Contrasts and Contradictions (C & C) : The Notice and Note Signposts-To Kill A Mockingbird
Contrasts and Contradictions (C & C) : The Notice and Note Signposts-To Kill A Mockingbird
Contrasts and Contradictions (C & C) : The Notice and Note Signposts-To Kill A Mockingbird
Chapter 1
You must include the page number in the anchor question response.
When a character asks Explain the contradiction. Analyze the contrasting ele-
Contrasts and in a way that is contra- ments.
Contradictions dictory.
A contradiction in the text is that any small crimes in the
(C & C) town were definitely committed by Boo which is contra-
dicting because they have no evidence and they are just ru-
mors that everyone believes simply because of how he acts
or looks.
When a character asks a The characters himself/ Consider how this question affects the character. Demon-
Tough Questions tough question that re- herself a difficult ques- strate how the situation changes based on this question.
(TQ) veals his/her concerns
(internal conflict)
So when Jem gives the example of luring out a turtle out of
its shell with a match he asks "how do you know the match
won't hurt him?" which implies that he takes everything se-
rious and is a very logical person who even though he is a
trickster he cares.
Pg 14
An older character (men- Usually in a quiet moment Summarize the life lesson and how might it affect the char-
Words of the tor, advisor, etc.) gives acter?
Wiser (WW) advice or insight to the
main character. When Jem starts to ask questions about the Radleys his
dad Atticus tell him that he should mind his own business
so that the Radleys could mind theirs but this affected him
negatively because instead he though this dad was just
keeping him from the truth and decided to listen to the
crazy stories the town people had to say and believed
Pg 11
The author keeps bring- A repeated image, phrase Evaluate WHY this keep showing up again and again?
Again and Again ing up the same image, or reference.
(A & A) phrase or reference The word old keeps repeating in this chapter. I think the
reason this was repeated was to emphasize the fact that
Maycomb was vey old and the people were very old as well
as their habits and way of thinking.
Pg 5
The author interrupts I suddenly remember… Examine why this memory is important?
Memory Mo- the flow of the story by Thinking back…
ment (MM) letting the character re-
member something.
Jem remembers the one day where the town saw Boo Radly
but he didn't so he asked his dad but he wouldn't tell him
what happened so he resorted to Miss Stephanie Crawford
who told him Boo had stabbed his parent's leg and his
mom ran outside to scream that he was killing them. This is
important becasue this story affected how the town people
think of Boo which is already very poorly so now they have
made everyone scared of him.
Pg 10-11