Lunenberg Self Efficacy
Lunenberg Self Efficacy
Lunenberg Self Efficacy
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Abstract: The article examined the relationship between Self Efficacy and Work Performance using Albert Bandura's Social
Cognition Theory as a theoretical framework. Bandura's main proposition was that individuals with high self efficacy believe
in themselves and go on to exhibit high performance while individuals with low self efficacy do not have confidence in
themselves and end up with low performance. The review of Iiterature revealed that findings have been varried with some
studies having a positive relationship between self effficacy and work performance, some a negative relationship and some no
relationship between the variables. However it was discovered from the studies that several interveining variables such as
nature of the task, inteligence, personality, skill level, motivation, supervision, training, level of the worker, education, etc
mediated the relationship between self efficacy and work performance. Thus, Bandura's Social Cognition theory has great
implications for the world of work and performance in organisations, but may not necessarily act in isolation, but in
conjunction with other organisational variables to foster optimum job performance.
construct of self-efficacy has received increasing empirical tasks, has been shown to be a reliable predictor of both
attention in the organizational behaviour literature. People motivation and task performance and to influence personal
who think they can perform well on a task do better than goal setting. Despite this, little attention has been given to its
those who think they will fail. Differences in self-efficacy organizational implications. The General Self-Efficacy
were associated with bona fide differences in skill level: questionnaire (GSE), and an Employee Commitment (CM)
however, self-efficacy perception also may be influenced by questionnaire based on the Conversion Model were used as
differences in personality, motivation, performance and the measuring tools. The results of this study indicated that there
task itself. The article reviewed the antecedent processes and was a positive correlation between self-efficacy and
information cues involved in the formation of self-efficacy employee commitment (Ambassador, Career oriented,
and how it influenced performance. A model of the Company oriented). Uncommitted employees showed a
determinants of self-efficacy was proposed that enhances lower level of self-efficacy. Further research from a
understanding of both the complexity and the malleability of predictive validity perspective was suggested in order to
the construct. Determinants that facilitate the most immediate substantiate the findings and to improve the generalizability
change in self-efficacy were identified, and appropriate thereof.
change strategies were highlighted. According to Hax (2000) recruitment consultants today are
Stajkovic and Fred (1998) researched on the self-efficacy faced with considerable stress and challenges as a result of
and work-related performance: A meta-analysis. This meta- their work. They must cope effectively with these challenges
analysis (114 studies, k = 157, N = 21,616) examined the in order to deliver effective job performance, which is crucial
relationship between self-efficacy and work-related to an organization’s survival. In this study the relationship
performance. Results of the primary meta-analysis indicated between sense of coherence, self-efficacy and job
a significant weighted average correlation between self- performance amongst recruitment consultants were
efficacy and work-related performance, G(r±) = .38, and a investigated. The orientation to Life Questionnaire,
significant within-group heterogeneity of individual Generalized Self-efficacy Scale and job performance
correlations. To account for this variation, the authors measure comprising key performance indicators were used.
conducted a 2-level theory-driven moderator analysis by The study was conducted with 99 recruitment consultants at a
petitioning the k sample of correlations first according to the national recruitment organization in South Africa. While a
level of task complexity (low, medium, and high), and then theoretical relationship was determined, this was not
into 2 classes according to the type of study setting supported by the empirical investigation. Relationships did,
(simulated-lab vs. actual-field). New directions for future however, emerge for the comprehensibility component of
theory development and research were suggested, and sense of coherence to job performance total and for two of its
practical implications of the findings were discussed. dimensions (namely customer service and productivity). A
Cherian and Jacob (2013) aimed at performing a meta- regression model, comprising comprehensibility and
analysis which analysed the individual research findings meaningfulness, emerged as a significant predictor of total
which pertained to the relationship between self-efficacy, job performance.
employee motivation and work related performance of the Rubina and Azam (2004) conducted a study to explore the
employees. From the results of the study, it was observed that relationship between teachers’ stress, teachers’ job
self-efficacy theory can be applied to work related performance and self-efficacy of women school teachers. The
performance in terms of motivating different employee study was carried out with a sample of four hundred and
related facets as well as organization pursuits. In this study twenty (420) teachers selected at random at the researcher’s
the researcher attempted to assess the influence of self- school of choice. Results of the study showed that teachers
efficacy on the performance of individuals at workplace and displayed moderate level of stress and highest scores were
the mechanism by which self-efficacy of an individual displayed on work related stressors. Significant negative
determined his/her work related performance and motivation. correlation was found between teachers’ stress, job
Thus, it became necessary to identify the practical performance and teacher’s self-efficacy. The moderated
implications of the outcomes related to improving employee multiple regression analysis could play a moderate role in the
self-efficacy in order to motivate them and improve their relationship of teachers’ stress and job performance.
performance. Zellars et al (2002) conducted a research on the
Hurter (2008) posited that committed employees were relationship between job related self-efficacy and
increasingly becoming a valued asset in organizations. For withstanding organizational stress. They found that job
the purpose of this study employee commitment was viewed related self-efficacy contributed to the enhancement of skill
as commitment to the organization as well as employees’ needed or necessary to cope with strenuous work in an
commitment to their occupations. The purpose of the organization, by helping the employees to accept difficult
research was to determine whether there was a correlation tasks in their domain as challenges to be tackled and provide
between perceived self-efficacy and employee commitment possible solution to it, rather than viewing it as a tough and
in a South African sugar manufacturing company. Self- stressful situation. The study employed a correlational design
efficacy, a social cognition construct, which refers to a with self-efficacy and organizational work load as the
person’s self-beliefs in his/her ability to perform specific variables of consideration. The results showed that there was
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences 2015; 4(4): 170-173 173
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