Rotary Cement Kiln Simulator (RoCKS) PDF
Rotary Cement Kiln Simulator (RoCKS) PDF
Rotary Cement Kiln Simulator (RoCKS) PDF
This paper presents an integrated reaction engineering based mathematical model for clinker formation in cement industry. Separate models
for pre-heater, calciner, rotary kiln and cooler were initially developed and coupled together to build an integrated simulator. Appropriate models
for simulating gas–solid contact and heat transfer in pre-heaters were developed. Calciner was modeled by considering simultaneous combustion
of coal particles and calcination of raw meal. Complex heat transfer and reactions (solid–solid, gas–solid and homogeneous reactions in gas
phase) in rotary kiln were modeled using three sub-models coupled to each other. Solid–solid reactions in the bed region of the kiln were
modeled using pseudo-homogeneous approximation. Melting of solids in the bed and formation of coating within the kiln were accounted.
Clinker cooler was simulated by developing a two-dimensional model to capture cross-flow heat transfer between air and hot clinkers. The
individual models were coupled with each other via mass and energy communication through common boundaries. The coupled model equations
were solved iteratively. The model predictions agree well with the observations and experience from cement industry. The model was used
to gain better understanding of influence of operating conditions on energy consumption in cement plant. Several ways for reducing energy
consumption were computationally investigated. The integrated model, the developed software RoCKS (for Rotary Cement Kiln Simulator)
and results presented here will be useful for enhancing our understanding and for enhancing the performance of clinker manufacturing.
䉷 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Calcineous Exhaust to
Raw meal atmosphere
Cooled clinker
Air to cooler
occur (formation of C2 S, C3A, C4AF). The energy required for build CFD models for simultaneous and coupled simulations
endothermic clinker reactions is provided by combusting coal of pre-heaters, calciner, kiln and cooler. The CFD models are
in the kiln. The pulverized coal along with the pre-heated air thus not very useful to gain understanding of coupling and
(secondary air) is fed to the kiln in a counter current mode exploring ways to reduce overall energy consumption per ton
with respect to solids. Part of the solids melts in the kiln. of clinker. Some attempts have also been made to develop
The melt formation causes an internal coating on kiln refrac- reaction–engineering models for kiln (for example, Mujumdar
tories. Counter current flow of gas entrains solid particles in and Ranade, 2006; Spang, 1972). Such models have shown
the free board region. Such entrainment enhances rates of ra- promising capabilities in capturing the overall behavior and
diative heat transfer by increasing effective emissivity and con- providing useful clues for reducing energy consumption in
ductivity. The hot clinkers are discharged from kiln to clinker rotary cement kilns. The numerical experiments using the com-
cooler and hot gases from kiln exhaust are sent to the cal- putational model could also predict the influence of kiln oper-
ciner. In a clinker cooler, a part of energy of solids is recov- ating parameters on net energy consumption (NEC) in kilns.
ered back by heat exchange with air. The pre-heated air from Such guidelines can provide useful hints to operating engineers
the coolers is passed to kiln and calciner as secondary and for kiln optimization. However, none of these models have in-
tertiary air, respectively. A small part of air may be vented if cluded coupling of pre-heater, calciner, kiln and clinker cooler.
required. This work was undertaken to fulfill this need. The motivation
This brief overview of clinker formation clearly demonstrates of the present work was to develop a framework of reaction
the strong coupling among pre-heater, calciner, kiln and cooler. engineering based computational model for clinker formation
It is therefore essential to develop an integrated model for pre- in cement industry and use this framework subsequently for
heater, calciner, kiln and cooler in order to capture key char- exploring possible performance enhancement. The paper is
acteristics of clinker manufacturing and to enable the model to organized as follows.
be used as simulation or optimization tool. Such an attempt is The key issues in modeling individual models are discussed
made in this work. in Section 2. The computational model and the modeling strat-
Recently some attempts have been made to develop egy are thereafter presented in Section 3. Section 4 reports
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) based models to simulate the results of computational simulations of model with respect
either calciner (for example, Lu et al., 2004) or kiln (for exam- to key operating parameters. The use of the developed model
ple, Mastorakos et al., 1999; Mujumdar and Ranade , 2003). to explore possible ways of reducing energy consumption in
Though such CFD models show promise in simulating details kiln is discussed in Section 5. Key findings of the study are
of combustion and burner designs, it is almost impossible to summarized at the end.
2592 K.S. Mujumdar et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 62 (2007) 2590 – 2607
2. Key issues and modeling approach height of cyclone = 11 m) indicated that the solid and gas tem-
peratures inside the cyclone were quite uniform (in range of
Key issues governing the performance of individual units are 637–644 K) and close to exit temperatures (average tempera-
schematically shown in Fig. 2. We discuss the issues of pre- ture of 640 K). Therefore, in this work, each pre-heater cyclone
heater, calciner and clinker cooler and review the previous work was treated as completely mixed cell for individual phases and
related to it to provide background for the models developed in was, therefore, represented by a pair of temperature (one for
this work. The key issues governing rotary kiln were discussed gas phase and the other for solid phase). The heat losses from
in our recent work (Mujumdar et al., 2006) and therefore, are cyclone are controlled by the heat flux across the cyclone walls.
discussed here very briefly. Therefore it is essential to predict the heat transfer between
particle laden gas and cyclone walls in the pre-heater cyclone.
2.1. Cyclone pre-heaters The empirical relation proposed by Gupta and Nag (2000) was
used to determine these losses.
The calcineous raw meal is passed through a set of pre-heater
cyclones (depending on pre-heater assembly) before it is sent 2.2. Cyclone calciner
to the calciner. In the pre-heater section, the raw meal is pre-
heated to around calcination temperature by hot gases coming The calcination of raw meal starts in the pre-heater unit itself
from the calciner. The operation of cement pre-heater is similar once the calcination temperature is reached. In this frame-
to that of a conventional cyclone. Solids are fed to the cyclone work the calcination reaction was assumed to occur in the last
along with the gas coming from the previous pre-heater. Both cyclone. The framework is, however, quite general to accom-
solid and gas spiral down towards the cyclone bottom where the modate relaxation of this assumption. Energy required for the
gas reverses its direction and leaves through the exit duct while calcination reaction is given by coal combustion. Shrinking
the solids leave from the bottom to the next unit. The flow inside core reacting model was used for modeling coal combustion.
the cyclone is characterized by high swirl and turbulent motion. The char combustion kinetics and gas phase volatile combus-
This provides excellent heat transfer between gas and solids. We tion kinetics was used from Hamor et al. (1973) and Li et al.
used CFD based model for studying mixing and heat transfer (2003). The kinetic parameters are given in Table 1. One of the
of gas solid flows in cyclones. Our CFD simulations (carried main issues in modeling cyclone calciner is to estimate the res-
out for typical values of operating conditions as gas flow rate = idence time of raw meal in the cyclone. Few empirical correla-
60.83 kg/s; solid flow rate = 50 kg/s; inlet gas temperature = tions have been proposed to predict the average residence time
740 K; inlet solid temperature=500 K; cyclone diameter =6 m; of particles in cyclones (Kang et al., 1989; Lede et al., 1987).
Pre-heater Calciner
Gas-solid heat transfer Turbulent gas phase/
(gas/solids/walls), particle coal combustion, calcination,
laden turbulentflow, heat transfer (gas/solid/
losses walls), losses
Rotary Kiln
Clinker Cooler
Coal/gas phase comb, bed
Gas-solid heat transfer,
height variation, clinker formation,
temperature gradients in
melting/solidification, coating
clinker bed region
formation, losses
Table 1
Kinetic constants for coal combustion reaction
C + O2 = CO2 9.18 × 10−1 (kg/m2 s KPa) 6.81 × 104 Hamor et al. (1973)
CH4 + 2O2 = CO2 + 2H2 O 1.6 × 1010 (m3 /kg s) 1.08 × 105 Li et al. (2003)
K.S. Mujumdar et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 62 (2007) 2590 – 2607 2593
However, all the attempts for prediction of residence time in wide range of temperatures (200–1000 ◦ C). Since the temper-
cyclones were based on lab scale cyclones and none of the atures in clinker cooler are in the same range this correlation
studies were extended or reported for industrial scale cyclones. was used to model heat transfer coefficient between solids and
This parameter was therefore treated as an adjustable param- gas. The computational models for individual components and
eter in the model. In the present work, we have adjusted the the coupling strategy are discussed in the following section.
residence time so as to get desired degree of calcination as per
industrial observations. It was confirmed from our prior simula- 3. Computational models and solution methodology
tions (Warudkar et al., 2005) that varying residence time in the
calciner by 10% had relatively small effect (∼ 2.5%) on pre- 3.1. Cyclone pre-heater model
dictions of percentage calcination. It is also essential to obtain
relevant kinetics for calcination reaction in calciner. Thermal A schematic of pre-heater unit considered for developing
decomposition of limestone calcination is a complex process. computational model is shown in Fig. 3a. The present frame-
A wide discrepancy is observed in the proposed rates for cal- work of computational models was developed for dry process
cination reaction. In our recent work (Mujumdar and Ranade, of clinker formation since this process is widely used in ce-
2006) we have compared models proposed by 18 investigators ment industry. For the dry processes, the moisture content is
which showed wide scatter. Watkinson and Brimacombe (1982) generally present in very small amount (typically ∼ 0.5%, see
have reported experimental data on calcination of limestone in for example Engin and Ari, 2005; Peray, 1984). The energy
experimental kiln. The experimental conditions of their exper- requirements for removing the moisture from the feed being
iments were close to industrial operations (bed temperature ∼ small (less than 0.5% of the total energy consumption), the feed
1000.1300 K). Their data was therefore used to find calcination was considered to be free of moisture in this work. However,
kinetics in this work. the developed framework is quite general and including evap-
oration of moisture from the feed is straightforward. The gas
2.3. Rotary kiln phase and solids in a cyclone was assumed to be completely
back mixed. In Fig. 3a, Ms is the mass of solids entering the
The partially calcined raw meal is passed slowly to the rotary cyclone. Mg is the mass of the air entering the cyclone. Mse is
kiln where the clinkerization reactions occur. In the initial part the mass of solids entrained from a cyclone. Each cyclone was
of the kiln the remaining calcination occurs. Other solid–solid assumed to be lined with refractory of thickness tr .
and solid–liquid clinkerization reactions take place as the solid Thus, for any ith cyclone in pre-heater assembly the follow-
bed moves towards the burner. Part of the solids melts in the ing inlet streams were considered:
kiln. The melt formation causes an internal coating on kiln re-
1. Solids from the (i − 1)th cyclone (Ms,i−1 at temperature
fractories. Counter current flow of gas entrains solid particles
Ti−1 ).
in the freeboard region. Such entrainment enhances rates of ra-
2. Solids that are entrained by gas from (i + 1)th cyclone
diative heat transfer by increasing effective emissivity and con-
(Mse,i+1 at temperature Ti+1 ).
ductivity. In this section we discuss the key issues involved in
3. Air from (i + 1)th cyclone (Mg at temperature Ti+1 ).
modeling the cement kilns very briefly. The main key issues for
modeling the rotary cement kilns are estimating the residence The outlet streams for this cyclone are:
time of solids in the kiln, cinkerization reaction in bed region,
1. Solids going out of cyclone (Ms,i at temperature Ti ).
coal combustion in freeboard region, heat transfer between bed
2. Solids that are entrained by gas (Mse,i at temperature Ti ).
freeboard and walls, melting/coating formation around the kiln
3. Air going out (Mg at temperature Ti+1 ).
walls. These issues are discussed in detail in our recent work
(Mujumdar et al., 2006) and therefore are not repeated here. The steady state material balance equation for ith cyclone is
written as
2.4. Clinker cooler
Ms,i−1 + Mse,i+1 = Ms,i + Mse,i , (1)
The hot solids from the kiln are discharged on the grate of
Mse,i = (1 − m,p ) × Ms,i . (2)
clinker cooler. As the grate moves with uniform speed along
the cooler length, solids lose their heat to cross-flow air. A part In the above equations m,p represents the particle capture ef-
of the air is generally sent to the kiln as secondary air, a part to ficiency of the ith cyclone. M represents the mass of the solids
calciner as tertiary air and a part is vented to the surroundings (in kg/s) and subscripts s and se represent solids and entrained
(vent air). The most important key issue in modeling grate cool- solids, respectively, as explained earlier.
ers is predicting the heat transfer coefficient between hot solids The steady state energy balance for the ith cyclone was writ-
and cross-flow air. There is no information on modeling of heat ten as
transfer in such cases. In absence of any relevant information
Ms,i−1 · Cp,s · Tc,i−1 + Mse,i+1 · Cp,s · Tc,i+1
we have used heat transfer correlation in packed bed reactors
to estimate the heat transfer. Nsofor and Adebiyi (2001) have + Mg · Cp,g · Tc,i+1
carried experimental measurements and presented correlation = Ms,i · Cp,s · Tc,i + Mse,i · Cp,s · Tc,i
for forced convection gas particle heat transfer coefficient for + Mg · Cp,g · Tc,i + hcyc · Acyi · (Tc,i − Tiw,i ). (3a)
2594 K.S. Mujumdar et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 62 (2007) 2590 – 2607
Raw meal Coal in
Tiw,i Tow,i Air in
i 12
Radiation and convection
1. Refractory
2. Shell
L ∂T
Cooling Air, Ta
Fig. 3. (a) Schematic of (a) cement pre-heater, (b) cement calciner, and (c) grate cooler.
In the above Cp,s and Cp,g represents the specific heat of solids walls, which is equal to loss from shell walls due to convection
and air, respectively. Subscript g represents the air and Tc,i and radiation. The energy balance for heat transfer in cyclone
represents the temperature of solids and air in the ith cyclone. cross-section is written as
hcyc represents the heat transfer coefficient for energy exchange
2 · · L · kr · [Tiw,i − Tr,i ]
between particle laden gas and cyclone inner walls. hcyc was hcyc · Acyi · [Tc,i − Tiw,i ] = , (4)
evaluated from the following empirical correlation given by ln(rr /ri )
Gupta and Nag (2000) for heat transfer in cyclones: 2 · · L · kr · [Tiw,i − Tr,i ] 2 · · L · ksh · [Tr,i − Tow,i ]
= ,
hcyc dc P ln(rr /ri ) ln(r0 /rr )
= 702.818 + 9.0287 × 10−14 u0 Re + 11.1385 (5)
kg u20
2 · · L · ksh · [Tr,i − Tow,i ]
+ 4.50398 × 10−5 Re + Rc , ln(r0 /rr )
= hconv · Acyo · [Tow,i − T0 ] + · cy · Acyo · [Tow,i
− T04 ].
4 −T4
Tiw g dc
Rc = Fp−w . (3b) In the above equations, Tiw,i is the internal wall temperature of
Tiw − Tg kg
the ith cyclone, Tr,i is the temperature of interface of refractory
The LHS of Eq. (3a) thus represents the total energy entering and shell, Tow,i is the temperature of external wall of the ith
the cyclone and RHS represents the energy leaving out of the cyclone and T0 is the ambient temperature. L is the total height
cyclone. At steady state the heat given to cyclone walls must the cyclone, kr is the thermal conductivity of the refractory
be same as heat conduction in through refractory and cyclone and ksh is the thermal conductivity of cyclone walls. r0 is the
K.S. Mujumdar et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 62 (2007) 2590 – 2607 2595
external diameter, rr is the internal diameter of the shell and where yc,c is the mass fraction of char in coal particle. The
ri is the cyclone internal diameter. Acyo is the external surface energy balance for a coal particle is given by
area of the cyclone. hconv is the convective heat transfer coeffi-
cient of external wall, cy is the emissivity of the cyclone outer dmp,c Cp,c Tcl
= hc · Ap · (Tg − Tcl ) + · c · Ap · (Tg4 − Tcl4 )
wall and is the Stefan–Boltzmann constant for radiative heat d
transfer. + fc · Hcomb · rcomb + Cp,c · Tcl · .
The above material and energy balances were written for d
n cyclones. For each cyclone there are six equations and six
unknown variables. The set of nonlinear algebraic equations In the above equation, Cp,c is the specific heat of coal and Tcl
comprising 6n equations was solved using Newton–Raphson is the coal temperature. Tg is the gas temperature. Hcomb is
method to get mass and temperature of solids, gas and walls of the heat released due to coal combustion and fc is the fraction
pre-heater cyclones. of energy released due to coal combustion, which is absorbed
by the particle. The first and second terms in RHS of above
3.2. Cyclone calciner model equations are the energy absorbed by the coal particle due to
convection and radiation from the gas phase during the heat
The mathematical model of calciner was based on a up. The heat transfer coefficient, hc , is evaluated using the
schematic shown in Fig. 3b. The assumptions made in the correlation of Ranz and Marshall as
model are as follows: hc dp
= 2 + 0.6(Re)0.5 (Pr)0.33 . (11)
1. Gas phase is completely back mixed.
2. The raw meal and coal particles were treated as discrete The final term in Eq. (10) represents the loss sensible heat from
phases having uniform particle size. All the particles were coal particle due to loss of mass.
assumed to have the same residence time in calciner. Raw meal particle The calcination reaction is given as
The mass and energy balance equations are presented below.
CaCO3 → CaO + CO2 . (12)
3.2.1. Discrete phase The over all mass balance for the raw meal particle is given by Coal particles Mass balance for coal particles in cal-
ciner is written as dmp,L Mw CO2
= −rc · , (13)
d Mw CaCO3
= −A0 · fv,0 · mpc,0 − ks,c · e−E1 /RT cl · Ap · pO2 . (7)
d where
In the above equation, A0 is the devolatilization constant, fv,0 rc =r ks · e−E2 /RT L · 4 · · rp2 · Mw CaCO3 , (14)
is the initial mass fraction of volatiles in coal particle and the
mpc,0 is the initial mass of coal particle, ks,c is the rate constant where the mp,L , MwCO2 , MwCaCO3 are mass of raw meal
of char, Ap is the available surface area of particle (which was particle, molecular weights of carbon-dioxide and calcium car-
calculated as function of conversion i.e., mass of char reacted), bonate, respectively. rc is the rate of calcination of calcium car-
E1 is the energy of activation and pO2 is the partial pressure of bonate and rp radius of shrinking raw meal particle. The term
O2 . is time spent by a coal particle in calciner. The first term r k is the rate constant of calcination of calcium carbonate of
in the RHS of above equation represents the loss in discrete calcination. It has been established that presence of CO2 in
phase mass due to devolatilization of coal particles and the gas phase inhibits calcination rate (Stanmore and Gilot, 2005).
second term in the RHS of above equation represents the loss However, there is no consensus on representing influence of
in discrete phase due to char reaction. CO2 partial pressure on calcination reaction. In this work we
The individual species balance for rate of mass change due use a simple linear form of relationship (Hu and Scaroni, 1996)
to devolatilization is given by to model effect of presence of CO2 on rate of calcination reac-
tion as
dyv,c 1 dmp,c
=− A0 · fv,0 · mpc,0 + yv,c · , (8)
rc = r ks · e−E2 /RT L · 4 · · rp2 · Mw CaCO3 , (15)
d mp,c d
where yv,c is the mass fraction of volatiles in the coal particle. where
The individual species balance for rate of mass change due
ks = r ks , PCO2 < 10−2 Peq , (16)
to char combustion is given by
r PCO2 − Peq
dyc,c 1 dmp,c ks = r ks , 10−2 Peq < PCO2 < Peq (17)
=− ks,c · e−E1/RT cl · Ap · pO2 + yc,c · , Peq
d mp,c d
(9) and Peq = 1.826 · 107 e(−19680/TL ) .
2596 K.S. Mujumdar et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 62 (2007) 2590 – 2607
The individual species balances for limestone and calcium dyv 1
oxide are given as = mg,in · yv,in − mg,out · yv,out
dt mg
dmCaCO3 ,L + [mp,cin · yv − mp,cout · yv ] · c Np
= −rc , (18)
d rcombg
− · Vreact · Mw vol · Zvol
dmCaO,L rc · Mw CaO Mw vol
= . (19)
d Mw CaCO3 dmg
−yvol · , (24)
The energy balance for the raw meal particle is given as
dyw 1
d(mp,L Cp,s TL ) = mgin · ywin − mgout · ywout
= hc,L ·L Ap · (Tg − TL ) dt mg
rcombg dmg
+ · L ·L Ap · (Tg4 − TL4 ) + · Vreact · Mw w · ZH2 O − yw · ,
Mwvol dt
+ Cp,s · TL · , (20) (25)
where yO2 , yCO2 , yv , yw are the respective mass fractions of
where TL is the temperature of raw meal particle, L is the oxygen, carbon-dioxide, volatile matters and water. Mw O2 ,
emissivity of solid particle, L Ap is the area of the raw meal Mw CO2 , Mw vol and Mw w are their respective molecular
particle (which was calculated based on conversion i.e., mass of weights. Vreact is the volume of reactor. Subscripts in and out
raw meal particle reacted) and is residence time of raw meal represent the inlet and outlet conditions and Z is the stoichio-
particle in the calciner. hc,L was estimated by using Eq. (11). metric coefficient.
The energy balance equation for the gas phase is given as
3.2.2. Continuous phase
dmg Cp,g Tg
The over all gas mass balance is given as = mgin · Cp,g · Tg,in − mgout · Cp,g · Tg
dmg + Sgcomb + Sccomb + Scalc
= mgin − mgout + [mp,cin − mp,cout ] · c Np
dt − hcyc · Acyi · (Tg − Tiw ), (26)
+ [mp,Lin − mp,Lout ]·L Np , (21)
where mg is the mass of the air in the calciner, c Np is the
Sgcomb = rcombg · Hcombg · Vreact , (26a)
number of particles of coal coming in per unit time and L Np
is the number of particles of raw meal coming in per unit time.
The individual species mass balance for rate of change of mass Sccomb = − hc · Ap · (Tg − Tcl )+ · c · Ap · (Tg4 −Tcl4 )
of oxygen, carbon-dioxide, volatile matters and water can be
written as + Cp,c · Tcl ·
dyO2 1
= mg,in · yO2 in − mg,out · yO2 out − (1 − fc ) · Hcomb · rcomb d, (26b)
dt mg
[mp,c · yc,cin − mp,c · yc,cout ] · c Np · Mw O2
− Scalc = − hc,L ·L Ap · (Tg − TL )+ · L ·L Ap · (Tg4 − TL4 )
rcombg dmg dmp,L
− · Vreact · Mw O2 · ZO2 − yO2 · , + Cp,s · TL + rc · Hcalc d. (26c)
Mwvol dt d
(22) In the above equations, Sgcomb, Sccomb are the heat source term
for gas-phase from volatile combustion and char combustion,
dyCO2 1 respectively. Scalc is the heat sink term from calcination. Hcombg ,
= mgin · yCO2 in − mgout · yCO2 out
dt mg Hcalc are the enthalpies of volatile combustion and calcination.
[mp,c · yc,cin − mp,c · yc,cout ] · c Np · Mw CO2 hc,L is the convective heat transfer coefficient between raw meal
+ particles and air. The steady state equations across the cyclone
Mw char
walls were written same as that of pre-heaters explained in
+ [mp,Lin − mp,Lout ]·L Np the previous section to obtain temperature of calciner internal
walls, refractory and outer walls.
+ · Vreact · Mw CO2 · ZCO2 The calciner model equations were solved using an iterative
Mw vol
method. The model equations for gas phase were solved as-
dmg suming steady state. For the first iteration, source terms from
− yCO2 · , (23)
dt discrete phase were assumed to be zero. The temperature and
K.S. Mujumdar et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 62 (2007) 2590 – 2607 2597
mass of species obtained by solving continuous phase were used segments. Conductive heat transfer was considered for solids in
in discrete phase equations to get the new source terms from both horizontal and vertical directions. Convective heat transfer
the discrete phase. The sources from the discrete phases were coefficient between air and solids was calculated from empiri-
passed to continuous phase to get the new mass and temperature cal correlation assuming solids as packed bed as discussed pre-
terms for discrete phase. This procedure was continued till the viously. The boundary conditions used in the model are shown
subsequent changes in temperature of gas phase were within in Fig. 3b. The model equations are presented in the following.
±0.1%. Suitable under-relaxation parameters were defined to Mass balance for solids can be written as
accelerate convergence. Typically about 20 iterations were re- dms(i,j )
quired to achieve convergence. The differential equations for = 0. (27)
discrete phase were solved by modified Gear’s method imple-
mented in ODEPACK (Hindmarsh, 1983). The algebraic equa- Assuming steady state operation, the energy balance equation
tions for continuous phase were solved using Newton–Raphson can be written as
method. j(s (1 − )us,x Cp,s Ts ) j(s (1 − )us,y Cp,s Ts )
jx jy
3.3. Kiln model j{(1 − )ks jTs /jx} j{(1 − )ks jTs /jy}
= +
jx jy
A comprehensive one-dimensional model was developed to
− a · hc,c · (Ts − Tg ). (28)
simulate complex processes occurring in rotary cement kilns.
A modeling strategy comprising three sub-models viz. model In this equation s is the cement clinker density, Cp,s is clinker
for simulating variation of bed height in the kiln, model for heat capacity, us is grate speed, and Ts is clinker temperature
simulating clinkerization reactions and heat transfer in the bed of solid at any point, ks is clinker thermal conductivity, a is the
region and model for simulating coal combustion and heat trans- surface area per unit volume, hc,c is convective heat transfer
fer in the freeboard region was developed. The Kramers model coefficient between solid clinker and air in the cooler, is
(Kramers and Croockewit, 1952) which relates volumetric flow the porosity, Tg is air temperature at any point in the cooler.
rate of solids, v , with kiln tilt ( , radian), angle of repose (
, In Eq. (28) the first and second terms of the right-hand side
radian), radius of kiln (R, m), rotational speed of kiln (n) and represents the conductive heat transfer. The last term in right-
height of solids (h) was used to model bed height variation in hand side represents convective heat transfer between the air
the kiln. The clinkerization reactions in solid bed were modeled and solids.
assuming solids as pseudo fluids. Melting of solids in bed re- The mass balance for air can be written as
gion and formation of coating within the kiln were accounted. dma(i,j )
Combustion of coal in the freeboard region was modeled by = 0. (29)
accounting devolatilization, finite rate gas phase combustion
and char reaction. Knowing the bed and freeboard gas temper- Energy balance for air can be written as
atures, the temperatures of kiln inner wall, refractory and shell j(g ug,x Cp,g Tg ) j(g ug,y Cp,g Tg )
were obtained by solving steady state energy balance across +
the kiln walls. The details of the models and model equation jx jy
are discussed in detail in our recent publication (Mujumdar j{kg jTg /jx} j{kg jTg /jy}
= + + a · hc,c · (Ts − Tg ).
et al., 2006) and are not repeated here for the sake of brevity. jx jy
3.4. Cooler model
In this equation g is the density of the air, ug,y is inlet speed
The mathematical model of cooler was based on a schematic of cooling air, and Tg is air temperature at any point, k is air
shown in Fig. 3c. Solids of uniform particle size and constant thermal conductivity, Ts is solid temperature at any point in the
porosity were assumed to move in a plug flow with constant cooler. In Eq. (30) the left-hand side terms represents the net
grate speed. Air was assumed to enter in a cross-flow mode energy input by the air. First two terms in the right-hand side
with respect to solids in y direction. The amount of air fed to represent the conduction between the air layers and the final
the cooler was distributed as secondary air (to kiln) from the term is due to the convection between solids and air.
front section of cooler, followed by the tertiary air (to calciner) In Eq. (30) hc,c is convective heat transfer coefficient be-
and finally the vent air (Locher, 2002) as shown in Fig. 3c. tween solid clinkers and air. Developing accurate models for
The amount of secondary, tertiary and vent air (in kg/s) go- convective heat transfer coefficient between solids and air is
ing to kiln, calciner and exhaust, respectively, were assumed important in capturing heat transfer in the cooler. In this work
to be proportional to the fraction of length of each section in the convective heat transfer coefficient was calculated based on
the cooler. The fractional length of each section was user in- empirical expression given by Nsofor and Adebiyi (2001). The
put to the model. To get the temperature profiles of solid bed empirical expression is given as
and air, the clinker cooler was divided into n segments along
the length of the cooler and m segments along the height of Nu = 8.74 + 9.34 · [6(1 − )]0.2 · Re0.2 · Pr0.33
the cooler. Mass and energy balances were solved for these (30 < Nu < 60; 50 < Re < 120). (31)
2598 K.S. Mujumdar et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 62 (2007) 2590 – 2607
It is important to note that the Reynolds numbers for commer- These values are usually known or can be easily available for
cial clinker cooler are significantly higher (Re ∼ 1000.2000) any cement plant and can therefore be used to generate good ini-
as compared to the experimental conditions of Nsofor and tial guess for faster convergence of solution. The pre-processor
Adebiyi (2001). However, as discussed earlier, there are no solves mass and energy balance equations as discussed in the
other systematic experimental studies reported to predict con- following. Based on the percentage calcination in the calciner,
vective heat transfer coefficients in clinker coolers. The empiri- the mass of CO2 produced in calciner was calculated as
cal correlation (Eq. (31)) was developed for particle sizes close
Mw CO2
to those found in industrial clinker coolers and for wide range mCO2 ,C = mCaCO3 ,i · P · , (32)
of temperature conditions as observed in clinker coolers. Fortu- Mw CaCO3
nately, the empirical correlation seems to be weekly dependent
where mCaCO3 ,i is the total amount of CaCO3 in the inlet raw
on Reynolds number (Reynolds number is to power 0.2). There-
meal. The mass flow rate of solids entering the kiln was calcu-
fore possible errors associated with Eq. (31) are not expected
lated as
to change the simulation results significantly (predicted Nus-
selt number is ∼ 50.60). Hence Eq. (31) was used to predict Ms,C = Ms,P − mCO2 ,C , (33)
gas solid heat transfer in clinker coolers in the present model.
All the physical properties for determining heat transfer coef- where Ms,C is the mass flow rate of raw meal leaving the
ficient were calculated at an average temperature of solids and calciner or entering the kiln, Ms,P is the mass flow rate of the
air as Tf = (Ts + Tg )/2. The system of algebraic linear equa- solids entering the pre-heater. The corresponding mass fraction
tions formulated for above model equations was solved using of solids species leaving the calciner or entering kiln were
tri-diagonal matrix algorithm (TDMA). calculated as
mCaCO3 ,i − mCaCO3 ,i · P
3.5. Integrated model and solution strategy xCaCO3 ,C = ,
The individual models for pre-heater, calciner, kiln and (mCO2 ,C ) · (Mw CaO )
cooler described in the previous section were coupled with xCaO,C = ,
(Ms,C ) · (Mw CO2 )
each other to develop a simulator for the entire system. The
schematic of the simulator is shown in Fig. 4. The required in- mSiO2 ,i mAl2 O3 ,i
xSiO2 ,C = , xAl2 O3 ,C = ,
puts to the simulator are flow rates and composition of (a) raw Ms,C Ms,C
meal entering the pre-heater, (b) air entering the cooler, (c) coal mFe2 O3 ,i
entering the calciner and the kiln, and (d) the material prop- xFe2 O3 ,C = , (34)
erties and operating parameters of the individual equipments
(for example, kiln RPM, grate speed of cooler). However, to where x is the mass fraction of the component in the raw meal.
solve the integrated simulator, it is necessary to know the in- The amount of clinker leaving the kiln or entering the cooler
let conditions for the calciner (flow rate, mass fractions and Ms,K was calculated as
temperature of solids and air from pre-heater, kiln and cooler),
pre-heater (flow rate and temperature of air from calciner), kiln (Ms,C ) · xCaCO3 ,C
Ms,K = Ms,C − · Mw CO2 . (35)
(flow rate, mass fractions and temperature of secondary air MW CaCO3
from cooler and partially calcined raw meal from the calciner)
Based on overall material balance on kiln, the amount of air
and cooler (flow rate and temperature of solids from kiln).
leaving the kiln was calculated as
To generate these inputs a pre-processor was developed. The
function of pre-processor was two-fold. The pre-processor was Mw CO2
used to develop good initial guess for the simulator and also to Mg,K = Mg,S + Ms,C · xCaCO3 ,C ·
Mw CaCO3
check for any inconsistency of input data. The pre-processor
generated the initial guess (for mass flow-rates, composition Mw CO2
+ Mc,K · yc,K · , (36)
and temperatures of raw meal and air) for the individual mod- Mw CaCO3
els based on overall material and energy balances. Following
where Mg,S is the mass of secondary air entering the kiln, Mg,K
parameters were provided to the pre-processor to achieve this:
is the air leaving the kiln or entering the calciner, Mc,K is the
amount of coal entering the kiln and yc,K is the mass fraction
1. Percentage calcination occurring in the calciner (P ). of char entering the kiln. The amount of air leaving the pre-
2. Temperature of secondary air (Tg,S ) and tertiary air (Tg,T ) heater assembly was calculated as
leaving the cooler.
3. Temperature of air leaving the kiln (Tg,K ). Mg,P = Mg,K + Mg,T + mCO2 ,C
4. Temperature of air exiting the pre-heater to the atmosphere Mw CO2
(Tg,P ). + Mc,C · yc,c · , (37)
Mw CaCO3
5. Temperature of solids exiting the cooler (Ts,R ).
6. Heat losses (HLoss,K ) and heat of clinkerization reaction in where Mg,P is the mass of air entering the pre-heater, Mg,T
the kiln (HR,K ). is the mass tertiary air entering the calciner, mCO2 ,C is the
K.S. Mujumdar et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 62 (2007) 2590 – 2607 2599
Call Sub-models
Update variables
Post Processing
CO2 produced in calciner due to calcination reaction and Mc,C the temperature of solids and gases at exit of individual com-
is the amount of coal entering the calciner and yc,c is the mass ponents were within error of ±1%. Suitable under-relaxation
fraction of char entering the calciner. The temperature of solids parameters were used. Typically 10–20 iterations were required
leaving the kiln was calculated as
(Ms,R · Cp,s · Ts,R + Mg,T · Cp,g · Tg,T + Mg,S · Cp,g · Tg,S ) − (Mg,in · Cp,g · Tg,in )
Ts,K = . (38)
(Ms,K · Cp,s )
In the above equation, Mg,in and Tg,in are the mass flow rate for solution to converge. We have also carried out several test
and temperature of air entering the cooler and Ts,R is the tem- simulations of limiting cases to verify that implemented nu-
perature of solids exiting the cooler. The temperature of solids merical techniques and computer programs are correctly solv-
entering the kiln or exiting calciner (Ts,C ) is calculated as ing the model equations. For example, the calciner and kiln
(Ms,K · Cp,s · Ts,K + Mg,K · Cp,g · Tg,K + HR,K + HLoss,K − Mg,S · Cp,g · Tg,S − Hc,K )
Ts,C = . (39)
(Ms,C · Cp,s )
In the above equation, Hc,K is the heat released due to coal were solved by switching off the calcination and clinkeriza-
combustion in kiln, HR,K is heat required for clinker reactions tion reactions in the calciner and kiln, respectively. For these
and HLoss,K is the loss from the kiln. The temperature of solids simulations the material and energy balances converged to an
entering the kiln is essentially same as temperature of gases error of ±1% giving verification that numerical calculations
leaving the calciner (Tg,C ). Finally, the temperature of solids are correctly solving the model equations. It was also verified
entering the calciner or leaving the pre-heater assembly (Ts,P ) that the converged solution is not a function of initial guess or
was calculated as
(Ms,C · Cp,s · Ts,C + Mg,C · Cp,g · Tg,C + Hcalc − Mg,K · Cp,g · Tg,K − Mg,T · Cp,g · Tg,T − Hc,C )
Ts,P = . (40)
(Ms,P · Cp,s )
In the above equation, Hc,C is the heat released due to coal com- under-relaxation parameters. An easy to use, graphical user
bustion in the calciner and Hcalc is the heat required by calci- interface (GUI) based software called RoCKS (Rotary Cement
nation reaction. This was easily calculated based on percentage Kiln Simulator) was developed based on the integrated modules
calcination occurring in the calciner. The heat losses in calciner of pre-heater, calciner, kiln and cooler.
are negligible as compared to total heat supplied to the calciner
(< 5% of total energy input) and therefore was not considered
in pre-processor calculations. In this way the input conditions 4. Results and discussion
(mass, mass fractions and temperature) for pre-heater, calciner,
kiln and cooler were calculated using pre-processor. The values The integrated model (RoCKS) presented in the previous
calculated by pre-processor were passed as input conditions to section was used to simulate performances of pre-heater, cal-
the individual models. The individual models were then solved ciner, rotary kiln and cooler in clinker manufacturing. Based on
iteratively as shown in Fig. 4. The iterations were continued till the available data on rotary kilns (Mujumdar et al., 2006) and
2600 K.S. Mujumdar et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 62 (2007) 2590 – 2607
Table 4
Complete energy balance of the system
Solid temperature, K
1500 Gases entering 3rd preheater 1500
Gas temperature, K
1000 1000
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Divisons accross the cement clinker process
Fig. 6. Temperature profile across pre-heaters, calciner, kiln and cooler in a cement clinker process.
1020 636
615 1000
2 3 4 5 6 626 1000
Number of pre-heaters 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
% Calcination
Fig. 7. Effect of pre-heater number on overall energy consumption.
Fig. 8. Effect of percentage calcination on overall energy consumption.
650 1350
630 1150
625 1100
620 1050
0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18
615 500 Grate speed, m/s
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Kiln Rpm Fig. 10. Effect of cooler grate speed on overall energy consumption.
640 2000 seen from Fig. 10 that the NEC increases with increasing grate
speed. The increase in grate speed reduces residence time of
Energy consumption, kcal/ kg clinker
solids in the cooler. This results in less convective heat transfer
Residence time of solids, s
640 330 598
620 290
610 270
600 250
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 590 1090
Raw meal flow rate, kg/s 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Air flow rate through secondary shell, kg/s
Fig. 11. Effect of raw meal flow rate on overall energy consumption.
Fig. 13. Effect of secondary shell, on overall energy consumption.
650 0.56 emissivity and thermal conductivity (Engin and Ari, 2005).
Energy comsumption, kcal/kg of clinker
0.52 Hence a practical approach to use secondary shell would be to
feed air through the interstitial space of shell and secondary
630 shell to recover the energy and still operate kilns under realis-
0.48 tic conditions (Mujumdar et al., 2006). The developed RoCKS
620 frame work was used to explore the possibility of using such
a secondary shell. The losses in kiln reduced from 140 kJ/kg
0.44 of clinker to 1.4 kJ/kg of clinker on applying a secondary
shell and insulation of dimensions and operating conditions
specified in Mujumdar et al. (2006). The NEC reduces from
600 0.4 ∼ 2635 kJ/kg clinker to 2493 kJ/kg clinker (i.e., 630 kcal/kg
30 40 50 60 70 clinker to 596 kcal/kg clinker) by using secondary shell and
Char Percentage, % passing air of about 30 kg/s through the interstitial space
(Fig. 13). If the air coming out of annular space at ∼ 496 K
Fig. 12. Effect of coal composition on overall energy consumption.
can be utilized within the cement plant (refrigeration, drying
of fly ash and so on), the use of secondary shell appears to
be promising for reducing NEC in the clinker manufacturing
dimensionless flame length was calculated as the ratio of pre- process.
dicted flame length to length of the kiln. It can be seen that
coal with higher ash content tends to have a longer flame as 5. Conclusions
compared to coal with lower ash content. The flame length is a
complicated function of amount of oxygen, amount of char and A comprehensive model was developed to simulate complex
temperature of gas and particle in the freeboard region. Coals processes occurring in pre-heater, calciner, kiln and cooler for
with higher ash content tends to consume oxygen at a slower clinker formation in cement industry. The models for pre-heater
rate and therefore result in longer flames. Such simulations can and calciner were developed assuming solids and gas to be
therefore provide useful information to kiln operators to pre- completely back mixed. The computational model for the kiln
dict the flame characteristics for wide variety of coal available was developed assuming gas and solids as plug flow. The inte-
in the market. grated simulator was converted into simple to use GUI based
software for cement industry, named as RoCKS. RoCKS was
4.2.6. Effect of secondary shell used to simulate performance of pre-heater, calciner, kiln and
Heat losses to the surrounding from the kiln shell by radia- cooler for clinker formation. Detailed validation was unfortu-
tion and convection are a significant source of energy loss in nately not possible since adequate industrial data could not be
cement kilns and therefore the overall process. These losses obtained. However, the model predictions agreed reasonably
can be reduced by using a secondary shell. The idea is to cover with industrial observations. RoCKS was used to understand
the kiln shell with another metallic shell having low surface influence of various design and operating parameters on overall
K.S. Mujumdar et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 62 (2007) 2590 – 2607 2605
performance. Specific conclusions based on this computational hcyc heat transfer coefficient between particle laden
study are: gas and cyclone inner wall, W/m2 K
Hc,C heat of coal combustion in calciner, J/kg
• Including an additional pre-heater reduces NEC. The devel- Hc,K heat of coal combustion in kiln, J/kg
oped model can be used to evaluate relative benefits of en- Hcalc heat of calcination reaction in calciner, J/kg
ergy savings by additional pre-heater and required additional Hcomb heat of char combustion, J/kg
capital expenses. Hcombg heat of volatile gas phase combustion, J/kg
• There is an optimum value for percentage of calcination car- HLoss,K heat losses in the kiln, J/kg
ried out in calciner with respect to overall energy consump- HR,K heat required for clinker reactions, J/kg
tion in clinker manufacture. With the parameters selected in kg thermal conductivity of air/gas, W/m K
this work, this optimum value of percentage calcination in kr thermal conductivity of refractory, W/m K
calciner is about 70. ks thermal conductivity of clinker, W/m K
• The simulation results indicated that operating kiln with ksh thermal conductivity of shell, W/m K
higher solid loading, lower rpm, lower tilt and lower grate ks,c rate constant of char combustion, kg/m2 s kPa
rk rate constant of calcination of calcium carbon-
speed reduces energy consumption per unit production. The s
upper limit on solid loading (bed height) and lower limits on ate, mol/m2 s−1
rpm and tilt (mixing and heat transfer) need to be identified r k rate constant of calcination of calcium carbon-
based on other practical issues. ate, mol/m2 s−1
• The use of secondary shell appears to be a promising method L total height of cyclone, m
to reduce overall energy consumption, if the hot air generates ma mass of air in cooler, kg/s
in such secondary shell (∼ 200 ◦ C) can be utilized in some mAl2 O3 ,i mass of total aluminum oxide in solids in cal-
other processes in cement plants. ciner, kg/s
mCO2 ,C mass of carbon-dioxide produced in calciner due
The model was also able to predict kiln characteristics like to calcination, kg/s
maximum flame temperature and overall flame length for coals mCaCO3 ,i mass of total calcium carbonate in solids in cal-
with different compositions. The models and results presented ciner, kg/s
here will help in developing a better understanding of clinker mFe2 O3 ,i mass of total ferrous oxide in solids in cal-
manufacturing process and may provide clues for possible ciner, kg/s
optimization. mSiO2 ,i mass of total silicon dioxide in solids in cal-
ciner, kg/s
mg mass of gas in calciner, kg
mgin mass of air entering in calciner,kg/s
mgout mass of air leaving calciner, kg/s
mg,K mass of air leaving the kiln calciner, kg
a surface area per unit volume, m2 /m3 mp,c mass of coal particle, kg
A0 devolatilization constant mp,cin mass of coal particle entering calciner, kg
Acyi internal surface area of cyclone, K mp,cout mass of coal particle leaving calciner, kg
Acyo external surface area of cyclone, K mpc,0 initial mass of coal particle, kg/s
Ap surface area of coal particle, m2 mp,L mass of solid particle, kg
p surface area of solid particle, m2 mp,Lin mass of solids entering calciner, kg
Cp,c specific heat capacity of coal particle, J/kg K mp,Lout mass of solids leaving calciner, kg
Cp,g specific heat capacity of air, J/kg K ms mass of solids/clinker in cooler, kg
Cp,s specific heat capacity of solids, J/kg K Mc,C mass of coal entering the calciner, kg/s
dc inner diameter of cyclone, m Mc,K mass of coal entering the kiln, kg/s
dp radius of particle, m Mg mass of gas in cyclones, kg/s
E1 energy of activation for char combustion, J/mol Mg,K mass flow rate of secondary air entering the
E2 energy of activation for calcination, J/mol kiln, kg/s
fc fraction of heat given to coal particle released Mg,P mass flow rate of gas entering the pre-heater,
due to coal combustion kg/s
fv,0 initial mass fraction of volatiles in coal particle Mg,S mass flow rate of secondary air entering the
Fp−w view factor kiln, kg/s
hc heat transfer coefficient between coal particle Mg,T mass flow rate of tertiary air entering the cal-
and gas, W/m2 K ciner, kg/s
hc,c heat transfer coefficient between clinker and gas, Ms mass of solids in cyclones, kg/s
W/m2 K Mse mass of solids entrained by gas in cyclones, kg/s
hc,L heat transfer coefficient between solid particle Ms,C mass flow rate of solids leaving the calciner, kg/s
and gas, W/m2 K Ms,K mass flow rate of clinker leaving the kiln, kg/s
2606 K.S. Mujumdar et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 62 (2007) 2590 – 2607
Ms,P mass flow rate of solids entering the pre-heater, ug,y air velocity in y direction, m/s
kg/s Vreact volume of reactor, m3
MwCaCO3 molecular weight of calcium carbonate, kg/kmol xAl2 O3 ,C mass fraction of aluminum oxide entering kiln
MwCaO molecular weight of calcium oxide, kg/kmol xCaCO3 ,C mass fraction of calcium carbonate entering kiln
Mwchar molecular weight of carbon, kg/kmol xCaO,C mass fraction of calcium oxide entering kiln
MwCO2 molecular weight of carbon-dioxide, kg/kmol xFe2 O3 ,C mass fraction of ferrous oxide entering kiln
MwO2 molecular weight of oxygen, kg/kmol xSiO2 ,C mass fraction of silicon dioxide entering kiln
Mwvol molecular weight of volatile, kg/kmol yc,c mass fraction of char in coal particle in calciner
Mww molecular weight of water, kg/kmol yc,cin mass fraction of char entering in coal particle
Nu Nusselt number yc,cout mass fraction of char leaving in coal particle
cN number of coal particles entering calciner per
p yc,K mass fraction of char in coal particle entering
second the calciner
LN number of solid particles entering calciner per yv,c mass fraction of volatiles in coal particle
second yO2 mass fraction of oxygen in gas
pO2 partial pressure of oxygen in gas, kPa yO2 ,in mass fraction of oxygen entering calciner in gas
pCO2 partial pressure of carbon-dioxide in gas, kPa yO2 ,out mass fraction of oxygen leaving calciner in gas
peq equilibrium partial pressure for carbon-dioxide yCO2 mass fraction of carbon-dioxide in gas
in gas, kPa yCO2 ,in mass fraction of carbon-dioxide entering cal-
P the percentage calcination occurring inside the ciner in gas
calciner yCO2 ,out mass fraction of carbon-dioxide leaving calciner
P pressure drop across the cyclone, mm of H2 O in gas
Pr Prandtl number yv mass fraction of volatiles in gas
rc rate of calcination, kg/s yw mass fraction of water in gas
rcomb rate of combustion of char particles, kg/s Z stoichiometric component
rcombg rate of combustion of volatiles, kg/s
ri internal diameter of cyclone, m
Greek letters
r0 external diameter of cyclone, m
rp radius of solid particle, m
rr internal diameter of cyclone shell, m porosity of clinker bed in cooler
R gas constant c emissivity of coal particle
Rc non-dimensional form of radiative heat transfer cy emissivity of cyclone outer wall
coefficient L emissivity of solid particle
Re Reynolds number m,p mass efficiency of the cyclone
T0 ambient air temperature, K residence time of coal particle in calciner, s
Tc,i temperature of solids and gas in cyclone, K g density of air/gas, kg/m3
Tcl temperature of coal particle, K s density of solids, kg/m3
Tf average temperature of solids and air in Stephan–Boltzmann constant (W/m2 K 4 )
cooler, K residence time of raw meal particle in calciner, s
Tg temperature of gas, K
Tg,in temperature of gas entering calciner, K
Tg,out temperature of gas exiting calciner, K Chemical species
Tg,K temperature of gas leaving the kiln, K
Tg,S temperature of secondary air, K C2 S (2CaO·SiO2 )
Tg,T temperature of tertiary air, K C3 S (3CaO·SiO2 )
Tg,P temperature of gas leavingthe pre-heater, K C3A (3CaO·Al2 O3 )
Tiw,i the internal wall temperature of the cyclone, K C4AF (4CaO·Al2O3 ·Fe2 O3 )
Tow,i the external wall temperature of the cyclone, K
TL temperature of solid particle in calciner, K
Tr,i the temperature of interface of refractory and Acknowledgments
shell in cyclone, K
Ts temperature of solids/clinker in cooler, K The authors wish to acknowledge financial support provided
Ts,C temperature of solids entering the kiln, K by CSIR (under the NMITLI scheme) for this study. The au-
Ts,R temperature of solids exiting the cooler, K thors would also like to acknowledge many helpful discussions
u0 inlet gas velocity in cyclone, m/s with Professor Anurag Mehra during the course of this work.
us,x grate speed in x direction, m/s One of the authors, K.S.M is grateful to Council of Scientific
us,y grate speed in y direction, m/s and Industrial Research (CSIR), India for providing financial
ug,x air velocity in x direction, m/s support.
K.S. Mujumdar et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 62 (2007) 2590 – 2607 2607
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