Capítulo 8 Termodinámica.
8.3 Water is the working fluid in a Carnot vapor power cycle. Saturated liquid enters the boiler
at a pressure of 8 MPa, and saturated vapor enters the turbine. The condenser pressure
is 8 kPa. Determine
a) the thermal efficiency.
b) the back work ratio.
c) the heat transfer to the working fluid per unit mass passing through the boiler, in
d) the heat transfer from the working fluid per unit mass passing through the
condenser, in kJ/kg.
Tarea # 11 Mario Antonio González González
Capítulo 8 Termodinámica.
8.2 Water is the working fluid in an ideal Rankine cycle. Superheated vapor enters the turbine
at 8 MPa, 480°C. The condenser pressure is 8 kPa. The net power output of the cycle is
100 MW. Determine or the cycle
a) the rate of heat transfer to the working fluid passing through the steam generator,
in kW.
b) the thermal efficiency.
c) the mass flow rate of condenser cooling water, in kg/h, if the cooling water enters
the condenser at 15°C and exits at 35°C with negligible pressure change.
Tarea # 11 Mario Antonio González González
Capítulo 8 Termodinámica.
8.4 Plot each of the quantities calculated in Problem 8.2 versus condenser pressure ranging
from 6 kPa to 0.1 MPa. Discuss.
8.5 Plot each of the quantities calculated in Problem 8.2 versus steam generator pressure
ranging from 4 MPa to 24 MPa. Maintain the turbine inlet temperature at 480°C. Discuss.
Tarea # 11 Mario Antonio González González
Capítulo 8 Termodinámica.
8.6 Water is the working fluid in an ideal Rankine cycle. Saturated vapor enters the turbine at
18 MPa. The condenser pressure is 6 kPa. Determine
a) the net work per unit mass of steam flow, in kJ/kg.
b) the heat transfer to the steam passing through the boiler, in kJ per kg of steam
c) the thermal efficiency.
d) the heat transfer to cooling water passing through the condenser, in kJ per kg of
steam condensed.
8.8 Plot each of the quantities calculated in Problem 8.6 versus turbine inlet temperature
ranging from the saturation temperature at 18 MPa to 560°C. Discuss.
Tarea # 11 Mario Antonio González González
Capítulo 8 Termodinámica.
8.14 At a particular location in the ocean, the temperature near the surface is 80°F, and
the temperature at a depth of 1500 ft is 46°F. A power plant based on the Rankine cycle,
with ammonia as the working fluid, has been
proposed to utilize this naturally occurring
temperature gradient to produce electrical
power. The power to be developed by the
turbine is 8.2×10O Btu/h. A schematic
diagram is given in Fig. P8.14. For
simplicity, the properties of seawater can be
taken as those of pure water.
a) Estimate the thermal efficiency of the
proposed cycle and compare it to
thermal efficiency of a reversible power
cycle operating between thermal
reservoirs at 80 and 46°F.
b) Estimate the net power output of the
plant, in Btu/h, if the pumps used to
circulate seawater through the
evaporator and condenser heat
exchangers requires a total power input
of 2.53×10O Btu/h.
c) Determine the seawater flow rates
through the boiler and condenser, in
Tarea # 11 Mario Antonio González González
Capítulo 8 Termodinámica.
8.15 The cycle of Problem 8.3 is modified to include the effects of irreversibilities in
adiabatic expansion and compression processes. If the states at the turbine and pump
inlets remain unchanged, repeat the analysis of Problem 8.3 for the modified Carnot cycle
with 𝜂t = 0.80 and 𝜂p = 0.70.
Tarea # 11 Mario Antonio González González
Capítulo 8 Termodinámica.
8.17 Reconsider the analysis of Problem 8.2, but include in the analysis that the turbine
and pump have isentropic efficiencies of 85 and 70%, respectively. Determine for the
modified cycle
a) the thermal efficiency.
b) the mass flow rate of steam, in kg/h, for a net power output of 100 MW.
c) the mass flow rate of condenser cooling water, in kg/h, if the cooling water enters
the condenser at 15°C and exits at 35°C with negligible pressure change.
Tarea # 11 Mario Antonio González González
Capítulo 8 Termodinámica.
8.9 Water is the working fluid in an ideal Rankine cycle. The pressure and temperature at
the turbine inlet are 1200 lbf/in² and 1000°F, respectively, and the condenser pressure is
1 lbf/in². The mass flow rate of steam entering the turbine is 1.4×106 lb/h. The cooling
water experiences a temperature increase from 60 to 80°F, with negligible pressure drop,
as it passes through the condenser. Determine for the cycle
a) the net power developed, in Btu/h.
b) the thermal efficiency.
c) the mass flow rate of cooling water, in lb/h.
Tarea # 11 Mario Antonio González González
Capítulo 8 Termodinámica.
8.19 Reconsider the cycle of Problem 8.9, but include in the analysis that the turbine and
pump have isentropic efficiencies of 88%. The mass flow rate is unchanged. Determine
for the modified cycle
a) the net power developed, in Btu/h.
b) the rate of heat transfer to the working fluid passing through the steam generator,
in Btu/h.
c) the thermal efficiency.
d) the volumetric flow rate of cooling water entering the condenser, in ft³/min.
Tarea # 11 Mario Antonio González González
Capítulo 8 Termodinámica.
8.20 Reconsider the cycle of Problem 8.19, but insert a throttling valve between the steam
generator and the turbine that reduces the turbine inlet pressure to 1000 lbf/in² but does
not change the mass flow rate. Answer the same question about the modified cycle as in
Problem 8.19.
Tarea # 11 Mario Antonio González González
Capítulo 8 Termodinámica.
8.30 Steam at 32 MPa, 520°C leaves the steam generator of an ideal Rankine cycle
modified to include three turbine stages with reheat between the stages. The reheat
pressures are 4 and 0.5 MPa, respectively, and steam enters the second-stage turbine at
440°C and the third-stage turbine at 360°C. The condenser pressure is 0.08 bar.
Determine for the cycle
a) the net work per unit mass of steam flowing, in kJ/kg.
b) the thermal efficiency.
Tarea # 11 Mario Antonio González González
Capítulo 8 Termodinámica.
8.40 Modify the ideal Rankine cycle of Problem 8.6 to include superheated vapor entering
the first turbine stage at 18 MPa, 560°C, and one open feedwater heater operating at 1
Saturated liquid exits the open feedwater heater at 1 MPa. Determine for the modify cycle
a) the net work, in kJ per kg of steam flow entering the first turbine stage.
b) the thermal efficiency
c) the heat transfer to cooling water passing through the condenser, in kJ per kg of
steam flow entering the first turbine stage.