Tinley Reynolds - 1 Tracking Themes

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Tracking Themes TKM

Directions: For each listed theme, find at least THREE strong examples from the novel.
(1/2 point each example)


Education “she discovered that i was “Ms. Dubose uses Jem’s abundant WAIT TO DO THE THIRD
literate and looked at me with literacy as punishment to read to COLUMN
more than faint distaste. Miss her for a month. But uses his lack
Coraline told me to tell my of innocence to get Jem to read to
father not to teach me any him” (Lee, 121)
more, it would interfere with
my reading” (Lee, 19).

Miss Coraline sees scouts

advanced education without
school as a sign of negativity. It
seems that the teacher expects a
lack of knowledge from the
students that come in.
Bravery/ Cowardice “our first raid came to pass Dill, Jem, and Scout were playing
only because Dill bet Jem ​The a game about the Radley’s and
Gray Ghost​ against two Tom Atticus caught them and asked
Swifts that Jem wouldn’t get what they were playing and asked
any farther than the Radley if it had anything to do with the
gate. In all his life, Jem had Radley’s and Jem denied it instead
never declined a dare… ‘you're of being brave and saying what he
scared,’ Dill said, the first day. was playing. But Scout and Dill
‘Ain’t scared, just respectful.’” were also scared as well and knew
(14, Lee) that when Jem denied they were
playing about the Radley’s that the
Dill views Jem as a coward for game was a secret and to not tell.
not doing the dare and Neither Dill nore Scout was brave
continues to bug and tease him enough to tell Atticus what they
for being a coward so Jem was were playing but to them that was
stuck deciding whether to do it not cowardice because they were
or not and found and excuse of all being scared of Atticus.
being respectful. Although he
thought about this more after
the first day because as scout
said he loved honor more than
his head.
Racial Prejudice “‘There goes the meanest man “With this in mind, I faced Cecil
ever God blew breath into,’ Jacobs in the schoolyard next day:
murmured Calpurnia, and she ‘you gonna take that back boy?’
spat meditatively into the yard. ‘You gotta make me first!’ he
We looked at her in surprise, yelled. ‘My folks said your daddy
for calpurnia rarely commented was a disgrace an’ that n$*&er
on the ways of white people” oughta hang from the water-tank!’
(13, Lee). I drew a bead on him, remembered
what atticus had said, then dropped
The kids did not take into ,my fists and walked away,
account that Boo Radley did ‘Scout’s a coward!’ Ringing in my
nothing for the community and ears. It was the first time i ever
was truly a mean person but walked away from a fight” (Lee,
jumped to the conclusion of 87).
racial prejudice because Cal
was black and Boo was white.
Social Class “Walter Cunningham’s face “Mr. Heck Tate was the sheriff of
Prejudice told everybody in the first Maycomb County. He was as tall
grade he had hookworms. His as Atticus, but thinner. He was
absence of shoes told us how long nosed, wore boots with shiny
he get them. People caught metal eye-holes, boot pants and a
hookworms going barefooted in lumber jackets. His belt had a row
barnyards and hog wallows. If of bullets sticking in it. He carried
Walter owned any shoes he a heavy rifle” (Lee, 107).
would have worn them the first
day of school and then (description shows authority above
discarded them until all others)
mid-winter. He did have on a
clean shirt and neatly mended

During this time the last names

Cunningham and Yale were
used to show their social status.
For For Watson Cunningham,
he was poor.
Gender Prejudice “Jem and Dill spent days “thank you ma’am. Thing is, foot
together in the treehouse washers think women are a sin by
plotting and planning, calling definition. They take the bible
me only when they needed a literally, you know”
third party. But i kept aloof
from their more foolhardy
schemes for a while, and on
pain being called a g-irl, i spent
most of the remaining twilights
that summer sitting with miss
maudie atkinson on her front
porch” (Lee, 46)
Loss of Innocence “that is three-fourths colored “Jem’s anger overflows him as he
folks and one-fourth Stephanie tears up Dubose’s things and
Crawford...Stephanie Crawford breaks Scout’s baton because of
even told me once she woke up anger later meeting atticus and
in the middle of the night and apologizing to Scout by giving her
found him looking in the some of his biscuit to show he has
window at her. I said what did know what he did and apologizes
you do, stephanie, move over in for his anger” (Lee, 118).
the bed and make room for
him? That shut her up a while”
(Lee, 50).
Answer the following question:
Which theme do think is ​most important​ to the overall meaning of this novel? (1 pt)

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