imbongo (AMI34)

Better be eaten by cattle than be eaten by wild antelopes.

73. Chenda kaala yola ehale (AMI130)

A slow but sure walker reaches far.
[Chenda kalaha yola mumbo (JNA69)]
The one who walked slowly reached west.

74. Ebiandalola bishila ebia ndalia (AMI41)

What I have seen is more than what I have eaten.

75. Ebikhusinyire orumasia (AMI42)

What you are fed up with, (you) give away.

76. Ebilayi shibihwa (AMI11)

The beautiful ones never disappear completely.

77. Ebindu bisalanire shinga

amala aka Ong’ongo khumuyeshe (AMI43)
Things are scattered about like Ong’ongo’s intestines on the sand.

78. Efisiriminywi biiranga itaywa (WOY34)

Tiny bugs kill a cock.

Luyia Proverbs

79. Eliani lioleka nilio eliawikurira (DWA179)

[Eliani lia oleka nilio elimala obusuma (AMI44)]
[Eliani lilekwa nelimalanga eshiteru (WOY92)]
The dish that you despise may eventually satisfy your needs.

80. Eyilikhumala likhuchakanga butoro (DWA120)

A champion bull starts from birth.

81. Eliobola nilio elikhuyala (AMI48)

What you say is what you will be judged by.

82. Emiandu neliime (TWA143)

[Emiandu nibutswa]
Riches are like dew.

83. Endi omucheni omuhuyi sholetuyatuya (192)

I am only a visitor so don’t bother with me too much.
[Omucheni omuhuyi shiomwarira iyafuka (DWA71)]
Do not break your cooking pot for a passing guest.

84. Endi owabakhotsa abanji yakona inzala (AMI172)

The one with many uncles slept hungry.
[Khotsanyene abaanji yakona inzala (SOW4)]
An uncle of many ended up sleeping hungry.

85. Endi owetsinzu tsitaru oba netsinimi tsitaru (AMI173)

To have three houses you need three tongues.

86. Endie enyalishe yafimba inda (TWA93)

[Olia shitutu olafimba inda (JWA28)]
The greedy ones swell the stomach.

87. ‘Enjendekhwo ebulebe’,

abetsanga nende eshimuyilayo (DWA187)
Whoever wants to go to a particular place has a reason for wanting to do so.

88. Erambihe ndolwe (PMU3)

[I am tall enough to be seen.*]

Kisa Marama Tsotso and Wanga

89. Eshawikomba oshiliila muluchendo (DWA145)

[Eshiawikomba oshiliira mubucheni (TWA97)]
You may eat the food you have been longing for on a visit.

90. Eshia amani shiakana eshia amani shiashie (AMI51)

The tough one meets its equal.

91. Eshia omwimani oshilia nali omwibo (AMI53)

You can take advantage of a mean woman and eat her portion
when she is nursing a baby.

92. Eshia wima omukofu aba yashilia (AMI56)

[Eshiawima omukhulundu aba yashilia (DWA172)]
Whatever (food) you deny an old man, he has eaten it already.
[Eshia wima omwana aba yakhashilie (AMI57)]
Whatever (food) you deny a child he will eat it.

93. Eshiakhaya imbatsi omuyeka nikwo okulikwisia (DWA191)

[Eshikhaya imbatsi shikwisibwa nomuyeka (PMU9)]
Whatever has defeated the axe the wind will blow down.

94. Eshialia imbwa shialia neshikhuli (AMI52)

Whatever ate the dog ate the bell as well.

95. Eshianolie shikonanga shionyene (BKE5)

What you will eat sleeps alone/is hidden.

96. Eshibi shieinda nelifumo (DWA148)

The stomach’s enemy is a spear.

97. Eshibi shifutswa, ingokho yafutsa lisa (JWA1)

[Lishere liafutsa lisa (AMI45)]
Whatever is bad must be spat out; not even a hen swallows a caterpillar.

98. Eshibi shikwa ehale washiehulila butswa (DWA101)

Misfortune should only be heard of but not experienced.

Luyia Proverbs

99. Eshibiri shiranga oweikhabi (WOY29)

[That which is passing kills the ear-marked heir.*]

100. Eshibishe neshilie (WOY82)

[That which is hidden is precious.*]

101. Eshibotsa khulwanda shisika omunwa omuumu (TWA184)

[Eshibotsa khwirale shiesika omunwa omuumu (AMI59)]
That which picks food from a rock must have a hard/tough beak.

102. Eshifuna omukhasi oshilia namayino (AMI60)

What a woman has earned, you will not eat it in peace.

103. Eshikhaya amakusi shikalushira mweneshio (AMI80)

[Eshikhayire amakusi shikalusiribungwa omweneshio (DWA158)]
If a bargain fails the merchandise must be returned to the owner.

104. Eshikhaya imbatsi omuholo shikunyala (AMI61)

What cannot be cut by an axe, a slasher may not cut.

105. Eshikhaya imbwa shiba eshilulu (AMI62)

What a dog won’t eat must be poisonous.

106. Eshikhaya owamaru owobunyasi shianyala ta (WOY30)

107. Eshikhaya shiuma omusala (AMI63)

A vacuum has no medicine.

108. Eshikhuluma shibetsanga munguboyo (WOY75)

[What bites you is in your garments*]

109. Eshikhumola shienya okhuluma (AMI64)

What crawls on you may bite you.

110. Eshikhusinyile obelekha (DWA138)

You may conceive what you dislike most.

Kisa Marama Tsotso and Wanga

111. Eshikumba shikhaya ifisi mana imbwa yakhanyala? (WOY42)

[Can a dog eat a bone a hyena has been defeated to eat?*]

112. Eshikumba shiremelungwa halala (WOY43)

113. Eshilahwa nishi? (BKE4)

Nothing lasts forever.

114. Eshilayi shiamwene shiwinalilisia (AMI66)

Don’t get accustomed to other people’s things.

115. Eshili khuwashio neshilayi shiokhubola (AMI67)

What affects someone else is easy to talk about.

116. Eshili obushindu shishimanyibwa omuliro (TWA122)

[Eshili omunyiri shishimanyibwa omuliro ta (TWA195)]
One feeling cold does not need to be shown the fire.

117. Eshiminywi shishisakalilanga nyina ta (TWA38)

A chick does not feed the hen.

118. Eshimwero nishiira ingokho babeyera omufunishili (AMI82)

A basket used to cover a hen may kill it but the blame will
be on the one who covered the hen.

119. Eshimwelo shibula eshindi (AMI68)

A basket begets another.

120. Eshimwelo shifuna oushichinjire (AMI69)

A basket burdens the bearer.

121. Eshinjirira shianula eshiene khombe (DWA124)

The intruder ousted the owner of the cave.

122. Eshinyumanyume shiera Narima (AMI72)

Luyia Proverbs

123. Eshialo shiayindia (BKE7)

Isi yaindia (JNA55) -
The earth has overwhelmed me.

124. Eshiobisa omusaatsawo olishilia netsimbeba (DWA174)

[Eshiawima omusatsao olishilia netsimbeba (JWA49)]
[Eshiawima omusatsao tsimbeba tsiakhalie ninawe (62)]
Whatever you hide away from your husband you will share with rats.

125. Eshibi tsia okwe mumbo (JNA60)

Trouble go and land west.

126. Eshioha likhanga ingokho ishiliakhwo (AMI73)

Whatever you give to a guinea-fowl, feed it to the chickens also.
127. Eshiolilekhwo nishio eshishio (46)
What you have eaten is what you count as yours.

128. Eshiomika nishiinyala nishio eshishio (WOY10)

[What you have laid your hands on is what you count as yours*]

129. Eshiomuchesi oshilia nobuchesi (AMI76)

To eat what belongs to a clever person you must devise a
clever way of getting it.

130. Eshiomunda shiachinga eshiomurwe (AMI77)

What is in the belly supports the load on the head.

131. Eshioraaka neshiochesa (TWA150)

[You harvest what you plant*]

132. Eshirukha shionyene shilaha tsimbiro (AMI 79)

That which runs alone claims to be a good runner.

133. Eshirwalile shiletanga omusumba (WOY32)

Likofi liakhwasia omusumba (WOY36)
[What remained of dowry becomes handy for the bachelor*]

Kisa Marama Tsotso and Wanga

134. Eshiseeri shiluma khandi eshiseerwa shiluma (DWA131)

The invader bites as well as the invaded.

135. Eshishieno shili khumwikho (191)

[Eshishieno shisira omwiikho (DWA29)]
[Evil spirits haunt their relatives*]

136. Eshishio neshishio (AMI54)

What is yours is yours.

137. Eshishio shikhumala amahofu (WOY14)

[You long for yours*]

138. Ehituyu shialira omufumbulusia (HWA21)

The hare blamed whoever revealed its hide-out.

139. Eshituya khumukuru shienyanga mwenenzu (TWA183)

[Eshituya khumukuru shienyanga owamenyamwo (DWA87)]
[Eshituya khumukuru shiba shienya mwenenzu (AMI65)]
That which knocks on the back wall seeks the owner of the house.

140. Eshituyu shikofule shinunanga mumwana (WOY105)

An old rabbit feeds from its offspring*

141. Eshiumaho shishiira olwikho (AMI81)

What is unavailable cannot destroy a relationship.

142. Etsia abebulane shiotsilonda (DWA185)

Do not believe all that is claimed in family squabbles.

143. ‘Etsiebulebe tsiakhomera’, eyiyo ebetsanga nelimwo (DWA195)

When you are proud of a herd of cattle it is because yours is included.
[Etsiefwe tsiaya ebulebe nende eyiyomwo (PMU10)]
There they are grazing,’ is best said if yours is among the herd.

144. Ewenyu shiwitsuba (AMI83)

You cannot swear to disown your place of birth.

Luyia Proverbs

145. Eyamabeere niyo eyikwitsanga mubuko (WOY23)

The most productive cow is the one that falls in a ditch.

146. Eyana yanilanga tsiosi (DWA43)

When the cow bellows, it bellows for all cows in the herd.

147. Eyehoya yanula (BKE9)

The patient animal fattens.

148. Eyekhuyunga yera nyina (AMI84)

That which was reluctant to be born killed its mother.

149. Eyesimirisia yafwira khumubero (AMI87)

That which did not shout for help but waited patiently died in the trap.

150. Eyibula amakhwana yisika amabeere (JWA4)

The cow that calves twins must also produce enough milk to feed them.
[Owibula amakhwana yesika amabeere (AMI295)
If you give birth to twins be ready to provide milk.

151. Eyikora shiihulira wetsiashie tsianira tawe (WOY66)

[Eyinaikore shiihulira ahatsianira (AMI89)]
The animal that will get lost will not heed the call of the others.

152. Eyili khumwalo shiyifwa obuloho ta (TWA186)

[Eyili mushirongo (mumwalo) shiifwa obuloho (TWA126)]
The one which is already in the river cannot die of thirst.

153. Eyilikhuluma ikhuchaka mwilima (AMI88)

The hunger that will consume you starts at ploughing time.

154. Eyirulile shiiritsanga lime (DWA149)

There is no fear once you have set off on an errand.

155. Eyisakulira ibotsa (AMI86)

The hen that scratches the ground may find something to eat.

Kisa Marama Tsotso and Wanga

156. Eyisola ikwa mubuko (DWA25)

The animal that wanders away falls.

157. Eyokhuhayahaya shiyikhusinjia tsinzika (AMI90)

A fierce animal hardly develops horns (they are cut off lest it
attacks and hurts others).

158. Eyulilemwo shiifwa obuloho (AMI91)

The animal that gets to the river cannot die of thirst.

159. Halitilile shihali halimanyiranga (WOY107)

A mongoose does not devour its prey where it has caught it.

160. Ichurushi inwani ololera khumikhala (WOY62)

[A fierce fighting bull is noticed by the cuts on its skin*]

161. Ifisi yewenyu yikhulia niyikhuleshera (JWA62)

[Ing’u yewenyu yikhulia niyikhuleshera]
A hyena from your own area (or that knows you) does
not devour you completely.

162. Ifulu yaruma ingeke (JWA58)

The sardine (small fish) sent the tilapia (big fish)

163. Ifulu yacherera ingeke (AMI94)

The little fish warned the big fish.

164. Ifula yekana omwayi (HWA61)

The rain warned the herds’ boy by the rumbling of thunder.

165. Ifula yikwile yibililwa (AMI93)

Rain that is over is soon forgotten.

166. Ifula yolucheka yamanyia Mumbia ewabo (WOY7)

[Ifula yolucheka yamanyisia omundu ewabo (FSU2)]
Rain and thunderstorms showed Mumbia the way home*

Luyia Proverbs

167. Ihonganga eyanyenya (WOY22)

168. Ikhabi ishira obukondo (AMI96)

[Ikhabi ishira obulayi (SOW2)]
Luck is better than beauty.

169. Ikhabi yikwitsanga khuyindi (JWA36)

[Ikhabi imeta khuyindi (SOW2)]
Luck attracts luck (success breeds success).

170. Ikhabi yitsanga lulala (AMI95)

Luck comes once.

171. Ikhabi yomundu yikonanga yonyene (TWA170)

A person’s luck sleeps alone (is hidden).

172. Ikhabi yowashio shioyichendera (AMI98)

You cannot depend on someone’s luck.

173. Ikhasi shitirananga khwitakho (SOW26)

A first cousin does not inherit another first cousin’s wife and property.

174. Ikwaa yeyiniakana omukhono (JWA21)

The armpit blamed the arm as being responsible for its troubles.

175. Ikwena ilia eshilanjilile (AMI95)

A crocodile eats what fate has planned.

176. Ilangungwa eyamakhanda niyili khushisia (FSU4)

One mentions its wrinkles only when it is going up the hill*

177. Imbako shiyibehanga ta (TWA37)

A hoe does not lie.

178. Imbako yomwana shiola nyina tawe (WOY100)

The child’s hoe cannot produce enough for the mother.

Kisa Marama Tsotso and Wanga

179. Imbalaba yaratsia amanji (AMI120)

The bully bleeds the most.

180. Imbia yitsusia ikhulu (AMI100)

The new reminds you of the old one.

181. Imboko irumbulirwa khulwika (WOY5)

Talk of the buffalo and he appears.

182. Imbongo ikhasi ahayirula isakula obukono (AMI101)

The female deer destroys her lair before departing.

183. Imbwa ibukulanga omusokonyolo kwa nyina (AMI104)

A dog squats like its mother.

184. Imbwa inzifi yikula omukongo (HWA72)

A dog that steals sells its body (should have a strong back)

185. Imbwa isemanga niyihulile (TWA56)

[A dog does not bark without a reason*]

186. Imbwa yolanywesia shioyira olwala mukhanwa (AMI105)

Don’t put a finger in the mouth of a strange dog.
[Imbwa yolakhusia shiochira eshitere mumunwa (DWA182)]
Do not put a finger in the mouth of a dog you did not bring up.

187. Imoni eyowashio shiyikhulolera (AMI106)

You cannot see through another person’s eye.

188. Imosi yayira mukhulundu (AMI107)

A calf grazes amongst cows.

189. Inda nolutende (AMI108)

The stomach is a swamp.

190. Inda yachemela (yemilila) omukongo (BKE1)

[The stomach causes the back to suffer.*]

Luyia Proverbs

191. Indabushi yahuulanga obule, leero ihuulanga amatere (WOY17)

[The walking stick which used to thrash finger-millet now thrashes chaff.*]

192. Indabushi yoli ninayo niyo eyawiriranga inzokha (TWA145)

[Indabushi yoli ninayo niyokhupilanga inzokha (PMU26)]
[Olusala luli mumukhono nilwo olwa okhupira inzokha (AMI220)]
The stick in the hand is what you use to kill a snake.

193. India yera omwana welikholobe (TWA115)

Over feeding killed the bird’s chick *

194. Indolo ikwilanga oulali omunachi (WOY41)

[Obukhuyo bukwilanga oulali omunachi (WOY41)]

195. Induyilisi yayila obulalo (HWA59)

A persistant stream of water washed away the bridge.
[Induyirisi ifunaka omuyini (WOY64)]
Persistance broke the handle of a hoe.

196. Ing’ombe inditi yaana nobunyasi mukhanwa (AMI112)

[Ing’ombe mbele yaana nobunyasi mumunwa (PMU11)]
A calf woos with grass in the mouth.

197. Ing’ombe shiyamala bunyasi khunyanga (PMU12)

[A cow cannot eat all the grass in a day*]

198. Ing’ombe yabeene oshelanga nohenga mushilibwa (WOY26)

You milk someone’s cow while watching the gate*

199. Ing’ombe yakhaywa omukhono yeyachira omunwa (AMI113)

For lack of a hand the cow uses its mouth to scratch itself.
As it has no hand, a cow scratches itself with its mouth.
[Ingokho yeyachila omunwa (HWA40)]
[Obwikholandie bwachira ingokho yeyachira omunwa (TWA124)]
The hen scratched itself with its own beak.
Ishima yeboyela okwayo (TWA169)
The monkey tied itself with its own tail.*

Kisa Marama Tsotso and Wanga

200. Ing’u yaboolera olwanda kata noholela ekhunielekhwo (AMI115)

[Ifisi yaboolera olwanda kata noholela ekhunielekhwo (AMI115)]
The hyena said to the stone that even if the stone chose to remain
silent, the hyena had excreted on it.

201. Inganga neshilima (TWA57)

[Entrepreneurship is darkness.*]

202. Ingokho isakulira abana bayo (AMI111)

Every hen will scratch the ground for its chicks.

203. Ingokho yeria okusule (TWA182)

[A hen is conscious of its limitations*]

204. Ingonaho ashiranga imbuni (WOY33)

[A resident is more reliable than an early visitor*]

205. Ingwe isira imbusi yomutakha (SOW8)

[A leopard often takes a poorman’s goat*]

206. Ingwe yali isiru abatsia mumwalo bachiechesia (WOY71)

[Ingwe yali isiru omutsi wamatsi yachiechesia amachesi (AMI117)]
[Ingwe yali isiru owali namuchera yachibalira (FSU3)]
The leopard was foolish until it learnt to be wise from the person who went to draw
water from the stream.

207. Ingwe yiira abananda (SOW7)

[A leopard often kills family members*]

208. Ininga yehale ibootsa niyilikamila (WOY70)

[Ininga yehale yalia (yabotsanga) niyileshera (TWA20)]
A pigeon from a distant place eats sparingly bearing in mind the setting sun.

209. Injerani yarundula amatsukhu (TWA199)

210. Injila ichelelungwa ahayalinji (WOY51)
[A road is made where the old road passed.*]
[Inyende ilondanga khumukhosi (WOY67)]
[A worm follows the track made before.*]

Luyia Proverbs

211. Injila shiibolelanga ouchenda (TWA175)

The road does not fore-warn the traveller.

212. Inonga iratsa (AMI118)

Even the humble one kicks.

213. Inula irulanga butoro (DWA96)

Good health begins from childhood.

214. Inyanga yofwa shiomanyanga tawe (TWA116)

You can never tell the day of your death*

215. Inyende ndala ibosia olwoba (PMU15)

One worm spoils a mushroom.

216. Inyende ochilira mulwoba (AMI119)

If you eat mushrooms, you are sure to eat maggots.

217. Inyungu niyiteekhwa okhula yiwutse (TWA120)

[A cooking pot must produce steam*]

218. Inyungu yatishe shiyiyunga ta (HWA56)

[Olutaabo olwaatishe shilweyunganga ta (JNA53)]
A broken clay pot/plate does not become whole again.

219. Inzikura inyasia (AMI121)

Too much satisfaction results in waste.

220. Inzofu ifutara khoyanyekwa (AMI38)

An elephant is abused only when it has turned away.

221. Isimba yikonanga abahulirisania (DWA150)

[Isimba ikona abakwana (AMI122)]
[Isimba ikonanga abafuchirisaniye (WOY113)]
Only those who are in good terms can stay in one bachelors hut.
The boys’ hut is a sleeping-place for friends.
222. Isindani yakhaya omwami (AMI123)
A king may lack a needle.

Kisa Marama Tsotso and Wanga

223. Isiongo yatikhanga niyulile mushina (TWA142)

[Isiongo yatishiranga hamuliango (AMI124)]
A water-pot breaks at the door.

224. Isiye eyilakhuchomire shiyikhukwakhwo (AMI125)

A fly will not land on you except by its own free will.

225. Itsa khumenye shikhwikalila okhulekana (AMI126)

‘Come let us live together’ soon results in disagreements.

226. Ituyanga khandi ikhomba (PMU23)

It knocks and licks*

227. Iyaywa iremanga omuyiakali (WOY2)

[Imbatsi iremanga omuyiakali (WOY2)]
[An axe cuts its sharpener*]

228. Kaala nikwo omulimo (AMI127)

Easy-going gets work done.

229. Kainyola (JNA57)

Misfortune has caught up with me.

230. Kakhuwelele karie shinga omulobi khulukuku (AMI128)

Why do you appear so tired like a fisherman by the riverside?

231. Kata omuchesi achelelungwa (2)

[Kata omuchesi yebalilwa (HWA30)]
Even the clever one is advised.

232. Khateshele omukali alie (AMI132)

233. Khateta yambula imbolo (AMI135)

The lazy one takes home the rotting one.

234. Khula olole (AMI136)

Grow up and then see.

Luyia Proverbs

235. Kona bushie yera se (WOY53)

He who slept until morning killed his father*
Sleep until morning killed his father*

236. Kukhula kho kwanyoola ikhombe (AMI138)

A tree matures before it develops a cavity.

237. Kukhulema kulakhutosia (AMI139)

Be patient, don’t be tempted.

238. Kulimwa okufutukha (BKE2)

[You cultivate what you can finish.*]

239. Kuhalulukha kuloma ta (SOW24)

It had better shed its leaves than dry up.

240. Kwira mulala kwalekha oundi (AMI141)

It may kill one and spare another.

241. Lekha okhukoyana shinga oweimoni (AMI142)

Do not fumble about like a one-eyed person.

242. Lekha okhukoyana shinga outsia khushiro (AMI143)

Do not fumble as if you are going to the market.

243. Lekha okhuyochera shinga lisoko mumabele (AMI145)

Do not chatter noisily like a weaver-bird in a corn field.

244. Lekha okhuyiya shinga namulekhwa khubalebe (AMI144)

Do not wander about like a widow.

245. Lekha okhwimila shinga oluchera (AMI146)

Do not show off like the rainbow.

246. Libuko lilumiranga obufwiro (WOY20)

Kisa Marama Tsotso and Wanga

247. Likhanga liareba ingokho, olwalimungo lwahwela hena? (WOY6)

[Olwali mungo lwawera he?] (JWA57)]
Always be wary of old foes.

248. Likhanga libula likhanga (HWA74)

[A guinea fowl begets a guinea fowl*]

249. Likhanga shilikora obukondo (DWA44)

The guinea fowls appearance cannot be mistaken.
250. Likofi liekala injira (AMI47)
[Obubeyi bwikalanga injira (JWA48)]
A debt shuts the way.

251. Liloba nelimili (JNA37)

[The earth is a swallower*].

252. Linda binyire yalia nabacheni (PMU22)

He who waits for his food to cool shares it with visitors.

253. Linda obwitsa nabeya (AMI149)

Wait to be served by the brides.

254. Liselo shilitong’anga ahaliahalwa (WOY28)

A hide does not remain with the professional tanner.*

255. Lishere lialira liri shiliba shina! (AMI46)

The frog cried out ‘will it ever be!’.

256. Litakho shilira

Buttocks cannot kill.

257. Lisimba lifwiranga khumusango kwelindi (AMI49)

The mangoose dies on the trap of another.

258. Lisimba shiliria omurechi (AMI50)

A mongoose does not fear its trapper.

Luyia Proverbs

259. Litakho shilichumanga ta (TWA153)

[Litakho shilisumanga ta (BKE8)]
Buttocks do not bring profit.

260. Loba omuchesi shiwibeka (AMI320)

However clever you might be you cannot shave yourself.

261. Luya lwangolobe lwakonia omusinde indulo (WOY60)

[Oluya lweingolobe lwakonia omusinde erwanyi (SOW39)]
The warmth at dusk made a young man sleep in the cold.

262. Lwayiba inulu shiyimungwa omusambi (HWA38)

The meat roaster is not denied the fat piece.

263. Mahandale kashila okhukona inzala (PMU27)

Better to feed on husky maize meal than to sleep hungry.

264. Makhono mabi nakalakanile (TWA51)

[Little is better than nothing.*]

265. Mani kamweya ni mwananyina (AMI152)

A bride’s strength is her kinsfolk.

266. Mao wowashio shiakhusinga walaba (WOY98)

Another person’s mother cannot wash you clean.
[Omwana oulali owuwo shomusinga yalaba (AMI252)]
You cannot wash someone’s child to the parent’s satisfaction.

267. Mbashilayi shiawalola shiakhusuba (WOY4)

The greedy one wants everything he sees.

268. Mbashira amakha nishiandakalasia (WOY19)

269. Mbu isie omululu yerukha shiabula (DWA108)

He who boasted of bravery ran a race of his lifetime.

Kisa Marama Tsotso and Wanga

270. Mulayi akhufwila inzala ilakhukwila (JWA47)

Better lose a dear relative than suffer an outbreak of famine.

271. Mutsuli neyinda okhulia khwa chweya (TWA45)

You will still have to eat tomorrow.

272. Mwana mufwiiri kata niyimuluma niyesumirisia (DWA167)

An orphan always perseveres even when hungry.

273. Mwana uchenda ashila nyina amachesi (PMU1)

A child who travels surpasses his mother’s wisdom.

274. Nabalekwa yeera imbongo (TWA166)

The despised one killed a buffalo.

275. Nabukhwe buleche butesherwa inderema (DWA75)

Despised in-laws are served with poor vegetables.

276. Nambire hena amarwi (JNA64)

Where shall I take my ears?

277. Naminyi yasubilila omulenjelo (SOW31)

[Ipicho yasubirira namulenjera mbu nendie tsiswa ndakonerera (TWA173)]
Naminyi trusted the calm weather.
Naminyi trusted the calm weather, “I will eat white ants and sleep”

278. Namulakwa ndalo shitsishinda okhula (AMI162)

Promises like days soon become due.

279. Namulekhwa ndikhole endie? (AMI161)

Being a helpless widow, what shall I do?

280. Nandachelelwa yayima nabarana/nabachesi (TWA7)

[Nandakaywa yayiima nabarana (PMU20)]
[Nandaulira tsiabalomi yayima nabarana (WOY50)]
He who refused advice hunted with crooks.

Luyia Proverbs

281. Nandachelelwa yombakha khumuhanda kwamanani (WOY110)

[Nandachelelwa alikona mumihanda chiamanani (AMI164)]
Nandahulila tsiabalomi yacheniha amanani (PMU29)
Nandahulila tsiabalomi yahanda mushibambo (HWA70)
He who refuses to heed advice may end up sleeping in the hyenas’ path…
Shilikhaya yombakha khukwamanani (PMU16)
The disobedient built on the hyenas’ track
[Shilikhayi yamenya khumuhanda kwamanani (HWA69)]
He that will not heed advice may end up building by the roadside
frequented by hyenas.
[Shirikhayi akwitsanga mumanani (JWA15)]
An obstinate person often fall victim to dragons.

282. Nandachenda yakhwa mungo (FSU1)

[Nandachenda yateshia mungo (DNA1)]
He who does not venture out may marry from his home.

283. Nandachenda yatsia nako ebukhwe (HWA35)

He who did not venture out took a despised object to his in-laws.

284. Nandakaywa yafulamira abakayi (AMI166)

The aggressor who refused to listen to his mediators cursed them.

285. Nandakonya yalikha obukhaya (TWA71)

“I will check,” cooked maize meal without stew.

286. Nandaulila yarandula lisombo (AMI 169)

Insatiable appetite tore the stomach.

287. Nandebula arumanga eshilenjeshie (86)

[Ouuma omwana aruma lirango (AMI278)]
A childless woman sends her thigh ( leg).

288. Nandebula akalukha omukumba (AMI168)

The barren one returns childless.

289. Nashikoko ashira eshilindwa (WOY12)

A spinster is better than a grave.

Kisa Marama Tsotso and Wanga

290. Nashilala shinga obweliani (AMI171)

As monotonous as a vegetable dish*.

291. Naushesirie wane,’ shikamalanga, amahofu (DWA175)

[Imbolelwa shiimalanga amahofu ta]
‘Greet so and so for me’ is no substitute for seeing that person.

292. Nambula mwikho yahamba omwitsa (AMI159)

He who has no relative takes on a friend.

293. Ndafwa masinjira (JNA54)

I am as good as dead
I am a walking dead.

294. Ndakhupa khushibi (JNA56)

I am unfortunate. (Poor me!)

295. Ngulukha bwire shikulukha butswa ta (SOW29)

296. Ninde bushie mama alafuka endie (AMI174)

I shall wait till morning for mother to cook food for me to eat.

297. Niwenya eshitakhalira wira eyiyo (JWA39)

[Niwenya eshini ne wira eyiyo (TWA137)]
If you want to eat the best part of the cow (the liver) kill your own.

298. Niwenya okhumanya omundu, tsia ninaye oluchendo (DWA180)

If you want to know someone go with him on a journey.

299. Njenda ninzaya ashira owabalira (AMI175)

To limp about in search of grazing pastures is better than to be mourned.

300. Nobisa omulwale namaliro kamubula (SOW17)

[Oubisa amalwale amaliro kalimubula (JNA48)]
He who hides sickness will be revealed by weeping.
A person who conceals disease is exposed when mourning
for the deceased starts.

Luyia Proverbs

301. Noboola nende ouli khumuliango oba nomwikulile (AMI181)

If you answer the door you should open for the one who knocks.

302. Nochenda nende shikanda nokanda (TWA138)

If you walk with the idle you may end up idling.

303. Nochenda nomwifi wesi wakhebe (AMI180)

If you walk with a thief you may end up being a thief.

304. Nofisa ifisi yakhakhulie (WOY119)

[Nofisa ing’u iba yakhakhulie (AMI185)]
If you hide a hyena it may eat you in due course.

305. Noharirwe nomusinde akhubalikha (WOY91)

In desperation a circumcision candidate seeks help from
an uncircumcised person.

306. Nokayira emiero otsia neingabo (AMI183)

To mediate in a fight go with a shield.

307. Nolonda ebieingokho ilia sholia ingokho (AMI184)

If you pay attention to what chickens eat you will never wish to
eat the chicken.

308. Nolashiola shiochonya (AMI182)

You do not tire before your destination.

309. Notayira omwikho oramwo omukhuutsi (AMI179)

To a relative give a mixture of grain and chaff (to convince him
that your stock is limited)

310. Nyambusiekhwo mukayinjikhane nasi ndakhamwambusie

muketsule (AMI186)
Ferry me across shallow waters and I shall ferry you through deeper waters.

311. Nyasaye akhonya owikhonya (AMI170)

God helps he who helps himself.

Kisa Marama Tsotso and Wanga

312. Nzia ebulebe shakosa oluchendo (AMI176)

Always ready to travel must be on a mission.

313. Okhufimba khelishere shikhukaya ing’mbe

okhunywa amatsi (AMI201)
A swollen frog does not scare a cow from drinking water in a pond.

314. Okwamachienga okworera ehale (SOW32)

[Okwetsindaha okworera ehale (AMI206)]
A fierce fire is best basking at a distance.

315. Omusala omurerere kunina owakumanya (FSU8)

Only the experienced climbs the slippery tree.

316. Omwana niyeekura mbu: “Papa khusambe eshiachi” (DWA97)

[Mama samba eshiachi (SOW5)]
A child having eaten enough says,“Father (mother) let us burn the granary”.

317. Oba nakhokho olubutso lwatunduma (AMI187)

Make a contribution if you want to enjoy life with your friends.

318. Obolanga nomusumi nomuyoyeere (DWA188)

[Okhupa imbakha nomusumi nomuyoyeere (DWA36)]
A beggar talks much after being given what he wants.

319. Obubatsa mubandu (AMI189)

Count him only as one among others.

320. Obukhana bwimbanga ouliho (TWA58)

Only those present are praised in song.

321. Obukhonyani bulera amani (AMI189)

Assisting each other is the source of strength.

322. Obukofu shinobulwale! (AMI193)

Old age is not sickness.

Luyia Proverbs

323. Obukona bulangwa obuchieni (AMI36)

Today’s dish is tomorrow’s leftovers.

324. Obukoosi bushira obululu (AMI194)

Politeness is better than harshness.

325. Obulala niko amani (AMI 33)

Unity is strength.

326. Obulalo bwalungwa aha omuchela kuli (DWA142)

A bridge is laid where there is a river.

327. Obulayi bukhaana bukosia ing’ombe (JWA65)

A girl’s beauty may steal a cow.
One should not gamble one’s cow on youthful beauty.

328. Obuliba bwomukofu bukwitsanga lulala (TWA122)

The old man’s trap is triggered only once

329. Obulwale buli khuwashio shibukhukaya tsindolo (AMI191)

Someone’s illness cannot prevent you from sleeping

330. Obupaari nende obwitsuliri ni tooto (TWA123)

331. Oburengu bukhwima eshia wakhalile (AMI196)

Stubbornness earns you nothing to eat.

332. Oburerere shibumanyire omwami (DWA76)

Slippery ground does not recognise a king.

333. Obusera obunabusambe omwana burakhwo olububi (TWA114)

The porridge that burns the child deceives him by forming a coat.

334. Obushia shinga obundi (AMI32)

Tomorrow will be like the other day.

335. Obutofu shibwayilungwa omusaala ta (TWA158)

Laziness has no medicine.

Kisa Marama Tsotso and Wanga

336. Obwaro bwira mumakoba (JWA13)

A boat capsizes just when it approaches the shore.

337. Obwatoto butsuna (AMI198)

The truth hurts.

338. Obweitsuli sholekha (AMI198)

Never skip the morning meal.

339. Obwikho buli munda (HWA6)

Kinship is in the stomach.

340. Obwikho bushira obwitsa; shibufwitsanga tawe (JWA 25)

[Olwikho shinobwitsa (AMI222)]
Blood relationship is superior to friendship (it continues regardless).
Blood relationship is not like friendship.

341. Obwikho namatsayi, obwitsa nobuchamani (SOW21)

Kinship is a blood relationship, friendship is a love relationship.

342. Ochenda ehale wola (JNA71)

Take the longer route and reach.

343. Ocherera owichelela (HWA4)

You advise the wise.

344. Ofubire lishere mumatsi (AMI200)

You have thrown a frog into the water.

345. Oha oukhuhelesia (AMI188)

[Omechera oukhumechera (TWA15)]
You give to him who gives you.

346. Ohonia owelifumo olahonia oweinzala (DWA66)

[Ohonia welikonzo olahonia oweinzala (HWA65)]
It is better to help a man wounded by a spear than a hungry man
It is better to cure a man’s wound than satisfy his hunger.

Luyia Proverbs

347. Okhola kho walia (TWA114)

Work and eat.

348. Okhuboola shikhuli nikwo okhukhola ta (TWA102)

Words are not actions.

349. Okhulia khwera isuna (AMI202)

Eating caused a mosquito to die.

350. Okhumanyira mumwoyo khushiranga okhubuula (TWA11)

Better be discreet than conspicuous.

351. Okhuyechia khwaranga eshimuka (WOY40)

Stubbornness breaks the gourd.

352. Okhwibula khushira okhunia (WOY88)

To give birth is better than to excrete.

353. Okhwisubila khwakonia ameno inzala (AMI203)

Blind expectation made the teeth go hungry.

354. Okona inzala wabula okhwiba (DWA197)

Better sleep hungry than steal.

355. Okwa eshilubi olakwa eshikaye (AMI205)

Better fall like a basket than like an earthen ware.

356. Okwa nyina nende olwakho (33)

Even twins in the womb have a membrane separating them.

357. Okwa omunasiria nikwo okwa omukhupira (AMI207)

What you teach a child to get used to is what you will discipline him by.

358. Okwama kwamulukha (TWA144)

The tree that bears fruits sheds them.

359. Okwomwami kwira oubulaho (DWA151)

That which belongs to the king only kills whoever is not present.

Kisa Marama Tsotso and Wanga

360. Olaba omwoyo nga injira yitsia mumwalo (JWA3)

You have to be as good hearted as a path that leads to the stream.

361. Olabulilira akhayoni khumuliro (AMI208)

A bird trapper should not reveal the secret by the fire place (lest someone gets there
before him under the cover of darkness).

362. Olakhema omwami eliani (tsifwa) khane imulumanga (DWA164)

Do not refuse the king vegetables for he could be hungry.

363. Olala lisero noshiri okhulola omwana (AMI209)

Don’t spread the skin before the child is born.

364. Olaleka akomwana (AMI210)

Don’t ignore a child’s advice.

365. Olaleka shinga ing’u yaleka omulema (AMI211)

[Olaleka shinga ifisi yaleka omulema]
Do not underrate things the way the hyena underrated the lame man.

366. Olaleka tsiabalomi (DWA30)

Do not despise the sayings of the wise.

367. Olanyekanga eliuba noshiri okhwikala omuliango (WOY13)

Do not insult the sun before you close the door.

368. Olasangalira okhukabwa likumba (AMI212)

Do not be exited about the big bone on your plate.

369. Oleka omutamba wamwalira (AMI213)

He who despises a prostitute ends up in bed with her.

370. Olekhupa khubalila nopaara bembanga (AMI217)

Don’t mistake mourners for singers.

371. Olerakhwo shinga litakho liera khushinama (AMI214)

Don’t stick yourself like the buttock on the thigh.

Luyia Proverbs

372. Oli omutinyu shinga amalesi kolwasa (JWA8)

You are as stubborn as a toothless mouth.

373. Olikwa mutsiaya (AMI216)

You may find yourself amid grazing cattle.

374. Olonga etsilatikha? (AMI218)

Do you claim to make unbreakable pottery?

375. Olufu shilweranga (JNA33)

Death never chooses.

376. Oluhere luswaka amatsi mushinu (WOY94)

A child pounds water in a grinding mortar.

377. Olukalushirire lwera Ndunde (AMI102)

Rushing back to battle in fury killed Ndunde.

378. Olukhwi lworenya nilwo lukhusamba (WOY72)

The firewood you fetch is the one that burns you.

379. Olukhwi olwawirenyera lukhulisia omwosi (AMI219)

You may suffer from the smoke coming from the very
firewood you gathered.

380. Olulimi luserera shilulilwo oluteshia ta (WOY9)

The language of courtship is not the same as the language in marriage.

381. Olulimi neshiserenjero (TWA160)

The tongue is like a rolling stone.

382. Olulimi noluheni (DWA129)

The tongue is lightening.

383. Olumbe shilwamulala tawe (JNA34)

Death does not come to only one person.

Kisa Marama Tsotso and Wanga

384. Olusa lubeetsanga khushibulaho (DWA177)

One longs for what is not available.
Omwoyo kwikomba eshiumaho (AMI258)
[The heart longs for what is not available.*]

385. Olukhaaye omwene olwiha (JWA66)]

[Olusaatsa niwe omwene owiheresia (TWA6)]
[Olusiani omwene olwiha]
Self respect breeds respect from others.

386. Olwana lwenjia liswi (DWA88)

[Olwana lwenjia liswi khumurwe (AMI221)]
Childishness colours the hair with dust.

387. Olwibulo lwakhonya Wanamboka (AMI222)

Giving birth rescued Wanamboka.

388. Olwikho shineingubo (AMI225)

[Olwikho shineyingubo yirandukha ta (44)]
Blood relationship is not like a dress.

389. Ometa lishere; kumala okhulia khokwaruma (TWA135)

Ometa the frog jumps about when it has eaten.
(Activity is a sign of satisfaction.)

390. Omubi shiyendungwa tawe (SOW33)

The uncompassionate/uncooperative is not informed of bereavement.

391. Omucheni woshiacheniha shiomupilakhwo

omukhasiwo (DWA74)
Do not beat your wife for failing to host a visitor who has not hosted you.

392. Omucheni yakhonya mwene tala (HWA15)

[Omucheni yakhonya omwenengo (73)]
[Omucheni yaleta omwene tala (WOY116)]
The host benefits from the visitor’s feast.

Luyia Proverbs

393. Omuchesi omwayira (AMI229)

Don’t expose your source of herbs to another medicine man,
give him the prepared sample.

394. Omuchesi wokhulia aranjirira okhusaaba (AMI157)

A person of great appetite is the first to wash his hands.

395. Omuchimba achimbira ewuwe (AMI233)

The rainmaker is a rainmaker in his own home.

396. Omufu yachemera omulamu (SOW13)

The living suffers because of the dead*

397. Omuka nokweimberi (WOY85)

[The first things are the most important.*]

398. Omukabi alitsanga likumba (AMI226)

He who dishes out ends up eating the bone.

399. Owolukhono ashira omwimani (AMI156)

A thrifty person is better than a miser.

400. Omukayi niye oukhupungwa (AMI228)

The peacemaker may end up the victim.

401. Omukhasi nakhulobire akhuhamba liloko (DWA199)

[Omukhasi nakhulobire akhuchiikha liloko (198)]
When a woman dislikes you she accuses you of witchcraft.

402. Omukhasi omuchendani abula emima (AMI160)

A woman who moves from husband to husband has no manners.

403. Omukhasi womwana abeyeranga omwana (AMI230)

The mother uses her child to hide her mistakes.

404. Omukhongo shakhulira eshishio (AMI231)

A big person does not eat on your behalf.

Kisa Marama Tsotso and Wanga

405. Omukhono mulala shikwitukhanga isiongo ta (WOY31)

[One hand does not raise a water pot to the head*]
[Eshilama shikhonyanungwa (BKE7)]
[You need the help of others to raise the roof onto the granary.*]

406. Omukofu asabila tsimoni (DWA171)

An adult begs with his eyes.

407. Omukofu atiriranga khushikaye (AMI234)

The old man catches the naughty child at meal time.
Omwana omutirira khushiteru (DWA156)
A naughty child is caught at the time of eating.

408. Omulayi ashina mumuse lulala (AMI155)

[Omulayi wa wane ashina mumuse lulala (HWA26)]
The wise person takes to the dance floor only once.
[Omulayi walebe ashina mumuse lulala (DWA24)]
[Omulayi weBuwanga ashina mumuse lulala (JWA19)]
The beautiful one of Wanga dances in the arena once.

409. Omulayi omulinda munzala (AMI235)

Wait to prove a person good at famine time.

410. Omulayi shiabulanga imbala ta (TWA168)

Even the pretty one is not without an ugly scar.

411. Omulema niye oumanya shinga olwakwa (HWA63)

The lame knows how to fall.

412. Omulembe kulia okundi (AMI235)

Peace nourishes on peace.

413. Omuli ashira omwifi (JWA45)

Better a glutton than a thief.

414. Omulimo kwira okundi (AMI238)

One job kills another job.

Luyia Proverbs

415. Omuliro kusamba owakubwana (HWA48)

The fire burns the maker.

416. Omulonji aliira khuluchio (HWA55)

A potter eats out of a broken piece of pottery.

417. Omulosi aloka eyashera (AMI237)

[Omulosi aloka eyasheramwo (HWA29)]
A witch bewitches the very cow she milks.

418. Omululu alulila mubabwe (AMI240)

419. Omululu mulala shiwakhwesika (DWA170)

We cannot depend on one brave man for victory.

420. Omundu menya ninaye (AMI243)

Live with a person.

421. Omunwa khukundi (DNA)

[Quarrels beget quarrels.*]

422. Omunwa kwanje holera (SOW37)

‘My mouth, be quiet!’*

423. Omunwa omulayi kuchira walia eshikhongo (AMI242)

A good mouth will make you eat great things.

424. Omunwa shikufuna (AMI244)

The mouth is no burden.

425. Omunyaka aboolanga ari, “leero kho embeere

The thief says,“today was my first attempt”

426. Omupeyi yakona mung’ombe (AMI244)

A cattle rustler slept in the kraal.
427. Omurumwa alia eshifisile (JWA22)
The obedient messenger eats/gets the most hidden treasure.

Kisa Marama Tsotso and Wanga

428. Omurumwa shakhupungwa olukuma (JWA23)

[Omurumwa shiyarungwa olukuma (AMI247)]
A messenger should not be beaten.

429. Omusala kukhulira khukundi (DWA168)

A tree is grafted on another.

430. Omusala kukwiranga okundi

A tree falls on another.

431. Omusala kukololosibungwa nikushiri omutoro (AMI248)

A tree is straightened while it is still young.

432. Omusala kukwiranga ouli ahambi (WOY35)

[A tree falls on one near it.*]

433. Omusala omulayi kukhulira muchindi (AMI249)

A good tree grows among others.

434. Omuse kufwiira oufwire (DWA184)

Only the dead are defeated in a court case.

435. Omuse nomurama (TWA63)

Every court case is tricky.

436. Omuse nomurana (BKE11)

The arena is the testing ground.

437. Omusembe kulonda likondi (AMI250)

The sheep’s tail lags behind.

438. Omushiele yebula hosi (197)

[The woman has given birth everywhere.*]

439. Omusiani wa lebe nokhulia (DWA8)

[Omusiani wa wane nokhulia (43)]
A strong young man is one who feeds well.

Luyia Proverbs

440. Omusinde yatseshera isalache (SOW30)

[Omusinde yatseshera isalu (WOY59)]
The uncircumcised laughed at a cut.*

441. Omusiru yabisa eshimulia (TWA129)

The fool concealed that which was to eat him.

442. Omusolili omulayi ne ikofia yasamwana (JWA55)

[Omusolili omulayi neshimwata shiasamwana]
A child’s good conduct earns his father respect and praise.

443. Omususumi yasundulwa amatsi mumoni (DWA102)

[He who roams from home to home gets dirty water spattered on his face.*]

444. Omukara abeyera imbako (AMI227)

The lazy one blames the hoe.
[Omukhasi omukara mbu: “omuyini kwewefu” (DWA 52)]
[Omukhasi omutofu imbako yewefu (HWA52)]
[Omukhasi omutofu mbu omuyini kwewefu (84)]
The lazy woman says, “if only I had the hoe from my home”.

445. Omutsekuli anyola amatsukhu (DWA17)

He who despises things gets lungs (the worst).

446. Omutu (omutiti) shachera inungo (SOW6)

[Omwimbichiti shachera inungo (JWA6)]
A short person does not specify where the attic is to be put.

447. Omwalo kwolashiambukha ochereranga likata (WOY87)

[Use a reed to know the depth of a river if you have not crossed it before.*]

448. Omwana akhulecheresiria mumishino (mumibayo) (DWA165)

A child can show you disrespect in a dance.

449. Omwana ania khushikaye (AMI251)

[A child will soil his own dish.*]
450. Omwana neisiilo (TWA41)
[A child is a pillar.*]

Kisa Marama Tsotso and Wanga

451. Omwana nobuliiro (TWA40)

[A child is a source of good things (food)*]

452. Omwana nobuunga (TWA42)

A child is a helper.*

453. Omwana owa olalele wikholelela wamusinga (AMI253)

The child that you will nurse, you first wash him well.

454. Omwana shaliranga butswa (AMI254)

A baby does not cry for nothing.
[Omwana shalira butswa, aliriranga eshialutsi (DWA186)]
A baby does not just cry, it cries for what he has seen.

455. Omwana wamberi neshikhoyero (WOY15)

[The first born child is a source of joy.*]

456. Omwana yalola nyina yatira mufubo yabene (WOY39)

457. Omwana yesinga anywa (AMI255)

[A child drinks the water in which he is bathing.*]

458. Omwaya ndala ashira ndiliruka (JWA64)

A man who rears one cow is better than he who says
‘I will rear a large herd’.

459. Omweka niyetembelesiye yakhashilile omwechesia

wuwe namachesi (TWA156)
[If the learner was humble, he would have been better than his teacher.*]

460. Omwenywe oloba butswa olakhebwaba (olakhesuuha) (DWA155)

You should not swear at your brother.

461. Omwesi kwakaasia libwe (167)

[Omwesi kwayingoyia libwe (HWA37)]
The moon beguiled the fox.

462. Omwibo aliilwa khu lulala (SOW11)

Luyia Proverbs

463. Omwibo shatira mununjiro (SOW12)

[A woman who has just given birth should not touch the cooking pot.*]

464. Omwifi nomuhambe (AMI257)

A thief is caught stealing.

465. Omuyika mulala shikumala abalayi (DWA103)

All good people cannot die in one year.

466. Omuyika neingalukhani (TWA179)

[Years change.*]

467. Omwikholelela shikufubanga (WOY79)

The early person does not come away empty-handed.

468. Omwikhoyo kubula eshiakamo (TWA148)

[Pleasure knows no stop.*]

469. Omwiranyi mweka yamala amaanda (TWA126)

The apprentice blacksmith wastes charcoal.

470. Omwiranyi yebalilwa (JWA14)

A blacksmith still has to be advised.

471. Omwoyo omulayi kuchira walia eshifisire (HWA1)

A good heart makes one get the hidden thing.

472. Onyanya yatora kho wamira (AMI259)

Chew until it is soft before you swallow.

473. Opili yibula opili (TWA66)

A spotted cow gives birth to a sported calf. [Opili begets Opili]

474. Oraba shinga owarumwa imbatsi (DWA163)

You should not be as the person who was sent an axe.
[Owatsia iyaywa yakaalira khubusuma owarula inyuma yabukula (WOY63)]
[He was sent for an axe but settled to eat before requesting for it, lost it to someone
else who came for it after him.*]

Kisa Marama Tsotso and Wanga

475. Oranjilira obumanani okhuyomba okhuranjilisia obuyinda (DWA196).

It is better to begin with poverty rather than riches.

476. Oranjilila weya eyiyo khowaleka eyowashio (AMI261)

First sweep your own house before you despise someone else’s.

477. Oria omululu washio wayindira (TWA5)

Fear another strong man and live.

478. Orula khumusembe nonina khumunyenya (WOY38)

[From a tree without thorns to a thorny one.*]

479. Orunga likofi waya (AMI262)

Pay what you owe and graze freely.

480. Osumiranga khukhawabiikha (DWA139)

You only add on what you have kept.

481. Otamba olafwa (JWA9)

Better poverty than death.

482. Otamba outambulukha (SOW27)

[It normal to be poor but not always.*]

483. Otanga inyekungwa niyili khushisia (PMU18)

[Otanga yamania inyekwa niyifutare (WOY78)]
“Otanga” the tough elephant’s wrinkles are mentioned only
when it has turned its back.

484. Otembelesia wateshia (TWA98)

Handle with care so as to marry.

485. Otolotolo ashira owibire (WOY111)

[Otoolo ashira omwibi (DWA160)]
It is better to pick up something than to steal.

486. Otsia aha buli obukhaya (WOY16)

You better marry where there is maize meal without stew.

Luyia Proverbs

487. Otsilekha ahambi watsienda ehale (AMI263)

You may leave them near only to collect them far away.

488. Otulanga litisi niwakharulamwo (SOW38)

[Pick a quarrel with a pool after you leave it.*]

489. Oufwa afwa lulwe (BKE3)

[Everyone dies of his own disease.*]

490. Oufwa india shashiena (JWA43)

He who dies of overeating will not haunt those left behind.

491. Ouhendera omurwe niye oukuchinga (DWA58)

[He who worries about a load ends up carrying it.*]
[Owekana omurwe niye owakuchinga (WOY102)]
He who declined to carry the ‘head’ carried it in the end.

492. Oukholola ashila owiyaka (HWA79)

He who coughs is better than he who scratches himself.

493. Oukhong’onda yekulilwa (TWA36)

[He who knocks is opened for.*]

494. Oukhubolela irukha uno niye omwikho wo (HWA36)

[Oukhuboolera ari yirukha niye owolubekalwo (DWA34)]
He who warns you of danger is your friend/relative/on your side.

495. Oukhuheresia shititi yakhakhuhelesie eshikali olundi (TWA50)

[He who gives you little will give you much another day.*]

496. Oukhulechire akhulwana nebilaro (PMU7)

[He who despises you wrestles you in his outdoor shoes.*]
497. Oukhulindia ebinji akhwira inzala (AMI268)
He who promises you a bigger share may starve you to death.

498. Oukhulisia akhupa mao nolola (AMI269)

[Oukhulisia akhupa mao niwikhale (JWA31)]
He who feeds you may beat your mother in your presence.

Kisa Marama Tsotso and Wanga

499. Oukhushira amaani anyeka mawo niwikhaale (DWA93)

A stronger person abuses your mother in your presence.

500. Oukhumechera akhwaya khumoni

[He who feeds you controls you.*]

501. Oukhumonya abetsanga nakhuriire (TWA177)

He who back-bites you fears you.

502. Oukhumonya abetsanga nakhurire (DWA161)

Oukhunyeka nakhuha ashira oukhwima (WOY83)
[He who gives you with abuses is better than one who does not give you.*]

503. Oukhwibulira akhulanga omukhasi (AMI271)

[He who sires children for you will call you a woman.*]

504. Oulakamanya yarema namatswa (SOW9)

[He who was not familiar with banana varieties, cut a variety
not cooked green.*]

505. Oulakhwenya akhura alayi (AMI272)

He who rejects you puts you in a better place.

506. Oulalola nyina bukhaana mbu papa yafuba tsing’ombe (TWA81)

A person who never saw the mother at the height of her beauty may
say the father wasted his dowry.

507. Ouramenya nelichina lichina oluya (DWA77)

He who does not live with a stone says the stone is warm.

508. Oulanina yalia amachiishi (AMI134)

[Nandaniina yahebwa amabisi (TWA72)]
[The person who cannot climb up the tree is given the unripe ones.*]

509. Oularia nyina nasamwana achenda bwashia (DWA110)

[Oularia abebusi be achenda bwashia (TWA161)]
He who does not honour his parents may have to walk until dawn
without assistance.

Luyia Proverbs

510. Oularia nyina shiaria nyina owowashie (DWA90)

He who does not respect his own mother cannot respect another person’s mother.

511. Ouli elwanyi yekomba ouli munzu (TWA59)

[He who is outside covets the one in the house.*]

512. Ouloka eshiro alimanyikhana (AMI276)

A night runner will come to be known.

513. Oulonda omwalo ashira oulonda omwami (AMI277)

He who follows the course of a river is better than he who follows a king.

514. Oulwenyanga yobolela Amarenga (PMU17)

[He who sought trouble talked Amarenga.*]

515. Ounia khunjira shaniakho lulala (AMI279)

A person who excretes by the roadside does not just do so once.

516. Oureba imboko areba niyili khumubili (AMI280)

Talk about the buffalo and it may suddenly appear.

517. Oureeba shinomusiru tawe (TWA125)

Asking is not stupidity.

518. Oureka elilola lipulukha (AMI281)

Trap it while it sees you and it will surely fly away.

519. Ousaba ahebwa (TWA35)

He who asks is given.

520. Ousangalira oukaba aheebwa eshikumba (TWA157)

521. Owasebula obulayi yalekha omulembe inyuma (TWA32)

[Sebula ndahi yalekha omukwano (JWA67)]
A graceful parting leaves peace behind it.

522. Oushililekhwo niye oushitsomia (AMI282)

The person who has tasted it is the one who may praise it.

Kisa Marama Tsotso and Wanga

523. Oushiri okhuula hatsia shiachonyanga (DWA166)

He who has not reached his destination can never get tired.

524. Ousiera nyina alia (TWA80)

[He who grinds flour for his mother partakes of the meal.*]

525. Outsia omuka atsia kukwe (PMU13)

He who goes to work does so for his own sake.*

526. Outsiruchila ehale atsibala amasero (AMI283)

A person who keeps his herd with someone else counts skins.

527. Ouyaba obuko omwene akwamwo (AMI284)

A person who digs a hole ends up in it himself.

528. Owa olateshera omulanga omuholo (AMI289)

A person who is not your husband you may say he is polite.

529. Owabeya ebunyakhufiala imukhupanga nabira (SOW19)

The person who lied to his in-laws is rained on rather than
shelter at the in-laws place.*

530. Owakania akebirira, owakasena shakebirira (AMI287)

The person who excretes may sooner or later forget but not
the one who step in the faeces.*

531. Owakhaserokhe shatamba wakona ta (SOW15)

A person carrying his skin will not lack where to sleep.*

532. Owakhushira olubaka aba yakhushira lwahwa (AMI288)

A person who is older than you always remains older.*

533. Owakorwa oburuchi omumanyira mukhunywesia(AMI285)

You will know an amateur livestock farmer at the drinking hour.*

534. Owaleka owamurera yayumba nabacheni (TWA31)

The wife who despised her husband was stranded with visitors.*

Luyia Proverbs

535. Owalima hatu mbu, ‘akhamuna nikho akhamalira’ (JWA60)

The lazy farmer says, “the hare destroyed my crop”.

536. Owalulia atira mufubo (WOY8)

537. Owalulia shabeyerwa inundu (WOY25)

538. Owayambere ekulo emanyanga yakhambere inyanga ino (AMI286)

He helped me yesterday, but if I had known, I would have waited till today.

539. Owanyina yaleka aliliranga khuluchenda mbeba (190)

He who is despised by his mother cries on the veranda without being picked up.
Owanyina yalekha alililanga khulusimbo
The orphan weeps outside the house.

540. Owashio akhulola khoyakhulanga (TWA293)

A person will observe you before he invites you.

541. Owashio niye oukhwaka mumukongo (TWA22)

It is your neighbour who can scratch your back.

542. Owasubila etsia amwabo yafwa obusumba (TWA164)

[Owasubira etsia mbootso yafwa obusumba (DWA11)]
One who relied on his brothers’ wealth failed to marry.

543. Owebula akonanga khunjira (SOW14)

[The one with children spends the night on the road.*]

544. Oweindaba yiye shIachileka tawe (DWA91)

No one despises his own tobacco however bad it may be.
545. Oweinzala sharumwa mushiachi (AMI291)
A hungry man is never sent to the granary.

546. Owelisiri lilie akasinjia (AMI294)

Those with precious items tend for them.*

547. Owenya amashino akhupa ing’oma (DWA140)

He who wants to dance must start beating the drum.

Kisa Marama Tsotso and Wanga

548. Owenya omuse asambula ahamenyele (DWA106)

He who wants to start a new home must dismantle the old one.

549. Oweshikufu olwakona shomanya ta (SOW20)

One never knows when the one with a hump goes to sleep*

550. Oweshitiiri shishie atetuula (ahinia) norereho omukhono (DWA194)

What is loaned to you can be taken back even when you still need it.

551. Oweshitiri shishie atendanga (AMI294)

A person must be concerned about what is his own.

552. Owetsimoni shiyenjiriranga akowashie ta (SOW34)

553. Oweyiye kata olwa achachira okhubachira khumukongo (WOY103)

[Oweyiye shinga olwa yenyire nolwakaba (TWA176)]

554. Owikhuula owuwe shiyekalirungwa (DWA169)

He who mourns his own is never stopped.

555. Owikure shafuchira ouli inzala (WOY18)

The person who is satisfied will not cook for the hungry.*

556. Owing’oyong’oyia kumulinda (TWA132)

He who delays action that action still awaits him.

557. Owokhulola shashira owakasia (AMI137)

The viewer is not superior to the maker.*
558. Owobusolo shakhoya okhuba mao (AMI298)
A quarrelsome woman should not happen to be your mother.

559. Owokukwe akhurebanirakhwo (AMI296)

Each person bears his own burden.

560. Owolia ninaye niye oukhwira (TWA149)

The one you eat with is the one who kills you.*

Luyia Proverbs

561. Owomufuko amanya okukwe (AMI290)

A person first thinks of his own pocket.
562. Owomuwenyu yebula nawe niwibula (JWA40)
As your brother bear children, bear your own.*

563. Papa yetsile shina mashina (WOY47)

Dance, father has come!*

564. Sena aholola (AMI301)

Tread where you can see.

565. Shesibwa okaale (SOW36)

566. Shibaho shiahuma oukhuha (DWA193)

It was there but there was nobody to give it to you.

567. Shibereho shiakhaya omuchinji (AMI303)

It was there in plentiful supply, but it lacked somebody to carry it away.

568. Shibishe ndakhashilie shinga omuyaka kwabikha amabuli (AMI304)

Let me keep it; I shall eat it later as the wind keeps flying white ants.

569. Shilamboleranga yitsanga olunyuma (DWA112)

[Emanyanga yitsanga olunyuma (AMI153)]
I wish I knew comes later.

570. Shilia’ shikhoya owuwo (AMI307)

“That” is deserving of your relative.

571. Shilie shinale shirecherungwa omukhola (WOY77)

The habitual thief is trapped using banana fibres.

572. Shindia eshikumba’ aba alutsi inyama (AMI305)

The person who declares “I won’t eat the bone” has seen meat.

Kisa Marama Tsotso and Wanga

573. Shinga olwa olinda eshiowashio nolwoliinda eshishio (TWA92)

You do not look after your neighbour’s better than your own.*

574. Shinga olwa omwana alelwa nolwa akhula (TWA106)

The child grows up in the way he is brought up.*

575. Shiolebala tsimbala nolashiafwa (TWA151)

Do not count your scars before you die.*

576. Shiyiiranga onyanyile (TWA103)

Hunger does not kill those who eat little.*

577. So nakhulechire akhukhwera Idakho (TWA112)

If your father despises you he pays dowry for a woman from Idakho.*

578. Takho shilisuma (PMU5)

579. Teshia olole (AMI129)
Marry and see for yourself.

580. Tira ori nikwo omukabo (WOY80)

“Hold this” is your share.*

581. Titikhana yasunjira khalabana (TWA174)

582. Tsiabula omunyu tsialunjirwa likoshe (WOY58)

583. Tsikhaafwa nyinji shitsikhukaya okhuyaala (DWA190)

Too many fishing baskets in the water cannot prevent you from
dipping your fishing basket.

584. Tsikhwi tsiibula likoshe (DWA45)

Firewood begets ashes.

585. Tsimbaha tsiabiira linyonyi (WOY45)

Luyia Proverbs

586. Tsimoni etsiomukhwe tsimanya eshia tsilutsi (HWA80)

The eyes of in-laws hide what they have seen.
[Tsimoni tsiomweya tsimanya eshiatsilutsi]
A bride’s eyes pretend not to have seen.

587. Tsimoni tsiawahonia nitsio etsikhukhondiola (TWA18)

588. Tsindaalo tsiashira obwoya bwe ing’ombe (obunji) (DWA42)

There are more days than the hairs of a cow.

589. Tsinjira tsibiri tsiakanakania ifisi (TWA172)

Two paths confused the hyena.

590. Tsisoni tsierera akhatuyu mubukono (TWA187)

Shyness made the hare to die in its den.*

591. Tsiswa tsiakalusia omukhasi (WOY93)

[Tsiswa tsiaubasia omweya werukha (AMI313)]
Flying (white) ants lured a bride who was escaping.

592. Tsitaywa tsibili shitsitekhwa muyamunyu ndala ta (HWA41)

Two cocks must not be cooked in one pot.

593. Umbirangakhwo butswa

shinga imbwa niyibirakhushilingi? (AMI314)
[Umbirangakhwo butswa shinga imbwa niyibira khurupia]
Why do you pass by me like a dog passing by a shilling?

594. Unjendere shinga Odeya nende Lukhoba? (AMI315)

Have you come to me in the manner of odeya and Lukoba?

Kisa Marama Tsotso and Wanga

595. Wakherakhwo shinga imbeba khumwikho (AMI158)

You are now attempting the impossible like the rat which
attempted to eat the cooking stick!*

596. Wanambwa asukumungwa nende okushira kukwe (WOY27)

The dog is propelled by its tail.*

597. Wemire halala orie shinga eshikhongo mushitioli? (AMI317)

Why are you rooted in one spot like the stump on which cows
are tethered in the shade?

598. Wetindi yabiira omwanawe mbu mbashiawalia weyama (WOY46)

599. Wikumula emwalo olekumula emukulu (AMI316)

Better stumble in your steps than stumble in your mouth.

600. Wiunamire orie shinga omufwirwa? (AMI318)

Why are you looking so miserable like one who is mourning?

601. Wiyikama omundu oleyikama likaka (DWA176)

Take shelter in a person rather than in a tree branch.

602. Wumire orie shinga omuni wokhunjira (AMI319)

Why are you so shameless like one who excretes on the roadside?

603. Yenyamba omukali babeyela omutiti (AMI131)

When a respectable person pollutes the air often the
dirty person is blamed.*

604. Yimbeli itsibwa yebulwa abalwani

In future heroes will be born.

605. Yuyukhana yayia ameno (AMI178)

[Matetekhana yayia ameno (PMU21)]
The greedy one burnt his teeth.

Luyia Proverbs


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Appleby (1947) A first Luyia grammar, with exercises, Appleby [anon]
Appleby L. L. (1961) A first Luyia grammar, with exercises, Nairobi, EALB
Appleby Lee (c. 1960) Luyia Old Testament translation, Nairobi: EALB
Knappert J. (1977) A-Z of African Proverbs, London
Mbiti, J. S (1996) Ethical Concepts of God in African proverbs: Pretoria, Unisa Press
Mirimo A. K. L (1988) Luyia sayings Nairobi, Oxford Univ. Press
Oniango M.C.P. (1978) The Role of Proverbs and Riddles in Culture of Abaluyia, Private
Osogo J. (1965) History of Baluyia Nairobi, Oxford University Press
Osogo J. (1965) Life in Kenya in the olden days: Nairobi, Oxford University Press,
Thompson Joseph (1884) Through Masaai Land London, _____,
Wagner G (Anon) The Bantu of North Kavirondo Vol 1. London, OUP
Wako DM (1965) Abaluyia Bemumbo Nende Tsinjero Tsiaabaluyia NBI, EALB
Wako DM (1985) Western Abaluyia and their Proverbs, Nairobi, K.L.B
Wamukoya M (1982) J Luyia Storytelling and proverb use: an enquiry into their social context and
significance, M.Litt Edinburgh
Were G. (1967) A History of the Abaluyia, Nairobi, EALB
Were G. (1967) Essays on African Religion in Western Kenya, NBI, EALB.
Were G. (1978) Western Kenya: Historical texts, Nairobi, EALB


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