Semester-I History Time-4 Hrs Paper/ Cc-1 Total Marks 80 A. Answer Any Four of The Following 15 X 4 60

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Time-4 hrs Paper/ CC-1 Total Marks=80

A. Answer any four of the following. 15 x 4=60

1) Discuss the nature and Scope of History?

2) What do you understand by causation in History?

3) Examine the relationship between History and Geography.

4) How did Marx interpret different phases in Historical Evolution?

5) Determine the scope of Economic History.

6) Do you think that objectivity in History writing is possible?

7) What are the thrust areas of the thematic history of science, technology and environment?

8) Evaluate the social debates in History with special reference to Pirenne thesis and English
civil war.

B) Answer any four of the following. 5x4=20

1) Give the definitions of history.

2) What do you understand by the term structuralism?

3) How do you describe the contribution of Michel Foucault in post modernism?

4) What are the salient features of subaltern historiography?

5) What are the main arguments of Orientalism?

6) What is the relation between History and Economics?

7) Briefly discuss the features of peasant historiography.

8) Do you think that imperialist historiography has been failed to properly judge the Indian
national movements.


Time-4 hrs Paper/CC-2 Total Marks=80

A. Answer any four of the following. 15 x 4=60

1) Describe the different theories regarding the evolution of Human Society.

2) Describe the debates regarding the home land of the Indo-Europeans.

3) What was the feature of Harappan economy? Describe its religious belief.

4) How can you describe the Socio-Economic life of the Egyptian people?

5) What is Polis system? How was it significant in ancient Greek society?

6) Did the Romans introduce a strong law system? Was the punishment too harsh?

7) What was the basic structure of Roman religion? What was their initial reaction towards

8) How far Taoism and Confucianism influenced the traditional Chinese society?

B) Answer any four of the following. 5x4=20

1) Write a note on Historical Materialism.

2) Do you find the notion of divine kingship in Ancient Egyptian society?

3) What was the importance of Silver treaty?

4) What was the importance of Sports in Greek society?

5) Describe the political situation of China under Chou/Zhou dynasty.

6) What was the salient feature of Varna system?

7) Describe the Age of Pyramid?

8) How was Osiris important in Egyptian society?



Time-4 hrs Paper/CC-3 Total Marks=80

A. Answer any four of the following. 15 x 4=60

1) Discuss the Rise of Church in Medieval Europe.

2) Discuss the nature of European Feudalism as described by historians.

3) Discuss the causes of Crusade in Medieval Europe.

4) Evaluate the Feudal Society of Medieval Japan.

5) Evaluate the chief characteristics of the society in pre-modern China.

6) Explain the role of Bhakti and Sufi saints to promote syncretic culture in medieval Indian

7) Describe the medieval Chinese dynasties.

8) Write a brief note on the ‘Village community’ in medieval India.

B) Answer any four of the following. 5x4=20

1) Write a short note on ‘Fief’ and ‘Vassalage’.

2) How do you describe the trends of Crusades?

3) Give an account on the domination of church on the society and economy of medieval

4) Write short note on Ninety-five thesis of Martine Luther.

5) What is the argument of Robert Brenner regarding the decline of Feudalism?

6) Who were Samurai?

7) Briefly discuss about the contribution of Sung dynasty in medieval china.

8) What is the opinion of R.S.Sharma regarding Indian Feudalism?



Time-4 hrs Paper/ CC-4 Total Marks=80

A. Answer any four of the following. 15 x 4=60

1) What are the main features of capitalism?

2) Give an account on the rise of imperialism in the mid nineteenth century.

3) Do you think that Germany was mainly responsible for the First World War?

4) What are the causes and impact of Russian revolution in 1917?

5) How do you describe the causes of the great depression of 1929-32?

6) What are the factors that led to the beginning of the Second World War in 1939?

7) Briefly discuss the salient features of apartheid in south Africa.

8) What do you know about the Kashmir problem?

B) Answer any four of the following. 5x4=20

1) How the Sarajevo Massacre played an important role for the beginning of the First World

2) Do you think that the treaty of Versaille was forceful treaty?

3 ) How do you describe the rise of Hitler and Nazism in Germany?

4) ‘After the Second World War the process of de colonization took place very rapidly in the
third world countries ‘- discuss it.

5) What is the impact of communist revolution in China on World politics?

6) Do you think that after the decline of U.S.S.R, the world turn from bi-polar to unipolar?

7) What do you know about the Cuban missile crisis?

8) Briefly discuss the salient feature of Globalization?

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