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The document outlines rules for an adventure game called Trapdoor that can be played using miniatures. It focuses on simple rules that allow for character development and customization.

The document mentions Exploration and Encounter phases where heroes can explore dungeons and potentially encounter enemies.

The document discusses various actions heroes can perform like movement, attacks, spellcasting, interacting with traps and monsters.


games are games, and though due respect must

be paid to the rules which govern them they ought
not to be transformed unto hard and dismal forms
of work.'

The Thirteenth Tree

R.H. Malden

Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)

Trapdoor Contents

Exploration and Encounter Phases..................... 6
Ranged Attack........................................................ 9
Melee Attack........................................................... 10
Casting Spells, Reciting Prayers........................... 12
Miscellaneous Actions........................................... 13
Traps and Wandering Monsters...........................15
Damage and Death.................................................16
Creating a Hero...................................................... 17
Spells and Prayers...................................................25
'The Brigands of Harrak's Hold' Quest...............30
Trapdoor Reference Sheet.....................................31
Hero Profile Sheets.................................................32

Trapdoor has been designed and written by Gareth Shaw ([email protected])

All artwork by Jonir ([email protected])
All photography by Gareth Shaw
All layout and design by Gareth Shaw, with assistance from Brent Spivey
All content © Gareth Shaw 2014


There are a goodly number of people who have aided me in a variety of ways in the seemingly
endless process of designing and writing Trapdoor. Not least is the support provided by my
family who have also been the game's longest suffering lab rats: I am indebted to Laura and Oliver
for both their endless patience and invaluable advice. Sincere gratitude for play-testing and
critiquing must also go to: Brent Spivey (Bombshell Games), Matt Yabsley, Breccan Kendall,
Chris Sabick, Stephen Dobson, Andreas Pscheidl, Mattias Frid, Victor Gondra, and the infamous
Alex Rogers. Joni Heinonen has done a tremendous job bringing the rules to life with his excellent
artwork. To anybody not mentioned above I can only humbly apologise for the omission. I raise a
flagon of ale to you all: without your diverse assistance and encouragement Trapdoor could never
have become a reality! May the Gods smile upon you and keep you on your quests!

Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)


Prise open the trapdoor... Necessary Apparatus

...AND descend into the inky depths below in search of fortune Miniatures and Terrain
and glory! Trapdoor is a set of rules which allow players to
explore perilous subterranean fantasy worlds using little more Trapdoor is a miniature-based game and not an rpg, so models
than dice, miniatures and their imaginations. It was born chiefly or, at the very least, tokens are required to play. It is probably
from two desires: 1. to devise a simple dungeon adventure rules fair to write that most tabletop gamers have at least a handful of
engine that still allowed for detailed character development and fantasy models lying around somewhere and these should be
thus longevity and 2. to create a set free from the constraints of adequate. If not there are a plethora of manufacturers to choose
being tied to a predetermined sword & sorcery background. In from. There are no real basing conventions in Trapdoor, but
this way players can use whatever fantasy miniatures they have to models should be singly based and uniformity is of course
hand and can place their games in whatever 'world' they like. preferable.
The bestiary chapter (p.27) gives profiles of numerous generic
fantasy creatures - from Goblins Warriors to Fire Drakes - but Trapdoor games take place in subterranean tunnels or other
gamers are also free to create their own too. enclosed areas which should be represented by modular board
pieces, known colloquially as 'dungeon tiles'. As will be
Trapdoor is also scale-free, so whether you want to adventure explained in the following chapter the game operates by the GM
using 28mm or 10mm scale miniature or anything in-between gradually revealing the quest area as the hero players can 'see' it
the choice is yours. Whatever divergent fantastical lands you with their models and modular tiles make this task appreciably
wish to explore Trapdoor provides the tools for you to do so! easier. From luxuriant 3d resin wares to more humble tiles
available in card or PDF format from a myriad of purveyors,
The Players finding something suitable shouldn't prove too onerous. Even the
wipe-clean mats beloved of rpgers will suffice! Of course, the
Like most conventional dungeon exploration games Trapdoor more creative can always craft their own pieces. Whatever your
pits a single referee or 'Games Master' (henceforth GM) against choice make sure that the sections are divided into uniform
players who control individual characters, the 'heroes' (who shall squares like a chess board. To these may be added 3d terrain such
henceforth be interchangeably referred to as 'players', 'heroes' or as doors, furniture, chests etcetera if desired.
'adventurers'). There should be between two and six hero
characters, with the ideal number being four. If numbers are Lastly, but no less importantly, markers of some description to
insufficient it is permissible for single players to control more represent injuries and other effects are also required, with about
than one hero. The options available to players in creating their three different colours/types being suggested.
heroes are discussed in detail on p.17.
A directory listing those products used by the author in the
The role of the GM is to create and control the subterranean photographs reproduced in these rules is provided at the rear.
labyrinths which these heroes will venture through. In Trapdoor
each such area is referred to as a 'quest' and should be of a size Dice and Pencils
that it may be played through comfortably in a single session
(tw0-to-four hours typically). Trapdoor uses d10 (10-sided-dice to the layman) exclusively so it
will be necessary to procure some! About four are
To this end the GM must plot a map of the quest area and recommended, though the more the merrier (as any gamer
generate the narrative pertaining to it prior to gaming sessions knows, one can never have too many dice!). Sometimes the rules
and, ideally, build a linked campaign setting around individual prescribe the use of a 'd5'. To the uninitiated this is simply a d10
quests in which the players can evolve their characters through with the result being translated in this manner: 1-2 = 1, 3-4 = 2, 5-
epic deeds of derring-do. A simple quest for aspiring adventurers 6 = 3, 7-8 = 4, 9-10 = 5. Although it should be mentioned that
is included on p.30 and this should also serve as a guide for GMs actual d5 do exist too and readers are of course welcome to use
in their own quest creation. these instead.

The GM should be conversant with the rules laid out in this Pencils and erasers (or rubbers as we in the UK call them) are
manual and during gaming sessions reveals the quest area to another essential piece of equipment. Even better still are
players and controls everything that they encounter. rubber-topped pencils. These are used primarily by the hero
players for recording various things on their hero profile sheets
or, if they have been freshly sharpened, to keep megalomaniac
GMs in check.

Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)

Profiles You are invited to peruse the Bestiary chapter (p.27) for many
more examples. The two example profiles provided here are of a
Goblin Warrior and a fledgling hero (a Human Knight), with
All models in Trapdoor - whether a creeping Cave Slug or
associated equipment. Please note that more detailed hero profile
majestic Manticore - are represented by profiles like the two
sheets are provided later (p.32), which allow additional room for
examples below. All that you need to know about how an
detailing the acquirement of equipment, money, and so forth.
individual model can behave in the game is contained within it.

Description SPE BRA ACC MEL RES VIT Traits & Equipment Points
Goblin Warrior 5 1 1 1 1 1 Small, Crude Spear 16
Human Knight 5 3 2 3 3/4 7 Swordsman, Sword, Shield 35

Profile Key
Description: This is where the model's name/type/race etcetera is written.
SPE: Speed. This is how far a model may move in squares. Most humanoids will have an average SPE of 5. Rated 1-10.
BRA: Bravery. This represents a model's heroism and determination. Rated 1-10.
ACC: Accuracy. This represents a model's prowess with ranged weapons. Rated 1-10.
MEL: Melee. This represents a model's prowess at close quarter fighting. Rated 1-10.
RES: Resilience. This represents a model's physical toughness and ability to defend itself. The first figure represents a
model's actual RES. If the model is equipped with armour a second figure will be given after a slash (see the Human
Knight) and this represents a models' basic RES plus the bolstering effects of any armour it might be wearing. Rated
1-10. Note that armour can artificially boost RES above 10.
VIT: Vitality. This represents a model's 'life' or 'wounds' and decreases as the model is injured. If it reaches nought the
model is dead or seriously injured and removed from play. Rated 1-12.
Traits & This is where any special rules - called 'traits' - and any equipment - armour, weapons etcetera - belonging to the
Equipment: model are listed.
Points: This reflects the value of a model in game-terms. The higher the value, the better the model. See below.

Points fairness are especially important considerations when plotting

quests. It would be incredibly easy to devise a quest in which
adventurers stand little or no chance of surviving, but the GM
To determine the points cost of a particular model simply add
who is solely concerned with remorselessly crushing the players
together all their characteristics - SPE, BRA, ACC, MEL, RES &
is wildly missing the point. Remember that at its core Trapdoor
VIT - and then add or subtract the value of any traits and
is about character advancement and an ongoing campaign; it is
equipment the model may possess (the points cost and
about achievement and being part of an overarching story, or
description of these are given on p.22 and 19 respectively.) Please
saga to use a more expressive noun. In some ways, then, the GM
note that when factoring in RES only use the raw value, free
must remain impartial; the humble custodian of the world
from any armour modifiers. This end figure gives the points
through which the players pass.
value of the model and will help to gauge its usefulness in
Trapdoor, with the higher the value the better being the model!
As a rule-of-thumb it is good GM policy to not regularly
confront players with groups of opponents that are equal to or
As may be seen in the example of the Human Knight above,
greater than the points value of the entire hero party. If the party
starting adventurers average around 35 points. A quick look at
splits, then that is their problem! To allow for parity most
the Bestiary chapter should give you an idea of the gulf in points
encounters should comprise groups of opponents roughly half
value between, for instance, Goblin Warriors (13 points) and Fire
the points value or lower than that of the combined hero party.
Drakes (101 points), which obviously translates to the gulf
between their capabilities in the game. Naturally this
Having written that, players must of course be sufficiently
uncomplicated system allows you to easily create your own
challenged to ensure rewarding sessions and naturally some will
profiles and attribute points for creatures not covered in the
make poor decisions or suffer the displeasure of the fickle dice-
gods to the detriment of their adventurer, but this of course
cannot be helped and is all part of the game. Naturally things
Balance can be 'spiced up' somewhat (in terms of points) for special
encounters, such as those containing quest 'personalities'.
It is important aspiring GMs understand that balance and

Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)

It is suggested that a starting quest for four heroes should • 'Observation Roll' is shortened to OBS Roll and is used
contain no more than 500 points-worth of opponents split to gauge success in a variety of non-violent actions,
across six-eight separate encounters. After running a game and from finding hidden traps to picking a lock.
developing an appreciation for how the mechanics function a • The hostile GM-controlled creatures – or minions –
GM should quickly develop a feel for what is 'right' in terms of that players will encounter are frequently referred to as
populating his or her quests in future. To this end a basic starting 'GMinions'. Clever, eh?
quest for three-to-five players - 'The Brigands of Harrak's Hold' - • Money is given in denominations of 'gs', which is an
is also provided later in the manual (see p.30). abbreviation of 'gold schillings'.

Trapdoor 'Slang' Playing the Game

As well as the shortening of characteristics – ACC, RES etcetera So now that you know WHAT you need in order to play
– there are other abbreviations that the reader shall come across Trapdoor, next you need to know HOW to play it! To begin
in this manual, which are briefly explained here. gaming the GM should first thoroughly read the rest of this
manual and then produce a quest map of his or her own design
• 'Damage Rating' is shortened to DAM and is used to or use that included on p.30. Players should then create their
calculate damage inflicted by ranged and melee characters as described on p.17. Once this is done the heroes are
weapons. ready to prise the ancient lock on the trapdoor, descend the
• 'Margin of Victory' is shortened to MoV and is used moss-grown stair into the dim, ancient passages below and
alongside DAM to calculate injuries resulting from commence dungeoneering!
Ranged and Melee attacks.

Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)

Exploration and Encounter Phases
TRAPDOOR is comprised of alternating Exploration and Who goes First?
Encounter phases. Both of these phases and what they entail are
dealt with in this chapter. GMinions should be classified on the quest map as being either
'relaxed' or 'alert' which will determine their reaction when
Exploration Phase discovered by adventurers.

If there are no enemies currently present in the uncovered quest • Relaxed means that they are taken by surprise and the
area then the heroes are exploring the environment. This is heroes automatically take the first turn.
referred to as an 'Exploration phase'. Most quests will begin with • Alert means that the hero player who discovered them
an Exploration phase, as the heroes descend into a dungeon and must make an Observation ('OBS') Roll (p.13). If
begin exploring. successful the adventurers are more alert and react first,
taking the first turn. If not the GMinions surprise the
heroes and take the first turn. Heroes with the Tracker
Exploration Turns
trait may roll an additional d10 and choose the highest
The Exploration phase is divided into unlimited turns in which
the heroes move cautiously through the quest area.
If any more GMinions are discovered during an Encounter phase
- including Wandering Monsters - they may be activated
• During a turn each hero can move and perform an
normally during the subsequent GM's turn.
action (or vice-versa).
• Players must adhere to a fixed order of activation agreed
at the beginning of each quest and which must be Encounter Turns
maintained throughout all the Exploration phases of
that quest. The Encounter phase in Trapdoor is comprised of alternating
• Players cannot return to their character once they have turns in which the battling sides - the heroes and GMinions -
finished with it that turn, no matter if it has unspent attempt to best one another.
SPE or an unused action remaining.
• Once all the player models have been consecutively • During their turn each model can move and perform an
dealt with a turn is over and another begins. action (or vice-versa).
• Neither the players or GM may return to a model once
As soon as a hero moves into a position where a tile containing they have finished with it that turn, no matter if it has
an enemy is revealed the Exploration phase immediately ends unspent SPE or an unused action remaining.
and an Encounter phase begins (see next). • During Encounter phase turns heroes may deviate from
the fixed sequence of activation agreed for the
Exploration phase.
• A turn ends when the active side has done all they
Note: To discourage dawdling during Exploration phases GMs
wished to do and declared that their turn is finished.
can inflict penalties on the hero players. The author's preferred
Their opponent may then begin their turn and so on.
method is that after six consecutive Exploration turns he starts
rolling a d10. On a 1 a wandering monster attacks the party
When - if ! - the last GMinion has been destroyed the Encounter
(randomise who is attacked). On each subsequent turn after the
phase immediately ends and an Exploration phase begins anew.
first roll he minuses an extra '1' from the roll, thus increasing
the chances of an encounter and the incentive of the party to
get a move-on! Placing Board Pieces
As mentioned earlier Trapdoor should ideally be played using
Encounter Phase modular dungeon tiles. The tiles are laid out by the GM as the
hero players uncover them by moving through the quest area,
An Encounter phase occurs as soon as any areas of the quest are with only pieces and their contents being revealed that the hero
uncovered that contain GMinions. When this happens the heroes models can 'see' (there is no limit to this sight, provided there are
cannot use any remaining movement or actions pertaining to the no obstructions). Rooms and their contents should not, for
Exploration phase: they must ready themselves for battle! instance, be placed until any doors serving them have been
opened by the hero players and corners cannot be seen around
until they are reached. For edification a number of images
regarding this system are provided opposite.

Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)

Placing Board Pieces Example

i. The beginning of an Exploration phase. The players elect that ii. Dave the Elf begins moving down the corridor. However he
the Elf Ranger ('Dave the Elf') should go first. has only progressed two squares before the GM stops him. Dave
has uncovered a corridor to his left. The GM places this new area
and its contents for the players to see. Once this is done Dave the
Elf is free to continue his movement.

iii. Elves begin their careers with SPE 6, so Dave has 4 SPE iv. However, Dave is an impetuous Elf and decides to open the
remaining. He uses 3 of these to move to the nearest doorway, door. The GM consults his quest map and duly places the
which the GM informs him is unlocked. He hasn't used his contents of the area beyond for the players to see. The uncovered
action yet so he could now attempt to listen at the door or room contains a GMinion, which immediately triggers an
maybe search the corridor for any hidden features. Encounter phase.

Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)


Scale and Distance • Models that wish to make a Ranged Attack can do so
only if they move no more than half their SPE value,
rounding up (unless they have the Hunter trait).
As mentioned previously Trapdoor should be played on
Casting Spells and reciting Prayers that are ranged are
modular board tiles which are segmented into uniform squares.
not subject to this restriction.
These squares are used to measure things like movement and the
reach of ranged weapons and some Spells and Prayers. A rating
of '1' in this context directly relates to 1 square, so for instance: 1 Running
SPE = one square. Bear in mind that when we later speak of
models being 'adjacent' we mean in adjoining squares. Models may run, which means that they can move twice
consecutively. The second movement counts as an action.
Note: If you don't own or desire to play Trapdoor using tiles Models may not run and Charge.
divided into squares an alternative can quite easily be
managed: all you need is a tape measure! If playing using 28- Jumping
20mm models simply convert all SPE and ranges to inches. A
model with SPE 5 can thus move 5 inches. If using 15-10mm Models can attempt to Jump over pits and low obstacles (tables,
models then just use cm in the same manner. Bear in mind that barrels etcetera). The model must be adjacent to and have
when we speak of models being 'adjacent' this will mean in enough remaining movement to clear the obstacle, which should
base contact. be designated in squares. Jumping requires the model to pass a
standard OBS Roll (p.13), taking into account the following
Movement criterion:

All models may move once per turn. Each model has a value • For each square over 1 wide the obstruction the Jumper
given under it's SPE characteristic which indicates how many subtracts 1 from its OBS Roll (so a chasm 3 squares
squares the model may move each turn. wide = -2 to the OB Roll.)
• If it wishes a Jumper may use any unused SPE to boost
• Models that are able to move may do so up to their the results of the OBS Roll (so 2 SPE = +2 to OBS Roll).
maximum SPE allowance. At the GM's discretion some This must be declared before making the OBS Roll.
terrain may impede movement. • If a Jump is made successfully then any remaining SPE
• Actions can be performed only before or after may afterwards be used normally. In this way a model
movement, subject to any restrictions detailed in the could, for instance, leap across a gorge and then Charge
pertinent action descriptions in the following chapters. an opponent on the far side.
• Models cannot move through either friendly or enemy • If the Jumping roll is failed the model remains where it
models. is and may do nothing else that turn.
• Models cannot move diagonally around corners • A roll of 1 indicates a critical error has been made. If
(including doorways). the Jumper was attempting to leap over a pit, it falls in
• Models cannot move freely through squares that are and suffers appropriate penalties. If attempting to leap
adjacent to an enemy that is not either Shaken, over a low obstacle the model remains where it is and
Unconscious or in Melee, unless the moving model becomes Shaken.
possesses the Stealth trait. • Note that Jumping does not count as an action.
• If a model moves into a square adjacent to an enemy
then the moving model has deliberately Charged and Climbing
must immediately stop and make a Melee Attack.
• A model that has already performed an action that turn Models may Climb rocks faces, ladders, ropes and similar
cannot in the same turn end any movement adjacent to vertical obstacles, at the GM's discretion.
an enemy model (id est Charge).
• If a model inadvertently begins a turn adjacent to an • Climbing models climb at a rate of half their SPE,
enemy that is not either Shaken, Unconscious or in rounding up.
Melee with someone else, it must either immediately • If attacked they count as Shaken unless they have the
move out of adjacency prior to performing any action, Acrobat trait.
otherwise it is considered to be in Melee with the • A Climbing model may expend its action to Climb at
enemy and must behave accordingly. double speed (id est, normal SPE).

Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)

Ranged Attack
MAKING a Ranged Attack counts as an action. A Ranged is adjacent and not in Melee.
Attack involves a model shooting a ranged weapon - bow, • Models cannot shoot the same turn they moved more
crossbow etcetera - at an enemy. Obviously a model must possess than half their SPE, rounded up, unless they have the
a ranged weapon to be able to shoot one! The model whose turn Hunter trait.
it is is considered the 'attacker' and its target - whose turn it isn't • Models cannot shoot if they are in Melee, Shaken or
- the 'defender'. Each model has a value given under it's ACC Unconscious.
characteristic and this represents the model's skill with ranged • Models cannot shoot into a Melee involving allies.
weapons: the higher the rating the more likely it is to hit a • Models cannot shoot at targets in adjacent squares.

Range is represented in squares, not including the square the

Ranged Attack Example
attacker occupies. Each ranged weapon has an associated
'Damage Rating' (DAM), which is used to determine damage.
Ranged weapon profiles may be found on p.20.

Making a Ranged Attack

• The attacker rolls 1d10 and adds its ACC characteristic

to the result. This is referred to as an 'Accuracy Roll'.
• If the attacker rolls a 1 the attack automatically fails and
the action is wasted.
• The defender rolls 1d10 and adds its RES characteristic
to the result. This is referred to as a 'Resilience (RES)
Roll'. Defenders may make RES Rolls as many times as
they are attacked in a turn.
• Note that for both ACC and RES Rolls certain traits i. Dave the Elf is confronted by a Giant Spider. It is Dave's turn
and circumstances will allow the rolling of additional so he elects to make a Ranged attack with his Bow. The target is
d10, with the highest result being chosen before adding within the Short Range of his Bow (1-7 squares) so Dave gains
the appropriate characteristic. an extra d10 for range. The Giant Spider also has the Large
• Compare both results. trait, which grants Dave another d10.
• If the defender either draws or wins then the shot has
missed or failed to harm the target and nothing
• If the attacker's result is higher, note the Margin of
Victory (MoV). This is done by calculating the
difference between the winning score and losing score.
Consult the Damage table on p.16 and cross-reference
the MoV with the ranged weapon's DAM to find out
what damage the target incurs.

Bear in mind that:

• Ranged Attacks may only be made during an Encounter
• Ranged Attacks require visibility to the target.
• If the target is partially obscured it may roll an extra
d10 and choose the highest result when making RES ii. Dave rolls his three d10 and chooses the highest score, in this
Rolls. case '8'. To this he adds his ACC characteristic of 3 for a total of
• Each ranged weapon has three Range bands: 'short', 11. This is an ACC Roll.
'medium' and 'long'. Attackers roll an extra d10 and The GM rolls a '6'. To this he adds the spider's RES
choose the highest result when making ACC Roll at characteristic of 4 for a total of 10. This is a RES Roll.
targets within short range. Targets roll an extra d10 and 11 minus 10 gives a MoV of 1. Dave's Bow has DAM 2. He cross-
choose the highest result when making RES Roll references MoV1 and DAM2 on the Damage table and finds
within long range. that the Giant Spider is Shaken and a token is placed next to
• Models can shoot through an ally if the friendly model the model to denote this.

Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)

Melee Attack
MAKING a Melee Attack counts as an action. A Melee is Consult the Damage table on p.17 and cross-reference
defined by a model electing to be in an adjacent square to an the MoV with the melee weapon's Damage Rating
enemy. The model whose turn it is is considered the 'attacker' (DAM) to find out what damage the target incurs.
and its opponent - whose turn it isn't - the 'defender'. Each
model has a value given under it's MEL characteristic which Bear in mind that:
represents the model's general fighting skill: the higher the rating
the better a fighter it is. Most models will be equipped with • Melee attacks may only be made during an Encounter
melee weapons which have an associated DAM, which is used to phase.
determine damage and may have special rules that can effect the • A model that is in Melee cannot attempt to perform a
Melee. Melee weapon profiles may be found on p.19. different action that turn, unless its opponent is Shaken,
Unconscious or outnumbered (id est in Melee with
Making a Melee Attack more than one enemy).
• Models can only leave a Melee if their opponent is
• The attacking model rolls 1d10 and adds its MEL Shaken, Unconscious, outnumbered, deceased or if they
characteristic to the result. This is referred to as a have the Acrobat attribute. However, they may not then
'Melee Roll'. Charge the same model that turn (simply not cricket).
• If the attacking model rolls a 1 the attack automatically • Attacking models that are at a higher elevation to
fails and the action is wasted. defenders may roll an extra d10 and choose the highest
• The defending model rolls 1d10 and adds its RES result when making MEL Rolls.
characteristic to the result. This is referred to as a • Whenever a model has a choice between attacking
'Resilience (RES) Roll'. Defenders may make RES Rolls Shaken, Unconscious or conscious enemies, it must
as many times as they are attacked in a turn. always attack the latter.
• Note that for both MEL and RES Rolls certain traits • A model armed with multiple Melee weapons may only
and circumstances will allow the rolling of additional switch between them if it is not in Melee or, if it is in a
d10, with the highest result being chosen before adding Melee, where the opponent is Shaken, Unconscious or
the appropriate characteristic. outnumbered.
• Compare both results.
• If the defender either draws or wins then it has Charging
successfully fended off the attack and nothing happens.
The combatants remain locked in Melee. If a model's movement has bought it into contact with an enemy
• However, if a defending model's RES Roll at least that turn then it is considered to have deliberately Charged into
doubles that of its attacker's MEL Roll, the attacker Melee and may roll an extra d10 and choose the highest result
becomes Shaken. This is referred to as a 'Repulse'. during the ensuing attack. Remember that, as with any
• If the attacker's result is higher, note the margin of movement, a Charge cannot be made through squares that are
victory (MoV). This is done by calculating the adjacent to an enemy that is not either Shaken, Unconscious or
difference between the winning score and losing score. in Melee, unless the Charging model possesses the Stealth trait.


Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)

Melee Attack Example

i. In this example a party of heroes have opened a door into an ii. After a discussion amongst the hero players it is decided that
inhabited room, triggering an Encounter phase. According to the Jakkov the Barbarian should be first into the room. Jakkov
GM's quest map the GMinions - 2 Goblin Warriors - are Relaxed moves 2 squares into the room, ending adjacent to one of the
so the players take the first turn. Goblins. This is a Charge and Jakkov will gain an extra dice
when making his subsequent Melee Roll.

iii. The barbarian player rolls his two d10 and chooses the highest iv. The Goblin only has 1 VIT so losing it kills the hapless
result, in this case '7'. To this he adds his MEL characteristic of 3 creature instantly! The model is removed from the board.
for a total of 10. This is a MEL Roll. Jakkov's player duly notes the 2 advancement points he has
The GM rolls a '5'. To this he adds the Goblin Warrior's RES gained for inflicting 1 VIT damage on his hero profile sheet. He
characteristic of 1 for a total of 6. This is a RES Roll. may do nothing else this turn and may now hand over to one of
Jakkov's MEL Roll is highest. 10 minus 6 gives a MoV of 4. his companions.
Jakkov's Axe (Hand Weapon) has DAM 2. He cross-references
MoV4 and DAM2 on the Damage table and finds that the Goblin
has lost '1' VIT.


Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)

Casting Spells, Reciting Prayers
CASTING a Spell or reciting a Prayer counts as an action. within the prescribed range (see Spell descriptions).
Models must have the Mage trait to cast Spells or the Devout • Mages may move their full SPE and still cast Spells.
trait to recite Prayers. Note that since both Prayers and Spells • A Mage may only attempt to cast one Spell per turn.
are treated in exactly the same way, we refer here to Mages and • Spells may be cast into Melees involving friendly
Spells to save repetition. Listings of available Spells and Prayers models.
and their effects are given on p.25. • Spells can be cast while the user is involved in Melee,
but it cannot also perform a Melee attack that turn.
• Each Spell has an associated Casting Bonus. • Furthermore, if a Mage is engaged in Melee and wishes
• To cast a spell the Mage player rolls 1d1o and adds the to cast a spell it must target one of the enemies they are
casting bonus of the particular Spell to the result. This fighting if the spell is harmful. If the spell is beneficial
is referred to as a 'Casting Roll' ('Reciting Roll' in the (healing or protective etcetera) then it must be cast on
case of Devout models). either themselves or an ally in Melee against the same
• Note that for Casting Rolls certain traits and opponent.
circumstances will allow the rolling of additional d10, • A Mage may only attempt to cast four Spells per
with the highest result being chosen before adding the Exploration phase. If a '1' is rolled, rather than the Mage
Casting Bonus. being Shaken they are instead attacked by a Wandering
• A result of 11+ signals success. Monster.
• If failed, the Mage cannot cast the Spell that turn and
the action is wasted. Area Effect
• If a 1 is rolled the Spell backfires and the Mage is
Rather than effecting a single models, some spells and prayers
• If successful then the effects related to the Spell will be
instead cover an area, effecting all models within it. These 'area
fully detailed in the Spell description.
effect' Spells have a radius of 3x3 squares.
• If successfully cast, ranged Spells automatically hit their
• When casting such a Spell designate a central square
• If the spell is cast on a roll of '10' then it has been cast
from which the Spell will radiate out from, this must of
to 'Maximum Effect'. See individual Spell descriptions
course be within the Spells designated range.
for what this entails.
• All models within the area are effected by the Spell.
• Note that such Spells are contained by walls and other
Bear in mind that:
robust natural features, so that if cast in a corridor 2
squares wide for instance, the spell will effect an area
• All Spells require visibility to the target and must be


Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)

Miscellaneous Actions
It is a good idea to let new players peruse this list to understand • Searching involves making an OBS Roll (models with
what other actions they can attempt with their adventurers. All the Tracker trait may roll an extra d10 and choose the
of the following feats count as a single action and cannot usually highest result). If the Roll is passed ANY hidden
be performed by GMinions. As will be seen some simple actions features are immediately revealed to the heroes.
- opening an unlocked door or chest, for instance - are • If an unmodified 1 is rolled the searcher is immediately
performed automatically, but others of a more complicated attacked by a Wandering Monster specific to that quest
nature will require an 'Observation Roll'. (p.15).
• An area may only be searched twice.
Observation Roll • If the area of a corridor being searched contains an
undiscovered junction the GM should tell the player
The Observation ('OBS') Roll is a test to measure the observance where it is located and not allow the hero to search
or awareness of a particular model when undertaking a difficult beyond it until it has been uncovered.
or perilous action. • Note the model remains in the same square that it
started the search from.
• To perform an OBS Roll a model must be in an • In Encounter phases hero players may only search if
appropriate location for the action they wish to there are no GMinions on the area being searched.
perform, as described in the action description.
• The controlling player must then roll 6+ on 1d10 to Note: How corridor and room sections are defined for
succeed. searching is largely dependent on the terrain being utilised
• Note that certain traits and circumstances will allow and/or the ingenuity of the GM. The author's group use the
the rolling of additional d10, with the highest result convention that a single search covers the dungeon tile the
being chosen. searching adventurer currently occupies, regardless of the size.
Haphazard perhaps, but it works! Another convention is that a
For instance if a hero player searches a corridor to discover search encompasses a certain number of squares (say up to ten)
whether it contains any hidden features (see 'Searching' below), and that those searched are marked on the GM's quest map for
the player must make a successful OBS Roll (6+). Let us imagine future reference.
that the player successfully rolls a 7 and uncovers a hidden dart
trap. The location of the trap is marked on the appropriate
square(s) by the GM for all the players to see and avoid. One of
Random Treasure Table
the hero players may subsequently wish to carry out a d10 Result
'Disarming a Trap' action (see below), which requires another
1-5 1d5 gs
successful OBS Roll in order to disable the device.
6 1d10 gs
7 1d10x2 gs
8 1d10x4 gs
9 Potion (p.20)
10 Magic Item (p.21)

Disarming a Trap
If a trap has been detected a foolhardy player may wish to
disarm it.

Searching • A detected trap may be disarmed by a hero on an

adjacent square to the device or trigger passing an OBS
Heroes may search areas for hidden features, which will Roll.
generally be traps, secret doors and treasure. Any hidden • Failure means the hero has inadvertently triggered the
contents of an area, if any, should be listed on the quest map. A trap and is injured as described (p.15).
random treasure table is provided below if an empty area is • Models with the Burglar trait roll an extra d10 and
successfully searched and the GM is feeling uncharacteristically choose the highest result when making OBS Rolls for
generous (they shouldn't make a habit of this!). disarming a trap.


Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)

During their quests the heroes may
come up against locked doors or
chests. There are a number of way
to deal with these obstructions.

Picking Locks

• A lock may be picked by a

hero on an adjacent square
passing an OBS Roll.
• If successful the lock is
automatically opened.
• Only two attempts can be
made to pick a lock.
• Models with the Burglar
trait roll an extra d10 and
choose the highest result
when making OBS Rolls
for lock picking.
• Models with a Lock Pick
Set roll an extra d10 and choose the highest result when Simple Actions
making an OBS Roll for picking a lock.
Drinking a Potion
Forcing Locks
This counts as an action and requires no test. Unless
• A lock may be forced by a hero on an adjacent square. Unconscious a potion can be drunk at the beginning of the
• To force a lock the hero makes a normal MEL Roll. model's turn, even if the model is in a melee. The effects come
Note a lock CAN be Charged! into play immediately.
• Light locks have RES 4, medium locks RES 6 and heavy
locks RES 8. Opening an Unlocked Door or Chest
• No RES Roll is made for the door: it's raw RES rating is
used against the attacker's MEL Roll. Opening doors and chests that are unlocked counts as an action
• If a lock is 'beaten' it is automatically opened. and requires no test. GMinions cannot open previously
• If a locked door is not forced open by one character unopened doors, unless a quest description states otherwise.
after one attempt, any enemies that may be on the other
side immediately become Alert.
Talking to Non-player Characters
• Models with a Crowbar roll an extra d10 and choose
the highest result when making OBS Rolls for forcing
In a quest the heroes may encounter non-player characters that
are not a threat and who may be able to impart information.
Conversing with such characters counts as an action and at the
Listening discretion of the GM may require an OBS Roll .

Heroes may attempt to listen at closed doors to discern if there Passing Items
are any creatures on the other side.
Players may wish to pass items between their characters during a
• Listening at door requires an adjacent hero passing an quest – potions, weapons etcetera. Models passing items must be
OBS Roll . adjacent to one another. This counts as an action for the passing
• If successful the GM must give some general indication model and requires no test. Neither model may be in Melee.
as to whether and how the room is occupied.
• Only one attempt to listen may be made per door.
Note: There are obviously eventualities that may arise that are
• Listening at a door may not be attempted during an
not sufficiently covered by any of the above. In such instances
Encounter phase.
the GM should improvise and be open to suggestions from
players. Trapdoor is not a true rpg, but it does contain rpg
elements! The spirit of both fairness and fun should
characterise your approach to play.


Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)

Traps and Wandering Monsters
THIS chapter deals with the unexpected hazards that heroes may Pit Trap (permanent)
encounter when moving through quest areas.
A pit trap is essentially a camouflaged hole into which the
Traps unwary adventurer might fall. Generally a pit trap cannot be
disarmed. When discovered mark the location with an
During their movement adventurers may inadvertently trigger a appropriate token so that the heroes will remember to avoid it
trap, which are a regular and hazardous feature of many in future. The automatic loss of 1-2 VIT is suggested.
dungeons. This comes about when a hero unwittingly moves
onto a square containing a trap or trigger. As with all hidden
features these should be marked on the GM's quest map.

If a trap is triggered:

• The effected hero immediately stops on the trap square

and is injured as described on the GM's quest
• That adventurer's current turn is over and they may not
use up any remaining movement or action.

Traps should be designated either 'permanent' or 'temporary'. A

permanent trap continues to function as described until
disarmed, whilst a temporary trap is exhausted once it has been

A selection of the more commonly encountered traps and their

suggested effects are provided below. GMs are also encouraged to
devise their own fiendish snares with which to terrorize
incautious players!

It is up to GMs whether or not GMinions can inadvertently

Wandering Monsters
trigger traps and this depends entirely upon the type of dungeon
As mentioned elsewhere wandering monsters are stumbled upon
the quest takes place in. Certainly features like an uncovered pit
if a '1' is rolled when searching or attempting to cast/recite a
trap or the debris from a falling block trap will obviously prove
Spell/Prayer in the Exploration phase. Individual quest maps
an obstacle to all.
should specify what wandering monster type is specific to that
map. It may be small groups of monsters rather than one and
Dart Trap (temporary) enterprising GMs are encouraged to create detailed wandering
monster tables.
A pressure point activates a mechanism that fires a dart into the
unlucky model. An attack causing the loss of 1-2 VIT is • If a wandering monster is discovered the creature is
suggested, although the dart could also be poisoned (see Venom, placed adjacent to the searching hero immediately
p.24) or the mechanism could fire darts into multiple squares triggering an Encounter phase.
potentially effecting more than one model. The square or area • The creature surprises the hero and takes the first turn.
containing the pressure point is where the trap can be disarmed. It is considered to have Charged.
• In some instances it may not be possible due to space
Falling Block (temporary) restrictions for a wandering monster to be placed so
that it can attack the searching player. In such cases the
A trip-wire or pressure point triggers a block which falls from creature should be placed adjacent to and attack the
the ceiling onto a predesignated area. The loss of 1d5 VIT is next nearest viable hero to the searcher.
suggested for such a devastating device. The squares where the • If this is not possible either, then place the monster as
block has fallen should remain inaccessible and be appropriately near the party as possible and then initiate a normal
marked. The square or area containing the trigger is where the Encounter phase, the monster forfeiting it's free attack
trap can be disarmed. (the monster counts as alert).


Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)

Damage and Death
IF a defending model's RES Roll is beaten by a MEL or ACC until the beginning of the next turn, when it
Roll, then the defender has potentially been hurt and any automatically recovers.
damage it may have incurred must be immediately calculated. • If an already Shaken model is Shaken again it loses
This is done in the following fashion: 1VIT instead.
• At the start of an Exploration phase, if a hero is still
• Subtract the RES Roll result from the ACC or MEL Shaken from a prior Encounter phase then it must use
Roll result. its' first action to automatically recover.
• The difference is referred to as the Margin of Victory
(MoV). Bravery Roll
• Find out the Damage Rating (DAM) of the attacking
The Bravery ('BRA') Roll is a test to measure the courage of a
• Cross-reference the MoV with the attacking weapon's
particular model when faced with an especially hazardous
DAM on the table below to find out what damage the
defender incurs.
• To perform a BRA Roll a model must roll 1d10 and add
Damage table its' BRA characteristic to the result.
• If the score is 11+ the model has passed.
DAM Margin of Victory (MoV)
• If the score is less than this the model has failed.
 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11+ • Note that certain traits and circumstances will allow
the rolling of additional d10, with the highest result
1 S S S 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
being chosen before adding the BRA characteristic.
2 S S 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5
3 S 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 Death
4 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6
If VIT is reduced to naught then the model is killed and
S: The defender is Shaken (see below). removed from play. Heroes are considered 'Unconscious' (see
1-6: The defender has been injured and loses the indicated below).
amount of VIT .
If a hero player's VIT is reduced to naught then rather than dead
A shaken model has essentially been overpowered or in some it is considered to have fallen unconscious.
way disadvantaged and is not able to act normally.
• If attacked again it makes no RES Roll, but instead uses
• If a model becomes Shaken place a marker next to the its' RES characteristic (any armour modifiers still
miniature to denote its condition. count).
• Attackers making ACC or MEL Rolls against a Shaken • If beaten it is automatically slain and the model is
model roll an extra d1o and choose the highest result. removed from play.
• At the beginning of its next turn a Shaken model may • If a friendly model can administer healing then the hero
attempt to overcome its condition by passing a Bravery can be resuscitated, if its' VIT is restored to at least 1.
('BRA') Roll (see below). Potions may be administered in exactly the same
• If successful the model is no longer Shaken. It may now manner as the 'Passing Items' action explained on p.14
act normally. except that an unconscious model is considered to have
• If failed the model remains Shaken and may do nothing drunk the potion when it is passed. It may do nothing
else that turn.


Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)

Creating a Hero
AS explained in the Introduction, Trapdoor requires a GM, who Trapdoor is a generic fantasy game so adheres to classic fantasy
acts rather like an umpire, and players who control hero stereotypes. Thus we have the barbarian who relies on physical
characters. It is the latter that games of Trapdoor revolve around strength and animal speed to overcome his foes; the devout cleric
as they valiantly strive to complete quests, gain fortune and who is sworn to root out the unholy by prayer and force of arms,
develop their abilities. This chapter deals with the creation and but who may use no edged weapons; the knight whose approach
maintenance of hero characters. Before progressing further it to melee shows more finesse than his (or her) barbarian
would be wise to first print off the required number of counterpart and who has the most comprehensive access to arms
adventurer profile sheets (p.32) onto which the details of each and armour; the mage who lacks physically, but makes up for
hero can be recorded. this in powerful magics that can heal friends and obliterate
enemies; the ranger who is skilled in the use of ranged weapons
Classes and tracking; and finally the thief, who uses stealth to slip past
enemies unnoticed and launch deadly attacks from the shadows.
Whichever you choose each class has attendant strengths and
THE first step in the creation of a hero character is to choose a
weaknesses, but all will form an integral part of your party!
class. This will define how the hero behaves whilst adventuring
by giving them distinct characteristics, traits and equipment.
Each class has a specific starting profile, which are given below:

Starting Class Profiles

Classes SPE BRA ACC MEL RES VIT Trait Equipment

Barbarian 5 3 2 3 3/4 7 Frenzy Axe (Hand Weapon), Shield

Cleric 5 3 2 3 3 6 Devout (1x prayer) Mace (Hand Weapon)

Knight 5 3 2 3 3/4 7 Swordsman Sword (Hand Weapon), Shield

Mage 5 3 1 1 2 5 Mage (2x spells) Staff

Ranger 5 3 3 2 3 6 Tracker Bow, Sword

Thief 5 3 2 2 3 6 Stealth Darts, Dagger

Note: If it seems that your starting adventurer is rather fragile
Having decided upon a class, the next choice is to select a race then you are correct! The profiles created using the above
for your hero. Again these are drawn from traditional fantasy process represent heroes at the beginning of their careers and
tropes. From the doughty, but slow Dwarf to the nimble, but so bereft of adventuring experience, leaving plenty of room for
fragile Elf, each race has peculiar advantages and disadvantages. improvement as they go from quest-to-quest gaining
Bear in mind that some races are restricted as to what classes advancement. Impatient players or those looking for
they can choose from and also how far they may advance their entertaining one-off games may agree that each character starts
characteristics (see 'Maximum Characteristics' below). The table with four advancement rolls and 300 gs to spend on equipment
below provides any modifiers and traits that will be immediately to make things more 'juicy'.
applied to your fledgling hero's class profile once you have
decided upon it's race.

Racial Modifiers Advancement

Races Modifiers & Traits Available Classes Advancement Points
Dwarf: -1SPE, +1RES B/K/M/R
Through experience players can hone their skills as adventurers,
Elf: +1SPE. K/M/R/T
increasing characteristics and acquiring new traits. This is
Halfling: -1RES, Small K/M/R/T represented by advancement points, which are gained in the
following fashion:
Human: None All


Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)

For each enemy Vitality reduced by 1 (not by spells or prayers): 2 points
For each Spell/Prayer cast/recited successfully: 3 points
For each Spell/Prayer cast/recited successfully to its maximum power: 4 points
Picking a lock/disarming a trap 2 points
Completing a quest: 5 points

Bear in mind that:

• Room is allotted in the adventurer profile sheet for recording advancement points.
• Gold schillings may also be exchanged for advancement points at the rate 10 gs = 1 point
• GMs may wish to award additional advancement points if they feel the quest demands it.

Making Advancements

For every 25 advancement points gained a hero may roll upon the Hero Advancement Table below. Re-roll any repetitions of traits
(unless Study). Make a note of how many advancements a hero has made overall.

Hero Advancement table

Class 1 2 3 4 5 6+
Barbarian Fearless Indomitable Champion Acrobat Brute

+1 to applicable
Cleric Fearless Adept Champion *Study *Study

Knight Fearless Indomitable Champion Hunter Brute
Mage Fearless Adept *Study *Study *Study
Ranger Fearless Sharpshooter Hunter Marksman Indomitable
Thief Fearless Sharpshooter Burglar Acrobat Hunter
*Study: May permanently increase the Casting/Reciting Bonus of an existing Spell/Prayer by 1 or choose a new Spell or Prayer.
Spells and prayers may have their bonus increased a total of 4 times.

Maximum Characteristics
A hero may only advance so far, before reaching the pinnacle of their profession. The maximum characteristics that each class-race
combination may achieve are given here:

Maximum Characteristics
Human Halfling Dwarf Elf

Barbarian 6 9 5 8 6 9 - - - - - - 6 9 5 8 7 10 - - - - - -
Cleric 6 9 6 8 5 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Knight 6 9 7 9 6 9 5 8 6 7 5 8 5 9 6 9 7 10 7 9 9 10 5 9
Mage 6 9 5 6 5 7 5 6 5 5 4 6 5 9 4 5 6 8 7 9 7 7 5 7
Ranger 6 9 8 7 5 8 5 8 8 6 5 7 5 9 8 7 6 9 7 9 10 9 5 8
Thief 7 9 8 7 5 8 5 8 8 6 5 7 - - - - - - 8 9 10 8 5 8


Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)

IN the previous chapter it was explained that each hero Class is over-powered by stocking up on expensive weapons and armour.
accompanied by specific starting equipment. In Trapdoor Study the treasure table on p.13 or the quest on p.30 for an idea
equipment is divided into Melee Weapons, Armour, Ranged of suitable amounts to make available.
Weapons, Potions, Miscellaneous Equipment and Magic Items.
Equipment affects how the user - whether a hero or GMinion - Restrictions
performs during quests, and a well-equipped model can be a
formidable opponent indeed. In-between adventures heroes have
Adventuring equipment is heavy and awkward, so each hero can
access to the equipment resources listed below, although in
carry a maximum of: 5 items from the weapons/armour lists, 3
campaigns GMs may elect to restrict access to certain of them.
magic items, and 6 potions/misc. equipment. The same
restrictions should apply to most humanoid GMinions. Note too
Money that some items are restricted to specific hero classes. A model
may only wear one piece of armour per location (body or head)
In Trapdoor wealth is represented by gold schillings (gs), which as detailed in the special rules. Mages pay half (rounding up) the
players may gain through adventuring. GMs should not be too cost of each potion as they are able to buy the ingredients and
generous in giving away wealth, as heroes will quickly become concoct them themselves.

Melee Weapons
Weapon Damage Rating Special Rules Class Cost Points
Great Weapon 4 Cumbersome, Two-handed B/C/K 190gs 12
Bastard Sword 3 B/K 150gs 8
Pole Arm 3 Two-handed, Long Reach B/K 150gs 8
Spear 2 Long Reach B/K/M/R 120gs 6
Hand Weapon 2 All 100gs 5
Staff 1 Long Reach All 70gs 4
Dagger 1 Silent T 50s 5
Crude Weapon ? As normal weapon, but -1 Damage rating. Not Staff or All -50gs -3
Fists 1 -1 MoV when consulting DAM table All - -
Cumbersome: Fail MEL Roll on roll of 1 OR 2.
Long Reach: If Charged enemy loses charge modifier. Not active if user is already in Melee, unless existing opponent is outnumbered, Shaken or
Silent: May be used in conjunction with the Stealth trait when Charging.
Two-handed: May not be used in conjunction with a shield.

Armour Special Rules Class Cost Points
Helmet Head, +1 RES B/C/K 75s 3
Great Helm Head, +2 RES K 150gs 5
Shield +1 RES B/C/K/R 75gs 4
Leather Jerkin Body, +1 RES All 75gs 4
Hauberk Body, +2 RES B/C/K/R 150gs 8
Brigandine Body, +3 RES, -1SPE B/C/K 215gs 12
Plate Armour Body, +4 RES, can't Run K 280gs 15


Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)

Ranged Weapons
Weapon Short Range Medium Range Long Range Damage Rating & Class Cost Points
Special Rules
Short Bow 1-4 5-8 9-12 2 B/K/R/T 120gs 6
Bow 1-7 8-14 15-21 2 B/K/R/T 140gs 7
Long Bow 1-10 11- 20 21-30 3 K/R 210gs 11
Crossbow 1-10 11-20 21-30 4 , Reload K/R/T 240gs 12
Sling 1-3 4-6 7-9 2 B/C/R/T 110gs 6
Throwing Knives/Darts 1-2 3-4 5-6 1 T 90gs 5
Pistol 1-3 4-6 7-9 3, Reload, Black Powder C/K/R/T 150gs 7
Musket 1-12 13-24 25-36 4, Reload, Black Powder K/R 260gs 13
Black Powder: If a '1' is rolled when making an ACC Roll roll another d10: if another '1' is rolled the weapon explodes causing the user to lose 1VIT.
The weapon is destroyed.
Long Range: Defenders roll an extra d10 and choose the highest result when making RES Roll within Long Range.
Reload: May not move and shoot. If user has Hunter trait then may move half SPE rounding up.
Short Range: Attackers roll an extra d10 and choose the highest result when making ACC Roll at defenders within Short Range.

1d10 Potion Special Rules Cost Points
1-2 Stout Porter User is Fearless for the remainder of the current Encounter phase. 30gs 2
3-4 Potion of Swiftness User's SPE is doubled for this turn. 15gs 2
5-6 Healing Potion Restores two VIT points. 30gs 2
7-8 Potion of Stealth User has the Stealth trait for remainder of the current Encounter phase. 35gs 2
9-10 Strong Healing Potion Restores four VIT points. 55gs 3

Miscellaneous Equipment
Item Special Rules Class Cost Points
Lock Pick Set Roll an extra d10 and choose the highest result when making an OBS Roll for T 25gs 2
picking a lock. If double '1' is rolled the set is broken.
Crowbar Roll an extra d10 and choose highest result if user attempts to force a lock. B/K/R/T 15gs 2
Rope Roll an extra d10 and choose the highest result when making an OBS Roll for All 20gs 2
Map All heroes in party may roll an extra d10 and choose the highest result when All 50gs 3
making OBS Rolls for searching. A map may only be used for one quest and is
discarded afterwards.
Torch Roll an extra d10 and choose the highest result when making OBS Roll for All 35gs 2
searching. If a '1' is rolled the torch is extinguished and rendered useless.
Blessed Water Declare use at beginning of player's turn. The model becomes Fearsome to Undead All 30gs/15gs 2
for the duration of the current Encounter phase. to Clerics
Greek Fire Requires an action to throw and has a range of 1-5 squares. Hits target sqaure C/B/K 50gs 3
automatically, but user must roll 1d10: if '1' is rolled then the substance ignites from
the user's square. Effects are the same as Rain of Svarog spell.

Climbing Spikes Ignore climbing penalties. All 20gs 2

Mirror Roll an extra d10 and choose highest result when making OBS Rolls for Alert R/T 20gs 2
Gminions. If double '1' is rolled the mirror is broken.


Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)

Magic Items
Some rare equipment has been infused with magical powers that give them enhanced abilities. These items are not common and
cannot be bought in many places. Likewise GMs should be conservative in their distribution of them in games, with items only
appearing in every 3-or-so quests and in perilous or hidden locations. The powers assigned to each item are only active as long as a
model is equipped with them, except in the case of the Scroll where a new spell or prayer is learnt (the scroll cannot afterwards be

2d10 Item Special Rules Class Value Points

2 Boots of Swift Moving +2 SPE, above maximum characteristics. B, K, M, R, T 60gs 3
3 Ring of Casting Roll an extra d10 and choose the highest result when M 70gs 4
casting Spells.
4 Bow of Precision As Long Bow, but roll an extra d10 and choose the B, K, R 310gs 16
highest result when making ACC Rolls.
5 Sword of Sureness As Hand Weapon, but roll an extra d10 and choose the B, K, R 200gs 10
highest result when making MEL Rolls.
6 Gloves of Forewarning Roll an extra d10 and choose the highest result when B, K, M, R, T 70gs 4
making OBS rolls.
7 Key of Opening Any lock automatically opened. B, K, M, R, T 40gs 2
8 Blade of Defiance As Bastard Sword, but roll an extra d10 and choose the B, K, R 250gs 13
highest result when making RES rolls against Melee
9 Mask of Hideousness Model gains the Fearsome trait. B, K, M, R, T 300gs 15
10 Cloak of Shadows Roll an extra d10 and choose the highest result when B, K, M, R, T 50gs 3
making RES Rolls against Ranged Attacks.
11 Gorget of Vitality +1 VIT, above maximum characteristics. B, K, M, R, T 30gs 2
12 Helm of Wardship As Helmet, but ignore Shaken results from Ranged and B, K, R 120gs 6
Melee Attacks.
13 Armour of Invulnerability As Plate Armour, but may Run. K 300gs 15
14 Great Axe of Smiting As Great Weapon, but when attacker in Melee gain +1 to K, R, T 300gs 15
MoV when consulting Damage table.
15 Scroll Mages and the Devout may choose one new Spell or C, M 120gs 6
Prayer. The scroll is afterwards discarded.
16 Ring of Invisibility User has the Stealth trait. B, K, M, R, T 160gs 8
17 Circlet of Incantation User may cast 2 Spells per turn. They must be cast M 300gs 15
concurrently and count as a single action.
18 Hammer of Doom As Hammer, but ignore all enemy armour. B, K 220gs 11
19 Axe of Bloody Ruin As Great Weapon, except double any VIT lost by B, K 400gs 20
20 Bracelet of Conjury User may select one Spell and use as if Mage. B, K, R, T 150gs 8


Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)

TRAITS are special abilities peculiar to certain models. They describe learnt skills or innate abilities that effect the model's
performance during games. Most traits are positive, but some are negative. Heroes start with a single trait according to their class, but
may gain more later as they earn advancements. Models with multiple positive traits can prove formidable opponents indeed. Note
that any bonuses conferred by traits or other circumstances are cumulative.

Trait Description Points

Acrobat An individual possessing the agility of a cat who leaves conventional opponents wrong-footed. 6

• May move away from Melee freely.

• Rolls an extra d10 and chooses the highest result when making OBS Roll for Jumping.
• Roll an extra d10 and chooses the highest result when making RES Roll against Ranged
• Ignores climbing penalties
• May make an OBS Roll to avoid being injured by triggered traps.

Adept Scholar steeped in ancient tomes of magical or religious learning. 5

• Roll an extra d10 and chooses the highest result when making Casting or Reciting Rolls.
• Only those possessing the Mage or Cleric trait may be Adept.

Amphibious As at home in aquatic environments as on dry land. 3

Ignores any penalties relating to watery terrain.

Beast Creature unable to use implements. 3 per

• Cannot use any weapons, armour or other equipment, but has natural claws, fangs or some Rating
other manner of attacking.
• DAM is calculated by halving the model's MEL characteristic, rounding up where

Brute Possessing formidable strength. 5

When Melee attacker model gains +1 to MoV when consulting Damage table.

Burglar Skilled at breaking-and-entering. 4

Roll an extra d10 and choose the highest result when making OBS Rolls for Picking Locks and
Disarming Traps.

Champion A deadly melee fighter. 6

Roll an extra d1o and choose the highest result when making MEL Rolls.

Deadly May breathe or vomit a deadly substance - be it flame, gas, ichor etcetera - from its mouth or some 8
Breath other orifice, engulfing multiple opponents.

• Making a Deadly Breath attack counts as an action.

• It hits the target area automatically.
• The attack has a range of 4 squares and covers an area 3x3 (see p.12 for more details
regarding area effect attacks).
• All models in effected area lose 1 VIT.
• If in Melee the user must make sure as many of its opponents as possible are hit by the
Deadly Breath.

Devout The zealous follower of a religious faith upon whom the god(s) bestow their favour. As prayers

May recite Prayers (p.12) 


Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)

Ethereal A non-corporeal entity. 6

• May move through solid objects and float over difficult/impassible terrain.
• May only be harmed by Spells, Prayers, and magic items.

Fearless Incredibly brave...or stupid, depending who you ask. 5

Roll an extra d1o and choose the highest result when making BRA Rolls.

Fearsome Has a visage or some other feature displeasing to the eye. 6

• If a model with the Fearsome trait Charges an opponent the latter must first take a BRA roll
• If passed then the Melee continues normally.
• If failed the the Melee continues normally, but the defender counts as Shaken.
• If a non-Fearsome model is attempting to Charge a Fearsome model it must take a BRA
• If it fails then instead of moving it is rooted to the spot with fear and may attempt to do
nothing else that turn (but is not Shaken).
• If passed then the model may Charge and Melee proceeds normally.
• Models that are Fearsome are immune to Fearsome themselves.
• Fearsome is not active while the Fearsome model is Shaken.

Fly Creature that has the ability to fly. 5

• May ignore terrain and models when moving.

• The controlling player must state whether the model has landed or not at the end of
• If not then it cannot attack or be attacked in Melee or by Spells/Prayers until it lands.
• When in flight roll an extra d10 and choose the highest result when making RES Rolls
against Ranged Attacks.
• Some quest areas may be deemed too small to fly in.

Frenzy Always the first into a fight.. 3

Gains +2 SPE when Charging.

Glutton Greedy bastard who will even ignore immediate threats to stop and feed. -2

• After killing an enemy and if not still in Melee the model must make a BRA roll (p.16).
• If failed it spends this and the following turn next to the corpse feeding. If attacked then
treat as Shaken.

Huge Enormous creature that tower over most opponents. 8

• Occupies 3x3 squares (or more!).

• Roll two extra d1o and choose the highest result when making a MEL Roll against
opponents that are smaller than Large.
• Roll an extra d1o and choose the highest result when making a MEL Roll against Large
• Models making an ACC Rolls against Huge targets roll two extra d10 and choose the highest

Hunter Skilled in chasing down prey. 4

May move full SPE and make Ranged Attacks.

Indomitable Inured to pain. 7

Roll an extra d10 and choose the highest result when making RES Rolls.

Large Big creature which dwarfs human-sized beings and is accordingly stronger. 4

• Occupies 2x2 squares.


Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)

 • Roll an extra d1o when making a MEL Roll against all smaller (id est non-Large or Huge)
opponents and choose the highest result.
• Models making an ACC Roll against Large targets roll an extra d10 and choose the highest

Leader Commands the respect and/or fear of their comrades. 5

• Leaders have an influence range of 5.

• All friendly models within the influence of a Leader roll an extra d1o when making BRA
Rolls and Slow-witted Rolls and choose the highest result.
• Leaders may not influence one another and a model can be influenced by no more than one
Leader per turn.
• Leaders may not use their influence when Shaken or Unconscious.

Mage Schooled in the arcane arts of magic and spell-casting. As spells

May cast Spells (p.12).

Marksman Spends too much time squinting at butts. Handy with a bow, though. 3

Defenders within long range of attacker's weapon do not gain extra d10 for RES Rolls.

Sharpshooter Possesses an uncanny accuracy when making ranged attacks. 6

Roll an extra d1o and choose the highest result when making ACC Rolls.

Slow-witted A couple of sandwiches short of a picnic. -3

• If not involved in Melee or Shaken roll 1d10 at the start of the model's turn.
• If a 1-2 is rolled the model may do nothing that turn.
• If 3+ is rolled the model may behave normally that turn.
• A friendly Leader model within effective range means the Slow-witted model may roll an
extra d1o and choose the highest result.

Small Somewhat smaller than an adult human and accordingly hard to spot. 3

Roll an extra d10 when making RES Roll against Ranged Attacks and choose highest result.

Stealth Skilled at moving silently past foes, utilising shadows and cover. 6

• Models with Stealth may move freely through squares adjacent to enemy models.
• When a model with Stealth Charges or makes a Ranged Attack it treats the defender as
Shaken to simulate the surprise attack. Note that to receive this bonus the model may only
use a Dagger when charging and many not use Blackpowder weapons when making Ranged

Swordsman Trained in swordsmanship and can use blades to parry blows. 3

If armed with a sword (Hand Weapon, Bastard, but not Great Sword) the model may roll an extra
d10 and choose the highest result when making a RES Rolls in Melee.

Tracker An expert at spotting concealed features. 2

Roll an extra d1o and choose the highest result when making OBS Rolls for Searching and Alert

Undead Reanimated corpse or spirit of a deceased creature. 1

• Immune to Venom and Fearsome models.

• Especially vulnerable to some Prayers and Blessed Water.

Venom Able to transfer a dangerous venom to opponents during melee. 4

• Venom is transmitted to a defending model during a melee attack that causes loss of VIT.
• Roll 1d5. At the beginning of that many of its subsequent turns the defending model must
roll 1d10 and on a 1 – 2 roll loses 1 VIT.


Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)

Spells and Prayers
THE mechanics of casting Spells and reciting Prayers are dealt with on p.12. A model must have the Mage trait to cast Spells or the
Devout trait to recite Prayers. Any Spell or Prayer that contains the word caster or reciter in the 'range' description may be
cast/recited upon the user as well as external targets (obviously such Spells and Prayers are beneficial!). Each Spell and Prayer costs 6

Spell Range Casting Description
Icy Breath 8 4 A freezing wind issues from the caster's mouth enveloping the target in frost.

Treat target as Shaken.

Maximum Effect: Target is Shaken and loses 1 VIT.

Iron Will 8/caster 4 The caster causes the target to be imbued with an unnatural courage.

Target acquires the Fearless trait for remainder of this and following turn.

Maximum Effect: target acquires the Fearless trait for remainder of current phase.

Master of Puppets 8 2 The caster concentrates on an opponent, entering it's consciousness and gaining
total control over it's faculties.

• The Caster may control the target as if it were it's own.

• The effects last until end of the current turn.
• Cannot be used against a target with Leader, Mage or Devout trait, or a
target that is Shaken or Unconscious.

Maximum Effect: Effects last until end of Encounter phase. Caster cannot perform
an Action if controlling its' 'puppet'.

Rain of Svarog 6 2 A rain of molten fire descends from above, scorching all beneath it.

• Effects all models (including friendly) in 3x3 area.

• Each model in the area loses 1 VIT.

Maximum Effect: Each model in the area loses 2 VIT.

Shield of Beset 6/caster 3 A glowing, protective radiance surrounds the target, making it invulnerable to

During this and the following turn target may roll an extra d10 and choose the
highest result when making any RES rolls.

Maximum Effect: Effects last until end of current phase.

Teleport 4/caster 3 The caster is able to move an individual through solid matter to an advantageous
or disadvantagous position.

• Target can move 2x his movement, ignoring walls and other obstructions.
• Can only move into known areas and must stop on an unoccupied square.

Maximum Effect: Target can move ANYWHERE on the revealed quest area with
the same restrictions as before.

Touch of Belenos 6/caster 3 Healing rays penetrate the target, reviving and restoring life. 


Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)

• Target has 1d5 VIT restored.
• If target is Shaken this is automatically undone.

Maximum Effect: All lost VIT restored. If target is Shaken this is automatically

Wrath of Taranis 12 3 A bolt of lightning erupts from the caster's hand and smites the target.

Target loses 2 VIT.

Maximum Effect: Targets loses 1d5+2 VIT.

Prayer Range Reciting Description
Divine Radiance 8 4 A holy light issues from the reciter's eyes enveloping the target with a blinding

Treat target as Shaken. Undead models also lose 1 VIT.

Maximum Effect: Target is Shaken and loses 1 VIT (Undead lose 2 VIT).

Holy Aura 6/reciter 2 The target is embued with a holy aura, hateful to all creatures of darkness.

Target becomes Fearsome to models with the Undead trait for remainder of this
and following turn.

Maximum Effect: Target becomes Fearsome to Undead models for remainder of

Encounter phase.

Laying of Hands 6/reciter 3 Healing rays penetrate the target, reviving and restoring life.

• Target has 1d5 VIT restored.

• If target is Shaken this is automatically undone.

Maximum Effect: All lost VIT restored. If target is Shaken this is automatically

Shelter of the 6/reciter 3 The protection of the gods is extended over the target, shielding it from harm.
During this and the following turn target may roll an extra d10 and choose the
highest result when making any RES rolls.

Maximum Effect: Effects last until end of current phase.


Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)

HERE is a broad list of classic/generic fantasy opponents that might prove useful to a GM looking to quickly stock their fiendish
dungeons! Remember these profiles are given as a guideline only and if the reader wants to alter things then they are invited to do so.
Common-sense should prevail in the distribution of equipment: a Goblin Warrior, for instance, is unlikely to be armed with a Great
Weapon and Plate Armour, just as an Ogre Warlord is unlikely to be equipped with a Crude Sword and nothing else! When creating
powerful and interesting opponents don't be scared to equip them with magic items and suchlike, as long as they are not TOO
powerful for the adventurers (remember to consider the points value of GMinions in relation to the hero players as discussed on p.4).
The same applies to traits: if the reader wants an evil Archimage to have Flying or Champion then do it; what follows are simply
guidelines, no-more-no-less!

Orcs and Goblins

Description SPE BRA ACC MEL RES VIT Traits Points
Goblin Warrior 5 1 1 1 1 1 Small 13
Goblin Veteran 5 2 2 2 2 2 Small 18
Goblin Chieftain 5 4 3 3 3 3 Leader , Small 29
Goblin Mage 5 2 1 1 2 2 Mage (1 spell), Small 22
Goblin Archimage 5 4 2 2 3 3 Mage (2 spells), Small 34
Orc Warrior 5 2 2 2 2 2 15
Orc Veteran 5 3 3 3 3 2 19
Orc Chieftain 5 5 3 4 4 3 Brute, Leader 34
Orc Warlord 5 7 3 5 5 4 Brute, Champion, Leader 45
Orc Mage 5 3 2 2 3 2 Mage (1 spell) 27
Orc Archimage 5 5 2 3 4 3 Adept, Leader, Mage (2 spells) 43
Half Orc Warrior 5 4 3 3 3 3 21
Half Orc Veteran 5 5 4 4 3 3 24
Half Orc Chieftain 5 6 4 5 4 4 Brute, Frenzy, Leader 41
Half Orc Warlord 5 7 4 6 5 6 Brute, Champion, Indomitable, Leader 56

Description SPE BRA ACC MEL RES VIT Traits Points
Hill Troll 6 4 3 4 5 4 Large, Slow-witted 26
Hill Troll Chieftain 6 5 3 6 6 5 Brute, Large, Leader 39
Mountain Troll 7 4 3 5 5 5 Fearsome, Brute, Large, Slow-witted 41
Mountain Troll 7 5 3 7 6 6 Brute, Champion, Fearsome, Indomitable, Large, 64
Chieftain Leader
Fen Troll 6 4 3 4 5 4 Amphibious, Large, Slow-witted 29

Description SPE BRA ACC MEL RES VIT Traits Points
Ogre 6 5 3 4 4 4 Large 29
Ogre Captain 6 6 3 5 5 5 Brute, Large, Leader 43 


Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)

Ogre Warlord 6 7 3 6 6 6 Champion, Indomitable, Large, Leader 55

Description SPE BRA ACC MEL RES VIT Traits Points
Skeleton Warrior 4 2 2 2 2 2 Undead 15
Skeleton Veteran 4 3 3 3 3 3 Undead 20
Skeleton Lord 4 4 3 4 4 4 Champion, Fearsome, Leader, Undead 40
Crypt Wight 5 6 2 4 3 5 Champion, Fearsome, Undead 40
Ghoul 6 3 2 3 3 2 Frenzy, Glutton 19
Zombie 3 2 - 1 3 1 Slow-witted, Undead 7
Spectre 4 4 - 2 2 2 Ethereal, Undead 19
Wraith 5 6 - 4 3 4 Fearsome, Ethereal, Undead 31
Vampire Thrall 6 4 3 3 4 4 Frenzy, Glutton, Undead 25
Vampire Lord 7 7 5 7 6 8 Champion, Flying, Fearsome, Indomitable, Leader, 72
Undead, Venom
Liche 5 5 3 3 3 3 Leader, Mage (2 spells), Undead 40
Liche Master 5 7 3 4 4 5 Adept, Fearsome, Leader, Mage (4 spells), Undead 69
Necromancer As Human Acolytes, Mages and Archimages


Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)

Human Footpads and Evil Sorcerers
Description SPE BRA ACC MEL FOR VIT Attributes Points
Brigand 5 2 2 2 2 2 15
Brigand Veteran 5 3 3 3 3 3 20
Brigand Captain 5 5 4 4 4 4 Champion, Leader 37
Acolyte 5 4 2 2 2 2 Mage (1 spell) 22
Mage 5 6 3 3 3 4 Mage (2 spells) 35
Archimage 5 8 3 4 4 5 Adept, Fearsome, Leader, Mage (4 spells) 69

Assorted Gribblies
Description SPE BRA ACC MEL RES VIT Traits Points
Cave Slug/ Leech 3 2 - 1 2 1 Beast, Glutton 11
Giant Slug/ Leech 4 3 - 3 3 3 Beast, Glutton, Large 24
Rat Swarm 6 3 - 2 2 3 Beast, Glutton, Large, Venom 25
Bat Swarm 6 3 - 2 2 3 Beast, Flying, Large, Venom 32
Slime 3 3 - 3 3 3 Beast, Fearless, Glutton 25
Ooze 3 5 - 4 4 5 Beast, Fearless, Glutton, Large 34
Giant Spider 7 4 - 3 4 3 Beast, Large, Venom 35
Great Spider 8 6 - 5 5 5 Beast, Fearsome, Huge, Venom 57
Giant Toad/Frog 5 4 - 3 4 3 Beast, Large, Venom 33
Giant Serpent 6 5 - 3 3 3 Beast, Large, Venom 35
Wolf 7 5 - 3 3 2 Beast 27
Dire Wolf 8 7 - 5 4 5 Beast, Fearless, Frenzy, Large 51
Cave Bear 7 7 - 5 5 5 Beast, Fearless, Indomitable, Large 54

Ye Creatures of Legende
Description SPE BRA ACC MEL RES VIT Traits Points
Minotaur 6 5 - 5 6 5 Frenzy, Large 34
Minotaur Lord 6 7 - 6 8 6 Champion, Fearless, Indomitable, Large, Leader 60
Cyclops 6 6 - 5 8 6 Indomitable, Large 42
Giant 8 5 3 5 6 5 Huge, Slow-witted 37
Mountain Giant 9 7 4 7 8 10 Brute, Fearsome, Huge, Indomitable, Slow-witted 68
Manticore 8 8 - 8 8 8 Beast, Champion, Flying, Large, Venom 70
Hydra 5 7 - 8 8 10 Beast, Indomitable, Large 61
Cold Drake 12 9 - 10 10 12 Beast, Champion, Fearsome, Flying, Huge 92
Fire Drake 12 9 - 10 10 12 Beast, Champion, Deadly Breath, Fearsome, Flying, 101


Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)

The Brigands of Harrak's Hold
An introductory quest for 3-5 novice adventurers: for the GM's eyes only!
READ the following to the players (and when appropriate all subsequent italic text):

FOR two moons a band of Orcish raiders have been the scourge of local highways, launching ambuscades on convoys and raiding
isolated farmsteads. Local rumour suggests that the robbers have made their lair amongst the crumbling masonry of Harrak's Hold, a
long-derelict Dwarven citadel hidden beneath the wild Barren Hills. Exasperated by this continuing threat to their livelihoods several
local merchants and other prominent citizens from local burghs have banded together and issued a not inconsiderable reward of 300
gs for whoever might be able to bring a halt to this reign of terror. Hearing of this offer and being in the vicinity, your company
promptly departs for the desolation of the Barren Hills to hopefully deal with the menace and claim the bounty.
C: Hidden behind the corner is 1x Rat Swarm (alert) which should
not be revealed until an adventurer walks by (if approached from
room B). The door opposite is rigged with a dart trap
(intermediate, temporary, 1 VIT).

D: 2x Orc Warriors (Hand Weapons, Leather Jerkins)

4x Goblin Warriors: (Crude Hand Weapons, Shields)
A treasure chest contains 1 Healing Potion and 2d10x2 gs.

E: 2x Goblins Warriors (Short Bows, Crude Hand Weapons)


F: AS you open the door a hideous-smelling miasma steals from the

gloomy chamber beyond, causing you to retch violently. This
room is evidently the gang's larder and is full of corpses of
various creatures - including human - in various states of

The hero who opens the door is Shaken by the stench and is
immediately Charged by 1x Rat Swarm within the room,
triggering an Encounter phase.
Whether the room contains valuable items or not, it is simply too
revolting to be searched.

G: You find a pressure point in the wall. Pressing it gingerly a

concealed door swings stiffly inward on rusting hinges, revealing
a small chamber. This concealed room has doubtless lain
undiscovered since the Dwarves who once inhabited this hold left
hundreds of years prior. You spy a mouldering chest against the
far wall, the metal banding worked with Dwarven runes.

The chest is locked and contains a random Magic Item.

H: 1x Giant Spider

I: A falling block trap (temporary, 1d5VIT) is triggered by an

adventurer moving onto a specific square in this corridor.
Key J: 1x Orc Chieftain (Hammer, Helmet, Hauberk)
3x Orc Warriors (Hand Weapons, Leather Jerkins)
A: THE entrance to the ancient hold is merely a small cave mouth in
1x Orc Mage (Staff, Freezing Breath)
a stony, tree-dressed hillside. You pass through this uninviting
portal and find yourself at the top of a flight of wide, crumbling
A chest in one corner contains 4d10x2 gs.
K: You feel a cool breeze from up ahead and as you reach the top of
The adventurers start at the top of this stair. In room B below are the broken stairway you see a crack of light. Pushing on you
foes so an Encounter phase is immediately triggered. emerge from a concealed entrance in the hillside blinking into
the daylight. You return to the local township bearing the bloody
B: 3x Goblin Warriors (Crude Hand Weapons, Shields)
head of the Orc Chieftain as proof of your exploits and are duly
given the promised reward for your services.
If successfully searched the room contains 1d10 gs.
Wandering Monster: 2x Goblin Warriors (Crude Hand Weapons)


Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)

Trapdoor Reference Sheet
Observation (OBS) Roll Melee Weapons
1d10 6+ = success
Weapon DAM Special Rules Class Cost Points

Bravery (BRA) Roll Great Weapon 4 Cumbersome, Two-handed B/C/K 190gs 12

1d10+BRA 11+ = success Bastard Sword 3 B/K 150gs 8

Note that for both OBS and BRA Rolls certain traits and circumstances will allow Pole Arm 3 Two-handed, Long Reach B/K 150gs 8
the rolling of additional d10, with the highest result being chosen before adding the Spear 2 Long Reach B/K/M/R 120gs 6
appropriate characteristic.
Hand Weapon 2 All 100gs 5

Ranged Attacks Staff 1 Long Reach All 70gs 4

• Attacker 1d10+ACC ('Accuracy Roll') Dagger 1 Silent T 50s 5
• Defender 1d10+RES ('Resilience Roll')
• If attacker wins work out MoV (ACC Roll minus RES Roll) and cross- Crude Weapon ? As normal weapon, but -1 All -50gs -3
reference with weapon DAM on Damage table Damage rating. Not Staff or

Melee Attacks Fists 1 -1 MoV when consulting All - -

DAM table
• Attacker 1d10+MEL ('Melee roll')
• Defender 1d10+RES ('Resilience roll') Cumbersome: Fail melee attack on a 1 OR 2.
• If attacker wins work out MoV (MEL Roll minus RES Roll) and cross- Long Reach: If Charged enemy loses charge modifier. Not active if user is already in
reference with weapon DAM on Damage table. Melee, unless existing opponent is outnumbered, Shaken or Unconscious.
• If defender's RES Roll more than doubles attacker's MEL Roll, attacker Silent: May be used in conjunction with the Stealth trait when charging.
is Repulsed and become Shaken. Two-handed: May not be used in conjunction with a shield.

Note that for ACC, MEL and RES Rolls certain traits and circumstances will allow
the rolling of additional d10, with the highest result being chosen before adding the Ranged Weapons
appropriate characteristic.
Weapon Short Medium Long Damage Class Cost Points
Range Range Range Rating &
Casting/Reciting Spells/Prayers Special Rules
• Caster/Reciter 1d10+Casting/Reciting Bonus
• 11+ = successful Short Bow 1-4 5-8 9-12 2 B/K/R/T 120gs 6
• If '10' rolled Cast/Recited to Maximum Power Bow 1-7 8-14 15-21 2 B/K/R/T 140gs 7
• Note that for Casting and Reciting Rolls certain traits and circumstances
will allow the rolling of additional d10, with the highest result being Long Bow 1 -10 11- 20 21 - 30 3 K/R 210gs 11
chosen before adding the appropriate Bonus. Crossbow 1 -10 11- 20 21 - 30 4 , Reload K/R/T 240gs 12

Sling 1- 3 4-6 7-9 2 B/C/R/T 110gs 6

Throwing 1-2 3-4 5-6 1 T 90gs 5

Damage Table Knives/Darts

Pistol 1-3 4-6 7-9 3, Reload, C/K/R/T 150gs 7

DAM Margin of Victory (MoV)
Black Powder
 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11+ Musket 1-12 13-24 25-36 4, Reload, K/R 230 12
Black Powder
1 S S S 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
Black Powder: If a '1' is rolled when making a ranged attack roll another d10: if another
2 S S 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 '1' is rolled the weapon explodes causing the user to lose 1VIT. The weapon is destroyed.
Long Range: Targets roll an extra d10 and choose the highest result when making RES
3 S 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 Roll within Long Range.
Reload: May not move and shoot. If user has Hunter attribute then may move half SPE
4 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6
rounding up.
Short Range: Attackers roll an extra d10 and choose the highest result when making
ACC Roll at targets within Short Range.
Armour Special Rules Class Cost Points
Advancement points
Helmet Head, +1 RES B/C/K 75s 3
For each enemy Vitality reduced by 1 (not by spells or prayers): 2 points
Great Helm Head, +2 RES K 150gs 5
For each spell/prayer cast/recited successfully: 3 points
Shield +1 RES B/C/K/R 75gs 4
For each spell/prayer cast/recited successfully to its maximum power: 4 points
Leather Jerkin Body, +1 RES All 75gs 4
Picking a lock/disarming a trap: 2 points
Hauberk Body, +2 RES B/C/K/R 150gs 8
Completing a quest: 5 points
Brigandine Body, +3 RES, -1SPE B/C/K 215gs 12

Plate Armour Body, +4 RES, can't Run K 280gs 15


Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)


Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)

THE explanatory photographs found throughout these rules feature miniatures and terrain from the author's own collection. A list of
the manufacturers of these pieces and their online addresses is now provided for any interested readers. These companies offer
excellent products and a first-rate service and are highly recommended.

Dungeon Tiles: Inked Adventures,

Terrain: Thomarillion,

Ainsty Castings,
Dark Arts Studio,
Scotia Grendel Productions,

Miniatures: Red Box Games,

Ral Partha Europe,
Ebob Miniatures,
Reaper Miniatures,

Dice: The Dice Shop,


Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)



Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)


Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)


Igor Fernandez Ochoa (Order #10477677)

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