Builders Out Look 2019 Issue 5
Builders Out Look 2019 Issue 5
Builders Out Look 2019 Issue 5
2 BuildersOutlook 2019Issue5
Located in Valley Creek 3 subdivision located at Upper Valley and Gomez Road
by Hanson Development
BIC Homes
Deal 2 Deal Custom Homes
Diamond Homes
Special Industry
ICON Custom Home Builder
Preview Party
JER Custom Homes
September 20, 2019
Pacifica Homes
Palo Verde Homes
Rosewood Design & Build
Winton Homes
Executive’sMessage PRINT & INTERNET
Legislative session ends PUBLISHING
House Bills directly impact home builders, owners SOCIAL MEDIA & WEBSITE
HB 852 was introduced to eliminate printers, soap, paper towels, ink,
using asked values of a house or cleaning supplies….oh well you get E-MAIL NEWSLETTERS
building to charge a permit fee. Using the idea. A municipality was able to
these “values” means that today’s continue to charge a “value based” COMMUNICATION
contractor is paying much more fee because no one could afford to STRATEGY
money for a permit than just a few challenge it. Until now. It should be
years back, even though the property good for the builders who are building
itself is the same size and on a nearly smaller homes or doing smaller
identical size lot as a decade or more remodels or smaller construction
ago. What changed? Greed and projects. It basically will make the
progressive calculations. The City of municipality have to return to the tried
Ray Adauto El Paso for instance had used the and true “size” value based on square
Executive Vice President square footage method of charging for footage. We need to ensure that
El Paso Association of Builders
a building permit for decades, but municipalities adhere to the new law
because the municipality found that and go by a more realistic and fair
The Texas legislature has ended its this fee (i.e. tax) was a forced method, whatever it is.
regular session and awaits word on a payment in order to proceed building Not all of the bills we supported or
special session if needed. The and so increases would not or could introduced were passed but that is the
legislature meets only once every two not be challenged. The municipality way things go in Austin. We will try
years for 140 days and in those days’ found gold and they have used that again in two years to resurrect them
crams literally thousands of bills in the gold to send to the general fund or and hope to get them passed.
session hoping to make it into law. other departments. Proof of this is the I want to point out that it is because
This year the Texas Association of amount that the BP&I department of support and lobbying from our
Builders (TAB) had a lot of work to do budget would have surplus after Texas Association of Builders that this
on bills that would harm new home surplus and the money was sent has made its way to the governor. A
construction. There were also some elsewhere. Now let me be clear that single builder couldn’t ever do this
bills that TAB supported and helped we have challenged this fee structure alone. It’s another reason why being
push through. Overall it appears that for years as well but each time we’ve a member of the EPAB/TAB/NAHB is ted escobedo
TAB, and therefore the members, did attempted to get them reduced the vital to your success. It should be a ted@snappypublishing•com
well. municipality has found accounting great way to recruit new members. talk & text: 915•820•2800
One bill that has immediate impact methods to justify the fee. Suddenly
to local members is HB 852, Permit every permit required the costs of a Get Creative. Make it Snappy.
costs. municipal attorney, paper costs,
NAHB Chairman on
Trade Developments with
Mexico and Canada
Single-Family and
Multifamily Starts Post
Solid Gains in April
Total housing starts rose 5.7 percent in
April to a seasonally adjusted annual rate
of 1.24 million units from an upwardly
revised reading in March, according to a
report from the U.S. Housing and Urban
Development and Commerce Department.
The April reading of 1.24 million is the
number of housing units builders would
begin if they kept this pace for the next 12
months. Within this overall number, single-
family starts increased 6.2 percent to
854,000 units. The multifamily sector,
which includes apartment buildings and
condos, increased 4.7 percent to a
381,000 pace.
“Builders remain cautious due to
affordability concerns,” said Greg Ugalde,
chairman of the National Association of BUILDERS
Home Builders (NAHB) and a home builder
C S 2019
and developer from Torrington, Conn. “But
as our builder confidence survey shows, O M I N G E P T E M B E R
their expectations indicate consumers will
respond to lower interest rates moving
forward and the housing market will
continue on a slow, steady climb.”
2 0 1 9 - 2 0 2 1 TA B C O N T R A C T S
“Though an overall encouraging report T E X A S A S S O C I AT I O N O F B U I L D E R S
for the month of April, the soft permit
numbers for single-family housing indicate
concerns about housing affordability and
Updated TA AB Contracts will reflect the most recent legislative changes affecting the homebuilding
construction costs,” said NAHB Chief
industr y in Texas.
Economist Robert Dietz. “Builders continue
to focus on managing home construction
A ’s current Texas Residential Construction Cont
o racts Package subscription will expire August 31, 2019
costs as they try to meet growing housing
demand. NAHB analysis of first quarter
permit data show growth in more www.TexasBuilders.orrg
affordable exurban locations.”
6 BuildersOutlook 2019Issue5
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2019Issue5 BuildersOutlook 7
World Growth Is Increasingly China Dependent
Trump for the reversal. After all, the China quickly reversed itself and re- and as a result the United States has
global deceleration began around the imposed capital controls and their little room to cut rates while Japan and
Elliot Eisenberg time President Trump raised tariffs on stimulus taps were turned back on; Europe have none. While fiscal policy
Economic & Policy washing machines and solar panels monetary policy was eased, and their could pick up the slack, Europe is
Blog and then worsened as America deficit skyrocketed to well over 10% of unable to coordinate their policies and
slapped tariffs on steel and aluminum, GDP. Having survived that close call, thus nothing gets done, while the US
and then on an increasing range of China once again began to focus on is already running unconscionably
Chinese goods. But there is more to stemming the ever-growing pool of high deficits.
the global swoon than Trump’s trade fiscal red ink. To that end, lending to Fortunately, China is once again
The global economy got off to a war. highly-indebted firms was restricted, turning on the stimulus taps, and in
weak start in 2019. Equities went into The current global downturn bears a and the government embarked on a the process boosting growth and
a tailspin, the US government was striking resemblance to the economic bout of fiscal tightening on a scale business and consumer sentiment. As
closed for over a month, the weather troubles of 2015. Then too rarely seen. Like clockwork, the deficit a result, the current slowdown may
was terrible and trade disputes manufacturing faltered and markets fell, but domestic demand weakened well be as fleeting as that of 2015, if
seemed intractable. But of late, things and also swooned. While it was partly along with imports. In short, the world you even remember it. That said,
have turned around. The government due to the collapse in oil prices, China economy’s recent ups and downs are these episodes show that the
is open, the US and China seem on also played a big part. After massively most closely related to China’s on- developed world has essentially
the brink of a trade deal, domestic stimulating its economy during the again off-again struggles to reform its chosen to put itself at the mercy of the
stock markets are at an all-time high, global financial crisis of 2007-08, by economy and curb unruly borrowing. fiscal management of the Chinese
and Q1 GDP came in at a surprisingly 2015 China’s leaders sought to wean China should not matter as much as Communist Party!
strong 3.2%. That said, the global their economy off easy credit, which it does. Its tight capital controls keep
economy really is cooling. At the start had grown at mind boggling rates from its financial links with the rest of the
of 2018, there was broad-based 2009-14. At the same time, China world modest and it’s not yet the Elliot Eisenberg, Ph.D. is President of
synchronized global expansion, the also liberalized its financial markets, engine of global demand the way that GraphsandLaughs, LLC and can be
broadest since at least 2010. which led to massive capital flight and the United States is. The problem is reached at [email protected].
Recently, forecasters have yet again a stock market collapse. Financial that the rest of the world is simply His daily 70-word economics and policy
blog can be seen at
reduced their growth estimates for turmoil radiated outwards, threatening unprepared to lean against any
2019 and 2020. to tip large swaths of the world Chinese headwinds. Interest rates
It’s tempting to blame President economy into recession. remain at extraordinarily low levels,
First Home Saturday
welcomes BIG
The 2019 First Home Saturday
presented by Sierra Title was held at
Bassett Place on May 4. The shopping
center, one of El Paso’s first malls, didn’t
fail to bring in the crowds due in part to
having the only IMAX theater that was
showing the megahit Avengers,
Endgame. The date also coincided with
the Cinco de Mayo shopping sales. All
in all, these factors plus moving the
event to the Target end of the mall
helped us with a great crowd.
“What I can tell you is that we had a
tremendous response. We met a lot of
people and have a book of leads,” said
Hector de la Canal, representing Loyalty
Homes. “We did really well,” he said to
the Outlook.
Our presenting partner Sierra Title had
a great event as well. “We enjoy
partnering with the Association on this
event, for the consumer as well as the
member vendors that are here,” said
Angelique Roman. “Our goal for First
Home Saturday is to make us visible
and doing this at the mall is really good
for us,” she continued.
Ted Escobedo from Snappy
Publishing created First Home Saturday
several years ago and generously
turned the event into an Association
event. “Partnering with the EPAB on
this event is an ideal opportunity to help
consumers take their first step in
prchasing a home while helping to
promote our asssociate and builder
members” he said.
Ted has spent hours and hours of time
prepping for the event. “People are
amazed at how nice this event is, how
organized, yet it wouldn’t happen
without Ted and his crew,” said Ray
Adauto. “Ted has generously given the
reigns over to the EPAB and there is
nothing like it,” he concluded.
Asking Jim Easley from Citizens Loan
Center praised the event. “We had a
great time at the event and more than
anything Arthur Andrade came back full
of leads, and out of giveaways. That’s a
good sign how successful the event
was,” he said.
The draw for the event was the
chance to win $100,000.00 from a prize
vault whereby the exact numbers had to
be used in order to open the vault. “We
didn’t have a winner today, but where
else can anyone have a free chance to
win that kind of money,” said Brenda
Aguirre from Rocky Mountain Mortgage.
“No where else today,” she exclaimed.
Adding to the fun mood was El Paso DJ
Services, Mike Armstead. “I do a
number of corporate events and working
with the Association is always fun for me
and it looks like everyone else here,” he
told us.
Our thanks to our showcase vendors.
Sierra Title, Cadence Lending Group,
TFCU, First Light FCU, Solar Smart
Living, Jack White Specialties, Pacifica
Homes, Palo Verde Homes, Zia Homes,
Rocky Mountain Mortgage, ICON
Custom Builder, Winton Homes, BIC
Homes, Loyalty Homes, Citizens (Bank)
Loan Center, Tropicana Homes, and
Santana Homes. Special thanks to
Steven Herrera at Bassett Place for all
his help. Stay tuned for the next First
Home Saturday.
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BuildersOutlook 2019Issue5
BUILDER & DEVELOPERS Cullers Homes Guel Construction Pacifica Homes, Inc 915-598-6606
Bain Construction Jason R. Cullers Rudy Guel Juan Jose Vasquez Trejo Construction Co
Scott Bain 915-584-5600 915-595-0979 915-857-1855 Juan Trejo
915-852-8620 D B Innovations LLC Hakes Brothers LLC Padilla Homes 915-637-5193
Althon Investments, LLC Dan Berry Chris Hakes Misael Navarrete Tropicana Building Corp.
Jose Luis Martin (915) 283-7558 575-373-1120 (915) 833-3839 Bobby Bowling IV
(915) 532-3100 Dawco Home Builders Hanson Asset Management, LP Palo Verde Homes 915-821-3550
Bella Vista Custom Homes, Inc. Walter O. Lujan Russell Hanson Edgar Montiel Tropicana Development
Edgar Garcia 915-587-5267 915-842-0111 915-584-9090 Greg Bowling
915-433-4854 Deal 2 Deal Custom Homes Homes by Design Pointe Homes 915-757-1802
BIC Homes Delton Deal Leslie Driggers Hoard Carlos Villalobos Tropicana Homes
Antonio Cervantes 915-217-9233 915-525-4765 915-790-1515 Randy Bowling
915-855-8236 Del Rio Engineering, Inc. Hunt Communities, LLC Porter Homes 915-821-3550
Blue Sage Homes, LLC Sal Masoud Kathy Parry Albert Porter Tropicana Properties
Jaime Gonzalez 915-833-2400 915-298-0490 915-833-3597 Demetrio Jimenez
915-787-9175 Diamond Homes, LLC ICON Custom Builder, LLC. R.C. Baeza & Associates 915-755-9113
Blue Star Construction Valerie Baquera Carlos Garcia Robert C. Baeza Uptown Homes Residential, Inc.
Carlos Villasana 915-449-9044 915-859-3713 915-857-1818 Francisco Baquera
915-217-6003 E. Valencia Land Development LLC Industrial Realty Group Incorporated R.E. Welch Contractor 915-240-4996
Carefree Homes Eddie Valencia Brent D. Harris Gordon Welch Vallance Construction LLC
Richard Aguilar 915-855-0622 915-877-4300 915-778-9977 Oswaldo Prieto
915-590-8511 Eclat Homes & Designs JER Custom Homes, LLC Rassette Homes, Inc. (915) 245-8580
Casas De Leon, LLC Veronica Guerra Jorge E. Rodriguez Donald Rassette Villagi Homes, LLC
Nick Bombach (915) 630-6729 915-929-8420 915-585-3330 Kristi Eddings
915-584-5050 Edward's Homes, Inc. Lloyd Hamilton Contruction Rio USA 915-449-8570
Cisco Homes LLC Eduardo Fernandez Lloyd Hamilton, III Fredduy Klayel Vista del Sol Archetectural Design
Francisco Arroyos III 915-849-8819 915-588-8558 915-526-2885 Luis J. Lopez
915-633-8002 EPT Bella Custom Dream Homes LMJ Construction Co., LLC Rosewood Design and Build (915) 494-1988
Classic American Home Leti & Javier Navarete Mike Lopez Brianna Barnes Will Harvey Development
Priscilla Hernandez 915-779-4553 915-855-2323 (915) 730-4747 Will S. Harvey
915-593-7707 EPT Land Communities Loyalty Homes Santana Custom Homes 915-584-8242
Crown Heritage Homes David Bogas Gustavo Loy Fernando Santana Winton/Flair/Accent Homes
Lydia Mlouhi 915-838-8100 915-471-1894 915-694-4256 Herschel Stringfield
915-252-8193 Everest Homes M A Builders & Design, LLC Southwest Land Development 915-584-8629
CS Custom Homes Edmundo Dena, Jr. Mustafa Ali Services Zia Homes of El Paso, LLC
Steve Gonzalez 915-855-8633 915-587-9566 Doug Schwartz Preston Brown
915-346-1107 Fortune Custom Homes Maravilla Homes 915-592-0290 915-490-9525
Cullers & Caldwell Builders Javier Andrade Victor Robles Spanish Oaks Custom Homes
John Cullers 915-856-7795 915-328-8599 Juan R. Saenz
915-584-5600 Gaddy Construction Metro Homes, Inc. 432-238-3090
Charles Gaddy Judith Arrunada, Fernando Torres The Heritage Group
915-581-3966 915-538-2497 David Bingham
3RD PARTY INSPECTIONS BANKS/BANKING SERVICES Franklin Building Materials Antonio "Tony" Chavez 512-796-1205
Vision Consultants, Inc. Bank of Texas Cristina Sheldon 915-565-4681
Kelly Sorenson Ray Owen 915-855-3859
915-227-2100 915-313-6720 Simpson Strong-Tie Company, Inc. CONCRETE & LANDSCAPING CPA
City Bank Texas Ken Donham MATERIAL Beasley, Mitchell & Co., LLP
APPLIANCE DISTRIBUTORS Bob Kotarski 505-991-4719 GCC Sun City Materials, LLC Brad Beasley
Builders Source Appliance Gallery 915-833-0267 1 Lowes Home Improvement Antonio “Tony “ Chavez 575-528-6700
Sandra Lucero Citizens Loan Center Johnny Rodriguez 915-565-4681 James L. Ellis, CPA, PC
915-775-1000 Jim Easley 915-755-9155 Jobe Materials, LP Jim Ellis 915-593-7070
Morrison Supply 915-275-0715 McCoy's Building Supplies Charlie Tellez 915-598-8631
Sam Shallenberger First National 1870 Doug Danner 915-298-9900 Pate & Appleby, LLP
915-778-3086 Ernesto Avila 915-751-8261 Mini Concrete Materials Richard De Santos
915-881-6702 L & P Building Supply Joe Soto 915-532-8000
APPLIANCES Vantage Bank Denise McConnell 915-852-4468 SBNG, P.C.
GE Appliances Josie Cantu 575-527-8000 MTI Ready Mix, Inc. Tyler Smith
Christine R. Villanueva 915-594-3404 Foxworth Galbraith Lumber Tony Mullen 915-544-6770
806-252-3683 Western Heritage Bank Dan Villarreal 915-859-5767 Randall Smith, CPA
Whirlpool Kathy Carrillo 915-779-7777 Randall Smith
Gwen Walker 915-782-2400 CONCRETE ACCESSORIES & 915-225-5200 915-533-8266
ASPHALT PAVING David Osborn J. B. Laminates Border Construction Specialties CREDIT UNION
Alpha Asphalt 915-747-1640 Gina Rodriguez Ricardo Yvellez First Light Federal Credit Union
Gabriel Chavez 915-886-5510 915-566-1688 Lorenzo Revelez
915-252-6244 BATHROOM RENOVATIONS 915-225-0581
Rebath of El Paso/Las Cruces CABINETS CONCRETE CONTRACTOR GECU- Greater El Paso Credit Union
ASSOCIATION Lisa Walling Cabinet Masters Felipe Rocha Construction Danny Galindo
El Paso Mortgage Bankers Association 915-633-8101 Mike Robles Agustin Favela Concrete 915-774-4733
Brenda Aguirre 915-256-5012 Oropeza Concrete TFCU
915 204-3867 BRICK David Hernandez Cabinets Yolie Melendez-Estrada
Greater El Paso Assoc. of Realtors Acme Brick Company David Hernandez CONCRETE WORK -CURB 915-843-8328
Jason Sanchez Brent Smith 915-342-7847 Big A Construction
915-779-3521 915-859-9171 Eagle Custom Cabinets Thelma Vasquez CUSTOM PADS, LANDSCAPING,
Greater El Paso Chamber of Commerce Juan Benabidez 915-838-6611 CUSTOM AQUARIUM, BUBBLE
David Michael Jerome BUILDER REBATES 915-820-8532 WALLS
915-534-0522 Home Sphere, LLC Bassett Woodworks CONCRETE WORK-POST TENSION The Dorian Group/Ocean Gallery USA
Chris Hoag Danny Murillo J & H Concrete & Post Tension Miguel Angel Mercado
ATTORNEYS 214-425-9482 915-855-2184 Jorge Herrera ‘ 915-778-5111
Firth, Johnston, Bunn & Kerr 915-581-3103
915-532-7500 BMC Select Moreno Cardenas Inc. CONSULTING, COACHING AND EZE-R-DESIGNS
David Quintana Roberto Moreno TRAINING Leticia Mata
AUDIO 915-218-5816 915-532-2091 Senpai Training and Development 915-329-5102
El Paso Audio Video by Design Boise Cascade Leonardo Corral
Joe Gutierrez Mike Flores CONCRETE 915-303-0743 DISPOSAL HAULING
915-346-9118 915-525-6037 Agustin Favela Concrete Demcon Disposal Management, LLC
DWS Building Supply Agustin Favela CONSULTING/ENGINEERING Maria Elena (Nena) Gomez
AUTO HOMEOWNER INSURANCE Sabrina Voorhies 915-822-0375 LOI Engineers 915-577-9477
TAB endorsed State Auto 915-351-7300 Jobe Materials, LP Bernardino Olague 915-781-1532
(Association Insurance Solutions) E.F. Building Materials, Inc Charlie Tellez 915-871-1190
Russ Sartain, Danner Bethel Efren Fraire 915-298-9900
512-203-2910 915-593-1301 Oropeza Concrete CORPORTATE RETIREMENT
El Paso Building Materials Angel Oropeza PLANS
Ken Wade 915-873-7391 Bukaty Financial Companies Group
915-549-1170 GCC Sun City Materials,LLC Ruth Rivera
2019Issue5 BuildersOutlook 11
SUPPLIER Juan Carlos Perez Grading C. D. Lee/Britton Insurance & J. F. Plastering Felix Vizarreta Prosperus Title & Escrow
Trim Team Juan Carlos Perez Bonding Juan Florez 915-691-0532 Alexandra Jade Hedrick
915-856-0791 915-252-4036 Anthony Landavazo/Lisa 915-474-7137 Alden R & R Services, LLC 915-288-2462
Daniels Alvarado Plastering & Stucco, Alejandro Dena
Masonite International Magicstone Jorge Enrique Alvarado Hernandez Roofing SOURCE
Jesse Carlson/ Bob Westby Marco Gomez IRON WORK PRODUCTS 915-691-3870 Concepcion Hernandez Spectrum Technologies
480-271-5553 915-843-2500 Area Iron & Steel Works, Inc. 915-222-1797 Miled Daou
Franklin Door and Trim Quality Granite Fred L. Edmonston Jr. PLUMBING Imperial Construction 915-781-2000. 915-781-2288
Jesse C. Brown Hector Porras 915-833-9494 Desert Quest Plumbing Alexandro Garcia
940-210-0450 915-892-1340 De la Torre Ironworks Hector Gonzalez 915-222-3838 TRUSS
Alfredo De La Torre 915-253-4908 RGR Roofing, LLC El Paso Truss
DRY WALL GRANITE/QUARTZ 915-328-4933 Q Martins Plumbing Mario Rodriguez Luis Mendiola
Barraza Drywall Corp. COUNTERTOPS Jose Martinez 915-329-1001 915-751-0025
Ignacio Barraza Stone City Rocks JANITORIAL SERVICES 915-240-5218. USA General Contractors Franklin Building Materials,
915-502-1732 Chris Baca Amelia's Janitorial Services W.W. Sales Javier Olmos Cristina Sheldon,
Jose Moreno Dry Wall 915-246-7614 Amelia Gomez Eric Hoppes 915-633-3339 915-855-3859
Jose Moreno 915-867-8513 505-463-8204
915-922-8972 GYM Service Master Commercial ROOFING PRODUCTS UTILITY
S & J Drywall, LLC Forge Factory Strength & Heidi Avedician PLUMBING & IRRIGATION ABC Supply Co., Inc. Texas Gas Services
Yair Jalil/ Sergio Jalil Conditioning 915-525-5535 SUPPLIES-DISTRIBUTORS Larry Eck Maria Ortiz
915-694-7024 Edmundo Portillo Baron Supply 915-533-0645 915-680-7288
915-549-9145 LEGAL SERVICES/TITLE David Trammell Eagle Roofing Products
FOAM INSULATION HOME FURNISHINGS David J. Ellis Fee Office for Moen 928-220-3899. Rudolph Chevrolet
915 Siteworks, LLC Copenhagen Imports Sierra Title Frank Graf Mike Ruffin
Hugo Jasso Flemming Carlsen David J. Ellis 505-238-2731 SANITATION & FENCE 915-544-4321
915-859-3713 915-581-8897 915-584-7769 915-566-2666. 915-566-0111 Sun City Winnelson United Site Services
Dean Moore Ramon Armendariz
CONTRACTORS 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty City Lights El Paso Winnelson El Paso Disposal
Allbrite Electrical Leslie Schey Thomas Brown Rene Goldfien SELF STORAGE Irma Parsons
Carlos Nunez 915-242-7699. 303-306-2222 915-533-6045. 915-533-6096 915-778-4640. Remcon Self Storage 915-772-7495
915-630-9432 Centricity Designer's Mart Will Harvey
Castillo Electric Brent R. Morgan Valerie Edmiston 915-833-2399. WATER SOFTENERS
Jose Del Val 800-749-0381X4790 915-778-9223 PORTABLE RESTROOMS Rebecca Estrada
915-877-3335 Home of Texas Sarabias Blue Sanitation SHUTTERS 915-307-9183
Elizardo Garcia Electric Amanda Eason LIGHTING & BATH FIXTURES Monica Brown Loyas Shutters
Elizardo Garcia 210-540-7891 Ferguson Enterprises Inc. 915-544-9022. 915-533-3108 Alfredo Loya WATER REMOVAL
915-333-9675 StrucSure Home Warranty Albert Holguin Porta- Jons 915-999-7799 Jimmy Garza Emergency
Haskins Electric Scott Whisenant 915-231-5836. 915-231-9357 Water Removal
Charles B. Haskins, Jr. 210-232-3947 POST TENSION SOIL TESTING Jimmy Garza
915-629-9196 LOW VOLTAGE WIRING Post Tension Steel Soil Mechanics 915-562-1123
IES Residential HVAC Prewire of El Paso, Inc. Dennis Moore Lorenza Escareno
Joshua Garnica 4 Tech A/C Service Steven Drury 915-474-0180. 915-532-0119 915-433-2720 WINDOW TREATMENTS
915-356-5644 Enrique Hernandez 915-598-4937 Southwest Décor El Paso
Saldivar Electric, Inc. 915-519-7239 PREWIRE SOLAR PANELS Corporation
Martin A. Saldivar A C Refrigeration, LLC LUMBER Southwestern Prewire Border Solar Chris Matthews
915-778-7085 Angel Cabrera 84 Lumber Joe Trejo Javier Ruiz 915-594-9240
915-820-8503 Ernie Chavez 915-549-2611 915-613-4168 Marlo Building Services
ENERGY STAR RATER Go Pro Refrigeration 915-584-8447 Solar Smart Living Roberto Martinez
Senercon Humberto Diaz PUBLICATIONS Larry Perea 915-832-1121 915-757-0774
Javier Ruiz Parra's A/C and Heating Service MIRROR, SHOWER DOOR, Homes of El Paso 915-400-2995
915-892-0547. Aureliano Parra STOREFRONT,AUTOMATIC Riley Stephens WINDOWS
915-401-9667 DOORS & CURTAIN WALLS 915-585-1000 STONE VENEER Pella Windows
ENGINEERING Polar Mechanical LLC Performance Glass & Su Casa Magazine Value Stone Jason Bates
CEA Engineering Group Francisco Amezquita Aluminum Edwin Rosario Isabel Chacon 915-833-3066
Jorge L. Azcarate 915-694-8313 Hector Hernandez 915-355-7190 915-474-4289 Sun West Windows and Glass
915-544-5232. Startech Heating and Air 915-592-5583 Ernie Hernandez
Conde, Inc. Conditioning PUBLISHING SERVICES STORMWATER/SAFETY 915-383-2201
Conrad Conde Luis Procter MOLDING & LUMBER Snappy Publishing, LLC ESS Environmental and Safety
915-592-0283. 915-757-1982 Adams Moulding & Lumber Ted Escobedo Solutions WROUGHT IRON -
TRE & Associates Wolf Air Tom Swahlen 915-820-2800 Jose L. Garcia Ramirez ENTRIWAYS
Linda Troncoso Arturo Alcantar 915-584-1440 915-775-1171 915-775-1174 The Iron Snail Inc.
915-852-9093. 915-694-8214 READY MIX David Zuniga
MORTGAGE COMPANIES MTI Ready Mix, Inc. STUCCO 915-204-7215
EVENT VENUE/CATERING HVAC EQUIPMENT Cadence Lending Group Tony Mullen EDLR Platering
150 Sunset Lennox Industries Carolyn De Leon 915-859-5767 Eduardo De La Rosa SUBCONTRACTOR
Danny Heredia Brandon Walker 915-779-1633 915-706-2649 915-203-8979 Rito Magallanes
915-585-0801 818-932-5063 New American Funding REAL ESTATE SERVICES JFM Enterprises, Inc. 915-228-5968
Goodman Mfg. Tania Guzman ERA Sellers & Buyers Jaime Flores Serrano's Construction
EXTERIOR FOIL SHEATHING Jorge Guajardo 757-831-7322. Karla Rayos 915-255-9945 Juan Serrano
Powerfoam Insulation 915-219-3896 Patriot Mortgage 915-585-2222 915-288-0398
Arnie Pedersen Randy Bowling Team Juan Uribe, LLC SURVEYING ENGINEERING
972-299-5556. HVAC SALES/INSTALLATION 915-757-9500 Juan Uribe Barragan & Associates
Belmont's Air Conditioning, Inc. Rocky Mountain Mortgage 915-479-5151. Benito Barragan
FIREPLACES/INSTALLATION Rafael Belmonte Company Home Pros Real Estate Group 915-591-5709
Jack White Building Specialties 915-778-7399 Dean Inniss Penny Moore.
Claudia Lardizabal 915-593-3111 915-585-8806 TESTING & ENGINEERING
915-855-8630 HVAC Supplies Supreme Lending Legacy Real Estate Services CQC Testing and
Hercules Industries Lisa Wren Patrick Tuttle Engineering,LLC
FLOORING John Chaney 601-549-6768 915-231-9994. Jaime Rojas
Bordertown Carpets 915-778-9377 Commerce Mortgage Leon Real Estate 915-771-7766
Brian M. Abraham Stephen Sepulveda, Gilbert Jorge Leon
915-522-8993 HVAC/ROOFING Pedregon 915-726-7637 TILE & NATURAL STONE
Carpet Warehouse Diaz Services, Inc. 915-209-3189 Century 21 The Edge Interceramic Tile & Stone
Erez Belkin Emmanuel Diaz Scott Kesner Gallery
915-565-7847 915-822-0039 NEWSPAPER 915-772-0553 David Holguin
Edgar's Flooring El Paso Times Harris Real Estate Group 915-593-7357
Edgar Enriquez I T & WEB DESIGN Sal Hernandez, Justin Riley Lane Harris
915-626-4865 Cognent, Inc. 915-546-6244. 915-546-6406 915-443-8423 TILE INSTALLATION
Martin Paredes Hector De La Canal Real CMF
FOAM INSULATION 407-809-4417. PAINT DISTRIBUTOR Estate Group Carlos Munoz
New Era Foam Dunn-Edwards Paints Hector De. La Canal 915-633-3517
George Tollen INSULATION Nathan Gordon 915-630-0686 Miguel Sanchez Cano
915-861-6683 New Start Insulation 915-855-7535 915-855-8168 Keller Williams 915-226-2148
Jose Carreon Sherwin Williams Paint Susan Flores, REALTOR
FOUNDATION REPAIR & 915-256-2371 Cruz Lopez 915-209-1701 TITLE & ESCROW
STABILIZATION 915-532-6921. Keller Williams COMPANIES
G & G Enterprises Gen. INSURANCE Mo Goodarzi, REALTOT Del Sol Title Co.
Contractor Dominguez Insurance Agency PAINTING 915-549-3027 Hector Phillips
Juan F. Garcia Victoria Dominguez A Plus Remodeling & Repairs Majestic Realtors 915-838-8000
915-726-8995 915-598-3500 Martin Arroyos Patti Musshorn Lone Star Title Co. of El Paso
Farmers Ins. Mercedes Ruiz 915-474-6548 915-779-5740 Aaron Rich
FRAMING Agency J. C. Balcorta Painting Minerva Al-Tabbaa Realtor 915-545-2222
Segura Framing Mercedes Ruiz Cruz Balcorta Minerva Al-Tabbaa Sierra Title Company
Erika Segura 915-860-1000. 915-731-4565 915-740-3463 Angelique Roman, Marielsa
915-407-9400 Great American Insurance Ramon Romero Painting Bella Vista Realty Pulido
Sergio Herrera Framing Group Ramon Romero Grisel Ortega 915-544-3322
Sergio Herrera Julie Tomlinson 915-487-0465 915-491-2056 Stewart Title of El Paso
915-328-6024 513-412-4921 Rey Construction Cindy Bilbe
Joe Bernal Ins. & Financial Manuel Reyes RES. & COMM BUILDING 915-225-8200
GARAGE DOORS Services, Inc. 915-252-2238 PRODUCTS WestStar Title
Garage Doors and More Joe M. Bernal X Construction Massey Johnson Rachel Valles
Miguel Moran 915-542-0900. Emmanuel Chavarria Josie Ledesma 915-849-5537
915-831-9828 915-820-3392 915-487-3359 Texas Title Company
Sun City International Doors INSURANCE - RISK VMP Painting Steve Raney
Jorge Carmona MANAGEMENT Victor Prieto ROOFING 915-593-3400
915-591-1423 915-222-8607 HUB International 915-407-6231 H P Roofing & Construction
Luis Rosas Heriberto Prieto
915-206-6023 915-727-2461
12 BuildersOutlook 2019Issue5
Baby Boomers: Who Needs to Downsize?
Barbara Risman, a sociology professor at boomers could be seeking. The shortage 12.1% in 1996, according to Labor
Upcoming Events Soda Sponsor
June 13
11:00 Board Meeting Randall Smith, CPA
12:00 General meeting
BIC Homes
Deal 2 Deal Custom Homes
Diamond Homes
ICON Custom Home Builder
JER Custom Homes
Pacifica Homes
Palo Verde Homes
Rosewood Design & Build
Winton Homes
Call 915-778-5387
for more information 9400 Gateway East El Paso, TX 79907
(915) 593-1301 (800) 356-9546
In Valley Creek 3 subdivision by Hansen Development
located at Upper Valley and Gomez Road
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Hotline at slimgas[email protected] 18662069587.
today! VOL 2019 ISSUE. 5
Insurance developed for builders.
Developed for builders with the backing of the strongest insurance
6046 Surety Dr. El Paso, TX 79905 915-778-5387 • carriers serving the Texas building industry, our insurance program
offers flexible coverage options and rates that are more competitive
■ EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Johnny Rodriguez, Lowe's than ever. As an authorized member of Builder Agent Network©, we’re
PRESIDENT Randall Smith, Randall Smith, Cpa dedicated to providing builders and contractors with the best-in-class
Sergio Cuartas Justin Hahn, Rocky Mountain Mortgage insurance programs, pricing, underwriting, resources and service.
VICE PRESIDENT Angelique Roman, Sierra Title
Edgar Garcia Ted Escobedo, Snappy Publishing
SECRETARY Patricia Martinez, Stewart Title
Product Portfolio Highlights
Sal Masoud
EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT ■ TAB STATE DIRECTORS t“A” rated carriers, several available
Ray Adauto Randy Bowling, Life Director
Sam Shallenberger t(-PêFSJOHDoverage for property damage that results from faulty, defective,
Edmundo Dena or poor workmanship in your work.
Edmundo Dena
Gus Loy
Don Rassette
Luis Rosas
Luis Rosas tExpanded policy form for commercial projects
Sal Masoud
■ NATIONAL DIRECTORS tBuilder’s Risk master policies, monthly reporting, annual and one shots
Bobby Bowling, IV
GOLF TOURNAMENTS t Workers’ Comp - Two highly cost-effective programs
Demetrio Jimenez
Sam Shallenberger
Kathy Carrillo/Treasurer
Honorary Life Members
t$PNNFrcial Umbrella
Angelique Roman
Rudy Guel
Brad Roe
Sal Masoud
Wayne Grinnell El Paso, Permian Basin and Surrounding Area
Don Henderson
Patrick Tuttle
Anna Gill HUB International Insurance Services
Mark Dyer
Ted Escobedo
Sam Shallenberger -VJT3PTBT
■ ADVISORY TO THE BOARD 915-206-6047
Jay Kerr, Firth, Johnston, Bunn & Kerr Past Presidents
Committed to Serve
Builders: Edmundo Dena
Jaime Gonzalez, Blue Sage Homes Edgar Montiel
Frank Torres
Lee Gillett, Classic American Homes
Frank Arroyos
Lydia Mlouhi, Crown Heritage Homes
Greg Bowling
Dan Berry, D B Innovations,LLC
Randy Bowling
Delton Deal, Deal-2-Deal Bobby Bowling IV
Eder Gallardo, Edwards Homes Doug Schwartz
Leti Navarrete, EPT Bella Custom Dream Homes John Cullers
Kathy Parry, Hunt Companies Robert Baeza
Samira Gonzalez, Icon Custom Home Builders Mark Dyer
Laura Loy, Loyalty Homes Kelly Sorenson
JJ Vasquez Pacifica Homes Rudy Guel
Trevor Turner, Rassette Homes Brad Roe
Fernie Santana, Santana Homes Herschel Stringfield
Jacob Barde, Tropicana Homes Bob Bowling III
Carlos Villalobos
Sandra Lucero, Builders Source EPAB Mission Statement:
John Chaney, Hercules Industries The El Paso Association of Builders is a federated professional
Luis Rosas, HUB International organization representing the home building industry, committed
Jorge Herrera, J & H Post Concrete & Tension to enhancing the quality of life in our community by providing
Joe Bernal, Joe Bernal Insurance affordable homes of excellence and value.
Patrick Tuttle, Legacy Real Estate Service The El Paso Association of Builders is a 501C(6) trade
Aaron Rich, Lone Star Title
© 2019 Builder’s Outlook is published and distributed for the