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. .Ac9d by:
AJklng, Prlvat,e limited
_,aRoad, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi - 110070 33 7 4477
... )( ..:'" "."'.: v-:..-: ":..",,,, .., •.,,.~.,.:,
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.'i, The New India A~surance Co. Ltd.

~~~) Leadershipand Beyond... 1215, 12th I=loor,Naurans!-louse, 21, Kaskrba Candh; Mars, New Delh;. 110001
~ IRDA Regn. No.. 190 Ph.; 011· 2J30(J750' 51, 5ervic TaxReg. No.. AMCN 4155 C5T 175

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II kas Jain
Polh;;y Type: piltckaye Pulicy: Pri"'ote vet-.cte )
tssue oere ;~J:)7.)~.PM (Jn17'Jul eo i s

_- 5{0 511SULTAN
JAINH.NO-1610 GAll NO I SHAKTI NAGAR, Occupation ,~ervlce/5alarteo .

1 REWARI-123401.Haryana

PerioO Of insurenc From 03:37:34:PM 27-Jul-201S to mldnigtlt on 26-1u1 Z01 4

tvehldc Identification Number( IN) Date and Proposal No.:

The vetucre IV MA3fHE61S00929760 27·Jul·2015{84666522

;Geographical Area' Engine-ChassIs No. ~yp," of Body Ire Mfg.Vear

RegiS[finion Mark & Place of

INDIA 2631496 919760 lIsoloon 1/,2.6 2015 1/5 ~EWARI



590758 10 -110 110
Schedule 0' Prerniul"l'\

enicle & AccessorIeS 1 -If 1598
otel 1/ 1 -l 15",

S""U.10ld' ~a(.l!tIUI1S o.t.onar PA C(j\lM \)renllum (0 n~f oercnn) For 0 Pl?rc;on((MT- 16 or .\

.) II S% Extra premuJI'1 towards ,nb\1I1t 1PC 11 N
) For Anll·theft
Devices (lMT-lO
uanuuv (Wei to Dllve,(ll ll-LUI

!JIJb·Total Additiolls

II ojl
) !lFtbre Glass Tanks
__ ----------~I-------__-=----~~44~:~.~~~,~~~~~~~========~~'
rotal Al 19186 roie: 6
orano Total 2093
1. If the premium Is paid bv Cheque, the issue of Policy Is subject to the ervke Tax @ 14% 2931
reallzat10n of Cheque.
# 2, Consolidated Stamt> duty paid to state exct\eflrer, otal Premium 2365
~i~~~ fl~OO=O.,O~~~==~~--=-=-~--~~----~~~----=====-~~~--~~=-~~==~~~~
rUmltattons as t9 use; Vse.only (or sodal domestic and pleasure purposes and for the Insured's business. The POlicydoes not cover th use ror: (1) Hire or reward {2}
arriagt of goods(other than samples or pe(sonallu90age) ()) 9rganlzed radng{4) Pace making (S) Speed testing (6) Reliability tria 5 g) Any purpose In connection with
motor trade,
Dnver's Clause:Any pClson IncluOing the Insured: ProviOel1 that a person driving IwlcJ5an effective UI';vinUIlccn"t' <It the time of [he a ident and is not disqualified from
~ol0lng or obtaining suc~ a hf~I-'ie I>rovl{kO ,,1',1l'hit; Ih{' person ho!cJlO~1
an eH~ctlve learner'S Ilcen~r rTld( ....
1:,'. ·)·jn.: O\e ....
ehlcl~ & ttl t SUCha p~rson satisfIes th~
reqlJlfemenlS of Rule 3 01th(' r,~ntr<ll t"nl()! V.'n,d\.:<;IhJtC's,1989
LImits of Liability Clause: Under sec.lion II-t (i) of the policy-Oeilth o( or bodily injury Such amount as.ie;. n,"·el,co.ar'ltl) meet [here reQ Irements ot the mowr "ehlCle act
19SB, Under seClion 1I-1 (.11of the POhc;y-Oamaye to tninJ party property IS Rs, 7.S Idkhs P.A. CoYer under ·;e· Itor', Iii for Owner.[')rive i, R~. 2,0 Lakhs

NO claim bonuS: Tht:' Insured 15entitled for a t~o Claim Bonus (NCB) on tile own oalTltlgt! sectIon or tIlt: POliCY.Ir no c!alm 1:5m~dc Of p "din9 d\,Hln9the preceding ye ...r(~).
as per tne : The pre.-:ecJing yei\r::Wo·o. Prf'cpdlng two consecutive years!25%. Precedmo ttuef conseCutive '/eal J~Q,O.PreceomQ rour n5ecuttvc ycars(~~~, Prc(.edlr'9
five con5~(l1Uv(' ye<H5/50e,(,of "CB (II, OD Premium No claim bonus only be allowed rrovlrled thp. r'll}IIC'11, ~"" nll""J '.'JIth If' 40 f1.ws Or he e'tOlry (late or ltle orevlOus


ir,.. Inr,ure:115not Lr,t'1Pfl"nlft~OII Ihl> )f~hl(.leII.,ust:d or {]1I·:t!n UllH::~'I\IIiP

"eOfl.]"nr" With th,!. "c:.edule Any Oi\yment made ny tnt company bv rpason!>01 1/ We hereby ct'rtlfy th.lt H", nt')licv to whicH this cl!rtJfic<lt~ r~latp.!; a!; wpll a~ thl~
',"'IIC' :1!111'" a,,~·~,)I·"·,J ", ttl*! (cltdi(<llc In ()I<.II:Ito (Ompl', '#IV' tile Motor '/(,rlde I.t:Jtl(t"cltc of III:"UI.l:·V' ".~ ',::iut:d III j)(.cold;,nce Ith th~ prQ"'~'or'l~ ()f rh:toh.r)l o\nri
~ ...~,1Jti11:> rf!"\)·.C',,ILI~!t'~rn trll~ In~Ulc(J,~t:'! the cliluse nearJed~AVOIOA~K~OF ch3Pter XI o! /.IJ • ." oJ"":. ; ."'J~. '
"r-" r :·IN q j.i'~~ M.l,i RIGHT OF RECOVERY" for legal interpretatton. English For THE NEW INOI A A,SURMJ(E CO. lTD, .
VP''';I,,,;n..oiL; nolC1OOed.
. T:I,S~OIlC'(IS sourtt:d throuQh I"'arull lrlsur"nct:! Broklng I'rlvale urnlt~d, IROA /_;-
l;censc r~o.:42ti. Va! C] upro; Ol-Fellruary·201B
ontact at: )377 4477 (prerl't Oll/022t011/0",,), Wnte at: SUPPOft@m!opl co in, ---;. 0:'; ,

'" .\
!vISit at: www.m.rutllnsuri!lnce.com ..

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This p~j;:(.y15sourc;cl through Maruti Insurance Broking ~'r;",,~eLimited, IRDA License N 0; 4213
Contact; 3377 4477 (prefl~011/ 022/033 (044), [email protected],ln

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