Akiem Williams - Research
Akiem Williams - Research
Akiem Williams - Research
British Lit
12 March 2019
Thesis: With an adequate sex education course young people will learn precaution on how to
protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases as well as date rape and which will lead to
With an adequate sex education course young people will learn preventative methods on how to
protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases and teen pregnancy as well as the social and
II. What are the prerequisites of having sex and how will young people benefit from it?
III. Why is it important to have consent sex no matter how long you and someone may have
been together?
IV. What are the main benefits that young people will get from a sex education course?
VII. Conclusion
British Lit
12 March 2019
The great William Edward Burghardt Du Bois once said, "Education must not simply teach
work - it must teach life." With an adequate sex education course beginning in middle school,
young people will learn preventative methods on how to protect themselves from sexually
transmitted diseases and teen pregnancy as well as the social and emotional aspects that play a role
in relationships. An adequate sex education course is defined by not just teaching abstinence but a
class that deals with real-world ongoing situations. For example, if someone is having sex already
they need to know the ways to protect themselves from the dangers of sex and perhaps the
resources they could use. Dangers are to include date rape, for date rape is when someone goes on
a date with the intention of having sexual intercourse with someone that has an altered mind from
being under the influence of a controlled substance. Sex education is a hot topic among young
people in today's society due to the overwhelming concerns about sexually transmitted diseases,
date rape, concent, and know how to maintain a healthy relationship. With a satisfactory sex
education course, the number of rape assaults could decrease dramatically and may lead to more
males willing to come forward about rape allegations and assaults. Teenagers today are wanting
to have a safe place in schools for expressing themselves and simply talk about what could happen
to them if they were to have sex and how to maintain a healthy sex life.
According to Sex Education Timeline " sex education originated in 1880 when Dr. Prince
Albert Morrow translated Alfred Fournier's Syphilis and marriage into English, thus commencing
an American campaign against venereal disease as a threat to the family." This was the first time
Americans found out about sexually transmitted diseases and infections. It took nearly 30 years
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before America started the talk about sex hygiene. Then two years later The National Education
Association suggested that sex hygiene should be taught by a qualified teacher to ensure that the
class would be taught from an open point of morals. This is also known as abstinence. Fast forward
to present time as stated by Sex Education Timeline "in 2010 President Obama launched a $110
million campaign that will support a range of sex-education programs, including those that teach
about the risks of specific sexual activities and the benefits of contraception and others that focus
primarily on encouraging teens to delay sex." Sex education should be on the bias of what's going
on in today's world not yesterday it is now the time of the essence to educate the youth into being
Meanwhile, we have a lot of teenagers who are sexually active and do not know how to
protect themselves from the dangers of sex. I conducted a survey among peers, most people are
under the age of 18, in which the results I found were shocking. Of the 42 people that answered
the survey only twenty-one percent of the respondents were in a relationship but forty-three percent
were sexually active. If we have all of these young people single and having sex, but don't know
how to protect themselves from the pros and cons of sexual activity it could increase the sexually
transmitted disease rates which do not benefit the economy. This is where sex education is needed
because three percent of the people surveyed have been placed in a situation whereas they felt as
if they could not tell their loved ones they did not want to take part in sexual intercourse. With an
adequate sex education class, the persons involved would have been more aware of how to express
their feelings to keep everyone safe. Responses of the survey say "Sex education is the education
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on sexual intercourses and all its application" in which young people are telling educators what
As mentioned in "Daily Science" sex education is used to talk about anatomy, sexual
reproduction and sexual intercourse related all related to the sexual aspects of human. Sex
education courses give an overview of what could happen in the result of having sex and safety
measures that are in place that anyone can use. Survey Says (Again): People Overwhelmingly
Support Sex Ed says "people of the community feel as if federal grants could be used to fund
programs that teach about sexual education which would lead to teen pregnancy rates decrease."
The community is also looking for guidance on birth control, STIs and HIV, puberty, consent,
healthy relationships, sexual orientation, and abstinence. These resources are lacked in the
minority community and research shows that this is a gap between the school system and the
community needs to be fixed so that more students know the proper way of handling their sex life.
For example, I have taken a sex education course and we could not ask certain questions due to
that fact they can only talk about absence. Pregnancy rates are continuing to rise to leave and the
community confused. There are numerous prerequisites that should be taught to young adults who
may lack the knowledge of knowing how to handle certain situations with regards to sex education.
The legendary Jimmy Dean says “Love is an ice cream sundae, with all the marvelous
coverings. Sex is the cherry on top.” He is simply saying you should not allocate your relationship
on the bias of sex but love is more important. There are four prerequisites that every teen should
know before getting into relationships and before having sexual intercourse with someone. This
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includes precaution methods, trust, consent, and must also take into consideration of how this
situation could help or hinder you trying to reach your goals. Many teens do not like talking
prevention methods such as birth control methods due to the lack of education on the topic.
Birth control is any method used to prevent pregnancy and has been around for decades.
According to Birth Control Timeline, "the first form of birth control were condoms and it was
created by the Italian anatomist Fallopius back in 1564. Condoms are made from a thin
polyurethane material that is worn by males. There are two types of condoms: female and male
both of which serve the same purpose. The purpose of male condoms is to protect the body from
sexually transmitted infections and to keep semen from entering the vagina to prevent pregnancy.
The purpose of female condoms is to prevent male semen from the inner walls of the vagina. The
primary goal of any condom is to prevent pregnancy by keeping semen inside the latex material.
Condoms, like other birth control methods, are not 100% preventable method for pregnancy but it
Other birth control methods including sterilization and pills which are more pregnancy
preventable. The birth control pills are more effective than condoms but still won't stop the spread
of sexually transmitted diseases. According to medlineplus.gov “birth control pills also known as,
BCP, are a daily medication that contains two man-made hormones which include estrogen and
progestin to prevent pregnancy." While taking these BCP you must still use condoms because birth
control pills are not 100% pregnancy prevention. The only method that is 99.9% prevention of
pregnancy is sterilization. This is the only almost pregnancy preventive because it involves a
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surgical procedure. In order to use the precaution methods known to mankind, you must have
Consent is one of many topics that should be gone over in depth in a sex education class.
When you think of consent you should think of FRIES. Planedparenthood.com states "F is freely
given, R is reversible, I is responsible, E is for enthusiastic, and S is for specifics which all are
components of having consent. Sexual consent is when you are in agreeance with someone to have
sex and the acronym fries is everything you need. According to Good Sex "Many people have
been burned by current sexual practices--such as hook-ups that create emptiness, or cohabiting
relationships that go nowhere…." which is not what sex should be about this is due to lack of
knowledge on what sex education and the social and emotional aspects of a relationship. Many
teens do not know the correct way of getting consent to engage in sexual intercourse. Sex education
should not just be in schools but it should start at home. Teenagers parents should start
conversations about sex at home. As claimed by Consent: Lessons Beyond #MeToo ".......research
suggests it is more effective for schools and families to teach consent as part of a broader set of
positive skills for adulthood, rather than just examples of what not to do in social interactions."
Sex education should not just be a class but should be considered more of a life skill. In keeping
with Consent: Lessons Beyond #MeToo "Making understanding and negotiating consent a life
skill gives children and adolescents ways to understand and respect both their own desires and
those of other people. Consent would be a topic and skill that you discuss at different levels of sex
education due to the fact this is not a skill you may master by just talking about it just once. It
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would be like an English class each year you learn different skills to apply to other subject matter
The survey I conducted showed that a few students were a victim of date rape by having
sex with their loved one when they really were not in the mood of having sex. Many teens think
just because they may be in a relationship they may have consent throughout the whole relationship
to indulge in sexual acts when that is not the case you must ask your partner every the time you
won't have sexual activity. This form of date rape is minute to others that involves the use of drugs.
Date rape is when someone is on a date and one of the parties has intentions of having sex this
could become astronomical because they involve using different types of drugs.
The famous and incredible Albert Einstein said: "If I were to remain silent, I'd be guilty of
complicity." According to medicinenet.com the most common date rape drugs are flunitrazepam
(Rohypnol), also called roofies; gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB), also called liquid ecstasy;
and ketamine, also called Special K. Theses drugs come in multiple different forms and are
typically are used to alter the mind of someone they want to have sex with. Symptoms of date rape
problems seeing, loss of consciousness, seizures people not being able to remember what happened
while drugged, problems breathing, tremors, sweating, vomiting, slow heart rate, dream-like
feeling, coma, and can result in death. This could decrease the number of sexual assault victims
dramatically. Date rape or sexual assaults are not gendered bias as it happens to both males and
females. Even though most males are not as likely to report any type of sexual assaults it still
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happens in our society. As rainn.org states "one out six women are victims of sexual assaults."
Most victims state that they "wish they knew how to protect themselves from date rape" according
to the survey I polled from peers. Male sexual assaults are more likely to happen on college
campuses. According to rainn.org men as five times more likely to be sexually assaulted compared
to females on college campuses. With an adequate sex education class beginning in public schools,
Inspirational poet Mark Grooves says "You're worthy of being chosen, fought for, and
loved." An adequate sex education class must also teach young people the importance of having
and maintaining a healthy relationship. The main two relationships are romantic and cordial which
should be interjected in a sex education class. A cordial relationship is when you have relations on
a professional level which includes friends to which is friendly and sincere. A romantic
relationship is when you are sexually active with a partner and also are confined to support your
partner, but also let them be independent. These are skills that all young people need to know to
Life skills are something that most public institutions strive to teach its student but they
become complacent with only a few students acquiring the skills. The students that retain these
skills typically come from a decent home and knows that failure is not an option. If public schools
take on the responsibility of teaching healthy relationships students would be more willing to make
better choices. For example, the Atlanta Public Schools system mission state is "With a caring
culture of trust and collaboration, every student will graduate college and career ready" but that is
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not the case because healthy relationships are not taught. Stated by
https://schoolgrades.georgia.gov about 80% of seniors are graduating from APS but of that 80%,
only 60% are bound into college. Less than 50% of seniors throughout the district are college and
career ready. This data shows a lapse in something and sex education may be the missing piece.
Sex education must also go over the importance of a healthy relationship aspect. Healthy
romantic relationships have both social and emotional aspects that are necessary for any
relationship to last. While in a romantic relationship you should be able open to talking about a
wide variety of things. Some conversations will be easier to have than others, but all conversations
should be comfortable and genuine. For example, my girlfriend and I have been together for nearly
three years, and we usually talk every night and I remember when all conversations were easy and
pleasant to have. Every once and awhile we have to talk about difficult conversations on topics
that we disagree with. Sometimes heated disagreements lead to one of us to have to spend time
apart and so that we can evaluate the whole situation in order for both of us to get both perspectives.
With us having these open lines of communication we do not fall for peer pressure. Peer pressure
is when you take advice from people in your age group. Not all peer pressure has negative
connotations. Everyone is presented with different paths that they can choose to take and with peer
pressuring it can be a sound choice. I had to learn different ways of handling my peers from my
uncle and mother due to the fact this is not talked about in schools. It took me several years to
master the life skill of peer pressure. As my survey says "we need a class where we can talk about
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12 March 2019
With an adequate sex education course, young people will learn precautions on how to
protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases as well as date rape and will lead to a
healthier sexual and emotional relationship. Sex education is something that the community
supports but school systems are overlooking. Atlanta is the HIV and human trafficking capital and
with a sex education class, we could help need more. The life skills that would be acquired from
this class would give students the social and emotional support they need to make better choices.
STDs and teen pregnancy rates may start to decrease due to the fact that students would know the
outcome of most situations. A sex education course would also coach young people into healthier
relation whether it is sexual or emotional. Young people would also acquire the life skills that they
Annotated Bibliography
"Concern about 'Sexualised' Children often Misses the Point." Economist, Jul. 2018, pp. 49-50.
British Lit
12 March 2019
This article will help my topic by giving me examples of indirect and direct ways that young
adults are being portrayed. They get sexually portrayed by the internet, among their friends and
Goldston, Linda, and Kathleen Hendrix. "Date Rape: Beyond Violence, A Battle of Words."
Miami Herald (Miami, FL), 02 Aug. 1991, pp. 1E+. SIRS Issues Researcher, https://sks.sirs.com.
Date rape is something that anyone can be a victim of that will impact the rest of their lives.
This article focuses on what happens in an abusive relationship which leads to someone not
LeTrent, Sarah. “Against His Will: The Reality of Male Rape.” CNN, Cable News Network, 10
This article focuses on the effects rape has on men. Men are not as likely to report rape due to
the overwhelming criticism they may receive. This makes this man feel embarrassed and
Morse, Jennifer R. "Good Sex." American Enterprise Vol.17, No.3, Apr. 2006, pp. 18+. SIRS
British Lit
12 March 2019
Good Sex focuses on the benefits of a good sexual education course and the outcome. Everyone
wants some who loves them, supports them and is providing great sex. It is important for
everyone to know the right way to love and what a healthy relationship is.
Orenstein, Peggy. "We can't just Let Boys be Boys." New York Times, 30 Sep. 2018, pp. SR.4.
This article says the boys sometimes think they have permission because the girl may not say no.
Even though it may be weird you should always get permission to have sex or to touch.
This will help my paper by giving me the necessary information on how a boy should get
It will so help guide them on how to get permission and sustain a healthy relationship.
“Peer Pressure (for Teens).” Edited by D'Arcy Lyness, KidsHealth, The Nemours Foundation,
This website will define peer pressure and the different types of measurements that are involved
to prevent peer pressure. This will help me answer my guiding question on sex education.
I will use this website to master the meaning of peer pressure and how it related to the social and
British Lit
12 March 2019
Richardson, John. "Talking about Sex Education: New Generation of Parents Still.." Maine
Telegram (Portland, ME), 14 May. 1995, pp. 1C+. SIRS Issues Researcher, https://sks.sirs.com.
This will help my paper by identifying the challenges of parents talking to their children about
sex. Sex is a difficult topic to talk about and the schools should help by teaching kids safe sex.
Rosin, Hanna. “Men Are Raped Almost as Often as Women in America. We Need to Talk About
This website is helpful to my research paper because it tells stats to male rape and explains why
it goes unreported. Males rape allegations are normally unreported because higher authorities
For many reasons, men deal with serval double standards issues while in relationships due to
This website gives a definition of sex education. This will help my paper go in depth about what
sex education is and giving a perspective on how to overcome the talk about absences.
British Lit
12 March 2019
"Survey Says (again): People Overwhelmingly Support Sex Ed." Targeted News Service, 2018,
This will help show the data on how many people support sexual education within public
This article will help me by evaluating the risk of not having a sexual education course.
This timeline will provide me the necessary information in order to give accurate information
Sparks, Sarah D. "Consent: Lessons Beyond #MeToo." Education Week, Jan. 2019, pp. 24. SIRS
Issues Researcher,https://sks.sirs.com.
This article will help my paper by giving me teacher testimonies on how sexual education would
impact their classroom. This also gives expectations on what they expect to see in the course.
Most teachers support the talk about sex rather than to just keep telling students not to do it.
Schmidt, Samantha. "Teaching More than 'no Means no'." Washington Post, 06 Oct. 2018, pp.
This article focuses on not taking advantage of situations that you may be presented with. No
matter what is happening you must always get permission. This is for men and women and yes
British Lit
12 March 2019
This can help my paper by showing the means of no means no. This will help more males
Staff, ProQuest. Sex Education Timeline. Leading Issues Timelines, 2019. SIRS Issues
Researcher, https://sks.sirs.com.
This source gives me background information on what's was going on back in the day all the
way to the modern day. It will provide me with the necessary information to complete the
This helps my paper by providing me with dates necessary to give scopes of what sexual
Thibeault, Melanie. "What I Wish I had Learned in Middle-School Sex Ed." Boston Globe
This article gives evidence that absence isn’t enough when talking about sex. For it not only just
say don’t have sex but also fail to give advice on other types of sexuality.
This will help by giving insights on what people would like to learn and is trying to benefit from
the class.
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This is a website that shows how men can stand up to sexual abuse. Even though this may be a
difficult topic to talk about we must support men and women that go through this.
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"Concern about 'Sexualised' Children often Misses the Point." Economist, Jul. 2018, pp. 49-50.
Goldston, Linda, and Kathleen Hendrix. "Date Rape: Beyond Violence, A Battle of Words."
Miami Herald (Miami, FL), 02 Aug. 1991, pp. 1E+. SIRS Issues Researcher, https://sks.sirs.com.
LeTrent, Sarah. “Against His Will: The Reality of Male Rape.” CNN, Cable News Network, 10
Morse, Jennifer R. "Good Sex." American Enterprise Vol.17, No.3, Apr. 2006, pp. 18+. SIRS
Orenstein, Peggy. "We can't just Let Boys be Boys." New York Times, 30 Sep. 2018, pp. SR.4.
“Peer Pressure (for Teens).” Edited by D'Arcy Lyness, KidsHealth, The Nemours Foundation,
British Lit
12 March 2019
Richardson, John. "Talking about Sex Education: New Generation of Parents Still.." Maine
Telegram (Portland, ME), 14 May. 1995, pp. 1C+. SIRS Issues Researcher, https://sks.sirs.com.
Rosin, Hanna. “Men Are Raped Almost as Often as Women in America. We Need to Talk About
"Survey Says (again): People Overwhelmingly Support Sex Ed." Targeted News Service, 2018,
This article will help me by evaluating the risk of not having a sexual education course.
Sparks, Sarah D. "Consent: Lessons Beyond #MeToo." Education Week, Jan. 2019, pp. 24. SIRS
Issues Researcher,https://sks.sirs.com.
Schmidt, Samantha. "Teaching More than 'no Means no'." Washington Post, 06 Oct. 2018, pp.
British Lit
12 March 2019
Staff, ProQuest. Sex Education Timeline. Leading Issues Timelines, 2019. SIRS Issues
Researcher, https://sks.sirs.com.
Thibeault, Melanie. "What I Wish I had Learned in Middle-School Sex Ed." Boston Globe